#raya x sisu
katealpha · 3 months
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Art by Doodlminium
Please make sure you look at their regulations before contacting them, as they do not share the same kinks as you or I probably do.
Da: www.deviantart.com/doodlminium
Ekas: https://aryion.com/g4/user/Doodles
Continuation of: https://www.deviantart.com/kateofjasper/art/Raya-and-the-Soon-To-Be-Born-Dragon-975482250
Training in her little private gem chamber all morning left Raya, the currently very pregnant princess of Heart quite famished. After all, she was eating for two. Herself, and the baby dragon that dwelled deep inside her bloated belly.
Just the smell of prepped food alone could guide her down the palace’s halls with her eyes shut. Raya felt as if the baby was imprinting its innate draconic abilities onto her as the pregnancy progressed. Certain foods like fish and meat tasted better, her sense of smell was, as mentioned, heightened, and she could even feel her arms and legs stronger than usual, as activities like swimming came just as easy despite her distorted body shape.
Raya’s eyes opened, and she found herself standing in one of the several kitchens that could be found around her home. The place was empty however, as unless there was an event, there was never more than one running at a time that Raya could go to and get food at her demand. Regardless there were still good smells in here that led her to this place, that being all the ingredients stored in here.
A sigh left her lips as she waddled up to the window, looking out onto the jungle below. Rain pattered and tapped against the glass softly. It was the kind of rainy day Raya loved. If she and the baby weren’t so hungry, she’d be heading outside wandering, with Sisu at her side, blathering about whatever topic that dragon could come up with. That’s when her gazes turned down to her taut tummy, where she felt a wriggling movement, accompanied by a low, moaning grumble that rippled through her guts. She pet atop her hungry stomach with a chuckle before moving away from the window and towards one of the kitchen’s stations.
When Raya got cravings, they were the cravings of a dragon. It was the reason why she trained so vigorously each morning in recent days. This little dragon had her eating so much that without it, there’d be little hope of salvaging her beloved figure after the birth. Even if she cherished the feeling of her offspring growing and wiggling deep inside her, she wasn’t so willing to be fat after she popped the little tyke out.
On that note, Raya opened up one of the drawers under the station’s counter, and with a bit of exertion on her part to simply bend down and each, she lifted back up with an onion in each of her hands. After her leg shut the small door where she got them from, the onions both had bites taken out of them. Her teeth chomped right through them, sending a strong taste and smell, both of which were more agreeable than normal. A hum of satisfaction left her lips as this continued, up until both onions were gone and she was left to lick her lips before a sudden and deep belch forced its way up and burst forth from her mouth. Despite nobody being in the room, she blushed and covered her mouth sheepishly.
After the burp, Raya glanced down to her bump as it filled with some low gurgling sounds, the onions being greeted by her hungry gut. Though she already felt a level of bloated discomfort wash through her. She just devoured two raw onions after all. Something she wouldn’t dream of doing if this baby didn’t make her ready to eat a horse on a moment’s notice. Even so, it wasn’t enough. Another deep, hunger filled groan shook from her gut and womb. Her baby wanted more food, and just raw onions wouldn’t do, it would seem. Probably for the best for both Raya and anyone around her.
Suddenly, Raya was made to get moving once she felt another rough wriggle and sharp kick from within, which could be seen from the outside. The movement made the pregnant warrior let out a soft moan before she began to waddle her way out of the kitchen. She knew just where to go and who to see for this scenario. Another harsh wiggling from the little dragon made Raya huff and chuckle softly, looking down to regard her unborn child.
“Okay, okay. Settle down in there. I’ll go get your other mom. She’ll make us something special for lunch.” Raya said softly as she slowly rubbed around the side of her swollen belly, trying her best to tame the tiny, hungry beast.
Raya once thought she’d never have children, with little desire to do so. But it was little moments like this that made her glad that she volunteered to help bring forth the next generation of the creatures she spent her life being fascinated by. Once she thought seeing dragons was impossible, but now, she met one that became the love of her life, helped bring them back from their stone prison, and now, she was going to become a mother to one. Raya held her free hand to her chest as felt her heart warm in her chest, seeing and feeling the little dragon bump and kick inside her bloated belly. She felt like the luckiest woman in all of Kumandra.
Certainly a bigger dragon nerd than Namaari, especially in the literal sense.
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roxylerenard · 2 years
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Juste mon rêve de cross over
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musenilla · 21 days
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The audacity of these two holding hands AND not get together in the end?? Criminal I tell you,,
Felt like drawing them again for fun in between commission work. Only because I went through RATLD art book and thought Raya’s blue concept outfit was cute, so I ended up wanting to draw her out in it hdhd
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undergroundpuppy9 · 3 months
Nap time
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Some time ago I had a conversation in which I came to the conclusion that Raya could still find it hard to sleep since she got used to being alert during the 6 years she was alone, which led me to want to draw her taking a nap feeling protected by the rest of the gang
Besides, I wanted to draw Boun and Noi because there aren't enough fanarts where the two of them are
*I have pending to draw tong at least once but it will be later*
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shy-peacock · 1 year
Y’all fucking know Raya would be right (ken) and Namaari would be left (Barbie) 😂😂😂
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(Or Raya on the left and Sisu on the right for the BROTP/besties version)
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snorlax891 · 2 months
Raya: *Drunk af and hanging off Namaari* Ya know, we should make out right now. *drunken, snorting giggles*
Namaari: *amused blushing* That sounds pretty gay, Raya. *holds her closer* Raya: *twirling her finger around in big, ever decreasing circles* Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyou're a pretty gay. *boops her nose* :D Namaari: *blushing harder* O-oh...thank you. Um...so are you! Hahahahahaahha! Is it hot in here? *awkwardly tugging at her collar* Raya: You're hot in here! Hueheuehuehuehuehuehuehueheuhe. ;) Namaari: *blushing even more deeply* Sisu: Aren't you two like, married? Namaari: *speaking through her teeth as Raya climbs all over her and gets handsy* That's not the point, Sisu!
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After the Spine fight, Raya explaining her six year journey and what all happened so far...
Raya: so when I didn't find Sisu in the boat I—
Tong: wait. So, you're telling me that you've stolen from Fang, bribed a kid, raided the Talon chief's house and now what's left? Plotting against Fang!?
Raya, nervous chuckle: .... ah well... it's not really plotting its—
Tong, shrugs: you don't have a very good legal record for a princess if you ask me.
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animalgirl225 · 11 months
Raya makes a (very brief) appearance in Disneyland's World of Color ONE show! They remember that she exists!
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imrayasassitant · 28 days
Sisu teasing Raya: What’s that face for?
Raya Blushing: What face? I’m- not making a face
Sisu smirking: You’re doing it again.
Raya raising eyebrow: Doing what exactly?
Sisu smirking more: That face you make when you’re in love
Raya frantically stuttering: I- I am not in love keep your voice down!
Sisu laughing: Uh-huh righttt you’ve been staring at her for the past 5 minutes
Raya wide-eyed: Sisu! Your voice keep it down!
Sisu laughing more: The way you’re denying this makes this even more funny
Raya blushing: Pfft I’m not- denying anything
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loveaxolotls · 5 months
*Raya and Namaari laying down, looking at the stars*
Namaari: It’s so beautiful out here
Raya: Yeah it’s just me, you and the moon
(Sisu off in the distance): Hey! You two should kiss!
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cannonsart · 7 months
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Raymaari ❤️
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katealpha · 28 days
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Hot Take
I ship Raya and Sisu over Raya and Namaari. Here’s why!
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• The biggest reason. Sisu has an adorable, scrimblo human form that she can change into at will. Raya’s got the best of both worlds.
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•Sisu and Raya would be around each other much more often, depending on what you’d have Sisu doing after the events of the movie. In my headcanon, Sisu went right to Heart after helping relieve Kumandra, and effectively became Raya’s roommate. Namaari on the other hand is a princess of another land and having her own responsibilities, may not have as much time for Raya.
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• Sisu has nowhere near as much negative baggage as Namaari. Namaari is partially the reason why the Druun returned to Kumandra, and half of the reason why they were nearly screwed forever, with six years in between these two events of the two hating one another’s guts. Personally I’m not too sure what kind of romantic relationship could spawn out of those events. In Sisu’s case, Raya spent a quarter of her life trying to find her, and all her life fascinated and revering her. When she’s woken up, Sisu isn’t exactly what Raya had in mind, but she’s still the first positive social interaction Raya’s had in literal years.
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• Sisu’s presence in her life made Raya a better person. The other biggest reason for me is that Sisu simply completes Raya in a way I feel like Namaari doesn’t. In the movie Raya distrusts everyone around her to an almost absurd degree. While her worry is understandable, Sisu is able to get Raya to lighten up and give people a chance after she had previously stated that she’d completely lost her hope in humanity. Sisu’s positive influence eventually got Raya to find hope that her father’s dream could become a reality, and she ended up adopting Sisu’s more forgiving attitude, and let go of the hatred she had for Namaari and her people.
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•Losing Sisu sent Raya into a frenzy. While losing her father seemed to have traumatized her deeply, losing Sisu to that very preventable accident Namaari caused made Raya nearly kill for revenge. I think that says something about how deeply she felt about Sisu despite only knowing her for a few days at most.
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•Her own death and the consequences of being revived can serve as something Raya and Sisu can overcome as a couple. Some people were bothered by how Sisu dying and coming back didn’t seem to have any consequences. I agree with this sentiment, which is why in my headcanon, Sisu is not only severely traumatized by the event, but has a chronic pain in her heart where the arrow hit her. This in my headcanon is the catalyst for Raya and Sisu forming a much closer bond. Trauma is something Raya knows all too well, and her having to help Sisu overcome it like the dragon once did with her, I feel can not just be very wholesome, but lead to bigger things.
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•I just think Raya getting together with the titular “Last Dragon” is just a neat idea. Heroes falling in love with the things they’re sent to find on their quest is one of those tropes I really like, especially when that love is reciprocated, and Sisu is a character that very much represents the love that Raya loses and gains back over the course of the movie.
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So that’s that. Personally I’d love to see more Raya X Sisu arts, as well as an official ship name like Rayaari. I don’t have anything against Rayaari, on that note. Raya getting with Sisu is just my own preference, and there are plenty of reasons why Raya and Namaari can work.
So what shall we call this ship? Risu? Saya? Raysu? Siya? Definitely let me know what you think of this.
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indianaclems · 1 month
Sisu: Namaari are you coming to dance?
Namaari: No thank you.
Raya: ho come on you're a dragon nerd you can't refuse a dance to a dragon, wait, that means I'm a better dragonerd than you. Unless -
Namaari: I don't like dancing, and I'm not going to do that just to please you, I know, binturi.
Sisu: but just now you danced with Raya. And that would have made me happy...
Namaari, red as a tomato and looks away: it's not the same.
Raya, narrowing her eyes and having a mischievous smile and takes a nonchalant and confident pose, of the lesbian that she is: you really like me then.
Namaari whistling like a cat: Don't get any ideas, it's only because I can step on your toes and give you a few bruises to better match your stupid beautiful caramel color to the color of your ridiculous clothes
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musenilla · 6 months
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Rewatched Raya and have forgotten how much I love her!!
I have also forgotten how much tension they had?? Why were they constantly flirting with each other like that 😭 Honestly had me gasping from the start, how did Disney fumble this so bad-
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undergroundpuppy9 · 2 months
Something I thought of doing a few days ago but decided to publish it until today to coincide with lesbian visibility week
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shy-peacock · 2 months
Rayamaari as tiktoks (pt regular show)
Raya, spiraling: this is bad…this is REALLY BAD 😵‍💫
Sisu: Dude- what is it??? 😟
Raya: I kissed Namaari 😵‍💫
Sisu: Whoa-..…I owe Atitaya…so much money..😦
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