#rel mayer
cotachan · 5 months
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Re-L Mayer. Painting study
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evorcy · 2 years
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astrocatdotexe · 1 year
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Re-L and Vincent doodle I did. I’d like to probably redo this and clean it up more
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rirahecaxop · 2 years
The artist's handbook of materials and techniques pdf
Download Ralph Mayer-the Artist's Handbook Of Materials And Techniques-viking Press (1970). Type: PDF; Date: September 2020; Size: 79.9MB; Author: Gabriel
Ralph Mayer-The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques-Viking Press (1970) - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book
</p><br>https://rexatewusov.tumblr.com/post/693331684834361344/stata-manual-survival-analysis, https://rexatewusov.tumblr.com/post/693332517066096640/manual-de-soldadura-soldexa-pdf, https://rexatewusov.tumblr.com/post/693331684834361344/stata-manual-survival-analysis, https://rexatewusov.tumblr.com/post/693332517066096640/manual-de-soldadura-soldexa-pdf, https://rexatewusov.tumblr.com/post/693331684834361344/stata-manual-survival-analysis.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Celia Johnson (Brief Encounter)—She had the most soulful eyes! Like an anime character, it's insane. And she was fantastic in Brief Encounter. I also like that she's relatively ordinary looking, compared to some of the really glamorous Hollywood celebrities? She had an understated beauty, you know? And she's British so horray for national pride, lol.
Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Celia Johnson:
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An argument actually broke out in a film course I was taking, mostly filled with pensioners, because someone called Celia Johnson "not that beautiful" while we were talking about Brief Encounter. I don't understand how anyone can watch that movie and say that, she's got such magnetism and I think she's so gorgeous!!!
This woman set the bar for romantic doomed love and NO ONE has ever bettered it.
Hedy Lamarr:
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The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!
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Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)
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One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more.
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Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous.
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Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part.
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ltwilliammowett · 28 days
Reflecting circles
The reflecting circle was invented by the German geometer and astronomer Tobias Mayer in 1752, with details published in 1767. His development preceded the sextant and was motivated by the need to create a superior surveying instrument.
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A Mayer circle, 18th century
It is a complete circular instrument graduated to 720° (to measure distances between heavenly bodies, there is no need to read an angle greater than 180°, since the minimum distance will always be less than 180°). Mayer presented a detailed description of this instrument to the Board of Longitude and John Bird used the information to construct one sixteen inches in diameter for evaluation by the Royal Navy. This instrument was one of those used by Admiral John Campbell during his evaluation of the lunar distance method. It differed in that it was graduated to 360° and was so heavy that it was fitted with a support that attached to a belt. It was not considered better than the Hadley octant and was less convenient to use. As a result, Campbell recommended the construction of the sextant.
Jean-Charles de Borda further developed the reflecting circle. He modified the position of the telescopic sight in such a way that the mirror could be used to receive an image from either side relative to the telescope. This eliminated the need to ascertain that the mirrors were precisely parallel when reading zero. This simplified the use of the instrument. Further refinements were performed with the help of Etienne Lenoir. The two of them refined the instrument to its definitive form in 1777. This instrument was so distinctive it was given the name Borda circle or repeating circle. Borda and Lenoir developed the instrument for geodetic surveying. Since it was not used for the celestial measures, it did not use double reflection and substituted two telescope sights. As such, it was not a reflecting instrument. It was notable as being the equal of the great theodolite created by the renowned instrument maker, Jesse Ramsden.
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A Jean-Charles de Borda circle, by Étienne Lenoir 1775
Josef de Mendoza y Ríos redesigned Borda's reflecting circle in 1801. The goal was to use it together with his Lunar Tables published by the Royal Society. He made a design with two concentric circles and a vernier scale and recommended averaging three sequential readings to reduce the error. Borda's system was not based on a circle of 360° but 400 grads (Borda spent years calculating his tables with a circle divided in 400°). Mendoza's lunar tables have been used through almost the entire 19th century. Edward Troughton also modified the reflecting circle. He created a design with three index arms and verniers. This permitted three simultaneous readings to average out the error.
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A Troughton Circle, 1803
As a navigation instrument, the reflecting circle was more popular with the French navy than with the British.
M. Daumas, Scientific Instruments of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries and Their Makers, London 1989
William Edward May, A History of Marine Navigation, G. T. Foulis & Co. Ltd., Oxfordshire, 1973
Richard, Dunn, Navigational Instruments, London 2016
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noosphe-re · 3 months
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NanoCT slices of the tardigrade Hypsibius exemplaris. Anterior is left (in a-c), dorsal is up (in all images except for c). The slices have a voxel size of 270 nm (in a, c and e), and 200 nm (in b and d), respectively. a Sagittal view through the midline of the body showing the digestive tract. The transition between the midgut and hindgut is marked by the attachment sites of the Malpighian tubules. b Sagittal view through the head region showing the pharynx and the lumen of the buccal tube. c Horizontal view through the ventral body (at the level of the ganglia) showing the second and third leg pairs. The trunk ganglion in each segment lies anterior to the legs of the same segment. Notice the thick ventral longitudinal muscles. d Transverse view through the head region showing the pharynx, a large storage cell, and paired dorsoventral muscles. e Transverse view through the third trunk segment showing the large midgut and paired dorsoventral muscles. Notice how the storage cell labeled in e shows a relatively homogeneous gray value while that in d appears hollow. Abbreviations: br, brain; bt, buccal tube; cg, claw gland; cl, cloaca; es, esophagus; hg, hindgut; le1-le3, legs one to three; mg, midgut; mt, Malpighian tubules; mu, muscle; ph, pharynx; sc, storage cells; sg, salivary glands; tg1-tg2, trunk ganglia one and two. Scale bars: 20 μm (in a), 10 μm (in b and c), 5 μm (in d and e) (Gross, Vladimir & Müller, Mark & Hehn, Lorenz & Ferstl, Simone & Allner, Sebastian & Dierolf, Martin & Achterhold, Klaus & Mayer, Georg & Pfeiffer, Franz. (2019). X-ray imaging of a water bear offers a new look at tardigrade internal anatomy. 5. 10.1186/s40851-019-0130-6.)
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blurglesmurfklaine · 6 days
starting questions I have
-what happens to esther, Sarah and mayer in this au
-how does this change les and jack's dynamic of like "cool older kid who's street smart" and "little kid who idolises him"
- what happens, is Jack now the more educated one, is it Jack who has the words to start a strike,
-who leads the manhattan lodging house
-has davey had run ins with Brooklyn before (and what does Jack think of Brooklyn when he becomes a newsie)
-does davey like getting into fights (bc I think especially 92sies David would, but bc of how he's been brought up he dismisses the mere notion and avoids fisticuffs)
ok warning u now I will have more questions later haha
I WELCOME ALL THE QUESTIONS!!! Sorry this is sooooo long but here:
what happens to esther, Sarah and mayer in this au
Oooh I haven’t thought about Sarah yet! But I will tie it in to what happens to the Jacobs parents. Be warned, it is Sad and Tragic.
Mayer tangles with a delivery truck, just like in livesies, but instead of staying at home he leaves the state to find work with family somewhere west. He never comes back. This happens when Davey is about eight. Sarah is a little older, maybe twelve, and Esther is pregnant with Les, who never gets to meet his father. Three years later, Esther falls ill and passes. I imagine Sarah being the oldest and ‘Most promising’ would be sent/taken away to live with an elderly relative, or possibly some sort of home for girls
how does this change les and jack's dynamic of like "cool older kid who's street smart" and "little kid who idolises him"
Well Jack is still Jack, you know? Oh and if you thought he was confident before, just IMAGINE how insufferable he in a world where he had a clean bed and full stomach every day?
I think Les would see him as the cool new “rich” kid who is confident enough to try anything and has all these wonderful stories about growing up in the theatre—which Davey obviously cannot stand bc he believes Les should keep his head on earth
what happens, is Jack now the more educated one, is it Jack who has the words to start a strike
Omg omg ong okay SO I’ve actually been thinking bout this a TON, and although their on roles are switched, they still are the characters they are if that makes sense??? So in my mind, it’s still Davey who has the words and information to start the strike—orphaned or not, this motherfucker READS. Similar to the show though he sort of sparks the idea, and Jack is kind of egging him on which Davey doesn’t understand because Jack HAS a mother, a family, he has so much more to lose
And there is this one scene that has been chewing on my brain and shaking it nonstop like a Rottweiler with a toy. Jack is still very much an artist in this AU, and Davey is the one who escaped from The Refuge.
Post rally apology scene, Jack says he’s talked to Kath and they have an idea—Davey says he just talked to her, too… and Davey isn’t kissing and telling but he doesn’t have to. Jack can tell there’s something (and there’s a lot of internal angst from Jack about this, who is trying to stay cool)
Anyway. The plan involves needing words and art for The Neesies Banner. Kath and Davey’s words, and Jack’s art. So Jack and Davey sit down together, Davey recounting everything he went through at the refuge while Jack draws it.
And then Jack can’t take it anymore and puts his pencil down and Davey’s like “???? Why’d you stop?”
Jack looks at him and just says, “I am so sorry this happened to you” and Davey is taken SO aback because he doesn’t think anyone has ever told him that and they have A Moment and uh oh??? Feelings??? And the moment breaks and they scramble away to the printing press at Pulitzers basement lol
-who leads the manhattan lodging house
Davey, but in a more unassuming way! He’s not so outright about it, and definitely not a big personality. He mostly talks kids out of making stupid decisions, but if they’re stubborn enough (Race) he’s not going to waste his time, because they’ll find out the hard way (Also Race). He’s not even necessarily the “leader” he’s just sort of the oldest and has been there the longest so
-has davey had run ins with Brooklyn before (and what does Jack think of Brooklyn when he becomes a newsie)
Davey has had a run in with Brooklyn through Race. I can see Race getting into a scuffle with Spot and Davey having to intervene. Not sure WHY yet? Maybe Race was selling on Brooklyn turf, maybe he was conning Brooklyn newsies, but I DO know that Davey was Very Annoyed about having to save Race’s ass
-does davey like getting into fights (bc I think especially 92sies David would, but bc of how he's been brought up he dismisses the mere notion and avoids fisticuffs)
Honestly? I don’t think he *likes* it, but he realizes the necessity of it quite early on!
THANK YOU FOR THESE!! They were so fun! 🤩 Anyone anywhere anytime is ALWAYS welcome to ask me about my brainrot newsies AUs lol
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Other than leper king and his heirs which book would you recommend for research on Baldwin iv of Jerusalem?
All right then, buckle up for some nerdery! 😁
I will preface this by saying that I am not a total expert on Baldwin and haven't done a colossal amount of research specifically on him. I could chew your ear off prattling on about the general world of the crusader kingdoms, their politics, and about Raymond III of Tripoli and Sibylla of Jerusalem in particular, but Baldwin isn't my main interest here. Also, as far as I know, Hamilton's study is the only longer academic work centred solely around Baldwin. Hence, in order to learn more about your fav and the world he lived in, I'd recommend reading a little more broadly. Being a king, he is featured (at least in some capacity) in most publications that deal with the Latin kingdoms in the latter half of the 12th century.
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That said, have a list:
Piers D. Mitchell: "Leprosy and the Case of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem: Microbacterial Disease in the Crusader States of the 12th and 13th Centuries", International Journal of Leprosy, vol. 61, no. 2, 1993, pp. 283-91. Pretty self-explanatory. You can find this article on the internet; Mitchell also has a few other publications that deal with medicine in the crusader states, so you might find some additional Baldwin stuff there as well.
Elma Brenner: "Recent Perspectives on Leprosy in Medieval Western Europe", History Compass, vol. 8, no. 5, 2010, pp. 388-406. Has a little bit on Baldwin, might be useful if you want to find out more about how the disease was regarded by his contemporaries.
Helen J. Nicholson: Sybil, Queen of Jerusalem, 1186-1190. Routledge, 2022. This is a really good and really recent one that I was lucky enough to find in my uni library. Of course Sibylla-centred, but gives a good overview of the politics in Outremer and of course has passages about Baldwin in it. Also look into some of Nicholson's other publications if you're interested in the role of women in the context of crusading.
Kevin James Lewis: The Counts of Tripoli and Lebanon in the Twelfth Century: Sons of Saint Gilles. Routledge, 2017. Obviously mostly a Raymond-centric source, but it is also relatively recent and has a good chunk on Baldwin in the chapter where Lewis talks about Raymond's time as Baldwin's regent.
Joshua Prawer: Crusader Institutions. Oxford University Press, 1980. More politics to be found here, but very well put together. Prawer was an extremely prolific scholar where the history of the Latin East and the crusades was concerned, so - once again: if you're interested, look up his other works.
Jonathan Riley-Smith: The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades, Oxford University Press, 1997. Good overview that goes into detail about the mentality among crusaders and aspects of daily life. Again, Riley-Smith is one of the authorities in the field, so looking into his bibliography might be worth a shot.
If you're into military history, the works of Benjamin Z. Kedar, John France - or, if you want something more dated, R.C. Smail - might be of interest to you. They mostly cover general points of Frankish and Muslim warfare or the Battle of Hattin in particular (other than in Hamilton or in some of the primary sources from the crusader period, I've never come across an article on the Battle of Montgisard), but might be helpful if you want to get a feel for what life was like at the time.
Hans-Eberhard Mayer is also definitely worth a look as a scholar, even though his works are a bit older now. However, I'm not sure how much of his stuff you can find in translation - I've only read him in German.
For the physical setting of crusader-period Jerusalem and the material culture, I very heartily recommend two works written or edited by Adrian J. Boas: Jerusalem in the Time of the Crusades: Society, Landscape and Art in the Holy City under Frankish Rule (Routledge, 2001) and The Crusader World (Routledge, 2016). I consult both of these frequently for world-building in my fic writing.
If you want something on the general concept of the knight / chivalry, Maurice Keen's Chivalry (Yale University Press, 2005) might be a good start. For a detailed analysis of medieval courtly culture, I recommend Joachim Bumke's Courtly Culture: Literature and Society in the High Middle Ages (2000, English translation by Thomas Dunlap). That thing was invaluable when I was writing my BA thesis. And if you'd like to know more about the literary life of the crusaders, there is a recent publication called Literature of the Crusades (Cambridge University Press, 2019) edited by Simon Parsons and Linda M. Paterson that I also found rather good.
For fashion: The various Osprey Military History books are a good choice if you want visual representations of knightly dress. There's also a collection of essays called Encountering Medieval Textiles and Dress: Objects, Texts, Images (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002) edited by Désirée Koslin and Janet Snyder, which is one of the better ones I've found, as most books about medieval fashion focus mostly on later centuries. This one might be a bit hard to get through, though, if you don't have some kind of background knowledge about medieval texts or architecture.
If you want something less strictly academic and more in the vein of popular history, you might want to try James Reston's Warriors of God (2002) or the much more dated but rather fanboy-ish The Crusades: A History (also sometimes titled The Dream and The Tomb) by Robert Payne, which is very pro-Baldwin.
Other than that, I'll link you an older post about fictional depictions of Baldwin and other assorted good bois and girls from KoH. I hope this will scratch the Baldwin itch for you!
And: If anyone has more suggestions, of course do feel free to add them!
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mebellad4 · 3 months
olá, tudo bem? seus moods sao belissimos, seu blog é lindo, sua estética é impecável!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! se não for incomodo, eu adoraria ver um mood de ergo proxy, não precisa ser da rel mayer em especifico, da pino, do vicent, (ou) do anime todo, eu confio no que vc escolher <3
Oiee<3 tudo sim, obrigada por perguntar! Muito muito obrigada mesmo!! Não é incomodo nenhum amor, pode pedir quantos moodboards vc quiser haha! Espero q goste do moodboard q eu fiz, me desculpe mas eu não conhecia o anime então não sabia bem como escolher os personagens então eu fiz só de dois bem simples mas prometo q irei trazer mais sobre este anime por aqui no perfil! Muito obrigado por este comentário e pedido me deixou bem feliz!😸💝
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-Ergo Proxy (Re-L and Vicent).📎
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i need to organise my modern au stuff because it's currently all over the place and I wanna write a fic on it so allow me to sort this out
(and if you wanna use this in your own fics, you can go for it!)
Single dad, the kids were adopted
- Jack (Eldest, 18)
- Crutchie (Middle, 17)
- Race and JoJo (Twins and youngest, 17)
Recently divorced? Their dad is recently out of the picture anyways.
- Splint (Eldest, 18)
- Albert (Youngest, 17)
- Specs (Bio son, eldest, 18)
- Stray (Bio daughter, middle, 16)
- Henry (Adopted, middle, 16)
- Pips (Adopted, youngest, 14)
Don't know the details here. It's just like this in my head.
SNYDERS FAMILY (technically.)
- Buttons (Nephew, 17)
- Splasher (Nephew, 8)
So, Buttons and Splashers' parents died when Splasher was still a baby, and Snyder was their only living relative left (Yes, this comes from the time when Alex Christian played Snyder.)
- Pulitzer: Katherine
- Esther and Mayer: Sarah, David and Les
- Hearst - Bill
- I've totally forgotten who Darcy's dad is, but yes, him.
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residentficdm · 3 days
By Morning's Light: Part 1(b)
A/N: Okay so I didn't have a huge A/N the first time bc honestly I'm sort of a mess buuuuut i wanna say 1) thank yall for the response to this! I'm so excited and just wanna put it out there that it's never too late to "join"! Secondly, just know that I do not intend for this to be some "Episodes" or "Choices" shit (although full disclosure i was ADDICTED to those once upon....... 2019 was a dark time). It's not like one of those games that give the illusion of choice but don't affect the story at all. There will be no choices that do not directly affect the plot. (In fact, the first choice has already affected the plot, and if you ever have questions or want to talk about the paths not taken, feel free to talk to me! (my main blog is @blurglesmurfklaine)). There will be choices that affect whether or not certain characters are in your party, live or die, and affect their relationships with one another. So, that being said... choose wisely! and enjoy :)
David TOLD THE TRUTH. Sarah APPROVES (Rel. +5)
David turns to Sarah, holding her gaze steady though his heart is racing.
“I’ve… been having dreams,” he admits.
She hides her grin behind a spoon, graciously slurping some of the porridge David’s made. “We’ve all got dreams, Daylight.”
He’d roll his eyes at the stupid nickname—what Sarah thinks is a clever portmanteau of David’s name and the glow that emanates from his hands when he uses Selune’s gift—if he weren’t so stressed.
There’s no use in beating around the bush. “Selune’s been sending me dreams.” He shuts his eyes tight, not daring to catch glimpse of Sarah’s reaction just yet. “Dreams of the Hollow, taken over by a darkness so thick, I’m not sure even Her light could dispel it. She’s shown me mother. Dead on the floor of our old house.”
There’s no sound except for David’s breathing
“Selune.” Sarah says. She’s known for years now that David, for whatever reason, is one of the MoonMaiden’s chosen, but she still sounds doubtful. Or at least in disbelief.  “What… is she saying anything?”
David swallows instead of responding. David has spent years trying to close the door that leads back to the Hollow, and here he is, about to blow a hole through it.
“Dae’valdin.” she hisses. “Did she speak to you?”
“Help them,” he says softly. “She told me to help them.”
There’s a single beat of silence, then the harsh screech of Sarah’s chair scraping against the cobblestone floor. She’s gone in an instant, leaving her breakfast abandoned.
David rises in a panic, following her to their quarters. “Sarah!” he cries out, turning the corner to see her frantically throwing street clothes, leftover oranges from the summer harvest, and the few shillings of gold left to their names into a backpack. She searches the room until she spots the locket Mayer gave to her when they first left the Hollow, then throws it in her bag.
Dread rises in David’s chest like water filling his lungs, drowning him. Sarah never goes anywhere without that locket.
“What are you doing,” he asks, though he already knows the answer.
“Going home.” Her voice has a solidity to it, daring David to challenge her as she slings her bag over her shoulder. 
“Dammit, Sarah—”
“We need to help them!”
“We are not welcome there!”
Sarah shakes her head, the fire of resistance burning bright in her eyes. She never accepted their fate, not really. They’d been cast out at seven years old, along with their father. Pulixier had claimed Mayer had stolen from the Tree of Life, and that the only thing that could heal the forest was Mayer’s exile.
Even then, David saw the motion for exactly what it was—an excuse to get rid of the only non-elf living in the Hollow. Him taking his two half-blooded children with him and leaving behind their mother was just a nice little bonus. 
Sarah never forgave their father. Not until his passing several years ago. She never said it, but David could tell that Sarah never truly stopped viewing the Hollow as their home. 
“Do as you must, David, but I refuse to stand idly by and watch as our homeland is destroyed.”
“You’d be lucky to get past the gate without being shot through the chest.”
“What’s the alternative?” She snaps. “Rotting away working this farmland? Working for Snyder, who would rather see us dead than free from beneath his thumb?” Shutting her eyes for a moment, she douses the kindling in her gaze. When she opens them, David’s met with the rarest vulnerability. She takes his hands in hers. “Aren’t you tired of feeling like nowhere is home?”
Something tightens in David’s throat. Long ago, he’d resigned to the somber reality of his life. That the rest of it would be spent working for Snyder and hopefully outliving the next-of-kinless bastard. 
David doesn’t think he can be tired of being lost, not when he’s gotten so used to the notion that he’ll never be found.
“What’s going on here?”
The gritty sound of Snyder’s sleep-heavy voice sends David’s guts crashing through the floor. He might spill them.
Sarah brushes past the old and crotchety man. “We’re leaving,” she announces without fanfare. Snyder shakes his head as if riding it of a fly, momentarily stunned by her bold words.
“She doesn’t know what she’s saying,” David tries, stomach shrinking impossibly small at Snyder’s harsh glare.
There’s no winning in this situation, based on the deadly face David’s sister shoots him. “Don’t you dare,” she snarls. “I know exactly what I’m saying, and exactly what I’m doing. David, you can come with me, or not, but I am leaving.”
“The hell you are,” Snyder growls. An arm shoots out and makes a wild grab for Sarah’s wrist.
David’s eyes go wide. Snyder’s never laid a hand on Sarah, and he almost feels bad for the old piece of shite, who is about to find out that decision was more to his benefit than hers.
Sarah whirls around ferociously, clamps Snyder’s hand to her’s, and presses down. Snyder screams out in pain and Sarah releases him from her grasp, making a break for the door. David chases after her, calling out her name as she disappears down the road away from the farm. 
She’s nearly completely out of sight when David trips over what he assumes to be a crack in the road until he falls face-first into the dirt and tries to scramble up, only to find his leg refusing to move.
“Get off of him!” Sarah’s voice rings from the open road, and David can see her distant figure growing larger against the rising sun. He chances a look backwards to see Snyder on the ground, arm extended with a deathly tight grip on his ankle.
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astrocatdotexe · 11 months
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Stupid trend thing. I hopped onto it because I’m bored and people r dumb
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patantasma · 2 months
For anyone who buys Lunchables (or anything similar), they found high levels of lead, cadmium, and sodium in them.
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Reports called on the Department of Agriculture today to remove Lunchables food kits from the National School Lunch Program. CR recently compared the nutritional profiles of two Lunchable kits served in schools and found they have even higher levels of sodium than the kits consumers can buy in the store. CR also tested 12 store-bought versions of Lunchables and similar kits and found several contained relatively high levels of lead and cadmium. All but one also tested positive for phthalates, chemicals found in plastic that have been linked to reproductive problems, diabetes, and certain cancers.
“Lunchables are not a healthy option for kids and shouldn’t be allowed on the menu as part of the National School Lunch Program,” said Brian Ronholm, director of food policy at Consumer Reports, which launched a petition to the USDA. “The Lunchables and similar lunch kits we tested contain concerning levels of sodium and harmful chemicals that can lead to serious health problems over time. The USDA should remove Lunchables from the National School Lunch Program and ensure that kids in schools have healthier options.”
The USDA currently allows two Lunchables kits — Turkey & Cheddar Cracker Stackers and Extra Cheesy Pizza — to be served to nearly 30 million children through the National School Lunch Program. To meet the program’s requirements, Kraft Heinz added more whole grains to the crackers and more protein to the Lunchable kits designed for schools compared to store-bought versions.
CR tested store-bought Lunchables and similar kits from Armour LunchMakers, Good & Gather, Greenfield Natural Meat Co., and Oscar Mayer and found lead, cadmium, or both in all. Lead and cadmium can cause developmental problems in children over time, even in small amounts. While none of the kits exceeded any federal limit, five of the 12 tested products would expose someone to 50 percent or more of California’s maximum allowable level for lead or cadmium – currently the most protective standard.
CR also detected at least one type of phthalate in every kit it tested, except for Lunchables Extra Cheesy Pizza. Phthalates are known endocrine disruptors, compounds that may mimic or interfere with hormones in the body, which can contribute to an increased risk of reproductive problems, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. As with heavy metals, the goal should be to keep exposure as low as possible.
The sodium levels in the store-bought lunch and snack kits CR tested ranged from 460 to 740 milligrams per serving, that’s nearly a quarter to half of a child’s daily recommended limit for sodium. CR found that the sodium levels of the Lunchables made for schools, which had a larger portion of meat, are higher than in the store-bought versions. The school version of the Turkey and Cheddar Lunchable for schools contained 930 mg of sodium compared to 740 mg in the store-bought version. Similarly, the Lunchable pizza kit for schools had 700 mg of sodium compared to 510 mg in the store version.
Eating foods with too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and lead to hypertension, which is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage. Kids with high sodium intakes are about 40 percent more likely to develop hypertension than those who have low sodium diets.
Michael McCauley, [email protected]
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burstfoot · 7 months
Stealing kiwi's idea bcuz I'm indecisive... Reasons for both (and possible cons)
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Irene: I'm sparking for Specalter and I don't want to separate them, but I already have Guard Ch'en so I don't really need a second 6 star swordmaster. However I REALLY like her kit and would use her way more than I use Ch'en and I like the skin she's getting with LT from Ambience Synethesia
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Dorothy: Dorothy is so cute and I love her story and also she's really good with mumu clones, but her banner should be rerunning with the DV rerun and she's set to be on standard headhunting relatively soon. If I get her here though I can save pulls for Jessica alter & Viviana (and I'll only be missing Ifrit and Mayer for my RL squad)
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everswift · 9 months
oh it's soooo invasive and evil and libelous to speculate about a woman not being straight! it's evil and homophobic actually! it is a huge invasion of privacy! by the way that fancam of taylor and joe at his relative's funeral was sooo romantic 😍 also it was so fun to camp outside her friend's wedding and scream her name into the window 🤩 also do you guys think she lost her virginity to john mayer or jake gyllenhaal 🤔
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