#pre rdr2
gothicgunslinger · 9 months
Pre rdr2, where you join the gang just before Arthur and John do – for a while, it was you, Dutch, and Hosea; a seemingly unstoppable trio of theatrics, gunslingin' and thievin'.
That and, both Dutch and Hosea had eyes for you. At first, it felt like a complication – I mean, they couldn't both have you, right? Right?
I suppose that all changed, after a rather eventful night at the saloon. A planned robbery, turned completely on it's head – the three of you throwing caution to the wind and deciding just to let loose, get drunk, dance, have fun. Oh, and fun was had.
Somehow, several whiskeys down the line, you were all collectively crammed into a hotel room – your back against Dutch's chest, his rough, decored hands rolling your nipples between harsh, calloused fingers; the cold silver of his rings making you shudder, an array of goosebumps adorning your skin, his breath on your ear as he murmured filth from behind those lips. Hosea, on the other hand, always the gentleman – his head between your already trembling thighs, tongue circling your aching clit, your slick tasting like fresh honey as he periodically swallowed.
After that, no night, nor day was the same. You were often spent, jelly-legged from a rough pounding the several nights prior – neither men showing mercy, indulging perhaps a little too much in enacting fantasies they'd let swim around their heads for so long. Still, as if you'd ever find it within you to complain – because, there were nights like this one; Dutch's head in your lap, as he read aloud his usual philosophies, your fingers combing through his tight, inky curls as a warm smile played at your lips. Your free arm, laced around Hosea, his head upon your shoulder – he'd occasionally pepper gentle, innocent kisses to your neck, your jaw. It was bliss.
Little really changed, when you found Arthur. The sex was less, of course, but the affections were perhaps on a rise – a son, now curled up in bed with the three of his parents. Fourteen, lost, now having sought the comfort he'd so desperately craved. Though it did take time, Arthur saw you as a mother – some, angelic force within his life, that kissed his grazed knees, cut his hair and soothed tears or terrors that so often reared their ugly heads.
John. John, wasn't an entirely different story, either. Well, for Dutch and Hosea, he certainly was. In comparison to his older counterpart, John wasn't quite as equal with his appreciation for his s o-called 'adoptive parents'. He favoured you, greatly. More than you could say you were grateful for, John competed with Arthur for your attention – purposefully skinning his knees, tumbling from his horse. All, to be scooped into your arms. Admittedly, for a while, you yielded – “Shh, sweetheart, I’ve got you. Awh, my poor boy.” All while planting a kiss to the crown of his head. Finally, at the advise of Hosea, you set a few boundaries – much to John’s distaste, but he’d listen to you.
Life went on like this, for a good, long while. Yes, you weren’t really a gang, anymore – rather, a family. Poker on spring nights, in which, John’s wrinkled nose giving him away. Hosea teaching the boys to read by the campfire, Dutch slow-dancing with you in your shared tent. Despite the expected blip, bump in the road, life felt..perfect.
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smushystrawbabies · 1 year
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an old photo from 1993
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saiyan-druid-art · 16 days
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"Dogs Playing Poker" ♠️🏜️
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reddeadvoid · 1 year
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Bros having a good time together
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emmcfrxst · 1 month
omg taking care of arthur after his run-in with colm o'driscoll.......... i can't imagine how horrible it was for him, i just wanna make him all better AND THE FACT THAT NO ONE SEARCHED FOR HIM ??????? poor bby
even his beloved probs wouldn't have since dutch & micah seem to have come back to camp assuring everyone that arthur was just off doing his own thing like usual.................
honestly the whole timeline for this particular incident is so confusing to me like how long was arthur in captivity for them not to search???? a couple days??? a week???? i’m so confused about this ordeal because like in what world would you not check up on your adopted son if he’d disappeared for days on end after a run in with your mortal enemy like????? make it make sense!
anyways yes i think it would be absolutely heartbreaking to see him, hunched over his horse, trot into the camp only to fall off the mare with his entire weight, it’d be so scary because at this point no one knows if he’s gonna make it and he’s probably delirious with pain and probably infection as well so he’d be in and out of consciousness, mumbling your name in his dreams, and when he finally does regain consciousness and is lucid enough to speak and acknowledge the constant fluttering of people around him he’d be a little overwhelmed, but your presence at his side would be comforting— and he isn’t quite sure if he dreamed when you kissed his forehead and lingered on his warm skin, your hands cradling his face tenderly because is it possible that you would feel the same as he does???? he doesn’t wanna believe it for fear of breaking his own heart but your tear stained cheeks and your red, puffy eyes are a testament to the way you care for him
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kennnnnn3 · 5 months
non-sexual nudity!!!!!!! 😯
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drew these guys real quick
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jona-draws · 2 years
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on the run
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garashir · 1 month
insane move to have Thee Diagnosis followed up immediately with the hot air balloon quest
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awakenmiamor · 2 months
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crimson-dianxia · 2 months
this song is so john marston and his relationship with other characters and story
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dashflashy-arts · 1 year
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Hear me out... what if... Jacob goes to the U.S. for Assassin's mission then they meet... I've searched their games' settings and they fit storyline-wise...
idk if it make sense okay this has been stuck in my brain for months
*Edit: I fixed the Alt. we can't have nice things in the internet >:'((
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marsismadeofgold · 3 days
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Women. Wives. Hostages. A funny little ecosystem Anthony’s established, kept in line of course by the ruling class of brutes he’s recruited, the ones that smoke and spit and swear and shoot whoever the fuck a Foreman tells them to. A band of brothers, Anthony calls them. Tilly just thinks they’re fools, but of course no one’s ever asking her anyway.
“You’re so young.” He says. He sounds so forlorn. Sounds like he’s in mourning. “Oh, I didn’t know they captured girls so young.” “I was younger when they got me.” She answers absently. She doesn’t think too hard about the use of the word captured, because it makes it seem like maybe tonight was inevitable. Maybe it didn’t matter that she’s fifteen and not close to sixteen neither, or that she’s still skinny like a little boy and no man in their right minds would want her. Because maybe it’s not about want to these fellers. Maybe it’s just sort of about power. And maybe, just maybe, this was always bound to happen sooner or later. She doesn’t say any of that to the hostage. She doesn’t have the time.
New Tilly Jackson fic is up! Following her leaving the Foreman Brothers and her introduction to the Van Der Linde gang
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zanazirafanfic · 5 months
Summary: "'Twas the night before Christmas, as the old poem went. And, Hosea supposed, not a creature should have been stirring in the little house where they were currently holed up. But he was on a mission, as was Dutch, and they had only a couple of hours left to execute their plan before sunrise, so stir they did."
In which it's Christmas Eve, Dutch and Hosea are sneaky, and for once everything goes according to plan.
Merry Christmas, y'all!
Warnings: None Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Fandom: Red Dead Redemption Relationships: None Characters: Hosea Matthews, Dutch Van der Linde Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1,130
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thedeadbutcher · 8 days
would it be unpopular to say that i don't want a rdr3?
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reddeadvoid · 1 year
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Thinking about little scrawny Johnny Marston trying to chop wood. Couldn’t decide what to do with it so see the poll below:
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sweet-by-and-by · 1 year
Full of Cheer - Arthur Morgan x John Marston
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summary: John finds Arthur’s festive spirit a little lacking as he struggles to move on from the past. 
A gift for @yeehawpurgatory for the @rdrevents 2022 Secret Winter Exchange
pairing: Arthur Morgan x John Marston
a/n: For those whose Christmases are a little harder some years ❤️ Happy Holidays everyone
1907 was gone as quickly as it had come, and Christmas was in full swing at the Marston’s.
The moon hung high over Beecher's Hope, its residents blissfully unaware of the night chill. A fire roared in the stone hearth, filling the teeming ranch house with a warmth that matched their festive spirit.
Smiles were shared all around, faces warm with drink in celebration of the folk that gathered. It was a long journey for Charles and Sadie both, coming from opposite ends of the country to spend the holidays at the little homestead.
Laughter swelled again at a wry quip from Charles, sending Uncle into a fit of defensiveness that only made everyone laugh harder. Chairs had been dragged in from the living room, wooden legs scraping against the floorboards as they took their seats at the feast Abigail had prepared for them.
The sounds poured out of the house merrily, falling on deaf ears of the resident that sat alone on the big wooden porch.
A star-filled sky stared down at him; great luminous bulbs against the inky-black night. The wooden chair creaked as Arthur leaned back, taking a long drag off the cigarette that rested between his lips. The cherry glowed bright, just as bright as the stars, smoke filled his lungs. Pulled at the edges that never felt quite right after his illness.
His gaze fell to survey the ranch, searching for any signs of trouble hiding beneath the cover of dark. Not that he’d find any. But the spot on the porch, his preferred scout location, offered a sense of comfort that relieved the fears long embedded in the back of his mind.
Old habits die hard, he supposed.
The quiet of the night was interrupted by the sound of the front door squeaking hinges. Heavy boots thudded across the wooden porch, their occupant given away by a stride that Arthur would recognize until his last breath.
“John,” he greeted gruffly. The man nodded as he settled into the seat by Arthur’s side.
Arthur reached into his chest pocket to grab another cigarette, holding the tip to his own before passing it over wordlessly.
“Doctor says you ain’t supposed to smoke these things no more,” John chided pointlessly, his fingertips brushing against Arthur’s as he took the offered smoke.
The older man scoffed, returning his gaze up toward that big, dark sky. “Already gotten more time than I should have, no use getting greedy,” he huffed.
They fell into silence, nothing but the burning of paper and howl of coyotes in the distance, yelps that reminded the world they were there.
“Been out here a while,” John finally said. “Got Abigail all worried.”
Arthur only grunted in response, offering no explanation. His gaze was pointedly fixed as he continued to scan the horizon.
“Been out here the last couple of nights too,” John tried again. “Everyone’s sittin’ down to eat. Abigail’s got a plate set out for you.”
“Yeah, well I ain’t been much company as of late,” Arthur relented. He grabbed his hat from its place on his knee and placed it atop his head. Rising to his feet, he kicked at John’s boot where it rested on the wooden porch. “C’mon,” he motioned. “Let’s check fences.”
John held back his protest that they’d checked fences hours before and lifted himself out of his chair. Arthur grabbed the repeater leaned against the railing and the two men started towards the front gate.
The horses nickered as they passed the stables, tempting Arthur to abandon his chore and take solace in the privacy of the barn. Should have known better than to stay close to the house, where prying eyes could linger on him. He tossed a longing glance at his mount, the desire to tack up and ride away without a word of explanation making his fingers twitch.
 Pushing those thoughts away with a frown, he returned his attention to the task at hand. They worked in darkness, both aware of the futility of the job. But neither brought it to the other’s attention, walking the perimeter under the guise of purpose. 
When they’d put some distance between themselves and the house, Arthur broke the weighted silence.
“I ain’t trying to worry Abigail,” he said roughly. “I just…ain’t trying to ruin everyone’s Christmas spirit.”
John listened patiently, keeping his stare on the fence line as he waited for Arthur to continue.
“Christmas…it’s not like it used to be when we were kids. Nothin’ seems ‘merry and bright’ anymore. Not after everything that happened. I…,” he paused. “I miss them.”
John let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, nodding solemnly. “I understand,” he said. “I miss them too.”
“D’you remember that year Hosea sent Dutch and I out to get a tree? Said it was important that camp had a big ol’ tree to decorate for you and Tilly.”
“Sure,” John answered. “Bessie adored it. Looked just like the Christmas cards, she said.”
“Right,” Arthur smiled. “‘Cept Dutch didn’t quite tell the whole story that night. We’d been looking for hours for the perfect damn tree. Kept passing over some decent ones so that Dutch could find one that was just right. Couldn’t tell me what it’d look like when I asked, but he promised he’d know it when he saw it. So we kept looking and looking. Dragged those horses probably 15 miles trying to find the thing! 
“Eventually he found it, but it was right in front of some poor bastard’s house. ‘Course Dutch said he had plenty of fine trees and shouldn’t mind sharing. So we waited until they left and started cutting it down. Had it just about finished when the old coot comes flying out the front door, waving his shotgun around and just hollerin’! I’m half-stuck beneath a damn spruce tree while Dutch’s trying to spin some yarn so the fella don’t shoot us right then and there!”
Arthur’s laughter bubbled over as the story unfolded, the sound like music to John’s ears after so long without it.
“What the hell did he do?” he asked.
“He convinced him that we were sent out by the town’s orphanage to find the perfect tree. Said we were lookin’ to lift the children’s spirits or something like that. Even helped us load the thing out and sent us back on our way, damn near ready to anoint us saints!”
“Sounds like Dutch,” John laughed, his smile wide as he shook his head. “Never could figure out how he came up with that nonsense. How come I never heard that story?”
“Dutch asked me not to tell anyone,” Arthur admitted, scratching his chin through the greying hairs there. “We were so young, you remember how everyone used to worry.”
“All that seems so long ago,” John said somberly, his voice heavy.
“Sure does,” Arthur agreed. “A lifetime ago.”
A thousand memories flashed through their minds, the faces of loved ones lost dancing amongst the stars.
 “It ain’t just them I miss this time of year,” Arthur added, the lightness of the story not enough needed to lift the heaviness in his heart..
“I miss the rest of them too,” John agreed. “Susan, Javier. Hell, even Sean.”
“Eliza and Isaac,” Arthur added, his gaze far beyond the horizon.
John frowned, hesitant about his next words. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “Should’ve remembered.”
“Don’t be,” Arthur dismissed, ducking his face beneath the brim of his hat. “Weren’t your wrong to right. But God, some days I look at Jack and can’t help but think about him. He’d be damn near a man now, same as your boy’s coming to be…Watching the two of you work this ranch together fills my head with all kinds of foolish dreams. Hell, I should’ve buried those next to them long ago.”
John knew there wasn’t much he could say that would bring Arthur peace. Arthur would never allow those wounds to heal; keeping them open as some kind of penance for the sins he believed he’d committed. Instead, John closed the distance between them and raised his hand to grip Arthur’s shoulder.
“Dreams ain’t foolish, even if an old fool’s the one dreaming ‘em. Just because you ain’t in the dirt with him, don’t mean you can’t dream for him. Do them things for him. You live, you work this land with us. You carry him with you so he works it too.”
Arthur took in a shaky breath, placing his hand on top of John’s and squeezing tightly. Their fingers interlaced, the feeling of scarred knuckles against rough calluses keeping him grounded.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“‘Course. Now come up to the house before Abigail drags you up there herself. Not sure who I’d be more scared of barging out here; her or Sadie.”
“Aww, they mean well enough. Least they’ve got Uncle to pick on for now.” Arthur chuckled, slinging the rifle over his shoulder and starting back towards home. “Abigail cook up that charred beefsteak again?”
“She did,” John winced.
“Christ, I thought she’d forgotten how to do that to beef.”
“Cattle across America hoped she had,” John teased.
As their boots thumped back up the steps of the porch, Arthur glanced over his shoulder to take one last look out at the homestead. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, an honest one for the first time in days.
Their homestead.
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