#prom dress 2021
38sr · 11 months
My Adventures with Superman EP 4: Design Works
My goodness it feels so strange to see these designs two years later but I actually had a hand in Clark, Lois and Jimmy’s gala suits in episode 4 of My Adventures with Superman!
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This happened WAY back in Sept 2021 but during my first week on the show I jokingly sent a piece of art to one of the design leads and well, one thing led to another:
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This is kind of running gag with my work, but I somehow always predict things when I draw fanart haha. I truly didn’t know there was gonna be a gala episode and now I was tasked to do a pass for the main trio’s gala outfits.
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Naturally since it started with Clark, he was the first one I did a pass on. I actually really like men’s suits design so this was the most fun to design out of the three. Overall, I drafted up four different suits that gave 4 different feels for our soft boi. Option A was a full 3 piece with slick backed hair (which honestly now feels very Bruce Wayne than Clark haha). Option B had a high school prom feel, Option C was more business casual (hence why his dress shirt was unbuttoned at top) and finally Option D was sleek turtleneck & suit combo. Honestly, I was rooting Option D ‘cause I’m a sucker for a turtleneck but if I  remember correct they went with Option B ‘cause it felt the most Clark. But just know I tried haha.
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Lois’s outfit was quite challenging since I had no clue until I was given the assignment that she’s Korean (yes, Lois is canonically Korean in the show). I remember the design leads Jane Bak and Dou Hong showing me a rough concept of a modern hanbok. I spent so many days researching hanboks and the construction behind them...it truly was a learning experience for me haha. It was quite challenging trying to create and outfit that spoke to Lois’ heritage while still keeping her energy. This was my very first pass but I think ultimately the team did a great job to hone in the final look and balance both elements for her outfit (the backless top is just chef’s kiss). Also yes, I did try giving Lois slick back hair haha.
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There isn’t much to say about Jimmy’s outfit (sadly I left the production to work on Spiderman Freshman Year before seeing what they decided on). But from what I remember, I specifically was looking at men’s outfits from the Met Gala from that year and before (I think Chadwick Boseman was the biggest influence for me at the time). Though I think his final suit design aren’t like too far off from my initial thoughts, it’s still super cool to see how it evolved into the final look!  But yeah! Just a little behind the scenes on the work I got to do on the show. Again, super brief since Spidey was calling my name but I truly had so much fun getting to design for this show. MAWS was my first ever time doing design work (since I primarily work as a 2D animator and board artist). I was so nervous but the team was welcoming and taught me so much! I really have to thank Dou Hong and Jake Wyatt for taking a chance on me and allowing me to draw hot anime characters for a DC show haha.
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beronicalongcon · 10 months
In honor of the most gorgeous beast of a show to ever air being put in the ground tonight, here are my top 10 Riverdale moments. It was pretty impossible to make this list because I had to leave out so many beautiful things like that time Archie got forged, that time Cheryl was Queen of the Bees, and that time he was looking for the girl next door, but instead he found me.
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Sweaty, unhinged Loser-Jughead hallucinates his literary agent appearing to him as a Dark God of sewer rats. In a bid to save his life, he offers to be the Rat King's personal storyteller, like a Riverdalien Scheherazade. Betty appears to him and guides him out of the underworld and it's revealed that he was in the hospital for RABIES, which is made one billion percent funnier by the fact that rabies is 99% fatal. This made me so happy I was literally riding the high for weeks.
9. Archie boxes Hiram in the secret speakeast while Veronica sings "Daddy Lessons" by Beyonce.
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This is just one of those great Riverdale musical moments - cutting between the blood spatter and bulging muscles of Archie and Hiram's furious machismo coming to fruition and Veronica dressed in gold singing about her terrible and vital love for her insane mob boss Daddykins.
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This whole plotline is great because 1. the auteur making big, clunky comic book caricatures of the main cast and having them relive their traumas through the mode of film with all the edges sanded off is metatastic, 2. Jellybean is the coolest middle schooler ever, and 3. Psycho Killer playing at Prom Night while they all dance around Mr. Honey's corpse is just objectively great television.
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"Haha football war" shut up this is one of the most artistically cohesive and interesting sequences in the entire series. It lays bare the twisted knot of dream logic and aestheticism that governs Riverdale's universe. "Why do all the visual cues point to Archie fighting in WWI if Riverdale is set in 2021?" Because WWI was the period where America most successfully fetishized the IMAGE and AESTHETIC of young men going to war as a MASCULINE IDEAL. "Why are they fighting on a football field?" Because football is another heavily fetishized mode of expressing American masculinity and violence as heroic. "Why is Jughead there?" Because Archie loves Jughead.
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I may not like season 7 but my URL is 'beronicalongcon', and the way this episode reminds us how Betty and Veronica are historically positioned as diametrically opposed forces vying over Archie's love before bringing them together and letting them truly see each other is really nice. Also they kiss in space to symbolize that the world of the narrative by definition cannot allow women to connect independent of men, the only way they can truly be together is by inventing a new universe that is able to hold them.
This got long so I am making another one.
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appelia · 1 year
♡Main 4 + Butters Prom HCs!
IMPORTANT: all my characters in my fics are aged up to 19-24. Side note: excuse my poor English.
Warning: slightly suggestive for Kenny
Genre: general, headcanons, x reader
Reader Gender: gender neutral
A/n: Seeing all these prom TikToks makes me so sad, I miss prom so much! In 2021, me and my lover were voted prom queen and king. Here are some prom headcanons :)
Stan Marsh
You'd probably have to convince him to go to prom with you.
Kyle would most likely have to drag him out to go outfit shopping. (Because Stan's kind of a loser not going to lie.)
Once he sees you in your outfit, his cynicism flew right out the window.
Got nauseous looking at you.
Once at the venue, he'd act like he doesn't want to dance with you, but he loves seeing you happy, so he got his ass up and started dancing with you.
He can't even deny he had a good time
Kyle Broflovski
He's neutral about prom. He mostly just wants to be close to you
Kind of nervous to go, because he knows that he'll get jealous if people look at you
And that's exactly what happens. As soon as you walk in, people turn to look at you. He wraps an arm around your waist and kisses you on your temple, shooting glares at the onlookers.
It'd take a LOT of convincing him (from both you and his mother) to wear his natural hair
He'd gladly dance with you in a heartbeat, he might even be the one to ask you to dance.
Eric Cartman
Let's be real, he loves prom because he can wreak so much havoc.
He doesn't actually care about the premise of prom, he just likes being an asshole.
He'll accuse literally anyone of staring at you even if they weren't
"You staring at my partner? I'll kick your ass right here, right now!"
Will try to do something cool like breakdance in the middle of the floor but will bust a seam on his pants or something.
Kenny McCormick
Literally could not care less about prom, he just wants to see you dressed up.
He'll make flirty comments in your ear the whole night.
You're one of those couples that leave in the middle to go make out in the bathrooms.
When you two get back, you have to drag him to the dance floor to dance with you
He's probably the one who spikes the punch.
Butters Stotch
Turns into a little compliment machine the moment he sees you.
"Oh, gee, Y/n, you look amazing!"
Most likely wakes up early to spend all day getting ready and making sure he looks perfect
Gets super flustered when you ask him to dance with you, but doesn't hesitate.
His parents wanted him home at EXACTLY 11pm. You dropped him off at 11:02 and he got grounded ☹️
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saminator · 2 months
the joys of being a masculine trans man
Today, sometime around 9:30 pm, I had an epiphany. Maybe I finally found the joy of being trans. I'd always heard people say it, but I thought it was bullshit. Until today, being trans had caused me nothing but misery and fury. If you asked me anytime before today, April 3rd, 2024, at 9:30 pm pst, whether or not I liked being trans, it would have been a hard no.
I have prom coming up. I'm going to the prom at the school I would have gone to if I'd stayed in my middle school's town. I know a lot of people there, and three of the people at that school are the only hope I used to have when I was 14 and 15, still figuring myself and the world out. Don't get me wrong, I still am, but I was so unhappy back then, and they offered me unlimited comfort. Anyway! I'm going to prom with them and I was kind of excited about it. I'd been having a hard time getting myself to be excited about anything lately. I told my parents I needed a suit for prom and they asked if I could wear something I already had. I said no. All I have are two blazers from the women's section that I got in 2021, one red and one gray, which are incredibly comfortable and nice but they were from a time when I wasn't allowed to shop in the men's or boy's section, and another 3-piece suit which is a bit too large for me that my ex-girlfriend (who's trans) gave to me because I would enjoy it far more than she ever did. I'd also borrowed a blazer from a friend, and again, while it was wonderful, it was also from the women's section. I wanted something new, something that I picked, something that fit me and made me feel okay. So, we started looking for one.
My dad and I went to the mall two days ago to try and look for a suit, but they were either really expensive, or just not my size. Then, my mom told me to look for it online and have my dad pick it up on the way back home from work. I did that. I ordered a gray blazer and dark blue dress pants from the boy's section. My dad got them home. I tried them on. I loved it more than I had ever loved any piece of clothing before. My dad was so encouraging about making sure I looked good and he kept suggesting different variations I could try of the outfit. After a whole hour of trying on different shirts under the blazer and showing my mom and having her feedback on it, I went to go change. Then my dad called me, saying "don't change! wear your blazer!" and asked me to move the trash bins into our backyard because it's extremely windy and they were being knocked over (also because HOA hates when trash bins are left out apparently). So I went to do that.
And I was walking down the driveway with the wind blowing in my hair, I thought Wait. Is this what they mean by the "joy of being trans?" Earlier, I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror because I looked so fucking handsome it was UNBELIEVABLE. My smile didn't feel ugly, my hair didn't feel shabby, my entire body didn't feel like a mistake. And now, in the wind, dragging the landfill bin behind me, I felt happy with being trans.
I don't care if others don't see me as a man. The mirror sees me as a man. That's all that matters. The sheer happiness I felt wearing a suit that wasn't someone else's or from the women's section or too big or not mine was crazy, Suddenly, my short height, my high-pitched voice that no matter how deep I try to make it still gets me misgendered, and my un-muscular body didn't matter. I WAS IN A FUCKING SUIT THAT I LIKED THAT FIT ME THAT WAS FROM THE BOYS SECTION THAT MY PARENTS ALSO LIKED THAT KEPT ME WARM IN THE WIND. I was smiling like a maniac on the way to the backyard.
I'm sure this experience doesn't just happen to masculine trans men. Maybe you're a cis man reading this and you're short, have a high-pitched voice, and aren't jacked up. I see you, and I know how isolating it can feel to be the way you are, no matter how hard you try. I've tried working out to get muscles. I can't gain weight easily. I'm literally 5'1'' and 90 pounds. I hate it. But who cares! I have a suit that's sexier than sex!
I love being masculine. That's something you won't hear people say often because masculinity is demonized because it was always weaponized in the past (and still is). But I'm not all of those men. I'm my own man and I choose to love and embrace masculinity. What is masculinity anyway???? Is it suits? Is it being built? Is it having a deep voice? Is it having a beard? Is it being tall? Is it doing taxing manual labor? No! It's none of those things objectively, not even the suits. I've said this before and I'll continue saying it, if wearing dresses or skirts or doing makeup makes you feel masculine or is your definition of masculinity, hell yeah! Go for it! To me, masculinity is home. It's looking at myself and smiling because I look good. It's wearing a suit and feeling warm and cozy and ready to do anything. It's having a better relationship with my parents because we're all trying our best. It's being daring and taking risks just because I want to. Femininity couldn't give me any of this.
Especially in a time like now, where no trans space is safe from discussions of the happenings of the world, the world where people want to erase us because they think we're a threat. The fact that people are afraid of us is astonishing. But we persevere, we wear our suits or dresses or overalls or corsets or fishnets or khakis or hoodies and we pursue happiness because it's comforting to think that it exists for us. And it does. If someone like me could find euphoria in being trans, anyone can.
But yeah, in conclusion, the joy of being a masculine trans man is trying on your prom suit with the wind blowing 18 miles per hour in your hair and feeling alive and manly masculine male >:)
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cinamun · 1 year
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Dear @simmeraddiction83
Hey homie, how you been?! I know you haven't been in the community for a long time (since like October 2021?) and I don't know the circumstances, but I wanted you to know a few things...
First, I really love your creations. They look exquisite in the game and I can just tell you put a lot of thought into your work. Your Luna Shoes are one of my FAVES! Secondly, since you've been gone, we now have auto-height for heels! The heel slider is no longer required!! If you see this, I found a tutorial you could use to update all your super cute shoes! <- (click me!)
I just posted that dress because one of my OCs wore it to prom and snatched every pixelated edge in the building that night.
In conclusion, I hope you're healthy and in good spirits and I REALLY hope you're still around somewhere and willing to update your heels or allow someone else to.
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tragicplumbob · 1 year
I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation 💀
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Make Up and Jewellery (it’s really difficult to work out which one I used for each outfit, but see some creators I highly recommend) TheBlondeSimmer [crypticsim] TwistedCat Christopher067
Wednesday Addams Facial Features Eyebrows: StretchSkeleton_Eyebrow_Pack_01-06_MERGED Eyeliner: Willeekmer - Smoked_Out_Liner Eyebags: tamo_Eyebags04_SkinDimpleRight_V2 Facial Preset: lamatissemercuriaMERGED Freckles: [softerhaze] naomi freckles Eyelashes: [Kijiko]eyelash_YU_version2_match-hair Skintone:lamatisseBAREskintonesMERGED Lips: miiko-lip-presets-01 Body: miiko-jinxed-body-preset School Outfit Hair: daylifesims_yfHair_wednesday Outfit: [Madlen] Wednesday Outfit.package Shoes: Trillyke_Heartbreaker_Loafers_Female Prom Outfit Hair: daylifesims_yfHair_wednesdaydance.package Dress: [Madlen] Wednesday Dress Shoes: [Jius]PlatformKneeHighBoots04
Enid Sinclair Facial Features Teeth: MeatballTeethSweetTeethMERGED Face Preset: lamatisse_rosewater_MERGED Eyelashes: miiko-3d-eyelashes-part-4(mouthcrease) Eyebrows: TwistedCat_Lux_Eyebrows Lips: miiko-lip-presets-01 School Outfit Hair: RavenSIms_Enid_Hair.package  Outfit: [Madlen] Nevermore Uniform (Female) Shoes: Trillyke_Heartbreaker_Loafers_Female
Outfit Two Hair: RavenSIms_Enid_Hair.package  Top: [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] Cropped Turtleneck Sweater Skirt: Sentate-2021-JuliaSkirt Shoes: Darte77_f_ConverseAllStarHTSneakersHQ
Thing JariSimCC_TheAddamsFamily_Thing_Accessory
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tstourfits · 1 year
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2023 Grammys afterparty look 💙✨
Dress dupes:
MTVOPN Women's Deep V-Neck Sequins Sleeveless Mermaid Formal Evening Dress from Amazon ($110) 
Long Strappy-Back Prom Dress with Sequins from Promgirl ($99) 
Enchante Strappy Halter Sequin Maxi Dress from Showpo ($80) 
1960s sequin dress in black and teal from GlamourGirlVtg on Etsy ($175) 
Striking Sweetheart Emerald Green Sequin Sleeveless Midi Dress from Lulus ($39) 
PrettyGuide Women's Deep V Neck Sequin Glitter Dress from Amazon ($44) 
PrettyGuide Women's Sparkly Sequin Dress from Amazon ($40)
GRACE KARIN Women Deep V Neck Party Mini Dress from Amazon ($49) 
Coat dupes:
Premium Faux Mongolian Short Coat from NastyGal ($64) 
Turquoise faux fur coat from DiamondJBrandCo on Etsy ($75) 
foefaik Winter Fluffy Faux Fur Coat from Amazon (37) 
Fancy Faux Fur Jacket from Glam Me More ($74) 
HANTONGHAO Imitation fur coat from Amazon ($54) 
Faux Fur Jacket from & Other Stories ($119) 
Womens Turkey Feather Coat Jacket Furry Green Color 2021 from Amazon ($69) 
TwinSet Caban In Faux Fur from Italist ($223) 
(or pair with a black leather jacket, obv :) )
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 3 months
🐝 spare me a dance(in this never ending misery)
Ok before I get into the fic idea I want to highlight a fic my friend did for L2C way back in 2021 bc this title reminded me of it. It was so funny to see my insta followers run around screaming bc I refused to confirm if it was canon or not lmao, but now that the fic is out I can confirm that it's a what-if scenario
The first one is also L2C related, and could probably be a chapter in Tales From The Lagniappe wherein everyone is on the boat and trying to find ways to keep themselves sane, considering they've been on the water for a few days and they can only play so much Uno before they have to do set the game down.
They can't exactly pull up spotify seeing as they have no service, but there is a record player with a couple of vinyls. They use it pretty sparingly to avoid getting sick of the same twenty-something songs too quickly, but they have a fun time dragging each other around the room to Sinatra in a pitiful display of "dancing." It doesn't change how horribly things have gone throughout the Green Flu, but it does bring some reprieve and comfort that they couldn't get nearly as much of when they were jumping from safe room to safe room.
My other idea... got really long lol
In this one Michael and Jeremy don't reconnect right away and it's full of all this "I wanna see him but idk if he wants to see me, idk if I'm ready to talk abt everything, blah blah blah" all that fun stuff.
Eventually we get to the sweethearts dance (valentines themed), so it's not a Huge Deal like prom but hey it's still a school dance. It's girls choice (classic high school heteronormativity) so Jeremy basically shunts away any idea that Michael will be there. He debates on even going at all but Christine frames it as an excuse to hang out with everyone, and if he hates it they can all just bail and do something else.
Everyone's "dates" are exactly who you'd expect them to be: Chloe took Jake, Brooke took Rich, Chrissy took Jeremy. So they're at the dance. There's music. There's friends. It's a pretty ok time. But this is technically a couples dance and Jenna hasn't shown up yet. How is she getting in? She texted saying she's on her way so she must've gotten someone to come with her. But who did she get on such short notice?
Jeremy gets his answer when he sees her come in with Michael.
Oh shit.
Did everyone else know this was her plan?? Was it part of the plan the entire time??? He's so unprepared oh my god she's bringing him over Michael can also tell whats going on theres no hiding from this fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck the music is so loud the gym is so crowded Michael's right here in front of him and all his friends are retreating and its-
Michael follows him pretty quickly after. They get to talking on opposite sides of the bathroom stall. They never meant to avoid the other for so long, they were just scared, they want to see each other again.
It's a slow song. A slow dance. People are pairing up. It's just the two of them in front of each other. Michael is actually dressed up in front of him in a pink-lit gym with a slow song playing and Jeremy can't tell if the pounding in his chest is anxiety or something else.
But Michael reaches a hand out to him and he can't find it in himself to stop him from swaying him around the room. Jeremy's head is screaming at him to say or do something but nothing comes of it every time he tries. Michael's mouth keeps opening and closing but he's not saying anything either until he finally just whispers "I've missed you."
And Jeremy runs out of the gym into the bathroom. It's too much to see Michael look at him with such a heartbroken expression. Jeremy did that. He caused it. How could he. What kind of a friend was he that he would leave Michael alone to wallow in misery for so many months.
The two of them bail. Jeremy texts Christine to let her know and naturally she's understanding. They continue to talk as they walk back to Michael's place ("Jenna was my ride." "We carpooled."), mostly about how neither of them were too keen on going to the dance but were talked into it. Jenna had openly framed it as a way for the two to reconcile while Jeremy had been left in the dark.
They talk more when they get into the basement. They go more in depth on all the squip stuff and it's the catharsis they need to hug and cry it out. It's at this point that they realize they've yet to change out of their dressy clothes and put on a record to have their own dance. Michael offers Jeremy a hand and, despite the lack of floorspace, share a slow dance that they can actually enjoy.
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ghirganatik · 29 days
marsposting #5
reminiscing my time as an early jjba fan + thought dump as a narancia fan woop
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yk what, sometimes I wish i was a jojo fan during the peak of GW. Like looking at the old memes and trends, as outdated or old as they are now, it must have been really fun to be part of the jjba fandom when part 5 was relevant. I was around for part 6's runtime but I didn't really feel the hype, netflix screwed it over, ik.
I was what? 13? when GW peaked, I saw content and posters of it but I idgaffed bc I was too busy danganronpering. Like cmon, one of my ex-friends spammed me with instagram posts of this narancia plush from this acc called "naranciadaily" and I never really thought much of it, just thinking 'oh, it looks cute!' like GIRL HAD NO IDEA THAT CHARACTER WAS GONNA RUIN HER LIFE IN THREE YEARS./hj
okay saving the narancia talk later, I just, yknow? Kinda wish I was around for the part 5 hype. I've arrived to the JJBA fandom during the airing of late part 5's dub, but that was it. I remember still laughing at kono dio da, and loving the stereotypical "mama bruno and the gang' memes from r/shitpostcrusaders and all.
I was hyperfixated on Giorno and Bruno, on Giorno's birthday in 2020, 13 year old me hung purple and orange (foreshadowing.) streamers made of japanese paper because that was all we had in the house during the pandemic. My room had these streamers and I even microwaved those tiny ass microwavable pizzas to celebrate, then counting down to midnight with Giorno's theme, good times.
Then I'd spend my quarantine days watching Part 5 on my (now defunct) TV in my room, filming my reactions and sending them to online friends. Aside from the anime, I binged on those leitmotif videos and those japanese MAD edits.
No matter how much friendship drama I've caught on, JJBA was always my landing net for some reason. Though at that time I always thought to myself I'd eventually move on after a year or two.
Then on May 2021, Narancia Ghirga happened.
Funny thing, during 2020, I had a period where I disliked Narancia due to his association with someone I had drama with. So sometime during early May 2021, I suddenly found myself hyperfixating on Narancia? Why? That mf was relatable.
But hey, my longest character fixation (Bakugo) lasted a year. So surely Narancia would wear out by 10 months minimum, right? Oh, I was SO wrong.
I'll spare the rest of a details to another post ( unless you want 3 years worth of lore/j ) but it has gotten to the point my literal prom dress was directly inspired by Narancia, I'm known to always play Aerosmith songs in the drums, my teachers in school identify me by my favorite color etc.
Like take Nymphia Wind, but make her orange.
Do I kin Narancia now? Not really, long story to unpack, but I think I've stopped relating to him for all the good reasons. But am I still heavily fixated on him? Yeah. Am I happy? Yup.
the human mind is interesting
So in conclusion uhhh
I miss being an early jojo fan
I wish I was around during part 5's peak
hyperfixation takes you places
not mentioned but do not buy a narancia super action statue on ebay, shit's overpriced LMFAOOO
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 14 days
Sun's dress for this next Lambs and Slaughters chapter. .___. Freddy certainly has taste. I don't know what kind of taste it is but it's certainly different from Sun's usual way of dressing. We're of course picturing this is ELECTRIC NEON BLUE. So...that may have something to do with it.
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angelhummel · 1 year
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I finished up her s2 wardrobe back in August 2021, and have since gotten about halfway through s3. But I’m posting this now. Oops. Brought to you by AngelHummel :)
In season two, Rachel added 176 new outfits to her look book. Britney/Brittany features 12 unique looks - the most of any episode this season - while Furt, Prom Queen, and Funeral are tied for least amount of outfits, with only 5 each.
While there is a whole plotline dedicated to Rachel’s animal sweaters in one episode this season, she doesn’t actually wear that many. This season features six animal sweaters - twice as many as season one - along with a few more animal themed pieces, making a grand total of nine articles of animal themed clothing in s2
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And while Rachel’s sexy schoolgirl librarian chic style still includes plenty of knee high socks, a good chunk of her junior year is spent experimenting with tights, in a whole rainbow of colors. 45 of her outfits feature tights as an accessory
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And while Rachel sported forty plaid skirts in s1, that number drops to only 9 plaid skirts in s2. She’s graduated to wearing mostly dresses this year. She is also seen wearing 16 pairs of pants, though the majority of those are parts of a costume for a group number. The exceptions are two instances of pajamas, and two outfits in Rumors
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Rachel’s headbands also get the spotlight this season, with her instant classic hit single My Headband, which goes on to inspire the whole group to win regionals. While her headband count also disappointingly drops from s1 to s2 (from 17 to a meager 7) she takes this time to branch out and try more accessories. Along with her 7 headbands, she sports 5 hats, a football helmet, and a zombie wig, making for a grand total of 14 dome based accessories
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While I’m sure everyone on the planet can agree Rachel is perfect the way she is, it’s also a lot of fun to see her dress up and pretend to be someone else. From Britney to Blame It, from celibate to Chicago, from jock to Janet, from competition to coordinated group outfit, Rachel sported 22 fun costumes this year
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Now onto her most popular colors! Of course some outfits could fit into more than one color category, since Rachel isn’t afraid to mix a lot of colors into one ensemble
Honorable mentions this season are yellow and pink, with 12 and 14 outfits prominently featuring those colors, respectively
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For fourth most popular color worn by Rachel Berry in s2, we have blue with 21 outfits
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Third place is a tie between red and black, with 31 outfits each
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Navy takes second place with 32 looks (I separated it from regular blue bc they feel too distinct, but if you combine them all then blue sweep with 53 looks)
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And finally in first place with a grand total of 35 outfits is Rachel’s most popular color - or lack thereof - ...white!
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And now for the most important part of this whole thing...
My Top 10 Rachel Looks of Season Two:
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morg-among-the-stars · 3 months
Happy March 29th, or as the nerds I'm friends with know it to be, Happy "Sing to Me Instead" Day!
While I could do my yearly raving about the album, I want to take a different approach and talk about the times of my life that coincided with Ben's music as a whole being released.
"Sing to Me Instead" came out in March of 2019 (5 years ago today!) I was 14 years old and newly coming into my queer identity. The music video for "Ease My Mind," a video that shows Ben and a portrayal of his partner in a soft, domestic setting, was legitimately the first time I saw two people of the same gender being happy together in that way. Before that, the word "gay" had been used against me in a derogatory way: "You look gay. / People are going to think you're gay if you dress like that." Not even in the sense of "dressing like a lesbian" (though queerness does not have a dress code, I should make clear), more in the sense of "gay = bad/something you don't want to be." So, to actually see a piece of what gay meant, and to see that it wasn't anything derogatory-- bad-- terrifying... was a huge moment for me. A moment that led me to find other queer media, leading into finding sapphic media such as the musical "The Prom" and music by "The Indigo Girls" and other queer female artists who I still love now, all this time later.
"Reverie" came out in August of 2021. I was 17 and happy with my identity, not dealing with the confusion and fear that I had felt amidst "Sing to Me Instead." I had entered my first ever relationship and thought I felt "reverie"-- pleasant daydreaming, calm, joy-- boy, oh, boy was I wrong. It was a love that hurt, a love that kicked me when I was down and bruised me. "dark times" and "leave my mind" were looped a lot, all the time, 24/7, because that was what helped me to drown out those words that person spewed to me, the words that bruised, slithered into my mind and heart and stuck like super glue-- so terribly hard to wash away-- and kicked me down far into a pit that I spent quite a long, long, long time digging myself out of. Thankfully, I am out of that pit, though the words haunt me sometimes. They fade with every passing day. Thank goodness.
"Honeymind" will come out on May 31st of this year. I will be 19 (as I am now). By then, my partner (@strawberryfemmesapphic) and I will have been together for a year. And while the album will not release on our anniversary (because Ben does not line up his release dates for one specific lesbian couple haha), it will be close enough. The way Ben describes love with this album's concept-- "my love for him somehow softens things up and slows it all down. Like all the jagged thoughts and fears and anxieties always jutting out in my brain are slowly smoothed out, until my whole mind is thickly coated and dripping with pervading warmth and sweetness."-- is the best way I can describe what I feel for her. I don't like to use other people's words, but this reigns true. The softness and ease I feel by just hearing their voice is unmatched. I sometimes visualize my thoughts as if they are tumbling downward like the scene in "Alice in Wonderland," where Alice first falls down the rabbit hole into Wonderland; falling fast and not easily able to climb back up the hole. (There I go using someone else's work to prove my point). Their voice alone can help my thoughts not be as scattered and to smooth out in a more manageable way. They view it as rambling, I view it as helping me in a way I have never been helped before. She gives me honeymind. After all the previously mentioned confusion and fear and heartache and sleepless nights, I have honeymind. My heart is safe, through every twist and turn it took for our paths to cross.
So, all in all, I am unbelievably grateful for Ben's music. These albums and songs have helped me through the most vulnerable times of growing into my teenage years and growing into my queerness. Finding and growing into healthy love, too.
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chrashley · 3 months
Which of the counselors would be virgins and which ones already lost their virginity?
i am SO glad you asked. i'm placing this at pre-game, so anything mentioned in this post happened before the summer of 2021
ryan's experience extends to a single time his freshman year girlfriend groped him over his dress pants during a school dance and he was not a fan. in a "why do people even really do this? it isn't fun" way, which is understandable, because a dry inexperienced groping session doesn't seem incredibly evoking. he was 15.
dylan had his first time in the back of a too-small car with his boyfriend after his junior prom- he bottomed because his boyfriend wanted him to- and it was awful. he laughs about it now because it's extremely funny that he had really bad sex in a vw beetle at the age of 17 and the height of 6'1". he always remembers to add that one lube packet is not enough lube for first time car anal
kaitlyn's first time was arranged on a dating app with a girl she didn't think would like her back- and it turns out she really didn't- but despite the two ending up more platonic friends going into senior year, kaitlyn can proudly say she made a girl cum on the first try
as mentioned in my postgame kids headcanons post, abi has a strong fear of intimacy. she hasn't even kissed anyone yet by the time the game starts, and she's barely even experienced a crush, which is why she's so incredibly careful when stepping into more with nick. she has a lot of body image and self worth issues to work through before she'll be truly comfortable with sex.
based on things emma says about other people's relationships, you would think she's had tons of experience, but she hasn't- she had her first time with a boy from the varsity cross country team when she was 16. it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't memorable, and she often finds herself wishing she had waited for someone more meaningful to come around instead of someone who just wanted her for her looks
before he met emma, jacob was a virgin. he talks mad shit about nick never seeing a girl naked, but he's projecting- he spent too much time focusing on sports and hosting parties in high school to get too interested in girls. he wants people to think the opposite, however, so he tends to unknowingly judge others harshly about how he perceives their sexual experience.
nick had a steady girlfriend in high school back in australia, but nobody at camp really believes him. it's true, though- he had his first time with her when he was 16 and she was 17, and he regards it as a very positive experience. they were quite active together before she broke it off with him (amicably) to go to college in another city. they're still in contact, but they've moved on from each other romantically.
max and laura were each other's first time. max panicked and proposed immediately afterwards because he was raised religious and didn't know sex didn't immediately make you pregnant. laura explained this to max but promised him that she would say yes to marrying him once they weren't newly 18.
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sonicphobia0601 · 4 months
Well... I guess it's time for me to be serious. This marks the seven year anniversary of my dad passing away. I still remember the date.
February 11, 2018. I was in my dad's room, watching videos on YouTube and playing Sonic Dash on my tablet. With zero explanation, at 4:30, I lost complete interest in what I was doing. It was raining. My mom came home that night and told me the bad news. That night, I said goodbye to my dad for the last time.
We had his memorial gathering on his birthday. It was supposed to be his sixtieth birthday. A lot of people came to see my family, including the kind of family I don't like giving attention to.
Enough pity on the past!
Why don't you show how you grew as a person? I know you miss your dad, but show what happened afterwards!
Okay then.
2018: Dad died. The beginning of my development of personality started here. After my dad died, I only took one day off from school. I had prom on my 18th birthday and was the only time I pulled a complete all nighter due to attending prom and post prom. I graduated high school that year with cum laude. I start college living on campus that fall. And let me tell you, it's not 100% like the movies. I was on the Cheer team and accidentally discovered my love for horror, playing a bunch of FNAF. I start playing Sonic games, discovering that I actually loved Sonic. Yes, I wrote fanfiction at 16, but it was cringe and trauma dumping at its finest.
2019: I befriend the class snitch (big mistake), got gaslit by both the head of the special needs program along with the class snitch. Ended up alone. Had a mental breakdown that resulted in me getting suspended indefinitely (not proud of myself). Slowly figured out that I wasn't exactly straight.
2020: Remember that suspension from 2019? Well, it cost me a scholarship but it is a blessing in disguise... Because while I was suspended, I was not allowed on campus. And we all know what happened in March of that year. I completely avoided a tactical nuke because of my suspension. It turned out, my old college had a big outbreak of COVID. I honestly enjoyed the first part of COVID because it was quiet and no overstimulating activity happened outside. Got myself a temporary job at a gym as a custodian. It was nasty but the people there liked me. I completed Portal 2. And I attended a Halloween wedding that year. I dressed as a plague doctor for the XDs. That was fun. And I start writing on Wattpad.
2021: Uh... I'm not talking about what transpired here. But long story short, if you are drinking alcohol, GO SLOWLY. You'll thank me later. And that was when I learned of Poppy Playtime. I thought it was an April Fools prank by Zamination. It wasn't. Had fun playing it. And I start college in a community college. I decided to try Archive of Our Own as an outlet for my much darker stories.
2022: I kept getting misgendered online. So I started using they/them because of the obvious mistake. So now I figured out I'm pansexual and nonbinary.
2023: I entered the Billie Bust Up fandom because I found a short on YouTube, specifically one of Barnaby. Got curious. Fell in love with the game. Rest is history. Started a cosplay on Barnaby. Taught myself how to stim discreetly. (Yes, I borrowed Fantoccio's face pat stim)
Now, here we are. 2024. I wonder how much I would grow.
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📚, (because I'm tired I don't have the energy to pop the questions in 😂😂💕😭), 🗓️ and 🗃️!! :D
(Sorry I took so long to answer. Its been a busy long weekend)
📚 What are some books that have influenced your style?
Well I tend to absorb the cadences of whatever I'm reading/ listening to at the moment. So definitely lots of Austen. I do love Jane Eyre but I oddly don't think brontë sticks in my head. I recently listened to North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell, and that very much did influence me. Especially in how to write characters being very very aware of each other and also physical descriptions. The Bloody Chamber, by Angela Carter is something I go back to continually when I feel that I need to re-center my prose. If I feel off about what I'm writing I go back to The Bloody Chamber (Specifically the eponymous short story). Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens has also made its impact, especially when I'm writing about the goings on in the opera house. (Also feel like Erik appreciates how central stalking is to both of the principal romances in that story).
Any story by HP Lovecraft will get me going on detailed descriptions and florid prose. I've also been listening to The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but I can't say that's come through in my writing very much yet. We'll see though...
🗓 How long have you been writing for?
Including my very underdeveloped anime fanfic exploits back in the days of Quizilla? About 12 years, but there's a big gap from about 2013-2021. So only the years I've actively been writing? About 5.
🗃 How many wips/projects are you currently writing?
If we're only counting projects that I've actually written words for? Just two: When the Longing Returns, and the, as yet, still-in-scraps Moonrise, a fic about my Twilight OC, Ada and what she was doing during new moon.
If we're also counting projects I may potentially do at some point in the near(ish) future, then it would be four: the two above, plus two others. One, a poto priest!AU called Walking on Hallowed Ground, and the other a companion piece to What Do You Offer by @sloanedestler about what's happening on Raoul's side of the wall.
I've also been flirting with the idea of an EdBella fic inspired by the song Blue Dress by Depeche Mode, which may or may not involve further use of Bella's scandalous Emmanuel Ungarro prom dress.
So then maybe 5?
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werewolftism · 1 year
starting to consider a suit for prom. idk for sure yet \.\ i haven’t worn one since homecoming in like 2021(?) and i can’t find a dress so far lol
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