#probably though he caught me lying lol
vitanithepure · 5 months
"But you said you are asexual?"
Hearing this because I daydream and write about two pixel people having the dirtiest sex imaginable is so weird to me.
Like, really, help me understand the logic that can lead someone to say this? I got so dumbstruck I just turned around and left but...damn, what was there to say?
"Haha, yeah, but I would literally puke on you if you touched me"? 😐
(and damn do I regret not coming up with this then and there)
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sysig · 10 months
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Very cool and not at all uncomfortable vent sesh (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Emperor Awesome#Commander Peepers#Some friendly Eyesome :D#This is all Awesome's fault lol I thought about him being dramatic and lying on the ground and venting to Peepers and it became an Idea#Awesome stop being fun to draw challenge - at least it's not as hard a challenge as Peepers stop being being fun to draw lol#A lot of his poses were really fun for this as well :D Although I didn't mean to put Awesome behind him initially lol#They're probably at Awesome's actually - Peepers brought something to work on the workaholic needs his enrichment lol#I just can't imagine Awesome being comfortable on the Skullship let alone Peeps' quarters lol ''Damn bitch you live like this?''#Like he can talk ♪ But at least he knows what he likes!#Peepers gets all the vent sessions haha - at least Awesome would probably return the favour! Gossip ♫ It's still probably mismatched#Both for Awesome's selfishness and Peepers' discomfort with relying on others and being kinda repressed#If Awesome pushed him the right way he'd probably spill a lot though hehe#But anyway this is about Awesome! I think actually becoming friends with Peepers after he told him off would recontextualize some things :)#Still some hard feelings but not enough to reignite the fight over haha#And actually letting Peeps in and his words sink into his bones - and as he says watching Peepers work so hard but still just be a minion#What does this say about me??? thinks the self-obsessed shark man lol#Meanwhile Peepers was just expecting a self-centered rant but he actually got caught in the crossfire enough to be complimented hehe#At least Someone around he recognizes how hard he works!#''Alright fine you've got my attention keep puffing my ego'' lol#His little quirked ''brow'' hehe <3
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birdiewriteslit · 5 months
Omg I love Persassy LOL. I was thinking maybe you could do an imagine where Percy knows about Luke and Reader but doesn’t like it and sasses them all the time but so basically Luke and Reader are kind of having a “date night” but in Luke’s cabin and they’re just like laying in his bed and stuff but the morning after, Percy is wondering the Reader is because the Reader is his half sister and like he goes the Luke’s cabin to ask him where Reader is and he finds them asleep in the same bed and he gets mad and sassy and starts lecturing Reader and Luke while they’re all confused because they just woke up🤣🤣
omg yes i can totally do this
luke castellan x daughter of poseidon!reader
warnings: persassy (do i even have to say it?), fluff, general show plot ignorance
Percy was staring at you with an unpleasant look on his face as you stole glances at Luke from the Poseidon table.
“Can you not do that in front of my dinner?”
Luke met your eyes from across the room. He grinned at you and you smiled dreamily back at him. “Do what?”
“Ogle him,” Percy said as though it was obvious.
You snapped your gaze to Percy’s. “I’m not ogling him.”
“You so are. Please refrain,” he persisted.
“How about you refrain from having an attitude?” you countered.
“This attitude is your fault,” he sassed, flicking a pea at you.
You caught it before as it rolled off the table and flung it back at his face. He flinched as it hit him and it fell on the floor. “You’re impossible.”
Percy shrugged. “You love me.”
You didn’t say anything. You would be lying if you denied it. Percy seemed to understand anyway, as he held back from sharing any thoughts about Luke for the rest of the meal.
If there was one thing you knew about your half-brother, it was that he was a little menace. He was always telling off your boyfriend for random things. These things mostly consisted of Luke’s actions in hypothetical situations Percy had made up.
He was also always telling you that you were too good for Luke. You were sure he would say that about any guy you dated though, because Luke was probably the best guy around.
He was always nice to Percy, and he easily combatted his sass, which you honestly thought Percy secretly enjoyed.
Deep down, you knew Percy actually liked Luke and looked up to him a lot, not that he would ever admit it.
After campfire that night, Luke was at your cabin, swinging the door open and calling your name.
“What do you want?” Percy responded rudely.
“Take a guess,” Luke said, unbothered.
“Percy, watch your attitude,” you said, walking toward the door and giving Luke a quick kiss.
“Bleh. Stop being nasty in here,” Percy objected.
“Lucky for you, we’re leaving.”
“Where are you going?”
You didn’t answer him and let the door swing shut behind you as you left the cabin.
“Y/n?” he called from inside.
Luke held your hand as you walked together to his cabin. Some of his siblings were asleep when you entered, and some of them let out a few teasing comments, but all of them were used to you sleeping there every once in a while.
“Lights out,” Luke said, flipping the light switch. A few campers groaned in protest before collapsing onto their beds.
You climbed into Luke’s bunk after him and he wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you into his chest. You relaxed into his touch, falling asleep quickly.
The next morning you were not awoken by the sun, but by your brother. “Well, well, well,” he said, standing over the bunk with his arms folded.
“Perce?” you said, sleep evident in your voice. “What are you doing here?”
“You weren’t in the cabin when I woke up, so I used my critical thinking skills, and here we are,” he explained.
Luke stirred next to you, taking his hand off of your hip to rub his eyes. “Baby? Has the conch blown yet?”
“Yeah, thirty minutes ago. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. How irresponsible,” Percy scoffed.
“Next time, we’ll sleep in our cabin, so you can wake us up at the right time,” you suggested.
Percy scrunched up his face in disgust. “Absolutely not. I don’t need to hear whatever weird stuff you freaks get up to. I need my beauty sleep, but you probably wouldn’t understand that, Luke.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Luke asked, offended.
“Hurry up and get dressed. I hate sitting alone,” Percy demanded and left you and Luke alone in the cabin again.
You turned back into his warmth, refusing to get out of bed. Luke got the message, pulling the blanket up over you. Percy could survive one day without you at the table.
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hxt1b · 4 months
This request is really cliché I'm sorry 😭
Sukuna's friends made a bet to go hit on the reader and not soon after his arrogant ass starts to feel bad and of course reader would find out about the bed and angst this angst that
How would he solve the situation?
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Right babe, I love this shit, cliche's exist for a reason!
"i miss you, i'm sorry" 
-> Sukuna x afab reader - Motocross AU, same world as "i knew the day i met you you'd be the one" (choso one shot). 
-> CW: Sukuna is not a soft man, he never will be - BUT he's desperate for you. Yuji and Sukuna hate each other. Smut Warning [grinding, nipple sucking, hair pulling, rough sex not a lot of foreplay - quickie really]  
-> WC: 2.4k
Masterlist | Prompt List
A/N: okay I started writing this and spiralled. I thought I would have finished this the day you sent in the request, but seeing as I got carried away it took long lol. Thank you for the request I had a lot of fun writing this! That being said idk if its the best written, but regardless I still hope you like it! 
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Guilt was a passing emotion it always would be. Every emotion was passing. Especially for Sukuna, a month ago he'd felt terrible, then miserable, now he was at the end of his rope - desperate. this is the longest he felt something for someone. The strongest he's ever felt for someone. 
Your face flashed in his head, crumbling as your eyes filled with tears. 
"He's lying right?" You'd asked pointing at Yuuji. The motherfucker was standing to the left leaning against the door jam, his hands tucked into his pockets, an amused look passed over his features before he schooled them back into a sneer. Sukuna's hand itched to break the kid's nose again. 
That was it. There wasn't anything else to explain, there still wasn't. But there was something to say, something he had to tell you. 
The bet was fleeting. Everything is fleeting. Especially for me. But you…. 
You weren't answering your phone. You had him blocked, and he couldn't understand. why wasn't this fucking passing and fleeting, why was the hurt and pain still they're stuck in his damned chest. 
Why were you standing with Yuji? Your hands crossed over your chest a painfully beautiful smile spread across your face as you laughed at something that Yuji said. 
Sukuna was leaning on his bike, his racing gear on. The black polyester stuck to him after his race. He'd beat Choso today, he should have been on a high. He hadn't just beat Choso, he'd beat everyone. Come in first place. But the elation that he'd feel for a good hour or two with a win like this was absent. It was won out by the anger and despair in his chest at having you so close but not looking at him. Not talking to him. Not touching him. 
Ditching his helmet on his bike, he decided he'd had enough of your silent treatment, he deserved it sure. But Sukuna never really cared about what he deserved, he cared about what he wanted. And what he wanted was you, your words, your anger, your tears, your smiles, your laughs, your skin on his, your mouth on his. You.  
He ignored everyone as he neared the group, he ignored anything they said or tried to say. He shoved passed Yuji, letting the kid stumble back into Choso, who caught his brother by the shoulder and glared at Sukuna, but didn't say anything. It probably had to do with the girl under Choso's arm. Sukuna's sister. 
None of that mattered right now though. Because Sukuna didn't fucking care. His eyes were geared on you and his hands already grabbing at your wrists. You tugged away and swore something, said something with an indigent tone. Sukuna didn't hear anything. He pulled you, holding your body close to his as he cut a path towards the towering building that hosted the plethora of shit that had to do with Motocross, including his dressing room. 
He shoved you into the room, locking the door behind him before charging across to you where you pushed yourself into the wall. 
"Sukuna," You started but he cut you off. Anything you had to say didn't matter. What mattered was that you understood that he was at his wits end with you, and that his emotions were bubbling over in a flurry of anger and lack of control and patience. 
"No." He said, just before he pressed a harsh kiss onto your lips, his mouth moving against yours coaxing you to move with him, to open your mouth to him. 
You gripped the front of his uniform and pushed him back. 
"Fuck you." You swore, your eyes alight with anger of your own. 
"You can," Sukuna replied and kissed you again. Again you pushed him back, this time shoving him harder forcing him to take a step back, you slipped out from his hold. 
Sukuna quickly spun around and grabbed you again, his arm lopping your waist, stopping you from leaving. 
"Listen to me." He tried again, his fingers circling into your top. 
"You're not talking. Besides I doubt you have anything to say." 
"It was a bet." He started and you snorted. Sukuna narrowed his eyes at your reaction, he expected it but it still bothered him. He turned his head into your hair and sought out your ear, quickly pulling the lobe into his mouth and nipping at the soft skin. 
You gasped, turned around and shoved him off of you. 
"It was a bet, but does it matter?" He asked, letting you take a step away from him. He didn't care to sound eloquent or soft. He just had to get it out. "Does it matter if by the end everything I said was true? I fucking meant it." 
"Why on earth would I believe you?" You asked. He didn't look away from you, his fingers flexed at his side. Everything was telling him to grab you and kiss you again. But he didn't. 
"Why would I lie now?" Sukuna asked. 
"Why wouldn't you?" You retaliated and turned away from him to leave. Sukuna's heart pounded in his chest as you walked out the door. He took a second but quickly followed you into the hall. His hands grabbed at you again pulling you back to him and then straight towards the wall. 
He crowded you, pushing his face towards yours so that his forehead was resting against yours. You scowled up at him, twisting to get out of his hold. 
"How can I prove it?" He asked, his voice filled with desperation. "Tell me. I'll do anything." 
"Nothing." You answered. He let out a large breath from his nose, a deep ache settling into his chest. 
"You're being difficult." He said, trying to keep his voice calm. 
You snorted, "fuck off Sukuna." 
"No." He kissed you again, you didn't kiss him back, not immediately, but he pressed into you tighter. the ridges of his body cutting into yours. Your head tilted up cradled in his hands delicately. His lips were light against yours, moving slowly asking you to move with him. Slowly you did, your hands curled around his wrists as you let him kiss you. As you kissed him back. 
He groaned against your mouth before pulling away from you. 
"Just listen to me." He said. You looked up at him, your eyes still showing your hesitation. "Please." The word was a breath, a soft plea. 
Sukuna never said please. You faltered, and let him pull you back into the dressing room. He let you go, and you walked over to the small couch and sat down. He closed the door and locked it before turning to you his hands tucked into his pockets to keep from reach out to you. 
"It was a bet, but it didn't stay a bet. You hang out with Yuji and Choso that's what prompted the bet anyway. it was hard to get you on that first date. Remember?" He paused, and you kept your eyes on him. "But it wasn't a bet when I took you on the second date, or the third or the fourth. Or when I kissed you, or when we had sex. Anything after asking you to go on that first date wasn't a bet anymore. Not to me." 
"Were you ever going to tell me?" You asked. 
"Okay." You got up again to leave. Sukuna watched you and didn't move from his spot. "I listened. Goodbye Sukuna," and you walked out. He didn't stop you this 
Sukuna watched you from across the room. You were talking to Megumi, your face burrowed in his phone as you giggled at whatever he showed you. 
Sukuna was a couple of drinks in and the booze was burning in his blood. He'd said what he could and you'd still walked away. He was angry. 
Angry that you walked away. Angry that Yuji told you. Angry he took the bet. Angry that you were laughing at something Megumi was saying, that your hand was holding his bicep. 
Somewhere in his head Sukuna was sure he shouldn't do what he was about to do. But he was drunk. He finished what he had in his cup in two large gulps and headed across the room. 
His hand gripped the nape of your neck as he came upon you. His eyes glared at Megumi as he pulled you into his chest. 
"No goodbye." He muttered and began to drag you down the hall, corralling you with his body. 
"Fuck Sukuna, you can't do this again." You argued. But he wasn't listening. He pushed you into a room and slammed the door with his foot keeping you in his hold. His free hand cradled your jaw and pulled your head towards his. His fingers dug into your cheeks as he lowered his head so that his nose was brushing yours. 
"You listened. Thanks. I didn't. fuck your goodbye." He said and kissed you before pushing you down onto the bed. You gasped quickly rising onto your hands to sit up but he was already pushing down onto you, his body pressing you into the mattress, his hands returning to your hair, his lips back on your skin. Pulling at your jaw, your neck, your collarbone. 
He sensed your anger but he didn't care. You were melting under him and maybe the weed you'd had earlier was helping that. He didn't care. 
"I messed up. But I refuse to mess up more and let you go." He muttered into your skin. "You're mine. Even if you think you're not. You are." 
You gasped again when he took your nipple into his mouth through your top. He moaned against you, his hips grinding into yours. 
"Your nipples were taunting me across the room." He muttered around your peaked bud, "You know how much I love your tits and you wore this shirt that I got you. Am I supposed to believe that's just coincidental?" He knew it wasn't. He was asking to taunt you. 
You ground your hips up into his finally rubbing back up into his hard-on. He groaned and the heat gathered in his spine he was consumed by you, his pull on your hair tilting your head up as he angled his hips to grind against yours. 
You were panting already, your skin heated under his. His cock was twitching with every shaky breath you took. He watched your face. Before letting go of your hair and sitting up on his heels. 
"Look at me." He prompted, and your eyes fluttered open, your heated gaze landed on him and for a second his heart stopped in his chest. 
"Be angry at me, be pissed, hate me. But do not for one second think that you're not mine. That at the end of the day, you don't end up under me. That you can leave. You are mine. Do you understand?" He kept his voice low and smooth as he spoke. His hands moved on your bare torso, pushing your top up so that your breasts were bare to him. 
"Wishful thinking." You muttered, the anger still in your words. "Just cause I'm letting myself do this with you today doesn't mean I forgive you. Or that I'm yours." 
Sukuna smiled down at you, your hips still moving against his hard cock, your cunt rubbing at him through your clothes. Sukuna gripped a tit, rubbing at the nipple with his thumb making your body shudder under his hand. 
"Oh babe, I think that's exactly what it means." He said and grabbed for your pants moving your legs up so that he could get them off, he took your panties with them. Once they were off he chucked them onto the floor, your legs fell open as he slotted himself between your thighs. 
His thumb dragged through your folds, stopping at your clit and pressing onto it. Your mouth fell open and your eyes stayed glued to his. He leaned over and let his other hand caress your face his thumb trailing your lip before settling at the corner of your mouth. 
"Fuck me." You breathed, taking his thumb into your mouth. Sukuna's chest flooded with heat as he watched your suck on his thumb. His hand left your heat and pushed at his pants taking his cock out and letting the cock head pass through your heated folds. 
"Condom." You breathed. Sukuna bit back a scowl, you hadn't used one before but he wouldn't push it tonight. He pulled away from you sitting back again as he pulled a condom from his pocket and put it on. 
He lined himself up with you again and slowly pushed in. Your loud moan vibrated around in his head forcing him to drop his head back as he sank into you. Grabbing your hips tightly as he did. 
Both of you said nothing as he began to rock into you, his cock stretching you with each deep and slow drag, your hands scrambled in the sheets as he gradually picked up his pace his eyes watching your tits bounce as he went at you harder and harder, until your eyes were rolled back and your breathing was stuttered with moans and whines. His name falling from your lips mixed with curses and pleads for him to touch your clit because he wasn't letting you do it yourself. 
He pulled out of you pulling you up into a sitting position before pulling you into his lap as he sat down against the head bored. You sank down on him again, your head rolling back as you moaned, Sukuna grabbed at your hair pulling your head back further. His mouth hot around your nipple as he pulled it back into his mouth. You rode him, grounding your hips with his pulling moans from him that meddled with yours. 
He conceded when you begged for him to touch you, his fingers drawing slow circles on your clit. He was getting close, the oppressive heat pushing at his body driving him to fuck up into you harder. Bite at your skin more aggressively. Dig his fingers into your skin until his fingers cramped. 
You came a second before him, your body writhing into his your hands gripping at his hair pulling. All this triggered his own release, he came in the condom with a groan. His hips still stuttered up into yours as he worked through his orgasm. You whined at the stimulation, your head resting against his, your soft moans pushing his orgasm out until he was spent and panting into your skin. 
"You're coming back with me." He said softly leaving no room for you to argue. You closed your eyes and settled against him for a second, not able to argue anyway. 
Send me a request! 
~hxt1b, feb 19 2024
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justwannabecat · 9 months
“Hey Mom, Dad, what would you do if me or Danny comes back as a ghost?”
Maddie looked at Jazz as though she were silly for even asking. “Why, we’d catch you, of course! It’s not like it would actually be you, just a shell.”
Jack frowned. “Even though it’s not really them, I’d still feel bad if we did any of our experiments. We’d probably just exterminate them as quickly as possible so your souls could rest.”
“But we could get so much information from them! Why wouldn’t we? It’s not like they’d feel it!” Maddie shot back. Jazz sighed and walked away as their voices began to rise, indicating a starting argument. She had what she came here for.
And, glancing at the cold spot by her side, so did Danny.
College is fast approaching, and Danny knows that it’s unlikely he’ll be accepted anywhere. Really, that’s fine. It’s just… he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life living in fear of his parents and lying to them. It would even be fine if they restrict his powers as long as they close the portal and stop all the ghost attacks! He just doesn’t want to be scared!
So Team Phantom comes up with an idea. Jazz will ask what will happen to them if they become ghosts. And Jack and Maddie both agree that, at the very least, they should be caught and Ended. There is no chance for a safe reveal. No hope that he could ever stay.
So he leaves. Jazz switches to Gotham U without telling her parents, and Sam and Tucker both agreed that they wouldn’t go to Gotham for college to throw off any leads the Fentons might have.
They destroyed the portal before they left. A very, VERY thick layer of ghost ice managed to contain most of the damage. They leave behind two prerecorded tapes, one where Danny knows they’re recording a message and one where Jazz quietly threatens the Fentons to leave them alone. She says that she would sooner kill them before she lets them lay a hand on Danny, who by the way, still feels emotions and pain, and your stupid confirmation bias is preventing you from making any real progress in your career.
(That’s all I have so far but I couldn’t stop thinking about it lol)
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cameronspecial · 8 months
can you tell use more about rafe’s rules for the reader, pls and thank you lol 👀
— @cantstoptheimagines
Let Me Save You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Swearing, Uncomfortable Because of A Pervy Misogynist
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: This is a continuation of Let Me Protect You, Angel.
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Some of Y/N’s favourite rules for being Rafe’s girlfriend are the ones that show her that he cares. She didn’t need to look at the napkin anymore to remember which rule was which number because she had them all memorized since they wrote them down on that napkin during their first date. Numbers Five and Six often happen in tandem and show Rafe’s caring side. She hasn’t seen Rafe in almost five days, which is quite obvious to the whole campus as Rafe always gets more on edge when he doesn’t see her. However, she finally gets to see him again and follows Rule Number Six. The door to Rafe’s room has a code, which beeps its little song as she punches in her birthday. 
Her thoughts are focused on taking her stuff out of her backpack, so she is genuinely surprised by Rafe’s arms wrapping around her waist. “I’m so glad you could come over tonight, Angel. I was scared we were going to break our streak,” he declares, pressing his nose against the skin of her neck. She brings her hands up to wrap them around his neck and looks up at him, “It would be a shame. I’ve slept over at least once a week since we started dating. That’s a hundred and four-week streak.” Rule Number Six: Sleepover in Rafe’s room once per week whenever possible. 
He moves them over to lie down on his bed with his head resting on her breasts. She can feel his soft breath on her skin as he talks. “Rule Number Five, Angel.” She draws patterns on his back, letting out a big sigh, “It was stressful. I had a lab and I couldn’t find my notebook with all my notes for this week’s experiment. And then I got caught up in the cafeteria line at lunch so I was late for my meeting with my academic advisor. This whole week has been so busy.” She feels his fingers start to trace tiny hearts on her bicep. “I’m sorry things have been so hard and I couldn’t be there for you, Angel. I hate that I had to go away for my football game,” he grumbles. The fact that his mouth is pressed against her skin turns his words into raspberries and it makes them both laugh.
“It’s okay, I’ve been pretty busy, so I probably wouldn’t have been able to come over anyway. How was your day, Rafe?”
“It was okay. Same as always. The only eventful thing that happened was that Topper accidentally wore my underwear. That was weird. But it got so much better when you walked through the door though, Angel.”
“My day got better when I walked through the door too.”
He lifts his head and gives her a sweet kiss on the lips. Rule Number Five: Always tell each other how your day went, no lying. Even if it has to be over the phone, through a text, in an email or in a written letter. 
Y/N remembers how ridiculous she thought Rule Number One was when Rafe wrote it down on the napkin. “Come on, that’s never going to happen,” she proclaimed, tilting her head upright after reading the words. Rafe shook his head, underlining a specific word of the rule, “You don’t know that. And, god forbid if it does, then I want you to let me save you, Angel.” She could see he was serious and concerned about the possibility of something happening, so all she could give him was a nod as a promise.
Right now, she could not be more glad that her boyfriend is always thinking ahead on how to protect her. She didn’t know how she got into this situation. One minute, she was by herself in the lab looking over the work she did for this week's experiment and the next, Terrick was in the room with her. He has every right to be in the room; he is also in her class and pays for tuition. However, she always feels a little unsettled by him. The way he looks at her makes it obvious he is objectifying her. The way he speaks makes it clear that he was not taught to respect women. The way he stands too close to her makes her stomach drop. She wants to walk out of the lab right now so she isn’t alone with him, but he is blocking the doorway. “And the bitch got my name wrong too. Like sure, get my order and my name wrong,” he starts ranting. “I don’t understand how a girl can screw up my drink order. Aren’t you guys made to do that type of stuff?”
Y/N doesn’t know what to say. His frustration at something so trivial causes fear to flash through her and she is scared of what might happen if she tries to leave the room. Thankfully, as if Rafe had spider senses, she gets a call from him. She gently lifts a finger up to tell Terrick to give her a second, “Hi, Rafe. What’s wrong?” “Nothing, I was just wondering what you wanted me to bring over tonight. I’m at the store, right now,” Rafe asks, placing his pre-workout into his cart while his phone is wedged between his shoulder and ear. Y/N flashes Terrick a tight-lipped smile as he impatiently waits for her to get off the phone, “I’m actually craving some pie. Could you get me a coconut pie?” Rafe immediately stops what he is doing and moves his phone to his other ear. “Are you sure you want coconut?” he presses, already returning the stuff he was going to get onto the shelf. 
They stayed on the phone for the whole time it took Rafe to get back on campus, pretending that he needed a detailed account of every single item Y/N needed from the store. When he walks through the door, Y/N feels her heart rate start to slow down. “What are you doing here?” Terrick snides through his teeth, looking at her boyfriend in annoyance. Rafe immediately puts himself between Y/N and the other man, “I realized that I am so clueless that I need Y/N to come to the store with me, so I came to pick her up. Are you ready to go, Angel?” The last part is obviously directed toward her and she is quick to get her backpack so she can weasel her way under Rafe’s protective arm. “Yep. Bye, Terrick. Great talk.” 
The couple makes their exit in each other’s hold with Rafe keeping an eye on Terrick. Once they are out of his earshot, Y/N lets out a sigh of relief. “Are you okay?” Rafe worries, looking her over for any indications that Terrick touched her. She gives a small nod, “Yeah, he didn’t hurt me. I don’t think he was going to. I’m sorry I used the code word, I probably shouldn’t have if I didn’t think he was going to do anything.” He stops their journey towards the exit and swings himself so he is facing her. His hands find weight on her shoulders and he lifts her chin up to look him in the eyes. “I don’t care if you use the code word for me to come kill a spider. If you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable or scared, you tell me coconut pie and you let me save you, Angel. Do you understand?” he brings her into a hug and kisses her temple. “You have to trust your instinct. Your safety is my number one priority.”
Rule Number One: Say coconut pie if she needs Rafe to save her.
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7s3ven · 5 months
Hii I loved your daughter of hades x luke fic when is part 2 coming out?? But I had an idea like what if something happened that got her mad and something happens with her flames like they turn black or blue and is like a really strong flame and then luke comes sees this and calms her down and people are like ohh woowww.. bcs he was the only one that could do that
Part 2 is coming out soon! :). For now, I’ll write a short(ish) one shot about your cute idea! 😽. This can be read as a standalone but it makes references to the og so if some parts don’t make sense, you know why.
( master list )
HELL-FIRE : part 1 / part 2 (in progress)
( this is a little spin-off from hell-fire )
Luke (PJO) x Hades! Reader
A/N : completely unrelated, but I believe I could write the most toxic things if I tried hard enough.
Warnings : injuries, y/n and luke making out at the end but I didn’t write it very descriptive just in case lol
Y/N was never one to participate in capture the flag. She always came up with a weak excuse to skip it and Chiron had to let her past in fear she’d blow up the camp. Again. It had happened a few times actually.
“Why won’t you play capture the flag?” Luke asked as he shoved a chip into his mouth. The pair were on their routinely midnight walks, which had become a regular thing after their first stroll. Y/N wasn’t so keen on getting caught again but Luke could be very persuasive.
“It’s just a game.” Y/N lightly scoffed, gripping the bluebird chip packet tightly so it didn’t fall out of her grasp. “I don’t see what the big deal is… there’s nothing appealing about it.” She mindlessly shrugged.
“Hm, I can think of a few reasons why you should play.” Luke grinned while Y/N arched an eyebrow, somewhat curious. “Firstly, I’ll be playing with you. Secondly, we’ll probably win. And don’t forget about the glory.”
“Glory is fine but you know what’s better? Not breaking a leg in a stupid game.” Y/N sarcastically smiled while Luke rolled his eyes. During Y/N’s first and only game, she had broken a leg. Granted, it happened while she was rolling down a steep hill.
“Come on, Blaze. You’ll love it.” He assured her, patting her back.
“I’ll hate it even more if you’re with me.” She grumbled in response, her tough facade never faltering. But Luke could see the apples of her cheeks turning pink and he noticed the way Y/N’s eyes darted to glance at him. She couldn’t help but let her eyes flicker to his lips for a split second.
“Why do you love such a game anyway? It’s a waste of time.” She shoved her hands into her pockets.
“Annabeth is captain and she’d be overjoyed if you came. I think she has a kiddy crush on you.” Luke chuckled to himself while Y/N rolled her eyes for what seemed like the fifth time in an hour.
“Nobody has a crush on me.” She uttered, kicking a small stone across the grass. Luke’s eyebrows raised and he paused.
“Okay… what does that make me then?”
Y/N quickly turned her head to look at him. She spluttered, tripping over her own words as her mind tried to decipher his statement. Y/N was always calm and collected but only Luke had seen this side of her. The flustered side, the embarrassed side. “You… you’re lying.” She finally decided on something to say.
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Don’t play jokes on me, Luke.”
“You think my affection is a joke? Blaze, I literally get you flowers every day and watch you burn them then throw the petals away. Have you noticed how I don’t give flowers to anyone else?”
“It’s a stupid gesture.” She muttered, “Besides,” Y/N cleared her throat, looking away like she was embarrassed. “I don’t always throw the petals out… sometimes I keep them.”
“Oh, charming, witty, and a hopeless romantic. So, what’s the reason you hate capture the flag so much?”
“It’s stupid. That’s the only reason. People take it too seriously here.” Y/N signed, shoving the bag of chips into Luke’s arms.
“Play one game with me?” Luke asked. Y/N frowned, shaking her head.
“Not a chance. Nice try, though." Y/N briefly smiled before she walked back towards her cabin. Luke was quick to rush after her.
“One game. For Annabeth, at least. She likes your style of fighting.” He begged, blocking her path. He clasped his hands together, pleading her. Y/N sighed at his pitiful attempt but she was tired and every time she tried to step around him, he stopped her.
“Fine.” She snapped. Luke’s eyes lit up and she’d be lying if she didn’t feel her lips twitch into a small grin at his happy demeanour. “Good night, Luke.” She said, bumping his shoulder as she brushed past him.
“Night, Blaze.” He called out after her, “I can’t wait to kick Clarisse’s ass tomorrow!” Y/N huffed in amusement.
“Don’t let her hear you say that.” She uttered, yanking open her rickety cabin door. It creaked and Y/N almost cringed. She’d have to ask someone to fix it for her. The door handle was almost falling off too.
“Hey, Y/N, catch.” Luke unexpectedly tossed something red towards her. She barely managed to grasp the strange object. She stared down at it, shaking her head.
“Did you seriously just give me a pomegranate?” She asked, but she didn’t burn the gift this time.
Luke shrugged as he walked towards her once more. “I heard it’s your favourite fruit.” He said, shivering slightly in the cool breeze. It was, which was ironic considering the story about Hades and Persephone. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, Blaze.” He tucked a stray lock of Y/N’s H/C hair behind her ear, smiling. He was far too close for comfort but Y/N’s body made no move to shove him away. She didn’t know if she even wanted to move.
“You should go, Luke. Before we get in trouble again.” She muttered. Luke cleared his throat, nodding.
“Right… yeah. I’ll leave.” His eyes flickered to her lips for a moment just as Y/N’s had before he thickly swallowed. “Sweet dreams, Blaze.”
The moment he was out of her sight, Y/N hurried into her cabin and slammed the door behind her. She buried her hot face in the palms of her hands, quietly groaning in frustration as she slid down the wall.
She was starting to fall for Luke.
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Y/N fiddled with her metal helmet. She aimlessly rocked back and forth on her heels, taking notice of the gazes she was receiving. It was rare for Y/N to even be outside, let alone play a game of capture the flag.
She could see Luke talking to Annabeth and quickly excusing himself to jog over to Y/N’s side. “I wasn’t sure if you were actually going to show up.” He chuckled.
“This is stupid.” She muttered, scoffing.
“And yet you’re still here.” Luke slung an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, leading her towards Annabeth. “Hey, Annie, look who decided to join us.” The young girl’s eyes lit up and she sent Y/N a small smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me she was coming, Luke?” Annabeth questioned.
“I only convinced her yesterday.” Luke shrugged, “But she’s joining us now so will that change the plan or?”
“Of course it will.” Annabeth sighed, annoyed with Luke.
“If it makes it easier,” Y/N piped up, “I can just guard the flag.” Annabeth bit down on her lower lip as she thought long and hard, mumbling to herself. She finally decided on an idea.
“I have a better position for you. You’ll be taking Luke’s place.”
“What?” The brunette boy behind Y/N questioned, “But… huh? How come I have to guard the flag? You know how much I like attacking!”
“The other kids are scared of Y/N,” The young Athena girl turned to Y/N, “No offence. Whether we let Y/N guard or flag or let her take the opposing team’s one, we’ll still win because we have an advantage that the red team doesn’t.”
Luke raised an eyebrow, “And that is?”
Annabeth heaved an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes at her brotherly figure. “We have the daughter of Hades who’s rumoured to be quite a good runner.”
“You did track?” Luke turned his head to face Y/N. She silently nodded. Annabeth ushered Luke off and he led Y/N over to his squad, which was temporarily hers. “Stay safe.” He said as he checked Y/N’s armour for the fifth time in two minutes.
“What are you, man? Her mother?” Chris teased, shoving Luke. “Stop worrying about her. We’ll keep your girl safe.” Luke sent his friend a warning glare.
“One scratch,” He said, “And I’ll tackle you.” Chris raised his arms in surrender.
“You got it, captain.”
Y/N fumbled with her heavy sword. She bit the inside of her cheek, watching as her teammates effortlessly fought off the opposing team. The words Annabeth whispered in her ear swirled around in her mind.
“You’re our advantage, Y/N. I need you to lie low and don’t give your strengths away. Act weak, to put it simply. Once you reach the flag, go full out.”
Y/N’s sword clashed with another and she pushed the girl back, causing her to stumble. Chris disarmed the captain of the squad and she reluctantly gave up due to the sword being held at her throat.
The game felt like hours to Y/N. Every turn they took proved a new challenge. Y/N had opted to hiding behind trees to save her energy, something she wasn’t proud of but Annabeth had full faith in her. She didn’t want to let the poor girl down.
“No sign of Clarisse.” Chris said, expecting the curly-haired girl to jump out with her spear. But she didn’t, only confusing the blue team more. “She usually hunts here for the first two hours or so.”
Y/N licked her dry lips. She was at the back of the group but when she spoke, everybody turned in unison to look at her with hawk-like eyes. “They most likely changed their tactic too.” She said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.
“So if she’s not here,” Chris mumbled.
Y/N nodded, finishing his sentence. “Then she’s going for our flag.”
Luke, on the other hand, wasn’t having nearly as much fun as Y/N. He groaned as he circled aimlessly around the flag he was forced to guard. He knew Annabeth was lurking around somewhere with that invisible cap of hers.
A twig snapped, earning Luke’s attention. His head snapped towards the sound. The forest seemed to grow quiet; the birds stopped chirping and the wind that had been howling in his air for the last hour floated away. He furrowed his brows, taking a careful step forward.
There was another snap. Luke called out to nobody in particular as he adjusted his grasp on his sword. When nothing happened, he turned back to the flag only to see that it was gone from its position perched on the rocks.
Luke ran forward, reaching out a hand to grab Clarisse’s shirt. His fingers barely wrapped around the fabric but she pushed forward and Luke lost his grip “Shit!” He yelled as he watched Clarisse run off with the flag. He angrily kicked a rock, knocking it into a nearby tree.
“Luke, what’s wrong?” Annabeth walked into the clearing, removing the hat her mother gave her.
“Clarisse has the flag.” Luke seethed, clenching his jaw. Embarrassingly enough, she stole it from right under his nose. Another one of their teammates crashed through the bushes, loudly panting and wheezing.
“Y/N has the red flag!” They exclaimed. Luke and Annabeth exchanged a look, knowing that they could still win this game if Y/N moved quick enough.
The said H/C-haired girl sprinted through the vegetation, gritting her teeth as she willed her legs to move faster. Vines and stray branches slapped her in the face, cutting her cheeks and grazing her sun-deprived skin.
The armour was slowly her down and she quickly removed her helmet, letting it crash to the ground. Her sword and shield was next. She could hear the blue team cheering in the distance as she ran, her lungs burning and her ears ringing from pushing her body past its limit.
She spotted Clarisse up ahead, also holding a flag. It was a race to see who could get to the border first. Y/N wildly panted as she approached the safe zone, not daring to slow down. She could see the fury in Clarisse’s eyes as Y/N impulsively jumped over the border in a last desperate attempt, not thinking much of it.
She hit the ground harshly, rolling and hitting a few rocks. She hard Clarisse scream in frustration, throwing the blue flag to the floor in anger.
Y/N’s teammates helped her to her feet, slapping her on the back and loudly congratulating her. But an Ares boy wasn’t as happy with Y/N’s win as her team was.
He blindly slashed his dagger at her, aiming for her face but Y/N quickly moved. The dagger cut her arm instead, splattering blood everywhere. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Y/N screamed, grabbing the boy’s dagger and tossing it at his shield. The metal loudly clattered against each other, causing the campers around her to flinch. “You almost slashed my face!”
“It’s not like it was worth anything anyway.” The arrogant Ares boy brushed her anger off. Y/N scoffed, taking a step towards him.
“The whole point of this stupid game is that it’s a mock fight. It’s pretend. You don’t have to actually try and slice someone in half.”
“It’s not just a stupid game.”
“You almost killed me over a game that requires you to capture a flag. So yeah, I’d say it’s stupid. And idiotic.”
He swiftly punched her. Y/N was knocked back by the force. She gasped in disbelief, feeling thick blood trail down her chin. “Are you insane, or something?!” She exclaimed, standing up. “Mentally impaired? Mentally challenged? Psychotic perhaps? The game is over, so stop trying to fucking kill me!” Her voice increased in volume the more she spoke. She could feel tendrils of rage slither up her body, wrapping around her and refusing to let go.
“You Ares kids are just like your father! Always so overconfident and obsessed with glory!”
“Like you’re any better! You have Hades as your father.” He tauntingly shoved her, “You didn’t exactly win the lottery either. At least I have siblings, you spoiled only child! The guys were right. You are pretty but you’re also a bitch. I’m surprised Luke tolerates you.”
Suddenly Y/N’s armour was melting. Thick droplets of metal pelted to the floor to join the small puddles of blood and the other campers stepped back when they spotted a small group of flames dancing across the grass.
Only, the fire wasn’t pink or blue or red this time. It was black.
“Oh, shit.” An Athena girl muttered, stumbling backwards. She grabbed another Hermes boy, clutching onto his arm. “Get Luke. Go find Luke!” She tried to calm Y/N down but nothing was working. If anything, it only made things worse.
“I don’t get why everybody’s so scared of you.” The Ares boy continued to taunt her. He circled around her, waving his sword as he laughed. “You aren’t even that strong. I’ve never even seen you play capture the flag. Is it because you’re scared you’ll ruin your nails? Or are you secretly weak?”
“Shut up.” Y/N muttered, glaring at him. It was no secret that Hades had a temper that rivalled Ares’. Unfortunately, Y/N inherited it.
“I bet daddy doesn’t even like you. You probably annoy him. I mean, you don’t fit here either. You should join your dad in hell. That’s where you belong.”
“And you belong in the infirmary with a broken neck.” Y/N snapped. The flames below her crackled, reaching out for anything to burn. You could practically see the heat rise from the fire and another Ares kid yelped in pain when the flames’ heat ate away at her leg, almost melting her flesh and creating a sizzling sound. But she was a meter away from the fire.
“Don’t get too close.” Clarisse warned anybody who tried to interfere. “It’s too hot.” The fire was slowly making a circle around Y/N and the boy, whose name Y/N finally remembered was Jordon.
Luke barged past the trees, quickly walking towards Y/N with large, meaningful steps. The flames made a path for him, like snakes that knew not to harm him.
“What the fuck, man?” Luke harshly gripped Jordon by the front of his shirt.
“Oh, her boyfriend’s come to rescue her. Hooray.”
“Shut your mouth.” Luke grumbled, dropping Jordon and scoffing. “Blaze, let’s go. Get your nose and arm patched up.” He wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, leading her away from the growing crowd.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, asshole.” Jordon sneered, “You’re getting soft, Luke. And for what? A little slut whose only achievement is having Hades as a father? She’s probably a crack whore too.”
Y/N’s temper finally snapped.
She whipped around, ignoring Luke’s warning. She drove her hardened fist into Jordon’s face. “That’s for calling Luke an asshole.” She muttered, grabbing onto the sides of head and slamming his nose into her knee. “That’s for calling me derogatory names.” She finally kicked him between the legs. Everybody watching winced in pain as Jordon fell to his knees. “And that’s for punching me, shit face!”
Her flames exploded once more, causing another cluster of panic. Luke quickly took action, grabbing Y/N by her shoulders and spinning her around. He knew words wouldn’t be enough to distract her so he did the only thing he could think of. He kissed her.
It was a stupid idea but her flames grew gentle once more, morphing from black to pink. The kiss was a quick one as Luke pulled back, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. But Y/N grabbed him by his necklace and pulled his forward, kissing him once more.
Chris whistled loudly from the sidelines, “Ay! Get it, man!”
Y/N’s lips tasted like metal and Luke realised he should’ve cleaned the blood off her face before kissing her. The red liquid stained his skin when he pulled away for the second time, gazing at Y/N with a vicious urge to kiss her until her lips bled. Unfortunately, Chiron arrived before Luke could sneak Y/N off.
“What’s going on here?” Chiron looked at Y/N’s injured face then at Jordon who was picking up his bloody dagger with a bruised hand. Finally, Chiron’s eyes landed on Luke’s face. Blood trailed from his mouth and smeared around his cheeks. Without context, he looked like he had just devoured somebody.
“Sir, Jordon cut Y/N’s arm, though he was aiming for her face, and punched her even after the game ended. Then he started calling her names. And uh, Luke calmed her down… somehow.” Someone from the blue team piped up, earning a glare from Jordon.
“I think it’s very obvious what Luke did to calm her. You three, see me after Y/N is treated.” Chiron demanded. Luke led her away, teasingly grinning.
“So, you wanna talk about what just happened?” He asked. Y/N scoffed, pulling him behind the Hermes cabin. His back was pressed harshly against the wood as Y/N clenched her jaw.
“You are infuriating, Luke.” She poked his chest, “And annoying. And obnoxious. And you are practically the bane of my existence… so why do I want to kiss you so bad?”
After processing her words, Luke didn’t waste a second in pulling her closer towards him. Y/N kissed him back with all her pent-up anger, frustration, and hatred towards nobody in particular and Luke welcomed her rough approach.
“Let’s get your nose and arm fixed up.” Luke uttered, not wanting to ignore Y/N’s injuries. She reluctantly followed him into the infirmary and sat down on a nearby bed. “So, was my calming technique good?” He teased.
Y/N shrugged. “It was alright.” She spoke with a joking tone and Luke grinned as her hair flared pink again. He loved watching those brightly-coloured flames, especially when he was the cause of them.
PJO TAG LIST (why is there a 50 user limit 😡) : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @prettylilsimp @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @luvvfromme @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife @niktwazny303 @2hiigh2cry @user021099 @living-in-my-imagination88 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303
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shinjisdone · 1 year
When you have an Secret Admirer - and it's not them (Pomefiore; 5)
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A love letter was left at your door and now you are searching for that ‘secret admirer’ - everyone wants to help you out…but have their own reason for it.
'I've kept writing you about the things that you did that enchanted me...but without wanting to sound cliché, I also fell for your beauty...'
form of headcanons + scenario-ish
[note: reader is gender-neutral but mostly mentioned in 2. pov; a series of everyone you meet following you. headcanon will follow each char. own thoughts on the situation. mostly nervousness, slight jealousy & stubbornness]
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Part 2: Savanaclaw
Part 3: Octavinelle
Part 4: Scarabia
Part 6: Ignihyde
Part 7: Diasomnia
It's best if you stay in your room for a few days, you thought.
After faking feigning an injury after the...flower fruit fiasco to Crowley (and him letting out a speech of how gracious he is for allowing you to rest) you've let everyone know that you needed quiet. And. Silence. Even Grim left you alone.
It was calming in a way. Just you and your thoughts, as well as the four love letters lying on the desk. Until a little ring caught your attention and you opened up a message on your phone.
Letting the image sink in it was a photo of a frustrated Vil with his make-up smudged.
'guy is taking the piss hahah' - Epel wrote you.
'What's in front of him?'
You couldn't help it. The curiousity took the best of you, especially when the Vil Schönheit looked this laughably angry.
'someone won a magic mirror on an auction and its messin with everyone. says it shows everyones real beauty when looked at but it shows nothin when we stare at it. no reflec tion and its makin Vil angrier than squirrel with a nut that dont crack lololol'
The boy sent you another image and it was of Rook trying to calm Vil down, who attempted to get the mirror out of the dorm. It made you chortle.
'lol why care about some phony mirror when Pomefiore is filled with real ones'
'I can update u (Name) if you want. Funniest thing that happens in this dully stuck up place'
Epel's comment made you smile. Even when he can get a bit temperamental, which you can't blame him for since he has to live with Vil, the boy does try to cheer you up. He must have heard of everything by now and even if he didn't, Deuce probably told him of your mood. It was sweet of him.
'Sure, might be fun to watch'.
Perhaps you shouldn't have answered like that.
Epel Felmier
Epel is no idiot.
He's aware of how you must be feeling so he tries to be seldom with his calls and presence. If it weren't for all the things that had happened this month for him notice, then it was Deuce's unusual worried frown.
He was so...quiet. Almost looking depressed when he told Epel of the first letter. He tried with effort to explain what had happened but ended up unwittingly admitting his displeasure at the change. He seemed to miss you and you've become reversed yourself. It was a bit of a bummer.
Epel tried hard to play it cool. Although behind closed doors, he'd mumble profanities in the usual accent he'd hide. These rumors were true. Big, richy colleges are full of drama, just like his village said! Why do things gotta be so unnecessarily complicated??? It doesn't make any sense to him.
Epel wouldn't bat an eye at gestures of love and grand confessions (he feels still perplexed though) but all of this was for you. It was no happenstance like usual, no, you aren't just being involved due to coincidence - all of this is happening because of you and for you.
What are ya, a princess waitin' for a knight in yer tower??? It's just????
Less upset and more puzzled. But he wouldn't know how to deal with that either.
Nevertheless, he convinced you to leave your room for a while after school hours...just a small visit that shouldn't take too long...
Rook Hunt
Oh, la la~
This is quite exciting for him. Love letters and confessions are things ususally told in fairytales, so seeing all of this unfold in this very school is quite the entertainment and Rook wants to be seated at the number #1 spot to witness it.
It's less of a creepy reason and more one of fascination. This is a one-in-a-lifetime chance and he always loved romance! He wants to see what this secret admirer is capable of. What they are ready to do for love.
Although he feels...disadvantaged? Challenged? Is it rivalry? Jealousy or true fascination?
As a hunter himself, he should know best how to capture hearts yet he feels like a freshly-born scholar looking up to his teacher. And out of all hearts they are attempting to capture it is yours...
Love can hurt...but it isn't supposed to make you uncomfortable, no?
Ever since he heard the rumors - and especially after he found out they are true - he has kept an eye on you. Without your knowledge of course...
Is the hunter learning...or keeping his prey for himself?
Vil Schönheit
The fairest of them all is a bit distracted, you see.
Aside from this wretched mirror, the senior could barely believe that out of all people...you get love letters.
However, with Leona's sudden interest in anything really and Kalim's lack of cheerfulness, things have become odd - now having rumors be confirmed by Azul (he was a witness!), Vil must believe it.
Even Epel is more on his phone than ever...
Vil isn't...apalled by the idea of you getting attention. He is just the one who usually gets it! But none of his fans' determination compare to that of your admirer. It's strange.
...Thats what he deduces first. Then it becomes ridiculous at the realization of it! You??? Getting more attention than Vil???
Do not misunderstand, Vil is not excluding the possibility of you having a secret admirer but the amount they are doing for you even leaves him a bit stumped.
He isn't sure if he should congratulate you or give into his jealousy. Jealousy of you getting more attention or your attention being snatched away from him? He isn't quite certain of it either.
It's better to distract himself with some puny mirror than keep on pondering about it.
Discreetly making your way to Pomefiore, you swiftly passed by other students, ones who had long started to avoid you. It was believed that your presence alone even summons the secret admirer...so some would take shelter from their strange pranks by getting out of your way. Sure, there were some who showed sympathy, asking about your well-being or even joking when that admirer will finally capture your heart...or if they have already.
Admittedly, you did not feel like meeting either of these kinds of guys...thankfully Epel picked you up quickly, either using his shy mask or temperamental yells to get you out of any situation - and soon, you found yourself in front of that mirror. Just as Epel stopped snickering as he showed you more photos, his head would turn to you and back to that mirror...with a surprisingly soft stutter, he pointed to it.
"Er...it ain't a phony, after all..."
...Why were you able to see yourself?
'...The one who can see themselves here is the true beauty of this school.'
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Epel Felmier
Uh, what???
Why are ya able to see yourself in every angle possible? How come the background changed to every possible scenery that suited you so perfectly? With you standing out so marvy too???
That can't be it...is that seriously one of those infamous 'pranks' of that secret admirer everyone's been prattlin' about?
...Your secret admirer?
That can't be it. The (Name) he knows couldn't...have something like that...but it's true.
As Epel watches your face bloom like a magnolia in May, he finally understood Deuce's troubles deeply. It's one thing to hear it from someone on the surface and something completely different when you feel it deep in your soul too.
The boy stood there, as his yelling on what kind of phony mirror that could be transformed into mumbles until he was completely silent. His face scrunched up into a frown.
You look real pretty. He now thinks how you've always been real fine and fair but your reflection seemed so picturesque right now...all because of the darn, stupid smile on your face that you couldn't just wipe away, no matter how hard ya tried.
Damnit...what is this feeling?! How's he gonna get rid of it?!?!
Even as he wonders how others are gonna be up on your case again, the sweet lil' apple grew sour as he also wondered how much that admirer person was making you all happy and gushy now...
Rook Hunt
And here in comes Rook.
Rather, he had been watching you enter so elegantly and now admire yourself in that fancy mirror! He knew something was up with it and spying on Epel's messages, it was only a matter of time before your lovely self would find out about it!
The young man long knew that this 'auction win' was something from the secret admirer - with how they always end up involving whole dorms in their quest to win your heart. Rook has quite the keen eye himself...
Oh, he needs to be there and witness it himself! How exciting! What kind of creative confession will pop up this time?! How will you react?! It's all just trés bien!
Less worried about the consequences that may follow his dorm and more intruiged on how this pursue of love will continue. A true fairytale!
That's what he keeps telling himself.
Rook is torn between watching a beautiful love story unfold before him and being very displeased at the fact that someone else is trying to capture your heart.
How...unfair it all seemed.
But all is fair in love and war, no?
Shall he listen and learn from the admirer? To outwit them in every way and capture your heart himself? Maybe he should show them that this is his hunt and that they shouldn't mess with him.
Regardless, he's hiding it all too well behind a smile. Even as you hide your beautiful face bashfully and Epel trying to keep himself together and not stare at the scenery in front of him too hard and not for too long...
Yes, he'll stay back, like a real hunter.
Vil Schönheit
He hears the noise downstairs and wow, speak of the devil. Or rather when he thought of the devil. You just wouldn't leave his mind.
There you are with little messages starting to pop up in the mirror you were staring at...
'I wanted to have you see all the beautiful things about you when reading my thoughts about you...so you can believe me and witness them yourself in the moment.'
Vil raises a brow as your lovely reflection was overwritten by a dainty message, curvy and in red.
'You don't know how wonderful you look with a smile. It made me fall for you.'
And on cue, a bashful smile appeared on your face.
Vil, as well as Epel and Rook, jumped as they saw the many flowery poems of love spread around your reflection. It almost rivaled Rook's grossly exeggerated compliments.
"Now, now," Vil tries to stay calm as he shushed the mirror and tried to find out what the meaning of this is and by the Sevens, don't let it be the secret admirer. No, no, no, no! He keeps on shooing this...thing away, even if it can't really move.
Or...it can?
The mirror shrunk in size and used it's little attached wings ("WEREN'T THOSE DECORATIONS" - Everybody thinks) to gracefully flutter after you.
This secret admirer must be some kind of prodigy...
Does Vil not even stand a chance...?
He's confused and irritated. Not ever did he think things would come to this but seeing how someone actually has eyes for his numbre #1 potato sends the senior into slight panic.
This isn't like him.
But the turmoil in his heart is all so real and vivid...as is his determination to not let you be swooned over by anyone but him.
[yeah, I kinda feel like the vibe got from 'tralala oh a secret admirer? classic at a school like this how cute :)' to 'WHO TF...!? WHY U HAVING CRUSH ON MY CRUSH STOP IT' Hopefully this one is just as good as the other ones...dont feel like it does. You see, Vinland Saga...might have a chokehold on me :) ]
[If you get the 'IS THIS SOME KIND OF TWISTED JOKE' joke then u r really cool :) The fluttering, positive affirmation mirror just popped up as I wrote...and I had more ideas for Rook than anyone else. Would feel like Vil would be even worse with that what he had with Neige...even after his overblot, he just gives these vibes. Epel is just...r u kidding me. how am i supposed to be okay with that]
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itjazzbicch · 6 months
Be Careful What You Wish For
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Pairing: Dracule Mihawk x Reader
First time writing for Mihawk, so I hope I did well
Summary: After running into Shanks and having a lot of drinks, the reader finds fun in poking at their rival, Dracule Mihawk, who arrives; their poking and teasing at one another leads them to a predicament that makes the reader see Mihawk as more than their rival
Warnings: Drinking, Shanks being a drunk goof (LOL), flirting
Word Count: 0.8k
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“Y/N!! Sit down and have a few drinks with us, yeah?!”
Red Haired Shanks. It was no surprise to run into him, and I should’ve known that ‘a few drinks' would be a lot.
I was laughing and chatting it up with Shanks at this bar he and his crew stopped by, nearly clearing the place of liquor. There were no hard feelings between Shanks and me, so I wasn’t scared to let my guard down, even when my rival walked through the door.
“Mihawk?! What a lovely surprise! It’s just one big pirate party in here, aye?!” Shanks was so drunk he was wobbling in his seat, encouraging Mihawk, “C’m ‘ere and get a drink!”
“Drunk as usual,” He shook his head at Shanks, coming to the bar where we were sitting, eyes darting over to me, “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“It’s a crazy world we live in,” I shrugged, smirking at him, “You, of all people, should know that.”
“That I do,” He mumbled, obviously having an attitude when Shanks butted his head into our conversation:
“OH MAN! I just realized you are both here! A little birdy told me that Y/N can rival your skill, Mihawk! Is that true?”
“Don’t make me- “
“Oh, it’s true,” Laughing and cutting off Mihawk, which filled in his words with a bit of annoyance:
“I’ll admit, Y/N is very skilled with a sword. “
Mihawk sounded like he meant those words but was staring at me. I wasn’t in the mood for any hostility, ignoring Shanks’ drunk ranting and winking at Mihawk:
“Relax, hon. I’m not in the mood to have a duel unless you show me a new sword.”
I referenced a specific ‘sword’ of his by quickly glancing between his legs then back up into his eyes, giggling as he got a drink from the bartender, till he leaned over the bar and mumbled:
“What’s so funny? I know for certain that is a ‘sword’ that you wouldn’t be able to handle.”
“Is that a challenge?” Cocking my eyebrow, we just stared deeply into each other’s eyes, but of course, this conversation was ruined by Shanks, who only heard my last words, exclaiming:
“Holy shit! Ya gonna have a duel and put on a show for us?!”
“Shanks, you drunk fool,” Mihawk groaned to himself, taking a sip of his drink while I handled Shanks:
“Sorry, stud, but we’d probably destroy this lovely establishment.”
“Awe, c’mon!” Shanks was too funny to me, cheeks bright red as I stood and said my goodbyes:
“Maybe next time we meet, I’ll put on a show for you.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Y/N!”
Waving and heading out of the bar, I needed to sleep off this buzz before leaving this island in the morning, but footsteps behind me caught my attention.
“Why am I not surprised? Did Shanks convince you to ‘put on a show’?”
“If I did, he’d be stumbling out here to watch,” Mihawk was telling the truth, but my hand rested on the hilt of my sword instinctively, “It’s a bit tempting, though. I noticed that you have a new sword.”
“You’re a bad liar,” Rolling my eyes, I wielded my sword, standing up straight and offering the duel, “Looks like Shanks is going to get what he wanted after all.”
“Who said that I was lying,” Running a fingertip across my blade, he analyzed it before pushing it down to the ground, standing before me, and getting his dig in on me, “Besides, I’d hate to break your new sword.”
“Oh my, I didn’t know you were a comedian in your spare time,” I dished back, putting my sword away.
“How funny,” One thing I didn’t expect from Mihawk was how soft his hand was as he patted my cheek, leaving me speechless for a change, a slight smirk on his face, “You should be grateful that I enjoy having a sparring partner.”
“Sparring partner?” Brushing off my fluster with a scoff, I gave another smirk back, my boldness shining through as I stepped closer to kiss his cheek, whispering to him, “I’m your rival, honey. Now, maybe a little grateful that I don’t show you what I can do?”
“I’m so scared,” He murmured, the tips of our noses brushing together, and it was hard to deny how much I liked having him as a rival, very much enjoying the teasing we kept dishing at each other.
“I wasn’t talking about my new sword,” Licking at my lower lip, I began to fight screaming temptations, observing as he removed his hat.
“You drank too much with Shanks,” He sighed, leaving a peck on my cheek, “We’ll have to see if those feelings remain next time we cross paths.”
Standing there holding my cheek, I was too stunned to speak as he stood tall, put on his hat, and turned away, ready to go about his way.
“You better prepare then,” I couldn’t let him walk away having the last word, but he surely did when he turned his head to me, smirking before disappearing into the night:
“Be careful what you wish for, darling.”
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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slutforleeminho · 1 year
“i’m so sorry”
TW (angst, suicide, blood, probably more)
this is a part two to this
“-y/n” beep. “i- y/n?” he pulled the phone away from his ear to see that you hung up on him. “no no no!” he ripped the comforter off of his torso and stumbled out of the warmth of his bed, stubbing his toe in the process. but he barely felt it. the only thing he felt was panic. his heart was beating fast and he felt as if he couldn’t breath. as if he would never breath again. but he knew he would. as soon as he sees you he’ll be fine. he’ll be himself again. as soon as you flash him that heart melting smile, and look at him with those big puppy eyes that he could never say no to. everything will be okay once he sees you’re okay.
the positive thinking only made him panic more. who was he kidding? you’re most definitely not okay. and the way you sounded on the phone… so sad. and the things you were saying. he knew where you were. he’ll never forget the sound of the wind up there. how he too stood on that exact ledge multiple times. but you were stronger than him, in all aspects. you would never do that. you wouldn’t leave him like that, even though he left you first.
“no. NO!” he jumped out of his car as soon as it was in park, throwing himself onto the concrete, luckily landing on his feet. there were ambulances and cop cars everywhere, and yellow tape circling around a certain area. he ran up to it, and that was the biggest mistake he’s ever made. he saw plastic laying over what he assumed was a body. your body.
he slipped under the tape and started sprinting towards the scene. he was suddenly stopped by a police officer. “sir, you can’t be here.” the officer said.
“ who is it?” tears were pouring out of his swollen and red eyes. “we haven’t identified them yet, sir. you need to step behind the tape.” he gripped jisungs arm but that only set him off. “let me go!” he fought with the officer, trying to shove past him. he failed. “i’ll tell you who is is! just let me see her.” he was sobbing now. the officer took a step back and thought the situation over and finally nodded. he stepped to the side and held his arm up, signaling for him to go ahead. jisung walked up to the plastic and lowered himself to his knees. he slowly removed the plastic, choking on his sobs when he saw you. just lying there, a small puddle of blood around your head.he was disgusted or disturbed. all he felt was guilt and pain. he did this. he should’ve never hurt you the way that he did.
he didn’t want to leave you, but he didn’t think himself worthy of your love and affection. he thought you would hate him. that you would slap him, call him names, and move on your life, forgetting all about him. but no. you broke down and cried. you clung to him and begged him to love you and not leave. it killed him to leave you. it really did. the day after you caught him cheating, he blocked the girl’s number and didn’t speak to her again. but that didn’t matter anymore. all that mattered was that you were no longer here with him anymore.
you took your hand in his. it was stiff and cold to the touch. like ice. your eyes were open and staring straight into his. he couldn’t see anything in them anymore. no happiness, no joy, no anger, no hurt, not even that that little spark that would always shine so bright when you looked at him.
now they were empty, emotionless.
he laid his forehead against your letting all the emotions he held in the past few months finally flow. “i’m so sorry, love” the world just lost its brightest sun, and at was all his fault.
thank you soooo much for 300 followers (almost 400😩) feel free tell me all your thoughts on the new album to lighten the mood lol
@fawnpeaks @yumiblogs @lixpixstix @babiejjinnie
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Can't Get What We Want Without Knowing
Summary: Words can have so much meaning behind them and that is before knowing how people will interpret the same word differently. It’s a thing that can make simple concepts much more complicated than anyone could have thought it to be. With the things Wriothesley has gone through ‘I love you’ was a sentence that he would rather never hear.
Words: 3,397
AN: @thesteambird 's Uncommon Acts of Love Event. I love how behind we all were on posting and writing for this event. Love that for us lol.
This fic touches on Wriothesley's past and briefly discusses the murder of his adoptive parents. It also goes into the trauma his adoptive parents have caused. If that feels too heavy for you to read at the moment, I recommend you look at The Honor of Trying Not to Step on Your Foot or A Sticky Situation. Both are Fluffy fics that do not approach this topic.
Beta read by @swordfish-ii, @milkstore. Thank you so much for looking over this fic. I appreciate it. Thank you to @paimonial-rage for doing my final check on one of the paragraphs I struggled more with. The three of y'all are the best!!!
Y/N walked into Wriothesley’s office. Her movements were tired and slow. Working a shift on the surface before directly coming to the fortress to work a second took a lot out of her. It wasn't common that she would work back-to-back shifts. She knew her limits. She held on tightly to the staircase rail as she made her way up the stairs. 
“Are you in here Ri?” She called out as she went up only to see him sitting at his desk highly focused on the documents in front of him. Knowing him, it was probably accounting paperwork for the fortress he was working on.
He looked up. “I thought you would have left already.” He had only seen her once today which wasn't for long. He was only in the Infirmary to grab some paperwork from Sigewinne real fast. They didn't even get a chance to talk as she was working with a patient. 
“I got caught up with something. Ended up staying past when I was supposed to leave today.” She could feel her eyes droop. A yawn took over her. She took her jacket off and threw it on the empty coffee table.
“I can arrange to have someone take you home if you like.” He offered.
She shook her head before moving close to him and taking his lap as her seat. “Just let me sit here till you are done.” She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.
“I’m working.”
“Work around me. I missed you.”
He sighed. “You can't be serious right now.” He looked down at her. She looked so peaceful cozying up on him. “You know I have a couch in my office for a reason.” He couldn’t bring himself to peel her off of him.
“The couch isn't you. I didn't miss the couch.”
He tried to hide his smile with a sigh. “You are really something else right now.”
“I’m just tired. That’s all.”
“I know that. That’s why you should lie down somewhere comfortable and not sit on me. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your rest just cause I have to work.” He tried to appeal to her sense of reason. 
“I made sure to leave your writing hand free. You're interrupting my rest by talking to me right now.”
“This can't be comfortable.” Even though for him it felt extremely comfortable to have her curled up on him. How much he just wanted to give into this.
“Oh, it's very comfortable.”
“What happens when I'm done working?” It was the only opening Wriothesley was giving her to convince him out of his work. 
“Just let me nap here for a moment. Figure that out later.” She really was just tired.
“You could just go sleep in my bed.” He offered. “It can't be that comfortable lying up on me while I'm dressed like this. At least let me take some of all these metal bits off of me.”
“I won’t fall for your tricks to get me up.” She lifted her head off his shoulder and moved her arms around his neck. “You aren’t getting rid of me right now.” She kissed his cheek before laying her head back down partially on his shoulder and her arm.
He rolled his eyes. “Is there really nothing I can do here to get you to sleep somewhere comfortable?”
“Accept fate. It’s late, you can’t be working for that much longer anyway.”
“Did Sigewinne tell you I’ve been up late in here?” He asked trying to find a reason he was being used as a pillow even though she would normally go to sleep on the couch in his office if she needed to rest.
“No. Have you been staying up later than normal?” She lifted her head back up looking at him. “Do I need to tell Sigewinne it's worse than we think it is?” Y/N asked with a raised eyebrow as she looked for bags underneath his eyes. 
He looked away from her gaze. “You know I’ll be up later if I can’t focus.” 
She frowned. “I did say I would just be here asleep on you. You are the one who keeps talking to me. You could have been back to work so long ago Ri.” 
“Look it’s just easier for me to get things done when I can focus with no one else is in the room.” He looked back to see her frowning. “I’m fine with you here. I just need some space. Just give me an hour, I promise I can walk you back home or get you somewhere comfortable to sleep here tonight.”
She sighed before agreeing to his simple request. “Okay. That’s fair I guess. Just an hour?”
“Just an hour. Promise.” He kissed her cheek as a way to seal his promise.
“Can I at least have your coat as a blanket?”
“Sure, if it makes you happy.” His jacket was already on the back of his chair.
She placed a quick peck on his lips. “I love you,” Y/N spoke quickly before grabbing the jacket and moving to the couch in the office to make herself at home. 
Wriothesley froze up on her words. They were said so quickly and casually like it was natural for her. Those words shouldn’t be natural. A horrible thought ran through his head, ‘was she lying?’ 
‘I love you’ was a sentence that Wriothesley would rather never hear. He heard that sentence too many times to count as a child. Even to this day whenever he hears that sentence, he would tense up. It was an issue that he knew solely belonged to him. 
It was easier to hear that sentence when it wasn’t directed at him. When those words or any form of it was spoken to him, all Wriothesley could think of was when he was a child. It brought him back to when he found out what his adoptive parents were really doing. And on the worst days, he could clearly remember those as the first words they used against him as he worked on freeing himself and his adopted siblings. Their ‘I loved you’ was a clear lie they spoke trying to stop him before fighting to keep their lives.
Having the only people who ever said they loved him being the same people he had to kill twisted his feelings on those words.It was all he could associate those words with. Lies and betrayal. It was all he knew behind those words. He gulped down the air caught in his throat before loosening his already loose tie that suddenly felt like it was choking him.
He could have sworn he worked through this already. Shouldn’t admitting that he wished he could have a happy childhood and that he had a load of trust issues from his childhood be enough not to feel this frozen? ‘I love you’ brought him right back to how he felt as a kid hearing those words for the last time.
“You know Ri, for someone who wanted an hour to focus I hear no writing going on over there. Are you such a math genius that you can just do everything in your head?” She stared up at the ceiling as she curled up under his coat.
He looked over at her with unneeded suspicion. Was Y/N lying to him? Was she just saying that she loved him? What could she be doing in the shadows that would come to light? When would she betray him? He knew it was wrong that those questions were going through his head but he couldn’t stop from wondering. The questions just got louder in his mind. ‘Was she lying?’ 
The lack of response filled her with more curiosity than worry. She sat up with a quick yawn before looking at him. “You okay Ri?” It was a question she didn’t think too much about when asking. She was blissfully unaware of the effect her proclamation of love was causing.
The warmth in his face looked drained. Warm eyes she would normally compare to a puppy in his time around her since they began flirting now looked cold and calculating. He didn’t look like her boyfriend. He looked more like the Warden of the Fortress of Meriopide. But even that description felt wrong. His eyes felt darker than that. Something that she didn’t know.
She knew she was safe around him but something about how off he looked made her stay put. “Wriothesley what’s wrong? I know accounting is a lot to deal with but I’ve never seen anyone look like they are about to break a pen over some numbers.” Giving him space while she was assessing the situation felt like the best move.
He looked down at his left hand. She was right. The pen actually spilled ink on his hand as well. “I’m gonna go clean this off.” He got up from behind the desk fast. “I’ll have a guard come get you and take you home.” 
“Wriothesley? What’s going on?” She repeated the question as she got off the couch leaving his jacket behind, beginning to follow him while also trying to keep some distance between the two of them. Concern was fully flooding in her mind.
They literally just agreed on what was to happen less than five minutes ago. He had already had opened the door to his office to let the guards know the new plan. She was shuffled out of his office so fast they didn't get to talk. And with the sound of a lock on his office door as she was standing on the outside sealed any chance of conversation. That was it.
She didn't even get to know what was wrong. It was all she thought about on the long walk home as she moved in silence with one of the guards escorting her. It was just so confusing. It didn’t help that she was rushed out so fast she didn’t even have time to grab her own jacket.
It made the next day awkward for her shift at the fortress. Part of her wanted to be petty and angry at being thrown out so suddenly but she couldn't bring herself to it. It all just felt so off. It was hard to be properly upset when things just felt wrong.
It was honestly a miracle that Sigewinne had let her stay in her thoughts so far throughout the morning. She may be curious about how different Humans are from herself but she wasn't oblivious to when a person needed space. It was also what Y/N was trying to do as well. Give Wriothesley some space. He clearly needed it if she got kicked out so suddenly with no explanation. 
There were footsteps entering the infirmary. Y/N knew they couldn’t be Wriothesley’s. His steps were heavy with the weight of his boots and the clank of the clothes as he walked. These steps were much lighter and she could hear heels as well. “Hello girls!” A warm voice greeted.
Y/N looked up from the desk she was giving a quick clean. “What brings you here Navia?” She thought for a moment thinking back at the schedule that was open on Wriothesley’s desk last night. “Wait, you were discussing the optimization of delivery routes for the fortress.”
She sighed. “It was exhausting. I even managed to get a paper cut. We aren’t even done yet.”
“How bad is it?” Sigewinne asked.
“Not too bad. But I needed a break for my sanity.” She looked over at Y/N. “I have no idea what you see in that man. He’s worse to deal with than normal.” She complained.
“He’s still out of it?”
Sigewinne was in the middle of grabbing a band-aid. “I know he wasn’t doing well when I saw him early this morning. I thought you said you hadn’t seen him today.”
Navia came in and sat on the bed. “Did something happen?”
“No, yes, I have no clue.” Y/N let out what she had been holding in. “So yesterday I had a shift above ground and one here. Unplanned, I had a coworker call out sick.” She reminded Sigewinne before she could say anything.
Sigewinne stayed quiet as she brought over the band and a few items to clean the small paper cut.
“So I was tired and a bit clingy. I hadn’t seen him in a few days. I missed him. So instead of going home I went to his office ‘cause it was after dinner, I knew he was going to be in there just doing paperwork.” She explained. “I may have been a tad too clingy but I backed off once he said that all he wanted was an hour to do his work. I gave him a quick kiss, told him that I loved him, took his jacket, and went to get cozy on the couch. I then got kicked out and a guard escorted me home. I still don't even have an explanation for why. He wouldn't even talk to me.”
“That doesn't even make sense of why he's so out of it.” Navia agreed.
Sigewinne finished up with the paper cut on Navia’s finger. “No, it makes complete sense.”
Both of the women raised their eyes looking at each other before turning their confused expressions to Sigewinne.
“He has a hard time when someone tells him that they love him. He doesn’t even like to use the word love.” This was something Sigewinne knew wasn’t her place to explain everything, but it was better than leaving Y/N in the dark. She was one of the few people that he had told his entire thoughts on this too. It took the years of him here and spending time in the infirmary for the two to grow close before he even took up the position he has today. The trust he had within her wasn’t something she’d even think of breaking.
“There's a big difference between a hard time and completely shutting down,” Navia explained.
Y/N sighed figuring out what happened. “I wish he would have just told me.” She slouched. “How upset with me do you think he is?”
“Maybe it's more conflicted?” Navia suggested.
“Regardless I feel shitty. I really do love him. I don’t want to hurt him.” Y/N covered her mouth after realizing she cursed. “I’m so sorry Sigewinne.”
Y/N was normally good about not cursing in front of Sigewinne. It wasn’t like she hadn’t heard cursing before but she appreciated everyone's attempt to keep their mouths clean around her. It didn’t bother her to be honest but for Y/N to curse in front of her confirmed how much what had happened was stressing her out.
“You should go talk to him,” Sigewinne recommended. “Everything I’ve read says communication is essential in relationships.”
“What if he doesn’t want to talk and just kicks me out again? I really didn’t know.” Y/N’s voice was filled with worry yet her words held with the strength of someone who knew at the end of the day it wasn’t her fault for what had happened.
“Then I’ll knock some sense into his head,” Sigewinne spoke trying to lighten her mood.
“How about I come back here when I’m done? That way you know when to go in and talk with him,” Navia offered.
“I would appreciate that.” All Y/N could think of was how to make things as right as she could.
Y/N took a breath before opening the office door. At the very least she would get her jacket back if she chickened out.
“I know I requested my lunch to be brought in today but isn’t this a bit early?” Wriothesley called out from above.
Y/N made her way up the stairs. “I don’t have your lunch.” She stopped at the top of the steps. “Can we talk?”
He looked over before promptly looking back down at the paperwork in front of him. “You’re on the clock. I don’t want to interrupt your work.”
“I’m on break and it's been a very slow day.”
“I have work to get done.” He tried using his work as an excuse. Looking over at the papers piled on his desk, the side that contained finished work was piled high. If anything he was probably ahead at least for a few days.
She frowned before glancing around the room. “Where is my jacket? I didn’t get the chance to grab it before I had to leave.” She gently reminded him.
He sighed before placing his pen down. “I put it up. I’ll go get it for you.” Wriothesley got up from behind his desk.
“I’ll go with you.” Taking care of her jacket had to be a good sign at least.
“No need. Just enjoy your break. I’ll have someone go bring it to the infirmary in a bit.” He tried walking past her to the stairs.
She grabbed his arm completely on instinct, something she hadn’t planned on doing. “You should know it’s hard to enjoy a break when I don’t even fully get to know what happened last night. Can we please talk?” She pleaded as she looked at his eyes trying to find thoughts within them. “Sigewinne can only tell me so much.”
He didn't meet her eyes when he took a breath. He felt shame in what he needed to ask. “Are you lying to me?” He desperately needed to know before he could pull those walls back down. They were something that he thought he could have fully down, but now he wasn't sure.
“No. I meant it. I'm not the kind of woman who expects you to say it back immediately but I do need some context on why you shut down on me.” She let go of his arm feeling that he would run away from this. “I don't want to hurt you. But I'm not going to be with a man who refuses to communicate with me on stuff like this.” It was something she hoped she wouldn’t have to put her foot down on.
“How much did Sigewinne tell you?”
“That love is a hard word for you. That you don’t care for it being told to you. She kept it to just that.”
“I think I’ve been pretty open about how I feel about my childhood.”
“You tend to avoid details but I remember what you went through from what you told me.” It was hard for either of them to look eye to eye. Their gazes focused on the floor below them.
“They,” his foster parents, “constantly told us how much they loved us. Showered us with those words till the day I- well, you know.” He wasn’t one to share every single detail of the murder he had committed. It wasn’t something he enjoyed reliving but it would be something he would have to carry with him till the day he dies. 
His foster mother lied through her teeth. Hearing her say ‘I love you’ trying to lure him into that false sense of security just for his foster father to cause one of the many scars that were on his body. It haunted him. It probably was the moment that cursed that sentence for him.
“You could have warned me. I wouldn’t have said it.”
“I thought I was ready to hear it by now.” Wriothesley looked out the corner of his eye trying to read her body language. 
She sighed before turning to look at him. “Things like that happen and it’s okay. Everyone has days where the things we carry hurt more. If anything I should have backed off and given you space when you asked me to.”
“I was okay till you said those words.”
“I won't say them again then. Not till you’re ready.”
“Did you really mean it?”
“I did. And that means if I have to change how I express that, I will if it means not making you relive something that you don’t want to. I care about you. I want you to remember that.”
He reached out for her hand. “Let’s go get your jacket.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile as she held his hand. “If it isn’t too much, do you mind if I have lunch in here with you?”
“How about dinner instead?”
“I’m good with that.”
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✨️1K Followers Celebration Day 3: TXT bias wrecker - Kai✨️
Special delivery
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AN: Honestly, my TXT bias list is a fucking mess right now but, I think Kai tentatively holds the position of bias wrecker (though Yeonjun has been yelling in my ear lately). Also, it's completely by accident that my two most recent TXT fics are porn genre/trope related lol. However, I had a lot of fun writing this and my Soobin fic so, maybe I'll explore more tropes, clichés etc with different idols in future fics.
Synopsis: Kai hates his job, but he needs to pay rent. However, when a ridiculously pretty woman can't pay him and offers up another form of payment, maybe it isn't all bad.
Heads up: Huening Kai x Fem! Reader, Pizza delivery man! Kai, strangers to strangers who fuck, the plot is virtually nonexistent, porn logic applies here, implied power dynamics (more dominant Reader and more submissive Kai), praise kink (m. receiving), hints of a size kink, oral sex (m. receiving), Reader touches herself while sucking Kai off, unprotected piv sex, nipple play (f. receiving) and creampie.
Word count: 3199
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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Today sucks. It's been hot as hell the entire day, two customers gave him shit for their orders being wrong and he got a text from his roommate that their shower broke. Again. Kai is at his wit's end.
He slams the door of the delivery car harder than strictly necessary but, he can't bring himself to even pretend to care right now. To say his day has been terrible would be a gross understatement. Luckily, he only had an hour left of his shift, and then he would be a free man. That's the single thought that pushes him forward. He can do this. Just one more hour.
He's about to knock on the door of his current delivery address again before it swings open. His words die on his tongue when he takes in the very attractive woman mere centimetres away from him with a robe that leaves very little to his imagination.
"Hi! I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer. I just hopped out of the shower. Just give me a minute and I'll go get my purse," You're gone before he can utter anything in response. Images of what he thinks you look like in the shower flood his mind without much prompting. He needs to get it together. He's a grown man. He shouldn't be getting hard just from fantasising about a stranger taking a shower. Especially not when he's fucking working.
"Oh shoot, I don't have any cash on me. Do you accept card by any chance?" You ask once you return, your head titling in a way that Kai finds far too endearing.
"Um no, Miss. Sorry," he tries not to visibly cringe at the shakiness evident in his voice.
"Damn. I don't know how else I could pay you," you ponder loud, crossing your arms. Which makes him panic because the motion just causes your tits to be even more visible through your poor excuse for a robe.
He's not sure if he's just that obvious or, you have knack for these situations but, you notice him looking. He really doesn't mean to. He just can't help it. Who could really blame him? They were right there.
Before he can't comprehend what's happening, you're in his personal bubble. Eyes that were warm and welcoming moments ago now light up with knowing amusement. Kai swallows.
"Well, I could always pay you another way if you'd like," you trail off.
Now, Kai may not be the best at reading these kinds of situations, but it's clear as day what you're offering.
He knows this is probably incredibly unethical. He knows he shouldn't even be considering what you're so blatantly suggesting, but you are pretty. He'd be lying to himself if he thought otherwise. Plus, it's been longer than he cares to admit since he's gotten any action, and here you are, offering yourself up to him willingly.
He'd be an idiot to say no.
"Okay," he whispers, and he's caught completely off guard when you practically launch yourself at him. Eager hands winding into his hair and soft lips pressing against his. Blood rushes south so quickly that it leaves him completely disoriented. Trying his best to meet your enthusiastic kisses before he realises he's still holding your pizza like an absolute buffoon.
"Hey, s-sorry. Can I put this down somewhere?" He cringes at himself, hoping his awkward interruption hadn't completely obliterated the mood.
"Oh right, sorry. I got a little carried away there," you respond with sheepish laugh, "You can just put it on the table over there."
Once his hands are free and, to his relief, you still want to continue, he hesitantly rests them on your hips. Losing himself in your expert kisses once more and groaning against you when you experimentally tug on his hair. Blood rushing to his face when he feels you smile against his lips at that.
His brain stops functioning all together when you press yourself closer to him. Soft tits against his broad chest, your arms wrapped firmly around his neck, and your stomach flush against his quickly growing erection. He can feel so much of you all at once, and it's not helping his already delicate resolve.
"You can touch me, you know," you say once you two remember that you need to breathe. Your eyes already heavy with such blatant want that it's honestly doing fantastic things for Kai's ego.
"I did-didn't want to go too far or make you uncomfortable,"
Your giggle is like music to his ears, "Considering that I'm going to let you fuck me, I think you're fine. That's very cute, though. Thanks for thinking about my comfort."
He's not sure if his cock twitches because you so casually mentioned letting him fuck you or because you called him cute but, either way, he takes your go ahead. Large hands grabbing generous handfuls of your ass and tits, respectively. Mind already growing foggy from how soft you feel and the kisses and nips you press to his jaw.
"You're so broad," he hears you mutter softly against his neck, shudders running down his spine from the sensation. He's sure his face is flushed from your words. No one's ever called him broad in this kind of situation, and from the way his head spins, he may be learning some things about himself today.
"Th-thank you," he stutters out, not entirely sure what to say in response and still trying to make sense of this realisation as your hands greedily run along his shoulders.
"You're too fucking cute," you groan, weaving one of your hands back into his hair and tugging him down into a messy kiss. At this point, Kai is more than happy to let you do whatever you want with him. Though, he supposes, it should be the other way around given the...circumstance he finds himself in.
He gasps into your mouth, fingers biting into your skin, when you palm him over his jeans. He's already so hard, and every bit of friction you allow him makes his knees buckle.
His grip on you tightens without much thought from him when you lavish his throat with licks and open-mouthed kisses once more. Your smaller hands toying with the belt of his jeans. Not quite seriously trying to unbuckle it, but just the brushes of your fingers so close to where his aching for you makes him feel dazed.
"Please," he whines, desire and embarrassment coiling tightly in his gut.
"Please what?" You ask, a mischievous gleam in your previously warm eyes. Fingers pushing up his shirt to trace nonsensical patterns on his abdomen. Kai thinks he's either going to scream or cry.
"Plea-please touch me," he whispers, trying his utmost not to grind himself into your hand.
"Well, since you asked so nicely," before he can blink, you're on your knees in front of him. Skillfully unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his jeans.
"He-Hey, you don't ha-have to do that," he says quickly, piecing together through the fog of his mind what you're planning.
"I thought you wanted me to touch you?" You ask coyly and, fuck if the sight of you staring up at him with faux confused innocence doesn't make his cock twitch.
"I- yes, I do but, I didn't- you don't have to y'know if you don't want to,"
"What makes you think I don't want to?"
Oh. You've got a point there, he concedes.
"You should relax, cutie. I'm not doing anything I don't want to," Kai hates the way his cock jumps at the wink you have the audacity to send him while tugging down his boxers and jeans.
Relief fills him when he's finally free from the increasingly restrictive confines of his bottoms, but it's fast replaced with anxiety when you just...stare at him.
God, do you think it's ugly? Is it too small? Is it curved weird? Fuck, what if you-
"So pretty," he hears you barely whisper, lidded eyes becoming glossy as you wrap, or rather attempt to wrap, your hand around him. Between the compliment that leaves him completely blindsided and the slight pressure your hand provides, he can't help the whine that bubbles out of him and the jolt of his hips into your soft hold.
Kai feels his vision blur for a second when you take your first tentative lick of him. Pretty pink tongue curiously dragging along the underside of the head of his cock. That mischievous gleam is still present in your eye, and before his brain can catch up to what's happening, he finds himself enveloped in your warm, wet mouth.
His hands weave themselves into your hair instinctively. A broken, bordering on embarrassing, moan falling from his lips when he feels your throat constrict around him. Your hand stroking everything you can't fit in that sinful mouth of yours. He thought the feeling alone would drive him to madness, but the sounds of you gagging on him sends shudders down his spine. Hips shallowly fucking you as not to overwhelm you.
However, given how eagerly your choking on his dick, he doubts he could overwhelm you even if he tried.
He cracks his eyes open with much effort and immediately regrets the decision. Your pretty face is streaked with stray tears, and the combination of your spit and his pre-cum dribbles down your chin. If that wasn't bad enough already, he notices your unoccupied hand disappear between your thighs. His muddled mind taking longer than he cared to admit to understand what you're doing.
Holy fuck, are you touching yourself right now? Is this even real? Based on the circular motions he notices your hand making and moans that are being muffled by his dick down your throat, that pretty much confirms his suspicions.
"Wait shit fuck, st-stop," he stutters out, large hands gently tugging you off of his length before he makes a fool of himself and cums in your mouth.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, looking up at him. Fuck. He can barely look at you right now. Face smeared with tears, spit and his pre-cum. Your eyes a combination of concern and still barely restrained desire. He just hopes you don't notice his cock twitch then.
"Yeah, I just- I was close,"
Warmth floods his face when a smug grin spreads across your face.
"Oh? Why stop then? I'd gladly swallow anything you're willing to give me,"
Kai closes his eyes in an attempt to collect himself momentarily. Which turns out to be a terrible idea because his mind unhelpfully supplies images of his cum streaked across your face and your tongue. God.
"I'd rather cum somewhere else,"
He tries not to feel too proud of himself at the stunned look that crosses your pretty face. It feels good to leave you a little off kilter for once.
You laugh a little breathlessly as you make your way onto unsteady feet, "So you do know how to talk." He resents the way he flushes at your teasing.
His response dies on his tongue when you gently shove him back. He lands on your couch with a soft thud, looking up at you in question only to feel his tongue turn to lead in his mouth and his cock jump against his abdomen.
You shrug off your robe. Exposing your completely nude form to Kai and, he drinks you in. Taking in your breasts and the way they jiggle with every minute bit of movement from you, the slopes of your waist and hips until eventually he zeros in on your slick upper thighs. His blood turns molten. He can't quite see your pussy as clearly as he'd like to but, the streaks of wetness he can see on your thighs makes his head spin.
"You're staring," you tease, strutting over to him. He's not sure if the sway in your hips is just for him or not, but he couldn't care less. He's mesmerised.
"I can't help it. You're beautiful,"
You stop between his legs, and for a moment, he's terrified he went too far. Was calling you beautiful too much? God, why can he never get his foot out of his fucking mout-
He's pulled out of his anxious spiral by your smaller hands cupping his face. You smile at him and proceed to kiss him softly. Your thumb caressing his jaw as he finds himself lost in you once again.
"Thank you, cutie. You're really sweet," you mutter against his mouth, making yourself comfortable in his lap. Any line of thinking Kai had going is swiftly drop kicked out of his mind when he feels your pussy glide over his cock. Based on the way your hands fly to his broad shoulders and the little gasp that leaves you, he's not the only one affected.
He thinks he might lose his mind if you don't sink down on him immediately.
"Please," he whimpers, his hands making themselves at home on your hips.
"Since you asked so n-nicely," you respond with a devious smile. His heart rate continues to tick up when your hand grasps him and lines him up with your entrance.
Kai knows he's in trouble as soon as you begin to sink down onto him. His vision blurring slightly, and his hold on you quickly becoming bruising just from his tip being enveloped by your scorching, slick walls. The little strained whimpers and moans that slip from your lips only making it all worse.
It takes everything in him not to just shove you down onto him or snap his hips up until he's fully inside of you. However, he's not so far gone in his lust that he can't see that hints of discomfort on your pretty face. He pulls you down into a kiss in the hopes of providing some form of distraction. Long fingers reaching between your soft thighs, and he can't help that small smile that finds its way onto his face when you gasp into his mouth and clench around him.
He experiments with various speeds and patterns until he finds the one that cause you to moan into him and, more of your wetness to gush down his cock. "You're taking me so well," he mutters, half-delirious from how otherworldly you feel, and he isn't even fully inside of you yet.
He isn't prepared for you to so suddenly take him all at once. Needy hands tugging on his hair and watery cries of pleasure pressed into his mouth. Kai, for his part, his just trying not to cum from all of the unexpected sensations assaulting him at once. His fingers biting into the skin of your thighs as he fights to regain his composure. Closing his eyes and kissing you back to the best of his abilities while his cock throbs inside of your velvety walls. He's so fucked.
If anyone asks, he definitely doesn't whimper when you start to move. He definitely doesn't leave indents of his fingers on your skin from how tightly he's holding onto you. He definitely doesn't keep his eyes shut just so he doesn't cum in an instant from watching how your face contorts in pleasure for him, how your tits bounce and how your unreal pussy splits open to take him. Definitely not.
His attempt at concentration is disrupted when his ears catch a strangled cry from you, and you clamp down harshly around him. He cracks his eyes open and immediately wishes he hadn't.
The light from the setting sun hits you beautifully. Forming a halo around you as you continue to ride him. Your nimble fingers toying with your nipples and, based on the whines that fall from your devious mouth, they're pretty sensitive. He can't help the way his hips jolt up into at the vision you provide. Yeonjun had always teased him for being a bit of a romantic.
Instinct guides him. His arms coming to wrap around your waist as he fucks up into you. He wouldn't be shocked to find out his eyes had crossed from the depth this angle allows him. Eager mouth latching onto one of your tempting nipples. Groaning into your skin with every lick and suck and tug of the sensitive bud. Unadulterated lust guiding him all the way.
The symphony of skin slapping against skin and your wanton cries fill the space of your living room. Your hands are restless. Not quite sure if you want to tug on his hair or steady yourself on his broad shoulders. "So good. So de-deep," he manages to catch you whine, bordering on pathetic and that just motivates him to fuck you harder. Keeping you in place with his firm grip so you have no choice but to take all of him.
Between the way you tighten and spasm around him and the increasing pitch of your moans, Kai isn't sure how much longer he can last. Teeth nearly sinking into the flesh of your tits with how wound up he is and large hands drifting downwards to grab generous handfuls of your ass.
"I-I think I'm go-gonna cum," he moans out, "Sh-should I pu-pull out?"
Your hands move to cup his face so quickly that his foggy brain takes a few moments too long to even register it. Nails biting into his cheeks and your eyes blazing as they bore into his, "Don't you dare."
Kai couldn't have stopped himself from unravelling even if he wanted to.
He's practically crushes you to his larger frame while he remains completely sheathed inside of you. Ropes and ropes of his cum painting your walls white as he moans loudly, his chest heaving and flushed with exertion.
His disoriented eyes find your frenzied ones once he's able to crack them open. Your mouth shaped in a silent O and, it only hits him when he feels you clench harshly around his softening cock and more of your wetness gushes out of you of that you're cumming. The sting in his scalp is worth it as he takes in the way you fall to pieces on top of him. Eyes fluttering shut and your body convulsing. He tries his best to soothe you through it. Pressing gentle kisses to your neck and shoulder. Large hands rubbing your thighs gently.
He rests against your couch when you eventually sag against him. Laboured breaths hitting the skin of his neck where you've made yourself comfortable. A combination of your releases beginning to trickle out of you and, down his spent cock and balls.
The silence is more comfortable than he anticipates. Neither of you feeling the need to fill it while you gain your bearings.
A thought hits Kai, and he panics. Feeling like the biggest piece of shit on the face of the Earth.
"What's wrong?" You mutter, fingers absentmindedly toying with the ends of his hair.
"I never asked you for your name,"
Your giggle could easily be mistaken for windchimes, "Oh, is that all? It's Y/n. What's yours?"
"It-it's Kai."
"It's nice to be properly introduced to you, Kai," you respond with a dizzying smile.
Yeah, maybe today isn't all bad after all.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
I am loving your fics my dude!
Just read your love potion fic for raph and it was adorable- we love a soft king.
Could I possibly request a Mikey version of the love potion scenario? Possibly casey ? But if you don't write for casey that's cool I would just love to see Mikeys reaction lol
Keep up the awesome work dude 👏
My Muse
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requests: ‘hi, I’m sure you’ve already gotten this request and are probably working on it but what about a Mikey love potion one-shot? But what if instead of Mikey chugging the potion y/n/we do? Have a good day’ ‘I’ve read all your love potion docs for the turtles and if your up for it could we finish off the set with Mikey?’ ‘Mikey love potion, please? I swear I can see him making art of his beloved.’
author’s note: c: thank you guys for all the kind words, here is mikey’s, and maybe in the future I’ll get around to casey <3 but for now I hope you all enjoy~~~~
warnings: nothing but FLUFF, established relationship,
> leo’s < > donnie’s < > raph’s < > casey’s <
Mikey was looking up at you sweetly. “Say what?” You said incredulously. You had to hear this again. “I saiddd, could you drink this super special po- I mean tea, and tell me how it tastes!” You narrowed your eyes down at him as he shoved a bubbly pink liquid in your face. “This isn’t what made you go bananas last week is it?” You questioned him and Mikey looked away, his telltale sign that he was lying, “whaaat noooo!”
You sighed, “really Mike I think it’s pretty obvious that this is the so-called love potion” and he heaved out a sigh as well giving up on trying to be secretive. “Yeah you got to see how I acted so I just wanted to you know, be attacked by a love monster too,” he smiled shyly. You shook your head, this was unbelievable. As one could guess Mikey had been the clingiest under the influence of a love potion. He latched onto one of your legs and you struggled to walk as you dragged him around with you. “Mikey puhlease let me goooo,” you had begged and he had just giggled cutely. “Y/n your voice gives me the warm and fuzzies inside!” He’d beam up at you, snuggling his head into your leg.
“I swear you use your cuteness to your advantage!” You had harrumphed, to which he just winked smugly, and you knew he was silently admitting to it. “When this is over somehow I’ll get my revenge!” You muttered and he had only caught the first part. Immediately jumping to his feet and wrapping his arms around your middle. “When what’s over?!” He wailed thinking you were talking about breaking up, and he squeezed you into a tight hug. “Oomp- wait!-“ you tried to reassure him as he continued to squeeze. “The love potion!” You said with the last bit of your breath and he loosened his grip, “ohh hee hee,” Mikey said with relief and you grabbed his face.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” you said teasingly as you squished his cheeks between your hands, he looked up at you with heart eyes. “Me neither!” He said through duck lips and you couldn’t help but give him a quick peck. “You got that right,” you smiled softly and he latched back onto you, hugging you filled with so much joy and happiness. Squealing not so quietly at the feeling of your lips on his.
Yeah that had went on for a week and Mikey hadn’t been that embarrassed. He was the most in tune with his emotions among the turtle bros, so he wasn’t shy to admit how much he liked you. Daily. His love language was definitely words of affirmation and physical affection. Though now that you thought about it Mikey had went on an art spree. Saying you inspired him and motivated him to paint and create art. You had watched him work, a smile on your lips as he would finish and show you with a ‘ta-da!!’ He would be nervous for your reaction but you always loved anything he made. It warmed your heart even more to know that every single piece of art he created that week had been because of you. It was so flattering, you blushed at each one he showed you. “This is amazing Mikey!” you would say and he’d gush, “really?! You think so?? You keep it!!” So maybe he liked to give gifts as well! You practically had a private collection of his art from just those seven days alone. His love language was a bunch of things!
“Aren’t you curious???” Mikey said bringing you back from the flashbacks. Waving the glass in front of your eyes as you rolled them. “Curious to see how much I can embarrass myself in front of your entire family?! No thanks!” You said shaking your head in refusal. “Awwwww c’mon Y/n just a sip, I’m sure one tiny sip would be just one day maybe even one hour!” He said trying to reason with you. You smacked your palm to your face, he wasn’t going to quit. “One itty bitty sip Michelangelo, that’s all you get from me!” You finally gave in.
He rocked back and forth on his heels with excitement as he dragged you to his room. “Okay okay okay, one sip!” He agreed as you took the drink from him once in his room. One sip later and the two of you locking eyes, you hummed. Mikey took the drink from you slowly. “Welll?” He said in anticipation. You were staring at him, but not jumping on top of him or anything like he expected. He frowned and ran a finger over his chin, “I don’t get it, maybe another sip?” He asked going to grab the glass from the dresser he had placed it on. But the second he turned away you stopped him. Snatching his hand. And he turned back immediately beaming brightly.
But that’s all you did! He looked down at where both of your hands were connected, and he pulled his hand away. And you let him. “Hmmm” Mikey made a low noise of contemplation and stepped one foot away. And you followed him. “Y/n? Are you okay?” He asked wondering why you weren’t saying anything. “Peachy!” You nodded, and he continued to contemplate this, at your answer and your actions so far. “Wanna order some pizza?” Mikey said at last, giving up on trying to figure out whether the potion was working or not. “Sure, let’s get your favorite!” You replied and he smiled at you, nodding as he grabbed his phone.
He went to his bed, laying down while he scrolled through the pizza place contacts that he had. You had followed suit, laying next to him and scooting close to see what he was doing. When all of a sudden a message came through, and Mikey’s attention diverted to that, clicking to see it was another friend of Mikey’s from his art page on a social media! You smiled to yourself as you watched him type out ‘thank you!’ to all the kind words the person had left. But as you watched the texts go back and forth and the pizza thoughts were forgotten. You had this nagging feeling in the back of your head.
You shifted in his bed, watching Mikey’s face spread into a smile. But it wasn’t towards you, it was to his phone and you frowned. Feeling… jealous. Abnormally so, and you just knew in the back of your real, conscious state of mind that it was because of the potion. You wouldn’t be so worked up otherwise, because Mikey had many fans, you included. He always took the time out to thank everyone and he wasn’t the type to shy away from conversation. You let out a sigh, wondering if he would notice. He didn’t!
You decided to take a more hands on approach. Moving to climb on top of his plastron and put your face between the space where his phone was from his face. “Hi..” you said shyly and Mikey blinked and blushed finally noticing you. “Hey cutie!” Mikey smiled, as he closed his phone, “hungry for pizza?” He joked thinking that’s why you were regaining his attention, he lost track of focus a lot of the time. So he was very used to you bringing him back to the task at hand. “Mmm no,” you admitted, looking down at where your hands rested on his plastron. You let one of your index fingers trail along outlining some of his stickers.
He moved underneath you, unable to stay still as he started to chur slightly. He wasn’t embarrassed but he couldn’t stop the blush, “if you’re not hungry then what’s up?” He asked as his own arms went around you, holding you. “Just, wanted some attention..” you said not looking up at him. He was cheesed out now, this wasn’t like you at all, and it was so obvious that the love potion had done some mystic magic. “You’ve got all my attention babygirl,” and you smacked your hand down on his plastron at the nickname. “Stop it!” You flushed and Mikey laughed, knowing out of all the sweet nicknames he had for you, you hated that one the most.
“Okay okay,” he relented, not wanting to tease you any further, and you mumbled something under your breath. “Hmmm” Mikey said turning his face to the side to lean an ear closer to you. “Someone else had all your attention..” you pouted quietly. And Mikey had to rein in his laughter, you were so cute, “was someone a little jealous~~?” Doctor Feelings, guessing correctly and you didn’t try to deny it as you nodded. “I’m telling you, Y/n you’re my one and only, my muse,” he said reassuring you whole heartedly. You smiled, “good” you cuddled into his plastron, “cause you’re my one and only too!”
And Mikey’s heart turned to goo as he hugged and kissed you repeatedly. Not able to stop because you were just so adorable and he couldn’t help himself when you were acting this way. The potion faded away after the two of you had finished eating some pizza. “That wasn’t soo embarrassing was it?” Mikey smiled, waggling his eyebrows and you huffed. “Don’t ask for it to happen again!” You said eyes closed and crossing your arms as he quickly pulled his hand back away from going for the pink liquid. Maybe he’d convince you another time!
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classickook · 2 years
in the afterglow | defender strange
pairing: defender strange x fem!reader
summary: when the sanctum’s seals malfunction, coating your home in a blanket of white, stephen offers an unexpected remedy to heat you back up.
warnings: smut (18+), kissing, cockwarming, p in v sex, creampie, swearing, stephen is a bit of a soft!dom here
word count: 2.9k
a/n: there's basically no plot to this so enjoy the smut, besties! i’ll probably go back and edit later lol
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your morning did not start off well.
apparently one of the seals to the rotunda of gateways had malfunctioned—how? you had no idea—and of course it had to be the very door that lead to siberia where a blistering storm of sharp ice crystals and blizzarding flakes charged their way into the sanctum and swept across every surface.
stephen had checked the series of doors as soon as he (literally) caught wind of the slip-up and recast the seals, ensuring they were done correctly, but it was too late. the sanctum was a winter wonderland in the middle of summer and there was no way to speed along the melting process as there was far too much snow and ice that coated the furniture, walls, and floorboards. 
stephen requested wong’s assistance to cast every spell known to the mystic arts in an attempt to return the sanctum back to normal, but it appeared there was only so much magic could do.
you would have to wait, the normal way, for the ice to melt. 
what was the point of magic if it couldn’t solve all of your problems?
after hours upon hours of useless attempts, stephen had finally relieved wong of his duties and encouraged him to return to kamar-taj until the sanctum’s seals were firmly restored and the ice had melted. as sorcerer supreme, stephen shouldered the responsibility of monitoring the sanctum in the meantime. he had offered the same option to you, suggesting that the warmth and comfort of kamar-taj would be far more pleasant than the frosty tundra of the sanctum, but you insisted on staying with him. 
stephen allowed you to stay, though he worried about you being too cold or possibly developing hypothermia the longer you were exposed to such icy temperatures. you had teased that you were lucky to be dating a doctor, but he didn’t seem to find the joke very amusing when it was at the expense of your health and safety.
he chose for the two of you to spend the remainder of the day in your shared bedroom, the sorcerer anxiously flitting about and making adjustments to ensure it would be as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances. 
a scarred hand waved over the fireplace until the wooden logs sparked to life, igniting a warm glow throughout the room that fought its way past the arctic environment. he also conjured up a bowl of steaming soup and mug of hot liquid that smelled faintly of hot chocolate for you in an effort to at least warm up your belly. you smiled at the gesture and at the way he fretted over your well-being. 
doctor stephen strange, master of the mystic arts, sorcerer supreme, and member of the defenders was a total sweetheart.
even after downing both the soup and hot chocolate, it still wasn’t enough to heat you up completely, the after effects only lasting so long. 
“still cold?” stephen asked from his armchair. he had positioned it in front of the fireplace along with the sofa you were currently lying on, but it wasn’t quite enough.
you nodded in answer to his question, noticeably shivering despite the oversized blanket draped over your shoulders. 
he pouted in thought before an idea popped into his head. “let me warm you up then,” he said with a conspiratorial grin as he stretched out his arms and beckoned you toward him. “come here, sweet girl.”
you tightened the blanket around your figure as you stood from the sofa and crept your way across the cold floorboards until you reached stephen’s chair. you shivered again as you waited for him to instruct you on what to do next. “well?” you asked, teeth chattering audibly.
“come here,” he repeated, spreading his legs to you and then patting his lap expectantly.
you arched a brow but did as he said, moving closer until you stood between his legs. you balanced your hands on his shoulders as you positioned your thighs on either side of him, easing down onto his lap while his scarred hands guided you with gentle touches against the backs of your thighs. his head tilted back to watch you, his cerulean eyes intense and unwavering. once you settled onto him, stephen then wrapped your blanket over the two of you, forming a sort of cocoon of warmth and safety around you as your body hunched into his.
he experimentally rocked his hips up into you and you released a shaky breath as you felt the hardening bulge between his thighs brush against your clothed slit.
“that’s my good girl,” he murmurmed. “do you trust me?” 
you nodded, the top of your head just barely visible from where you were nestled beneath the blanket. 
“good,” stephen said with an affectionate laugh as he began to untie the strings of your sweatpants, “i’ll warm you right up.”
“how are you going to do that?”
his lips twitched at the corners. “i might have an idea. lift your hips for me, baby.”
you did as he instructed, rising just enough for him to slide your sweatpants and panties down in one swift motion. your cunt clenched as the cold air nipped at your skin, feeling wholly exposed and even colder than before. “how is this going to warm me up?” you whined.
“patience,” he said before pushing down his own pants, his cock springing free from the confines of his underwear, until the two of you were bare at the waists. his hands spread your legs open as he pulled you onto him, a sharp hiss pushing past your clenched teeth at feeling his hardened cock nudging at your entrance. “trust me,” he coaxed gently. stephen then thumbed at your clit, his fingers surprisingly warm as he played with you, loosening your muscles against the frostiness of the air. “feel okay?”
you bit your lip and nodded silently, relaxing your abdominals as you felt him slide past your walls and stretch you open. the ministrations of his fingers against your clit must have done the trick because he easily slid inside you without any trouble or discomfort. he was always so fucking good with his fingers; he could turn you into a puddle of goo within seconds, it seemed.
“mmm,” you hummed as your eyes fluttered closed, basking in the warmth that started to unfurl in your lower belly. “feels really good, stephen.”
“good,” he said, obviously pleased from the way the skin beneath his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled at you. he gently grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger, beckoning you down to meet his awaiting lips. he pressed a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth before pulling back with a frown. “your lips are freezing, baby.”
“warm them up then, doctor,” you said teasingly, referring back to his earlier statement.
he playfully nipped at your chin before slotting his mouth against yours, his lips surprisingly soft and warm despite the sanctum’s frigid temperatures. his tongue slipped past the seam of your lips and delved inside, licking into your mouth and eliciting a delicious heat to spread throughout your body. 
“how are you so warm?” you murmured against his mouth, tightening your grip on him and bringing your body as close to him as humanly possible. 
“i might have used a few spells to help,” he said with a mischievous grin. “anything i can do to warm you up.” he adjusted his hold on you, coaxing your limbs to wrap around him. “just think of me as your personal heater.”
you hummed as you tucked your hands beneath his shirt to soak up his body heat.
in turn, stephen’s hands crept beneath your sweater to make contact with the soft skin of your back, the rough calluses and scars scratching lightly, though not painfully, as he rubbed circles along your back in an effort to spread more warmth into your frigid form. you felt a twinge of heat radiating off of his palms, far warmer than what would be considered normal, especially given the circumstances, so you assumed he was using some sort of heating spell. maybe magic was good for something, after all.
your cunt stretched around him and you basked in the feeling of his cock filling you up, stuffing you completely until your walls quivered and squeezed him further inside, locking him into place. you had never been this intimate with him before. sure, the two of you have had sex numerous times, but this was something entirely different; instead of fucking each other to completion, you moved soft and slow, barely doing anything, actually.
stephen groaned as you subconsciously clenched around him. “you feel so fucking good, baby.”
“so do you.”
he breathed out a laugh, rubbing your hips and then pinching you there lightly.
you peered up at him from where you were tucked into his side, admiring the mole on the column of his throat and the sharp angle of his jaw on display thanks to his ponytail. you certainly liked the style, especially tugging on it playfully (or not so playfully), but you would always prefer his hair loose. decidedly, you reached up to release his ponytail, the salt and pepper hair you loved so much falling to his shoulders like glistening silk, and then secured the hair tie around your wrist. 
he chuckled at your antics, the sound of it shooting down your spine. “better?”
you nodded into the crook of his neck, smiling to yourself as his hair brushed against your cheek. 
you basked in the comfort that he offered you, feeling warm with him buried inside you and wrapped around you—up until he shifted his hips without warning, that is. you rolled your hips in retaliation, but moaned at the sensation, wanting to rock against him even further until all you could feel was him.
he tsked softly. “hold still, baby.” 
“stephen, i can’t—”
“yes, you can,” he cooed in your ear. “my baby can do anything, can’t she?” his teeth left blossoms of purple and pink along the underside of your jaw as he nipped and sucked at your skin. “my sweet girl,” he rasped. 
“please, stephen.”
“please what, baby? not warm enough yet?” 
you shook your head against his shoulder. 
“use your words,” he chided you. “what do you want, sweet girl?”
“want you to warm me up,” you mumbled. 
“and how would you like me to do that?”
you chewed at your bottom lip. “i want you to make me cum.” your cheeks flamed at being so openly vocal about what you wanted him to do to you. you weren’t used to it, but stephen would always want to hear you say it, nonetheless. 
“what was that?” he asked cheekily. you knew he heard you the first time, smug bastard. 
“make me cum, stephen.”
“good girl,” he said proudly, then lifted your hips off of him until he was almost completely out of you before guiding you back down, rolling his cock into your wet heat in lazy strokes. you moaned as he moved you to rock against his lap, doing all the work while repetitively pulling you up and down, his hips lifting to meet you, sinking further into your cunt each time.  
this wasn’t fucking, you realized in your blissed-out state; stephen was making love to you, taking time to worship your body, achingly slow and sweet. you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face. 
“what is it?” stephen asked, speaking past the deep groan rising in his throat at feeling you so tight and warm around him. 
“nothing,” you breathed.
“tell me, baby.”
you bit your lip. “you’re making love to me,” you admitted sheepishly. 
stephen’s hips paused, his cock twitching inside of you. “i always make love to you.”
you shook your head. “this is different. i can’t explain it, but it feels different.”
“good different?” he asked with an almost nervous edge to his voice. 
you hummed in agreement. “a very good different,” you confirmed, leaning forward to press your lips against his. “i love you, stephen.”
you felt him smile into the kiss. “i love you, too, sweet girl,” he replied, and it tasted like honey on your tongue. 
your hips stuttered as if paying no mind to the heart-to-heart you were having with stephen. his grip on you tightened in response. “please make me cum, stephen,” you repeated against his lips. 
the corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk. “gladly.” he continued his ministrations, hands gripping your hipbones as he shifted his hips up into yours. 
your mouth opened in silent pleasure, loving every second of what he was doing to you, feeling your orgasm quickly approaching as he gradually sped up the pace. “stephen—”
“that’s it,” he cooed. “that’s a good girl. cum on my cock, baby. show me just how good i’m making you feel.”
a low moan bubbled its way up your throat at his words and the way he was moving inside you, his cock kissing your cervix as he breached the spongy tissue that always made you see stars. 
with one final stroke, a flash of white suddenly clouded your vision as heat rushed from the roots of your hair to the tips of your toes. “fuck, stephen,” you whined pathetically and tugged on his hair in an effort to ground yourself. 
your orgasm didn’t rip through you like a vicious current as it usually did when the two of you had sex, this time, it felt like the steady climb up a hill, creeping its way up to the top until it surpassed the peak and glided back down in sweet relief. 
stephen quickly followed right after, a deep groan pushing past his lips and the vibration of it rumbled against your chest as you felt your combined arousal leak out of your cunt from where he was stuffing you full, cum dripping from between your legs onto the chair beneath you. 
the sound of stuttered panting and the squelching of your joined bodies filled the otherwise silent room. “god, y/n,” he choked out, “you’re so fucking perfect. look at that,” he said, tipping your chin down to glance at where the two of you were connected and how his cum pooled between the cradle of your thighs. 
heat crept up your neck and into your cheeks at the obscenity of it, but your cunt clenched once your brain caught up and processed what you were looking at. 
obviously, stephen felt that. “fuck,” he hissed as you clenched around him again. his cock had already started to soften inside of you as the two of you settled in the afterglow of your orgasms, but you still felt so full of him, like he was touching every inch of you, and your body ached for him to move again; your brain, however, wasn’t quite up to it. 
your eyelashes fluttered against the tops of your cheeks as your vision grew foggy in your blissed-out state. “sorry,” you said sheepishly, ducking your head beneath his chin. 
he chuckled into your hair. “don’t apologize, baby. just give me a few minutes.”
you quietly giggled into the crook of his neck as you relaxed into him, releasing a sigh of contented relief. “i don’t think i can go again. ‘m too sleepy.” your eyes fluttered closed as drowsiness settled over you. 
“yeah? you tired?” the deep baritone of his voice brushed against the shell of your ear. 
you silently nodded, lovingly rubbing your cheek against the scruff of his beard. 
“ready to go to bed, then?”
your head shook back and forth this time. “don’t wanna leave you,” you mumbled as you lazily clung onto his neck with your remaining energy. you felt completely relaxed and drained, ready to be coaxed to sleep but not wanting to be separated from him. 
stephen chuckled before standing from his chair, arms tucked under your bare ass as he coaxed your legs to wrap around him, fingers digging into the fat of your thighs, his cock still buried deep inside you, eliciting a sleepy whine to escape your lips.
“it’s okay, i’ve got you.” he somehow managed to walk the two of you over to the bed, flicking his fingers in a quick motion that pulled the sheets and blankets down, the soft material looking so inviting to your spent form.
he sat on the edge of the bed with you still attached to his lap. you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and sighed sleepily. “i have to clean you up, baby,” he whispered in your ear.
you barely managed to hum in response, but he took it as a sign to continue. he gently pulled out of you, eliciting a hiss from you once the heat of him was gone, but he quickly replaced it with a warm cloth, wiping away the mess before tucking you beneath the covers. he snuggled up behind you and wrapped a strong arm around your waist, fingers lightly tracing along the sensitive skin of your belly and kissing your shoulder.
“warm enough now?” he asked softly.
you nodded, hair brushing across your pillow as sleep pulled you in, the snowy landscape of the sanctum long forgotten now that you were blissfully warmed by your coupling, the crackling fireplace, and the arms of your lover.
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stephen strange taglist: @singhfae @ironstrange1991 @slvtforstr4nge @strangeobsessed @lucywrites02
let me know if you want to be added/removed from any of my taglists!
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Oops i didn’t realize I didn’t say with who lol. I meant to put JJ maybank :)
I’m the one who submitted: “Prompt 100 on the kiss list pwease if u don’t mind tyyy”
100. ''it's always been you'' kisses
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Before you realized what you already had, you had gone on a lot of dates with a lot of guys. You never went on a second date with any of them, though. They were either not funny enough, too self-centered, shallow or had too much of a wandering eye. It baffled you how some guys eye-fucked other girls while you're on a date. 
One night, after another failed date, you came to the Chateau in hope to find Kiara. Instead, you found JJ.
‘’What is wrong with all the guys on this damn island?’’ you asked with a tired sigh. ‘’I went on a date with pretty much all the guys on this island and they all suck. My love life is a disaster.’’ 
‘’All the guys on the island? That’s a lie. You haven’t gone on a date with me.’’ 
He was feeling flirty and cheeky that day, but it worked in his favor because, the next day, you and him went on a date. He took you to the beach - which you should’ve expected. JJ loved the beach and showing off his surfing skills.
You didn’t tell any of the Pogues until a few weeks, but ended up revealing everything after getting caught kissing on the pull-out by Pope.
‘’I love you,’’ JJ said, looking up at you from his position lying on your lap. 
The sun was shining right in his eyes and probably blinding him, but he was still smiling. How could he not when he was around you?
You looked down and back at him, and ran your fingers through his hair. 
The love you had for this boy was bigger than you could measure. Nothing in the world could stop you from loving him. Not even that all those times he brought that stupid gun with him and was reckless with it. You wanted to throw that shit in the ocean!
‘’I love you too.’’ You dipped your head to kiss him. 
Moments like this, where it was just you and him were your favorites. Even before you began dating, JJ was your favorite person to spend time with. You were his willing accomplice to all of his terrible ideas - as long as it didn’t involve using violence - and confided to each other about everything. 
It’s always been him. 
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tempvstas · 2 years
Hello! ^^ May I request some headcanons for the dorm leaders with a gn!reader who is basically the quiet kid in class and often carries a doll with them? Thank you! ^-^
Content Warnings: none
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Authors Notes: Hi guys! Sorry that I haven't been posting much, tumblr mobile is kinda doodoo so i wish i had my laptop with me :(. I feel like this was kinda all over the place cause i didnt rlly know where to go with this. aha ✨ writers block ✨. but regardless, i hope you guys like this!! Oh and one more, thing, I struggled with Azul's so it probably doesnt make sense lol, and uh Vil and Idia's is probably OOC, sorry abt that
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Riddle Rosehearts
what first caught his eye was the plush in your arms as you listened in to lessons
you didn't purposefully go out of your way to raise your hand, only answering when you needed to, like when a professor called on you
and after class he would see you quickly pack up your things and scurry away
Riddle won't force you to step out of your comfort zone if you aren't comfortable with it. Once upon a time, he might have because of his tendency to stick to the rules. But now, I feel he's much more lax about you bringing your doll to class with you.
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona? In class? What a rare sight to see.
the one time Ruggie forced him to go to class he passed out immediately on the desk, sleeping through the entire class.
by the time he woke up, everyone else was gone, except for you, who was staring at him trying to tug away something from his grasp
looking down, he noticed he was resting his head on what appeared to be a plush, the soft texture tickling his face.
releasing the plush toy from his grasp, he handed it back to you with a huff, going back to sleep almost immediately.
he wont openly admit it but that was probably the best nap he had all day. so now whenever he's feeling tired, he'll grab you by the waist, pull you into the botanical gardens, and force you to skip class with him
usually he'll grab the plush resting his head on it, but by the time he wakes up, it ends up with his head in your lap and you not being able to feel your legs cause they fell asleep
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Azul Ashengrotto
Oh? Your favorite item? Perhaps you could strike a deal with him and in exchange he could hold onto that nice plush of yours.
Azul would be lying if he said he didnt try to gain the upper hand on you, seeing how fond you were of your plush.
After his OB, its evident Azul has a soft spot for you. He won't directly try to force you into contract anymore
He'll oftentimes ask you to swing by Mostro Lounge, looking forward to seeing you shuffle in, arms clutched around your plush.
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is an extrovert, so naturally I feel like he'd go out of his way to try and make friends, one of those people being you.
Like he deadass saw you at the back of the class, grabbed your hand, and was like, "you're my friend now :3"
he'll invite you to his extravagant feasts and such, making you out to be the guest of honor. However if you're not for parties, Kalim will understand, he wants to make sure that everyone is comfortable, so if you'd prefer to keep things on the down low, he'll oblige. He'll still be tempted to throw random parties in your honor though
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Vil Schoenheit
You honestly never expected him to take notice of you, after all, Vil is like a shining star
What really caught Vil's eye was your work ethic. You're quiet but a hard worker, which he can respect.
It just puzzles him at times why you're reliant on the plush toy, after all, wouldn't it impede on your ability to do your work
he's moreso indifferent to the fact that you carry a doll, so long as you do your work,he doesn't rlly care
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Idia Shroud
Idia has a lot of plushies and like figurines of his favorite anime characters so he can understand your attachment to carrying around something
he's also an introverted individual, so he won't outwardly approach you first, you have to be the one to initiate contact.
if you do end up talking with him at some point, he might just invite you to play games with him, and eventually he'll show off his collections to you, going into a hyperfixated state as he talks about each of his figures in detail.
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Malleus Draconia
Malleus has lived for so long, so he doesn't neccessarily understand one's attachment to a material object. After all, it might end up breaking after a while so it's better to just keep memories of what once was.
but still you're his child of man, everything you do intrigues him. he practically scares off everyone with his intimidating aura so he'll hang out with whoever is willing to chill with him
though you don't say much, he finds your presence comforting to say the least.
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