a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
dinos are so weird that penguins didn't even make the top ten
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tysonfurybattlepass · 10 months
Hawks are in the parrot family!?
Tell me more. For my Dungeon and Dragon Science Research.
actually, falcons are the ones who i referred to as “assault parrots”, not hawks. and well, they’re not in the parrot family per se. that was hyperbole on my end to make the trivia into more of a joke.
falcons are actually their own family, falconidae, which is placed inside the order falconiformes along with the currently surviving caracaras plus some extinct birds. the group that we consider true parrots just happens to be the closest evolutionary relative of falconiformes that we know of!
essentially, taxonomic relationships just measure how long two groups have been reproductively separated. in that regard, the group that has been separated from falcons for the least amount of time, and is therefore the closest related to them, is the large clade psittacopasserae, which includes parrots (psittaciformes) and songbirds (passeriformes)!
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as you can see here, falcons split off from the common ancestor of parrots and songbirds (the ancestor of all psittacopasserae) before parrots and songbirds were even distinct from each other. because this is the most recent split that the falconiforme order has experienced, we consider the other clade involved to be its closest living relative. the accipitriformes, which includes hawks and eagles, are actually really far away from falcons comparatively. the reason they look so similar now is because both groups evolved similar traits to help them with similar carnivorous lifestyles (convergent evolution).
taxonomy is really messy though, and even though psittacopasserae is the closest relative group that falcons have, they’re still pretty distant. the fact that falcons and parrots are not even in the same order is put into perspective when you realize that cats are in the same order as dogs. that’s how distinct these two groups of birds are!
still, it is funny to think that two animals that are so differently perceived by us are actually the taxonomic equivalent of cousins.
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ARGONUS INFO: the Elkinets, an "advanced" guide
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[this is a single image best view if opened in a new tab. the top image was the first formal post about them, before i actually started my argonus worldbuilding series]
[re-uploaded due to original being posted from main]
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[tumblr edit: this guide is meant to be a "basic" guide to the elkinets themselves. obviously, because they represent airplanes and airplane-like drones, they come in such a wide variety. also, idk how the formatting is, so excuse any issues and mistakes. i also edited some grammar issues as well. ]
GENERAL BASICS elkinets, on the surface, look like your everyday generic aeromorph, that is a living aircraft with a humanoid shape (a rather "basic" one at that).
they have a clearly defined head, neck, body and tail. they stand on two legs, and the wings act as arms and hands when not used for flight. however, there are some things that separate them from other similar aeromorphs.
-excluding the engines (Later on that), they and the other aeronoids both have an entirely biological existence and an evolutionary background, being highly derived from argonus's early Psittacopasserae birds (parrots and passeriformes) during the late paleocene.
-the legs and feet aren't landing gear, rather they are much like that of birds and theropods, further reflecting on their evolutionary past.
-their skin is soft and leathery, not unlike that of a human's (kinda creepy, but whatever) it is, however, comparably the same thickness as our own.
-their cockpit / canopy / windows are purely aesthetic, having no real function. it is solid in color and made of skin like the rest of the body (they are often called "canopy/window integument")
-they have a skeletal structure not unlike other tetrapod's, alongside organs as well.
-there exist a dwarf / pygmy version of them, which occurs when there is a lack of natural resources.
 now that's established some of the basics, we can get into the specifics of it. BODY SYSTEMS      being a tetrapod, they have various organ functions, though here are listed some of the important one:
SKELETON: the skeleton of an elkinet is still similar to birds, but there are a few highly-derived parts of it. two major examples are the skull and arms.     much of the skin covers the head like it would with the skull. it has lips to cover the "teeth", keeping them lubricated with saliva. these "teeth" aren't actually true teeth despite initial appearances. they are instead tomium (what geese have) that have the same function as canines, premolars and molars, covered in the same material as the beak. their incisors, however, are what's left of the actual beak they once had. both the beak and teeth constantly are growing, and while the process of mastication (chewing/grinding of the teeth) is often enough to keep them trimmed down, proper dental care is still required.     the arms are also very derived from the original animal. everything is normal right up to the metacarpals, where we see the metacarpals small and atrophied. the metacarpal isn't completely useless, since it (alongside some cartilage) help anchor down the many muscles that make up the other half of the arm.      just like modern birds, the bones are hollow. this allows them to stay relatively light in weight so they can much easily fly, but does raise the risk of injuring those bones. this is especially a problem with older, larger individuals.
MUSCLES: an elkinet's strength varies from aircraft to aircraft, but in any case they are pretty muscular regardless.     the area with the most muscles are the half end of their wings. these muscles help move and control the rest of the wings, but more importantly they help manipulate objects. this is, obviously, because they have no fingers, so having those muscles are really useful for delicate task like writing.     their legs are also pretty muscular, which is a given since they use them for getting around on the ground as well as taking off and landing.      the tail stabilizers, canards and prop blades can also move around. those parts can move in a similar fashion to the wings, though more weaker and are often used as more of displaying emotions.
RESPIRATORY AND CIRCULATORY: while two different body systems, they go hand and hand together.      -respiratory- the elkinets have a strong respiratory system. their lungs are large, having various air sacks to help with gas exchange. in addition, elkinets have re-evolves diaphragms. elkinets primarily breath through their nostrils, which can sometimes hide behind the engine intake if said engine is on the face.     -circulatory- elkinets have a four-chambered heart, not unlike any other tetrapod. their blood is red, and so is a fresh wound. however, said wound then turns grey during the healing process (unless injury is permanent, then it stays gray). apart from where you'd usually find mass amounts of blood flow, the engines are also a major place for blood to go through, especially if being used in flight.     the engines is always loosely connected to both circulatory and respiratory systems. when running, the engines can take in oxygen and puts it into the bloodstream. this is, however, not super effective since it only takes in 1/10 the amount than the lungs.
DIGESTION: contrary to what one may think, elkinets do not consume jet fuel, nor any kind of fuel, rather they eat actual food.     elkinest are, for the most part, just as omnivorous as we are. they are capable of consuming both plants and meat, and have been domesticating animals and plants for food for many, many centuries. however, exactly which one they consume the most can vary. for example, larger aircraft may stick to a more vegetarian / vegan diet because plants are far more easier to produce and yield more food than animals. on the otherhand, some places don't have much land for growing crops, so they stick to eating mostly animals. and, of course, we cant forget about the various cultures and what they eat as well.     since the elkinets have the tomium to help grind down food, they have de-evolved their gizzards as they serve no real purpose anymore. they do, however, still have a cloaca, the single hole on their butt that used for everything down their (waste + reproduction).
REPRODUCTION: i won't dwell on this too long since i don't like talking about it. all you need to know is that while their cloaca conceals their reproductive parts, they still have the usual reproduction organ that most other tetrapods have. they also lay eggs, like birds
now we head to the rest of the body and their physical appearances.
HEAD:     like said with the skeleton, elkinets have a reduced beak that act as incisors while the tomium act as the rest of the teeth. but apart from that, what else is going on?
-canopy/cockpit: like said in the beginning, the canopy has zero function, at least by our terms. they do, however, serve as identifying features between individuals. the color of it will vary; most of the time it's some shade / hue of blue, but it can also be any color. the canopies' color always stands out from the rest of the rest of the body.
-eyes: eyes are rather human-like in shape, but the general style of them can vary. regardless, elkinets always have a clearly defined pupil and iris. and they come in a wide variety of colors (another way of identifying individuals). in very rare instances with trainer aircraft (particularly ones with separate canopies), the elkinet may have four eyes, much like the other argonian fauna. it's unclear why it's specific to trainer aircraft and not other kinds.
-ears: the one thing that remains consitant with the rest of argonian vertbrates are their ears; they have four earholes, which are covered by a flap of skin akin to an earlobe. they are desgined to protect their hearing durring flight.
-fangs: sometimes the canine part of the tomium can stick out of the mouth. these are usually small and dont create much of an issue.
NECK & BODY     all elkinets have a neck, however short they may be. the neck and spine are very flexible, and the neck can turn a near 180 degrees. when standing, the body creates and S-like shape. although they may look top-heavy, they're center of gravity is actually around the pelvic region (Often helped with the tail), so they don't constantly fall over.
ARMS / WINGS     the "hand" part of the wing is called the "paw", and in spite of it's shape it is extremely dexterous. alongside the muscles at the wingtips that control the appendage, the paw's underside (their "palms" so to speak) are as soft and sensitive as our fingers. the palms, as well as the underside of the paw in general, are also covered in setae (same stuff some geckos have), which they can control to hold / drop items. this allows them to hold smaller objects without moving much of the wingtip's' muscles.     the length of the arm, regardless of aircraft, is always long enough to do basic arm stuff (grab, stretch etc.). they are also never past the neck of the elkinet, and are always directly connected to the body around the chest /abdomen area. in the multiplanes (biplanes, quadplanes, ect), there are no support beams between the wings, and as expected those extra wings will also function as arms.
LEGS AND FEET    the legs of the elkinet are directly underneath the wings. although no longer needing to live in the trees like their passeriform relatives, most elkinet feet still are still capable of and used for perching and grabbing onto stuff. with some of the longer-winged aircraft, there comes longer legs to keep the wings from dragging onto the ground. the colors of the legs are always greyish in color, though can have a little tint to them. there are five major feet types when it comes to variations:
-standard anisodactyl: one of the most common leg types, all aircraft can be born with anisodactyl feet. these kinds of feet are not exclusive to one aircraft type, though sometimes they're more rarer in some types of aircraft than other.
-zygodactyl: another very common and non-exclusive feet type, these kinds of feet are more common in the smaller and lighter aircraft, especially in civilian and non-combat aircraft. some elkinets use zygodactyl feet to hold and manipulate objects, much like parrots do with their feet. skiplanes have a unique variation of this foot type that's semi-palmate (partially-webbed).
-dromaeosaurid: heading to the more exclusive kinds of feet, the dromaeosaurid feet (also known as raptor feet) are only seen in the small and medium-sized aircrafts. they are especially common in combat aircraft like bombers and fighters. although tipped with a large talon, rarely is the big toe ever used in combat outside of the military.
-webbed: while these feet are often in the shape of you average palmate (Like ducks and geese), they can also take the form of lobate feet (Like grebes and coots). they are exclusively seen in seaplanes and very rarely in other types. curiously enough, those rare times are often in navy and coast guard aircraft. as expected, these provide better mobility in water.
-carnosaur: of all the feet types, this is the only one that is incapable of perching or grabbing due to a heavily reduced rear toe. these are only found in transport aircraft and no other kinds have them. they are especially common in some of the biggest and heaviest of them.
TAIL     beyond with flight, the tail also serves as a balancer to keep elkinets on their two legs. the tail is flexible and capable of moving around. the tail can be used as an indicator of emotions; an example is their tail swaying side to side. this is typically associated with being happy or content.      all elkinets have a tailbone and some form of a tail. the twin-boomed aircraft are very interesting, in that their tail is boneless and part of the arm. each boom is separated from each other, allowing them to move independently. when in flight, however, they are held together by setae, same thing on the wingtips. they are limited in movement, however, and are primarily controlled by the base of the boom.
SIZE AND HEIGHTS     from nose to tail, a normal elkinet is around the same lengths as their aircraft counterparts. however, that is not always the case; elkinets also have a pygmy version of them. pygmies are half the size of a normal elkinet, and come into the world of two way; being born by pygmy parents (Most common) or being born from a normal elkinet (very rare). the latter occurs when there is a lack of natural resources (water, food, etc.). this has, historically, happened on island and island continents, but in modern time it became prevalent in places of poverty. apart from the size, they're about the same as a normal elkinet. sometimes, especially with some of the smallest aircraft, pygmies can be smaller than humans.     with individuals, however, there are some variations in size much like us. some individuals of the same age and kind can vary a little bit. this is especially in females, since they tend to be slightly larger than males.
GENDER DIMOPHISM     female and male elkinets look almost identical, though there are some external giveaways to their gender.
-females: females, like said previously, are slightly larger than males. in addition they'll have some much fuller eyelashes, and often have a slightly more curved chest than the males (of which is mostly fat)
-males: the almost opposite, males are slightly smaller, with a flat chest and less full eyelashes (or in my drawing style no eyelashes).
[tumblr edit: later on, i would call males "toms" and females "sheplanes". also, yes, i know, typical "girl vs boy" anthropomorphisation. come complain to me..]
COLORS AND LIVERY     contrary to our aircraft, elkients do not have any obvious letters, numbers or symbols as part of their liveries. they only have colors, patterns and markings (seen on last image). at most they'll have markings that very, very vaguely look like said symbols. the closest thing to having those as part of their livery is if it's tatooed on, otherwise it is worn as some form of clothing or accessory.     while most of their livery is based on their real-world counterpart, they practically can have any kind of colors and liveries.
    all elkinets are part of the genus aeros, and because of how closely related different kinds are, there is indeed a possibility to get a hybrid. between different aircraft, hybrids can vary from uncommon to very rare. in all cases, hybrid elkinets are usually a mix-and-match thing, having certain physical attributes greatly resembling one parent than the other, the most common of which is being one parent' species and the other's colors/livery. sometimes, though, other body parts can be taken into account like head, body, tail, engines, etc etc...however, there is more at play than just having the parents be two separate species.     see, what comes out depends on the size difference between the parents. usually, the rule of thumb is that the smaller the mother is compared to the father, the more likely it is the baby will be the mother's species. here, i have a set of examples (disclaimer, I'm horrible at percentages):
if the mother's smaller than the father, it's the following statistics: -60%-90% chance of baby being mother's species -30%-5% chance to be father's species -10%-5% chance of baby being hybrid
if father's smaller than the mother, the statistics are swapped: -60%-90% chance of baby being father's species -30%-5% chance of baby being mother's species -10%-5% chance of baby being a hybrid
if both parents are close to or of exact same size, then it's different: -35%-40% chance of baby being father's species -35%-40% chance of baby being mother's species -30%-20% chance of baby being hybrid 
    of course, this is if the baby is conceived naturally. though, in the more modern age, parents can instead go to specialist to have their baby artificially conceived. the most common way of doing this is having a fertilized egg sit in an artificial "womb" until it developed into a more proper elkinet egg. these artificially conception creates the same chances of what comes out as if the parents were of same size. this method, however, is pretty costly and does require the two parents to go through paperwork and make sure that they're capable of taking care of the child.
ENGINES AND FLIGHT     just like real-world aircraft, elkinets are fully capable of flight. however, their flight is pretty different than our aircraft.
ENGINES: the elkinets fly primarily with their engines. the engines are near-identical to our non-living aircraft, having the near same mechanisms and what not, particularly the insides of it (fanblade, compressors, turbines, ect). however, the materials are actually partially-biological, having keratin make up at least 30% of those part. this makes elkinets (alongside all other aeronoids) one of the very few times a biomechanical organism has evolved naturally.     another thing that sets the elkinet's engines apart from normal aircraft is how resistant they are. things that would normal damage or strait up ruin an normal engine (water, debris, ect) have little to no effect on the elkinet's. their engines (if on the wings) are also firmly attached to the arms via cartilage, so it would take significant force or trauma for them to come off. however, the insides of the engines are also pretty sensitives, and they definitely would feel debris if it was caught up in there. thankfully the debris usually will comes out by itself with a few start-ups.
FLIGHT IN GENERAL: elkinets take off by having their engines at near-full power and either launching themselves into the air or getting a brief running start. once they've got air, engines go into full power and they fly off.      regardless of what aircraft they are or the type of engines they got, all elkinets fly at the subsonic speeds of 200-210 mph (dependent on respective aircraft/engine types). since elkinets have no flaps or speed brakes, they usual stop/slow down by positioning themselves so that they reduce their speed (Much like what birds do when they come to land). elkinets will even deploy reverse thrust if they need to further slow down.     like that famous saying from Issacs newton goes "what goes up must come down", and that stays true for the elkinets. for one, flying itself can burn alot of calories, especially if the engines are constantly running. another thing that limits the amount of time in the air is the fact that they have to hold their arms / wings strait out. while they have evolved to hold their arms out for long periods, they cant hold them out forever.     in addition to normal flight, all elkinets are capable of gliding as well. and, depending on engine placement, they can also hover in the air even if they aren't vtol aircraft themselves. this, like with birds and the above stated, takes up lots of energy.
DEVELOPENT & LIFE CYCLE     like practical any organism, elkinets have a life cycle and different life stages. typically, elkinet on average live for roughly 110-120 years, and have weird developmental stages too. although they reach a certain point where growth is suddenly slowed, elkinets never really stop growing. some of the largest elkinets are also some of the oldest. there are considered five different life stages
EGG (0-3 months): five months after conception's, the mother will give birth to an egg. the egg, while varying in color and sizes depended on species, will always be of the same shape. elkinet eggs are soft and leathery like a lizards, and create their own heat. however the egg must be protected and kept an eye on at all times, should the egg ever hatch or get damaged. the parents can either place the egg in a special nursery, or take the egg wherever they go. the gender of the child can be told two to three weeks prior to hatching via ultrasound.
INFANT (hatchling/hatchlet), 3 months-4 years: when first hatched, the infants eye are closed for the first five days. infants lack the tomnium when first born, an only gain them once two years of age. in the meantime, they are fed bland, pureed food (Not unlike our baby food), or if one to go the all-natural route, pre-chewed food.     infant elkinets begin "walking" at age 5-8 months. or, more accurately, hopping. they start by bunny-hopping, that is lopping on all fours not unlike that of a rabbit. eventually, they'll begin to clumsily hop on two legs like a drunk kangaroo, and later at age 3, begin to walk normally. infants, before they're able to start talking, will make various chirps and hisses (which is said to be very much like that of a cheetah cub, caracal or baby racoon). they are also, obviously, incapable of flight since they lack the parts nessisarly to fly.
CHILD (aeroling), 4-14 years: at this age, not only are they talking and eating solid foods, but they've also developed the engine parts that allow them to fly. however, the engine are still very weak; at most they can glide short distances, so they need to exercise them in order to be able to properly developed flight. it's also at this age that they're put into the education system.
TEEN (Middling), 14-27: the midway point from child to adult. at exactly 16-17 they're considered sexually mature, however it is considered that the age of 22 is the appropriate age of consent. at this point, they're fully capable of flight, and at 19 they're considered old enough to work, go to collage or join the military.
ADULT (30-90): at this point, the growth is heavily slowed, but not stopped. apart from that, this is your typical adult stages you'd expect.
ELDERLY (100-130+): the final stages, elkinets begin to loose their flying abilities as their engines begin to weaken. any form of bright colors they had become darker and duller, and their health complications begin to rise. most elkinets will end up with mobility issues and will inevitable be unable to walk. usually these complications strikes larger aircraft earlier than the smaller ones
now, in some freak circumstances an elkinet's growth does not slow down much, if at all. it's very rare, and this most commonly happen in the pygmy elkinets. while this does sound cool, it only leads to a shorter lifespan.
MISC TRIVIA  here, i have some various info and facts about the elkinets that don't entirely fit into the different points.
-elkinets, and practically all other aeronoids can survives slightly more hotter /colder temperatures than we do. they've only go into hypothermia (cold) when their body temperature hits 89.6 F, and hyperthermia (hot) when it hits 105.8 F. both those temperatures would kill us humans without immediate help. however they obviously try to avoid those dangers and will stay cool / warm when they can.
-elkinets will also wear clothing and accessories, not just for the above reasons but also for other reasons like vanity or rules and regulations.
-elkinets do indeed have vehicles. not surprisingly, most of them are aerial-base, but there are a plethora of land and water ones too. most of these vehicles, however, don't go as fast as you think. with the flying vehicles, they only go slightly faster than the fastest elkinets, if not the same speed as them. they're primarily used for long-distance travel and heavy transport.
-adult elkinets still do make animalistic noise, though unlike when they're young these noises are more akin to large carnivorans, such as growls, roars, screeches, and yowls. however, the noises aren't part of their actual language, they're more of sounds that display certain emotions. 
-while capable of eating thing us humans can eat, there are also some foods they only they're capable of eating. holly berries are a good example, as they've been domesticating them for years for things like pastry filling, candy and rum (which, funny enough, made them less poisonous to humans).
-elkinets prefer to sleep on the bellies as it's more comfortable as apposed to sleeping on their backs
-elkinets usually do not naturally have any armaments to them whatsoever (missiles, guns, ect). those are usually part of armored suites worn by the military.
anyways, that's this post for now.
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ARGONUS INFO: the Elkinets, an "advanced" guide
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[this is a single image best view if opened in a new tab. the top image was the first formal post about them, before i actually started my argonus worldbuilding series]
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[tumblr edit: this guide is meant to be a "basic" guide to the elkinets themselves. obviously, because they represent airplanes and airplane-like drones, they come in such a wide variety. also, idk how the formatting is, so excuse any issues and mistakes. i also edited some grammar issues as well. ]
GENERAL BASICS elkinets, on the surface, look like your everyday generic aeromorph, that is a living aircraft with a humanoid shape (a rather "basic" one at that).
they have a clearly defined head, neck, body and tail. they stand on two legs, and the wings act as arms and hands when not used for flight. however, there are some things that separate them from other similar aeromorphs.
-excluding the engines (Later on that), they and the other aeronoids both have an entirely biological existence and an evolutionary background, being highly derived from argonus's early Psittacopasserae birds (parrots and passeriformes) during the late paleocene.
-the legs and feet aren't landing gear, rather they are much like that of birds and theropods, further reflecting on their evolutionary past.
-their skin is soft and leathery, not unlike that of a human's (kinda creepy, but whatever) it is, however, comparably the same thickness as our own.
-their cockpit / canopy / windows are purely aesthetic, having no real function. it is solid in color and made of skin like the rest of the body (they are often called "canopy/window integument")
-they have a skeletal structure not unlike other tetrapod's, alongside organs as well.
-there exist a dwarf / pygmy version of them, which occurs when there is a lack of natural resources.
 now that's established some of the basics, we can get into the specifics of it. BODY SYSTEMS      being a tetrapod, they have various organ functions, though here are listed some of the important one:
SKELETON: the skeleton of an elkinet is still similar to birds, but there are a few highly-derived parts of it. two major examples are the skull and arms.     much of the skin covers the head like it would with the skull. it has lips to cover the "teeth", keeping them lubricated with saliva. these "teeth" aren't actually true teeth despite initial appearances. they are instead tomium (what geese have) that have the same function as canines, premolars and molars, covered in the same material as the beak. their incisors, however, are what's left of the actual beak they once had. both the beak and teeth constantly are growing, and while the process of mastication (chewing/grinding of the teeth) is often enough to keep them trimmed down, proper dental care is still required.     the arms are also very derived from the original animal. everything is normal right up to the metacarpals, where we see the metacarpals small and atrophied. the metacarpal isn't completely useless, since it (alongside some cartilage) help anchor down the many muscles that make up the other half of the arm.      just like modern birds, the bones are hollow. this allows them to stay relatively light in weight so they can much easily fly, but does raise the risk of injuring those bones. this is especially a problem with older, larger individuals.
MUSCLES: an elkinet's strength varies from aircraft to aircraft, but in any case they are pretty muscular regardless.     the area with the most muscles are the half end of their wings. these muscles help move and control the rest of the wings, but more importantly they help manipulate objects. this is, obviously, because they have no fingers, so having those muscles are really useful for delicate task like writing.     their legs are also pretty muscular, which is a given since they use them for getting around on the ground as well as taking off and landing.      the tail stabilizers, canards and prop blades can also move around. those parts can move in a similar fashion to the wings, though more weaker and are often used as more of displaying emotions.
RESPIRATORY AND CIRCULATORY: while two different body systems, they go hand and hand together.      -respiratory- the elkinets have a strong respiratory system. their lungs are large, having various air sacks to help with gas exchange. in addition, elkinets have re-evolves diaphragms. elkinets primarily breath through their nostrils, which can sometimes hide behind the engine intake if said engine is on the face.     -circulatory- elkinets have a four-chambered heart, not unlike any other tetrapod. their blood is red, and so is a fresh wound. however, said wound then turns grey during the healing process (unless injury is permanent, then it stays gray). apart from where you'd usually find mass amounts of blood flow, the engines are also a major place for blood to go through, especially if being used in flight.     the engines is always loosely connected to both circulatory and respiratory systems. when running, the engines can take in oxygen and puts it into the bloodstream. this is, however, not super effective since it only takes in 1/10 the amount than the lungs.
DIGESTION: contrary to what one may think, elkinets do not consume jet fuel, nor any kind of fuel, rather they eat actual food.     elkinest are, for the most part, just as omnivorous as we are. they are capable of consuming both plants and meat, and have been domesticating animals and plants for food for many, many centuries. however, exactly which one they consume the most can vary. for example, larger aircraft may stick to a more vegetarian / vegan diet because plants are far more easier to produce and yield more food than animals. on the otherhand, some places don't have much land for growing crops, so they stick to eating mostly animals. and, of course, we cant forget about the various cultures and what they eat as well.     since the elkinets have the tomium to help grind down food, they have de-evolved their gizzards as they serve no real purpose anymore. they do, however, still have a cloaca, the single hole on their butt that used for everything down their (waste + reproduction).
REPRODUCTION: i won't dwell on this too long since i don't like talking about it. all you need to know is that while their cloaca conceals their reproductive parts, they still have the usual reproduction organ that most other tetrapods have. they also lay eggs, like birds
now we head to the rest of the body and their physical appearances.
HEAD:     like said with the skeleton, elkinets have a reduced beak that act as incisors while the tomium act as the rest of the teeth. but apart from that, what else is going on?
-canopy/cockpit: like said in the beginning, the canopy has zero function, at least by our terms. they do, however, serve as identifying features between individuals. the color of it will vary; most of the time it's some shade / hue of blue, but it can also be any color. the canopies' color always stands out from the rest of the rest of the body.
-eyes: eyes are rather human-like in shape, but the general style of them can vary. regardless, elkinets always have a clearly defined pupil and iris. and they come in a wide variety of colors (another way of identifying individuals). in very rare instances with trainer aircraft (particularly ones with separate canopies), the elkinet may have four eyes, much like the other argonian fauna. it's unclear why it's specific to trainer aircraft and not other kinds.
-ears: the one thing that remains consitant with the rest of argonian vertbrates are their ears; they have four earholes, which are covered by a flap of skin akin to an earlobe. they are desgined to protect their hearing durring flight.
-fangs: sometimes the canine part of the tomium can stick out of the mouth. these are usually small and dont create much of an issue.
NECK & BODY     all elkinets have a neck, however short they may be. the neck and spine are very flexible, and the neck can turn a near 180 degrees. when standing, the body creates and S-like shape. although they may look top-heavy, they're center of gravity is actually around the pelvic region (Often helped with the tail), so they don't constantly fall over.
ARMS / WINGS     the "hand" part of the wing is called the "paw", and in spite of it's shape it is extremely dexterous. alongside the muscles at the wingtips that control the appendage, the paw's underside (their "palms" so to speak) are as soft and sensitive as our fingers. the palms, as well as the underside of the paw in general, are also covered in setae (same stuff some geckos have), which they can control to hold / drop items. this allows them to hold smaller objects without moving much of the wingtip's' muscles.     the length of the arm, regardless of aircraft, is always long enough to do basic arm stuff (grab, stretch etc.). they are also never past the neck of the elkinet, and are always directly connected to the body around the chest /abdomen area. in the multiplanes (biplanes, quadplanes, ect), there are no support beams between the wings, and as expected those extra wings will also function as arms.
LEGS AND FEET    the legs of the elkinet are directly underneath the wings. although no longer needing to live in the trees like their passeriform relatives, most elkinet feet still are still capable of and used for perching and grabbing onto stuff. with some of the longer-winged aircraft, there comes longer legs to keep the wings from dragging onto the ground. the colors of the legs are always greyish in color, though can have a little tint to them. there are five major feet types when it comes to variations:
-standard anisodactyl: one of the most common leg types, all aircraft can be born with anisodactyl feet. these kinds of feet are not exclusive to one aircraft type, though sometimes they're more rarer in some types of aircraft than other.
-zygodactyl: another very common and non-exclusive feet type, these kinds of feet are more common in the smaller and lighter aircraft, especially in civilian and non-combat aircraft. some elkinets use zygodactyl feet to hold and manipulate objects, much like parrots do with their feet. skiplanes have a unique variation of this foot type that's semi-palmate (partially-webbed).
-dromaeosaurid: heading to the more exclusive kinds of feet, the dromaeosaurid feet (also known as raptor feet) are only seen in the small and medium-sized aircrafts. they are especially common in combat aircraft like bombers and fighters. although tipped with a large talon, rarely is the big toe ever used in combat outside of the military.
-webbed: while these feet are often in the shape of you average palmate (Like ducks and geese), they can also take the form of lobate feet (Like grebes and coots). they are exclusively seen in seaplanes and very rarely in other types. curiously enough, those rare times are often in navy and coast guard aircraft. as expected, these provide better mobility in water.
-carnosaur: of all the feet types, this is the only one that is incapable of perching or grabbing due to a heavily reduced rear toe. these are only found in transport aircraft and no other kinds have them. they are especially common in some of the biggest and heaviest of them.
TAIL     beyond with flight, the tail also serves as a balancer to keep elkinets on their two legs. the tail is flexible and capable of moving around. the tail can be used as an indicator of emotions; an example is their tail swaying side to side. this is typically associated with being happy or content.      all elkinets have a tailbone and some form of a tail. the twin-boomed aircraft are very interesting, in that their tail is boneless and part of the arm. each boom is separated from each other, allowing them to move independently. when in flight, however, they are held together by setae, same thing on the wingtips. they are limited in movement, however, and are primarily controlled by the base of the boom.
SIZE AND HEIGHTS     from nose to tail, a normal elkinet is around the same lengths as their aircraft counterparts. however, that is not always the case; elkinets also have a pygmy version of them. pygmies are half the size of a normal elkinet, and come into the world of two way; being born by pygmy parents (Most common) or being born from a normal elkinet (very rare). the latter occurs when there is a lack of natural resources (water, food, etc.). this has, historically, happened on island and island continents, but in modern time it became prevalent in places of poverty. apart from the size, they're about the same as a normal elkinet. sometimes, especially with some of the smallest aircraft, pygmies can be smaller than humans.     with individuals, however, there are some variations in size much like us. some individuals of the same age and kind can vary a little bit. this is especially in females, since they tend to be slightly larger than males.
GENDER DIMOPHISM     female and male elkinets look almost identical, though there are some external giveaways to their gender.
-females: females, like said previously, are slightly larger than males. in addition they'll have some much fuller eyelashes, and often have a slightly more curved chest than the males (of which is mostly fat)
-males: the almost opposite, males are slightly smaller, with a flat chest and less full eyelashes (or in my drawing style no eyelashes).
[tumblr edit: later on, i would call males "toms" and females "sheplanes". also, yes, i know, typical "girl vs boy" anthropomorphisation. come complain to me..]
COLORS AND LIVERY     contrary to our aircraft, elkients do not have any obvious letters, numbers or symbols as part of their liveries. they only have colors, patterns and markings (seen on last image). at most they'll have markings that very, very vaguely look like said symbols. the closest thing to having those as part of their livery is if it's tatooed on, otherwise it is worn as some form of clothing or accessory.     while most of their livery is based on their real-world counterpart, they practically can have any kind of colors and liveries.
    all elkinets are part of the genus aeros, and because of how closely related different kinds are, there is indeed a possibility to get a hybrid. between different aircraft, hybrids can vary from uncommon to very rare. in all cases, hybrid elkinets are usually a mix-and-match thing, having certain physical attributes greatly resembling one parent than the other, the most common of which is being one parent' species and the other's colors/livery. sometimes, though, other body parts can be taken into account like head, body, tail, engines, etc etc...however, there is more at play than just having the parents be two separate species.     see, what comes out depends on the size difference between the parents. usually, the rule of thumb is that the smaller the mother is compared to the father, the more likely it is the baby will be the mother's species. here, i have a set of examples (disclaimer, I'm horrible at percentages):
if the mother's smaller than the father, it's the following statistics: -60%-90% chance of baby being mother's species -30%-5% chance to be father's species -10%-5% chance of baby being hybrid
if father's smaller than the mother, the statistics are swapped: -60%-90% chance of baby being father's species -30%-5% chance of baby being mother's species -10%-5% chance of baby being a hybrid
if both parents are close to or of exact same size, then it's different: -35%-40% chance of baby being father's species -35%-40% chance of baby being mother's species -30%-20% chance of baby being hybrid 
    of course, this is if the baby is conceived naturally. though, in the more modern age, parents can instead go to specialist to have their baby artificially conceived. the most common way of doing this is having a fertilized egg sit in an artificial "womb" until it developed into a more proper elkinet egg. these artificially conception creates the same chances of what comes out as if the parents were of same size. this method, however, is pretty costly and does require the two parents to go through paperwork and make sure that they're capable of taking care of the child.
ENGINES AND FLIGHT     just like real-world aircraft, elkinets are fully capable of flight. however, their flight is pretty different than our aircraft.
ENGINES: the elkinets fly primarily with their engines. the engines are near-identical to our non-living aircraft, having the near same mechanisms and what not, particularly the insides of it (fanblade, compressors, turbines, ect). however, the materials are actually partially-biological, having keratin make up at least 30% of those part. this makes elkinets (alongside all other aeronoids) one of the very few times a biomechanical organism has evolved naturally.     another thing that sets the elkinet's engines apart from normal aircraft is how resistant they are. things that would normal damage or strait up ruin an normal engine (water, debris, ect) have little to no effect on the elkinet's. their engines (if on the wings) are also firmly attached to the arms via cartilage, so it would take significant force or trauma for them to come off. however, the insides of the engines are also pretty sensitives, and they definitely would feel debris if it was caught up in there. thankfully the debris usually will comes out by itself with a few start-ups.
FLIGHT IN GENERAL: elkinets take off by having their engines at near-full power and either launching themselves into the air or getting a brief running start. once they've got air, engines go into full power and they fly off.      regardless of what aircraft they are or the type of engines they got, all elkinets fly at the subsonic speeds of 200-210 mph (dependent on respective aircraft/engine types). since elkinets have no flaps or speed brakes, they usual stop/slow down by positioning themselves so that they reduce their speed (Much like what birds do when they come to land). elkinets will even deploy reverse thrust if they need to further slow down.     like that famous saying from Issacs newton goes "what goes up must come down", and that stays true for the elkinets. for one, flying itself can burn alot of calories, especially if the engines are constantly running. another thing that limits the amount of time in the air is the fact that they have to hold their arms / wings strait out. while they have evolved to hold their arms out for long periods, they cant hold them out forever.     in addition to normal flight, all elkinets are capable of gliding as well. and, depending on engine placement, they can also hover in the air even if they aren't vtol aircraft themselves. this, like with birds and the above stated, takes up lots of energy.
DEVELOPENT & LIFE CYCLE     like practical any organism, elkinets have a life cycle and different life stages. typically, elkinet on average live for roughly 110-120 years, and have weird developmental stages too. although they reach a certain point where growth is suddenly slowed, elkinets never really stop growing. some of the largest elkinets are also some of the oldest. there are considered five different life stages
EGG (0-3 months): five months after conception's, the mother will give birth to an egg. the egg, while varying in color and sizes depended on species, will always be of the same shape. elkinet eggs are soft and leathery like a lizards, and create their own heat. however the egg must be protected and kept an eye on at all times, should the egg ever hatch or get damaged. the parents can either place the egg in a special nursery, or take the egg wherever they go. the gender of the child can be told two to three weeks prior to hatching via ultrasound.
INFANT (hatchling/hatchlet), 3 months-4 years: when first hatched, the infants eye are closed for the first five days. infants lack the tomnium when first born, an only gain them once two years of age. in the meantime, they are fed bland, pureed food (Not unlike our baby food), or if one to go the all-natural route, pre-chewed food.     infant elkinets begin "walking" at age 5-8 months. or, more accurately, hopping. they start by bunny-hopping, that is lopping on all fours not unlike that of a rabbit. eventually, they'll begin to clumsily hop on two legs like a drunk kangaroo, and later at age 3, begin to walk normally. infants, before they're able to start talking, will make various chirps and hisses (which is said to be very much like that of a cheetah cub, caracal or baby racoon). they are also, obviously, incapable of flight since they lack the parts nessisarly to fly.
CHILD (aeroling), 4-14 years: at this age, not only are they talking and eating solid foods, but they've also developed the engine parts that allow them to fly. however, the engine are still very weak; at most they can glide short distances, so they need to exercise them in order to be able to properly developed flight. it's also at this age that they're put into the education system.
TEEN (Middling), 14-27: the midway point from child to adult. at exactly 16-17 they're considered sexually mature, however it is considered that the age of 22 is the appropriate age of consent. at this point, they're fully capable of flight, and at 19 they're considered old enough to work, go to collage or join the military.
ADULT (30-90): at this point, the growth is heavily slowed, but not stopped. apart from that, this is your typical adult stages you'd expect.
ELDERLY (100-130+): the final stages, elkinets begin to loose their flying abilities as their engines begin to weaken. any form of bright colors they had become darker and duller, and their health complications begin to rise. most elkinets will end up with mobility issues and will inevitable be unable to walk. usually these complications strikes larger aircraft earlier than the smaller ones
now, in some freak circumstances an elkinet's growth does not slow down much, if at all. it's very rare, and this most commonly happen in the pygmy elkinets. while this does sound cool, it only leads to a shorter lifespan.
MISC TRIVIA  here, i have some various info and facts about the elkinets that don't entirely fit into the different points.
-elkinets, and practically all other aeronoids can survives slightly more hotter /colder temperatures than we do. they've only go into hypothermia (cold) when their body temperature hits 89.6 F, and hyperthermia (hot) when it hits 105.8 F. both those temperatures would kill us humans without immediate help. however they obviously try to avoid those dangers and will stay cool / warm when they can.
-elkinets will also wear clothing and accessories, not just for the above reasons but also for other reasons like vanity or rules and regulations.
-elkinets do indeed have vehicles. not surprisingly, most of them are aerial-base, but there are a plethora of land and water ones too. most of these vehicles, however, don't go as fast as you think. with the flying vehicles, they only go slightly faster than the fastest elkinets, if not the same speed as them. they're primarily used for long-distance travel and heavy transport.
-adult elkinets still do make animalistic noise, though unlike when they're young these noises are more akin to large carnivorans, such as growls, roars, screeches, and yowls. however, the noises aren't part of their actual language, they're more of sounds that display certain emotions. 
-while capable of eating thing us humans can eat, there are also some foods they only they're capable of eating. holly berries are a good example, as they've been domesticating them for years for things like pastry filling, candy and rum (which, funny enough, made them less poisonous to humans).
-elkinets prefer to sleep on the bellies as it's more comfortable as apposed to sleeping on their backs
-elkinets usually do not naturally have any armaments to them whatsoever (missiles, guns, ect). those are usually part of armored suites worn by the military.
anyways, that's this post for now.
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egiyokkomal · 2 years
Birds Birds are part of our natural ecosystem and help in many processes, such as pollination that help plants grow. Many types of birds can be classified based on size, weight, mannerisms, etc. Birds are warm-blooded with beautiful feathers, wings, and lay eggs. Many scientists believe theropod dinosaurs are the ones from where birds evolved and have 10000 species of birds worldwide. Every year 20% of birds migrate over long distances. Types of Birds
Toucan: the toucan is one of the beautiful beast birds which belongs to a family of Ramphastidae. This family is closely related to American barbets. The name of this bird is Portuguese.
King Fisher: Kingfisher belongs to a family of Alcedinidae and has three other families like Alcedinidae, Halcyonidae, and Cerylidae. This beautiful bird belongs to the families that contain rivers, trees, and water kingfishers. There are about 90 species of kingfishers.
Parrots: Of the types of pet birds, a parrot is one. The scientific name of the parrot is Psittaciformes. They belong to a family of Psittacopasserae. These are mostly found in subtropical and tropical regions. There are about 372 species in existence in 86 general.
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animalids · 2 years
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Burchell's starling (Lamprotornis australis)
Photo by GEO M I
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wonder-rooms · 3 years
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Parrots on Sticks (c.1648-1709) - Johan Teyler
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dendroica · 4 years
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American Robin (by me)
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wingedjewels · 7 years
Singing Carolina Wren by John Beetham
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albertonykus · 3 years
My understanding of phylogenetics is definitely limited so maybe I'm the one who's been getting it wrong this entire time, but if you haven't done so already would you mind explaining the studies about falcons being part of the Australaves clade? I find a lot of people saying things like "falcons are closely related to parrots" which I feel is a bit misleading, but again I could be wrong. Thanks in advance!
Sure! Australaves is the name given to a clade containing the seriemas, falcons, parrots, and passeriform birds. This group was first discovered by genetic analyses in the mid-2000s. As one might expect, this was a very unexpected finding, because prior to this no one had considered that all of these birds might be closely related to each other. (For example, seriemas were traditionally thought to be more closely related to cranes, falcons were thought to be more closely related to hawks, passeriforms were thought to be more closely related to woodpeckers, and so on.)
However, many more genetic studies on birds have been done since then by different research teams sampling different types of genes, vastly greater amounts of genetic data, and larger numbers of bird species, and Australaves has been consistently supported by nearly all of these. We can be pretty confident at this point that Australaves is a real clade.
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Within Australaves, parrots and passeriforms are each other’s closest living relatives, and falcons are most closely related to the clade uniting both of them (which has been given the long name of Psittacopasserae). So it would not be incorrect to say that falcons are closely related to parrots, because parrots are indeed among the closest living relatives that falcons have.
However, I’ve occasionally seen people claim that parrots alone are the closest living relatives of falcons, and that is not correct. Instead, parrots and passeriforms are together the closest living relatives of falcons, and falcons are equally closely related to both (much like how a pair of siblings is equally closely related to their first cousin, instead of the cousin being more closely related to one sibling than to the other). The group containing falcons, parrots, and passeriforms (but not seriemas) has another mouthful of a name, Eufalconimorphae!
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blues-sevenfold · 6 years
World Building: Population Ratios in Daemon Universe and Balloon Universe (And Other Stuff)
* Before I get into figuring out the population of the sapient species in this universe, here are a few things to consider. The Atlantean apocolypse is believed to have occurred about 12 millennia ago - at which point, a few thousand Atlanteans were temporally displaced into the present (about five centuries ago). A few millennia afterward is when humans evolved to have daemons.
* There was a significant period of time between the two occurrences that humans were warring with each other. However, humans have not been at war since they had daemons. The human and daemon typically learn, at the very young age, that if they attempt to harm each other - they are only harming themselves!! From that, they learn the basic ethics of mutual respect and cooperation without needing to officially be taught that. As such, they quickly learn to apply such ethics in other relationships.
* As humans *are* natural predators, they still eat meat (although, vegetarians do exist). However, they don’t partake in excessive hunting or factory farming. As such, neither bears nor birds have been an endangered species. I had to go to Quora to ask about the global bear population, as Google wasn’t being of much help in that answer. The answers I’ve gotten were quite enlightening in regard to why it *is* difficult to really calculate the total amount of existing bears (only eight bear species in real life are still extant [non-extinct]) - and it turns out that the total bear population in real life is significantly less populous than humans.
* Two factors drastically reverse the bear-to-human population ratio. As birth control is much more globally embraced in the Daemon Universe, coupled with the fact that forced human breeding had not occurred in recent history - the human population has decreased by about half. So, while there are estimated to be about 10 billion humans in real life, there are only about 5 billion humans in Daemon Universe and Balloon Universe. By contrast, due to a lack of bear hunting (particularly after all bear species have evolved to become sapient), large bears have grown to outnumber humans by about two-to-one - while smaller bears have grown to outnumber humans by about four-to-one. So, as there are about 5 billion humans, 10 billion large bears, and 20 billion small bears.
* Monkeys are about 80% as populous as humans, so there are about 4 billion monkeys. Lemurs, by contrast, are about five times as populous as humans - so there are about 25 billion lemurs.
* Side note on homo sapiens classifications:
mortals are “homo sapiens mortalis” (plural form “mortali”)
mages are “homo sapiens magus” (plural form “magi”)
Atlanteans are “homo sapiens atlantis” (plural form “atlanti”)
* Now, as for birds, the number of birds in real life does significantly outnumber humans. Birds are believed to outnumber humans by about 40<->60-to-one, and that’s even with considering how several bird species are endangered due to the tendency of humans to hunt them in recent history. As birds (including the non-sapient types) are not so vigorously hunted - and only game fowl (such as chicken, turkey, and quail) and water fowl (such as duck, goose, and swan) are used for human food - the bird population would be, at the very least, twice that amount. That, combined with the human population being reduced by half, would increase the bird-to-human ratio by about 400%.
* As in our world, the passerines are the most populous and the most abundant in species. Passerines are the ubiquitous perching type of birds that are often colloquially referred to as “songbirds” - which include sparrows, bluebirds, and robins. In our world, parrots are said to be the direct sibling of passerines - under the classification of Psittacopasserae. In Daemon Universe and Balloon Universe, parrots actually more resemble passerines in shape and size - and are considered distinct from passerines proper by (usually) being a bit more brightly coloured, sapient, and capable of speech and complex language.
^ Daemon birds, always passerine in form, are called “passerdaemons”. The main difference is that passerdaemons have a solid bright coloured body, whereas parrots can have from about two to four (sometimes five, rarely more) colours on their body. This does not include the beak and legs, which are usually a bright slightly-yellowish orange (about a 40° hue) - or, in the rare case of parrot daemons, a bright strong-blue azure (about a 220° hue).
^ I’m gonna use this mountain bluebird photo as the approximate template of how parrots and passerdaemons look in Daemon Universe:
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^ This bird strongly resembles Jimmy Reed’s passerdaemon. The azure is the right hue, value, and saturation - but there isn’t that white patch at the bottom. Also, the beak and legs would be a bright yellowish orange (about a 40° hue).
* There are about a hundred times as many parrots as there are humans. We posit that there are 500 billion parrots to 5 billion humans. Non-daemon parrots are classified as “psittacine norma”, whereas daemon parrots are classified as “psittacine invertere” Only about 0.5% of psittacine norma have a psittacine invertere upon daemon settling. Psittacine invertere would add about 2.5 billion to the sapient bird population. (^ Passerdaemons would add about 1.5 billion to the sapient bird population.)
* This, granted, is a rather rough estimate. As this world is largely a solarpunk and clockpunk setting - thereby the sapient population at large are much more ecologically minded than the folks in our world are. Christopher Columbus has never even existed in this world, whereas Leonardo di Vinci was an inventor of clockwork machinery instead of a painter. Furthermore, the solar engine was invented in lieu of the steam engine by the late 17th Century. “Thomas Edison” is an unremarkable name, whereas the name “Nikola Tesla” is quite renowned. Moreover, solar lighting has been in usage for nearly two centuries.
* Folks do not need to wait until a particular season or holiday to see colourful lights at night. The combined usage of stained-glass windows and solar lighting allows everyone to enjoy the spectacular colourful lighting (sans the light pollution) during their night travels anytime. Different communities may have different themes, so many enjoy inter-community traveling at night.
Paragraphs with * apply to both Daemon Universe and Balloon Universe.
Paragraphs with ^ apply only to Daemon Universe.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Primates and Dinosaurs are Foils
Dinosaurs: Cursorial Bipeds -> Psittacopasserae: Social, Loud, Tree Dwellers
Primates: Social, Loud, Tree Dwellers -> Humans: Cursorial Bipeds
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coffeebeanwrites · 7 years
Souls Therapy Chapter 5
The plot thickens
Chapter 5: The day after
 You wake up, first thing you notice is you're in your own room. Second thing you notice is the foreign weight on your body. Rolling over you feel the weight slip off of you. You sit up to see Gaster's cloak from the previous night, “...what?”  you blink a few times, trying to remember last night... last thing you could think was that you fell asleep in his car. Shrugging you haul yourself out of bed and walk to the stairs, you grab the rail and start going down it in a sleepy, morning haze. Padding to the kitchen you get a glass from a cabinet and fill it with water from the fridge. Gulping it down, you look to the living room and see your bird still sound asleep... and a lump on the couch? You place the glass on the counter and walk into the living room, trying to lightly step. Alas, it being dawn still, and the sun barely having risen, you knock your foot on the recliner and it wakes your bird, He lets out a squawk and you see the lump on the couch jump. There, looking dazed and lost, is Gaster. He blinks a few times (or what you can assume as blinking, his pupils just disappear) then his eyes focus on you. The two of you have a groggy starring contest, until Philip squawks again, “Good morning.” he turns to look at the bird.
 “Happy morning?”you ask, walking to the birds in closer
 “Happy Morning!” preens its feathers.
 “Good morning... Gaster.” you say experimentally, not looking at him while you open up the door for the bird to step onto it's stand.
 “Good.. Morning?” he mumbles groggily. You can't help but think this to be more awkward than the morning after a one night stand. From a movie of course.
 “Did you... have a good sleep?”
 “As well as someone my height would have on a couch.” he says with a snarky tone, scowling at the bird, “Inconvenient Psittacopasserae (Sit-toe-cah-pissa-ree).” he stands from the couch and stretches, you again take notice of his shirt rising, “Intriguing am I?” He hums, giving you a smirk that you honestly couldn't see the actual W.D. Gaster pulling.
 “Where is the Doctor, you ain't him. Give him back.” you jokingly say.
 “My dear, I am simply not me until I have had my morning coffee.” he rolls his neck, “Mind showing me where your... craft is?”
 “It's in the kitchen, next to the sink, the coffee and filters are in the cabinet above it, water is from the tap, just turn the white tab to get filtered... and he's gone.” you see him walk into the kitchen and hear the cupboard doors opening, “You okay Phillip? Did he insult you?” you coo to your little baby bird. He gets spooked and squawks at the slam of the lid to the coffee pot that you turn to the door way and hiss, “Gaster, be quieter.”
 “I would not      be up     this early if not for that insensitive      bird...    ” you can hear the drumming of his gloved fingers on the counter as you walk into the kitchen, bird in tow, “Does this thing go any faster?” he breaths.
 “Slow down Gaster. Relax, it's only...” you squint at the clock, “se-seven thirty?”
 “No, it's Six Twenty-Seven in the morning and I should be asleep for the next 2 hours and roughly 15 minutes.” Your eyes go wide.
 “Wh-what? The office doesn't open till 9.. do you live near by?”
 “Oh no my dearest. There are.. plenty of secrets no one knows.” he chuckles a little darkly. You decide to sit at the table, and he stares at the craft with an intense determination.
 Several minutes later the machine beeps and he swiftly grabs a mug and pours some for himself to the brim, taking a long drink from it. You get up slowly to grab one too, but he puts his hand up, “Allow me, just sit, relax.” he places his mug on the counter top and grabs an identical mug to his, filling it to the 3/4 mark. He brings both to the table and you thank him. As he sits down at the table you cradle the cup in your hands and smell the fresh, hot smell of caffeine, taking a sip, expecting the smooth taste of coffee you love... you're met with the taste of bitter death its self.
 “Fuck!” you exclaim, placing the coffee down, sputtering coughs, “What kind of ratio did you use?”
 “My usual.” he answers, taking a sip from his own mug.
 “And that is?”
 “The amount of water minus 2 scoops.” he casually says.
 “GASTER?” you shriek in a whispering way, “I swear, this could give me a heart attack with how strong it is.”
 “If you went into Cardiac Arrest my dear I would be more than willing to assist you.” he assures.
 “s’not my point.” you stand from your chair, moving to the water tap and running the filtered one, “The point is I need to water this down, I need to water the entire pot down.” You grab out a large thermos and fill it half full of coffee. You put the lid on and start boiling water in the electric kettle.
 “It tastes fine to me.” he muses, finishing his cup.
 “Not everyone can drink straight acid.” you pick up the electric kettle and pour the water into the thermos. You fill the kettle with more water, putting it back on the base, it continues boiling. You walk to the stove and open the drawer underneath, grabbing out a glass pot and the lid, “I’m making oat meal, want some?”
 “What’s that?” he walks over to the stove and leans against the wall.
 “It’s uhh... Sliced oats boiled in water?” you shrug, walking to the freezer grabbing the bag of oats out. You pour them into a measuring cup and place it off to the side, “They’re already pre-sliced. I just want the water to boil first.”
 “Hmm...” you hear the rumble in his throat, “sounds interesting. I will try some.”
 ”Really? Great! Could you grab the kettle for me, it just shut off.”
 “Certainly.” you see him summon a hand that carries the kettle over.
 “I guess that’s one way to do it.” you grab the kettle and pour the water into the pot, turning the burner on, “You can put it back now, please and thank you.” you motion to him, pouring a little bit of salt in the palm of your hand and throwing it in the hot water, “I all ways love that reaction, I don’t exactly remember why it happens though…”
 “It has something to do with the ions in the water. Additionally salt raises the boiling point of water, supposedly cooking food faster. Although this fact has been widely neglected due to the need for a high concentration of salt in the water. In summary it will only make the water boil faster.” he leans on the counter, taking a sip from his mug
 ”Well look at you Mr.Smarty Pants.” you slap his arm playfully
 ”My pants aren’t smart. I am.” he looks at you rather seriously.
 ”It’s a figure of expression. It’s saying ‘You’re really smart. So smart I want to marry yo-’ Whoa--” he’s blushing and sputtering his coffee, coughing in an attempt to calm down “-- dude I’m joking about that last part; and you got it all over the counter.” you huff.
 ”I-I’m rather sorry.” he mumble, placing his mug on the counter in a place not soaked in coffee, “I’ll clean it up.” he fumbles with the dish cloth and starts patting the areas dry, rinsing the cloth every once in a while.
 “Thanks.” you pour the oats into the pot and turn the heat down to medium.
 “Do you by chance have a bathroom? I-uh.. need to clean my shirt” you turn to look at him while stirring the pot.
 “Upstairs first door on the right.” you point.
 “Thanks!” he hurries off, you hear his footsteps as he walks up the stairs.
 Several minutes later, you’re waiting with the covered pot of oatmeal on the table. You decided to play one of those “create a village” games that you haven’t touched in a while. As you idly play it slips past your auditory senses the slight ‘crack’ that is heard in the kitchen, “Pardon me. I did take rather longer than I had planned- (Y/N)?” he sees you idly tapping your screen and mumbling to yourself about where to place things, “Are you okay?” he walks forward and taps you on the shoulder.
 “Huh? Oh hey Gas- whoa what?” you take a moment to look at his outfit, his turtle neck is a different colour, he now has the lab coat he wears at the office on, and did he change his pants?
 ”What seems to be the surprise?” He asks, his brow raising.
 “How did you change?” you ask looking up at him
 “I went home?” he shrugs
 ”But, okay. So like,      how    ? It took you 15 minutes to drive here last night, you were only gone for like, 10 minutes?”
 “Ah, I just kinda...” his form disappears and appears behind you, “Poof!” you can feel his breath on your ear and you turn to see he vanished again. He re appears in the chair across from you, sitting sideways and crossing his legs, “So, any more questions my dear or are we going to eat this… meal of oats.” he rolls his hand.
 “Yeah, just let me grab out some bowls.” you stand from the table and grab out 2 soup bowls, “I prefer these ones, they cool the stuff down faster.” you place them on the counter and grab two spoons, placing them in the bowl. You carry the small stack to the table and set it next to the pot, “You can serve yourself, I’m going to grab a couple more things.” You turn around and open the floating cupboard, grabbing the peanut butter on the first shelf, then you look to the top shelf at the red circular container.      ‘I can do this’    you think to yourself starring at the container. You bend your legs and jump… missing the container by a long shot, you reach and reach… till a hand rests on your shoulder. You feel a strong torso against your back and see Gaster’s face above yours, grabbing the red container effortlessly.
 “This is what you were attempting to reach, yes?” he places it on the counter, looking you straight in the eyes, “My dear, I understand I am fascinating, but in all honesty there is no reason for you to exert yourself when someone as…      monstrous    as me, is around.” He winks.
 ”Wait, was that a pun?” You realize your mouth was open, you close it.
 “I am a…      handy    --” he summons 6 individual hands and they start spinning clock-wise above his head, “man.”
 ”Oh my lord the puns.” you giggle, crouching over the counter. He takes a step back and bows at a deep angle.
 “Thank you, mi’dear.” he smiles, standing back up, the hands disappear.
 “Okay but like, can you summon anything else? Or is it just.. hands?” you gesture vaguely at the spot the hands were just floating.
 “The hands are a manifestation of my magic. Thus saying, I can manifest my magic however I wish. Be it flowers,” they appear in his hands, “Birds,” the bouquet of flowers turn into tiny doves and fly towards you, “or bees.” the doves turn to a swarm of bees and you screech a little. The bees disappear and he looks with horrified concern, “Oh my! Are you okay? I’m terribly sorry I had no intentions to scare you to such a- why are you laughing?” he retracts his hand.
 “You did BIRDS then BEES.” you wheeze out, “I can’t believe it! HAH!” you fall onto the floor and lean against the cupboard.
 “Uhh.. what seems to be so funny?”
 “Okay, okay. Get me my phone.” you reach your hand out and do a grabbing motion. He walks to the table and grabs it, handing it to you on the floor. You open up Google and search ‘birds and bees urban dictionary’, scrolling to the second definition (after reading the first and deeming it un-helpful, yet hilarious non the less). You read him the definition and look to his face, if you thought a human could pull off a creeped out face, this guy was ten times better. Both sockets void of the usual lilac pupils, an agape mouth, showing his rather sharp teeth, and an entirely un-moving body. You get up off the floor and tap his shoulder, “You all right there? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” you laugh.
 “Are… are human males really that fragile? ‘bees are enslaved to a single queen their entire life’--” he scoffs, “that being true; humans do not      have    to be if they don’t wish to. They do not have to be married, nor be with the same partner their entire lives.” his voice is exasperated at this point.
 “Wowza G, didn’t know you felt so strongly about that.” you say, grabbing the red container and peanut butter, walking to the table.
 “Well it’s just logical. If you don’t want to be in a relationship, don’t be in one.” his shoulders shrug as he walks to the chair he was previously sat in, “What is that container anyway?” he asks, motioning to it.
 “Oh, it has dark brown sugar. What I like doing is putting some oat meal--” you take a few scoops and place them in the top bowl, lifting it off the other, “then I put some peanut butter and mix it up.” you scoop it out onto the pile and stir it with your spoon, “then about 2 tablespoons of brown sugar.” you open the container and grab out the bag, scooping it with the plastic spoon already inside he cylinder, “Then it sort of tastes like an oatmeal cookie?”
 “Cookie you say?” he says looking warily at the bowl in front of him.
 “Sort of.” you shrug, scooping some of the oatmeal on your spoon, “Try it.” you stick the spoon out to him and he leans forward, opening his mouth and closing it around the spoon. He doesn’t flinch at the temperature, rather he hums in amusement.
 “That’s fantastic!” his eyes light up.
 “Well then dig in; but first, take this spoon.” You hand it to him and grab the other.
 After the two of you finish eating, you excuse yourself to change out of the previous nights clothes, and to freshen yourself up. After that you pop your head into your parent’s bed room and say you’re leaving for work, you see your mom roll under the sheets, then you close the door. Walking down the stairs you look to the living room and see Gaster stroking Philips face, “Oh, hey pretty bird, I gotta go now. I’ll be back tonight, ma should be up soon.” you smile at Gaster, “You ready to go?”
 “Of course, let’s go.” he gets up and walks to the door, escorting you out much the same way he did the night previous.
 After driving for half an hour it’s quarter to 9 and the two of you pull into the parking lot. “I truthfully have never been here this early.” he says, shifting the car into park, “And I’ve only driven here.. once? Maybe twice.”
 ”Really?” you question, un-buckling yourself and pushing open the door, “I’m getting on my last bus by this time.” you step out of the car and close the door.
 “Do I even have a key? I think I might…” he walks up to the door and looks at his key ring, “house… car… other place… maybe this one?” he sticks the key in the slot and turns, “Hah! I got it first try!”
 “Good job Gaster. But like, why don’t you drive here? Do you just teleport here or whatever?”
 “Shh. Not many know I can do that. Please don’t speak so casually of it.” He pulls the door open and walks in, you follow behind and to the staff room. You open your locker and grab out your mug. You place it under the coffee machine and grab the reusable keg, fill it with coffee grinds, and place it in the machine, closing the top. You select your size and press start. After a minute the liquid stops pouring from the machine and you grab your mug, heading to the front desk. You see one of your co-workers, Anita if you remember correctly. “Morning!” she looks to the desk and looks in surprise.
 “What are you doing here this early?”
 “I managed to get a ride this morning.” You shrug.
 “Oh, is this part of that      special    treatment that you’ve been getting?” she sneers, looking on in disgust.
 “I beg your pardon?” you place the coffee down on the top of the desk and proceed to unlock the little barrier door.
 “You heard me. Don’t think we haven’t seen you slinking off to the boss’s office every once in a while. Crissy saw you just the other day in there with him, and at the end of the day on Saturday he was seen leaving the staff room after you left, and no one sees him entering or exiting there... he just sort of appears.” she gestures vaguely.
 “Whoa, hold up.” you place a finger in front of you and reach for your coffee, take a sip and continue, “You have      that     much time on your hands? Makes me question how well you do your job. Second--” you see Anita opening her mouth and you place a finger up again, “don’t speak, you started this. Second what I do in my off time is my business, and if our boss requests an audience with me while I’m on the clock, then I gotta go see him. That’s just how it works.” you shrug, placing the coffee down again and push the little swinging door open, “Now if you would be so kind as to forget this interaction happened and we can work in piece today. That would be great.” You smile in such a fake way your jaw hurts. She huffs and walks on. You sit in the chair closest to the barrier and sigh, letting yourself dwell on what Anita had said. Were people really speculating about you and Gaster? The thought made you sick to your stomach, taking into consideration what Gaster said last night:      “This wasn’t        strictly         for business anyway.”    what did that even mean? Did he have feelings that were nonprofessional? Were your co-workers going to be right? Were they right now? You didn’t know, and in a sense… you didn’t care.
     (author should of just left it here but nah)  
 The rest of the day was… bumpy to say the least. The rest of your co-workers came in, when you saw Crissy you couldn’t help but look up at her with a glare. Your work day was slow, taking calls, making apointments, answering questions, playing 3D space pin-ball, glaring when Crissy tried to come up to you with no explanation of course; just your usual run of the mill day. You take a later lunch than usual, mainly based on the fact you wanted to avoid seeing anyone that Anita might have talked to. As you’re grabbing out your food from the fridge you hear a faint pop, it’s certainely less noticeable with the hussle and bussle outside the door, but you recognized it, “Hello Sir.” you say, attempting to keep a professional atmosphere.
 “Ah, hello (Y/N)! You’re taking lunch rather late today?”
 “I just… had to take care of something. It took a little bit longer than I had thought it would.”
 ”And that something was avoiding your co-workers. Correct?” he says, placing the mug down on the counter, “(Y/N), I’m aware of what was said this morning. They were completely out of line and you stood correct. Give me the word and I can talk to them.. what was their name? Amy? Anne?” he taps his chin and looks down at you with a kind smile.
 “It’s Anita, and I don’t need you to… I can handle it myself.” you stand from your crouched position and turn to heat the food in the microwave.
 “You seem rather distressed about it…” he hesitantly reaches a hand out to your shoulder and sets it down easy, “I am trained to notice these things (Y/N) and-”
 ”I know you want to be here for me. But it makes it real damn hard when most of my colleagues are talking smack behind my back.” you seethe, pushing the microwave door closed and punching in 3:00 on the timer. The box starts whirring and you turn to face him, “And they all seem to be thinking that I’m sleeping with you behind closed doors, or getting ‘special treatment’ and it’s so      draining     to hear them all talking about it all day. So if you would just… leave me alone.”
 “(Y/N)…” he tries lifting his hand towards your face.
 “I said. Leave. Me. Alone!” you swat his hand away with a quick slap and the glove slips off his hand. You see him immediately cover the hand, your face turns away, “I- I’m sorry I didn’t mean-”
 “It’s okay. Everything is all right. (Y/N), look at me.” he waits in silence, “(Y/N). Look at me. Please? I’m not mad at all.” Your head slowly turns towards him and you look up to him. You see both his forearms moving slowly and you flinch momentarily, till a gloved hand and a… slightly cold, partially there hand come to rest on your cheeks. Both thumbs come up to brush under your eyes, only just now did you notice you were crying. The ghostly white hand -- you assumed to be the one missing the glove, remains on your cheek as the gloved one combs back your hair soothingly. You keep looking at his kind, patient, knowledgeable eyes as you willed your breathing to slow. “You’re okay. Just keep looking at me. Remember you are here and I am not them. I’m here for you, and for you alone I stay.” he pulls you into a tight hug and your face smooshes into his soft turtleneck. You inhale a deep quivering breath and pull away slightly to look up at him.
 “Gaster, c-can you let me go a second and kneel down some?” he obliges
 “What is it, my dear?” his gloved hand leaves the top of your head and you take a deep breath. Possible scenarios run through your head. Someone could walk through that door right now, seeing you two.      Anita    could walk through the door,      Crissy     could walk through that door, she had a history of doing it before; yet the only outcome you cared about… was this.
 ”Fuck it.” you whisper with bated breath as you throw your hands around his long neck and press your lips to the overlapping teeth that is his mouth. You hear a surprised ‘hmph!’ sound come from him and his cheeks are stained a lovely shade of mauve.
 “M-my word! (Y/N) I had n-no idea you felt that way?!”
 “Why do you think I was so distraught about what they were saying? I have feelings for you.. I wouldn’t say love yet but I know whatever these are… they are      very    un      -    professional.” You cast your eyes aside and blush yourself.
 “Well… if that’s the case…” he stands up, forcing you to break your clasp, “I’ll need to teach you proper behavior.” he smirks down at you, “You’ll start by feeding yourself, you had food heating and it’s about to finish.” just as he said that you see the timer hit 5 seconds and you turn to get the food out just as it beeps. The bowl is warm and you place it on the counter momentarily as you attempt to find a spot that isn’t going to burn. Suddenly one of Gaster’s summoned hands grabs the bowl and brings it to the small table, “Grab a fork, you eat and I’ll talk.” you open the labeled drawer and grab a fork out. Following to the table.
 “So what were you going to talk about?” you ask, taking the plastic wrap off the top of the bowl.
 “Speaking professionally. I think we -- as partners -- would benefit if you had some form of education regarding the field we are entering.” he says nonchalantly while you swallow your food.
 “But I don’t have that kind of-” he raises the gloved hand.
 “I didn’t finish. Since I, as your partner, have the means to fund the education you would require. I would be paying all tuition fees privately.” you drop your fork and it clatters in the bowl rather loudly.
 “But- what-      how?    ”
 “I don’t only work as a therapist, my dear.” he winks, “But aside from that. What say you to that proposal?”
 “I- I would have to consider i-it.” you stutter staring at your bowl, “What else do you do? You’re working here all day?” you look up from the bowl and at his face.
 “I’m not here at all times; and monsters of my species do not… require sleep. It’s more of a luxury if anything.” he sighs and slumps backwards, “This is what comedy would call ones ‘Day Job’ if I remember correctly.” he earns a chuckle from you for that comment, “Easiest way to explain is that this is a solid income, and my secondary is more… sporadic.”
 “So are you like… a teacher or something where you get paid at one time in the year or like… what?”
 “Some day you may see. As of yet I do not feel comfortable divulging.” he stands.
 “A-are you going to do something about Anita?”
 “Well… I needn’t gossip…” he turns to the door, “After all… it is rather rude to speak of someone who is listening.” a summoned hand swiftly opens the door and the brunette stumbles into the staff room.
 “S-sir!” the woman squeaks, stabilizing herself, “I- I can explain!”
 “Oh can you? What are you going to explain? Are you going to feed me some story about how you were listening to make sure you weren’t ‘interrupting’ something? Or are you going to tell me what I know to be truth? Whichever you choose will decide what punishment you will get.” the woman stumbles against the door with a fearful gaze.
 “I-I honestly d-don’t know what you’re talking about!” her eyes shift to you, by this point you had picked you fork back up and were eating, sure it was interesting but you only had so much time to eat, “What are you staring at? Do something!”
 “I do not think it would be in your best interests to be speaking to her, Considering anything you say could be held against you if she decided to sue you for Slander; and I in tern, could fire you, even if she does not sue. So give me one reason why you should not be packing your items and leaving.” he steps forward.
 “W-why are yo-you giving her special treatment!” the woman squeaks. Her hands ball into fists as she looks back to Gaster. You hear a crackled laugh, one that sounded straight out of a horror film.
 “I’m not giving her any treatment… unless you would like to be around a… shall I quote ‘Dirty monster’?”
 “How did you-?”
 “Simple. I monitor the company emails. Best not send defamation using company services Anita. It will get you fired. You may leave now; and I mean get off the property, good day.” he turns away from the cowarding brood.
 “B’but sir. How can you-?”
 “Did I stutter? Leave.” a summoned hand grabs her by the back of her blouse and drags her forward, enough for the door to swing open, “  Leave.  ” he releases her and she scrambles to the door. You hear a distinctive ‘thud’ at the forced closer of the door and hear Gaster sigh heavily. He moves to turn around and you fear to see the expression on his face that was scarring Anita… but were not expecting this.
 As his face spun to you you could almost see the pastel yellow-pink gradient behind him and the twirling flowers, “Have you finished eating? Your break is almost up.”
 “I uh… yeah I’ll be done soon… you um… gonna tell me what that was?”
 “That was me firing someone. I feel like I did it wrong. I’ve never fired someone before.” he taps his chin, “No, no. I think that was right. I had a right to be angry. Did I scare you?” he walks back over and sits down.
 “Umm.. no actually. I ate the entire time. I grew up with siblings, so I’ve learned to mind my P’s and Q’s when people are getting in trouble.” you smile politely, finishing your bowl and bringing it to the sink, “Now was there something else you wanted to talk about?”
 “Well… I do have to ask… what was that ‘kiss’ you gave me. What did it exactly… mean for us?”
 “To be honest… I don’t know.” you walk to the door, but stop before reaching the handle, “Um, I just realized something… I forgot my bus pass today… you mind um.. giving me a lift?” you awkwardly scratch your head.
 “As long as you can answer my question~”
 “Are you trying to flirt with me?”
 “Try harder, you may need a      hand    with it.” you giggle as he looks on in confusion, “I”ll see you later--” you pull the door open, “sir~”
 When quitting time rolls around, you grab the things you need and head out the door to Gaster’s car. He is no where to be found, so you lean against it and sigh. “An answer to his question… which question?” you muse to yourself. He could have been referring to the question about paying for your tuition… but he could have also meant the kiss. What even was that kiss? It was kinda spur of the moment… maybe you should forget it happened. It doesn’t really matter right? Loads of girls have probably kissed their bosses, hell girls in high school had kissed teachers (Not condoning, just saying). So you      couldn’t     be a whore.. right?
 “(Y/N)! Sorry, had some paperwork to print off due to today’s… events.”
 “Oh… it’s okay.” you hear the car unlock and you open the passenger side door, throwing yourself into the seat immediately doing up your seat belt. He throws the binder into the back seat and opens the driver side door, sliding in and putting his seat belt on too. You go back to thinking in a dazed state about what you would want to answer him with. What if he wanted to know about the answer to his offer to pay for your post-secondary education? You’d need to talk to your parents about it… you’d need to figure out the courses you want, how does he even have that money anyways? What kind of dough is he making? It has to be a lot, for him to offer to pay so abruptly like that.
 “(Y/N), you look troubled. What’s on your mind?”
 “How much do you make? Like who could upright pay for post-secodary like that, you honestly have to be making serious dough.”
 “I’m not a baker, so I do not make dough.” he says nonchalantly
 “No, dough is a term for money.”
 “Oh. Then I guess I do make serious dough.”
 “But      how     much is serious dough?”
 “Not something I wish to divulge at this time.”
 After an awkward silence of driving home, he pulls up in front of your house, “So, do you have an answer to my question?” he asks, turning his head towards you. You take off your seat belt and turn to him.
 “I really thought about it… and I think we c-can make this work.”
 “Excellent! I’ll get the paper- mhm?!” you pull his face close and kiss him again, his mouth opens and you feel his sharp teeth pressed against your mouth. His tongue slides out of his mouth and you graciously take it in. It tastes like coffee and sweets, you pull away a moment to breath, you feel a hand under your leg then suddenly you’ve slipped onto Gaster’s lap.
 “Hmm… yes my dear?”
 “I’m I’m flattered but-”
 “Anything after but is irrelevant.” his cheeks are flaring brighter than they were this afternoon, almost an eerie glow, “Now... shall we continue?"
(chapter 5.2 here)
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backtonaturelife · 5 years
Parrot Bird Animal - Psittaciformes
Parrot Bird Animal - Psittaciformes Parrot Scientific Name: Psittaciformes Parrot Kingdom: Animalia Parrot Phylum: Chordata Parrot Class: Aves Parrot Clade: Psittacopasserae Parrot Order: Psittaciformes #parrot #psittaciformes #parrots Watch video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-600NU-T5Aw
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Parrot Parrots, also known as psittacines /ˈsɪtəsaɪnz/, are birds of the roughly 393 species in 92 genera that make up the order Psittaciformes, found in most tropical and subtropical regions. Scientific name: Psittaciformes Rank: Order Higher classification: Psittacopasserae Phylum: Chordata Lifespan: Hyacinth macaw: 50 years, Kakapo: 95 years Mass: Hyacinth macaw: 1.2 – 1.7 kg, Kakapo: 2 – 4 kg, Buff-faced pygmy parrot: 12 g
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animalids · 2 years
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Blue waxbill (Uraeginthus angolensis)
Photo by Hans Hillewaert
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