#raven is the ice princess in this metaphor
mysterycitrus · 9 months
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she made garth breakdance for almost an hour
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eli-elien · 9 months
henlo :DDD i am here for the Ask Game!!
2, 5, 11, 14, 30
this makes me sound like im ordering from a drive through XD
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
I think a left 3rd view of the face is the easiest second to that is facing forward
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
60% or so is for myself the rest if I think its good I'll post online and you already seen what I usually post on servers being stupid lil doodles lol
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Honestly this has turned into a playlist of music I just love that happens to relate even to one lyric about my boy lol
but specifically these:
and you definitely know why I've been listening to this one ;)
14. Any favorite motifs
There's alot and since this is my post and my answers and you're my friend
So I love love wolves/dogs and rabbits/deer as both are very interesting the differences between dogs and wolves is a fact of freedom, that sure a wolf miiight listen to you (but mostly bc of food or other sources you might give them I mean they're wild) while a dog is absolutely domesticated but...they still bite and when pushed they WILL fight back even if they're loyal
Rabbits and deer esp when combined for a Jackalope are two things: my love of contrasts and double meanings and metaphors for transness!! I see antlers personally, esp since its different between sexes in deer when it comes them and growing/shedding them as a trans thing idk how to explain it lol
now with the contrasts and double meanings with rabbits!! its such a cute lil fluffy thing but its interesting when the rabbit bites down, when you see that the black and white world-view of carnivores and vegetarians are actually blurred and that during winter they'll eat meat when its available most animals and esp rabbits are very opportunistic
and ofc there's the predator and prey aspects of both between dogs/deer and wolves/rabbits!!!
also side note but I also been loving lizards/shrikes and returning to the classic motif for reverie: foxes/ravens (both clever beings that get a bad rap in fairy tales)
also I looooove fairy tales and myths, William several folk tales that I got inspired by, I wonder what sorta scenes and designs and skills based of these: Red Riding Hood (#1 FAIRY TALE) Anything with the big bad wolf, sleeping beuty, beuty and the beast, the white knight/prince charming motif, witches motif, and hansel and grentel but what if one of the kids take the other instead of a parent? Can you really call that your sibling?
like for instance Will has his red cloak that acts as a red "heroic and prince charming/white knight" cape that also has a red hood, not too mention his motivations are mainly pure righteousness and his desinated roles by the story are either prince charming/white knight or love interest (mainly both if he was saving a princess from the princess pov but instead he's saving and protecting the "evil" dragon)
alsoooo MORE CONTRASTS like life/death and growth/rot and sun/moon and ice/fire (again these can be applied to will who has a rot curse but inherant magic for healing and being related to plants and also ice and fire magic
also persephone/hades dynamic esp where you think on the surface its the cute bubbly life and flowers girlie (doesn't even have to be a girl again: will) with their gloomy dark death and rot guy (yes this is talking about the dragon guy buuut he's honestly more of a dark golden retreiver that would eat and kill anyone who messes with will who also has 1 braincell that uses 60% of it to think abt will)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
honestly every one of my oc stuff cuz man I put alot of effort into this shit and since this is my post I'll post the ones that I think aren't getting enough attention
I don't think this is underated but putting this here bc I did it on a tablet with a shitty diy stylus that didn't even give me good control and I think I deserve something for how well this came out under those circumstances
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nesta-stan · 4 years
Acosf Theory: Nesta being kidnapped by the Mortal Queens will be a major plot point.
We all already know that the queens are going to play a major role from the synopsis. I think that specifically it will be the youngest Queen who will act as Nesta's main antagonist. She is the perfect character to act as a foil for Nesta.
Lets start with the younger queen herself.
"And the youngest two queens … One was perhaps a few years older than me, black-haired and black-eyed, careful cunning oozing from every pore as she surveyed us.
"The youngest queen, the dark-haired one, smiled slightly. Arrogant youth"
Here we see a few similarities between Nesta and that Queen. She is arrogant, "Cunning", proud, and about the same age as Nesta. They were both made into things they didn't want to be. To the Queen, Nesta has everything she wanted; she got the youth the power, and the money.
“The youngest one—that pinched-faced bitch—went into the Cauldron first. Practically trampled the others to get in after it saw what it did to you and your sister.”
Stone screamed beneath twin sets of talons. “But the Cauldron … Oh, it knew that something had been taken from it. Not sentient, but … it knew. It was furious. And when that young queen went in …”
The Ravens laughed. Laughed as the slope leveled out and we found ourselves at the bottom of the library.
“Oh, it gave her immortality. It made her Fae. But since something had been taken from it … the Cauldron took what she valued most. Her youth.” They sniggered again. “A young woman went in … but a withered crone came out.”
And from the catacombs of my memory, Elain’s voice sounded: I saw young hands
wither with age.
“The other queens won’t go into the Cauldron for terror of the same happening now. And the youngest one … Oh, you should hear how she talks, Nesta Archeron. The things she wants to do to you when Hybern is done …”
The Queen is angry at Nesta and Nesta is angry at the Queens. I'm going to be honest, when it comes to SJM's main villains like the king of hybern they seem to be one dimensional but this Queen's circumstances can be what forces Nesta to look further at her own. This Queen is what Nesta might have been. She might even be a deciding factor on who Nesta chooses to become.
Why this would make Nesta going to the Illyrian mountains make more sense
"She wasn’t stupid—she knew there had been unrest, both in Prythian and on the continent, since the war had ended. Knew some Fae territories were pushing their new limits on what they could get away with in terms of territory claims and how they treated humans."
These are Nesta's thoughts before going to see her sister in the sneak peak. I, and a lot of others, have never been able to wrap our heads around how the Illyrian mountains could ever be a good place for Nesta. Yes, a lot of people use the excuse "it's for her healing" but there is never any reasoning behind why illyria?
The mortal Queens know about Velaris. If Feyre and the inner circle have caught on to a plan to kidnap Nesta, than it makes sense that they would try to hide her away somewhere safe. Especially since she is basically helpless on her own. Cassian is the only character, besides Feyre, that cares about Nesta's well being and Illyria is filled with soldiers ready to fight at a moment's notice, while Velaris isn't. It is also where she can train. This threat has probably made Feyre realize how defenseless her sister is and to give her a fighting chance, she forces Nesta to train.
Now, let's talk about the "Ally" the synopsis mentioned. I think it's the Illyrians. That's how she still ends up captured. They betray Cassian and offer his mate to the mortal Queens. Though we all refer to this as Nesta's book, it's Cassian’s too. The Illyrians are closest to his heart. So it makes sense that they are included in his Arc. He has long been bad mouthed and treated as lowly for his status but he never stopped loving his people. Instead he internalized it, but what happens when the woman of his affections suffers because of that hatred? It would be the perfect tool to force Cassian to self-reflect on who he is and what he stands for. Can he choose between his people and his love?
This ties in with the snow queen theory
I actually first thought of this when reevaluating the theory that the story that will work as an inspiration for this book is the Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson. There are three versions of that story that all could potentially tie into to Acofas. The original, Frozen, and the 2002 movie remake.
Frozen because it is the tale of two sisters coming together after years of estrangement. (Feyre and Nesta obviously). 
I put the 2002 version in their because in that version of the story has "Lady's" portraying and ruling over each season. Their is a spring witch, summer princess (cresseida) , Autumn thief, and then the snow queen(Vivian?). Meaning more characters might play more roles in this story. I did see alot of wanting Nesta to travel to the other courts.
Now for the original, which probably looks like it has the most connection to Acosf. The story is short and easy to find online. In short, it's about a girl Named Gerda who goes on a quest to find Kay, her childhood friend. A magic mirror created by the devil , that I'm not going into detail much but it's basically the Ouroboros, is shattered and falls into the eyes and heart of young Kay. (Snow Queen also speculated to have a shard in her heart) This makes him cruel to his sister like friend over the next year till he is kidnapped by the snow queen.
This story ties in for multiple reasons. I think hear the mirror is replaced by the Cauldron. Both the Mortal Queen and Nesta were made and neither or happy about it. This being the "glass shard that froze their hearts." And the Mortal Queen being the Snow Queen who kidnapped Kay, or Nesta. Also, Kay is cruel to Gerda for a year before he is taken and it's been a year since the war.
Now let's look at this Quote.
“Little Kay was quite blue, yes nearly black with cold; but he did not observe it, for she had kissed away all feeling of cold from his body, and his heart was a lump of ice. He was dragging along some pointed flat pieces of ice, which he laid together in all possible ways, for he wanted to make something with them; just as we have little flat pieces of wood to make geometrical figures with, called the Chinese Puzzle. Kay made all sorts of figures, the most complicated, for it was an ice-puzzle for the understanding. In his eyes the figures were extraordinarily beautiful, and of the utmost importance; for the bit of glass which was in his eye caused this. He found whole figures which represented a written word; but he never could manage to represent just the word he wanted—that word was “eternity”; and the Snow Queen had said, “If you can discover that figure, you shall be your own master, and I will make you a present of the whole world and a pair of new skates.” But he could not find it out.”
I always interpreted that if this was going to inspire something in Acotar it would be Metaphorical. That the injuries Kay suffers would be how Nesta let herself fall apart and the puzzle that he needed to spell eternity for could be how Nesta still doesn't know what to do with her immortal life.
But what if it's literally? What if the Queen captures Nesta and tries to use her powers to fix her. The Queen was also granted immortality. What if Kay figuring out how to spell eternity is Nesta figuring out how to fix the young Queen. And the injuries are of being black and blue are from the queens torchering her?
Sjm's habits.
Sjm always has a habit of making her characters go through even deeper shit, once they finally healed. It would make sense that she would throw us another curve ball like this. She did something similar with Aelin in Koa, and she has reused some points before. Like Aedion and Lysandra taking Nessian's "till the next life".
Also, alot of people don't like Nesta and having even worse charecters be introduced to make the others look better is so in Sjm style. Just in the way that Tamlin and Eris make Rhysand look like a Saint, having the mortal Queen be the "bad" version of Nesta would help people see her in a better light.
I tried to look at this in the way of, What will make these Charecters question themselves and their motives the most. This was my conclusion.
This is just what I came up with, if you have any differing thoughts or ideas I would love to hear them. 
@heylittlemissy @sjm-things 
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Debunking Arya Stark being Azor Ahai and the Princess That Was Promised. (S8 E3)
(Let’s get one thing straight before I write this whole post. I LOVE Arya Stark. That girl is my baby. She’s my favorite character, not only in the show, but also very importantly, in the books. And I LOVED that she was the one to kill the Night King. So this post isn’t in any way going to a post about me complaining about the final 10 minutes of Episode 3 of S8. Instead, this will be me CRITICALLY ANALYZING that moment, and how it fit’s and doesn’t fit into the lore, and the books. Afterall, I am a book reader first and foremost, and a show-watcher 2nd.)
Before I say anything else, I’ll give you guys my rundown opinion of that scene. This morning I was on twitter and Tumblr, and I started losing my freaking marbles because everyone was labeling Arya Stark, Azor Ahai Reborn, and TPTWP. And I wasn’t the only one. Everyone on the asoiaf forums were equally disappointed at how everything about e3 was handled. And I, unfortunately, am one of those people. But here’s the thing, and let’s make this clear. Ask any book reader, NONE OF US ARE MAD THAT ARYA KILLED THE NK. In fact, a lot of us expected something like that, because we know that Arya in the books will have a VERY IMPORTANT role for the upcoming war for the Dawn. There are lots of hints and foreshadow about her doing something remarkable in the books, however, this is not one of them. So let’s analyze and debunk this moment:
Yes, Arya killing the Night King was hella bad-ass. Hell, I even cheered for her. Although when it got to the final credits, I was literally so lost, and confused, and overall disappointed. I was lowkey quiet for the first 10 minutes after, because I couldn’t believe what actually happened. Here’s the thing that is irking everyone about Arya being AA or TPTWP: her killing the NK, so easily AND ALONE is what ruined the plot arcs of some of those characters whose plot actually revolves around the Others. Yes, the moment was EMPOWERING. Being a women who stopped the damn apocalypse. I was inspired. And it was very poetic that Arya killed the ULTIMATE representation of DEATH. But the BUILDUP to her killing the NK? Where was it? A simple foreshadow from Mel about eye colors? The fact that Arya used a sparring move against Brienne in S7? A moment when Bran gives her Catspaw? When she meets Jon, and Jon says, “How did you sneak up on me?”? 
Here, the reason why Arya SIMPLY killing the NK so easily doesn’t work, is because it INVALIDATES EVERYTHING about the books and it’s morals, and the text. Arya killing the NK with one stab, while Dany couldn’t even injure him with fire, fucks up the lore and the history so badly, that it all feels so worthless. Pointless. What? Was everything that happened in the books a BIG RED HERRING?? You spend so many years BUILDING up to this war, and Arya simply killing him without any problems or consequences is what wins the war? What about Daenerys? What about Jon? WHAT WAS THE POINT? WHY WAS HE WAS BROUGHT BACK? Just to be King? Huh? And BRAN.
Yes GOT is about the Throne. And it would make sense that the show ends where it started, with the throne. But the whole point of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE is about ICE AND FIRE. The balance between life and death. The balance between good and bad. The balance between magic and reality. The whole point of the battle between ice and fire, is that none of the things involving the throne matters. Bc there is an even more powerful danger lurking on both sides. Dany being a danger from the south (fire) and the Others from the north (Ice). There has to be a balance between those two things, and that is not the Iron Throne.
Let’s go back to the AA prophecy quickly. People on twitter were lowkey confused because apparently no one knows who Azor Ahai is, and now everyone immediately thinks it’s Arya cause she killed the NK. Here’s a small rundown: Azor Ahai, or The Prince/Princess who was promised was a prophized figure who fought against the Others (White Walkers), bringing forth a summer after a generation of winter and darkness. This prophecy is to come back into fruition once more, now that winter is coming. And HIS is the SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, who will be reborn amidst salt and smoke, and is prophisized to save the world AGAIN from eternal darkness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3o2LqFZcGU Click the link for more info. This one is my favorite video analysis about AA. (IN SHORT, AA IS BASICALLY JESUS, LOL)
Now I know prophecy should always be taken with a grain of salt. It shouldn’t be taken too lightly, or too figuratively. BUT! AA is NOT just anyone. There are REQUIREMENTS to be this prophesied savior. (See video above.) Those requirements do NOT FIT ARYA. I really tried. No this fandom tried. We tried making even the slightest connection, even metaphorically that Arya could somehow be the PTWP. But the only thing we could find that actually made sense, was that she felt “reborn” when she saw the red comet (bleeding star) back in ACOK (S2). Not even metaphorically does she fit this prophecy. Now here’s the next counter argument: What if prophecy is just bullshit, and none of it is real, and we’re all just wasting our time? Yes, all of that is plausible. HOWEVER, you spend all this time, 8 seasons, 5 books, with SO SO SO MUCH foreshadow and hints, and LEGITIMATE EVIDENCE, that it doesn’t properly pay off? GRRM is NOT like that. There are characters in the books that predict ACCURATE prophecies and foreshadows. In fact, there is a character who is known to accurately predict prophecy. And she does for Arya. Guess who it is? *Bingo bingo!* The GHOST OF HIGHHEART. (Jenny’s Song. S8 E2)
“I see you. I see you, wolf child. Blood child. I thought it was the lord who smelled of death ... You are cruel to come to my hill, cruel. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours. Begone from here, dark heart. Begone!” (ASOS, pg 593)
Prophecy may not be accurate at times. But they DO pay off. This prophecy here is literally the equivalent of Melisandre giving the “Colored eyes” prophecy in the show. Because in the books, Mel doesn’t even meet Arya and there is no colored eye foreshadow, or any sort of foreshadow that she is TPTWP. There is however, other ways you can interpret this prophecy above. (You decide.)
Prophecy is a BIG THING about the books. Yes, it may not be accurate, but they HOLD MEANING. THE AZOR AHAI PROPHECY IS THE BACKBONE OF THE WHOLE WHITE WALKER STORYLINE. By ignoring this prophecy, you are essentially taking away the PURPOSE and the real motives of these characters who are INTERTWINED with this prophecy. The reason why Arya killing the NK so easily and ALONE is a problem with us, is because it invalidates this prophecy, and therefore makes everything, all the buildup absolutely POINTLESS. The characters that have been involved from Day 1 with this prophecy, have been reduced to nothing more than a side story. A myth.
Let’s look at all the characters whose building story arc have become irrelevant because of the writer’s decision to pull that plot twist: 
Jon Snow:
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Wow. This one literally couldn’t hurt any more than it already does... From his first chapter, to his first scene in the show, we are led to believe that this character is literally nothing more than Ned Stark’s bastard. A side character. It is made clear that he IS A BASTARD. He IS AN OUTSIDER. Both him and Arya have parallel arcs. They intertwine beautifully. This is why people think Arya will also have a role to play with the Others in the later books. Because she and Jon share the same story, just she is dealing with a different kind of death. GRRM from the book emphasizes Jon’s bastard title, and his mother. And he isn’t really made out to be an important character until MUCH LATER in the book series. The fact that there’s so much emphasis on his title, and R+L=J is IMPORTANT. Bc the whole AA prophecy states that AA will be reborn out of Jaehaerys line. Not anyone from the Starks. Also the line, “You know nothing Jon Snow,”  is even more relevant because it’s full of irony. You have the guy who’s known to know nothing, but he actually KNOWS MORE than anyone realizes. Jon’s whole arc is about the Others. Which would have made his fight with them MUCH MORE PERSONAL because his storyline is physically and emotionally connected to them. The fact that he joins the Night’s Watch is important too. Because no, they don’t just fight wildlings in the books. Their purpose was to protect the realm from the Others.  I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. This is so relevant because Jon becoming king, would make it MUCH MORE meaningful. A king that PROTECTED the realm. Assuming he even becomes king, would make his whole arc come full circle and would be so much more rewarding. You have this dude resurrected from the dead, and what? Was his purpose just to unite the people and become king? You have this character foreshadowed to have a standoff with the ultimate bad guy, and he does nothing but run around screaming at an undead dragon...Yes, it’s cliche. BUT IT’S STILL GOOD STORY TELLING BECAUSE IT’S BEEN BUILT UP PROPERLY. 
Bran Stark:
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I don’t even have words for this one... You have Brandon Stark literally the most OP person in all of the seven kingdoms and YOU. DONT. USE. HIM. Okay I agree, GRRM says Bran is the hardest character to write in the books, but that shouldn’t be an excuse for him to just warg into ravens and do what? Scout? That’s it? This kid was literally pushed off a tower that ended up triggering his journey to become the 3-eyed raven a.k.a THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE UNIVERSE, and he does absolutely nothing but sit around predicting other peoples future, and being weird, and warging into ravens. Lol what’s worse is that he’s just there in the show to serve the other character’s plot line. By “TRIGGERING” these events that the characters will eventually get into. Bloodraven in the books is SCARY AS HELL. No one really knows his motive and yet he can do so much more than what Bran does in the show. Bloodraven is the definition of MIND BLOWING. Bran AND JON ARE THE TWO PEOPLE WHO ARE THE MOST PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY CONNECTED TO THE OTHERS, AND BY THE END, THEIR WHOLE ARCS WERE THROWN IN THE TRASH. They don’t have a big face off, or any sort of payoff. Just staring and staring and staring. And BAM. Welp Night King’s dead. Oops guess we were just here for absolutely no other purpose than to trigger events and bring all these dumb people together. (Sorry, this one lowkey triggered the hell out of me. The 3 eyed Raven, Hodor, Meera and Jojen DID NOT DIE just for Bran to not be used to his full potential...)
Daenerys Targaryen:
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This one is soo annoying. Daenerys Targaryen, fits literally ALMOST ALL the signs of the prophecy that it almost seems too obvious if she was AA. But welp, none of that matters now because she didn’t really do anything to kill the Night King. SHE DID DO MORE THAN JON though, I’ll give her that. Yeah she’s a conqueror going for the Iron Throne. But she’s also a direct descendant of King Jaehaerys’ line. Part of her whole arc is fire and blood. But it is also about her fight for her birthright, and if she would give up her birthright to fulfill something greater. We as fans, we root for her to get the throne. But we also root for her to do something MORE. But more IMPORTANTLY, her arc is also in parallel with the Others. And no, I don’t mean that she’s a mad queen. But the title of the series is called A Song of Ice and Fire. Daenerys is a THREAT from the south. (Fire.) And the Others are a threat from the north. (Ice) There has to be a balance between them. In the show she loses a dragon, one of her children. And the fact that her choice of weapon doesn’t do ANY damage to the ultimate villain, but a simple stabbing does? I don’t even like Daenerys much after s6, but wow. This was underwelming to the core. Dragon chick who’s literally a level 1K going against another level 1K final boss and can’t do shit to him??
Rhaegar Targaryen:
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This I think is the one that ANNOYS ME THE MOST. Like holy shit, they could not have possibly damaged this whole wretched storyline even more than they already did. But somehow the show writers managed to go and give it one final blow. Rhaegar Targayen. The one arguably responsible for ALL the shit we have in Game of Thrones. The one whose actions triggered nearly every single arc into motion in this whole goddamn series. The man who is arguably considered the REAL MAIN CHARACTER in ASOIAF. HIS WHOLE COMPLEX CHARACTER ARC AND STORYLINE FLUSHED DOWN THE TOILET. I love Rhaegar’s character in the books, cause he’s well, not exactly a good guy. He’s in that perfect morally grey area, which is what I love about characters. He’s not suppose to be likeable. He’s suppose to be complex. But the show not only managed to make him the MOST UNLIKEABLE character in this series, but they also managed to ruin all of his complexities in favor of making him a love-sick puppy thinking with his dick. This was lowkey the biggest fuck you they could give to his character, the characters surrounding him, (*cough* Elia)  and to the lore and history of the books. Rhaegar’s whole arc and storyline revolved around this stupid prophecy and that’s literally THE reason why everything went down the way it did in the books. Elia was also INTO the prophecy too, so it’s not like she wasn’t aware of anything! Elia was even helping Rhaegar fullfill this prophecy, it just so happens that she was too sick, to do anything more. The fact that the show chose to ignore this whole thing and disregard the lore surrounding it is literally is the biggest fuck you to Elia and her children. It means that Rhaegar truly was a mad man who left his wife and disowned his children because he was thinking with his dick. When in fact it wasn’t really like that. Rhaegar really did try to protect Elia and their children when he left them. And that too gets thrown in the trash because of this dumb prophecy. And that sucks because Elia played an important role with this prophecy, and she knew and understood it too. And in the end, none of their actions became worth it...  By not having the proper payoff from all of this buildup, Elia and her children literally died for NOTHING.
Other characters who’s arc were ruined by the mess in e3:
Samwell Tarly: Was the first character to discover that WW can be killed with dragonglass. He was studying at the citadel to learn more about them, and find info on how to beat them. Not only did this NOT happen, but he didn’t even contribute to anything for the end of the world. Literally just went back to being the scared little puppy he was back in S1/book1. His role then had no relevancy because NK was killed so easily, and he didn’t even learn a single thing about him or how to kill him, other than him wanting to “erase memories.” His whole arc was about him being more than what he believed in. Being smarter than what his father thought he was. And they did not utilize that. He coward back again! Like what was the point of him going to the citadel and stuff if literally the EASIEST way to kill the NK was a simple stab with a special steel?
This episode had so many problems. But Arya Stark killing the NK WASN’T the main problem. You can have the most beautiful shot television series with so much time and effort put in it. But all of that means nothing when the writing is not consistent. The fact that the show did a 360 and practically ignored literally EVERYTHING about the lore and the text, is what’s frustrating everyone. Because while Arya killing the NK and saving the realm BY HERSELF was yes, poetic and SERVED WELL TIEING UP HER ARC, in doing so, it had managed to UNTIE literally YEARS and years of plot threads and buildup from most of the other CRUCIAL characters, that in the end, it feels so empty. Arya should not have killed the NK ALONE. Bran should’ve been a part of it. Jon should’ve helped Arya kill the NK. Now that would’ve been a good payoff for both their arcs. Jon, Bran, Arya, Daenerys and Tyrion are considered by GRRM to be the CORE 5 of the story. And in the end, in this supposedly world ending apocalypse, only Arya really played a KEY role. Bran didn’t do anything powerful to stop the NK. He only triggered events and was bait. Daenerys was getting slaughtered out there, and even her most prized weapon could help her fully. Jon... Let’s be honest, no one knows what in the world Jon was doing this ep. Tyrion was down in the crypts, when this little man literally could have contributed to WAR TACTICS. All these characters are connected with the Others emotionally, physically and/or metaphorically, that the fact that only one of them became crucial to the endgame, makes the story so POINTLESS. What was the point of bringing Jon back from the dead if he was only going to unite people and become king? What was the point of Bran venturing far north to become the most powerful human being, if all he’s going to do is trigger events and warg into ravens? etc. 
Arya killing the NK alone hurts because while she is foreshadowed to play a crucial role against the Others in the books, SHE IS THE MOST DISTANT FROM THEM IN TERMS OF STORYLINE. It doesn’t pay off well in the show, because until a couple of weeks ago, she didn’t even know the Others existed. Up until last night’s battle, she’s never seen a white walker. That’s why it didn’t feel right for her to do the kill alone. Her arc did not intertwine with the Others, physically or emotionally. Unlike Jon or Bran whose literal whole arc has been with the Others, and is about the Others. That’s why it feels so empty. It didn’t feel rewarding. It was undeserving. Because up until last night, she’s had no interaction with a single Other, whatsoever. The buildup was actually weak, and because of it, it didn’t feel as good as it should’ve. 
Arya’s plotline is more than just hyping up to kill the Others. Like the other core members, she has a complex story arc. Arya’s storyline is about her heart in conflict with itself. It’s about her identity. Part of the reason why she struggles in AFFC & ADWD in her Faceless Man arc, is because she CAN’T become a faceless man. Her heart won’t let her forget her identity. That’s also why she’s had so many other identities in the books. Her different identities are about survival as well. They’ve helped her survive. It’s not really about revenge, and killing, and white walkers. But it’s about her, having so many identities and finding her way back to her true identity. Finding her way back to being a Stark.
So yeah. Arya killing the NK so SIMPLY when there should’ve been more, is like a big fuck you to the books and what it stands for. It invalidates the books. The fact that the books hype up this war for the dawn and prophecy and the Others, and then it just ends after 1 episode? Like that’s it? The NK being killed so easily? The payoff was weak, and it hurts not only the book fans but the book and it’s characters in general. No Arya is not Azor Ahai reborn, or any prophisized savior. She is an assassin and the slayer of the Night King. But to make it even more utterly pointless, the NK doesn’t even exist in the books.
The episode was fun, tense and good! Arya killing the NK was hella badass. But... it just wasn’t A Song of Ice and Fire.
(Congrats if you made it to the end of my very, very, long essay! As always, debates are up and open! Feel free to counter-argue!) :)
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moons-rising · 7 years
long list of draconian words
taken from, naturally, the elder scrolls lore. because dragons. specifically, taken from this dictionary! important note: many of these words have multiple meanings, and there are multiple words that may have the same meaning, or slight nuances thereof. furthermore, there are many words used metaphorically. this is merely a small break down of draconian terms useful for flight rising. (not affiliated with the ursegal draconic project!)
more flight specific terms (hint: dragon names!) under the break!
aar — servant
ahkrin — courage
ahmul — husband
bo — flying
bormah — father
briinah — sister
brod — clan
daan — destiny
deyto — burial
diiv — dragonkind
dinok — death
dov — dragon
draal — prayer
drog — lord
dukaan — dishonor
du’ul — crown
eruvos — year
evgir — season
fahdon — friend
hofkah — house
hofkiin — home
in — master
jud — queen
jun — king
kiir — child
kinbok — leader
krif — battle
kul — son
kulaan — prince
kulaas — princess
laas — life
mon — daughter
monah — mother
oth — orphan
rah — deity
rel — dominance
sahsun — village
sahsunaar — villager
werid — exaltation
zeymah — brother
lah — arcane*
hahdrim — mind
kro — sorcerer
miiraak — portal
mindol — thought
mindoraan — understanding
morah — focus
vomindok — unknown
denek — earth
dahmaan — remember
diil — undeath
golz — stone
hahnu — dream
kruziik — ancient
mulhaan — unmoving
naar — peak
qoth — tomb
saraan — await
strunmah — mountain
wuth — old
yol — fire
ag — burn
dwiin — steel
faad — warm
faraan — wealth
friin — heat
heim — forge
keyn — anvil
qah — armor
toor — inferno
tu — hammer
yolos — flame
iiz — ice
deinmaar — keeper
diin — frost
fodiiz — hoarfrost
krah — cold
od — snow
sot — white
tiid — time
ul — eternity
kun — light
krein — sun
moro — glory
nonvul — noble
onikaan — wisdom
onikiv — enlighten
paar — ambition
pahlok — arrogance
pel — writing
revak — sacred
shul — sunlight
sik — rune
sul — day
vahzen — truth
viintaas — shining
vu — dawn
yuvon — gold
qo — lightning
bodiiz — borrow
kest — tempest
strun — storm
uth — command
vosaraan — haste
wahl — construct
wahlaan — creation
feykro — nature*
ah — hunter
fahluaan — gardener
galik — pine
graag — green
nir — hunt
pindaar — field
raan — animal
reyth — tree
ro — balance
sivaas — beast
veydo — grass
krasnovaar — plague
fel — feral
hevnoraak — brutality
kopraan — cadaver
kendov — warrior
krasaar — sickness
qeth — bone
sahqo — red
slen — flesh
sos — blood
vokun — shadow
dur — curse
ensosin — bewitch
folook — haunting
gaaf — ghost
hahvulon — nightmare
lo — deception
mey — fool
ruvaak — raven
suvulaan — dusk
ved — black
vonun — hidden
vulon — night
okaaz — water*
bii — blue
klo — beach
koraav — sight
prodah — foretell
qostiid — prophecy
rath — river
vahlok — guardian
veysun — ship
ven — wind
aan — art
dun — grace
gram — cloud
lok — sky
lovaas — music
riiik — gale
su — air
wuld — whirlwind
wundun — travel
* these elements lack the literal translations the other elements have. they are metaphorical placeholders, for now:
lah — magic(ka)
feykro — forest
okaaz — ocean
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coeurdastronaute · 7 years
Essays in Existentialism: The Blakes III
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Hey I loved the second part of the Blakes. When ever you get a chance can you maybe continue it? That's of course if you have time. Thank you!! :)
Previously on The Blakes
The winter that came was long and unforgiving. For Clarke, it was an apt metaphor for the cold war that existed with her brother; neither flinching, neither blinking, neither backing down or making any moves at all. Instead, the winter just stayed, refused to thaw, and the siblings continued much the same.
It wasn’t that it was the worst winter Clarke could remember. She did love her new life, she did love the chill and the tower and the city. It was just that in the deepest, darkest parts of night, she would remember the stalemate and let it weigh on her shoulders and brow a little too much.
But she was happy, and did not regret her decision. She got a Commander in her bed every night, and she got to experience the culture of the city, of Lexa’s people. Of her own people. To make it sweeter, she became the example to the world of the Sky People, and as the ambassador, she took her duty very seriously. She took her life very seriously.
How could she not? She had Lexa who liked to watch her sketch, and she had days spent helping in the clinic, and exploring the surrounding area, and playing in the snow with kids, and rubbing down horses, and learning the laws and customs. It was serious work to enjoy her life so much, and Clarke was eager for it all, for a future that seemed possible.
As soon as the first sign of spring though, Octavia made the trek to Polis. Snow still on the ground, but the sun out and beaming, the air not as bitter, she left her home and started out to reconnect, to make contact, to check on her sister. Caught in the middle of the sibling nuclear winter, she’d tried her hand on her brother for the entire season. It was time for a new tactic, she decided.
The city was different than the last time she arrived, more alive, more hopeful, less intrusive and violent, or perhaps she was just growing used to the ground. Octavia didn’t think of the question too much as she dismounted and made her way down the streets in search of the other Blake.
Just as Octavia separated from her group, she followed a streak of blonde in the crowd. Just as she saw her sister, ready to call out, she watched her greet the Commander. She watched Clarke smile and she watched Lexa melt at the sight of her despite the guard around her.
For just a moment, she watched them, and she understood why Clarke had to leave, why she fought for it. Clarke kissed the Commander chastely and walked with her through the town. Octavia decided to double back to her group, disinterested in disturbing the pair.
It took almost half of the day for her to run into her sister, but Octavia took her time, hoping to learn the city, to hear about her secondhand.
Lexa quickly dismissed herself with a small nod to Octavia before letting her hand linger on Clarke’s back as her tiny goodbye. It was quiet and it was theirs.
“So that’s still a thing,” Octavia observed as soon as Lexa was gone. She just earned another hug from her sister.
“I didn’t expect you to come so soon.”
“Had to stretch my legs. I got a little restless around camp.”
“You look good, kid,” Clarke observed, patting her sister’s cheek and looking at the tone of her shoulders, at the set of her jaw, at the meat on her bones, at the mirth in her eyes.
They walked through the town, through the bustling streets as Clarke showed her sister some of her favorite things, while her sister told her about their home and the winter, the advancements and the ideas that they had.
It was a good afternoon, and a good surprise, and Clarke was absolutely taken and over the moon with her sister appearing.
“You should come back, for a visit,” Octavia ventured. Her sister sighed and shook her head, linking their arms. “I mean it. This is stupid.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Bell’s an idiot. He barely tolerates Linc--”
“I can’t do it,” Clarke shook her head with a sigh. “I’m happy. I found happy here. And if I can forgive and trust Lexa. I don’t know why he can’t. We’re her people now. It was different before.”
“You’re both idiots.”
“But you love us,” she smiled.
“Sometimes,” Octavia relented.
“How long are you staying?”
“I was hoping for a little, if that’s alright. If your girlfriend won’t mind.”
“I think she can be persuaded,” Clarke promised.
An entire year separated them, and yet when Clarke saw her brother, she couldn’t bring herself to welcome him. Instead, just a dull pang throbbed in her heart, the pain of loss, the pain of regret. She did not move, but nodded solemnly, as if he was a stranger that she didn’t recognize as he passed into the gates of Polis.
To his credit, Bellamy didn’t flinch at the determined demeanour his sister exhibited. He just nodded to himself and his nostrils flared under the effort, but still, he remained stoic with the guard.
Lexa watched the indifference happen to mask the anger and hurt on the siblings faces. She had to play her cards right in the situation, because the night before, she learned that an angry and wounded Clarke was a dangerous entity indeed.
So in the greeting hall, she shook Bellamy’s hand and welcomed the Sky People on their visit to their first festival week, and she tried to avoid Clarke’s eyes as much as possible, because they were traps.
With a nod, she dismissed the festivities and collapsed on her throne, already exhausted.
“The nerve!” Clarke balked as she paced through the bedroom, her hand knitted to her scalp as she tugged at it in anger.
Lexa swallowed her words and leaned forward so her elbows were balanced on her knees and she steepled her hands in front of her chin, eyes following like a cat stalking prey, though unsure of how to do anything.
“He knew I’d be here, and he just shows up and ignores me!”
“You ignored him as well,” Lexa reminded her, though she earned a glare and sat back slightly. “Why are you mad?”
“Because my brother is here and he’s a jerk.”
“You love him. You’re all each other has in this world.”
“I have you!” Clarke bellowed, tossing her hands around. “I have Octavia. I have Raven. I have… I have my people! I have my duty. I have my future.”
“You, Octavia, and Bellamy. You’re the Blakes. You’re all one unit.”
“We haven’t been a unit since before we crashed. We just… we just… we couldn’t. We all had to do things.”
Helpless and lost, Clarke looked to Lexa for answers that didn’t exist. She couldn’t understand what it meant to be disowned, to be cast out, to be forgotten and ignored and betrayed by the only person who was supposed to be there unconditionally. And so Clarke sat on the couch beside her and covered her mouth with her hand to keep in the cries, to keep in the anger. Lexa didn’t deserve it all.
“I had a brother,” Lexa whispered, looking at the fire because she was being honest, and Clarke’s eyes had a way of disarming her further, when she needed all of her wits. “A little brother. He was about eight when I was chosen for the Conclave. I remember him standing there when I left. He used to follow me all hours of the day. He was my shadow.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“I don’t talk about him. It’s hard. The dead are gone.”
“When the Ice Nation attacked my home, the scouts said he stood in front of our home and he fought, all of ten and probably too much because of me constantly telling him to be brave. There is not one day that I don’t stop for a moment and wish that I could change places with him, or that I could have been there, or that for just a moment, I could see him again.”
“You can’t guilt me into seeing my brother, or forgiving him.”
“I’m not,” Lexa smiled sadly. “I’m just telling you a story.”
With a small sigh, she stood, pushed Clarke’s hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead before crawling into bed.
It took the fire almost dying before she felt the other side dip and the other warm body slip closer to her. Arms moved around her waist, lips moved to her shoulder, a nose slid along her neck and Lexa smiled into her arm in a half-asleep state.
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re allowed to be angry, Clarke.”
“I want to hear more about your brother.”
“Will you be my family and I can be yours?” Clarke whispered, holding onto Lexa a little tighter. “And can we never fight, and can we always be there, through thick and thin?”
“Yeah,” Lexa murmured, pushing back into Clarke’s chest. “We can do that.”
The day before he was due back to Arcadia, Bellamy made a point of lingering in places he assumed his sister would be. He didn’t mean to, but it just happened. Perhaps it was Octavia giving him glares and constantly screaming at him for being an idiot, perhaps it was just the natural pull of the universe that connected a family. Regardless, he found himself pacing halls, attempting to look as if he wasn’t particularly looking for anything.
Once out in the courtyard after a failed attempt to make it up the lift, he walked a few blocks, hoping to calm himself, to figure out what to say, because as longa s it’d been, and despite his need to keep her safe, he still had no words to rectify their situation. How could he? He was given one job from his parents.
From across the street as he picked up an apple from a vendor, he caught sight of his sister. He watched her smile and he watched her watch the Commander as she played with the little ones. He couldn’t remember her being so happy; he couldn’t remember he being so normal and carefree, especially after it all, after the Mountain.
“The Sky Princess, she likes these,” the vendor pushed some berries toward him. “You, from the sky, must like these.”
“Thank you,” he muttered, carefully taking a handful. He smiled politely despite the bitter taste, nodding his graciousness to the woman. “The Commander, she comes here often?”
“She didn’t use to, but now, they walk the town every day, seeing the people. It’s nice, to feel normal again.”
“The Sky Princess, she’s happy, isn’t she?”
“Wanheda earns the fear and reverence of her title, though we all love her like our own now.”
“Thank you for these,” he nodded again, carefully handing her a few odds and ends from his pockets to show his gratitude.
With another look, he watched his sister, and he let her live there, without interrupting.
For a long while, as the trading group prepared to pack and leave at the main gates, Clarke paced the halls of the tower, disinterested in anything and everything, her mind distracted by the idea of her brother, and perhaps never seeing him again.
She was not used to fighting with him, and she hadn’t for most of her life. But they adapted to the ground differently, and she couldn’t fault him for it. But the idea of approaching him, of him potentially disowning her, again, of him ignoring her plea, that was too much.
But she had to know.
The title went to her head, and in moments of weakness, Wanheda took her strength from the imaginary honor bestowed upon her.
Lexa oversaw the departure of the group with her generals and ambassadors, shaking hands with the Sky People, promising visits and gratefully accepting their thanks and promises of peace.
When she saw Clarke approach, she wavered and smiled to herself.
“I need to talk to you,” Wanheda demanded of the guard with shaggy hair, who still eclipsed her by a good foot. His features more defined his brow heavier, he looked older, he looked like he had lived on the ground.
“Ow, hey, stop,” he complained, pushing at the tight grip on his arm.
“You can’t hate me forever. I love you, and you’re my blood, but this is ridiculous. So what if--”
“I’m happy for you,” he interrupted, quiet and calm.
“Lexa did what she did. She did it for-- Hold on. What?”
“You found some peace. You found some goodness, and I’m happy for you,” Bellamy mumbled. “I don’t get it. I’m not sure about it. But I just… You’re my sister. If you think it’s what you need, then I support it. I don’t have to like it to--”
Arms went around his neck and hugged him tightly, strangling words.
From the side, pretending to pay attention to some leader who stood before her and spoke of an idea regarding something or other, Lexa snuck glances at the siblings, feeling slightly relieved. It might not have been completely, or enough, but it was a start, and it meant that she didn’t have to look at Clarke any differently.
After a few minutes, when the final call went out for everyone to load up, the siblings separated from their talking with a final hug, both wearing small, tentative smiles.
She nodded to Clarke who smiled back at her.
“I swear to everything, if you hurt her or make her do anything like that… like… if you ever…” the brother stood close to Lexa as he shook her hand. “Give me a reason. Just give me a reason.”
“I’m glad you approve,” she smiled cockily, earning a slight growl.
“We’ll see about that.”
“Nothing, myself included, will ever harm your sister,” Lexa promised solemnly. “On my life.”
“It is on your life.”
“We shall see you soon, I’m sure.”
With nothing left to threaten her with, Bellamy nodded, looking over her face and wanting to hate her more than anything, though finding it impossible. He gave her a nod before turning back to his sister and giving her another wave.
“You okay?” Clarke asked as she made it to the Commander when the Rovers all rolled out toward home.
“I think your brother and I are going to be fast friends,” Lexa lied with a smile. “A nice guy, deep down.”
“Well, we have nothing but time to figure it all out,” Clarke smiled at the idea.
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