#puerto rico sneakers
kekele · 1 year
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wrldgang · 11 months
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snkrbonbon · 11 months
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Nike Air Max 1 Puerto Rico "Blue Gale"
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snkrcollctn · 10 months
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Details make perfection, and when it comes to the Diadora N9002 Details Matter, no details are too small. Unstoppable since the '90s, the N9002 from Diadora has been ruling the streets ever since with tech and trend. ‘The Traveler’ comes with a perfect blend of high-quality nubuck, suede, and oil-waxed leather to create a look that's transcendental. The tan-colored 3M outline enhances the side Diadora logo and pays homage to the beautiful sandy beaches throughout the country. Introduce rich streetwear heritage to your everyday look in the Diadora N9002 Details Matter.
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jackiequick · 9 months
The day she got brought in | Agents Of SHIELD Fanfic
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Summary: What if the thing you were waiting for came at the the wrong time? Or in Amelia Parker’s case, when she was street racing in Puerto Rico to let off a little steam after being rejected by her schools.
Pairing: Amelia Parker & Grant Ward, Rick Banner x Luna Marsh
Characters mentioned: Phil Coulson, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Grant Ward, Melissa Wallace and etc.
It’s been months. But it felt like years for her. She has been told time and time again she wasn’t surely good enough to be apart of certain schools. Regretted time and time for the schools she applied to. Only two accepted her but she wasn’t too pleased.
She never wanted to go to college to be exact.
But she need a career. She wanted a future.
Something interesting.
So she applied for SHIELD Academy at a certainly young age. She knew that SHIELD existed ever since she just a little girl, especially after the accident that happened at Stark Expo.
She thought there was a huge possibility that she would get in. Her cousin, Peter Parker, parents were agents of shield themselves before they died. On top of that, her aunt Bobbi and uncle Hunter are agents as well!
So she studied, practiced her skills and tried to explain herself in every letter as a someone who deserved a chance. A chance to help SHIELD future agents and heroes. Since Amelia was good at boxing, had a huge hand when it came to sewing, believing she’s pretty okay with a computer and had communication skills. Also well as scouting places and some design.
However after every letter and application, she kept getting rejected.
Then she thought it about, why am I not surprised? My grades aren’t too good, my only concern is that I’m too emotional for the field and my records were bad.
She’s a street kid for gods sake! Her actions didn’t measure up, hanging out with a so called “wrong crowd” according to the police, stealing parts and racing borrowed cars while earning cash on the side. The girl sounded like a young criminal.
And honestly she didn’t care, she loved it. The music, the people, the rush you get from being behind the wheel, the talks and the community built around it. The type of people she met made her smile.
There wasn’t too many rules and no one questioned whether you were good enough. Because if you ask a racer, any real racer doesn’t matter if you win by a inch or a mile, winning is winning. It’s all about passion and love for the lifestyle.
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Currently she sat behind her wheel, sliding down towards the area where everyone was at. Her mind was running a mile a minute.
Puerto Rico baby! The smell of food from the streets, the music blasting from cars, people chatting with one another, laughing being shared. The men in and women were dresses in the best mood you ever seen.
People from every race and backgrounds crowded the area. It felt like heaven
Amelia parked her blue skyline in a perfect scene nearby a few shaded orange, deep green and hot rod red cars. She was dressed black short skirt, a deep gray top and a red flannel. Black sneaker. Her curls were loosely bouncing around as she walked over to a small group.
“Ahh! Look who showed up!” Yelled Nico giving her a hug.
“Girl we thought you weren’t gonna make it.” Shouted Kira chuckling.
“Be nice, be nice! She was just fashionably late to the party.” Added Jesse, joking around holding up his cash for tonight.
The group walked and talked, grabbing a bite to eat as they catches up with one another. Talking about their deals and how they were planning a small heist for extra gasoline to sell at Jesse’s shop. But first Amelia need to check out the competition and sneak into other locations to exchange a few items.
They were in a middle questioned when she asked.
Amelia rolled her eyes chuckling, “Your hilarious, all of you. Who’s the racing tonight?”
“Ok I’ll tell you!” Nico explained everyone who racing that night and even added, “You see the tall blonde over there with the pretty brunette around his arms? They’re racing the first round tonight.”
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It nighttime so she couldn’t see them too well. Still she tried to looked over across the crowd, to see blonde with dark eyes carrying a cheeky grin.
And his girlfriend was wearing a puffy jacket and shyly giggles to what he was talking about. She taught they must’ve been an adorable little couple, secretly ready to wipe the floor with them.
She didn’t think too much of it. However her friend, Kira, was more interested in how they raced.
But they didn’t have to wait for long, since the moment Kira said, “Ready, set, go!”
They were off. And they were fasted! Rushing around the stores, turning up the furious speed, passing through a crowd of cars, and sliding across small obstacles to get to the finish line.
Impressive. Very impressive. 
The brunette won first, and a few others coming in at a close second. She screamed and smiled shyly at winning as one of the other racer went to congratulate her. The rest of the crowd clapped and cheered.
But Amelia wasn’t paying too much attention as she clapped, checking her phone and the corners of the road behind them.
Hoping cops didn’t came. Watching their backs.
When it was her time to race in the second round, she jumped into her skyline and joked with the other racers.
Once again, Kira started yelling loudly “Go!”. Amelia made it and snappy.
Turning up the NOS when needed, taking a left turn to pass another car and even flipped off another race who tried to cut her off. Speeding off, switching on the radio, laughing and watching the other cars driven past her.
In the end, she didn’t win but she didn’t care. She had fun feeling the rush behind the wheel, being free in her seat and all her worries were thrown away focused on the road instead.
But she hopes were broken, as Jesse yelled out, “Cops are coming!”
Her eyes widen muttering, “Shit!”
Everyone jumped into their races, speeding off quicker than expected. Once she hoped she was out of clear an hour later, Amelia sneaked into an small old facility of full cars.
She held up her flashlight towards the back end of each vehicle.
Beautiful. Each one styled differently and wonderfully useful.
She looked around to find the place empty as she snapping pictures and started to pop off the hood of an car.
The girl was lucky to find a gorgeous cherry red convertible. Hell, she would kill to just have this for a drive to the beach.
Before she could get her hands on soft inventor and possibly get a better look at this reliable beauty…
..she heard it.
She turned off her phone as she started rushing to hide behind boxes and corners. But she was too late.
She woke up, in the hallway nearby the exist. Blinking she turned to face a young man, not even 20 yet with dark hair and brown eyes.
He wasn’t bad but stupid.
“Eugene. I meant nothing.” She told him, with a sigh.
He chuckled, “So why the hell are you here?”
“You were hoarding cars, jackass!”
“They’re mine, babygirl and I’mma use them.”
“Ha! You stole half of them and redesigned the older ones. Pumping up the gasoline and ordering NOS.”
“You need a 5-second car.”
“10 second car. And I was just looking over them, honest.”
Eugene scoff, “You’re not half bad, Ames. But you gotta know not to mess with me.”
“I’m not sure about that. Be lucky it wasn’t, Jesse or Nico. You had worse than us.” She added, knowing they would do something crazier than her.
“Don’t ever come around here again!”
“No promises!”
Eugene made a move to grab her but she elbowed him in the face. He spinner her around, pushing her against the wall but she kicked him where the sun don’t shine.
Amelia made a run for it, still ending up with a bruise or two. Pulling out her mini pistol, just in case. She wasn’t the greatest at theses things but still she tried her best.
She walked down the street, popping up her jacket and started up her engine driving off.
But when she thought her night couldn’t get any odder or worse. The polices she raced from earlier found her.
Amelia was thrown into a cell, hearing the police report about her as the cops walked away. She tried to defend her case but they only have half listened.
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They cleared her up for the self defense part but still pissed off about what she did.
It was no use per say.
Amelia’s face dropped. It wasn’t her first time running around from the cops and getting caught up in a mess and it sadly won’t be her last.
It was the trill of life. She sighed as tears came rolling in, mumbling how stupid she was. No career, no school, no actually friends and possibly no one to bail her out.
She was a good girl or at least that’s what she wants to believe.
She always did schoolwork but never past a lot of classes cause no one took the chance on her. Actually help her understand it! She treated her family with respect, earned money during races to help pay the bills, worked low jobs and such.
But never got a chance to prove herself, they always tell her that she need experience and or worse, no one believed she had the true patience to get a job done.
Everything felt like a balancing act for her. Keep her head up, even when she wants to keep it down.
Playing up the act of the cool, confident, somewhat edgy and sweet girl. The wannabe bad bitch who gossips, talks shit about others and let’s the rumors fly in.
But she ain’t really that. Yeah sure, she got a temper, gets stressed out easily sometimes and has a thick glare that meant she got shit she wants to get done, but still.
She doesn’t know want she wants. No one ever does.
“Miss Parker?” Said a male voice, light but thick.
She turned to face the man, standing up wiping her tears to get a better look. To her surprise it was too men.
One younger and somewhat fresher faced than the other. They were wearing all black, comb hair expect for the younger one who’s hair was a little messy, wearing sensitive shoes and shared a gentle expression.
“W-who are you?” She asked, softly with hitched voice.
“Agent Coulson from SHIELD.” Said the man, “You’re having one hell of a day, huh?”
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“Grant Ward.” Said the other one with a half smile, “You’re younger than expected.”
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She blinked with tears trying to figure it out how this happened and asked, “Wh-what? I—how?…oh god.”
“I know it’s tricky to explain. But we’re here to help.” Coulson said, seeing the poor look in her eyes.
“Really? No offense, but where were you months ago?! I sent letters, applications for programs, video of myself for a visual idea of who I am…”
“I’m sorry we didn’t come soon but you were rejected for some of our supervisors believing you were not trying enough.”
“Hell, I saw that videos and it was a little dry. Besides, you sounded like it wasn’t serious enough..” Ward added.
“Your hilarious, Ward.” Amelia replied with a half sarcastic tone, “Sorry I wasn’t what you expected. I’m sorry that I was not perfect enough for you guys. Especially you.”
“Yet, you lack self esteem, confidence and the strength that is needed determination for something.”
“Determination?! You rejected me! You don’t take a chance on anyone.”
“But I’m not wrong. Have you seen your records? Jail time, street races for money, and stealing from second hand stores. Do your parents know about this?”
“…i um…not exactly everything…”
“Exactly. If you had any bit of respect for yourself and self care, you would deal with what you have. Look where you are now. I just see a pathetic picture of a young woman.”
“Okay look, I screwed up big time! I don’t have any track record for something good or anything…but i know I can do the same thing as you! I’m sorry for what happened..”
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“Sorry?! You don’t know what you want or what exactly is your play here. ”
“Hey! I don’t—”
Coulson spoke up, “Enough! Ward, play nice, not everyone has their hands full time in the world as you. And Parker, I understand that you’re not sure where you stand. I apologize on SHIELD behavior, but I was given a chance to see your responses..”
“And? Coulson, you and Ward clearly just came to do what? Bail me out or something? I’m a idiot according to him and he’s right..” Amelia admitted, sadly.
“He’s wrong. You done some bad things because you don’t feel comfortable or worth other peoples time. Your smart, kind, seemed determined to race together even if you didn’t win—”
“You saw?!”
“I did. Or at least I scout here who used to work with me did. But Amelia you’re not an idiot, you just need someone who can give you a chance to try and do good. Because you are good.”
“Who told you that? I’m not smart enough to pass a few simple classes or good enough for you before. You guys didn’t give me a chance to prove that I’m good for something…”
“Because I wasn’t there before and I didn’t have agent Lance Hunter to tell me about you. Your not exactly school smart for certain things, but your street smart and clever with a lot of stuff. Your easygoing, sometimes honest and if I’m correct, you see a lot in someone.”
“I’m being honest when I say your not bad. Never were, just chose to go do something that others think is wrong. I’ll like a give you a chance to come study and work together with SHIELD. You may be nervous and not feel ready for it now, but I believe you might be.”
Amelia stay speechless hearing Agent Coulson’s words and the recommendations he heard from Hunter. She didn’t know that part. The only person other than her stepdad and mother to speak like that to her.
Even Ward had to admit to himself he read the whole letters and applications, finding it actually charming. He didn’t know what Coulson saw in her but he kinda like it.
The only thing she could do was nod rapidly because of how tired she was and unable to comprehend what happened. It’s late. It’s 1:40am.
And she was just offered to be apart of something she didn’t expect to get after wishing and imaging the role.
Ward went to front desk to bail her out with a smile. Once she was let out of her cell, she thanked Ward as he apologized for his comments earlier. He told her that he’s welcome to help her with any needs
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Then she turned to Coulson with tears in her eyes once again, thanking him. He smiled softly pulling her in a hug, knowing she needed it.
Phil held her in his arms, whispering kind words.
Honestly he felt bad, he didn’t catch onto her case earlier and made a decision to bend the SHIELD Academy rules.
He would need to speak with Fury and Hill but he knew there were plenty of people like her who needed a chance to be heard.
He remembered that Darcy Lewis had a daughter as well with a interesting case, he decided to possibly message Hill later about that. Plenty of cases of young folk who would be suitable for SHIELD or a Team in the future, but they need that push to do so.
Coulson smiled, walking out with Ward and Amelia in his thoughts. He wondered what if they were to recruit a set of young people one day, they definitely deserve a chance to be seen or heard.
Amelia snapped him out of his thought, “So um, when do we—I start my studies?”
Ward spoke up instead with a soft smile to her answers, “Soon. In about less than a month. You will have me and a few other people to help you along the way, Miss Parker.”
“You can all me Amelia.”
“Then you can me Grant.”
Both smile, exchanging phone numbers. Coulson told her a few more things before they brought her back to the hotel she was staying at.
Once Amelia said her final goodbye, she locked the door to her room behind her and let out a small sequel as she bit her bottom lip. To say when the realization finally hit her was an understatement. She felt scared, nervous and maybe a little excited.
She wondered what if no one likes me? What if it goes bad my first day? Oh my god what if i suck and they kick me out?!
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Anxiety still in the front of her mind, but laying low.
Her mind was overwhelmed by the thoughts, as she picked up her phone to thank her uncle Hunter for the placement.
Little did she know the next few months will change her life forever.
Meeting one of her best friends Melissa Wallace, get to know a couple of crushes such as Nikolai Morozov and a few other friends. Even encourage Melissa to go on a date with a special girl. As well as a future lifetime of opportunity and memories to come.
Thank you for reading! What did you think about it?
Pls like, comment, reblog and share with friends
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @parisparker269 @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile @meiramel @hanlueluver @rooster-84 @superspookyjanelle @mandylove1000 @triptuckers @blackheart-beauty @yetanotherwells @withakindheartx and etc
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ambertamm · 4 months
4 good things:
- my sneakers are covered in dirt from my hike in the rainforest in Puerto Rico, I rock this dirt with such deep honor.
- my internal dialogue around truly checking in & being honest with myself about myself, my actions, my habits, etc has gotten really real and very strong. these are the hardest conversation to have with the self but necessary. A true test of honesty….
- I got a towel warmer. my whole life has changed cause ain’t nothing like the blessing & privilege it is to get out the bath to a warmed up towel.
- moving slow/slower has never felt easier. It’s okay to slow down my ppls.
Bonus: I listened to the score by the fugees, that album ALWAYS bumps, touches my heart something deep.
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mvrdac · 4 months
the concert🤍🌠
^ mostly fluff
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Me matan esos ojos bellos Me gusta tu olor, de tu piel, el color Y como me haces sentir Me gusta tu boquita, ese labial rosita Y cómo me besas a mí
Song=todo de ti
today was a big day, I’m going to a concert of rauw alejandro. as a person who is very a popular streamer, I get seen in public mostly all of the time.
“hey, wake up we have a flight at 3!”
“yeah, start packing up!”
“why did you hit me with a pillow?.”
“to wake you up, now start packing up!”
getting up and brushing my teeth, as well washing my face. I start with my shirts, into my jeans, and jackets. Ending it with a pairs of socks and underwear. Choosing the comfiest outfit that I could find for the flight. hoodie with sweatpants. I took a quick shower, and changed into those. taking a photo for instagram since i guess I’m famous?
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”im ready! let’s go”
getting through the airport was not that hard. I mean there were some fans, here and there. “Hey! are you that one famous streamer?” Someone yelled out. I turn around “yeah I guess you can say that.” “omg! can I get a picture??” “sure!”
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“must love being a streamer huh?” my friend asked
“some days, some not.”
we finally arrived in Puerto Rico. It’s a nice sunny day, with lots of people. Mostly tourists. As a kid born and raised in Puerto Rico. I mostly know all the places.
“Hey! Do you know that young miko is going to be the concert?!”
“young.. miko?”
“like the pretty one?”
“yes the one that you have been crushing on forever!!”
“maybe you can ever ask her out!”
“okay, okay enough!”
“I bet she doesn’t even know I exist.”
“she will.”
my friend samantha also known as rivers is a popular streamer aswell. She’s been with me since day one, and on going.
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She’s that one person who has always supported me, even when I’m in the wrong. We both loved mikos music. Lots of people asked if we were sisters, and some were disappointed that we aren’t.
“hey wake up, get ready I want us to be first in line.” Rivers said. “ok, ok I’m going to get ready” “you better!”
setting out my outfit, while I go brush my teeth, and wash my face.
as well taking a quick shower.
putting on my outfit, and my favorite sneakers.
“okay im ready!”
“hey, what you think about this pickup line you can use on miko “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”
“ugggh stop embarrassing me!”
“Alright come on, I want to be the first in line!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ apparently we weren’t first in line. Rivers got disappointed.
“aw man I thought we were gonna be the first!”
“it’s okay rivers, at least we’re second.”
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After a few hours, we got in. Front row seats, before you blame me, rivers chose these seats.
“I’m officially broke now.”
“yeah, yeah at least your close to miko.”
“make sure to use that pickup line I gave you!”
“stop with the pickup lines please!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the concert is starting, I hear a familiar voice. I turn beside me.
omg… it’s young miko.
“rivers, miko is right next to me.”
“really where?!”
“don’t look!”
“oh is it because your going to shit your pants?”
“ok ok.”
finally rauw alejandro came on stage, as I currently try not to shit my pants because miko is right next to me.
rauw alejandro’s song starts playing..
Me matan esos ojos bellos Me gusta tu olor, de tu piel, el color Y como me haces sentir Me gusta tu boquita, ese labial rosita Y cómo me besas a mí
I turn to look at miko, at this part of the song..
she winks at me, while we’re maintaining eye contact.
I turn around before I shit my pants.
“hey are you still going to use my pickup line?”
“rivers you’re not helping!”
“are you though?”
I sang the whole song with rivers, trying to think myself that moment did not happen with me and miko right now.
the concert ends.
someone comes up to me.
“hey young miko, wants you to ask you something in private.”
“if that’s okay with you?”
“Yeah, yeah that’s okay with me!.”
rivers whistles
“See you in the car!”
“oh and make sure to use my pickup line!”
“sorry about her”
“it’s alright, come on let’s go”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ”alright she’s in the back.”
“oh okay!”
I walk towards the back, trying to find miko.
I jump, woah she is very attractive…
“you okay?, seems like I spooked you a little.”
“yeah, yeah! I’m fine”
“okay, I brought you here because you look really beautiful, and I just wanted to ask..”
“uhm can I have your number?”
“Of course!, I mean yeah..”
She hands me her phone, as I type my number in.
“okay thanks!, I’ll call you!”
she gives me a kiss on the cheek.
I get all flustered…
“yeah, bye!”
omg.. miko just kissed me.
I’m officially going crazy.
I start speed walking to rivers car.
“Hey, did everything go well?”
“yeah, uhm miko kind of kissed me..”
“she what?!”
“yeah uhm long story.”
“Well did you use my pickup line?”
“rivers, no I did not use your pickup line!”
“aw it would’ve been awesome!”
“yeah, yeah awesome..”
“well at the house, you tell me everything, I mean everything!”
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 10.9
Abolition Day (Saint Barthelemy)
Buckwheat Day (French Republic)
Commonwealth Cultural Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Community Day (Spain)
Constitution Day (Sint Maarten)
Curious Events Day
Day of National Honor (a.k.a. Day of Dignity; Peru)
Earth Science Literacy Day
Fire Prevention Day (Canada, US)
Fungus Day
Give Peace a Chance Day
Hangul Day (a.k.a. Korean Alphabet Day; South Korea)
Indian Foreign Service Day (India)
Instant Karma Day
International Subscription Day
Leif Erikson Day (Iceland, Norway; Minnesota, Wisconsin)
Magic Lantern Day
Manhattan Project Day
Messenger Appreciation Day
Mop Fair (Tewkesbury, England)
National Absentee Ballot Day
National Chess Day (Original Date)
National Class Ring Day
National C60 Day
National Dance Marathon Day
National Day Commemorating the Holocaust (a.k.a. Ziua Nationala de Comemorare a Holocaustului; Romania)
National Day Without Stigma
National Digitool Day
National Heritage Day (Turks and Caicos)
National Nanotechnology Day
National Send a Booty Pic Day
National Sneakers Day
Nautilus Night
Pans/Pandas Awareness Day
Region of Valencia Day (Spain)
Samitinget Establishment Day (Norway)
Scrubs Day
Strawberry Fields Day
Tavistock Goose Fair (Devon, England)
Valencian Community Day (Valencia, Spain)
World PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day
World Post Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beer and Pizza Day
International Beer and Pizza Day
Cupcakes For Life Day
National Moldy Cheese Day
Submarine-Hoagie-Hero-Grinder Day
Yukon Gold Potato Day
2nd Monday in October
Bartolomé Day [2nd Monday]
Columbus Day observed [2nd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
American Indian Heritage Day
Amerigo Vespucci Day
Anti-Columbus Day
Descubrimiento de América (Mexico)
Día de la Hispanidad (a.k.a. Fiesta Nacional de España; Spain)
Dia del Respet a la Diversidad Cultural (Argentina)
Dia De La Raza (a.k.a. Day of the Race; Mexico)
Dia de la Resistencia (a.k.a. Day of Indigenous Resistance; Venezuela)
Dia de las Americas (a.k.a. Day of the Americas; Uruguay)
Dia de las Culturas (a.k.a. Day of the Cultures; Costa Rica)
Dia del Descubrimiento de dos Mundos (Chile)
Dia del Respet a la Diversidad Cultural (Argentina)
Discoverer's Day (Hawaii)
Discovery Day (Bahamas, Colombia)
Encuentro de Dos Mundos (Ecuador)
Fraternal Day (Alabama)
Indigenous People's Day
Leif Erickson Day
National Heritage Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Native American Day (South Dakota)
Native Americans Day
Pan America Day (Belize)
Piomingo Day (Chickasaw Nation)
Two Worlds Day
US Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day
Federation Day (Star Trek) [2nd Monday]
Health and Sports Day (Japan) [2nd Monday]
Lotu-a-Tamaiti (American Samoa) [Monday after 2nd Sunday]
National Heroes Day (Bahamas) [2nd Monday]
National Kick-Butt Day [2nd Monday]
National Online Banking Day [2nd Monday]
Thanksgiving (Canada) [2nd Monday]
World Rainforest Week begins [2nd Monday]
Yorktown Victory Day (Virginia) [2nd Monday]
Independence Days
Frivia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Guayaquil Independence Day (Ecuador)
Malvern (l.k.a. Malvern and Roslyn; Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Republic of Skovaji (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Uganda (from UK, 1962)
Union of Piedmont (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abraham the Patriarch (Christian; Saint)
Atilla the Hun Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Count (Muppetism)
Day of Tuonela (Pagan)
Denis (Christian; Saint)
Denis Ghislain (Christian; Saint)
Dionysius the Areopagite (Christian; Saint)
Domninus (Christian; Saint)
Felicitas (Old Roman Goddess of Good Luck & Joy)
Festival for Venus (Ancient Rome)
Frank Duveneck (Artology)
Ghislain (a.k.a. Guislain; Christian; Saint)
Innocencio of Mary Immaculate and Martyrs of Asturias (Christian; Saint)
Jean-Baptiste Regnault (Artology)
John Henry Newman (Christian; Saint)
John Leonardi (Christian; Saint)
Knot Day (Pastafarian)
Luis Beltran (a.k.a. Lewis Bertrand; Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Roerich (Artology)
Robert Grosseteste (Church of England)
Roger Bacon (Positivist; Saint)
Simeon Solomon (Artology)
Takayama Autumn Festival begins (Japan)
Wilfred Grenfell (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [47 of 57]
Babe, by Styx (Song; 1979)
Big Top Scooby-Doo! (WB Animated Film; 2012)
Boulder Wham! (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Boy Bounders or Plane Punchy (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 61; 1960)
Buzzard Bait or The Carrion Call (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 167; 1962)
Carry On, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1925)
Couples Retreat (Film; 2009)
Dance Dance Dance,, recorded by The Beach Boys (Song; 1964)
Holy Man (Film; 1998)
The Iceman Cometh, by Eugene O’Neill (Play; 1946)
Libeled Lady (Film; 1936)
Little Big Man, by Thomas Berger (Novel; 1964)
Little Einsteins (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Microcosmos (Documentary Film; 1996)
Mogambo (Film; 1953)
The Olympic Champ (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
A Peek at the Peak or Your Climb is My Climb (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 62; 1960)
Phantom of the Opera (Broadway Musical; 1986)
Prisoner of Love, recorded by Russ Columbo (Song; 1931)
Pursuit of the Po-Ho (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #4; 1964)
Rocky Rides Again or Small in the Saddle (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 168; 1962)
Rover’s Rival (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Rushmore (Film; 1998)
Thomas & Friends (Animated UK TV Series; 1984)
Timewasters (BBC TV Series; 2017)
Under Siege (Film; 1992)
Wild Night, by Van Morrison (Song; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Doings, Dionysius, Günter, Johannes, Sara (Austria)
Abraham, Dionizije, Sara (Croatia)
Sára, Štefan (Czech Republic)
Dionysius (Denmark)
Mariina, Riin, Riina, Riine (Estonia)
Ilona (Finland)
Denis (France)
Doings, Elfriede, Günter, Sara, Sibylle (Germany)
Avraam, Lot (Greece)
Dénes (Hungary)
Abramo, Dionigi, Ferruccio, Lorenzo, Sara (Italy)
Elga, Elgars, Helga (Latvia)
Dionizas, Virgailė (Lithuania)
Leidulf, Leif (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Atanazja, Bogdan, Dionizjusz, Dionizy, Jan, Ludwik, Przedpełk (Poland)
Iacob (Romania)
Dionýz (Slovakia)
Abraham, Abrahán, Dionisio, Héctor, Juan, Luis, Sara (Spain)
Inger, Ingrid (Sweden)
Rebecca (Ukraine)
Denice, Denis, Denise, Dennis, Denny, Dion, Gunnar, Gunther, Leif (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 282 of 2024; 83 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 25 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 24 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 24 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 12 Shù; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 26 September 2023
Moon: 22%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 2 Descartes (11th Month) [Roger Bacon]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 16 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 16 of 30)
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eroticcspy · 10 months
Meeting/First Time (Angry Sex/Tension) follow @eroticspy on wattpad for more !
pov: Selene
It was Saturday and I’ve been anticipating his arrival to Ocean City. I have known Roman for about six months now and the start has been rocky. We were totally different people but slowly overtime we got used to each other. I always was attracted to him but didn’t want to admit it because I didn’t want to risk losing our connection in case he didn’t feel the same way.
Well, for the last two months, we started getting a lot closer. He lives all the way in Arizona but occasionally goes to Puerto Rico to visit his dad for his construction projects. Well, we made a plan for him to come and visit me tomorrow and I’m supposed to pick him up at 7:00am. Ugh, I’m so excited to see him but there’s been some problems recently.
We’ve been talking and he would have unexplained mood swings and it caused us to not talk like we used to for about a week or so. I don’t know why it’s hard for him to just tell me about what’s been going on or why he’s changed. Did I go too far with how I spoke with him? No, that can’t be it. I wish he would stop acting so immature and just tell me what’s happening. 
He texted me about where to meet him in the airport tomorrow and I just started crying because I hated when I couldn’t tell how people felt. It’s not like if he were here in real life where I could see his expressions and how he acted so I can just guess. I lashed out on him about it the night before that because I do really like him, in a romantic sense. He didn't tell me much except that he was gonna be okay and that made a wedge between us. I don't know if he’s as angry as I am, I don’t think he has the right to be.
Next Morning
Pov: Roman
*exits plane*
As I walked down the stairs, I felt a little bit of guilt. Yes, I was excited that I was finally here but I couldn't stop thinking about Selene and how she’s feeling. I’m not stupid and know that what I did is wrong but I just didn’t know how to express that to her. I love her so much and I know that she knows that. There was always a spark between us and it’s the best thing I’ve ever experienced with someone else and I couldn’t believe that there was this wedge between us right now, but it is my fault. The last thing I want to do is hurt her.
I walked over to the food court to grab a coffee but I was never really a coffee drinker so I just got the drink that Selene tells me about.  She loves caramel and chocolate and things of that nature so I went on to search for a drink that matched that. The closest this I could find that resembled it was a Caramel Cocoa Frappuccino, fuck that was a mouthful.
I got both her and I a drink and then went to wait for her to come and meet me. I have never been this nervous in my entire life. I’m gonna stay with her for two months and anything could come out of this, I’m really excited for this new chapter.
Pov: Selene / 5am
OMG, I hated waking up early. As soon as I woke up I had that brain fog moment where your brain is loading and you remember who you are and what you’re planning to do. I wasn’t gonna put too much work into my looks right now cause I woke up 30 minutes late but I think I can pull it off. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up for a bit while I layed out my clothes. I entered the shower and I had a magical feeling come over me. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. I know I was mad at him but still…this is happening in real life. I closed my eyes and imagined him here in the shower with me, caressing me. I was interrupted by the sound of my cat falling off a shelf, he always did that.
I got out and went on to wear my outfit which was a blue navy plain crop top and some black bootcut jeans and some sneakers. I put on my usual makeup and I straightened my hair two days ago. I just curled it this morning and I loved how it looked. I put on a big jacket because airports were always cold. I kissed my cat goodbye and was on my way.
The drive took about an hour and I wasn’t really that used to driving for long distances so I felt tired after but we made it. Everything was starting to feel surreal and I got a rush out of this. I made my way to the doors and looked around everywhere. I know he gave me the exact number for where he would be but I got lost as soon as I went in.
Pov: Roman
She was supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago so I gave her a call.
Roman: Hey Selene
Selene: Yes i know, I’m lost
Roman: Stay where you are, just tell me where you are
Selene: I can find you myself you know
Roman: Clearly you can’t and I don’t mean that in a harsh way. Let’s make this easier for both of us. Tell me where you are okay
Selene: ugh fine…
Roman: Save that attitude for later, tell me where you are
Selene: Well I don’t know for certain but I’m where there's a big “A” sign and there’s a small McDonalds here.
Roman: Stay where you are, I know exactly where that is.
Selene: Okay, see you soon.
Okay this feels way too real now. I can’t stop shaking omg… 
I didn’t know where to stand because I didn’t know what side he was gonna come out of so I just kept spinning in circles like an idiot.
There he was…
I don’t know if he saw me yet or not but I just felt this rush of excitement and nervousness run through my body but I knew I had to make the move.
I saw that he turned his back around and I was now behind him and I couldn’t lose him. I slowly but quickly walk up behind him and tap his shoulder. He immediately puts his hands around my waist as I put mine around his neck. His hair felt soft to the touch and his skin felt warm and comforting due to the coldness around us. I felt so safe in this moment that I forgot about the problems that we had, I just wanted him to hold me and for us to go home together and spend the night in his embrace.
“Hi” I said to him with tears forming in my eyes. They weren’t sad tears but happily nervous tears. He just kept holding my head to his chest as I couldn’t stop the tears anymore.
“Hey Selene,” he said as he held the side of my face with his left hand, lifting my face up to look at him. I was a crying mess but I didn’t care much, I couldn’t help but admire his noticeably attractive body. From the veins in his hands to the muscles on his arms, I wanted it all.
“I think we should start making our way back,” I told him and so we went on our way.
(An Hour And A Half Later)
We were home now  but I could tell he didn’t want to do too much talking. I showed him where the bathroom was and then let him do his thing. About an hour later when I walk out of my room, he’s asleep on the couch with my cat Maya, walking around and staring at him.
I call her to come over to me so he can sleep in peace. It was now 7pm and he was still asleep, jet lag is a bitch. It felt weird knowing he was here while I was in my room but I was excited for him to wake up as I had already cooked some lasagna for us. I was sitting at the edge of the couch as I heard a groaning noise and I knew it was him. I loved that noise and it made me go feral. I go up to where his head is dangling from the couch and I whisper to him, “wake up!” he gradually wakes up as I support his head on my right shoulder.
Even though I was awake, I still felt a bit tired but I could support myself. The first thing I see when I wake up is Selene and I felt neck pain. I sat upright on the couch and she was there sitting at my feet.
“Finally you’re awake” she says in an exciting voice. I probably look like a mess right now but she comes and sits right next to me. 
“Is there anything you need?” she asks me and I tell her no but that I was hungry. She goes to the kitchen and sets up a small table on the floor for both of us. I thought that that was so sweet and it would be a more intimate experience for both of us. I sit on the floor as I wait for her to bring our meals. 
“Thank you for everything, Selene”, I tell her and she replies saying you’re welcome. She looked so pretty and I was in awe that this was really happening right now. I just wanted to hold her waist and hold her tight and I could tell that she was nervous too.
Everything was going great but I then thought this was a good time to bring up our recent problems.
“So..are you finally gonna tell me about why you’ve been distant lately?”. He slowly drops his fork and gives me a kind of surprised look.
“I know that you know what I’m referring to Roman” I look down as to not make it more tense for him.
“Selene, I promise it’s not that big of a deal and it’s over now”. 
“What do you mean it’s over now? You started only texting me in the afternoon, leaving me on delivery for hours at a time, and ignoring some of my calls and just overall haven’t been fully participating. Can you please tell me what's wrong and what I did wrong so that we can fix this. We literally didn’t talk for two days before this until last night when you told me about how we would meet up.”
“I don’t want to talk about this right now” he says and then he continues to eat. 
“You can’t disrespect me like this, especially for something so simple. I’m not the crazy one here and you know that” fuck..tears were forming up. I could never argue with someone without crying and I already knew that this argument was coming up but I guess I wasn’t prepared.
“Don’t cry” he says while following me as I quickly walk to my bedroom. I didn’t want to deal with this right now and needed some time to think. Before he can follow me, I slam the door and lay down in front of it. I didn’t want to see him but I didn’t want to be away from him. I could hear him sit down at the bottom of my door and I couldn’t help myself but kept crying. Everything was going so well and now this?? I was angry at him but I still wanted him close to me. I sensed when he left and went into the guest room, I didn’t know what he was doing though.
As I closed my eyes and was in a state where I felt like I was sleeping but I wasn’t sleeping I felt a knock at the door. 
“Selene” I heard multiple times and then decided to open the door because why not?
I knew exactly what Selene was referring to and it was so stupid of me. I started to become distant because I wanted to lose feeling for her…yes I know, that dumb. But I just didn’t think that she felt the same way about me so I didn’t want to be disappointed when I came over to be with her. Why are us men so dumb…i don’t know. This was definitely one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made but I needed to fix it.
I went to my suitcase to change into something more comfortable and the nearest things I could reach were my tank top and shorts.. Not only was it comfortable but Selene would love it I’m sure. As I open up a bottle of water, I spill it all over my tank top great…I really needed this to happen right now. But there was no time to be angry over this.
I then went into my carry on to take out these special candy arrangements that my dad had given me, she really loves chocolates so I think I could at least get her attention with it and make her feel comfortable enough to talk with me. I nervously make my way down the hallway with it in hand and I kneel down the door and knock because I knew that she would be there. Through the small opening at the bottom of the door, I saw her shadow laying there but I couldn’t tell if she was awake or not, so I knocked and waited.
I thought about all the outcomes that could come if I opened this door. Yes I was mad at him but I loved him and I did ever since the moment we started talking. I needed him right now not only to hear about his journey but to be comforted by him. I was touch deprived I have to admit and I haven’t really had the physical touch I’ve wanted and needed throughout my life. Not from family or friends because I didn't fully feel like I could be confined to them. My only real friends lived really far away so I’ve had to have mostly just acquaintances and that’s not the best thing.
I’ve fantasized a lot about him in the past and how our time together would be. I’ve always wanted him because I’ve known him for over two years and have seen him through thick and thin, told him about all of my problems, he’s comforted me through all of my moments and shown me nothing but love and compassion. This is the man that I want and I was gonna have him tonight.
I stood up and pushed away the blanket I had brought to the ground with me and I opened the door and there he was but not in the same outfit. He was now shirtless and wearing very thin fabric shorts, it was hard to look away. I backed away letting him in and he towered over me making me feel cornered but I didn’t hate the feeling.
“What ?” I asked quietly while keeping my head down because I didn’t have the courage to look at him. 
“I’m really sorry” he says as he brings out his hand for me to hold it but I didn’t. “I know I’m in the wrong and I really want us to talk about it because it’s something that’ll be a really big turning point in our friendship, I really don’t want you to think that I’ve hurt you on purpose, we just need to talk it out”. 
I turn around, fighting tears and he waits for me to say something but I don’t. 
“Can you just leave please” I try to say in a firm voice but it was broken. 
“It’s okay, I understand. You can come to me when you’re ready to talk and you’re not obligated to forgive me, I love you Selene”. He walks out the door, and leaves the box of chocolates at the bottom of my door. I waited a few seconds to go and get them and I had never seen these before. It took a quick search to find out that these weren’t from the U.S but from Puerto Rico. I open the box to take out a square and it had a mango-ish taste to it with some caramel. I eat a few more before I look at the clock and it reads 11:09pm. It was getting really late and my mind hadn’t settled enough for me to go to bed.
I couldn’t stop thinking about him and felt guilty everytime I knew he was on the other side of the door waiting for me. I knew he truly felt sorry because he was an honest person to me always and we would always talk out our problems but it just wasn’t the right time tonight. I try to go to bed but I can’t, I really need him right now and I can’t resist. 
I think now is the right time 
I nervously open my door and make my way over to the guest room. I didn’t know if he was asleep or not but I still opened the door. There he was laying on his side facing the window and omg he looked so calm and hot at the same time. I slowly made my way around the bed to get in front of him.
“You’re here” he says as he sits right up on the bed. 
“Yeah I’m here” I say in a quiet voice. I couldn’t help but notice his features from the vines in his hands to his eyes and muscles. I sit at the edge of the bed looking at him. I feel that I’m too far away from him and go sit next to him instead. I couldn’t help myself when he offered for me to get closer to him. I end up between his legs and his hands wrapped around my torso. I threw my head back making it land onto his shoulder, feeling his breath hit my neck and the soft kisses he gave me as he worked one of his hands from my torso to my chin, holding it up. It made me want more. 
I quickly got up and turned around to face him, now sitting on his lap. He wrapped his hands around my back as I held the back of his head and the side of his face. I loved the small whimpers coming out of him as I rubbed on his cock. He crashes his lips into my mouth which throws me under him on the bed. I held on to his neck, feeling the pressure every time we came in for another kiss. He tasted like strawberries and I loved the feelg of his tongue against mine. 
He post ironed himself in a kneeling position in front of me and proceeded to take off his shorts. I squeezed my legs together as I was getting more excited by the second. 
“Can I ?” He signals to me as he’s wanting to take my shirt off. As he rolled it over my head I could see the carvings on his chest and arms, the way his heart was beating and the way his cock rubbed against my abdomen with every move he made. He comes back on top of me, this time holding one of my legs up and using the other hand to hold on to the sheets as he starts to do a thrust like motion everytime we went in for a deeper kiss. “You taste so good” he says in a breaking voice as he’s giving me hickeys on my neck. Each bite felt like heaven.
I get up and slowly play him down on the bed. I sat myself upright on his abdomen.
He reaches out and places both his hands at the sides of my wais, they felt more.
“I thought you wanted to talk this out” he says in an amusing voice.
“We can talk later” 
I started to lay wet kisses going from his mouth to his neck and working my day down to his chest. I started to lick down his torso making my way down to his cock. As I got closer, I could hear his moans getting louder and breathing get heavier. I can feel his precum oozing out onto my bits. I can’t wait anymore and get between his legs, arching my back and starting to lick the tip of his dick. “Auughh” sounds he let out continuously. I loved that I was making him feel this way and could also feel my clit begging for his touch. I swirl my tongue around it, teasing him along the way. As I closed my eyes I felt something come over me and it was him, knees on the bed in front of me. 
“Get up” he says, I follow his instructions getting on all fours in front of him. He holds my hair back with both hands as I continuously kept sucking him from tip to base. The gags were not stopping but felt so good as I felt completely overtaken by him, hearing his moans made it even better as I could feel the hardness of my nipples. I can't help it and tears start coming out of my face as the stroking into my mouth continues. 
“Look at yourself” he says as I move my eyes up to look at him, both of us making eye contact, it was tiring but pleasing at the same time. I took a gasp for air every ten or so seconds . “Maybe if you weren’t such a whore you wouldn’t be in this position” he says as the whimpers break his sentence. He knew what he was doing and this only made me go harder. I stop, not wanting him to finish yet. 
Pov: Roman (🤭)
I let out a desperate grunt as I felt her stopping. I got up, slamming her onto the bed and holding her legs up as she kept squeezing her thighs together and slowly taking off her shorts, I threw them and put them aside as I laid myself down between her legs. I tease her by swirling my tongue around her opening whilst holding her legs tightly. Every moan she made makes me want to go deeper and with more suction.
I make my way to her clit where I slowly start going in circular motions, as I kept doing so, I could feel my cock pulsing as I thrusted myself onto the bedding. I feel a hand going onto my head, holding it down and I keep going, knowing she’s about to climax by the way her whimpers get more desperate. I stop and go get on top of her, taking my left arm to hold hers out onto the bed as we locked our hands together. I slide in a finger and I start kissing her neck as she throws her head back onto the bed moaning in pleasure. 
I slid in a second finger this time, thrusting them inside of her as I rubbed her clit with my thumb. “Look at me” I say in a soft voice, wanting to know that she was okay and safe. She looks at me and we share a short kiss as I then start to suck on her neck, and make my way down to her nipples, sucking and nibbling on them as she uses her right hand to push me further down. 
She wrapped her legs around my head as she was climaxing, letting out a subtle moan. I feel her legs releasing as she topples over me, making us start kissing again. She put her hand down and started to stroke my cock and stimulate my tip in a circular motion.
I looked into Roman’s eyes and took in all of his desperate whines. I lay on my stomach between his legs and start to suck on his cock mostly focusing on the tip. His legs started to shake as he felt that he was going to cum. He started to take deep breaths as he pushed my head down and kept it there as he was cumming. I loved hearing the muffled like sound of his moans and looking at his abs contracting as he regulated his breathing
I lay next to him as he grabs the blanket to put it over us. I turn my back against him and put myself against his front as he wraps his hands around me.
“You did so good” he says into my ear as he gives me kisses all over my cheeks and neck.
“You did great too” I say in a soft and teasing voice. 
*check out the rest of my work on wattpad :)
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sneakerslovers-com · 1 year
A mid-cut shoe reminiscent of the '00s, back to basics!
Designed by Bruce Kilgore, the AIR FORCE 1 was the first basketball shoe to feature NIKE AIR. In the 2000s, the "White Snake", "PUERTO RICO", and "WEST INDIES", masterpieces that have been handed down to the present day, continued to be released in low-cut versions. While low-cut models appeared one after another, mid-cut shoes were mainly basic designs that went against the trend of the '90s, and their presence gradually faded away.
However, in 2022, the 40th anniversary year, the mid-cut was back in the spotlight and has made a successful comeback. The new mid-cut lineup features the basic color schemes seen in the early '00s. The design is very basic, with a white leather base, swoosh, outsole, and inner lining in light gray. With the exception of the current square shape of the eyestay and the painting on the midsole, the design is almost identical to the "306352-102" colorway released in 2003. Although it was an unfortunate time when the AF1 was overshadowed by the low-cut shoes, which were available in many gorgeous variations, there is no doubt that this design brought out the best of the AF1's appeal, and it is now time for its value to be recognized.
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flanforjackagueros · 3 months
‘Sonnet for 1950’ By Jack Agüeros
All the kids came rumbling down the wood tenement Shaky stairs, sneakers slapping against the worn Tin tread edges, downhall came Pepo, Chino, Cojo, Curly bursting from the door like shells exploding Singing "I'm a Rican Doodle Dandy" and "What shall We be today, Doctors or Junkies, Soldiers or Winos?" Pepo put a milk crate on a Spanish Harlem johnny pump And drops opened like paratroopers carrying war news. Then Urban Renewal attacked the pump, cleared the slums Blamed Puerto Rico and dispersed the Spies, blasting Them into the Army or Anywhere Avenue in the Bronx. And nobody, but nobody, came back from that summer. Just as Korea was death in service to the warring Nation The Bronx was death in service to the negligent Nation
0 notes
raheemnelsonstyle · 5 months
Traveling in Style: Airport style. Aside from talking about my OOTDs I also want to talk about travel and traveling in style. To me style is about self expression and when you look good there’s a great chance you feel good too.
I used to travel to the airport in a suit and tie. Think Mad Men or Pan Am. Lately I’ve been prioritizing comfort but also infusing my personal style. For my airport looks it’s all about layering. Airports and airplanes really blast the AC.
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For my departing flight I wore a sweatsuit, raincoat, white sneakers and a winter cap to stay warm. I’m able to quickly get through TSA and shed any layers if I’m too warm. Puerto Rico had a lot of scattered showers so this was great.
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For my returning look I wore tan plaid trackpants (that got a lot of compliments) a polo and a bomber jacket. This was good for transitioning from the tropical weather back to colder temps.
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For packing everything I need I just go with a duffle from Halfday Travel and a backpack.
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 10.9
Abolition Day (Saint Barthelemy)
Buckwheat Day (French Republic)
Commonwealth Cultural Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Community Day (Spain)
Constitution Day (Sint Maarten)
Curious Events Day
Day of National Honor (a.k.a. Day of Dignity; Peru)
Earth Science Literacy Day
Fire Prevention Day (Canada, US)
Fungus Day
Give Peace a Chance Day
Hangul Day (a.k.a. Korean Alphabet Day; South Korea)
Indian Foreign Service Day (India)
Instant Karma Day
International Subscription Day
Leif Erikson Day (Iceland, Norway; Minnesota, Wisconsin)
Magic Lantern Day
Manhattan Project Day
Messenger Appreciation Day
Mop Fair (Tewkesbury, England)
National Absentee Ballot Day
National Chess Day (Original Date)
National Class Ring Day
National C60 Day
National Dance Marathon Day
National Day Commemorating the Holocaust (a.k.a. Ziua Nationala de Comemorare a Holocaustului; Romania)
National Day Without Stigma
National Digitool Day
National Heritage Day (Turks and Caicos)
National Nanotechnology Day
National Send a Booty Pic Day
National Sneakers Day
Nautilus Night
Pans/Pandas Awareness Day
Region of Valencia Day (Spain)
Samitinget Establishment Day (Norway)
Scrubs Day
Strawberry Fields Day
Tavistock Goose Fair (Devon, England)
Valencian Community Day (Valencia, Spain)
World PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day
World Post Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beer and Pizza Day
International Beer and Pizza Day
Cupcakes For Life Day
National Moldy Cheese Day
Submarine-Hoagie-Hero-Grinder Day
Yukon Gold Potato Day
2nd Monday in October
Bartolomé Day [2nd Monday]
Columbus Day observed [2nd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
American Indian Heritage Day
Amerigo Vespucci Day
Anti-Columbus Day
Descubrimiento de América (Mexico)
Día de la Hispanidad (a.k.a. Fiesta Nacional de España; Spain)
Dia del Respet a la Diversidad Cultural (Argentina)
Dia De La Raza (a.k.a. Day of the Race; Mexico)
Dia de la Resistencia (a.k.a. Day of Indigenous Resistance; Venezuela)
Dia de las Americas (a.k.a. Day of the Americas; Uruguay)
Dia de las Culturas (a.k.a. Day of the Cultures; Costa Rica)
Dia del Descubrimiento de dos Mundos (Chile)
Dia del Respet a la Diversidad Cultural (Argentina)
Discoverer's Day (Hawaii)
Discovery Day (Bahamas, Colombia)
Encuentro de Dos Mundos (Ecuador)
Fraternal Day (Alabama)
Indigenous People's Day
Leif Erickson Day
National Heritage Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Native American Day (South Dakota)
Native Americans Day
Pan America Day (Belize)
Piomingo Day (Chickasaw Nation)
Two Worlds Day
US Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day
Federation Day (Star Trek) [2nd Monday]
Health and Sports Day (Japan) [2nd Monday]
Lotu-a-Tamaiti (American Samoa) [Monday after 2nd Sunday]
National Heroes Day (Bahamas) [2nd Monday]
National Kick-Butt Day [2nd Monday]
National Online Banking Day [2nd Monday]
Thanksgiving (Canada) [2nd Monday]
World Rainforest Week begins [2nd Monday]
Yorktown Victory Day (Virginia) [2nd Monday]
Independence Days
Frivia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Guayaquil Independence Day (Ecuador)
Malvern (l.k.a. Malvern and Roslyn; Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Republic of Skovaji (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Uganda (from UK, 1962)
Union of Piedmont (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abraham the Patriarch (Christian; Saint)
Atilla the Hun Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Count (Muppetism)
Day of Tuonela (Pagan)
Denis (Christian; Saint)
Denis Ghislain (Christian; Saint)
Dionysius the Areopagite (Christian; Saint)
Domninus (Christian; Saint)
Felicitas (Old Roman Goddess of Good Luck & Joy)
Festival for Venus (Ancient Rome)
Frank Duveneck (Artology)
Ghislain (a.k.a. Guislain; Christian; Saint)
Innocencio of Mary Immaculate and Martyrs of Asturias (Christian; Saint)
Jean-Baptiste Regnault (Artology)
John Henry Newman (Christian; Saint)
John Leonardi (Christian; Saint)
Knot Day (Pastafarian)
Luis Beltran (a.k.a. Lewis Bertrand; Christian; Saint)
Nicholas Roerich (Artology)
Robert Grosseteste (Church of England)
Roger Bacon (Positivist; Saint)
Simeon Solomon (Artology)
Takayama Autumn Festival begins (Japan)
Wilfred Grenfell (Episcopal Church (USA))
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [47 of 57]
Babe, by Styx (Song; 1979)
Big Top Scooby-Doo! (WB Animated Film; 2012)
Boulder Wham! (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Boy Bounders or Plane Punchy (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 61; 1960)
Buzzard Bait or The Carrion Call (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 167; 1962)
Carry On, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse (Novel; 1925)
Couples Retreat (Film; 2009)
Dance Dance Dance,, recorded by The Beach Boys (Song; 1964)
Holy Man (Film; 1998)
The Iceman Cometh, by Eugene O’Neill (Play; 1946)
Libeled Lady (Film; 1936)
Little Big Man, by Thomas Berger (Novel; 1964)
Little Einsteins (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Microcosmos (Documentary Film; 1996)
Mogambo (Film; 1953)
The Olympic Champ (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
A Peek at the Peak or Your Climb is My Climb (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 62; 1960)
Phantom of the Opera (Broadway Musical; 1986)
Prisoner of Love, recorded by Russ Columbo (Song; 1931)
Pursuit of the Po-Ho (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #4; 1964)
Rocky Rides Again or Small in the Saddle (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 168; 1962)
Rover’s Rival (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Rushmore (Film; 1998)
Thomas & Friends (Animated UK TV Series; 1984)
Timewasters (BBC TV Series; 2017)
Under Siege (Film; 1992)
Wild Night, by Van Morrison (Song; 1971)
Today’s Name Days
Doings, Dionysius, Günter, Johannes, Sara (Austria)
Abraham, Dionizije, Sara (Croatia)
Sára, Štefan (Czech Republic)
Dionysius (Denmark)
Mariina, Riin, Riina, Riine (Estonia)
Ilona (Finland)
Denis (France)
Doings, Elfriede, Günter, Sara, Sibylle (Germany)
Avraam, Lot (Greece)
Dénes (Hungary)
Abramo, Dionigi, Ferruccio, Lorenzo, Sara (Italy)
Elga, Elgars, Helga (Latvia)
Dionizas, Virgailė (Lithuania)
Leidulf, Leif (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Atanazja, Bogdan, Dionizjusz, Dionizy, Jan, Ludwik, Przedpełk (Poland)
Iacob (Romania)
Dionýz (Slovakia)
Abraham, Abrahán, Dionisio, Héctor, Juan, Luis, Sara (Spain)
Inger, Ingrid (Sweden)
Rebecca (Ukraine)
Denice, Denis, Denise, Dennis, Denny, Dion, Gunnar, Gunther, Leif (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 282 of 2024; 83 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 41 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 25 (Geng-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 24 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 24 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 12 Shù; Fiveday [12 of 30]
Julian: 26 September 2023
Moon: 22%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 2 Descartes (11th Month) [Roger Bacon]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 13 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 16 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 16 of 30)
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atozearth · 9 months
2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup's Qualified Teams
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The 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup is the 19th tournament of the FIBA Basketball World Cup for men's national basketball teams. The tournament is the second to feature 32 teams and is currently being hosted by multiple nations for the first time in its history—the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia—from 25 August to 10 September 2023.
The following teams have qualified for the tournament:
- Angola - Australia - Argentina - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Brazil - Canada - Cape Verde - China - Cote d'Ivoire - Czech Republic - Egypt - France - Germany - Greece - Iran - Italy - Japan - Jordan - Lebanon - Lithuania - Mexico - Montenegro - Netherlands - Nigeria - Philippines - Poland - Puerto Rico - Senegal - Slovenia - Spain - South Sudan - United States - Uruguay - Venezuela The draw for the tournament was held on 3 February 2023 in Manila, Philippines. The teams were drawn into eight groups of four teams each. The top two teams from each group will advance to the knockout stage. The streaming partners for the 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup vary by country. Some of the major streaming partners include: - ESPN in the United States - beIN Sports in the Middle East and North Africa - Sky Sports in the United Kingdom and Ireland - DAZN in Germany, Italy, Spain, and Japan - Eleven Sports in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Portugal - FIBA TV (the official streaming service of FIBA) You can find a more complete list of streaming partners on the FIBA Basketball World Cup website. If you are not sure which streaming partner is available in your country, you can contact FIBA or your local sports broadcaster.
Here are some additional details about the streaming partners:
- ESPN will stream the games in the United States, Canada, and Caribbean. - beIN Sports will stream the games in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as France, Turkey, and Greece. - Sky Sports will stream the games in the United Kingdom and Ireland. - DAZN will stream the games in Germany, Italy, Spain, and Japan. - Eleven Sports will stream the games in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Portugal. - FIBA TV will stream the games worldwide. The FIBA Basketball World Cup is a major sporting event, and it is expected to be a popular streaming event. The streaming partners have made arrangements to ensure that fans around the world can watch the games live. The 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup is expected to be a major sporting event, with millions of fans around the world tuning in to watch. It is also expected to be a boost for the economies of the host countries. Are you interested in watching any of the games? please comment in the comment box Also Read more - Screen Shot On a Samsung - Air Max System Platform Sneaker - Apple Gift Cards Balance Check - How To SS On Chromebook - Ktn lookup in 2023 - Gifts for 10 Years Old Boys - Gift For Parents At Christmas - Foods That Are White In color - Kitchen Remodel Ideas - iPhone 15 launch date - Roblox t shirt Read the full article
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kicksaddictny · 1 year
Celebrating Puerto Rican Culture in Style, SNIPES Takes Center Stage at the National Puerto Rican Day Parade with an Unforgettable Experience
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SNIPES, the leading sportswear and sneaker retailer, is thrilled to announce its participation in the National Puerto Rican Day Parade(NPRDP), demonstrating its commitment to community and culture. This exciting event, taking place on Sunday, June 11, will showcase the vibrant Puerto Rican heritage, highlight SNIPES' involvement as a proud sponsor and explore this year’s parade theme of music, culture, and gratitude.
As a prominent participant in the NPRDP, SNIPES will bring a wave of excitement and entertainment to all parade-goers. The company has sponsored the NPRDP and will have a custom-designed float that pays tribute to the influential leaders, educators, artists, and celebrities who have left an indelible cultural mark on our nation. The float will be adorned with eye-catching branded visuals and will pay homage to Puerto Rico. The float will also feature a live DJ set from the renowned DJ Enuff, setting the energetic atmosphere throughout the parade route.
SNIPES is honored to have global Puerto Rican artist DALEX as a special guest, who will grace the float with thrilling live performances. DALEX, is undeniably one of today's hottest, most influential Latin urban reggaetón artists. In 2018 his single “Pa 'Mi" with Rafa Pabon quickly gained popularity and Dalex became one of the biggest urban breakout talents, positioning himself at the forefront of the music industry. In 2019 Dalex released his first album “Climaxx” which was critically acclaimed, remained on Billboard's Latin Rhythm Albums chart for 34 consecutive weeks and was certified Platinum (RIAA). Some of his most recognized singles include: “Pa Mi Remix”, “Hola Remix”, “Quizas”, and “Cuaderno”. 
Moreover, SNIPES is excited to partner with KR3TS (Keep Rising To The Top), an esteemed organization that provides dance classes and support programs to empower the community, particularly the youth, by offering positive alternatives to social and street pressures. KR3TS will march alongside the SNIPES float, enhancing the celebration with a live DJ set and distributing limited giveaways, including t-shirts, lanyards, necklaces, and hats, to those in attendance.
The National Puerto Rican Day Parade, now in its 66th year, is the largest demonstration of cultural pride in the nation. Stretching along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, from 44th Street to 79th Street, the parade honors the 3.5 million inhabitants of Puerto Rico and over 5 million Puerto Ricans residing in the United States. Its mission is to empower the Puerto Rican community by promoting economic development, education, social advancement, and environmental awareness.
SNIPES' participation in the NPRDP serves as an authentic connection with its consumers, particularly within the Hispanic/Latinx community. By sponsoring this significant event, SNIPES aims to strengthen its presence, build trust, and foster loyalty among its diverse customer base.
"We are thrilled to be part of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade, an incredible celebration of Puerto Rican culture and heritage," said Paula Barbosa, Vice President of Marketing for SNIPES.  "SNIPES' participation is a testament to our commitment to the communities we serve. We believe in the power of culture to bring people together, and we are excited to showcase our support and provide an unforgettable experience para la comunidad Boricua!"
SNIPES invites everyone to join the festivities at the National Puerto Rican Day Parade and witness the vibrant display of Puerto Rican pride and heritage. This event is a celebration of unity, diversity, and the rich contributions of the Puerto Rican community to the fabric of American society.
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upshotdesigns · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Converse Puerto Rico Love Shoe Boricua.
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