#reborn canon AU
theghostshost · 3 months
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Ruins of the future, Same Tale
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mochidoodle · 7 months
How would your rendition of the Namimori High School uniform look like? Colors, ties/bows etc.
How would it differ from the Namimori Middle school uniform?
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I absolutely love questions like this! I’ve actually thought about it quite a bit. We never get to see a Nami High student other than that one anime-only karate club guy, who wasn’t even wearing a uniform. I didn’t want to go for something too flashy, but I did want to give them an air of sophistication and a bit of maturity with the colors. I outlined the key differences in the artwork, but here are some additional notes:
The Nami Middle girls’ uniform had a box pleated skirt. This uniform uses a knife pleat, much like Haru’s Midori Middle outfit.
Sports teams would follow suit with the colors; Yamamoto’s baseball uniform would ideally have maroon red lettering.
Their ubawaki (indoor shoes) are just plain white/cream, with a brown sole. Outdoor loafers are black to match their ties.
The winter jacket is a darker, more saturated maroon that can be paired with the red or grey sweater vest for a layering effect.
Fall/spring uniforms also have the typical top variations (thin knit sweater, button-up cardigan, etc.)
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mixelation · 2 months
the most insane tori continuum is if they were all the same tori. plasticity -> (a)synchronicity -> mutagenicity -> toxicity
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nata-natfan · 7 months
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30YL Семейные объятья. Все любят Тсуну. :З
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waythroughtheice · 3 months
Crossed Constellations, Part 1
For @absolutely-normal-about-x, who has graciously allowed me to play in the Legends Reborn AU.
“Ow ow ow ow owww,” Geo moaned, landing face first onto something hard, but slightly warm. “Where are we?” 
A slightly shocked, weathered voice as his answer. “This is the airship Flutter. Are you alright?” Geo blinked as a large hand appeared. He took it in his own gloved one, and let it pull him up. 
“X?” Omega-Xis yelped, shocked. 
“This isn’t X, Omega-Xis, he’s too….” Geo’s answer trailed off as he got a good look at the man--and it was definitely a human, or something like it, standing in front of him. The man was probably in his early forties, with ankle-length brown hair that was braided down his back to be out of his way. A good portion of his hair was white, leading to a pretty cool-effect where part of the braid was white but the other portion was brown. The man(?) was dressed in loose clothing, gray sweatpants and a loose cobalt blue t-shirt while barefoot. His face was slightly scruffy, and he had what Omega-Xis called a “Dad’s bod.” 
At first glance, Geo would swear that he’d never met this man in his life.
But at a second, his eyes--green, calm, intelligent, and old (and dangerous)--took Geo by surprise, and he knew. 
“X?” Geo yelped, not unlike his partner. 
X’s eyebrows shot up, and he firmly shut a book that was resting on a nearby chair shut. “That’s me,” he said. “But I don’t know you. Mind telling me your name?” 
Geo gulped. Though the question was kind and X’s tone light, his eyes were sharp, and Geo knew there would be no running away. 
Oh yeah. Definitely X.
“You travel through timelines?” X said. “That’s a new one, even for me. Sit, sit.” 
Geo awkwardly sat down at a small kitchen table at a cozy warm kitchen nook. A hot mug of--something was pressed into his hands. 
“Just some tea with milk and sugar,” X said. 
Oh. “Thank you,” Geo said. “I don’t know if I can….” He was in Mega Man’s form, so his ability to interact with the non EM world was limited. 
“We should detransform, kid,” Omega-Xis said suddenly. “It’s X. We’re safe.” 
Geo considered that, and nodded, letting himself split away until he was Geo Doran Stelar, a twelve year old human boy once more. 
The air felt heavy, and odd, and pressed against his chest. The surroundings suddenly felt malevolent, and against him. X made a small noise in the background, probably shocked at his appearance. 
Geo’d gotten that a lot from WAZA--they’d assumed that Mega Man was at least sixteen, if not older, since his Mega Man form looked like an older teenager or young adult. 
“Breathe, kid,” Omega-Xis said. “I checked. You can handle it.” 
Geo nodded and sure enough, the heaviness in the air slowly dissipated, and the black at the corner of his eyes faded. 
“That’s not as new,” X said mildly. “Are you a Cyber Elf?” This was directed at Omega-Xis, who was using the Hunter VG’s properties to be seen by people other than Geo, and to appear and interact with the physical world. 
“Huh? Whazzat?” was Omega-Xis’s eloquent reply. 
X smiled. “That answers that question. Though I guess you could also have amnesia….” 
“I’m an alien,” Omega-Xis said bluntly. “An AMian from the Planet AM.” 
“Aliens exist?” X asked, genuinely shocked. Then he grimaced. “Of course they do. Why am I even surprised anymore….” 
“They might not exist in your timeline,” Geo said anxiously. 
“We probably do,” Omega-Xis said. “But we might not’ve ever visited. The EM Waves on this planet are weak.” 
“EM Waves?” X asked. 
“Like radio waves,” Omega-Xis said, waving a claw. “My species uses it to bounce around and interact with electronics and stuff. The Internet and all that.” 
“Ah,” X said, nodding to show his understanding at the paltry explanation. Geo had no doubt that he did. X was really, really smart and it would be scary if Geo didn't know that X could always be trusted. “So you’ve met me before?” 
Geo nodded. “A few times. But you always look--” he faltered. 
X quirked a smile. “Younger, I’m guessing?” He said. “Blue armor, red jewel?” 
Geo nodded, relieved. “Uh-huh.” 
“Back when I was an android, then,” he said. 
“Yeah…..what are you?” Geo asked. 
X sat back with an amused-fond-exasperated feeling. “A Carbon, a sort of human-machine hybrid,” X said. “And before you ask, no I don’t know how I became one.” He gestured towards the drink. “Before it gets cold.” 
Geo took a sip, and smiled. “Thank you,” he said. 
“You’re welcome. If you don’t mind my asking…” X’s eyes roved over Geo and Omega-Xis before settling their intense gaze on Geo. “What’s a child like yourself traveling through different timelines? You can’t be older than thirteen.” 
“You ask that in every timeline,” Omega-Xis muttered under his breath. X shot him a sharp look before recasting his gaze 
“I’m twelve,” Geo said. “I’ve done this before. Omega-Xis is with me, so it’s okay.” 
“If you’ve met me when I was an android you’ve probably seen Maverick battles, if not seen parts of the Wars,” X said. 
“When I’m Mega Man most of the attacks phase right through me,” Geo said calmly. How many times had he had this discussion with X specifically? It was always X, too--seriously, no other adult seemed to really care all that much. 
(Well, if X wasn’t around Zero always did it, and if Zero wasn’t around Axl tended to. If not one of them, Ciel or--heavens forbid--Signas did it. Geo still feared the Signas debrief.
Dr. Hikari had been….weird. He hadn’t really said anything, but Geo knew he’d watched any and all battles very closely. But he’d still let him go without saying anything, so? 
Dr. Light, the few times Geo’d met him, seemed more resigned to having a twelve year old fight than argumentative.
Vent and Aile had believed him without a fight when he said he could fight, and Gray and Ashe were more interested in sparring with him.
So basically, it was only X's time that had adults that actually argued with him on this. It was so weird. ) 
“Most isn’t all,” X rebutted calmly. 
“I’m faster than light as Mega Man,” Geo said. “I run when I can’t fight and they can’t catch me.” 
“Hmmmm,” was all X said. “Why are you traveling?” 
“It’s kind of habit at this point,” Geo admitted. “I got used to jumping timelines thanks to an older adventure of mine that needed me to jump through space.” He decided to change the subject. “Are Zero or Axl around?” That was always a fair bet with X. Where one went, the other two followed. 
A shadow crept over X’s face. “No.” 
Geo winced. “Sorry.” 
“It was a long time ago,” X said. “Thousands upon thousands. I hold out hope that maybe, but we’ll see.” 
“Do you live with anyone?” Geo asked. If he didn’t, then Geo was going to come back to visit. The thought of X living alone was too sad. 
The shadow fled away. “Yes,” he said fondly. “My kids and two family friends.” 
“The Guardians?” Geo said, surprised. 
X blinked. “You’ve met them too, huh?” He asked wryly. 
“A few times….” Geo said. Not always nice, but they were good people. “We met sometimes on the other sides of a battlefield, but they were always good--to me, at least.” 
“Battlefield?” X said sharply. 
Geo took a pointed sip of his tea (a lesson he’d learned from another X) and didn’t answer. 
X sighed, and moved on. “Well, I woke up to meet my youngest son, Volnutt.” 
“There’s a fifth?” Geo said. 
X smiled. “There’s a fifth,” he confirmed. “Sweet boy, hardworking too. You’d probably get along well--you’re close in age.” 
“Where are they now?” Geo couldn’t help but ask. 
“Out and about,” X said. There was no mistaking the light in his voice or eyes. X was happy. “They’re a good bunch, my kids,” he said. “A lot of trouble, no mistake, but worth it.” 
“That’s good,” Geo said. X was happy. Pegasus, Leo, and Dragon, X was happy. It came off of him in waves of contentment-joy-elation. 
X wasn’t often happy, from what little Geo saw. Though he sometimes had happy endings--at least the couple of versions Geo had met, did--that was only after Geo had been involved in a few things, which he didn’t think was the norm. 
“Are you staying for dinner?” X said. It was kinda late, wasn’t it, now that Geo turned and looked outside. The sunset turned the sky and sea red as the waves lapped gently against the ship. 
Geo shook his head. “I probably shouldn’t--” Then his stomach growled, the traitor.
“Go wash up, and come back and help me with dinner,” X advised, and there was something in his tone that Geo immediately responded to. 
“Yes sir,” he answered, and got up. 
“Omega-Xis, stay here, would you?” X said. “Bathroom’s on the left, Geo. You're sweaty--go take a shower. There are spare changes of clothes about your size if you look under the mirror. They’ll be dusty, but they’re clean.” 
From the way X was eyeing Omega-Xis, it was probably going to be a very thorough Q&A session. 
Geo sighed. “I’ll be back,” he said. Better take a shower like X suggested. The more time X had to question Omega-Xis, Geo’d learned, the better. 
Omega-Xis, for his part, didn't even protest. He and X'd gone through this song and dance before, and it probably wouldn't even be the last.
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meatcatt · 1 year
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I had the pleasure of drawing over 25 cult of the lamb ocs/ aus from the lovely folks over at cult of the tumblrs! Thank you all for letting me draw your characters! Who belongs to who under the cult:
Rai - @smokeysflipside Thorty/ Altre - @sekwar Fortuna - @bandagegirl Abaddon- @dailykallamar Beast in the Dark Au/ Scox/ Samael/ Eris - @skyistheground Hathor - @littlepuffy4ever The Hunger in Sate AU/ Reborn Gods AU - @citrenecult Judas/ Drest - @google-crohns Erlkönig au/ Pre-canon AU - @poppy-purpura Fledgling AU - @lynxmisnomer Lehkit - @howlkyatt Jack/Flordia - @oddalban Lammy's AU - @lammydrawsthings Navy/ Redo AU/ Red/ Sprout - @meatcatt (Me!!)
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
Photo could be right they could be related but considering how long they were babies Verde could be Izuku grandpa
Spanner: But are you related? You share too many similarities for it to be just coincidence
Shoichi: Yeah the two of you are really similar looking and you both have lightning flames
Verde: Oh absolutely I’ve already ran the child’s dna. He is my grandson. His grandmother was quite atl talented scientist in her own right
Spanner and Shoichi: *visibly take psychic damage as they realize their “teacher” fucks and has living proof of that*
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crimsoncrim · 10 months
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been doodling with friends on shared whiteboards for fun recently, colored some that i liked :>
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random-art-stufffff · 5 months
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will this be canon to my reborn flame au? who really knows at this point though. at least after everything she can relax as a kittypet—far away from clan shenanigans and NOT in a church with TigerDove babies. sorry Tigerheart you might not exist in my au or at least be mates with Lady (Dovewing) that isn’t platonic. Maybe the two are best friends if Tiger still exists (under a different name? we’ll see).
got her ears ripped off by Starclan cats calling her a heretic in the “Last Hope” reborn flame version. yeaaah Starclan is hella messed up and the Dark Forest is just a rumor that the clans tell to their children. Maybe limbo as a ghost in the living realm but that’s just rare enough for it to be a myth.
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aikakyu · 10 months
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idol & bodyguard au
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being protected is nice and all but i wouldn't mind being on the receiving end of bodyguard gk's wrath
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leftnotright · 12 days
"This will be a skill-building experience. You've had it too easy. You've had your Family name to back you, and your Right Hand at your every call. It's time you learn to carry yourself, to build from the ground up." Dino Cavallone, the Cavallone Don, fresh out of high school.
Reborn, the deadliest hitman of the modern era, has a special kind of torture up his sleeve for his dear struggling student. Dino will have to see how well he handles alienation, isolation, and worst of all, class participation. “Now, go on, my useless student Dino. Let’s continue your education.” (Or: Reborn sends Dino to Australia. It goes better than he could have ever hoped.)
Parings: N/A Characters: Dino (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Vic Hunt (OC - Original Character), Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Romario (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Cavallone Famiglia, Enzo (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Original Characters Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, University, Pre-Canon, Financial Issues, Fluff And Angst
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Vic watched Dino from the couch, her knees drawn to her chest as she sat lazily fanning herself. They were nearing their final assessments for the academic year, burning through the semester in a blurred frenzy of days-weeks-months. What had started with a leisurely semester of introductory courses had ended in the stomach-tingling dread that was the looming final essays and exams.
And despite all this, despite the steady pile of 30%, 40%, 50% (half of their fucking grade, Vic had nearly choked—) assessments growing with every two-week notice, Dino had not failed one to, after every class, sat back down at his dining table and returned to his family’s finances. Eyes squinted in strain as he read the glaring screen of his laptop, the papers by his side wrinkled at the edges from the amount of times Dino had handled them.
Vic frowned. 
Dino rubbed his eyes and pinched his brow, trying to work out the tension. He blinked widely, before returning to squint as he scrolled through a, frankly, upsettingly long document. 
At his side, his phone’s screen lit up with a notification: ECON2003 EXAM 2 WEEKS. At the same time, a notification for a betting app pinged into place, and Dino rushed to update his nauseating spreadsheet, decorated with a tangling of line-graphs. 
Class, racing, class, racing— Dino went around and around in circles like a horse tied to a stake. 
“I wanna go somewhere,” Vic announced.
“Uh huh,” Dino grumbled, and pulled a piece of paper closer to him.
“Just a day trip, can’t be arsed to go far.”
“Uh huh.”
“You’re coming, I don’t wanna drive the whole way.”
“Uh huh—Sorry what?” Dino looked up. 
“We,” Vic said, pointing to the three of them, Enzo included, “Are going on a trip. We gotta get outside, Dino, I haven’t been anywhere but work and the campus in weeks!”
“I can’t, I—” Dino jumped but Vic was already on her feet, stretching wide with her arms out.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re busy. But lemme ask you, ponyboy, are a few hours gonna change anything?”
Dino grimaced and looked down at his work. He hadn’t made any progress in weeks, everything he could do, already done. Still, with no jockeys in sight. Dino ran this thumb over faded ink. He had been going over the same details to make it feel like he was doing something. Like he wasn’t just sitting here, leisurely living off his Family’s dime while they cut costs.
“You need a break,” Vic insisted, rounding the couch and stood at Dino’s side, hand on his shoulder. “A refresh. Get away from the desk and clear your mind.”
As the last of the exams had rolled in, so had the first dregs of a wet Summer, humid and sticky. Dino’s window was lined with little pots, basil, oregano and rosemary grew strong. The parsley looked a bit limp, but it had always been a temperamental bitch in Vic’s opinion. The sun was out and the aircons were blasting and Vic felt it was long past due time to drag Dino’s skinny ass to the beach. He had spent nearly a year in Australia and the only bodies of water Dino had interacted with were the Macquarie lake — don’t think about the meme, it had died with the month — and the numerous puddles along the main Walk that were out for Dino specifically. 
Honestly it was a miracle Enzo hadn’t gotten wet yet. Vic had more practice catching turtles than she ever thought she’d get.
“Come on,” Vic whined and shook Dino in his chair. “I wanna go out! We could go to the beach! Or The mountains! The bush!”
Anywhere. So long as he moved forward, and not around and around— Vic gritted her teeth behind her smile.
Dino rubbed his nape and glanced up at Vic who continued to tug at him, trying her best to twist her expression into something puppy-eyed-pleading — but it honestly looked more like some kind of long-faced monkey. He didn’t tell her that, he valued his life.
“Pick a place, we’ll go!”  
Dino looked at the documents on his desk, sanitised for Vic’s eyes even though in all the months she had been haunting his dorm, not once had she snooped. Even politely looked away when he opened his laptop.
He felt her grip on his shoulder, a quick squeeze to snap him back to attention. She wasn’t going to let this lie. 
“I…” Dino trailed off. “I cannot drive.”
Vic blinked, then tilted her head.
“Huh, for some reason I thought you’d’ve learnt,” she said.
“Well, uh,” Dino winced, “Technically, yes?”
Vic squinted. Dino smiled weakly and picked at the frayed edge of his documents.
Vic stood and grabbed her keys off the kitchen counter, a vicious jangle of metal and plastic as she shook them at Dino like a cat-o-nine-tails.
“Get up, we’re going driving.”
“Huh?” Dino wheezed, but Vic was already hauling his ‘skinny, Sicilian ass’ out of his chair. 
Vic barely gave him time to shove his feet into his once-white running shoes and snatch his own dorm keys before they were crossing the Village. Enzo grumbled from inside Dino’s pocket as they rounded the side of Vic’s dorm building, and into the carport in the back.
Vic’s car’s name was, affectionately,  ‘Bumpa’. Indicative by the sheer amount of dents on the boot-end of that little black Holden Apollo.  
“Ya know, like bumper cars,” Vic explained casually as she keyed the car open. “They’re all on the back so they’re not my fault.”
Dino clutched Enzo as he stared at the scratch on the passenger side door. It looked like someone had tried to cover it with a Sharpie. 
“Robbie side-swiped a pillar at a Coles car park. Get in.”
Dino swallowed. Enzo squeaked. 
Bumpa the Car rumbled to life despite how it sounded like nothing pained it more. It idled for a moment, before the window rolled down and Vic leant to stare at Dino.
“Get in, ponyboy.”
Dino gingerly set himself in the passenger seat and immediately regretted it. Maybe it was because the carport provided no shade, maybe it was because of the car’s black paint, but the inside of the car was sweltering. 
Vic made the air conditioner roar on the ‘coldest’ setting. Dino spluttered as a wall of hot air went straight down his throat. 
“The wheels on the bus go round and round,” Vic sang idly as Bumpa rolled backwards, reversing out of the carport.
They hit something. Dino screamed.
“It’s a speedbump, Dino, my God!” Vic gasped. “Have some faith in me! Piece of shit.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he apologised, shirt fisted at his chest as he tried to steady his heart.
“At least Enzo trusts me,” Vic grumbled.
Dino looked down at Enzo. Only the shell stared back at him. He tucked Enzo under his shirt.
Vic glared at Dino out of the corner of her eye and went straight at a round-about. Dino swallowed thickly as he looked out the window, every one of his senses aware of the slightest disturbance. Someone was about to cross the road, a car was turning into their lane, oh god the light was going to turn yellow Vic slow down!
“It’s still green! Green means go!” Vic shouted.
“But the timing!”
“Green means go!” She repeated unrepentantly. “Just, chill, and look out the window or something.”
Dino whimpered loudly and gripped his seatbelt. Still, he looked out the window as they turned left again. What had started as tall trees and wood-log fences (Vic said there was a bushwalk down that way) became long, squat buildings and half-cobbled construction frame sites lined either side of the road, Chinese restaurants and dentists’ offices standing side-by-side. On his right, a long, warped, green sign read E A S T W O O D and Vic turned right into a long flow of traffic.
Dino blinked. Vic was barely paying attention to the road as she fiddled with the radio, grumbling as her bluetooth adapter screeched and mumbled something that sounded like music. 
“You know the roads well,” Dino said as they inched down the hill like a line of ants. 
“Told you, I’ve lived here all my life,” Vic said, and pointed out Dino’s window, nearly punching his nose as she did. “Down that way, at the school. I used to go there on the weekend for tutoring classes. Further down is the shops and the Masonic theatre, I used to do ballet classes.”
Dino stared at Vic.
Vic squinted, “What?”
“Ballet?” He said slowly. 
Vic’s middle finger popped up off the wheel. 
“Only for like a year, mum wanted me out of the house so she could actually sit down. We just did ‘fairy circles’ most of the time.”
“I did ballroom dancing,” Dino offered.
Vic was quiet. Then she snorted in a way that sounded like it almost hurt her nose. 
Vic rolled them to a stop at the traffic lights — she looked at Dino. Dino still had a strangle-hold on his belt. She rolled her eyes and turned right.
Dino gasped as the car jolted its way over a dip in the road as Vic steered them through a gate. She craned her neck with the muttering of “children, children, don’t hit the children” before Vic parked them in the shade of a wiry looking tree. The car idled for a rumbling moment and then came to a quiet rest, the keys jangled in Vic’s hand.
Dino peered out the window. They were in a parking lot, surrounded by long stretches of grass playing fields and some kind of hard, green tarmac court. It was empty, with only a few pink and grey birds eating at the seeds on the field.
“Okay,” Vic said and unclipped her belt. “Swap.”
“What?” Dino blinked as Vic popped the door and got out. He rushed to follow, gravel loose under his foot and he had to grab at the car’s door not to slip.
“The car park will be empty for a few hours. There’s no PSSA today so the field’s not in use.”
“Okay?” Dino uttered before he watched, wide eyed, as Vic shuffled passed him and sat in the passenger side. “Vic?”
“Take your time,” she said idly as she adjusted the aircon grates and buckled herself in.
Dino gawked at Vic. Gawked at the empty driver’s seat. Gawked at the keys in the ignition. 
“Vic,” Dino wheezed, “I do not have a driver’s permit! This is illegal!”
“Oh it’s fine,” Vic assured, “I’ve got my black licence, so I’m qualified to teach ya. I mean, you’re meant to be at least on your L’s to handle a car but—”
Vic just laughed at him through the open window.
This was illegal! Vic would get into trouble with the law for this! Civilian law cared about who drove what, and Dino was not allowed to drive a car! Not in Sydney! 
“Oh don’t freak out, just get behind the wheel. You’ve done this before, it’s like riding a bike.”
Dino decided not to tell Vic about all the times he had ridden a bike, and with great misery and dismay, shuffled his way around Bumpa’s dent-ridden boot to the driver’s side. He set himself in the seat in a way that allowed the least amount of ass to upholstery and nearly had a panic attack when his toe nudged the accelerator. 
Dino closed the door and sat, knees pressed together and Enzo clutched in his hands. 
“You can’t drive with something in your lap,” Vic said after a long silence. 
Dino squeaked out a noise. 
Slowly, he moved Enzo across to Vic who took him gently into her lap. With nothing to do with his hands, Dino let his palms touch the wheel.
The last time Dino had been in a driver’s seat had been in the Academy’s Vehicular Instruction Class. It was an elective, a choice between that or Toxins and Exposure 2. 
It had started off well enough. Most of Dino’s grade had never even sat in the front seat of a car, let alone driven one. Amongst the precious sons and pampered daughters of Dons and Masters alike, Dino was “right where we want him at this time of semester” — which Dino quickly learnt was teacher-talk for “epitome of average”. The class had churned through booklets and videos, seminars spent listening to master-class mechanics who could identify an engine piece by smell. They learnt everything from how to parallel park to how to hot-wire, all within the safety of the classroom. 
This was all just a precaution, after all. The same as the ‘Toxins and Exposure’ course. You were being kidnapped. You were being hunted. One day, you may need to break out of a car. One day you may need to steal a car. One day you may need to drive a car.
Dino swallowed as Vic continued to sit in the passenger side. She didn’t rush him, just sat there and traced the scute mosaic of Enzo’s shell. Dino touched the keys in the ignition and twisted. 
The class had been brought out to a large plot of paved land, stocked with several cars and instructors. Drive a course, follow the instructor’s directions and break when asked. Simple. It was only the first practical lesson of the block.
Dino never saw the end of it. He still remembered the sharp jolt of fear as the professor snapped, face red with frustration. He still remembered the burn of humiliation as all those eyes watched him walk back to the coach. 
Dino’s report card for VIT had read an exact 6. The minimum for a pass.
Vic’s black car lurched forward. Branches of that wiry tree scraped across the windscreen, woodchip mulch crunched under the wheels.
“Reverse!” Vic shrieked, eyes wide and a vaguely hysteric laugh on her lips. “Put it in reverse Dino!”
“Sorry, sorry!” Dino gasped and fumbled with the gear stick.
Dino craned his neck to see around as the car rolled backwards into the open space of the parking lot. He put it in drive. The car rolled on and, despite the lot being empty, Dino put on his blinker to turn left.
Or, he tried to. Dino screamed and proceeded to hit the brakes hard as the wipers screeched across the windscreen. 
Vic smacked the dashboard and wheezed like some kind of locomotive as Dino slapped at the gears to try and stop the wipers. Fluid squirted, the wipers went faster.
“Vic!” Dino sobbed, before screaming again when his foot eased off the brakes and they lurched forward. “Vic!”
“Okay, okay,” Vic gasped, eyes all foggy with hysteric tears as she reached over. “Left side is wipers, right side is blinker. Pull the stick down.”
Dino rushed to obey and snapped the stick down twice, and finally those flailing arms of terror settled back in their place. The windshield was streaky. Dino sat there for a bit and slumped back in the seat when all the noise stopped.
Vic held Enzo up to the window, his little foot touched the glass. She made no indication of taking over the wheel at any time. Dino let out a whine of misery and placed his hands back on the wheel, taking his foot off the break he had been trying to dig into the floor mat.  
The car bounced as they drove across a stretch of road pocked with potholes, random bumps from wandering tree roots and grass-fuzzy cracks. Dino clutched the wheel, shoulders bunched up tight as he steered jerkily.
But he didn’t crash. And slowly, oh so slowly, Dino picked up speed.
Dino swore there wasn’t a tree there last time. 
Vic screamed. Then she laughed, a hysteric, panicked laugh as she pushed herself back in her chair. 
“No! No, you’re fine, keep going!” She assured, eyes wide and smile wider as they went sailing over a tree root, the assorted Woolworths bags in the boot falling over each other.
Dino wheezed and eased off the accelerator, the car cruising the parking lot at a more manageable speed. He jerked the wheel to turn a corner, Vic gripped the front console. But she was still laughing as she pointed to the little white-lined boxes and told him to try and park. He gripped the wheel and entirely overshot the lot Vic had pointed at, so they went around again. 
Dino watched the flat fields roll past the windows, the uneven bitumen under the wheels no longer alarming and loud. Dino was confused. 
The last time he had been in a driver’s seat — a white Mercedes Benz with so many little switches and dials — the hood had smoked like a cigar, the engine choked like it had a tumour. Three of four wheels had popped, his chair had, for some reason, had slipped all the way back until he had to crane to reach the wheel. The car had lurched and stalled, responded too fast then not at all. Dino had been on the verge of tears as the instructor had slapped the dashboard in frustration. 
This car — Bumpa, the beat up, black Holden with a crackly radio that only took CDs and cassettes — grumbled under his touch, but didn’t groan. It bounced over the speedbumps, but the suspension held. He turned the wheel and the car followed suit, only as hesitant as he was.
Dino was confused. He was doing okay.
But he was alone. None of his men were here. They were all on a different continent, different hemisphere! Reborn wasn’t watching, there was no pressing will to live, fear of death. So why? Why was Dino doing so—
Vic laughed. Enzo clutched to her chest, Vic laughed as they half-mounted a speed bump as Dino tried to make a turn into a parking spot. Her foot stomped on the floor mat, muscle memory reaching for the breaks. In the hazy midday of winter, Vic’s teeth were exposed, bared as she grinned and wheezed, the car rumbling and bumping on the cracked tarmac. 
He felt it then. The little whisper, the little warmth. Something he hadn’t felt in — years. The tentative hope, the giddiness of home. Dino felt it then. 
Dino of the Cavallone was Courting Vic Hunt.
“Break!” Vic shouted and Dino stomped on the break. 
The thin leaves of a wattle slapped across the windscreen as they came to a sharp stop. The licence plate of Bumpa gently kissed the thick bark. In the quiet, the window wipers pushed the nuts and dead leaves off.
Shaking, Dino got out of the car. The dashboard beeped with the keys still in the ignition. 
Vic stumbled out the passenger side, legs weak and laughs drunken-bubbly as she staggered along the side of the car. She whooped as she pulled herself up on the boot, legs dangling off the edge as she laid on the rear window. 
Her skin felt tingly, adrenaline and something warm all through her nerves. She breathed deep through her teeth and felt the cool air fill her chest, fill her skin. 
“You are okay?” Dino asked, and when Vic looked up, he was standing a sensible six-feet away. 
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine!” Vic assured and let her head thunk back on the window. “Fuck, ponyboy, you sure can drive!”
“Sorry,” Dino chuckled weakly, he wrung his hands. Felt the warmth, felt the tug. Dino didn’t take the bait. He couldn’t do that to Vic. “I’ll…I’ll buy dinner? Or we could make dinner, you said something about garlic bread?”
“The fact that garlic bread isn’t actually Italian is deceit in the highest form!” Vic announced, “And I deserve at least two loaves of garlic bread, excuse you!”
The car bounced as Vic kicked her legs and gestured wildly of the legacy of ‘garlic bread’ and ‘bruschetta’. Dino smiled and hoisted himself up onto the boot beside Vic, the car bouncing under their combined weight as Vic teased the screams of panic he had made while driving. Dino slapped her arm and she went for his face, the car shook under them. Enzo sat on the roof, basking.
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Roll: Hey remember when you first started digging and my first time being a spotter? I didn’t knew what I was doing you where lost for 3 days!
Volnutt: Yeah I remember! Especially that dead body surrounded by spirits!! Haha that was terrifying! Thank goodness I found my way out!!
Roll:…You never mentioned a dead body and spirits
Volnutt:….It happened alright! Besides it all turned out well!!
X: *Drops Plates upon hearing that*
The Guardians:….
Phantom: did you loot the dead body by Any chance?
Volnutt: Got a cool flashlight!
X: …
Barrel in the study room: I don’t feel safe
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science-lings · 2 months
idk if I'm going to ever write for it so I'm gonna put it here, my reborn Yatagarasu AU. I guess if I get a little encouragement I'll want to write it more but I have to get some thoughts out or I will explode.
It started because I thought Beanix and Kay should meet and do crimes together. I think they should fight corruption and be overly dramatic while annoying Edgeworth. I mean, think about it, in the first game, Phoenix's whole thing was exposing notorious blackmailers and corrupted officials and generally being unafraid of facing mob families when everyone else is kinda scared to take any action.
before the cut to so much rambling, I need to get one question out of the way so...
anyway, lore below, I just didn't want to put that under the cut where no one will read far enough to see it lol
That and he also has experience with eccentric thieves. Also, they're both named after mythical birds and named specifically to be silly with their dialogue ('Mr. Wright, right?' "Kay 'kay?'). I also just want a reason for them to pose as father and daughter and be able to pull it off perfectly.
Now for actual plot stuff, I am of the opinion that Phoenix has acquired some weird-ass skills that he uses in weird-ass ways, I mean in canon he has a talent for bluffing and he uses it to absolutely dominate at poker. So I'm thinking this guy, who hasn't risked his life in over a year, fresh out of leads to fight the case with his disbarment, needs enrichment. This comes in the form of Kay investigating him out of interest as his role of 'that man' and discovering that he's pretty neat actually. She looks at his case files and finds him silly enough to recruit for a new project.
The re-emergence of the Yatagarasu is directly correlated to the dark age of the law and the increasing corruption practically everywhere. The law makers and law keepers of Japalifornia ignore the truth for their own self interest and that is Not Good. Kay recruits Ema, who is interning at the police department and on her way to becoming a detective turned forensic investigator. She is also stem girl extraordinaire who wants to use her tech for good and not to help the police. Funded by Franziska (because the best use of Manfred's fuck you money is actively fighting the corruption he was a part of) the Yatagarasu plan to expose as much corporate and legal filth as possible. Because to build a new legal system, the other one must be destroyed a bit.
In comes Phoenix, who through past cases and his work at the Borsht Bowl, just happens to have a pretty good amount of criminal connections. He's inconspicuous, already kind of undercover, and he knows how to get people to talk. He's disillusioned with the law and settled into a character that requires him to convincingly act at all times. Also his daughter is a magician and I think it would be really funny for him to learn a little sleight of hand and how to use throwing knives only for him to turn around and use those skills for Crime.
In return for info and his help with the Yatagarasu project, Phoenix gets more assistance in his investigation into Kristoph, which makes it easier to keep him and Trucy safe. Also in this AU Kristoph is worse and more invasive and more willing to cause problems if he catches Phoenix learning too much. Every one of their shared dinners consists of Kris poisoning Phoenix's wine and them switching it until they're both confused and Phoenix ends up drinking it but survives anyway.
Another part of this AU that I would want to touch upon would be Phoenix's reputation outside of being a fallen famous lawyer. I think that his work getting multiple mob members, prosecutors, a police chief, and generally terrifyingly powerful people incarcerated would get him noticed by people. I like to think that he's trying his best to look pathetic and depressed but the whispers around him make him sound kind of terrifying and it's only because of that that he feels secure enough to take Trucy along with him to the bowl for poker matches. He also is trying to learn her perceiving power, which he can't do but he does get really good at silently communicating with Trucy to the point that they become a kind of terrifying duo.
I just... weird girl crime group (Maya is not allowed, she'll just get falsely accused of murder again)
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mixelation · 5 months
Is there anyone in ANBU who likes Tori? aNYBODY???
no :)
(realistically probably there are people who don't mind her as a person but are like "OH GOD NO" at the prospect of working with her. like shisui doesn't dislike her THAT much; he just recognizes she'd be a nightmare to work with)
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
Also! I have been trying to finally update the info posts that aren’t properly formatted yet, and of all the ones I got stuck on/distracted by, it was of course the one for my selfship with Elena. This is partially due to the nature of this selfship as being set in an AU that changes some story details, but also just generally because Elena is amazing and I love her a lot, even if her relative lack of presence in the story (she’s talked about a fair bit but she only shows up as herself in the postgame for one part of one quest..) means it can be tricky to talk about her unprompted.
There will never be an end to the Reborn focus. I really really need to play that game more again
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halfusek · 1 year
What do you think about the whole "Joey wasn't really that bad because he just created an entire alternate universe to torture sapient artificial creatures based on people who don't follow his bad decisions instead of taking the real ones." That part really made me lose my mind. So, what is Joey's actual kill count, then?
i think Abomination wore it better
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