#reggie is on his way
narcissusbrokenmirror · 9 months
Willex but they're both non binary.
They talk about how as a kid, it always felt weird being a young man, and growing up, their mind shifted when someone referred to them as "that guy" as if they just remembered how they are perceived.
Willie talks about in school, classmates would mock him for putting his hair on a braid and teachers would say he should cut it if he wanted to look respectable, he didn't, he felt pretty with his braided, he liked brushing his hair slowly and curling strands around his fingers, he started to give a middle finger to anyone who made fun of it, but he did wondered "what if i do look like a girl" and the thought never felt weird on his skin.
Alex talks about how he never could quite grasp what it meant to be a man, he used to think he'd never understand and would never fit in, but he figured out that if he tried to hard to act and look like a guy, he'd blow it, so he (unconsciously) took the mannerisms and the slang boys around him used, it wasn't an effort, it wasn't an effort to be around his sister and her friends and the girls at school, til someone called him out and said "boys don't act and don't speak like that" and suddenly he felt like being torn apart, thinking of every move and word and how they appeared to others.
Willie mentions the portion of androgynous kids at his neighborhood and how confident they looked but also how they never floated above the world, simply existing as if none saw smth wrong with them, Willie felt safe under that thought. Alex talks about sneaking into clubs and dancing the whole night and how none cared the way he moved, except to cheer him on it, dance always blurred the lines between masculine and feminine moves, he was just Alex, til someone in the club would compliment him and finish with calling him "girl", with no ounce of mockery, while that didn't made him feel right, didn't made him feel wrong either.
Neither of them ever showed a problem with liking "girl stuff", it was never a secret that Alex had a thing for pink and none in his band ever said smth bad abt it, Willie knew the adults always criticized his hair, his pierced ear and all his bracelets, but he didn't care it was just them being old, most of kids his age were getting those.
Things only became quite clear when they became ghosts and entered the new queer generation, that talked loudly about gender non conforming people and mixed up pronouns. Sure it sounded like a whole mess, but Willie was all about the mess. Alex was startled by how everything came to surface so fast and had a ton of questions.
Julie was already used to answering his questions, so after explaining what gender non conformity is and non binary different labels to Alex and Willie, she proposed to make experimentation party. Flynn was invited, the boys were there to mess around, everyone was trying on makeup and painting nails, cross dresing, some harmful mockery was made by Luke and Reggie but dutifully corrected by the girls, leaving even Willie and Alex with a new lesson. God, how awful was their time? Of course Luke and Reggie apologized, even Alex apologized because he never thought that jokes like were actually harmful.
After their little party, it wasn't unusual for them painting nails, even Reggie was wearing more eyeliner before their gigs (hell knows how he applied it without a mirror) but it was for fun. It felt different for Willie to have his nails painted and putting on girl shorts, for Alex, it was about intertwined terms when referring to him. It felt so new to both of them, and different, and old. It felt like realizing he was gay again. Willie was the first to tell Alex he didn't felt like he was boy entirely, like it was okay for him to behave like one, but he didn't felt attached to it like an identity, Alex said it was okay and that he'd still be his boyfriend.
As Willie started to present way more androgynous than before, now as a conscious decision, Alex started to question himself about that, spiraling again about what changes he'd had to adapt to if he thought about his gender identity. It was so easy for Willie, just changing without really changing. But for Alex, it carried multiple questions like, would that make him not a guy anymore? Would he still be gay? Would he have to come out again? What if he asked to change pronouns? "You don't have to do anything." Julie said. "There aren't rules to be non binary, hon, you see me? I'm genderfluid but i just love being girly." Flynn said. "And if there were, they certainly wouldn't apply to us." Willie said. Alex wanted to give it a chance. He didn't wanted to make a big deal out of it, so he just gave everyone a heads up before starting practice.
"She as in...girl?" Luke asked when Alex told he was going by he/she now. "Yeah." Alex didn't felt like explaining everything inside of it, sounded too complicated for the first conversation they were having about it. "Cool. Is that it?" And before Alex could say yes, Willie called out and said he was also changing pronouns, going only by they/them. Sure, everyone said. Reggie got confused and had the same questions Alex did when he spiraled about it, Alex said it didn't had to change anything, he was still alex, still gay, still their drummer, "whatever change it is, it's good change." They said. Alex agreed.
Except Alex didn't changed that much apart from being referred as her, being called girlfriend occasionally by his partner, and Reggie ranking girl petnames, Alex was okay with princess but not with dollface. Especially when Reggie added a southern accent to it. Willie changed, a hundred times, going back and forth. Alex liked their changes and celebrated each one.
So Alex and Willie were most definitely not girls, but they weren't exactly attached to being guys either. They were just ghosts. A ghost drummer, a ghost skater and each other's ghostfriend.
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galentir · 1 year
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Luke sketches! Absolutely adore his big round smile and silly hair
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jupitermelichios · 9 months
so you've probably seen the news that riverdale ended with the main 4 in an actual, canonical, poly relationship
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and that's amazing for a bunch of reasons, including the fact that the number of canon poly relationships on tv are miniscule and also it brings the number of canonically straight main cast members down to 1. Ethel is legitimately the show's token straight representation. love that for her
but to get the full impact of that news, you really also need to know that in order for the polycule to form:
Jughead's transdimensional angel girlfriend has to destroy multiple other timelines to create a new stable timeline for the polycule to live in. timelines destroyed include the one where jughead is immortal and trapped forever in a bunker underneath riverdale, and one where tony and fangs's magical timetravelling gay baby is fighting an evil wizard for control of a train full of evil ghosts
Jughead's magical transdimensional angel girlfriend then returns to the newly created main timeline, and restores the main cast's memories of all the other timelines, which she does by forcing them to watch the show riverdale. That is not a joke or a metaphor she even goes to the trouble to bring a colour tv back to the 1950s so they can watch in colour, except for Clay and Julian, because they did not exist in any of the previous timelines and they're sad about it and refuse to watch a show they're not in.
(Well, Julian technically did exist in the original timeline, but only as a ghost possessing a haunted doll, which doesn't really count)
(Also for some reason as well as the main cast, she makes dilton doily watch it, despite his only contributions to the show being a) dying as a human sacrifice in the og timeline, b) trying to blow up the planet and then dying because of it in the rivervale timeline, and c) gay kevin telling people he has the biggest dick in the 1950s tlmeline, and honestly, I feel like it would be kinder to just not show him any of that)
(ethel does not get to watch riverdale, because she did the only sensible thing any riverdale character has ever done and fucked off to a normal town to have an actual life, because as well as being the token straight character, she's also the token sane one)
After watching Riverdale, all of the main cast except Jughead and Betty decide it sucks and they hate it, and ask tabby to rewipe their memories and only give them the cute bits and not all the serial killers and shit, because the writers have run out of time for subtle metaphors and they weren't sure the audience had fully grasped that the entirely last season of the show is a weird metacommentary on the criticisms people have of the show riverdale so they're just straight up going to have archie andrews look straight to camera and say that the show should have been more like the comics
also I have no idea how only showing them the happy bits works, because that removes 90% of the entire plot so I assume they just have a bunch of completely out of context sex scenes and meals at the diner and nothing else. possibly also some musical numbers, idk if I'd count those as happy memories personally
Betty and Jug chose to keep their memories of the Gargoyle King and Betty's 2 long-lost secret gay serial killer brothers because they're edgy (and also because the writers are annoyed at all the people who say the show should be more like the comics, so they have the smartest characters say they liked the actually and everyone else is being a wimp about all the serial killers, because again, we have run out of time for subtlety)
Having had his memories restored, Jug's like "oh hi tabitha, my secret transdimensional angel girlfriend, I haven't seen you for months, I've really missed you. I'm so glad you're you're back. i love you so much"
And she responds by telling him that she'd chosen to write herself out of the timeline when she fixed in, and she has to return to the great big diner in the sky (not a joke, heaven is a diner in the riverdale universe and, it is heavily implied, also in our universe, so that's something to look forward to), so she freezes time halfway through kissing him and just nopes out of time and space. which is also how I would handle all break ups if I had angel powers tbh
since jug is now single, and all 4 of them just got multiple timeline's worth of fucking one another mainlined straight into their brains, the main 4 decide to all start dating
(they are probably inspired to do this in part by betty's sister, who in the new timeline is a burlesque performer who's stage name is Polly Amorous)
As far as I can tell from the last episode, they tell gay kevin about this and literally no one else, for reasons known only to themselves
also genuinely can't tell if this was the writers wanting a poly relationship for them, or if they just couldn't be bothered with the internet slap fights that would have followed them picking individual monogomous ships to be endgame
they also, hilariously, refuse to say that archie and jug are dating, I assume due to network restrictions, despite archie being canonically bi at this point, so betty's just like 'well sometimes I go to veronica's and we fuck, and the boys do... something we're not going to talk about'
the final episode of the show is a flash forward where as a now old betty is dying, jughead's ghost shows her memories of their teens, in which it's reveal that she has just straight up forgotten about being in a poly relationship
literally she looks at her teen self and is like "wow, I seem weirdly close to veroica jughead and archie" and Jug's ghost has to be like "because we were dating. how do you not remember that we were dating? what the hell? did I mean nothing to you?!"
also old betty specifically seeks out reggie and is like "hey you know how me and you dated, and you and veronica were together for years in multiple timelines, and you archie keep declaring your undying love for one another and nearly fucking, well we're all dating and we specifically decided not to invite you, sucks to be you" and walks away and I have no idea why she did it. justice for reggie
anyway RIP to the greatest television show ever made, it was so gay and so deranged and so meta, and there really will never be anything quite like it again
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
james would be the kind of dad that everyone thinks is like the super chill one, but in reality he’s kinda overprotective and just a bit controlling because well you have to be consistent with children everyone knows that.
meanwhile, no one expect regulus to even raise his kids himself, but he’s always the one that breaks as soon as one of his kids pulls out the puppy dog eyes.
like i see it being a very common conversation in the potter household once harry’s born, just “reg, did you let harry have biscuits before dinner again?” “james, look our son in the eyes, and tell me if you can say no to that face” *harry immediately puts on his best innocent expression trying to help his papa out* and james just has to shake his head and resign himself to being the disciplinary one for the next 17 years.
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Based off this post...<3
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ineffablecollision · 3 months
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Taskmaster US - Alex Horne [1/2/3]
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jpg-of-dorian-slay · 1 year
headcannon that sirius black never cries. he gets angry and he yells and smashes things. his magic flies out of control and he says the most hurtful things. but no matter what happens, remus has never seen him cry.
and then one day the daily prophet announces that regulus black has died. and for the first time in eight years of knowing him, remus watches sirius breakdown and sob on their kitchen floor.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 4 months
I keep seeing skits of McGonagall trying to punish Sirius by taking away James.
My mind automatically adds Regulus rubbing his hands together and whispering, “Finally, he’s all mine.”
While Peter and Remus are staring at him curiously, wondering if he means his sibling bond with his brother or James.
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winter-came · 2 years
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[altered version of:] "mothers and daughters existing as wretched mirrors of each other: i am all you could have been and you are all i might be." -by honeytuesday
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innytoes · 2 months
🐝: What if Tomorrow Comes
What if Tomorrow Comes
Reggie knows he's a Sci-Fi Geek, and he's proud of it. Besides his encyclopedic Star Wars knowledge, he was also big into apocalypse movies. And books. And comics. It's why he was assigned his Little Brother, Carlos, through the programme.
So maybe he had a zombie apocalypse plan. And a Triffid apocalypse plan. And an alien invasion one, a nuclear disaster one, a Mutated Mole Rats one, an Asteroid Crashed Into The Moon And Pushed It Closer To Earth one...
He hadn't expected all those things to happen at the same time. But his first order of business: get Carlos safely back to his family.
Fake Fic Ask Game
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crimescrimson · 3 months
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The Scorned Hacktivist Wrench in Watch_Dogs Legion: Bloodline (2021)
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galentir · 1 year
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Reggie and his many thinking faces
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maryoliverdotcom · 11 months
conan gray wrote sirius black the way taylor swift wrote lily evans
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touchlikethesun · 2 years
no the reason sirius gets angry at james for being with regulus is because. sirius knows james is a kind person with strong morals. he also remembers regulus as a kid, sweet and kind, before he was forced to hide all that, change or be crushed under their parents expectations. but if james is with regulus, then something of that kid must still remain. if james is with regulus, that must mean that regulus was never completely a lost cause. if regulus opened up to james, that must mean that james did something right where sirius did it wrong. it hurts sirius, because he thought he was the person that knew regulus best and thought that he was the only one capable of saving regulus, so when he failed, well that meant regulus was too far buried already. but here’s proof that that wasn't true. so it must be that sirius just wasn’t good enough.
sirius gets mad at james because james was somehow better than him. sirius gets mad because regulus is the one choosing james over him. sirius gets mad because this is just one more example of how hes failed regulus over and over again.
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i would love to hear about the ollie and handler crack ship here’s a silly doodle as well
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Also this got my ass to design Ollie so:
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(Love him - Also redesigned Reggie for this too so thanks!!)
And idk if it's moreso a crackship or a rarepair that only works in an AU (HACKS up Starstruck), but Reggie's line of "...and I hope Ollie made it out too. I hope a lot of things." It's totally me reading into it but like,,,,I want them to talk because Ollie is not dead to me in my heart of hearts.
Maybe the only change is like Reggie taps into the communication on the radio in Hot Water instead of using the earpiece, so Ollie ends up hearing him also? And they end up getting along really well (with Reggie having to jump through a couple hoops to be like "haha what agency..."). There's an Agency base in the South-East coast of Australia and maybe the Agency ends up adopting him after he washes up on the shore with the escape pod (after HEAVY questioning).
Alas take a doodle of my own:
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Transcript (it's just canon lines):
Ollie: "She's being controlled, it's not her fault."
Reggie: "Agent, I have 0 experience dealing with giant security squids."
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aj-lenoire · 4 months
apparently the reason may december is being snubbed during awards season is because a lot of actors REALLY didn’t like what it had to say about actors who take on the roles of real people, and the idea that a bunch of former theatre kids might be sensitive about criticism of the industry they work in is, to me, just so shocking
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