#redrawing it over and over again so whatever!!!
leonenjoyer69 · 2 days
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The sillies :3 and the both colored and not bc I really really like the sketch for this one :3 my old emo playlist has recently creeped back into my life and ofc Migraine by Tøp hits me with this wonderful idea. Also, fun fact, the physical drawing was originally just supposed to be a concept doodle that I was gonna redraw on a different paper but I uh, got carried away..
Anyways!!! Little info dump below the cut on the relationship between the 3 of them bc @dustmint asked about it and I thought I'd share my response here too, teehee
I do firmly believe that Hyde fights Harry more Aggressively and outright, on board to do whatever it takes to get rid of him (or at least out of control) , while Jekyll took a bit more convincing (mostly once he was done freaking out over the fact that he's a fraction of a person just like Hyde is). He definitely also hates Harry, but in a more subtle, silent way >:3 instead sorta challenging Harry mentally as opposed to physically, like Hyde wishes to. He's generally more observant and tries to strike when he thinks it best, sometimes his emotions get the best of him tho.
So, once they figure out what/who Harry is from his lil journals in the mind scape, Jekyll may or may not have an identity crisis (he definitely does) but once he kinda gets through that he just feels bad for Harry, being locked away in the mind scape so long and dealing with everything there and such. Plus, Harry is seemingly their whole parts (their previously whole parts, at the least), so Jekyll certainly doesn't want him to die or anything. Hyde doesn't really feel too strongly about him right off the bat, more so just annoyed that Harry took control and now he's stuck in the mind scape with Jekyll.
Though!! Things change once Harry kinda shows his resentment towards the two, saying that he wouldn't be letting them out anytime soon, and revealing how he plans to reverse the potion. This immediately sends Hyde into feral dog mode, trying to use literally everything he can to absolutely break Harry and gain control back. Jekyll is still a bit reluctant for a while, but eventually starts siding more with Hyde, plotting how to gain control back or take care of Harry without killing all of them, bc ofc they don't wanna die.
But yeah, between sending out nightmares, forcing the heart palpitations and such by fighting, or just being a general nuisance (most all of which are usually by Hyde) it's not really surprising that the resentment Harry already had towards them grows lmao.
He does eventually find out that those little phantom strings he can still see around his wrists and such can kinda be used to vaguely control/subdue his other halves. Yeah, he threatens them a lot.
Also!!! Jekyll and Hyde start getting along better, but definitely still bicker and shit occasionally (which tends to piss Harry off a bit, since he's been so fed up with their fighting and refusing to be one for so long, it just ticks him off very easily). Jekyll also feels really jealous of Harry bc of how he seems to be able to fix things so easily (and his blooming relationship with Lanyon ofc)
Anyways!! That's all I got for now lmao. Lots of character development for Harry lately. Man, I really need to start doing stuff with Elias again 💀
Oh also here's a colored version where they're not ghostly:
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automatonknight · 1 year
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id: a digital drawing of data and odo from the star trek series. they’re both visible from about the hip up, facing the viewer. they’re standing next to eachother with their arms locked, they’re also looking at one another. odo stands on the left and he has a neutral expression. in his free hand he’s holding a magnifying glass. he’s wearing a hat, scarf, vest, pants and a trenchcoat, all of his clothing is colored in shades of brown, except for the scarf, which is green. data stands on the right. he’s blowing bubbles out of a smoking pipe. he’s dressed in his detective, so a grey plaid hat, grey vest, a white button up with a black bowtie and a grey plaid trenchcoat. the background is green and shows cloud-like speech bubbles all around odo and data on top of an abstract, green background. end id
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wqnwoos · 10 months
minghao knows he’s in a mood again, but frankly, he couldn’t care less.
his whole day had just been wrong, and he’d set about it with a frown marring his features and a biting undertone to everything he’d said. it just happened sometimes — one of those bad, awful days where nothing goes right and it feels like everything’s against you.
it was when he snapped at jun that he finally gave in, retired to moping in his bedroom. his roommate had said he understood — jun had plenty of his own bad days, after all — but minghao still feels awful about it. he’s still too irritated to apologise — he will do it, though, he promises himself.
for now, he’s thrown himself on the covers of his bed, staring at the ceiling listlessly, and blasting music through his earphones — loud, but not so loud that he doesn’t catch the soft sound of the doorknob when you twist it, and slide yourself into the room.
you do it almost apologetically, a regretful smile directed towards him. you don’t even speak, just make your way over to his side.
minghao wishes he could be annoyed, but he never can be, at you. you’re his best friend, and maybe something more that he’s not quite willing to accept yet. it’s lurking, though, at the bottom of his chest, and it pushes up every so often — like now, as you take a seat on the edge of the bed, almost as if you’re unsure; uncertain if you’re welcome here or not.
you always are, but he doesn’t quite know how to say that yet.
instead he thinks about how he knows jun must have called you, just as he knows you, too good for this world, dropped whatever you were doing to come and talk to him.
not that you’re doing much of that — talking, he means. you’ve only flopped beside him on the white duvet; and yet it’s enough to relax a little of the tension in his limbs.
it’s so easy to be around you.
it’s so easy to offer you an earbud without even looking. it’s so easy to close his eyes, slip his hand into yours. it’s so easy to interlace his fingers with yours too, squeeze gently, keep his eyes shut, pretend.
and then suddenly it gets hard. when you shift slightly, card a hand through his dark hair like you’ve always been doing it — you’ve never done it before, he hopes you do it forever — and you blur the lines even more. that makes it harder, harder to breathe with your careful hand against his cheek, the smell of your conditioner against his lips, he can’t breathe, he thinks he loves you.
you move back slightly. the moment is gone, he can breathe, but the lines are still blurred and you can’t unblur them. god knows he doesn’t want to redraw them.
your hand slips back into his, and squeezes. his eyes flutter open — yours are shut — your breath catches — minghao realises, then.
“oh,” he whispers softly. and it’s his turn to brush your cheek with slender fingers, but he’s always been the braver of you two — he leans, he brushes his lips against your cheek too.
you might not be able to call it a kiss, but maybe you could call it a confession.
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an / guys i think this might be one of my fav things i’ve ever written which is so annoying because it starts off kind of badly 😭 but also it’s 12:17am and i’ve slept like 4 hours max in the last 24 hours so my judgement may be misguided. idk. possible deletion when i wake up ⁉️
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forecast0ctopus · 3 months
Any advice on drawing McCoy? I’m not used to drawing ancient wrinkley bastards (affectionate) and it’s surprisingly tough v-v
FOR SURE lmao i made. a diagram. just a warning that i am going to be irritating and long winded because u just hit a topic i really like sorry lmao
so first off i did some traces just to show whats there vs redraws to show my interpretation
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ive said this on other asks but again jsyk, tracing isnt bad!! its a tool. theres some stuff with intellectual property and whatnot but using tracing to study shapes and forms is a really valuable practice.
also just taking some time to learn facial structures and anatomy is super useful, reading what bones and muscles are where and how they interact with one another. taking this info and staring in the mirror and moving your face around and thinking about it. just really furthers understanding of how the face works. trying to sound normal about this but i love anatomy and motion and physics and whatever
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anyways im going to go through all the numbered points so there's no confusion. 1. forehead lines - self explanatory. more prominent when brows are raised 2. crows feet - at the outer corners of the eyes, more prominent when smiling or squinting 3. nasolabial folds - the folds that go from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth. more prominent when the mouth is wide, like smiling 4. brow furrow - self explanatory, most prominent when brows are furrowed. mccoy tends to have two right next to his eyebrows, kirk has one in the middle. everyones face works different lmao 5. chin crease - caused by how the chin and lower lip interact. 6. nasojugal groove - start from the inner corners of the eye and can extent over the cheeks. everyone has these and idk why people dont like them i think theyre really cool!!!! but Society. i guess. :/ 7. eye bags - caused by the skin sagging beneath the eyes. mccoy isnt even that old in tos i think hes meant to be mid 40s by the end of the 5 year mission, hes just got really prominent eye bags lmao 8. idk what the name is for these, but when the mouth is wide and pushes the skin to the sides, these folds sometimes form outside of the nasolabial folds 9. philtrum - the groove above the upper lip. i dont usually draw this but mccoy's struck me as prominent enough that i usually draw it on him 10. masseter - the muscle that moves the jaw up and down. its a pretty rugged muscle and while i wouldnt say mccoy's is especially prominent, it kind of extends that nasojugal groove from certain angles/positions 11. orbicularis oris - mouth muscle, usually easier to see when lips are pursed or frowns are pulled. mccoy's is pretty prominent from 3/4ths or side, his mouth tends to protrude in profile 12. this isnt a muscle but more of a line defining the planes of the face, but since i drew it i felt i should explain lmao
a few points:
im an animator i tend to exaggerate and emphasize certain things so i usually make him more square.
i like to combine eyebags and crows feet for brevity/flow, same with nasojugal grooves, eyebags, and masseter lines. my approach is always subject to change based on pose, expression, reference image, etc.
i take out details that i deem redundant or cluttering and keep what details i need to make things feel Right
all this info is applicable to any character of any age, its just in how you apply it and facial proportions that willl change how old a character is perceived to be
there's a lot more with drawing a Character rather than an Actor, just because the features are there doesnt necessarily mean things will feel correct? its very much in the mannerisms and poses and expressions
i only went over my approach to his likeness but not really body type or posing or anything idk if u want that i could always try to answer that later haha
anyways all that info kind of exists nebulously in my brain while i draw its not like im sitting there thinking Must Draw. Nasolabial Fold...... i jsut do what feels right with the visual info i have. also i love specificity in faces.... i dont like to be a hater but when every character is drawn the same it pisses me off a little lmao. so
also dont take my word as The Only Way to do anything i just draw how i like to draw and no one should feel like these are things that Must be done to be a good artist or anything do whatever the hell u wanna do
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hwaightme · 11 months
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(masterlist) (perma-taglist)
✏️ pairing: yunho x gn!reader ✏️ genre: fluff, crack, friends? to lovers, drawing? to lover ✏️ summary: you never expected for the character you designed for the newest dating simulator to be quite as realistic as this ✏️ wordcount: 5.0k ✏️ warnings/tags: questionable editing, unhinged crack galore, fever dream, digital artist / designer reader, shy boy best friend yunho, lowkey referencing the song the fic is named after (GUY.exe by SUP3RFRUIT) ✏️ taglist: at the bottom of the fic~ ✏️ a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE MY NADIA @justhere4kpop !!! you are the kindest, funniest, sweetest person ever, i love you so so much and i am so grateful for every day because it means i can spend it with you <3 wishing you the best day, all the most amazing things, experiences, achievements and more!!
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Another hour more, and you were going to scream. Hunched over your drawing tablet with bloodshot eyes and a cramping hand, you had been drawing and redrawing what seemed to be the same thing over and over again. But nothing gave you that magical feeling of completion and rightness when the abstract lines and shapes and shadows and doodles all came together on a page to form one whole. What you were experiencing was, in fact, very much the opposite. All because of these damn dumb brown doe eyes that you had decided to give to the character. Of course. What other eyes could the golden retriever type have, right? What other kinds of eyes would your boss approve of for the established archetype, the persona that you had ideated, storyboarded and proposed not only in front of your immediate team but also to senior management? That was right. None. No other. Only these doe eyes that you had been staring at and cursing profusely for the last four hours after having promised yourself that you would try to get to bed at ten in the evening instead of the less-than encouraging past midnight madness. But who were you kidding? 
Setting down the pen, you leaned back to stretch, hearing random joints crack and echo around your body, making you wonder if you have even been moving at all for the past few weeks. Having the opportunity to work from home during fast-paced sprints was, of course, a big benefit, but all too often for you, it also meant only ever walking from your home office to your kitchen and back, with the occasional bathroom break and a flop onto the armchair you had dragged into your office for designated social media scrolling time. Gone from the world, with your friends having nicknamed you an e-hermit in not one, but two separate chats. Zoned out and barely hanging onto the words spewed by your superiors, much like the rest of your fellow designers working on this same project, be it other characters, setting, clothing customisation options, accessories, or special items… as the main project lead, boss of the bosses had said: ‘whatever the user wishes for, should be there’. Who knew that a dating simulator could be that intense and demanding? 
Your drawing tablet was glaring at you, and so were the eyes on its screen, doubled onto your monitor watching your every movement like a painting at a museum would. They were meant to be kind and loving, crafted to complete the sunshine that this character was supposed to be, but the slightest misses in the lines were throwing the image off-kilter, and you could not pinpoint what was wrong. Reaching out for the now lukewarm cup of coffee off to the side of your desk, narrowly avoiding the clutter of sketches and notes you had made, you heaved a sigh, pondering if it would be the wisest to simply resign yourself to abandoning the task for today, and pick it up at work tomorrow. It was not like you would be punished for having the eyes be slightly off during an update meeting, after all, this was an ongoing process. But the perfectionist part of you was not letting go. You had managed to ideally depict everything else - the toned, tall physique with the stunning waist, torso and broad shoulders, the cheeks that made you feel a strong cute aggression, the tousled locks that could then be customised by a player’s colour preference, every other feature of the face that screamed ‘handsome’ and ‘appealing’... you did it all, and you would not be yourself if you could not overcome this little blip.
“One more try…” you whispered to yourself and searched for the file on your computer that contained a user story and profile of the character you had been agonising over. 
One click, another, and the document was up on the screen, revealing an initial concept sketch that you had made when you first proposed the man as a possible love interest for the main character in the simulator, as well as any facts about him, now being even further developed by the story-writers. Page after page, update after update the character in some ways felt more real than you, especially in your current deflated state. A gentleman, a sentimental soul, with what your colleague had called ‘four-dimensional’ traits and overall a funny, adorable sweetheart who at the click of a finger can turn into the sexiest man alive. There was nothing you did not like - aside from some details here and there that you were not sure who added but they had been approved so you had to deal with it, and that was problematic for your work since it meant that you were in the permanent state of wanting to do the character justice. You scrolled back up, starting at the brief, staring at the name as if it wasn’t already imprinted in your mind. Jeong Yunho. 
The dance instructor and choreographer. The talented and hardworking man who the main character would meet third, on her eighth day in Seoul. Born on the twenty-third of March nineteen ninety-nine in the city of Gwangju, moving to Seoul to chase his dreams and fight for them. Special talents… skills… favourite phrases… preferences… key memories… you read on, re-absorbing the details and rearranging them on imaginary shelves, trying to make sense of the information in the context of character design. How were you going to depict all of this in a pair of eyes? A part of you was confident that you were overthinking - actually, you definitely were. Not a single other designer was on Yunho's creation, and developers were going to look at him not as a persona, as a representation of a being that had become real in your mind, but as a task to execute, lines of code to make him move in predetermined ways, make him talks in predetermined ways, smile… yes, you were excited to see him be just that bit more alive, but at the same time, you were afraid of that moment - it would be right then that the world you had subconsciously built for you and him alone would be shattered, and your daydreams dispelled, maybe even crushed. So, getting the eyes perfect right now was the least you could do. At least your Yunho would be perfect.
Swearing under your breath, you picked up the pen once more and twirled it once around your fingers. His personality was fresh on your mind, heart racing, you could almost imagine him in front of you. With a final nod of encouragement, you dived back in, with more vigour and motivation than before, determined to get Yunho right, and to depict him how he truly was, how you knew he should be. The time ticked past, and so did the layers of doubt. Erasing themselves along with strokes of the digital brushes that dissatisfied you, you were unveiling the true character, and with a light heart, a smile on your face and a saved file, leaned onto your desk and rested your head on your crossed arms, just for a quick break to relish in the fact that you finally achieved the look that you had been searching for…
“Hey, good morning you worker bee, what did I tell you about sleeping at your desk?”
You never thought you could yell, right after waking up, as loud as you did at that moment. Jolting up from your seat, forgetting all the papers, equipment and stationery that was strewn about on the table on which you had been dozing, you bolted away from the source of the voice. It had resounded far too close to you for comfort, belonged to no one whom you knew, and was dangerously sweet and slightly lower-set. Pleasant. But who the hell was in your apartment and how did they break in when you almost always double-locked your door? After building up a bit of distance, you finally looked up and rubbed the last bits of sleep from your eyes. The figure was lean, toned, considerably tall, perhaps even very tall, definitely a man, with dark hair and a face that was a bit too similar to-
Jeong Yunho. Jaw-dropping, you darted back to your tablet and computer, practically shaking the mouse, forcing the entire digital system to begrudgingly awaken at your command. You searched everywhere. The open file, others, older versions… nothing. No luck in finding what you had been working on. It was as if the Yunho you had been spending weeks developing had never existed, and all that you were left with and were staring at was a blank page, and the character, no, a whole man, right in front of you, supposedly living, breathing and in your room. You stood up straight, giving the not-quite-a-stranger but still a stranger a once over, while he, confused, had an eyebrow raised and a sheepish smile on his face. He looked adorable that way. Abashed to the point of cuteness - you recalled a game developer on your team describing the planned emotional response functionality in that way; it had been a hit, and now you were seeing, in person, why. 
“Y-Yunho?” you whispered in disbelief, a hand hovering over your mouth while you were wondering whether you should officially report yourself to your boss for having succumbed to the delusions. Relief flashed over the beautiful man’s features when you mentioned his name, timidly, yes, but still, it was his name that you uttered.
“Yes, Y/N, that’s me, hey, don’t worry.”
“Y/N?” He knew your name. This was too real - a shriek erupted from what felt like the depths of your soul, and you shut your eyes, only to open them again and to see the same picture, but a little more zoomed in. He was approaching you. Code red, alert, alert, hot man of your dreams who you had been drawing all the time and were effectively being paid to thirst over was approaching you.
“Do you not remember me or something, are you okay? See I keep telling you to not sleep so late, it’s bad for you-”
“Look who’s talking, mister ‘time to text at two in the morning’,” It was a shot in the dark, a random recollection of facts that had been noted about Yunho, but that was true, since he stopped immediately, a dazzling smile on his face.
“Alright, alright, you got me. But hey, you answer me so we are in this together, right?” he countered, and winked. 
“Yeah… and I should stop drinking coffee that late, it gives me some cursed… abilities…” you concluded cryptically, though Yunho did not seem to care much about the wording, taking it as your account of how easily you had been spooked by him.
After the initial wave of ‘stranger danger’ had subsided, instead being replaced by the odd conviction that the man before you truly was just the representation of the character for the simulator, you crossed your arms and regarded him more slowly, calmly while he approached the book cabinet that was filled to the brim with manga, manhwa, figurines, dolls, action figures… effectively the best representation of what had inspired you and continued to drive you to do what you were doing in your life now. He was dressed casually, in a zip-up grey hoodie and dark grey jeans. He had taken off his shoes and was in black socks that he stuffed into a pair of slippers - so in this reality, Yunho clearly was a regular guest. Scratching the back of your head, you wondered if this was a storyline that had been updated and you were unknowingly hallucinating.
“Well, uh, if you… if you want me to come by another time I don’t mind. Whatever works best for you…”
Oh. It finally clicked in your head, and your heart fluttered. The moment was stark and aching in your mind, and you were barely able to contain yourself, the subconscious fangirl in you fully awakening. The light flush of pink on his cheeks, those damn doe eyes that were so perfect, and were now looking right at you as if you were Yunho’s entire world, it was all a telltale sign for what was to happen later, and the past disappointment at having been woken up and having no more documents to present evaporated. This was another life, it had to be. One where you did not have to worry about the endless story points, bi-weekly sprints and one deliverable after another. Only a very precious Yunho who, while toying with the sleeve of his hoodie was pondering if he was even welcome.
“Hey! No, we were planning to hang out and we are going to. Sorry, you know how work is and it got to me this time. What shall we do then? Go out, stay in?” you amplified your sociability, putting the fantastical aspect of the circumstances on the back burner for future pondering.
Laying down the pen that you had absent-mindedly grabbed for self-defence, you stepped around the desk and towards Yunho, never once breaking the visual exchange, except when his gaze darted to the floor under your intensity. You had the advantage after all, of knowledge. You could sense, and could confirm by your universe, what exactly was going to happen. He was pretending to not be affected by your closeness, looking at the cabinet again, though the tone in which he spoke was vulnerable, every bit the dream guy you were imagining all this time. You could barely resist the urge to pinch his cheek - in fact, you made a mental note to yourself to check if that was a playable option in the game or not.
“Can we… stay in?”
“Take out?” if there was something you would not quite let him do, it would be to give him full power over the kitchen. Perhaps another time, but not when the dream was so magnificent.
“You bet! I’m buying this time-”
“Yun, c’mon.”
“Technically I am still the guest.”
“You are much more than a guest-” a pause, a blur within which Yunho was attempting to pick out the meaning behind the words which you had purposefully left to be ambiguous, just to mess with him a little bit. It was too sweet, “I mean, you practically live here at this point,” he groaned and playfully rolled his eyes while continuing to tap in the order to what was for sure meant to be your favourite restaurant in the neighbourhood.
You followed him into your living room. Everything was just as you had left it. Even Yunho’s presence was beginning to feel natural, probably because it had already been pretty much just as constant as him now physically falling onto the couch and leaning back to stretch an arm out over the back of it. Hell, you had even spent some evenings sketching him in this same room. As you settled beside him, while still keeping a little bit of distance - just as friends who were feeling not quite platonic would do, you realised that indeed, you were that close. You did know him ‘since forever’, and whatever this fever dream was, you had every right to enjoy it. So upon pulling your legs onto the couch and under you, you settled in and with a soft sigh began to set up the movie you were going to watch. Just like you and Yunho would do had he been an actual interest of yours.
As the food arrived and was promptly devoured, and you were midway through the film, you found Yunho slowly but surely gravitating towards you. First, it was with an outstretched hand when he was trying to imitate a character on the screen, then with him sitting ever so slightly closer when there was supposedly a ‘spooky moment’ even though you knew full well that out of the two of you, you were the one who would not dare enter a haunted house again, and finally, under the pretence of ‘wanting to show you a funny meme on his phone’ he sat right next to you, thighs flush against each other, arm resting on the sofa right behind your head. You could not help but lean into the warmth, attracted to it, comforted. You knew Yunho inside and out, and if there was anyone who you would trust like this, it would be him. He had seen you at your worst - crying in the office bathrooms when during your early days at the company you had been humiliated by your old boss (who, thankfully, had been promptly fired), and had seen you at your best - your award-winning presentation and proof of concept for an innovative life simulation game, selected as a showpiece for the company at a major global conference. He was always there. Be it on your phone, in a sketchbook, or on your laptop - he was always there, cheering you on. There was no difference between then and now, except that now you could allow your head to rest against his broad chest, hearing the soothing beating of his heart behind the cotton fabrics, feeling how his hand dropped to trace random, intricate shapes on your shoulder while his eyes stayed glued to the television screen. 
You could sense that he was afraid to look at you, or at least of what he would think or do if he were to do so. He was warm. Very warm. Maybe too warm. You looked up, noting the adorable redness of his ears that appeared only in particular instances: either he just woke up from deep sleep which was not the case, or he had violently shaken his head and rubbed his ears - another no, or he was embarrassed and shy. Bingo. There it was. You nuzzled against him and swore you could feel his entire body stiffen. Just like when a cat makes a person ‘ the chosen one’ by lying on their lap and said person almost forgets to breathe, you nearly knocked consciousness out of Yunho, it seemed.
“What’s up?” you mumbled, noting that Yunho straightened his back, sitting in an unnatural position.
“I, uh, nothing, it’s nothing,” he responded, clearing his throat, still not daring to look to the side to face you. 
A pause. That was his character - you nodded to yourself. He had always been like this. Sympathy through the roof but when it came to his openness - he far from often strayed into that field. It would take quite a bit of coaxing, or, somehow easier, waiting for the right moment. So wait you did, comfortably resting against Yunho, insistent that he return to his previously unwinded state. Before you could snake your hand around him to pull his hood up, your friend suddenly shot up, mumbling something about it being too stuffy, or too hot, and tugged the article of clothing off.
All would be fine and dandy if he was not built how he was - and you knew it better than anyone, however strange it was to admit. After all, you had been the one to pick and sketch out his physique, knowing every muscle, curve and edge. As he fumbled with the sleeves, you took in his form, mouth agape as you saw what you had only perceived two-dimensionally, now in live action, and somehow being the one case of where the transition was impeccable if not better. If he were to turn at any moment, he would bear witness to your disturbingly dedicated scrutiny. But at the same time, what could a digital artist and designer do when a handsome man was right before them? Exactly. It was practically a duty to perceive; if not for personal interests (which you would be a liar if you were to say you did not have them), then at least for science. He looked too good in the dark grey graphic t-shirt, which, despite it being slightly oversize, did its beautiful work by revealing his perfectly toned arms. When you noticed him being in the process of turning back, you peeled your gaze away and back to the movie, not sure where in the storyline you even were, nor what the actors were saying. Patting the space next to you, you beckoned Yunho back. This time, he was calmer in his demeanour, falling back and letting you fall into him, with him, for him - and he was right there to catch you. 
Action scene after action scene turned into a blur, dialogue was static that you were not bothered to discern while you focused on Yunho’s breathing. Shallower than before, but still comforting. Who would have thought that you would be cuddling with your dream man when a mere few hours ago you were holed up behind your desk, with a cramped and stiff neck, an exhausted hand and equally tired eyes? Eyelids grew heavier, and you wondered if it would be long before you would fall asleep again, and wake up alone, as usual; a bitter smile settled on your lips when the realisation hit you, earning you a perplexed glance from Yunho and a poke in your side.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Definitely something, he turned to you, studying your every movement. The action led him to detangle himself from you, leading you to shiver a little from the lack of his body heat, “ah wait are you cold now? I- wait, here, hoodie?”
Him. In every thread. The scent of clean laundry, cotton, and fabric softener. There was something so magical in it, soothing. You wanted to float in the aroma and this moment forever. Pulling the hoodie tighter around you, you pretended to not notice the adoration that was blatantly obvious in Yunho’s expression. He watched as you pushed up the sleeves a little bit, crossed your legs and looked back at him.  Your friend, your muse and subject was nervous, and it did not need a trained professional to figure it out. The tale was climbing to a peak, and the main characters had to face it together. You waited for him, mellowness across your features as you played with one of the hoodie’s drawstrings.
Yunho looked at you, and something about the purity, and hopefulness within him made you think of the very first drawings you had made on post-its in the middle of a conference. Bored out of your mind, your mind wandered back to pondering the new project you had been assigned - the dating simulator. Idea after idea had been proposed for the characters, but not a single one stuck. Everyone was at a standstill until he came along. A breathtaking blessing, just like he was now. Silence settled like snow, only to be broken by a short hum, and Yunho taking the risk you had been wishing for.
“I… I know it has only been a few months but… I really don’t think I can be friends with you anymore, Y/N,” you tilted your head as he put his hands on his lap, fingers repeatedly messing with the material of his sweatpants - his attempt to soothe himself. You, on the other hand, were oddly calm. Simply waiting for the events to unfold and for you to embrace them with the fullest heart. While he was searching for the right words to say, you placed a hand over his, waking him from rumination. A weak smile was replaced by determination, truth spilling from his soul.
“I like you too much. Really. I would not be able to keep my distance even if I tried.”
“Well I think you are a bit too far away right now, Yun,” with a wave of boldness having washed over you, you acted on instinct, leaning towards the beautiful, infinitely precious man until he could not look away, captivated by your proximity, your glimmering eyes, your acceptance.
“Huh?” the sound was barely audible, an echo lost to the tension. You ran a finger over his jawline, instantly seeing his expression darken with another reverberating, deep sensation.
“We should seal the deal, shouldn’t we?” remaining cryptic, you inched closer and closer until you could pick apart the flicks of lighter mahogany in those stunning irises - you wanted to shake your hand for having persevered to finish them in the drawing. Truly, one of a kind.
“Oh just kiss me already-”
That phrase you did not need to tell Yunho twice. Finally catching on, he was the first to destroy the distance between you, capturing your lips with his and letting his hand find purchase in your hair, digits running through it, caressing you, guiding you into a shared rhythm. He was as sweet as vanilla with a hint of cinnamon. An intoxicating, ecstatically overwhelming daze that consumed you whole. You saw the sketches flash before you, burning one by one to fuel the desire building for Yunho, for you, for the two of you together. It felt right, it felt real. Arms over his shoulders, you allowed him to pull you into his lap, embrace you and pepper the softest kisses on your cheeks, and your neck, finding the path back to your lips. You felt more alive than ever with the electricity coursing through your newfound intimacy. Nothing existed. This universe was Yunho, and you could not be happier. Better than in any story that you or your co-workers could develop, better than in any fairytale, the oddity transformed into eternity. This was a dream you wanted to remain in for as long as you-
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Saying it was hard to wake up was an understatement. Your entire body had been aching from having fallen asleep in an awkward position over your drawing tablet, you had slept past your alarms and as such had only fifteen minutes to cram getting ready and leaving for the office, and upon checking your schedule you had the ‘pleasure’ of having three more meetings being crammed into it, reducing your lunch break to what was a near null. With a sigh, you moved away from your space, dragging your tired body to your first official interaction of the day after having sat at your desk for a couple of hours, already dreading it. The new CEO - whoever they were, was the ‘I want to know all the details and be one with the teams’ type, how joyful, you wondered how long that would last. 
It was hard to find the motivation, especially after a dream such as yours. It kept on revolving in your head, pressing down on you, making you reminisce the gentle caresses, the sweet words and actions, the delightful kiss that you had managed to just have the time to experience with Yunho. You were seeing your character in an entirely new light, already having reworked some ideas for the possible special event outfits and spammed your close colleagues who were working on the storyline with some ideas about how Yunho could have even better depth and as such, engagement from prospective users. Perhaps for this meeting with authority you just needed to tap into your delusions and it would be good enough - at least they were productive for once. 
While you were setting up the presentation, the rest of your immediate team began to file in, giving you excited waves that you returned with an unprecedented warmth. Pleasant chatter, discussion of possibility, mention of just how special it was that this dating simulator game project was the one the CEO had chosen to see today… you were feeling confident. Whoever this person was going to be, you were going to give your best and-
The door opened. Heads turned. Greetings, bows - all forms of politeness that could be expressed being delivered. People standing up, while you stood up taller by the board, the title slide behind you. You raised your head, only for time to slow down and freeze entirely. Your hold on the clicker tightened, and the only person aside from you who existed at that moment was the newcomer. The CEO. Greeting others with a smile and with equally as elegant bows. Every bit the gentleman in his tailored suit, hair swept back and impeccably styled. Jeong Yunho.
This had to be some kind of joke, right? Was this a dream? The stinging remaining after you pinched your arm slapped you back into reality. No. This Yunho was definitely real. But who was the one you-... the one you started dating? The one who you were way more than colleagues or friends with? Before your mind could accelerate into panicked rumination, his gaze stopped at you, and you could sense everyone else’s attention drift to you too. You were under his spotlight. Melting under what was nothing but kindness in his eyes.
“L/N Y/N, right? I heard a lot about you,” his grin was making you dizzy, memories of his taste resurfacing and sending heat to your cheeks, giving them a light dusting of pink.
“Good things, I hope?” you managed, he chuckled, and sent you a wink before sitting down on his chair.
“The best. I am really looking forward to this,” a playful tease.
“Glad to know this.”
“I heard you made quite a few new developments, how did that happen?” you knew what he was getting at, and that made you feel secure. So it was the same Yunho. That precious Yunho who had confessed to you, the one who had come to life and was now part of yours, by some odd twist of fate had appeared in your company, and was now right in front of you, eager and in love. You smirked while twisting to check the slide one last time, well aware that his only focus ever would be you.
“Came to me in a dream.”
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✏️ perma-taglist: @acciocriativity @/justhere4kpop @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @cheollipop @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @mingigoo @michel-angelhoe @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @nebulousbookshelf @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @ssaboala @jaehunnyy @kitten4sannie @maddkitt @cromerteez @lightinyreads @ren-junwrld @burnmepls @pyeonghongrie-main @archivesummer @little-angel-k @marsstarxhwa
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please leave a kind reblog, much love!
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py-dreamer · 4 months
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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nin-jay-go · 10 months
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first off i wanna thank you all for the followers and the support through the years!!! i love seeing everyone in my notes all the time and im thankful for all the ppl who've been here for me :3
sappy stuff over. time for the details >:3
so this is gonna be my first dtiys! so i'm not too familiar with the rules, but fuck it we ball. here's the rules!
redraw this superstar however you want! give him whatever features and whatever you give your own jay design, i don't care :3 just draw him performing, maybe with lyrics, however you want (this is totally not just a ploy to get more songs on my superstar playlist totally not)
the deadline is september 30th! though it can get extended
either @ me or tag this as #ninjaygodtiys900 ! or both, that'll work better lol
first place gets a fullbody for 1-3 characters (either ocs or other ninjago related stuff!) second place gets one fullbody of the same stuff (ocs or ninjago related stuff) and third place gets an icon or two! again, ocs or ninjago stuff
have fun!!! thats the most important one ^v^
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yugsly · 1 month
How the hell you are so good with acrylic paint, what treat did you give It so It's coated the canvas so neatly omg ur so good at this I'm jealous of ur skills
Ohhh thank you so much! Well I don't really know many real painting techniques but I can tell you what I do:
I coat the canvas in a base color first (even if that's white), as well as any shading that background might have like a gradient or something. THEN I either freeball it with no sketch and do whatever, or pencil lightly over the base color so I can still erase if I need to redraw something.
I'm using really shitty old paintbrushes I've had since middle school so I don't think paint brush type matters too much.
As for the paint:
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I'm using this cheap paint (2 or 3 dollars a bottle) that I got from Michaels!
Before painting recently I had not painted since in almost 8 years so I'm happy to get into it again.
I hope this is helpful somehow I really am just kind of fucking around and finding out
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05/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutt; Nathan Foad; Erroll Shand; AdoptOurCrew Convention Guide; Our Flag Makes A Difference; Fan Spotlight; MerMay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Rhys Darby =
Samba did some great impressions of Rhys in his video below, but as much as we love those impressions sometimes there's no replacement for the real thing! So here's some Darby for you today!
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Img Src: Samba's Instagram
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But wait-- there's more! New Cryptid Factor Episode! Check it out here on Spotify.
= Taika Waititi =
A quick additional photo from the shoot Taika did not too long ago! Photography by @atibaphoto Creative direction by @justinoshea
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Img Src: christinecentenara Instagram
In addition, Rita uploaded some quick photos of Taika today from the other TYPEBEA launch at a Sephora in NYC-- they were quickly deleted, so maybe they'll show up later again on her instagram. Thanks to @taikaarchives for catching them!
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Img Src: The Taika Archives on Twitter
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's still raising money for @everymomcounts! You can still get access to his Crew For Life Shirt, as well as his Mother's Day Weekend baking class where he'll be making Rhys' favorite: Rosy Maple Moth Pie! Wanna get it on it? Head on over to: Stands for the shirt/cooking class, or just the cooking class here.
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== Erroll Shand ==
Just a quick snapshot with Erroll and his pups <3 Always good to see him pop up on our feeds.
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= Nathan Foad =
Nathan's always gotta look cute for the camera doesn't he?
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Img Src: Nathan Foad's IG
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Our friends over at Adopt Our Crew have created a Convention Calendar for 2024! First up is Basingstoke Comic Con May 10-12! Remember to tag them on IG and Twitter if you want to share pics, videos, etc!
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Source: @adoptourcrew Twitter
== Our Flag Makes A Difference ==
Some of our lovely crew over at Our Flag Makes A Difference have started a new fundraiser, this time for the student protesters across the country who have been wrongfully arrested. If this is a cause you're interested in / have the capacity to hhelp out with, feel free to visit the GiveButter page. They're already at $1245 of their $10000 Goal.
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== Articles ==
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
@melvisik's Cast Cards tonight is for James Barrington! One of the English Soliders that deserved to get slapped by Roach!
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Src: @melvisik's Twitter
== OFMD Colouring Pages ==
More title cards from @patchworkpiratebear! Have some free time and need something to relax to? Pull out some crayons or art supplies and get those creative juices flowing!
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= Stede & Ed (Calvin & Hobbes Redraw) =
More Stede & Ed comics by our magnificant @blakbonnet! She's given us so many adorable Calvin & Hobbes Redraws! Thank you Meow for giving us something silly and fun to look forward to in these crazy days. Please head over to her blog and send her some love <3
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== MerMay ==
= Day 3: "A curse is a curse" =
= @blueberreads =
It's an older model-- but it checks out! Our kind and creative crewmate @blueberreads submitted a gif they made previously for today's MerMay! I'm not complaining! More cursed suit please!
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= @snejpowa =
Our glorious and generous crewmate @snejpowa has been participating in the SaveOFMD Crew's MerMay as well! Check out some of their submissions below!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies, it's been another very long day-- but we made it! We made it to the end of the week! Tomorrow is Saturday (it already is for some of you) so please oh please take some time to relax and get outside for a few minutes if you can.
I am fading fast, but I wanted to still send some love, so here's some notes from some other folks. Love you crew, take care of yourselves and do whatever you need to do to unwind this weekend (cry, draw, write, scream into the void, go outside for a walk, whatever you need).
Stay soft lovelies <3
Art below by @thelatestkate
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
This weekend we're going to be watching WWDITS 2014 + Rhys' episode of Wellington Paranormal, and Love birds on the RhysDarbyFaction server, so those movies are the theme tonight! Wanna join us? They start at 1 pm MT / 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET each day.
Tonight's gifs are courtesy of @ deliciousnecks and @ fandomsmeantheworldtome
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reikurusu · 5 months
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Because apparently I can't let anything go... So a few days ago I made a post about Buddy Daddies' first anniversary coming up and I wasn't going to make something "official" but the brainrot is too strong so here we are... This Sunday, January 7th, it's exactly one year since the first episode of Buddy Daddies was released! And I think that calls for a celebration! I put everything under a cut because this got really long
I came up with a few things that the fandom could do to celebrate this adorable family! Of course these are not exclusive things! If you want to contribute anything that's not listed below, go for it! 1. A weekly rewatch of the episode that aired a year ago Starting Sunday January 7th, we rewatch the episode that aired on that date last year. Nothing is stopping you from binging the rest of the episodes that day, of course! It would just be fun that a lot of us watch the same episode on the same day (or through a watch party if anyone knows how to do that)! 2. Create!! This is literally what it says: create! Just anything related to the episode of that week! There are so many options, but I'm just giving a few things I could come up with - Fanfics surrounding that week's episode. Dive into a scene you wished had more details. Write a scene you feel should've happened in the episode but didn't. Write a scene for a headcanon that you have. Really anything you want (it would be fun if it had something to do with that week's episode, but no one's going to punish you if it isn't). - Make a gifset for that week's episode. Make a set about your favourite character from that episode, your favourite moment, favourite quotes, favourite outfits,... Anything goes really! - Make fanart! There are so many talented artists in this fandom who make amazing pieces of art! It would be fun to see you make something that links back to that week's episode. I'm thinking about redrawing your favourite screenshot in your style. Draw your favourite moment. Draw a scene that you wish happened in the episode. Redraw your favourite piece of Lily art in your style! (I know this last one is less linked to the episodes but who cares). You brilliant people can probably come up with other things still! - Write a theory/headcanon/character analysis/... I have seen so many people write insightful posts about things that weren't explicitly shown on screen. There are characters we get very little background info over. Characters that we know a few things about but it feels like there can be so much more written about them! Write about your headcanons, both for past and future versions of the characters. Write your theories about certain things. It feels like there's still so much to say about this anime and a lot of people out there who know how to put those things into words! - Make an edit! This can be a video edit, a literal photoshop edit. Make wallpapers, phone backgrounds, profile pictures, memes,... Anything you want really! 3. HAVE FUN!! I know it sounds like it, but there really aren't any rules to this! Just have fun! It would just be fun that whatever you decide to post is in some way linked to the episode, but that's not set in stone, obviously! Just enjoy! I think it would be fun to dedicate a week to each episode (so a 12/13 week event if we count the recap episode), starting on the day that episode first aired last year and ending the day before the new episode aired (ex. for episode 1: starting on Sunday, January 7th and ending on Saturday, January 13th). You can decide if you just want to post something about your rewatching the episode or if you want to create something. If you want to make something, you can do multiple things if you want. And again: no one is going to punish you if you posted something from episode 1 during episode 2's week! We're all busy and don't always manage to get something done in time, so don't stress about not being able to finish something "on time". Lastly, I think it would be fun to make this into a hashtag as well! I thought of using the tag #Buddy Daddies Anniversary (very on the nose, I know, so if someone knows something more fun, please share it with the group). And like I said before: HAVE FUN!!
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slashers-and-rats · 10 months
all em slashers with a martial artist reader :o
(so I Can kick billy :3)
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thank you for that photo. it brings me a great deal of joy, and i might redraw it with billy inside. throw these men around. i support you.
slashers featured : billy lenz, thomas hewitt, jason vorhees, brahms heelshire, and vincent sinclair.
billy lenz :
he really enjoys that you can overpower him so easily. sure, he seems all scary and tough, but he really just wants to be man handled sometimes. the way you throw him around and pin him down makes him feel so weak and helpless. he fuckin’ loves it.
he likes when you have him locked from behind, vulnerable to whatever you’re gonna do to him. it makes him feel like a pinned beetle, with his arms spread and legs stuck. in moments like those, he really wishes you’d take advantage of the situation and just torture him. he voices that opinion too, don’t you worry.
he also likes roughhousing with you. he likes it when he thinks he’s got you held down, only for you to throw him over your body and straddle him hard to the floor. he’ll be drooling and rambling, saying that he wants you to choke him and crush his bones and beat him up. it’s cute, in a weird way.
it’s also the fact you can protect him. he wants to be protected. he doesn’t like feeling on edge all the time. knowing that you’re the one that can keep you two safe really puts him at ease.
thomas hewitt :
he’s a big boy. a big big boy. very muscular boy. but muscles are not everything. we both know that.
he roughhouses with hoyt sometimes, and so when you two started dating and you joked that you could take him in a fight, he was so ready. or so he thought. the first time you had him pinned to the floor, he was truly shocked. but also, mesmerized. he didn’t know why, but he kinda liked it.
maybe it was because he was always the tough one, or the strong one. maybe he just liked feeling small and weak for once. who knows? but something about the way you’d wrap your arm around his neck, and push his face into the floor laughing, clearly just having a good time. it made him melt. he couldn’t admit it, but it did.
you can’t lift him or anything. again, he’s a big guy. but you get him other ways. when he’s not looking, you grapple him from behind and hold his arms hostage. or, when you two are play fighting, you sometimes wind up with his head crushed between your thighs. it makes him blush so hard.
he especially likes the way you look after. texas is hot, that much physical exertion makes it hotter. so by the time you’re both tuckered out, you’re panting and sweaty and tired. it looks almost sinful to him. he looks even cuter, his hair a mess and his face red from getting embarrassed. he’s a big teddy bear, and you squeezing him like one makes him so happy.
jason vorhees :
jason doesn’t fight unless he feels he needs to. he also doesn’t really feel comfortable play fighting you, unlike others, and so most of you showing off your skills is during practices or martial arts competitions.
he usually sits hidden away in the back of the stands, and he’s a big supporter. he’ll hold up banners with your name on them, and after the match he’ll run to you and hug you tight and squeeze you like no tomorrow. he’s always so impressed by you.
he does make you teach him some moves. he likes the way you guide him through the swings and the kicks. he’ll throw his fist out, only for you to gently guide it higher. it makes him feel hot under his mask. most practices turn into canoodling sessions, since he can’t keep himself contained. he gets so flustered, he can’t help it, and you think it’s so cute.
sometimes you use your skills on him without knowing. like, he finds it very attractive when you pin his hands down while you two are getting heavy, or when you press him down on his chest on the bed. some of those skills are translatable to other activities, that’s for sure.
brahms heelshire :
brahms is childish at heart, we all know this. and so he loves to sneak up on you when you’re busy. the first time he did this, he got thrown over your shoulder out of instinct. he thought it was so much fun, sailing through the air like that! and you’re so cool, how could he not think it was great!!
after that, he made you practice moves on him all the time. he likes the big take downs. he likes getting thrown around like a rag doll. you don’t mind, obviously. it’s not hard for you, he’s not that heavy of a guy. he’s lean. so getting him into the desired position is always pretty easy.
he doesn’t fight back, that’s not the point. he likes being your practice dummy, cuz he thinks you’re cool. he’s not the most coordinated anyways, so you using him as a punching bag is the easier option for you both. that being said, you never hurt the guy. you’re more showing off than anything, and he fucking loves it. it makes him squeal and giggle, and he’s always begging you to do it again.
vincent sinclair :
bo used to kick the shit out of this kid, and so when he saw you practicing martial arts for the first time, he was perplexed. for the first little while, he’d just stay hidden and copy your moves from the shadows. he’d try to mimic what you were doing on his pillows or other things around the museum. it was fun for him.
you caught him doing it one day. he had a reference doll in a choke hold. you recognized it as the one you had been practicing that day, and it made you very amused. you scared him when you came up and began correcting his stance, but he liked it. you were teaching him how to defend himself. it felt good.
he liked knowing how tough you were. sometimes he felt so small and pathetic. but when you were there with him, you stood up to whoever it was that was being mean. he wished you had been around when he was a kid, it would’ve made his childhood a lot easier.
he can’t take practicing with you, though. you getting that close to his face, and the feeling of your skin against his- it’s too much, sometimes. he gets overwhelmed, he’s a complicated boy. so, he finds dummies for you to demonstrate on so he can practice too.
when you do manage to convince him to spar with you, he loses pretty quick. he can’t help it. the second you get his legs pinned and his hands behind his back, he’s a flustered mess. it’s not his fault, don’t blame my boy. he just likes you, and any vaguely intimate touch makes him embarrassed. but keep doing it, he likes it.
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skunkes · 1 year
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2012 → 2022
very long art summary under da cut!
but regardless of whether or not you read it, ty for sticking around and/or enjoying my stuff! \^_^/
Right on time at da end of this 10 year journey, the Fun of art has found me again (or, for the first time?) My art has grown tired of being the heavy corpse trailing behind my burdened body as I scramble to rebury it where nobody can see, over and over again.
We walk side by side now (still toward nothing, but at least we are together, + moving forward!) I'm so grateful. I will hold onto it for as long as I can.
I still have my woes! So many woes. I still lament what I don't have, artistically, for it is so very much. It's so heavy on my shoulders still, + weighs down my whole being. It seems I can't retire from being Atlas just yet.
Just now I try harder not to think of the Why, and try my hardest to have fun, because drawing makes me happy... Because it is fun now! I'm so happy it's fun, now. It took 10+ years and it's finally getting a little easier, and fun, and the bad drawings are easier to move on from, + try again.
I'm slowly learning to make something out of and work with all my art "defects", and preferences. Would've loved to figure out these obvious things sooner, but whatever!
That's what I've done with this year's redraw, and this years work in general.
I love lineart, so I let myself just let loose with colored lines on a big canvas without any expectations of color. Doesn't matter that there's no background now, because the doodles themselves act as fillers of the empty space around em, like in my old sketchbooks ^_^ I love textured art, + colored pencil work, but textured brushes are too uncontrollable + what is colored pencil coloring if not just very many lines? And oh look, we've got a fun, already completed "background" for the piece now! + hey, I've done this before! it's all connected! Everything I love is coming together...!
Sorry for the long post, and thank you for reading T_T + whether you've been following me for very long or very little, thank you for enjoying my work
I can finally start to say that I enjoy it, too.
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10 Second Elder
The Blonde Boys Club
Daemon Targaryen x Sorceress!Reader, Geralt of Rivia & Sister!Reader
Summary: Yeah, so your twin tried to kill Caraxes and now you have to convince his rider, the mother fucking Prince, that it was all a misunderstanding (it was not).
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: THE ONLY INCEST IN THIS IS THE CANON TARGARYEN INCEST ALRD IN HOTD OTHERWISE MISS ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT, fem!reader, witcher!twins, reader is kinda a witcher lol, I describe reader's hair and eye color, crack fic, typos, etc.
A/N: I JUST GOT A BUNCH OF IDEAS FOR THESE BLONDES AND OTHER FICTIONAL BLONDES PLEASE IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS ??? SERIES???? (dont quote me on that, idk what it is) ASKFL:AFHALS:F. AND SHHH whatever plothole you have for the witcher!twins, just, just, roll with it i beg also I'm tagging @lexi-anastasia HI!! i actually thought of this prompt cos of your display pic. IDK IF YOU EVEN LIKE hotd but i hope you like this for the witcher!twins LOL I'm also tagging @avaleineandafryingpan because they reblogged my the blonde boys club post T_T (mahal kita) and of course @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda P2 "Dry Humor"
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Geralt had smelt it in the air before anything else. He had his bow in his hand, drawn and ready. His stance was low. The steps he took against the leaf covered ground barely made a sound.
He straightened himself up when he saw an opening and pulled his arrow all the way.
When a gust of wind blew, he inhaled deeply, now certain of his opponent. A dragon.
Geralt inhaled deeply as the beast shifted in the spot it was laying. He saw the saddle on it, scoffing. Suddenly things were clearer as to why a dragon would be out in the open, so exposed. It was also clear that whoever the rider was did not care about how their ride had ravaged the nearby farm and village.
He knew his arrow would barely injure the creature, if it could pierce its skin at all, and yet he shot at its curled neck anyway.
No avail. The thing didn't even flinch.
Geralt purses his lips as he redraws his weapon. The dragon shifts again and this time, Geralt's golden eyes see an opening, quite literally an opening by the rib, just below the saddle.
The sound of the string tensing fills the witcher's ears. He narrows his eyes as he adjusts in his spot to further assess the wound, as well as to properly get an opening.
He notes how the injury was a not new, and yet it was still healing. He tries to listen in on the heartbeat, but even with how large it was, it was still too far for him to hear anything.
He withdraws a bit of tension from his bow, enough for it to still reach the dragon, but only to cause it discomfort, not really to reopen its wound, to rile the beast up enough for it to want to leave with its rider.
Geralt draws in a deep breath and releases it along with his arrow.
The dragon roars and rises from its place once the arrow hits its side.
Dramatic, if you asked him. Geralt was certain it didn't hurt as much as the thing was making it out to be.
As the dragon whined, Geralt unsheathed his blade and surveyed the area, listening in on the rider that would inevitably come next.
He inches closer to the dragon, by its tail, and soon enough he hears quick footsteps and frantic breathing.
When he turns over his shoulder to the source of the sound, the wound tension in his shoulders relaxes a fraction, then tenses again at the shrill whisper-yell.
"What the fuck did you just do?" I demand, throwing the severed head I had in my grip off to the side as I readied my sword in my hand as I went into a defensive stance, "we came for the monster I already slain."
"This thing is the reason why the village burned."
"And you think you can kill it!?"
"No, but its rider will get the message."
I lower my sword, in utter disbelief of what I was hearing, "you think it has a rider?!"
Geralt narrows his eyes, "It has a rider," he corrects, "I shot at its open wound below its saddle."
"THEN YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!" I seethe, gritting my teeth, raising my sword again. Geralt watches me as I stalk closer to the dragon. I catch the way he knit his brows, and it makes my eyes twitch, "you don't know what it means."
Geralt nears me and I elbow him to the chest, "motherfucker."
All at once, the dragon is alerted by our presence.
The massive creature stands on its legs and growls at us.
I feel him, the dragon. I feel his regality, his tie to his rider, and his distress over the arrow. He knows it was one of us that caused it. He draws in a deep breath, ready to burn us both, along with the entire forest.
I drop my sword and I raise my hand, speaking in the dragon's tongue, "calm yourself."
Geralt measures my reaction and is unconvinced by both the language I am speaking, and the fact I disarmed myself.
"We mean you no harm, your grace," I call out, slowly walking over to the dragon.
He screeches and shakes his head.
"You think it can understand you?" Geralt grunts, tensing his jaw as he brings his weapon higher.
The dragon does not appreciate this one bit.
"Just because you don't doesn't mean he doesn't," I quip.
Geralt does not care and pulls out an elixir from his pocket, quickly downing it.
"You fucking idiot! We are not-"
All at once, a command is shouted, "DRACARYS!"
Without thinking, before fire could leave his jowls, Geralt shoots chaos, causing the dragon's head to shoot up and his fire to burn above overhead.
"LYKIRI!" I repeat the same High Valyrian command to the dragon. As his head downturns, the flames he breathed ceases.
Before I realize what is happening, I hear a man shout out as he charges, "WITCH!"
Geralt blocks my view of the incoming assaulter as well as his sword that was sword meant to slay me, "Witcher."
Their weapons skid against the other's. They are upon each other, attacking aggressively, as though their lives depended on it. The dragon grows, restless in the background.
"GERALT, STOP!" I scream as my brother's silver hair swooshes in the air, as does his equally blonde opponent's. My stomach drops at the sight of him, at the sight of the man who bore all indications of a Targaryen prince.
They charge at each other, stepping forward and back, metal crashing against metal. And for a moment, the long haired prince' anger gave him the upper hand, but I knew how Geralt was evading him; he was pulling his punches, but not for long.
I decide to divert my attention to the distressed dragon, finally seeing his saddle, and the arrow stuck to his side like a thorn he could not get out.
He does not like the fact I am quickly nearing him and snaps his teeth at me.
"Do not be insolent," I quip in High Valyrian at the creature, lifting my head up to him with his hand, "I am here to help you."
I could feel my pulse quicken as I make my way to his side.
I decide it's enough that he has not yet killed me for getting this close to him.
"Calm yourself, boy," I mutter under my breath, as I reach up to the arrow on his side. The dragon does a clicking noise, and I do not have time whether to debate it is a warning or a cry for help.
Without another thought, I pull out the arrow with a grunt. The beast whines then withdraws a long breath. I turn to him as it cranes it neck to do the same to me I drop the arrow coated with his blood in front of him. I raise my hands, "it is done."
"Shut the fuck up."
So that's his name. Now who would be his rider?
I turn to Geralt, whimpering in annoyance and dread. I watch him dig his knee on the man's back as he pulls his arm behind him, causing him to yelp. Caraxes rises at the sight of his overcome rider, screeching just as the prince pants beneath my brother on the ground.
Geralt makes a face and shuts his eyes when dragon spit splatters on his face. He clenches his jaw and mutters, "lyriki, beast."
"You do not even know what that means," I retort, "and get off him."
"You do understand that the only reason why that thing hasn't killed us is because its rider is under my knee."
"FUCK OFF!" the said rider growls.
Caraxes responds to this with yet another ear piercing cry.
Through all this, I suddenly remember the name I was looking for, "Aemon! Aemon. Caraxes' rider is Aemon."
Geralt makes a face, realizing what I meant, "you're telling me this is Aemon Targaryen?"
"Well, do you see anyone else commanding the dra-"
"CARAXES-" breaks into a yelp.
"We are having a discussion," Geralt leans down as he growls.
"Geralt," I quip tightly, "get off him," I step closer to the both of them, "now."
The black of Geralt's eyes begin to fade once I am directly in front of him. I kneel down on his side and meet the telltale violet of the eyes of the prince. They narrow when they meet the violet hue of my own.
"You must forgive my younger brother for his insolence, my prince," I mutter as I swat Geralt by his thigh.
He rolls his eyes and finally gets of his captive, "ah yes, older sister," he mocks.
"Time is time and blood is blood," I retort as I eye him before helping the prince from where he laid.
"I remember," the Witcher mutters, "High Valyrian. An elective."
I smirk as I turn back at him, "one you did not take."
"Yes," he sighs as he stands, motioning to his side, "language of the dragons."
"Old Valyria," I correct as I help the prince, who was catching his breath, rolls over, "the Tar-
"Targaryen," he says, heaving, as he falls to his back. He reaches his hand out to me. I knit my brows at him as his fingers find my cheek.
Geralt looks down at him with contempt, lips curling in disgust, "watch your fingers, prince, or you might lose them."
I grunt, "I've quite had enough of you," I snap, rising to my feet. "You have been insufferable since we got here-"
"You're one to talk, little girl," Geralt eyes me darkly.
I crane towards his, "you do understand the consequences of-" I cut myself off when the prince stands to his feet. I change languages, "he is the prince of the seven kingdoms, heir to the throne."
"You whisper this to me as if I have ever cared, sister," he replies in Elder Speech.
"You should," Aemon responds as he looks between us.
We turn to him.
"You know Elder Speech?" I question, narrowing my brows.
He smirks at me, as he brushes his shoulder off, "an elective," he offers, "though I admit I only understood the word prince and guessed what you were saying." He tilts his head, "it seems my intuition has not failed me yet."
Geralt hums deeply and steps forward, "but it did when you misjudged me and allowed me an opening to strike you."
Aemon lifts his gaze upon my brother, whatever smirk that was on his face fades away.
"Enough!" I grunt, pushing them away with chaos.
A gush of wind rips between them.
My brother, who is used to it, steps back once, but the prince reels back and falls to his hind. I quickly extend my hand out to him and flash a guilty look, "apologies."
He looks at me for a moment before taking my hand, "Daemon."
I pull him up as he repeats, "Prince Daemon, son of Prince Baelon, brother of Prince Aemon."
"Ah," I nod as I pull away from him. He steps forward when I do and watches me as I respond, "you are Aemon's nephew. His second rider. I will do well to remember, Prince Daemon."
"Indeed," he mutters with a soft smile.
I am pulled back by my arm and wind up crashing against Geralt's armor.
I look up at him he roughly swats the white streaks of my black hair away from my face that consequently was flying up to his because of the wind. He warns me in Nilfgaardian, "focus."
"Do not speak to me as though it is you who has a plan to get us out of this mess," I quip back in the same tongue.
"It would be easy to kill him and make it look like an accident."
I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"So, you are a witch," Daemon cuts in, making both of us turn to him.
"Sorceress," I correct as I pull away from my brother.
"And what house do you belong to?" the prince asks, tenting his hands before him.
Just then, the dragon who we seemed to have forgotten, makes himself known and cries out to his master.
Daemon raises a dismissive hand and swats his away, sparing him only a second's glace. My brother and I watch as Caraxes huffs and rolls into himself, closing his eyes without another care.
"Kaer Morhen," I say, although questioningly, as I turn to my brother, "perhaps for me, I suppose, Aretuza."
"But Vesemir gave you your name as well."
"Yes, well, in that case, I do su-"
"And who are your parents?" Daemon interjects, tone less curious, and more impatient.
"Now that is the question indeed," Geralt grunts, then once again when I elbow him roughly.
"He's being serious."
"I know he's being serious, look at him."
"Why do you ask, prince?" I shake my head, stepping towards the said man.
Daemon examines me intently, so much so that, had I not been used to such scrutiny, I would have broken eye contact in discomfort. "Your eyes," he trails off as he peers down upon me, "are Targaryen's."
"Ah," my jaw drops. I find a chuckle leave me. "Much like his white hair is," I say, pointing to Geralt. I snort and slap a hand on his arm, "brother, you never told me we were secretly royalty."
He hums, nostrils flaring, "slipped my mind."
I chuckle to myself as I turn back to the prince. I watch as his jaw clenches and will my amusement to evaporate with my sigh, "tis not royalty that made our features so, prince Daemon, but the cruelty of magic. My own hair burns with white streaks because of his," I say.
"And what good is that knowledge to him?" Geralt makes a face as he turns to me.
"Well," I turn back to him, "he asked, did he not?"
"He did not ask you about your hair, any more than his dragon did."
"This is exactly why you have no friends."
"And you say that as though it is a bad thing."
"And you two are blood siblings?" Daemon cuts yet again.
We turn to him.
A moment passes.
The insinuation of the idea we could be anything else with our dynamic brings the familiar shiver down our spines.
"It gets no less revolting through time," Geralt mutters, "much less, knowing the traditions of his house."
I ignore his comment as I clear my throat, "twins, your grace, and I the el-."
Daemon ignores me, averting his attention to Geralt now, "you mention the traditions my house, and yet it seems you are unaware of how it is in my nature to seek satisfaction."
"Hmm," Geralt's brows quirk, "I would too, if my arse got handed to me."
I step in between them before Daemon could lunge. Because of this, I am trapped between the chests of the two hot headed blondes.
"Move," Geralt warns me, although his eyes do not leave Daemon.
"My prince," I ignore him, grabbing onto the fabric Daemon's arms, "you must forgive my baby brother."
Daemon dryly scoffs, eyes not leaving Geralt, "he'll have to get on his knees, my dear."
"You mean my soft belly-"
I shut him up with a gesture and heave, "it is a misunderstanding that we find ourselves in."
Daemon watches as Geralt struggles; he is unable to open his lips.
The prince's eyes finally turn back to me, they glimmer with mischief, "a misunderstanding, you say."
"I should like to treat you to a pint, if you would allow me the honor, so that I may... explain our predicament," I offer a soft smile. I feel my brother move from behind me, and so I shove him away with chaos, lest he shove me away to batter the prince in silence.
Daemon watches as Geralt propels back and hits a tree. By then, my incantation is lifted and so a string of curses leave his lips.
"That depends on whether or not your twin will be joining us."
"If you would prefer only one of us to drink with you, then I shall make it happen."
"Like hell, you would!"
"Then I will hear your explanation for this terrible altercation."
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As someone who doesn't usually visit your streams, what's your breakdown for making such dynamic shots? Would love to hear a little bit about your process of creation.
I wish I had a well written answer, but I kinda just wing it. Okay I guess I think of like, increasing or decreasing fov in a video game. The more intense the dynamism, the stronger the fov. You can make an energetic pose with good sense of gesture with a readable line-of-action, but a very flat fov, which works for "normal" drawings. Increasing fov adds intensity by exaggerating the distance between objects.
Unfortunately, for actual drawing, I don't have a strong, conscious process. I kinda just try a rough draft, and if it's not dynamic enough, try to think critically about whether the limbs seem to properly flow together with the gesture or adhere to perspective, and redraw whatever doesn't work. I'm crudely simplifying all the process in this post because I've practiced a lot of this to the point of it being second nature, which sounds cool but like, I have to stop myself and really think if I wanna actually understand what I'm doing.
It's also a lot easier to do when it's a character with a bodytype I'm confident in drawing. Some days I just can't make the strong fov-look work, and go with something flatter so that it'll actually be on-model. One tip I suppose: Drawing solid red boxes and circles over the refs clients give me can help in getting all the proportions right, and I get a little more comfortable with more dynamic shots again.
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nerdybluephoenix · 7 months
Aliens meet a cat. Cat does not like them at all
I'm gonna answer this prompt with my usual ocs, because it gives me an excuse to redraw some old artwork I made in 2020
New version:
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I might finish this drawing another time. Old artwork at the bottom of the post.
Captain Evek stepped into the room. Inside, two of her crew members were hunched around an open cage. The human, Constance, was cooing at whatever was inside. Evek could hear a horrible hissing noise inside followed by a low growl.
“I’m sorry - this is the animal you’ve been comparing me to?” Tix, the other crew member, did not look pleased. “It looks nothing like me.”
“What did you drag on my ship this time?” Both crew members looked up at the captain.
“Evek!” Constance happily waved her over. “Look what I found! It’s a cat!” Evek stayed rooted where she stood. She wasn’t going to step closer to some creature making clear warning noises like that.
“...remind me what a cat is?” Evek said. She thought over Tix’s words and her face scrunched up in amusement. “Oh, is it the Earth creature you say looks like Tix?”
“It does not look like-”
“It looks exactly like you!”
Now Evek was curious enough to step closer. If at least cautiously. She got down on her knees to get a better angle at whatever was inside. It was hard to make out with the poor lighting, but it seemed to be a ball of fluff.
“I can’t see it very well,” Evek admitted. “Why is this thing on my ship?”
“I found her. On the ship,” Constance said. “I think she snuck on after our last stop. I can’t believe humans are losing their pets in space already.”
“Are cats dangerous?” Evek said. On the firm “no” from Constance, Evek made up her mind to step over and gently tilt the cage so the cat slid out.
“Wait! You really shouldn’t do that!” Constance said. 
It was too late. Upon being slid out of the cage, the animal popped to life like a firecracker. It flailed about the room, bounced off on walls, and knocked several items over. Tix fled underneath a table and let out a low growl that was much like the cat’s warning sounds. This only spurred the small thing more and it continued to wreak havoc until it finally clamored up a wall and onto a bookshelf. Constance cursed.
“Sorry, I just wanted a better look,” Evek said. She stood to look around the torn apart room then up at the creature on the shelf. From Evek’s height, the cat sat perfectly eye level. She stepped closer. It hissed. “Tix, I’m sorry to tell you this, but Constance is right. It looks a lot like you.”
“It does not,” Tix said from under the table.
“How do we get in back in the cage?” Evek said.
“Carrier,” Constance corrected. “And I have no idea.” She picked up the carrier and brought it closer to the shelf. The cat slunk away until she sat herself between a corner.
“She’s trapped now. Why don’t I just…?” Evek stepped forward and snatched the cat up in two hands. Much like before, the cat burst into panic. Captain Evek held the animal out as it bit and clawed at any skin it could reach. Okay, ow! “I thought you said it wasn’t dangerous?”
“As in, won’t kill you,” Constance said. “You should put her down.” She tried, but trying to place the cat back onto the shelf ended with more flailing and biting. Evek was stuck in an awkward position where if she wasn’t careful, she could drop the cat.
Maybe from exhaustion, the cat suddenly froze in Evek’s hands. It seemed to be glaring at Evek. Judgment practically seeped out of it. She could feel it’s little heartbeat running rapidly in its chest.
“Aww!” Constance cooed. She brought he carrier over and quickly scooped up the animal and closed the door. “She likes you!”
“That doesn’t even begin to be true,” Evek said. She rubbed at her hands, now covered in bite marks and scratches. “I’d like to get that animal dropped off at our next stop. Maybe we’ll find a human who wants it.”
“N’aww, but I kinda want her,” Constance said. She placed the carrier on the table. The cat was curled up in the back again.
“You already have Tix,” Evek said.
Tix came out from under the table to jump on top of it instead. His ears were back and his tail flicked in clear annoyance.
“I am not a cat!”
/// Old Art Under the Cut ///
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enden-k · 17 days
it always makes me really happy to see artists that are more 'fandom-centric' by nature posting their OCs and other things along that line and getting positive feedback, which then in turn causes them to create and post more OC stuff tbh (this is meant 100% genuinely, i apologise if the way i phrased it is a little stilted or odd, i just love seeing non fandom content on my dash)
anyways, feel free to use this ask as a free pass to give us some random tidbits about your OCs and their stories! whatever is swirling around in there that you haven't been about to find a spot to talk about just yet would be great /gen
tbh i always drew my own characters and stories since childhood but started doing fanart when i joined my first big fandom back then (which was bleach in my teenage years); i kept drawing my own things until college between fanart here and there but the moment i made my art blog here i neglected my works more and more and did more fanart instead (for fgo back then). i havent drawn any of my comics again for 4 years or smth but now that my sister got back into hers again she motivated me to pick up my old stories again!!
i think bc ppl were so excited abt my fanart i always knew my own stuff wouldnt get as much reaction so i didnt even try and then just stopped working on it hhjhdfkj but yea, now that my sister gave me motivation and energy and now that i see ppl are actually liking my stuff its smth else aaaa. sry for rambling, i just wanted to clarify that im not fandom-centric by nature, it just happened over the time
anw idk what i should babble abt so uhhh have a fun fact:
not only is this specific story the first proper, planned through one i drew in my teenage years, its also the one that got me in trouble and caused a lot of serious pain bc my adoptive father snooped in my room back then and stole specific pages (like gore or smut scenes, yea i was edgy but also heavily traumatized and in a very bad place) and made up random shit about it to make fun of me, expose me by showing my friends and others and claim outrageous stuff. i tried to remake it later but always stopped with each version and never attempted to revive this story again bc it always filled me with shame and horror knowing he still owns these pages. me redrawing it now is lit the first time in YEARS that i touch it again and it feels very healing, like im seeing my teenage self again drawing this stuff with sm passion and not the person anymore who trampled on it and used it to cause me pain. bc that exact thing was what kept me from working on it again. i just couldnt do it.
(as usual w personal stuff, im just sharing this very dry like facts and i get uncomfortable when people send comfort so ye, reminder to not do that please)
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