lukellios · 1 year
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My #TOH pins are back in stock, just in time for the new episode!
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howhow326 · 1 year
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kookies2000 · 2 years
ONE THING I LOVE ABOUT THE OWL HOUSE!!!! The diversity in the ships!!!!
Girl and girl!
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Non binary and girl!!
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Boy and girl!!!
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Boy and boy!!!! (I know this isn't Canon but let me dream.)
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I just love the diversity in this show, ok? Not to mention all four are also interracial couples.
Ps, no love tingles either. They could have easily made a Amity x Luz x Hunter thing. And Willow would get thrown in one way or another making it a love square. This show is straight forward with their ships and complex in it's own way that doesn't involve love triangles.
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samcat0925 · 1 year
TOH Actor Au
So, this is an Au idea that I’ve had for a while now where everyone in Toh are just actors playing a part. 
The ships are Lumity, Rieda, Goldric, Vinera, Skarlow, Gustholomule, Veesha, and Darius x Alador.
I like to think that Amity, Edric and Emira are actually sibling and that Edric and Emira are actual twins(or maybe Emira is actually a year older than Edric, but they look so similar to each other that they pass for twins). I also like to think that Odalia is their actual mom however Odalia is a way better mom to the twins and Amity than her acting counterpart. Also, Odalia and the twins all have brown hair like Amity, but they had their hairs dyed, along with Amity.
Personally, I imagine that Alador isn’t their biological father and is just a really good family friend along with Darius (who is his actual husband), so the kids see them as a second family to them due to how long they’ve known them. Though the girl who plays younger Amity is actually Alador’s daughter who Odalia does babysit from time to time. 
Amity goes to school with Luz, Willow, Skara and Boscha. She is actually friends with all of them along with Hunter, Gus, Matt, Viney and Bria. 
Willow and Amity are also next-door neighbors. Btw Younger Willow is actually Willow’s cousin, but some people have mistaken her from being Willow’s sister because of how alike they look. Also, the scene where younger Willow in the mindscape runs into something on accident was not in script but it was so cute that the directors had to put it in the final cut.
Raine and Eda are actually married, and Eda actually has a prosthetic hand that is the one that got dislocated when she was first interduce and is the same hand that she lost during the Day of Unity episode.
Luz and Vee are siblings, twins in fact which is why when Vee was interduce, she looked so much like Luz and that her new hair is a wing. Hunter is their adopted older brother. I like to think that if there is a scene where Camila(who is Luz’s and Vee’s biological mom while she’s Hunter’s adopted mom) is adopting Hunter as a part of their family onset, they would be all crying because that scene would remind their family of when Hunter actually got adopted into the family off screen. I like to think that Luz and Amity started having crushes on each other while they were acting with each other so the week before the Lumity confession scene, Luz had asked Amity to be her girlfriend and Amity had said yes. The younger Luzs in the video aren’t related to Luz at all but you would mistake them for being her sisters if you saw them standing beside her. 
Vee, Masha, and the other friends that her character makes while at camp are all friends, even though they all go to different schools. Vee has a massive crush on Masha, but the other hasn’t caught on to Vee’s feelings yet but their other two friends have.
Hunter was homeschooled for his middle school years but started goes to high school during his freshmen year with Edric and Emira. Viney goes to a different school, but she hangs out with them all the time. Emira and Viney tease Hunter and Edric for their very obvious crush on each other. 
Viney and Jimbo are childhood friends and go to the same school. They get mistaken for siblings all the time, but they don’t mind as they’ve pretty much accepted each other as siblings since they’ve been friends for so long. Jimbo helped Viney confess her feelings to Emira offset. He also is friends with Skara and is her go-to person when she needs someone to talk to about her crush on Willow.
Matt and Steve are half-siblings and, unlike my headcanon, have a good relationship with their mom and dad(well stepdad in Steve’s case but Steve treats him like he is his biological father). Bria is their stepsister but she’s actually nicer to Matt than she is onset, even if she does have a habit of bossing him around due to being older than him. They’re also next-door neighbors with Gus and his dad who plays as Parry. Also, Matt and Gus go to the same middle school together and both have a crush on each other, but they haven’t said anything to each other yet. Onset Matt seems like a huge gremlin but outside of set, he’s actually really nice, though he is a little snippy at times. 
Also, you know how people have been saying that Matt and Hunter would hate each other if they were to meet? Well, I think it would be really funny if while Matt and Hunter’s acting counterparts seem like they would hate each other if they were to ever meet each other but in reality, they are actually friends who are both very snarky towards each other. Same with Willow and Boscha, where their acting counterparts seem to hate each other or dislike each other but outside of acting, they are actually really good friends who roast each other all the time. There would probably be so many deleted scenes where Willow is roasting Boscha after she says something mean.
It takes the makeup team hours to get Boscha ready due to her needing a colored wig, different colored skin tone, and a third eye prostatic on her forehead.
Hunter and Willow actually don’t have crushes on each other. However, Hunter is able to make himself blush by thinking about his actually crush. (Willow knows who his crush is and helps him by teasing him about it too which also makes Hunter’s cheeks go red really quick.)
Philip aka Belos is actually way nicer than his acting counterpart and the kid who plays the Collector is actually his nephew. Philip and Odalia will actually talk to the kids about not doing or saying any of the dumb or dangerous stuff that any of the characters do or say.
If anyone has any questions about this Au or wants to hear more about it, let me know.
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cherryxsapphic · 1 year
Eda: I can explain.
Raine: Can you?
Eda: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
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tiredwoodnymph · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s Day to you all
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actuallysyrie · 1 year
You can not tell me that if Raine saw Eda currently, they wouldn't just break from Belos's possession, especially if it's mentioned that she was visiting them while in puppet form. My friends, they would pass out and knock Belos out with them.
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juliasgoodusername · 2 years
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Ripped this pose off of Pinterest because it's so 🥺😳
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r0seart · 1 year
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italian-soup · 8 months
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grace-of-the-aces · 1 year
ok ok ok. hear me out. we KNOW eda loves shiny things. but imagine raine finding this out. imagine raine dressing in a sparkly outfit just to rile eda up and get her attention. imagine raine putting on sparkly eye shadow and eda just watching them blink. JUST IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES😭❤️🥰
i need someone who’s better at art and writing to get on this ASAP
please I need cute raieda stuff so badly😭😭
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emptymilk-bottle · 1 year
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so raieda right… R I G H T
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makofinz · 1 year
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samcat0925 · 1 year
For TOH ships: Who fell first and who fell harder for each other?
For Lumity:
This should be obvious since the show made it very clear that Amity fell for Luz first and, based on the show, I think that while the both of them love each other very much, Luz fell harder for Amity once she realized her feelings for her while Amity's feelings took time to develop.
For Raieda:
This again should be obvious from the show making it very clear that Eda fell for Raine first, but based on the show, I think that when Raine fell for Eda, they fell for her hard. Not that Eda's feelings for Raine weren't intense too but they took some time to get to that point. Even after Raine and Eda broke up, the two of them still held those feelings for the other and as the saying goes "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", the whole “not having the other in their lives” made them miss the other more and more as time went on. 
Although Eda tried to get rid of those feelings by dating other people, those relationships never lasted since they were never the same as when she was with Raine while Raine couldn't bring themselves to date someone else as Eda never truly left their mind even after all those years since they last spoke, especially after Eda's near petrification. Seeing Eda nearly get turned to stone terrified Raine to their core and it was a feeling that they never wanted to experience again which was what made them so adamant about not letting anything happen to Eda when it came to the Draining Spell and the Day of Unity.
For Huntric:
I personally think that Edric fell for Hunter first and fell hard for the blonde. Just everything about Hunter made Edric's heart skip a beat and made him want to show the blonde all of the love that he never got growing up, knowing how much suffering that the other boy had been through because of Belos. While Hunter's feelings came and grew slowly with each passing day. Hunter knew that he cared for the Blight and that he wanted to grow closer to the green haired boy but, due to how sheltered he was thanks to Belos, he thought that was normal for every friendship. 
It was until he asked Raine what made feelings of love different from feelings of friendship which they explained that when you're around friends, you feel calmer and more relaxed while when you're around someone that you love, you feel light and warm like you know in your heart that being around them is your special place that you know that you would do anything to make sure that it's still around. After hearing that, Hunter started to recall that he felt that kind of warm feeling around Ed that he didn't really feel for others(except for Willow but that was before she rejected him and the two agree to being just friends) but he kept denying it, thinking that there was no way that he was in love with Ed. 
Then Luz had hosted a slumber party and invited the members of EE, The Blight siblings, and Matt(well more like Gus invited him but Luz was cool with it). During the night, Hunter saw Ed without his concealment stone, and you could have seen steam coming off of his face from how warm and red it got. All Hunter could think about was how cute and handsome Ed looked without it on while thinking of different ways to get Ed to be comfortable with not having it on more when he's around. That's when Hunter (finally) realized that there was no mistaking that he had fallen for the Blight boy.
For Skarlow:
I personally think that Skara fell for Willow first, but she didn't express them due to how she treated Willow when she was friends with Boscha but as time passed, Skara's love for the glasses girl grew more and more intense, making her fall hopelessly in love with her. Willow's feelings came after Skara's when Skara defend her when Boscha tried to bully her and afterwards Skara made sure that Willow was okay, even going so far as to take her to the medical wing which, to Willow, was very sweet. 
It was at that moment that Willow realized that her feelings and the warmness that she was experiencing in her chest for the bard were feelings of love and once she figured that out, she also started to notice all of Skara’s special quirks and features that made the warmness grow more. That's when she noticed how deep her feelings for the Bard were. 
For Viney X Emira(Do they have a ship name?):
I like that Emira always thought that Viney was cute but didn’t really develop feeling for her until she joined the healing track but at the time, her crush was very small. Until she went with her twin brother to their school’s Flyer Derby game to tease him for his crush on the blonde boy that was on the team. While Ed and his crush were talking (and being super obvious that they like each other), Emira and Viney had joke to each other about the two and made secret bets to each other about how long it would take for the two to confess their feeling. After a while of joking, the two of them agreed to hang out afterwards which Emira immediately noticed the bubbly feeling that she was experiencing when she thought of her and Viney hanging out and understood that she had fallen for the brown-haired witch. Viney gained a small crush on Emira after hanging out with her after the game but fell for her hard after seeing Emira get along really well with Puddles. I mean what can I say, the girl wants any partner that she might have to get along with her favorite gryphon. Afterwards the two of them start hanging out with each other a lot after that which makes both of their crushes grow a lot more.
For Gusholomule:
I like to think that Matt fell for Gus first after a while of the two becoming friends but tried everything to get rid of those feelings. If you were to ask him why, he’d say that it was because he didn’t want to have feelings for someone like Augustus but in reality, it was because he thought that there was zero chance of Gus returning his feeling due to being a huge jerk towards him and Luz. So, Matt tried to deny, bury and or get rid of his feelings for the illusionist which only made his feeling for the other bloom even more. 
Gus, on the other hand, didn’t really notice his feelings for Matt at first until Willow made a comment about how he’s been talking about the other witch a lot lately and jokingly says that he’s starting to sound like Luz when she first developed a crush on Amity which made Gus’s face turn red. Those words made him think about how, out of all of his friends, Matt was the one who Gus would talk about the most and how he’d look for any excuse to hang out with the witch, even though they already spend a lot of time together on the weekends. Yeah, Matt was a jerk to him at first but after what happened at the Looking Glass Ruins, he showed Gus that he wasn’t that bad and that the two were able to create a friendship with each other after that. That was the moment that Gus figured out that he had fallen for Matt and he had fallen hard for him.
For Darius X Alador (Do they have a ship name too?):
When they were both in school, Darius and Alador were very close towards each other. After a while of them being best friends, Darius fell for Alador first. I mean how could he not fall for the massive dork that is his best friend? However, he didn’t tell Alador this out of fear of rejection but what he didn’t know that that Alador also had feeling for him but didn’t realize it at the time. Then the two had their huge falling out and didn’t talk to each other due to both stubbornness and not wanting to make the situation worse. During that time, Alador and Odalia started dating which really hurt Darius but keeps it to himself.
After they graduated and Odalia and Alador got married, they two stopped talking all together but they had a lot of feelings of regret for how they ended things. Darius would also complain about Alador to Eberwolf and Raine but after a while, the two Coven Heads start to figure out that Darius’s complains are just him masking how he really felt for the other male.
After the Day of Unity, the Collector and Odalia’s and Alador’s divorce, they start talking again (with some forced help from Raine and Eda) and become friends again which leads to Darius falling for Alador all over again but only this time, Alador also falls for him too and hard enough where he actually notices his feelings for the male. 
For Veesha:
Vee fell for Masha a little bit before Luz and the group came to the human world. Vee just always thought that Masha was pretty and had a very interesting personality that made them stand out from other humans which is what made Vee want to become friends with them in the first place. It wasn’t until Vee showed Masha that she wasn’t exactly human and Masha being totally cool with it, that Vee really fell hard for Masha. Masha thought that Vee was very cute and felt comfortable with them, especially after coming out to them about being nonbinary. After a while of Vee telling them about not being human like them and actually coming from a demon realm, Masha gains feeling for Vee and begins to think about how cute they were in their natural (basilisk) form a lot.
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theravenclawladybug · 2 years
Owl House Theories
I just finished the owl house. I have a theory
King is a titan. So I bet that after that being freed from The Collector’s wrath, he will be able to use some of his blood to make a new portal key.
Meanwhile in the Human Realm, Camila is going to try to be the a better mom to Luz after she was away for so long.
Also I really REALLY hope Raine is okay I need Raieda to be confirmed
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biandanxious18 · 3 years
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