#qb professor ian kingsley
cadybear420 · 11 months
Some people have different takes. Not on everything. But on some. So some of what you may deem as “problematic” may not be problematic to someone else. Or the way you interpret something may not have be the same experience for someone else. It’s like with QB: some people deemed Ian/Ina and MCs relationship problematic. Others didn’t. I played TCH and I in no way felt like Kieran “abused” MC at all and know others who don’t feel that way either. If people made certain choices that made their playthrough different, that was their experience. In my playthrough and experience, that didn’t happen. You can’t tell people they’re ignoring something problematic just because you feel that it is. And that’s where a lot of the issues arise here is when people try to force their opinion and line of thinking on others, and it happens on both sides. Again, everyone experiences and interprets things differently, especially when it comes to fictional stories and their characters.
Some people have different takes. Not on everything. But on some. So some of what you may deem as “problematic” may not be problematic to someone else. Or the way you interpret something may not have be the same experience for someone else.
True, but here's the thing. As I said in my previous post, people are entitled to their opinions. I am a firm believer in having different opinions and interpretations of media.
For example, some people see Ajay from HSS:CA as an irredeemable, rude, and unsympathetic character. Others (myself included) see him as a character who is fleshed out, has demonstrated character growth, and is kind of a victim of lazy writing. I don't agree at all with the people who see him in a negative light, but that's their opinion and experience. Even though I think he's "objectively" an okay person as a character, I can understand why many others would dislike him.
But there also comes a point where you go from just having a different opinion or experience to just straight up getting stuff wrong. For example...
It’s like with QB: some people deemed Ian/Ina and MCs relationship problematic. Others didn’t.
It's a student-teacher relationship. I'd say that still counts as objectively problematic. Even though there may not have been any outwardly predatory behaviors or abuse with it, it's still problematic to a degree because of the inherent status and power imbalance that comes with it.
If MC and Kingsley's relationship were a real life situation? If they were a real life student-professor relationship? It would be 100% problematic and would not fly at all. Anyone who tried defending it would get (rightfully) derided.
But as we all know, MC and Kingsley are fictional characters. We can enjoy such a relationship in fiction because, well, they're all clumps of pixels and no real people are directly getting harmed. It's a silly fictional fantasy.
But regardless of whether or not we enjoy the fantasy, we can understand that such a relationship would be completely inappropriate IRL.
I played TCH and I in no way felt like Kieran “abused” MC at all and know others who don’t feel that way either. If people made certain choices that made their playthrough different, that was their experience. In my playthrough and experience, that didn’t happen.
To be fair, the physical abuse scene is a determinant scene. It only happens in one premium scene in Chapter 2, and only if you choose an option that is marked as being more "kinky". In that scene, Kieran basically shoves MC's face onto the ground. I myself did not take that diamond scene, but I do know of its existence, so that's why I bring it up.
Needless to say, we all know it's not okay IRL. Physical abuse from a supposed love interest is objectively problematic. Some of us may not mind it so much in a fictional story, but we all know if it were an IRL relationship, it would be 100% not okay whatsoever.
And even if we pretend that the physical abuse aspect doesn't happen at all in the story no matter what (since it is a determinant scene)... Kieran still kidnaps and enslaves the MC- this is a set part of the story that is not determinant. And needless to say, this is also something that is an objectively abusive behavior that wouldn't be okay at all IRL.
Some may personally not have a problem with Kieran's behaviors themselves, or even personally enjoy it (fictional darkfic fantasy after all), and that's okay! That's their personal opinion and experience. But no one in their right mind would be saying that Kieran's behaviors are okay or unproblematic.
And that's not even getting into PB's piss-poor handling of how they incorporated these themes into the story, what with their poor content warnings. Stuff like kidnapping and physical abuse can be outright triggering for many players. I myself may not have felt uncomfortable with it, but many other players might. Usually because abuse and kidnapping are things that can happen in real life and would have real harmful consequences on those who experience it- hence why it's objectively problematic behavior.
And once again, keep in mind that I'm saying all of this as someone who did enjoy TCH. I liked the story, but I know that Kieran's behavior is objectively problematic and would not be okay IRL.
You can’t tell people they’re ignoring something problematic just because you feel that it is. And that’s where a lot of the issues arise here is when people try to force their opinion and line of thinking on others, and it happens on both sides. Again, everyone experiences and interprets things differently, especially when it comes to fictional stories and their characters.
Except this isn't a matter of "me" thinking the behaviors are problematic, or anyone "thinking" the behaviors are problematic. A lot of the behaviors portrayed from LIs like Kieran, Reagan, Bastien, etc. are objectively problematic.
Kieran did kidnap the MC. Bastien did kidnap the MC. Reagan did text MC BSDM-charged messages barely an hour after their first meeting. All of these are things that did happen and all of them are objectively problematic behaviors.
And if you still enjoy these LIs? If you enjoy reading about their toxic behaviors? Guess what? That's okay! And you shouldn't have to push these stories as unproblematic just to justify your enjoyment of them. Just go ahead and enjoy them. I don't care. It's your taste. As long as we understand that a lot of their behaviors are objectively problematic and that PB handles it horribly.
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zoeywades-spouse · 3 months
Thank you for assuring me I'm not the only one finding QB problematic (I hate it), Zoey sidelined and the "human sacrifice) (I didn't romance anyone bc Carter is the only one I'd romance but I picked two diamond choices for Zoey) the whole dating a professor (even though I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the male sprite but I'd rather lose my progress than romancing a TEACHER), Book 2 being about saving Kingsleys' (Ian/Ina) asses despite THEY'RE ADULT plus Poppy being uwuified at some points despite her acts are just not it which Chelsea the writer stated
Yes all of this!! Like it was a fun book to read but it was definitely problematic (which isn’t saying much since many of PB’s books are). I agree Carter should’ve been made an LI! It really does feel like they had originally planned for it to be a single LI book but added Zoey last minute since they didn’t want backlash about the student-teacher relationship
Also yes book 2 being about saving Ian/Ina despite the fact that they’re a grown ass adult while the MC is still at uni. Yeah the uwufication of Poppy I truly did hate especially because she was an adult who made terrible choices and was overall an incredibly shitty person who shouldn’t have been infantilized
I’m so glad you agree with me on this! Like I love QB for Zoey because she was the first female LI I ever romanced so she has a special place in my heart but the book definitely had some major issues
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camiddletonxox · 3 years
Danger in Tempting
Pairing - Professor Ian Kingsley x Charity Middleton (Queen B)
Rating - I’m putting this as General because its not exactly PG or anything
Note - My one shot originally planned for tonight just wasn’t working because I’m so tired run I could cry and my kids at work were such a challenge today 🤷‍♀️
Taglist - @drakewalkerfantasy @ao719 @princess-geek @polishchoicesfan @binny1985 @desireepow-1986 @adriansbiss @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @hatescapsicum @itscassandral @thequeenofcronuts @gardeningourmet @heauxplesslydevoted @whimsicallywayward15 @imbibecausofethanramsey @waitingforalana @regencylady1810 @dailydoseofchoices @storyofmychoices @sanchita012 @sushiharrington @maurine07 @queencarb @alexabeta @schnitzelbutterfingers @alookseeblog @red-rookie @choicesficwriterscreations
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Summary - Just a Drabble about Ian and how he feels about Charity
Word Count - 205
Professor Ian Kingsley did not do this, he did not overthink his decisions. He never ever needed to. He had his life put together, good home and a brilliant job. He was well respected in the anthropology circles.
Charity coming into his life had changed that. He felt out of control at times and even like he was some teenage boy with those girl issues, it had ben one encounter in class that had got him feeling like this.
Her undeniable intelligence and sass was a deadly combination and she knew it. Probably why she answered back to the educational point he had made to his class, probably to undermine him right?
No matter how much a normal professor would find it disrespectful and would pull her up on it. With her, it was different. He couldn’t help the fact it made her that even more attractive.
No matter what he did, he could never stop caring for her, she was so special to him. There was just something about her and he knew it. He couldn’t deny it to himself, nor anyone else.
As dangerous as it was, the way he felt about her she was tempting. And she was special to him.
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hewhoneedsahaircut · 2 years
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just wanna say. choices are making my expectations for romance WAY too high. i just got back from a date… let’s just say where is my ian kingsley.
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issabees · 3 years
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Author's Note: AHA WAIT is this me...trying to get back into writing? It's been a little while but miss blondie's 10 min. version of All Too Well really decided to wreck everyone's weekend so I thought I might as well make something out of it! This is something from Queen B this time 😗
Title: ***Untitled WIP***
Book: Queen B
Pairing: Ian Kingsley x MC (Augusta Hughes)
Add'l Tags/Warnings: Post-College, Angst, Romance
We stay like that, lying on your bed in silence until you move to place one more kiss on my forehead, your hand now cupping my face and my hand finding yours. I fold my fingers around you before looking up to meet your eyes, staring into the bottomless void I find myself willingly jumping into every time...
...I bring your hand to my lips and plant a kiss on your palm, feeling weightless and flushed by your devastatingly simple answer. Who would have known that in a city endlessly full of people, you and I would find each other? That even after everything that happened in those two years, here we are, still finding ourselves in each other's arms?
Without another word, you pull me impossibly closer and press your lips against mine, and that weightlessness and flush multiply a million times over.
🐝 Taglist: (because this is not a TNA fic, I won't be including the taglist I have for that particular book! If you are interested though, feel free to message me!)
@choicesficwriterscreations @peonierose @alexabeta
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storm-holt · 4 years
Us Zoey romancers, after having to read through all of the forced professor scenes:
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Professor Kingsley hate...you've been warned!
I wish we could at least go one chapter without that horny professor in it humping our leg...
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Me: *has never once picked a romantic option with Kingsley*
Kingsley: 🥺 I think I’m in love 😍
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talesfromcordonia · 4 years
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Ina/Ian BodyShots
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What society would look like if pb had used literally any trope other than student x professor in queen b
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acourtesanchoices · 4 years
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I CAN’T BELIEVE PB JUST DID THAT! I can’t stop laughing.
I have a few thoughts on the matter, but I think MC’s words are enough for now. That said power imbalance in relationships DOES NOT EQUAL abuse and toxicity. Perfectly balanced relationships (does that even exist?) can be just (if not more) as much abusive and toxic.
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Did I just do this
Yes yes I did
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Sent by @biglip
'For me X is Kinsley, they have some strange attitudes, I can't explain, but I suspect'
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pbmychoices · 4 years
Texting Choices
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All of the options are damn sexy...
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they-callme-ami · 4 years
MC: OMG professor Kingsley is so hot! Why won't they pay attention to me 😡? Who's that BITCH breathing near him? Zoey, get me a new outfit 😩🤪 oooooh 🥴 lemme see if I can give Ian/Ina a little 'reward' 😜 under the desk 😏 🍆🍑
Kingsley: I--
Also MC: Look, you need to stop sending all these mixed signals! Let's keep things professional, and you're being childish!
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storm-holt · 4 years
Pb stop centering the narrative around professor kingsley challenge. :0
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