#pro life law
pro-birth · 10 months
S.474, the Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act, prohibits abortions after a fetal heartbeat has been detected, with exceptions for the life or health of the mother, medical emergencies, fatal fetal anomalies, and, up to twelve weeks of pregnancy, in cases of rape or incest.
Gov. Henry McMaster signed S.474 into law in late May after it passed in the South Carolina General Assembly. The act was quickly met with a lawsuit from Planned Parenthood that challenged its constitutionality. Following the lawsuit, a judge ordered a freeze on the six-week abortion ban.
In its ruling, the South Carolina Supreme Court vacated the injunction and declared S.474 is constitutional under state law.
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azrielsbxtch · 11 months
Have I mentioned how much I truly love Cassian and Feyre’s friendship 🥹 Here are some of my favorite moments….
This adorable scene from ACOFAS during solstice
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And then both of them got into Rhys’s wine collection😂
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When they went to the theatre…
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When Feyre came to check up on him in ACOSF because he was thinking too loudly…
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Here we see just how close they are🥹that’s her bestie fr
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They’re adorable honestly
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I love reading their friendship moments I hope we get more in the next ACOTAR🥹
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rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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soloorganaas · 1 month
look fuck columbia protesters beating up jewish students and calling it social justice. that place is a hive of antisemitism that’s never done a single thing to help palestine. but no one jewish should think for a moment that the police or these institutions have any interest in our safety. the police weren’t called to protect us, they were called to protect the institution. the (predictably) volatile and inhumane way they responded is evidence of that
just last week a jewish man was harassed by a police officer guarding a pro-palestine protest in london and was told he couldn’t approach the protest because he was ‘visibly jewish’ and it would provoke people. the police officer didn’t actually give a shit about that man’s safety. he was aggressive and dehumanising and accused the man of it being his fault he was in danger simply because he was A Jew
they will never ever be on our side any more than the protesters waving hezbollah flags will either. it’s terrifying, i’m terrified. I wish I had a better answer than don’t ever fucking be complacent about the way power systems are moving around us
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runawaymarbles · 7 months
at this point i am simply uninterested in any opinion on a hot-button political topic that treats human beings as a mass of meaningless hypotheticals
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heiligetod · 11 months
“22 If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."
Exodus 21:22-25
So basically the actual BIBLE says that the life of a fetus is NOT equal to a woman's life according to God's law.
Wow. The way y'all are straight up lying to justify your hatred towards women by religious reasons. Just wow.
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radicalgraff · 2 years
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"Abort the Court, Fuck Laws"
Sticker spotted in Brooklyn, New York
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yourladyindank · 8 months
“A fetus is human. A fetus is alive. A fetus is a person. A fetus grows. A fetus a fetus a fetus”
Like who gives a fuck it does not matter.
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bottomvalerius · 9 months
any time someone posts something like “freaks are my best friends and I love them” and some random, Twitter-brained blog’s IMMEDIATE response is like “oh??? So you mean people who SHIP INCEST??? AND PEDOS?? T H O S E ARE THE FREAKS YOU SUPPORT?” I deserve to take a shit on their lawn actually
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apocryphalia · 6 months
sorry to reappear here just to be genuine on main but I'm deep in the finals soup right now so naturally I've been having Thoughts
I've been thinking about when I was 25 and finishing my associate's degree and applying to transfer to get my bachelor's. and I knew I wanted to do grad school and I was so anxious about finishing everything as quickly as possible because I was already going to be in my 30s (the horror!) by the time I finished school and would be able to actually "start my career"
but you know what I did instead? fell in love with a new subject. started thinking about other degree programs. took way too many classes my senior year and burned myself out and decided to take a year off after undergrad to decide what I wanted to do. and then COVID happened and I decided to keep waiting and I came out as trans, and I realized actually the thing I wanted to do was still what I wanted when I was 25.
so I applied to law school. and I thought, ok, this is fine. I'll get through the next three years and then I can REALLY start living my life when I'm 34.
but friends. do you know what happened instead? I fell in love with the thing everyone made me expect to hate, that I thought was going to be just a necessary evil I had to suffer through to get out into the world and practice. to finally get started.
I've been looking at phd programs now. I've been systematically harassing all my professors about how to do what they do and I've been reading their scholarship and I've been rotating the erie doctrine in my mind like it's my new fucking blorbo
and when I first realized that oh fuck, maybe I do actually still have some interest in academia? and legal academia, of all things? I thought, well shit, now I'm not going to REALLY get started until I'm in my 40s. and I was MAD. I was mad at myself for every point in the last 31 years where a different choice might have theoretically gotten me here sooner. I was mad at the legal profession and the academy for working the way that it does and I was mad at God and the universe for making me want things and then making them hard.
but look. what have I been doing all this time if not living my life? what am I doing right now if not starting my career?
my point is. my point is I actually love getting older and learning new things about myself, even if sometimes I'm the last one to know them. and I loved the experiences I had in undergrad and I love the experiences I'm having now, and I'm accumulating a whole list of other experiences to have and things to learn that I think I'll love too. and this shit isn't some race for the finish line or a checklist of things to do in the exact right order or at the exact right age. it's just... life. and sometimes it's weird and sometimes it's hard and sometimes things don't go the way you wanted or the way you thought they were going to, and I think that's probably fine actually?
idk. I just wanted to share.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Jammie “Sarah” Garcia Yanez-Villegas, 15 (USA 1992)
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Jammie Garcia, identified in some news sources as Jammie Garcia Yanez-Villegas, was a 15-year-old girl who was living with her common law husband, a man who had already had one baby with young Jammie. When Jammie became pregnant again, she was brought to the A to Z abortion facility in Houston in 1994. Jammie, or “Sarah” as she would be known later, would suffer a horrible fate.
Abortionist John Coleman killed Jammie’s unborn baby on February 18, 1994. Only four days later, on February 23, Jammie was in the Intensive Care Unit of a Houston hospital, with spiking fever, chills, nausea, pain, respiratory distress, a distended abdomen, low blood oxygen levels, and foul-smelling discharge. An examination revealed inflammation and a tear in her cervix that was oozing pus. The teenager’s condition deteriorated, and she died in the ICU on March 2.
An autopsy done on her body showed the extent of the damage that the young girl had suffered. Jammie’s body was wracked with abscesses, spreading infection that had entered her body through the damage the abortion had done to her uterus. Her brain, liver and lungs were severely swollen. Her liver and lungs weighed twice what they should have from the inflammation.
Jammie’s painful death brought a response. An inspection was conducted of the “safe and legal” abortion facility that killed her.
What the inspection uncovered was disgusting. The staff were not adequately trained in how to properly sterilize instruments. The administrator, Kristen Hing Fehr, was aware of the fact that the autoclave used to sterilize instruments was not functioning properly. As for the instruments themselves, “two loop forceps, two tenaculums and one curette were found to have small particles of dried brownish-dark red material on them. Three speculums were found to have small particles of dried clear material on them.” “The only sterilized abortion tray in the procedure room was found to contain a curette with a loop whose edge was visibly jagged instead of smooth.” (Source: Travis County District Court Cause No. 94-07517)
The abortionist who killed Jammie was John Coleman, who did not sterilize or replace the filthy surgical tools. Coleman, who suffered from emphysema, died only three days after Jammie. The facility’s employees reported being unsure about Coleman's ability to operate given the fact that he was dying and that his hands constantly shook.
No “back alley abortion” with a rusty coat hanger could have possibly done more damage to Jammie and her baby than the fully legal abortion that left her body ravaged by raging infections.
Jammie’s parents were not notified or asked for permission before the abortion that killed their teenage daughter. Parental consent laws could have saved her. A law known as “Sarah’s Law” to protect her identity was proposed to require parental consent for underage abortion clients.
But abortion advocates released Jammie’s personal information soon after, claiming that Sarah’s Law wouldn’t have saved her and that Pro-Lifers had intentionally misrepresented her case. They demanded that Sarah’s Law should not be instated and that the background information on “Sarah” be censored.
Finally, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Michael P. Kenny ruled that the information about Sarah could stay on the ballot. The information on the ballot talks about Jammie’s death and reads: "Sarah was only 15 when she had a secret abortion. Had someone in her family known about the abortion, Sarah’s life could have been saved."
During the hearing, attorney Beth Porter, who represented Planned Parenthood, the abortion business challenging the law, identified Sarah as 15-year-old Jammie Garcia Yanez-Villegas who was living with her common law husband at the time of the abortion. Porter claimed that as a result, she would not have qualified for the parental notification law in California if it were in place at the time.
Meanwhile, Catherine Short said Jamie never told the abortion facility she was in a common law marriage before the abortion and the abortion facility never asked. The teenager would have qualified for the law because California law has different common law marriage statutes than Texas. Not all states would have legally recognized the common law marriage between a grown man and a 15-year-old girl. "Had someone in her family known, Sarah’s life could have been saved," Short said.
Previously, a representative of the group backing the parental notification measure said it doesn’t matter if Sarah was married or not at the time of her death because teenage girls lack the capacity to make major health decisions on their own and should have parental involvement to learn about the risks and alternatives.
"She was still 15 and was not equipped to make medical decisions on her own, whether she was living with the father of her child or not," the representative said. Physicians in Jammie’s case stated that, had an adult family member been aware that she had undergone an abortion, her life likely could have been spared.
Jammie did not have to die. Neither did her baby. The least we can do is protect more children from suffering the same gruesome fate.
Travis County District Court Cause No. 94-07517
The Daily Spectrum February 16 1999
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The Journal News, Sunday, January 31, 1999 2A
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Firemont Tribune 15 February 1999 (see above)
The Spokesman—Review 12 February 1999
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Sacramento Bee September 28
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Sacramento Bee
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thepro-lifemovement · 11 months
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papirouge · 6 months
one thing about me is that I'm pro life but will NEVER entertain people using this cause as a coverup for their blatant misogyny
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acnews · 20 days
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bloodenjoyer · 11 months
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i hate when annoying cunts like this follow me and it’s like. Your whole blog is you being the most insufferable person fathomable like at this point it’s not just about your opinions it’s the fact that you don’t know how to have a real personality
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
#if i weren't so afraid of sharing info online#and of sounding like i think i'm special or something#i'd share my birth story with you#a big reason i'm so staunchly pro life is that i got to survive when so many children who were so much more developed than me#got torn limb from limb with the full consent of the law#i was a medical emergency#i endangered my mother's life#yet no one wanted to kill me#no one said it was necessary to crush my skull to save my mother#i was delivered#far too early#far too small#you know what i'll just say it: 24.5 weeks#at a regular catholic hospital that doesn't do abortions#had i been a few days younger it would have been legal for any state in the union to abort me at that age#roe v wade required it#yet i had doctors and nurses fighting tooth and nail for months to make sure i survived and survived healthy#i was supposed to be blind and brain-damaged#i have low-prescription lenses and graduated as valedictorian of my high school class#i got the chance that so many other babies didn't#there's almost a form of survivor's guilt#there's anger on behalf of my fellow preemies#the ones who are lucky enough to stay in the womb yet have doctors and mothers fighting to kill them#you say they're not a person?#was *i* not a person?#was *i* worthless?#there were people who thought i wasn't and i'm grateful for it every day#but the thing is none of those other babies are worthless#none of them are monsters destroying their mothers' lives#they are helpless infants who want to live who deserve to live who have no less right to live than i did
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