#rareship canons
fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Hey I have an ask game for the kins and system members! Please tell me about a 'rarepair ship' that exists in your canon, memories, or life which is not commonly shipped in fandom spaces.
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Went to TikTok. Saw people calling Sanuso a crackship. Closed TikTok. Came back to Tumblr. I refuse to touch TikTok ever again.
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detroitbecomeonline · 3 months
hankcon fucks so hard why did we hate it so much
I'm glad you got over your hate anon! I personally don't hate things because I'm perfect
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gspot-rocks-the-gspot · 2 months
If Gandhi x Topher interactions comes canon (i mean, they obviously don't, but it's worth dreaming) i hope at least they have the same vibes that these Tyler, The Creator songs have
a humble request, it is nothing 😋 just a silly little angst to the plot
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carliathegreatestsimp · 2 months
Here is my ships that I actually like and made (TW! : RAREPAIRS, OC X CANON,UNCANON SHIPS OR CANON SHIP, AND SELFSHIPS AND NO HATE! )
toonyCop - (Mr puzzles x hal monitor = rarepair)
sillytwins - ( Carlia x Kyle and Ken katayanagi = oc x canon and Selfship))
melonManga - ( melony x Axol ik he's dead)
smg34 - (smg3 x smg4)
Sassyduck - (Belle x Tari = UNCANON ship)
saiko and Whimpu = Frienemies
Boopkins and Jub Jub = Siblings and adopted sibling
swag and Chris = Friends and no homo got to say
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eomma-jpeg · 6 months
Milly tries to enjoy her free afternoon, and thankfully succeeds with a little help from a Plant.
sorry i'm a day late, but this is my rareship week day 3 "canon divergence" entry !!!! and if i can get my act together i have a little wip for the mermaid au ...... hehe
im loving all the rareship entries thus far !!!
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miwhotep · 12 days
Rarepair drabble days on the server - here's my first tripple drabble! I like it so I thought I will share this here, too.
Prompt: Cats/Kittens
Ship: Milverton/Ruskin (unsurprisingly 😅)
Word count: 300
The Cats and the Villain
"Ruskin. You need to come with me fast. This is an emergency." the office door opened and Ruskin could see the excited look on Mr. Milverton's face.
"What happened, sir?" Ruskin stepped to his employer, his voice was filled with worry. After all, Mr. Milverton only went out to the men's room for a few minutes. He was unable to imagine what came up so suddenly - he couldn't even guess it from the strangely sparkling light in his employer's eyes. But Mr. Milverton didn't answer to the question, so Ruskin followed him with growing curiousity.
They left the building and arrived to the small garden behind the company, hidden from the public eye. Mr. Milverton bowed down to the ground in front of a bush and carefully swept away the leaves to make a better view for Ruskin.
In the bush, a mother cat found shelter with her five kittens - she suspiciously watched her uninvited guests, but her fear slowly seemed to disappear when she sensed that neither of the two men wants to harm them.
"Aren't they sweet?" Milverton whispered, his face was glowing from the innocent joy.
"Yes. They are." Ruskin's mouth turned into a gentle smile. Only he knew that his employer had a soft spot for cats. Noone else suspected this surprising trait of the King of Blackmail.
"We should get them a basket to make their place more comfortable." Milverton quietly stood up and let the bush to cover the little mewing family once again.
"Good idea, sir."
As they walked back inside to find a lonely basket for the cats, Ruskin peeked at his employer's face - seeing the happiness in those yellow eyes always warmed up his heart.
"The cats are sweet... but you are the sweetest." Ruskin thought and just couldn't stop smiling.
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coooldair · 3 months
Tumblr media
purple is such a luchiyi color
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chocottang · 5 months
ok!!! tier list templates no one asked for but that i really wanted to make for no reason!!
adults (+some characters of unknown age) tier list!
shadows tier list!
pets (+other animals) tier list!
let me know if i missed any character!
i will make a shipping tier list with all possible pairs (except all possible poly ships cause that would be literally impossible but i will try to add many) but it will take a lot more time! bare with me plz
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daddyblackjack · 1 year
So, I had this Vittorio be a cutie at the exit gate, which I was obviously very happy about. Not just bc it's Vittorio, but bc it's both of my mains having a cute interaction.
However, for some reason it kept
Happening. Not just with me playing Wesker getting a Vitty in my lobby, but also vice versa.
In conclusion: I think Weskano might actually be canon now lmao
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/718178879094865920/hey-i-have-an-ask-game-for-the-kins-and-system?source=share if this counts, I had a childhood crush on charlie, -elizabeth afton
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
people calling sanuso a crackship (i've seen it, for some reason) is the funniest thing ever because it's like they ignore all of their interactions and the fact that they're friends and have canon plots together and they canonically spend more alone time together too in comparison to other duos in the ship and, like, idk, maybe the ship is not that popular and it could be considered a rareship but calling a ship between canon friends crackship is just reading their characters wrong
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thesilverlady · 1 year
hi! love your blog ♥ it's really cool to finally see someone who posts pre-asoiaf content without anti stark rivalry I see so often from targ accounts.
A question I have (and you can ignore it if you're uncomfortable) is I've noticed you had older posts shipping rhaegon, lucaemond etc and you seem to love book canon so I was wondering do you ships these pairs in the books or its something you saw from the show and just kept it?
again, absolutely no hate that you ship them I'm just curious 🙈 hope you don't mind
hi anon! First of all I'm happy to hear you enjoy my content 🥰 it can be a bit lonely here because I don't interact with anyone but I love all houses & characters from asoiaf. So while the targaryens are my favorite I don't dislike anyone else and I don't mind answering anything as long as ppl aren't hostile or aggressive.
As for your question, I tried to like hotd and see it as a separate version but... so many things I've enjoyed from f&b got butchered, so it's hard. I've tried to make gifs and focused on something positive but I think I'll try to ignore the show for now.
As for the ships, I don't feel uncomfy with answering no worries. Yes, I do ship rhaegon, lucemond and many other rare pairs but no they didn't come from the show lol.
I know some ppl started seeing something for various of reasons (like dynamic, potential, chemistry, actors being pretty etc) but I sadly report I was one of the few losers who see even the tiniest of chance of hate/rivalry on a page and my mind goes 👀 etl??? 👀
So yeah, reading f&b many ships crossed my mind, lucemond & rhaegon being among them. And while I enjoy canon (and I know Daemon would probably plot a secret murder before he allowed Aegon 3 feet away from his niece) it's nice to bend canon and toy around with ideas y'know?
Of course I always do it based on the interpretation I have of these characters from the book, not from the show. But if there's one good thing the show did, was encouraging content creators to not be afraid of talking about non-canon pairs and I'm glad
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numberonepartyboy · 3 months
i need so more mudshock content uhhhgudhdhuuuurrrr
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teeto-peteto · 7 months
Riot should make the prom shin line, make Syndra prom queen, and then the community can vote whether the night ends smoothly, or if a Carrie esque prank occurs. Side note, Rek’Sai should be there with Malzahar.
OMG I JUST REMEMBERED WHILE THINKING WHAT TO ANSWER anyone remembers when Nightbringer Yasuo and Dawnbringer Riven relased and you COULD VOTE for your fave to win the battle???? And there was like a little comic going on??? And i think Yasuo won (very surprising i know). WHY doesnt Riot do this anymore, this was fun back then and kept people talking and expecting things. That once concept would be perfect for your idea, letting people choose if they believe Syndra should be prom queen or if they want to trick her into believing she's prom queen and surprising them with a carrie-esque ending.
I've got another idea, a bracket fight. Every week you have to pick between 2 pairs from a big pool until you only have 2 pairs and you have to choose prom queens or kings. Like for example making them pick between GravesXTf and NidaleeXNeeko on the first week, then pick between Nami x her polycule and IllaoiXFortune, etc. And then you manage to get the final result with the whole community votes. I think it would be fun.
And you can slip a lot of good ships/fandom embraced ships you know? Anyone would love to have Leona and Diana as prom queens, Sett and Aphelios, Xayah and Rakan or Lucian and Senna. Make some rarepairs like Malzahar and Reksai. Make even more rarepairs with Rhaast and Alune. Or Zyra with Ivern cause it would be super super silly. They just have to say 'most of these ships arent canon, this is just a fun event, dont throw hands at each other' and expect the best.
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maikhiwi00 · 11 months
that’s like the rarest ship EVER like not even the fandom could come up with that rareship but wow. it is not unwelcome to me
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