#regardless. my nails are black. and it's time to go to sleep.
sodaabaa · 17 days
reunited a court of thorns and roses
rhysand x reader after reader is taken by tamlin, she yearns for the day she can be reunited with her mate.
tw: none
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Five months. That’s how long I’d been trapped with Tamlin and his court of thorns. Once upon a time I was happy here, happy with him. Now, it took everything I had to control myself from scratching his eyes out every time he looked at me. Every word he said, every condescending explanation he gave me as to why he thought, why he believed that Rhys had manipulated my mind, drove me insane. Leaving this godforsaken place with Rhys all those months ago was the best decision I’d ever made. Now I was stuck here all over again. Caged in a rose covered prison, suffocated by piles of tulle and chiffon and silk.  
I hadn’t shown Tamlin, or anyone, any of the powers I had. I didn’t tell him what I was. Rhys and Amren had figured out that I was an angel. Centuries before the fae emerged, angels ruled the heavens and the Earth. Once the fae were created after years of evolution, the angels died out. But while the physical form of these beings may cease to exist, their souls don’t. Their souls are still here, roaming through the heavens. I guess the angels knew war was imminent in my lifetime so they breathed an angel’s soul into me when I was born and I’d gone all those years unknowing of what I was, what I was capable of. Until I had found out what Amarantha had done to Rhys. 
As if one cue, a piece of paper appeared on my nightstand with a coal black pen. 
“You’re thinking about me aren’t you” I could hear his arrogant smirk in those words.
I smiled, that bastard always knew, even if we were thousands of miles apart. I picked up the pen to write back but as I was doing so, the door opened and I quickly hid it under my pillow. My smile fell.
“I brought you some paints.” Tamlin paused, unsure of what to say next.
I merely looked out the window and said, “I have no inspiration.”
He frowned, “you’re in the Court of Spring, what more inspiration do you need?” 
The swirling night sky. The shimmering golden lights of the City of Starlight. His black, satin wings that carried the midnight sky with him. 
Oh, how sweet, your description of my city and my wings flatters me darling. 
I had to dig my nails into my palms to keep from smiling like a fool. 
Tamlin must have taken great offense to my comment, he left without giving me a chance to respond. Good. 
I anxiously pulled out the pen and paper. 
“He could have seen the note, be careful next time you prick.” 
I set the items on the desk and within seconds it vanished, and reappeared just as fast.
“I miss bickering with you. I miss you.” Such simple words yet my heart ached with longing.
I wrote back, “I miss you too. Just a few more days, I need to convince him to side with us.”
The paper vanished and never returned. 
I shifted in the bed I’d been in for hours, refusing to socialize with anyone at the manor. Everyone was blindly loyal to Tamlin and I knew if I left the manor grounds, they’d instantly report to him so I had no reason to even bother faking a smile towards those vipers. I looked out to the night sky, it wasn’t nearly as beautiful as the velvety blue skies of the Night Court but it was still a reminder of who ruled those skies and it comforted me regardless. With that thought, I fell into a deep sleep.
The voices of Tamlin and Lucien could be heard from a mile away. They were arguing over my freedom. I paused on the stairs, my blush pink dress swaying with the movement.
“How long are you going to keep her locked up hm? You can’t keep her here forever.” Lucien spat.
“Until Rhysand isn’t a problem anymore. Until I know he won’t come to take her again.” 
I rolled my eyes. Imagine being deluded enough to think you could beat Rhys, the most powerful High Lord in history. I scoffed. Their heads turned in my direction. I covered it by clearing my throat and smiling, resuming my path down the stairs.
“Good morning my love.” I held back a gag. 
Tamlin smiled, the fool really thought I was in love with him. “Good morning, we were just finishing up our conversation.” He shot a pointed look at Lucien. 
I smiled, lips in a thin line. He wanted to keep me locked up like a prisoner, still. 
I took a seat between Tamlin and Lucien. “Can we speak in private please Tamlin.” 
He gave me an exhausted look, he knew what I was going to ask. Despite that, he sent Lucien away with a wave of his hand. 
“I know what you want to say and you already know my answer.” He said.
I stood up and slammed my hands on the table, rattling the silverware.
“It’s been three months since I saw something outside these walls. Send an escort of guards with me if you want but let me go somewhere, anywhere.” I shouted.
He looked at me through his brows. “You know better than me, I could send an army of guards with you and Rhysand would slice through the brigade like butter to take you away. I won’t risk it.”
He was standing now, trying to intimidate me into compliance. 
“And I won’t be kept here like a prisoner! In what world is this love?”
“I’m protecting you!” He growled
“You’re suffocating me!” I yelled.
“Enough. There will be no further conversation about this matter.” 
I stilled. And then I felt it. I could sense him before he’d even arrived. I looked past Tamlin and to the doorway. 
He was standing tall, his hands in his pockets, ever the nonchalant High Lord. His violet eyes looked over me head to toe, scanning for any signs of injuries. 
Tamlin must have noticed I was looking past him and turned. He moved to shield me, beginning to shift into a beast. I didn’t pay any attention to it. Every bone, every nerve, every cell in my body was shouting for me to run to him. So I did.
Tamlin shouted after me and guards ran in but they froze as soon as they ran into the room. It felt as if I’d been running for miles before I crashed into his chest, he stumbled back but his arms wrapped around me and lifted me up. My entire being relaxed into the embrace as I held him tight. 
“Miss me?” He breathed into my ear. 
Tears welled in my eyes as I nodded into his neck. He let me down just as Tamlin was approaching, rage burning in his eyes.
I stood in front of Rhys as Tamlin began charging. I crossed my arms and Tamlin met with a wall of light. He bounced back but got up instantly. Like twin flames, Rhys and I let out our wings, his midnight black wings contrasting with my soft white.
Tamlin froze, he hadn’t known about my abilities.
“What are you doing? He’s manipulating you, turning you against me.”
I scoffed. “You turned me against you.” 
“I love you.” He said in a not so loving tone. 
“Rhys loves me. And I him.” 
Unexpectedly, he shoved me away and lunged for Rhys who easily dodged his advances.
“You’ve gone soft Tamlin.” Rhys taunted. 
Tamlin lunged again, this time he managed to grab Rhys, who was unimpressed. 
“I’m going to skin you alive.” He said through his teeth.
Rhys merely rolled his eyes and looked at me as if to say, ‘look at this guy.’ 
Rhys grabbed Tamlins arms and twisted them, kneeing him in the gut and throwing him onto the floor all in one swift motion.
“You’re gonna have to try a lot harder to even land a punch, dear Tamlin.”
This time, Tamlin didn’t get back up. Rhys was holding him down with his mind. 
“We’ll spare your life on one condition.” I spoke to him. 
His nose flared, he’d rather die than submit to Rhys.
“You ally yourself and your army with us for the war. Hybern will slaughter your people and take your court as soon as the war is over and you know it. Don’t lead hundreds of innocent lives towards their death because of a grudge you hold towards Rhys.” I continued.
“I’d sooner die than work with him. And you. After all I did for you, traitor.” He spat.
I could feel the anger roll off Rhys. He stepped in front of me but I grabbed his arm.
“After all you did? After Amarantha, I was wasting away. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t breathe. And all you did was lock me up like a caged animal. You couldn’t even look at me longer than a second.” My voice rose.
“Do you know what the first thing Rhys did to me when he took me away on our wedding day?” I didn’t give him the time to respond.
“He looked at me, listened to me, he made me feel alive again. It’s ironic isn’t it? Living in the Spring Court where all bloom to life. Except me. I withered away like a dead rose. But I blossomed with Rhys at the Night Court, the realm of death so many call it, but it breathed life into me again.” 
Tamlin stared, blank. “Go to hell.” 
With that, I left the Manor and let Rhys have his fun. 
We landed in Velaris, my beloved City of Starlight. I was ecstatic and Rhys felt it as we walked up the steps to the town house. Home. The word kept repeating in my head, I still couldn’t believe it. 
When we walked in, we were greeted by Cassian, Mor, Azriel, and Amren. They kneeled as we stood in the doorway. 
My hand slipped from Rhys’ and I ran towards them, dropping to my knees. 
“Please don’t kneel. I just want a hug from each of you.” Tears fell from my eyes. I missed these four with my whole heart. Last I’d seen them, Cassian’s wings had been shattered, Azriel and Mor were bloody and bruised. I was worried sick. 
They all hugged me at once, I was squished in between the four of them. I let out a laugh as we withdrew from the group hug and Rhys chuckled behind me. 
“You bastards never react that way when I come home.” He walked towards us. 
Amren sent daggers at him with her eyes.
“Maybe we don’t like you as much Rhys.” Cassian said. 
“Then maybe you can find a place at the Court of Nightmares instead of Velaris, Cas. They’d be happy to take in an invalid such as yourself.” He threw. 
Cassian shook his head laughing. “You’d miss me too much.” 
The five of them began to bicker, their voices booming throughout the house. My eyes fleeted between them, trying to keep track of who was saying what. 
I smiled, It felt like I never left. 
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slut4sugu · 11 months
𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
Hobie brown x black!fem reader
Includes: slight suggestiveness, touchy hobie, pet names, slight British slang, slight cursing,
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🎸: 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚- 𝐉𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐟𝐭. 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐞
Sweet and gentlemanish, he’ll be gentle and only tease you a little at first ( only a few suggestive whispers in your ear from time to time)
Not too heavy on pda at first (though he loves it) so he’ll start off small with you, especially if your shy. For example: if your not easy to hold hands? He’s fine with pinkies, though hugs are a whole different thing, he loves hugging you with almost all of his weight on you. If your not a fan of it he’ll lighten up, but besides that. Expect a couple of bear hugs if he hasn’t seen you in a while.
Kisses are something he won’t go heavy on at first either unless you ask, though he will give you forehead kisses regardless, and some on the back of your hand, and knuckles.
Hobie wouldn’t really be too upset if you weren’t into pda that much, he believes that physical touch isn’t the sole way to be intimate with someone, energy and vibes are how he can be that way with you. Not just his spider sense but just in general, he loves being in your company and sharing things you like to do with him. That’s just something he’s always loved about you.
Loves when you ask him to help style your braids/hair, he’s really good at it actually and hardly gets tired while doing so and since his touch relaxes you so much you end up falling asleep most of the times. Even if it only take 6 minutes.
Lovesss your lip combos, will almost stare at your lips every time he’s talking to you
If you are a touchy person, he loves the feeling of your nails softly drawing shapes and words into his skin absent minded. So whenever your due for another trip to the salon he sends you with enough to get whatever design you want <33
More touchy and suggestive, you and hobie naturally clicked when you first met. So 2 or three months felt almost like a year with you since you both tried to hang out everyday when the spider business wasn’t a problem.
Speaking of the spider society hobie thought about telling you when you first started dating, since he’s not a fan of keeping secrets. But then he thought about how that could be putting you in danger since all it took was a villain to see you too hanging out while he’s in his suit long enough to put two and two together. You both had a conversation about it once he told you, which didn’t take you by too much of a surprise. “You found out didn’t you?” A big smile tugged at your lips as you nodded, “One night while you were taking a shower a my place i mayy have seen your mask on my chair in the corner. And plus you both had the same frame height and I saw the little beaded bracelet I gave you on our third date, on your wrist.” He chuckled as he pulled you into his side on the couch, “Cute lil Velma huh? Gotta start being more careful around ya.”
Definitely the type of boyfriend to walk with his hand in your back pocket/ arm around your waist.
He NEEDS to be touching you some type of way at all times.
BROOO i see this everywhere and i believe in it too STONER HOBIEE <333
He wouldn’t smoke around you tm at first and only do it in his apartment and you would smell it on him when he came over, however if you asked him for a blunt or something he would def smoke with you.
Helps takes off your makeup when your too tired remembering your skin care routine and your kisses afterwards <33
Matching bonnets lol
Always sleeps over every time he comes to your apartment, his reasoning being “Your beds more comfortable love.”
Wakes up before you to see you cute sleeping face nuzzled into your bare chest.
Plays a lil song for you in the mornings on his guitar to wake you up sometimes, he wrote a song about you a while ago
Whenever he sees you looking at something in a store window, he immediately buy it for you no questions asked.
“Doesn’t matter the price, ya want it right?” “Well yea but babe its like 80 dollars-” “No buts, I’m getting it and those martins you were starin’ at”
Since he doesn’t like labels he doesn’t really feel the need to tell people your his, so doing things like this is just a way of saying that silently <33
Y’all are moved in together atp
Causally leaves his card in your purse with a note attached to “Buy whatever your pretty doll heart desires”
It was a mutual descion since you didn’t like not knowing when he would be back or not, or if he did come back if he would have bruises or injuries you needed to tend to that he would brush off.
Would definitely make it so you would be sitting on his lap to do so, claiming it was the most efficient way to tend to his wounds properly. While his hands mess with the jean loops on the waist of your jeans, his half lidded eyes staring you down as you fix up a cut on his cheek.
Makeout sessions while high>>>>
If you like jewelry or specifically rings, he’ll give you his favorite one and slide it on your ring finger and kiss your knuckles afterward
I can see hobie being definitely more clingy and sweet with you in the mornings and at night, holding your back close and tight to his chest while you sleep causing you to stay still as a rock.
If you wear make-up he would LOVEE to have you put some eyeliner on him before a show, though he wouldn’t admit it he does get a little shy when you stare at his face for long periods of time.
Yk how he wears his pants LOW ASF on his v line? Oh yeah your gonna get an eye full of that everyday <33
He may not like labels but he has no problem with the idea of putting his spin on getting married to you, social constructs who?
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
Creepypasta/MH - Taking a Break With Them
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Tim/Masky
Jeff the Killer
I doubt he'd remind you to take breaks
The closest he'll get to this is when he needs a break himself and decides to coerce invite you to join him
He likes to unwind with high-energy activities
Literally just chases animals in the woods sometimes
He's crazy fast, too, so he might even catch them
When he's done he'll feel quite restored
Unlike you, probably
"Ah, that was so refreshing!"
"I almost got lost like, five times! How are you that fast?"
On the rare occasion that he wants to do something more chill, or if he lets you pick what to do on your break, it's probably because he just got back from something more high-energy
He's game for most things when this happens
Movie? Sure. Painting nails? He'll take black or red. Just eating a bag of Cheetos in silence? Why not.
The only thing he refuses to do regardless of his exhaustion is take a bath
He HATES baths..... He finds them to be boring and a misuse of time
Plus he doesn't really notice smells (good or bad) anymore, so "nice" soaps are sort of wasted on him
Nina the Killer
Her way of making sure you take breaks is to invite you to take one with her
Even if she doesn't need one, if she thinks you need a rest, she'll step in to help out
Self-care is her go-to
Face masks, manicures/pedicures, hair brushing, makeup...
All while watching the most horrific splatterpunk movie you've ever seen in your life
She thinks it's cute if you get scared or grossed out
Meanwhile she's just smiling broadly to herself while she watches the gore scenes intently
She'll take a lot of pictures of you both as well
"Smile for the cam, Y/n!"
"Ack, no! I look like the green goblin with this mask on!"
"Aww, no you don't! Come on, show off your nails, too!"
She'll treasure those photos forever
Once your masks are off and your nails are dry, you guys entangle your limbs as you cuddle on the couch
If it's late at night, you'll probably end up falling asleep together
If this happens, Nina is definitely sneaking a few more pictures of you sleeping
Though she's not the best about taking breaks herself, when she does take a break it's really nice
She'll come and find you first, asking if you need a break too
She won't force you if you say no
But if you say yes, she'll find a quiet spot for you guys to sit together
She'll get some snacks and drinks and art supplies
While she sets up, you get to pick the music
She won't want to talk while she takes a break, so you'll be needing that music unless you like silence
You'll just sit together for a long time, each of you engulfed in whatever you're doing
She'll offer you supplies, but if you don't want to do art, she doesn't care
You can really do whatever you want as long as it's quiet
And no work allowed!! If it's break time, she doesn't even want you to think about work
If she notices you getting distracted, looking at the door or the clock or something, she'll glare at you until you get back to relaxing
"Hey. Get back to your thing."
"But my deadline..."
"No! Relaxation time. Now relax."
Once you both finish your leisurely activity, she'll let you get back to work if you really need to
Though she'd also just like to sit in silence together, maybe holding hands while you look out the window
Just prolonging your time together as long as you can
Jane the Killer
Likes to go on walks to take a break
She might not always invite you if she needs one, but will force you to come along if she thinks you need one
Prefers nature walks, but walking through the city is fine too
She likes to window shop when she does go on city walks
Might end up buying a little something as a treat
“Those croissants smell pretty good… should we go get a couple?”
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t ask.”
When she goes on nature walks, she packs snacks
She'll walk slowly, but when she finds a nice spot she'll stop and break out the snacks
Also likes to engage in conversation while she walks
Just idle things, nothing too deep or serious
This is supposed to be a break; she doesn't want to be working her brain harder than she needs to
Might play some music when you guys find your resting spot
If it’s really nice out, she might sprawl out and take a little nap
Eyeless Jack
His breaks are more quiet
Not just in the sense that they’re relaxed, but he’s very subtle in discerning when a “break” begins
Like, he’ll just stand up and walk away without a word
You can choose to follow him if you want (he’d appreciate it)
He likes to make hot drinks when he’s trying to unwind
Even if he doesn’t like such things anymore, he finds the process of preparing them to be very relaxing
He’ll be overjoyed if you’re there to drink whatever he makes
Helps him feel less wasteful; or at least not obligated to try and drink it
It’s actually remarkably tasty
If nothing else, you might follow him to go on a break just to get the delicious drink
He doesn’t talk much, he enjoys the silence
Will hold your hand, gently brushing his thumb over your knuckles while you sit together
If you want to tell him about your day or something else non-consequential, he’ll listen
Just as long as it’s not a topic that reminds him of work/responsibilities
Won’t offer much in terms of responses though
He struggles to recognize when he needs a break
Usually he just pushes on until he crashes
When he does crash, he’ll just do absolutely nothing for several hours
Not sleeping, not watching TV, literally just collapsed on a chair, staring at the floor/ceiling
Will appreciate cuddles if you find him like that
Don’t expect him to talk though
Honestly you’ll have to be the one to initiate breaks
He likes to go on walks or do something calming to help unwind
Even domestic tasks are calming to him in comparison to his usual work, so you guys might just end up doing a chore together
Folding clothes, doing the dishes, something like that
And of course you’ve got music playing
Or you’re talking about some mundane topic
Exciting topics aren’t very relaxing, so you stick to comfy small talk
“Did you see the sign in front of the diner? They’re open till midnight now.”
“Hm. I wonder why. Maybe they’re trying to compete with the McDonalds across the street.”
It’s sort of a hassle to make sure he takes breaks, but once you get him on one, he’s usually rather pleasant and will thank you when it’s over
But if he’s too stressed about his work he’ll flat out refuse to give it up for one second
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Thank you for reading!! Have a good one superstars <33
(divider by saradika)
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mncxbe · 10 months
Hii i have a request: aku dating s/o who's atsushi's sister (he's unaware of it) and then someday he sees both together and is like "the fuck are you doing with him??" and reader is like "he's my brother, honey 😃" and atsushi's like ">>HE<< IS YOUR BOYFRIEND???" anyways, chaos
Oh damn this would indeed be chaos. A little bit of context: the reader works at an antique store so she's not really involved with the Pm or the Ada. Anyway hope you enjoy♡
Blood bonds
𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slice of life/ silly◇
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The musty, old room scent of the anitque store; tiny flakes of dust illuminated by the brilliant evening light and the endless piles of books that formed a maze inside the crammed shop were all too familiar to him. It was the nth time this month when Akutagawa came to pick you up after work, a cup of your favourite coffee in his hand.
He made his way through the bookshelves and stacks of paperbacks and leather bound tomes to the back of the shop where the cash register was and just as he took the last turn, he saw you; leaning over the wooden desk and talking with... Atsushi?
Your silvery hair caught the late autumn light, gleaming like a jewel as you tucked a stary strand behind your ear. Completely absorbed in conversation with the young man, you didn't even notice your boyfriend until he spoke up.
"Hi Y/N sorry I'm late I stopped to get you a coffee."
Your head suddenly snapped in his direction, a warm smile creeping on your lips.
"Hi there Ryu. How was your day?" you asked as you tip toed around the counter to embrace him; but before you had the chance Atsushi spoke.
"What are you doing here Akutagawa?"
The stern tone of his voice was the last drop. How dared he ask such a question? Akutagawa's brows frowned as his lips pressed into a tight line.
"What the hell are you doing here, weretiger?"
"Wait, you know each other?" you chimed in, a hint of surprise in his voice. "I shouldn't bother with the introductions then"
"What introductions are you talking about? How do you know him?" asked Akutagawa as his nails dug deeper into the calloused skin of his palm.
"Oh love Sushi is my brother"
Akutagawa's heart sank; he felt as if he were underwater, your words a jumble of muffled sounds. For a moment he stood there between you and Atsushi, completely disarmed, his gaze moving from one to another.
And then it finally clicked. The resemblace between the two of you was undeniable. You had the same eyes: your irises a hue of violet and yellow, spotted with little flakes of gold around the pupil; and almost the same lean built except you were a few centimeters shorter than him. If you weren't wearing that sharp black eyeliner, your face would be an identical replica of his.
"I- uh..." he stammered, eyes darting from one to another. "I didn't know that."
Regardless of how shocking this new discovery was he was happy that there was nothing more going on between the two of you. His tense shoulders slightly slouched, a smile creeping on his lips.
"Well love that's quite a strange coincidence." he added in a more relaxed tone.
"Love? What do you mean by love? Nee chan are you... wait are you dating him?" screamed Atsushi.
His eyes bore a shadow of betrayal as he held your gaze. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think it was important for you to know who I'm seeing." you said nonchalantly, taking a sip from your coffee.
"Like hell of course it matters. Do you even know what he's done? Who he is? You should've-"
"I should've what, Atsushi? Gave you a phone call whenever I sleep with someone? I'm old enough to take care of myself and I don't know what the two of you have to share but please, try to get along for my sake ok? At least while we're together."
The two men blushed furiously at your words: Akutagawa was shocked by the sudden mention of your love life while Atsushi was simply embarassed.
With his gaze held down he uttered an apology.
"Sorry I just... want you to be safe"
"Trust me weretiger, that's my number one priority too" added Akutagawa as he gently slid a hand around your waist to pull you closer.
The warm smile that rose to your lips when your boyfriend embraced you was enough for Atsushi to drop the matter.
"Okay then" you said in a cheerful voice. "How about we all dine somewhere? I just need a minute to close the shop. Be right back"
With that you made your way to the backroom where you kept your keys and jacket, leaving the two men behind. Both of them were equally reluctant to accept your invitation but what could they say? If it made you happy they could pretend to get along for a night.
"Hey Akutagawa. Take care of her okay?" stated the silver haired man with a concerned look on his face.
Akutagawa only nodded. "Of course I will. I wouldn't do anything to harm her."
A smile made its way to Atsushi's lips. "I really didn't take you for a romantic, Akuatagwa"
A wave of anger took over the raven haired man upon hearing his rival's remark but before he could say anything back you emerged from the room.
"Ready to go?"
You approached your boyfriend and leaned in to place a tender kiss to his lips.
"We'll go to that place you like Ryu. Remember? We went there on our first date."
"Of course love." he chuckled, barely able to hide the blush that tinted his pale face.
Before the three of you walked out of the shop and into the busy street, Akutagawa turned to Atsushi and spoke in a hushed voice.
"Don't you dare say a word about this to anyone weretiger. Or I'll hunt you down"
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saintarmand · 2 months
a stray cat from a toy shop
while i'd noted it before, this post by @iwtvfanevents gave me a title for the cat painting in claudia's room: The Kitten's Art Lesson by Henriëtte Ronner-Knip. (if you enjoy being insane like me go read the artist's biography at the link, but keep in mind that just because you CAN draw parallels doesn't mean they were necessarily intentional. but they ARE delightful.)
let's take a look at the kitten's art lesson!
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the kittens are studying under the watchful eye of the adult cat, who seems disappointed by the lack of decorum. the kittens are in a playful mood! one of them has torn through a painting. another is clinging to the art board with tooth and nail... just playing or trying to hold on after nearly falling? a couple are in a half closed drawer—almost like they could be trapped inside at any moment. one has actually found a paint brush but doesn't seem to know what to do with it. the teacher is not impressed.
i can't help but note the one staring towards us from the drawer looks awfully familiar:
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the art teacher and students aren't the only cats in claudia's room; there's also a cat statuette on the mantle (click to see the closeups in full.)
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above the cat painting, there's a blurry painting of what looks like some women sitting, and one of them looks she might have a cat in her lap, though that might be wishful thinking on my part. the bottom of the painting blends in so well with the wallpaper that at first glance i actually thought the painting had been cut into, which sent me on a wild train of thought but yeah that's not actually true lol. but the effect is interesting regardless. the cat on the mantle definitely evokes the idea that it escaped from the painting nearby, and could flee at any moment—and in episode 6, it's no longer on the mantle or anywhere else that i can see.
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i wonder if it broke along with so much else in the house at the end of episode 5, or if claudia moved it somewhere. fellow insane people keep an eye out, a kitty's gone loose!
so... why cats?
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there aren't many cat references in iwtv compared to other animals, but the ones that are there speak volumes. in episode 3, we see louis bite into a black cat as a substitute for the human blood he craves. later in the evening lestat says he "fears for the feline population of new orleans" (after comparing louis to fish and birds). when louis reaches a breaking point, "rats, cats, dogs, would no longer suffice." so what he really wants or needs is something else?
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in the next episode, claudia delivers the punchline:
“I used to [live around here] too. I remember there used to be a toy shop a few doors down by there. They used to keep stray cats in boxes for people to take.”
claudia sees herself as a cat. louis took her in like a stray—a helpless little kitten in need of rescue—and he took her (took for free because no one else wanted her) from a box at a toy shop—a place where you find things to play with.
but cats love to play and they love sleeping in boxes so this is fine actually!
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claudia knows herself much better than anyone else in this show. she is a cat in a kitten's body.
the thing you always have to keep in mind about cats is that they are not docile and subservient by nature. they don't do things because they are told but because they choose to. a cat's fur may be pretty and soft to touch, but don't forget those sharp teeth and claws! it's not that they don't like to be pet at all, you just have to get permission first. and even if you do, they might just change their mind, as is their right.
cats do like good company but they also like their independence. they prefer to come and go as they please; not to be locked up inside, and not to be kept on leashes. they like boxes because they feel safe in there, but they also like to jump out for play time: hunt! catch! kill!
they may be small and cute and soft but they're still predators, and brutal ones. if they don't get to hunt for their food in your care, you better find them another outlet or they'll go for your ankles. they developed that instinct to survive, but hunting also happens to be fun! cats love to play with their food.
if you manage to earn their trust, they'll make for wonderful companions—but do not make the mistake of assuming you can ever own them... or you'll have to sleep with one eye open like they do. they're quick and clever but also patient, and they know how to move without a sound. let them out of your sight for even a second, and you won't know what hit you until it's too late. and they'll relish the kill!
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no matter how others may speak of her, claudia is not a lap dog, nor a bird in a feathered nest. lestat is not a beauceron herding sheep, and his last name does not make him a lion. the three of them are not fellow dogs either. from the very beginning, claudia knows she's a cat. and by the end, she realizes what lestat let slip in the pilot: he's just an overgrown fucking rat. and while “a cat and a rat” rhymes, that does not mean they're the same thing.
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ethereallocs · 1 year
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Taste of the Divine Pt.1 -Modern!
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Y/N Fem Reader
Content: Modern Au inspired by the song called The Summoning by Sleep Token. Obsession, on/off lovers, angst, love/hate relationship, toxic.
Warning ⚠️: Sexual Content, hate-f*cking, degrading, SWEARING, choking, blowjob, face-fucking.
Summary: Here the two of you are again..hating to love each other …loving to hate each other…Could the two of you redeem your relationship?
King’s Landing was in celebration for the expansion of Targaryen Inc. They were holding a massive event at the infamous mansion called The Red Keep. It had been too long since Aemond has seen, Y/N. She worked for the family business as well and with their last terrible break up his father/ CEO Viserys let her go on a well needed vacation. He was frustrated especially since this party was so important for the company she couldn’t miss it.
Eventually, he decided to roam the large room looking for any sign of her..where was she? His brother Aegon laughed at how pathetic his brother looked before he passed by him he took a hold of his shoulder pulling him in. “Why don’t you find someone else to obsess over tonight?” Aemond scoffed, “Fuck off..I just want to talk to her.” Aegon rolled his eyes and spoke sarcastically, “Sure…” he kicked back the glass of whiskey he held in hand leaving Aemond to his wild goose chase.
He was becoming antsy hoping to see her at any moment when he saw her out the corner of his eye wearing an elegant strapless black dress that stopped at the floor, a sexy hip slit revealing her skin. Her hair pinned up and her make up shuttle. A smirk curled at the corner of his lips while he cut through the crowd to get to her quickly grabbing her hand. “Hello, my love.” She rolled her eyes in disgust quickly pulling away she sauntered away in the opposite direction of him. He growled in annoyance and stormed off after her, yelling her name he made everyone turn in their direction.
“Y/N!!! I want to talk to you!!!” Y/N wandered into the massive mansion trying to get away from him, but Aemond was right on her heels. She turned a sharp corner only to feel his calloused hand grabbing her arm, pulling her into one of the rooms. He slammed her against the door locking it quickly before making the space between them nonexistent. Her breath hitched and he smiled knowing just how easily flustered he made her.
“So…how was your vacation, my love?” He smiled running his thin fingers up the slit of her dress, his nail softly grazing her supple flesh. “Look, Aemond…I told you this last time was it. I’m not doing this again. Y/N hesitated taking a deep breath. Attempting to stand her ground she pushed at his chest. “So your really going to cut me off? Well, baby you’re doing a terrible job. Seems like you wore that dress just to turn me on?”
“You’re such a conceited cunt, Aemond. You know that right?” She laughed in his face..teasing him. A devilish grin curled at his lips, she always knew what to say to set him off good or bad. He loved that about her regardless of how toxic it may seem to everyone else. But, they didn’t understand what the two had. She held his mind, his body, and his very soul like putty in her hands whether she knew it or not. “Please, Y/N..do not tempt me. I want to take you right here..” He groaned into her ear, nipping at her earlobe before looking into her eyes again.
She couldn’t lie she did miss him their insanity and toxicity was unbecoming, but it was theirs nonetheless. She loved this game they played even if it took a small toll on her heart each time. “What’s stopping you? You’re too much of a pussy to actually do it?” She giggled testing him…it was always something she said or did that always sent him into a mindless frenzy and she just tapped into it again.
“Oh…Y/N nothing but that dress is stopping me, but trust me I’m going to destroy you…” He excited her. How could those words that threatened make her feel so..alive. Their lips crashed into each others hungrily. She quickly removed his suit jacket while his hands were occupied with unzipping her dress.
He bit into the flesh of her bottom lip, hearing a moan from her. He growling possessive wanting to fuck her silly, but this damned dress was so hard to get into. Finally, her dress pooled to the floor and he lifted her legs around his waist keeping her pinned between him and the wall. He took her sweet nipple into his mouth moaning into her breast desperately.
Lifting her up he hoisted her legs on his shoulders. Her beautiful pussy slick with arousal. He looked up at her and she was watching him with heat. He buried himself with her leg kissing her inviting lips and delicious bud. She mewled in pleasure letting him devour her with ferocity. She bucked her hips forward grinding her cunt against his tongue while he licked and sucked on her sensitive ball of nerves causing the coil in her stomach to tighten and snap with ease. He smiled pulling away not trying to send her over the edge just yet.
Being that this was his families home a bed occupied the room to their luck. He placed her down and sat on the bed leaning on his elbows with his thick cock exposed and waiting he nodded as if to say “On your knees…Now.” She fell to them without a qualm finding her way in between his legs a place she was rather familiar with.
A hand wrapped around his shaft and he sighed from her touch. She smiled kissing along his cock head leaving the stain of red lipstick on him. He leaned his head back feel her luscious lips wrapping around him. Her mouth working him like no other could sent him to paradise. “That’s so good, Y/N.” He groaned calling her name like a prayer. “Your so hungry for my cock, aren’t you my girl?” She cooed in response.
Suddenly he stood to his feet placing the palm of his hand on the back of her head burying his thick length into her throat. He loved the way she looked at him when she was like this. “That’s a good fucking girl..” He moaned bucking his hips forward. Letting his fingers undo her hairstyle he grabbed onto her thick tresses begin to thrust in and out of her throat. The tears welling in her eyes only turned him on more.
After a while Aemond want more and need to have her. He picked her up and laid her on the bed. He kissed her lips once more before flipping her onto her hands and knees. Taking her of her hair again he pulled he head back to look up at him as he towered over her. Prodding at her entrance he quickly pushed inside her feeling her warm walls embrace him. He stood there for a moment savoring such a feeling before he went to work. Holding onto her hip with his free hand he thrusted into her cunt without mercy.
Her cries only muffled by the loud music for them event that was happening below them. Both of them grunting like animals in the heat of the moment. Letting go of her hair he wrapped his hand around her throat pulling her back flush against his chest out a deep arch in her back. “That’s fucking right…take it.” He growled into her ear biting the flesh of her shoulder as she came undone.
He smiled loving how well she could handle such intensity. Realizing they needed to go back before people went looking for them he moaned in annoyance and whispered in her ear. “Are you ready to come for me, baby? We have to go back down soon.” Her whining made him want to say fuck this event, but he knew he was no where near done with her. “Trust me, after this is over you’re going to be exhausted when I get you home.” He picked up his pace the way he knew she liked and used his fingers to stimulate her ball of nerves until she reached her climax and he joined her soon after burying his seed inside her womb.
Cleaning themselves up a bit and getting dressed he helped her fix her hair. Before they went back to the party he pulled her close kissing her one more time.
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Sanctuary part 2
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Chapter 4: The Cell
A/N: May the 4th be with you! I posted this on AO3 a few days ago and forgot to do it here. My brother and I are binging Star Wars movies so I’m doing this at the same time.
Warnings: 18+ Mentions of anxiety, intense feelings, imprisonment, canon violence, more legendary clones popping up, a nightmare, brief mention of blood, some Scorch pov.
Word Count: 4.1k+
Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
The room was bland. Grey metal walls, no windows, just a bunk, sink, toilet and a hidden shower cubicle you could summon from the wall. As soon as you’d been left alone, your hands had been all over this prison and you found no weaknesses. No gaps between the seamless plates of durasteel, no drafts even came under the completely sealed door. The vent in the ceiling that filtered your air, was too far away and definitely too small to climb through.
You sat in a corner, tucked behind the end of your bunk, between that and the wall. If you closed your eyes you could almost imagine being back on the Marauder, wedged between Gonky and the hull. Except this place smelled clean, too clean. There was no steady breathing from sleeping clones, no gentle hum of the ship as it travelled, all the little things you never knew you relied on for comfort.
Absently you rubbed your chest. Reminding yourself they hadn’t opened you up and inserted a slave transmitter to replace the last one. They wanted you for something else. Your mind had been racing, so many scenarios replayed constantly, but one fact you held onto.
If they wanted you dead, you would be.
The Empire wouldn’t have made such a show of retrieving you only to kill you straight away. No, they would use you up, and then kill you.
Regardless, you wished someone would make an appearance and actually tell you what was going on. All this waiting around was driving you crazy. You attempted meditation but nothing could stop you from over thinking. Your fingers flicked, scraping away the little bits of skin at the edges of your nails, something you had stopped doing because you’d been so busy recently…now all you had was the buzz of anxiety that stopped you from resting.
A single tear leaked from the corner of your eye and you brushed it away. You tried not to think about them, him. The crushing weight of fear and panic, of never seeing them again was waiting to pounce like a beast in the shadows. It dogged every thought, threatening to shroud you with the inky darkness that would pour into your scars until it spilled from you in dark waves.
The door opened with a soft whoosh and you huddled deeper into the corner, waiting for Doctor Hemlock to reappear. Who did come in was completely unexpected.
Tall and gangly, but graceful. The Kaminoan stepped into your room, her large eyes sweeping the room before she found you in the corner. “Hello, SP-25.” Her voice was far more willowy than the Kaminoan Senator and a sense of calm radiated from her. “I am Nala Se. I need to take a sample of your blood.” Sure enough, she produced a blood sample tube, placing it into the driver and clicking it in place. Anxiety surged, skin heated and you recoiled even further into your corner. Tech had said something was in your blood, something that told them what you were. They probably already knew, but logic was just a whisper over the internal screeching you had to swallow down.
Nala Se observed you with those large eyes, her white irises were a ring of brightness in the black of her stare. She cocked her head, a very inhuman gesture, and blinked lazily.
“My name is Stitch,” you grated out. “Why do you want my blood?”
“We need to test it.”
“Why?” You pressed. She moved closer, taking up such a large part of your tiny room. She must be one of the last Kaminoans, but did she leave Kamino willingly before the attack or was she taken as a prisoner?
“It is my job,” she answered. Resting your head on the wall you studied her, noticing the way her gaze held steady on you.
“What if I say no?”
“Doctor Hemlock is not someone you want to anger,” she stated slowly. You mulled over her comment. Hemlock did say if you cooperated you’d be ok, on the other hand you didn’t want them to find out exactly what you could do. Closing your eyes, you once again fought off the urge to cry and scream in her face, damn the consequences.
“I—,” your chest swelled with your breath. It didn’t matter how much you fought this, you had lost. “Ok.” All your movements were stiff, as though your own body was trying to fight you at every turn.
Nala Se gestured to the bed with a sweep of her large hand. She was surprisingly gentle for a being with such awkward looking limbs. The fluid smoothness of her skin felt like nothing you’d experienced before and you watched numbly as the driver clicked, drawing your blood with a hiss. The crimson liquid filled the chamber, disconnecting from your skin and leaving the smallest mark behind.
“Thank you, Stitch.” She went to leave, heading to the door where a trooper was waiting outside.
“What happens to me now?”
Nala Se paused, turning back to face you. “I shall see you tomorrow.” The trooper moved for her, taking a hand off his blaster to activate your door mechanism, his blue visor the last thing you saw before you were sealed away.
“Breathe…” you whispered. Expelling a shuddering breath through quivering lips, you finally allowed some feeling to bleed through the cracks of your soul until you couldn’t stay awake any longer.
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You had no idea where you were. Red glowing lights came through the thick mist from unknown sources, bathing the world in the colour of blood. You were in the hideous, starchy clothes you’d been given, the material itched your skin with every movement and the boots pinched your feet.
“Hello?” The word echoed back to you, seeming to travel past you, around you, only to vanish into the depths you couldn’t see.
Bravely, your feet moved, shuffling against the smooth floor. A light bloomed under the sole of your boot and you quickly retreated, waiting for something to happen. The warm glow spread in a large circle, penetrating the weird mist and showing you the room was far larger than what you could see. A smaller ring lit to life in the centre and you gingerly crouched down to brush your fingers over the light.
Nothing was activated. The floor didn’t drop from beneath your feet and the walls didn’t start to close in on you. So you went towards the centre, peering into the mist in the hopes of seeing something or someone else.
A shadow loomed off to the left and you froze. Fear beat in your chest, pulsing in the tips of your fingers as pressure made your throat so tense you could barely swallow. “Hello?” Your whisper didn’t make it past the oddly lit cloud you were in the middle of and nothing else moved. Straightening up, you came to the conclusion you were alone.
So you headed for the shadow.
The machine was bulky. It looked like your tomography machine at the med centre, with a bed for someone to lay down in the centre. Your hand explored the slack restraints with gentle touches, your fingers curling inward at the feel of darkness that bled there. Faint screams buzzed at the back of your mind and you took a step back.
You didn’t like it here.
“I’d like to wake up now.” But telling yourself never helped. Only he could help pull you from these nightmares and you were…light years away from Tech right now.
Hopelessness carved a deep hollow in your chest and tears started to drip down your face. You were living a nightmare both awake and asleep.
A noise had you tensing. Just the breath of material as it fluttered with movement, but you couldn’t pinpoint where it had come from. Tears were forgotten on your cheeks, eyes searching the red glow for a shade that had haunted you for months.
Just as you were about to relax…hands reached from the mist and closed around your throat, choking off your scream into a faint wheeze. A fully cloaked figure materialised, yellow eyes rimmed with blood glowed from the darkness of his hood. He dragged your unwilling body closer, his whispered words scorching the very shell of your ear.
“You will give me what I want, child of the Jedi.”
His chuckle started off low, growing increasingly louder, rebounding around the chamber you were in until it was all you could hear. It filled your mind, crowding over everything until you could take the cranial pressure no more.
You woke with a stifled scream in your mouth. Sweat coated your skin and your muscles shivered with terror. Your breaths were quick and shallow, rasping in the quiet of your cell, accompanying the thunder of your heart.
“Tech,” you sobbed softly. His name did nothing to ease the ache of agony in your chest. You’d give anything to feel his arms close around you, to hear his voice as he whispered everything was going to be ok.
Instead, all you had were tears for company.
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Scorch had no idea what to expect when he entered your cell, but he was prepared for a fight. You were scrappy, he could see it in your eyes.
Hemlock had given him orders to test you in certain ways. If you resisted, reasonable force was permitted, that included using the drug concoction attached to his utility belt. Apparently stunning you wasn’t enough.
He marched down the corridor to your room, passing the entrance to the Vault before turning a corner. A commando was stationed outside your door at all times, making a note of anyone that came and went as well as reporting anything unusual.
Scorch had read the reports on you. A long lost prodigy to Jango Fett, apparently. Boba wouldn’t be happy about that, no wonder he’d been the one to bring you in. Chatter had said you didn’t go down without a fight and the boy was furious about it.
No wonder you had arrived in such a state.
His footsteps stopped and he shifted his blaster slightly as your door opened. Scorch was ready for anything you could possibly throw at him; in-fact he wished you created such a fuss he could leave you drugged up in your room and not have to take you to meet Niner. His mouth tugged down behind his helmet when he remembered the laughter that sounded down his com at the mention of babysitting. He was a Commando, the best of the best, ex-Delta squad and all round unbeatable soldier.
Stuck, babysitting some…girl.
The burly clone entered your room, his body tense and ready for a fight. What he didn’t expect was you, wedged in a corner, weeping. It threw him, but not enough to interest him. Maybe this was your newest tactic rather than fighting outright.
“Get up.” He could see you had changed into the body suit and boots that had been provided and you had showered. Good. He wouldn’t have to wait.
You looked up with red rimmed eyes, a flicker of anger crossing your face as you regarded him. Scorch watched you blot the tears away, pulling yourself together to stand up. He clocked the way your fingers grabbed the cuffs, noticing the dried blood around your nails. You glared up at him, eyes shining with held in tears, but behind them he could see what Hemlock had warned him against. The defiance was still there, you might have been complacent for Nala Se, but you had some unspoken issue with the clones at least.
“You’re to come with me.” As he spoke, he blinked to start the recording feed on his HUD, so he was seeing your face twice.
“Where are you taking me?” Your voice was scratchy and raw, emotion filled your words but it did nothing to crack Scorch’s tough exterior. You were a prisoner. A traitor to the Empire, but important all the same.
“Enrichment.” You scoffed and crossed your arms.
“Enrichment? Like a pet?” You asked him, your scathing tone made his eyebrow lift in surprise. “Is it a yard where I get walked around with a chaperone incase I try to dust myself on the energy shields?” His fingers tightened around his dormant blaster. He couldn’t wait for Niner to smack that look off your face. Jango’s hidden child or not, there was no way you had the skills to defeat him hand to hand.
But Hemlock insisted there was more to you than what met the eye and he wanted these tests done.
Scorch moved to the side, gesturing with his blaster. “Move.” He could see the indecision as you warred with yourself. Your eyes never settled on a single place for long and your fingers were sore and ruined. He’d seen such behaviour before, in his brothers and fellow soldiers who had seen too much action.
Your chin lifted, coming to a silent decision. He watched every movement you made, his jaw clenching as you passed him to exit out of your room. Scorch walked a step behind you, using his extra visuals in the visor to keep an eye on you, especially when you dropped behind him with your shorter strides.
The doors to the Vault were closed and Scorch marched past them without faltering, but you paused. He could see you looking at them, your hand half raised like you were trying to touch something he couldn’t see.
Quietly he powered up his blaster, the telltale whine reached the auditory receptors in his helmet and he begrudgingly flicked it to stun. Hemlock was adamant you had to stay alive. For now.
To his surprise you shook your head, walking away from the door to stand next to him at the next set. Absently you raised a finger to your mouth, teeth making short work of the skin there. The doors opened to show the electromagnetic barriers that hummed loudly. He walked confidently forward, the barrier retracted, which you watched with calculating eyes in the red glow.
You stayed close to him, warily watching each barrier and noticing how only one was open at a time. A motion sensor relay activated the barriers, except in a lockdown situation.
He could almost feel your relief when you both emerged out of the other doors, the commandos standing watch, let you both pass without a word. Orders had been issued and they all knew you would be on the move within the compound. Scorch absently watched the chatter in the corner of his screen, everything was running smoothly for now. A ground patrol was returning with nothing to report and his com was thankfully quiet.
This part of the compound was almost a cross road; Scorch drew you to a stop with his blaster in the middle of your chest, so a group of commandos and clone prisoners could pass. Your eyes were wide and you looked slightly more peaky than before. Good, may the might of the Empire forever strike fear into the hearts of those who choose not to conform.
Everyone who was against the Empire was a traitor.
The pair of you finally reached your destination. Scorch opened the door and then stood to the side so you could enter before him. There was a second of hesitation from you, a brief flicker of your eyes in his direction but then you stepped inside. Walking past him without a fight. He was almost disappointed Niner was going to have all the fun. The other clone sat on the other side of the room dressed in his black body suit. His black commando armour was piled up tidily on the floor.
The room was small and sparse, training mats lined the floor with a few empty benches pushed against the walls. There was some equipment on the far side but Scorch had ordered all weapons removed. There was no telling what you were capable of.
Scorch heard your breath catch in your throat when Niner rose to greet you. He registered the way you froze, his display picked up on your elevated heart rate and he could see your eyes were glued to Niner who approached at a steady, but slow pace.
“Vod,” Niner nodded in Scorch’s direction before turning his caramel brown eyes to you. “I’m Niner.” He held out a hand for you to shake but your hands snatched out of his reach and settled behind you.
“Stitch.” Niner nodded, withdrawing his hand and using it to rub the faint stubble that lined his chin.
“Know why you’re here?”
Your back stiffened, a slight glance over your shoulder at Scorch was noticeable and Niner covered his mouth briefly.
“Enrichment, apparently,” you spat.
“Training,” Niner corrected. “It keeps you from going mad in this place.” You frowned, tilting your head slightly.
“Why? Aren’t I a prisoner?”
Niner shrugged his broad shoulders and spread his hands. “Orders,” he said simply. You looked like you were going to argue the point, but then your expression smoothed out and you nodded. Scorch minutely released the tension on his blaster.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with,” he heard you mutter.
“Have you fought hand to hand before?” Niner asked.
“Here and there.” Scorch checked the recording feed on his HUD and gave Niner the barest of nods to continue.
“Your objective in this session is to land a blow on me.”
“Can I take this off?” It took Scorch a second to register you were talking to him. Your hand fisted in the thick grey material that covered your body. “It’s uncomfortable.” Scorch had no idea what to say, but he highly doubted you were willing to fight naked, so he assumed you had something on underneath. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He swung his head round to look at Niner who shrugged as if to say; don’t look at me, vod.
There was a thud when you discarded the top layer of clothing, including the trousers and the boots, leaving you in a form hugging black vest top and some shorts. For the first time, Scorch got a good look at your skin and he could clearly see what you’d been through. He hated slavers and those whips, he remembered the way they felt when him and his squad accidentally came across some on a mission.
The scars littered your skin, etching out a silent story of pain and misery. The back of your legs were marked the worst, travelling up your body and littering your arms. When you turned, he saw the large mark on your chest, puncture wounds on your shoulder and jagged lines down your arms. You stared at his visor as if daring him to say something before giving Niner the same glare.
When no one said a word you seemed to relax. Exhaling loudly and rolling your shoulders, toes digging into the mat beneath your feet. Niner watched you stretch your arms for a moment, clearing his throat and moving a few paces away.
“I’m ready when you are,” he told you with a deep rumble.
You dropped into position, feet balanced, knees bent and your hands fisted. Niner mirrored you and the atmosphere in the room changed.
The only sound was the subtle press of your feet on the mat and the corse way air filled your chest. He looked so much like Jango it had momentarily knocked all sense from your body. Sure, all the clones obviously looked like Jango but Niner…Niner had been plucked right from your memories and dumped in front of you. He had the same awareness that Jango had with the way his body moved. The smoothness of his accent matched Jango’s flawlessly and it had taken all your control not to call him Jang’buir. Echoes of memories had haunted you for a while, sharpening into focus the longer you were with Rex and the others, and they threatened to resurface now.
You had to concentrate.
Watch him, ad’ika. See how he moves…find his weakness and exploit it.
You moved forward, trying to remember snippets that Hunter had drilled into you, as well as Fi, and lingering wisps of instruction from the man who raised you. It resulted in you being blocked with every move, your forearms clashing with Niner’s and jarring the bones in your arm. For a man his size, he was quick. Fluid. He moved with the confidence of someone born to fight.
Every combo, jab and kick you aimed was either dodged, deflected or avoided completely. Frustration curdled in your chest, heating your skin and sweat beaded on your brow. Niner had asked you to hit him. A simple enough request. And yet…the glint in his deep honey eyes was taunting you.
He never retaliated, only using defensive moves with no intention of attacking you back. That made it worse. With a restrained roar, you finally lost your temper. You jabbed at him, aiming for the softness beneath his ribs followed by an upper cut he barely managed to lean away from. Dropping into a crouch, you swept your leg and felt instant triumph when Niner slammed onto his back with a grunt.
You dropped beside him, crushing his right arm beneath your knee and he bit back a cry. His left arm moved in your peripheral, which you grabbed without even looking. Your free hand automatically closed round his throat and you released a breath you’d been holding.
Your vision began to darken, the room phasing out to the encroaching shadows as Niner’s memories bled into your subconscious. They raced past like a sped up movie. Snippets of voices brushed by along with smells and touch that he remembered and passed unwillingly onto you. Your hand tightened on his throat in surprise when a younger and much more carefree Fi was shown to you. He wore the same black armour, his eyes dancing with mischief…and then the vision was ripped from you.
Niner had managed to twist his arm from under your knee, prising your hand away from his throat and leaving behind a bruising mark on his skin. “Any time now!” He snarled.
The heavy footfalls of Scorch cut through your confusion. His presence loomed behind you, rough and ready but contained at the same time. Your eyes widened at the sound of the injector, unable to say a word of protest before it was jabbed ruthlessly into your neck and you collapsed in a heap on the floor.
Scorch stared at your prone form. His display scanned you quickly, numbers flew up to say you were fine with a slow and steady heart rate. As if you were in a deep sleep. Niner sucked in a ragged breath, coughing loudly and moving back away from you.
“Took your time,” he rasped.
“The whole point of this is to see what she can do,” Scorch reiterated back to him, shutting down the recording at the same time.
Niner stood, massaging his arm and rolling his shoulder with a wince. “Did you see the way she moved? The combos she used?”
“I did,” Scorch replied heavily. Moves he knew like his own armour. There was no doubt the reports on you were correct.
“She is Mando’ade.” Scorch scowled at the use of the mandalorian word, he’d never accept you as part of his heritage. You were a traitor. And you were something else as well. Something dangerous.
“She is aruetii. She will never be one of us. Gear up, you need to report for patrol duty.” Niner gave a curt nod but he avoided looking at Scorch’s helmet. Gathering up his armour and putting it on in a matter of minutes. Neither of them said another word but Scorch could feel the uncertainty from Niner as though he was breathing down his brother’s neck. He didn’t want this to be a problem, so he made the decision to leave the subject for now. If Niner showed signs of becoming soft, then Scorch would just reassign him.
A droid arrived with a gurney after Niner left, leaving Scorch to accompany you back to your cell. He watched the way the droid settled you back into bed before turning and leaving. He found himself staring at you, frowning and hating you just that little bit more.
“IC-1262, acknowledge.” Scorch was broken out of his reverie by the internal com crackling to life.
“You’re needed on level 234, sir.” Scorch sealed the door to your cell, trying to focus on his duties but all he could see was the way you had over powered Niner for those few moments — a look so damning on your face — it made Scorch vow to be the one who would end you, if you became too much of a problem.
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h0mocorrectus · 4 days
This post is about my wonderful wife and the ways she helps me experience queer joy despite all the shit going on in our country
- she excitedly squeezes my hand when we walk past a gnc person or a pair of girls holding hands
- she makes sure to alternate between 'he' and 'they' and 'spouse' and 'husband' when referring to me instead of just choosing one because I said I liked that better (my wife is cis and the best fucking ally I know)
- she gets so genuinely excited about my transition! She tells me she loves my voice, my body hair and my weird ass mustache
- when I got my documents legally changed she was so happy for me she congratulated me 3 times. We weren't even together back then, this was just pure joy for a fellow queer
- she makes tons of gay jokes and trans puns
- she always makes sure to use inclusive language like "people with vulvas" when discussing anatomy
- she squeals and gets excited as fuck when she sees good queer rep
- she gushes over my ships with me
- she encourages me when I want to wear dresses or put on makeup because she loves gender fuckery in all its forms
- speaking of gender fuckery, she calls me her pretty princess because I wanted to be a princess when I was little and I like the vibes even though it's technically a feminine term (she made sure I was okay with it like a thousand times before doing that)
- she paints my nails black and pink when I wanna feel pretty
- she got me a pronoun pin :)
- she calls my chest "noobies" or "hoobies" (because nonbinary boobies and husband boobies) and that's hilarious, adorable and generally tickety-boo as fuck
- she corrects random people on the street that misgender me even though she has social anxiety and doesn't like speaking to strangers
- she is a short queen with pink hair and an undercut who is like twice as strong as I am, 90% of her wardrobe is black (the other 10 is flannels) and she loves stealing my black lipstick. She's comfortable with her gender, doesn't give a flying fuck about how she's supposed to present and always looks gorgeous, whether she's being more masc or femme today
- she checks in with me every time she wants to not tell someone I'm trans for safety reasons or just to not get an earful (I have trauma from a previous relationship where my partner had a lot of internalized queerphobia and tried to shove me back in the closet)
- she has A LOT of trans headcanons for like every type of media we consume
- *checks out uneven facial hair* YOU GO KING, GROW MORE FLUFFY
- she is incredibly accepting of every part of the queer community, regardless of whether she is a part of it or gets it. We're both very monogamous, but she excitedly shows me polyamorous fanart and memes
- she gets really passionate about feminism and queer rights, I could listen to her rant for hours
- she writes beautiful fanfiction about nonbinary beings in love
- "hun, what's gender-neutral for babygirl??"
- she reassures me when things seem bleak and I feel like people like us don't get to grow old. She tells me we'll come through this together and I believe her
- she makes me so happy and I fall in love with her more and more every goddamn day
P. S. She's sleeping next to me right now and the sound of her breathing feels like home. Maybe it will be okay.
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writersmorgue · 1 year
Febuwhump Day 1 - touch starved
Read on ao3
word count: 1094
TWs in tags
note: AAAAAAH and so it begins. I have days 1-3 written as of now so hopefully I can keep up with posting. I have a busy month so i'm really hoping I can squeeze in enough writing time. That being said I anticipate all of my whump being fairly short this year. Hope you like it regardless ;3
It was international cat day when Denki killed his mother. 
He knows this because when the quirk-suppressing cuff fell off his thin wrist for the fourth time, he looked up and saw a cartoon cat smiling at him from a nearby veterinarian’s billboard, informing him that a group of cats is called a ‘clowder.’
The mental image of a dust cloud full of various cat limbs came to him like in those old, pre-quirk cartoons his mom puts on the TV Monday mornings before daycare. 
His mom, who was resting on the floor of the community pool, along with his cousin and uncle. By-products of his quirk manifestation.
His dad always told him after the accident- murder. No, he murdered his mother. His dad always told him that at least he killed his uncle too, since surely if he was still alive, he would’ve slit Denki’s throat for hurting his baby sister. 
Denki wasn’t sure what was worse, being told this or not just having it happen. Maybe death would be the best solution, for someone as despicable as him. 
After Denki’s Fifth birthday, his first without his mom, his dad stopped holding his hand when they crossed the street. Honestly, Denki still wonders how he managed that long, maybe he couldn’t stand the thought of losing his only child and wife. Maybe it took him too long to realize if Denki wandered off and got run over, he wouldn’t necessarily go to prison for child endangerment. Not if it was Denki’s fault that someone else died, since he seemed to be pretty good at that. 
After the hand holding, all other touch began slipping away from him completely. He knew never to touch someone without permission –his mom made it a very clear that he was never to forget– but what is a child supposed to do when his teachers wouldn’t even raise a hand to punish him? They took to verbal abuse, something Denki couldn’t electrocute and sink in a watery grave. 
His friends, although innocent in their youth, weren’t permitted to play with Denki by their parents. He’s sure as soon as they all began middle school, they forgot all about him. 
Denki never forgot. 
The last person who gave him a high-five, the last person to ruffle his hair, the last person to hug him.
His father only touched his hair to cut out the black streak once every few weeks, and even then after several months he just refused to speak to the boy until he did it himself. 
The murder was on his file when he applied for UA. His dad had a meeting with the school board after he almost failed the written exam, though whether he was warning them or begging them to take Denki off his hands, he’s not sure.
Getting accustomed to touch again was jarring, even if it was just sparring with his classmates. Once he became friends with Kirishima, Mina, and Sero, everything was different. They didn’t know about his past and they weren’t afraid of him. It was something Denki cursed himself for not having the strength to explain. A danger to others was all he’d ever be. 
Sero would rub his back when he would hunch over the toilet after overusing his quirk. Mina would drape herself over him when they would pile on the couch for squad movie night. Kirishima seemed to always be patting him on the back or giving him fist bumps. Hell, even Bakugo would shove him if he said something stupid.
And although Denki was endlessly grateful for his friends, and all of his classmates who never shied away from him, he longed for his mom’s touch. 
He remembers how she would run her fingers through his hair before bed and scratch his scalp with her nails. He cries himself to sleep sometimes, trying to mimic that feeling.
Class 2-A is celebrating Tsu’s birthday, which naturally means a pool party. Denki has gone as far as sitting on a towel near the hot tub a safe distance away from the festivities. 
Mina keeps yelling at him to join them in the pool, splashing water at him when he smiles and declines. 
“Boo! Come join the fun, party pooper, I thought you’d love seeing all the girls wet in bikinis!” 
Denki laughs half-heartedly, shooting a quick glance to Aizawa who is thankfully still asleep in a lounge chair. Tsu’s little siblings are taking turns adding to the tower of towels on his head. “Nah, Mina. You guys have fun. I’m good here!”
“Don’t invite him, you ever learn what happens when you mix electricity in water? He’d fry our brains out!” Mineta shrieks from the shallow end, quickly dunked by Bakugo. 
Denki’s brain must skip his initial reaction, because suddenly he’s crying and there are people talking to him from all angles. 
“Kami? You alright, bud?” Sero frowns down at him, swim trunks dripping on Denki’s legs which only freaks him out more. 
He scrambles until his back thunks against the side of the hot tub, his legs protesting as they’re dragged over the concrete. 
His breathing picks up, shivers rolling over his body as memories of his mother’s wide, lifeless eyes resurface suddenly. 
The way his cousin screamed as he fell off of his dad’s shoulders and they both succumbed to the electricity permeating the water. 
The smell of burning flesh. 
His mother’s burning flesh. 
The way the paramedic’s hands shook as she tried to soothe him, practically throwing the shock blanket on his shoulders. 
You killed them you fucking monster-
A low whine tears from his throat, and he begins to rock himself back and fourth. 
Distantly he hears a deep voice barking orders, and sees movement in his peripheral, but none of it really registers. 
“I’m going to touch you now, Kaminari. If you’re at all uncomfortable just push me away, alright?” The voice returns, closer than before, and he feels large hands wrap around his shoulders. 
They’re rough but kind as they pull him in. Years of calluses built up creating a barrier between them. 
No, not a barrier. 
Denki grabs Aizawa’s hand, clutching it to his chest. It’s the most grounded he’s felt in years. 
It’s… nice. Being held by someone so much bigger, much stronger than he is. Someone he trusts his life with, like he did his mother. 
The man sighs, patting Denki’s shaking back as he whimpers into his chest. 
“You’re okay, Kaminari, it’s okay.” He murmurs into Denki’s hair, “I’ve got you.”
And finally, he’s held.
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idle-skull · 1 year
Towards the End
Lark: The Huntsman of Nostramo
Konrad Curze x OC
In the deep, dark, midnight, when they would lay together underneath the starless black of an enclosed room and speak of the things to come and the things that had long since passed; Lark found that he was most at peace.
He remembered how he would run his fingers through Nighthaunter’s long, oily hair and pick apart the knots as they spoke. Sometimes they would do more than speaking, sometimes less.
Regardless, fingers, arms, and hands would often get lost beneath the safe cover of a warm blanket, and would inexplicably turn up wrapped around the others waist or tracing a series of scars or creases. Moments like this would typically spark the beginning of a different series of nightly activities, something much more intimate in nature than their previous idle chatterings.
Lips would touch and press upon each other’s flesh; At first carefully, even hesitantly, but soon falling into a much rougher rhythm. Any iota of exposed skin was fair game for a new set of bruises or the mark of a sharp tooth or nail. The mix of loving kisses and harsher, seductive bites kept both guessing and ready for more.
Their actions where feral, and primal, as if driven more by instinct than any actual thought or cohesion from either party.
From there, it would escalate further until both where fully satisfied with the time spent.
Lark felt something stirring within him then, in the modern day, a deep, emptiness that would not go away. Was this sadness? Loss? Mourning?
He had already mourned; The loss of his sons, and now soon, the loss of NightHaunter, too. Even the brief recollection of one of those long nights didn’t serve to distract him for very long.
He knew, they both knew—, the cold, harsh, truth: The Dark King was going to die.
Shifting his weight, Lark sat up awkwardly, and turned to face the prone figure at his side. Even in the darkness, Nighthaunter’s grey-white skin stood out enough that Lark could easily find him without too much of a hassle.
He leaned forward and ran his hand over the primarch’s upper arm and shoulder. Lark could feel the emphasis of Nighthaunter’s muscles beneath his finger tips as he did so, and later the jagged, hard bone of his shoulder’s edge.
Lark wondered then if he had gotten thinner. Had he been eating properly? Or was it stress? Lark didn’t know, but he couldn’t help but worry.
Then NightHaunter started to awaken. Moving and stretching, he rolled over onto his back, his eyes slowly, lethargically opening. Those eyes, deeper, and blacker than the blackest black holes always captivated Lark; There was something about them that sent a terrifying chill down his spine, he didn’t know what, but he loved it.
“Song bird…”, Nighthaunter whispered, reaching for Lark’s hand and grasping his wrist, “Why are you awake…”? Lark sighed, moving closer to the primarch, “I couldn’t sleep”.
“Why not…”, he asked carefully, slightly cocking his head in curiosity. Lark sighed, settling down against Nighthaunter’s chest and laying his head on his arm, “It’s just… lately, my mind won’t quiet down, y’know”?
“You’re worried, but there is no need”, Nighthaunter stated, gently running his pointed fingers over Lark’s skin, “it’ll be over soon, the night will come to an end and things will be different. My father will have sent his minion to dispatch me, and you will no longer have to concern yourself with my welfare”. Lark adjusted himself, vaguely shifting away from the primarch’s grasp, stating “That’s ridiculous, because I’ll still be concerned, not only over your death but over everything.”
“You don’t even know if you’re going to die…”, he added.
“I do, Lark, I am aware of my future and all of it’s caveats, I always have been”, Nighthaunter hissed, “it’s set in stone”. Lark sat up, his tail thumping against the bed in displeasure, “But what if it isn’t? What if you can live, what if you’re wrong”? The primarch blinked at him, turning his head and exhaling a short, cold bought of air, before sitting up.
Even in his sitting position he towered over Lark.
“I’m not wrong, my visions have never been false”, He curtly took Lark’s face into a singular, large, clawed hand and held it so their eyes would meet, “never say such things Song bird”. He scrunched his nose, and gripped onto Nighthaunter’s wrist, before speaking, “Night… I don’t want it to be right this time”. The primarch softened his grip.
“I know…”, Nighthaunter’s eyes betrayed a softness for a moment, one buried deep within him, “but it’s to be, and now all we can do is let it happen”. He let go of Lark’s face, and rested his hand on his shoulder.
“Night…”, Lark spoke, gently taking the primarch’s clawed hand in his own, “whatever happens… I need you to know that I love you”. Nighthaunter nodded and closed the gap between them, holding Lark, his eyes focused on the distance, “I know Lark, I know…”
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sydneyofalltrades · 11 months
i remember a post you made where you said moni and noel sometimes has sleepovers on the weekends so maybe you could write that if you want to :)?
yes, i would love to! i, however, have just woken up anon, so this will not be some of my best work.
“Hey, rockstar.”
Moni looked up from her tablet. “What?”
She saw Noel’s head poking out from the attic hatch. “Wanna have a sleepover?”
Moni frowned. “What’s that?”
Noel climbed into her room. “Come on, you’ve got to know what a sleepover is.
Moni shook her head. “Does it require staying at someone’s place for shelter at night?”
Noel stared at her like she had cursed his bloodline. “You, poor child, are having a sleepover with me. Grab your pillow and a squishmallow and get downstairs!”
Moni blinked as he left in a huff and slammed down the hatch. Was it something she had said?
Regardless, she did as she was told and found herself in Noel’s room. There was the inflatable mattress she had used while her mom was getting her room set up, and there was a pajama set already spread on the mattress.
“Noel? What is this?”
She looked up and saw him smiling massively. “Come on, your French disapproving face won’t work. I got you matching pajamas because that’s how it works!”
Moni looked back at the outfit and then looked at her brother. “What else happens in sleepovers then, oh wise guru?”
Noel grinned wickedly. “Little sister, you’re about to find out.”
He dragged her into the kitchen and they both made a mess making some snacks for what Noel assured her was part of the plan. Once their snacks were ready, he dragged her again to his room.
“Noel, I’m covered in flour and sugar and probably egg yolks. Can I please just take a shower and go to sleep?”
Noel laughed. “You don’t sleep during sleepovers, that’s just what they tell you. You can take a shower and get ready but we’re not even halfway done!”
“Merde, I’m going to murder you!”
“Wouldn’t want that on your conscious, petite sœur! Hurry up!”
Moni fumed but did as he asked. Her only weakness was when Noel used her native language.
Twenty or so minutes later, she sat on his bed as he did her nails and they were actually having a good time. Matching pajamas and all.
“I never realized how silly and fun this is,” Moni said giggling, “I think I really like your idea of a sleepover, poet.”
Noel finished her nails and smiled. “Finally, she acts like a proper girl.”
Moni stuck her tongue out at him. “Jerk.”
She looked at her fingernails and saw he painted them a deep blue with black undertones. It was a very good look for her.
“Okay, now we get into the most important part of a sleepover.”
Noel grabbed their snack tray and placed it on his bed. He clapped his hands eagerly.
“The gossip!”
Moni rolled her eyes. “Noel, please, we’re not doing that.”
“Oh, come on! You’ve gotta have something you’re dying to share.”
Moni pursed her lips. “Well.. there is something.”
Noel was intrigued. “Ooh, spill.”
Moni snorted. “For fifteen bucks.”
Her brother frowned. “Why?”
Moni smirked. “My information is a transaction. You get the gossip, I get the cash.”
Noel nodded. “Touché, you evil witch.”
“I’m not evil, I’m just a bit petty, is all.”
Noel attacked her in a hug and she laughed. “Stop being so silly and give me the details, Moni!”
Moni tickled him off of her. “Not happening! You’re getting popcorn all over your bedsheets.”
Noel frowned but gave up. An idea popped into Moni’s mind and she grinned.
“Stay here, I have an idea.”
She ran up to her room and grabbed a bunch of paper and pencils. Running back down she placed them on Noel’s bed.
“We could have an art challenge! For fun, we can both draw something and let the other finish it.”
Noel nodded. “That’s actually a fun idea, Mon!”
They both ended up with the silliest works ever and were laughing about them for a decent few minutes.
Moni curled up next to Noel as they watched Mean Girls, Noel’s recommendation, of course.
“You know, big brother, this was actually a very good first sleepover. I’m glad you knew what you were doing.”
Noel shrugged. “Hey, you have to know what you’re doing when your little sister never had a sleepover, so that makes the 16 years of her life pretty pointless.”
“Oh, shut up.”
They continued watching, talking, eating, goofing off, having a pillow fight that Moni surprisingly won, and eventually fell asleep in Noel’s bed, both two tired to properly lay down.
An hour or so later, their mother arrived from work and saw them, matching pajamas and all, and took a quick picture. She would definitely want to keep this memory on hand for years.
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ariendiel · 2 years
You accepted my invocation and now I live on rent here, I set up a tent there in the corner of the question box. I have coffee with cookies
Noah, MC and Hope — My MC is black and doesn't have braided or dreadlocked hair so I would love a scene of Hope braiding or dreadlocking the MC's hair while Noah talks to them about books or whistles the song Africa, from that episode where they're painting their nails.
Lottie, Gary and MC — Lottie I feel like she would be a lot more jealous or insecure in a polyamory but with the MC he or she would make Lottie feel safe and more confident about it, and for sure, readings of tea leaves and coffee grounds, or even a moonlight session between MC, Lottie and a Gary who fell asleep in the middle of the session. With Hope, MC would braid his hair, with Lottie he would dye it purple or blue to match her.
Lucas, Henrik and MC — MC would definitely be totally stressed out with so much going on, what would be better? A physical therapy session with Lucas helping MC to de-stress, almost certainly this could work, with a Henrik taking care of MC's hair because let's face it, he does a huge hair treatment session with several different products.
Marisol, MC and Bobby — It would be lovely to have an MC and Bobby making coffee for Marisol, or Bobby casually cooking for his boyfriend and girlfriend. They're swapping clothes because we're going to have MC, Bobby and Marisol breaking gender norms with dresses and outfits. And cook battles with Marisol as the judge, Cupcakes VS Hot Cheetos cheese sticks. Bisexual polyamory with them talking about their experiences during their youth.
Bobby, Chelsea and MC — Constant boop sessions and champagne with cupcakes and Chelsea's drink I can't remember the name. I feel like they would be the kind of couple who sleep together in the afternoon when they have nothing to do, so yes, they sleep together on a pillow fort in the living room.
Shannon, Ibrahim and MC — I don't like Jo and feel like she doesn't suit Ibrahim, or is it because I love Shannon so much. Shannon teaching them how to gamble and how to play poker, and obviously a strip poker session with everyone with Shannon being the one with all the clothes. Ibrahim teaching golf and the rules and perhaps a confused Shannon on how having fewer shots earns more points. My MC is a high school math/philosophy teacher so he doesn't have much to teach to them.
I think I got carried away here.
You're very welcome here with your tent of course, and we also provide hot beverages for free as well as freshly baked pastries on weekends 🥰
Of course, I LOVE IT when people get carried away in my inbox. I'm so busy I don't have time to write much myself (as I'm sure some of my followers can tell), so I live for these inbox messages.
Now, onto your couples. I really struggle to see Noah and Hope remaining together in any situation, even if a MC is involved. Noah is one of the jealous LIs after all, and I don't see this lasting regardless of MC being male, female, or anything else. Maybe we can replace Noah with Carl here? Carl is so busy with work, that Hope might like to have an MC to also shower her with love.
Lucas, Henrik and MC. Again, I think Lucas *might* be a bit too jealous, but I can see this maybe working because Lucas and Henrik is such a solid couple. Especially if Lucas is the "centre" of the trio and feels extremely loved by both, then maybe... Henrik would be so okay with poly. Love our inclusive Swede ✨ If we want to be absolutely chaotic, we could also replace Lucas with Rocco here!
Ooof I really can't see Lottie being willing to share with anyone, especially not Gary with MC. I can maybe see her being okay with it if it was Hannah, but only for a while and then it'd break down. I think Gary is a bit too traditional as well. Lottie would maybe like having two boyfriends/girlfriends, but I don't think she'd like them being together again...
Marisol, MC and Bobby. Marisol as well is someone I think would struggle in this situation, and I can't see her with Bobby at all. Maybe Noah could work with this trio, as it is potentially a bit more "chill" and Bobby's got such a crush on Noah lol. I can also maybe see Chelsea feeling comfortable in a poly couple with MC and Bobby, especially as I headcanon her as asexual and this might help her feeling less pressured about s*x?
Shannon, Ibrahim and MC. Replace Ibrahim with Arjun maybe and we've got a winner! While Rahim is a bit too insecure (maybe he'll be more open in a few years), I think Arjun would be super chill and open because omg it's Arjun and we love him.
May I also suggest these for you?
Elisa, Elijah and MC
Jake, Rohan and MC
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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✈️ hey there! i'm em (shino is also fine) and i'm the mod of this blog.
— 28. a raging bisexual. they/she. infp 4w5/6w5. huffleclaw. capricorn. chronic migraine sufferer [POTS/NCS/MBA].
likes: dogs, horses, the color black, anime, manga, games, some horror, winter/the cold, soup, coffee, tea, fashion, music, crime dramas, star wars, space, magic, history, movies, and dark nail polish
dislikes: overly sweet food, toxic/rude people, waking up early, rainy days, needles, hospitals, spiders, insects, clowns, heights, migraines and their symptoms, fainting, being the center of attention, being peer pressured
— several of my closest or favorite kins/comfort characters taken from my spam blog intro: snoopy, collei, qiqi, layla, hu tao, scaramouche/wanderer, ruggie bucchi, ace trappola, epel felmier, strawberry cookie, suzu naito, naruse jun, riley blue, yachi hitoka, uraraka ochako, chika amatori, kuga yuma, kazutora hanemiya, sandy (brawl stars), emma woods and victor grantz (identity v).
respectfully hmu if any of the following bother you and maybe we can peacefully work something out:
— i use "bruh," "bro," "sis," "girl," "queen," and "king" interchangeably around friends regardless of gender.
— i also can curse quite a bit, am often heavy on the sarcasm, and don't use tone indicators.
— i do enjoy making new friends. if you send me a gif, video, picture/art, or fic that reminded you of me,,,, i will hoard it in my inbox forever and go turn into a flustered, happy puddle. same goes for if you tag me in any tag games or picrew.
— if it's not any of the aforementioned and my answer seems to be taking a little long, i am most likely deep into a genshin quest, playing rank mode with my friends in Identity V, sleeping, recharging my social battery in a discord call with friends/vibing in a discord call, or busy working as an art teacher assistant in an elementary school. please be patient with my slow butt. hahaha!
— lastly, i love chatting in general so if i rb something on occasion here, expect lots of gushing in the tags. i am so sorry ahead of time for whatever you will witness.
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jones7thavenue · 2 years
2022 Diary Entry No. 24
I'm. So. Beyond. Pissed. Because. My. Man. Cheated. On. Me. With. Another. Fucking. Woman. GodDAMN it, I should've broken up with his ass when I had the chance, but now I'm stuck with Maxi and weekend Mommy Duties. This is bullshit. Right now, as he got back with me after I got caught, I'm wanting to kill him, but I can't do it, in fear of retaliation, as I'm stuck with a $106 bill to my mother-in-law to retrieve my Chromebook and PlayStation 4. He fucking broke my heart and promise to me. I just need to calm down before I go over there and go from 0 to 25 to life....which, unfortunately, I can't afford to do at this point. Fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, FUCKING SHIT!
Anyway, I need to calm down + read a book, for a change. Fifi tore the covers off my copy of The Hobbit, but it won't stop me from reading it before it gets torn away and fucked beyond repair. Before that, however, I need to organize my medication for the week coming...except that I don't have enough Abilify for that, so unless the psychiatrist has an appointment with me soon, I won't get sleep for a while.
I couldn't sleep or get myself to reading at all. I've been smoking 3 cigarettes for the past 4 hours, all because that manslut pissed me off. Plus, I tried to masturbate, but even that has no effect on me, except that I need to pee....which I just did. It's all his fault, and, no, I will not deny that. It's just fucking ridiculous. It really is. Buying replacement equipment for Christmas is going to be a bitch, good Lord. I want to cry, but that has gone out the fucking window by now, because I know it's going to take me several fucking steps back. Even I tried to get my aunt in FL to believe me, but....she's mad at me right now. Best thing I should do is give everyone space for now, make this blog diary my best friend for the time being, read it for another time, see how much I've grown or shrunk overtime......in two years, maybe. Just maybe. Smoking is expensive, but it's the only fucking thing that'll calm me down at this point. I just can't believe my life is unfolding from perfection before my face. I am trying not to fucking cry. If only I fucking stayed in college. I didn't because I'm fucking broke. Look at what I made me. This unfolding is my own fault, regardless of who I blame. Thanks to my own ass, I'm forever unable to work in my lifetime. Fuck. My. Life. Fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, fucking shit, FUCKING SHIT!!!
My nails are getting more fragile. My heart is severely broken. I'm on a semi-dry spell. I can't fucking stand it, man. My parents are at each other's throats every fucking M-F in front of my face. GodDAMN it, I should've graduated from a shit load of schools a long ass time ago. Going back to school takes money. It's just so fucking unfair + dark + lonely + empty. I can't feel suicidal, but I just need better, and in order to earn better, I need to be better than this shit. I went to the UBH 2 times too many, when it shoulda been one time. I blame it on him regardless of how much it's also mine. All of it. I don't give a fuck about nothing anymore.
I just painted my fingernails black, out of boredom. I'm waiting for the polish to dry right now. I need to fucking eat some food, actual food, instead of this fucking junk food. I already threw out rotted or soon to be rotted leftovers. I ran on six spicy chicken nuggets and nachos and cereal and coffee yesterday. That doesn't give me the right to eat fucking junk food. What the fuck am I doing that for, yo? Wait a fucking minute...I had put myself on a food shopping ban....fuck that ban.
I just ordered some cereal and extra chocolate Belvita breakfast biscuits and 3 twelve-packs of all the Stubborn Soda Co.'s flavors of soda. All of them are delicious for being organic pop. I should recommend them to my older sibs. They'll thank me later. Speaking of which, I should do review TikToks on these. That should be fucking interesting.
It's been a bright day today. I just helped Jackie put the groceries away, and I'm eating a piece of pecan pie, choosing to nibble a little at a time until I feel more at peace with myself. I'm not going to talk about it anymore, for I fear it'll piss me off more than I'll ever admit.
I watched the first episodes of Teletubbies on Netflix, narrated by Tituss Burgess, making me silently happy cry for the first time in my life. I just needed a happy cry, and I'm happy I found it. I know, I'm crying again, but why not? I deserve to cry, do I not? I didn't have a childhood, being locked into slavery with my grandmother, who I forgive because it's what Jesus would've wanted anyone to do with their ex anyone, for that matter. I'm broken because of stress and mental illness. Overwhelming mental illness, I tell you. I'm in pain because I was used all of my life. This pain is not only from physical abuse, but also mental, emotional, psychological, physiological....all over is in pain. Like, when will I fucking stop hurting? When will the pain stop? Fucking shit.
I had to smoke a cig to calm my nerves. Anyway, I'm going to read The Hobbit tonight while my parents are asleep. Just to relieve the pain in my aching heart. I'm getting back into reading, slowly, but surely. Maybe reading is the way to my own heart, after all, while I wait for my property to come back to me. I'll have to wait. It's the only way. I need to stand up on my own feet. In fact, I need to spend time with a friend, any friend, just to distance myself from the bullshit and the pain. I'm tired of this pain that's lasted my whole life. I'm sorry, I'm crying again, but fuck it! I no longer give a fuck about what others say about crying. I deserve to cry over who I am. It's just my heart breaking. I have a lot to think about. I hate being like this. I won't stay like this. Never again am I going to stay like this. I have to grow, because Max needs me more than anyone. And the next moves I make will effect and affect his relationships with women for the rest of his life, and my own relationships with men for the rest of my life. I can't let this pain win. I won't. I will win. Not just for Max, but for the two of us.
To be continued...
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mncxbe · 10 months
Hi, can I say I adore your writing. Literally perfection. This may be an odd request but do you think write an Ango x fem black cat reader? Or just with her personality type. THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU.
TYSM LOVE YOU TOO ANON and yes deffo. we love a girlboss and tbh I do see Ango falling for someone like that. Hope you enjoy it♡♡
// to clarify the reader's ability is shadow travelling. basically she can morph/ conceal herself in shadows.
𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒐 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡
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The smell of rain was everywhere: down the dark streets dappled with light from street lamps, in deserted parks and inside Ango's office, seeping through the slightly open window. He took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent before taking off his glasses.
His half lidded eyes drifted to the clock on his desk: 3:40 a.m. 'Soon it would be over' he thought as he resumed working on the last report of the night. The glowing screen in front of him seemed hazy; a jumble of tiny letters and symbols. His head hurt.
Just then, the door cracked open. Ango waited for a few minutes but no one came in, and I mean who would still be awake at that hour, before resolving that it must've been the wind.
"Still working Ango?" a voice sounded from behind him.
For a moment the man froze, his nimble fingers ceasing their motion along the keyboard but then a smile rose to his lips upon recognising who the voice belonged to.
"Still roaming and sneaking into my office at night, Y/N?" he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"You know I can't help it"
Ango needn't look at you to know that you were wearing that leather coat of yours, the one you wore regardless of the season or time of the day. For a while after you joined the Special Division he assumed that the coat was some sort of extent of your shadow travelling ability, but then realized that it was simply a fashion statement.
"Well that's a nasty habit of yours." he added, typing away on the clanky keyboard "You could've given me a heart attack"
The sound of your footsteps signalled that you were coming closer to him, his body automatically stiffening. Your forearms came to rest gently on his shoulders, slender fingers loosely interlocked in front of him; your nails were long and sharp, painted a black, translucent colour and adorned with intricate patterns of lines.
"But you should've known I'd come. I always do. If you ever get a heart attack it's gonna be solely your fault." you replied in an amused tone. Your hot breath fanned over the shell of his ear, sending goosebumps on his skin.
His muscles became even more rigid due to the closeness between the two of you. No matter how many times you came he still never got used to your presence; and indeed, you always seemed to make an appearence when he needed you the most, during the last hours of a 48 hour shift when his mind was so clouded and his brain felt paralyzed. You were like a shot of expresso, getting him back on his feet.
You leaned further over his shoulder, eyes scanning the glowing screen. The man could smell your intoxicating scent; a mixture of floral and citrusy fragrances with a hint of... vanilla? It was like a punch to the stomach, his face growing hotter and turning a light shade of pink as his digits stumbled across the keyboard. He made so many mistakes he had to erase each longer word twice.
"You work too much Ango. You should go home and rest" you eventually said in a gentle voice. "I can finish this report. It's for my mission right?"
He nodded once "Yea but it's the last one. I'll go home after"
You clicked your tongue, suddenly spinning his chair so he's now facing you. Your figure leaned slightly over his - as per usual you were dressed in black- your languid gaze taking in his features.
"When's the last time you got more than four hours of sleep at night?"
After thinking for a while he said that he doesn't remember, earning a loud sigh from you.
"What am I going to do with you?"
With a swift movement you slid your legs between his, inching closer as you brought your lithe fingers to his temples and started gently massaging them. Ango tried to protest but you quickly dismissed him with a tsk.
"Close your eyes and relax Ango"
And he did and felt the pressure built up inside his skull gradually dissipate. Your fingers worked magic, and soon enough his dull headache was gone. Relieved from pain the man sighed, his lips curling in a smile.
"Thank you... I feel much better now" he said, gratitude pooling in his eyes.
"You're welcome." you replied as you looked down at him. Your hair fell graciously around your face; your swooped bangs like butterfly wings shifting slowly with each movement of your body.
You stood like this for a few moments: gazes locked, mere inches away from eachother and he felt urge to touch you. Still, he knew he shouldn't. He never knew how you'd react to such affections and he was scared you'd back away, completely depriving him of you, so he simply stood there, accepting whatever you were willing to give him tonight. Maybe you would offer to massage his shoulders again like you did two weeks ago, or go to the convenience store and buy him a sandwich, or even promise to drive him home when he was done.
But today you did something else, something unexpected. You brushed away the stray strands of hair on his forehead and leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss on his forehead. Ango's body stiffened and he inhaled sharply, causing a light giggle to roll off your lips as you pulled away.
Just then your colleague's arm snaked around waist, pulling you closer. The look in his eyes was of pure exhaustion but you could see a passing shadow of longing. Ango felt each steady heartbeat in every cell of his body as he stood there, looking up at you; big eyes, long lashes that fluttered each time you blinked.
"Don't toy with me now Y/N. I'm in no mood for your little games" he said, defeated, but you only smiled, sliding the tips of your manicured nails along his scalp.
"How could you accuse me of such a thing Ango?" you purred and he gulped, feeling a rush going through his body. Your voice always had that effect on him, as if you were strumming the cords of his being.
He knew you were probably aware of the effect you had on him but he was too tired to care. With a pleading look on his face he straightened his back and brought his hands on your hips, lightly holding onto you like you were a porcelain doll. His eyes moved from your lips to your mouth and oh, you knew what he wanted.
With a sly smile on your face you tilted your head to the side. Leaning in, your lips were so close to his he could almost touch them.
"Say, Ango. Do you wanna kiss me?" you teased and he nodded, slightly parting his lips to allow you to slide your thumb over them.
And then you actually kissed him; it was a fleeting, sweet moment but it was real and he relished every second of it. When you pulled away his cheeks were tinted a dark shade of pink.
You chuckled, stroking his hair lightly. "Come on. Go and finish your work now so you can go home and rest."
Your words snapped him out of his trance and he spun his chair back to face his laptop. "You're right" he stammered "I should..."
"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow" you said as you walked past his chair and exited his office. Ango typed away for some time before finally shutting down the computer and going home, the memory of your shared kiss still replaying in his mind.
That night sleep was deep and when he woke up the mext morning he felt well rested. He took the usual route to work by foot, passing by small coffee shops, pubs, closed clubs and stores, stopping at a flower shop. Bees swarmed around the colourful blossoms, hopping from roses to lillies, from golden daffodils to tulips.
Ango bought a small bouquet camellias before going to work and walking up to your desk, which was still empty. Placing the flowers on the wooden table next to a half empty cup of black tea, he quickly scribbled a note [Dinner at 8 in my office? ~ Ango] and placed it under the bouquet, then turned on his heels and made his way to his own office.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
221 of 2022
Reblog | Bold what applies to you;
I’m really cold right now. I cleaned my room earlier today. My favorite cereal is Apple Jacks. I can see out the window from where I’m sitting. I’m a senior in high school. I hate fast food burgers. I take my showers at night. The last color I dyed my hair was black. I still sleep with a stuffed animal. I have a piece of jewelry that means a lot to me. I changed the calendar to February today. I woke up before 12:00 noon today. I’m on a laptop right now. The walls in my living room are white. I’m more afraid of snakes than spiders. // not afraid of spiders at all Ice cream is my favorite dessert. I have a bad habit of biting my nails. I have my hair in a ponytail the majority of the time. I like to read mystery books. There’s nothing playing on the TV right now. But I am listening to music. My favorite animal is something domestic. I have broken a bone before. I am a fairly decent cook. I can’t cook, but I love to bake. Sometimes I get jealous of my best friend. The website I’m on most often is Facebook. I took a picture of myself today. I have taken part in a Walk For Hunger. I used to be a girl scout. I am wearing something red right now. I usually go to bed sometime after midnight. I wish I could stay my current age forever. I have never had a boyfriend. I have been a member of my school’s marching band. I play the flute. I enjoy being under the water more than on top of it in a swimming pool. I really want to buy a new cell phone. I have read at least one Stephen King book. I sing in the shower if/when other people are home. I do not like skinny jeans. My favorite fruit is strawberries. I finished a book this week. I like musicals. I have naturally curly hair. My nails aren’t painted. I’ve seen the movie Blades of Glory. I love to play video games. I play solitaire on my computer when I get bored. I don’t live in the United States. I have a picture of my boyfriend in my room. My walls are covered with posters and pictures. I’d rather listen to CDs in the car than the radio. I have a bunch of woods in my backyard. I am afraid of heights. The Faculty is my favorite alien movie. I’ve been to Florida. I’ve written a love poem before. I had a swing set in my yard when I was little. My parents are both republicans. I love the movie Finding Nemo. I love Simon & Garfunkel. I have similar musical taste as my parents. // omg no, completely different I saw Avatar in 3D. I wish that I could move to the city. I’m going to a Super Bowl party next weekend. I own a pair of oversized sunglasses. I love guys that have brown eyes. // I love all guys with pretty eyes, regardless of colour My family gets cable from Comcast. Google is probably my most visited website. Country is my favorite type of music. I no longer go to high school. I’ve read the book 1984. I love oreo cookies. The Notebook made me cry. I’m going to eat dinner soon.
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