#recent media consumed
pastasilly · 1 year
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recent fandom-related art
(top - pacman and the ghostly adventures fanart: pacman x pinky fanart and how i think pinky would look with her body!!
bottom - bread barber shop fanart: its a screencap redraw of the heavy metal cupcake from episode 3!!)
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tennessoui · 18 days
absolutely hate when i can't think of where a quote or saying comes from but i know it absolutely comes from some piece of media i've consumed in the past and i agonize over trying to trace it back to the source and then give it up, and then i'm watching a piece of media and bam i found the root of the phrase and it's like. thor ragnarok. or something.
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sentientstump · 10 months
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whatever's on the brains of mine's
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rumoredtoexist · 3 months
the undeniable urge to write smut but not knowing who to write it of or where to start
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variksel · 3 months
yoooo does anybody have any fiction pod recs? :0 ive heard good things abt like wolf365, red valley, that one? wooden overcoats? something? one?
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rhatatootie · 7 months
When tumblr decides to be normal about shows like Steven Universe and RWBY is the day I’ll know peace
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tazmiilly · 2 years
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family photo
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bethanydelleman · 9 months
If you could fancast any actress to play Fanny, who do you think could do her justice, based on previous performances? How about Edward?
I am not the person to ask this, I hardly know the names of any actors, much less ones who are young (Fanny is 18 during the main novel). I personally think it would be the best if Fanny was a nobody actress and everyone else in the adaptation was famous, because it would represent Fanny's unimportance to everyone.
This is what my ideal Fanny Price looks like, based on hints in the novel:
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Edmund Blair Leighton, Where There’s a Will
But honestly, they just need to get her personality correct and I'd be happy.
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nakaharaswife · 8 months
missing clefdraki hours.... silly little fucked up fellas....
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fluideli123 · 1 month
Sometimes I can't wrap my head around the way people casually just read and interact with fandom and don't feel moved by so many different things
There is a human being out there who created something for fun, because they wanted to, and they decided to share it with us
There are a group of beings just like you reading, seeing, watching exactly what you are, interpreting it in drastic ways from the same exact media
There are entire worlds created, people, choices, loss and love and light made in the form of various forms of art, different experiences and abilities and understandings and representations
How can someone be so normal about being able to interact with another's creation? There own flesh and blood, time and energy, placed into physical form for us to UNDERSTAND?
How do you not stop to marvel at the unique use of brushes and words, the quirks in their line art, animation, and chapter titles? The way the images move, how the words are said, the song choice? Do you not look and let it completely consume you and everything you are? Does it not touch your soul and burn? Does it not leave you frail and weak? Bright and bubbling with laughter and joy?
How can you contain the marvel that is another's creation and keep it to yourself? How do you not explode with love for someone's art?
Like, I cannot fathom it
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eating-the-inedible · 2 months
ROUND ONE: Typewriter keys vs. Lock pick
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Typewriter keys:
I have a typewriter and the keys are TEMPTING
They are round. They are shiny. They have letters like alphabet soup stuff. Some have fractions on them! Or punctuation! And when they’re on a typewriter and you hit them, they make a VERY nice clicking sound.
Lock pick:
Six of crows
Kaz did it. You can too. Escape the inescapable prison.
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sarioh · 5 months
Hello Tumblr user Rio Sarioh! If you're bored; do you have a favourite book you like to talk about? What is it about, why do you like it? Or perhaps a movie or show of which you enjoy the writing? A fairytale? A poem?
Wow, creative writing. Any thoughts on that? Pretty swell, in my opinion.
Hope you have a nice vague nine hour time window and that your thing arrives in good condition!
HEY tumblr user tt04sty hope u r doing well and thank you for the ask. also my Thing has indeed arrived in good condition so thank god i didnt have to wait all day for it. to be frank questions about my favorite media make me feel like a deer in headlights bc for whatever reason whenever i get asked this i somehow forget every piece of media i've ever consumed or that has had an impact on me in any way and i don't know why. safe answer though is probably everything everywhere all at once which i know might come as an absolute shock to everyone (<- wrote a 16k word fic inspired by it) but generally just any media that is very Wacky and Surreal visual-wise but with a central theme of love and connection gets me really bad because i am very predictable and also a little pathetic. also as a gay asian living in the west with a very stereotypical asian mother you can probably understand why the movie had such an impact on me LOL.
also creative writing... i've only done one work of creative writing in the past few years and that was wind back the clock which i think about genuinely all the time. writing Character Study is the most cathartic and fun experience in the world to me and i prolonged publishing that for SO long because i just wanted to keep working on it forever. my writer's problem is that it takes me about 60 years to come up with an idea that i am captivated enough by to be able to put it into writing and actually stick to it for more than a day and that has only happened one single time in my 2 years in mcytblr. but by god i would kill a whole man to be able to do that all over again because i am regrettably a stem major and have not written an essay or anything else creative in years and while im enjoying it i do feel like im missing out on a crucial part of being a Person. i miss writing so much you have no idea. and i feel like the further i go into this Degree the more my Meta Analysis brain starts to rot and get replaced by Numbers and Formulas and Snippets of code. i'm losing my touch forreal
as far as other media goes... to be perfectly honest i have not been consuming much lately just because i have been very busy irl but i did just finish reading the red rising trilogy for the first time which was cool... also have probably watched about 200 hours of animal documentaries over the past few months LOL. actually on the topic of books i am going on a flight soon and will have a 9 hour stopover so if anyone has any book recommendations of ANY genre i would love to hear them. please tell me all of your favorite books i want to read them all
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delta-orionis · 4 months
I think one of the reasons why I have such a hard time reading books lately (and listening to audiobooks and narrative podcasts, for that matter) is that I feel compelled to take notes on literally everything whenever I try.
I’m pretty bad with names and thus have a very hard time keeping characters straight in my head, much less locations or finer details of lore. It comes easier to me when consuming visual media (like video games or shows), but if there isn’t a visual component, everything kind of blurs together in my brain.
I don’t think I have aphantasia; I can visualize things in my head, albeit very vaguely. If a book or an audio drama gives me a detailed description of a place or a person, that image tends to vanish from my brain almost immediately and at best I only have a general idea of what they’re supposed to look like. I tend to remember faces better than names, so if there’s no visual component, characters become very hard for me to remember.
It’s not impossible; I have a pretty thorough knowledge of the characters from SOMA, for example, where almost all of the characters are introduced through text or audio logs. (Though I will admit that my knowledge mostly came from me obsessively re-watching playthroughs and video essays and reading the wiki until I felt like I sufficiently understood everything that was going on in the plot… I have a tendency to do that if a story grips me.)
I think a more successful example was from when I played Tacoma a while back, that’s a game whose plot is relayed entirely through environmental storytelling and audio logs; you never see the characters in the flesh. I knew right away I would have problems following the plot, so I grabbed a pen and paper, wrote down everyone’s names, and kept track of their relationships as I went through the story. That worked out pretty well, because Tacoma is a short game with a small cast of characters, and I was able to beat it in an afternoon. My notes all fit onto one page.
I think what I’m trying to say here is that fiction is hard for me to read because I’ll inevitably become hopelessly lost if I don’t also force myself to do homework. The last book I remember reading from start to finish was 2001: A Space Odyssey a few years ago, and I took copious notes while I did it. I’m currently stuck 3/4 of the way through the sequel, I think in part because the second book has way more characters than the first, and every time I try to pick the book back up I have to remind myself who everyone is.
I finally, finally started reading Ancillary Justice and I anticipate that this is going to be a problem. Thankfully the app I use to track books I’m reading added a feature where you can write down characters’ names and their attributes, so hopefully keeping people straight in my brain won’t be as much of an issue. I’ll see how it goes, I guess.
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variksel · 3 months
yoooo does anybody have any fiction pod recs? :0 ive heard good things abt like wolf365, red valley, that one? wooden overcoats? something? one?
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cactiaintracist · 7 months
It's Paul McGann's birthday folks!
HBD to the doc!!
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they have the same hair. i literally can't say who's is who (intended pun)
disclaimer: In no way do I recommend watching this movie. I've got no clue what I watched but that dude who plays the doctor is so very pretty
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wolvertooth · 4 months
tbh its kind of making me feel emotions going thru the websites of the artists listed in the wolvertooth yaoi anthology. cuz it really was only like a handful of people making art for this ship, and they all knew eachother, 20 YEARS AGO.......like its basically the same as it is now. and there was another group of artists in like the 2012 - 2017 era too. theres just been different small groups over the years. and especially for the older stuff, thinking about how much of it wasnt preserved cuz of being hosted on personal websites, so theres a bunch of work thats been lost to time. and ive come across a bunch of stuff thats been deleted too, only preserved thru deviantart reposts and tumblr reblogs, but also broken links implying there used to be something there.
i'll keep looking :,)
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