#ian x mc
lemonmelonboy · 7 months
Lonely for the First Time Ever
Jack x Reader
TW: Ian /j, Cheating, Loneliness
Content: GN!Reader
Word Count: 3317
Summary: My own fun take on Day 1 (?) of Somethings Wrong with Sunny Day Jack.
18+ Readers ONLY - Minors Do NOT Interact! Minors/Ageless Blogs will be Blocked!!!
I Do NOT give any permission for my work to be Reposted, Translated, or used with AI in ANY Capacity!!!
You had just dragged yourself out of your apartment after being called in to cover your flakey co-worker for possibly the millionth time that year. You surely missed your days off at this point, wishing to have just one every week rather than every other week. You sighed heavily walking down the sidewalk, as Jack trailed alongside you. It was cold and stormy, the rain was pelting the sidewalk and cars were passing by in a slum. It was such a peaceful walk.
You walked silently with Jack politely carrying your umbrella; you had protested but he very much insisted he take it for you. The rain soothed your racing mind, but that only made it so you thought slower about the things on your mind. You ran over what had just happened before you were rudely interrupted by your boss’s phone call. How Jack had held you so close, how you imagined kissing him for a brief moment, and how you wish you had. You mulled it over and over, unable to shake the image of the cuddly Jack. How Jack had looked at you with those love sick eyes. How bad you wanted to stay. Thoughts raced about why, which brought up feelings from the past few months. But as you slipped into your thoughts Jack gently bumped your arm, a playful event that he’d tend to do on your walks. It made you smile, he always knew how to make you smile, especially with little things like that. You look around trying to keep yourself in the present, but the pittering of the rain on the umbrella and sidewalk luls you back into thoughts of Jack and your loneliness.
“Sunshine?” Jack's voice cooed kindly. You looked up to him, suddenly pulled back.
“Hm?” you looked around as you realized you almost walked straight by your work. A soft embarrassed blush works its way across your cheeks.
You slip into the door, walking to the back to set your things down, ignoring Barry’s comments on how thankful he is you could come in and how absolutely sorry he is for having to do it. When you come back from the back of the store you find he had already left. You sigh as you find yourself alone in the shop, going through your list of menial tasks for the day. You work quietly as Jack hangs around, quietly helping when he can. It's weird to have him be so comfortable with how quiet you’re being. Usually he does anything to try to fill the silence, like whistling a small tune. However the man who stood before you now would only give you an encouraging smile whenever you looked at him and never said a word, not until you spoke up.
“Jack..” You sighed his name as you relaxed against the counter having finished all the tasks you needed to. You didn’t even have anything to tell, least not in a way you knew how. He perked up like a puppy being offered a treat.
“Yes, sunshine?” he asks sweetly. You looked at him and could feel your body warm as you saw his happy face and his kind eyes looking at you almost needingly. You mull over a single thought in your head and he can see you are resisting saying what you were thinking. “Is everything alright?” his happy look slowly fades to concern. Then he looks away with a soft blush on his cheeks. “It's okay to want that.. to want to be wanted..” he said breathily and quietly, almost like he was embarrassed by his own words.
“Wh-what are you saying?'' How did he know? You were sure you were only thinking to yourself, and you weren’t a vocal thinker.
“I just… sometimes people are like that for you, and it's okay to have a person you want to be with all the time… to want them to want you… and wanting them..?” He ended it like a question, almost like he wanted you to just admit it all to him right then and there.
“Wha- I- '' You didn’t know what you should say to him. You were so embarrassed at the implication that he was who you wanted- or the implication you wanted someone else.
“Do you… want me?” he asked, quieter than ever. He was still pretty blunt with it- looking at you with a pair of hopeful puppy eyes that made your body scream for you to just say “yes” and let him hold you. “I know it's hard to say- but I can help you learn what words to use to express these feelings.” He gently urges, moving closer to you reaching out almost as if he was ready to hug you, and hold you and possibly never let go.
“But- I- it's just that’s- you can’t just ask something like that- I-“ He moves closer, his hands resting on the counter behind you, he makes a point of not touching you yet, but wanting to get closer to you. A warmth spreads over your face into a sweet blush as you figure out how to answer. You felt in that moment that you wanted him to hold you, to grab you the best he could.
“I want to be there for you- whether you want me like that or not.. I’ll be there for you however you need me- I just want what’s best for you- What will make you happy-'' suddenly your phone starts ringing, interrupting Jack and causing him to step away. A soft frustrated look comes over his face as he looks away. You take up the cell phone, glad to have been interrupted right then, afraid if he continued your heart would have given out.
“Oh- Uh- I'll be- back!”
Jack nods slightly, “It might be important- so- don’t worry alright? I’ll still be here when you get back!” He said encouragingly as he let you walk past him.
You really shouldn’t be taking calls at work, but you didn’t care. You also didn't care if the call was spam and you picked it up without checking the name plastered on the screen. You quickly ducked to the kitchen camera blind spot.
“Hello?” You spoke with that pitch in your voice encouraging the person calling to speak. You were hopeful it was something that would take your mind off everything.
“You picked up-“ an all too familiar voice came through, in awe, and dripping with desperation. You froze, the last person you ever wanted to hear, especially with how your day was going. Ian. “Hey..” He spoke again, trying to fill in your quiet response. You hadn’t forgotten about him, but you hadn’t expected he’d call you while you were at work. “Are you alright?” he asked with concern in his voice.
“Ye-yeah, I’m fine..” You could hear him sigh softly in relief as you responded.
“I-I’ve missed you… and your voice..” he almost whimpered into the phone.
“What- what do you need Ian. I’m- at work, you can’t be calling me like this” You asked quietly, surprise still filling your tone more than any anger or demandingness.
“I-I know,, I didn't expect you to pick up! I-I’m sorry…” Ian said, he sounded so sad, and you do feel a little bad. He was your life long friend, and what felt like even longer lover. But he hurt you, and objectively you know you shouldn’t feel sorry for him, or how you treat him.
“You’ve said.. And I don’t forgive you Ian.. You know I am still mad at you.” There’s silence from him. You bite your quivering lip, pushing back a sob, thinking he must be feeling the same. “I-” You huff out, collecting yourself before you continue. “I’m trying to move on.” You say, a little sad hearing yourself say it.
“You’re- You’re what...” you can hear his heart break more in his voice, and you might’ve felt it just a bit yourself. “You’re not,, with someone right? Because… I am trying. I am going to fix this… And-” You cut him off
“Ian... Its not your problem whether I am with someone or not… We aren’t… We are not us anymore. So- what I do isn’t any concern for you...” You speak in a soft frustrated tone, you try to give him patience especially since you’ve trapped yourself into this conversation.
“But... can't it? Be, my problem? I-I need to make this up to you… You’re… All I’ve had since we were little- and… We’ve been through so much I- and I know this is my fault- and I need to fix this. Please. Let me fix this… Fix us…” he begged, and somewhere in you, you could feel the need to let him, to just give him the time to “fix” what he did, just so you could have him back. So you could feel less lonely. But no, you wouldn’t be able to handle it if he cheated on you again.
Breaking up with Ian was just as big of a loss for you as it was for him. You both lost someone you never thought you would. And God you had loved him. And who knows, maybe you still did, just a little. He took your silence as an urge for him to continue making his case. “I know I can make it up to you... I promise... I miss you so much- I-I want you so badly. And- I’ll be there soon to show you that what I’m saying is true '' he ends his statement with a happy hum, almost proud. You couldn’t take it anymore, you could hear customers in the front of the clowny yogurt shop come in, chatting modestly among themselves
“Goodbye... Ian.” you say, colder than you would’ve thought you could. You hung up before he could beg you to stay and talk to him more. You take a few slow calming breaths and turn to leave, noticing Jack standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
“Jack…” you mutter to yourself, afraid he might’ve overheard the call. He looks to you with a concerned kindness, one that he tends to give you whenever you notice Ian called you and left another message. You look away from Jack and walk quickly past him into the store, slapping on your customer service face and attitude.
Greeting the group of boys mulling in the front of the store. They seem preoccupied going through the yogurt flavors, which unfortunately gives you the time to think through things again. Your mind drifts, thinking of memories of Ian, clearer now than they had been that morning. One memory in particular, it was how he had looked when you kicked him out after finding out he had cheated on you. After running that memory in your mind a few times the memory of meeting Jack slowly started playing too. It hadn’t been long after Ian had left either, and you still weren’t completely sure where he came from. If he was a hallucination, could it have been your loneliness that made you imagine this pretty clown man to befriend you? Maybe that was why he was so attached to you? But, Jack certainly felt real, everytime he touched you, it felt real and so very safe. Maybe you did want him? Your thoughts were broken by a shy dark haired boy who stood in front of you. He couldn’t have been much younger than you, and he sported a gray and black shirt with a large black coat.
“We’re ready- to uh- pay- whenever you are?” he seemed nervous, a light blush spreading over his cheeks as he looked away from you, shifting nervously on his feet. One of the guys in the group set down the last of the three yogurt cups onto the scale, and you finish up their transaction. As two of the three guys start to leave the guy in the dark clothing lingers, glancing slyly at you, trying not to stare but also seeming to also want to admire you. “So- uh- you- work here often?” His blush deepens and he looks away again, clearly embarrassed. You can't help but be confused, annoyed and a little humored by his awkwardness.
“Yeah- unfortunately” you reply, attempting to give a light hearted air to your words.
“C-cool- Cool.” he pushes out, almost relieved you didn't call him an idiot. He seems at a loss for words now too, wanting to continue the conversation but feeling too awkward. He makes small noises before he takes his frozen yogurt and walks out. Once he’s gone you give a sigh and a light smile lingers on your face as you think about how silly that interaction was.
The rain continues to pound outside and your day drones on uneventfully and lacking any customers. Soon enough it was time to close and you did so quickly and happily. By the time you were finished with your last sweep you almost skipped out of the store. Jack smiled softly to you as you locked the door, him holding your umbrella once again. Once you were ready you turned around and the pair of you quietly walked home. He nudges you again about half way through the walk, his familiar gentle motion to let you know he was still around.
Once home you quickly kick off your shoes and flop onto your couch with a heavy sigh. You relax with your eyes closed and a gentle sigh. God you needed this seat.
“Hey.. sunshine?” Jack's soft cooing voice sang as you felt his weight and warmth settle in next to you. “Can I ask- who’s Ian..?” he asked softly. You rolled your head up to look at Jack.
“He’s..” Your gaze falls away from the kind caring clown. “An ex..” You gently hug yourself as you feel yourself become warm from all your emotions washing through you. You wanted to talk about him with Jack. You wanted to get it out. You haven’t really told anyone about what happened. Jack wraps a comforting arm around you after seeing you close in on yourself. His other hand rests on your arms, encouraging you to open up. You swallow your emotion like its pill stuck in your throat, then you continue. “He was all I had since we were kids.. Best friends forever- least we were supposed to be..” You felt your lips gently quiver before shaking your head to try to push it away. “and,, as we had gotten older we became something.. More. I don't think we ever officially labeled it- but we both had the mutual understanding that- we were who the other wanted for,, forever..” You huff softly as you feel the sadness hit you harder than before and Jack pulls you into him. He hugs you just to let you know he’s listening and understanding, to let you know you’re safe.
“So why does it seem like you’re so upset with him.. if you,,” he lingers before continuing “if you.. love him” that question hung in the air for a while. After you don’t respond for a while Jack gently leads your head to look up to him. “I’m sorry if that was too much, sunspot. If you can’t-” You shake your head softly, almost nuzzling into his hand.
“No- no it’s okay Jack,,” you mumble while looking up to him with sad eyes. “Ian.. cheated on me..” You mutter before turning away, almost ashamed to admit it. He pulls you back, running his thumb over your cheek to soothe you.
“I’m so sorry…” he whispers sweetly to you. He was making you feel so cared for and safe and you craved every touch he gave.
“And…” you felt your eyes slowly start to water. “He was all I had for so long... that when I made him leave I… became so very lonely.” You almost whimper to Jack, trying your best not to cry as you spoke. “I miss him so much Jack...” you whisper as you hide your watery eyes against his hand. “Then you came and you were so safe and I'm afraid I don’t feel genuine enough- like I should for you… or if I just feel these things for you because I can’t for Ian.” Tears pour from your eyes as you bite your lip, your voice and body shaking as you fight back sobs. Jack kindly rubs your back and swipes away the tears running down your cheeks.
“And because of that- I'm- afraid I make myself more lonely by pushing you away because I- don't wanna hurt you…but I still probably do hurt you..” You shake your head looking away and leaning against Jack's chest. He softly shushes you and hugs you tightly as you gently sob into him. “And you're so open, and honest, and kind and I don’t know if I’m completely able to feel all of this emotion as much as I want to- just… feel you hold me like this” you whimper as you cling against Jack, gripping his shirt tightly in your hands.
“It’s okay... I’ll be here for you however you need me… always” he promises you, resting his cheek against the top of your head and gently nuzzling. “You don’t have to tell me what you don’t feel you can,, you don’t have to do anything- feel anything you don’t want to feel.” He gives you a firm squeeze as you slowly calm down “You’re perfect…you didn’t deserve what they did to you- but it's okay to feel bad… or even miss them...” His words are like honey, slowly creeping into all your painful thoughts and soothing them, lessening their raw, burning pain. Being heard, letting it out, had helped tremendously. Especially with how Jack was holding you, close and warm.
“I’m sorry...” You murmur, feeling Jack’s hand on your back slowing. “I’m so sorry if I’ve hurt you,, or disappointed you or burdened you or- '' Jack sits up and grabs your face gently. Holding you on either side with his hands, making you look him in the eye.
“None of that sunspot.” He said firmly, his eyes full of nothing but determined care. “You. Are. Perfect.” he says again “You are so amazing- Please never say any of that again” he demanded, his thumb running over your cheek. You look at him with adoration and understanding. You were so close. You nod softly and nuzzle into his hands, soaking up his sweet comforting warmth.
“Jack...” you whisper before looking up to him again with your eyes lingering on his lips. Before you know it, your body draws itself into Jack’s more and your lips find their way to pressing up against his. You feel him push back against your kiss, his hands holding you firm against him. You reach up and gently take one of his hands to lace your fingers together. You felt so overwhelmed with love at that moment. You didn’t want to pull away, but you felt Jack’s lips slowly retreat. You open your eyes and spot Jack’s deep red cheeks and fond eyes looking at you.
“I'm so glad you’re feeling better sunshine.” He says sweetly, and you instinctively nuzzle into the hand against your cheek, turning your head and gently giving it a kiss. That only seems to fluster Jack more. He pulls you against him again, similar to how the pair of you were seated earlier that morning, but this time you didn’t hesitate to kiss Jack as soon as you were situated. The pair of you layed there, trading soft and passionate pecks. Jack occasionally whispers loving praises to you, and soon, you fall asleep in exhaustion against his chest.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
MultiVillains x Reader || Reactions
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Topic: You move into an apartment in a dodgy neighbourhood.
Characters Included: (Rarin'-to-Fuck) Buck, Dr Peter Andover, Erik Destler, Freddy Krueger, Bonus!Jason Voorhees, Ian Essko, Bonus!Madame Blavatski, Inkubus, Jim Bickerman, Bonus!Reba, Doom Room's MC, Minister Kratski, Stuart Lloyd, Wayne Jackson, Bonus!Norman Tyrus and Bonus!Dale Acton.
Tagging: @ghouletka , @grav3yardgirl , @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @thecourtofgraywaves , @yesthetrashbin and @your-mxnd-is-mxne .
Rarin'-To-Fuck Buck: *Stays right by the window where he can see his car so it doesn't get stolen* "Uh... nice place... " (You: Thank you! I was so jazzed to find it on the market!, it has a dishwasher and everythin- ) "I was kidding Y/N this place is a fucken dump. Lets go- "
Dr Peter Andover: "... no." (You: What. But- ) "We have rooms at the clinic, you can stay there." (You: I cant live at the clinic- ) "Ohhh yes you can."
Erik Destler: "Oh, this is near to the brothel I used to- Ehem. I mean, Y/N this is a very nice, uh... home... you found, here... " || He wants to sweep you away but also he doesn't want you questioning him on that first bit XD So I guess he's just gonna have to stalk you all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With love. For your safety.
Freddy Krueger: "You couldn't find an actual house?? Oh, and wouldja look at that! Guys with guns. *Waiving out the window* Hey fellas- " (You: Newsflash Fred its not the 60's anymore old man and you cant just b u y a h o u s e !! And put your hand down- )
Jason Voorhees: *Nope. No- Jason will not let you stay here XD He takes one look around, picks you up, and leaves.*
Ian Essko: "What filthy-fucking-hell... Oh! Wait wait wait- " (You: Don't you dare take out that black light Ian.) "What? Afraid of what you'll find in this house of horror!??"
Madame Blavatski: "Oh- this is nice. Lovely. I lived in a home just like this in my stripping days in Russia! Very lovely, very good. And you have drug dealers just two doors down, which is convenient. I already visited, they're very nice boys, and I bought you welcome-to-area 'blow'- da? They even gave discount!" *head pats*
Inkubus: *He's very calm, listening to you talk about it and show him all around, until the very end* "Y/N, love, may I ask something of you right now?" (You: Oh- sure? ^^) "Wonderful. Uh, don't be here between eleven and 3 tomorrow." (You: Why?- ) "Mmm, no particular reason... do you think these beams are good and flammable?" || If it is not clear- the man is going to burn your apartment building down so you don't live here, anymore.
Jim Bickerman: *He's been walking around peering out the windows shaking his head. When he finally looks at you waiting for his thoughts, he flashes a big smile.* "We're going gun shopping." (You: Oh no we are NOT- )
Reba: (You: So! ^^ What do you think?) "... well I noticed the police station a block away, I liked that feature."
The Doom Room's MC: "Well its better then my place, at least."
Minister Kratski: *not getting outta the limo*
Stuart Lloyd: "Y/N I saw some hooligans just down the street with switchblades. I don't think this area is safe." (You: Oh don't worry, I have a plan! ^^) "*Genuinely relieved* oh, great. Wh- what is it?" (You: I got these really big ass boots from the charity store- and I'm going to keep them just outside my door so everyone walking by thinks a lumberjack lives here!) "... ... Y/N- "
Wayne Jackson: *He's very quiet. Just wandering in and out of rooms, lookin' around* (You: ... Wayne, is everything okay?) "... preeetty sure I lived here in the 70's. Cant be sure, though." (You: Oh- ) *Pulls an open door away from a wall* "Ah! I did! Heheh, I made that w in bullet holes."
Norman Tyrus: "... no." (You: Norman- ) "Nope." (You: Not another place, Norman- ) "You're moving. You're not staying here." (You: I'm gonna stop showing you my new places.) "How about ya just find a place that doesn't have bullet holes in the front fucken door?" Dale Acton: "OH!!! I know those guys upstairs, I used to buy coke from them a couple years back! Until a deal fell through at least... hey, don't tell 'em you're with me. You'll be fine. We probably shouldn't be seen together, though, so uh... bye babe- "
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teabagandsugar · 4 months
[SWWSDJ MC 🎀🩷] Caroline
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"fufu~ don't be so nervous, dearie!~ We're friends! I'll be there for you, just like you've always been there for me. and that's just fair, isn't it?"
"aren't you just the sweetest thing? frankly, i'm finding it extremely hard not to just eat you up right now...ah, unless you'd like that, cutie!!"
"i am GENUINELY hoping this is just a sick, twisted joke of yours. yeah this-- this isn't funny at all, Ian."
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clouduru-chan · 1 year
Well I decided to do something different, a crossover, so I hope you like it.I had this idea last night so I decided to write it hahaha, I decided to make the characters from the game Something's wrong with Sunny day Jack interacting with the reader with some characteristics of some characters from chainsaw man .
(be careful there are spoilers for the anime and manga)
Sunny day Jack with Devil chainsaw reader (as denji)
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- Well you watched the tape together with Nayuta, so when Jack saw you and a child together, he was extremely happy, because he would give love to you and your daughter;
- When you woke up and saw a huge man with a clown-like appearance, you jumped at the chance, grabbing Nayuta on your lap, and immediately starting to remonstrate about the ghost, well it was not a good first impression;
- After the madness that occurred, he tries to explain the situation, did you understand anything? No, because it was too strange to tell the truth, so Jack tries his best to make a good impression on you and your daughter;
- Later he finds out that Nayuta is not your daughter, but your considerate sister, since you have custody of her, because Kishibe simply threw her to you to take care of her;
- Well, he started trying to cheer you up about things, he started cooking for you, for breakfast he made pancakes for you and Nayuta, both of you were excited about the food, since you never had pancakes;
" When it was time to eat Nayuta was the first to take her first bite of the pancakes, that child's golden eyes sparkled, and soon she started to eat them, Jack was looking at you, expecting you to eat, but you were staring in wonder at the mountain of pancakes with honeydew.
"What is it Sunshine? Don't you know how to use silverware or something?" Jack spoke jokingly, waiting for you to answer.
" Well I .... " you thought for a while, this was your chance to be fed by a handsome considerable man, well it already occurred to you with makima, so why not do the same with Jack? " I have unlearned how to eat.... Could you feed me? " You had a shitty smile, nayuta looked at you not understanding anything, the ghost was a little surprised at your answer, he gave a slight laugh, and picked up his cutlery, cutting a small piece of the pancake, and handing it to your mouth, without a second thought you ate, your eyes sparkled just like Nayuta's, you had never experienced something so tasty."
- Jack loves the fact that you have several dogs and a cat in the house, and he also finds it adorable that you are sleeping with them and hugging Nayuta;
- When he finds out some things about you like: you are illiterate - he will help you with this problem by giving you writing and reading lessons, he was a host of a children's program, so he knows things -;
- Jack is extremely happy to hear that you are liking him, and he didn't have to do much about it;
- The other thing he finds out too, you are a high school girl, so you are underage, and every time you nag him that you want to do certain inappropriate things with him, of course Jack is happy to hear that you want to have sex with him, and also only thinks about him, but he won't do anything with you until you are over 18;
- When you took off your shirt, Jack was very embarrassed, but worried if someone saw you without clothes, but one thing he noticed about your chest, is an ignition cord stuck to your skin, when he talks to you about why you have that and about your life before he came along, this man will put it in his head that he will protect you from everything;
- He is always listening to you, especially loves to hear about your dreams, he wants to be there for you, you want to grab some breasts? He'll let you feel his chest. You want a boyfriend? He is here for that;
- Let's just say that he is a little startled when you pull the ignition cord that is on your chest to become the chainsaw man, even though he knows something about demons, Jack is still a little surprised;
- But one thing is for sure, this man loves you and a lot of it!
Ian Duff with reader Devil Angel (as angel)
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- At first he thought you were a little too cold, not caring about the people or the things that happened around him;
- But he was very patient with you, Ian will try everything to make you get along together, even if he can't touch you;
- You enjoy Ian's company a lot, so you always listen to him properly and calmly, very understanding of everything he says, so Duff loves that about you, even though you don't seem to care much, you do care, even a little;
- Even if he can't touch you, or give you a needed caress that you need because you can unintentionally take away the years of life just by touching, then sometimes you improvise;
- He gets a little desperate for touch, so maybe Ian touches or takes your hand briefly, he doesn't give a shit if you took a month or two off for a brief touch, he doesn't care much;
- Of course you fight and question his decision to have done this, but again, he won't care;
- When you see couples holding hands, you get a little disappointed in yourself for not touching your beloved, so sometimes you improvise, like tying your tie around your wrist and handing the sash to Ian to hold. Duff gets a little silly when you do this;
- This man becomes a jerk when you protect him with your huge wings;
- Ian loves going out with you, do you want something? He is running to buy what you want;
- He simply loves to sleep cuddled up with you, and since he can't touch you, you are curled up in a pile of blankets like a cupcake in springtime;
- Ian enjoys procrastinating a bit with you;
- This man loves everything about you, your feminine and delicate features, it doesn't even seem like you can use people's stolen years and create lethal weapons to kill demons, he finds it hot;
- He will do anything for you, if he can he will even take on Makima if he is able, of course if he has a momentary crisis of courage;
- One thing you like about being with him is when you go out for ice cream, because you leave everything to him;
"The two of you were walking down the street, Ian had the end of his tie tied around your wrist, while the other end was tied around you, this was the only way you could walk hand in hand.
You look to the side and see an ice-cream parlor on the corner, your eyes light up, because you were dying to try the icy treat again with your boyfriend, and then you tugged at your tie and pointed to the parlor, like a naughty child.
Ian realized what you wanted and suppressed the laughter in his throat.
"Sure love! Let's go!" Spoke the happy redhead.
With a few steps the two of you arrived at the ice cream parlor, people looked at you with fear, not because they knew of your ability, but because you were a demon, but you didn't care much, Ian didn't like people's attitude towards his romantic partner, he soon ordered the flavors of ice cream, and as soon as it was ready you left.
The redhead stared at you tenderly, for you had a silly smile on your face, and you looked at him and gave one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen.
" Would you like to try some of my ice cream?" You offered him some.
With that he took the part of the ice cream shell that you weren't holding, and brought the frozen treat closer to your mouth, he just took a little "bite" of the tip of your ice cream, you were happy with that.
"Would you like to try some of my ice cream too angel?" you nodded at Duff's question, then you did the same as he did, but you got some ice cream smeared on the corner of your lips, Ian's eyes sparkled at that scene, he didn't hold back and gave a seal of a kiss on the corner of your lip as a way of cleaning the ice cream smear, he didn't care much about having his life stolen by you.
Well that was quick, you looked at him in horror, because you didn't expect that.
"You idiot! Do you realize what you have done?"
Well he doesn't care, since he went with you"
- Even if you are the Devil Angel, he thinks you are more of an angel than an actual demon;
-he simply loves you, and doesn't care if his life is stolen from you;
Shaun with Devil Blood reader (as Power)
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- Well, he had to get used to his chaotic energy;
- Sometimes you act like a rowdy child;
- My friend, he will have to create a lot of patience with you, since you are very clueless at times;
- Well you hate demons and humans, but you made an exception for Shaun;
- This man loves the fact that you conditionally love your cat Meow;
- You only started to like Shaun when your cat became comfortable around him;
- One thing you found out about Shaun, he also has a cat, that made you like him more;
- Shaun has to make you do things, don't you want to take a bath? Even if he's going to give you a bath, you're going to take it! Don't you want to eat your vegetables? My friend expects a little speech and puppy-dog eyes for you;
- When you don't sit still, he has to turn on the TV and put on some cartoon to intrigue you, or give you some gum to chew;
- Since you are the demon who is the personification of the fear of blood, and you love blood, Shaun makes an exception with you to bite you to drink your blood;
- Shaun has started to create a fetish of his bites, when you bite his shoulder to get his blood out, this man almost gets hard;
- When you two decide to go out, Shaun sometimes thinks about putting a leash on you, since you are never quiet, always running around and being rude;
- When he has work that involves acting he brings you along, since he doesn't trust you too much to be alone at home;
- After a fight that invoked the demon of darkness, you were no longer the same, crying with fear in corners, not eating properly, and living in fear of the dark, when Shaun sees this, this man's heart begins to ache, for he wants your chaotic energy back, so this man will do anything for you;
"You are crying from fear, you were always clinging to Shaun because of fear.
When he turned off the lights you screamed in Panic.
He would want you to come back with your happiness and unending energy that you had before, he would hug you to calm you down, if it is possible he would take the meow and the little moon pie to keep you company.
But nothing could bring you back to the normal you were.
At bedtime, Shaun was lying in bed, with the two cats on top of him, and soon he sees you approaching him, his eyes filled with tears.
"can I sleep with you? Please!" You speak in a sly voice.
That made that man's heart squeeze, then he knocks at the corner of the bed, where you are supposed to lie down, the one with black hair with blue tips sees you approach and lie down on the bed at your side, then you hug him tightly.
"Shaun... I'm scared, what if he shows up again! Around him I feel so weak! So weak.... How will I protect you now?"
When you said that, Shaun hugged you with the same strength that you used on him, were you worried about him? That was so sweet of you.
" Calm down my love, I promise he won't come back, I promise "
Soon you enjoyed the comfortable silence, feeling each other's body heat "
- With that, you have become extremely attached to him; is he in the bathroom? You are there, even if it is strange;
- He likes to mess with his hair and do different things with it, as well as putting some hair ornaments on his horns;
- He always laughs at her crazy goals, like being the president of the world or winning the Nobel prize;
- Well really at first, you were not easy to live with, but now he loves you very much;
Nick with the Devil Violence reader (Like Galgali)
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- One thing that caught you completely off guard, you are the demon personification of humanity's fear of violence, but you are the complete opposite of that;
- This emo was caught off guard on this subject, you are so calm and fun, you are not a fan of violence and you enjoy love and peace;
- You are affectionate with Nick, always listening to him or asking how he is doing;
- This man feels so lucky to have you, of course you can literally with one punch blow someone up, but he can ignore that;
- You're a lot of fun, Nick always wanted to know what you hide under your mask, but you told him what happens when you take it off, so Nick lost interest in that;
- He loses his temper when you just out of the blue decide to pick him up;
- He turns into a drooling man when he sees you playing with his dogs;
- you have to make him sleep earlier;
- It is quite fun to hear you talk about love and peace, and that violence is never the answer, but rather a question, and sometimes the answer is yes;
- Every once in a while he catches you wearing his clothes;
- He loves the fact that you touch his hair, feel your fingers on his curls of hair;
- You like to pick him up and put him on your lap;
" Nick was sitting on the couch, watching some random thing on television, when just out of nowhere he feels her hands on his waist and lifted up, and soon sitting on his lap.
This caught him off guard, his pale face turned extremely red, he was blushing, because he had enjoyed that gesture of hers.
"Our love, like this... So suddenly" he says a bit clumsily.
Well he didn't know how you looked or your expressions, since you were wearing that bubonic plague doctor mask, to contain your powers, but soon he realized that you were joking, since you started laughing.
"Now, you fool, I want you to be closer to me! Can't I do that with my boyfriend?"
Okay, you broke Nick"
- It's extremely fun to hang out with you;
- You are a great listener, always listening to Nick and having a dynamic conversation with him;
- Even though it's something new and different for him, this shy man likes you;
joseph Cullman with Devil Control reader (as Makima)
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- This is all new, especially with him, so take it slow;
- For you he is a very good, obedient puppy, of course you find him inferior to you, but you enjoy his company, he is pleasant, and you have come to love him, so you won't let anyone get in the way of your relationship, because Joseph belongs to you;
- This man will be extremely clingy with you, since you attract a lot of unwanted glances;
- Joseph loves the fact that you have several dogs, even though they are Seberian huskies they are extremely calm and behaved when they are with you;
- He loves it when you compliment him, make him feel special, when you tell him that you watched an episode of his show and tell him it was wonderful as always, he turns into a blushing mess;
- When you two are going out on a date, it is mandatory that you go to the movies;
- When you see him acting as Sunny day Jack and playing with the children, it makes your heart warm, it makes you think that the world is pure and good;
- When some mother hits on him backstage, Joseph is incredibly uncomfortable, he doesn't know how to react or what you're going to think, but you're just with a friendly smile on your face and saying that kind of thing happens, and you trust him purely, but little does he know what you're going to do about it, possibly this mother is going to wake up the next day with some broken body part, or some dismembered limb or possibly not wake up at all the next day;
- Ok the relationship is a bit toxic on your part, but it is your first time in a relationship like this, so you are trying your best;
- Joseph realized that you love hugs so he is always hugging you;
- When he gets off work, he always presents you with a bag of coffee-flavored lollipops, since it is his favorite;
- When he left the interview with Dan, he was incredibly uncomfortable, you had seen what happened, the presenter was asking your beloved several unnecessary and uncomfortable questions, and as an emotional support to Joseph, you decided to help him;
" Joseph was finished, exhausted.
In the interview it was tiring, he was not enjoying the unnecessary questions, when he got home you welcomed him with open arms, giving him a tight, warm hug.
Joseph felt his energy come back again just with that hug.
He sat on the couch with you, he looked into your golden eyes, he could get lost in them still.
"Love, you can tell me everything that happened, it will help you to get some things off your chest. " you asked him to tell you what happened, even though you knew, you wanted to know what he was feeling.
" It was very difficult, I was expecting questions about the show or something, not things about my personal life, it seemed like he wanted me to say stupid things just to increase the audience "
Seeing him like that hurts you a lot, and then you give Joseph a kiss on the cheek to cheer him up a little.
" I thought you were very professional in the interview, extremely perfect, you were wonderful!"
He gave you a silly smile.
"I guess I should reward you for being a great kid"
You ride on Cullman's thighs in a sexual manner, you approach Joseph's face giving him a kiss on the lips, your tongue begging entrance to Joseph's mouth.
Of course he accepted, the kiss slow and hot, but with time it became wild, you stopped to recover the oxygen from your lungs, the only thing that connected you was a string of saliva, this man was about to devour you, he grabs your ass and brings you closer to his waist, to feel what you did to him, you let out a surprised cry when you felt the erection, for the first time you reacted that way, you were extremely flushed, Joseph gave you a mischievous smile.
" I guess it's my turn to show you what a good boy I am!"
You didn't expect him to act this way."
- Well as any person or demon, you had a dream, your dream was to have a relationship of equals, without needing to use the fear of people to control them, you always wanted a family, happy and friendly, and when you met Joseph, of course at first you found him inferior, but over time you were treating him as an equal, maybe with him you will achieve your dream along with him;
- Joseph feels lucky to have you, he loves you very much;
Hey, what did you think? it was good ?
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pulpitude · 2 months
thinking about avalon by dpr ian and how well it fits amelin especially in the blood ending. yes i do really like to associate songs i like with characters/routes as most of the time whenever i get inspiration to write it's because of songs, characters, or both at the same time.
maybe it's the fact that it's a very "midnight motorcycle ride" type song (to me) that made me think of amelin in the first place, but then i listened to the lyrics a bit more and i realized. this is their song. and not just in the sense that it gives me their vibes. i mean it as in they actually listen to the song together and consider it theirs. since ame has my music taste i also think they'd listen to dpr (mostly ian, but they also listen to live/dabin), and one day while taking the wheel on the motorcycle they play this song. cue:
ame, you listen to dpr ian?
wait. you listen to dpr ian? you know this song?
well... yeah. used to. i guess i kinda still do.
of course you listen to artists with dark, broody songs who are actually sweet on the inside. just like you.
just like me, hm? well, now i know where you got your type from.
hm. shut up, you.
and yes they communicate with just hms sometimes + i'm pretty sure the headcanon that lincoln used to listen/listens to dpr is probably the most out of place in here. but i'm out of place in general. it doesn't matter
❝ play me through the stereo
hold me on the dance floor, all night
take me to your avalon
nobody needs to come along
just come alone, oh
are we ready to risk it all?
are you ready to risk it all?
are we ready to risk it all?
i'll be ready to risk it all, risk it all for you
my hands are out, so take me now ❞
god i love this silly cunty lil fashion designer and their doting tattoo artist bf so MUCH. i'm in tears
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how would Ian feel and think if he finally got to the bottom of everything that happened to Ominis and Isabel? like, he got to know the truth, that they're actually Gaunts, but also the whole suffering thing with Ominis and his family.
and how would Ominis actually feel if he finds out that Ian is leaning towards the... "traditional" pureblood culture?
Hi anon, thank you for the ask!!
I’ve never been able to decide exactly what would happen, but it would go one of two ways:
In the first hypothetical, Ian learns that Ominis is technically the last living Gaunt, despite disavowing that identity over a hundred years ago, and that Isabel possesses ancient magic: something that’s been largely forgotten about. Worst-case scenario here, Ian runs his mouth either out of pride or just to spite his family for keeping all of this from him. In that case, the family faces scrutiny, ostracism and backlash for harboring Voldemort’s great uncle. I always imagine that, in the wake of the second wizarding war, feelings of hatred against the Gaunts and anybody else claiming to be descendants of Slytherin would be at an all time high. I also HC that the MoM is ridiculously corrupt; there would likely be little to no repercussions for anybody wanting to take their anger or grief out on the family and anybody closely associated with them. It could possibly trickle down as far as Ian losing his job as a cursebreaker and facing harassment by individuals and the media. Isabel and all of her descendants could be accused of cheating or otherwise having an unfair advantage over others due to her extremely potent magic. There could be jealousy, or ever fears of what might happen with an ancient magic user being married to an alleged dark wizard. That could possibly end in her and anybody else related to her being hunted down and killed—including Ian. At the very least, there would be extensive violent harassment. Help from the Ministry would definitely not be available a second time around.
In the second hypothetical, Ian learns the truth about Isabel and Ominis but keeps quiet about it, realizing the potentially deadly outcome if he says anything to anyone. He now realizes the full extent of the same position as every other direct descendant: he’s been lied to by omission, but it’s his duty to carry the secret and protect his entire family—including his own wife, Cassandra, and any kids they might have in the future. He would feel a LOT of resentment. Who knows why he’s the one who’s different; Ian is just that perfect storm of a turbulent personality, some defiance and too much obsessive curiosity. But he would deeply resent his entire family—especially Ominis and Isabel. Ominis is very hard on Ian for dabbling in dark magic, sometimes unfairly so, and Ian would have a lot of resentment for him after learning the truth. In a worst case scenario here, Ian could go full dark wizard and kill them both himself. But that is *mostly* unlikely. More likely is that Ian would just continue distancing his own growing family from the Greymoores.
Ominis is already acutely aware of the fact that Ian occasionally practices dark magic, actually! Ominis just has a kind of spidey sense about it. He deeply dislikes it, and he’s sometimes unfairly hard on Ian for it. Isabel has to remind Ominis to take it easy, or the two will build way too much resentment for one another. Ominis just hates that he’s reminded of how much he’s lost to dark magic (his own family ties when he was a kid, being cursed with crucio, Anne’s curse, Sebastian), and suddenly this kid who wasn’t even alive to experience the terror of living in the same era as Voldemort starts thinking it’s ok to play with dark magic. The entire extent of their fear during Voldemort’s reign is another post for another day, but the Greymoores were especially frightened back then. Ofc Isabel is also understanding that she used to use dark magic behind Ominis’ back and is trying to be forgiving. She hopes Ian will eventually understand that what he’s doing is wrong and grow out of it the same way she did. How correct she is in that assessment has yet to be seen as of 2024…
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yuuniee · 2 years
🏹 A Plate Of Truth, A Teaspoon Of Affection 🌓
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A/N: The Moon Hunter version has a confession, so it’s kinda like platonic to romantic~ I hope I didn’t write Rook too out of character. I’m trying, you know? 😭
C/W: None! Fluff with confession at the end~!
Taglist: @kreldeprince @glowingsleepystarry @helplessnight
The day had finally arrived; the day of masterchef courses. Although Lilith didn’t seem to mind anything, she was upset that a person that she genuinely cared was going to be busy for the past few days. She let out a sigh as she shook her head, gradually snapping herself out of these “indecent” thoughts that are full of Rook.
Then after the classes, here she was, sitting on the very same table she will judge the cooking of the two contestants. One that she liked, and one that she doesn’t know of.
As soon as she heard footsteps coming towards them, she turned her gaze and what greeted her was a huge shock. Because the other person that was going to go in masterchef courses was none other than one of the people that she genuinely hated; Cater.
Oh, how sweet... She thought to herself. The phone addict is here too.
But she immediately shook off her head as soon as she saw them approaching her with a plate full off... food(?).
She reluctantly took a bite while keeping an eye on the other two judges, none other than the Scarabia duo; Jamil and Kalim. As soon as she took a bite, she immediately coughed up and drank half of the water in the cup. After she was done coughing, she reached out for a sign and took one of them.
Jamil raised his sign; a one.
Kalim did too; another one.
And lastly, she raised her own sign which she added only one point out of sheer pity; a two.
She looked at their faces with a seemingly stern look while putting her sign on the table.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the potatoes are overcooked. It doesn’t go well with the half-cooked vegetables, you know?” She spoke up, but then she sighed and shook her head in disappointment, “...Be more careful about the food next time.”
Then, she crossed her arms while listening to Jamil tell his opinion after her.
Did I go overboard with my judging..? She thought again. ...Nope. I did not. They just needed someone’s honest opinion about the unidentified matter they have to call ‘food’.
A day or two later, it was her turn again. She desparately wanted to know if they improved since the first day. She was with the other judges and fellow Ramshackle members, which were Renée and Ian again.
“We’ve met again, what a surprise.” She sighed, “I hope they do better than the last time. I certainly do not want to eat a plate of that murky substance ever again.”
“Well, I think they did improve! I went there on a daily basis, and let me tell you, the food was getting delicious in each bite I took!” Ian replied as he giggled like a child, “It was yummy, and I’m sure it will be now too!”
“...I wonder how are they doing right now, surely the food wouldn’t be this late if something amiss wouldn’t happen...” Renée said as she tapped her fingers on the table.
“Why are you so impatient, Renée?” Lilith sighed again, “...I am pretty sure they are alright.”
“Well, I do hope they are.” She said as she looked for them, eyes catching theirs as they bring the plates.
“Here they are..” Ian said as he sat back and swung his legs back and forth.
As they tasted the food, Lilith noticed that they did improve. The food tasted pretty good, but she tried not to show it too much, but she knew a certain hunter had his eyes on her. She closed her eyes and savored each bite.
Ian raised his sign; a solid ten.
Renée raised her sign too; a nine.
When it was her turn, she proudly raised her sign as well; another ten.
“Not bad for beginners.” She smirked at them, “Keep going like this.”
Then she looked at Rook, and winked at him while smiling.
As a response, Rook put a hand on his forehead and dramatically posed as smiling back at her.
“Rook-kun, you are so in it now. Lilith-chan must’ve captured your heart quite badly, huh~?” Cater whispered as he smirked at him.
“Oh, wouldn’t you want know Monsieur Magicam? The way she winked at me just now... Oh, it’s making my heart race just the thought of the way she feels like this to me. How beauté!” He replied with a whisper and a wide smile on his face.
Well, wouldn’t he like to know?
— — —
(After Masterchef)
Lilith was now sitting on a bench while resting her head with her eyes closed.
“Dame Double!” Someone approached her.
“KYAAAAAAAAA—!!” She screamed as she jumped back, nearly falling onto the ground.
“Sorry, did I startle you too much? Here, take my hand.” The hunter offered his hand while pulling her closer by the waist.
“...Next time you’re going to come to me, warn me... Oh, Christ... What am I even going to do with you?!” Lilith turned away as she slid to the side to let him sit beside her.
“Your scared face is quite beautiful too... In fact, I find everything about you quite beautiful~” He winked back at her as he smiled, returning the gestures she did at his direction that day. In response, Lilith unconsciously put a hand on her chest, her heart beating fast.
“Lilith? What’s wrong?” He asked, his smile never fading one bit.
“...You’re such a fool, you know?” She said, now mumbling her words, “...Praising constantly, reciting poems about literally everything, your smiles and laughs... I don’t know what are you doing to me, but it’s not good. It’s... weird.”
“Oh, then my sincerest apologies. I was unaware that my actions have caught someone’s attention.” Rook replied as his smile turned into a smirk, “Shall I stop, then?”
“DON’T!” She yelled out, “I mean, don’t stop what you’re doing.” She said, looking away as her cheeks becomes painted with a bright red.
“That’s nice of you to finally speak your mind, but I can clearly see what you mean to tell me.” —He let out a laugh.— “...I love you as well...”
“...Je t’aime.” She blurted out, “...That means ‘I hate you.’... Right? Renée told me it means ‘I hate you’, so...”
“Dame Observer... She is quite the trickster, isn’t she?” He grinned, “She must have told you the wrong thing.”
“Wh-what do you mean?! Renée is from France, French’s literally her mother tongue. How can she tell me the wrong thing?!” She yelled out, the blush on her cheeks spreading to her face.
“Je t’aime aussi.” He said as he took her hand and gently kissed the back of it.
Thinking that he finally has given up, she smiled proudly while she let out a giggle.
“I am glad to hear you admit your real feelings to me, and not the ones that you hide.” The hunter smiled.
“...Something feels off. Why did you call Renée a ‘trickster’? Does ‘je t’aime’ not mean ‘I hate you’? And why are you even smiling like an idiot?!” She turned her gaze at him, her smile slowly fading away.
“Oh, so that’s how you know its meaning... Unfortunately for you, Dame Observer has lied to you. That is why I called her a trickster.” Rook’s smile never faded one bit while saying that, much to Lilith’s dismay.
“...What does it even mean?!” She visibly panicked as she backed off.
“‘Je t’aime’ means ‘I love you’, and I am more than glad to hear you say that.” He replied as he came closer to her as much as she went backwards.
“B-but... But... But but butbutbutbutbut--” Her words came out of her mouth like a sputter as she looked away while her face turned to a deeper shade of red, and she held her arms in front of her face to prevent him from seeing her. She teared up as the fear sunk in her stomach, dreadfully paining her.
“...Are you alright, Lilith?” The hunter grabbed one of her arms and pulled it away, seeing her face, “...You seem quite afraid. I assure you, I am not about to do anything.”
“Really..?” She asked, her eyes slowly meeting with his eyes, “I mean... a-all this time, I have hidden my feelings from you and... now having admitted them to you by accident... Will you not punish me..?”
“Ahh.. If that is the case, then here is what you might call a ‘punishment’.” He replied as his lips met with Lilith’s forehead, “I love you as well, Dame Double.”
“Is that what you mean by ‘je t’aime aussi’..?” She muttered as she looked down, “...If not, then--”
“Fufufu~ You learn quicker than I expected.” He laughed, “But of course, it means ‘I love you too’.”
“...I’m glad...” She smiled, but then suddenly looked away, “I-I-I mean, I guess you are not that bad for an eccentric upperclassman.”
“Well, that does depend on the person. But I must admit that I have achieved one of my goals, fufu~” He smirked as he grabbed her other arm and held her both of her hands.
“...Your hands are bigger than mines.” She quietly commented as she looked away, “...Yeah, not that bad...”
“I am quite glad that I managed to capture your heart. I feel like I have hunted something bigger than one could imagine.” He whispered in her ear as he watched her smile again.
“...You’ve ‘captured my heart’ too, I guess...” She replied with a light smile, which no one has seen it yet.
“Shall I feel honored then?” He asked as he let go of her hands and grabbed her chin with one hand while pulling her closer by the waist.
“Hey, h-hey! Wait, what are you--”
“This side of you.. is quite captivating... I just could not hold myself back any longer.” He whispered as they were so close to each other that if one could lean, their lips too, would meet.
It was as if the time stopped between them. It felt like only thing that would wake them up from that neverending dream would be the bell ringing. Lilith leaned closer and kissed his cheek.
“N-not yet. We are going too fast, you know?..” Lilith said as she broke the silence between them. Rook backed off a little as he took one of her hands and smiled at her.
“My apologies, then.” He replied and pulled his hat on his face to hide his rosy cheeks, to which the girl near her took it and wore it.
“Well, if I’m not gonna hide anything anymore, so do you.” She smirked as she looked at him while mouthing ‘Jesus Christ, this hat’s feather...’. Rook, on the other hand, was now smiling at the beautiful sight of Lilith.
He wanted to know every side of her, but he had to be patient. Surely he was going to wait for Lilith to show herself once again, but not like this. He noticed that she got up as she was now looking at him.
“I have to go, the bell just rang... See you soon.” She said as she gave his hat back.
“See you soon, Dame Double!” He waved as she went away.
“...I’ll see you soon, Lilith...”
He mouthed as his heartbeats increased, and he put a hand on there.
She was a thief, surely.
After all, she stole his heart right under his nose just like that.
She was... a different kind of beautiful...
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cyb3rspyd3r · 9 months
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pairing: e!42 miles x blk fem! reader
summary: miles and reader go to the gym , but miles is rather competitive
a/n: i think this is the shortest fic i have made.. smh i was lazy with this
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"50 pushups rn then." miles smirked , as you were tired from the previous push ups you did since he said you couldn't. "miles ur not srs rn .." you squinted at him , rubbing your arms and breathing rather heavily. "ofc im srs mi vida , you said u could do em soo..?" miles tapped his foot and crossed his arms , looking down at you slightly laughing.
"um. well i lied. you do 50." you got up stretching , crossing your arms and grinning. "bet.. you actin like ian been goin to the gym for months and ma" you watched as miles got down and started doin push ups like it was nothing , making you side eye him beacuse he was obviously flexin.
after a few seconds , he was already done. he got up grinning , not out of breath at all. "uh huh.." you rolled your eyes , grabbing your water bottle and bag ready to go to a different section.
"mamiiiii come backkk" miles grabbed his bag and water bottle and jogged after you as you began to walk off. you scanned the gym for a different section to go to; something that was .. easier?.. the sweat dropped from your forehead as you paused to take a breath , the gym was hot which didn't help..
"mami im tired , u tryna go somewhere else?" miles dropped his bag and put his hands on his knees , breathing out as he projected his words. "mhm , we been here for bout an hour.. i woulda been thought you was tired" you laughed , looking over at miles who now somehow looked exhausted.
"mc donalds?"
"bet" you smiled.
taglist: @gw3ndyswonderland @444morales @all444miles @nokkihy @laaailuh @arielliio @urmadiik @spiderheartzz
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threadsun · 8 months
Anonymous Asks: "The SDJ boys being vulnerable and what can MC do to make them feel better. Or simply, what they're like when they're vulnerable? What can make them feel better? I'm new to the fandom and this is my first ask related to it too x)"
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Vulnerability isn't easy for him. He'll fake it plenty, spoon-feed you things that make it seem like he's being vulnerable with you. But he keeps his actual insecurities close to his chest. So when he is genuinely vulnerable... well, he's mostly just quiet. He'll answer your questions, but you have to gently pry it out of him. Take it slow and give him time to answer you, but please don't let him brush it off.
He wears his heart on his sleeve. He doesn't know how to not be vulnerable. The real problem is that he tends to blame everything on himself. So while he'll accept your comfort when he inevitably gets overwhelmed and cry, it takes more effort to get him to accept that no everything is his fault. You'll have to reassure him a lot, make him look at you and repeat after you that he's worth loving.
He's not too bad at vulnerability. He has a nasty habit of trying to laugh things off and pretend he's not feeling bad, but if you just tell him to knock it off, he'll open up to you. He's pretty... practical about it. He's always looking to figure out why he feels the way he does and what he can do to fix it. The best thing you can do for him is teach him to sit with his feelings and feel them rather than analyse them.
He likes to ignore his problems and feelings and throw himself into his work instead. You can tell he's feeling bad when he's suddenly spending every waking moment Doing Things. You need to slow him down and force him to talk to you. Don't let him distract you and don't let him brush you off. As soon as he realises you're genuinely worried about him, he'll open up to you and try to work on it.
He's afraid of vulnerability and feeling things too strongly. He used to lash out a lot when he had feelings he didn't understand, and he's worried he'll do it again. So he tries to bottle everything up and pretend it's all okay. He needs you to remind him he's a different person who can control himself. Give him space to talk and let out his feelings, and consistently praise and reassure him for it.
All of his negative emotions just become anger. Anger that he takes out on everyone else rather than processing. He'll just keep getting snappier and bitchier until you pull him aside and force him to tell you what's going on. You'll have to put up with some more bitching and probably some throwing things too, but if you just let him get his anger out, he'll finally tire himself out and open up to you.
He's a pretty chill guy, and when he does need to get his feelings out he tends to just throw himself into his baking. But if you hang out with him while he does it and ask some questions, he'll tell you what's going on with him. As long as he has something to focus on, he'll keep talking. He struggles more when you demand his full attention, so just let him keep baking while you two talk, please.
He doesn't do vulnerability. Well, not during work hours, at least. The only chance you have to see him vulnerable is if you somehow manage to sneak back into the shop after closing and go into his office. You'll find him sitting at his desk, nursing some vodka and crying. He'll tell you to fuck off or suck his dick, but if you take the alcohol from him and demand he talk, he'll open up pretty quick.
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years
🌙Saturn in 11th house: In groups these people have/emanate serious/mature/authoritative/unapproachable energy & aura that the collective fears them a little bit, because Saturn here can see what is really substantial/important, and he will break the parties if it is necessary if there is too much superficiality and nonsense. This can make them disappointed from society & humanity, honesty is very important for these people, fears rejection, lone wolves. They may have few friends because of this and in some cases have none. But they are great leaders and they need to find the courage to go out and find their tribe because is out there and they can! 🌙Aries MC: Also gives unapproachable aura since they look angry or ready to fight you type of energy(mars influence), have powerful leadership qualities, sexy, ambitious, confrontational image, impatient, the father figure of these individuals usually have anger issues, they get bored quickly, their job has to physically and mentally challenge them and stimulate them a lot or else they will leave it since the tendency is also to get bored quickly, They have strong spirit and s*x appeal, fun relationships with authority figures (sometimes with s*xual tension). 🌙Sun Scorpio in Leo degrees(5, 17, 29): tend to be the stereotype of a sigma male, like an introverted lion. For example: Naoki Kobayashi & Mad mikkelsen. 🌙Venus in 18 degrees: tend to have romantic problems or tend to be loners but they are very intelligent people. 🌙I observe that Degrees could be more important/influential than decans, since they are more concentrated energy and decans are more general type of energy. 🌙7th house: is the mirror house, it means that whatever planet we have here is the planet that we tend to delegate/project on our partners. So if we do not recognize the energy of the planet here in us, we are going to continue having relationship problems/breakups that are going to push us to recognize and internalize the energy of the planet(s). 🌙Water sign in the 6th house cusp or over the 6th house: These people could have terrible sleep schedules. 🌙Sun conjunct Moon: These people are so warm, their presence is so tender and adorable, have mommy issues, Are quite attached to the mother figure and this has a strong influence on their lives, tend to get along very well with women in general due to their receptive & captivating feminine energy, very maternal, they take things very personally and tend to be melancholic, childish, Gets emotional too easily, like anything that touches their heart makes them cry, Can be a bit clingy. They have to be careful about getting stuck in addictions to escape what they feel.
🌙People say that parallels are very important like conjunctions, but generally they only activates with the external world, they don’t have effects on our physical appearance, inner world or our intimate life like conjunctions 🌙People underestimate the s*x appeal and charm that Neptune can give you, is the s*x appeal from the main character, anime character, fiction character…is a very outworldly and watery s*x appeal. If Neptune is prominent in your chart like in conjunction with a lot of personal planets, ascendant or MC it could give you this characteristics. For example: -Michael Fassbender(Neptune conjunct AC) -Naomi Watts(Neptune conjunct AC) -Rihanna(Neptune conjunct MC) -Daniel Day-Lewis(Neptune conjunct MC) -Beth behrs(Neptune conjunct Sun) -Ian Somerhalder(Neptune conjunct Sun) -Carrie-Anne Moss(Neptune conjunct Mars) -Lady Gaga(Neptune conjunct Mars)
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peonyblossom · 12 days
Ships I'll Write For
for reference :)
m!Channing Lowe x m!MC (Kalani Mochizuki)
America's Most Eligible
Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
Blades of Light and Shadow
Nia Ellarious x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Valax x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury x m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom)
Adrian Raines x Gaius Augustine
Dirty Little Secrets
m!Carpenter (Emmett King) x m!MC (Brooklyn Peters)
High School Story
Wes Porter x Ezra Mitchell
Payton Saunders x f!MC (Lola Williams)
Michael Harrison x nb!MC (Jamie Baxter)
Mia Warren x Katherine
Hollywood U
Thomas Hunt x f/nb!MC (Jackie Winters)
Hot Couture
Marco Di Vincenzo x f!MC (Analise Moore)
Immortal Desires
m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Reese O'Malley)
It Lives Anthology
Noah Marshall x m!MC (Harry Spear)
Noah Marshall x Connor Green
Connor Green x m!MC (Jesse Harrison)
Ava Cunningham x f!MC (Raven Adams)
Stacy Green x f!MC (Ivy Lovelace)
Imogen Wescott x f!MC (Fiona Vance)
Tom Sato x m!MC (River Vance)
Danni Asturias x f!MC (Merliah Vance)
Abel Flint x nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers)
Lincoln Aquino x nb!MC (Keagan Burke)
Amalia de León x nb!MC (Lottie Hamilton)
Jocelyn Wu x f!MC (Eleanor Wilkins) (slowburn)
Matthias McQuoid x m!OC (Ezra Wilkins)
Open Heart
Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine)
Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick
Aurora Emery x Sienna Trinh
Queen B
Zoey Wade x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Ian Kingsley x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Untameable Anthology
m!Kit Jackson x m!MC (Jules Rojas)
Mandy Martinez x Ryder Wilson x m!MC (Barrett Kemp)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery x Lexi Grey
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery
Meredith Grey x Derek Shepherd
Meredith Grey x Andy Herrera
Victoria Hughes x Lucas Ripley
Izzie Stevens x Denny Duquette
Ben Warren x Miranda Bailey
Cristina Yang x Teddy Altman
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
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sunnydayroleplay · 1 year
Okay! I finally slept and got a plot >:3 My poly ass is very lonely right now, how about MC is dating both Shaun and Jack? Maybe even Ian if you wanna go that far. It can be whatever, angst, fluff, smutty. I don't care. I'm lonely T-T
Hi! Sorry this got to you so late! I'm slowly getting through all my requests right now! Been very busy lately. Such a cute idea, I've thought about it before! It's gonna be rather fluff, soft, and vanilla because I'm in a rather good mood todayyyy! Spicy, but not overboard~ Just a dip in the water! With that said, let's write it! Contents Inside: Shaun x Reader x Jack, Slightly suggestive themes/Vanilla, Flirting/Pet Names, Mentions of Ritual/Spells/"Witchcraft", Over all a very wholesome post!
Those under 18, DNI. Though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is a NSFW 18+ game/community only. It jeopardizes not only your safety, it jeopardizes mine, those involved, and the creator(s) own 'morals'. For 18- friendly/SFW posts/art, check out my art page: @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
At first, you kept Jack to yourself.
You didn't tell anyone that you even knew a Jack, let alone that you had a new boyfriend.
After-all there would be a lot of questions from your friends, and even more phone calls from your ex Ian.
You didn't really have the energy to explain that you can see a blue haired sweet clown man, but no one else could.
And also the fact that you have had sex with him on multiple occasions.
That was until Shaun moved in for the time being.
You were hanging out in the kitchen making some lunch.
Shaun was always one for ghosts, and horror, and some witchcraft, so he should totally understand where you're coming from.
"You're seeing a what now?"
"A-And you're dating it?"
"He's not an it, Shaun!"
"So...Lemme get this straight. He CAME OUT OF your T.V, and slowly but surely, you guys start to date. And he's a clown??"
"Pretty much!"
He wasn't trying to downplay what your thoughts, beliefs and sights were, but it was just a bit confusing.
If not a lot.
You gestured Jack to come over, which just looked rather odd from Shaun's perspective.
You told Jack to carry you, and the sweet clown man put you on-top of his shoulders.
"What the actual fuck?"
Now, since Shaun can't actually see Jack, and their Sunshine doesn't know how to fix that, the two of you would get down and dirty in the realm of spells.
Random rituals Shaun wrote down in this special book of his, or anything the two of you could come up with.
You spent time with Shaun more often, and that was something Jack didn't quite like.
Now, in Nick's situation (supposedly), Jack made his way to torment Nick for being a little bit too friendly. In the end, he tortured Nick so much by his pres
We can only assume that Jack can manipulate who he wants to be seen by.
Specifically those who are trying to take his Sunshine away.
And right now, Shaun is one of them.
With the amount of time you’ve been spending with him is not something he likes.
“This is the man you’ve been swooning over?! I thought we discussed this, no more clowns!”
“First Ian, now a literal clown!”
Starting off, Shaun and him didn’t exactly get along.
Whenever Shaun would start conversation, Jack just walked away or ignored him.
But eventually it has to get tiring.
The more time you spend with Shaun, you found yourself to be so much more fond with him.
Jack could say the same thing.
Shaun was a..new comfort to Jack.
He enjoyed that he could make terrible puns with Shaun to “torment” you with.
He didn’t try taking away his Sunshine in the end after all (ish), he just tried making you visible.
Eventually, I don’t know how, you all decided collectively to get together.
Now, since you’ve officially have two new boyfriends, there’s a lot of changes.
Jack would have to wake the both of you up in the mornings now..
“Mmph.. a few more minutes..”
“Wh-What they said..-“
“Rise and shine already! Breakfast is almost ready!!!”
You had twice the protection!
Jack had someone else to also give all of his love too.
Of course you had your occasional fight, but what healthy relationship doesn’t?
You guys were all happy in the end.
Whenever you were sad Jack would be comforting you on your left side, and Shaun would be there with all your favorite snacks, the two telling you how much they love you, and that it’s going to be okay.
You’d listen in on their conversation from the kitchen. Shaun telling Jack all about movie and film production, and Jack telling him about his time as an actor.
It was surprising how much they had in common.
Both somehow into acting/the acting process..
They both wanted to kill Ian..
They both loved you!
What more is there to ask?
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teabagandsugar · 4 months
THEY WERE SO CUTE AUGHHHGHHGHH 💔 girlboss x boyfailure
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annarts05 · 2 years
Quest ideas for fantasy stories (turned into a rant, oh no)
The classic “quest to find a magical item that’s going to save the day and the entire world.” Might be a lil’ bit cliché, but do I care? Nope. 
It’s...um, a good goal. You know, save the day, stop the entire world from being destroyed by some terrifying force? I don’t care how overused stuff like this. I have absolutely nothing against clichés and I will die on that hill.
Or, on a similar note, a quest to find a magical item for a goal that’s less life-or-death. 
The thing is, it doesn’t have to save the entire world. I love more specific, more heartfelt, smaller stories. For example, the movie Onward. Ian and Bailey don’t have to find the Phoenix Gem to save the entire world. They have to find it so they can see their late father for one last time, and in Ian’s case, for the first time. 
To find a missing person. 
Maybe they ran away years ago. Maybe they’ve been kidnapped for a sinister purpose, or maybe the villain kidnapped said person for a reason they believe is truly good. Maybe they disappeared through the use of magic and no one knows why them. Or the characters need to find a witch who can help them with their ultimate goal. 
To destroy an item.
The best example I can think of this is Lord of the Rings, of course. It’s a quest to cast the Ring into the bowels of Mount Doom so it will be obliterated, because it can only be destroyed in the place it was made. 
To learn something new. 
Maybe they have to go to X to learn about X, which can help them with their ultimate goal. Could be a series or a standalone, of course. But I love it when quests send characters on a journey that just kind of...falls apart, and bam. Not really a quest anymore, but there’s a huge problem that now needs to be dealt with. 
To assassinate someone or to commit some other crime. 
Why not make the MC a villain? Make it a quest for vengeance, justice, make them feel like they need to teach another character a lesson. 
There’s so much room to play with the character arcs. Combine a few of these quest ideas and make something up. Go ahead! 
Rambling a little, but maybe a character was wronged by another character and now needs to find a magical item that will give them the power to kill the other character, and then because they both do things that are wrong, they can both have redemption arcs. 
Seriously, villain MCs? *chef’s kiss*
Don’t just think big, think small too.
Like I said before, I love the small quests. A goal that’s really close to the MC, a goal that ultimately doesn’t make or break the entire world’s fate. Make it really personal. Think about the small things, the details, the other characters. What would really hurt that character, not the world? Make that happen. If the only thing that breaks your character is the world falling apart, then that’s what needs to happen. But, if it can be something smaller and more personal, then I would love to see it. 
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yukidragon · 1 year
Heeeey YukiDragon!
Big fan; been low-key tearing through your SDJ headcanons and making notes for a fic that I'm somehow 25K deep in after only a few days....
Anyway, wanted to ask: what do YOU think the sun in the corner of the screen when you play SJD indicates? Because *I* have thoughts...but I also wanted to pick your brain 👀
Apologies if you've already been asked this! 😅
I’m really glad you like my headcanons and that I could be helpful for your fic!
I haven’t been asked about this actually, and I happen to have a few thoughts and screenshots I’d like to share!
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This took me a couple tries to capture the full title screen before the “start” button appears. I did it to get see more of the children’s drawing of the ‘84 incident where Jack died. The crying of Jack, the children, and the X eyes make it pretty clear that’s what’s being depicted.
You’ll notice in the corner that the sun with the red, yellow, and blue swirls is obscured by a crinkled cloud, and three primary colors are awash in a layer of bloody red. This affects the border around the game as well.
We get to see this cloudy sun more clearly once we start the game... while Jack is talking to his sunshine for the first time.
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There’s a cloud obscuring the sun, and all the colors are washed out in an unpleasant shade of gray. The border similarly is washed out. Curiously the text box is normal and vividly colored.
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Then, when we jump ahead to MC’s monologue that takes place after they’ve started living with Jack and accepted him as a part of everyday life, the colors are vibrant all around. There’s no cloud blocking the sun. The corner icon remains like this for the rest of the game regardless of choices, including in the mini story with Ian at the end.
I want to show all three versions of this icon up close and side by side so you can see the difference better for yourselves.
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I think the symbolism is pretty obvious here. The cloud and unpleasant colors muting the bright and cheerful colors that represent Sunny Day Jack... I imagine this is going to be an indication of when the relationship with Jack is deteriorating... or perhaps his mind.
I honestly hadn’t noticed this detail until someone pointed it out in this post, then I searched for every instance where this might change. I would’ve assumed that we might see it cloudy again in the “no” route, but it was still the sunny version there too.
What I suspect is that the user interface we see during the game is going to be affected by the route we’re on and the choices we make, specifically when it comes to our relationship with Jack and how it affects his state of mind. When everything is positive and MC’s feelings towards Jack are favorable, it’ll be sunny and colorful. When it’s negative... that’s when the cloud comes in and the colors are muted.
I suspect that when things start going this negative route, the interface in the text box is going to change as well. We might see dingier colors, stains, or even tears in the paper. After all, we’re given crinkly paper textures and folded up stickers in the regular interface. The cloud over the sun is especially crinkly. We might get more font changes as well besides just red text.
In this way, the game user interface is doing some storytelling here, likely giving us a hint of Jack’s state of mind. He is solidly in the mindset of Sunny Day Jack, who is all colorful, cheerful, and even child friendly.
Starting to lose his sunshine... that’s going to make Jack start to degrade, I think. His grasp on reality and his sunshine’s love is slipping. He is at risk of being forgotten in that cold, sleepless static hell where God had abandoned him...
I think that as Jack’s sanity starts slipping, that’s when the framing is going to be darker, more unsettling. Jack has the potential to be our foe after all, and he’s certainly a yandere considering what he does to Nick no matter what choices we make in the demo...
If I was to make a guess about what these mean currently... The red version with the cloud is the harshest of them all. It could, in a very real sense, represent Jack while he’s trapped in hell, reliving his gruesome death over and over again. He can’t leave it until MC plays the tape... or we start the game.
Then things change for Jack. He’s not reliving his death, he’s interacting with someone. He’s still wounded, as evidenced by the dimmed colors and the cloud obscuring his sun. MC doesn’t care for him yet because they don’t know him yet. However, by contrast the text interface is colored cheerfully, almost welcoming. The presence of someone interrupting his hell and reaching out to him gives him hope.
Then finally... everything is bright. MC wants Jack around no matter the route. They want him in their life to be their friend, or maybe more. They make him feel love, which of course makes him feel happy. He loves them. He’s free. He’s warm and basking in their happy light. Everything will be wonderfully sunny... as long as no one takes his sunshine away.
What’s interesting too is that by showing that the game’s interface is malleable in this way... it might hint that Jack could be a character who breaks the 4th wall and addresses the player directly at some point. After all, we’re the ones that start the game and let him live again. We’re supporting him and the game being made in the first place. It could even be more confusing to him why we would pick the “no” option when we’re literally playing the game for his company and love.
Personally, I think this is just a meta touch for us as players. It’s much too soon to jump to the conclusion that Jack is a 4th wall breaking entity like Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club, Flowey from Undertale, or other games like that where the characters address the player directly. We haven’t gotten any real hints that he’s interested in us, the player, rather than the MC we’re guiding through the story. MC does have their own personality after all, and a pretty strong one.
Still... it would make sense why Jack can read MC’s thoughts if he was a 4th wall breaker. After all... he could just be reading their narration right alongside us.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur  
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lovesick-gxrls · 1 year
song mino x lee gaeun
september 2015 - august 2018
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mino and gaeun quickly became close after a few months of knowing each other which led to their relationship. gaeun was head over heels for mino and we’re in a very supportive couple of each others success.
a year into their relationship dispatch captured photos of them on a date and exposed them to the public, but many fans supported the couple. the couple called it quits due the distance as was exo on tour.
(minnie) x lee gaeun
march 2019 - october 2019
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minnie and gaeun began dating after meeting at music bank. gaeun was a guest mc while (g)i-dle was promoting. though their relationship only lasted a few months it was filled with cute dates and good memories.
they broke up due to (g)i-dle becoming more busy and gaeun being asked to do more schedules but they remain good friends.
christian yu (dpr ian) x lee gaeun
october 2021 - january 2022
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gaeun and christian started off as a casual thing but soon developed feelings for each other after meeting a few times. it was a whirlwind romance for the pair, but gaeun wasn’t looking for anything serious.
she broke it off due to her freaking out about how serious they were becoming and how quickly it had developed. they’ve stayed friends however, and are seen together hanging out with their friends.
min yoongi (suga) x lee gaeun
april 2023 -
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gaeun and yoongi met when exo and bts were promoting at the same time years back, they quickly became close friends but lost contact once both groups had began to gain more popularity.
they reconnected recently at a mutual friends party and have been almost inseparable since. they’ve kept their relationship secret to the public and have only told their close friends and family.
gaeun m.list | masterlist
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