#reassuring ranger x moments guide
sykloni · 11 months
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whitebookposts · 11 months
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*runs in here *slams this out of breath (no I did not steal this joke from @bongoplayingkrilltamer what are you talking about)
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loving Season of Moments so far
OG under cut(finally learned how to use these lol):
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millenniumquartz · 10 months
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noodlec0nsumer · 10 months
old man yaoi??
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ur-fav-inactive-writer · 10 months
𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫, 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒
Ivan of Zandar x Pregnant!Reader | Part One , Two @smoiesaustine
Request: Once you are done with the Ice Ice Ranger pt 2 can you do a pt. 3 of Ice Ice ranger? The birth of our baby.
WC: 1129
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It had been many, many months since you had stopped being a ranger. It wasn't permanent, but it felt as such. You hadn't been a part of any battle in nearly 5 months. And even after the baby came, Ivan wanted you to be on maternity leave for as long as possible. You were annoyed by this, but agreed for yours and the baby's health and wellbeing. Ivan was thrilled that you agreed to stay out of danger but understood how frustrating it must've been.
As you approached your due date, Ivan began trying to stay away from any missions or battles. Ivan did everything in his power to ensure you'd always be at his side. Or if it wasn't by his side, it was Shelby's, Tyler's, Riley's, or any other rangers. He needed to be certain that you were always safe, and having a ranger beside you at all times allowed him to calm down a little. It was an incredibly busy day at the café meaning that you were the only one left in the base. Being heavily pregnant, you were forbidden to be working. No matter how understaffed they were, they didn't let you work. Ivan just wanted you to relax for the remainder of your pregnancy. You were in the base, relaxing, when you felt it. Your water broke. Uh oh. Everyone was upstairs and you certainly weren't waddling up all the stairs in your condition. You panicked for a few moments before remembering that your phone was across the room. You grabbed it and called Chase, who always answered since he was always on it. He answered and before he could say hi you blurted out,
"Hey Chase, so um, don't panic, but my water just broke, so I just really really really need Ivan right now."
You heard him go silent in shock before shouting out for Ivan and Ms. Morgan. As he shouted this, he hung up. You stood in the base for a few minutes until you heard the sound of clamouring. Turning your head, you saw Ivan and Ms. Morgan rushing to your side and the rest of the rangers following suit. Ivan grabbed you by the waist, hastily asking a plethora of questions. You hushed him and reassured him you were okay. Ms. Morgan recommended that the two of you head to the hospital, and you agreed. Tyler quickly offered using his jeep as a ride, and you nodded. Ivan carried you over to the car, helping you breathe through the contractions. He carefully sat you down in the car before sitting himself next to you and holding your hand. Tyler and Kendall sat in the front seat, occasionally checking in on you. They arrived at the hospital, and Ivan carried you from the car into the hospital. Ms. Morgan decided to do the talking for you. She explained the situation, and the nurses guided you into a room. The contractions kept growing stronger, causing you to cry out in pain. Ivan gently squeezed your hand, sharply inhaling when he realised how cold your palms were. Whenever you were in pain, your ice powers kicked in and turned you colder than ever. He decided to talk with you to distract you from the overwhelming pain.
"So, do you think the little one will have your powers?" You smiled at his words. "Maybe, perhaps we can call her Elsa if she does." The light laugh that came along with your sentence caused Ivan to crack a smile. "She, hm? How can you be certain?" You shrugged, "Mothers instincts. You're gonna have a little lady, I'm sure of it." You both laughed softly before you squeezed his hand again due to another contraction. He helped you breathe through it and started up the conversation again. "Well, having a mini (Y/N) wouldn't be so bad." He said, looking at you with a soft smile. "Just imagine her with your adorable curls and smile. Maybe she'll look more like a little Ivan." The thought of having a daughter with both of your features made him happier than ever. You two kept conversing, pausing occasionally to breathe through the contractions.
Eventually, it was time for your little one to come into the world. You grabbed Ivan's hand, overwhelmed with the excruciating pain coursing through your body. You squeezed his hand tightly as he tried to reassure you it'd be okay. Breathing heavily, you whimpered out an incoherent sentence. Ivan looked at you quizically, gesturing you to repeat it. "Ivan, 'm scared, it hurts so bad, I can't do it." He pressed a soft kiss to your hand. "Yes, you can milady, I'm sure of it."
It had been many, many hours since your water had broken, and the team was sat anxiously in the waiting room. They hadn't heard anything about you since you had been admitted to a room, so impatiently waited for an update. After what felt like years, Ivan came into the waiting room. The Rangers' faces lit up at his presence.
"How is (Y/N) and the baby doing?!" Came Shelby's voice.
"Is everything doing okay?" Kendall's voice chimed in.
"Do we get to meet baby?!" Asked Koda enthusiastically.
Ivan silenced all of his friends. Smiling, he began speaking. "(Y/N) is doing just fine. It's a girl. Winter Amber (Y/L/N)." The team awww-ed at his words, Shelby being excited that it's a girl. He invited them all to come see you and the baby. They all walked in, trying to keep quiet and not disturb you too much. As they walked into the room, they all gushed over how adorable your baby was. She had icy white hair, soft curls (just like Ivan's), and Ivan's eyes.
What was apparent to you once you had held her for the first time was that she had inherited your ice powers. You figured this out due to the fact that when you picked her up, she was cold to the touch and had left small flakes of snow in her cot. You passed her around to the rangers, making sure someone was there to help Koda with holding her.
"Hey, how come you called her Winter with the middle name Amber?" Shelby inquired. You softly grinned, excited to explain why you had named your daughter what you had. "Well, since she's inherited my ice powers and was born in December, we called her Winter. And Amber is because its a similar colour to gold, which pays tribute to Ivan being the gold ranger." You said, looking up at your fiancé fondly. He was still sat at your side, gently caressing the back of your hand.
"I can't wait to raise Winter with you, my love." He whispered softly in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple. And if you were being honest, you couldn't wait either.
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I LOVED your idea about din as a member of the night watch however how could we relate that to him breaking my back? 👉👈
this is just the initial meeting and it ended up MUCH softer than I expected im sorry nonny but we shall have more of this man and said back breaking I promise <3<3<3
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The Crow's Affection
Pairing: Night's Watch!Din Djarin x Prostitute!Reader
special thanks to my game of thrones girlie @thesadvampirefor this one.
Tagging: because this isnt a full fic and just an ask ill just be tagging @pedrostories because im dogshit at tags im so sorry lmao
Summary: A ranger risks desertion for companionship for the first time in his thirty years as a member of the Night's Watch. You meet a man with hands far too gentle and eyes far too kind for such a line of work. AU where Din is in the game of thrones universe and is a member of the Nights Watch.
Warnings: description of nudity, no real smut yet sorry yall.
Word count: 624
    He’s older than the others you’ve seen. 
    Moves with high shoulders and his head on a swivel, like he’s expecting an enemy to slip out from the corners. But there are no enemies, just you. Smiling at him and beckoning him forward with a flourish of your hand. 
    “It’s alright.” you reassure him. “I won't hurt you darling.”
    He stands in the center of the room and stares at you. It gives you time to admire him, the sharp curve of his nose and the brown curls that snowflakes cling to and melt against.
   Pretty. Is the word you settle on. He’s very pretty. 
    But the Night’s Watch isn’t known for pretty men. 
    “So, which one are you?”  
    He frowns.
    “I’m sorry?” 
     His voice is hoarse, as if gone unused for too long and he almost forgot how. A deep but unthreatening baritone that rings in your ears and settles low in your stomach. You nod to the fur cloak around his shoulders and he realizes what you’re asking of him. 
    “Which one are you?” You repeat. “Steward? Ranger? Builder?”
     He looks down at the sword hanging off of his hip. Embarrassed, almost. “Ranger. I’m-I’m a ranger.” 
   “And a damn good one I’d bet. But you aren’t here for me to tell you about how good you are at your job, are you, sweet thing?” 
    Your hands undo the lacing of your dress, furs already tossed to the side. The thick wool material cascades from your form and reveals your naked body to him. He looks away for a moment, eyes shooting down to the floor as if to keep you from shame. Ever the honorable man, before he remembers that he was standing in a brothel, and the coins in his pocket would soon be given to you in return for it all. 
    “Come here ranger, let me thank you for keeping the north safe.” 
    His hands curl into fits and uncurl at his side, as if he isn’t sure what to do next. He looks at you, with his scarred face and soft brown eyes that made him look more like a pleading dog than a man of the Night’s Watch. 
    “I don’t think I’ll be very..good.” He flinches at his own wording, it makes you smile. A man who fought raiders, wildings and the bitter cold everyday of his life, turned soft spoken and shy at the sight of a naked woman. “I haven’t ever-”     You hold out your hand to him and he falls silent. “It’s alright, ranger.” Gone was the teasing lilt of your voice, replaced with something softer. You spoke to the scarred man with the sword at his side as if speaking to a frightened animal who would scurry at any sudden movement. “Come here, and I’ll show you how.” 
    His hand, large and rough and warm, settled on top of yours. One small tug and he began to walk toward you until he stood at the edge of the bed between your naked legs. “Din.” He rasped. You guided his hands to your hips, where he rubbed soft circles into the plush curves of your body. “My name is Din.” 
    “It’s nice to meet you Din.” your hand cups his face, guide him closer until his nose touches yours. “Would you like a kiss?” 
    Din thinks of his oath. The one he swore as a boy and followed vehemently for the last thirty years, perhaps he was one of the few men who did. The words curled in his ears as he looked down at you, naked and soft and so sweet to him. 
    I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. 
    But the long winter was coming, cold winds rising fast. 
    “Yes. Yes, please.”
   And everybody needs somebody to keep them warm.
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babi-correia · 4 years
Guardian Angel
Words: 3083
Pairing: Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, drug abuse, poorly written medical stuff and PTSD.
From Anon:
“Hi there, can I get a Greg Gerwitz x reader, please? So reader and Jay are cousins and when Jay enlists, he starts writing about his friend Mouse so reader when sending care packages will always include things for Mouse and when Jay came back for his mum's funeral, Mouse came with and he falls for reader and vice versa but remained friends while he's in the rangers still. When he was discharged and eventually involved in some shady shit, it was the reader who gets him back on track. Thank you x”
Here you go, kind friend.
[(Y/N/N)=Your Nickname]
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One thing you knew for sure: nothing in your life could have possibly prepared you for the moment when your cousin, Jay, had been deployed to Afghanistan. His mother, your own mother's sister, was devastated, but his father had shown nothing but anger and disapproval at his career choice, as he had with Will. It seemed like no matter what, the man would never approve or support either of his sons, and it annoyed you to no end. So, logically, when he went away you took it upon yourself to make sure he knew that at least one person back home cared about him and wasn't completely repealing him. 
He mentions his friend and teammate Greg Gerwitz in one of his first letters, as Jay had taken to personally protect Greg, as he was a very valuable communications expert; although you could read right through that Jay began projecting himself as an older brother for Greg, who he affectionately called "Mouse". From Jay's reaction, you gather that Greg probably didn't have that much of a support network back home, or any at all, other than Jay, so you include him as well in your silly little personal mission.
The first care package goes out a month into their deployment, filled with energy bars, sunblock, beef jerky, some pain-relieving topical cream, and deodorant, along with a picture of you, your mom, and Jay's mom holding a sign saying "Counting the days for the two of you to be back". It finds them well, and Jay's letter is full of little round wrinkly spots when you open it, its' content nothing but praise for the care package. He writes that Greg cried like a baby when Jay told him that the packed box was for the both of them and not just him. 
When you have to write to Jay about his mom's illness, it breaks you. Your whole purpose with the letters and care packages was to brighten their mood, often including bad jokes you had happened to hear and you knew they would get a kick out of because of how bad they were. But you had to tell him. You end up rewriting the letter more times than you cared to count, searching for the best way to say "hey, your mom's dying". This time, it's your letter that's filled with little round wrinkly spots when you seal the envelope. 
Jay's response takes its' time, and comes right in the week of your exams. Between helping your aunt and studying to get a decent internship, you were left with very little time to do anything else other than sleep and eat. You put a hold on the anatomy book you're studying, deciding to pick it up after you prepare everything to do with Jay and Greg, refusing to let them go without a letter or care package. You fill the letter with crappy jokes and complaints about how dumb you were to want to become a doctor, because clearly, the exams were driving you mad. You try to put some hope in the letter, saying that Jay's mom looks better than before. 
The next month makes you nearly drop out. Your aunt's condition worsens too fast for there to be anything left to do, and you have to be the one to let Jay know that his mom died because dear old Pat could still not be bothered to talk to his son. 
You manage to catch one of your dad's old army buddies, one who is still in the military, and make him pull some strings to get both Jay and Greg back in US soil for the funeral. 
You pick them up at the airport, noticing how thinner Jay is, how his face looks so sunken, how he looks almost broken. He barely has time to drop his duffle bag before you wrap him in a hug as tight as you can give. He hugs you back before backing away and wiping his eyes.
"(Y/N), this is Mouse. Mouse, this is (Y/N), the angel that has been sending us goodies." Jay introduces. Greg goes to shake your hand but you hug him, feeling him reluctantly hug you back. 
"I wish we had met under better circumstances." You say to Greg, pulling away from a hug and giving him a tired smile. "We should get back, you can still catch the wake, Jay."
The car ride is silent, and you can't find it in you to say anything at all. You pull up to the mortuary house, parking the car and taking a deep breath. 
"You want me to go in with you?" You ask, seeing how Jay is looking out the window. 
"No, I think it's better if I go in alone." He says before pausing. "Is Pat in there?"
"No. We haven't seen much of Pat lately." You admit, knowing Jay knew how much you despised his father.
He exits the car and you sit in silence, Greg still in the back seat. It takes a while before he breaks the ice.
"So... Jay tells me you want to be a doctor?" He asks meekly, his eyes on everything but you. 
"I do. I'm about to start my residency, hopefully at a big hospital like Chicago Med." You say, the usual excitement that comes paired with your passion and the opportunity to talk about it significantly dulled. 
"What's your expertise?"
"I'm going for trauma surgery." You say, turning around in your seat to face Greg. 
His heart skips a beat when his eyes finally meet yours. No one in his life had ever looked at him with the sheer kindness you did. He had grown a crush on you without knowing you at all, and seeing you look at him like that only reinforced it. 
"Look, I just want to say thank you for including me in the care packages." He manages, breaking eye contact and looking at his hands, which rest atop his knees. He can barely mask the gasp he makes when you put one of your hands over one of his and give him a reassuring squeeze. 
"It's my pleasure." You say, greeting him with a smile when he finally looks at you again. "I enjoy doing it, and it makes me feel better about the whole deployment situation that I can at least give you guys something to brighten your day."
Over the next couple of days, you just chat your mind out to Greg and read your medicine books to him, sometimes making him quiz you on the subjects. He generally looks confused, but he also seems happy to help you. It makes him giddy on the inside to see how much you know about whatever he's quizzing you about, and the focused yet excited look on your face makes his heart flutter. It's only during the night before they fly back that he realizes: he's head over heels for you.
You wake up ridiculously early the morning of their flight; well, you don't wake up, you just get out of bed, because sleep had ever so expertly evaded you due to your overthinking of what would happen to Jay and Greg back in Afghanistan. Your mind keeps racing, running multiple scenarios but not seeing a positive outcome in none of them. And even though of course you worried deeply about Jay, since he was your cousin and you two grew up together, your stomach twisted in itself at the thought of Greg getting hurt. 
You slowly realize that you had begun to harbor feelings for the man, and your mind reels. You hide your face on your hands as you try to process everything before you give up and go out to sit in your back yard and stare at the sky. 
You take them to the airport at around 5 am, the drive there being awfully silent. You feel the tears prickling at your eyes as you drive the car and grip the steering wheel with everything you have. You could tell Greg about how you felt, but you couldn't handle the fact that he was going back when he was barely your friend, much less if you uncovered your feelings. Besides, nothing guarantees you that he would like you back, so you decide to keep your mouth shut. 
You bid your goodbyes and hug the two men outside the airport, your hug with Greg taking a little longer than it should - not that he seemed to mind. They head inside and you return to your car, sitting behind the wheel and crying all of your emotions out. When you look back to maneuver your car, you notice something glinting in the back seat and pick it up. The small metal plate is cold in your hand, and you notice a little post-it attached. 
"Thank you for caring so much about someone you know so little about. Please don't forget about me."
You turn it around and see the engraving: Gregory Gerwitz. Tears well up in your eyes again, and you hold the dog-tag to your chest, closing your eyes.
You keep sending them letters and care packages as part of your routine, sometimes struggling to get time to do it. You had managed to land your internship on Med, and they liked you enough to keep you around as an ED doctor. 
On your day off, just as you're about to head off into the grocery shop to gather goodies for the next care package, your doorbell rings and you open the door to find your supposedly deployed cousin.
"Jay!?" Your voice is squeaky, but you can't find it in you to care. "What are you doing here?" 
You hug him carefully, noticing some cuts and bruises on his face and arms. He hugs you back and lifts you slightly. 
"I was medically discharged a few weeks ago, I've been crashing at a friend's but I owed you to come here." He explains as you guide him inside. "Also, I need your help with something."
"What's wrong?" You ask, sitting beside him on the couch. He points at your chest, where the dog tag rests, hanging from a simple chain. 
"It's about Mouse. He isn't taking it well and I'm afraid he's going to do something that's gonna hurt him." Jay sighs. "He really likes you, but he doesn't think of himself as deserving of someone that cares about him and wants to help."
"Where can I find him?" You ask, feeling your chest tightening. 
"Not even I know that, but as soon as I find out I'll let you know." He stays, prompting himself to get up. "By the way, I'm in the police academy and it'd mean a lot to me if you could attend my graduation in a few months."
"Of course!" You beam at him before hugging him. "Just let me know when, and I'll ask for the day off."
After your conversation with Jay, you can't bring yourself to stop thinking about Greg and how he's doing. One day, you're getting in your car to get home after a shift when you get a call from Jay.
"Yes?" You answer your phone.
"(Y/N), I need you to come to your house quickly." Jay's voice seems distressed. "It's Greg, I have no idea what happened."
You make the drive back in record time, grabbing the emergency medical kit from under the passenger seat before rushing inside. You notice Jay has used the spare key you gave him to get inside, finding him and Greg on the floor of your bathroom. 
Your heart drops and you join them on the floor, quickly assessing Greg; his skin is cold and clammy, his breathing and heart rate slow, and he seems to be slipping in and out of consciousness. 
"He's overdosing on opioids." You realize aloud, quickly opening your medical kit and retrieving a small vial and a syringe. Jay watches you as you charge the syringe and push out the air before administering it. 
"What is that?" He asks, watching as you set the syringe on the bathroom counter.
"Naloxone. It reverses opioid overdoses, technically." You say, observing Greg's reaction. "We have to get him to a hospital, Jay."
"No, that may screw whatever little chance he still has at getting a job." 
You shake your head as you move your hand to gage Greg's heart rate, noticing it seemed to pick up a bit.
"Let's see how he progresses. If I don't like anything in how he develops, I'm taking him to the hospital, and that's not debatable." You state, moving behind Greg and sitting him up, noticing as he begins to shiver. You lean his back against your chest as he begins to move slightly. "Stay still for a bit, Greg. Please."
You feel him tense up, his breathing labored. He looks at Jay, who shakes his head.
"I don't know what's going on Mouse, but you need to get it together." Jay says, his face serious as he gets up. "I have to get to the academy, but I'll come by later."
You hear the front door shut as Jay leaves, and just sit on the floor in silence for a while. 
"What's going on, Greg?" You ask, your voice barely a whisper. He feels his chest tightening at your sad and defeated tone. This was exactly why he didn't want to come to you, he was a broken man and he knew you'd be disappointed in him. "Why didn't you ask for help?"
He doesn't even have a chance to respond before he scrambles forward and wretches into the toilet. You just brush your hand up and down his back, feeling him shake as he starts to cry. 
You wet a towel and run it through his face to wipe the sweat gathering on his forehead. You hook your arms around his chest and help him rise to his feet, supporting most of his weight. 
"Can you work with me and get to the living room? We'll be more comfortable there." You ask softly, holding him up and helping him move to the living room. You sit him down on the couch and take a seat next to him, wiping some hair sticking to his forehead. You take one of his hands in yours, and his heart just about shatters when he sees the look you give him: it's still the same pure kindness from the first time the two of you met. 
"I didn't want to disappoint you." His voice is barely a whisper, and your brows knit in confusion. "I'm not the same person from when we first met, I've gone down a dark path, I didn't want to disappoint you or get you involved."
"Greg, you'd never disappoint me." You say, your voice soft. "It's normal, it's a whole different reality. I'm here to help you however I can."
You hug him and cradle him against your chest, his arms snaking around you to hold as tight as he can. 
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He mumbles, his voice shaking. You rest your chin atop his head and caress his back as he keeps on trembling. "I should've come to you sooner, I should have told you about everything a lot sooner." 
"All that matters is that you're ok, Greg." You whisper, holding him. "We can work on this from now on. You're not alone."
You end up offering Greg the spare bedroom on your house, on the condition that he must stay clean and out of trouble, and at least try to get a legitimate job. 
One day you get home after working a double shift, your head pounding and your emotions all over the place: you had lost a patient. You know that there wasn't anything you could have done, but that doesn't make you feel less shitty. Entering the house, you make a beeline for the living room and flop face-first into the couch, laying there for a while without moving.
"Hey (Y/N/N), you ok?" You hear Greg's voice as he kneels next to you. You turn your head to face him and he sees the tears in your eyes. "Woah, what's wrong?"
"I lost a patient today. Nice old lady, came in because she slipped and fell on the icy street, hit her head pretty nastily. She was talking when she got there, but then she passed out and just like that she was gone." You vent, tears streaming down your face. Greg holds your hand and rubs it softly. "I just wish there had been something I could have done for her."
"You have a heart of gold, you know that?" He says, pushing some hair out of your face. "You can't save everyone... Just cherish the ones you did save, like me for example."
He always jokes around about you saving him, but it was the truth; without you, he'd probably be dead in an alley somewhere. 
"I think it's mutual saving." You whisper, smiling at him. "I would probably have gone mad by now if you weren't around."
You maneuver yourself and sit normally on the couch, and he sits next to you, pulling you into a hug. 
"It's a nice little deal we have, then." He says, holding you to him. You nod, eventually separating from him. "I still think you're my private guardian angel."
You laugh at him, and his belief solidifies further: to him, you were exactly like an angel, from your laugh to your personality to your selflessness, and you had given him a second chance at life. 
Before either of you realize what's going on, he leans in and cups your face, resting his forehead against yours. You can feel his breath on your face as you take in the beautiful blueness of his eyes. 
"If you don't want it, say so." He whispers, his eyes riddled with both fear and excitement. Your heart beats out of your chest as you close the space between you and kiss him, feeling him smile against your lips. It's short and chaste and sweet, but it's everything you had imagined. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that."
You laugh, cupping his face as you kiss him again, the two of you giggling like a pair of kids and forgetting everything else in the world other than the moment that you were having.
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kibleedibleedoo · 4 years
Hero of your own fate
Chapter 3
Thorin x Reader 
summary: the company set off from Bagend and decide to stay in a tavern along the way.
Warnings: none, mentions of difficulty sleeping and sexism
~Reader's POV~
 It was an early start the day we set off from Bagend. The sun was only just starting to rise as Balin gently shook the company awake. Most were not too happy with this occurrence as the drinking and partying had only ceased an hour or two earlier. You could see how torn over waking Mr. Baggins Balin was. Eventually with a nod of arrival from Thorin and Gandalf it was decided that there was no point waking the hobbit if he was not going to join you all on the quest. Items were packed away in preparation and the dwarves vacated Bagend leaving it as though they were never there, leaving only his unsigned contract. You chuckled at the thought that Bilbo may wake up to believe the night before was all a dream. Hell, this might all be a dream to you, but it seemed so real and Gandalf kept assuring you that this was your new reality for the time being.
 At the edge of Hobbiton was the stable that housed the 16 ponies and Gandalf’s horse that would be carrying you on your journey. You felt slightly bad looking at them carrying all the baggage, but the others assured you that they would be fine and that they were bred for the purpose. Balin showed you to your pony, a sandy coloured horse named Mustard, who was already saddled up with the little items you owned here and needed for the quest. You rearranged your bag, moving your personal valuables to your pockets and attaching your bag to the pony.
 “You looking for a wager lass?” Nori piped up upon seeing you take a coin purse out of the bag. “say two gold coins that Mister Baggins won’t be joining us.” It sounded like a sure bet for him.
 The other dwarves seemed to be muttering to themselves seemingly betting on the same situation. You looked across to Gandalf for reassurance since you weren’t entirely sure how much you would be losing after all. He gave you a sly wink.
 “you have a bet” you rebutted holding your hand out to confirm the bet. Smirking, Nori took your hand and confirmed the bet.
 “on your own head be it lass” Balin chuckled as others continued making bets before mounting their ponies. Thorin watched over seemingly unamused with the whole bartering fiasco waiting for us all to mount our ponies before mounting his and leading us all away from the shire. The journey had begun.
 It was maybe 15 minutes into the journey when you faintly heard a voice cry out for us to halt. Mister Baggins had decided to join us after all. He ran up to Balin and handed him the contract.
 “everything seems to be in order” Balin mused
 “get him a pony” Thorin commanded. It was only then that he drew your attention from the new addition to the company. It seemed that he had stopped in the perfect place, the sun shone through the trees making it look like he was being anointed by God. Before letting Bilbo complain Thorin was already leading the train onwards. Bilbo was hoisted onto a nearby pony by Fili and Kili despite his protests.
 “Oi Nori” you shouted catching the attention of the other dwarves “pay up” the dwarf groaned in annoyance and threw you a small bag of coins. At that the rest of the company began tossing coins to each other with some cheers and groans mixed in. Bilbo seemed more confused by the company’s antics than he was the night before.
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  The company had slept rough the first few nights of the quest, hoping to save the few precious coins they possessed, but as the sky grew black it was decided it would be best to stop for the night in a tavern in Bree. The Prancing Pony to be exact. Even though we were in the territory of men one room would be far too small to fit all 16 members of the company even with folk sleeping on the floor. The tavern staff were not exactly too keen on a woman sleeping with a group of men, especially since they already employed ladies to sleep with their patrons. Little did they know your relationship with the members of the company was merely platonic. It was agreed upon that the company would split up for the night groups would be up to the dwarves willing to pay for the rooms.
 Oin and Gloin decided they could afford a room away from the snoring of the others, however not all could afford that luxury. As tinkers and traders, a group of six formed, consisting of Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori. Which thankfully ruled out the heavy snorers who had been keeping you awake recently. Still not happy with a woman being left alone with half the company, the tavern owners demanded once more that the remaining group split up once more. It was not like there were other options of inns to choose from, Bree was not accustomed to seeing frequent travelers cross its border, save for the occasional ranger.
 “If this is so much of a hassle please just let me pay for my own room” you finally cried out, far too tired to tolerate the constant bickering that seemed to be part of the package when it came to travelling with dwarves. This pricked Thorin’s attention.
 “I do not trust realm of men to leave a woman unprotected” Thorin growled partly directed at you and partly directed towards the tavern owner, “I WILL TAKE A ROOM WITH THE GIRL, THE REST OF THEM WILL TAKE THE OTHER ROOM” Thorin demanded causing the owner to take a step back. Balin placed a hand on Thorin’s shoulder and they exchanged a nod. Thorin stepped forward to place a coin on the bar but you reached out to stop him.
 “No. Please” you begged looking him in the eyes for the first time intentionally “I’m the reason for this mess, the least I could do is pay my way” you pleaded already placing the required coinage on the bar. He huffed not entirely agreeing with the situation, but he didn’t want to argue any further. We were all far too tired.
 In the room Thorin immediately claimed the side of the bed the closest to the door. It felt like he was guiding you and your actions without uttering a single word. His presence was intense making the whole room tense and claustrophobic and yet his only action was to sit on the bed looking towards the door.
 “I can look after myself you know, before this I lived an independent life” you muttered trying to cut through some of the tension.
 “You are not accustomed to the ways of the wild, it is not safe especially for a woman” Thorin protested “dwarrow-dams are hardier and some are trained in the art of battle, yet our women are too precious to be allowed to participate in a quest as dangerous as this. Compared to them you are defenseless” He barked in rebuttal.
 “I’m sorry, I just meant that no one needs to be looking out for me, especially if it hinders the quest” you sigh “I just don’t want to be a burden” Thorin softened at that remark still not turning to face you.
 “Go to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow come rain or shine” This sounded more like advice than his usual commands. You took a moment to quickly change into your pyjamas and climb into the bed.
“Goodnight Thorin sweet dreams”
 -Thorin’s POV”
 The logical side of Thorin told him not to offer, but his culture and his heart demanded he must protect this girl. As soon as he saw the double bed however, he realised he had made a mistake. By being a gentleman and refusing to listen to his logical side he had allowed her in. You had snuck past all those walls he had built up over the years to protect himself and taken root in his heart. Mahal had both cursed and blessed him. You wished him goodnight as you slipped under the covers.
 “sweet dreams”
 That phrase lit something inside of him. Little did you know Thorin had been suffering from nightmares for decades. He struggled to get enough sleep to make it through a day without anyone catching on, but he knew the feeling of going past the point of tired far too well. Thorin watched your chest rise and fall as you slowly drifted off to sleep. He wanted to join you in the land of slumbering bliss. He pulled off his shirt and left only his underclothes in place and crawled under the covers as well. Just as he settled in you shuffled to face in his direction. He worried he had woken you, but from the little snores it seemed you were only fidgeting. Thorin found himself relaxing, relaxing far more than he had in decades. This was not the place to be relaxed but with you in the bed next to him he couldn’t help drifting off to sleep as tiredness and images of you as his queen (exiled or not) overcame him. This was to be the first in a long list of nights that would see Thorin sleep peacefully until dawn broke.
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A/N I do not own any of the GIFs used or the characters in the story. This seems long but it was probably going to be at least double if I had stuck with my original chapter plan alas here you go 😘
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ladyideal · 4 years
This is Us Part 1
Pairing: Legolas x OC!Reader
Word Count: 2057
Warnings: Um arguing 
Summary: When the One Ring was found, it becomes a journey across Middle Earth to destroy it. Watch as the Fellowship is formed, and crossed the continent, where loyalty will be tested, and love blossomed. 
A/n: I decided to actually go forth with a series, and see how well I can write one. I will apologize ahead of time if any of the Elvish are wrong. I know it’s not exactly canon for the Valars to have kids, but where’s the fun if we follow canon? None, exactly. So here we are. I’ll eventually rewrite this one day lol.
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3
You grumbled as you lowered your bow, letting it fall slightly. The arrows had found their marks, but were nowhere close to the bullseye. With a sigh, you retrieved another arrow from your back, ready to resume practicing. 
"Mellon nin, what brings you here?" A familiar voice spoke from behind. 
You huffed, lowering your bow once more and pouting at him. "You're the one that said practice makes perfect. Plus, you know that I just started learning how to use one. Don't start telling me that I have to be good at it immediately."
It wasn't like you were forbidden to use your powers, but it was done out of necessity, for secrecy. As a child of both the Valar, Manwë and Varda, you were undoubtedly powerful. You'd watch the creation of Arda for some time, from watching the fight against Melkor to the peace where the elves were invited to live amongst the Valinor. Now under Sauron's reign of terror after so long, you had enough of the pain and suffering of Middle Earth dwellers, and came in favor of guiding them.
Legolas took a few steps forward, until his hands were wrapped around yours. You blushed as he righted your position. "Stand like this, and your bow up higher."
He had been the second elf to befriend you. You had made a home at Rivendell, and soon became the source of many rumors. You were fair, beautiful, even more breathtaking than other elves, but as clumsy as mankind. The elves there assumed you were a halfling, yet for the most part, you ignored the whispers and talks behind your back. Eventually, the rumors had reached Lord Elrond's ears. Knowing better than to dismiss them, he had made a visit. 
It was then that you admitted your true identity to the half elf, the first of Middle Earth's people. It didn't take long for the Lord of Rivendell to understand the meaning of why you were here, and swore that he would never let your name be known. Soon, he'd mentioned in his parting words before he left your home, Sauron would feel the shift of power.
Two weeks went by uneventfully until you met the prince of elves, son of Thranduil. It was a coincidental meeting down by the waterfall. There, you became friends with him. And as time passed, he became the second elf to have learned of who you were. It was him that suggested that you learned how to use weapons to better protect yourself. 
"This way?" You asked once he let go, turning away from him in an effort to hide the growing blush.
"Just like that," Legolas nodded, watching you train for a moment. "Y/N."
"Yes?" Your eyes still trained on the tree trunk that acted as your bullseye.
"Hir Elrond maquen-o cin." (Lord Elrond asks of you.)
"Mana ceri- cin foeg?" You frowned, turning to glance at him. (What do you mean?)
"Ho anír- cin na n- in i govanneth," Legolas stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. "híril nín" (He wants you in the meeting, m'lady.)
"Am man." (For what? Why?)
He leveled a pointed gaze at you. 
You heaved a sigh, and nodded, understanding the underlying meaning in his words. "Where to?"
As Legolas entered the place where the council was going to be held, you lingered behind, tentatively taking slow steps in. You could see the dwarves, the Captain of Gondor, Boromir, Isildur's heir and Ranger of the North, Aragorn, a Ranger lady standing close to him, a hobbit, Lord Elrond, Glorfindel, and finally Gandalf all sitting in a circle. 
Instantly, both elves and the wizard snapped their heads to you, two in surprise. For a moment, the sun brightened warmly from behind you. You smiled at Elrond, nodded at Glorfindel, but grinned shyly at your parents' Maiar. You slid closer to Legolas anyways, turning your head back to Elrond when the half elf cleared his throat.
"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom."
He paused, turning to one of the Hobbits. "Bring forth the ring, Frodo."
The Hobbit that sat beside Gandalf stood up, and took even steps to the pedestal. With a shaking hand, the ring was set upon the pedestal for all to see.
"So it's true," Boromir spoke, while everyone within the Council gazed upon it. Your features screwed into one of upset, and even scowled upon the small piece of jewelry. Sauron, was a follower of your uncle, Morgoth. The power in the ring was overshadowed by your own, yet the evil within it, repulsed you.
"In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark. But in the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying, 'Your doom is near at hand.'" The Captain of the White tower paced. "Isildur's Bane is found."
Without a second thought, he reached for the cursed ring. Gandalf, Elrond, and you exchanged concerned glances. 
"Boromir!" The half elf leapt out of his seat. 
Even the wizard himself was affected by the ring's power. Standing up and beginning to chant in the Black Speech, the ring echoed the harsh words. Thunder crackled loudly as the sky darkened. The Council stared around themselves in fear and confusion.
"Fárea!" You roared into the commotion, having had enough. (Enough!)
Cowed by your authority, the voice of the Ring eventually died away. People resumed their seats, horrified, Boromir amongst them. A few curious glances were thrown your way, but you ignored them.
"The Ring is altogether evil!" Gandalf spoke after a pointed silence. Giving the Captain of the White Tower a scathing look, he too took his seat again. 
"It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor," Boromir resumed, looking unperturbed. "Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!"
"You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master," The Ranger spoke for the first time, the other one holding him back.
"And what would a ranger know of this matter?" Boromir almost snorted.
You watched in surprise as Legolas stepped forward this time, briefly brushing his shoulder over yours. "This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."
"Aragorn? This… is Isildur's heir?"
"And heir to the throne of Gondor."
Members of the Council widened their eyes at the realization, and turned to observe the Rangers. 
"Havo dad, Legolas," The mentioned Ranger replied in Elvish. (Sit down, Legolas.)
"Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king." Boromir responded, almost childishly, but resumed his seat. 
Aragorn briefly frowned, but only relaxed when his companion placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"Aragorn is right. We cannot use it," The wizard spoke in the awkward silence.
"You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed," The half elven agreed with a nod.
"Then what are we waiting for?" A dwarf spoke out. Grabbing his axe, he approached the pedestal. In one fell swoop, the axe clang against the metal and splintered apart, much to the surprise of many. In response, whispers in the black tongue issued forth from the Ring.
After watching Frodo wincing in pain, Elrond shook his head. "The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came."
"One of you must do this."
"One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!" Boromir exclaimed from his seat. 
Standing indignantly, Legolas shouted, "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!"
"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" Gimli returned in kind. 
"And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!" Boromir continued, adding to the fuel.
"I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!" Gimli roared. "Never trust an Elf!"
With a shake of your head, you, Gandalf, and Elrond watched as the Council erupted into madness, each fighting the other to be the ring bearer. Through it all, you turned your gaze on the young hobbit as he gazed forlornly at it.
As the commotion continued, Gandalf thumped his staff on the ground, demanding silence. "Do you not understand that while we bicker amongst ourselves, Sauron's power grows?! None can escape it! You'll all be destroyed!"
Suddenly, flames encircled the ring, engulfing the surface. 
"I will take it!" Frodo yelled, hoping to gain attention from the other Council members. "I will take it!"
You raised an eyebrow at the hobbit, then caught Gandalf's gaze on you. You nodded in turn, and turned away as the wizard's eyes briefly closed shut before opening again. 
Making up his mind, he got to his feet and approached Frodo. "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear," He placed a reassuring hand on the hobbit's shoulder. 
"If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will," Aragorn knelt in front of the hobbit. "You have my sword."
Before you could stop Legolas, the prince of elves joined the center. "And you have my bow."
"And my axe!" Gimli glanced grimly at the elf in the front. 
Striding forward, Boromir joined the growing group. "You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done."
You smiled to yourself, proud that everyone was coming together to fight the dark lord. 
"Heh!" Another hobbit jumped out from the bushes. "Mister Frodo is not goin' anywhere without me!"
"No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not," Elrond smiled, sounding more amused than annoyed."
"Wait! We are coming too!" A pair of hobbits emerged from the pillars they were hiding from. 
"Lord Elrond. I want to join," The second Ranger stepped forward, sounding more like a lady. "Someone will have to watch the company as much as possible, and watch Aragorn's back."
As the half elf agreed to each of the demands, you pushed to your feet and stood up nervously. As all eyes turned to you, you cleared your throat unnecessarily.
"I too would like to join," You spoke in determination. Your parents' Maiar locked eyes with yours, and soon became a stare off. However, he soon acquiesced with a nod. You turned to Elrond next, who only watched you for a moment. 
"Eleven companions. So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!" The Lord of Rivendell announced. 
"Great! Where are we going?" One of the newer hobbits asked.
For a brief moment, you wondered if you joining the Fellowship would even be a good idea. It was a secret mission to Mordor, any wrongly placed action could end into disaster. However, it was too late. Turning to the West, you were assured as a warm wind blew through each strand of your hair, and for a brief moment, gently caressed your cheek.
Your father, Manwë would never admit that he was soft at heart. Your mother would though. For a moment, you were excited to be a part of the journey, knowing that both your parents would be watching over this endeavor.
Looks like you were now officially part of the Fellowship of the Ring. 
Permanent Tags: @asraime @mournthewicked Taglist is open!
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Classified: Part 9
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Luke is still adjusting to life in the BAU when a familiar face from the past joins the team as their Communications Liaison. Last time he saw her they were in the Iraqi desert on a highly confidential mission. Some ghosts are meant to stay buried…
Masterlist (x)
“Y/N, I don’t want to-” “I need to speak to you.”
A pained groan escaped Luke’s lips as he held his head in despair. It was the morning after your unexpected phone call and the strain of your terrible fallout was making him more frustrated than ever. He resented being cut off during your conversation last night. The fact that you hadn’t even bothered to return his frantic messages only made his anger worse.
He wasn’t used to feeling desperate. After all, he was former ranger and highly-respected FBI agent. It should have been impossible for him to be reduced to a wreck because of a woman. But, whenever you were involved his emotions just overcame him and he ended up embarrassing himself.
He couldn’t help but wonder why everything seemed to go wrong between the two of you. After Iraq things were meant to get easier. But, ever since your arrival, his life had never felt more difficult.
Would the secrets and darkness of the past haunt you forever?
Luke shook his head as if to scold himself for doubting you again. The fact remained that after everything and in spite of his internal agony, he could never regret you being a part of his life. It didn’t matter if there had been trouble along the way or if you keeping things from him. He trusted you and if you were going through your worst, he wanted to be there with you.
And, in that moment, it suddenly became clear. He needed to speak to you. He barely heard Spencer’s concerned words as he swiftly brushed past the doctor, speeding out of the bullpen and bursting into your office.
However, the sight that greeted him made him frown in confusion. The darkened room seemed to torment him as his eyes raked over the perfectly tidy desk, the seat in which you should have been sat unexpectedly empty.
He tried to ignore the chilling fear that began to creep up his spine as he raced back into the bullpen. His lips curved into a grimace as he glanced at the assembled team.
“Where’s Y/N?”
Their confused expressions and bewildered silence did nothing to soothe his growing nerves.
“Luke, what’s-”
But, Matt’s kind words couldn’t reach Luke. He only shook his head in disbelief as he shrugged off his colleague’s comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Prentiss?” Luke questioned quietly, almost dreading his Unit Chief’s answer. Emily pursed her lips, twisting her hands anxiously under Luke’s worried gaze.
“She hasn’t been in touch with me.”
Hushed murmurs seemed to echo around the room as the rest of the team tried to reason your absence. But, Luke was deaf to their reassuring words. He knew something was wrong. He just knew it.
“She’s gone.”
The only sound was your laboured breathing as the surrounding darkness obscured the evil that lurked in the gloominess. The faint metallic scent of blood stung your nostrils as the sticky droplets dripped down your cheek. How did you end up here?
A menacing chuckle echoed around the room as a figure stepped out from the shadows.
“It’s nice to see you again Agent Y/L/N. You haven’t changed one bit.”
You bit your lip to contain the pained groan that threatened to escape as a hand forcefully struck your cheek. The heavy footsteps behind you made your heart race sickeningly as you tried to focus on composing yourself. You couldn’t show them any fear.
He tutted mockingly as he took a step forward, his eyes glistening with mirth as he gazed at the angry wounds covering your face.
“I have to say…you’re not looking too well. What a shame.”
“I should have known.”
“Luke just calm down. We don’t know if-.”
An angry growl ripped from his throat as he spun around to face his concerned colleagues.
“I’m telling you that something’s wrong.” He snarled, pulling at his short dark curls in frustration as he gestured wildly towards the glass door of the BAU. “Y/N would never not show up to work. She’s-” He let out an exasperated sigh, rubbing furiously at his temples in an effort to soothe his pounding head. “She’s in trouble. Please you have to believe me.”
The pleading tone in his voice made him feel slightly ill. Never had he sounded so desperate. But the thought of you being in danger was enough for him to forsake his dignity. At this point, he didn’t even care if he had to answer awkward questions from his teammates.
He just wanted to find you.
“Alvez, how do you know something’s wrong?” Rossi asked him quietly, his eyes full of sympathy as he patted him gently on the arm. The older agent was always a source of guidance for the team and Luke had never been more appreciative of his reassuring authority than in this moment.
“She called me last night.” Luke replied, glancing down at his mobile before handing it over to a terrified Garcia. “She wanted to tell me something…something important. I thought she hung up on me, but I think…”
He trailed off, unable to openly voice the horrible possibilities of what had happened. “She’s in trouble.” He repeated, daring to meet his colleagues’ apprehensive gazes.
Prentiss coughed loudly, attempting to clear her throat. A part of her felt incredibly guilty, after all she had known something was wrong for a long time. And, if anyone knew how dangerous the ghosts of your past could be, it was her.
“Garcia trace the call. Matt and JJ check out Y/N’s apartment. Rossi, Reid and Tara start looking into her recent investigations, focusing on the work she did in counterterrorism.”
It was clear that the team were wondering why Prentiss had taken Luke’s suspicions so seriously and what secrets you and the former ranger had been keeping from them. But, they were willing to put their concerns aside if there was even a chance you needed their help.  
Luke barely paid attention as they rushed off to start their assignments, his mind too preoccupied with thoughts of you. He jumped slightly as Prentiss laid a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Luke, you couldn’t have-”
Luke shook his head, brushing off her hand as he slammed his fist into his desk, the photograph of Roxy standing alongside his regiment shaking under the force of his rage.
“I’m a profiler and I-” He choked under the strain of his emotions as he tried to convey the guilt that was threatening to overwhelm him. “What if something happens to her Prentiss? What if she-”
“She won’t.” Prentiss replied confidently, her authoritative tone strangely soothing as she fixed Luke with a firm stare. “We’re going to find her.”
“You just couldn’t leave it alone, could you? People like you never can.”
Your head hung motionless as you focused on controlling your ragged breathing. The throbbing pain inside your head threatened to explode as the injuries began to take their toll. Your vision blurred as the man crouched down in front of you, a sickening grin spread across his lips as he forced you to face him.
“You tried your best Agent. It was truly admirable….”
You winced as agonising screams echoed in your head, the raging fires of the explosions you had witnessed seemingly burning your skin as you recalled all of the destruction the man in front of you had been responsible for. It was painful to even be in his presence.
The fear was almost paralysing as his hand brushed against your forehead, pushing back the matted hair that was coated in blood.
“But, it was all for nothing. You’ve lost.”
You scoffed mockingly, daring to meet his piercing gaze. “You’re the one who’s going to lose Omar. Men like you always do.”
“Men like me?” He laughed coldly, his eyes glistening with rage as his hand shot out to violently strike your cheek. You bit your lip to contain your pained gasp, but his next words caused you to lose all your composure.
“Tell me then Agent, what about men like Luke Alvez?”
Luke took a deep breath. Standing before the team of profilers had never been more nerve-wracking than now. It was time to confess.
“I knew Y/N before she joined the team. We knew each other…” He trailed off, pausing slightly as he noted the bewildered expressions on his colleagues’ faces.
“From the bureau?” Tara asked quizzically, glancing at Luke in concern as he firmly shook his head. It was clear that something was deeply troubling the former ranger, but no one was any the wiser to why he seemed so frantic about your apparent ‘disappearance’.
“No. From the army…from Iraq.” Luke explained, his voice no more than a mere whisper as he fixed his gaze on his shaking hands. “We served together.”
An awkward tension filled the room as the profilers absorbed the startling information. Whatever they had thought about the strange dynamic between the two of you, they never could have imagined this being the reason behind it.
“I’m sorry.” Luke began to apologise, hoping that they would somehow understand the predicament the two of you had been placed in. “We couldn’t tell you…any of you. Our mission was classified. I-”
Luke rubbed at his temples in frustration. “I think it has something to do with her going missing. She was investigating a traitor within our ranks.”  
The team sat in respectful silence as Luke began to explain your shared history, the secrecy of your mission to capture high-level Al- Qaeda operatives and...how you had failed to capture Aaban Omar.
What Luke didn’t mention was how you had used to make him laugh as you played catch with an over excitable Roxy, how the two of you had spent precious evenings gazing at the magnificent desert sunset or how the memory of your hair blowing in the dusty sand still managed to keep him up at night.
Eventually, his voice faded under the emotional strain of recounting your history and it was only when Matt’s gentle hand guided him into his seat that he was able to regain focus.
Emily coughed quietly, rising from her seat to address the team. “I know we’re all surprised by this. I know we all have questions. But, the only thing that matters here is Y/N.”
Everyone murmured in agreement as they flashed Luke a supportive smile. It didn’t matter what had happened, you were one of them. It was that simple.
They would always protect their family.
@pacificst, @wandressfox, @aiikaa, @delnquents, @side-angel, @seekerofmagnificentmysteries, @criminal-navy-writings, @lunarsolange, @crimeshowtrash, @kissingwintergoodbye, @miss-cap21, @myhogwartslibrary, @spencer-puppies-and-stuff, @samwinchxtr, @sociallyakwardb, @justinbm1, @shaelyn102, @jessiedangerous, @rubenlosthischeeks, @allyp1023, @captainreid, @ultrarebelheart, @hayleesteashoppe, @lookwhatyoumademequeue, @johnmurphyneedslove, @letsstarsfalling, @scarletraine, @gublerandbands, @pctemaximoff, @heyitskatrina, @thelostallycat, @music--believer, @thedepressedsponge, @http-natiii, @justanotherfanficreader
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kazosa · 7 years
Second Chances - Jeff x Reader: Chapter 18
Summary: Reader and Jeff work a project and become fast friends. The project ends and they go their separate ways, neither forgetting the other. With Hollywood being a small community, you two bump into one another either at events or projects, but there is always something keeping you apart. Will the obstacles ever end? Chapter 18 Summary: The trip moves on from San Francisco to the Seattle suburbs, reader meets Jeff’s parents Warnings: language (as usual), little bit of new people anxiety, bit of fluff A/N: Please leave comments or let me know if you want to be tagged, etc Word count: 1900(ish) Catch up here: Masterlist Tags: @jml509  @jasoncrouse  @yellatthetopofyourlungs  @bookchic20  @prettyepiic  @rizflo-blog  @curious-sub7  @backseat-negan  @warriorqueen1991
     Jeff got in contact with his mom and she was fine with the two of you taking a day before finishing the drive. So, you and Jeff found a hotel for the night and took your tour of Alcatraz Island the next day. The tour guides tried to keep it a serious tour, and they did a fantastic job, but you and Jeff couldn’t stop making sarcastic remarks and inappropriate jokes the whole time. The park rangers were not amused when every time they said “penal” you and Jeff would snicker, the rangers kept giving you dirty looks, but it didn’t stop either of you. By the time you got back to your hotel, there wasn’t much time left in the day to travel, so you stayed another night and you had ideas on how to occupy Jeff’s time.
     Wake-up call came far too early for either of you. Jeff wanted to make it for dinner at his parents’ house and that meant getting up at 0530 so you all could be on the road by 0630. It was going to be a long day of driving, but the fun you’d had the day before made it worth it. Instead of sticking to the 101, Jeff opted to take interstate 5 up north so it would go quicker. Jeff was doing a good job of keeping you distracted but when you were a half hour away, nothing could stop the butterflies from trying to escape.
     He noticed when she got quiet. She wasn’t a big talker in the first place, but he usually could keep her going. They’d always been able to talk about almost anything. It never failed to surprise him how much they had in common, especially considering their age difference. He saw her looking out her window and knew that she was getting nervous.      “Sweetheart, you gotta relax,” he said smiling.      She looked at him and knew instantly that was the wrong thing to say.      “Relax? Relax? You want me to relax knowing that in the next thirty minutes I will be meeting my boyfriend’s parents for the first time? I haven’t been around anyone’s parents since my own died, I’m FREAKING OUT Jeff!”      “Okay, I’m sorry, you’re right,” he turned back to the road. They were getting close. He’d pulled off into the suburbs and were mere minutes away from the house.      “I’ve never met anyone’s parents before, Jeff,” she said quietly.      “I know, sweetheart, it’ll be fine,” he tried to reassure her.
     Just a few moments passed and you were turning into the long driveway. As you pulled up, you noticed that everything looked beautiful. It was so green up there. The house was well taken care of and the yard neat and tidy. There were flowers on the front steps and a flag on the porch.      You got out slowly. Jeff was already letting Bisou out and getting the bags down from the roof. You’d just set foot out of the Jeep when the front door burst open and a small lady came out with her arms upstretched calling, “You’re here!”      Jeff put a bag down by your feet and Bisou took off running toward the house, where a good-looking older gentleman came walking out of the door.      “Oh, watch out, she’s a hugger,” Jeff winked at you and had his shit-eating grin plastered on his face.      The look of terror on your face sent him over the edge in fits of laughter as his mom, Sandy, came up to you and squeezed you in a surprisingly tight hug.      “Oh sweetie, you must be (Y|N), it’s so good to finally meet you!” she finally let you go. “Jeff has told us so much about you!”      Jeff’s dad, Richard, had reached you by then. He was more quiet than his wife, but not too much.      “Let me get that bag for you, (Y|N),” Richard said and took your bag. “It’s good to meet you, come inside.”      “Dinner is almost ready, I hope you two are hungry,” Sandy said.      “Uh, yeah, starving actually,” you answered. Richard and Jeff were ahead of you both and were taking the bags inside.      Sandy stopped you. “(Y|N), I’m going to be blunt for a minute,” she paused until you nodded, “My son hasn’t been this happy in a long time, maybe ever. It’s nice to see that light in his eyes again. Tell me, sweetie, are you in love with him?”      You felt the trickle of sweat run down your back, your heart thumping. You tried to speak, but couldn’t form a word, all you could do was nod. The terror must have been evident on your face.      Sandy smiled up at you. “Don’t worry, honey. You’re part of the family now. Anyone that makes Jeff so happy that he'll drive 12 hours straight in a Jeep, can’t be all bad,” she teased.      You let out a shaky breath and a smile, “I think coming up in his truck would have been worse!”      Sandy crooked her arm in yours and led you inside the house. “Wait til you see the baby pictures I have. Jeff will be so embarrassed!”      You liked Sandy already.
     Richard and Sandy were very much like their son, very easy to talk to and get to know. They shared a lot with you and made you feel like you really were part of the family in a very short time. You’d spent five days in the Morgan home and you felt like you could have stayed much longer. It was nice to have the feeling of a surrogate Mom and Dad. It had been seven years since you had an “adult” in your life.      It was your last night in the Morgan home and Jeff had just put a rack of ribs and chicken breasts on the grill. He’d prepared them the day before and they smelled delicious. You were sitting on a stool in the kitchen talking to his mom. When Jeff came back in, he brought with him the smell of the BBQ.      “And how are my two favorite ladies doing?” he asked in his charming way.  He went to the sink to wash his hands.      “Your mom was just telling me about your pet parakeet,” you told him trying to hide your grin as you took a drink of your Captain and Coke.      Jeff gave his mom a funny look before he spoke to you, “It was an accident, I swear! I don’t leave clothes like that anymore. Tell her!” Jeff pointed to his mom for you to explain.      You felt hot from trying to keep the laughter in. You were breathing hard when you said, “It’s true, he picks up after himself better now.”      “Better?” Sandy said.      “Well, there’s a lot less places for a parakeet to hide,” you teased. “Poor lil guy.”      Jeff finished washing his hands and came around the bar to stand behind you. He wrapped his arms around you so you couldn’t move your arms and rasped his beard into your neck making you screech.      “It was an accident!” he grumbled into your neck, sending goosebumps down your side. “Tell me I’m a good boyfriend.”      “Oh my God, you’re a good boyfriend!” you said. Just as quickly as he’d grabbed you, he let you go and spun you around on the barstool and put his hands on the arm rests, his face inches from yours.      You put your hands on his smiling face, your thumbs tracing his cheek bones. You looked up into his eyes. No words needed to be spoken, he knew what you were thinking. He leaned in and kissed you tenderly on your lips. With your hands still on his face, his mouth goes to your ear.      “Happy Birthday, sweetheart, I love you so much,” he said, giving you goosebumps again. He kissed the spot on your neck just below your ear then stood up straight. “I’m gonna check on the food.”      Sandy was watching you like she had seen her future filled with grandchildren. Instead of saying anything about you and Jeff, she took a different route.      “(Y|N), I didn’t know it was your birthday until this morning. SOMEBODY, didn’t tell me,” she shot Jeff a dirty look, “you have to promise you’ll come back then we can go get you something special.”      “Oh, Sandy, that’s not necessary. Honestly, this is one of the best birthdays I’ve had in quite a long time,” you told her. “Have you had his barbeque before? He’s amazing.”      Sandy just gave you a knowing smile. She knew that look in your eyes. She saw it every time she looked at Richard and she hoped that her husband saw the same look in her own eyes. An idea struck her. She would need to talk to Richard first, but she was certain he would be okay with it.      After a little more chit chat with (Y|N), Richard came back in. He stood near (Y|N) and put his hand on her shoulder in a way Sandy had seen him do with Jeff. Sandy saw her smile up at him and pat his hand absently. (Y|N) was fitting in nicely.
     Jeff didn’t know what to get you for your birthday, but he had somehow managed to find earrings to go with the star necklace he had given you five years ago. You told him he shouldn’t have, but you put them in immediately.      He touched the star that hung around your neck, “You sure it’s okay?”      “I love them, of course they’re okay. I love stars and they’re from you, so even better,” you assured him. You turned your head and moved your hair out of the way so you could see them sparkle in the mirror. You saw him watching you move in the mirror. Slowly, you turned around to face him, dropping your hair. You put your hand on his chest and ran it up behind his neck, stepping closer as you pulled him down to you…      Best birthday ever.
     The next morning, you were getting ready to go. You noticed that Jeff still had the spring in his step from the night before. Sandy and Richard both gave you a warm hug and sent you on your way. Bisou was not happy to be stuck in the back seat again, but she settled down after a bit. Thankfully, you kept a box of tissues in your Jeep. Usually you kept it for your allergies, but this time, you used ‘em for your tears you’d hoped wouldn’t come.      “You okay, sweetheart?” Jeff asked you.      “Yeah,” you sniffled. “That was just harder than I thought it’d be.”      “Told you they’d love you,” he said.      Yeah, but you weren’t expecting to love them back…      “We’ve got three days to get home, where do you want to go first?” he changed the subject.      “I wanna go to Astoria, Oregon,” you told him.      Jeff laughed, “The Goonies house?”      “Hell yes! Plus, I told Norman I’d get him something cool,” you told him.      He was still chuckling, “You know he’s an adult, right?”      “Yeah, but still, how cool would it be to get something from there? We could, at least, get something for Ming,” you reasoned.      Jeff really didn’t need his arm twisted, he would do anything if he could just be with her forever… Plus, he wanted to see The Goonies house, too.
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hi there lovely, i don't know if you've already written something like this or not. but could you do one where reader x luke are secretly married and something happens (you can decide!) and the team finds out? whenever you get the chance? :)
So, I changed this one up a little bit. Instead of being married, the reader and Luke have just been in a relationship for a while. She’s recently become pregnant and the team only find out they’re dating after witnessing Luke’s reaction to her injuring herself. Apologies if this is a bit rubbish, I’m feeling a little out of practice!
The Fall
Fandom: Criminal MindsPairing: Luke Alvez x ReaderPrompt: Request
Description: An awful accident leads the team to discover that you and Luke share a secret.
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It was strange to think that someone’s life could change in an instant. But, it all happened so fast.
One moment you were laughing softly at Luke’s terrible baby name suggestion and then the next you were tumbling down the stairs. The last thing you could remember was his panicked voice before everything faded to black.
“Alvez, you need to-”
“Don’t tell me what to do Rossi.” Luke snarled angrily, brushing past the older agent as he continued to relentless pace the hospital corridor.
It killed Luke to treat his friends so terribly. However, they didn’t understand what he was going through right now. The woman he loved and his unborn child were hurt and everything was out of his control. It was unbearable.
Your relationship hadn’t been designed as a secret to keep from the people you loved most. It had just been a natural decision once the two of you had talked over the potential repercussions of an office relationship.
It wasn’t just bureau’s fraternisation rules either, it was the entire culture surrounding interteam relations. The last thing either of you wanted was enhanced scrutiny of your decisions and your ability to perform your jobs being called into question.
Perhaps your teammates would have understood, but the FBI brass wouldn’t have. Neither of you wanted to burden your new Unit Chief with the stress of defending your relationship to the higher ups.
It wasn’t as if it had been easy to keep your relationship a secret from a group of profilers. Especially following your discovery that you were pregnant. Luke could have sworn that your teammates had picked up on the small gestures of affection you dared to share or the fact that he had been strangely attentive recently.
Judging by the concern on Rossi’s face, the older agent definitely suspected something was wrong.
The older agent inhaled sharply, taken aback by Luke’s adverse reaction to his attempt to comfort him. Luke had never spoken to him with such disrespect. The rest of the team also exchanged shocked looks at the harsh tone in their friend’s voice. It was unlike him to show hostility to anyone except an unsub. In fact, the entire time they had known the Bronx-born man he had only displayed a calm and humble manner.
Naturally, they were all shaken up by your accident. Having to witness your unconscious form crumpled at the bottom of the BAU stairs would be a sight that would always haunt them. Yet, none of them had taken it as badly as Luke.
The former ranger had been a mess ever since your accident. It had been him who had refused to move from your side as they carried you into the ambulance, squeezing your hand tightly as he murmured quietly to the paramedic. Of course, the entire team knew that the two of you were close. However, the concern shining in his dark eyes hinted that there was something more behind his worry.
“Luke, she’ll be okay.” Prentiss attempted to reassure him, gently patting his shoulder in an effort to comfort him. “You did everything you could.”
Luke only shook his head. Even Prentiss’ confident voice couldn’t soothe his growing fear.
You meant everything to him. He couldn’t lose you. The mere thought of you or your baby being harmed filled him with an uncontrollable terror that threatened to paralyse him.
Perhaps the BAU had made him blind to the other perils of the world? The moment you had confessed your pregnancy to him, he had begun worrying about the potential danger posed by unsubs or being in the field. He had foolishly assumed that he would be able to protect you from any threat. Yet, you had been injured whilst he was stood by your side.
He hadn’t been able to protect his family.
The guilt was threatening to consume him as he glanced up at his colleagues’ concerned expressions. It was in that moment that he decided to confess it all to them. They deserved to know.
“Y/N’s pregnant.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine Luke.” You insisted firmly, pressing a tender kiss to his lips to silence his protests. “The doctors have given me the all clear.”
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he laced his fingers through yours, gently squeezing your hand as if to try to reassure himself that you were stood in front of him completely unharmed. You smiled softly as you entangled your fingers in his short dark curls, rubbing soothing circles in an effort to soothe his worries.
It must have been a terrifying experience for your boyfriend to witness you falling down the stairs, however it had only taken a thorough hospital examination for you to be released. Thankfully, no harm had come to you or the baby. In the future, you would just have to be more careful and concentrate properly on the stairs instead of being preoccupied with baby names debates.
“I’ll get it.” He muttered quietly, reaching down to pick up your bag. Your protests were swiftly dismissed by a shake of his head and a strong arm draped around your waist to gently guide you to the lobby.
You frowned slightly at his actions. It was strange to see Luke unnerved. You were so used to his unyielding strength and composure that watching him fret over you carrying your own bag was rather odd.
“Please don’t blame yourself.” You murmured softly, pressing a light kiss to his hand. “It was my fault for being distracted. You did everything right.”
Luke’s eyes met yours directly for the first time, the intensity in their brown depths almost taking your breath away.
“What if-”
You silenced him by capturing him in a passionate kiss, smiling against his lips as he pulled you closer towards his body. It seemed as if the only thing that would reassure your boyfriend of your wellbeing was your touch.
It felt like an eternity had passed before you both eventually pulled away.A soft smile tugged on his lips as he glanced behind you, a muttered apology escaping his mouth.
It wasn’t until you spun around to face the beaming faces of your colleagues and the bundle of baby balloons that you realised that your friends finally knew the truth…and you couldn’t have been happier.
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I really like the oneshots about luke and rossis daughter 💗 could you maybe do a third part? Maybe something like luke proposing to you and asking for rossis permission first?
Fandom: Criminal MindsPairing: Luke Alvez x ReaderPrompt: Request (follow-up to A Day at the BAU and Carbonara)
Description: Following an unfortunate accident, both Luke and Rossi realise how much he truly cares about you.
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So, a third part was requested by two people (one involving asking for permission and the other Rossi realising that Luke loves his daughter following something happening to her). So, I’ve tried to include both angles in this piece. Enjoy!
“Son, why don’t you take a break? Get some air?”
Rossi’s kind words were only met by a firm shake of Luke’s head, the former ranger remaining steadfast in his tight grip of your hand as you lay sleeping in the oversized hospital bed.
It was impossible for your boyfriend to even entertain the thought of leaving your side, not when you needed him.
You and Luke had been dating for almost a year now. Everything had been going perfectly, your relationship only strengthening as time went by. His compassion, dedication and kindness had ensured that you had fallen quickly for him. It felt as if the two of you had known each other forever.
Neither of you could have anticipated anything changing that…until now.
Seeing the fear in Rossi’s eyes as he explained that you had been involved in an accident would always remain the worst moment of Luke’s entire life. Dread filled his stomach as his heart thudded sickeningly against his chest, even reliving the memory flooded his body with terror.
The doctor’s reassuring words that you would make a full recovery from the car crash hadn’t done much to ease his concerns, refusing to budge from his place at your bedside until you had opened your beautiful eyes once more.
Sadly, Luke’s anxiety was putting everyone on edge…including himself.
It was rare to see the former ranger stressed, unheard of to see him frightened. So, watching him clutch onto your hand tightly as he whispered soft pleas for you to wake up was unsettling. They had all known how much you meant to him, but it was quite different to witness it with their own eyes.
As he glanced down at your motionless form, the fear reignited inside him. It was something he wasn’t familiar with – feeling so powerless. Having to watch someone he loved suffer was unbearable.
You just looked so tiny in the huge hospital bed, the gown hanging off you as the wires and tube remained attached. Luke had never considered the fact that you could be vulnerable. He had seen your confidence shine through in every little thing you did.
So, it was only hitting him now how fragile life could be.
Suddenly, everything started to drift from focus. His vision blurred as his heavy breathing seemed to echo around the room. His chest tightened painfully as he listened to the loud bleep of the heart monitor. Nothing made sense as the fear began to take over.
A strong hand on his arm forced him to release your hand, JJ stepping forward to take his place.
“Come on son.”
There was something about the conviction in Rossi’s voice that reassured Luke as the older agent guided him outside into the peaceful surroundings of the hospital garden.
The soothing tranquility allowed him to breathe a little easier, collapsing onto one of the wooden benches as he held his head in his hands.
“She’s going to be okay.” Rossi told him firmly, clapping him on the shoulder as he sat down beside him.
“I know. I just can’t-” Luke exhaled sharply, trying to calm his racing heartbeat.
It was completely irrational that he was continuing to freak out because he knew everything would be okay. You would wake up any moment now and would tease him for being so silly.
But, the fact that things could have ended up a lot differently haunted him.
“What if-”
Rossi shook his head resolutely, clasping Luke’s hand in his in an effort to prevent it from trembling. After all his years in the FBI, he knew how to spot the signs of panic attack. He had just never expected it to be Luke who was suffering from one.
His daughter was truly loved by him.
“She’s fine Luke.”
Luke could only nod as Rossi fixed him with a firm gaze, his defiant eyes refusing to allow any doubt to into his own mind. You would be fine…
“I was scared too.” Rossi added, lacing his fingers together as he lent back on the bench. “After everything we see, we almost forget that there are other dangers out there.”
He sighed heavily, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to process the day’s events. Discovering that his daughter had been injured in a car accident had truly terrified him, he had only just released the rosary beads from his own hand.
He couldn’t blame Luke for his worry because he shared it.  
“You love her.”
Luke didn’t hesitate in his response. “Of course, I do.”
Rossi smiled to himself, proud of how naturally it came to your boyfriend to declare his feelings.
Initially, he had doubts about you becoming involved with a fellow agent – their work was dangerous and many of the men at the bureau were either reckless or too involved with their careers to commit. However, despite his wariness, Luke had proven himself to be an exceptionally good guy.
He might have tried winding the two of you up and perhaps he had been a little too overprotective, certainly interrupting your dates with texts wasn’t ‘cool’. But, there had never been any doubt in his mind that you deserved one another.
You made each other happy.
Being able to see his daughter smiling more brightly than ever before had given him a joy than was incomparable to anything else. As long as Luke continued to love her, he would happily welcome him into his family.
“I thought you might have something to ask me.”
Luke glanced up in bewilderment to see a small smile on his colleague’s face, his eyes twinkling with mirth. How could Rossi possibly know what he had been thinking about for the past month?
Something that he had been slowly building up the courage to discuss with him.
“You’re a good profiler Rossi.” He admitted, a sheepish grin appearing on his face as he rubbed his neck nervously.
“Obviously.” Rossi replied, sending him a playful wink as he clapped him on his back. “The answer’s yes and I appreciate you asking.”
Luke smirked. “I haven’t really asked you yet.”
Rossi let out a bark of laughter. “Well, that was your intention. I’ll spare you the anxious wait given the circumstances. Besides, my daughter isn’t a big fan of convention as you might have gathered.”
Luke smiled softly, rising to his feet as he accepted Rossi’s helpful hand to guide himself up. It didn’t matter if Rossi talked his ear off for the rest of the day about proposal ideas, finally accepting Luke’s appeasement at promising to host an engagement party at his mansion.
All that mattered was the hope that Luke felt for the future - with you by his side. 
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I had an idea for a oneshot involving phil (and maybe lou): after a difficult case luke gets haunted by his old fears but he doesn't talk about it and pretends everything is okay. However his girlfriend notices that something is wrong and asks phil for help because luke is shutting her out. Could be angsty with some fluff at the end 😊
A Friend’s Help
Fandom: Criminal MindsPairing: Luke Alvez x ReaderPrompt: Request
Description: Phil is there for Luke when he needs him most.
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“Is there anything I can do?”
Your voice was a faint whisper, barely audible as you apprehensively examined your boyfriend. It wasn’t unusual for Luke to suffer from restless nights, often you woke up to find him wide awake beside you – a protective arm draped around your waist as he attempted to calm his racing thoughts.
Experiencing the worst of humanity on a daily basis wasn’t easy and the distressing nature of his work effected Luke more than he would ever admit. You tried your best to be there for him, offering him all the support you possibly could, but he simply couldn’t open up about the fear that plagued his soul.
It was obvious that the recent case the BAU had worked continued to haunt his nightmares tonight.
You didn’t have to be a profiler to know that the brutal torture and murders of young women who bore a striking resemblance to yourself would upset your boyfriend. The pain in his brown eyes as he gently caressed your face on his return home made it excruciatingly clear that he was terrified at the prospect of ever losing you.
He just couldn’t bring himself to confide his worries in you. How could he ever drag you into the darkness of his work? Your sincere reassurances and tender kisses couldn’t ease the fear stirring in his heart and the last thing he wanted to do was burden you with the heaviness of his troubles.
“I’m fine.” Luke replied quietly, his voice cold as he shifted towards the edge of the bed. He rested his head in his hands dejectedly as he inhaled deeply. “I just can’t sleep.”
His strained murmur almost broke your heart. But, before you could even reach for his hand, he had risen from the bed and slunk off towards the living room – presumably in an attempt to evade your questioning gaze.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you anxiously twisted your hands in the bedsheets. It felt as if there was nothing you could do to comfort your boyfriend and it deeply hurt to know he was suffering by himself. Luke would often distance himself at times like this, desperate to keep his nightmares a secret.
Perhaps he couldn’t talk to you about the horrors that plagued his mind. However, there was someone who understood him better than anyone. Someone who could be there for him.
You knew exactly who to call.
“Hey man.”
Luke’s eyes widened in surprise as they fell upon the late-night visitors who had unexpectedly turned up at the front door. The last thing he had been expecting at one in the morning had been a loud knock on the door announcing the arrival of Phil and Lou.
“Y/N thought you could use a friend’s help.”
The sympathetic smile on his friend’s face told him that you must have filled him in on the situation. Luke was grateful for your understanding. He hated seeing the worry etched onto your beautiful face and he hated being the reason behind it even more.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you. In fact, the thing he wanted most of all was to be able to be close to you. But, sometimes he just couldn’t shake off the horrors of a case and he never wanted you to experience the same fear that kept him awake at night.
Fortunately, you knew him better than he knew himself – deciding that what he truly needed was the company of a friend. If anyone could understand his fear, it was Phil. He had been with Luke through it all – whether it was standing beside him in Iraqi desert or raiding a suspect’s location in the Fugitive Task Force.
Part of the reason why Luke was terrified of losing someone he cared about was because of their history. The scars Daniel Cullen had left on his partner still haunted him, the agonising screams still echoed in his head. It had taken a long time for Luke to be able to forgive himself for Phil’s torture.
Phil gently patted him on the arm as Luke guided him into the living room, smiling softly as he took in the exhaustion in his friend’s eyes.
“I know you don’t like to talk about it, but I’m here for you.”
The sincerity of Phil’s words made Luke’s eyes soften as he took a seat in front of his friend, nodding slowly as he took a deep breath. Perhaps this is what he needed all along, to confess his fears to someone who had stood by his side in the darkness.
Following your phone call, Phil had immediately decided to pay his fellow ranger a much-needed visit. Luke had been there for him during his worst moments, providing him with the encouragement and support he needed to push through with his therapy. It was time for Phil to return the favour.  
Lou whimpered quietly in excitement as Luke scratched him fondly behind his ears, the presence of the adorable dog instantly soothing his nerves. A smirk played on Phil’s lips as he carefully transferred the squirming puppy into Luke’s arms, snickering quietly as the FBI agent was greeted by an affectionate lick on the cheek.
Luke cradled the puppy close to his chest, gently stroking his soft fur as he glanced up to meet Phil’s gaze.
“Thanks brother.”
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In Your Footsteps: Part 13
You’d never dreamed that something like this could ever happen to you. You had everything…your dream job, a loving boyfriend and the perfect life. But, all that would change with one note and your life would become a living nightmare.
Masterlist (x)
The ordeal may be over, but the angst certainly isn’t...
Silence filled the room as the horror of the night echoed around your head. The images wouldn’t stop flashing before your eyes as you lay there, curled up on your side – clutching the pillow tightly.
A slight movement beside you caused you to jump as Luke shuffled quietly, trying to inch closer to your bed.
He whispered an apology as he laced your fingers together, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. His touch didn’t do much to soothe your fears as he drifted hand up to entangle his fingers through your hair – the gesture only serving as a painful reminder of John yanking your head back earlier.
Luke’s eyes were pained as you shudder under his touch, turning your head away from him. It killed him not to be able to reach you.
Although, you were physically there in front of him – safe and unharmed – he knew how difficult it was for victims to deal with the aftermath of attacks. Some never made a recovery.
He hadn’t left your side ever since he had helped carry you out of the building, shouting down protests from your fellow doctors and nurses as they tried to reason with your boyfriend. There wasn’t a chance he was going to leave you alone.
Thankfully, you were injury-free. But, your Chief had insisted on giving you a bed to recover in anyway – knowing that you needed the sanctuary of the peaceful hospital room. This had always been the place you felt safe.
Luke frowned slightly as he watched you sink deeper into the covers, his eyes filling with concern as he took in your quiet and subdued manner. He had been so worried about getting you back safely, he hadn’t thought about what came afterwards.
A quiet murmur outside your room caught his attention, glancing up to see his team waiting outside – concern etched across all their faces. He sighed softly, bringing your hand to his lips to press a tender kiss on your skin.
“I’ll be right back.”
His heart ached as you didn’t respond, only shifting slightly to turn away from the door. He wondered if you would ever be the same.  
“How is she?” Prentiss asked quietly, gently patting his arm in an attempt to comfort him.
The pained look in his eyes told them everything they needed to know.
“Just give her time Luke.” JJ told him kindly, flashing him a small smile of reassurance as everyone else nodded in agreement.
Inside the room, you slowly closed your eyes – desperately trying to shut out their hushed whispers as they hovered outside the door.
You hoped that time was all you needed.
“You should go home. Get some sleep.” You murmured quietly, delicately tracing the dark circles under Luke’s eyes as he rested his head on your lap.
It had been a day since your hospital admittance, but the trauma of the past year had finally come crashing down – leaving the two of you utterly drained. Luke hadn’t had a moment of rest ever since you had been taken and he couldn’t go on for much longer. You both knew it.
“I’ve had worse.” He replied, stifling a yawn with his hand.
It was true. During his time training with the rangers getting three hours of sleep had been a privilege. Although, even his gruelling military drills hadn’t been as difficult as worrying about you.
It was as if he was scared you would disappear in front of his eyes.  
“Just go Luke.” You sighed, turning your head away from him.
Although you were grateful for his dedication, his presence was a little smothering. You just wanted a moment for yourself to just breathe.
His jaw clenched slightly in anger at your words. It was hard for him to hear your dismissive tone. Everything felt heightened due to the fear he still felt.
“I’ll go to find the doctor. Maybe we can get you released today…” He muttered quietly, dropping your hand as he swiftly exited the room. You both needed your space right now.
The truth was that you couldn’t bear to face him.
The guilt consumed you entirely as your mind racked over what had happened. It was your fault. John had been your patient and you should have known something was wrong. You were meant to be a doctor.
Not to mention that you should have never kept secrets from Luke. Perhaps if you had told him about the notes as soon as they started, things might have turned out differently.
Your hand drifted down to your stomach, resting gently against the unnoticeable bump that was beginning to grow. It was the guilt that something could have happened to your baby that truly terrified you. Luke was still completely unaware even now that the two of you were expecting.
You had made sure to take Grace aside, swearing her to secrecy as she promised to ensure that your doctor didn’t reveal the secret to your boyfriend. It was something you couldn’t quite bring yourself to confront just yet.
This wasn’t how things were meant to happen.
You faltered slightly, hesitating in front of your door as you tried to summon up the courage to open it. The key rattled against the lock as your hand trembled nervously.
It was irrational because you knew that you weren’t in any danger anymore. But, all you could think about was the broken glass that had coated the floor and your belongings scattered across the floor...
A gentle hand rested on your arm as Luke carefully took the keys from you, smiling encouragingly as he opened the door for you. He hadn’t been too keen on the idea of you returning to your apartment, only reluctantly agreeing because he wanted you to be able to have control back over your own life.
He knew that you just wanted to regain the sense of normality that your stalker had stolen from you. That was why he was hovering protectively close to you as he guided you inside, placing a reassuring hand on the small of your back as you took a deep breath.
Unfortunately, you both knew that time couldn’t be reversed.
As you glanced around your spotless apartment, you immediately knew that it had been a mistake to return so soon. Your eyes fell upon the wall on which the menacing threat had been scrawled, the scent of fresh paint immediately sickening.
“We can-”
You slowly shook your head, moving forward to dump your bag down on the kitchen counter.
“It’s fine.” You whispered, your voice strained under the pressure of trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over.
You just felt as if you had to push through it.
“I’m getting a shower.” You muttered, not even risking a glance at Luke as he stared at you from across the room. You already knew that the concern in his brown eyes would break you.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you wandered into the bathroom, immediately turning on the hot water in an attempt to soothe the fear that was threatening to constrict your chest. Your fingers gripped against the side of the bath as your head began to spin.
Being back in your old surroundings was meant to make you feel safe, but all it did was remind you of the horror of the past.
Everything was a blur as you sank to the floor. You weren’t even aware of the terrible sobs wracking through your body until you felt strong arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you tightly into a warm embrace.
Luke was there.
“It’s okay.” He told you, his voice calm and reassuring. “I’ll take you home.”
As relief flooded your body at his promise, you realised that things had changed. Home was somewhere you felt safe. Home was with Luke.
Luke’s hand traced delicate circles across your skin, his arms wrapped securely around your waist as you lay curled up beside him. His warm chest and reassuring heartbeat soothing as you tried to summon up the courage to go to sleep.
Truth be told, you were terrified about what you may see once you had shut your eyes.
Luke seemed to understand your fear, nestling your head under his chin protectively. A stray tear slipped down your cheek as he pressed a tender kiss onto your temple.  
“You’ll get through this.” He whispered, his warm breath ruffling your hair slightly as you inched closer to him.
“We’ll get through this.”
Tag List:
@fandomking221b @paralelopipedd @milkandcookies528 @wadewilsonnn @just-a-human @criminal-navy-writings @justanotherfanficreader @sleepylunarwolf @teatimewithtiya @protecteveryonesquad @xotaku-baekx @the-resident-wallflower @clifaye
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