#remus typical violence
artistowlsnest · 2 years
Put Myself in Control
For Dukeceit week Wednesday prompt: Wild/Control
2,905 words
Summary:  Deceit needed to make sure that everyone on his side of the Barrier stayed on his side of the barrier, but the Duke didn't want to cooperate. Maybe if he became friends with him - no, if he convinced the other side that they were friends. Yes, that would work.
Deceit did not stare at the perfectly innocuous looking door in the hallway just past the kitchen. He did not sit in the living room, no matter who else was there, just so that he could keep an eye on it, and on everyone else – the two other Sides that had come with him, and all the other Aspects that weren’t full Sides yet, and maybe never would be.
It was his job to keep control over them now, and keep them from crossing the Barrier.
He wasn’t the oldest there, but he was definitely the most mature. Deceit was thirteen (or a little younger, but close enough) and he knew everything.
He knew that Morality was stupid and too busy thinking about other people to think about what was best for Thomas. He knew that Logic was too wrapped up in thinking about stuff like school and the future to be overly concerned about all of the very big and important changes that had just happened.
He knew that…that the Prince had taken every scrap of idealistic naivete that Creativity had had with him in the split. He knew that when he looked at the Prince, he would see eyes that looked nothing at all like Creativity’s and yet were obviously still identical, and he knew that that made him feel a lot of complicated things, and that he did not like feeling those things, so it was better to avoid the Prince.
And he knew that it didn’t matter how he felt a lot of complicated feelings about the Barrier, because now it was there, and he didn’t have enough influence over Thomas to tear it down, and he wouldn’t do it even if he could.
(He may not agree with Morality on most things, but one thing they could agree on was that there were some things that Thomas didn’t need to know about himself. That Barrier was built from lies as much as it was from guilt and fear.)
So, now, he guarded it, more or less. The others probably couldn’t slip past it on their own, but he wanted to keep an eye on who was trying.
Fear – no, he was Anxiety now – wasn’t a security concern (he’d even helped put the Barrier up, whether he realized it or not). Deceit hadn’t even seen the oldest Side since the Barrier had come up, and knew that he was probably hiding in his room. 
(Did Anxiety still count as the oldest side? That was one thing that Deceit admitted, at least to himself, that he didn’t know. Instinct had been the oldest, but then he’d become Fear, and now he was Anxiety. Did it even count? Deceit wasn’t sure, and he liked to debate it with himself now that he couldn’t debate it with Logic but if any of the others asked, he would have said no, just to be contrary to Anxiety, who said yes.)
The Aspects were somewhat more of a concern, but they didn’t even have enough influence to be full Sides, so Deceit would be able to stop them easily enough.
Which left him with his biggest challenge. And while the last Side wasn’t exactly competent, he made up for it in both enthusiasm and sheer unadulterated stubbornness.
And speak of the devil…
Deceit closed his eyes and let out a weary sigh when he heard another crash. “Duke, stop.”
The other Side bounced his way into the living room, without even the decency to pretend to look sheepish.
Looking at the Duke’s face elicited much of the same reaction that looking at the Prince’s did. A little different – rather than the Prince’s simperingly positive face, the Duke’s was usually screwed up in a grin that alternated between manic and cruel. It was a face that Deceit had seen only every now and then on Creativity, maybe a little more as the years went on, but it seemed to be the Duke’s normal. It was a face that reminded Deceit that he wouldn’t ever get to see Creativity again.
(And then he grabbed his grief by the neck and shoved it into his box of denial. Maybe it would suffocate and die before he had to deal with it.)
(This was a habit that he shared with Morality, he knew. He put that thought into the box of denial as well.)
“You can’t go through the barrier, Duke.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” the Duke immediately replied.
Deceit resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose – whether changing their function impacted their age or not, Creativity had been the youngest side, and the two parts of him had been the most recent to change, so whichever way one looked at it, the Prince and the Duke were the babies of the Mindscape – and whenever he had to deal with them, Deceit was unfortunately inescapably aware of that fact.
He took a deep breath. It wasn’t the other Sides’ fault that he was just so much more mature than them. “I don’t need to tell you,” Deceit said. “I control the Barrier, and if I say that you can’t leave, then you can’t.”
It was only half a lie – Deceit hadn’t been the only one to make the Barrier, so he was pretty sure that he wasn’t the only one with control over it, but the Duke didn’t need to know that.
“Then let me,” the Duke said, his voice high and whiny and nasally. “I’m bored.”
Deceit was far too controlled to actually shudder at that, but he did have to suppress the urge – he still remembered the last time the Duke had said that; the living room still smelled faintly like fish. 
“Go play in the Imagination then,” Deceit said. “Stop bothering me.”
He probably shouldn’t have said that last part, because the Duke never liked to do what he was told, and sure enough made a beeline for the couch, jumping up onto it and then jumping up and down on one of the cushions, bouncing Deceit along with him.
Deceit pushed one of his legs forward so that the Duke fell face-first onto the coffee table. It made a loud crash and he heard a crunch that sounded sickeningly like splintering bone. Deceit refused to feel bad – he’d seen the Duke get up completely unharmed from worse, and he’d been about to break the couch, and none of the Sides on this side of the Barrier could properly fix that sort of thing yet.
The Duke rolled to the side, grinning up at Deceit. His nose was crooked and bleeding, and his gums were bloody too. The wounds were only there because the Duke wanted them to be, Deceit knew, though the sight of all that blood did make him have to remind himself of that. “Are we fighting?” the Duke asked in an utterly delighted voice.
“No,” Deceit said as firmly as he could. “I want you to go to your room. Or the Imagination. Or literally anywhere that you’re not bothering me.”
“Like the other side?”
“No, that would be bothering me.”
“Ughhhh.” the Duke flopped dramatically onto the floor, his head landing against it with a crack. “You’re no fun.”
“My job isn’t to be fun.”
The Duke perked up. “No, that’s mine!”
“So why don’t you go have fun somewhere else?”
“’Cause you’re the only one here who doesn’t run away,” the Duke said, entirely casual.
And that…that gave Deceit a pause. “That can’t be true.”
The Duke shrugged against the floor. “Sure. Anger used to fight me but I kept winning so now he doesn’t want to fight anymore, and I told him I’d let him win and that just made him madder but he didn’t even fight me about it, and Procrastination is even more boring than you, and Anxiety’s a little scaredy-cat and always says dumb stuff like ‘that hurts people!’ Like, duh, yeah, that’s the point dummy –”
Deceit very nearly said that he could see why the others didn’t want to be around the Duke, but bit his tongue. If Deceit was smart (and he was always smart) then he could perhaps use this to get some measure of control over the other Side.
“Of course that's the point.”
“Exactly!” The Duke pointed at Deceit victoriously. “But he didn’t like that so he told me to get out of his room, and he’s scary when he wants to be, did you know? And that’s super cool, but then he sunk me out so I didn’t get to tell him so.”
“How rude of him.”
“Totally.” The Duke nodded rapidly at Deceit, his neck bones clicking in a way that made the latter wince. “So I want to go to the other side.”
Well if that was the only reason why… 
Deceit scoffed. “Why would you even want to be on the other side? There’s nothing over there but a place that looks like this but brighter, and a bunch of stuck-up Sides. Just stupid old Morality, and Logic, and –”
Deceit paused. He’d been about to say your brother, but that wasn’t really accurate, was it – they weren’t brothers, they were Sides, and had only had a spare couple weeks together before the Barrier had been erected and from what Deceit knew they had spent most of it fighting, so he didn’t really think that they even saw each other as anything close to family. Still, they were closer in origin than any of the other Sides.
“Your counterpart,” he eventually decided on.
“Narrative foil,” the Duke suggested, which sounded even more like a big-kid word coming from the Duke’s mouth, and Deceit was begrudgingly impressed – then again, of course it would be the literary vocab word that he would know, wouldn’t it? 
“Sure. Why would you even want to be around them? You have to know that they’ll run away from you faster than anyone here will.”
And the Duke paused at that, and Deceit felt a little hopeful for a moment, but the Duke shook his head. “Nah, they won’t run – not yet at least, I’d get some time before they do. I mean, Morality already does, but Logic’s kinda fun to annoy ’cause he still doesn’t know how to react and he gets mad about it, but it is kinda lame that I can’t really do anything that sticks to him.” The Duke propped his elbow on his knee and his chin on his hand. “Princey’s fun though. He’ll always fight me.”
“Don’t you want to be around people that you don’t have to fight?”
The Duke wavered again, just for a moment, but continued, “it’s fun though, we’re playing.”
“You are?”
“Yeah! He’s the good guy and I’m the bad guy, and I do lots of fun nasty stuff and he goes and stops me from doing it and we fight about it and then he kills me and I get to have a super cool death scene.” The Duke fidgeted with the hem of his tunic. His eyes were far away. “I even let Princey do a death scene sometimes, but I’d mortally wound him and let him die slow so he had time to do a dramatic monologue first. Those are more boring though so we didn’t do ’em a lot. He likes to win and I like to die in cool ways.”
Deceit…hadn’t realized how mutual their battles were. “I see.”
“And no one here wants to play with me like that,” the Duke muttered.
Deceit…hesitated for a moment, considering. He’d sparred with Creativity before – they’d both always been very dramatic Sides, and it had been fun, with lots of monologues and fancy flourishes.
But that was stage-fighting, nothing like the bloody mess that the Duke liked to leave. Deceit couldn’t die obviously, but he could get discorporated, or even just hurt, and he wasn’t quite good enough at lying to himself that the pain wasn’t that bad yet.
(But maybe he could practice at that…?)
Deceit stopped that thought in its tracks. No way was he letting the Duke try to attack him. 
“Well,” he said, thinking quickly, “are there any other games you like to play?”
The Duke’s eyes lit up – not literally, thankfully. “Oh yeah! There’s laser tag and theater with swords and knuckle-sandwich patty-cake and charades to the death and knife monopoly!”
Deceit was beginning to see a trend. “Wow,” he said pleasantly. “Those do sound fun. I wonder though, is there anything…” he couldn’t say something that involved sitting quietly, couldn’t say something that didn’t involve danger, “else?” he said after a brief pause.
The Duke tilted his head to the side with a crack of bone. “Like what?”
“Like…” Deceit cast his mind around frantically. Something creative, maybe? “Drawing pictures?”
The Duke’s nose wrinkled a little. “Drawing?”
“Drawing – police sketches. Of murderers.”
That got the Duke’s attention, and he even seemed to give it more than two seconds of consecutive thought. “And we can make up stories about what they did and why…”
“And if the police will ever be able to catch them, and how,” Deceit continued, relaxing a little. He’d played pretend with Creativity many times before, he’d always been a good actor. This was…maybe a little more morbid, but Deceit maybe liked morbid better. “I’ll do that with you.”
The Duke scrambled to sit up straight, leaning forward on his hands as he looked up at Deceit with a wide-eyed trusting openness that almost made Deceit feel bad. “You will?”
“I will,” Deceit said, voice as generous as he felt. “So if you want to follow me Duke, or even lead the way –”
“Oh, don’t call me Duke,” the Duke interrupted.
Deceit’s eyebrow arched up before he could make his face stay blank. There was no way that the Duke had already changed his function now…was there? “What should I call you?” Deceit asked carefully.
“How about Dukey,” the Duke said cheerfully.
Deceit huffed out a sigh when he realized that the Duke wasn’t actually changing his function, then he frowned when he realized what the Duke was asking. “I’m not calling you that.”
“Like Dooky! That means poop.”
“I know what it means –”
“Or a doody, or doo-doo, or shit, or scat, or poopy, or diarrhea – did you know that diarrhea can make your butt explode?”
The Sides did not get paid. Deceit, somehow, still felt like he was not getting paid enough for this. “I’m pretty sure it can’t.”
“It totally can.”
“Sure, whatever. I’m still calling you Duke. I’ll put a ‘the’ in front of it, that’s the most you’re getting.”
The Duke blew a raspberry at him. “You’re a dooky.”
The Duke huffed. “Fine. If you won’t call me Dukey, you can call me by my name.”
Deceit paused. “…What?”
“My name,” the Duke said again, like that helped at all.
“We don’t have names,” Janus said, trying not to scowl at the Duke for being dumb. “We’re Sides, not people.”
“Well I wanted a name and so did Princey, so we gave ourselves some.” The Duke sounded very pleased with himself. “And my name is Remus.”
Deceit always kept his face in a perfectly controlled mask, and right then was no exception; he was sure that the Duke wouldn’t be able to see any of the (many, and complicated) feelings that were playing out inside his chest.
“I see,” he said slowly. And the Duke – Remus? – was looking at him so eagerly, he couldn’t help but add, “it’s a good name. It suits you.”
Remus bounced to his feet and turned a few sloppy cartwheels across the living room floor, and when he stood up he was smiling, wild and gleeful. “I know, right!” he bounced on the balls of his feet. “Are you going to choose a name too?”
It was probably a very predictable question, but Deceit somehow still felt blindsided by it. “Huh?”
“You should, you totally should!”
It was…an interesting thought. He’d always been Deceit – well, maybe he’d been something else before Thomas learned words, and he technically was ‘Lies’ and just told everyone to call him Deceit once he learned that word because it sounded cooler…but a name of his own?
It was a thought. Something to keep in mind, maybe.
“…Well,” Deceit said slowly. “When – if – I come up with one…you’ll be the first to know.”
Remus’s smile was wild as ever, but it somehow seemed more genuinely happy than Deceit had seen him yet. And when it made Deceit want to smile too, his mask slipping and showing his fang in a rare real grin…he decided that he wouldn’t bother to suppress the action. Just this once.
Forming this thread of control over Remus would bring him one step closer to being able to control every part of this whole situation, which would let him actually be able to properly influence Thomas, and that was what was important. If the fact that Remus seemed…happy about being around Deceit made Deceit feel weirdly nice and warm, well, that was just a bonus.
And if while he worked on getting a metaphorical leash on the other Side, they ended up actually enjoying their time together…well. Remus wasn’t Creativity…but maybe he wasn’t all that bad.
Maybe. Just maybe.
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padfootastic · 1 year
Day 30 - Trust
written for @prongsfoot-microfic (angst!!!! reader beware!!! lil bit o’ death going on!!!)
“I trusted you.”
Remus’ heart breaks right in half at the past tense.
Such a small difference, but oh, how it changes things. How it changes everything.
“Remus,” James’ voice is simmering with rage and it’s unlike anything Remus has even seen from him. Of them all, he’s the mildest, the most even-tempered, quickest to bounce back. He’s never been one to…stew in his anger but now that he has, Remus doesn’t know where to go from here. What to do.
“I. Trusted. You.” James’ enunciated every word with painful clarity, digging the knife in deeper with each turn. “I thought, if I wasn’t there, then at least you would be to take care of Sirius. If not for him, then for me.”
“I tried, God, I swear I tried, Prongs—“ Remus begs, hands clasped in front of him as if praying. (Not entirely far from the reality—James was their deity, was he not? The centre of their universe, the source of their absolution)
“Don’t you dare lie to me, Remus, you’re already on thin fucking ice.” One shaking finger rises to poke him on the chest. It doesn’t hurt, he can barely feel it through his jumper but it pushes him back nonetheless, almost stumbling into the corner chair behind him. “I know you didn’t try.”
“I did—“ He tries again, though he’s coming to realise it’s futile. For James Potter, there’s no bigger crime than abandoning Sirius. It’s why he has a grudge against the entire Black family and now Remus is on the same list, with the dubious distinction of taking top spot.
“Ask me how I know?”
He stay silent, knowing he wouldn’t like the answer. But this is James Potter they’re talking about. He never gives up.
“Ask me how I fucking know, Remus.” James’ voice reverberates around the entire room, the echoes of his shout ringing in Remus’ ears. The only sound cutting across the deafening silence is heavy panting. Until Remus breaks it.
“How do you know?” His voice, in sharp contrast, is small, timid.
“Because he wouldn’t be dead right now if you did.”
Remus’ neck almost snaps clean in half at how quickly he looked up, both from what James just said and the utterly broken tone in which he did.
“Dead—?” he whispered, unable to believe what he’s hearing. There’s no way Sirius is—No. Just. It’s not possible.
James doesn’t give any more information, doesn’t say anything for a few minutes where they’re both staring—Remus at James, and James into nothingness. He’s never seen such a look of abject despair on anyone’s face, let alone his best friend, and it makes him wonder. How will James ever recover from this? Will he even?
“Do you know, Remus,” James says then, a jagged, sharp smile growing on his lips. It’s humourless, it’s empty, it’s spine-chilling. “Coming from back from the dead after a dozen years to find out your Sirius is locked up and dying, and then to see him take his last breath in front of you? I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.”
Remus gulps, because he can sense this isn’t the end, there’s more to come and when it does—that’s it. It’ll sever any ties they might’ve had between them at some point, will cut them off entirely.
“But you.” James finally looks at Remus. His eyes are red rimmed but hard as ice, lips twisted into an ugly sneer. “I wish you’d feel even a fraction of what I’m feeling right now. Maybe you’d realise what you did then.”
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sunnami · 3 months
❝time will tell.❞
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[credits to the original artist of the photo!! can't seem to find their @ anywhere. title is taken from jane austen's persuasion, as was the first part.]
summary. ❝you are loved. and harry thinks there is no better description that that.❞
pairing/s. poly!mauraders x reader. (james potter x reader, sirius black x reader, lily evans x reader, and remus lupin x reader.)
word count. 9.5k.
tags. reader is referred to mum, with she/her pronouns[!], canon-typical violence [!], canon-typical deaths mentioned[!], very brief marauders as soldiers of the order[!], creepy old men being creepy[!], child abuse[!], pureblood arranged marriages, a minor character expresses wanting to die[!], Depressed and Traumatized Slytherins, the capital is important[!], themes of misogyny [!], teen boys fuck around and find out there are consequences to their actions, THERE IS ACTUALLY A LOT OF FLUFF, I PROMISE YOU, angst, children lose their baby teeth up until the age of twelve!! google said so!! not proofread we die like dobby the free elf
note. damn, i cried, you cried, we all crode. tbh, the first part was only intended as a oneshot, sdfkhdf, but when i re-read it, i thought that i could have expanded on more details,, so now here we are!! i love it more than the first part ueueue. thank you all so so so much for the kind comments :((( please please enjoy the second part to this installment!! part one
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HARRY JAMES POTTER was only a few months old when you died at the hands of Voldemort — or as strangers have told him every time they ravaged his personal space and ogled at his scar. They said it was a quick death, better than what had happened to Alice and Frank Longbottom. But that was all they’ve ever said about your death. Unfortunate; caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, entirely different from the pedestal James and Lily have been put on by the wizarding society. 
At first, Harry had wondered if it was due to your blood relations, being the daughter of a renowned Death-Eater, heiress to the fortune of a pureblood House. Harry can’t even count the amount of conspiracy theories he’s read or heard to his face that it must have been you who betrayed James and Lily, and not Sirius Black. 
Even Hermione’s shared to him a theory that your death was faked to surrender your loyalty completely to Voldemort — of course, Hermione was eleven at the time, head full of books and her favorite theories, and Harry’s already forgiven her. But there’s a part of him that despises the way he’s never known the full truth about his parents, just bits of information dangled in front of him like bait for people [read: the Dursleys] to get him to do what they want, to act like the way they want. Until Remus and Sirius, you were a stranger to him, really.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
IT IS RATHER UNFORTUNATE that Madam Pince has already taken her position as the unbearable librarian at this point in time. The woman gives Harry and you a pointed look as you slam the large book onto one of the tables — to Harry’s surprise, you glare right back at her. You’re awfully flushed, however, blushing cheeks betraying the fire in your eyes; it must have been from when Remus escorted the two of you to the library; he had tried to brush your hand with his pinky, to which you had responded with a startled hiss — Remus only smiled and chuckled at you, and Harry swears he’d like to forget that entire interaction because he saw literal stars in Remus’s eyes.
Jumping back in time and potentially causing chaos? Fun. 
Meeting your parents? Definitely fun, in the strangest of ways. 
But watching them pine and fall for each other? Not so fun. 
Nonetheless, he hesitantly takes the seat across yours and watches you flip through the pages until you land on a chapter with the large, bold letters: THE CURIOUS CASE OF ELOISE MINTUMBLE — Time-Travel and Its Many Dangers. He meets your gaze with a sheepish grin, mustering a look of innocence; except the puppy dog eyes only worked when he was nine — you are not amused. 
You slide the book towards him, scarily resembling Molly Weasley when she’s miffed with the twins. “You are aware, right, that just by existing here you’ve changed the future? Your future? And, that’s not even the worst thing that could happen.” 
Harry sulks. “Yes, mum.” He prefers not to think about it, actually, it makes his head hurt. 
“Don’t call me that in public!” You whisper heatedly, looking over your shoulder to check if anyone had heard him — to your luck, the library was empty, save for a Hufflepuff that was passed out on top of his books. “The less people that know about this, the better. It’s bad enough we told Potter about you. Do you even know what you’re going to do?” 
“Considering I was thrown here against my will, no.” Harry shrugs. “And to be honest, I was just going to obliviate the people who asked too many questions.”
You reach over to smack his head, scowling.
“Ow! That hurt!” Harry rubs the sore spot as he grumbles petulantly. “This is technically child abuse, did you know that?” 
You roll your eyes. “Do you at least have a plan to get home?” 
“Of course I do,” Harry retorts with a scoff, “Her name is Hermione Granger.” 
“Hopeless.” You groan exasperatedly. “Absolutely hopeless.” 
Harry only grins in response. For a brief moment, he forgets about the present — his reality where the skies are bleak and home is where he knows the feeling of loss more than the warmth of his own parents’ embrace. He lets himself forget, and pretends he isn’t the Boy Who Lived. Just some random boy who’s pestering his mother — even if she likes to deny the inevitability of being romanced by the Marauders, (except for Wormtail because Harry would eat troll slime before he ever lets that happen.)
“Right then,” You say after your tangent — which Harry tuned out when he hears the words, be responsible. “If I’m going to help you get back home—” 
Harry’s heart drops to his stomach; as selfishly as it sounds, he didn’t want to go home just yet — not to where people just took and took from him. He’s exhausted. Still, he puts up a front of being excited to be returned to his timeline. It’s for the greater good, of course, because his existence — present or past — is always somehow a threat to the wizarding society. 
“—you need to answer this one question for me.” Your voice drops lower as you stare at him intently, lips pressed firmly. 
Harry nods slowly. “As long as it’s within reason, yeah.” 
You inhale sharply. “Do I outlive Dolores Umbridge?” 
The wince escapes Harry before he can even stop it. 
That’s all the answer you need, apparently. Your mouth hangs open in disbelief, eyes nearly bulging out of your head as you slam your hands down onto the table surface, shrieking.
“That slimy bitch!” 
Needless to say, the two of you are kicked out of the library.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
YOU ARE ELEVEN when your father introduces you to Ferguson, commonly known as Fergus, Bulstrode. He smiles at you with a leer, eyes hungrily dipping to the neckline of your dress. You grit your teeth as you hold out your hand for him to take — you almost shudder at the feel of his lips on your cheek. You eagerly take a step back away from him, hoping your father won’t notice the way you shy from Ferguson’s touch. You’re not dull, you fully understand the implications of this introduction and the way Ferguson is complaining to you about his third wife’s passing — as if you were the solution to his loneliness. Bile rises to your throat, and you shove it down with a forced laugh at your father’s jokes about Mudbloods. From across the room, Allegra Greengrass stares at you in sympathy, and you send her a glare — you do not need anyone’s pity. 
The corset your mother laced on too tight is suffocating you; this whole Yule extravaganza made for elitist purebloods is suffocating you; and yet, you smile and greet every red-lipped witch your mother introduces you to. For hours, you pretend, and you pretend. By the time the guests have left, you wonder if you have any more of yourself to give. 
You manage to convince your mother to let you slip away for the night. Without missing a beat, you rush outside and into the garden labyrinth, lest old Ferguson snatches you up for a dance and let his gaze wander elsewhere. For the first time since the sun had set, your aching feet finally find some relief. You drop onto the edge of the stone fountain as you toss your heels to the side. You begin working your fingers through your hair, ripping the glittery ribbons from your head. It’s not until you’re unclasping your necklace that you realize you are crying. Tears fall from your eyes, and they sink deep into the fabric of your dress. 
You barely hold back your sobs. Your chest heaves as you hiccup; your vision goes blurry as your fingers grow numb. There’s nothing you can do but cry. 
You’ve used up all your smiles for tonight. 
But then, the sadness turns into resentment and then turns into indignation. Harshly, you wipe the tears from your eyes as you rip a violent scream from your throat. 
You sink to the ground, perfectly polished nails digging into the soil as you gather patches of grass and tear them from the roots. You throw a handful of mud at the marble statues. You grab another fistful of mud, scream, then bash your head against the garden floor. You let out another cry, whimpering as you curl into yourself; shivering as a gust of wind brushes against your skin. Surprisingly enough, this is the most human you’ve ever felt. This is the most you have ever felt — period. 
When hiccups regress into soft sniffles, you lay on your back, watching the stars float above. As the last of your tears slide down your cheek, you lift a shaky hand to trace the constellation in the sky. It’s not a familiar one to you, but then— 
“That’s Sirius.” 
You sit upright in a snap, wiping away the wetness from your eyes as you muster a mean glare at the newcomer.
Sirius Black.
“Oh, none of that,” He tells you when you move to stand. There’s barely any emotion on his face and it irks you that you can’t figure out what he’s planning. What you don’t expect is for him to sit beside you, thereby ruining his expensively tailored suit. 
“You’ll get creases,” You scold him instinctively, nose scrunched — but your voice is hoarse; too tired to put up any pretences. “Your mother will be cross with you.” 
Sirius scoffs, laying his head on the dirt, making sure to smear his sleeves with grass stains. “Walburga can go fall in a ditch and die for all I care.”
You gasp. “That’s horrible!” 
Sirius gives you a look. “You don’t believe that.” 
You really don’t, but you don’t have the courage to admit it either. 
After a few moments of silence, Sirius asks, raising a brow, “So who was that?”
“Who was who?” You stare at him with knitted brows, toying with your fingers. You still can’t wrap your head around how weird this is — sitting with Sirius Black in the middle of your mother’s hedge maze, your once bright blue dress now sullied at the ruffles, eyes bloodshot and your hair a frizzy mess. (Sirius thinks you look cute, though; especially with your missing front tooth that peeks out every time you talk to him.) 
“Bald guy, older than Merlin himself.” Sirius makes a face. “Looks like a troll. Smells like one, too.”
A giggle flutters past your lips, and your hands fly to your mouth. You really shouldn’t be bad-mouthing your guests, but Sirius was right — Ferguson really did act like an ugly troll. You sigh, letting your arms fall to your side. “My betrothed.” 
Sirius nods in understanding. “My mother tried to set me up with my own cousin once.” 
You grimace. “Which cousin?” 
He sits on his knees to face you, and with a very solemn face, he says, “Bellatrix.”
This time, you laugh freely, throwing your head back as Sirius pouts at your amusement. “O-Oh, that’s golden.” 
“No, it’s not,” says Sirius, lips twitching as he watches you snort like a pig through your giggles. “It’s horrible. A literal nightmare. You should feel awful for me.” He pokes your stomach, and it just makes you laugh harder, eyes disappearing into your smile. “Oi. I said feel awful, not take the piss out of me.” 
“S-Sorry.” You wheeze, batting away his hand pulling at your cheek. “I just can’t imagine Bellatrix in a white wedding dress and saying her vows to you.”
“That’s disgusting.” Sirius gags. “You’re horrible, I hope you know that.” 
When you finally calm down and Sirius tickles your bare feet until you cry in surrender, the two of you lay on the grass as he points out each constellation to you. Later, he fishes a small box of sugar mice from his pocket and offers it to you, opening one for himself. “Here’s to shitty parents and the one day we get to decide our own future.” 
You bump your squeaky candy mice against his. “Cheers, Black.” 
“Will you go to Hogwarts next year?” He asks you once he’s bitten off the tail of his mice. 
You nod. 
Sirius shifts on his side, holding his pinky out to you. “We’ll be friends when school starts?”
Again, you nod, wrapping your pinky around his. “Friends.” 
The next September comes, Sirius finds a compartment and one James Potter in it. You sit with Allegra Greengrass and Endora Lestrange on the way to Hogwarts. You are sorted into Slytherin, and Sirius finds freedom and a home in Gryffindor. You play the role created just for you; you lift your nose at those beneath you, adorn yourself in custom-made silk clothing, and carry yourself with the etiquette of a pure-blooded lady. Perfect grades, perfect hair, perfect clothes, always picture perfect.
You pretend that Allegra doesn’t throw up in the evenings from the fear of getting married to a man twice her age. You pretend that you don’t notice Endora sleep-walking and begging for her mother to save her from her father. You pretend that under your blankets, in the Slytherin dungeon, you are safe. 
You pretend that it doesn’t hurt when Sirius looks at you in disappointment when you shove a Hufflepuff student to the ground for getting a higher score than you in Charms.
They call you an ice-princess behind your back, and you overhear some of the fifth-years calling you foul words as well, and no one steps in to stop them; there’s no defending a Slytherin, after all. But you are keeping your head above treacherous waters, and you suppose that is all that matters.) 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“SO ACCORDING TO THIS, Eloise was stuck in 1402 for five days until she was retrieved to the present, which means we only have four days left to figure out a way for you to get back home.” 
Harry sinks into his chair, arms crossed over his chest. The two of you had found an empty classroom to discuss your plans away from inquisitive ears. “What’s the rush?” It’s unfair, he’d only just met you, and now he’s losing time with you. 
You sigh. “Harry, Eloise Mintumble spent five days in the past and when she came back, her body aged five centuries, and she died in St. Mungos. It’s not just about altering the whole timeline, you could actually die.” 
When you are met only with silence, you close the book, frowning. “Harry? What’s wrong?” 
Harry swallows the lump in his throat, looking out the window to avoid your gaze. “What do you know about the Mirror of Erised?” 
Your head tilts in confusion. “That it shows our heart’s deepest desire.” 
“Yeah,” says Harry, nodding. “I was eleven when I found it.” 
“Oh, Harry. . .” 
It’s almost pathetic how quickly his eyes water. “Did you know, before today, I hadn’t known at all what your voice sounded like?” 
You stay quiet, and Harry sucks in a shaky breath. 
“When I looked into the mirror, I saw my parents—all of you. There I was, in the middle. You were behind me—happy.” Harry swipes a tear from his eye. “I wanted to stay in that room, stare at that mirror forever.”
“Dangerous, I know.” He laughs bitterly. “Just like finally being able to meet you all here.”
“Harry, you aren’t supposed to be here in the first place,” You say quietly, eyes drooping sadly. 
“I know that!” He exclaims desperately. “But is it so selfish to just want some time? I don’t want an illusion, I want the real thing. A real family. Why can’t I have that? Bloody Malfoy gets everything he wants, and what do I have?” 
“Your friends,” You tell him firmly. “Your friends who must be worried sick that you’re gone and must be going great lengths to bring you back.” 
“I know.” Harry wilts. He’s got Remus at home, too, who probably needs him more than ever after Sirius’s death. “I know. But can’t I just have this one thing?” 
You purse your lips for a moment, brows furrowed in thought. Then, you break the silence with: “Do you want to hear a story?”
“What?” Harry croaks, peering at you through wet lashes. 
Shrugging, you say, “Stories to remember us by. I’ve got six years worth of stories and then some. I know it’s not much, and you’ve probably heard some of these already from the others in the future, but it’s better than nothing, right?” You lean against the back of your chair, glancing at the wall clock before grinning at Harry. “We’ve got time to spare, anyway.” 
Harry manages a smile, setting down his glasses before rubbing his stinging eyes with the handkerchief you offer him. He figures this is what Remus means when you’re the gentlest creature he’s ever known — just not gentle in what the world expects you to be. 
“What do you say, Harry? I give you tidbits of the past, and you tell me if you know anything about the next Triwizard champion, so I can place my bets in advance.”  
Harry snickers. “Not a chance, mum.” 
“Worth a try.” And the smile you give him is nearly blinding. 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND what it is about Gryffindors and their hobby of invading others’ personal space. 
A year into dating and James likes to shove his head under your shirt, claiming he loves the sound of your heartbeat — but you know really what he wants to nestle his head in between. The amount of cashmere blouses he’s ruined is absurd! Sirius has a hobby of tracing runes on the plane of your stomach. Lily prefers it when you sit in front of her, just within reach where she can wrap her arms around you and rest her head on your shoulder. Remus tends to lag behind the group when he notices you walking slower due to your leg flaring up. He kisses the side of your head and promises to chase the pain away — sappy poetic that he is. And in the moments where all five of you are together, tucked under a wide alcove, you can best believe there is no escaping what they like to call, a cuddle pile. Limbs are tangled, kisses are shared, and confessions of love are whispered. 
Before them, you hadn’t really known the different ways to love and be loved. 
Onto the pressing matters at hand, you discover that the brazen show of affection extends to their parents as well. Particularly, the Potters. After a year, you finally caved into James’s requests for you to spend the holidays at their manor, since the others have already made a space for themselves there, and James had said it would be an honor for you to feel at home with his parents, too. Honestly, you spoil them too much — one look into his bright, wide eyes and you gave in. James didn’t even care that you brought two luggages for clothes alone; he lifted each bag with delight and with ease. 
(Remus had the audacity to laugh when he caught you and Sirius staring at James’s flexed muscles, mouth wide open. 
“As I have said, Remus Lupin, I do not drool!”
“Sure, dove, whatever you say.”)
But now, you really aren’t so sure of your decision. 
“Oh, she’s beautiful, Jamie!” Euphemia encases you in a bear hug the moment you step inside the manor. You’re engulfed in the scent of cinnamon and burnt sugar. You stiffen as she cradles your face in between her palms, smiling ever so fondly at you, cooing about how precious you look, much like a mother would — and how your mother never did. You wonder if this is what you’ve been missing all along — the thought stabs you right in the heart. “Please excuse the mess, dear, we haven’t had the chance to clean up yet, Monty and I are excited to try the recipe Lily owled to us the other day, you see.” 
“I-It’s okay,” You rasp, struggling to hold back the tears. 
“Oh, what a darling you are!” Euphemia smiles and ushers you further inside. “Come, come. The others are right upstairs. You must be tired from the train ride. It is so lovely to finally meet you. Make yourself at home, dear heart — James Fleamont Potter! Give your mama a kiss this instant! Don’t think introducing your girlfriend will distract me from the fact you didn’t owl me letters for two months straight!” 
James whines as he hides behind you. “Mum, I’m seventeen, stop embarrassing me.” 
Euphemia scoffs, hands snapping to her hips. “You’re going to be my baby boy forever, now come here.” 
With a shy smile, you step away to surrender James to his mother — you don’t understand which part of this is embarrassing; you wish for a mum who’d welcome you home like that, with unconditional love and kind eyes. James squawks and calls you a traitor, just before his mum attacks him with loud, exaggerated kisses to his cheek, leaving lipstick stains all over his face. You hide a laugh behind your palm, ignoring the way your heart pangs at the sight of their unrestrained smiles. Euphemia lets her son go after a few more seconds, cackling at the masterpiece she’s created on a grumbling James, who’s rubbing his skin to erase his mother’s affections. She hugs you once more before setting you off, telling you to meet Fleamont after you’ve unpacked. 
Just as you reach the foot of the stairs, you hear a girlish squeal, then the sound of rapid footfall against each wooden step. Lily greets the two of you by jumping off the last step and wrapping each arm around yours and James’s neck. “Welcome home, Jamie!” She captures his lips with her own before doing the same to you, cupping your cheek lovingly, “So happy you made it, princess! How was the ride here?” 
You were never a fan of traveling by Floo; it made you nauseous after, and left you with a pounding headache for hours. Without hesitation, the others offered to accompany you on the train, but you insisted they Floo ahead to Godric’s Hollow — it took a lot of convincing, but they finally agreed, (they’re not the only ones spoiled; they couldn’t refuse you, too.) With the exception of James, who wanted to be there when you saw his home for the first time. You nearly cried when you saw how well-loved their manor was; rose shrubs dipped in snow, Sirius’s motorcycle parked outside, a mailbox with poorly painted shapes, the fences covered in Christmas lights, and the amount of shoes by the door. From outside, you could hear the laughter and warm conversations. 
“It was fine,” You say in a daze.
Lily sees right through you — and frowns sadly. “You alright?” 
Were you? 
You catch sight of the moving photographs of James and you finally reach your breaking point. There’s a swell in your throat that you can’t seem to push down. There’s a photo of James, Lily, Remus and Sirius; James is in his Quidditch jersey, raising the Golden Snitch high up in the air, Remus is twirling Lily, his arms around her waist, and Sirius is holding up a charmed banner that says: Gryffindor Rules! Slytherin Sucks! Except For My Darling Angel Love Of My Life Most Beautiful And Gorgeous Perfect Brilliant Girlfriend! 
There are hints of life all around the manor. Remus’s textbooks and scarf are laid by the coffee table. Lily’s O.W.L. marks are framed on the wall, along with Dumbledore’s letters to James and Lily awarding them the position of Head Girl and Head Boy, as well as McGonagall’s previous letter to Remus that came with his Prefect badge years ago. There’s a spot dedicated to Peter, filled with a photograph of him awkwardly holding his Herbology test, one that he scored a hundred and twelve percent on. It’s a wall dedicated to them, you realize. 
Then, you find it. 
Right there, up above James’s spot, and beside Sirius’s display of beyond perfect Transfiguration exam marks, and a picture of him and Remus kissing each side of your face. 
It’s a space on that wall just for you. 
James follows your gaze and rubs the back of his head, ears tinged with a shade of deep pink. “Mum left a space when I first told her about you. I-It’s yours, you can put anything you want there.” 
“I can’t,” You whisper, lips quivering as your heart cracks into a million pieces. It’s too much. 
James blinks. “Can’t? It’s yours, I promise. Mum won’t mind. You can even hang your dumb Montrose Magpies poster and I won’t tear it down — Marauders’ honor. I can help you if you want. I-I’m not good as decorating as Lily, but I paid attention to your boring explanation of color theory and I know that you hate this shade of—”
“James, I can’t do this.” 
That’s all you say before you run out of the door. 
(And you’re absolutely delusional if you think James won’t follow you out that door and into the brewing snowstorm.) 
You hear James call out to you, but you opt to ignore him and clutch your winter coat tighter around your body, shivering in the blowing wind, trudging through the deep snow through your heeled boots — designer couldn’t help you now even if you tried. You sniff, the salty taste of your tears dripping to your lips, chest tightening with a foreign kind of pain, and the frost nipping at your fingers. You give up after a few minutes, falling to the ground with an anguished cry, hand clutching the front of your chest as you struggle to breathe. 
James reaches you in a matter of minutes, draping his jacket over you, barely flinching as the cold welts his bare skin. Frantically, he wipes the tears from your eyes, a pained expression on his face as he sees you cry helplessly. “Come on, dove, it’s not safe out here. Let’s go back home, yeah? I’m sorry for upsetting you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry — I’m so sorry, dove, please don’t cry, it’s killing me to s–see you like this.” Tears fall from his eyes, and he begins stuttering from the cold, but you can’t go back to the manor. “What did I do? Please tell me so I can fix it. I love you—I’m sorry.”
You bat his chest. “G–Go home, Jamie. I’ll just take the train back to the castle.” 
“What?” He shakes his head, grabbing onto your hands. “Y–You can’t. Not in this weather. You’ll get sick if you try to walk back to the station.” 
You withdraw from his hold as you back away from James, slipping into the ice-cold mask you know so well. 
James rises in an instant, reaching for you. “No, no, no, no, no. You don’t get to do that. Not now. Not with me. Please, just come home and I-I’ll fix it.” 
“Goodbye, James,” You tell him firmly, clenching your jaw as you look him straight in the eyes. 
He grimaces. “That won’t work on me, princess, and you know it. Don’t push me away—please.” 
“Go home, James!” You yell bitterly, pivoting on your heel as you march through the thick inches of snow, hearing Remus and Lily’s voice grow louder in the distance. “Just go!”
He grits his teeth, nails digging deep into the palms of his hand. “You’re a coward if you walk away from here—from us—right now!” James shouts through chattering teeth and stray tears. “And I hate cowards more than anything!” 
You don’t look back. 
(Later that night, James stares blankly at the fireplace, tossing twigs now and then. He’s all out of tears. Remus crosses his legs as he sits beside James and offers him a steaming mug of hot chocolate. 
“Don’t want one,” He mutters, words coarse from earlier, head turning away from Remus’s gift. “Just want her.” 
Remus sets the beverage on the ground before pulling James’s head down to his chest, gently wiping the tears from his eyes as he wraps the blanket around both of them. He presses a soft kiss to James’s hair. 
“I said I hated her,” James says weakly. “I don’t—I never will. I just hate that she’s out there spending Christmas all alone. She could be here—with us. I hate not knowing that she’s safe, or that she thinks I don’t love her anymore—that’s a bloody lie, Moony. I adore her. If anything, I don’t deserve her.” 
James finds out that he does have more tears left in him. “I miss her. Bring her back, Rem, please.”
“You’ll cry yourself sick, love.” Remus wipes each tear away. “Let’s go to bed, yeah? Mornings do have a way of bringing miracles to us.” Because after a night of excruciating pain under the moon’s command, he wakes up to sunlight, and there you all are — smiling down at him like he is deserving of love; and maybe Remus can’t fault you for running away.
You’d kiss him gently and tell him how proud you are of him for coming back to you. 
Remus only hopes you come back to them, too.)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“AND THAT, dear Harry, is how I humiliated Lucius Malfoy in fifth-year.” Your eyes gleam wickedly as you rest your arms on the school desk. “If he ever bothers you in your time, just mention my name—oh, I wish I could see the look on his face when he realizes I’m haunting him from my grave. Tell him, okay?” 
Harry nods excitedly. “Definitely.”
“Got anymore stories?” He asks. 
You cackle menacingly. “Boy, do I ever. Let me tell you about the one time Beckett McLaggen took me out on a date to Madam Puddifoot’s!” 
Harry grimaces. “Do I even want to hear about this?” 
“Oh, pish-posh.” You dismiss him with a wave. “You do, this story is hilarious. Now that I look back on it, Sirius was quite cross with him for the rest of the day—how strange. I wonder why.” 
Harry stares at you in disbelief. “You’re joking.” 
“I most certainly am not, Harry Potter.” 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
AN EAR-PIERCING scream wakes you up in the middle of the night. You snatch your wand from under your pillow, heart thudding against your chest in fear — last year, the Prewett twins decided it was funny to break into the girls’ quarters at midnight; you get a month worth of detention for hitting Gideon with the Expulso curse and suspension from class for two weeks, while the twins get away with a slap on the wrist and have the time of their lives spreading rumors of you being a Death-Eater. 
Endora shoots up to her feet as well, staring at you in panic — then the girl screams again, and you realize it’s Allegra. 
You sigh in relief, lowering your wand before saying to Endora, “I-It’s alright. I’ll handle it.” 
“Are you sure?” Endora asks timidly, gnawing at her lip and wincing when Allegra wails once more. 
“Certain,” You respond, yawning. 
As Endora climbs back into her bed, you slip into Allegra’s side, holding her head to your chest, brushing your fingers through her hair and untangling the knots. Like most of the Greengrass women, she was of ethereal beauty — silky blonde hair, smooth and fair skin, deep blue eyes that enchant wizards and witches alike. But her cheeks have gone sallow from exhaustion, eyes devoid of any emotion, and her skin now sunken into her bones. 
“I don’t want to marry him—I can’t! He’s old enough to be my father!” Allegra sobs violently, desperate for anyone to hear her, but no one really ever hears their cries from the dungeon. “They said they’d wait until I graduated—they promised! I’m supposed to marry him this summer!” 
Your heart breaks for your friend — there’s nothing you can do but hold her until she’s cried every bit of her soul out. 
“I hate them,” Allegra whispers to you; she had been shedding tears for hours, trembling in your arms until morning finally came. 
“I know,” You say defeatedly. 
“I wish I was dead,” She replies lifelessly. “He can’t marry a dead bride.” 
“Don’t say that,” You beg as you hug her tight; afraid to lose her to the world that has worn her down. “Please.” 
Allegra sinks into her pillows, and you follow in suit, hesitantly laying your head beside hers. She stares at the ceiling dully. “The world is so, so cruel to us daughters sometimes. And it’ll be cruel to our daughters, and their daughters. When will it end?” 
“I don’t know,” You say honestly. 
Allegra hums, neither disappointed nor surprised, and turns away to lay on her side. “Pansy,” She mumbles.
“If we lived in a better world and I married for love, I’d want to name my daughter Pansy — like the flower.”
(Later that day, you are given detention for beating Evan Rosier to a pulp. He makes a joke about dirty blood, and you snap — you are tired of laughing and pandering to the arrogant men in your life. This is the first time you publicly defy your parents, and it felt good — more than good, it was liberating. It’s like breathing fresh air for the first time. Then, you earn a second detention for storming up to the Gryffindor common room and punching Fabian Prewett in the face — because fourth-year boys had no business sneaking into the girls’ dorm in the middle of the night for some stupid prank — and you threaten him by pointing the tip of your wand deep into his neck, demanding they apologize to you, Allegra, and Endora. 
You get what you want, naturally — as princesses do. You decide then that you’re going to create a world where girls like Allegra don’t cry anymore.)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
HARRY TWINGES WHEN he hears the end of your fourth or fifth story of the afternoon — no wonder you had been so angered by his being in your room. “I-I’m sorry—” 
“Yesterday was hardly your fault,” You interrupt him. “There’s no controlling where magic brings you, not in your case. You didn’t know, but now you know. I don’t hold it against them — anymore. Fifteen-year-old boys can be stupid, and at least they’ve learned from their mistakes. You should have seen your mother — erm, Lily — she looked like she was ready to kill them after finding out what they had done. Even Molly was cross with the twins, and you know how loyal Molly is to her family.”
Oh, Harry knows.
And Hermione knows it all too well. 
“Others call us evil, conniving and cruel, Harry,” You tell him grimly, “But I will protect my own, no matter what I have to do.”
At that moment, Harry thinks he understands why some people come to fear Slytherin. 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“LOOK, LILY-PAD, the princess is drooling again.” 
You open your eyes to glare at Sirius. “I don’t drool, idiot.” 
Lily chortles as she presses a kiss to your shoulder. “Of course you don’t, princess.”
Currently, you’re lying on a shabby loveseat that is too small to hold the three of you; it’s the only furniture in the new cottage you call home, where Potter Manor was right across the street. (Euphemia was ecstatic to have you all nearby — the lovely woman was sprite for her age, but you notice the way she stops to sit and catch her breath, Sirius and James hovering over her attentively; you’re good at pretending, so you pretend that the Potters will be around forever.) Some rooms are dusty with cobwebs, walls unfinished, with the floors creak under your feet, and there’s no other place you’d rather call home. 
You’re in between Sirius and Lily; your lips swollen from their kisses, cheeks flushed and the column of your throat graced with love marks. It’s the most beautiful set of jewelry you’ve ever worn, not even burmese rubies could compare. Lily’s hand rests under your jumper, Sirius’s thigh wedged between your own. While peace blankets the three of you, James and Remus have yet to come home from their task given by the Order. 
“You need a haircut, my love,” You mumble drowsily, pulling at one of the dark ringlets — it’s gone past his shoulders now. He captures your hand and leaves a delicate kiss on your fingertips. 
Lily buries her nose in your hair. “She’s right, Siri.” 
“I’m always right.” You pout. 
Sirius, love-sick fool that he is, smiles as he tilts your chin with his finger and ensnares you in a kiss that leaves you breathless. “Course you are — our girl’s bloody brilliant, isn’t she, Lily-pad?”
“Without a doubt.”
You roll your eyes at their antics, rolling around so that your back is pressed to Sirius’s chest — they’re not fooled, however; Lily sees the way your eyes flicker in amusement and the way your lips threaten to curve up into a smile. She traces the swell of your lips with her thumb, to the dip of your nose, and to the apples of your cheek. Sea-green eyes beam at you.
“I love you,” says Lily, committing every inch of you to her memory as she wears a melancholic smile. “I don’t know who told you that you don’t deserve to be loved, but they were wrong. You are so precious to us, dove, you don’t even know how much. This right here is real — and nothing could ever change that.” 
As it turns out, you did have more smiles to give — only the happy ones; not the fake, courteous smiles that you had given to your mother’s friends in the past. You come to intertwine your hand with Lily’s, the one that had been resting on your cheek, tenderly wiping the tears that pooled within your eyes. Your heart could burst from your chest. They had a habit of wringing every emotion out of you; of making love feel real, not just a myth from a Muggle storybook. And you find, that you didn’t mind this particular habit of theirs. In the comforts of the place you call home, where you irrefutably belong, you are free to seek their arms and fall into their love, and the best part is where you get to love them right back. 
How lucky you are. 
“Let’s get married,” You blurt out, holding your breath, feeling Sirius’s hand on your waist stiffen. 
“What?” Lily gasps breathlessly. 
You smile up at Lily. “Let’s get married. All of us. I don’t care where, o–or about the rings, let’s just get married. With the war going on, we deserve s–something good.” 
Lily sobs as she nods excitedly. “Yes. Oh my Gods—we’re getting married!” 
Sirius stares at you in wonder. “Bloody hell, dove, give a guy some warning, would you?”
You grin. “Is that a yes?” 
“It’s a yes — forever.” Sirius dives in to kiss you senseless. “Couldn’t get rid of us now even if you tried.” 
“I don’t think I’d want to, anyway.” 
Right then, the rickety door slams open, and you hear the loves of your life calling out for the three of you. Followed by the heavy thud of Dragonhide boots plunking down onto the floor
“We’re home!” James announces in the entryway. 
Lily wastes no time in shooting up from the sofa and welcoming them home with quite a unique greeting:
“We’re all getting married!” 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“That ring is an heirloom passed down to the children in our family,” You tell Harry, pointing to the band around his finger. “It’s meant to symbolize our loyalty and duty to our House. My mother said I would have earned it only when I became a wife to Ferguson Bulstrode.” You chuckle at Harry’s perturbed grimace. “No, I didn’t marry him — thankfully. After Allegra. . . I—I. . . I couldn’t bear it. If I was going to marry, it would be on my own terms, and it would be for love, nothing less. Then, if my child wanted it, I’d give them this ring. I want to leave behind a legacy that I created. When I was younger, I’d resigned to a fate that was forcefully carved by someone else’s hand.” 
You shake your head. “I want to die being remembered by those who loved me. Otherwise, I was never truly alive.” 
Harry won’t let that happen, he won’t ever let your name be forgotten. He’ll share of your kindness to his friends, of your bravery and loyalty. Hermione will love your fondness of Muggle musicals and how you stood up to Lily’s defense in a world that ostracized her for being different. He’ll remind Remus of your love for him, that he had brought you hope in times of despair. Harry is going to make sure the world knows you had been so full of life with endless love to give. You are going to be remembered in the way Voldemort never will. 
“What do the words mean?” He stares at the writing: Tempus Edax Rerum.
You smile. “Time, devourer of all things.”
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“REMUS—THE MUGGLES ARE stuck in the telly again!” 
Remus snickers as he takes the vacant space beside you on the loveseat, now sewn up with care and spattered with knitted quilts and throw pillows — still too small to carry three people but hasn’t given out yet, anyway. He takes Lily’s legs over his lap, swiftly stealing a kiss from your lips. “It’s a film, dove, they’re acting.” 
You purse your lips. “They’re trapped inside, then?” 
Lily snorts into her tub of chocolate fudge ice cream. “Not quite, princess, it’s recorded. Movies are like moving photographs — but they’re an hour long with sounds.” 
“Oh.” You turn your attention back to the screen, back to the film Lily had been watching. You had to admit — the story of Sandy and Danny was an interesting one. “Lily-pad, she’s singing — again.” 
Sirius hushes you from where he was cuddling James on the other couch. “She’s supposed to sing, dove, it’s a musical.” 
“Well, yes,” You begin, and James groans into Sirius’s chest, “But they should just talk instead of singing all the time — Sandy’s got a lovely voice, though. I just don’t understand why Danny’s treating her like that! Truthfully, I don’t like any of Sandy’s new friends, other than Frenchy — she’s harmless. If I was Sandy I’d move on from Danny — but then again, that hair and those muscles, and his leather jacket! I can’t blame her.” 
Sirius glowers at you. “You like his leather jacket?” 
“His hair?” James exclaims in horror. 
Remus chuckles as he tucks you in his side, kissing your temple. “If I were you, dove, I’d be quiet and just watch the film.”
“Oh, no, no.” Sirius barely glances at the television as he pauses the film and stands up to point an accusatory finger at you. “Since when were you into leather jackets? Do you think those are cool? Since when? Jamie, should I get one? Let’s unpack this, right now. And his muscles, really?” 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Play the film, Black, I want to see the end of their love story.” 
“I’m telling Euphemia on you!” 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“—and then we realized that we accidentally locked Hermione in with the troll.” Harry’s arms flail about as he shares some of his adventures with you — it had only been fair. He felt like a young boy again, entering Hogwarts for the first time as he watched you listen to him intently, gasping at tale of the vanishing glass and scolding him when he says he and Ron had decided to go searching for Hermione, and by extension, the troll. 
Your eyes grow wide. “A troll? In Hogwarts? They can’t have, not unless—”
“Someone let it in—I know!” Harry grins. “You’re not going to believe who let the troll in the castle.” 
You snap your fingers, “Malfoy, the older one. I know that lump’s got something to do with this. Can’t have been Snape or Quirrell.”
“Just you wait.” Harry’s eyes twinkle with mischief. “—and so, Professor McGonagall finds us, and can you believe it? She awards us for dumb luck! Then. . .” 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
IT HAD COME AS A surprise when you volunteered to join the Order of the Phoenix. You wanted to scoff at their shocked faces — was it so surprising that you wanted to protect your family? They let Severus Snape join their ranks, and you’re fairly certain that you’re a better fighter and survivalist than him — not the better liar, however, he can have that one. The week before, you and the others had an argument that lasted for the whole day. They did not want you in harm’s way, and you would rather die than stay at home, waiting idly for them to return, when you could be out there alongside them. 
(“It’s not some game out there!” Remus runs through his hair in frustration — he had always been so careful to never raise his voice at you, but this one time, he needed you to back down. “Every time you step into a raid, there’s a possibility of you dying, don’t you understand that? And even if you survive — you’ll have blood on your hands, and it does not wash away no matter how many times you try, trust me, we know.” 
“So what?” You throw your hands up in the air, equally aggravated. “I just stay here like some. . . some pet waiting for their owners to come home?” 
“Yes!” Lily angrily replies. “That is the whole point of us joining the Order — so you get to live another day. So we all have a chance at this new world without a war. Let us protect you!”
You grind down on your jaw. “You have got another thing coming, if you think I’m not going to fight tooth and nail for my future.” 
James slams a fist onto the kitchen counter. “There are horrors out there you can’t even imagine. I-It’s worse than we thought. It’s our every nightmare come to life.” 
You raise your chin defiantly. “Then we face it together.”)
Each day, you survive, and each day the five of you return home — scarred and bruised, but safe within the arms of one another. When you collapse and crumble, it is only for the walls of your home to witness. 
Now a month into autumn, you are on your first task without Sirius, James, Lily or even Remus. Instead, you are assigned by Dumbledore to Knockturn Alley along with Peter Pettigrew and Gideon Prewett. How strange time was, years ago you’d never associate with the proud Gryffindors, and now you had to trust them to guard your back. Everyone had to grow up quickly during war, even pranksters. 
The alley was quiet — too quiet for your liking. You had been on alert since the moment you apparated into the area, wand at your ready. The back of your neck prickled with goosebumps as you kept an ear out for any sign of movement. 
Peter shivers and you glance at him — he’s become far too skinny, constantly shrinking into himself out of fear. And while you want to comfort him, you keep your eyes up ahead. Still, there's a nagging feeling that you can’t quite make out. It’s different from all the other times you’ve been asked to search and rescue. 
“Don’t you feel like there’s something wrong?” You ask Gideon, eyes snapping to the flock of crows flying overhead. 
“Dunno, kid,” Gideon says, nudging your shoulder with pressed lips. “Everything about this is freaking me out. The place is too empty.” 
“I get what you mean,” You reply, swallowing your own nervousness. Without waiting for the rest, you speed up your pace. “I’ll scout ahead, who knows what’s been here before us. I don’t want to risk any of our lives, so let’s be careful. Gideon, ward the area while I check for any cursed objects, last time you almost got your arm cut off by a newspaper of all things. And Peter, could you. . . Peter?” 
When you turn to check behind you, it all happens so fast. 
“Avada Kedavra!” 
You scream as Gideon’s deathly pale body falls to the floor. 
You aren’t given a moment to rush to his side — someone digs their wand in the side of your neck, and you stiffen in their hold. It’s not until they hiss in your ear that you recognize the voice. 
“Rosier.” You spit, biting down on your lip when he presses the tip of his wand further into your flesh. 
“Stupid witch,” He taunts, eyes dilating with vengeance. “Where are your lovers now?” 
“Jealous?” You claw at his arms, chest heaving up and down. “We don’t have room for one more, sorry.”
“Shut up!” He pushes you to the ground in blind rage, and that’s all the opening you need. 
Each curse you send his way lands on his cloaked body, sending him staggering backwards. With ease, you deflect each spell he counters with. You’re winning, he is growing tired, and perhaps that is why you let your guard down. 
“Accio wand!” 
The magic fizzles out, and the spell dies on your lips. As you swivel your head to find out who’s stolen your wand, you expect to find another Death Eater — except it’s Peter. Just Peter Pettigrew, quivering in his boots with tears and snot dripping down his face, your wand in his free hand. You furrow your brows — it doesn’t make sense. 
“Peter?” You call out. 
The curse finds its home in your body — and it sinks deep into your flesh, grinding your bones until you slump to the ground, wriggling as you draw blood from your lips, refusing to let them hear an ounce of your pain. Blood trickles down your nose as you hear Evan Rosier dancing around you in glee. You know this curse well; the sound of your father condemning you gleefully echo in your head. You crawl over to Gideon — hand desperately reaching for his shirt. 
“Crucio!” Rosier grabs you by the hair and howls with laughter. “Scream for me again—Crucio!” 
It’s as though someone had begun to rip you in half. Your bones shift and crack with every uttered curse. The veins in your eyes have popped and through bloody vision, you see Peter cowering away from you.
“You—fucking—traitor,” You gurgle, throat welling up with blood that’s risen from your stomach. “They’ll—never—forgive you—never.” 
“Crucio! Crucio! Crucio! Come on, witch — SCREAM! Look at her go, Pettigrew, crawling like some pathetic worm.” 
You lay in your owl pool of blood, wearing a body that is marred and lacerated. But you see something in Gideon’s hand. I’m sorry, you want to tell him. I’ll get you home to Molly, you promise, please lend me your magic this once. With every last bit of your strength, just as Rosier directs another curse at you — one you know you won’t survive — you snatch the wand from Gideon’s hand and tear the last of your magic from your throat. 
You wait with a bated breath as silence fills the alley; lucky to have remembered Professor Flitwick’s quick remark as to how the slight difference in pronouncing a charm could alter its effect. Rosier stands on shaky legs, a stream of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth. You watch as he looks down to his chest, where a gaping hole now lies instead of where his ribcage and heart should be. As Gideon had done before him, Evan Rosier crashes to the ground. 
That just leaves one more problem. 
Peter scurries to your side the moment Rosier can hurt him no longer. “I-I’m sorry—I’m sorry. I had to. . . T–They killed my mum, they killed M–Mary, and t–they said I would die too if I d–didn’t do this. I’m sorry. Y–Your father was there, too. He said he would take you in, let you l–live if you joined us. W–We can live, t–there’s still a chance for us to survive.” 
Your fingers are bent at unsightly angles, the remnants of the Torture Curse still flowing through your veins, but your face contorts in anger as you let your hand curl around his neck. He sobs louder, and though your grip is weakening — you make sure he looks into your eyes, that he feels your touch.
“I’d rather—die.” You say through gritted teeth, nails drawing blood from his grimy skin. “You’ll die too—you’ll feel my blood on your skin—everywhere you go, Peter.” 
Peter shakes his head, now clumsily pushing his wand down to the center of your chest. “Y–You were the only o–one who d–didn’t laugh at me. N–Not like the others.” 
“When they find out—you’re dead, Pettigrew.” You laugh darkly as more blood exits your body through your lips. “There’s nowhere you can hide—you’re a dead man.” 
“P-Please die,” Peter cries out, each killing spell coming out as a garbled whisper. “Please die,  s–so I can live. I c–can’t fight anymore, I’m tired.” 
Your vision goes a hazy shade of white, Peter’s silhouette fading away to the familiar scenery of your cottage in Godric’s Hollow. 
Dying is less painful than you had expected it to be. It’s like coming home after a day’s work. 
You just wanted to rest now. 
The world caves in on you, and you barely hear Peter’s next words. 
“Avada Kedavra.” 
(It’s past midnight when Peter Pettigrew arrives at Grimmauld Place, where it’s been altered to host the members of the Order, Lily sobs in relief and gathers him in her arms. 
You’ll feel my blood on your skin.
You’re a dead man. 
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. 
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re home safe — welcome home — thank the Gods you’re alive,” Lily blabbers through her tears, checking his face for any major injuries. “Merlin, what happened? There’s too much blood on you. It’s on your shirt and your face.” 
“It’s not mine,” says Peter hoarsely. 
Sirius’s gaze darkens, arms crossed over his jacket as he leaned against the wall. “Where is she?” 
Lily nods, standing on her tiptoes to search for any sign of you. “Peter? I–Is she alright? Has something happened to her?” 
Peter stays silent for a moment too long, and he finds himself slammed against the wall behind him, Sirius snarling in his face as he seizes the front of Peter’s soiled shirt. “Where the fuck is she, Pettigrew?” 
Peter begins to weep. “I–It was an ambush. None of us saw it coming. Gideon r–ran. She was taking on two Death-Eaters at once and I–I was too far away.” 
Lily collapses to the ground with a heart-wrenching scream.
Sirius growls as he drives his fist to the wall, inches away from Peter’s face. “Where is her body?” 
“It was a disintegration spell.” With Severus Snape — brought to the Malfoy Manor to be made as an example of what happens to blood-traitors. 
James pushes Sirius out of the way and grabs a hold of Peter, knocking his head against the concrete. “It should have been you—” James snaps at Peter. “If it came down to you or her—you should have saved her!” 
“W-What?” Peter stammers, eyes wide. “She chose to save m–me.” 
James sneers at him. “You should have just died.”)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
ST. JEROME’S GRAVEYARD had exactly one visitor. Remus Lupin sits in between James and Lily’s graves, a bottle of firewhiskey in his hand — four empty at his side. He must be going crazy. There’s no funeral for Sirius as there’s no body to actually bury, Harry is presumed missing after an attack in Diagon Alley, and your name stares back at him mockingly. He tries not to dwell on your passing — there have been too many holes, too many details left unsaid; and he knows just the rat who has all the answers. Unfortunately, Wormtail won’t come out of whatever hole he’s crawled into. Either him, or Severus. 
He sighs, rubbing the temples of his head to ease the growing pains. 
You are the first to be buried of the five. Like Sirius, there had been no recovered body to lay to rest, but they asked for a compromise instead. Your name is engraved under Euphemia’s in her tombstone, and Remus figures it’s the fitting place to leave you be — with your mother, welcoming you home with open arms. He hopes you’re at peace, wherever you are. (Because, honestly, at this point, he might just fucking follow you.) 
Remus takes another swig of his alcohol, laughing bitterly to himself. He glances at James’s headstone and raises his bottle to him. “Not even in death, huh?”
He downs the last of the drink, rising to his tremulous legs. Remus gathers the flower bouquets he had bought earlier this morning; lilies-of-the-valley for Lily, white carnations for Euphemia, forget-me-nots for you, and for James — Remus leaves a moving photograph of him and Sirius; it’s a snapshot taken by Lily during the wedding as James dips his head low to kiss Sirius. Remus thinks it’s a wonderful memory to remember them by. 
“Take care of them for me, Jamie.”
And that is all the goodbyes Remus has the strength for. 
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end note. i think i was crying the whole time i was writing this part, LMAO. i should be able to wrap things up in the next one. important!! there is actually a scene i was hesitant to include, but i ended up writing anyway. it's the whole part where allegra greengrass breaks down, and it was difficult for me to decide because i knew the implications; that i had a strong underlying message in that part, and i don't want it to be misconstrued or anything. pls pls tell me if it comes off as offensive, i definitely don't want to hurt anyone. nevertheless, thank you again so so so much for reading!! if you spot a plot hole, no you didnt!! i hope the time-jumps weren't too confusing! again, thank you so so much for reading!!
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thebestofoneshots · 10 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Summary: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally meet Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. Mostly canon-compliant. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Read Gilded Constellations on AO3
Read the French Translation by @nagareboshi-chiyo
Paring: Sirius Black x Reader / Remus Lupin x reader / Wolfstar x reader
Chapter average: 5k - 6.5 k
Content: Smut in later chapters, Poly!Marauders, throuple, graphic descriptions of violence, MAJOR and minor character death (this is The Marauders Era guys, you know), jealousy, angst, pining, love triangle, LGBTQ+ themes, The Wizarding war 1.0, implied child abuse, possible proofreading errors, mental health struggles, hurt no comfort, hurt with comfort, period typical attitude, first war with Voldemort, canonical character's death, fluff, Requited Love, F/M/M, mostly canon-compliant.
Status: Ongoing (Weekly updates)
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01 | Summer Breeze
02 | Escape
03 | Bitter Sweet Symphony
04 | Rainy Days and Mondays
05 | Good times
06 | Crazy Little Thing Called Love
07 | Peaceful Easy Feeling
08 I Fooled Around and Fell in Love
09 | The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke
10 | Black Dog
11 | Do Ya
12 | You really got me
13 | Rebel, Rebel
14 | Maybe I’m Amazed
15 | No One Like You
Interlude (Q&A Event)
16 | Boogie Wonderland
17 | Tonight’s What It Means To Be Young
18 | Friends will be Friends
19 | Silver Bird
20 | Bad Moon Rising
21 | Fox on the Run
22 | Long Long Way From Home
23 | Hungry Eyes
24 | Peace of Mind
25 | I’ll get Even With You
26 | Hooked on a Feeling
27 | Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
28 | If You Want BIood, (You’ve Got It)
29 | With a Little Help From My Friends
30 | Bridge Over Troubled Water
31 | Strange Magic
32 | Come a Little Bit Closer
33 | More Than a Feeling
34 | You Belong to Me
35 | Chill of Desire
36 | Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
37 | Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
38 | Let the Good Times Roll
39 | Running With the Pack
40 | Hot Stuff
41 | Urban Adventure
42 | Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
43 | Sympathy for the Devil
44 | TBD (24.04.24)
45 | TBD (01.05.24)
Your Theories, The Note, The Costumes, Sirius and the Chimney, Sirius and Vix after the bad moon, Evans and Vixen, Remus and Vixen at the infirmary, Remus holding Sirius at DADA, Remus and Sirius’ height difference, the FOXSTAR picture, Art by @nineloseteeth, We're going French,
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A/N: Most Poly!Marauders fics are oneshots, where the relationship between characters is already established, and they're all happy and pleased with it. No issues, no drama, but I WANTED the drama. Couldn't find it, so I set myself up to write the story behind the stablished relationship. I wanted to know how they started dating each other, the jealousy, the will they won't they, because getting into a poly relationship can't be an easy task, and I wanted to explore that story. If you're interested: Welcome to Gilded Constellations!
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starstruckmoony · 1 year
pairing - james potter x muggleborn!reader
summary - james gets into a fight and you take care of him (you also scold him).
trope/tags - fluff, established relationship
word count - 1.3k
warnings - mentions of blood/violence but nothing explicit or graphic, mention of bullying but again nothing extreme
hogwarts was considered a calm place for a school, more often than not. and calm in a sense where students weren't taking their shots at trying to bite each other's heads off every other day. it got boring sometimes, without all of the age-typical drama and big fights, or brawls, or whatever one may call them (the ones where at least one person would land themselves a place in the hospital wing).
which is why you found it rather weird when a fifth year hufflepuff told you that a fight had broken out in the corridor outside of the potions classroom. apparently, almost all participants left bleeding, and one's nose wasn’t in a particularly divine condition. that wasn't very likely for wizards your age, their usual forms of battle would be hexing each other till one cried.
you brushed it off, it wasn't significant enough for you to dwell on it, and it didn't seem like it involved any of your friends. that was what you had suspected, at least. the sight of your boyfriend standing in the common room with a bleeding lip and brow was the last thing you wanted see when you stepped through the portrait hole.
"what did you do?!" you were in front him in a matter of seconds, looking at the other three boys in search of an explanation behind this.
"nothing happened." sirius was quick to defend whatever james did this time, and you shot him with a deadly glare. he chuckled awkwardly, ducking behind remus who appeared to be only moments away from shoving him to the floor.
"what do you mean 'nothing happened', look at him!" you snapped, pointing at james and the terrible condition he was in. he kept his eyes on the floor, not daring to spare you a glance.
"i mean, not much happened." peter lied, but it didn't do much to help. you ignored him, your focus still on your disheveled boyfriend in the middle of the room.
"i think we should let james do the explaining." remus suggested, and the irritated tone of his voice indicated that he wasn't exactly proud of his friend either. that, or something else happened.
"well?" you crossed your arms, your expression slowly softening.
"can we talk in private, please?" james finally looked up from the floor, meeting your worried face.
"fine." you sighed, letting him take your hand and lead you up the stairs to the boys dormitories. you made him take a seat on his bed not even a second after you walked through the door, and busied yourself by searching for bandages and other supplies through his trunk and drawer. luckily, he had told you remus had some, which the boys occasionally needed to use after their strange little forest explorations and full moon nights.
you made a swift trip to the bathroom and grabbed a towel which you had previously run under some water, and took a seat on the bed across from james.
"alright, speak." you gave him a nod of encouragement, and reached to clean up the blood around his lip with the cloth in your hand.
"promise you won't be mad at me?" james said with pleading eyes. you furrowed your eyebrows.
"what?" you accidentally pressed on the wound on his lip a bit too hard, causing him to hiss, "ouch." he muttered, his face scrunching up.
"sorry," you sighed, "i won't be mad, i promise." you muttered, your gaze stopping at a bruise that was beginning to form on his cheek.
"so, you know how i messed with snivellus the other day? made his potion explode in front of everybody?" you nodded. it was rather hilarious, especially since it happened not even five minutes after severus had bragged about his outstanding skills and knowledge about potions, and tried to get into slughorn's good graces (as if he already wasn't his favourite).
"well, i think he wanted to get back at me because he started following me in the hallway, chatting shit as usual," you stopped what you were doing for a moment, afraid that the story was about to go in a direction you had predicted it will, "i wasn't paying attention to him at first, i was trying to catch up with pete cause i stayed behind to talk to minnie, but then he..." james trailed off, much more nervous than before. he pressed a hand to the back of his neck, sighing uncomfortably, his expression sour.
"...started talking about you. rubbish, just pure rubbish, and he called you...you know, that word. the one for muggle borns, said you had dirty blood." you squirmed in your spot, feeling a bit uneasy. it was sad to say you'd gotten used to hearing such words thrown your way, they almost stopped bothering you, but it was different now, since it was affecting james, too.
"and then i punched him. square in jaw, also broke his nose. then mulciber came at me, then avery, snivellus was too busy whinging on the floor," james scoffed, and you didn't miss the way he rolled his eyes at the recalling of the scene, "a bunch of students showed up to watch, it was such a mess. and then moony and padfoot came and managed to fight them off somehow."
you sighed, putting your face into your hands and shaking your head. you stayed like that for a while, and when you looked up, you found that james had been staring at you the entire time. and without a drop of guilt in his eyes.
"did you really have to break his bloody nose for that?" you chastised, ripping the bandages open frustratedly and making the tiny papers they were wrapped in fly everywhere.
"what was i supposed to do?" he pouted. his ultimate weapon in fights, one that he was certain would always make you go easy on him. truth be told, you were beginning to feel a little less annoyed. if anything, you were more scared that something like that would happen again. and what if he's not lucky enough to have remus and sirius come by? what if someone uses a curse on him? slytherins like mulciber were brutal.
"not that! three against one, james. have you completely lost your mind?" you placed one of the smaller bandages onto his eyebrow, and dabbed the towel against the scratch on his lips a few more times. it was a bit ridiculous how you were scolding him and taking care of him all at once, but james was secretly (not very secretly) enjoying it.
"i'm not gonna have anyone talking about you like that." heat rushed to your cheeks. james bit back a grin. trying to come to a peaceful agreement about this was impossible, you both knew that.
"you didn't have to do it, you idiot." you smacked him across the head with the wet cloth, which only made him snicker. as disappointed as you were, you couldn't ignore the giddy feeling that was overtaking you. you tossed the towel staight to the floor and pulled him into a clumsy hug.
"thank you." you buried your face into his neck, your words were a bit muffled.
"you don't have to thank me," he kissed the top of your head, "next time he does that, he's dead."
"dramatic arse." you pulled away, fixing his chair and glasses as you did. good thing those idiots didn't break them.
"you love it." james winked, smiling cheekily.
"true, i do." you grinned back, and he quickly pecked your lips.
"you sure it's smart to do that?" you raised a teasing eyebrow. his lip was split open, so snogging really didn't seem like the most intelligent thing he should be getting up to right now.
"if you think this," he pointed to the small wound,"is stopping me, you are very wrong."
"james–" you gave up on even attempting to shove him away about two seconds into the kiss. it was james bloody potter, your stupid boyfriend who does stupid things because he loves you more than anyone could ever show, and who were you to resist him?
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starchaser-lily · 4 months
Part II of my series, where I recommend fanfics that I'm reading/read by making a mood board of it. (Part I)
Gilded Constellations by @thebestofoneshots
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Summary: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally meet Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. Mostly canon-compliant.
Pairing: Sirius Black x Remus Lupin x Reader
Content Warnings/Tags: Slow Burn, Smut in later chapters, Poly!Marauders, throuple, graphic descriptions of violence, major and minor character death, jealousy, angst, pining, love triangle, LGBTQ+ themes, The Wizarding war 1.0, implied child abuse, possible proofreading errors, mental health struggles, hurt no comfort, hurt with comfort, period typical attitude, first war with Voldemort, canonical character's death, fluff, Requited Love, F/M/M, mostly canon-compliant.
Word Count: 5k - 7 k per chapter
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forestdeath1 · 18 days
Do you think James really matured? If so, why do you think he still hexed Snape? And if you say that it was because “Snape never lost an opportunity to hex him” why has he never told Lily?
This is a genuine question I simply want to know your take because you’re probably the only person on here that likes them both.
No, I'm not the only one. There's also @seriousbrat and @fiendishfyre and maybe someone else.
I've always thought that James matured in the sense that he stopped seeing what he does as a worthy knightly deed. In other words, he realized that it's not something to be proud of and that it's worth showing off. And that strutting around like a pompous turkey, cursing everyone you don't like, even if you justify it in your head by saying they're filthy Slytherins — that's just rubbish behavior.
But James didn't become someone who would turn the other cheek. The Marauders, even as adults, stuck to the idea — an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I don't know what you mean by "matured," maybe that James became like Dumbledore or like Harry... well, no. From the conversation between Sirius, Remus, and Harry, it's clear that they fully justify James's actions in his seventh year, because they're all children of a different mindset "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," and they don't understand any other way. They don't turn the other cheek for a hit, they hit back. So they justify James, and I think James felt the same way back then.
But he knew that Lily had a different mindset, plus Snape was her best friend, I don't think she would have wanted to know all that. I think she wanted to exclude any mentions of Severus from her life altogether; it caused her pain. Actually, the fact that James understood it needed to be kept secret, not bragged about, shows that he at least started to think that it could actually be unpleasant for Lily (before in SWM James humiliated Snape with pride and constantly glanced at the lake, thinking Lily would appreciate how "cool" he was).
So, if for you "maturing" means finally understanding that violence in any form is unacceptable— then no, James didn't mature. Even Remus and Sirius didn't "mature". From this perspective (typical Christian morality, which is abundant in the books), Harry, for example, acts much more maturely in PoA when he decides not to kill Peter.
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ourloveisforthelovely · 3 months
Bad Ideas (Part 14)
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating : M
Link to Part 13
The following hours were some of the longest of your life. While Regulus slept you let your mind wander to the upcoming dark days that the two of you would face. You dreaded telling Regulus that he would soon become a werewolf. Seeing the shock and sheer devastation in his eyes was enough to make you want to cry. Typically you weren’t a crier. You were more of a “hell hath no fury like Y/n Black” type. Today, however, that wasn’t the case.
“Has he woken up at all?”
You looked up from your place at Regulus’ side as Sirius stepped into the room.
“No, not yet.”
Sirius took a breath before sitting down in the chair on Regulus’ other side. He hated seeing his younger brother so banged up as much as hated that expression on your face. Seeing you look completely devastated made Sirius want to walk right up to Greyback and punch the bastard square in the face.
“Have you thought how we are going to break this to him?”
You shook your head. Every time that you tried to think of a plan for what you would say it never seemed good enough.
“No…not a clue. I don’t know how to tell Regulus everything he knows about himself is changing.”
Sirius didn’t respond for a moment.
“Yeah, how do you say it in a way that isn’t going to devastate him? Nothing about this conversation is going to be easy. Maybe with the medicine he’s on it will make the initial shock just a little easier.”
You stroked your finger over Regulus’ wedding band.
“He will either be a little loopy or choose violence. Time will have to tell on that one.”
Sirius winced as he turned to look at you again. He wanted to give you some kind of wisdom. Sirius wanted nothing more than to tell you that the two of you would find a way to deal with this. After all, he had been through this with Remus. He went through Remus’ personal hell every month but for some reason, he couldn’t get the words out.
“ How are you holding up? “
You looked back up to your godfather before shrugging.
“I don’t know. I keep telling myself that logically we can deal with this. I can the potion for Regulus as I do with Remus. Regulus will simply have to find his new normal…then my heart kicks in and says other things. Look at him… he’s never going to accept this. You know your brother as well as I do. “
Sirius looked thoughtful for a moment.
“Yes, I do but I also know you. I know you are going to be that one constant in his life that he never had before. When the two of you became a couple I was a little hesitant about it…”
“You chased us through the train station . .. “
Sirius held a hand up with a frown.
“Interrupting me when I’m trying to be inspirational is rude. Like I was saying, I had my hesitations but now I don’t. The two of you bring out the best in each other. You make my brother tolerable. Granted, he is still a little shit when you are gone but he is tolerable. I like seeing you happy too. Seeing a Y/n happy face is always a nice thing to see.”
Sirius was relieved when you smiled for a moment before frowning.
“I wish James would see it that way.”
Sirius sighed before making a mental note to give James a good talking-to later.
“He’ll come around. You know all of this has to be a lot for him and Lily. The last thing they remembered was they had one-year-old twins. Now both Harry and yourself are grown-ups with lives of your own. I’m going to ask you to cut them a little slack. That, however, doesn’t mean that your feelings aren’t valid.”
A knock on the door stopped the conversation. When Harry stepped into the room, he gave you a nervous smile.
“Y/n, can you come here for just a moment?”
Sirius gave you a gentle smile.
“Go ahead. I’ll stay here with Regulus.”
You got up to follow your brother into the hallway. When you stepped into the hallway, you smiled seeing Ron and Hermione in the waiting room. Both quickly walked over and wrapped their arms around you.
“We came as soon we heard.”
Ron commented as he moved aside to let Hermione hug you more. You wrapped your arms around Hermione enjoying every moment of that hug.
“Is he alright?”
Hermione asked in a gentle tone. You shook your head.
“He’s going to be a werewolf. There is no skipping around that.”
Ron ran a hand through his hair before muttering “bloody hell” under his breath.
“Was it Greyback?”
He questioned. You nodded.
“Yeah, apparently he got away after all. I know that we were hoping that he was dead but it doesn't look like that happened.”
Hermione gently tucked a strand of your hair behind your ears.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n but you have us. We’ll help you however we can.”
Ron nodded.
“We certainly will. Regulus will be back to insulting us and throwing stuff at our feet before we know it.”
Ron was relieved when you smiled for a brief moment.
“I need to be selfish for a moment…I have to tell him though. He’s been asleep since it happened. Bloody hell, I have to tell my husband that his life…everything that he knows has changed. I have to watch him go through the hell that Remus goes through every month. I have to sit back while he suffers and I can’t do a damned thing about it.”
Harry gently squeezed your hand as Hermione placed a hand on either side of your face.
“No, you can’t do anything about it medically but you can be there for him in every other sense. He is going to need you more than ever, Y/n. You are strong. I know that you can do this. Like, Ron said, you have us. The four of us have been through so much over the years. We can handle a furry little problem too.”
If there was one thing that Hermione could do best that was calming you down. She always knew what to say to bring you some peace.
“I need the three of you more than ever.”
You said, hoping to hold the tears back.
“We aren’t going anywhere.”
Harry said as Regulus yelling made the three of you jump
You groaned before putting a hand on your face.
“He chose violence.”
You commented before quickly walking back into the hospital room.
When you stepped into the room, Regulus was sitting straight up in the bed with a horrified expression on his face. Sirius was standing up holding his hands up trying to quiet his younger brother in vain.
Regulus’ attention turned to you. Your heart instantly broke seeing the petrified look. His normally dreamy gray eyes were filled with sheer horror.
“Y/n, tell me that he is joking.”
When you didn’t reply, Regulus’ mouth dropped further.
You moved to sit down beside Regulus. Silently, you hoped that your presence would calm him down. Now it was time to destroy the life of the man that you loved more than anyone else in the world.
“Y/n, say something to me.”
Regulus ordered. You took a deep breath.
“Regulus…you were bitten by Fenrir Greyback. I’m sorry, darling, but there’s…”
“Don’t say nothing that you can do. I can’t turn into…one of those monsters.”
You breathed in, trying to calm yourself.
“I’m sorry but you are. Regulus, everything will be alright. I know that it doesn’t seem that way now but there are…”
Regulus shook his head. This was worse than being drowned by inferi and drinking that damned torture potion combined. Now he was forever weakened.
“Reg, Remus goes through this every month. He can help…”
Sirius started but stopped when Regulus gave him the biggest got to hell look.
“Yeah, but I’m not Remus Lupin! I don’t have the level of grace that man does.”
Regulus grumbled. You stood and began to gently run your fingers through his hair. Normally this would turn Regulus into putty. He was surprised that he was feeling somewhat better.
“Are you going to leave me now?”
He asked, turning his attention back to you. You nearly fell back in your chair as your mouth dropped.
“Regulus Black, that is the dumbest question that I have ever heard come out of your mouth! I would never leave you over something like this. When I put that ring on your finger I meant the vows that I said.”
Regulus nodded but didn’t respond. He had partially lost the will to say anything else. He sat trying to process the news that his life, as he knew it, was over. He glanced over at you sadly. The fact that you hadn’t left him spoke volumes of your loyalty to him.
He couldn’t help but wonder if, in time, you would change your mind and leave. If the truth of his condition came out, Regulus knew that your reputation would be ruined. You had worked so hard to become a healer. It would be a scandal if it got out that you were married to a werewolf.
“This is Y/n. She won’t care what anyone has to say…hopefully. I can’t be without her.”
Regulus thought miserably. Since he had gotten with you so much of his outlook on things had changed. No longer was he this independent being that didn’t need another individual in his life. You had shown him how wonderful it was to be truly loved and accepted. Regulus DID NOT want to go back to the lonely life that he lived before you.
“Sweetheart, can you get me some water?”
Regulus asked. You nodded before leaning down and kissing his cheek.
Regulus waited until you were out of the room to speak to his brother.
“How long do I have, Sirius?”
Sirius looked down at his feet before finally meeting his younger brother’s gaze.
“The next full moon. Regulus, I know this is nothing that you asked for and nothing that you want but you have support. I’m not going anywhere nor is Y/n or Remus. You have people in your corner.”
Regulus sighed. As much he enjoyed giving his brother hell, Regulus was thankful to have Sirius in his corner again. It was nice having a relationship with his brother that he thought was gone forever.
“I’m sorry for screaming at you.”
Sirius chuckled.
“That was very Regulus Black of you.”
Regulus hoped that you would take some time getting that water.
“Should I divorce her?”
Sirius’ mouth dropped at the question that left his brother’s mouth.
“What? Why would you ask something like that?”
Regulus leaned back into the pillow. His whole body ached like never before. It felt as if all of his muscles were on fire while being twisted. Regulus knew that it was the venom changing every cell in his being.
“Because, Sirius, it's unfair to her! Y/n has worked too hard to get where she is to have her reputation tarnished by having a werewolf for a husband. You know how people look down on werewolves? Do you think it's fair to put a young woman through that? I may look the same age as Y/n but right now I feel our actual age difference.”
Sirius sat down on the bed before looking over his shoulder to make sure that you weren’t nearby.
“Regulus, I want you to listen to me. Do not and I mean do not even say anything like that to Y/n. She loves you! I have never seen her care for someone like she does you. If you leave her, she will be devastated. Please, Y/n has been through too damn much to have something like this happen to her. I’m begging you to not even consider the D-word.”
Regulus looked up as you walked back into the room.
“Here, love.”
You said before handing Regulus the cup of water. Sitting back down, you started stroking Regulus’ hair again. You didn’t notice the panicked expression on Sirius’ face as he stood up.
“I’m going to go call Remus. He’s probably wondering where I’m at.”
“See you soon.”
You replied, focusing all of your attention on Regulus. Sirius walked to the door but turned back to meet his brother’s gaze before mouthing,
“Please don’t.”
_____ @geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @fific7 @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @dumbbunnys-safes @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @readtomeregulus @i-love-scott-mccall @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @rogue-nyx88 @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @playmore-zeppelin @coffeeaddictednymph @ell0ra-br3kk3r @knight-of-gleefulness @shaylybaby2032 @wontlookaway @livshifts @emiwrites3reads
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evesaintyves · 11 months
Ok long annoying question incoming: Whenever I read your remadora stories im always interested in how you portray lupin with his relationship with sex. I always got the feel that werewolves were looked as sort of sexual predators in the wizarding world. I mean the way greyback is written was very creepy, “specializing in children”, wanting to eat hermione because of her “soft skin”, yikes.
Because of that reputation do you think lupin views himself as a sexual predator when he’s feeling just basic lust? Not even specific to tonks, like do you think he has trouble with his feelings of attraction to anyone. How do you think puberty was like for him? How does gender play into this, does he feel like he’s objectifying whatever person he’s attracted to? Would he even have sex before a relationship like tonks? Is he jealous of Sirius and James because they can be more free with their sexuality? Lol so many questions sorry
hi anon! not annoying at all, thanks for sending an ask! i'm always happy to get them, even if i'm not great about answering them in a timely manner (or at all)
tbh i'm not really a meta-writer and i don't usually fw headcanons too much outside the context of developing a story - but here are some thoughts based on the characterization choices i've made in my work. they are entirely speculative; canon has very little to say about how Remus Lupin uses his dick.
TW for sex, violence, sexual violence, wizard porn, endnotes, Moonchaser*, stuff i wrote at 4 am
so to start there are a couple of much better metas out there by other authors that you might like:
@bikelock28 has a really good meta on werewolves as sexual predators that covers this really well and explores lupin's struggle with it.
@ashesandhackles also has a great meta on the psychology of lupin's lycanthropy/marginalization called the gentleman monster
so yeah, i think you're dead on about the sexual subtext of greyback. in canon we first see people disgusted by and afraid of werewolves¹ and eventually we find out about greyback's notoriety as a child predator². Lupin obviously expresses occasional self-loathing in canon, and my take on that is that he's internalized some of the responses he gets from people aware of his status and some generally-held prejudices against werewolves—he pushes back against Harry's assertion that he's a normal person with a problem³, he refers to himself as "dangerous⁴**," he speaks of himself as having "tried to live amongst wizards⁵," which to me implies that he thinks of other wizards not as peers but as betters who tolerate him. i think his carefully neutral, people-pleasing, equivocating tendencies are his attempt to build a self around the rejection of whatever people might believe about werewolves.
do you think Lupin views himself asa predator when he's feeling basic lust?
my feeling is that, because of all these ideas he's absorbed about what werewolves are like, Lupin might pathologize and abhor some of his own thoughts & behaviors, maybe even normal/typical ones, and have a difficult relationship with urge, impulse, and desire.
How does gender play into this?
he's a boomer who hangs out with a bunch of bros, he takes a kind of patronizing attitude with Tonks in their confrontation in the hospital wing⁶, and he was written by an author who went on to make gender essentialism her whole entire deal as a person, so i feel like he's probably at least a little sexist. i think, just because it's part of the sexist background radiation we all receive, he probably understands women as vulnerable and passive-receptive in heterosexual relationships - so my thought is that he probably has extra hangups about hooking up with women. i think he'd probably have hangups about any sex where the power dynamic favored him, and there are a lot of things about penetration, exchange of fluids, etc. that seem like they might trigger any internalized ideas about himself as violent, sexually rapacious, diseased, etc.
Would he even have sex before a relationship like Tonks?
I don't particularly headcanon Lupin as lifelong-celibate before Tonks, but I get why some people do and it's fine. My personal instinct is that if he experiences sexual desire, he probably finds an outlet for it one way or another***. I think one of Lupin's specific hangups with Tonks is that she's asking for a relationship, she's asking to love him and for some kind of commitment on his part - I think he'd struggle with those more than he might struggle with casual sex. Not just because of the risks to which they'd expose Tonks; some of Lupin's behavior in canon is pretty self-serving - specifically, self-protective against conflict or rejection⁷ - and I think being in any kind of serious relationship might expose him to an uncomfortable kind of vulnerability. personally, i think that's probably a key factor in his apparent misery in the early days of his marriage and his eventual ditching of Tonks—yes, he was trying to protect her, but my suspicion is that he was trying to protect himself too: from the permanent commitments of family after a life spent moving between places and jobs and societies, from the guilt of producing a werewolf kid, and from all the risks of pain and failure that a relationship would bring.
What would puberty be like for him?
Lupin's relationship with his body seems like it must have been pretty fucked up at baseline so starting to grow face & body hair and get physically bigger (and thus harder to control during full moons at home) was probably kind of rough. early sexual feelings and the realization that sexual relationships are going to be difficult and fraught at best for him probably sucked too
Is he jealous of Sirius and James?
so there's that line in the extracanonical Lupin bio where he says of Sirius "he always got the women." i really hate the incelness of this line, but if you want to consider it canon, then sure. tbh i think most of the Pottermore stuff is kind of trash
there's no interaction i'm aware of between Lupin & Sirius in book-canon that would give me the impression that he's jealous, and Lupin always seems to warmly & fondly remember James so... i think it'd be fine if a writer wanted to try and build a case for this dynamic between Lupin and his friends, but it doesn't resonate with me specifically. honestly, I think it'd be easier to make the case that he had a little crush on James than that he was jealous.
if you've read this far, hi, and also i just wanted to mention that i have a fic coming out in July that explores some of Lupin's struggle with—and terror of—his sexuality so stay tuned if you're into that
*god i fucking hate ship names how about "Rames" "Jemus" "Pupin"
** obviously, a werewolf is dangerous at the full moon and it makes sense to be afraid of encountering one. as a reason not to be in a romantic relationship, though, it suggests to me that Lupin thinks of himself as violent/untrustworthy/impure in a general sense
*** ok new headcanon Lupin is one of those guys with an absolutely massive and meticulously-organized porn collection. i bet wizards could make a pretty dope fleshlight. like remember that care of magical creatures book that's just like a weird hairy animal mouth? okay i'll stop
¹ PoA, pp. 336-337
² HBP, pp. 334-335
³ HBP, p. 335
⁴ HBP, p. 615
⁵ HBP, p. 333
⁶ HBP, p. 615
⁷ PoA, pp. 345-346; OoTP, pp. 719, 721
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delimeful · 1 year
a still-glowing ember (2)
warnings: g/t, remus pov-typical violence/gore/innuendo, ignoring one's needs/magical burnout, self destructive behavior, hypothermia, death mention
If Remus didn’t find his brother soon, he was going to burn this stupid forest to the ground.
He decidedly ignored the way the night’s cold was seeping into him, frost biting deep enough that he probably couldn’t even conjure a spark, let alone a flame.
That wouldn’t stop him. He’d figure out how to start a fire the human way if that was what it took.
(And afterward, if Roman’s spark had already extinguished by the time he found him– he would find him– Remus would figure out how to burn to death the human way, too.)
They’d never be able to come back to this valley, anyhow. Remus had snatched three whole territory markers from a shifter as he headed north, using the decision-making process that had gotten him labeled ‘a danger to himself and others’ at his first colony.
What could he say? Roman was the closest thing he had to impulse control.
He’d considered going back for another one– the temperature drop as the sun set was killer, literally– but stealing foxfire was the sort of thing one couldn’t repeat without getting gleefully disemboweled by a pissed-off fox shifter, and who would track down Roman then?
Already planning exactly how he’d make fun of his brother for losing to a measly storm, Remus flapped his wings sharply, sending another wave of warmth through them and ignoring the way the cold pit in his chest deepened a bit more.
It didn’t matter. He’d always wondered what it would feel like to gutter down to ashes, anyhow.
The world’s most torchable forest continued to look the same no matter how far he flew, all thick-trunked trees and mossy undergrowth that he’d normally be eager to taste test. There was barely anything resembling a breeze, so the murmur of rustling leaves had been completely overtaken by the hum of insects and distant calls of night birds.
The lack of wind was just another stroke of bad luck. Normally, without any drafts to coast on, sprites would find a perch to occupy. He couldn’t glide for long, meaning that his half-frozen wings were working twice as hard to keep him in the air.
He had to keep moving. Roman was out there somewhere, perched in one of these identical trees or flitting from branch to branch in his own search. If he actually cared that Remus was missing, that was. Remus’s brain was beginning to suggest otherwise.
Maybe he’s glad to have the chance to get away from you, his mind offered. You should hunt him down and break his wings into little frozen splinters.
There was a heavy thud and rustle nearby, and Remus veered towards it, because investigating things that could potentially murder him sounded way better than listening to the squishy gray matter in his skull.
The source of the commotion turned out to be a sizable bear, shuffling its way down the trunk of a large tree. Remus circled around the scene on quiet wings, taking in the practiced movements of the beast.
Oh yeah, that could definitely murder me, he thought, successfully sidetracked. In a single hit, even. One of those paws probably weighed as much as three of him.
It was a moon bear, he was pretty sure, just barely able to see the telltale sliver of cream fur on its chest in the dark of the night. Not one of the more carnivorous species, boo.
No idea what it had been doing up there, but he didn’t have time to pursue the distraction any further.
With all the turning, his glide had shifted to more of a controlled fall, and he flapped his wings a few times, ignoring the way the bear’s attention shifted towards his direction. The flaps were frustratingly weak, slowed by encroaching icy numbness, and he forced another surge of warmth through them.
His spark pulsed painfully, and in the next moment, his vision blacked out entirely.
His wings flailed out to try and brake automatically, but vertigo had struck like a viper, and he could hardly tell up from down. There was wind in his ears now, which probably meant that he was currently hurtling towards a very splattery end.
He’d always said he wanted to go out screaming and covered in someone else’s blood, but he couldn’t even draw breath to yell, his whole body struggling to right itself amidst the pain of nearly burning himself out.
There was a sudden impact against one wing, hard but thin– a branch? Any semblance of direction vanished as he tumbled head over heels through what felt like an endless stretch of bush. Each stinging lash hurt, but by the time he hit the ground, his momentum had slowed enough to make the impact totally agonizing instead of extremely fatal.
He lay there for a few long moments, stunned or possibly paralyzed. He couldn’t really tell if the snapping sounds had been the branches around him or all of his bones. Slowly, his vision began to fade back in, each blink bringing a new arrangement of black spots.
Distantly, he finally registered an odd sound, one that was gradually growing closer.
Oh, right. The bear.
Moon bears weren’t particularly active carnivores, but their primary meat intake was carrion. He remembered because he’d thought it was extremely funny, and also an excellent fact to gross Roman out with.
Remus attempted to twitch a wing, and failed miserably. His whole body felt like it had been tenderized into a paste.
… He was pretty sure he counted as carrion, at this point.
Getting eaten by a bear was a cooler death than hitting the ground because he forgot how to fly, at least.
The rustling of leaves intensified as something began pushing past the bush’s branches, presumably searching for him.
There was the sour taste of misery on the back of his tongue, knowing that if Roman was still alive out there somewhere, Remus had abandoned him with not even a corpse left behind. It was his own fault, he thought with a pang of aimless violent fury. If he’d been smarter or quicker or more reserved about his search, he wouldn’t be in this mess.
He was distracted from the impulse to bite down on his own arm– half to vent his anger and half because if something was going to eat him, he wanted the first bite– by the sensation of something soft and warm grazing him.
It was like his body remembered it was freezing all at once. He leaned against the warmth despite himself, his breath catching as a new wave of involuntary shivering agitated every bruise and bump he had, and struggled to think past the sensation.
The thing grabbing him wasn’t a bear mouth, he realized, mildly disgruntled. There were no teeth. Only a bunch of flexible, appendage-like protrusions poking through the brush and curling around him.
The mystery of it all was the only thing keeping his mind off his shrieking nervous system as his battered frame was steadily pried free from the bush’s tangled grasp. He stared down at the fleshy lump settled across his chest like a band and abruptly realized he was looking at a fingernail.
A hand. Had a human somehow grabbed him? Remus blinked, dizzily sinking into the warmth of it. Maybe they could help him with the forest fire. He’d been planning to set something on fire human-style, hadn’t he?
“Try to stay awake. Your body temperature is dangerously low,” a low, measured voice informed him.
Remus hadn’t even realized he’d closed his eyes until he opened them to the sight of a considerably larger face looking down at him. Not human after all, going by those fangs and the round, fuzzy black ears atop the stranger’s head. Where had he seen those ears before…?
The stranger had continued talking, not that Remus had caught any of it, and was now levering his arm up between two fingers and pressing on it. It felt gentle, but sensations could be deceiving in the cold, so it was totally possible he was about to watch his humerus get snapped in two. The stranger was staring at him expectantly now, as though a question had been asked.
Remus didn’t have an answer, but having finally figured out just what kind of shifter was holding him, he did have something to say. Inhaling past his bruised ribs, he tilted his head back against the palm he was resting on to make eye contact.
“You’re beary hot,” he managed, and with his piece said, proceeded to immediately pass out.
Remus woke up to fur in his mouth.
“Pfah,” he said, coherently.
The fur underneath him twitched, everything swaying slightly as though wherever he was laying wasn’t exactly solid ground. He was also sweltering, which was a great state for him to be in if he didn’t want his spark to go out from overstress. Really though, how much fur did one have to inhale to start coughing up hairballs?
There was a careful oversized breath, and then the surface below him abruptly shifted to something much flatter and smoother. Fabric, Remus realized, his cheek pressed against distinct woven threads.
“Hello,” a voice rumbled through him, large and close. “You’re on top of me. Please don’t be alarmed.”
Remus waggled his eyebrows blearily, still too disoriented to even contemplate being alarmed. Besides, he didn’t startle easily. He was normally the one alarming.
“Did you at least buy me dinner first?” he asked, his delivery weakened by the instant pain that blossomed in his chest. “Ow.”
“My apologies,” the voice replied. “I was unable to reduce the bruising of your ribs, since applying ice would have only worsened your condition. I did not prepare any dinner, because you were unconscious.”
Either this guy had the best deadpan in the business, or the innuendo had completely flown over his head. Remus was delighted regardless.
He struggled to push himself upright, his entire body protesting severely, and a giant hand lifted into his line of sight, hurriedly curving around him as a supportive measure. The feeling was familiar, and Remus went rigid as he recalled exactly how he’d gotten here.
“Where are we?” he asked, all traces of his lackadaisical attitude gone.
If the stranger was surprised by his sudden intensity, he didn’t show it. “My home. It’s a cave near the northwestern edge of the valley, and I brought you here after seeing–”
“You motherfucker,” Remus swore, and twisted to bite down on the stranger’s hand.
The fingers contracted briefly, but surprisingly enough, didn’t collapse down to instinctively crush him.
“Ow.” The stranger’s voice was insultingly monotone about the attack, which admittedly hadn’t even broken skin. “Stop that. There’s no need, I don’t intend you any harm.”
Seeing that his best efforts weren’t cutting it, Remus unlatched his jaw and craned his neck to scowl up at them. “Forget harm! You kidnapped me while I was in the middle of something!”
“Yes,” they replied dryly, “dying. I noticed.”
“How long has it been?” Remus asked, shoving to his hands and knees. “Is it still night?”
There were two hands hovering anxiously over him, now. “Not long has passed. There are still several hours until dawn breaks. Why?”
“Because I’ve got a featherbrain brother to find,” he said, “so sorry to smash-and-dash, stranger, but you’ll have to abduct me to your cave against my will another time.”
The stranger went quiet for a long moment, during which Remus painstakingly managed to push himself up to a standing position, though his wings were limply dragging behind him.
He couldn’t really see very far before his vision went blurry, so he wasn’t sure entirely where the exit was, but he could figure it out. It was a cave, after all: either he’d find the opening or he’d walk endlessly deeper and deeper into the earth like a dumbass.
Before he could successfully balance well enough to take a step towards one of those destinations, though, a shadow fell over him.
“My name is Logan,” the shifter spoke up, “and I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.”
As easily as a breeze would pick up a leaf, Logan scooped Remus off his feet back into his cupped palm.
“Nobody ‘lets’ me do anything!” Remus snapped back, thrashing as best he could against the grip. Seeing as he currently had the strength of a newborn kitten, it didn’t do much. “Come on, you can eat my corpse later, I’ve got time-sensitive shit to do!”
The comment earned him a minor twitch. “I have no desire to eat your corpse. That would defeat the entire purpose of this venture, which is to prevent you from becoming a corpse in the first place.”
“My corpse, my business!” It was frustrating to know that if they had met in normal circumstances, Logan was exactly the sort of stiff-backed repressed nerd that Remus would have delighted in teasing. Almost as frustrating as the fact that the dork wouldn’t let him go!
With a huff, Remus gave up on avoiding agitating his wounds and threw himself into struggling with no care for bodily harm.
“Listen to me,” Logan tried, sounding slightly more harried. “Your internal temperature is only barely beginning to recover. If you expose yourself to the frigid weather outside for any longer–!”
“Oh, I’ll expose myself alright,” Remus snarled, because what was the point of nonsensical threats if they couldn’t also be saucy? “Roman is out there in that weather!”
“And you’ll be no help to him if you choose to freeze to death out of simple, ignorant stubbornness!” Logan literally growled, the noise vibrating through Remus and lingering in the back of the shifter’s chest. “I will help you search once you’ve stabilized, but until then, you are at my mercy.”
Remus stared up at him, in utter disbelief that someone could make playing nursemaid to a sprite sound so threatening.
Logan’s expression softened, but his grip remained firm. “I refuse to sit by and watch such foolishness. I won’t be made to explain it to your brother.”
Maybe it was the way his words assumed Roman’s survival after Remus had spent the whole night imagining the worst, or maybe Remus was just exhausted enough for a rational argument to have an effect on him for once.
Either way, he clearly wasn’t winning this fight. He let his body flop limply against Logan’s hand with no little amount of petulance.
“If you don’t help me search, I’ll learn how to perform surgery on giants just so I can fill your organs with flesh-eating wasps.”
Logan took the concession for what it was, and only raised an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t it be simpler to lock me in a room with the wasps? My flesh would be eaten either way, right?”
It was the perfect question to distract himself with. Remus launched into a heated defense of the differences between external versus internal flesh consumption as torture methods, barely noticing as Logan carefully moved his limp wings back into a more comfortable resting position.
The shifter kept asking questions as he cupped his hand against his chest, creating a cushion of warmth on all sides. Remus kept talking even as drowsiness began to set in, a sprite cradled up against the heartbeat of a bear shifter. Heh. He had always wanted to cuddle something that could maul him.
Remus knew the warmth rekindling in his chest was his spark. Still, it felt a little like hope, too.
… Blech, Roman had been rubbing off on him.
He’d have to return the favor once they were reunited.
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typically-untypical · 4 months
A New Beginning
AU: Flower Shop
CW: Remus typical sexual innuendos
WC: 2,186
Date: 12/15/2023
The doorbell rang on his store front and before Janus could say greet his newest customer he heard the man slam his hand on the counter his register sat on. "How much money would it cost to get a bouquet that says 'you're an insufferable git' in flowers?"
It seemed his reputation preceded him. Janus was known for his beautiful flower arrangements, but he was more known for flower arrangements that told people to fuck off without actually saying it. He didn't actually know how to use flowers to properly say things but he knew enough about some of the split meanings for flowers to come up with something convincing. Also, there were a lot of people who wanted to tell someone off, a boss, an in-law, or a friend they weren't too friendly with and so Janus had a brand. The stronger his brand, the more people bought for their unsuspecting victims. Janus had seen people choose quiet violence and he was happy to be of service if it meant a little extra money in his pocket. There was nothing wrong with someone telling their mother in law they hated her as long as she never understood the message.
"I believe that's something I can do for you, but I'm going to need a little more information. For example, who is this for? If it's for a family friend I would probably choose different flowers than something for an ex-lover." Janus looked the man up and down, sizing him up. He had wildly messy hair, like he had slept on it wet, and the strands were all dyed a variety of greens. However, despite the unkempt nature of his hair, he looked put together in a strange sort of way. There was beauty in his chaos.
"It's for my twin brother. He's not a bad guy but he also has his head stuck up his own ass. He has this play thing tonight and I want to get him something nice, but I also want to tell him to fuck off."
That was a lot of mixed and complicated feelings which made choosing flowers just a bit harder. Janus drummed his fingers on the counter as he thought about what would make the right impression. “What about Dandelions for nuisance, Candytufts for indifference, Buttercups for childishness, Meadowsweet for uselessness and since it seems like you do care enough for your brother to be getting a bouquet, Daisies for joy.”
The other man laughed a bit. “Am I that easy to read?” 
"I'm just good at my job." 
The man was blushing a bit but his smile was spread wide across his face. “Yeah, that sounds perfect. Could you do it today? I probably should have preordered this shit but I didn’t even know if I wanted to get him flowers. I thought about teasing him and getting him a bunch of fake snakes, or a bouquet of dildos but I also gotta make sure not to piss my mom off.”
“Completely fair, I had an order cancelled so I have time today. If you come back in an hour I’ll have it prepared for you.” Janus already had the boutique designed in his mind, the mix of white and yellow would look bright and cheerful but it would also feel slightly off putting in a dressing room for a play. It would probably feel exactly the way this man wanted.
“Perfect, you’re a life saver. My name’s Remus BT-dubs, and I’ll pay for this now so I don’t leave you hangin. But the price, I’m not made of money.” He was shuffling around in his pockets nonetheless and Janus realized he almost expected the man to pull out a credit card just as much as he expected a wad of unfolded dollar bills.
“I pride myself in pricing well for my skills and labor but also decently affordable.” He wrote down a number, passing it to Remus who looked it over before nodding. 
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I can afford that,” He smiled, finally pulling out a wallet which somehow wasn't what Janus expected. That seemed to organized for a man of this chaos. “And you didn’t give me your name. Should I just call you pretty boy?”
‘Pretty’ Janus mouthed, eyebrow quirked as he looked at Remus. The man was lost to his own world as he attempted to pull out the money he needed and Janus watched him, head tilted to the side.
“I’m very careful about who I give my name out to, however, I’m sure if you try hard enough you’ll be able to find it.”
“Challenge accepted.” The man slammed down the cash with a brilliant grin that was also a bit twisted. Janus felt his heart jump and he straightened his shoulders, eyebrow quirked curiously. Remus just continued to smile so without another word he got together the order form and passed it over.
Remus signed, waved, and turned to leave. “See you later, Venus.” 
Venus was the name of a god. Janus was the name of a god. There was no way he had figured it out already and made a joke based off of his name in that short time, right? No, it had to be something else. Not to insult the intelligence of a man Janus just met, but he didn't know anyone who could have figured out his name in that short of a time frame and then make a joke about it, not unless they already knew. Janus sighed and shook his head, walking to the back. It didn't matter. This guy was just a guy and whether he knew Janus' name or not wouldn't affect anything. Janus didn't flirt with patrons... well, not seriously. He might flirt a little bit to get a tip, but he wasn't going to go out with anyone. Anyway, he had a boutique to make and it was going to be the best bouquet he had ever made, not for any important reason. Just to prove a point. He slipped on his bright yellow gloves and grabbed his clippers. 
An hour later, on the dot, Remus returned. He had cleaned up a bit, wearing a suit that was just slightly loose on him, hair slicked back and no longer raging against propriety. His smile was still wild, and Janus felt his chest grow tighter, a sensation he promptly forced down. “Hey Venus, did you get my flowers done?”
“I did, but why Venus?" He had spent far longer thinking about it than he would have liked to admit. When he was arranging flowers all he was left with were his thoughts and he couldn't wrap his brain about why that one. Why Venus? Janus leaned his face into his hand, elbow rested on the countertop that separated the two of them. He had to know, but he didn't want to seem desperate for the information.
"Y'know, like Venus Flytrap, because you lure them all in. I feel like you've got a dangerous streak and you're more than willing to strike if you need to." Remus smirked at Janus, something devilish that sent an imperceptible shiver down his spine. He was thankful he was good at hiding his emotions otherwise he would give away far too much to a man he just met. "And I think Venus is a bit more appropriate than Janus. After all, you are very sexually desirable."
Despite the cackle that filled his shop after Remus' comment, Janus found himself blushing more than he could control, pushing his long hair behind his ear before he once again schooled his face into nonchalance.
"Not tryin to make you uncomfortable," Remus said, "But I also meant what I said. You're pretty hot." He reached for the bouquet, and Janus almost reached out to meet him but it was too soon. They had just met each other.
"You didn't make uncomfortable, in fact you would have to do something quite outrageous to phase me." Janus looked at his nails, though his true focus was on the man just past his fingers. 
"Is that a challenge?"
Did he want it to be a challenge? Did he want to see this man again or leave him as just another customer that occasionally came around. Who was he kidding. Self delusion wasn't his forte, so he smirked and tilted his head to the side. "I do ask you don't loiter here, I do need the space for customers." Would Remus get it? Would he understand the subtlety in Janus' smile or would he be just as dense as the recipients of most of Janus' flowers.
He got it, if Remus' smile was anything to go by. He pulled the bouquet close, hoisting it into his arms. "Alright, I'll show you what I've got." He looked Janus up and down. "Let the games begin." He didn't linger after that, waving a bit with his shoulders before pushing the door open with his foot. He wasn't supposed to flirt with customers, but this was fine. It would all be fine. He was sure Remus wasn't actually going to come back, so few people did when they made declarations like that. Their never got ahold of them and they disappeared from Janus' life. 
The distraction had been nice at least.
Cleaning up the counter top, Janus looked at the door. It was closing time. 
Two weeks later Janus' bell rang and he was surprised by the voice that greeted him. "Alright Venus, what can I get for my mom, something simple and beautiful so she thinks I'm a good son. Also, maybe something that if she looked up the flowers she would actually think I liked her, cuz I kinda do but y'know, I'm not gonna say that."
For a moment Janus looked at him, mouth hanging open. He was back? Remus had come back. Janus snapped his mouth shut to think. "Tiger Lilies," He started "They mean strength, Burgundy roses for commitment, and white hydrangeas. Hydrangea's typically mean family and white specifically can mean abundance. Overall it's a sappy combination that would make most people feel like they were cared about."
Remus nodded, "Make it so flower man, and while you're at it, throw in something for yourself." He was smiling that impish smile and Janus rolled his eyes, turning around so it would be far easier to hide the curl of his own lips. He had come back. That was a first and Janus was not going to admit how many times he had thought about Remus over the past fortnight. The other man was entertaining, at least that was the easiest thing to call it. He sparked an interest in Janus and sure he wasn't supposed to flirt with customers but fuck it. He was going to play along, at least until Remus walked away.
“What could I buy from my own flower shop that I don’t already have?”
“Good point,” Remus tilted his head. “What about something that says new beginnings? Or maybe fresh starts?”
Janus smiled, “I’ve always been fond of daffodils.”
“Good, one of those, and you can bring it on our date?” Remus wiggled his eyebrows. Another surprise. That was a bit forward wasn't it? What if this guy was actually a murder? That would at least be an interesting story if he survived, right?
"Oh really?" Janus responded, leaning back, "And where exactly am I meeting you on this so called date?"
"I'll pick you up here, take you to all the sites and wonders. By the time we're done you'll be so enamored with me that you won't ever want to leave my side."
Janus rolled his eyes with a slight smirk. "That's a pretty tall order, kidnapping me from my job and expecting me to get into an unknown car."
"Oh no, we'll be taken the bus. Cars are so espensy, and I'd rather spend my money on experiences."
"And can you truly show me a good time from a bus?"
Remus chuckled. "Of course I can, I'm a good time all on my own." He finished filling out his order form, leaving the money on the counter without asking how much it was. He did, however, turn around to plow Janus a kiss. "See you tomorrow." 
Janus looked down at the money that was obviously too much for the order. He sighed and picked up the form, running his fingers along it as he read it over. It would be hard not to fall for this man, the way he smirked and smiled as if he knew exactly how things were going to turn out, or better yet, he didn't care about the outcomes. There was something else written at the bottom of the form, put outside the bounds of any box. A phone number. It was so cliche, so dumb, yet Janus found himself pulling out his phone and typing the number in. He wasn't smitten. He didn't fall that easy, but he was willing to play for a little bit. 
So he named the contact Remus, and added a little heart.
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Werewolves, Beetles, Kneazles, Demigods, and Gods, oh my!
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AN: This is a continuation of this fic here! Thank you to @sinsiriuslyemo for her lovely words on my Remus Lupin drabble. If any of you are interested, I do have another fic where the reader is a demigod in the Harry Potter universe. It's called Discovering the Past and it's available on AO3. In that universe, the reader is a daughter of Demeter and while the final pairing will be Severus Snape and the reader - there will be some soft platonic moments between Sirius, Remus, and the reader.
Warnings: canon typical behaviours and attitudes, a hint of violence, and a steamy moment between Remus and the reader.
“Look here, little girl,” Rita Skeeter sneered distastefully across the table at Hermione.  “You don’t have the power to make me stop advocating for a Marriage Law and for a more suitable partner for (Name).”  She stirred her tea, “As the daughter of the King of the Heavens, she deserves the best that the Wizarding World can offer her.”
Hermione drew her wand and pointed it at Rita underneath the table, fully intending to use the forced Animagus transformation spell that she had been practicing at night at Hogwarts.
“Hermione may not have the power to make you stop, but I do.”
The Three Broomsticks went deathly silent; everyone in the pub seemed to be holding their breath.
“Lady Hecate!  You honour us with your presence!”  Rita uttered breathily.
Hermione remained silent.  “What do you say to a goddess?”  She wondered.  Nothing that came to her mind sounded sincere enough.  She kept her wand pointed at Rita just in case.
As the goddess drew to their table, Hermione felt the goddess’ power.  At first glance, Hecate appeared to be a normal citizen of Magical Britain but the longer the goddess remained in front of them, the more Hermione felt her power.  Hermione’s heart thumped erratically as the realisation dawned on her that since all of Wizarding Britain was Hecate’s creation, Hecate would know that Hermione was pointing her wand underneath the table at Rita.
Hermione figured the only thing she could do now was to point her wand at Rita above the table.  Rita flinched as soon as she registered Hermione’s movement.
“I would much rather stunned, awed silence than false flattery.  You have nothing to fear from Rita, put your wand away Hermione.”
Hermione’s hand tightened on the hilt of her wand but she complied with the goddess’ command.
“I had intended to arrive earlier but while I was here, I decided to tie up a few loose ends. None of Wizarding Britain has anything to fear from Voldemort or his supporters any longer.  Speaking of my reason for being here: anyone who attempts to interfere with Remus Lupin and (Name) (Surname)’s relationship will answer to me.”  Hecate stated evenly.
“Silence!” Hecate commanded, slashing a hand through the air.  “For too long I have allowed you to run roughshod in my world.”  The goddess clicked her fingers, “As of now, you have been registered as an Animagus.  Everyone will know your scuttling form and you will face an unbiased Wizengamot to answer for the scandals and crimes you perpetuated due to your unauthorised methods of gaining information.”
Rita gulped as the patrons of the bar turned around in unison and glared at her.
“It is time to return to Hogwarts, Hermione,” Hecate ordered in a far gentler tone.  “You have my thanks and admiration for your willingness to protect a member of my family.”
Hermione swallowed nervously, “(Name) means a lot to me and many others.  Words cannot describe how much she loves Remus.”
“Go to Hogwarts Hermione.”  Hecate ordered again.  “I will not have you witness what is about to happen.”
This time, Hermione heeded the goddess’ words and returned to Hogwarts.  As she climbed into Gryffindor Tower, a feeling of calm washed over her and she knew that somehow, everything was going to be all right.
*Extended ending*
“I should be worshipping you,” Remus gasped out in between sighs of pleasure, pleas for more and breathy curses.  His hands gripped onto your hips as you ground down on his clothed erection and left wet kisses cross the expanse of his neck and bare chest.
Molly Weasley’s scream had the two of you jolting apart and fumbling for your wands.  You unlocked the bedroom door and dashed towards the lounge room.  It took you a minute to process what you were seeing.  In the lounge room Sirius was in his animagus form, wagging his tail.  His forelegs were bent and resting on the ground while his hindquarters were in the air.  You had seen his play bow before but what you hadn’t seen was him doing it to the medium sized kneazle that sat attentively in the middle of the room.
The kneazle mewed as soon as it spotted you and moved over to you on unsteady legs.  Your eyes scanned the room’s occupants.  You noticed Molly, a fully clothed Remus, the twins, Ron, and Harry standing off to the side before the kneazle scratched gently at your leg.
“Well, Hermione.  I guess this means Lady Hecate likes you.”
The kneazle purred as you scratched under her chin and looked up at you with a question in her eyes.
“Focus on what it feels like to be human.”  You instructed.
In her new form, Hermione retreated and closed her eyes.  Her kneazle form rippled and then it grew larger until she was once again human.  She shook her head from side to side before reopening her eyes.
“Am I an unregistered animagus?  How much trouble will I get into?”
“I doubt Lady Hecate would have put you in a position where you would be facing serious consequences since you haven’t offended her.  We will still check the Animagus Registry.  If it helps, no one in Magical Britain is going to risk Lady Hecate’s wrath by interrogating you about your new ability; there were too many witnesses in the Three Broomsticks two weeks ago.”  You placated the teen.
“Wicked!”  Fred and George gasped in unison, “We are going to have so much fun with this.”
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Analogical (Virgil & Logan)
Warnings: Intoxicated sex, smoking, blood/violence mention, jerking off
Read it on AO3!
Summary: Punk!AU where Logan is absolutely fascinated by the lead of a local band at a house show.
The harsh ring of feedback coming from the shitty speakers set up in the backyard of the house show Logan was at seemed to make his skull buzz. Contrary to what Remus tells all of their friends, he was not dragged, lied to, or forced to be here. He liked the thrum of loud music and enraged lyrics spat towards him, it was a good place to decompress and let go of the rigid persona he typically presented. He could give up the polos and ties and neatly combed hair for a night in favor of a less maintained appearance, which felt rather freeing. Tonight he’d borrowed a pair of ragged crust pants from Remus and opted to wear a sleeveless tank that showed the slightest bit of his Oxytocin formula tattoo on his shoulder, and of course exchanged his dress shoes for sturdy boots just in case he’d end up near a mosh pit. Speaking of, Remus found him just as the next song started, waving him over to the gate into the yard so they could actually hear each other. He successfully managed to work his way through the crowd and noticed that Remus was pulling something out of his pockets.
“What’s that?” Logan asked loudly, trying to be heard over the loud screaming of the song.
“I scored a few spliffs!” Remus yelled back, pulling out two of the mentioned items as well as a lighter, “Want one?”
Logan nodded, waiting for him to light his own before taking one for himself. He let the end rest in his mouth while he clicked the lighter a few times to produce a flame. He didn’t see the harm in occasional vices like these, so long as they remained occasional, and if they helped him let loose, well that’s just an added bonus. He exhaled the first hit slowly, just like the other taught him to do when they were skipping classes together in high school. 
“These aren’t laced, right?” He thought to question.
“Probably not.” Remus shrugged, “I got ‘em out of a nightstand, so unless whoever lives here wanted to poison themselves I don’t think so!” 
Logan rolled his eyes, taking another drag. Of course Remus stole them, “Let’s hope we don’t get caught then.”
“Have I ever gotten caught?”
“Don’t you remember junior year when we-”
“Have I ever faced consequences?” He shot with a grin.
Logan frowned, “Unfortunately, no.”
“Fuck you too, stiff.” Remus blew a cloud of smoke in his face with a laugh.
When the taste and smell of burning filter hit them they flicked their spliffs to the ground, taking care to stomp both of them out (If Remus was going to cause a fire, it would be intentional). There’d been a lull in sound as a new band started to set up after the last. It wasn’t much of a stage, just a few amps, a drum kit, and a platform of old wooden pallets and scrap that raised the performers up slightly. Logan leaned against the cinderblock walls of the yard separating it from the neighbors who so graciously put up with what went on here and watched over the crowd. Small groups chatted, drank, smoked and what could only be described as dicked around the venue. He took it in, smirking to himself as he thought about how just a few years ago he’d be appalled at such deviant behavior. Now, he happily participated in it all.
His attention gravitated towards the new band, notably the man at the front fussing over what looked like a bass. Heavily decorated with tattoos, piercings, and a magenta dyed mess of hair, he seemed so… compelling to Logan. He slung his instrument over himself and wandered up to the microphone set up at the front.
“Hey, shut up we’re gonna start.” He spoke, setting off the feedback on the mic again. The crowd hushed and began to gather towards the stage. The man spoke again, “We’re Fairy Certain by the way and we write songs about gay sex.”
There were four clicks of drumsticks counting the band in before noise assaulted the crowd. A fast driving beat drew people to the front, with a few people starting to headbang and form the beginnings of a pit. There were a few bars of instrumentals, before the man at the front leaned into the mic again.
“We aren’t a crime… Not on my time…”
Logan paced over to the edge of the crowd, gazing up at the stranger with a hazy expression. Lithe fingers plucked over the stings of his instrument quickly as he yelled into the microphone, captivating Logan.
“I’ll be your man…that way you can…”
His mind could have been addled by smoking, or from the rush of adrenaline the music gave him, but the singer seemed to glow up on the stage. He wondered if it was just a trick of light from the porch lamps reflecting in the second hand smoke from various sources or if it was actually radiating from the man.
“Be my boy, let’s destroy the fucking world “
Over the course of the performance, Logan got closer to the stage. He moved with the crowd, shuffling along as the tempo of each song changed. There were a few times he landed at the edge of the pit and absentmindedly pushed its participants back towards the violent center. It was one of those times when the crowd was fully ramped up that he felt a rough shove at his back, launching him forwards into the action. He was caught up in the chaos and tried to get his head on straight to escape it. He dug his shoes into the ground and shoved the nearest body, only to feel himself get slammed by another in his side. When he turned, an elbow collided with his face. In a few seconds, he was completely disoriented and knocked over onto the dusty ground. He had enough sense in him to cover his head and curl up, waiting for the pit to dissipate or for someone to pick him up. Luckily, it was only a few moments before someone was grabbing onto his arm and yanking him back to his feet.
After getting his bearings and dusting himself off, he noticed the music stopped and everyone in the immediate vicinity was staring at him. The person who grabbed him still had a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look and was met with the same man who had been performing this set. Now that he could see his face a little more clearly, he saw the touch of black eyeshadow beneath his brown eyes. He looked at Logan with a worried expression, checking for any distress in his face.
“Hey. You ok?”
Logan opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out. He nodded instead.
“Your lip is bleeding.” The stranger pointed out, “Hold on wait here.”
He watched as the other hopped back up on stage and leaned into the mic again.
“Learn your fucking show etiquette assholes, you’re supposed to pick up someone if they fall! That was our last song anyway. Whatever.” He stepped off the stage and returned to Logan, who was more or less at the peak of his trip and was unable to do much besides stare. The man grabbed his hand again and led him back into the house.
Logan was taken past a long line of people to the house’s bathroom, the two of them cutting off the next person in line for it.
“Hey what the fuck?”
“I’m just getting the first aid kit, gimme a sec.” 
Logan waited in the doorway, watching him dig around under the sink until he retrieved what he was looking for. The stranger once again grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the back of the house, grabbing keys from the chain on his belt and unlocking one of the bedrooms. He was sat down on the bed, waiting as the other opened the kit up and found some things from it.
“I’m Logan.” He managed to say. 
“Virgil.” The other responded. He took Logan’s chin in his hand as he analyzed the injury, “Don’t think you’ll need stitches but this looks pretty nasty. You took a few decent hits out there, huh?”
Logan stared at him with wide eyes, blushing, “Is it that obvious I was smoking?”
Virgil looked at him, confused at first, and then with an expression of realization, then a soft smile, “I meant in the pit, but now that you mention it your eyes seem kind of dilated.”
“Just hold still for me, Logan.” He said, taking a wipe to the cut. Logan winced and would’ve pulled away if not for Virgil’s hand holding him in place. Soon enough the blood and dirt were wiped away and some salve was applied to help it heal. It helped bring him back to earth for now, his high finally dying down enough for him to feel the pain of the injury and the awkwardness of the situation.
“Sorry, I should have been more careful out there.”
“No, not your fault. Some asshole pushed you in, I saw him.”
“He didn’t happen to have no shirt and a mustache, did he?”
“He did.”
“Remus. A friend.”
“An asshole friend.”
“That defines him very well actually.” Logan said, earning a chuckle from Virgil, “Sorry to make you end your set. I liked it a lot.”
“Thanks, but don’t worry about it.” Virgil shrugged, “Rude people don’t get to hear my awesome gay sex music anyway.”
Logan smiled, “Why do you write about it?”
“Dunno. I’m gay. I have sex. I like to yell about it.” He closed the lid on the first aid kit and set it off to the side, turning back to Logan, “Why do you go to these types of shows?”
“They let me relax, as hard as that might be to believe.” Logan answered, “Plus it isn’t a bad way to meet people.”
They both sat there on the bed for a moment. Loud music from the next set of musicians started, slightly muted by the walls of the house, filling the brief silence between them.
“I bet you meet a lot of people at these shows.”
“Sometimes.” Virgil responded, “Everyone wants a singer but no one wants a bassist. They cancel each other out.”
“Surely that’s not accurate.”
“It’s true, and yet we’re the best with our fingers.” He joked, holding up two fingers and mimicked the action of plucking a bass, “You trying to say something?”
Logan rubbed his arm nervously, “Oh, I didn’t mean like- well… you are attractive but I meant, sorry.”
Virgil laughed at the other fumbling over his words, “It’s okay, it’s cute.”
“What is?” He asked, still a little dazed.
“You are.”
“Oh…” Logan turned red. It was hard to see in the unlit bedroom, but still noticeable, “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Virgil replied, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but do you wanna stay for more than just the music?”
It took Logan a few seconds to process what Virgil meant, but when he got it he looked back at the other man and nodded quickly.
Virgil acted quickly, going to straddle Logan’s hip and capture his lips in a kiss. He was careful to avoid hurting him further, but he couldn’t help but intensify the kiss when the faint taste of blood entered his mouth. Logan was overwhelmed just by a simple kiss. The other’s tongue piercing ran under the roof of his own mouth, while the twin hoops from his spider bites pressed into the flesh of his lips. He tried to match the force that Virgil gave, but found himself content just being the recipient of the affection, only making a lazy attempt to lick into the other’s mouth occasionally.
After a few minutes of this, Virgil pulled away, taking in the sight of a lust drunk Logan. He pushed him to the bed lightly before going at it again, this time letting a hand roam underneath the thin fabric of Logan’s shirt. The feeling of Virgil’s hands exploring his skin excited him and he arched into the touch as soon as his hand ghosted over his pecs. A soft moan left his mouth, causing Virgil to smile against his.
“You like that baby?”
“Mhm.” He responded.
“You want more than this?”
Logan gasped as Virgil ran his thumb over his nipple, “Please, yeah.”
“Let’s get these out of the way then.” Virgil said, playing with the hem of Logan’s shirt and pants.
They both quickly scrambled out of their clothes, flinging them out of the way as they pressed quick kisses and gentle touches to each other's newly exposed skin. When they stripped down to just boxers, Virgil urged Logan to lay down on the bed once again. He rubbed at the other’s thighs as he hovered over him, quickly noticing the small wet patch forming at the top of the tent in Logan’s underwear.
“Fuck, so hard already? That’s fucking adorable.”
“Virgil…” Logan whined.
“I know babe, I know.” He reached to pull his own length out of his boxers, spitting on his hand and slicking himself up, letting a quiet moan leave his lips as he did. Once he worked himself up he took out Logan’s cock, leaning forward until he held them both in his hand. He stroked them together, listening past the loud music coming from outside to hear all of Logan’s noises.
Logan bucked his hips up into Virgil’s hand, looking at how handsome he looked above him. Tattoos covering his chest, arms, and sides, all glistening with the effort of performing both before and now. His expression, lips slightly parted, brow furrowed, messy hair sticking to his forehead, and eyes squeezed shut in focus as he jerked them together, it was so incredibly hot. He let out a groan as the other twisted his wrist just right so his palm ran over the head of his dick. 
Virgil opened his eyes to see Logan writhing in pleasure beneath him, his hands gripping the sheets beneath him. He moved his hand over their lengths faster, gripping them harder than before.
“Fuckkkk Logan, feels good.”
“Uh-huh, faster!”
“You want more? Huh?”
Virgil increased his pace and leaned forward to kiss him again, not being as gentle as before and biting Logan’s lip between his teeth as they got off. They both thrusted into his grip, moaning into each other’s mouth. It was when Virgil ran his tongue piercing over the fresh cut on his lip that Logan felt that familiar heat curling in his veins.
“ ‘m close!”
“Me too, shit-” Virgil cried as he stroked them as fast as he could. He captured Logan’s mouth in another long-lasting kiss, the other whining constantly as his orgasm built.
With a final couple touches from Virgil, they both toppled over the edge together. They spilled over each other’s cocks and stomachs, panting from the quick fuck. Once they rode out the pleasure, they collapsed beside each other on the bed.
VIrgil was the first one to break the silence of the afterglow, “How’re you doing, Lo?”
“That was really good.” Logan breathed, turning his head to rest against the other boy’s shoulder.
“Good, good.” Virgil sighed and reached for his shirt, cleaning the come off of the both of them. Logan watched and grimaced.
“You’re not going to wear that out, are you?”
“No, I’ll just toss it in the laundry tonight.” He replied, throwing it off to a corner of the room.
“Wait.” Logan finally put the two dots together, “You live here?”
Virgil nodded, “Yeah. I wouldn’t be as much of an ass about everything tonight if it wasn’t my place.”
Logan thought for a moment, “Was your door unlocked when you came in here?”
Virgil looked at him with curiosity, “Uh, yeah, I thought I locked it but I guess I didn’t. Which is weird because I normally check a bunch of times to make sure it’s really-”
“Check your drawers.”
Virgil leaned over to check the bedside dresser drawer where he kept all his smoking stuff that he usually used to relax before bed and, lo and behold, a few joints and spliffs he rolled before were missing.
“How did you-”
“I’ll make Remus pay you back.”
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regulusblackfest · 11 months
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And that's a wrap on this year's fest - all 28 (!!) works have been posted, and creators have been revealed. You can find the works in our ao3 collection or beneath the cut; as always, mind the tags, and leave some love <3
A huge thank you to everyone who has participated in the 4th year of this fest, whether for yet another year or the first time, whether as a writer, artist, or reader!
All the love,
the mods
Title: A Boy and his Cat AO3 username: aCanadianMuggle / @acanadianmuggle Pairing/main characters: Gen Rating: G/A Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1 603
Regulus Black becomes an animagus specifically to spend more time with Sirius.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46110178
Title: Umbrella Drinks AO3 username: patriceavril Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Peter Pettigrew Rating: Teen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 4201
Regulus and Peter escape the war and start a new life on the beach, where Regulus learns to relax, forget the past, and wear flip-flops, God help him.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46169656
Title: by the milk-light of moon AO3 username: dalula Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Sirius Black Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage, Incest, Dubcon, Painful Sex Medium/Word Count: 2587
Only Sirius can make him feel safe. Even if it hurts, he knows his brother loves him.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45726763
Title: black, mirror shards AO3 username: puddinghater26 Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black  Rating: Explicit Warnings: Blood/Violence/Abuse Medium/Word Count: 2,433
“Sirius, I’m scared,” Regulus confessed, cheek pressed against the mirror. “It hurts.” His insides burned. Then, something breached the surface of the lake. Deathly pale arms and faces, water bloated and rotting. (In which Sirius DOES run away from home, but leaves Regulus with a communication mirror, and how that small change affects Regulus' future.)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46642927
Title: A Little Bird Told Me AO3 username: MidnightStargazer Pairing/Main Characters: Gen; Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Original Character (Regulus's daughter) Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: mentions/discussion of injustice, oppression, and bigotry; canon-typical violence; minor character death; brief mentions/references to self-harm Word Count: 49,988
In 1979, Lord Voldemort asked to borrow a house-elf, and Regulus remained silent. As a result, he never learned of the locket horcrux and remained a Death Eater until the end of the war, avoiding punishment by claiming to be a victim of the Imperius Curse.
Now, it's 1995, and the Dark Mark is burning again. Regulus, who has spent fourteen years trying to distance himself from the Death Eaters, is not exactly thrilled about this turn of events and has no desire to rejoin their ranks. Unfortunately for him, the Dark Lord does not accept resignations. What is a semi-reformed Death Eater do when the past he thought he had left behind comes back to haunt him?
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46457365/
Title: El Reyezuelo de El Dorado AO3 Username: AmethystHeart2421 / @amethystheart2421 Pairing: Regulus Black/Remus Lupin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con (sex on polyjuice potion), kidnapping and torture Word Count: 4,430
Sirius Black has made a habit of ruining Regulus's life. His support of a political rival that threatens their family's California dynasty is a step too far. Regulus decides it's time to take back what is rightfully his. He ends up getting more than he bargained for.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46456318
Title: Good Luck AO3 username: solavonn (vonnibel) / @solavonn Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Lily Evans Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: art (no words)
When Lily attends the quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin, it’s not to cheer for James, as everyone assumes.
AO3link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/regulus_black_fest_2023/works/47003767
Title: Moonlight Shenanigans AO3 username: Puddinghater26 Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Barty Crouch Jr. Evan Rosier, Pandora Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Violence, Implied past Child Abuse, Casual bloodpurist racism, substance abuse, underage substance abuse, Werewolf attack, crude language, Suicide attempt, casual mentions of suicide, threats of violence, reggie being a little shit Medium/Word Count: 10,516
Regulus tags along to investigate the whomping willow with Snape. The ‘prank’ AU in which Regulus was with Snape on that fullmoon night but wasn’t saved in time. Featuring 14-year-old newly infected Werewolf Reggie and a lot of angsty, teenage drama.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47080993
Title: Fate and Love and a Potion for Finding It  AO3 name: Lilolilyann Pairing: Hermione Granger/Regulus Black Rating: G/A Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1883
Hermione doesn’t ask for much.  Hot tea. A cozy fire. Old books.  Oh, and a potion that will show her one true love.  Will it be Weasley-red she sees at the bottom of the cauldron or someone else? 
AO3 link: archiveofourown.org/works/47023795
Title: What We Do For The Cause AO3 username: piximera / @piximera-art Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Severus Snape Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-con Medium/Word Count: 3 074
In order to get access to some sensitive information they have to first gain access to the inner circle. Regulus is willing to do everything for Severus, even accept Voldemort's advances.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47043400
Title: Flowers Sleep in the Winter AO3 username: daydreamerdisease / @daydreamerdisease Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/ Muggle OMC, multiple original characters Rating: Mature Warnings: MCD, terminal illness Medium/Word Count: 10,250
Main Prompt: Regulus pining for a Muggle Summary: Instead of dying in the cave, Regulus goes into hiding in the muggle world while he figures out how to destroy the locket. He doesn't anticipate falling for a muggle, never mind one that is sick. OR Regulus cries at the movie Bambi and is never the same again.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47160751
Title: Prawns AO3 username: wandering_thought / @w4ndering-th0ught Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/James Potter Rating: Teen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 7,459
“You’re a dog, Sirius?” Regulus asks. “Of all the animals in the world, your animagus is a big shaggy dog?” “Oh shut up, like you’d get something better.” “Definitely would get something better.” “Oh yeah?” “Yeah.” “Well, I guess you’ll just have to prove it now.” “I guess I will.”
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47098750
Title: Regulus Black vs Dish Washing AO3Username: writer_of_sorts / @writer_of_thoughts Pairing/main characters: No Pairing Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: 920 words
A short canon-divergent AU where Regulus struggles with household chores, copes with his trauma and reminisces on past events regarding the war and his childhood.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47151775
Title: Somebody to Love AO3 username: Graceless_Lady / @gracelesslady23 Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Lily Evans, Regulus Black & Sirius Black, Sirius Black/James Potter Rating: Mature Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: ~15K
Regulus had never wanted to end up as Sirius' wedding planner, but here he was, making sure everything was running smoothly with the other wedding planner, Lily Evans while his brother was off somewhere snogging Potter.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47164600
Title: sanctuary AO3 username: unspeakable3 / @unspeakable3 Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black (Regulus & Cassiopeia Black, Regulus & Kreacher) Rating: T Warnings: Medium/Word Count: fic, 16,352
Regulus chooses to live in hiding for many years. He slowly recovers from his experiences during the war and builds a quiet little life for himself and his thestrals. But has he recovered? And is he living?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47174248/chapters/118857865
Title: Rule One AO3 Username: Caiti / @caiti-creative-corner Main characters: Narcissa, Regulus, & Sirius Black Rating: G/A Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Marauders Era Medium/Word Count: 2,325 words
When Regulus is Sorted into Gryffindor, it changes more than one trajectory. Narcissa Black sees an opportunity . . . and what kind of Black would she be if she didn't take it.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47179129
Title: All That Remains AO3 username: CelesteMagnolia / @celestemagnoliathewriter Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Original Female Character; Sirius Black, Walburga Black, Orion Black Rating: Mature Warnings: implied/referenced underage sex. implied/referenced suicide and suicidal thoughts. teen pregnancy. blood, gore and violence. discussions of abortion. sexism. Medium/Word Count: Fic. 53,046 words.
Regulus Black has one goal in the fall of 1978: find a worthy, pureblood witch to marry. Walburga and Orion, his parents, have made it clear that he's got to secure the next generation of Blacks. How hard could it possibly be, when he's the heir of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, is *almost* as good looking as his older brother Sirius, and has the Dark Mark to show his devotion to the Dark Lord? Regulus will soon find out that finding the perfect witch is harder than it looks when he's engaging in war crimes, studying for his N.E.W.T.s, and trying to win the Quidditch Cup. Then, it's damn near impossible when a baby shows up on his doorstep nine months after he loses his virginity (it was all a big misunderstanding, he blames Narcissa), and stumbles into the real world for the first time in his privileged life. Despite the humorous summary, this tale is darker than it appears. Read/mind the tags.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47052514/chapters/118540876
Title: The Day Bleeds Into Nightfall AO3 username: acari / @ghaniblue Pairing/main characters: Regulus/James Rating: Explicit Warnings: no archive warnings Medium/Word Count: 4800
If this was Regulus' last night on earth, he would use it to ruin Sirius' favourite thing. James was in a gay Muggle club, all by himself. Regulus would send him back ruined.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47191057
Title: In the Colossal Brain of Damnable Gods AO3 username: tenrousei_kuroi / @tenrousei-kuroi Pairing/main characters: Regulus/Sirius Rating: E Warnings: Physical violence, Rape/non-con, Incest, past/reference underage Medium/Word Count: Fic, ~10,000 words
Deep in the lower cell block of Azkaban, Sirius Black is one of the only prisoners managing to retain a level of sanity by focusing on the depressing truth of his innocence. But Sirius hides from the Dementors a terrible weight of true guilt, a sin so soul-crushing that he vowed to never face it again. And for some time, he succeeds... Until Barty Crouch throws his son into the next cell, and Sirius finds himself getting far too close. Close enough to shake loose his own dormant secret.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47145352/chapters/118783324
Title: Of Soulmates and Starbursts AO3 username: StayTrue / @probablyahopelessromantic Pairing/main characters: Lily Evans Potter/ Regulus Black/ James Potter Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None That Apply Medium/Word Count: 3 330
Regulus Black finds himself closer than he has been to Lily and James Potter in a few years. The two have officially tied the knot and not only moved into his apartment complex but the very space next door. Now, torn by past feelings for James and the knowledge that Lily and James are quite literally destined for one another, Regulus is left with complex feelings for both parties.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47232049
Title: Rich Kid, Asshole (Paint Me as a Villain) AO3 username: Loki_Demon / @leogichidaa Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr. Rating: Mature Warnings: poisoning, torture, murder, assault, animal abuse (implied), discussion of alleged sexual assault, bigotry and slurs, child abuse Medium: Fic, Word Count: 16,569 Summary:
Regulus Arcturus Black has noble blood and noble intentions to rid the world of mudblood infiltrators and bring the muggles to their knees where they rightly belong. Unfortunately, the world is massively unjust and, through no fault of his own, his plans go horribly awry.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47171086/chapters/118849576
Title: Life goes On AO3 username Grey_Kenaz / @green-and-grey-kenaz Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black, Horace Slughorn, Minerva McGonagall, OC DADA Professor Rating: Gen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 2945 Summary: 
Regulus tackled the horcrux before completing his Hogwarts education, and he survives. He returns to Hogwarts and it's as though nothing has changed for everyone else and the dark lord doesn't know his horcrux has been taken. But everything has changed for Regulus.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47332498
Title: Patience, Plots, and (Broken) Promises AO3 username: DepravedDesires Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Sirius Black, Sirius Black/James Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Rating: E Warnings: Noncon Medium/Word Count: Fanfiction, 12.5k Summary: 
Instead of blasting Sirius off of the family tree, Walburga Black sets something even more sinister in motion. Pitting son against son, which Black brother will come out on top? or Regulus Black is not as helpless as he appears to be.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47345560
Title: could we pretend (this won't end?) AO3 username: a_sentimental_man / @a-sentimental-man Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black/Harry Potter Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Fic, 4483 Summary: 
For the Prompt: Set after Deathly Hallows, ignoring the epilogue, and with Regulus already out of Hogwarts: Regulus knows better than to mess with objects in Grimmauld Place, but he has been brewing over books on Horcruxes for hours and didn't pay attention. There's a lurch and a lot of dizziness, and suddenly Grimmauld Place looks like it hasn't seen a living person in decades. There is a boy of Regulus' age though, looking exactly as exhausted and done with the world as Regulus feels. Regulus survived the cave filled with Inferi. Sometimes - like when he's hurled through time into a future that is incredibly different from his own - he couldn't help but wish he didn't.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/regulus_black_fest_2023/works/47334193
Title: Goodbye Lullaby AO3 username: LimeOfMagicLimo / @limetimo Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black Rating: Gen Warnings: None Apply (could be MCD depending on reader's interpretation) Medium/Word Count: 5.5k Summary:
Prompt: Age Swap between Regulus and Sirius. Regulus was the firstborn son and heir instead while Sirius was the younger but still unruly brother. Life for Regulus was fine and he was doing fine. He was the perfect pureblood son for the noble house of Black. He has done well in school, being sorted in Slytherin, getting good grades, and making connections with other pureblooded or talented witches and wizards. He also had a younger brother who, though unruly and filled with mischief, Regulus loved dearly. Everything was fine. Until his mother hit Sirius for simply wearing red and golden instead of green and silver and the whispers of a coming war grew louder. Written while listening exclusively to the Goodbye Lullaby album by Avril Lavigne.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47376688
Title: Home is not a place AO3 username: regulusarchieblack / @regulusarchieblack Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & Original Child Character Rating: Gen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 3077 Summary: 
Regulus was told - implicitly - that this was not the order of things. But he knew he could never let go.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47526781
Title: down in alabama they like home-cooked fare AO3 username: griddlebones / @elvendorx Pairing/main characters: regulus black & sirius black Rating: teen+ Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: fic, 2729 Summary:
The House of Black is not made for the drawn-out press of summer. They come from the night sky, scattered pricks of polished dust that push out of the darkness, as old as the nothingness itself, suspended the freeze that wipes out the rest of the cosmos.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47401354
Title: do you have a best friend? AO3 username: coincidences / @ncoincidences Pairing/main characters: Regulus Black & his daughter Rating: Gen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 16,000 approx. Summary:
It's 1985, Regulus and his daughter have just moved into Hogsmeade to start a new life, when Dumbledore comes on their doorstep with a request.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47532421/chapters/119790268
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Harry Potter Masterlist
Draco Malfoy
No Good Deed one shot
Summary: Inspired by the song "No Good Deed" from the musical Wicked.
George Weasley
George messing up a prank because he thinks you like Fred imagine
Sirius Black
Sirius finds out his and your son is not in fact a death eater, but rather is actually a spy for the Order drabble
Special: Remus Lupin x Muggleborn!Werewolf!OC, Sirius Black x Malfoy Sister!OC
Where Secrets Abound series
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Summary: James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew are instant friends when they meet on the train to Hogwarts. One is the leader, one is a follower, one is out to spite his family, and one carries a terrible secret. What will happen when they encounter Lily Evans and her friends? James immediately hates Severus Snape, but Sirius isn’t sure what to think about Lucius Malfoy’s younger sister, Lyra - the Pureblood girl who would rather die than be put in Slytherin House. Could she be a friend or will she turn out just like her brother? Remus finds an unlikely companion in Lovetta Rawly, a Muggleborn witch who has the carries the same burden as he, but how long can they hide their condition from their friends?As these kids journey through their years at Hogwarts, loyalties are tested, and secrets are revealed. Will their friendship be enough to see them through?
Series Warnings: Angst, Pureblood Ideologies, Abusive Parents, Arranged Marriages, Major Character Death, Implied/Mentioned Torture
Read on Ao3
Read on Quotev
Sequel: Time Will Tell series
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Summary: Continuing the events of Where Secrets Abound, the children of the Marauders navigate the return of the Dark Lord and the Second Wizarding War. The secrets of the past come back to haunt some, while others are relieved by the truth. Ophelia Lupin and Elara Black grew up as sisters, but what happens when the sorting splits them apart?
Everyone knows Harry Potter’s name, but almost no one knows about his twin sister, Jessa. Will she drown in anonymity?
Only one man holds answers to the whereabouts of Lyra’s son - he’s the only one who knows she even had a son, but will he ever reveal that secret?
Series Warnings: Angst, Pureblood Ideologies, Major Character Death, Implied/Mentioned Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Slight Divergence from Canon Events
Read on Ao3
Read on Quotev
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The Adventures of Lee and Gracie - BONES AND ALL: Author's Notes.
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Mini series time because I'm rediscovering my infatuation with Bones and All! If you've seen the movie, I'm going to stick to the same general plot, but I have to change it up to make it my own. No shade to Maren, love her, but she's not in this.
I have a few 'mini series' in the works, and it's easier to give the reader a name rather than y/n each time, so everyone meet Gracie! She's going to be the character in all the 'series' but any stand alone fanfiction I write will still contain the y/n prompt.
Lee is going to remain very much the same. At the time of writing this, I don't have plans to change his character in the slightest, outside of making him talk a little more. He's also going to be 22!
Gracie is the daughter of an eater, but she doesn't eat- never had the inclination to do it. That's important to remember. The bulk of her backstory is in the very beginning of part 1, and she's turning 21 in part 2. She will fill in any gaps in conversations with Lee.
** This post is subject to change as the story develops**
My typical 'Warnings and such' will be posted on each part I upload, but here's the bulk of them:
18+ MINORS DNI!! I want to write a little smut for the two of them, but I want to establish the fact that they are both of age before anything else comes into play!
There will be lots of mentions of blood and death and cannibalism- obviously. There will also be mentions of abuse, drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Some adult themes (see above), and all around violence. If there's anything else I should add, please let me know! I'm also going to be updating this list as I write.
I will be uploading each part separately and will post the links to each part when I figure out how to do it!
I wouldn't call myself a great writer- there's about a million ideas in my head but putting them on paper has always been incredibly difficult for me. Tumblr is my fist experience with letting anyone else read what I write, and it's still nerve-wracking but I appreciate the love I have gotten so far! Brother-Fucker was so much fun to write but SO scary to post! I'm hoping that as the nerves settle, the writing will get better- so please bear with me on this one!!
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Edit to Add: Timothee Chalamet era is in full swing! Mini series will be based on Call Me By Your Name, Beautiful Boy, A Rainy Day in New York (I know, I know) The King, and Dune. I don't have enough ideas to do Little Women and Lady Bird- YET!
Stand alone fanfics will be based on Regulus MF Black!, Timothee Chalamet himself, Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter (maybe Peter Pettigrew before he became a rat, but not a real rat, a rat rat). Harry Potter is my *thing* if you couldn't tell by my page!
I hope that's all! Thanks again to everyone!!!
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