#rebel seoul
exidol · 5 months
*pulls out own personal mic* lets' talk about how warren wasn't allowed contact wtih his family for months on end because of his entertainment company's strict schedule and rules. okay , that's all.
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piosplayhouse · 6 months
I too watched the hbomberguy video and went straight to Twitter, whereupon I found that James Somerton had mentioned danmei in one of his videos and it made everyone mad, so I went looking and. yeah here's a full transcription of his just completely incorrect coverage of cql and mdzs from "Hollywood's (Gay) China Problem" so you don't have to watch it and give him views:
"The 2019 fantasy series The Untamed, featuring an unlikely bond between a man with magic powers and a stoic prince, started an online craze over the pair's implicit romance, but the show's promotion focused on its portrayal of Chinese traditional culture, a push consistent with Chinese communist party propaganda.
The show was... Queerbait-y. But the novel on which it was based [shows a picture of the fanmade cover for The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation made by fan translator team Exiled Rebels] certainly was not. That featured a very explicit love story between the two main characters, but was self-censored when adapted to meet the censorship guidelines of the Xi Jinping government. But it didn't matter. Like so much queerbaiting before, people saw through the weak veneer of heterosexuality. They "took the bait", so to speak. The series has accumulated a total of 9.5 billion views in China as of this summer, and had also received an international release via Netflix. It was described as a global phenomenon, taking off like no BL series before it, making its way all around Asia and with the Netflix deal, all across Europe and North America as well.
Tencent, the Chinese streaming platform it originated on, saw 2.6 million new subscribers to the service when it was released. And WeTV, an app that lets you watch BL content anywhere in the world, saw growth of 250% while the show was airing. In January of 2020, the cast members planned to embark on a multi-city, worldwide fan meeting tour. Cities included Bangkok, Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, Macau, Kuala Lumpur, Toronto, Los Angeles, New York... But it was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Even the Chinese government has endorsed it. The overseas popularity of these romantic sword-wielding heroes is often highlighted in Chinese media coverage focusing on the massive overseas streaming numbers and its ability to build a growing appreciation of the charm of Chinese culture."
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youremyheaven · 28 days
Saturnian Women: Bad Girls to Trad Girls? 👀😲👩‍🏫
Saturn is the planet of discipline, restriction and rules. Saturn is considered a "strict teacher" who uses discipline, difficulties, delay, duties, dealings, and denials at times to ensure that the student really imbibes their lessons.
There has been much discourse lately on Saturn mahadashas and tbh, I would say to not worry about it too much. Saturn punishes but it also rewards, so if you stay true to its teachings, i.e, keep your head down, do the work and stay firm but humble, Saturn will give you success in proportion to your efforts.
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon, finished her 19yr Saturn mahadasha in 2019 and you can clearly see the many themes of Saturn that played out in her life. She spent 5yr living overseas by herself as a child with another family (Saturn deprives you, to some extent, of your family's love and support) and after she moved back to Seoul, she began living at the YG dorm and trained for 5 years and 11 months, which is one of the longest training periods among popular idols today. She has talked about how she's never lived at home or had the experience of living with her family until she was 18-19 and she's always sounded bittersweet about it but all her hard work paid off. Today she's the face of K-pop, one of the most successful idols of all time, an icon and an it girl. She gets torrential amounts of hate over her "attitude" for the supposed partiality that YG had towards her and yes for being "lazy". This is Saturn's harsh energies coming through. Are Jennie's performances lacking from time to time? Yes but is she the only idol whose performances feel meh/"lazy"? No. Is she the only one who gets brutally called out for it? Largely, yes. Saturn does not allow you to get away with your skimping and most definitely does not let you take shortcuts.
The reason most people suffer during this mahadasha is because its human nature to want instant gratification and choose the "easier" option. But yk who does not like that? SATURN. This planet is all about being principled and doing things the "right way". You cannot do something immoral and expect to get away with it during this mahadasha but another thing about Saturn's influence is that it often makes natives deliberately "rebel" or step out of line because they internally crave punishment and want to be disciplined. Think of Saturn like the dom in a BDSM relationship and yourself as the bratty sub who's always asking to be punished. Its kinda like that. I've noticed this with many Saturnians as well as people experiencing Saturn dashas, they have no intention of being "bad" or doing the "wrong things" but they do anyway?? because they want Saturn to discipline them and put them in their place. Often times these natives choose the "harder" path subconsciously by forgoing many chances to choose from other options. They really want to prove themselves "worthy" and "deserving", sometimes to their own detriment.
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Karina from Aespa, Punarvasu Moon is also currently undergoing her Saturn mahadasha and so is Wonyoung, Purvabhadrapada Moon (they'll both finish their Saturn mahadashas at around the same ish period of 2031-2032). They're both incredibly successful so if you're experiencing this dasha, dw about Saturn depriving you of success bc its not true. You just have to work hard.
Wonyoung started training at 12yrs of age when she was a few years into her Saturn MD and Karina also started training during her Saturn MD (she was 16 tho). They both spent yearsss training and became massively popular upon their debut (Saturn rewarding hard work) but often got unwarranted hate for absolutely nothing because Saturn "punishes" you to keep you humble in the face of massive success. With Wonyoung, I feel like her Magha Sun (leo rashi) works in her detriment in this dasha because she can be very self indulgent, come across as pompous or bratty or arrogant and Saturn does not like those things 😬with Karina, she received hate initially but things were cleared up and it was understood that those rumours of her being a highschool bully were fabricated along with those fake screenshots and some of her old classmates spoke up about her virtuous character and how kind and sweet she actually was. This is again, Saturn's karma coming thru. Good karma will help you out of tough places in life. Karina has kept her head down and worked hard, people criticized her initially for being a bad dancer but now she's known for her stage presence and x factor.
She's now known for her kind, humble and goofy personality because that is who she really is. Saturn rewards those who remain down to earth and humble and all the love Karina receives now (she is the most followed 4th gen female kpop idol surpassing Wonyoung in less than a year) is part of Saturn's rewards. However, she still faces challenges, like with her dating scandal or with her Chinese boycott last year but again, its her willingness to stay focused and power through that has helped her navigate those situations with grace. She hasn't been dragged the way Jennie or Wonyoung has been. I also think her having Mercury & Venus in UBP (a Saturn ruled nak) has helped her embrace Saturnian principles easier than the other two but she also does have a debilitated Saturn so ://
I think Jennie has had it especially tough because she's Uttarashada Sun and Sun & Saturn are enemies so she's struggled to be as grounded and docile as Saturn wants its natives to be.
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If you think about it, there is a reason why all the Kpop it girls have Jupiter ruled Moon and experience Saturn mahadasha at the height of their fame. For starters, the Korean music industry is very "restrictive" in nature and idols are very tightly monitored and controlled (all Saturnian themes) and those who thrive the most in this system are Jupitereans who are undergoing their Saturn MD. They learn to channel the expansiveness of Jupiter through the restrictions of Saturn. Think about how Jennie, Wonyoung and Karina have all been deprived of creative freedom, how their labels pick and choose their endorsements and limit their interactions and in general, despite being young, rich and famous, they live like blue collar workers in some ways?? This is all Saturn's effects. It makes you work hard, rewards you for it but does not let you indulge too much in it.
There is a reason why Jupiter moon is soooo common among popstars. Performing in front of packed stadiums with 50,000 fans is an experience only few get to have in this world and to get that, you have to toil day and night through punishing schedules and constant travel where you dont enjoy yourself materially. This is a very blatant manifestation of Saturn restricting pleasure and enjoyment. (Jupiter ruled Moon natives experience Jupiter dashas first and then its followed by Saturn mahadasha, so usually at their peak, they're undergoing their Saturn MD)
Now, I want to mention something Claire Nakti mentioned in her Saturn men video, she said that Saturnian men are often extremely rebellious when they're younger and deliberately "act out" because they crave the punishment and discipline that Saturn imposes on them. They subconsciously want to be put in their place. This sounds hella masochistic but I think its helpful to think of it in terms of BDSM dynamics (dont laugh lmao). To an average person, its confusing as to why someone would want to be spanked or tied up or hurt or be in "pain" or be submissive but some people genuinely derive pleasure from being in that position, that's what's fun for them. They "ask for punishment" bc they enjoy being "punished". I dont want to say Saturnian individuals are kinky masochists who deliberately do things that will lead to terrible consequences and harsh punishment but tbh, there is no other explanation for their behaviour. I suggest watching Claire's video where she cites manyyy examples of Saturnian men "acting out".
In Claire Nakti's video about Saturnian women, she mentions how these women are more at ease with following traditions and submitting to them than others because they find it 'freeing' to obey.
But tbh, although women internalise their qualities more in general, I think Saturnian women are just as likely to have an "unruly/rebellious phase" before they embrace the rule abiding nature of Saturn because the truth is limitations are what gives us true freedom. Saturn teaches us that if you have "too much", you can feel confused and lost. it's more important to have "enough".
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Hwasa, Pushya Sun
Hwasa is a great example of Saturnian natives and their need to both rebel and conform. Hwasa belongs to the group Mamamoo and although they're all talented, they weren't as successful as other Kpop groups in the mid to late 2010s, esp since they also came from a smaller company. In 2018 at the MAMA awards, she performed in this red latex bodysuit and went instantly viral and her performance became vvv controversial since its practically unheard of for a kpop idol to reveal this much skin or put on a performance that is very sexually provocative. she received a LOT of flak for it, people bodyshamed her, slut shamed her etc but this also brought a lot of attention to her and her group and people started taking more notice of them.
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Hwasa was on the cover of Cosmopolitan later that year (you have to be a pretty big deal to land mag covers in Korea esp when you have sooo much competition from sooo many idols/actors etc, Hwasa was up until then just an idol from a smaller company whom others often criticized for not being "pretty enough").
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Hwasa continued to "rebel" by posing semi nude, appearing on the cover in what Koreans considered "immodest" clothing etc. But some of the criticism subsided bc as more and more people discovered her music, her talent as a singer and performer stood out so they started praising her for her talent & hard work (Saturn rewarding hard work).
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she continued to receive a lot of flak for her outfit choices and Hwasa it seemed was almost hell bent on pissing Koreans off by doing exactly those things that they shunned. She was criticized for this look as her bra is visible through a sheer top and what did she do next?
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she went to the airport in a white top and no bra 😂😂needless to say K-netizens were PISSED OFF. but at the same time she started making appearances on variety shows where she gained praise for her humility and lack of pretence. (Saturn punishes but rewards)
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this is an excerpt from her 2020 interview with Cosmo (the Cosmo cover above is from her 2019 cover), here we can see Hwasa admitting that "one year ago I was more daring because I felt like I had to be that way no matter what" which reflects on how many Saturnians are rebels without a cause. She then says that "As I go on, I feel like I'm being more strict with myself" showing the progression from the rebellious, unruly phase to one that embraces strictness and discipline. This does not mean becoming a doormat, it means you become more gentle and patient. Its through suffering (which Saturn def brings about) that we learn grace.
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I think Hwasa has described it well.
Saturn is considered the most aggressive and cruel in Indian astrology. It symbolizes karma and rewards or punishes based on one's deeds.
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Selena Gomez, Pushya Stellium (including Sun & Rising)
When her Revival album came out in 2015, Selena was 23 and trying her best to shed her Disney girl image. So she did what most child star turned popstars do, she posed nude. This was very out of character for a girl who wore a purity ring until she was 18 years old and was generally perceived as the "sweet innocent" one among all Disney stars.
During a roundtable interview in 2022, she said
"I actually did an album cover and I was really ashamed after I did it," Gomez said. "I had to work through those feelings because I realized it was attached to something deeper that was going on. And it was a choice that I wasn't necessarily happy that I made, but I think that I've done my best, at least I try to be myself. And I'm not an overly sexual person, sometimes I like to feel sexy, but that doesn't mean it's for somebody else. It can be for me. Now I understand that there are certain boundaries that I need to set for myself, and I respect and adore so many people, but I’ve got to do what’s best for me."
Obviously the need to "rebel" against her Disney sweetheart image was imbedded in her by the people who work with her, like her management team but Saturn's most powerful tool is regret. You do things without much thought or act out or act rebelliously and through regret or after suffering its consequences, you learn to draw boundaries and impose limitations upon yourself. Just because you can do certain things does not mean you should do them. Saturn teaches us this by limiting freedom.
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Miley Cyrus, Anuradha Sun & Mercury
We cannot talk about Disney stars gone wild without mentioning Miley lol
She was the biggest Disney girl of her time and worked vvv hard, doing world tours starting from her early teens and then filming the show, girlie basically never had a minute to spare. Once the show was up, she was in a hurry to shed her Disney image and lets just say... she embodied Saturnian rebelliousness to its extreme.
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Miley lost her virginity to Liam when she was 16 and by the time she was 19, she was engaged to get married to the only guy she ever seriously dated. She definitely was embracing "tradition" etc so her "rebel" era was a sharp left turn. She went from being a teen bride to twerking in nude latex on stage. For the next couple of years, Miley smoked weed, embraced a hip-hop sound, wore little clothing and "rebelled". Her rebel era marked the end of her relationship with Liam and interestingly enough, the end of her rebel era was marked by her renewed relationship with Liam.
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She entered her soft girl era and started to shed her "rebellious image" and found balance
“I carried some guilt and shame around myself for years because of how much controversy and upset I really caused,” she says. “Now that I’m an adult, I realise how harshly I was judged. I was harshly judged as a child by adults and now, as an adult, I realise that I would never harshly judge a child.”- Miley said in her British Vogue interview
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Miranda Kerr, Pushya Rising
If you watch her interviews from the late 2000s and early 2010s, she's super flirty and now she's more mature and ladylike which is kind of a superficial evolution of Saturnian influence.
Miranda is rumoured to have been the world's most expensive yacht girl at one point in time. She accepted $8.1 million worth of jewellery from fraud Malaysian billionaire Jho Low. All these gifts were seized by the government later on bc Saturn does not let you keep things you obtained illegally or in unprincipled ways.
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In 2014 during an interview for British GQ (these pics are from the shoot) Miranda said:
"The older I get, the more confident I am about asking for things I enjoy," she said. "One thing I've noticed is now that I'm having less sex my body isn't as toned. The more sex I have, the more defined my arms and stomach get. Orlando and I always had great chemistry. One-night stands aren't my thing. I made Orlando wait for six months until I even kissed him… I always ask for a critique on my performance. I always want to better myself in every way."
She also said,
"Let's put it this way, I've had an orgasm in the air before. Alone. And together." 😲😲
This is sooo remarkably TMI for a woman who now presents herself as so poised and ladylike??
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After she started dating her now husband Evan Spiegel, CEO of Snapchat, they remained celibate for the 2years they dated prior to marriage and Miranda said they're "very traditional".
Interviews of Miranda now make her sound like one of those femininity coaches on YouTube.
"My grandma taught me that men are visual and you need to make a little effort," the model said in an interview with The Edit. "So when [Evan] comes home, I make sure to have a nice dress on and the candles lit. We make time to have a nice dinner together. At work, I'm like, 'We need to do this!' and, 'This needs to happen!' But at home, I slip into my feminine and empower Evan to be in his masculine."
In another interview, she said:
"Don't feel like you have to do and be everything. Let the man do some things for you, because if he cares for you, he will want to. When I get home, I'm not the boss like I am at work — I slip into a more feminine role. I take everything off and put on my Stella McCartney silk robe. I'll put on a red lip or red nails, and it lifts my mood. Sexy underwear also gives you a spark. I collect underwear from my travels. Lace, lingerie, bodysuits ... they're like souvenirs."
And in yet another interview, she said:
"He would rather me hug him than give him foot massages. He's like, 'Can you just come and cuddle up? Can we just snuggle? I don't need a foot massage.' I'm like, 'Come on, it's good for you!' … He's very loving like that. I'm a very lucky girl."
She went from being a "rebel" to living like a trad wife.
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Eva Mendes, Pushya Moon
She's yet another Saturnian who had a rebellious early career ("rebellious" for a woman basically means capitalizing on your sex appeal) and then embraced a more "traditional" life.
In 2020, she said:
"You can’t do sweatpants,” she said on Extra while promoting her makeup line, Circa. “Ladies, number one cause of divorce in America, sweatpants, no!” 
This is again an example of a "femininity" minded person who thinks women have to "ladylike" (Saturn embracing traditional gender roles).
She took a 10yr break from acting to focus on being a mother and said that if she returns to acting she wont do "violence" or "sexuality" which she did do prior to her marriage and motherhood. She also got married later in life and had this to say:
“When I was 40, it was a big deal for people when I was pregnant, and it wasn’t for me,” Mendes said. “And then I was 42 and I was pregnant with my second one and people were like, ‘Oh my God, you’re going to be so tired. That’s why people have kids in their 20s.’ I was like, that’s the most sorry, asinine thing I’ve ever heard.”
She continued, explaining of parenting, “It takes more patience. In my 20s, I shouldn’t have even been around a child. I was just foul-mouthed and smoking. I could not have raised kids in any other era of my life but now, for sure.”
She's indirectly referring to a more "rebellious" phase of her life and how now she has the patience to be a mom. one thing Saturn teaches you is patience, thats for sureee.
Saturn influence also causes delayed marriage.
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Madhuri Dixit, Pushya Moon was 32 years old when she got married (in 90s India this was ancient and not as "normal" as it is now).
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Salma Hayek, UBP Moon
there isn't enough dirt on Salma to show that she had some "bad girl" past to move beyond but she struggled for many many years. her life really exemplifies the delayed success of Saturn bc saturn truly rewards patience
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Rani Mukerji, UBP Moon
She got married when she was 36yrs old and is married to one of the biggest film producers in India.
The themes of Saturn delaying marriage but ultimately pointing to marrying into wealth has been true in the lives of many of these women, including Salma who is married to a billionaire.
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Ellen Pompeo- Anuradha Moon
She was 38 when she got married. Another thing I've noticed with many Saturnian women is how they struggle to conceive or have issues with their fertility (usually caused by the delay in marriage as they're older when they become mothers).
Salma has talked about how she struggled with gestational diabetes when she was pregnant and how she wishes she could have had more children. Rani Mukerji has spoken about her struggles with fertility and how she lost her second baby to a miscarriage, 2/3 of Ellen Pompeo's kids were carried by a surrogate.
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Monica Bellucci, Pushya Moon
She was 35 when she married Vincent Cassel and had her daughters in her 40s.
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Hillary Swank, Pushya Sun
She was 44 when she married her current husband. (She did get married at 23 and was married for 10yrs , which means they separated after her Saturn return)
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Jennifer Lopez, Pushya stellium
She married Ben Affleck when she was 53
She was 35 when she married Marc Anthony with whom she has 2 kids and was married to for a decade. All her other marriages were brief and short lived, pointing to how Saturn makes you get rid of anything that isn't "right" for you
Usually whenever Saturnians get married young, they end up getting a divorce. This is a massive generalization and obvs wont apply to every Saturnian but I've seen this with many people, even Miranda Kerr who married Orlando Bloom in her 20s ended up getting divorced after her Saturn return.
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Sophie Turner, UBP Moon
Sophie started dating Joe when she was 19 and married him when she was 21 and he was 28. According to rumours she felt really trapped in the marriage and felt like she hadn't experienced much life. She went from being on a TV show for 10yrs and missing out on normal teen experiences to being a wife and a mom. Many have accused Joe of grooming her as well. They've ended up getting a bitter divorce as well.
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Mariah Carey, UBP Sun
She was 23 when she married the CEO of her label who was 20yrs older than her. He had known her since she was a teenager 🤮🤢🤢Mariah has, like Sophie described feeling "trapped" in her marriage and how she had "no freedom". Tommy is famously controlling and kept her under lock and key pretty much. He is now married to Mexican pop star Thalia who was once a huge name in Latin music and is now virtually absent from public life. So his tendency to keep his wives locked up wasn't limited to Mariah, I guess.
Mariah divorced Tommy when she was 29 during her Saturn return as well and he made her life hell for the next few years (do not marry and divorce your CEO kids)
All throughout this post I made mentions of how Saturnians "rebel" and then "embrace tradition" but what is "traditional" isn't always "right". These two things aren't synonymous. Hwasa went against tradition by dressing sexy. Would that be considered scandalous in say, America? No. She went against the tradition of her culture. But it did not make her actions "wrong".
But sometimes this tendency to obey traditions can manifest in more extreme ways and make someone have very right wing esque or conservative views, even.
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JK Rowling, Pushya Sun, Saturn in 1h (in Purva bhadrapada)
Rowling was once a beloved author who was known for her highly inspirational rags to riches journey. She became the first writer to become a billionaire. But now, she's known as a transphobe and many of her former friends and allies have distanced themselves from her. Its crazy bc she almost exclusively tweets about trans people and has made it her life's mission to talk about who is a "real" woman and who isn't (Saturn's desire to conform to traditional gender roles) but her transphobic era seems to be her rebellious Saturn phase where she is seeking punishment. It literally makes no sense as to why out of the blue one day she started to tweet and say these things and why she's sooo insistent on her views but its like she's digging her own grave.
Saturnians often do bizarre things that seem like obviously bad ideas to others and suffer terrible consequences for it because they crave Saturn's harshness. She could've never written another book after Harry Potter, fucked off into oblivion with all her money and farmed strawberries for the rest of her life with her legacy intact but Saturn has stripped her of it. I wont be surprised if in another 10yrs or something, she comes forward to talk about how embarrassed and ashamed she is of whatever she's doing now as this is also a pattern among Saturnians to feel guilt and remorse for their past and apologize for it.
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Oprah Winfrey- Anuradha Moon
Oprah hasn't been fully exposed and cancelled yet but I hope she gets what Ellen got because she's such a vile, toxic hateful person.
Oprah has a long history of platforming some incredibly toxic people, leading to a lot of pain and suffering. The relevant one right now is Dr. Oz who used his Oprah-given influence to sell scam miracle cures and other supplements.
Worse (in my opinion) is Dr. Phil, who has used his Oprah-provided stage to send children to “reform schools” in exchange for kickbacks. Many (included the infamous catch me outside girl) have claimed that these institutions are hot beds of physical and sexual abuse. There are also allegations that Dr. Phil actively aims to make guests on his show appear less well adjusted so that he can yell at them. Famously, a winner of the show survivor who was struggling with alcoholism claimed that Dr. Phil’s staff gave him a bottle of vodka to drink before the show so that he would be drunk and look like shit to justify Dr. Phil berating him.
Oprah also dedicated two shows to a man known as John of God, heavily implying that he may actually be able to heal sickness through faith in God. He was, obviously, a grifter who would perform dangerous surgical procedures (and would cut people’s eyes with sharp objects) on people without a license. He was also a serial rapist, and several women have claimed they traveled across the world to meet John of God due to Oprah’s show only to be raped.
This example is more fitting of the traits I explored in part 1 of my Saturn dominance post where I talked about how many Saturnians seem to be scammers and liars.
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Grimes, UBP Sun
for an edgy alternative indie artist, Grimes has surprisngly trad views
In one interview, she said:
"I kind of like the patriarchy, I like the supply chain, food, Uber, roads... umm, civilization, you know there's a lot of good things that came from it. I think it's sort of oppressive and overly dominant, and if you don't include women in things they can easily become toxic, you know."
she was married to elon musk so im not too surprised that her worldviews are...weird... (she likes the patriarchy bc it gave her uber,,, gotcha...lol)
Sometimes honestly, esp in today's world where everybody has more social freedom esp in America and can do whatever they want, a lot of people "rebel" by embracing tradition. Grimes is actually deploying Saturn's need to rebel against the order by peddling her faux trad views.
The current tradfem movement (that I predicted 2 years ago😌) is a reflection of how each generation rebels differently. You give someone a lot of freedom and they do whatever they want with it but soon enough fatigue sets in and you desperately crave structure and order, so you discipline yourself and restrict yourself. in an era where dating has become so toxic and loveless, a section of society embraces a 1950s type tradwife lifestyle to go against the norm.
there will be a part 3 that expands on Saturn's manifestations further but this is it for this post<333 tysm for reading<33
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jinnie-ret · 6 months
Sister!Reader Imagines🪻
<-------- back to ot8 masterlist
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Cold Water - Stray Kids x Reader (Platonic) A
When Chan's sister pays the boys a visit in Seoul, during their S-CLASS mv shooting, no one could have expected the day to end the way it would.
Rebel - Stray Kids x Adopted Sister!Reader F
The boys are too used to their little sister's rebellious ways by now, but that doesn't stop them from worrying every now and then.
2hwang - Stray Kids x Reader (Platonic) F
Hyunjin's twin sister finally meets SKZ, and much to his surprise, she's a big fan.
So Say it Ditto - Stray Kids x Sister!Reader F
The boys support their sister's venture in joining NewJeans.
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moontyger · 4 days
Yoon-Kim Ji-Young, a professor at the Institute of Body and Culture at Konkuk University in Seoul, argues that in South Korea, women are up against a multibillion-dollar industrial complex, including cosmetics, plastic surgery and entertainment, which sends women mutually reinforcing messages.
"This huge mechanism unilaterally defines the ideal body image for young women, as well as the direction and size of their dreams," she says. As a result, she says, many young Korean women aspire to become YouTube makeup coaches.
Traditionally, she says, Korean women are taught that beauty is their biggest asset. By getting married, they can exchange that asset for social and economic status. Even today, such views affect women's options and choices related to careers, marriage and motherhood. Rejecting beauty standards leads some women to rebel against an entire social structure, she says, and that means boycotting romance, marriage, sex and childbirth.
"Women are not simply looking to destroy the cosmetics industry by smashing makeup," she says. "Their aim is to subvert the huge male-centered matrix called the patriarchy."
Yoon-Kim adds that not until they have "escaped the corset" do many women realize that they've been taught to blame themselves for the discrimination they encounter, and to feel that it's their own fault for not being young, skinny or pretty enough. A 2017 poll found that nearly 40 percent of respondents experienced discrimination based on their appearance when applying for jobs. Applicants are commonly asked for photos, as well as information about their height and weight.
"The constant feeling of obsession, self-hatred and fatigue in this competitive society," she says, "robs us of the energy to address its fundamental, structural inequality."
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pupuyvs · 23 days
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Home » Kpop Girl Groups » ANGELUS Members profile
ANGELUS Members Profile
ANGELUS Members Profiles and Facts:
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ANGELUS (안젤루스) is a five-member South Korean girl group under HYBE. The members currently consist of Daeun, Audrey, Jasmine, Yue, and Jade. ANGELUS are set to officially debut on April 23rd, 2024 with their 1st mini album “FALLEN”.
ANGELUS Fandom Name: XAPHAN (재판) (Comes from the name of a demon that helped Lucifer rebel against God. Just as he helped rebel against God, ANGELUS fans will help the girls rebel against the industry.)
ANGELUS Fandom Color: Fallen Blue
ANGELUS Official Accounts:
Instagram: angelus_official
Twitter: angelus_members / Staff Twitter: angelus /
Japan Twitter: angelus_jp
TikTok: angelus
Weverse: ANGELUS
ANGELUS Member Profile
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Stage name: Daeun (다은)
Birth Name: Park Dauen (박다은)
English Name: Daphne Park
Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer
Birthday: March 20th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 163 cm (5’4”)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Blue
Representative Sin: Sloth
Representative Emoji: 🪼
Daeun Facts:
ー Daeun was born in Seoul, South Korea.
ー She’s the oldest member.
ー She has an older sister and younger brother.
ー The members call her Eun, DaDa, Bambi, and Daph.
ー Hobbies: Reading and writing.
ー She originally applied as an actress, but was asked
to train as an idol instead. (Source.)
ー She has the shortest training time with a year and a
ー Likes: Rain, walks in the park, and jellyfish.
ー Dislikes: Loud chewing and rudeness.
ー She wants to better her writing to the point where
shes writing songs for the group.
ー If she had to date a member she would date Audrey
because she has a nice voice. (Source.)
Show more Daeun fun facts…
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Stage Name: Audrey (오드리)
Birth Name: Han Yeseo (한예서)
English Name: Audrey Han
Position: Face of the Group, Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Birthday: July 27th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 170 cm (5’7”)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Purple
Representative Sin: Pride
Representative Emoji: 🐙
Audrey Facts:
ー She was born in Busan, South Korea.
ー She has two older brothers.
ー The members call her Seo, Winnie and Drey.
ー She was scouted while shopping for clothes.
ー If she wasn’t idol she’d probably be a marine
biologist. (Source.)
ー Hobbies: Painting and photography.
ー She trained for 3 years.
ー The members say though her and Jasmine seem
cold at first glance, they are actually the most sensitive
members. (The Story of the Fallen EP. 1)
ー Likes: The ocean, swimming, and hiking.
ー Dislikes: Being wasteful.
ー She would like to attend Fashion Week and model
one day.
ー She’s very close with Chaewon from LE SSERAFIM.
ー If she had to date a member she’d date Jasmine
because of how precious she is. (Source.)
Show more Audrey facts…
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Stage Name: Jasmine (재스민)
Birth Name: Bai Luli (白露莉)
English Name: Jasmine Bai
Korean Name: Jung Naeun (정나은)
Position: Center, Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist
Birthday: June 8th, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 168 cm (5’6”)
Nationality: Chinese
Representative Color: Pink
Representative Sin: Greed
Representative Emoji: 🪐
Jasmine Facts:
ー Jasmine was born in Sichuan, China.
ー She has an older sister who teaches Kindergarten.
ー The members call her Flower, Princess, and Lily.
ー She has the longest training time at 10 years.
ー She trained at YG (2013-2017) and SM (2018-2021).
She went back home for one year before getting
casted by Hybe in 2022.
ー She is close with Red Velvet, BLACKPINK, Yuqi, and
AESPA members.
ー Hobbies: Building Legos.
ー She has a cat named Alice.
ー Likes: Flowers, Animals, Legos.
ー Dislikes: Being lied to.
ー She said the day Yue and her’s teaser dropped is the
day they got added to the Chinese idols group-chat.
ー Her ideal type is someone who will bring her flowers
everyday just like her father did with her mother.
ー If she had to date a member she would choose
either Yue or Jade since they’re cute.
Show more Jasmine facts…
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Stage Name: Yue (유에)
Birth Name: Song Yue (宋月)
English Name: Luna Song
Korean Name: Song Yuna (송유나)
Position: Main Vocalist, Dancer
Birthday: December 12th, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 170 cm (5’7”)
Nationality: Chinese
Representative Color: Red
Representative Sin: Wrath
Representative Emoji: 🌙
Yue Facts:
ー Yue was born in Beijing, China.
ー She is the younger sister of Yuqi from (G)I-DLE.
ー The members call her Luna and YuYu.
ー She trained at Cube Entertainment (2017-2019).
ー She got scouted by Hybe at a cafe in Seoul.
ー She’s ambidextrous.
ー Hobbies: Writing and producing songs.
ー She’s a very private person.
ー She’s close with all members of (G)I-DLE
ー If she wasn’t an idol she would be a producer.
ー Likes: Cold weather and drums.
ー Dislikes: Heat.
ー If she had to pick a member to date she would
choose Daeun because she’s pretty when she wakes
Show more Yue facts…
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Stage Name: Jade (제이드)
Birth Name: Im Seoyeon (임서연)
English Name: Jade Im
Position: Maknae, Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist
Birthday: September 5th, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 165 cm (5’5)
Nationality: Korean
Representative Color: Green
Representative Sin: Envy
Representative Emoji: 🪽
Jade Facts:
ー Jade was born in Seoul, South Korea.
ー She is an only child.
ー The members call her baobei, gem, yeonie, and
ー She likes being the youngest.
ー She is close with Ahn Yujin from IVE, LE SSERAFIM,
and Minji and Hanni from NEWJEANS.
ー She originally was a trainee from Source Music.
ー She was supposed to debut with LE SSERAFIM.
ー She’s very quiet when first meeting people, but once
you guys are friends she’s very loud.
ー She wants to become an E (MBTI), but she’s too shy.
ー Hobbies: Learning new things and bothering her
ー If she wasn’t an idol she’d go into acting. (Source.)
ー Likes: Rain and Daeun’s cooking.
ー Dislikes: Birds and Mean people.
ー If she had to choose a member to date she’d choose
Yue or Jasmine because the way they speak Korean
is cute. (Source.)
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latriii · 1 year
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𐄹 DEJA VU ? — y.jw x f!reader ★
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tuesday 8:20am — classroom 1-4
sato yn was 20 minutes early to class today. she had been coming to school late everyday before she got suspended so the school had to force her to arrive to school earlier than the rest of the students.
the girl had her head down, airpods stuffed in her ear as she listened to in the air by destin conrad.
being alone in class made yn think, she had no other choice but to replay memories. she never really had time to think to herself about her life, she was always the type to make memories and think about consequences later.
although she assumed riki was joking about jungwon liking her, she really wished it were true; all this arguing with minjeong wasn’t for no reason, she wanted to defend her name, but she also just wished jungwon had just met her normally and maybe they could’ve formed a proper relationship with each other.
if the girl was being honest with herself, she didn’t like how she was right now. her mom moved her to seoul to have a fresh start and better herself with the help of her cousin changmin. obviously she hasn’t changed but she does have more sympathy than before, her old self would’ve just not cared about how this would affect the people around her.
yn sucked in a breath, closing her eyes while the music just played in her ears. it was gloomy out, she wasn’t in the mood to interact, especially not after all the things that has gone down, she really felt like shit. being known as a ‘rebel party girl who jungwon cheated with’ was starting to get to her.
jungwon stepped inside the quiet classroom; he was always early, always alone, always just there to avoid all the stares he’s been getting recently. the boy was almost fully soaked from biking to school. his bangs stuck to his forehead, lips all red from sucking on them out of habit. it really wasn’t a good morning for him.
jungwon notices yn from afar, her head was down, airpods in, and asleep as she usually was. her hair fell perfectly around her face, she was gorgeous in jungwon’s eyes, she really had an affect on him without even doing much to grab his attention.
the constant reminders that jungwon might have feelings for her made the boy think every single night since the day she walked into their homeroom and introduced herself as ‘sato yn’ with a bright smile. and at this point, jungwon just accepted it, he had feelings for yn and he was going to confess.
not now though. not without knowing if sunghoon likes her or not.
jungwon walked over to his desk, sitting down right next to yn like he usually does. the boy didn’t want to wake yn up, she was peacefully asleep. instead, jungwon layed his head on his arms facing the girl— observing her features for the 100fh time.
time passed by and no one seemed to be walking into the classroom. jungwon tapped on his phone to check the time, ‘9:14am.’
thats weird, class started at 9:00 why isn’t anyone here..
confused, jungwon sat up and checked his emails just to find one that says, ‘school cancelled due to rainstorm.’ great.
jungwon was stuck, he didn’t want to wake up yn and tell her that there was no school and that she has to leave even though she came in early for the first time in a month.
jungwon sat there, not saying much, caught up in his own head. not realizing that the girl opened her eyes and was now staring at him with a puzzled expression.
“where’s everyone?” the girl asked silently, she yawned as she sat up, stretching her whole body.
jungwon turned his head to the voice. he was not expecting yn to wake up suddenly and to be staring at him with a cute confused expression?
jungwon was about to burst into a million pieces.
the boy opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. yn eyebrows furrowed, she was expecting him to be arrogant and speak without hesitation like he usually does, but he looked flustered, almost nervous.
“hello, earth to jungwon.” yn waved her hands in front of the boys face.
“oh, school was cancelled.”
“i didn’t know either, i just checked my email.”
the girl tapped her phone just to see a bunch of notifications from her friends telling her school was cancelled.
“i don’t even know how im going to get home.” yn said, shutting off her phone.
jungwon thought for a moment, “i mean i have my bike. i could peddle you home.”
jungwon smirked before nudging the girl with his elbow. and hes back, the normal jungwon she knew.
the girl scoffed at him before snickering at his little joke.
“okay sure. peddle me home yang jungwon.”
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m.list — prev next
| 𐄹 DEJA VU would be word that went though yn’s mind when she saw the class president at her new school. the uncanny resemblance YANG JUNGWON had with the guy SATO YN kissed at a party last weekend ran through the girls mind. but there was one problem, they were complete opposites. they aren’t same person, RIGHT ?
TAGLIST @eulris @yenqa @jungwonsgfnameyukie @taegyuul @chaechae-23 @astrae4 @winteringdream @l0veflrws @leaderwon @wtfhyuck @softpia @kyyuri @jangw2nyo @curly-fr13s @baekhyunstruly @wonioml @sydneylam777 @woncheecks @soobsdior @beomsbeanie @j-wyoung @ilovewonyo @officiallyjaehyuns @hyuckscore @maimoirs @haefims @pr-da @nokacchan @sserafimez @heartsforjngwn @lhees01 @kyuupidwrites @shinsou-rii @ensrfm @strwberrydinosaur @cwsana @rikimylove @haoqwrld @soobisrealgfnotfake @sunooluver @wonyoungsvirus
209 notes · View notes
dollyyun · 2 months
𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 | chap 12
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SYPNOSIS: wherein Hwang Stella's life is tangled in a predicament involving her clandestine identity as a racer, her seemingly daily life as the official heir to the Hwang Empire, and seven guys with whom she has a complex history with.
PAIRING: enhypen members x fem oc.
GENRE: 18+ (mdni), reverse harem, chaebols, semi-college & racing, eventual adulthood, non-idol au, eventual enha being f1 drivers, multiple pov (this fic is written in first pov).
WARNINGS: abuse, violence, expletives, angst, heartbreaks, drama.
TAGLIST: @aishigrey @kgneptun
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I haven't been in the right state of mind since last week's incident. With Jungwon leaving Seoul, some of the guys had ulterior motives towards me and Sunghoon. It fucked me up so badly that there were moments when I couldn't physically do anything and just unmoved from my bed.
Surprisingly, Minhyuk didn't demand my presence in the room where he punished me for my incompetence. Jihyun, on the other hand, had been relentlessly berating me for my mistakes and how the incident should be a lesson learned to me that I could only trust my family. It's fucking ironic, because I don't even trust the people with whom I share the same blood here in the first place.
Presently, I'm at my secret hideout, which is a garage that is equivalent to the size of the mansion's living room. As I rest on the mini couch with my head on the armrest and my arm draped over my eyes, I begin to collect my thoughts as I bask in the silence. I have been here since the first sunrise.
The Grand Prix will happen tonight, and I need to get my shit together if I want to prevail against my competitors. But my mind will always drift off to them.
The rational part of me understands why they did what they did, but the other part of me still reels from the heartbreak. To learn that they only began to become closer to me just to get me to lower my guard and cause distractions hurts me more than it should.
I mean, when I think about it, it is hypocritical of me to feel enraged and heartbroken when I am to blame as well. I willingly allowed myself to fall for their allure and for them to use me as they pleased. I'm at fault for being utterly weak and a fool for being desperate to get crumbs of their affections.
Tears start to sting in my eyes as I grit my teeth. Despite how much the truth hurts me and how badly I want to hate them, I can't. In the end, they were victims as well.
"Stella!" I hear Aera calling for me in such desperation from the outside. "Stella!"
I remain unmoving from my position as I had the door unlocked. Aera's footsteps rush towards me, prompting me to remove my arm away from my eyes before they stop at Aera, who is dressed in a racer fit with the exception of her high-waisted checkered skirt.
Earlier, I caved in and returned Aera's texts. She had been relentlessly trying to call me and get me to talk to her, but I refused. Eventually, she revealed that she didn't know anything.
I offer her a weak smile as I pat the empty space at my side, where she sits before embracing me in a hug. I sigh, hugging her tighter. At least I still have one last friend.
"Before you say anything, just know that I gave my brother an earful of reprimanding." Aera frowns after she pulls away from the hug. "I can't believe they would do this. I expected better from Heeseung."
"I'm not certain if I can blame them entirely." I chuckle dryly. "I've been thinking and collecting my thoughts. The guys, including your brother, are victims as well."
"But that doesn't justify the fact that they had ulterior motives towards you in the first place." Aera counters, scowling. "If they weren't cowards, they would've rebelled against those with power. Heck, even I rebelled, which resulted in me getting disowned just recently."
I look at her with my eyes widening. "What happened?"
"I confronted my parents about their schemes, and we were in such a heated argument that even Heeseung tried to intervene. They also disapproved of me being friends with you and forbade me from seeing you, but I wasn't about to let them control my life." Aera sighs. "Which then resulted in me getting disowned by my parents."
My eyes turn crestfallen. "I'm so sorry, Aera."
"Hey, it's fine. Don't feel bad." Aera grabs my hand, squeezing it lightly. She gives me a faint smile. "Plus, they haven't been the ideal parents to me since I was young. I was just there merely for decoration. Heeseung's the apple of their eyes."
I sigh and am about to speak, but Aera cuts me off. "Stella, listen," She places her hand on my shoulder as she looks at me with firm eyes. "Whatever happens, I'll always stick by your side. Wherever you go, I'll go too."
Tears well up in my eyes. "Really?"
"Truly." Aera smiles. "Us girls got to stick together."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
The circuit where the Grand Prix is held is more massive than I expected. After Aera and I parted ways as she joined the other spectators, I'm with the other racers, loitering at the automat. I don't know why I feel disheartened when I don't see any sightings of familiar faces.
With the empty can in my grasp, I slowly crush it before averting my gaze from the other racers who are mingling about and making my way towards the rubbish. I toss it inside and turn around, but my heart stops beating momentarily when I come face-to-face with Jaeyun. My first love.
He appears to have been running, given how he is panting lightly and sweats trickling down his temple. His dark hair is slightly tousled, making me want to adjust it, but I refrain from doing so.
"Stella, I need to tell you something." He starts off, but the moment he speaks, I look away from him and attempt to walk away. "This is important!" He tugs at my wrist, causing me to jerk from his sudden touch.
I look at him with a scowl. "What do you want─"
"Rena was spotted earlier." Jaeyun cuts me off with a sense of urgency. "She was seen where we racers stationed our vehicles."
I kind of had a hunch that she would be here, considering how she wouldn't stop pestering me for the past few days about the Grand Prix and how it'll be the night I will remember.
"So what?" I ask bluntly, which throws him off guard. "Thanks for this important information."
"You don't understand, love." Jaeyun says in frustration. "Don't you know your sister? She could've done something deplorable tonight that might concern your safety."
"Even if she did something, why do you care?" I let out a shaky breath.
Jaeyun's eyes glisten. "I never stopped caring about you, love."
I look away from his eyes, because the longer I stare into them, the stronger the urge to return to his arms. "Then stop caring." I turn my back on him while tears brim in my eyes. "I did."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Determination and tenacity sizzle through every fibre of my being while my clutch on the steering wheel tightens with resolve. The blaring sound of the exhaust of my engine blares just as loudly as the other cars on the circuit.
My eyes shift to the rear view mirror, noticing Jaeyun's car approaching from behind. My foot presses down the accelerator pedal, refusing to lose against him or even some of them. Currently, I'm against seven competitors, including Jaeyun, Riki, and Sunghoon. Just earlier, I saw the bunch of them together, but I refrain from going to them just like I used to.
Focus, Stella. My better instinct tells me as my eyes harden. You can't afford to lose.
My hands multitask, going into auto mode as they operate the functions with competency. I manage to overtake Sunghoon, but there are still three cars ahead of me. Suddenly feeling a little breathless, I slide up the visor of my helmet to get some air, but it isn't enough.
I begin to cough as my throat begins to feel dry before I finally notice how the interior of my car seems misty.
"Stella." I hear Junho's voice speaking into my ear, as I have an earbud inside. "You're slowing down and losing momentum. What's wrong?"
"I'm fine." I cough once more before I grit my teeth in annoyance. "I was a little distracted."
"Focus, Hwang. You know you can't be distracted." Junho says sternly. "Make me proud. Make your uncle proud."
It's as if the mention of my uncle is the triggering point, and before I know it, I pick up the velocity, zooming past each car as though it's a vigorous beast. Sweats trickle down my skin while my heart is having palpitations.
After successfully leaving the other racers in the dust, I attempt to decelerate my car as I realise how fast my car is going, but as I hit the pedal break, nothing changes. The speed remains the same. I begin to panic, trying everything in my power to reduce the speed of my car, but to no avail.
"Stella! You're going insanely fast!" Junho's urgent voice doesn't help to alleviate what I'm feeling either.
"I can't!" I choke out as tears spring from my eyes. "Something's wrong with the functions!"
Then I hear nothing from Junho. I try again, again, and again, but nothing is working. This has never happened before, and I'm guessing Rena did something to my vehicle. I don't know if I will make it out alive.
I almost let go of the steering wheel due to the impact I received from the side. I look out the window, and my eyes widen when I see Jaeyun's car. It seems as though he's trying to help me reduce the speed despite the fact that there would be scratches or even damages done to our cars, but Jaeyun doesn't relent.
I feel another thud coming from the opposite, prompting me to look and spot Sunghoon's car as well. They're trying to help me.
Both of their cars come closer and closer until I hear loud screeching from the outside. I try to step on the pedal break again, hoping that it'll function again. Upon seeing that the speed of my car doesn't relent, Jaeyun picks up velocity and overtakes me, but in an instant, he does a swift yet dangerous drift, with his car facing me as he drives backwards.
I guess he's pulling the brakes, because the moment the head of my car meets his, I can feel the difference in speed, but it isn't enough to stop immediately. The loud screeching reaches my ears while my heart beats fast in apprehension.
Jaeyun's tactic seems to be working even though the exterior of our cars has been damaged. Just as we're about to slow down to a stop, we hear loud blaring from my side, prompting me to look with wide eyes at two cars heading towards us with no intention to stop.
Alas, both crash into Jaeyun and me, sending our vehicles flying due to the major impact and the speed. Window glasses shatter everywhere, and my ribs start to hurt while my helmet hits the roof of my car, making me lightheaded.
For a moment, stillness envelopes me as I stay in my seat motionlessly with my car now hanging upside down while pain spikes through my body. I feel blood trickling down my head, and my hands are bearing some wounds from the shattered glasses. As my eyelids are threatening to close, the smell of something burning invades my senses.
"Get Stella out!" I hear muffled voices and yelling before the driver's door is forced open.
"Stella!" I feel hands trying to unbuckle my seatbelt in urgency. As soon as Heeseung unbuckles it, he is swift to catch me and attempts to get me out, but I ended up being dragged due to the difficulty of being hanged upside down.
My eyelids are heavy, but I persist, feeling my back leaning against Heeseung's chest while I spot Jay kneeling in front of me as he carefully removes my helmet.
"Stella." Heeseung frantically brushes the strands of my hair away from sticking to my face. My head lolls to the side, feeling heavy, and the fact that my ribcage feels painful.
"Jaeyun." I manage to utter, though in a whimper. "Is Jaeyun safe?" But my eyes shift to the view in front of me, and my heart drops.
Fire is slowly engulfing Jaeyun's car whole, and I spot Jaeyun, who has been dragged away from his car. Half of his face is smeared with blood while he appears lifeless.
"No." I begin to sob weakly as tears flow freely. It was supposed to be only me, not him. He wasn't supposed to get hurt.
"Get the stretchers!" I hear Junho bark out orders while chaos erupts everywhere.
I feel Heeseung's arm go underneath my knees while the other goes behind my back before he carries me in bridal style. He seems to be saying something, but his voice sounds far away. Before I knew it, I had fallen into the rabbit hole.
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The paramedics brought Jake, Stella, and the other two racers to the nearest hospital. Unfortunately, the other two racers couldn't pull the brakes, just like Stella. Compared to the three of them, Jake receives the most impact, which is why he is now in a critical condition.
"Heeseung!" Aera calls for me, jogging towards us as we wait outside of the A&E room. She pants heavily while her eyes glisten with tears. "Stella and Jake?"
I shake my head at her and sigh deeply as I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. "They're still inside."
"I don't get it." Sunoo, who is seated on the bench, speaks up with a look of despair. "How could this have happened?"
"I'm guessing Rena happened." Sunghoon says as he leans against the wall across from us. His eyes harden. "Before the race, Jake told me about Rena being spotted at where the vehicles are stationed. I'm assuming that she tampered with their vehicles."
"But how?" Ni-Ki asks incredulously. "Unless someone gave her access."
"You're right." Jay approaches us after not being seen anywhere. "Sorry. I've had to do a little investigation and do some reporting on the accident. But Ni-Ki is right. Rena paid some staff to let her in."
"Then she should be put behind bars!" Aera exclaims.
"Don't worry. She's currently being investigated." Jay rolls his eyes. "Although I'm positive her parents will bail her out."
We wait impatiently yet restlessly for the outcome of the next hour.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
After hearing the dreadful news from Jake's doctor, I decide to head to Stella's room with Aera while the guys head over to Jake's. As soon as my eyes settle on her figure, my heart aches at the sight, especially with IV drips inserted into her skin.
Stella looks utterly vulnerable as she rests. I look down at her hands, which are covered in bandages, before I tenderly hold her hand. According to her doctor, she sustained an injury to her ribcage in bruised form, and the side of her forehead needed stitching. She also inhaled some type of substance that caused her to feel dizzy. Other than that, she is fine.
"Jaeyun?" Stella mumbles, startling us as she stirs, finally fluttering her eyes open. "Jaeyun!"
"Hey, hey. It's fine, sweetheart." I move closer to her side with my hand gently touching her forehead. She weeps in silence as tears trickle down her cheeks.
"Where is Jaeyun?" She asks weakly.
I give her a sad smile. "He's in the ICU. He's in a critical condition. He received the most impact."
"He's in a coma." Aera speaks up, her voice sounds shaky. "We don't know if he'll wake up."
At once, Stella releases a sharp sob, and I can only hold her hand, feeling helpless and useless. "It's my fault." Stella cries out. "I was supposed to be the only one to get hurt, not him!"
Neither Aera nor I can offer her words of consolation. Aera covers her mouth as her eyes glisten with tears, getting emotional upon seeing Stella break down.
"He shouldn't have helped me. If he hadn't, he would be safe." Stella holds my hand tighter.
"You know he would. He would always save you in a heartbeat, sweetheart." My voice is barely above a whisper. "Just like I would. Just like any of us would."
Stella shakes her head, whimpering. "I'm not worth saving, Hee."
Upon hearing her statement, my heart seems to be shattering into pieces.
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For the past three days, whenever we paid Stella a visit, she would mostly remain silent and stare into spaces. Even as we tried to get her to speak, she would either nod or shake her head. We've been dying to talk to her about what happened at the gala. She needed to know that our feelings for her still remain unchanged.
"I heard from someone that Stella had been discharged from the hospital last night." Sunoo announces as we gather at Sunghoon's crib, but silence is all he receives. With Jungwon gone and Jake in a comatose state, nothing has been the same as it was.
Everything is crumbling.
"Surprisingly, Jake's parents paid him a visit yesterday." Sunghoon attempts to start a conversation. "I thought they wouldn't care, but I was shocked to see his mother shedding tears."
"I feel bad for Charlotte." Ni-Ki says with a frown. "She was crying hysterically at the hospital."
I heave a deep sigh, leaning my back against the couch. "Everything has gone wrong since Jungwon happened."
"He didn't even bid us goodbye." Sunoo's voice wavers while he looks hurtful.
Before anyone can speak, the doorbell chimes repeatedly, followed by a familiar voice calling for us frantically. "Heeseung! Sunghoon! Anyone?!"
Heeseung doesn't hesitate to rush to the main door, which is nearer to the living room where we're at. As Heeseung swings, the door opens, and Aera rushes inside, all sweaty and looking as though she had been chased by a serial killer.
"Who invited you here?" Sunoo attempts to joke, but to our great astonishment, Aera breaks into tears.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Heeseung immediately holds his sister. "Aera."
"It's Stella." Aera sobs with hiccups, leaving her lips. "She's in danger."
"What?" I step forward, my brows furrowing, while I feel uneasy. "What do you mean she's in danger?"
"Mary called me, telling me to go to the address she sent to me and pleaded to save Stella." Aera tries to even her breathing, but she seems to be going hysterical. "Mary didn't even have the chance to explain everything before I heard her screaming in agony on the line, and─ oh my god."
Heeseung embraces Aera as the latter clings onto him, weeping into his shoulder. "What I heard was horrible before the line went dead." Aera then looks at us with desperation. "We need to save her."
"Of course. Send me the address." Sunghoon answers for all of us. "And you stay here put. You'd be safer here."
"No." Aera shakes her head stubbornly. "I'm coming with you guys. Stella's my soul sister."
"Hoon's right, sis." Heeseung holds her shoulders and looks at her firmly. "I don't want to risk the chance of losing you." Aera's eyes soften before Heeseung leans forward to peck her forehead.
"I'm calling for legal backups." I tell them as I whip out my phone. Thank God I have a close cousin from law enforcement who I know I can trust to help me out.
"Let's go, then."
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Initially, I was supposed to be discharged tomorrow, but last night, my parents demanded that my doctor release me early. The doctor, just like any other, was scared shitless by the influence and authority my parents wielded and the fact that they're the Hwangs, so that led to where I am presently, in my bedroom, as I curl my body like a prawn with vacant eyes.
There is no doubt that my parents now know about me being a racer, given how the major incident that happened at the Grand Prix came out in the news and spread out through the media like wildfire. But oddly enough, neither of them has yet to confront me about it. The last thing I heard from my mother was her ordering Mary to take me to my room and have me well rested.
My finger begins to draw a circle on my bedsheet while my eyes follow its movement. I've been lying on my bed for the past few hours after Mary brought my medications and meals. The mansion is peculiarly quiet. Mary did tell me that everyone is in the mansion, but it's weird not hearing Rena's usual whines and my mother barking orders to the pitiful helpers.
I sigh once more before deciding to get up, slowly raising my body while my ribcage throbs, but it's bearable compared to a few days ago. It isn't healthy for me to be cooped up in my room the whole day. I need to exercise a little.
As I open the door, I take a peek outside the hallway, where only two helpers can be seen wiping the dust at every corner. Stepping outside, I begin to make my way down. Since my stomach is grumbling a little, I should check out the fridge so I can munch on anything edible.
But I halt my steps just before I nearly reach the kitchen. I am swift enough to hide myself from their sight behind the wall. I can't help but eavesdrop on them. Rena and Jihyun.
"Mom, don't you think it's time we tell Stella the truth?" Rena asks, and judging by her tone, I can tell she is smirking.
I hear Jihyun sighing wearily. "I don't think it's a good idea, Rena."
"I think it's a splendid idea! She's grown up now, so she should be able to handle the truth!" Rena exclaims. "Besides, she can't keep getting away from all the troubles she's gotten herself into just because she's the heir when she's not even a proper Hwang."
"Rena." There is a warning under Jihyun's tone. "Enough. She's your sister."
"You mean half-sister."
My face contorts into confusion. Half-sister? Is she bluffing?
Rena continues to speak with such disdain. "Since Hyunjin and Yeji are no longer here, I should be appointed as the official Hwang heir, but no. Dad chose Stella. She doesn't even deserve the title when I'm the rightful heir."
I can't take this anymore. I begin to make my way into the kitchen and finally see Rena and Jihyun by the kitchen island. Jihyun's eyes widen at the sight of me, whereas Rena simply raises her eyebrow at me.
"Half-sister?" I start off, and my tone sounds sharp and cold. I look directly into Jihyun's fearful eyes. "Tell me the truth, mother. What did Rena mean by half-sister?"
"Stella, you should be in bed!" Jihyun attempts to distract me with her chastisement, walking towards me and trying to reach for me, but I back away from her. "Stella, please!"
"If you want to know so bad about the truth, why don't you ask father?" Rena suggests, giving me a coy smile while something malicious glints in her eyes. "Go on, sister. He's in his office right now."
"Stella, don't!" Jihyun tries to reach for me again, but I am already walking away despite my rib that still throbs in pain.
After living with them for many years and learning their behaviours, maybe I am falling into a trap, or maybe it's just nothing, but I need to know, especially when it is highly related to the confidential file that I still have in my possession.
Before I know it, I reach outside of his office. I don't bother to knock as I barge into his office. His men at the side seem alarmed by my unwanted presence, but when Minhyuk raises his palm, they heed.
I breathe heavily with my eyes drilling into Minhyuk's forehead while he appears to be nonchalant as he reads through his paperwork. "No more secrets and no more lies, father." A muscle jumps in my jaw. "Tell me the truth behind my birth."
Minhyuk releases a sigh and slowly removes his reading glasses before meeting my eyes. "I've been waiting for you to confront me about it ever since you stole the confidential file."
I clench a fist. "Just go straight to the point, father."
Minhyuk chuckles coldly, enough to bring chills down my spine. "Father. I've always hated you calling me that. I'm sure you're smart enough to put the final pieces together, daughter."
He's implying that since I've read the documents in the confidential file, the final piece is an obvious answer. "You're not my biological father." I state firmly despite my hands, which are trembling from the revelation. "Then who is my biological father?"
"Let me tell you a story about the time when I found out about your mother's infidelity years ago." Minhyuk rises from his seat and strides around the table before leaning his back on the edge of his table, standing across from me. "You see, I've always wanted anything my older brother wanted, including the woman of my dreams, ergo, your mother."
Confusion clouds my head. Why is he suddenly mentioning Uncle Minjun?
"Winning over your mother's heart was easy, and so I stole from him and married her a few years later. When she gave birth to your older brother and sister, I was overjoyed, but then came the responsibilities I had to commit. I got busy with work to the point where I neglected your mother." He continues with a grim look. "I was on a business trip, and your mother got lonely. So she sought comfort in another man's arms, the one who used to be her first love. One thing led to another, your mother got pregnant with you, unfortunately."
I swallow down a painful lump. "If my birth was unfortunate, you should've killed me instead. But you didn't. You raised me in this mansion that doesn't feel like home because you made it hell."
Minhyuk smirks coldly. "I had some thoughts about killing you off, but your mother wanted to keep you. In retaliation, I forbid your biological father from raising you and warned him not to reveal the truth to you. I was lenient enough to allow him to see you and bring you out."
"Uncle Minjun." Tears well up in my eyes as I gasp softly when realisation hits me like a brick. "He's my biological father."
"Yes. My dearest older brother." Minhyuk speaks of him as though he's poisoned. "You were never supposed to find out the truth until the day you die."
"Why?" I allow the tears to flow down. "Even if I'm not your real daughter, we still share the same blood! How could you treat your own blood like this?! For years, I've done everything you asked me to, and I even endured all your torturous ways to tame me." I cry out while my chest starts to hurt. "What even is my sin?!"
"Your existence itself is the biggest sin!" Minhyuk roars at me, finally unleashing the monster that lurks beneath his $1000 suit. "You are a constant reminder of their infidelity!"
I don't even realise that Minhyuk is just standing a few metres from me now. I manage to catch the way his fingers seem to motion to his men, and before I know it, they grab my arms tight, preventing me from escaping.
"Did you know that such infidelity is unacceptable to the Hwangs? And do you know what happens to those who are born because of it?" Minhyuk leans closer to my face, and the emotion in his eyes shakes me to the core. "They die."
"You can't kill me!" I yell, struggling in their grasps. "I'm the heir! You know you need me! I'm the only one who is capable and competent enough compared to Rena!"
"I don't need you. As for my precious daughter, Rena, I'm sure she'll do an exceptional job once she's educated and groomed well." He says. "She's my daughter, after all."
I laugh humorlessly before looking up at him with a smirk. "Yeah, your daughter, alright. Do you know that Rena loved stealing what was once mine? I guess it runs in the blood after all."
A loud smack resonates throughout this room as I find my head turning sideways. My left cheek feels a stinging pain from the impact of his palm.
"Sir." Another of his men barges into the room, but this time, the sound of Mary protesting catches my attention. "I found her eavesdropping outside." He roughly throws Mary to the floor.
"Mary, she's your loyal maid, right?" Minhyuk looks at me with a sinister smile.
My eyes harden. "Don't you dare do anything to her."
"Even if I did, you wouldn't be able to do anything." He chuckles before speaking to his men. "Bring her to the 500 central warehouse and prepare the necessary equipment. Make sure to make it look like an accident."
"What about her?" One of his men asks as he nudges his head towards Mary.
"She'll be dealt with later."
But I scream at Mary, "Mary, run!"
And she does so without hesitation, swift enough to catch one of the men off guard. I hope she'll be able to escape.
"Catch her, you fool!" Minhyuk barks at him before the man quickly runs after Mary.
"What is the meaning of this?" I hear my mother's voice from behind. "Minhyuk! What are you doing?!" For the first time, my mother sounds afraid, as though she fears losing me.
Minhyuk glares at her heatedly. "Doing what I should've done years ago. Undoing your mistake, Jihyun."
The next thing I know, something hard hits my head, resulting in me losing consciousness the instant.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
When I regain consciousness, I find myself at an old-looking warehouse. I wince as my head feels heavy while my eyes flutter, looking at my surroundings. I spot some of Minhyuk's men, seeming to be holding cruets with yellowish-looking liquid as they throw the content on every wall, not missing out anything.
I try to move, but as I glance down, I realise that I've been tied to a wooden chair. I wince when I make the slightest movement, feeling pain from my ribcage that was supposed to heal soon.
"You're finally awake! I got bored of waiting." Rena speaks in a sweet yet sickening tone as I slowly look up to see her striding towards me. My heart rate spikes upon seeing a knife in her gloved hand. "Dad gave me permission to follow his men. I mean, someone has to make sure that you won't be able to make it out alive."
"How could you be this heartless?" I ask, my body trembling in anger and despair. "Even if I'm not Minhyuk's biological daughter, I'm still your sister."
"Blood means nothing to me, especially when that person was born out of infidelity." Rena scoffs. "I've always known that you're my half-sister. Father revealed it to me back in elementary school. I was furious because how could you still live freely when you're a constant reminder of mom's mistake?"
"Then why am I being blamed when I didn't ask for any of this to happen?!" My scream is resounding.
In a blink of an eye, Rena plunges the knife into my left thigh, sending my body into a shock before the pain comes. I scream, crying in agony, as she twists the knife deeper into my flesh. The pain is unlike any other.
"You're right!" Rena speaks beside my ear, taking pleasure in my affliction. "It isn't your fault that you were created because of a mistake." Rena looks at me in the eyes and smiles cruelly before she removes the knife from my thigh, which is gushing out blood. "So allow me to do you a favour by undoing our mommy dearest's sin."
I close my eyes as I await the pain, expecting Rena to stab me once more, but nothing happens. Instead, I hear Rena yelp out, and a commotion happens. As I open my eyes, I spot Sunghoon pinning a hysterical Rena to the ground.
At once, chaos erupts with Minhyuk's men fighting against some police officers while I spot familiar faces that make my heart ache.
"I got you, Stel." Riki's voice speaks behind me as I feel him cutting off the ropes around my body.
"What is happening?" I ask, confused but lightheaded due to the blood loss I'm experiencing. As soon as the ropes around me fall to the ground, I feel my body swaying, but Jay manages to catch me in front.
"We're saving you." Jay murmurs, holding me against him as he tries to steady me, but my legs wobble due to how weak I am.
"But how are you here?" I ask languidly as my eyelids feel heavy.
"Mary called Aera." Heeseung appears in front of me with a small cloth. He kneels down to tie the cloth around my thigh to stop the bleeding before continuing to clear my confusion. "Aera came to us for help, to save you."
I try to stand strong on my feet, but the pain on my thigh is unbearable, and I find myself falling into Heeseung, to whom he holds me steady. I breathe heavily as I'm on the brink of losing consciousness for the second time. "I told you that I'm not worth saving." I say to him.
Heeseung looks at me with his jaw tightening. "And I told you that we'd save you in a heartbeat."
Just as I'm about to protest, a burning smell invades my senses before I look at our surroundings in panic. One of the men manages to set the warehouse on fire.
"Get out!" An unfamiliar man dressed in formal attire barks out from afar. "Find the nearest exit!"
"No!" Rena shrieks from behind before we turn around to see Sunghoon on the ground, with blood gushing from his arm, while Rena's knife is redder, stained with blood. "I won't let you live, Hwang Stella!" Her wild eyes look at me before she charges towards me.
"Run!" Jay attempts to drag me with him, but due to my injury, I stumble and fall to the ground. Frantically, I turn around to see an incoming Rena with the tip of the knife pointed towards me.
"Stella!" Jay shouts for me in mortification while I pathetically try to back away.
But Heeseung is swift enough to grab Rena by her arm with ease and pull her away from coming towards me. As Jay tries to help me up, I watch in horror as Rena and Heeseung brawl on the ground. She reaches out for the knife frantically.
"Heeseung!" I yell, the fear in my voice is apparent as he avoids her attack, but in a blink of an eye, she plunges the knife into his stomach, making me cry out for him for the second time.
A sudden explosion erupts. I look up in horror. The warehouse is starting to fall apart.
"Ni-Ki! Get Stella out of here!" Jay orders before I feel Riki's presence from behind. Without a word, Riki carries me in a bridal style while Jay runs away.
"Riki! Some of them are still inside!" I cry out, tears streaming down my face.
"Your safety is our top priority, Stel." Riki clenches his jaw while his eyes glisten with tears.
"No!" I cough due to inhaling the smoke that is becoming thick. "We need to save them!" But my plea goes unheard as he continues to find a way out.
"Ni-Ki! Here!" Sunoo is standing by an open door, calling for us. Riki immediately makes a run for the exit, but he almost drops me when there is another explosion. Finally, we manage to exit from the warehouse, but the second they step foot outside, the entire warehouse bursts into flames, resulting in us falling to the ground due to the explosion.
I groan in agony at the impact as I lie on the ground. I look to my sides, noticing Riki unconscious while Sunoo is wincing in pain. We can feel the heat of the flames from this distance.
"Riki." I whimper, my hand trying to reach out to him, but I wince at the pain shooting in my shoulder. My head feels heavy, and I don't even know if I can hold on any longer.
"Stella, hold on." Sunoo's hand grabs mine, but even his grasp feels weak.
Maybe we were never meant to have our own happy ending, as long as they were tied to me. My heart rate seems to be slowing down while my surroundings have become a blur. I hear muffled shouts in the background as my eyelids finally give up on me.
Then, comes the silence as well as the familiar darkness that I can now call a friend.
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Am I alive? Or am I dead? I don't know. My surroundings are painted in obsidian. But if I am dead, then why do I feel such warmth coming from someone while my ears are slowly picking up to the sounds of my surroundings?
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I'm not dead. Relief washes over me like a tidal wave. But I can't seem to move as my body feels heavy. I know for a fact that I am capable of making a movement, but it is as if my body refuses to cooperate with me.
Come on, Jake. Move!
Finally, I feel my fingers twitching. Then comes a familiar voice that exclaims in shock. "Jake Oppa!" Charlotte. "Jake's awake!"
After much determination, I manage to flutter my eyelids open but groan at the blinding lights on the ceiling. My body still feels weak, and my throat feels dry as sand. Heck, I feel like I've been brought back from the dead.
"Jake!" Sunoo greets me at the side, hovering over my figure. Tears glisten in his eyes as he smiles down at me. "I'm glad you're awake."
"Oppa." Charlotte holds my hand as she weeps. "I've missed you so much."
With Sunoo's assistance, I slowly sit up with my back leaning against the headboard. I take a look at Charlotte with a frown on my face as I notice how she has grown a little taller. "I've missed you too, Char."
I run my fingers through my hair, but I feel startled by how long the strands are. I look at Sunoo with visible confusion. "How long was I asleep? Weeks?"
A grim expression etches on Sunoo's face. "You were in a coma for eight months, Jake."
It feels as though time has stopped around me. My face drops, as does my heart. I can't believe that I've been in a coma for so long.
"You were in a critical condition. We even thought you wouldn't make it." Sunoo tells me with sad eyes. "But the doctor informed us that you were trying to fight. So we stayed hopeful."
"He's right, Oppa." Char rubs her eyes.
I sigh deeply. "I guess I must've missed out a lot." I chuckle, but I am only met by silence before I dart my eyes at the two. "What? I haven't missed out that much, right?" I still jest. "I can't wait to meet the rest, especially Stella. God, Stella. I haven't even given her a proper apology."
"Oppa," Char tugs at my hand. "Unnie isn't here." She says quietly.
A frown tugs at the corners of my lips. "What do you mean?"
"It means she isn't here, Jake." Sunoo mutters. "She's gone."
The only sound that can be heard in the moment is the sound of my shattering heart.
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writingmochi · 6 months
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a terra incognita character introduction
cast: jake ✗ fem.reader
synopsis: as the world entered the middle of the 21st century, many things have changed for the better or for worse in the newly united korea peninsula: the preparation for the succession of the new conglomerates of the past decade, the uprising of deviant androids, and the new layer of life shield by walls of codes. in the middle of it, two beings are trying to understand each other and the situation of the world they live in; an unknown territory
genre: cyberpunk, cyber noir, psychological thriller, science fiction, dystopian future, politics and philosophies regarding artificial intelligence and humanity, romance, drama, angst, mature content (war and revolution, explicit smut)
based on: video game cyberpunk 2077 (2020) and detroit: become human (2018), anime serial experiments lain (1998), and tv show succession (2018-2023)
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from south seoul
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shim laboratories is a korean multinational megacorporation dealing in manufacturers of machinery and artificial intelligence. the company is also one of the largest distributors of androids in the global market, pioneering the creation and usage of androids to be used on a day-to-day basis such as in domestic activities or even as soldiers. prior to the release of their android products, they also excelled in the usage of artificial intelligence in day-to-day life including hardware manufacturing or machinery used for city facilities, home appliances, and military technology such as drones that were used in the cyber war of 2027-2030.
name: shim jaeyun ; jake shim
aliases: wolfe (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), yoon (sister; alive)
affiliation: shim laboratories, shim conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, jake is the eldest of the shim siblings and will succeed his father as the ceo of shim laboratories. a versatile man, he's currently doing a double major in business management and mechanical engineering at seoul national university while also doing training in the labs.
name: shim jayun ; nicole shim (portrayed by stayc's yoon)
aliases: gynger (cyberspace), yoon (nickname)
age: 18
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), jake (brother; alive)
affiliation: shim laboratories, shim conglomerate
backstory: born in 2032, yoon is the youngest of the shim siblings and a so-called rebel among the conglomerate children. passionate in humanities, she wants to study anthropology after graduating high school.
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park corp is a korean multinational megacorporation specializing in police contracting, personal & corporate security, and security consultancy services. they invest in the military-industrial manufacturing of advanced defence tools in united korea, producing weapons used to help defend the korea soil in the cyber war of 2027-2030. their role is pivotal to protect high-ranking people in united korea, making them successful post-war as their services are also used by people worldwide.
name: park jongseong ; jay park
aliases: blu (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), seonghwa (brother; missing), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), chaeyoung (cousin; alive), sunghoon (cousin; alive)
affiliation: park corp, park conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, jay is the youngest of the park siblings and will succeed his dad to be the co-ceo of park corp, specializing in defence and weapons manufacturing, who works alongside his uncle (sunghoon's dad). studying business management and law, jay was pushed forward in the line of succession as his brother, park seonghwa (b. 2026), is currently missing.
name: park sunghoon ; benjamin park
aliases: frost (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), chaeyoung (sister; alive), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), seonghwa (cousin; missing), jay (cousin; alive)
affiliation: park corp, park conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, sunghoon is the youngest of the park siblings and will succeed his dad to be the co-ceo of park corp, specializing in security services, who works alongside his uncle (jay's dad). studying business management and law, sunghoon was pushed forward in the line of succession as his sister, park chaeyoung (b. 2025), decided to drop out of the line to go and live in aotearoa.
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intelee is a korean multinational megacorporation that is working in the manufacture of computer software, information technology, and computer networks. their role is pivotal as they created the cyber wall to protect united korea in the cyber war of 2027-2030, utilizing their intelligence to defend against cyber warfare attacks such as malware and viruses. after the war, they contributed to connecting the technological network of the korean peninsula and recovered the internet after it was shut down during the war. their protective software and platforms are sought after by governments globally as they recover the fastest after the war.
name: lee heeseung ; evan lee
aliases: roe (cyberspace)
age: 21
species: human
gender: male
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), jaehee (sister; alive), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), soojin (cousin; alive)
affiliation: intelee, lee conglomerate
backstory: born in 2029, heeseung is the eldest of the lee siblings and will succeed his father as the ceo of intelee. he's currently majoring in business management and computer sciences.
name: lee jaehee ; monica lee (portrayed by weeekly's jaehee)
aliases: dion (cyberspace)
age: 18
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), heeseung (brother; alive),uncle (alive), aunt (alive), soojin (cousin; alive)
affiliation: intelee, lee conglomerate
backstory: born in 2032, jaehee is the youngest of the lee siblings. passionate about healthcare, she wants to study biological engineering after graduating high school.
name: lee soojin (portrayed by weeekly's soojin)
aliases: katt (cyberspace)
age: 21
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive), uncle (alive), aunt (alive), heeseung (cousin; alive), jaehee (cousin; alive)
affiliation: intelee, lee conglomerate
backstory: born in 2029, soojin is part of the lee conglomerate as the cousin of both heeseung and jaehee. currently studying business management specializing in finance, she is in the line of succession to replace her dad as cfo of intelee.
name: kim jimin (portrayed by weeekly's monday)
aliases: lin (cyberspace)
age: 20
species: human
gender: female
family: dad (alive), mom (alive)
affiliation: kim conglomerate
backstory: born in 2030, jimin is the only child of the kim conglomerate who controls the current largest media company in united korea. she's currently studying communications and business management and will succeed her mom as ceo.
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taglist: @raeyunshm @endzii23 @fluffyywoo @camipendragon @hiqhkey @wccycc @cha0thicpisces @y4wnjunz @yeehawnana @beansworldsstuff @kimipxl @blurryriki @reallysmolrenjun @frukkoneeeeg
© writingmochi on tumblr, 2021-2024. all rights reserved
41 notes · View notes
lyramundana · 10 months
@skzms based on the story I have in mind + that Rebel Virus I dreamed about
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Something was off with these people.
Vivi was of the belief that 50% of the image idols showed on tv was either an exageration of reality or completely fake. And after sharing space with them for months and seeing them from a personal perspective, it was confirmed. Well, it should be obvious even without seeing them in person, that none of them were totally transparent with the public. None.
It was only when the cameras were turned off that they were allowed to be themselves. To speak to whoever they wanted to, to drink, to party like normal people. Only when they were hidden from the public eyes. Always in secret, always keeping the flawless persona that people expected, demanded from them. The minimal break in their masks could mean disaster for their entire careers. Vivi understood it, she found it stupid, but who was she to fight a cultured followed by a whole country?
So not even she could supress her utter shock and confusion when, out of nowhere, the same idols she knew for being little perfect angels started to do shit out of the non-written script. At first it wasn't that obvious, just some mishaps that everyone interpreted as mistakes. Getting caught partying on a night club with friends, openly flirting with fans beyond what was socially accepted by their parasocial partners, dressing in certain ways, etc. Vivi didn't think much about it, just felt they were being sloppy out of exhaustion.
But then it grew, and more idols began to follow that line. There were scandals, big ones. Secret parties without the staff's permission, being drunk in public, photos of them going into love hotels with different people, uploading songs with explicit lyrics that couldn't be excused and openly talking about inapropiate topics. The companies couldn't control them, the fans' attempts of sabotage were useless. In fact, it all seemed to just motivate them. Pushing them to do worse.
And this is how she ended up right here, in the patio of an expensive night club, with loud pop music blasting from the huge speakers, neon-lights sparkling in her eyes and breathing the cold air of Seoul. They wanted to celebrate the sucess of the show and reward everyone's hard work in it, so Vivi and her crew were obviously invited to the party. She was currently sitting on a wide, comfortable sofa, all by herself, watching the people get shit-faced and scream lyrics with all their passion with a glass on her hand. She had been with them minutes ago, dancing and singing the lyrics she knew with her friends, until her feet screamed for relief and her throat for some hydration. It only took her a sip to recover her energy, so she should have gona back to the group already. Vivi wasn't Vivi if she wasn't in the centre of a dancefloor, getting lost in the music and filling her throat with delicious alcohol until the couldn't remember her own name. But there she was, sitting alone pathetically in a corner long after her supposed five minutes break. Why? She didn't even feel tired yet. Why didn't she just move and joined the fun?
"Because of them", her annoying sub-conscious suplied.
Oh right. Them.
She turned her head to the club's second floor, a huge balcony that was the VIP zone. All idols were reunited there and having their own fun inside the local. The staff in charge of organizing the party rented the whole stablishment only for their celebrities, giving them an entire separate space from the regular people. Vivi would've though it was a snobby gesture, but considering the recent scandalous behaviour the idols displayed, it was probable that the staff just wanted to ensure they didn't pull anything with citizens.
The only connection the VIP zone had with the outdoor party was that balcony, the same one where Vivi saw certain couple hanging out when she was about to return. They were lost in their converstation, but throwing casual glances to the dancefloor to where she was headed, and Vivi's body turned back by instinct. Last thing she wanted was having eye contact with them and have her night ruined by the awkwardness.
Things hadn't been the same since that stupid game of truth or dare, and she spent this last week avoiding them like the plague. Keeping the texts short, hiding when they were walking down the same hallway and doing all kind of things to not face them. Was incredibly childish from her part? Absolutely, and she wasn't proud of it. She was never the type to run away from her problems, always choosing to handle them quickly before they grew into much bigger burdens.
But was this even a problem? She didn't know anymore. And how could she handle something she didn't know? Things with them were so weird, like nothing she ever felt before. They always managed to keep her on her toes.
She liked it as much as she dreaded it. Because with them, she felt like losing control. She felt like being vulnerable. And that just couldn't be.
She took another sip from her glass, hoping it'll help her body feel warmer. Another thing she didn't like about this country: The weather. She was a southern spanish girl with australian roots. Cold was practically a foreign concept to her.
Well, maybe it didn't help she was wearing a short dress with her shoulders exposed but c'mon, it was a party. She wasn't going to dress up all covered like a nun. Sometimes, being gorgeous meant suffering a bit.
-I can't believe it. You're sitting here alone instead of having fun? The world is ending.
Her mental monologue was cut short with the voice. She turned to see non other than Jake standing there, hands in his pockets and looking down at her with a grin.
- I'm just taking a break before my feet kill me and then I'll go back. Dancing with heels isn't as smooth as it looks, you know?
-Really? You make it seem so easy when you're on stage..
-Yeah, that's kinda the point of it. I have to be graceful and elegant when I'm up there. The public doesn't need to know I don't have any blood circulation down here when I finish.
He let out a breathy chuckle, looking away. Vivi felt this converstation isn't going anywhere, but she can't help the little tick in her heart when she saw him aproaching her with that friendly demeanor, with that small grin that hasn't changed one bit. Hell, coming to Seoul has given her more headaches that she signed up for..
-What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the VIP zone, with the royalty?
-Jay needed help in the bathroom - he replied shrugging his shoulders.
-Seriously? What kind of help? Another set of hands for..? -she grinned mischeviously.
-Grabbing his hair while he emptied his stomach, you twisted-fuck. - he made a disgusted face and she laughs. - Now really, what are you doing here? It's unnatural of you to not being out there raising chaos.
-I told you, I'm taking a break. Nothing weird, I swear.
He looked at her with a pensive gaze. He didn't believe her, but he wasn't going to pry more. She mentally thanked him.
Suddenly, a wheeze of air hit them and Vivi's body trembled unconsciously. She hugged herself in an attempt to ease the coldness. The boy noticed.
-Here. - he took off his jacket and threw it at her exposed legs. It wasn't very big, but it covered her enough to feel better. She jumped a little in surprise and glanced at the cloth, then at him. -It's warmer inside, so I don't need it. We don't want the star to freeze herself before the finals. - he winked at her, and she didn't even try to supress her smile. -Of course not. I'm not going anywhere without that trophy.
-I know you're not. - he turned away, walking towards the club. -Don't do anything stupid, Vivi. I can only take care of one baby tonight.
-Don't worry, I'll be a good girl -he scoffed loudly. - By the way, Jake, -he stopped, not looking at her- Thank you for coming.
He blinked, and goes back without answering, but she knows better. She smiled to herself and laid back on the sofa, closing her eyes and relaxing, her glass already empty She loved the party life more than anyone, but sometimes it feelt great to just sit down and don't move. She accomodated the jacket to cover more skin. She wasn't looking at it but she knew just by the texture that it costed more than her current apartment.
She crossed her arms, letting the relaxing sound of her friends' happy screams and singing fill her senses. They barely got time to relax since the show started. Maybe this gave them the final push to do their best next week.
Vivi couldn't calculate how much time passed since Jake left, but just as her mind was slipping a little into dreamland, she felt the bland surface of the sofa sinking at her right. She didn't bother to check who it was. The smell of expensive masculine cologne struck her nose.
-Have you forgotten something, Jackie?
-This dress looks good on you.
She stood up so fast that her head pounded at the sudden movement and she almost fell face down on the ground, her eyes wide like those of an owl's.
A firm hand placed against her cleavage avoided the catastrophe.
-Woah, easy there, baby. Did we scare you? - he let out a deep chuckle.
-Well, it seems she was expecting someone else.
She stared at them perplexed, feeling her heart working faster than usual. The couple she had been avoiding since the start of the week and the reason she was sitting here in the first place was right-the fuck-there.
Lee Minho and Han Jisung.
Of course they looked straight out of a fashion photoshoot, even with Jisung's messy hair and his tie undone, and Minho with his smugged make-up and his shirt unbuttoned just enough to show the valley of his chest. Knowing them, there were plenty of things they could've been doing to end up looking like that..
"Stop right the fuck there, horny idiot. We don't want to see where this thought leads. Now it's not the time".
-Hey guys. Shit, I thought..., I didn't hear you coming. - she composed herself quickly, accidentally shaking Jake's jacket off a bit.
Minho glanced at it while Jisung just looked at her. The first was standing on his feet in front of them while the younger was sitting right next to her, with an arm around the backrest.
-Sorry, you just looked so cute like that, all peaceful and relaxed. We didn't want to disturb you. - Jisung let out a chuckle that didn't meet his eyes and smoothly moved closer to her. She felt his fingers reaching out from the backrest and brushed strands of her hair. His eyes shifted to her red locks as he twiddled them mindlessly. -What are you doing here all alone?
Is it so weird seeing someone sitting down and resting?
-I'm a bit tired, but I was about to go back to the party. -she shook her head softly in an attempt to stop the notion of his fingers, but he only grabbed more strands and continued, eyes finally turning to her. -What are you two doing here? You shouldn't be seen with me. People here get wrong ideas very quickly.
-Just wanted to check on you, that's all. - Minho answered this time, staring down at her. -We saw from the balcony and thought to come down and talk a bit.
The balcony? What the fuck? She specifically tried to choose a spot where it would practically impossible for them to see her. They shouldn't have been able to, unless..
Unless they were actively searching for her.
She gulped, feeling nervous all of sudden.
-It's fine, really, I don't need anyone checking on me. Even I need to take breaks from time to time. These week has been crazy. -she felt the jacket slowly falling off her legs and quickly grabbed it, fixing it back to its original position.
She flattened it a bit with her hands, careful of winkles. When she raised her head, she found both boys glaring at the cloth. Uh? Weird.
-I never seen this one before. Is it new? -Jisung asked, eyes fixed there.
Had she been sober, she would've noticed his voice sounded lower than before.
-Oh, this? -she pointed at it. - Nah, it's from Jake. He passed by earlier.
-We know. - Minho interrupted her rather rudely. He and Jisung exchanged a tense look. - But how come do you have his jacket over you?
They sounded deadly serious, almost threatening. However, her fuzzy brain didn't catch on any of it.
-Well, we were chatting and I got cold, so he lend me his jacket right here and then left. It looks cool, doesn't it?. - she wrapped it around herself, smiling.
But they weren't smiling. Quite the opposite, actually. If looks could burn, the jacket would have been reduced to ashes at that moment.
-Take it off -the older boy said.
His tone was so outright demanding not even her half-drunken brain could let it pass this time. It sounded like when he was in his choreographer mode, all dominant and firm.
Vivi was confused, both by the orders and the tone he used. What the fuck was wrong with him?
-What? - she gave him the chance to explain himself. Maybe she understood wrong, maybe she missed some words.
-Take that thing off. Now. -he let out an angry scowl, and Vivi just felt more confused and even annoyed. Just what was going on? Why was he reacting like this?
"You have an idea, but you don't want to think about it", once again, her subconscious intervened when she least needed it.
She looked at Jisung for answers, but the boy had a similar expression as his boyfriend, equally dark.
Tehn, another wheeze came and she hugged herself to shield her body from the sudden coldness. Minho's face softened and Jisung wrapped his arm around her shoulders to pull her against him, sighing.
-Poor baby, you're freezing- he caged her with this arms, and she hated to admit the gesture worked better than the jacket. He looked at her and pulled her bangs off her face, fingers brushing her blushing cheek. His free hand went to secure her waist. - We can't have our baby getting sick, right?
God, she tried to remain strong, she really did, but she couldn't control the funny feeling in her legs whenever Jisung used that honey-laced voice. Everytime she heard it, she felt like melting into a puddle.
Minho sat on her other side, getting worringly close too.
-But darling, if you're that cold, you don't need this -he grabbed the jacket in a tight grip, forming a fist, and took it off her lap on a smooth movement. -You have us.
-What do you..?
She cut herself off as she felt something big and warm falling slowly onto her legs. She turned to see Minho placing it gently, making sure it covered as much skin as possible. Then Jisung releashed her only to take off his own jacket and wrapped it around her naked shoulders, which also needed some warmness. The both smiled lovingly at the sight and caged her body between them. Minho had his face nestled in her neck, drawing circles in her tighs, while Jisung kissed her forehead as he grabbed her again by the waist.
-Let's stay like this for a moment, okay kitten? - Minho mumbled, his hot breath directly against her skin, and she shivered. He pressed his nose on her pulse point, humming. -Mm, you already got some of Sungie's smell on you. I love it.
The mentioned was scratching her nape softly, in slow motions. His lips on her temple as he replied. -Much better then.
Vivi was going through the existencial crisis of her life. She wanted to vomit, scream, giggle, sprint running and faint all at once. She was sure her face matched her hair right now. Her body, that been struggling with the cold minutes earlier, felt suddenly warm enough to fry eggs in it, and she knew it had nothing to do with the two jackets covering her.
"They're always making you feel warm"
Her emotional turmoil was interrupted by the loud ringing of a phone. Jisung groaned and let her go, pulling out his phone and looking at the screen, clicking his tongue. He said something to Minho in korean and the older looked very annoyed, but let her go too. Both of them stood up slowly, fixing their clothes and looking at her.
-We're leaving, they're asking for us. -Minho explained, pulling his bangs back.
Vivi just stared at them with big doe eyes, still processing what the fuck just happened. She grasped the hem of Jisung's jacket hugging her. It felt comfy and smelled just like his cologne. It made her feel funny for some reason.
"You know the reas-" " Shut the fuck up already"
-Okay. - that was the only answer her brain could muster. She blamed it on the alcohol mixed with her tiredness, totally. She turned her head and her eyes fell on Jake's jacket, which had somehow ended on the grass. She reached out to get it..
But Jisung was faster. He went for it so fast that it almost looked like he didn't want her to touch it.
-We'll return it to him, don't worry. -he said with a tight smile. -You can keep ours. They suit you.
Minho nodded, tilting his head at with a cheshire-like smile.
-You look just like you're supposed to.
Vivi blinked in confusion. What did that even mean? Was his english failing him again? That didn't make sense.
They shifted on their feet, glancing at the local and at her, seemingly unsure of what to do next. Eventually, they turned to walk back inside, but Jisung winked at her before going.
Vivi watched then until they dissapeared from her sight. She blinked once, then twice, then thrice. And her mind came to the final, solid conclusion:
What in the seven circles of hell just happened here?
Meanwhile in the club..
-Dude, please, don't let me do that again. I think I'm dying. -Jay moaned, head dropped against Jake's shoulder.
-You can't die. Cockroaches can last a nuclear bomb. You'll live. -Jake patted him in the head like he'll do with a child.
-Are you calling me a cockroach?
-That'll be insulting for the poor creatures.
Jay huffed, but was too weak to insult him back, resorting to just getting away from him. Jake chuckled at his act and enjoyed the tranquility.
-Hey, Shim -someone called him by his surname -You dropped this.
He had something hit his shoulder softly. It didn't hurt, but the strenght behind the impact surprised him. He took it and realized in shock it was his leather jacket, crumpled into a deformed ball.
It was the one he lend to Vivi earlier. What the..?
He turned around to meet non-other than Han Jisung, from his senior group Stray Kids, looking down at him with a sneer. In the duration of his career, he spoke a total of three times with the guy, and it was only in awards shows to greet each other.
So where the fuck was this sudden agressivity coming from? And what was he doing with his jacket? Did Vivi tell them something weird..?
-Next time I see her wearing it, I'll throw it in the trash. -the older boy gritted his teeth, his tone sending a dangerous warning.
Jake saw the other one, Lee Know, behind the boy. Obviously, because these two always came in a package. His eyes were even more intimidating.
-I just gave it to her because she was cold, mate. That's al-
-Hyung -Minho interrupted with a growl. - Call us anything other than that and I'll personally punch your teeth out, brat.
There's a tense silence between them. Even his members had dropped the converstation and shift nervously at the scene.
Jake glares at the men. He's been suspecting it for a while, but it sounded too absurd in his head. Now this just confirms it all.
-She doesn't deserve what you assholes are doing to her. Stop stringing her along with nonsense and let her do whatever she wants. -he replied with a huff.
Jisung breathed a sarcastic chuckle and walked towards him.
-Now listen here, you son of a b-
-Minho, Han, everything okay?
They all turned to the voice. Christopher Bang was standing there, arms crossed and staring down at his members, hitting his foot against the ground.
Minho clenched his hands into fists, but said nothing, his lips sealed in a tight line. Jisung was breathing heavily, looking like he was about to burst a vein, teeth gritting. None of them answered to their leader, who looked progressively annoyed.
-It was nothing, Chris -Jake intervened, bowing. - We were just discussing something. Nothing else happened.
-Thank you for the input, Jake, but I was asking them. -he pointed his head at the boys, but Jake relented.
-Trust me, they did nothing. They just returned me my jacket, and in return, I was giving them a good advice that I think they should really follow. - both men glared at him again, but he ignored it, going back with his own group, jacket under his arm.
"Jesus, Vivi. What the hell did you get yourself into?"
Vivi's friends, watching her come back with two brand jackets that are obviously not hers: What do you have in there?
Vivi, refusing to acknowledge it: A smoothie.
Taglist: @channieandhisgoonsquad @2chopsticks2eyes @queenmea604 @sweetracha
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sexlovelitpodcast · 2 months
Sex Love Lit girlies! I watched Crash Landing On You (my first k-drama) and now I have a conundrum: A) I want to watch more k-dramas, and B) No k-drama can seem to measure up to CLOY 😭 Could you put together a playlist of entry-level k-dramas for new fans that capture the CLOY magic? Bonus points if they’re on Netflix
@sliceoflifegirl thanks for the ask!
(Corinne here) First of all, welcome to KDrama land! Crash Landing on You was my second ever KDrama, and the one that really got me hooked. I’m gonna be honest, it’s a hard one to top when you’re mid emotional hangover! That said, I love this ask and recommending KDramas to people, so I’m more than happy to recommend some. My strategy here, rather than recommend something that exactly mimics CLoY (because imo, there’s nothing exactly like it), is to recommend dramas that I think are some of the best of their genre—with some aspect that might help scratch that CLOY itch ;) So, without further ado, here is your KDrama Starter Pack: 
Goblin aka Guardian: The Lonely and Great God—This fantasy romance is a classic for a reason. The set-up: 900+ year old goblin Kim Shin is on a quest to find the goblin bride to pull the sword out of his chest and finally let him die. The catch: when he finds goblin bride Eun-tak and starts to fall in love with her, he wonders if there might be something to this whole “life” thing after all. Also featured: a glum Grim Reaper, with whom Kim Shin has a top tier bromance, who has a doomed romance of his own. Goblin gave me one of the biggest emotional hangovers post-CLOY in my early KDrama days. One caveat: Kim Shin meets Eun Tak when she’s in high school, so if huge age gaps in fantasy romances give you the ick, maybe give this one a pass (in which case the fantasy romances I recommend checking out instead are Alchemy of Souls and Doom at Your Service, both on Netflix atm). (On Viki)
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Mr. Sunshine—My pick for one of the best historical (aka sageuk) KDramas out there. Set in early 1900’s Joseon, just before/in the early days of Japanese occupation, this drama follows the lives of five equally compelling characters as they navigate the political turmoil of the time. At the center are Lady Ae-sin, an aristocratic lady with a tendency for dressing up as a man and sneaking around at night on missions for the rebels, and Eugene Choi, an American Marine now stationed in Joseon who escaped enslavement there as a child and has mixed feelings about the land of his birth. This one resonates with the forbidden/doomed love of people from different classes and cultures from CLOY. (On Netflix)
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Reply 1988—This slice of live drama set in Seoul in 1988 follows five families who live in the same neighborhood, and especially five of their high school aged children as they grow up during a particularly vibrant time in South Korea’s recent history. Like the other installments in the Reply series, the series uses two of the main characters in the present day (or present to when it was released, anyway) looking back—which means that viewers know the Deok-sun ends up married to one of her four besties, but which one?? Still, while the love triangle mystery is fun, at its heart, this story is about community. It’ll scratch the CLoY itch for the North Korean market lady shenanigans, and a few others as well (especially if you like intense yearning in your dramas). (On Netflix)
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Business Proposal—If you’d like romance of a completely different genre than CLOY, look no further than Business Proposal! In this KDrama, Shin Ha-ri goes on a blind date in place of her friend as a favor only find out that the date is with her boss. This tightly plotted romantic comedy plays with more rom com tropes than you can shake a stick at, but never sits with one so long that it gets old. The B couple is also fire, and helps move things along whenever the A couple gets into a rut. This drama also features some chaebol (rich business family) shenanigans a la CLOY.  (On Netflix)
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo–If you’re in the mood for a workplace comedy/drama, look no further than Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Featuring the incandescent Park Eun Bin as rookie attorney Woo Young Woo, this legal drama features about a case per episode as Attorney Woo finds her way in the world alongside a delightful main cast of characters. (On Netflix)
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Little Women—My choice for the makjang to include on this list (a genre in which extreme storylines are treated very seriously), this drama focuses on the three Oh sisters as the oldest finds that her friend who died under mysterious circumstances has left her 70 billion that a powerful political family will stop at nothing to get their hands on. Will the story always make complete sense? No. But will the stellar performances, fast-paced, genre-mixing drama, and wild cliffhangers keep you on the edge of your seat as you binge the whole thing? Absolutely. (On Netflix)
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Extraordinary You—Youth dramas may or may not be your thing, but if you have the patience for the shenanigans of high schools, Extraordinary You is my top pick. In this fantasy romance, Eun Dan-Oh discovers that she is actually a character in a comic–and she’s not even the main one! While still high school appropriate, Eun Dan-oh’s literally doomed-by-the-narrative and impossible circumstances romance with Haru, another side character, is another one from my early KDrama days to stick with me just as much as Yoon Se-ri and Ri Jeong-hyeokk’s. (On Viki)
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Search: WWW—Ayanni’s particular contribution to this list, this modern romantic drama focuses on intersecting lives of three women working in the fast-paced tech industry at the top two competing web portal companies. Just as interesting as each woman’s various romantic entanglement are their entanglements with each other as they put their careers ahead of just about everything else. Ayanni says she especially appreciates this one because it focuses specifically on three women (also in this genre are Be Melodramatic and Because this is My First Life). 
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Happy watching--and do let us know if you pick any of these up!
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matan4il · 1 year
Breaking the Tragedy
Kinnporsche vs Brokeback Mountain meta
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In honor of me finding out that Apo once tweeted the above poster of Brokeback Mountain with his and Mile’s pics photoshopped in, that Mile’s favorite LGBTQ movie is BBM and that for their trip to Seoul, they dressed in coordinated outfits reminiscent of BBM’s protagonists... I have lost yet another piece of my sanity and wrote some meta about KPTS vs BBM.
Brokeback Mountain the short story: America’s Greek Tragedy
I cannot do BBM justice if I don’t start by talking about the original short story that the movie is based on. I read it and it absolutely broke my heart. You think the movie is sad? It’s practically a joyous celebration in comparison with the source material.
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Because what Annie Proulx set out to write with her short story was an American version of a Greek tragedy. Let me explain how is a Greek tragedy, as a genre, different to tragedies in general. A tragedy is a story where our protagonist experiences an incredibly sad ending. A Greek tragedy is a story where our protagonist has a choice to make, but no matter what he chooses, he will experience an incredibly sad ending. In other words, in this genre, the real tragedy isn’t just that the ending is sad, it’s that there is no way for the ending to be anything other than sad. The impossibility of avoiding a devastating fate, THAT is the true tragedy of life.
Often this means that in Greek tragedies, the protagonist will monologue about the choice that they have, explaining to the audience why, no matter what they choose, the ending would be dire for them. The classic example is Antigone. Her brothers rebelled against her city, which is ruled by her tyrant uncle, and they were killed. The uncle, as punishment for their betrayal, decrees that his nephews would not be buried (condemning their souls eternally) and that anyone giving their bodies a proper burial will be executed. Antigone is in torment. On the one hand, human laws make it impossible for her to bury her brothers. If she does, she will be killed herself. She’s young, she’s in love, she’s about to marry her beloved, she has so much in life to look forward to. On the other hand, divine laws decree that as a sister, she must bring the bodies to burial and give their souls eternal rest, it would be a sin against her family and the gods if she doesn’t. So whatever she chooses, she’s doomed.
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In her short story, Annie Proulx sets out to demonstrate the Greek tragedy that is the fate of gay people in the society she’s describing in her book of short stories, Close Range: Wyoming Stories. It’s a hyper-masculine, homophobic society in which non-heterosexual people have no right to exist. What Proulx tries to show is that queer people are damned no matter what choice they make in such a society, whether they pursue their love or stay deeply closeted. She will not have a protagonist who monologues about the impossibility of this choice, but she can have two characters, one choosing the former option, the other choosing the latter, and show the miserable ending that both meet.
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That’s who Jack and Ennis are in her short story. Jack is the guy who simply can’t remain closeted. He doesn’t come out in the modern sense of the word, but he finds he can’t stand being fully closeted, because he’s in love with Ennis. The short story makes it clear that it’s not just about attraction (an attraction not seemingly based on looks. Proulx gives a less than flattering physical description of them) and sex (though their sex is canonically damn good). What they offer each other is a mutual understanding and therefore comfort that they don’t get from anyone else in their life, not even their own families. That’s what keeps them tethered to each other, that’s what keeps them hooked even when settling with women would make everything so much easier. They do try that. But Jack is SO in love with Ennis that he’s just too damn miserable in his marriage. Jack’s wife simply can’t give him what Ennis can, and that means there is this emotional void that he can’t live with and she can’t fill. He tries to get more of Ennis, Jack has this dream that he at first keeps to himself but eventually has to share about the kind of life they might lead together, one where they wouldn’t declare who they are to anyone, but they’d live together, so they’d get to share the sorrows and joys of every single day with each other. They’d get to enjoy the warmth and love that comes with mutual understanding and comfort on a daily basis.
Ennis can’t accept this dream. He knows what happens to men who dare live like that, his father made sure his kids would see with their own eyes how a man like that was murdered. So Ennis knows how society will punish them and that they can’t lead a life that’s even semi-open about who they are to each other. He doesn’t share the dream and he chooses to settle for the few times they can get away from the heteronormative lies they’re living.
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In an attempt to resist the draw he constantly feels back to Ennis, Jack turns to sex with other men. It’s still not what he longs for, but it’s better than his marriage, because at least having sex with these men is one step closer physically to what he misses when he can’t be with Ennis. Eventually, he settles into an affair with another man who would come and live with him. Jack takes what he can get, even though it’s not what he really wants. Ennis is still the love of his life, the man whose shirt Jack keeps in his closet to the end, entangled with his own, mingled dry blood and all, Ennis is the reason why Jack wanted his ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain. Between the two impossible choices Annie Proulx lays out, Jack chooses the closest thing he can have to his dream of living his life openly with the love of his life.
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Ennis finds out that Jack was murdered for this. And at this point, it seems like out of the two, Ennis had made the smarter choice, the one of hiding who he is as much as possible. He’s still alive, he seemingly didn’t pay the price homophobia demands. Except that’s not true. Proulx then goes on to show us the real tragedy of a society that so fully embraces this type of hatred. It’s that EVERY queer person pays a price, no matter what choice they make, even if that price is invisible to us. Ennis is alive, but upon learning that Jack has been murdered, his heart dies. He becomes a ghost. All he is from this point on is a shadow of longing for Jack, hanging their two intertwined shirts in Ennis’ trailer, waking up every morning from dreams about Jack, wanting something that can never again be. There are no happy endings, there are no good choices for queer people where homophobia prevails.
Brokeback Mountain the movie: a softer lens
The movie tones that down. For the most part it follows the original short story with only a few elaborations that IMO don’t change the meaning of the source material by much. Except for the ending. That’s when Ennis’ daughter comes to talk to him, and they have a kind of reconciliation. The movie lets us understand he’s going to be there for her despite not being there before. Ennis also puts some roots down when he installs a mailbox, signaling both finding a place he’ll be connected to again (whereas the Ennis at the end of the short story is still very much adrift, not knowing what tomorrow will bring, not even where he’ll stay) and implying he’ll once again have someone writing to him. This doesn’t exist in the short story. By the end of the story, Ennis’ oldest daughter is already married, they have no special conversation about her wedding, and the only reason why she’s mentioned is that he might have to crash with her for a while if he can’t find any other solution in between jobs. Jack was the love of Ennis’ life, he’s gone, nothing will bring him back, nothing will give them the life they should have had together. There is no comfort, there is no consolation prize in Proulx’s tale. You can’t fix a Greek tragedy. You just gotta stand it.
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So the movie is different. It’s not an inevitable tragedy that cannot be escaped and cannot be healed. The film ends instead with an offering that every life (even one in which everything that was ever important to you seems lost and unfixable) can hold some solace. Lost the love of your life? Experiencing immeasurable grief without even having the possibility to talk about it to anyone? You can still be there for your daughter’s wedding. You can still do one thing right. Does that fix it all? No. BBM the movie does recount a tragedy. It does follow a powerful love story and its destruction. But the film isn’t a Greek tragedy, either. You might have lost almost everything because of homophobia, the movie says, but you can have something.
At the same time, something both versions have in common is the title (obviously) which refers to the mountain where Jack and Ennis fell in love, the place that broke their lives and turned them into tragedies. This mountain becomes an image in their minds, a symbol of that moment in time when they were young, in love, happy and had the illusion that they always could be. Both versions tell the story of an all-encompassing love and the devastating effect of losing it due to homophobia, even if the film’s criticism is somewhat softened by the more hopeful ending.
Kinnporsche the Series: breaking the tragedy
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On the most basic level, KPTS is easily comparable to BBM because they’re both set in a tough, hyper-masculine, demanding and merciless world. One might argue that Kinn and Porsche are in an even worse version of that than Jack and Ennis, because the mafia world is also a violent one by its very nature, whereas BBM tells the story of a society that is supposed to be civilized, though in reality its violence lies under the surface. The threat of it is very real for gay people, as our protagonists both learn firsthand, but that’s because homophobia provides a small break in the surface where violence can erupt with society choosing to turn a blind eye to it.
But against expectations, Kinn and Porsche exist in a hyper-masculine world that does not fall into the pit of homophobia. It’s not that homophobia doesn’t exist in their world at all. We do know that somewhere out there, people are homophobic in the society that the characters of KPTS live in. The show doesn’t deal too much with it, because our protagonists are simply spared any encounters with this homophobia, at least on screen.
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How do we know that it does exist in their society? There are small hints, like Porsche being told in ep 108 that “Love is love” (first stated by Jom, then repeated by Yok). We all know this to be an anti-homophobia statement, and there is no need for it in this world had it been free of that kinda hate. But the matter is most explicitly brought up after Porsche discovers Kinn is gay. It turns out, Porsche is shocked not because of this revelation, but because Big sent him into Kinn’s bedroom, despite knowing about the sexy times happening there. But then Porsche realizes Big expected him to have a homophobic reaction, and so he goes off about that. This moment tells us Porsche himself isn’t homophobic, but he is aware of the existence of such attitudes.
This scene also points to the existence of homophobia in this world by hinting Porsche’s guess regarding Big is correct. After all, Porsche was bragging about having gone to the sauna together with Kinn, and that he would invite Big next time, implying there’s been a change in who is now the favorite bodyguard. Big, who is secretly in love with Kinn, was obviously jealous and wanted to do something that would destroy this newfound closeness. Big sent Porsche into that bedroom to witness Kinn’s gay sexcapades, expecting that the presumed heterosexual Porsche would react in a homophobic manner and would wanna get as far away as possible from their gay boss. In fact, Big lurks outside Kinn’s bedroom, and he’s completely unsurprised to see Porsche fleeing and shocked. Big’s confusion only starts when Porsche explains the actual source of his distress. Big’s bafflement indicates to us that homophobia was, in fact, the reaction that he was counting on.
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Last thing about this scene which tells us that homophobia does exist somewhere in the background of KPTS’ world is Kinn’s own reaction. We discover that he was close by and heard the entire exchange between Porsche and Big. If homophobia was not an issue, then Porsche revealing himself to be free of it wouldn’t have mattered to Kinn so much. But instead, we witness this big grin blooming on his face, as he stands there, happy and literally illuminated. We never hear whether Kinn himself had ever suffered homophobia. As a mafia prince, he might have been spared its repercussions. But he’s aware of it enough that he must have known there’s a chance Porsche, who had up until then been straight and assumed others around him to be as well, would be homophobic. That’s what Kinn’s smile tells us, it’s his joy and relief that this guy he’s started having feelings for does not harbor that prejudice. And that whole bit doesn’t work, that smile isn’t anywhere near as meaningful, that scene doesn’t require the metaphor of illumination, unless homophobia does exist in KPTS’ world.
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(as a side note, since I brought up Porsche’s sexuality, I’ll mention that in both stories we have guys who are presumed straight by their environment, by the narrative and even by themselves, and who discover their attraction to another man. In neither story do we get clear answers and definitions for how they identify, for example as gay or bisexual, in any modern sense. In Jack and Ennis’ case, claiming their identity by defining it would simply be too dangerous due to the homophobia around, not to mention the bits of it that they have internalized. When it comes to Porsche, there’s no need for labels, because those simply don’t matter to him. “Love is love,” he’s in love with Kinn, and that’s all Porsche needs to know the second that he accepts these feelings. He is unsure at first over never having dated a guy before, but when he talks to Yok about it in 108, he sounds more confused over not knowing how to date than about the fact that he’s looking to romance another guy)
KPTS offers us a hyper-masculine setting that co-exists with homophobia, but is mostly untouched by it. Through all the challenges KPTS’ protagonists have to face, none are about being attracted to another man. If BBM tells us how homophobia destroys people, KPTS presents a picture of how they can thrive in its absence. Because while the finale isn’t complete (as I indicated in my KPTS s2 meta), this show’s ending is still a tale of how love between two men saves the day.
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Which brings me to another point. I think the biggest resemblance between KPTS and BBM comes when we consider the tagline for the movie. “Love is a force of nature,” the film’s poster reads, as Jack and Ennis’ portraits take up most of its space, seemingly bigger than the mountain their love was born on. BBM at the end of the day might be about the tragedy of homophobia, but it also affirms the undeniable power of love, so overwhelming that nothing can truly stop it. After all, not even what he experienced as the ultimate rejection could make Jack stop loving Ennis, and death itself couldn’t make Ennis stop loving Jack.
We see something so similar with Kinn and Porsche’s story as well. When they meet, they’re both men who aren’t looking for love or happiness. They’re both settling for just sex. One had been betrayed by a former lover so badly that he doesn’t believe in love anymore, the other has never even given love a chance because he’s too dedicated to raising his kid brother, leaving himself emotionally unavailable for a relationship. But when they meet each other? That’s a whirlwind that throws their lives into disarray, opens them up to love and to the possibility of loving someone who’s different than they expected (Porsche falling for a man, Kinn falling for someone who fights back, unlike the appeasing, docile men he’s been with before), and saves them from being destroyed by hurt even as they experience betrayals of all kinds.
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And so unsurprisingly, these two epic love stories have many similarities. KPTS and BBM alike, perhaps precisely because of that hyper-masculine context they portray, give us protagonists whose first time acting on their mutual attraction involves alcohol being consumed by both men. For Kinnporsche, it’s their first kiss in 103, which follows partying up together at Yok’s bar. For Jack and Ennis, it’s the first time they have sex after they’ve drunk so much that Ennis can’t leave the camp for the night by riding away. Which inevitably leads to another similarity between these two couples, that this is a starter happening on a physical level, but it will lead both down a path of emotions realization.
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Of course, emotions are complicated, especially for men who aren’t that great at communicating (which tends to be almost all of them when we’re talking about guys who exist in hyper-masculine settings). Jack and Ennis, when they have to part ways and they don’t know how to express the pain of that, they end up throwing punches at each other on their last day on Brokeback Mountain. Similarly, Kinn and Porsche, when they care about each other so much, but the possibility of Vegas coming between them arises, they end up turning to a shove, a slap and some insults, hurting each other because they themselves are in pain. But since this is also just a symptom of how much they care about each other, then eventually, in both cases, it is the depth of their feelings for each other that helps them to overcome their trouble in communication. They return to and help heal each other.
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Then, there’s also that understanding and comfort these men offer each other. In BBM, the peak of this is represented in a moment when Ennis pulls an exhausted Jack to him and repeats words he had heard as a kid from his mom. This is the softness and care that drives them out into the wilderness several times a year, no matter what else is happening in their lives, and into each other’s arms. Despite all the hurt Ennis caused Jack on their last day together on Brokeback Mountain and on every occasion when Ennis rejects Jack’s dream of living together, in spite of all other measures Jack turns to in order to deal with the hurt, he never stops seeing Ennis, untangles their shirts or changes his will. On Ennis’ part, even when Alma tells him she knows his secret, even when he realizes his life could be in danger because he and Jack were not as invisible as he thought they were despite their precautions, Ennis doesn’t stop seeing Jack either. They are bonded together. And that’s what we see with Kinn and Porsche, too. No matter what surprises are thrown at them, no matter what betrayals, no matter how reality is twisted around them to make them doubt their own minds, they don’t stop trusting each other. They keep choosing each other throughout the show and especially during the finale. And their trust and understanding is also built on tender moments, similar to the one Jack and Ennis shared, such as when Porsche is taking care of Kinn’s hair, reminiscent of how Kinn says his mother used to do the same for him when he was a kid.
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Lastly, these great love affairs aren’t just a bond of compulsion, where they have to return to each other. They’re also a bond of choice, a commitment that they want to make, even if it’s not one that society is ready to recognize. “Jack, I swear,” says Ennis to a pair of shirts he has just hung in his trailer next to a postcard of Brokeback Mountain, two shirts that Jack joined together and Ennis would never put asunder. A symbolic wedding vow. Their own little ceremony that they end up sharing by virtue of Ennis continuing what Jack had started even after he isn’t there anymore. This symbolic commitment is one we also see with KPTS in ep 114, first when we know Kinn is the one who has put a ring on Porsche’s finger (one that matches his own and marks them as partners who lead their extended mafia family together), and second when they exchange their own vows on the boat. It’s the same one where Kinn demanded Porsche’s life as his bodyguard back in ep 101 and was refused, but this time Porsche is committing his whole life to Kinn and is being promised in return that he’d be treasured.
Kinn and Porsche broke the inevitably tragic nature of the BBM world. At the end of it all, it’s not only the relative absence of homophobia that makes the difference. That detail is crucial! Their story would have been completely different if they would have had to cope with what Jack and Ennis did. But another element that makes a difference is the trust in each other that Kinn and Porsche manage to build. I’ve talked about the importance of that in my previous Kinnporsche meta posts (about the sex scene in 107, as well as KPTS s2 meta) and how we can tell that they would have eventually beaten any adversary and all hardships thanks to that. It’s something that Jack and Ennis, as much as they loved each other, didn’t manage to get to. They never learn to trust each other enough to communicate properly. Ennis is afraid of Jack’s wrath when he has to cancel one of their planned meetings, so he keeps it a secret until the very end of their current tryst. Jack knows better than to share with Ennis what he does with other men in order to get over the emotional loneliness he experiences whenever they part. Maybe in a less homophobic society, they would get to where they stop disappointing each other and could have faith in one another.
So that trust that Kinn and Porsche put in each other? That’s actually a huge thing. Because in a sense, Kinn and Porsche’s backgrounds as they unfold at the end of KPTS unveil they easily could have ended up as a tragedy as well. Their story is that of two young men who are caught in a war started before they were even born by Kinn’s cruel grandfather who we never even see on screen. This head of the family is cold and manipulative, turning brother against his own brother and shaping both his sons into being like him. He’s also responsible for violent acts, one of which brings Porsche’s mom as a young girl into the lives of his sons, setting off a whole chain of events that will end with the bloody war between the two mafia families that we witness in the finale. This is precisely the type of background that in Greek mythology curses a whole family and dooms all of its members, even the ones born generations later. In fact, it’s those younger generations who become the very essence of Greek tragedy. They are fated to meet a terrible end no matter what they choose to do, despite them not being responsible for any of the atrocities that curse their family, and their fate is set before they were even conceived.
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Kinn and Porsche could have easily become these tragic figures as well. But KPTS breaks the cycle of tragedy through the bond its protagonists created. Where the family of Kinn and Porsche is torn apart by hate and envy, they change the course of their fate by finding love together, as well as a desire to support and make each other happy. And where Jack and Ennis failed to trust each other, Kinn and Porsche manage to build that foundation, and make it a stable one. That’s powerful enough that when the events of the past start surfacing, whether more recent (Vegas and Tawan) or less (Korn and Gun, Porsche’s parents), threatening to tear our lovers’ faith in themselves and the other one apart, they manage to hold on, trust and choose each other still. Which leads us to that last scene on the boat, the one where they commit themselves to one another, sealed by them physically holding each other, safe in the knowledge that they’re truly and completely in love, that they would die for each other, and that, thankfully, now they get to do something better. They get to do what Jack and Ennis could only dream of. They get to live the rest of their lives with each other.
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more: (pool sex mini meta) (all my KPTS meta on AO3)
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As a bonus, here’s Brokeback Mountain’s theme, and Jeff Satur’s Why Don’t You Stay. They’re not similar, but WDYS’ opening always reminded me a little of bits of the BBM theme.
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oraclekleo · 10 months
[Interactive Stories] Painting - Part 03
Lee Soo Hyuk Story
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Part 01 Part 02
(Lee Soo Hyuk Story)
Part 03
Lee Soo Hyuk and Hong Jong Hyun made some necessary arrangements in their lives (Jong Hyun needed to persuade his friend to babysit his dogs) and they decided to start their investigation in Geneva, Switzerland. It was the place the artist lived and died and it made sense to them to go there.
Hyuk contacted the gallerist who sold Basil’s painting to the gallery in Seoul and they agreed on a meeting. The gallerist, Herr Keller, welcomed them in his office in a small and cosy but clearly highly exclusive gallery. Mr. Keller could speak 5 languages fluently, unfortunately none of them being Korean, Japanese or Mandarin Chinese. With the help of a translator, Hyuk and Jong Hyun were able to discuss the case of Basil Van Paar.
“Mr. Keller, we are especially interested in the painting depicting a woman with scars. It’s the one without a name.” Hyuk brought the subject to the table once all the formalities were over.
The gallerist pushed glasses up on his nose and blinked but then he smiled, clearly recalling the painting. “Yes, I remember. It was one of Basil’s last works. To be honest with you, I was advising Kamilla, Basil’s sister, not to give the painting into auction as we have found a little note attached to it saying it’s not for sale. But Kamilla is the heiress and she could do what she found fit.”
“I see. So it was never meant to be available to the public, if I understand it correctly.” Jong Hyun said.
“You are right. Judging by the nature of the painting, it might have been something very personal for Basil. Unfortunately we haven’t found any further notes or records regarding the painting.”
“I was about to ask you whether you know the woman depicted but you have answered that. With no notes, you can’t know.” Hyuk said a little disappointed.
“Oh, gentlemen! But I do know the identity of the lady in the painting.” Herr Keller smiled and blinked several times.
Hyuk’s heartbeat accelerated immediately. “You do? Who is she?”
“I’m not so sure I can tell you but then again, it was in the news and on the internet so maybe there’s no harm in telling you…”
“Herr Keller, please, we have undergone a long journey to get here.” Jong Hyun tried to encourage the gallerist to speak.
Mr. Keller nodded and he started tapping on his desk with a pen. “About a year ago, it was in every newspaper all around Europe. A female doctor working for the Red Cross in Congo was kidnapped together with some of her colleagues by some militant group. They have tried to negotiate ransom money for her as she was from a noble and very wealthy family. In the process, they tortured her, broke her fingers, several ribs, burned her with cigarettes and more. Savages. Ransom never came but a rescue team of professional mercenaries did. Once the rebels heard about the rescue coming, they decided to kill their hostages. They slit their throats. Everyone died except for the female doctor who’s assassin was a small frightened boy with a blunt knife. He didn’t cut deep enough to kill her and she managed to survive till the rescue team arrived.”
“I saw the throat scar. It’s horrible.” Hyuk mentioned all stunned.
“Exactly. But even worse than the marks on her skin was the damage she suffered on her hands. Some of the nerves were irreversibly damaged and once the doctor woke up in the hospital, she was told she would never be able to perform surgeries again. She was an excellent surgeon and this was devastating for her. She attempted suicide in the hospital and cut her wrists but they saved her and sent to therapy. I remember the news describing her entire life being a series of suffering. She was born into a wealthy noble family and when she was 17 years old, she was considered the most beautiful girl in the county. She was engaged to an Irish descendant aristocrat, I think I remember his picture from the news. Adonis looks like his uglier brother. They were meant to be married once she would celebrate her 18th birthday. Unfortunately there was a fire in a local bakery. She was there first and went into the burning house to save a child. She managed to push the child outside but the building collapsed partially and she couldn’t get out in time. The gas stove in the kitchen exploded and threw her through the window with severe back burns and multiple injuries and internal bleeding. Once she recovered enough to continue with the plans, she was still intending to be married but when the wedding day came, the groom ran away. He couldn’t stand marrying a woman who wasn’t beautiful anymore. And so the girl devoted her life to medical career and helping others.”
“Dear lord!” Hyuk breathed out. “What a dick! I mean… couldn’t he tell her sooner?”
“That’s what everyone thought. I heard he ran away with her maid of honour and best friend and got married in Las Vegas.” Mr. Keller mentioned.
“I hate to interrupt you but you haven’t told us her name so far.” Jong Hyun said growing a little impatient.
“I haven’t? Oh! Right! The woman in the painting is Lady Freya Arran. She’s the sister of Lady Godiva Arran. You might have seen her in the news, she’s the British Prime Minister.”
“What?!” Hyuk and Jong Hyun said at the same moment. Hyuk cleared his throat and continued. “How came Basil got the chance to paint lady Arran?”
“I think they met when she was in Albania with the Red Cross years ago. They were friends.”
“Is it possible to contact her?” Jong Hyun asked.
Herr Keller seemed genuinely surprised. “Oh! But gentlemen! Haven’t you heard? Lady Freya Arran went missing a month ago. She was on her way to family property on a Crow Isle when her ship hit rocks and sank. I heard nothing about her being found so I assume she is still missing.”
Hyuk’s heart stopped beating and he felt as if someone ripped it out of his chest with ice cold claws. “She died a month ago?” He whispered.
“I think so, yes. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news.” Herr Keller said.
Jong Hyun watched his friend grow pale and his forehead starting to glisten with sweat. “Thank you for all the information, Mr. Keller. We are truly grateful you agreed to meet us. I’m afraid this is the end of our enquiry here. If you excuse us, we won’t disturb you any longer.” He said and got up to shake hands with the gallerist.
“I’m sorry you went this whole way only to learn the woman is deceased. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your stay in Geneva.”
Jong Hyun handled all the polite formalities and took Hyuk back to the car they hired after arriving in Geneva. “Are you okay, mate?” Jong Hyun asked once they were both in the car and Jong Hyun was smoothly driving through the city back to their hotel.
“No, I don’t think so… I just… I don’t know. I mean, I could have known she’s not going to be alive. Even from the painting itself. She went through so much. But… for some reason I believed she was there somewhere and I could meet her and maybe give her the painting so it’s not exposed to the public. This is just… It feels like an open wound in my chest. I haven’t reached any type of closure.” Hyuk said all devastated.
Jong Hyun frowned and thought about it for a little. “Maybe you could reach some sort of peace of mind if you offer the painting to her family? We know she has a sister in Britain. We are already in Europe. It won’t kill us to continue our trip to London now.” Jong Hyun suggested.
“Maybe… I don’t know. How do you even meet a British Prime Minister? I’m pretty sure you can’t just call the office and ask Lady Godiva out for lunch.” Hyuk said pessimistically.
They arrived back in the hotel. Jong Hyun wanted to go out and paint the town red but Hyuk was in no mood for that. He took a shower and sat in bed with his laptop for the rest of the evening. He had his dinner delivered to the room as he couldn’t even imagine sitting in a restaurant among other people.
Jong Hyun was inhaling the hot coffee vapours in the hotel restaurant. He was mentally preparing for breakfast. He had a hangover like never before.
“Lady Freya had 11 sisters in total!” Hyuk crushed on a chair at Jong Hyun’s table.
“Aaaaaahhhh!” Jong Hyun moaned and held his head. “Volume down, man, please.” He whispered and sipped a little bit of the coffee.
“Sorry.” Hyuk said and spoke with a lower and quieter voice. “There were 12 Arran sisters. Freya disappeared in the sea, Godiva is the prime minister but there’s also Lady Victoria Arran. You might have heard that name.” Hyuk gave Jong Hyun a meaningful stare.
“At this moment, I can barely remember my mother’s name. You have to tell me.” Jong Hyun said with a raspy voice.
“Lady Victoria Arran married Cha Hak Yeon, leader of K-Pop group VIXX and an actor, 3 years ago. She lives in Seoul.”
“Ah! Right!” Jong Hyun remembered. “I think someone wanted me to be their plus one for dinner in their house but I was busy that night.” Jong Hyun rubbed his eyes. “So? Are we going to phone Lady Victoria to ask her whether she wants the painting or whether she can arrange a meeting with Lady Godiva for us?”
“Or we can go back to Seoul to meet her directly.” Hyuk nodded.
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Check out Lee Soo Hyuk tarot readings:
Lee Soo Hyuk Kinky* Reading
Lee Soo Hyuk Relationship Role
Lee Soo Hyuk Ideal Partner
Lee Soo Hyuk - Love is a Battlefield
Lee Soo Hyuk - Shadow of the Moon
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bengiyo · 1 year
Love Tractor Eps 3 & 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week Sun Yeol headed to the countryside to escape from life and expectations in Seoul. It seems like he’s having some sort of crisis about his dad’s role in his schooling. He seems to actually be good at Korean law, but seems to be intentionally tanking now. He’s run away to the countryside to his grandfather’s property, and the local hot, strong farmer has glomped onto him. He does not seem to be ready to receive the open affection and community spirit of rural life.
Episode 3
Yo, my man Ye Chan is swooning too hard. How long has it been since this man made another genuine human connection?
I know we called this the Korean Restart After Coming Back Home, but goddamn this scene matches almost exactly. Farming is farming.
These kids are BRUTAL! They demolished his psyche.
Ah, so Sun Yeol is rebelling against the privileges of his father.
I’m with Ye Chan. Sun Yeol can’t just talk to kids any kind of way.
Now the child has run away.
Lying to the child to flush them out is not going to build any kind of trust.
Oh my goodness, this has taken on such a dangerous air. Now we’re rolling down hills trying to save children from dying.
So Sun Yeol…. We’re not gonna take any steps to staunch the bleeding?
Yes, console the child before you bleed out.
Ye Chan has great dramatic timing.
Episode 4
I like coming back to the same framing in the sunlit hospital. That’s pretty good.
I am such a sucker for the Korean romantic lead who gets righteously upset with their romantic partner and has a bulleted list of grievances.
Yabuki Kenji would be cheering for Ye Chan here for taking care of his man. Kakei Shiro would be mortified alongside Sun Yeol.
Oh, Sun Yeol, you really won’t get less tired if you keep emotionally isolating yourself like this.
I love all of the neighbors coming by to check on Sun Yeol and bring him food.
Ye Chan dropped his cake! I’m so sad!!
Yes, Ye Chan, take it off. Let’s see the results of all this farm work.
Oh, BL, please never stop having boys horse around with a water hose in slow mo with a cute backing track.
This sleeping on the floor bit is cute.
This doctor said, “You are not sick. You are gay.”
I think the village head actually gave fairly useful advice here. If Ye Chan does have feelings, he should know if Sun Yeol is already seeing someone.
I always struggle with the heavy drinking in these dramas, and I am always repulsed when it’s clearly someone smells bad because of it.
Aw, Ye Chan’s little heart got broken while drunk.
Oh my do we get a love rival next week??
This is picking up a little bit! It’s a bit quirky, but I’m committed to seeing it through.
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poisonoptions · 5 months
happy new year! to be honest i haven’t had a lot of time to put together an intro, so i’ll be brief. these are the choi siblings, jinyoung and soojung, who are very different but also the same. their relationship currently isn’t in the best place, but maybe things can get better for these kids, who knows! due to the shadowbanning issue, i prefer to plot over at d*scord, so feel free to add me @ bluestmonday. if you prefer dms though, it’ll take me a while but i’ll be sure to get to you so nw!
general information:ㅤ jinyoungㅤ/ㅤ soojungㅤ/ㅤ more
jinyoung and soojung are the children of an upper class family that has a history of being emphatically pro nullivi, pro anomaly assimilation. they were raised to assume leadership in their father’s law firm, whose most prominent client is biofirm pharmaceuticals. the usual absent parents and great expectations narrative applies.
shouldering the worst of the family’s demands, jinyoung was pushed into the role of the rebel. his ability kept him sick for a good portion of his childhood, and nullivi only made matters worse – which never dissuaded his parents from insisting he take it. they seemed hellbent in making a project out of him, desperate that he makes a point for them. but jinyoung was just a synthesis of his body and the drugs that kept it bound. like everything else, their ambitions for him faded from his grasp.
soojung was the neglected second child. she was the one watching jinyoung command attention around the house, feeling pathetic when she found herself envying the screaming and the sleepless nights. her problem was never needing the attention, managing without the help. it wasn’t hard to see why she was determined to not just succeed, but do twice as well as what was expected of her. soojung kept her head high, well acquainted with the banality of disillusion.
as far as recent events go, jinyoung was a year into his master’s degree in business law three years ago when he disappeared. his family maintained discretion over the matter, implying he’d taken a sabbatical year. weeks later, soojung was able to help track him down in athens, then munich, then los angeles. but it was in london that he was arrested for possession, and his family intervened to ensure his return to seoul. back to the life he was so desperate to escape.
soojung is indifferent to his return, she pretty much thinks it was better for everyone when he was gone. but her parents are getting their way at any cost, which is their natural inclination. she’s become invested in campus politics in the meanwhile, a pet project she’s nurturing to remind herself that she can. when she joined together for daehan, she considered taking a smaller role and avoid scrutiny into someone of her background becoming the face of the group, but she couldn’t help herself. she has a bit of a complex about limiting herself for the sake of others.
some plot ideas that come to mind atm: childhood acquaintances, study group mates, past and current significant others, people weaved into both of their lives (maybe even not realizing the relation), anyone who wants to start a club or smth (i'm out of ideas for one but a club sounds fun).
for jinyoung, people he met when he was working on his master's degree the first time around and have whatever feelings on seeing him back, people he met during his so-called sabbatical who he never believed he would run into again.
for soojung, any kinds of relationships within together for daehan (people who support her candidacy or don't, someone who invited her to the group, etc), fellow preppy kids to congregate with, people who take issue with said preppy kids!
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aroaessidhe · 8 months
hello! I was wondering if you have any cyberpunk book recs?
hmmm, to be honest I feel like most of the things that come to mind as truly cyberpunk are like not my vibe, or at least not some of my favourite books - I think I gravitate to other sci-fi subgenres most of the time.
some YA ones I've read are Warcross, Rebel Seoul, City of Shattered Light, Want (Cindy Pon) (though none of those are absolute faves, or I read them years ago)
Emergent Properties and Firebreak both of which I love and are on my mind recently are maybe cyberpunk adjacent???? but I wouldn't say fully cyberpunk, idk. I dunno how strict your/other people's definition of it is, haha.
(I've heard Foundryside is kinda fantasy cyberpunk? I haven't read it but I am planning to sometime soon)
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