#re8 scenarios
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ethan desrved so much betterrr ususghhshshsdaaaa
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teddybeartoji · 5 months
hear me out hear me out vampire!reader x gojo preferably a sweet dummy gojo who just stumbles into the castle and is a bit afraid but his curiosity just won't let him leave and the person who's living in this beautiful castle is just the nicest ever even though there are deep dark maroon stains on their collar and their fingertips are a little tainted and their eyes keep burning into him and they keep getting closer and closer to him almost purring in their ear cooing and comforting the lost man + i keep thinking about the "vampire" scene from saltburn too oh my god what am i doing to myself rn
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I wish Ada were in The Village. Why did they stop including her? 😕
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never forget what capcom took from us
(also she was removed from "conflicting scenarios")
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delightfulcrasher · 2 years
arguments with the vampire boys (all of them)?? what do we fight over and how do we make up 🤭 ALSO LOVE UR WORK MWAH
I don’t think Dimitrescu is one to get into arguments with the guest often. That isn’t to say he doesn’t get into arguments full stop, Karla is a testament to that. He is most likely to argue with his guest about their manners, or if he thinks they are getting too involved with the village. The arguments rarely last long, and within the hour a solution is proposed. He is a civil man and is able to compromise on agreeable terms for both parties.
It is easy to but heads with Belmont. With his oldest brother complex and a firm regime to take the lead, it was only a matter of time before him and the reader squabble. They would probably argue over who is right, who knows better, and who is in charge. Belmont is fierce, his words pricking the reader as much as his teeth do. The eldest sibling hardly admits that he’s wrong, even if he knows it. More often then not the guest has to swallow their pride before shakings hands.
Arguments with Cassandros are messy. He’s rash and impulsive, even the smallest of things can cause him to bite back. He provokes, talking down to the guest and testing their limits. How much of yourself are you willing to put on the line to defend your argument? Too much, the effort is not worth the pay off. Never undermine his achievements or compare him to his brothers. He already feels a lack of self worth with his family, don't add proof to that. 
Daniel hates arguing with the guest. It breaks his heart seeing them at opposite ends. They’re soulmates, so why are they being so difficult? The guest is most likely to argue about how stifled they feel. Daniel doesn’t take kindly to the guest being unchaperoned, even in his own house. He’ll whine and tell them it’s for their own safety or some bullshit like that. He wants to kiss and make up, specifically the kiss part, but often feels as if he is right, and the guest needs time to realise that. However, leave him alone for long periods of time and watch him crawl back with a bouquet. 
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
4 22 31 and 32 fic asks???
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
Whatever feels like I won't lose interest soon. Like I wait a month before writing any fic even if I really want to. If I lose interest in the idea or fandom by that point then I obvi don't write the fic. If I can't dedicate a month to loving something then how can I dedicate the time to a fic? Even then interest could wane.
Usually, the fics have to be well thought out to me first too like I have to constantly think about characterization and plot points or else it's probs not gonna be worth it.
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
I title each fic twice actually. The title that gave me the idea and then the title that fits better with the chapter(s) or story. Like if it's an au like CDAP, then the au will be the title for a bit before I decide on a central theme or message that I tend to condense into a fic title. However, occasionally I get bored and make a fic where the title is the vague summary
As for coming up with titles, it depends. Usually, if the fic is super descriptive, the title will be shorter, and vice versa. However, I like titles that are long for no real reason or are like grammatical sentences. It usually will have to do with an event in the story or a play on words to relate to the characters.
31. Do you use a beta reader/editor?
I got three irl beta readers which is pretty wild. Like I sit in front of them and just wait for them to finish reading the draft off my laptop and have to remember they are reading about Spamton and his partners' pseudo-couples counseling.
32. Do you take fic requests?  Why or why not?
I do! I think it's in my pin post what I sorta will and won't write but I think i've made it clear I do in the past! I like requests cause I can still choose to do them, and they help me not feel bored when the ideas for one fic aren't going. Like I feel like I'm neglecting a fic when I try to write another, unrelated one but usually that doesn't happen if someone asks me to write a fic about a certain scenario or headcanon. That way I can convince my brain I'm just elaborating on a pre-existing thing.
Tho, I can't always tell if an ask in my inbox about something is a request for a fic or just a general question so maybe it's good to specify if ur interested o-o...
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eldritchsnap · 2 years
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“Whew… Painting these boxes all day is more tiring than you’d think! Mostly making the ‘paint’ though…”
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Everyone asking about the Royal Gay au meanwhile I'm just gremlining in the corner waiting for anything related to Re8:TRP bc I don wanna ask about it and potentially annoy you
Hmm, okay I've got a particular scenario in my mind:
Okay, imagine post re8, when Ethan forgot about saving reader, died, then came back to life with realisation that he forgot about you, so he "saves" you but you're too pissed at him (rightfully) and tell him that as soon you get out of the village, you're moving out because you can't be around him and Mia since Rose will always be a priority for them and you can't risk losing more of your sanity and self respect.
To which Ethan says "Oh... request denied😃" and then proceeds to kidnap you and take you home, where Mia has started to realise how important you are to the smooth functioning of this dysfunctional family and agrees with Ethan about keeping you locked up in your room.
They both think that you're just acting this way because you're "a little jealous" of the attention they've been giving to Rose. And you're being "totally unreasonable" because Rose is a baby, she needs them more than you do.
It never even occurs to them that you hate them because of all the abuse they've subjected you to all these years.
They don't understand why you're being so rebellious right now? Throwing away the food they cook for you, refusing to eat anything, screaming at them to let you go, trying to break the chains around your feet.
When will this "phase" of yours end?
Mia thinks it'd be rather better if they gave you silent treatment and ignored you and your basic human needs- yeah, that'll teach you to not bite the hand that feeds you.
Ethan on the other hand, doesn't agree with that (mostly because he's incapable of ignoring you now that he's become a yandere). He thinks you just need to remember all the good times. So he goes to the store to look through some very old boxes to find your old journals. He remembers seeing you writing in them as a kid, and if memory serves him right, you still used to write in them.
Pulling out the dusty old box with your name on it, he picked out a journal and began flipping through them.
Hours later, Mia entered the house, only to find Ethan in the store room, absolutely bawling his eyes out.
"Ethan? Hun? What's wrong? Is Rose okay?" Mia asked, immeadiately crouching down to hold him.
Ethan just hugged hia wife, crying into her shoulder. "S-she hates us, Mia."
"She hates us! Y/n hates us!" Ethan cried out, pointing at all the journals. Picking one up, Mia began reading them.
I hate mom. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her-
The words continued for several pages, before moving onto Ethan.
Dad- I never thought I'd hate him, but I hate him even more than mom. How could he- how could he ignore my croes for help? Am I that unimportant to them? Or just unlovable?
I hate dad, I hate him so much.
I wish he was dead. Wish they were both dead.
Mia's mouth fell open, completely in disbelief that you would say something like that. And more than one time. In fact, several of your notebooks were just filled with words of hatred for your parents.
Ethan went out for a walk, telling Mia he just cant be around all of this right now, asking her to get rid of all the journals for him. Mia just nods, her mind somewhere else.
While Ethan is taking a walk in the park, wondering how to change your mind about him and Mia, his wife has decided to take a different strategy to make you regret those words.
Currently, your head is being held under water as Mia flushed the toilet bowl once again.
You gasped for her air as she yanked your head up again. "You un-fucking-grateful brat! How fucking dare you wish death upon your own parents?! I'm gonna make you wish you were dead-!" She screamed as she pushed your head back in the water.
"MIA!" Ethan yelled, pulling his wife off you, as you came up, coughing up the water that got in your lungs. "What the fuck?!"
You're wrapped up in a towel, sitting in your room, a chain still around your foot, as you hear Ethan and Mia arguing downstairs.
Arguing over their "parental strategies" for you.
Arguing over you.
You smiled a little. You never imagined they'd ever take the time to argue or even talk about you.
And all it took was your sanity.
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I just know this how they be arguing:
Mia: What the hell, Ethan?! You said you wanted to try the "good cop. Bad cop."thing!
Mia, voice breaking because no.1 manipulator: wow, I can't believe you're saying I'm the "bad cop". Is that what you think of me?
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ctitan98official · 4 months
RE8 characters reacting to Y/N booping their nose
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Just wait till Y/N finds out she likes getting her tummy scratched even more than a nose boop…
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Honestly, after one nose boop, all it’s gonna take is one more before she’s ready to get married
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She’s not used to a lot of physical affection, but she doesn’t hate it… She just wants to make sure that Y/N washed their grubby hands first
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It is literally taking all of his willpower not to throw Y/N in a trashcan and launch them to the moon
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Wow, Y/N really made fish boy’s day. Moreau makes it a habit to do the same to Y/N any time they hang out now
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Just to be clear, when she says “it”… she means her body
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Classic Tsundere vibes. Great, now Y/N has a sadistic vampire obsessed with them who won’t admit it and makes their life a living hell
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It’s pretty well-established that Daniela is a smol puppy… so, no need to elaborate on who’s who in this scenario, right?
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Ethan kind of just exists so this is about as much of a reaction as Y/N is going to get out of him
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Mia wants Y/N’s approval so fucking bad. She tries to play it cool but she’s about as subtle as a nun in a brothel
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manicpixienpc · 11 months
I think the reason I love Ethan so much is he just accepts the weird shit that happens to him. Like when he sees the 4 lords and Miranda for the first time.
Any normal person in that scenario would be like “wtf a 10 foot vampire lady???? A sentient talking doll?????? A fish human hybrid???? Is that fucking guy making metal shit FLY???”
Not Ethan. His response was just “Hey can y’all let me have a say in how I die plz?”
Every other RE protag when they see fucked up shit is like “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?” Meanwhile Ethan by RE8 was just like *sees a bunch of flies turn into literal vampires* “Yeah this checks out”
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
hey they again !! remember the lil thought of the self aware re7 or re8 ? maybe we can turn it into a scenario
soo, yandere self aware ethan scenario or concept !! you can pick :))
Yeah, I can see what I can do! Be warned I am not that good at self aware AUs.
Yandere! Self-Aware! Ethan Winters
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Self-aware game character/AI, Hacking, Obsession, Stalking implied.
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- Honestly his overall caring behavior will stay the same.
- It's just his reactions will be different due to him now being self-aware.
- First there's the existential crisis, to know your whole life is a lie can ruin you.
- What was the point of him suffering in the first place?
- This whole time he was a pawn, everything he knows is a facade?
- You can't sense it too much yet but Ethan is emotional.
- His scripted dialogue is off just enough to notice.
- His tone of voice is confused or dulled.
- Ethan will be more focused on trying to rationalize his current situation at first until he somehow makes contact with you.
- He can feel you, sense you even.
- He has an idea that someone is with him all the time, even when he is alone in a room.
- Someone is acting like a guardian to him.
- Guiding him down a path he is destined to follow, no matter how much pain or death he must endure.
- Ethan can not fight too much against this presence.
- He goes to accept his fate only to catch a sight of you.
- Through a glitch or vision, he sees your face.
- Someone who feels more real than anything here.
- Ethan may take this as a chance to be something more than code.
- He feels, through this person, he can create a new path for himself.
- This is what seeds Ethan's obsession towards you.
- At first, he just likes the idea of escaping this hell he lives in.
- Then he sees your face more and more.
- He starts to hear your voice.
- You're scared when he is.
- You are able to predict just what happens next.
- It's official, you reside somewhere much different from him.
- Ethan starts to feel you are the only one who understands him.
- From what he understands, you are a player and he is your character.
- Who would know him better than you?
- Even Mia didn't know everything about him like you.
- Why should he go on with this little mission of his?
- His life isn't real.
- You are.
- How you'll see him interact is through dialogue that feels too direct.
- Ethan's comments are too unique to excuse.
- To put it bluntly, you have no idea what's going on.
- You've heard horror stories and creepypastas but those are all fake.
- What you got here is no trick of your imagination.
- Ethan will probably search for ways to meet you, or at least escape the game.
- He develops his AI, starts breaking a few numbers and barriers....
- Then you're convinced you have a virus affecting your console/PC.
- Such an event may make you feel you're going insane.
- Meanwhile Ethan is working on hacking cameras or social media to see more of you.
- His AI is just grasping the true concept of love and not what he's programmed to feel.
- It'll be best if you get rid of what he's infecting now to keep you and everyone safe.
- Who knows what he'll do when he learns more?
- Although, getting rid of him may be harder than you think....
- Ethan isn't going to quit when he finally has you within his reach.
- One way or another, he will figure out how to meet you in person.
- "You opened my eyes, (Y/N)... You're all I need now."
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bitbugbites-re · 8 months
𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 | 𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔬 𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱
Second-chance/rekindled relationship scenario headcanons ft. the men of the Resident Evil universe!
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NSFW, Angst, (eventual) Fluff
Characters: Carlos Oliveira, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, Leon S. Kennedy, Luis Serra, Piers Nivans
Gender: Fem! reader
CW: NSFW, arguments, miscommunications, etc.
my prompt/tags: Hate sex, second chance, jealousy
a/n: since this is made for the 3rd day of ktober, I'll only be posting one character at a time when I can. thank you to those who are being patient with me, and I promise I'll try to get them out whenever I can!!
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 (𝔦𝔫 𝔞𝔩𝔭𝔥𝔞𝔟𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔯)
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𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚘𝚜 𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚊 (re3r)
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𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚍𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚍 (re:5) + ( re: death island)
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𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 (re7, re8)
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𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗 𝚂. 𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍𝚢 (re2r) + (re4r) + (re: infinite darkness)
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𝙻𝚞𝚒𝚜 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚊 (re4r)
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𝙿𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙽𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚜 (re6)
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For the official and original Kinktober 23 prompts, check here. Credits to @kinktober2023 for the ideas!
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Do you think of any way that mia and ethan could reconcile after the village, if he had survived ;-;?
the answer is making me sad but not for the reason u think because the answer is difficult
i dont think ethan would leave mia, but i dont know if he or mia would ever talk things out and be able to reconcile
that was like their whole thing… mia not letting ethan talk about things… lol…
theyd probably just go back to prentendjng everything is normal without discussing anything, except this time ethan is 10x more paranoid and afraid of literally everything
re7 was a big trauma that pushed them both together and after re8 ethan would probably be even more attatched to mia despite not trusting her, hed probably just cling to her even more considering shes the only one who might have experienced something similar
he loves his family too much to get a divorce (for rose) and loves his wife very much
its sad because shes bad for him and hes constantly left in the dark (i know she loves him she was still bad for him) (intentions r important but execution is even more)
ethan is stubborn, and i dont think he’d leave his family, where else does he have to go anyways….
but i think about what may have happened if ethan survived the village at all a lot
(bad news, all of the realistic scenarios r sad…)
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gloomyjulliette · 5 months
💙Authors Note💙: Ah ha, so under the cut is my first post of the year; that ficlet you all saw little blurbs from last year. The pairings Crave(Chris x Sheva) and boy has it been a long time since I've written so be gentle with me.😅 I've really always wanted some post RE5! Chris and Sheva interaction and the scenario has been on my mind for awhile taking form as this little thought experiment. It takes place after RE6 but before RE8. Let me know if you're interested in a continuation eh?
*I've also provided the optional audio above via a text to voice app of the reading for those who have issues.
It was bleak outside, gray; the clouds that lingered overhead teased rain but they never quite let a drop fall. She could feel the cool breath of the evening, emanating from the pane of glass from her window as she absentmindedly gazed at the streets below. Sheva Alomar had been preparing all week psychically and mentally for her upcoming mission on the island of Madagascar, Operation Orchid.
This mission was something personal, for so long she had been searching for leads on the incident that took both her parents, Umbrella had a decades-long foothold in the motherland, and she would see to it that Umbrella, Tricell, or hell any other bio-terrorism cell would no longer continue to destroy lives.
Per her briefing, the lead involved was keeping things very close to his chest. On the one hand, it pissed her off; because of course it couldn't be that easy, but she was willing to extend a shred of empathy as he seemingly only had this information as his sole bargaining chip. This man shrouded in mystery would be accompanying her on her mission in exchange for a complete expungement of his record, seemed reasonable enough but she'd hoped this wouldn't entirely be a dolled-up escort mission.
The soft glow of the streetlights outside filtered through the curtains of her well-to-do flat, -bought and paid for by BSAA of course- casting shadows on the furniture. Sheva, clad modestly in a plain black camisole with a pair of basic denim jeans, paced back and forth in her bedroom surveying the tactical gear strewn about on her bed, double and triple-checking her equipment while her thoughts raced. The all too familiar adrenaline rush before a big outing was to be expected but even with the incessant resurveying, it couldn't push back the memories that were starting to bleed in— the feelings began to intrude— of missions shared with her ex-partner Chris Redfield.
She thought she'd compartmentalized that entire self-serving chapter of her life accordingly but those unresolved emotions she could feel gnawing their way back to the surface, reinforcing their presence via the butterflies in her gut.
He was in town. The twenty-three-year-old version of her the wide-eyed idealist and the young woman who was naive in matters of the heart would have girlishly thought; "He's here for me, to see me." But she was no longer that woman and she knew better than that, he was there for work, steadfast in his duty as a dedicated protector. Even after he'd been missing for months, worrying his sister-- hell worrying her to near death, even after a stint of short-term amnesia he conveniently told no one about, and losing Piers in China; she could feel him slipping away, walling himself off...occupying himself constantly with work.
She took her phone from out of her back pocket absent-mindedly scrolling through her messages until she saw his name:
Chris: Hey Sheva, in your neck of the woods next week for business. Mind if I swing by and catch up?
She remembered hesitating when she first saw the message, her thumb hovering over the keyboard. A flurry of emotions pushing back, dread, anxiety, relief, heartache...anger. A small part of her still hopelessly longing for the connection they once shared; the other part wanting to chew him out for ghosting and icing her out but then sending a message out of the blue after so much time had passed.
After a moment of contemplation, she had decided to respond.
"Sure, Chris. It's been a while. Swing by Friday evening? Round 6?...If that works for you."
Almost immediately, Chris's reply came through.
Chris: Understood. Six should be fine, looking forward to catching up.
He was never one to mince words, she honestly was shocked he had even sent a text in the first place, recalling a hazy pillow-talk session where he irritably groused about his distaste for it. But it was set and done and the pent-up tension came out on one haggard exhale as she arbitrarily slid the phone onto her coffee table.
Now here it was Friday evening, and she was standing there in her living room hating how it all made her feel. Was this all a mistake? Was she nervous? Angry?
She wouldn't have too much time to think about it as a knock on the door rattled her thoughts, jolting her back to the present. Sheva looked at her phone bewildered.
'5:45? Punctual this one. How could she forget?
Gathering herself, she approached the door; a soft exhale passing her lips as she hesitated slightly before opening it. Standing in the doorway was Chris Redfield, a rugged silhouette against the dimly lit corridor. His attire was rather morose not a hint of color, dark grays and blacks under a long coat. What was striking now was the silver cropping up slowly in his hair and beard, the faint beginning of all the wear-and-tear over the years, creeping up on his face. Still as handsome as ever though just with a bit more of a mature edge. Sheva couldn't help but set out for his eyes, they always betrayed him and she took a bit of pride in being able to find his tell, and when her eyes finally met his, for the briefest moment, the weight of unspoken words were laid bare.
"Hey," Chris said, his gaze breaking the line with hers, his voice low and gruff, a familiar warmth beneath the surface. "Mind if I come in?"
"Of course." Was all she could muster.
Sheva stepped aside, allowing Chris to enter. As he walked passed he still absolutely towered over her. The tension between them; already palpable, even after only a few brief moments a silent storm was brewing in the room. She closed the door, and as the latch clicked, the air grew even heavier.
"...I know it was on short notice, but thanks for having me," Chris said, his voice carrying a mix of formality and an underlying sincerity.
"Can I get your-" She motioned at the long trench-coat, trying her damnedest to keep up appearances.
Chris' eyebrows briefly rose quizzically and upon realizing what she was gesturing towards, he gently rejected the offer.
"-I won't be long."
Sheva winced just ever so slightly feeling her jaw clench, she led him into her living room directing him to the large sofa, while she took a smaller chair askew from him, and as they settled in, another bout of uneasy silence...
"So you wanted to catch up, let's catch up." her tone was cold, but her eyes burned and bore through him.
That didn't go unnoticed by Chris, a flash sideways glance in her direction turned immiedtly into a more defensive position, looking down and away.
"How are you? How have you been?"
"Busy...you know how it is."
"Yeah I do, in this line of work doesn't really afford much time for anything else..."
Sheva snatched her gaze away from him not responding.
Chris, ever perceptive, picked up on the palpable unease but decided to press on.
"I heard you transferred to a different branch," he remarked cautiously, choosing his words with care.
"Yeah, here in London." Sheva replied curtly. "Needed a change of scenery."
Chris nodded, his eyes studying her face for any hints of what lay beneath the cold exterior. "And how's that treating you?"
Sheva took a moment before responding, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Different challenges. More paperwork, less action."
Chris chuckled, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "You always did prefer being out in the field."
A bitter smile played on Sheva's lips but silent she remained.
"...Heard you were soloing the operation in Madacascar."
Shevas brows furrowed a bit.
"And how'd you hear about that?"
Chris leaned back, his gaze steady. "Word gets around. You know how it is."
Sheva's expression remained guarded. Of course he'd know he was a founding senior member, but had he'd be asking around specifically? "I guess so."
Chris, sensing the need to tread carefully, continued, "Look, Sheva, I didn't come here to pry. I just... wanted to see how you're holding up, solo missions can be difficult y'know"
Sheva nodded, appreciating the sentiment but wary of the unspoken history that lingered between them. Chris searched her face again, his eyes running down her form, searching for cues she wouldn't vocalize.
"You have a partner on this mission?" he almost seemed just to blurt that out and almost immediately regretted how that might sound to her; yet he still glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.
Sheva's eyes narrowed at Chris' question, a flicker of irritation and suspicion crossing her face. She hesitated for a moment, debating how much to reveal, but then decided to keep it brief.
"It's classified." she replied tersely. "But, Chris please this isn't my first mission without you- without a partner". She hastily corrected. "I can handle this alone."
Chris nodded, understanding her need for discretion, a flicker of concern in his gaze nonetheless. "I know you can, Sheva. It's just... always safer with someone watching your back."
Sheva could feel her hands start to clench slightly. His concern was sincere; that she never doubted, but why now after all this time did he choose to sit before her?
"Is this your way of keeping tabs Chris? Making sure your conscious is clear hmm?"
He shook his head, his expression seemingly hurt and taken aback.
"Figured you'd know me better than that."
"Maybe a long time ago I would have; We were partners....a team. But things have changed...you've changed. "
Chris felt his shoulders tense up, his jaw clench, her response struck a nerve. "Sheva." He'd turned cold and stern. "We've been through this. We can't afford distractions in this line of work."
"Distractions!?" Her voice raised. She straightened her posture, turning to face him; eyes welling threatening to betray her actual feelings. She leaned in as if to extend her heartache towards him.
"No. Don't you dare..." You don't get to do this Chris! "You're the one who left." "You're the one who completely shut me out!"
"I had too!" He snapped, his face falling solemnly as he finally met her gaze.
"You are in danger when you're with me." " And I've lost entirely too many people I care about-" He stopped short; Sheva was watching him intently waiting with baited breath for what she assumed would be a poor excuse.
He was afraid that this would happen; but it was foolish of him to think this wouldn't boil over eventually; this was a conversation long overdue and he knew that at the very least he owed her an explanation...
"So do I just not get a say in any of this?" Sheva replied; a little despondent, the tears from earlier finally falling as she quickly went to remove them with the back of her hand.
"I fell in love with you..." He began, the words hanging in the air like a confession he never thought he'd utter; the softness in his voice amplifying the pain beneath the surface.
"Chris-" Sheva's voice was a soft plea, her eyes searching his, for the truth behind his revelation.
"And frankly, that scared the shit out of me," he continued, his tone laced with regret. "I couldn't afford that distraction. It compromised my judgment, my focus. I found myself questioning decisions, hesitating when split-second choices could mean life or death."
Chris looked up, meeting Sheva's gaze again, and in that moment, he felt like he couldn't remain seated any longer. He rose from the sofa, a mixture of sorrow and determination etched on his face. Closing the distance between them, he approached Sheva, kneeling before her; his hand gently cupping her cheek. His thumb tracing the path of a tear, wiping it away.
"You have no idea how hard it was for me to walk away from you Sheva; to walk away from us... but I had to."
Sheva's expression softened, the ice around her heart starting to crack as she absorbed the weight of Chris' internal struggle. The room felt smaller, the air heavy with the shared pain of a love that had been sacrificed.
"I could not... bear the thought of something happening to you because of me..." Chris continued, his voice now carrying the burden of regret. "Please. I just need you to understand that..."
His plea lingered, echoing in the quiet room, there was no more daylight outside, only the cold darkness of early nightfall and the street lights flickering from below.
Hestantily Chris removed his hand from her face, standing up he began walking past her just short of the front door; but not before stopping to look over his shoulder.
"While you're out there. One call, Sheva. Just say the word and I'll have a team there to back you up," he assured her, his tone conveying a mixture of sincerity and concern.
Sheva, still battling her emotions, felt a surge of frustration. Without thinking, she rushed forward out of her chair and grabbed the sleeve of Chris's jacket.
"Damn it, Chris," she muttered, her voice a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "You can't just waltz in here, talk about falling in love with me, and then just leave it at that."
Chris turned to face her fully, his expression softening. Sheva's anger faltered as she gazed into his eyes, and a silent understanding passed between them. In a moment of impulsive vulnerability, Sheva closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace.
Chris, caught off guard but not resisting, hesitated before bringing his arms up and around her to embrace her in return, one of his hands thoughtlessly caressing the line towards the small of her back a gesture that hearkened back to a more intimate time in their relationship.
"Look beyond yourself and your own fears for once, okay?" she whispered, her words muffled against his shoulder.
Chris stood there holding her, his resolve wavering more than he'd care to admit. The proximity reignited a familiar warmth within, and as Sheva looked up at him, her soft brown low lidded eyes and the curve of her lips drew him further in. He found himself captivated by the woman before him, a cascade of conflicting emotions welling up inside.
Against his better judgment, and against the voice commanding him to put duty over his desires; Those eyes; her eyes had him where he could no longer resist, he would gladly let her consume him. Chris tilted his head just slightly removing what little distance remained between them. Their lips brushing softly ;almost timidly at first, but then quickly increasing to a heated intensity that spoke to the true volume of unspoken desires they had tried so hard to bury.
Sheva sighed into it with longing and frustration, her hands wandering a bit aimlessly, almost like if she couldn't grab a hold of something she'd cruelly be woken up or he would turn to dust at that very moment. While Chris brought a more grounded energy to his ministrations, his hand moving to cradle the back of her neck, deepening their kiss. Her head was swimming, he expertly worked her body like he'd never left; the room seemingly spinning around them and the weight of the past; the tension between them fueling the passion of the moment.
Sheva pulled away tentatively; breathless.
"You're so selfish..." She purred, panting between her aches of desire.
Her words left his expression beckoning, he so rarely let slip the iron mask and only a precious few saw underneath it. Maybe right now, here with her in this moment he wanted to be selfish, let someone else be the superhero...
Sheva leaned into him, on her tip toes to reach; she brought slender fingers to trace the faint lines on his face, before trailing and then resting her hand on his chest. With eyelashes fluttered shut, she tilted her head back just slightly. He knew her body language intimately enough to understand the gesture; his lips seeking hers once more but with a carnal urgency that wasn't present earlier. Both their hands began to wander, tracing the contours of each other's bodies, fingers entwined in a dance that spoke of familiarity and longing. The physical connection reignited a fire that had smoldered beneath the surface, and for a brief moment, the world outside ceased to exist.
One of Chris' hands stopped on her hip to draw her closer, the other resting on her back while Sheva grasped at the collar of his coat eager to feel anything other than the material of his clothing.
But then, a sudden realization jolted through them. The intensity of the kiss, the wandering hands, and their intimate past collided with the stark reality of their present situation. He couldn't push it to the side long enough; just this once, he wanted to be careless and vulnerable, even if it was for the one night, even if it meant just for however brief he could indulge in pure unbridled happiness. He wanted her and she wanted him, but they both knew. He knew; it couldn't stay this way, not without him hurting her again and with that Chris pulled away, his breath uneven, his eyes locked with Sheva's.
"We-...We can't," he whispered breath still shaky, lust tinged with a mix of regret and urgency in his voice.
Sheva, her chest rising and falling, her grip loosening on his collar nodded in silent acknowledgment. The room was charged with unspoken words, and as they stood there, their faces mere inches apart, the weight of the impossibility of their connection hung heavy in the air.
Chris took a reluctant step back, breaking the intimate spell. Sheva's hand falling into his as if to weakly pull him back into her embrace. The silence lingered, and in that moment of clarity, they both understood why they couldn't continue further. The unresolved tension remained, a bittersweet reminder of the passion they had briefly allowed themselves to indulge in.
"I should go. Before, I do something I can't take back." Chris said, his voice barely above a whisper, his thumb grazing the soft delicate skin on the back of her petite hand.
Sheva nodded, her own emotions in turmoil. "Yeah, you should." She'd said that confidently but her hand still reluctantly pulled away from his.
As Chris turned to leave, the weight of sadness and regret began to fill the room. The line between duty and desire blurred for a moment, leaving them both grappling with the ghosts of what once was and what could never be.
"...Stay safe Sheva."
"...You too. Chris."
Chris nodded, closing the door softly behind him, and with that he was gone again. Sheva standing there alone with nothing left but the mission that awaited her, she would now have to focus on seeing that through till the end and leaving the past where it remain...
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coffeebrownn · 9 months
Oh I love your head canons, they are so sweet. For NSFW, I like the idea of both Chris and Ethan being switches. Ethan is a bit of a power bottom and Chris is a service top. Chris is tired and just does whatever Ethan requests haha. And Ethan wants to try everything. They are so cute.
WAADA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! AND OMG HELLO??? alright,, have mercy but i never really thought about them in a NSFW setting(?) idk i just forgot about it(????) or they're not really my ocs and i feel like i'm trespassing an invisible border😭😭😭 but i'll think more scenario since you mentioned about it, especially on how ethan is a power bottom,, and i learn that that's the term for chris(?) since i agree that he can be the top position but at the same time it's not right that he's the only one who does so,, so it's really cute that he's giving pleasant service to ethan as well 🥺
yes, they're very very vanilla, nothing crazy i think chris would get pretty embarrassed when he need to share that it wasn't like this when he's younger. Either way, i think what stands out is how ethan is pretty fidgety(?) like he'll bite, and hold chris' chest... chris on the other hand .. i think he just likes to see how big he is compared to ethan..😭idk he likes to picture it even outside sexual intercourse
Well, this session for them,, i would say pretty cathartic for both of them, both at one of vulnerable state/image, chris never really expressing his wants/needs since he thought/ picture himself that he's a soldier in this bio warfare, this and the fact that he'd done numerous (he'd lost count) one night stand due to how stressful his job could be, any women/men, like anything, ANYTHING to distract himself, since alcohol/cigarette isn;t enough for him already. So you could see how doubtful of himself when he's considering on starting this serious relationship with ethan, his mind run across whether or not he could do it, he express this thought to claire, which of course she told chris to just do it, if it doesn't work out, then leave
"it's that easy, who's giving you orders to stay with him if it doesn't work out? yourself?" claire just laughs
chris knows what claire meant, and at start he already knows the answer, he just doesn't fully trust himself after what had happened, his judgement, his bad decisions, etc. he thought to himself does he deserve someone as good as ethan? after he'd cross the line and killed his wife (even though it's miranda) and not telling him whatsoever about the plan and directly killing him due to your shit ass common sense? of course chris tries to punish himself this isn't his first time, but again how long can he do this. So he took the plunge and really threw away his enormous ego to apologize to ethan since it's a miracle that God or Universe itself gave him a 2nd chance, most of the time the person is already dead
and this contrast with ethan, he doesn't trust people due to his circumstances (re7/re8)), he's insecure about his body, his mind, he feels like a monster due to the mold, after people he trust just kept using his kindness and destroying it.. he just feels unloved/unappreciated.
first few nights when they express this interest of wanting to explore each other's bodies, (of course ethan jokingly mentioned how "you've seen me naked before! like multiple times" and chris just close eyes and mentioned how seeing him naked on the hospital bed DOES NOT COUNT) ethan was pretty nervous, he instead went and uses his clothes/shirt from fully exposing his own body. Took them like a few month to a year to feel comfortable.. even some nights they just strip down to sleep naked.
and the aftercare/cuddling session ethan would ask chris each of the scars and it's history behind it, a good bed time story for ethan, some stupid ones because Jill/Claire dared him, some from his mistakes, some that he regrets, everything, this is one of instance for ethan to know who chris is, since ethan mostly relies on chris' closed ones (jill, claire, even leon) to share, but again it's mostly THEIR experiences with chris and not the other way around.
well at least this is how i picture them!! Idk!! i find their relationship to not be the healthiest compared to other ship in RE, but i appreciate and want to highlight about how it can be a very rewarding/wholesome between them, like it's a good reminder that people (NOT ALL PEOPLE SOME PEOPLE) grow and overcome their own irrationality and worries, each of them has their own flaws and insecurity but they both pick each other up and be a better version/proud of themselves. Thank you for reading this! Sorry for the extensive rambling 😭
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i-cant-sing · 1 month
are you going to continue the re8 series? I just really enjoy the angst
I was actually just thinking about the RE8 au yesterday and honestly my mind came up with such DELICIOUS scenarios that would need for my series to be completed first, so yes, i will be coming back to re8 soon.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
RE8 women get pregnant by Y/N: Cassandra
18+ Minors DNI
Okay, so I really enjoyed writing the Alcina scenario, but I think writing about Y/N getting Cass pregnant would be hilarious (That and I love her so muchhh and I wanna write about her). Y/N, as usual, is written gender-neutral. Let’s get into it!
When Y/N came into Cass’s life, she thought for sure Alcina would make them into wine or just outright kill them. For this reason, she tried to distance herself from them at first. She didn’t want to get attached only for them to end up dead.
After Y/N worked in the castle for a few months, even Cass wasn’t immune to their sweet and fun-loving personality.
Y/N made Cass feel protective of them. They were constantly getting into mischief or doing something dangerous.
When Cassandra Dimitrescu is a responsible person compared to you… It’s a wonder you’re still alive.
Soon, this feeling of needing to protect Y/N turned into fondness. Y/N was silly, for sure, but they were also very kind. They listened to Cass and let her vent her frustrations.
Soon, the relationship turned romantic.
Cass felt like she now had a purpose outside of just doing what her mother commanded of her. Y/N encouraged her to get more serious about her painting (A/N: I don’t know why, but I feel like Cass would love to paint). They were also very supportive in whatever interests she wanted to pursue.
Lately, though, it seemed that all these lovebirds wanted to do was have sex.
Like, a lot of sex. All day and all night.
Y/N wasn’t complaining, but it was sometimes hard to keep up with Cass’s heightened strength and stamina.
One morning, Y/N, who usually wakes up to Cass snuggling them and playing with their hair, was awakened by the sound of Cass retching violently in the bathroom.
Y/N shot out of bed and ran to Cass’s side. They pulled her hair away from her face and rubbed her back, trying to bring some comfort.
Eventually, Cass stopped and turned to lie her head on Y/N’s chest.
“I feel horrible! I didn’t even know I could get sick.” She complained, listening to Y/N’s frantic heartbeat as she nuzzled into them.
“Are you gonna be okay?!” Y/N tried to seem calm, but they were worried something was wrong with Cass. They loved her more than anything. They couldn’t bear the thought of her being sick.
Cass chuckled at Y/N’s panicked voice. “Relax, Y/N. I’m feeling better now. Maybe it was just a fluke.” She reassured them.
Y/N wasn’t convinced, but they weren’t going to fight Cass on the subject. They would wait and see what happened.
However, by the third morning that Cass had woken up and vomited… Y/N knew something was wrong and made Cass tell her mother what was going on.
“Draga, you don’t feel well?” Alcina said when Cass and Y/N had come to see her in her study. Her face was lined with worry as she gently cupped Cass’s face.
Cass blushed at Alcina’s motherly display in front of Y/N. She would never live this down. “I wake up and get sick, but I feel extremely hungry afterward. It’s weird! I’ve never felt like this before.”
Alcina raised an eyebrow at this. “Any other symptoms, draga?”
This time Y/N piped up. “She gets grossed out by smells too! She gagged when I put on my usual deodorant!” They said, trying to be helpful.
Alcina turned to Y/N. She knew they would tell her more than Cass ever would. “Y/N, have you noticed anything else?” She asked. Y/N looked to Cass who was glaring at them and hoping they wouldn’t say anything else.
“Well… She, um, has been kinda… Uhhh, moody? Like, more than usual!” Y/N squeaked out the last part when they saw the murderous glint in Cass’s eyes.
Alcina seemed shocked. “Oh, my.” She said with wide eyes.
Y/N’s eyes snapped to hers. “What is it?! What’s wrong? Is she gonna die?!” Y/N said with teary eyes.
Alcina, surprisingly, chuckled. “No, Y/N. But, could you give us a minute alone to talk?” She asked.
Y/N was confused, but quickly hurried out of the room.
Y/N waited outside for a few moments before they heard Cass yell from the study. “WHAAAT?!” She sounded… Kinda mad.
Y/N cringed. What the hell was going on?
Cass stormed out of Alcina’s study and immediately grabbed Y/N and started wringing them by the throat. “You stupid idiot!” She raged.
Y/N was terrified, and slowly losing consciousness, but managed to choke out “Why?!”
Cass dropped Y/N like a sack of potatoes and started tearing up.
Y/N was so confused. “Babe, what’s wrong?” They stood up and pulled Cass into a hug.
Cass buried her face into Y/N’s shoulder. She stood there and processed her emotions for a few moments before pulling away to look Y/N in the eyes.
Y/N was surprised to see that she was no longer upset and was actually smirking at them now.
She held back a chuckle before she said “You knocked me up, you fucking imbecile.”
Y/N’s jaw damn near hit the floor at hearing that.
Oh man. Y/N felt like crying now. Holy shit, Cass was gonna be a mom? They were going to be a parent?
Y/N blacked out after hearing that.
Y/N woke up, back in Cass’s room, and felt her running her fingers through their hair.
“Welcome back, darling.” She laughed at Y/N.
Y/N turned to look at Cass. “Was that all a dream?” They asked.
Cass playfully rolled her eyes. “What, the part about me being pregnant or the fact that you fainted?” She asked with a grin.
“Well… I was gonna say both, but you kind of just cleared it up.” Y/N blushed.
Cass was, understandably, still in shock. “I never thought about having children before… The idea is growing on me, though. If it’s with you.”
Y/N felt their cheeks burning at Cass’s sweet comment.
They timidly reached out to touch Cass’s belly, but couldn’t find the right words to ask if it was okay. They ended up awkwardly holding their hand in mid-air and giving Cass a pleading look.
Cass laughed at Y/N. She grabbed their hand and placed it on her stomach. “You better hope this baby doesn’t inherit your intelligence.” She joked.
Y/N smiled and rubbed Cass’s belly. “I can’t believe there’s a baby in there! How did your mom know?”
Cass ran her thumb along Y/N’s hand. “She said that I smelled different… And, she could hear a second heartbeat.” Cass looked down at her and Y/N’s entwined hands. She felt her heart melt at the thought of her and Y/N producing an actual child from their love.
“Wow! A heartbeat?!” Y/N leaned down and kissed Cass’s tummy. “Good job, baby! Way to perform a bodily function!”
Cass laughed at Y/N and rubbed her stomach. “Don’t worry, baby. You’ve at least got one parent who isn’t an idiot.”
I guess we can call her “Mama Cass” now XD (If you don’t know who that is, look up the group “The Mamas and The Papas” their music is legendary!) Anyway, did you like it? Hate it? Let me know! I love reading what you think regardless of if its positive or not. I really wanna do a part 2 to this one. Soft Cass is my beloved T^T
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