curio-queries · 3 months
So excited to have him back before his next Bday!
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Listening links and my thoughts on this QC below the cut:
Ego was one of the first solo BTS songs that I remember falling in love with. I think it perfectly encapsulates Hobi's ability to take a concept and translate it musically. It's such a fun listen but also informs in an interesting way. It's also my favorite of all of J-Hope's solo songs.
Boy Meets Evil was one of the first videos that actually helped me start to appreciate dance in pop culture. Dance was definitely not a huge draw for me at the start of my BTS journey and this video stands out in my memory.
More was such an interesting journey of song in itself. We were all so curious how the solo releases would be handled logistically as well as musically. Absolutely loved the rock elements and seeing Hobi get to transfer his skills outside of the typical soundscape of BTS.
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bcmixx · 5 years
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#MixxBoxing #fullvideoonyoutube #ADVANCED #advancedTechnique #quickcombo #POWER #3x #3HitCOMBO #70lbbag #UPPERCUTBAG #BoxingDRILLS #circlepunch #powerhook #knockouthook #hook #funexercise #funexercises #mixxtraining #mixxcombo #mixxfortuitous https://youtu.be/Zw2M1UHMphI (at Madisonville, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsa0Wohgr9C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=prpt2mzv1nu9
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casualeclectica · 6 years
12/15/17 #workout #fitgamer #astartes #fitness #excercise #exercise #health #keepitup #pushyourself #youcan #thisisastartes #workinprogress #keepatit #noquitting #quickcombo (at Eau Claire, Wisconsin)
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curio-queries · 2 months
This QC is part of a set. Check out the other version here.
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Listening links and my thoughts on this QC below the cut:
This is the combo that results in terminating the relationship and my personal preference but I'm a sucker for a non-traditional-happy-ending. I spent a good chunk of my 20s helping friends understand and sort out if they'd been 'friendzoned' or alternatively trying not to give friends the impression they were more than friends. So I think that's a big part of why I love this interpretation so much. Those situations usually start out with one person feeling like they're being orbited by the other...and usually results in that person making an ultimatum to either become more or end. The lyrics of 134340 sets this up so perfectly and Let Go is really the only healthy response. I remember taking the coward's path once and trying not to hurt the other's feelings by hoping it just fizzles but it really just causes unnecessary stress for everyone involved by not being honest.
...anyway, this got a little more personal than I usually would here. 😶
Here's the links, happy listening!
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curio-queries · 2 months
This QC is part of a set. Check out the other version here.
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Listening links and my thoughts on this QC below the cut:
Honestly, I think this combo is pretty straightforward. This is the combo that results in continuing the relationship.
As I've mentioned before in another combo, I adore HOME. It's just so heckin cozy. It sets the perfect tone for a friends-to-lovers plot line.
It caps off so nicely with It's Definitely You. I admit, it took me a loooong time to find this song. I'm really not into kdramas and I just didn't feel a reason to look into it because of that but boy this song is so fun!
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curio-queries · 3 months
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Listening links and my thoughts on this QC below the cut:
Like most songs I end up liking, I didn't vibe with D-Day right at first but it didn't actually take me as long as many others do. It's not exactly the kind of music I expected myself to like even 5 years ago but I'm so happy to have it now.
Interlude : Shadow is THE song that sold me on Singer!Yoongi. I still wasn't really vibing with much of the rapline during my journey into BTS but when I found this song, the chorus about not letting him shine is just so absolutely gut-wrenching that I couldn't resist.
I adored Amygdala from first listen, even before I read the lyrics. But I did keep myself from watching the mv for quite some time due to the warning and my own mental headspace at the time. I'd been unexpectedly effected by another mv right before it but in hindsight, I would have been fine. This is the absolute definition of beauty in tragedy for me.
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curio-queries · 5 months
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My thoughts and Listening Links below the cut:
I have always adored Home. It's the absolute definition of the word cozy in musical form. I believe JK once said that Jimin carried this song in the development process and I completely believe it. This performance on Jimmy Fallon was absolutely wonderful too. Charming and technically impressive at the same time, exactly the qualities that sets BTS apart from the rest.
For You is another track I don't listen to very often but when it does come up, I never skip it. (Side note, is this mv supposed to be part of the BU? There's a lot of the elemental subtext for each of the members there...)
Closer Than This is exactly what I personally needed at this time of year. Jimin has given me the perfect christmas gift and the video was an excellent choice and execution as well. I may do a longer post just on it later but for now this is what I've got.
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curio-queries · 9 months
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My Thoughts on this QC:
This combo is my favorite JK Cover, favorite solo, and favorite Seven version.
(Speaking of Falling, JKs cover was the first time I heard this song and I realize I'm literally biased but I MUCH prefer it to the original).
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curio-queries · 10 months
(Technically I've recommended this order before but now I have custom gifs!)
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My thoughts on this QC:
Promise was always my ultimate favorite song and it killed me having to navigate to SoundCloud and not just have it in my spotify playlist (to help with the stats at least). I had a few weeks of joyful ignorance once it was made available on Spotify before FACE and Letter...
I don't think words exist to describe how much Letter speaks to my soul. I have never been a huge 'on repeat' person but i can NEVER listen to Letter just once. Each time it ends, i think that i didn't appreciate it properly and have to listen again...usually for quite a few iterations.
Take Two is a nice little cap to this combo. I just want to melt in a puddle of joy and love when listening to these songs.
Listening Links:
(I cannot wait until the album version of Letter is on spotify. It's my only hope that one day it will be. For now, here's Jimin's live version.)
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curio-queries · 6 months
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My Thoughts on the QC:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIN! I can't wait until he's back with us to celebrate properly!
I actually had a difficult time with this QC, at first I had no idea which songs I would even consider and then there were too many. Jin's ballads are right up my alley musically but I don't usually seek out his tracks in my playlist.
Abyss is a song I've featured in another QC of beautifully tragic songs that don't leave me actually feeling sad. It's also a song that I usually play when I'm around my parents as it's not too kpop-y if that makes sense...
Oh Epiphany...I'm going to confess something here, I actually don't like the released version of Epiphany...like at all. The MV doesn't really appeal to me either. BUUUUT the demo version!?! Oh man, yes, I realize the english lyrics have some issues but THE MELODIES!!! (This song actually competes a little bit with Letter in my preferences but since I can only listen to it through the discs or 'other' sources, I'll never have stats on it. Anyway, I just love it. Best demo I've ever heard (even in comparison to the DNA demo, which we all know is astounding).
Moon is one of those songs that sneaks up on me and immediately goes back into hiding. Every time I listen to it, I'm reminded just how good it is and I don't know why it's not frequently in my playlists.
I would also like to give an honorable mention to Take Two. That song almost made my Jin-Birthday-Combo post purely due to Jin's high note around 2:45. I melt a little more inside everytime!
Listening Links:
I'm not giving you a link to Epiphany... go find the demo version yourself. 😉
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curio-queries · 7 months
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My thoughts on this QC:
This combo is so cute!! It tells an adorable little story of a main character that starts out with big dreams in Dream Glow, finds 'the one' and falls in love in Yes or No and then wants to be with them forever in Stay. the musical transition between all three is just so lovely as well, nice upbeat, happy songs (which is not generally my norm, gotta satisfy my emo roots every few tracks 😉).
The BTS World OSTs are vastly underrated imo so this was nice to be able to bring one of them back with Dream Glow.
Stay was one of the first subunits tracks that I latched onto in my journey and I still regularly seek it out.
Yes or No has actually surprised me on Golden. Easily my favorite track JK has released this year. I just need to get over my current cold so i can sing along with it!
Listening Links:
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curio-queries · 7 months
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My thoughts on this QC:
Something that kept sticking with me as I listened to Too Much was the clear perspective in the lyrics. Many pieces of artistic work are delivered through first-person language but still encompass other parties' view points. That is not the feeling that I get when listening to Too Much. It's very much telling the story of this relationship by how the speaker is effected and not necessarily the other person.
Now Where You From and Outro: Her may not be so strongly from this perspective in Korean but the English translations definitely leave me with that impression as well. Listening to these three together tells a story of benign interest in Where You From, a shaky relationship in Outro: Her and inevitable implosion in Too Much.
(side note: normally I would have cropped out the photographer from the Outro: Her gif but I felt it leans into this story line of perception)
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curio-queries · 8 months
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Okay, look... I really wanted to try to continue with my birthday post trend of different categories of songs for the member (like favorite cover, favorite collab, etc.) but I absolutely cannot ignore this fact:
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That is my LIFETIME Top Spotify tracks. And the only reason Letter isn't occupying the top spot is because it's not on Spotify officially. So we are not going to fight against the universe and just organize these three songs into an order that somewhat makes sense and pray I survive whatever else Jimin has in store for me.
Happy Birthday Park Jimin. I'm so grateful to have the gift of your music.
(But if there's any good in this world please put Letter on Spotify so that I can give it a tiny portion of proper worship.)
Listening Links:
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curio-queries · 8 months
QUICKCOMBO: 3D | 134340 | LIKE
I built a combo I actually like that incorporates 3D! Mission accomplished! It is growing on me, at least in context of different songs...
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My thoughts on this QC:
I needed to find songs that had the same musically chill but upbeat feel. I'm also a sucker for a sad ending so I'm loving starting with 3D progressing through a storyline with 134340 and Like. I personally prefer the alternate version of 3D so that's the listening link I've included.
Listening Links:
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curio-queries · 9 months
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My thoughts on this QC:
This QC is my favorite RM solo, favorite feature and favorite collaboration.
Reflection has some lines that cover a concept I've done my entire life. Whenever I'm stuck in traffic or waiting in line, I wonder if I've encountered the people around me before or will again in the future. It helps me remember that everyone is human and calm some frustrations.
I admit, I only looked into Champion because I'm a big FOB fan, but I genuinely like RM's version better than the original. It's a perfect taste of his lyrical prowress.
And Wild Flower...my love. It's honestly very rare that I like a song on first listen and Wild Flower genuinely shook me up. I remember exactly how I felt the first time hearing it and I still get that feeling today. It's an absolutely beautiful song.
(Honorable mention to Still Life. It took me a while to come around to it but it's definitely one of my jams now).
Listening Links:
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curio-queries · 10 months
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My thoughts on this QC:
I'm generally not one to curse but this is my seize-the-day-you-MF'er combo. Very empowering in a 'screw-you' kinda way. I'm actually really disappointed we don't have more content around the song D-Day given it shares the name with the album. I go back and forth between D-Day and Amygdala as my favorites from that album.
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