#regressor rain
starsurface · 4 months
Hello! I'm really loving your content so far, and I think you're a really good writer! Would you mind doing some age regressor headcanons for Rain (MK1)? Thank you so much in advance! Again, I really love your work!
AWH SHUCKS REALLY?? I was actually so nervous writing headcanons because I've never done it before and have only ever written stories, but I'm so glad you enjoy them!! :3
Thank you so much!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Rain Hcs
💧 Regresses to about 3-5
💧 Ngl, I could also totally see him middle regressing too
💧 ^ Maybe to like 11-14?? Claims he doesn't need a babysitter when he's in this headspace but absolutely does
💧 Mr. Bossy Pants over here 😒 (joking, I love him
💧 If we ignore canon, Tanya and him will hang out and find little froggies that are totally in the castle's garden!! :D
💧 Adores being read to but will demand it being a big kid book
💧 Although will very quickly get upset over his own decision and silently pout until you notice him
💧 CG’s would probably be Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, and maybe Reiko (I'm delulu, leave me alone)
💧 They're all his Sissy’s and the dog that never stopped following him, fr 😒 (joking, I love Reiko
💧 Not incredibly open to being watched by others
💧 Maybe if he's extremely close to the person
💧 Or accidently slipped around them
💧 ^ When Syzoth comes to be an ambassador, the first time Rain slipped around him was when he was in his reptile form because ‘’Anya! ‘Anya! It's a big froggie!! :D’
💧 No one had the heart to tell him otherwise and it made Syzoth incredibly happy (he'd probably become a babysitter or big brother or sorts later because of it)
💧 Favorite activities have to be playing outside or reading books
💧 His reading ability isn't the best when he's small but the proud little smile he has when he tries to read something to you is so worth it!!!
💧 Can and Will use his powers while small
💧 Please remind him that he has to be careful (he has definitely, accidently, flooded more than one room before trying to show off a new spell to you when he was a tiny bit too little to do it correctly)
💧 It might just be easier to set his staff to the side for the time being, even if he gets huff and puff about it
💧 I wouldnt say he's necessarily a brat??
💧 Looking at MKX/11 Rain (whose totally a brat), I like to think this Rain got some of his ego
💧 So he's definitely a bit bossy at times, but not necessarily a rule breaker
💧 It is HIS way or the high way!! >:/
💧 Not really, but he likes to pretend it is, he's actually mostly easy to watch over of you play your cards right
💧 Does not do well with punishments
💧 Honestly most times he probably would not even realize he broke a rule until after he's done it
💧 And will look at you all teary eyed because now he believes he's all naughty and he's going to get yelled at or sent somewhere away from you 🥺
💧 He normally doesn't do anything too too bad, so a small chat about it usually works
💧 If he does something bad like hitting or hurting someone, then it might require a small timeout
💧 (^ You do have to hold his hand through it, please do not leave this man alone :( )
💧 A little (lot) guliable at times
💧 You could firmly tell him that the stars are fish and he'd 100% believe you
💧 (^ Although big Rain will be incredibly grumpy afterwards for you tricking him)
💧 Praise! This! Man!
💧 He loves any kind of compliments!! Whether its about his drawings, or an easy spell he wants to show you, or he's trying to act all cute and get your attention, tell him he's a good boy and he will melt
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I'm not gonna lie I don't actually know a lot about Rain!! So I could totally redo these if you'd like!!
Also, y'all, the struggle to find ANY MK1 gifs of Rain??? Only found this pic (an amazing gif), but it was crazy!!
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genderful-ghoul · 7 months
Little Phantom is the prince and little Rain is the princess
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littleprincerianne · 23 days
Rainy bedtime/ grunge baby mood board?
Thought it would be a cool idea 🦇
saw the words rainy and bedtime and ran with it i'm so so sorry (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) tried my best to use darker colours to kinda take into account the grunge part of the request... hope you likey (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)
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mother-athena · 7 months
Imagine, it's a cold and rainy day and you've decided to stay indoors to catch up on your growing list of holiday movies. While you're on the couch, sipping on a warm coffee, your little one toddles into the living room with their blanket dragging behind them. They rub their eyes and crawl into your arms, seeking your comfort and warmth. As you sip your drink, they watch curiously, inevitably asking to have some too. "Want, mama." But you softly shake your head and smile. "This is a grown up drink, baby. You're too little to have some right now... but, mama can warm up some milk in your bottle. Would you like that?" You ask and your little one happily nods as they wait patiently for your return. ☕
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piinktearxs · 8 months
why does the rain make me babie like it’s either “YAY RAIN PUDDLES JUMP” or a pouty “why rain why go out is cold why why i wanna go to bed an cuddle daddy”
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despite-could · 5 days
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bunni-boinks · 1 month
If your requests are still open would you make a rainy/stormy/cloudy moodboard for a boy regressor? Thanks either way
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i hopes this is goods!!!
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snoozingpuppy · 7 months
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puppy autumn
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small-sleepy-sheep · 1 year
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gl1tzpupper · 2 months
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˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
toboe kin ~
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starsurface · 4 months
Hello! I wanted to thank you for the Rain headcanons list! It was really nice and I liked it a lot! Like I said before, you're a great writer :)
If you don't mind, I'd love to hear more about specifically his middle regression. I don't see a whole lot of content about that kind of thing, so I'd really appreciate it! It doesn't have to be super long or anything, just as much as you'd like. Thank you so much in advance!
Awh, of course I can do more!! Middlespace isn't something often seen, unfortunately, but it's just as important as Littlespace!!
And thank you so much for all your kind words and compliments!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Middlespace Regressor Rain Hcs
💧 Moody. Preteen.
💧 He will get so embarrassed if you even sat with him
💧 Like oh my gosh he has an image he's trying to project!!!! >:/
💧 Will definitely try to do spells that are waaaay too out of his ability level when he's like this
💧 Will sob if (when) they screw up and backfire on him
💧 Claims he does NOT need a caregiver!!
💧 He's a big kid!! He isn't some baby >:(
💧 But uh, he does need someone there, atleast to make sure he doesn't get in trouble or hurt himself
💧 Can't cook very well in this headspace and will burn himself if he tries
💧 ^ Might also come crying to you to help him if he does, why would you leave him alone to do that? 🥺 (he literally shooed you from the room)
💧 Doesn't do well with younger regressors when he's in this headspace
💧 ^ Might be a little better with Syzoth specifically though because that's his little brother and no one can hurt him except for Rain >:(
💧 Also Syzoth will just gasp, giggle, and clap when Rain does the most basic magic and it makes Rain feel acknowledged and special
💧 Firmly believes he's too old to be doing things like coloring or fashion shows
💧 But will dramatically sigh and agree to babysit for a few minutes if you need to run to do something really quick
💧 He might he better with pet regressors in this headspace??
💧 Mostly because some toddlers (Johnny) can pull hair when petting but Rain makes sure he's very gentle and will let them lay on his lap with a proud smile
💧 Books!!!
💧 His vocabulary is much better in this headspace, and will read to you from his fancy books to prove how smart he is
💧 . . . Most of the books he wants to read are books are still too difficult still and he will get fussy- I mean, upset over it
💧 Don't call him fussy, he doesn't get fussy, he gets upset >:/ (he so gets fussy)
💧 I think one of his favorite activities in this headspace is having a sleepover or late hang out with Kitana, Mileena, and Tanya while they all do each other's nails and gossip (it really makes him feel like he's in middle school again)
💧 Definitely tried to say a swear word once because ‘he's a big kid, he can say what he wants!’
💧 . . . Tanya want very happy and decided that big kids still deserved time out (a very quick one but still a time out)
💧 . . . . Meanie >:(
💧 Responds way better to any type of punishment because he's bigger and knows he's breaking the rules
💧 Will probably request you serve out his sentence together though, just so that he doesn't start accidently sobbing
💧 I don't think he'd go out in public in this headspace though
💧 Too scared someone will notice or he'll drop into a younger headspace by accident
💧 If he did though, it'd probably be to the mall or to bowling
💧 I dunno why, but I could totally see him adore bowling though
💧 (Will actively pout if you don't let him win though)
💧 Also refuses to use any helping things like the side rails or the thing thar helps the balls roll because they're for babies >:(
💧 But if you convince him that you need them or just want them, he'll ‘allow you to’ (not you don't then your going to have to deal with him pouting and whining over getting repeated gutter balls)
💧 Moody preteen that knows everything and is better than you
💧 But can also be really sweet and sheepishly request attention or a friend
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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genderful-ghoul · 1 year
i would love to hear more about little rain
Rain has two sides when he’s little. He has his hyper side, where he’s an overly curious and playful kid, and he has his soft side, when he just wants to be held. He’s usually nonverbal when he’s feeling soft. His hyper side allows him to be extravagantly the opposite of himself. It lets him purge all his pent up energy and stress. He enjoys being soft too, but being hyper is generally much more productive therapy-wise.
Rain likes bedtime. He gets to read stories and play in the bathtub and have a snack and snuggle in the bed- all with a caregiver present.
Rain’s very material. He has a lot of books to read and a lot of toys to play with and a lot of clothes to wear. Heck, he has a toy box just for his bath toys!
Hyper Rain is talkative. He’ll talk about anything. He’ll even talk to the air and to himself. The world is just so interesting and there’s just so much stuff to be talked about!
A lot of Rain’s little stuff is water themed. His littlespace special interests are marine life and water science.
Rain’s just a kid. Some littles are more aesthetic focused, or trauma focused, or emotion focused, but Rain is simply a kid. He lives for happy kid things like sitting down to eat the tasty lunch a loved one made for him, or playing with his toys on the floor for hours. It’s the simple things that make him happy.
Hopefully I get good inspiration for more stories soon!
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littleprincerianne · 4 months
Rainy Moodboard!☔🌧️ kinda random but i really really really love it when it rains! cuz i run around and step on puddles and it's chilly and fun cuz of the drippy sounds! i kinda miss playing in the rain regardless of getting scolded for it >:))
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ravenkiddo · 10 days
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Raine and Jenna: best friends!
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"The Monster's Gone"
Rain ghoul & Papa Copia age regression fic
Note: I was listening to a song and this fic wrote itself after appearing in my head. This is also my first fic posted here so if you're mean, I'll cry (maybe). Feel free to send requests! I can't guarantee I'll write it though
Plot: Rain has a nightmare and wakes up little, just terrified. Thankfully, Copia finds him. SFW Age Regression, kinks DNI
Warnings: Mentions of blood, depictions of drowning (nightmare), crying, just generally not having a good time. There is comfort though!
*Air bubbles up from his mouth as he claws through the water. His fins feel useless despite being submerged in his own element. He tries to breathe, only to feel as if his gills have been taped- or maybe stapled shut.*
*His neck* **burns** *with the ache to breathe from his gills, his chest following shortly after. Why can't he breathe? Why is he not able to traverse the water to the surface?*
*When Rain looks down, he realizes why. Wrapped around one ankle is a weighted chain, dragging him deeper and deeper. To where? Why is this familiar? The bassist's heart sinks as the familiar reef grows darker.* **The Pit.**
*He lets out a gutteral cry, knowing he's just wasting more precious oxygen, but he can't help it. More bubbles flood from his mouth and he can't tell if the salt he tastes is from his tears or the water. Maybe both.*
Rain wakes up with an aching gasp, gills greedily opening to suck in more air. He chokes from how fast he breathes it all in, taking a minute to painstakingly slow down the desperate gulps into manageable breaths.
"'was a dream. M okay." He mumbles, looking around his room to reinforce the idea in his mind. However, his brain has a different idea as it takes in the ocean themed room, finding a dark corner of his room the perfect place to force the thought of "There's a monster here to drag you to the pit."
Logically, Rain is a smart man. He knows monsters don't exist. Hell, he's the closest thing to a monster, being a ghoul and all. But the simple thought has his mind slipping frantically into a panic. A child-like yelp of fear leaving him before he bites hard on his hand to muffle the sounds, lest the monster hears.
His muffled cries weren't silent enough though, as the frontman of the band was walking through the halls when he hears it. Unmistakably, sobbing coming from the bassist's room.
Despite his close relationship with the pack, he still gets nervous with emotional situations. What if he messes up and is hated by his ghouls forever? Before he can contemplate his next actions, he's opening the door to Rain's room, face growing softer at the trembling form of the water ghoul.
Copia doesn't miss the way they tense, blood dribbling down from where they're biting themselves to stay quiet, eyes squeezed tightly shut.
He slowly walks closer to the crying ghoul, sitting on the bed carefully. His face fills with sorrow at pitiful cry that Rain lets out as he tries to gently remove the ghoul's fangs from their hand.
"Ah ah, no biting little one." He chides gently. The sad little whine in response lets him know that his guess of Rain being regressed right now was correct.
All too carefully, he 'tsks' quietly as he gently pries the sharp teeth out of the delicate skin that the ghoul had pierced. "Hey, hey now, no need for tears little one. Can you tell me what's happening in your little brain?"
The bassist lets out a sob, instantly curling up into his Papa while cradling his hand to his chest. He didn't realize how much it hurt until now. "H-huwrts! A- a- an da mmonsers an- n- drownnin!" He hiccups out, fumbling over his words as tears pour down his face.
Copia tries to keep his face neutral, hand coming up to card through the water ghoul's hair, the other going to rub his back gently. "Shh.. shh.. it's okay, guppy. I've got you." His brain was turning wheels and cogs as he tried to put the pieces of information together.
"You.. had a bad dream, Rainstorm?" He asked gently, not missing the detail of the regressor's legs trembling with what he knows is a shooting pain. "M.. Mhm." Rain sniffles out, a sob threatening them again.
Copia hums as he contemplates his decision. "Good job, Rainy! Being such a brave boy! Can I know how old my good baby is?" The water ghoul trills at the praise, fins twitching with happiness. He shyly puts up four fingers, chirping with glee as Copia scratches under his chin.
"Four, eh? What a big ghoul you are! So brave to fight those scary nightmares all by yourself! But it's okay, I'm here now. Papa's got you." His voice is light but genuine, moving the curled up ghoul onto his lap as he moves them to be comfortable in the center of the bed.
"Rest now, little one." He says gently, noticing the little ghoul's eyes fluttering shut with exhaustion from crying.
"Close your eyes... Have no fear... The monster's gone. He's on the run. And your daddy is here..."
"*Beautiful boy....*"
Copia presses a soft kiss to Rain's forehead, right where his hairline is. Gently running his hand through the now sleeping water ghoul's hair. "Rest up, guppy. Papa's got you."
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Raine Whispers age regression moodboard!
hello, this is just a small update that i love raine with all my heart and if anyone took away my bard parent i would kick their shins. raine is my new comfort character and caregiver and i need more cg!raine content now
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