#moments quest giver
whitebookposts · 11 months
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*runs in here *slams this out of breath (no I did not steal this joke from @bongoplayingkrilltamer what are you talking about)
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moonfurthetemmie · 2 months
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so i'm playing World of Warcraft again, for the first time in ages, and apparently in Dreanor there's??? A big mushroom area??? And people who wander in get infected by the spores and attack those who aren't infected?
one of them mentioned bringing me to 'the heart'
I'm still doing the side questline for the area but like. it's the same thing that's happening in Untitled.MP4 down to the goddam color scheme
i have no memory of this place. why is it so similar. i'm so confused
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slocumjoe · 2 months
Concept for if Bethesda loved the other Companions same as old tricky dick
Gage; a dlc that doesn't kinda suck actually, but also properly explores what being a raider entails, and what kind of people end up as one. I don't think you could actually redeem him, but I'd like that idea to be directly confronted, as least. I've talked about this before but it's wasted potential that you can't make the Nuka Gang confront the fact that Oh Shit The Farmers Are Now Dangerous
Deacon: I don't think he needs his own side quest or even DLC, but I'd like him to have side quests attached to him, a la Nick's detective cases sidequests. He's a spy. Pls let us do spy shit
Piper: Same as Deacon, but I think she actively needs a sidequest. Her character gimmick, her plot purpose, and her actual affinity talks are so unrelated it's painful. Let her journalism actually be content, not just a bit of trivia about her. A set of side quests + a personal quest that addresses Diamond City's Problems with a capital P. Lots of societal issues in that little space and we do nothing with any of it.
Preston: just fix the Minutemen and give this man a goddamn break. The Minutemen just need a rehaul, so as to not have him be the quest giver. And give him other stuff to do! I wanna actually fight the Gunners! Bring up and address the failures of the old Minutemen!!! Please!!!
X6-88: give the bitch something oh my God. Much like Gage, I don't think you can convince him to let go of the Institute, but give us a CHANCE. Emil just seems so scared to ask hard questions and use interesting concepts.
Danse; finish his arc you thots (also I think Fallout 4 really lacks some humanizing/soft moments in the world and I think Danse would be a good. Subject? For them. Like a shelter dog getting to play with ducklings. Idk but I have a vision)
MacCready: they forgot that his whole point was having a whole ass baby. Give him his child wtf.
Strong; delete
Codsworth; stronger plot presence. This robot raised that old bitch let him throw hands. Also, if you wanted to put quests in Sanctuary that spawn up as the town develops, Codsworth would be a great quest giver and tagalong as you try and keep the piece and set up some kind of society.
Curie; I've said it before. I'm saying again. Curies whole deal should have been a major plot point. She's a robot that becomes human and develops human feelings with human biology. This is not important to any faction leader. What on earth.
Cait; yall fuckin know how I feel about Cait but honestly, her personal quest sucks so much I'd rather they didn't. Just give her more and better affinity talks. She needs more time to open up and develop, and 4 conversations is not enough.
Hancock; I have quite a few nitpicks about Hancock but the fact that Micky D getting ganked and being revealed to be a synth DOESNT MATTER is insane. Macdonough's last interaction with Hancock was crucial to his character arc and not letting that circle around is so, so miserable. Also, I want politically-charged quests. Campaigning! Discussions on economy! He's a mayor of this weird little anarchy town, let us play in that space.
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eiraeths · 6 months
incorrect cod quotes but its from texts with friends part 1?
these may be a little stupid but fuck it we ball
Gaz: *shows video of a giant cigarette* a challenge for the boys?
Soap: the boys? fuck give me a bottle of jack daniels and i’ll have that smoked in an hour
Gaz: god’s drunkest smoke the most cigarette
Soap: amen
Soap: sometimes i find miscellaneous hardware in my pockets when i get home
Gaz: from what?
Soap: dunno, yesterday i found two bolts and a handful of screws
Gaz: anything new today?
Soap: a cool rock
Gaz: did you forget the giver of your quest or something?
Gaz: you were gonna give ghost a rock?
Soap: it made me think of him
Ghost: hand it over immediately
Ghost: today i’m making eye contact with the shadow men who like to creep around in the corner of my eyesight
Soap: they want you to pay your taxes
Gaz: state sanctioned irs hallucinatory agents
Ghost: they can fucking try
Price: why are you seeing shadow men in the corners of your vision
Ghost: mind your business
Ghost: i think i need to read the terms and conditions for this relationship
Soap: the terms and conditions are a scam listen to every word i say and take it as gospel
Ghost: good enough for me
Gaz: i gotta put you on astral projection hold for a minute
Soap: yeah sure take your time
Price: how did either of you see a therapist without getting sent to the ward the moment you walked in the door
Gaz: i constructed my personality just for my therapist
Soap: mine quit two weeks after i started seeing them
Ghost: all bark and no bite over here
Soap: no i’m going to bite you
Ghost: i bite back
Soap: i have rabies. im carrying 32 diseases transmissible by saliva calling your name
Ghost: my body is full of disease ridden flesh
Soap: i’ll take us both out then
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the-writer-arrived · 11 months
Thank you for the meal!
Synopsis: you are just another citizen of Belobog, going on with your daily life like everyone else, just another face in the crowd...
...or you are actually a succubus who has been living in secret in Belobog for centuries and your main source of nourishment is sexual pleasure. but, oh no! you haven't gotten your food in a while! would someone be kind enough to help you in this desperate times?
Characters: natasha; sampo koski.
Warnings: succubus!afab!reader but no use of pronouns, explicit description of sexual intercourse, unprotected sex (please use protection in real life!), there will be specific warnings at the beggining of each character headcanons.
A/N: is it possible to be jealous of your own writing? WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE TO BE WITH NATASHA MY LOVE!!!
the fact that sampo's part is much longer and elaborated doesn't mean that i like him or anything >_>
This work has adult themes and is not suitable for minors. If you click on read more, I am not responsable for any discomfort you may feel reading this. You have been warned.
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Warnings: switch!reader, switch!natasha, oral sex, face sitting, use of strap (natasha), small spoiler about the main Belobog story quest.
You work at the main clinic of Boulder Town with the doctor/owner Natasha.
After she found out your true identity, she agreed to help you out with your "needs" from time to time and to keep your secret safe, as long as you don't pose as a threat to the people of the Underworld.
Considering her work as a doctor and her duties as leader of the Wildfire, your relationship is more of a casual one.
Whenever you get intimate, you always insist on focusing on Natasha first and foremost.
After all, she's always taking care of everyone, why not allow you to spoil her for a change?
You're always eager to offer your face for her to sit on, like a throne fitting for a queen such as herself.
If you could, you'd spend hours eating her pussy, her thighs shaking on each side of your face, not letting her get away from your hungry mouth as she whines from overstimulation.
When you finally offer her mercy, oh, be prepared for some sweet revenge.
As a succubus, you're more of a giver than a receiver, but boy does it feel good to be a shivering mess under Natasha's bewitching touches.
You on your knees, being fucked from behind by her strap, eyes rolling to the back of your head whenever she grabs your sensitive tail...
Sometimes you wonder if she's actually the succubus here and not you.
RIP your neighbors tho.
After some good aftercare, you lay in bed with Natasha sleeping peacefully in your arms, a moment of respite before her duties eventually demand her attention again.
As you gently stroke her soft hair, you think to yourself that, after things get better and the passageway to the Overworld is open again, you would like to take Natasha on a walk around Belobog, sharing tales from the past... maybe even call it a date?
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Warnings: dom!reader, sub!sampo, very whiny and loud sampo, oral sex, degradation (male receiving), praise kink (sampo), multiple orgasms(sampo), creampie, mention of exhibitionism.
Ahh Sampo Koski, I want to ruin you :D
Sampo Koski, the untrustworthy but efficient "businessman" of Belobog.
He's your to-go man when you need anything and everything, as long as you have cash.
For one reason or another, you became one of his clients and you regret it every time you need his services.
The reason for that is that Sampo may act friendly and even a bit silly, but it's all masks that he wears depending on the situation and the kind of person he's dealing with.
The truth is that Sampo Koski is a very sharp man and ever since the day he first met you, he could tell there was something different about you.
That's why you try your best to have the least amount of contact with the man as possible.
...Unfortunately for you, he would not let you have it your way.
You haven't contacted him in a while? Whoops, here are a bunch of messages from him!
You left him on read? Not a problem! How about a call? He misses your voice!
You are so, so tempted to block him, but you don't, thinking that you might need his services again in the future.
Which you end up needing a very special service this time.
The cost would be high, you knew that, but you were willing to take it. If the worst happens, you can just leave and erase all of your traces that not even the best informant would find you.
With that in mind, you get in touch with Sampo, telling him to meet you at Goethe Hotel.
As said previously, Sampo isn't dumb, he gets what you're hinting at and, honestly, he doesn't mind taking this kind of job from such a charming little thing such as yourself.
...He has to admit that your horns, claws and tail look far too real to simply be one of those corny sex shop costumes of dubious quality.
And have you always been this strong to be able to pin him down on the bed with just one hand?!
He has so many questions, but he knows better than to poke his nose into his clients' lives.
Sampo has lost count of how many orgasms he had in the spam of... How long has it been anyway? He doesn't know. He can barely remember what happened after he stepped inside the hotel room with you.
"Come on, my cute toy, give me one more. I know you have it in you."
His only response is a pathetic whine.
"Can't even speak anymore? But you're always running your mouth all the time... Maybe that's all you're capable of handling, how disappointing. And here I thought you would be able satiate my hunger."
When you make a move to get up from his lap, Sampo grabs your hand, a desperate look on his face.
"What is it? Use your words."
He swallows, trying to find his voice again.
"P-Please don't leave y-yet... I... I-I can still go on..."
You chuckle. He's on the verge of passing out, and yet he still wishes to please you, his oversensitive cock twitching inside your hole proof of it.
"That's what I like to hear. Now, be a good slut and cum for me again."
It wasn't the first time that Sampo came close to death, but to almost die from having sex with a starving succubus?
He wouldn't mind too much tho.
After he woke up, he was still naked on the hotel bed, but clean. How sweet of you. And no sight of you in the room except for a note and a pile of cash.
The note was a threat warning that he should keep what he saw to himself. If not, there will be consequences.
His dick throbbed just imagining your glare aimed at him.
If keeping his lips sealed is all it takes to have more of these "jobs" with you, you don't even have to tell him twice!
And you can bet you become his favorite client so fast after that day.
Please, he's so loud you always have to cover his mouth.
Your fingers, his shirt, a gag, anything to muffle the high pitched whines and moans.
There was one time you teased him, saying "what was the point of you having him in a private setting, if others could hear him so easily? You might as well just open the door and invite an audience".
The way he cummed so hard at your words was baffling.
What a pervert slut he is.
You sometimes allow Sampo to top you, but you always make it crystal clear that it's you who's in charge.
When he goes down you, you have a firm grip on his hair while he laps on your puffy folds, your juices tasting like the finest alcohol of the Overworld that he can't help but get drunk on.
Oh, how he wished oxygen wasn't a thing he needed, just so he could stay between your legs forever!
An easy and quick way to get Sampo hard again after his umpteenth orgarsm is to show him his cum mixed with your own release dripping down your thighs.
Please you're gonna make his dick fall one of these days!
The biggest challange for him is convincing you to go out on a date with him.
You always shoot him down before he can even finishing speaking...
Well, unfortunately for you and fortunately for him, Sampo Koski isn't one to give up so easily!
Mark his words, he will get you to show that sweet smile of yours outside the bedroom!
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monstersdownthepath · 10 months
Monster Spotlight: The Norn
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CR 18
Lawful Neutral Large Fey
Bestiary 3, pg. 202 (pic from 2e Bestiary 2, pg. 184)
Among the most powerful and mysterious of any Fey being, the Norn are ancient guardians (or perhaps creators) of Fate itself. They have an understanding of destiny and futures to come that makes them functionally omniscient... or it did, before Aroden went and bit it. Now prophecy is frayed and unwoven, destiny is severed and uncertain, and the future as it was once known is cast into question. Now more than ever, the Norn may be encountered by the races of man and elf as the ancient Fey wander the cosmos in an attempt to understand the Age of Lost Omens. The majority of their kind are attempting to come to terms with this new age of uncertainty, but some of them are becoming... desperate to reclaim what they once had, or correct what they perceive as an error, sometimes even taking drastic measures.
In most cases, fighting against a Norn is unthinkable and often unneeded. No, a party is more likely to seek a Norn's assistance than its assassination, because even with fate being unwoven, the wisdom of a Norn is valuable indeed. They're able to use both Divination and Vision at will, with the latter impossible for them to fail and the former such child's play for them that even the most cryptic of answers the spell could provide are parsed and solved with the ease of a physicist looking over a child's book of math problems. They're likely a quest-giver, if not a quest objective in and of themselves in the hopes that their foresight will allow a calamity to be averted. Be warned, though, that Norn rarely give out prophecies for free, and they do not accept gold. No, a party seeking one's assistance can be expected to be put under a Geas (which the fey can cast at will) and forced to undertake a specific task as payment for the masters of fate, either before or after they've provided their prophecy. Those who refuse to play along suffer from the fey's at-will Bestow Curse or, if they've been especially offended, the Norn may simply wave her hand and cast Weird on the entire party and be done with it.
Anyone that hopes to force a Norn to reveal its secrets has their work cut out for them. The fey have such a powerful understanding of What Is To Be that they have eternal Foresight, giving them glimpses of 6 or so seconds into the future on demand which, with Foresight covering short-term and Divination covering long-term, assures they're impossible to ever catch off guard. They're also protected by an eternal Mind Blank, True Seeing, AND Death Ward, all of which resume automatically on their turn if the effects are ever ended, dispelled, or expended, and all of which give them extreme resistance or even effective immunity to three of the eight schools of magic! Or, if you want to be generous, FIVE of the eight schools of magic; Enchantment crashes into Mind Blank, Illusion is thwarted by True Seeing, Necromancy struggles against Death Ward, Evocation has to contend with SR 29, as well as 30 Resistance to Fire, Acid, and Electricity (as well as outright immunity to Cold), and Divination cannot be effectively used against a Norn (because she's better at it). Adding to it, they have Moment of Prescience at 1/day and little reason not to use it at the start of the day to add +18 to any one d20 roll or to their AC in case of emergencies.
With magic struggling against these agents of feat, their DR 15/cold iron is comparatively tame. Don't rely on buffing a single combatant and sending them into melee, though, because Norn can shunt a target into a Maze 1/day to give her very dangerous room to think. Besides having Weird 1/day, to potentially oneshot the entire party, they also have 1/day Quickened Phantasmal Killer in case the full-party version misses someone... and these two are often all they need, because Norn can Shift Fate once per round as an immediate action, forcing any creature within 120ft to reroll a saving throw. Nice natural 20 against her PK! Unfortunately, roll again. There's no per-day limit or targeting restrictions on Shift Fate besides distance, making any Save-Or-Suck she throws out far more nerve wracking than it has any right to be. Thankfully, there's only the three; PK, Weird, and Bestow Curse. This is Paizo showing mercy, because PK and Weird require TWO saves, and Shift Fate can only affect one. Imagine if they came equipped with different ones... or had allies with more threatening spells at hand.
Shift Fate even works for the Norn herself, and once her 1/days are expended it's likely she'll be gifting herself with fresh saves every single round for the rest of the fight, making it even harder to affect one with spells! Or, really, any power that relies on saving throws. They have high saves already (18/18/21), making failure unlikely for them, so a level-appropriate party is going to struggle to get anything but basic weapon attacks to stick. Her weapon attacks are likely to stick, though, in more ways than one; their golden Shears act as +5 Mithral Keen Speed Scimitars in their hands, inflicting 1d8+12 damage up to three times a round... while having a crit modifier of 15-20, critically striking one out of every four attacks! In addition, being struck by the Shears, or even just by the touch of a hostile Norn (they can do both as part of a Full-Attack; watch out!), imparts 2 negative levels via Energy Drain. Here's a fun fact: Energy Drain doubles if the attacker confirms a critical hit! And with the high crit rate on their Shears, a Full-Attack from a Norn could saddle someone with anywhere from 8 to 16 negative levels! Though more realistically, it's "only" going to be maybe 6 to 10, but "only" 6 to 10 negative levels still means -35 HP and -6 to all rolls!
And between those terrible save penalties and being made to reroll saves, victims may find their fates severed. Three times a day, a Norn can unspool a length of golden thread and snip it as a single standard action, and this action inflicts catastrophic damage directly to the life force of any creature of the fey's choice within 120ft. This metaphysical severance inflicts 20d6 untyped damage (average: 68!) that cannot be dodged or resisted, only reduced by half by succeeding a DC 30 Fortitude save (and good luck with Shift Fate). If this damage kills the creature, they're gone for good. Only Wish, Miracle, or the intervention of a deity can restore someone who's thread was cut by a Norn.
What did you expect, trying to fight Fate?
You can read more about them here.
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claidi · 5 months
So I finally read the new Percy Jackson book and I have Opinions.
First, I did enjoy it! It was nice to go back to Percy's narration. There were a lot of funny moments and Percy's always a delight. I also enjoyed the original trio back at it again. Their dynamic is solid.
But like this was a wacky book. A weird book. It's like a short story with a page count.
So much fluff. So much. Like I'm happy to see Percy happy, especially when so much sucks for him, but it's definitely different than the usual.
Also the conflict of this honestly makes me believe Percy would be justified tearing down Olympus. This is ENTIRELY a problem of petty gods. It's Zeus making Percy's life difficult on purpose. After everything.
All the real obstacles are gods. Monsters are easy in comparison. Even the snakes are difficult only because Iris put in the stipulation that the quest be cruelty free.
Like I get the commentary of a system rigged against you. I understand that college admissions can be confusing, a lot of work, and a lot of stress. But...
There's a thematic through line of aging in the book. Percy is fighting to go to his next stage of life, to grow up. Meanwhile he faces Hebe who deals in nostalgia and literally deages him. She has to be the youngest in the room. Iris sends him to deal with an old relic she doesn't use anymore- not so she can use it or anything, just clean up her past staff so it's like it used to be. He gets the questicular cup by embracing old age, what he wants to do anyway.
Meanwhile his quest giver is a teenager who has been forcibly kept as he is for beautiful and Percy is angry for him. Furious enough to risk his life in what should have been an impossible fight.
(there's also the baby announcement, Percy being able to give successful relationship advice to Grover, and just how much he wants to be done with highschool already. The strange thing about him suddenly aging out of camp after graduation??? Since when was that a thing?)
Yeah, maybe Percy is getting a better relationship with his dad in this one. Athena didn't turn him in. But the fact remains that Percy shouldn't have to squeeze random questing in between doing his homework (especially when he's trying to get two years worth of credits!). He's in a mess created by Zeus, trying to fix a mess originally created by Zeus. It's unfair and while I know that is the Point, the mundaneness of this conflict strikes me. The world isn't at stake and yet Percy is Still going through it.
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flameof · 3 months
We are roughly two months away from the one year anniversary of Zelda TotK releasing (christ, a year already?), and I am once again finding myself thinking about one of the main criticisms I hear about it. Granted, this is one I mostly hear from my older brother when we get on the topic, which isn't often, but it's something that sticks in my mind.
Namely, that TotK does not acknowledge BotW enough, if at all.
No generic NPCs or quest-givers from BotW talk about the Calamity, or the Divine Beast, or the Champions, or how Link did them a solid a while back, things like that.
And lately, my thought on that is: Why should TotK have to?
Let's think about this in-universe for a moment. Outside of the main quest NPCs, the Shiekah, probably even the Zora, and the Hyleans that are working in Central Hyrule in TotK, why is the shop owner in Hateno, or that one dude at one of the stables, suppose to remember that one blonde twink from what was probably a few years who did them a solid? And why are they suppose to know that this same twink was the slayer of Ganon?
As for not talking about the Champions, Divine Beasts, or the Calamity... Again, it was a few years ago since, to the average Hylean's point of view, Ganon just up and died, and Zelda appeared. The Champions are ancient history, the Beasts and Shiekah tech were probably dismantled quickly because, if Ganon comes back, he'd just take it over again, and so much is changing, that they don't really have time or care about remembering people that died 100 years ago. They're rebuilding, reconnecting with a world that was once hostile, and now dealing with Gannondorf doing his shit. There are more pressing things for them to worry about. I don't think the average farmer is gonna say 'Hey, let's just be glad that whatever's happening isn't using Guardians on us like last time'.
To make a long tangent short; I find the thought that TotK should be addressing BotW to be stupid, because there's really no reason for it to have to.
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gold-rhine · 29 days
For the sub!Venti fic, may I ask what was your thought process on this section?
“After, he curls against you, lets you clean and hold him. He created his own body, so he can control it, make it resistant to weakness like this, but he likes it, feeling raw and tender after being used, he always liked bringing others joy, at least for a few moments, be it from his songs or his body. And when you whisper sweet praises for him, stroke his hair and back, hold him close, and just for now, it feels like even as he truly is, weak and sinful, not living up to the visage of the Nameless Bard, he can be good enough.”
okay disclaimer i am not a venti scholar, i didn't do character study for him like i usually do for my fics, this quote is from more casual compilation where i did only couple paragraphs per character so i'm open to discussion or corrections
ok that said, what i think is impossible to not mention in like psychosexual context about venti is that he's wearing nameless' bard body, but unlike NPC in his quest, he doesn't try to act like him most of the time. like, that fake adventurer was trying to ACT like his dead friend full time to spread his name, to make sure he's known as the greatest adventurer. venti doesn't do that, he acts almost in opposite from the idealistic, driven, inspirational nameless bard we see in flashbacks and stories. UNLESS he's acting as Barbatos, which we see him do with said adventurer in one scene where he reveals his godhood to bring the dead friend's soul to rest. his demeanor shifts drastically into the benevolent, inspirational and poised.
adding this to the general theme of his quest, the fake adventurer feeling inferior to his dead friend and also guilty that he survived when "greater" adventurer died, it reads to me that when he's acting as Barbatos, venti is performing what he thinks Nameless Bard would have done, he's making sure Bard's legacy lives on in this image of god of freedom, inspiration for the freedom fighters, giver of hope for the hopeless, etc. and the rest of the time he's distancing himself from being seen as Barbatos, living as venti the bard, local drunk goofball, as if on purpose exaggerating the difference.
so all the great deeds he's done, all the good and influential, is done and remembered from the visage of the Nameless Bard, while venti is just kind of goofing around, trying to keep himself entertained, in a drunk haze or actual slumber, until the next time comes when he needs to embody the ideal of the Bard again. like, he's channeling what the Bard would do, so doesn't feel like it should be credited to himself, does it make sense?
so in that quote i was trying to hint at the kinds of coping mechanisms that he would do to deal in living in this duality of being a shapeshifter wearing a body of a ghost who he believes should have been the one to become a god of freedom
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Secret Santa
Yan(?)! Capitano x wife! Reader
(Yes, it's the huntress reader)
Warning: Unhealthy relationship, Lemon Pudding, black-mailing(?), smexy time, inaccurate depictions of drunken-ness, some fluff and crackers. Mild yandere
lil summary: Waifu tried to get away from hubby but ended up bonding a bit with the help of someone during the festivals.
ps. I was in a hurry to make this before the month ends, hopefully next xmas would be me completing the other harbingers (probably)
You have no idea how you got pulled into this, one moment you were fraying your husband for cuddling you in bed (Well actually, you were the one who’s cuddling him) the next you were told by one of the sermon goers named Sister Pangita to aid in carolling for the unfortunate. You tried to deny the invitation (forcefully) but you relent, since it’s not always how you get to enjoy the winter holidays. Even if you get to see your arrogant husband to whom you will gladly ignore the whole night too.
“ So you’re telling us we could get injured?”
“Yep, which is why I asked some soldiers and agents to help us with getting the presents to the recipients.” Sister Pangita says with a wide smile, her curly dark hair tucked under her nun cap.
“Uhm, Sister Pangita?” Raising your hand to catch her attention, her gaze fixated to you , making you shiver in the cold. Even with only one eye, the anxiety you felt never ceased.
“Mm, yes, miss?” Gesturing you to speak up.
“What if someone is in critical condition once engaged?”
“Do not worry, you are free from your burdens if you just hand the presents and list to the next worker.” She speaks as if it were no big deal. But it is concerning to you that there are some people in the group who don't seem to know how to fight.
“Though, it is why we picked a select few like you who are capable of fighting these thieves. After our caroling, I have the soldiers and agents scatter for you to join and aid you in your quest to complete the ending year.” Sister clapped her hands, a smile on her face formed on her sickly image.
You tried, keyword here tried to match their voice, though you end up with a sore one with how much you tried to control your voice with a falsetto. People kept looking at you weird and wondering if you should even be here. 
Sister Pangita had handed you a sack of presents and a list of names who had been good this year. With a sigh you put the list in the pocket of your dress. Your bow and arrows on your back. 
Your husband insisted you wear these embarrassing clothes, your back is exposed to the elements. On your back is a big green bow that holds the dress in a tight fit, green gloves keep your hands nice and warm.
Feet trekked on the snow that did little to no hindrance to your journey. This quest proved to be difficult due to how your monstrous spouse had sheltered you away and did not let you out unless he came with you.
Not noticing a person blocking your way. Your voice got soft from suddenly feeling the coldness on your face. “Oh I beg your-” You look up and see the hulking figure of your husband in armor, his white coat replaced with a red one, outside is decorated like a festive tree…
Silence before closing your eyes and make a U-turn, shouting “Sister Pangita! Sister Pangita! Where are you?! I got a sprained ankle!” Your fast paced walking turned into running to make Capitano lose sight of you. You quickly want to be relieved of your burden of being the festive gift giver.
“Dove!” He called out, the clanks of metal footsteps can be heard growing closer.
“Fuck off!” Cursing at him, not minding if you received stares from other people since they knew you loathe him. The soft clinks of your shoes sound against the pavement, the snow here has already been cleared of.
With a sharp turn you hid between houses. Capitano going past you. And saw a small group of children, “Oh, children!” You called out to them, and they turned to you.
“Yes, miss?” One little boy with long black hair and blue eyes stared brightly at you.
“I think, I saw Mr. Santa over there.” You pointed at Capitano who was asking a person over there if they saw you.
“You did?!” Their eyes lit up and went over to see Capitano, making you chortle a bit and ran off with the sack of your own gifts to bestow to children.
“DOVE!” Enraged roar can be heard in the distance as hurried feet nearly give away your location by leaving footprints.
Soon when you think the chase is over, you are ambushed by the ‘thieves’ that wanted the gifts. Cryo slimes and based creatures partnered with a few people to command them.
“Aren’t you a little old to be expecting gifts!” It wasn’t a question as you drew the bow and aimed it at the creatures to electrocute them.
"Why! Don't! You! Relax! It's a holiday! " Each phrase you released arrows at them, not noticing another one sneaking up at you. Ready to strike, yet it never made an impact on your vulnerable backside. 
The opponent tossed aside as if a rag doll. “Your methods of capturing my attention are perplexing, Dove.” A familiar tone of arrogance called out, or so you think of it as such. 
“And I was hoping to have a nice relaxing evening with just the two of us and not to be accosted, by children!” Ironically, with his heavy armor, he managed to take down half of the enemies matching your speed. 
“I would have enjoyed the event! If you haven’t!” You gave out a few more arrows covering his blind spots while he charged at the ones behind you. “Joined in!”
“Seems they all left.” Indeed, It wasn’t until long after the others had realized going after you is not worth it. The others seemed to have fled and carried away their fallen allies.
A puff of warm breath escaped your lips, pushing back your hair. " The fuck are you staring for?” You had noticed him staring at your back side for a bit there. 
“Nothing, find it quite odd you haven’t run off again.” he replied simply. Making you turn to him, weapons tucked away securely to your back.
"Fuck you." You grumbled. Hand going through your hair again and scratching an itch.
"Sorry but you aren’t in the list." With how on edge you are, you are easily annoyed and replied hastily with.
"Like hell I would have my time spent with you in bed" Stomping off without him again, this time you dragged your small sack of presents… Of course Capitano easily found you and you got lost on the way there.
Arriving at the house of one of your recipients, Capitano seemed to be baffled at the notion of going inside. “A chimney, can’t we just put it by the door?” He says looking at you struggling to get up the house, thankfully there’s no fire.
“No can do Capybara, if we just leave it outside then the thieves can just snatch it right up.- Woah!” Capitano was about to catch you but you held your grip on the roof more. You rather fall than get caught by him.
“Be careful.” He says.
“Pipe it, tin can. I know what I’m doing.” You grunt, it’s a wonder why he hasn’t gotten rid of you yet. If you were in his shoes you wouldn’t tolerate the unhealthy relationship. For all you know he has a thing for spouses nagging his ear off or saying terrible things about him. 
While you’re busy climbing up and getting on the chimney, Capitano is actually enjoying the view of that upskirt. Though too bad you climbed too quickly.
Your problem with leaving the gift isn't much to think about since it was late at night. But a rather nice child had left you a note and left some snacks for you, and no cookies were spared on that plate.
Once you got out of the house, you safely got back to the roof. Swinging your arms in preparation to jump down, a bird flew by surprising you and causing you to fall down to his arms. “Told you to be careful, dove.” He laughed using his free hand to rub off the crumb off your lip, you blushed. That earned a smack on his shoulder for that, it wasn’t that hard compared to the previous smacks you had given him.
And so, both of you went to the next recipients to break in through the chimney or lock picked just to drop the gifts off… At this point you were tired. You went ahead of your husband and met a familiar man by the guest room.
“Yo, lil’ firecracker~” He waved at you with a bottle of booze in hand, and how could you say no to an old friend…
Your husband wanted to check on you since you looked pretty much tired from caroling and the events of earlier. His thoughts were disturbed by a familiar chuckle from the guest room. Just as he was about to enter, Simeon came out with a bag in hand. Annoyed that this pest just waltz in the house without him being notified. He had to fire who let him in.
" Hey, relax, this happens all the time. But thanks pal, I managed to get in contact with Miss Sandrone!" How optimistic, typical. Leaning his arm on the general’s.
" Bah, don't look so sour bro. " Simeon hiccupped, but he looked off, a heavy scent of booze wafted through his breath. 
"Got you a lil' gift, heard you were complaining about a few things and she wanted some fun… So why not loosen up" he passes the brown bag to the general.
“A lil something- something, a friend of mine made it. Though use it sparingly~" Before Capitano could say anything, Simeon already left, still waddling away from his vision.
Capitano can handle him next time since his main priority is with you, his wife. Once he enters, the armor wearing man is greeted by a surprise. You drunk off your mind, your arms embracing him.
“Dove, you’re drunk. You need some rest.” patting your shoulders, but you didn’t shrug it off unlike the first time he did it.
“I know… It’s just too cold on the bed.” Rubbing your head against him, you aren’t even watching where your hands are going. Trailing on his chest, he pulled back. 
“You should take a bath, I’ll have one of the maids draw you one-” He looked back at you, seeing how you held on to him again so tightly.
"I…  love you~" Your voice muffled against him, his hand on the handle was let go.
“You’re on dangerous grounds, _____.” You heard him but in response you just pulled him to the bed. And you said something you shouldn’t have. But who was he to deny his wife some affections?
That night he's been smothered with kisses and body coated in hickies. You might even see traces of your lipstick on his neck and face if he doesn't cover it up with his armor.
And in the morning, you wouldn’t want to get out of bed until late in the afternoon. It was a good thing that Capitano went away as soon as he woke up early and had you dressed so you wouldn’t find out, if you did he wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“Can you stop staring? It’s giving me the creeps…” Your face scrunched up in discomfort as you ate some soup. The warmth of the broth eases your pain as your husband just coughs.
Dessert time 🍮 warning!
The memory of you between his legs and forcing him open remained in his mind for a good while.  " Mmm… " From within the room, he could hear how hard you're sucking him. He most likely didn't expect to get this sort of gift instead.
Head between his legs, your hands kept him there. You could feel the grip he has on your scalp making you deep throat his entire length into you.
With a loud wet pop, you catch your breath. The large shaft of your husband rests on your head, warm breath fans on him. He couldn't get enough seeing that cute face looking up at him, worshiping him, teasing the red head.
"Chu." You playfully kissed his tip, making him groan softly, rubbing him still, coating his whole member in spit preparing him for the next hole to enter.
He remembered how quickly you tried to strip yourself, ended up getting his help to undo the dress. Everything felt so fuzzy. All you could feel is your apparel never felt so irritating to wear at the moment which was gone in a flash.
"Yes!" You cried, tears fell from your face as your legs holds him closer when he gave one last thrust.
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lokescurse · 7 months
Naoya SFW alphabet?
Heya, sorry that this took me a whole ass month lmao. Adult life has been keeping me pretty tied up. I have completed your quest, however, and you can read the results below the cut. I will preface this with the fact that I answered a lot of the questions under the assumption that Naoya genuinely likes and respects the person he's with. If I hadn't, well, we wouldn't have much of a post lol. But I'll quit talking now and let you enjoy. Have a good one!
Warnings for: Length, possible spelling and grammar mistakes, slightly OOC moments, mentions of alcohol, mentions of toxicity, implied misogyny, you know...the whole Naoya package.
The majority of these are gender neutral!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
-Naoya is not particularly affectionate. Much of the time, the only indicator that he doesn't hate you is that he doesn't outright insult you. However, if you stick with him long enough and make a lasting impact on him, you can expect for him to switch his language to positive when regarding you. Ala Toji and Gojo, Naoya is willing to compliment those he holds in high esteem. So much so that it may even prove grating to those around him. He's the founder of your fan club, and no one is on your level or even worthy of looking at you except for him.
Personally, I have also always fancied Naoya to be a gift giver to people that actually matter to him. The perfect solution for when you're emotionally stunted and too prideful for vulnerability. Lol.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
-Naoya as a best friend would be horrid. He would only start being friends with you if he genuinely believed you were on the same level as him, whatever that means. And once he truly values you, then he's going to be dragging you everywhere, and making you listen to his prattling non-stop. You may as well be his new favourite plaything. You go on all his missions with him, and he goes on all of yours. You eat together. You sit after dinner together. You learn that he bitches constantly, but also that he's willing to listen to you bitch, too. He's all too willing to insult or threaten people that bother you. I hope you weren't looking to be known as a generally nice person, because you will be labelled a shithead just by association with him.
On the plus side, scary dog privilege. Nobody will cross you, either because he's genuinely stronger than them, or because they just don't want to get him started.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
-Probably not. Again, Naoya is not one for affection, in my eyes. Moments of physical intimacy are often limited to post-sex, and only because he fell asleep on the person he was with. However, one can earn a bit of touch from him when he's feeling particularly possessive. Jealousy is sure to earn an iron grip on your hip, or an arm around your shoulder to guide you to and fro. Everything with Naoya is about having the best, and he's very sure to make it known what he deems to be worthy of him and him alone.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
-Settle down? Of course. It's part of his vision, after all. But he cooks like a forest fire and cleans like a tornado. He boils water and forgets it until its just a hot, empty pot. He's constantly setting the microwave on fire. He's sooo good at making mustard gas because he doesn't know a damn thing about cleaning products. You should let him in your house at your own risk.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I suppose that would depend on how he feels about the individual by the end of it. If he feels wronged or just sick of the relationship, he'll be as crass and blunt as he's ever been. He'll insult you, talk down to you, and then walk away as if it were all nothing to him.
If he feels fondly of the other person, I imagine he would still be direct, but definitely a touch softer. More respectful, at the very least. He'd give you a reason why (true or otherwise), and then expect you to just accept it right then and there. He's not going to be equipped to handle a more emotional confrontation than that, so...I hope you're okay with just dropping things like that.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Naoya has always expected to have a wife/spouse someday. Being the heir to the Zenin clan has more than prepared him for the idea that he'll have to take a formal partner at some point to maintain a more traditional appearance. The idea of having one doesn't faze him, but it doesn't necessarily mean he feels any loyalty to them, either. As for how quickly he'd jump the gun, I suspect he'd wait it out for quite some time. He's probably not going to bother with the idea until the elders' prodding becomes downright insufferable. The exception might be with a woman he finds particularly "suitable." He'll be quick enough to snatch that up, but it still doesn't guarantee his affection (or fidelity, for that matter).
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Not at all. While Naoya can wear his emotions on his sleeve, he isn't what one would consider soft or vulnerable. No matter how upset he looks, it isn't actually likely he would seek comfort. He isn't one to give it out, either.
Physically, Naoya has a touch that's just as harsh as his words. His grip can be crushing. Hands hefty enough that you'd swear his fingers would leave bruises in your skin.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I'm sure the prior answer clues you into how this one's answered. Naoya, as one can expect, is not much of a hugger unless it's done out of jealousy or possessiveness. The embraces he offers tend to be all-consuming, as if to hide you from the world and keep you where only he can see. They can be suffocating, but strangely reassuring.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Naoya will never say something as tender and exposing as this. Even if he absolutely adores everything about you, this sentence will never grace your ears. Instead, you will have to look for other signs of adoration from him. His devotion, his praise, his need to assert himself as yours and vice versa. These are the things that "speak" his love.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Naoya can be very, very jealous. He can practically make himself sick with envy if he feels your attention drifting elsewhere. As previously mentioned, Naoya will latch onto you when jealous. Physically, it will almost look like he is glued to you. Sharp words will also carry on a low, growling voice. He'll get progressively more angry and less patient with the people around him, especially the person he feels threatened by. It's best to remove him from the situation, let it be just you and him for as long as it takes for him to calm back down.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses with Naoya are often heated in one way or another. Naoya's kisses, like his touch, tend to be heavy and even dominating. He can be very teasing in the right mood, so he may be more flirtatious if it's just the two of you. Otherwise, he tends to go straight for the mouth to crush his lips to yours, or for the neck so he may bite and mark the flesh.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I've always had a weakness for the idea that Naoya is good with small children, but terrible with everyone else. I do think it has some merit, considering his rather childish attitudes towards things, at times. However, on a more canonical note, I recognise that this doesn't add up. So, I would say it's complex. I think Naoya may still be mean or snobbish around particularly young children, but will largely leave them alone. He's less patient as they get older.
His own children may be an exception. They are his, after all, which means they must be great to some degree. Still, I don't find him overly fatherly. More like a begrudging guide. (If you'll excuse a self-plug, I did write a little drabble about this topic, which you can read here.)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Naoya are slow and often boring. Despite the crack of dawn training he likely received when he was younger, Naoya never really became a morning person. He wakes up, hair a mess and terribly groggy. He's one of those late risers who is largely non-verbal for the first few hours. (Which, if you know our favourite loud-mouth, you should definitely take advantage of.) He'll spend the start of the day sitting at a table, lazily drinking a tea of his choice until alertness kicks in enough for him to start running his mouth again.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Naoya can be equal parts more boisterous, and just as tame as mornings. Before he's completely wound down, he can surely be just as loud and energetic as he'd been throughout the day. Weariness tends to hit him like a brick, however, once he's burned himself out for the evening. You'll find him, bleary eyed and slumped over wherever he last sat, so very like a child. And like a child, he may refuse to go to bed at first, but eventually you usher him under the covers and find that he's out before you can even finish saying goodnight.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Naoya, as we're all well aware, tends to be a chatterbox. More than this, he also tends to be very upfront with any of his feelings or intentions. That being said, he isn't what I would call open. Naoya loves to talk about himself, so anything he sees as a personal triumph is going to make it to your ears whether you want it to or not. Anything that he feels makes him look weak, however, is significantly more likely to be held back.
An easy example of this would be my personal headcanon that Naoya dislikes alcohol. He'll freely tell you that he hates it, and readily go on a rant about how foul he finds the flavours to be. But he'll never say that what made him hate it most was the way he associated it with his drunken father. There is information you can only get from him by reading in-between the lines.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Unfortunately, very easily. It doesn't take much to get Naoya worked up in all the wrong ways. If he's looking forward to something, even a small shift in plans can leave him grumbling with frustration. That being said, his bad moods are often gone as quickly as they come. So long as things go well in the end, he'll probably be just fine.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
This is another item on the list that can easily have a mixed response. When Naoya has a great deal of respect for someone, he'll try to remember as much about them as possible. He'll remember what sorts of hobbies they engage in, what foods they like, as well as any gift preferences that can come in handy for him later. However, he doesn't always remember the deeper parts of a person. Their motivations, what they value, and whether they even regularly see eye to eye with him can all be easily forgotten. It's my personal belief that Naoya often fills in the blanks of others he likes by projecting himself onto them. He understands you're different people, but if he likes you well enough, he may be more than willing to misconstrue you in his head to better line up with him. It isn't intentional, but it would be something to look out for, certainly.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Naoya's favourite memories of you all have a similar theme: you were being mean in them. Naoya is crass and willing to say anything no matter how rude or cruel it is. He's also put off by softness and the overall notion of compassion. To get Naoya really invested in a conversation, you should open it with how much you despise something/someone/etc. Naoya will listen with eager ears to what ever insults you want to use to describe the things you hate. If there are any particularly cutting diatribes, he may even store them away for his own use later on. As long as your malice isn't aimed at him, he's more than happy to listen to you rant, and the petty things you say in anger will stay with him forever as fond memories that put a smile on his face.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
It depends on the severity of what's going on. For smaller things, he's willing to let you make your own mistakes, if only so he can say "I told you so." But for anything more dangerous than a few cuts and bruises, he's the first to push you out of the way and handle something himself. His ego doesn't let him express his desire to defend you, and you can be sure he'll give you the very expected "you'll just be in my way," reasoning. However, if you look past this, it's easy enough to see his true intentions.
As for how he'd like to be protected: he wouldn't. He's fine with you coming to his aid after the fact to help with whatever befalls him, but in the moment he'll make you stand aside. If you manage to save him from a close call, you may get more complaining out of him than any actual appreciation. He's always the one to insist he can handle himself. Don't let it stop you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Minimal, but not none. Assuming he actually enjoys his partner, he's willing to mark calendars and put money aside for presents and outings. I've mentioned before that he's fairly good at gifts, so he'll be more than set to do that. That being said, he isn't one for grand romantic gestures or even regular dates. Affection is sparse, as I've said, but if you're able to identify when he's doing it in his own way and that works for you, you'll be fine.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Naoya, in many ways, is a walking bad habit. I've already mentioned a few things that can be construed as bad habits, and I'm sure reading canon has more than filled you in on a few others. As far as personal headcanons go, though, I'm also of the mind that Naoya has a habit of just leaving his possessions anywhere and everywhere. You'll find the strangest things tucked away in bookshelves, under tables, in the nightstand drawers, or just piled up in odd corners. He isn't *dirty* per se, and he can definitely be very organized when he wants to be. But, well, the water bottles on the windowsill and the worn shirts thrown over chairs are a constant.
Besides this, he's also in the habit of interrupting people. Naoya very much thinks his voice is the most important one in the room, and he's all too willing to cut off anyone he pleases to get his thoughts (however pointless they may be) across.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I'm sure I don't even need to answer this one, but save it to say that Naoya is plenty vain. The well-shaped brows, dyed hair, and neat lines of ear piercings all point to someone who is at least passively concerned with his appearance. Couple that with how willing Naoya is to put down the looks of other men in favour of himself, and it's pretty clear how much Naoya values his own attractiveness. Expect him to dedicate a sizable amount of time to its upkeep.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
This is difficult to answer, as I feel it could go either way. Naoya strikes me as someone who never feels incomplete - so long as he's getting his way. It may only be when he is denied your company or your affections that he begins to feel...troubled. Perhaps not "incomplete," but certainly a bit more uneasy. That being said, it's not something he'd ever care to admit verbally.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Naoya's favourite colours are deep blues, greens, and purples. His clothing, sheets, and curtains are all in rich shades of navy, phthalo, and eggplant, and he ties them all together with swathes of black. If you ever ask him what to wear for an occasion, he will undoubtedly be drawn to items you have in these colours. If you don't own any, expect to receive some, whether you like it or not.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Naoya makes his dislikes well-known throughout his run(s) in the manga. He's the kind to never hide when he dislikes something. From his unfiltered thoughts, we are made aware of his general disdain for people who do not seem to care for their appearance, as well as people who place a lot of value on family. The first is negligible, so the second will earn you the most disgust. Naoya's disdain for his own family is palpable, and largely born of the self-serving environment he was raised in. To Naoya, it's every man for himself with only the strongest standing on top. Misguided as it may be, it's very easy for him to hate someone who cares a lot about family. A partner should prioritize him and themselves. No one else.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Naoya has always struck me as the kind who can fall asleep anywhere. Sprawled out in the backseat of a car, slumped on the train, face down on a park bench somewhere. It doesn't matter how public or how uncomfortable a place is, if there's a spot to sit, there's a spot to pass out.
37 notes · View notes
Fragments - episodes 15-18 author notes
Shall we sit back and go over the recent episodes together? C:
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
Obligatory ShB spoiler warning.
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Any theme song enjoyers? I associate this song with this moment, and generally with Exarch’s longing and excitement that can’t be shown. “And in my usual voice, I say, there you are”.
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Go away grandpa, you crashed an otherwise perfect party :’>
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Had this followed the msq more closely, i.e. had Feo Ul not been the first to find Vivi, or had it happened in an environment more familiar to him, he might've asked Exarch if he's shy, or just ugly. Kinda like if you’re a bully in your school, you might still wanna keep a low profile in a new school.
Vivi treads lightly in a new world, at least tries to. He doesn't yet know how thick or thin is the ice under his feet.
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Exarch doesn’t know about the tree since he was busy waiting for Vivi in the Ocular, having just finished the summoning spell, tense and giddy, hood up and all. Minutes passed, nothing happened, then Exarch started getting antsy and finally turned on his tv to find Vivi in Lakeland.
“Hey it could’ve been your spine” I hope is clear: as in Vivi could’ve landed on Lyna instead of the aforementioned tree, not a threat to snap her spine in a fight. He knows better than taunting random people.. Moreover, people stronger than him x’D
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Artist achievement unlocked: managed to make a hooded person look expressive. IN THE BACK VIEW.
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He’s more cute than he deserves to be here and you’ll perceive him.
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Being at the end of the episode, “we’re friends, yes” is the first and only line almost nonchalantly tossed to Vivi! Exarch wanted to buy time and observe him, how he’s changed, how’s best to approach him now.
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..And Vivi needs rest and new clothes, he spent AN ENTIRE DAY in one outfit. We've seen him around several people so far, and, while he's always genuine, he's the most himself with Exarch, even at this early stage.
But yeah, he’s jaded, regrets many choices in his life and wants his money back.
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Vivi's tailored for this ship. Before I even knew that I wanted to write a comic of this size, I asked myself, what condition does he need to be in at the beginning of ShB for the chemistry to happen? The answer was, well, "terrible". I’ve got the juicy deets, but you’d have to be patient and keep an eye out for more flashbacks sprinkled in throughout the story.
What matters now is that, finally, both of them are sufficiently tired to start noticing something else than gremlins in each other.
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Have fun living with the knowledge that there’s no face where it’s supposed to be :>
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Exarch has a way with the fae: don't flinch, offer them something nice. He offers rest to Vivi without hesitation, as soon as he sees his emotionally battered state. And, oh, he’s still an archer, landing that perfect shot first try. This here is a genuine spark of interest, surprise and gratitude in Vivi’s eyes.
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I went balls deep with the visual subtext here. Despite being shown up close, Vivi’s broody face takes on a secondary role as his mind literally closes in on Exarch in that moment, on the mystery man that’s suddenly so unlike the rest. Even if he’s yet another quest-giver, even if shit’s on fire, he allows Vivi to go? Rest? Have some time for himself???? Exarch is, or is about to become, his only light in the darkness :3c
Exarch’s stiff posture is also intended here. He must’ve rehearsed this scene sooooooooo many times, he was prepared for hostility, interrogation, tantrums, but this Warrior’s indifferent and just wants to leave?
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Magical boy de-transformation! Headcanon time, two of them even.
Firstly, the Tower can register living presence in its vicinity, a passive ability which Exarch can casually tap into. Being aware of an entire city’s population is, mildly put, overwhelming, thus he’s learned to shrink the “radar” area down to his Ocular, or wherever he’s at the moment and whenever he actually needs it. He feels that Vivi’s indeed left, therefore he can safely remove the hood.
Secondly, the hood shadow’s magicked. The panel above demonstrates how it’d look naturally, if it were a normal shadow. But he casts a pitch black glamour that also extends to his hair.
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Just a cool crystal flare that I feel like showing off :>
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None of you would believe me now if I said this isn't a horny scene? Although this looks lewd, for someone who’d spent a century clinging to memories and tales the lingering scent is just another confirmation that all of this's real. He can't even touch the WoL (or so he thinks), the scent could be the most he ever gets. Bearing in mind the stress of the day, I genuinely don’t think that he’s in the mood here. But no worries, he’ll get plenty of horny opportunities later on :>
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The subtle characterization in the way he opens a door to a supposedly empty, still unknown room.
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An unironically normal reaction to the Light, and shadowbringing \o/
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This. This goes into my personal collection of the best vivifaces I’ve drawn.
He’s quick to react to a threat (?) popping out of nowhere in a supposedly safe room.
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I know the arm’s too long, but I like to incorporate some animation princliples :>
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The Champion of Eorzea uses a stick to cure a 100 years old depression, ca. 2023, colorized.
Vivi didn't mean to pierce him, actually. While the space's more than enough for living, it's still cramped for fighting as a dragoon, and he simply misjudged the distance while spinning around and lunging at the source of that eerie voice. There’s also an ooc explanation: I couldn’t quite align all of this in one frame, and thought hey, Ardbert’s a ghost, it’s okay to pierce him!
Both are quick to handwave the fact, and let’s be honest, self-defense of that sort must be a mundane thing for a WoL.There’s more important stuff to discuss. Both are desperate to vent to someone they could trust. They may disagree on things, but generally they vibe pretty well with Ardbert.
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A lil shoutout to @agent-jaselin​ for commenting this under the respective episode. I almost forgot to point it out while making this post. Vivi tries to see if he can relate to another WoL, if his struggles are valid, or if he’s overreacting to a typical hero life. Ardbert had a whole friend group adventuring alongside him, the Scions don’t measure up unfortunately, on top of that Vivi (emotionally) stays the fuck away from anyone post-ARR for their own protection (and his own if he ends up losing someone else), so it’s not quite the same experience for him.
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One of the few redeeming qualities: Vivi keeps his word. This's gonna be relevant in like 2025 :'>
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He baby, THAT’S his problem.
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From pointing his spear at him to comfortably undressing and falling asleep in his vicinity. Ardbert's possibly the first man to be asked to stay and not get laid by Vivi :’>
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While the Crystarium and its people seem nice, it’s still Vivi’s first day (one loooooong day since the beginning of chapter 2) in a brand new world, and Ardbert’s the only somewhat familiar person here. A ghost? Even better. The supernatural’s easier to deal with and is less likely to backstab you.
The sweet-voiced hooded guy says that it’s okay, that he’s safe here.... Yeah that on itself is a flag for our mr doubter. He’s grown reasonably paranoid since ARR, (almost) everything he does has a nice cynical-flavored logic to it.
While this’s a wolgraha comic, it’d be bland without support characters. Ardbert doesn’t play a massive role in this particular story, still you’ll keep seeing him here and there.
The next several episodes focus on the main two and Feo Ul, they’ll claw their way in even if they were left out x’D
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scattergoriesofevil · 27 days
Things that have happened or have been revealed since Dorian last saw Bells Hells:
The party has unraveled a LOT of creepy moon cult shit. FCG died killing the person who killed Orym’s family. Like, a few hours ago.
There’s a god eating thing imprisoned inside the moon and it wants out! It ate 2 gods and the rest of the gods trapped it and hurled the piece of the planet it was in into space. The gods and their followers have kept this super secret and killed people who investigated.
Laudna died and the party went on a quest to Whitestone to resurrect her.
Orym, Fearne, and Chetney died (temporarily).
FCG’s first murderbot incident and gradual reveal of stress mechanics. His history as an assassin Aeormaton programmed to be pleasant and helpful until the fateful moment. Faithful Care Giver.
FCG met Frieda and fell in love.
Imogen and Laudna are now a couple. They weren’t before?
Chetney, Fearne, and Deanna’s wild night.
The two party split groups. Deanna! Deni$e! Frida! Prism!
Launda’s first feeding of Delilah (gnarlrock) and subsequent feedings through killing people with magic. Though tbh I think most of the party is unaware how compromised Laudna is at this point.
We know a LOT more about what it means to be Ruidusborn.
He has met Ira (back when they fought him!) but does not know about his history with Fearne’s parents. Or the party’s current acceptance of him as an ally.
They got a sky ship! They crashed a sky ship.
Fearne is Ruidusborn and her bio dad is a powerful evil Fey of the Unseelie Court who was intentionally trying to create a Ruidisborn child.
Fearne’s Nana slowed down time and fended off the Unseelie Court ruthlessly. Fearne would be a teenager during the Apogee Solstice if time had passed normally.
Ashton’s origin as a child of a cult leader who tried to absorb a Primordial shard.
Fearne and Ashton have Primordial powers after absorbing shards.
Ashton died trying to take 2 shards. Unrelated, he has dunamis in his head.
Ludinus’s whole fucking deal. The god killing ambitions, the bitchy personality, playing the long game, propaganda and a cult.
That horrifying funnel that Ludinus used to eat fairies that they are carrying around and using.
I think Orym told him Eschteross is dead? But 25 words at a time really limits the context.
TWO secret pacts with Nana Morri. That the party is still not fully aware of. Orym has been very quiet about his.
A separate, third agreement to plant mind spores on the moon.
Dusk/Yu. A deadly shape changing assassin who will be back for Fearne.
Pâté is now a familiar, surprise!
Mister has a gun.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 days
I finally finished up the monk job quests to level 80. The monk job itself was leveled to 90 and abandoned long ago, and I never did the story beyond level 50 because I hated it too much. The NPC is verbally abusive toward the WoL, constantly insulting their intellect, and the WoL is never given the slightest chance to defend themselves. But I'd heard a different point of view on the quests, and since Rigel has nothing else to do - she is stuck in the MSQ post-Endwalker because it's a bloody trial, and she's likely to get stuck more times because there are three more post-Endwalker trials looming in the MSQ later - I sent her through. Unfortunately...nope. Just nope.
1. They really never give you a satisfying answer - or any answer at all - as to why the WoL even hangs out with these people. Between Erik who is a miserable SOB and W. who bloody tried to kill them in the level 50 quest - why exactly hasn't the WoL flipped them off and walked out?  They give you no reason at all that the WoL still associates with Widargart with not even the slightest suspicion or lack of trust after he literally sends them into a trap and tries to kill them.
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2. The WoL is never ever given a chance to stand up to Erik's insults and that really bothered me. At the time he was saying all this my WoL is a scholar of Nym, knows arcane black magic that most people don't know, is versed in both Sharlayan and Ishgardian astronomy and Hingan geomancy - it makes no sense that the WoL was given no chance to push back even a little. I may possibly have taken it out on him when he was the level 80 quest giver. It was cathartic.
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3. One bright part of this quest chain: seeing the wonderful NPCs from the Pugilists Guild again toward the end. 
4. Another bright part, they explain the Corpse Brigade, sort of. 
5. And there's another mild Jedi/Sith analogy, with the light and shadow sects of monks discovering they really aren't mean to fight to the death but instead are meant to work together. 
6. I did like the thread about who Widargelt is, actually, and his decisions, but overall this quest line was just ugh.  7. Lyse has a nice moment in level 80 and it was nice to see here there.
I really feel like monk must have been written by someone entirely outside the normal set of writers, and that level 60-70 was written by someone who didn't do the earlier quests. It still all seems completely out of whack in FFXIV to me, though. I am glad they didn't have the monk NPCs show up in Endwalker and had the Pugilists there instead; maybe they know people can't stand the monk NPCs.
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mieskoperveld · 2 months
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I've been edged on my level up 😩
My DM is allowing mid session level ups so I'm figuratively rubbing my little halfling hands together for a great rp moment. We left off mid dungeon (hopefully close to the end? Going on session 3 inside it mext session) And taking a long rest in a small but ancient library. Mies may have rolled a crit success on a d100, looking for info about our also ancient but secretive quest giver. Surprise! She's one of the BBEG who tried to end the world millenia ago! The look on my DMs sweet face when I ~~spoil~~ uncover late game plot info
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Now we gotta contend with this info we found super early, next time she comes to check on us.
Here's the XP card she made for that session and a pic of the roll itself.. She went hard on the visuals, she's so talented.
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whoreofavalon · 5 days
What does Andymion think about the party?
Oohh exciting, I love talking about my FFXIV D&D campaign/NPCs!! For context, Andymion is my D&D parties regular quest giver and the leader of the resistance in a 200 year war between the Church and the mages of the Citadel. Let's see...
Andymion knows Miffy doesn't like him and definitely wants to win her approval, since she's one of the most talented and dedicated mages he's met. He also has a lot of respect for her since she's just as physically fragile as he is but still finds herself on the battlefield constantly, something he's not really been able to do.
He also has a mild heart attack every time Miffy contacts him cause it's always with either phenomenally good news or catastrophically bad news. He has invested in a fainting couch for these calls.
Reno -
Reno is a bit of a mystery to him still, though he views Reno as....not quite the leader, but the one holding the leashes. He knows Reno is the level headed member of the team that balances out the party. He's also incredibly fascinated in Reno's gunblade craftsmanship and has been waiting for a free moment to ask him about his craft since he's interested in crafting firearms and pyrotechnics himself.
Andymion has seen a lot of people turn from the Church to the Citadel, disillusioned by the church's ideals or turned off by its cruelty, but Purp is very different. She had a moment of "No, this is wrong" and turned away from everything she knew, but without losing her faith. Most people he sees come to the Citadel have completely lost their faith but Purp changing sides only seemed to strengthen it, and he has a lot of respect for that. He also feels like if anyone would be a good choice to succeed him in leading the resistance, it'd be her.
At first Andymion was extremely intimidated by Anka. She's big, loud, rough and rowdy. But he's seen over and over that she can be incredibly pragmatic, compassionate, clever, and above all, loyal. The biggest thing he feels towards Anka though is shame.
After the party fought the gargantuan statue of Asura off the shores of Olera, Andymion and a small entourage of Citadel ships came to support the party and offer support and protection to the Olerans affected by the ordeal. They then promptly got ambushed by Saint Sartorius, our BBEG and the leader of the Church. Andymion couldn't do anything to stop him as he cast Power Word: Kill on Anka. A 200 year war against this man, and Andymion was powerless to stop him from snapping his fingers and killing someone right on front of him. Andymion still feels guilty for having failed both the party and Anka personally, even if she was revived after the fact.
Overall, Andymion has the highest amount of respect for the party, and definitely feels bad having to task them with so many dangerous missions. But he also recognizes they've provided the first advantage the Citadel has had in 200 years, and believes they're the key to ending the war altogether. He'll spare nothing to support them and ensure they can succeed.
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