#replaced it with a less chaotic version
tmgmrk · 5 months
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undertale-yellow · 6 months
Experimental Patch 1.1.0
First, we would like to thank everyone for the incredible reception we've got for UTY 💛 it's been surreal in the best way
We do hear your feedback though, and have worked to address what we can in a new patch for Undertale Yellow. Please be warned, we haven't been able to test everything with this patch, but we're confident it should work in a normal playthrough
Thank you once again for playing and giving feedback! We realize these are not all the issues that have been brought up, but we will continue to work toward improving the game!
You can download Undertale Yellow version 1.1.0 on Gamejolt!
**This new build will recognize any ongoing save, so just make a new folder for the zip contents or replace the old ones and you're good to go
Changelog under the cut ↓
Major Changes
Added two new accessibility options: - Easy mode: When enabled, the Hats now provide DEF values for an easier experience (can be changed mid playthrough) - Auto Rhythm: When enabled, automatically hits the notes in the rhythm fight without having to press a button, if you are in the correct lane
Reworked the final pacifist boss fight attacks to be less chaotic and unpredictable
During a chase sequence, a character was supposed to slow down every time they catch you in the chase, it now works as intended
Added an Act heal to the final No Mercy route boss (Also fixed a crash caused by this Act option being partially implemented but not working)
Crashes and Softlocks
Fixed a crash caused by using the “shoo” command twice during the dunebud duo fight
Fixed a crash caused by interacting with an object while completing the minecart puzzle
Fixed being able to backtrack on the second steam puzzle, which could lead to a crash and your save being ruined
Fixed a crash caused by pressing Z on frame 1 of the attack targetting cursor
Fixed a crash caused by a demo saved game being present on your system
Fixed a softlock caused by blocking Mo’s path as he’s leaving
Fixed a softlock caused by interacting with the crystal tree in Snowdin from the left
Fixed a softlock in the final pacifist boss fight where the selection soul would disappear from the menu
Fixed a softlock caused by sending one of the mine carts off track
Fixed an issue that caused one of Cactony’s attacks to never end
Fixed a softlock caused by mashing through the text fast in the raft room in Snowdin
Fixed a softlock caused by turning around immediately upon entering one of the rooms in the lategame
Fixed a very specific bug that caused you to get stuck on a bridge upon retrying a fight under it
Fixed a crash during the Guardener fight that could happen on her last line of dialogue
Fixed an unrelated softlock in the Guardener fight
Fixed a crash on the final No Mercy boss caused by getting hit on the same frame as you defeat the boss
Fixed the tutorial buttons being swapped in the arcade minigame, also added additional information to the tutorial screen
Changed the Delta Rune Patch gold requirement from 150 to 100
Increased the item stock in the final shop of the No Mercy route (Applies on save reset)
Fixed mistakes in the credits
Fixed several line breaks, typos and mistakes in the text
Altered one of Sir Slither’s act dialogues to make the sparing condition more apparent
Added an autosave post the final pacifist boss as a temporary help with reported performance issues in this cutscene
Added the Auto-Fire toggles to the death screen of relevant fights so you don’t need to restart the game and fights in order to change it
Fixed a mood ruining issue in the final act caused by an unintended random event
Other minor fixes
184 notes · View notes
chaotic-mystery · 1 year
Not A Survivalist Girl: Part 4
"Death Over Decaf"
Written by @chaotic-mystery & @tightjeansjavi
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(Joel Miller x f!reader)
Summary: What happens when you mix a not so skilled girl and a grumpy old man trying to teach her how to fish and the importance of his coffee? Nothing too bad….right?
Warnings: Implied age gap, slow burn, mean!Joel, dark!Joel, he's a little awkward!Joel, just a grumpy old asshole! Joel, sunshine reader, angst in the beginning, PTSD, trauma, child loss, grumpy vibes, minor injuries (cuts scrapes) heavy on the sexual tension at the end, no smut, (+18) minors dni!
WC: 7.2k (It's for being so patient for almost a month shhh)
Let me know what you think! I love hearing your comments about it! Love you 🖤
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Joel Miller relied on his everyday routine to remain consistent. Ever since his brother Tommy ever so nicely ditched him for the fireflies out west, Joel developed this routine to well..keep himself sane. (or as close as he could get to feeling sane) If there were any implications, any disturbances, it would set him off immediately. He always felt like he needed to have a sense of control, and having this routine pacified his internal anger. As long as he had the routine to fall back on, he would be a less grouchy version of himself. He started the morning off like the same as it had been for as long as he could remember. The sun had barely begun to peek through the sky when he pulled himself out of a deep, restless slumber. Joel was lucky if he got more than a few hours of sleep in before the nightmares would plague his mind. He reached over for the framed photo along his wooden dresser. His daughter Sarah had been the most important person in his life before the apocalypse. She was his everything and when he lost her...he doesn’t like to talk about his past and would much rather eat a bullet, than talk about losing his baby girl. Despite the day in, day out pain he felt, he made sure to kiss the photograph every morning when he would wake up, and every night before bed. His cracked lips ghosted over the photograph, eyes fluttering shut as he whispered her name under his breath. He gently set the frame back down before he grumbled at the fluffy pink blanket that he must have wrapped himself in sometime during the night. He felt like the soft fabric was mocking him. He held a personal disdain for the inanimate object as he pushed it to the very end of the bed. “Who the fuck even likes the color pink.” He gruffly muttered to himself. His voice was thick with sleep as he quickly made up his bed before he got dressed in his usual attire. The floorboards were squeaky beneath his heavy boots as he quietly left his bedroom. Hopefully you ended up being a heavier sleeper, because it was way too damn early for Joel to be dealing with you. The unfinished bathroom had a metal water basin as a makeshift sink. He always made sure to replace the water before the end of each day. He splashed his face with the ice cold liquid, hoping it would wake him up a little. A fresh cup of steaming coffee was the only thing on his mind now as he trudged down the hall and into the small kitchen. He filled the wood burning stove with a few logs before using a match to light them. He rubbed his calloused palms together as the cold morning chill bit through his skin. He was going to have to chop down a lot more firewood if he..and well, you were going to survive the impending approach of winter. He kept his bags of coffee in one of the wooden cabinets and he made sure he always had a back up bag for when he started to run low. He could not fathom having a morning without his coffee. He begrudgingly grabbed two mugs this time instead of one. He figured maybe you’d enjoy a cup as well. He was humming softly to himself as he grabbed the bag of coffee beans from the cabinet. The bag felt uncharacteristically light..just the other day he swore it was still pretty full. Maybe his mind was just playing tricks on him. Yeah, that was the only logical answer to–mother fucker. Joel’s blood was instantly ticking a degree higher in temperature when he opened the burlap sack to find that he was in fact all out of coffee. Well, there goes his perfectly planned routine. “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me? How the hell is it empty? Mother fucker.” He slammed the cabinet door shut with a heavy bang, nearly knocking the door off his hinges. He had completely forgotten the fact that he was not the only person inhabiting the small cabin space. You were just down the hall. Did he really give a flying fuck at that moment? No, not one bit.
The slam of the door made your eyes shoot open in a panic and you laid in the bed for a moment trying to understand what was happening. As you heard Joel cursing up a storm in the kitchen that shared the wall with your room, you rushed to get up and throw some clothes on to see what the hell he was coming undone about this time. There was always something bothering his grumpy ass but this floored you. You had never met someone rude enough to start throwing a fit at the ass crack of dawn while someone is sleeping. 
“Joel cmon what are you shouting about? Do you have any idea what time it is?” You groaned as you leaned against the door frame to the kitchen, scratching your head as you waited for an answer.
Joel had thrown the empty burlap sack down in a fury. His routine was royally fucked and now the dormant rage, was becoming active once again. Simmering deep in his gut like bubbling, molten lava. “What am I shouting about, girlie?! Oh, i’ll fuckin’ tell ya what i’m shoutin’ about. I’m out of coffee. That’s what i’m shoutin’ about.” He snapped “Fuckin’ gonna have to go and get some more. Wasn’t in my plans for the day but I ain’t have much of a fuckin’ choice.” Joel knew his outburst was most definitely unnecessary. He knew it really didn’t boil down to the fact that he was out of coffee, it had to do with the fact that his routine was disturbed, and the situation was currently out of his control. He was gripping his hair tightly between his fingers, tugging on it by the roots as he leaned back against the countertop, muttering to himself. 
Your head turned to his direction slowly and it felt like you didn’t blink for a good minute. Coffee? Coffee is what he was shouting about this entire time? A scoff left your lips and you shook your head in disbelief. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen you get upset about this far. So you don’t have coffee, is it that big of a deal to go and slam shit and yell over? I mean god damn, Joel.” You took a few steps into the kitchen and threw your hands up in the air, shrugging your shoulders in frustration. You weren’t the kindest when you were low on sleep and there wasn’t a chance in hell you’d pretend like you weren’t annoyed by all of this. Joel scoffed under his breath as he dropped his hands from his head. His eyes narrowed in on you when you didn’t even hide your annoyance at his outburst. “Oh, that’s so fuckin’ wonderful that you think that its the dumbest thing, girlie. I didn’t ask for your opinion, now did I? Didn’t think so. If you don’t want to hear me bitch about it, fuckin’ leave then.” He bent down and picked up the empty burlap sack with a huff. “I’m gonna have to go hit my supply stash a few miles from here to get some more.” 
His cold words sent a shiver down your spine and you knew this was only the beginning of a very long day. Sure, you liked coffee just as much as the next person but Joel was taking it to a new level. You sighed and tucked your hair behind your ears and nodded slowly. “Okay, uh no I don’t think it’s that damn serious. Where’s this supply stash you have?” You jumped onto the counter next to him and swayed your legs side to side. Of course you’d go with him to get his stupid coffee if that meant he’d stop being a crabby old man and you could move on to having a good day. “We should probably go soon considering we’re going fishing today, remember we cooked the last bit of meat last night?” Joel had not been expecting you to go and make yourself at home that quickly. So when you had casually hopped up onto the countertop next to him, he quickly sidestepped away so you weren’t so close. “Yeah well..it’s pretty damn serious to me. I can’t live without my coffee, and no, I don’t give a shit if you think i’m bein’ dramatic.” He scrubbed his hand down across his weathered face and wiry beard when you brought up needing to go and find some food. “Like I said, it's a few miles from here. Who said anythin�� about a we? There is no we. You’re gonna stay here while I make the run. I don’t want to hear any complainin’ about it either girlie.” 
“No cmon I can get ready so fast just give me ten minutes I really have to pee and change my clothes!” You were already halfway down the short hallway to your room as you were shouting at him to wait for you. It wasn’t the funnest thing you could think of tagging along for, but it was pretty outside and you were already awake, so why not tag along? Maybe you’ll find something useful besides fucking coffee.
Joel rolled his eyes when you yelled for him to wait for you. Well, he didn’t want to waste any daylight and he just had a feeling you were gonna end up slowing him down. He made a split second decision to grab his backpack and rifle from the hook along the wall before he slipped past the front door, and quietly padded down the stairs wordlessly. 
You were tugging on your pair of boots in the living room when you saw his body getting smaller and smaller the further he walked towards the brush. That mother fucker. You groaned and flung the door open to the front porch and stepped outside, “You fucking asswipe! Be careful at least!” You shouted and crossed your arms across your chest. 
Joel was already far enough away from the cabin that your shout was barely detectable, but he did catch onto you calling him an asswipe. His immediate response was to stick his middle finger high up in the air as  he adjusted the strap of his backpack along his shoulder. 
Of course he flipped you off, that’s exactly how you’d respond too, honestly. Since he left you all alone in his cabin this only meant one thing: snooping. The lightbulb went off in your head when the idea of going through his stuff came to you and a grin played on your lips before going inside making a direct line for his bedroom. You just wanted to know what his deal was, maybe learn some of his interests, some hobbies maybe. As the doorknob to his room twisted open, you found yourself looking around at everything. The photos, his clothes, his bed, his small book collection, everything. He had a story and you wanted to know what exactly it was but he still wasn’t warming up to the fact he had someone new living with him, whereas you were just fine and made yourself at home rather quickly. Your eyes fell on his bed and noticed your pink blanket you left for him right next to where it was evident he slept overnight. It was slightly balled up, like he held it to fall asleep or something. 
You took a seat right where he laid in his bed, your feet barely touching the floor. His sheets were soft in your hands as you gripped them, trying to take in everything about him. His pajama shirt under the pillow tucked away from everyone and everything. You grab it and take in every detail about it. The poor logo was so worn and faded off of it you could hardly make out that it was a band t-shirt, some band he probably listened to in high school or college. Something came over you and you pressed it against your face, breathing in deeply the scent on it. He smelled like pine and something else, something warm that smelled like you were home. God damn you needed a hug so bad, this is embarrassing. Sniffing a guys shirt because you feel alone wasn't something you were proud of, but Joel really has a way of making you feel alone when he’s angry. 
Folding the worn t-shirt and putting it back into place under his pillow, you decided to go through his bathroom. It was surprisingly clean when you popped your head in first, looking both ways before making your way inside fully. His shower was clean when you peaked behind the curtain, no hair left plastered to the walls. His cabinet drawers were tidy, nothing too out of the ordinary except for the last drawer. “Cmon you stupid bitch, open! I wanna know what you’re holdinggg” you begged and yanked at the drawer, finally getting it open. “Jackpot, motherfucker” you cheered and you were not prepared for what was inside. Playboy and Maxim magazines stacked top to bottom. You gasped as you grabbed one and looked inside, beautiful women draped over cars and beds, the ladies in sexy outfits or bare and in positions that you didn’t even think you could do. “Who the hell did he rob to get all of these? Barnes & Noble?” As you flipped the playboy magazine to the back you read Joel’s name on the address this was sent to years ago, with his house in Texas on the line to send it to. “You nasty old man, you.” You grinned and stifled a laugh as you put them away in the drawer and closed it. 
It had only been an hour since Joel left and who knew how long he’d be gone, so you took it upon yourself to start cleaning the cabin. You restocked the woodpile inside for the fireplace, made Joel’s bed and put the blanket back where you set it the previous night, made your bed and put your clothes away in the wardrobe he put in there for you. You found his stash of knives in the drawer of the hall tree that held your coats and guns and everything else you could think of. You pulled out this long machete and poofed your hair a bit to look sexy and you pointed the machete right at the mirror above the fireplace, “ready to die, clicker?” You whispered trying to be tough but it was disrupted by your laughter. “I’m too funny, too bad Joel wouldn’t think that was a good joke.” Shoving the weapon back where it belonged, you stood up straight and furrowed your brows, arms out a little bit to seem bigger. “That’s not fuckin funny, GIRLIE. Shouldn’t mess with shit like that. GIRLIE, blah blah blah. I’m Joel and I’m a crybaby over coffee and I like being mean to girls who are just trying to live. I don’t wanna admit she’s cute because then that means I have a heart, blah blah blah.” You mocked in a gruff tone, pacing back and forth with your back facing the front door. 
Joel had made it to the building just a few short miles from his cabin where he kept his emergency stack of supplies buried deep under the floorboards of the long abandoned gas station. He grabbed what was left of his stash of coffee, a few canned foods, a bag of rice, and a few casings of bullet cartridges. He was in a far better mood now that he was assured he wouldn’t run out of coffee for a while. The trek back to the cabin was a relatively quick one and he hoped to god that you hadn’t gotten yourself into any trouble while he was gone. The last thing he was expecting to find was you playing pretend in front of his fireplace. Were you..mocking him too? Joel was silent as he leaned against the open door jamb quietly. His arms were crossed over his chest and his jaw was clenched so tightly he could cut glass with it. 
“I do not fuckin’ sound like that, girlie.” His tone was gruff and he had a displeased expression on his face as his eyes narrowed in on you with a certain sharpened edge of malice swirling through his darkened pupils. He had every intention to make you jump out of your skin from his unannounced arrival. 
You yelped out of fear and turned to look at Joel who was clearly not with the amazing performance you just put on. “Oh lighten up, it was funny. You absolutely do sound like that by the way. It won’t kill you to laugh every now and then ya know.” You crossed your arms over your chest and stood exactly how he was to show how silly he looked. 
Joel dropped his backpack to the floor with a heavy thud. The look on his face alone was a dead giveaway that he was not impressed with your theatrics in the slightest. “Oh yeah? Please enlighten me on the parts I am supposed to find humorous.” His tone was low as he took one menacing step forward, his boots heavy along the floorboards. He took another, and another till he was close enough that you could feel his warm breath fanning your cheeks. “Let’s see here, the part where you called me a crybaby for gettin’ upset over not havin’ coffee? No? Oh! The part where I don’t wanna admit that you’re cute because then that means I have a heart? C’mon, girlie. Use your words. What part of all of that was I ‘supposed to find funny?” 
Your eyes met his and suddenly your mouth went dry, you forgot how to speak. It’s not that he intimidated you, he was just a gorgeous man even up close and personal. “You know you think I’m cute, just tell me. I nailed your voice though, you can’t deny that.” You pointed at him and cocked your head slightly, biting your bottom lip to hide a smile. This was all one big joke to you, especially the coffee tantrum but he wasn’t supposed to hear your impression of him, that was for entertainment later when you were fishing. How’s it your fault he came in when you didn’t rehearse much? “Can we just please get the ball rolling so we can go fishing? I'm excited to learn. Never been before and I have a goal of catching two.” You plopped down on the couch a few feet behind you and laid down, folding your ankles to rest on the armrest.
Joel was staring at you incredulously, as if you had suddenly grown five heads in the span of a few seconds. “Why in God’s green earth would ya think that to be true? You know what? Don’t tell me. I’d much rather not know.” He grumbled, shaking his head when you went ahead and made yourself at home on the couch. “Yeah I'm sure that eagerness will be long gone and dead when I tell ya that you’re gonna be the one putting the worm on the hook. You afraid to get a little down n’dirty along the river girlie?”  
“No, not at all, not the worst place I’ve gotten dirty.” You snickered quietly to yourself at how incredibly filthy his question sounded. It did however make you wonder about gettin’ down n’dirty with him, his dirty hands wrapped around your throat- but now wasn’t the time for that. Fishing. You’re going to prove him wrong that you in fact don’t mind getting covered in nasty river water and mud. “Can I have a cup of coffee to go please? I’ll share if it’ll keep the tantrums at bay.”
Joel was fighting hard to not roll his eyes at your remark. He was starting to question why he didn’t just leave you to be an appetizer for the clickers. What the hell was he getting himself into taking in someone like you. He was starting to wonder if there were even any benefits to keeping you around. “I ain’t sharing a cup with you. You can have your own.” He bent down and grabbed his backpack from the floor and stalked off into the kitchen. “If we actually catch somethin’ we’ll be having the closest thing to a real fuckin’ meal. I got some rice and canned beans. Can make a good stew out of it that will last us weeks.”
The urge to turn your nose up to the sound of stew for weeks was strong, but you stayed quiet. You walked closely behind him and offered to make his coffee to go for him whenever he’s done but the glare he gave you was telling you to stop while you’re ahead. “Do you maybe have a thermos for it or how should I bring it?” You had no clue where anything was in the kitchen so you started looking in cupboards and shelves, coffee cups clanking against one another. 
Joel scrubbed his hand across his face and wiry beard with a deep sigh as he set the sacks of coffee down on the counter. “Move. I’ll get it.” He grumbled as he came up close behind you, his hand subconsciously brushed across your side as he reached above you, grabbing two ceramic thermoses from the cupboard. You could feel his broad chest pressing against your back, and his warm breath fanning the tiny hairs along your neck causing goosebumps to rise along the skin. He got a whiff of your natural aroma..strawberries? Fucking strawberries? 
You stood frozen in place as you watched his arm reach up above you, the sunlight glowing against his skin. Joel made your heart skip beats whenever he was short lipped with you, it was mean but you liked it. You were afraid to move and ruin the intimate moment that was so rare for him to partake in, your breathing even slowed. His fingers wrapped around the lid of the thermos in the most innocent way but wow did it have your head spinning. Joel was something you wanted and he was so close but still felt a million miles away, like you could somehow get him if you really tried. 
Joel didn’t really appreciate the fact that the smell of strawberries was wafting through his nostrils, and clouding his senses for a brief moment. He cleared his throat as he set the thermos down and created a space between your bodies once more. He would not be indulging in any frivolous behavior. “Can you handle pourin’ this yourself?” He asked as he grabbed his own thermos and poured in the steaming pot of coffee that had been simmering on the stove. “It ain’t the best tastin’ coffee. Nothin’ like that sugary crap from Starbucks, but it gets the job done.” 
“Lucky for you I was a Dunkin’ Donuts girl in my previous life so I’m not surprised by coffee tasting shitty sometimes.” You filled your container and took a small sip to get your body awake before you tucked the thermos under your arm. Joel of course was already getting the fishing rod out of the closet, he can never just slow down and enjoy the moment he’s in; it’s always go go go. Why did he move away the way he did? Did you smell weird to him? Maybe he thinks you’re too much considering you still use strawberry lotion that you somehow have managed to save and ration all these years. 
Joel gave you a funny look when you said that you were more of a Dunkin’ Donuts girl. He made an obnoxiously loud slurping sound over the rim of his thermos as he took a sip. “So you’re tellin’ me you enjoyed the taste of sewage water? Cause that’s all I remember Dunkin’ ever tastin’ like. My dau—” He immediately paused. He could feel the color quickly draining from his face when he nearly uttered the word “daughter” to you. Stupid stupid stupid. He was angry at himself all over again as he yanked the fishing rod from the hook in the hall closet. He grabbed the tackle box with a huff. “C’mon. We’re wastin’ daylight.” 
You furrowed your brows at him and turned your mouth downward to attempt to mimic his face. “Okay, ol’ man.” You muttered in a gravelly voice. You were determined to get him to at least smile at your impression of him, bonus points to you if you made him laugh. God only knows the last time his body felt a good laugh. Just imagining how long it’s truly been since he experienced a belly laugh was choking you up, your eyes stinging with tears. No one deserves to be alone, not even grumpy ass old men who are trying their best. 
Joel was wordless as he started to head towards the front door. He was already feeling himself getting into his head again and it was a place that he didn’t like spending time in. Now with his dead daughter fresh on his mind.. “The river is just a short walk from the cabin. I use it as my main water source as well.” He didn’t glance in your direction as he swung the door open and headed down the steps, muttering under his breath. 
“That’s pretty cool, I guess I never put two and two together on how you always have water.” You said a little out of breath as you tried catching up to him to grab the tackle box to carry it for him. Joel didn’t wait for you as he was easily ten feet ahead already, not shocking. The trees danced in the wind as the sunlight slowly started to pour over them, turning them orange. “I can see why you live out here, it’s peaceful, no one bothers you, it’s perfect.” Your eyes dart towards him just to see his initial reaction to you saying no one bothers him, already having a few ideas in mind of how he can be a smart ass about that. 
“That’s one of the main reasons why I picked this exact spot to build a cabin. It’s got all the necessities for a loner like me to stay alive..” he trailed off as he sank down along the river's edge setting the fishing rod and tackle box alongside him. “Yeah well..I wouldn’t say it’s perfect. Perfect is like one of ‘em 5 star all inclusive resorts in the Bahamas or somethin.’ Where you can order all the the fuckin’ pina coladas that your heart desires. Although, I'm more of a Mai Tai man myself.” He wasn’t sure why he was telling you all of this. Perhaps it just felt a little nice to ramble on about pointless shit for a moment. “Alright, girlie. You said you wanted to’get down and dirty, yeah?” He was resting on one knee casually. “You know how to dig up worms? Or do ya need me to show ya?” 
“I feel like you have a better technique at finding them so what’s the best way?” you asked and clapped your hands together, interlocking your fingers as you watch Joel fidget with stuff in the tackle box. This was your chance to show him you can listen and take notes, be useful to him and that you aren’t just a pretty face. 
Joel was 100% hiding the fact that he already had a jar of worms in the tackle box on purpose. You humiliated him earlier with your theatrics so, it was only fair for him to get back at you for it. All's fair in love and war, right? “Well, you gotta get your face real close to the ground, and then to get the worms to come out of the dirt, you gotta chirp like a bird and then one by one, they’ll start poppin’ up out of the ground like damn groundhogs.” 
It sounded a little funny when he said it, but you also didn’t want to question him and possibly offend him which would only make him more annoyed with you than he usually is. “Uuhh..okay?” your answer sounded more like a question and you got down on your knees in the wet soil, your palms on the ground as you got your face inches away from the dirt. “S-so I just..chirp?” you looked in his direction just to double check you heard him correctly. 
Joel was not expecting you to be that gullible to just go and believe him that easily but damn, he was gonna continue to play along just to see if you would actually do it. “Yep. You just start chirpin’ like a bird and they start poppin’ up, you’ll see.” He had his arms crossed over his chest, his brow raised in your direction. “Well..go on. Get to chirpin’ girlie.” 
You hesitated for a second before your lips damn near touched the soil and started to chirp quietly. Not wanting to look like a pussy ass bitch to him, you cleared your throat and started to chirp louder. 
Joel did his best to keep a straight face the entire time but as soon as you started chirping louder and really getting into it, he stifled a chuckle. Quickly masking the sound by coughing into the sleeve of his jacket. “Oh my fuckin’ god. I didn’t actually think you were gonna do it!” He grasped your shoulder firmly in his warm calloused palm as he yanked you up from the ground. “Girlie, I didn’t think you were gonna be that gullible. Just wanted to play a little joke on ya. Actually, I already got worms in the tackle box right here.” He was doing his best to not deviously smirk, but he was doing a rotten job at hiding his amusement. “Oops?” 
You sucked your cheeks in and looked away silently, refusing to give him any satisfaction in seeing your embarrassment that was smeared across your face. “I knew that.” You quickly wiped the piece of wet dirt off your lip and turned back to Joel who was pissing you off the more you looked at his jackass face. 
Joel could tell that you were definitely pissed off with him now and okay, maybe he felt a little guilty for embarrassing you like that. “Hey, dontcha go and give me that look. It’s only fair that I got back at ya after you humiliated me earlier with your hilarious theatrics. Are ya really that upset with me now? C’mon. It ain’t that serious sweetheart.” 
Sweetheart. That made your fucking heart jump in your chest. He was right though, you can’t dish it out and not be able to take it. “Yeah whatever, it’s fine. Can I jus’ get the worms please so we can finish and go home, I’m starving.” You’ve been out here for just over an hour but that’s not your fault you’re hungry, he didn’t let you eat before he was out the door about to leave your ass behind. You sat on the bigger rocks facing the river and grabbed the pole off the patch of grass, running your fingers along the cold metal and the small parts scattered around it. 
“Well, don’t go gettin’ your hopes up on catchin’ somethin’ right away. It ain’t that easy.” He handed you the jar of worms. His fingers lightly brushed across the outside of your hand. “You ain’t gonna be squeamish about puttin’ a worm on the hook, are ya? They don’t have any pain receptors. At least..I don’t think they do.” 
“No, I’ll be alright, I won’t scream too loud.” you smirked and pinched the worm between your thumb and index finger, piercing it with the hook firmly before grinning from ear to ear, showing him you got it. “See! I got it! Now, how do I cast this baby and get some dinner?” Eagerness was dripping from your words and it felt good to learn new things after being alone for so long. Never did you think you’d be out here with a hunk who is also a grumpy old man, learning how to fish with him but here you were.
 “Wow, I was expectin’ you to be a tad squeamish. Maybe I underestimated you a little.” He still had his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at you. “So, you’re gonna wanna cast the line to the midpoint of the river. You don’t wanna cast it out too far, but you also wanna make sure it goes in deeper water. So bring the rod back behind your shoulder, and then you’re gonna bring it forward over your shoulder, with a bit of momentum to get it out there.” He was standing behind you now. His hands were at your waist, holding you steady. “Take it back nice and slow..” he whispered, lips nearly brushing against the shell of your ear. 
At this point he knew what he was doing, this was the second time today he put his hands on you in some form. You couldn’t get distracted though, you had to get this fish to prove his ass wrong. Just as you were going to swing the pole forward into the water, you noticed a frog jumping around and it landed right on your boot. Motherfucking frogs. Your enemy. A blood-curdling scream erupted from your throat and you swear you blacked out. Your body went in any direction you could go but you didn’t even think about the slippery rocks in front of you. Suddenly your bodies were submerged in the icy water, your lungs taking in everything but air. Rocks were cutting up your pants and hands as you crawled out of the water, Joel doing his typical old man groans behind you, only this time curse words were mixed in. 
Joel was not expecting you to let out a blood curdling scream that had his good, and bad ear ringing in his skull and when his body hit the shallow water, he immediately felt an intense pain shoot up his spine. His back was already bad enough as it is, but surely this would leave him bruised up. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!” He growled as he dragged himself out of the water. He was soaked from head to toe and his eyebrows were harshly furrowed in, deep lines etched into the weathered skin on his forehead. “YOU THAT FUCKIN’ SCARED OF FROGS OR SOMETHIN?!” He was fuming as he approached you along the river's edge. 
“JOEL STOP IT I'M SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO DO THAT!” you exclaimed and stood up taking in as many deep breaths as you could. Blood was trickling down your knees as you came to your senses and realized the sharp rocks must have done that. “I-I’m sorry Joel…I’m sorry I didn’t mea-n to do that.” Your voice trembled as the winds blew against your sopping wet clothes, making them stick to your shivering body. You stopped caring at this point if he saw you cry or not, the warm tears were streaming down your face. 
Joel was taking deep heavy breaths to calm his nerves. His hands were holding onto his knees as he hunched over and coughed up a bit of water. His back absolutely felt like it had been hit by a fuckin’ bus and he was shivering too. His features had hardened up until he saw the blood trickling down your knees through the gashes in your pants. Your free flowing tears caused his heart to clench in on itself. He didn’t want to be the cause for your tears. Not when you both could have been swept under the current moments ago. “Shit. Are you hurt?” He was already crouching down in front of you to assess how deep the cuts were. “I’m sorry for yellin’ at you like that. Didn’t know you were that scared of frogs, girlie.” His tone was much softer now. “C’mon. I’ve got a first aid kit back home. We gotta get out of these clothes. I’ll start us a fire so we can get warmed up.” 
You reached your hands out for him to help you up, your watery eyes looking at him. Who knew he’d have the heart to apologize. His hands grabbed yours and he tugged you to your feet. “Don’t apologize, it’s my fault we’re shivering our asses off.” you half joked and bent down to grab all the supplies he’d taken out earlier. Joel started heading back but this time he slowed up for you since the slice on your knee had you limping in pain. His hand was dripping little water droplets as you walked and it crossed your mind what he’d do if you just reached out to hold it. You could say it’s to help you walk but let’s be honest, you just wanted to hold his hand. 
“No it ain’t. We’re just lucky that the current didn’t sweep us under. We’d be fuckin’ toast then.” He glanced back at you momentarily. 
Once you and Joel arrived back at the cabin, he was quick to grab the first aid kit from the bathroom along with a few towels. He was still shivering through his sopping wet clothes, but his natural instincts to take care of you while you were injured was kicking into full gear. He felt pretty shitty inside for yelling at you like that. Sure, he thought it was stupid that a frog caused that whole disaster, but as soon as he saw your tears, he knew he had taken it too far. 
You peeled your clothes off your body and put them in a pile on the floor beside you until you were stripped to your bra and panties. The firewood you brought in earlier came in handy as you thanked yourself for being so smart to refill the pile inside. Tossing a few logs in at a time and striking a match before tossing it in, you stared at the flames licking the wood. It was warming your hands up rather quickly and everything seemed to be calming down. For now, anyway. 
Joel wasn’t completely paying attention as he walked into the living room. The first thing he noticed was that you had managed to get the fire going already and when his eyes finally zoned in on you, he nearly dropped the first aid kit to the floor. He had not been expecting you to strip out of your clothes as quickly as you had. He couldn’t help himself from looking. It had been a long fucking time since he had last seen this much skin, let alone someone who was quite frankly, stunning. Not to mention, your tits were pretty much staring him right in the face. Plush, round, glistening under the warmth of the fires glow. They were practically spilling out of the bra you were wearing. He cleared his throat, bringing his hand behind his neck, rubbing it nervously. “Uh..give a man some warnin’ next time..yeah?” 
You giggled softly and crossed your arms in front of you for his sake. “Not really my style but I can do that if you want.” Should you have told him you were almost naked? Sure, 100%. Did you want to? Not at all. If Joel wasn’t going to start making moves and taking note of your flirtiness, you had to be the one to make the moves on him. “Just take your clothes off, I know you’re freezing in them. I’ll keep my hands to myself over here I swear.” You tossed your hands in the air where he could see them and patted the spot on the carpet next to you. 
Joel was visibly hesitant as he observed you. His throat was running dry, and his brain was going all fuzzy. “Uh..let me uh—get us some whiskey. That’ll warm us up quickly.” He turned on his heel, leaving wet footprints along the floorboards from his soaked boots. He disappeared into the kitchen, quickly grabbing the bottle of whiskey and took a large swig. Focus Joel. Snap out of it. After one more swig for good luck, he closed the bottle and returned to the family room. He wasn’t sure why he felt so nervous in the first place. He didn’t think he was unattractive, but he didn’t like how your gaze on him appeared to sear through his layers of soaked clothes. He did not like that. 
He started with his boots, unlacing them and kicked them off to the side. Before any layers of actual clothing would come off, he bent down over you, placing the bottle of whiskey into your palms. His biggest concern in his mind was how you would react to all the scars along his body. That was truly what he was most self conscious about. His coat dropped to the floor with a heavy thud. You could see that he was visibly shivering as he peeled his long sleeve shirt that was stuck to his body from the moisture. Inch by inch more of his tanned, scar ridden skin was revealed to you. 
He struggled to make eye contact with you and instead looked off towards the fireplace, watching the way the flames licked up against the dry wood. He cleared his throat once more as he undid his belt and dropped it to the floor along with his soaked jeans. He wished now that he had taken one more swig from the bottle before doing all of this, but it was far too late to turn back now. 
He finally eased himself to sit down alongside you, in nothing but his boxers. 
You couldn’t help but watch as he undressed himself, finally showing off his beautiful body. The scars and the uneven tan on his arms didn’t mean one thing to you, he was fucking beautiful.
A puff of air escaped your mouth and your hand covered your face, so enamored by him. “Sorry not sorry if I’m being too forward here Joel, but you’re beautiful…holy shit.”
 Joel was frozen where he sat alongside you. He could feel his cheeks, and the tips of his ears turning red by the second. No one had ever called him beautiful. Why would they? He thought himself to be a monster after all. If only you had known about the terrible things he had done, perhaps you wouldn’t think him to be beautiful. “You don’t mean that, girlie. I’m too old and rough to be beautiful.” His tone came out as a rough scoff as he was in disbelief.  Was he being serious right now? Was he really going to sit there and tell you that you didn’t mean something you said? You scoffed as your mouth dropped a bit, “I always mean what I say, Joel. You are beautiful and nothing is too rough to me, big boy.” Let’s see how he likes those apples.
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jollyfang · 4 months
I’m slowly crawling my way out of this art block but for now enjoy the edited version of my Davey drawing from last year and a colored version of Angel. Because why not, right??
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I think they’re cute together, don’t you? Downright adorable…
-​Completely unrelated but this week has been rough to say the least. My anxiety has been horrendous and our furnace busted so we’ve been without heat for days. It’s getting replaced today but the whole situation is chaotic to day the least. On top of that- my 11 year old dog has nearly fallen down our main stairs twice in less than a weak. So yeah- stuff is kinda crap right now….
As usual, likes and comments are always appreciated, but today in particular? They’d be a wonderfully delightful distraction from all this mess.
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namelysane · 1 year
Wouldn't it be funny if when hellspawn... well spawned garm/misako called wu and the ninja to try and tell them to come over (and bring baby stuff while their at it) but the situation was so chaotic that the ninja only understood a small part of it and, with the little info they had; concluded that lloyd was turned into a baby?
Takes place sometime before s3.
Don't get him wrong. Cole had always been someone who liked kids.
Just...just not these kids.
"Being a teacher is hard work," Kai complained, plopping down a nearby chair as soon as he could step into the break room. His usually well-gelled hair was beginning to droop miserably. "If my work of art gets another spitball when my back is turned again I swear I'll—"
"Work of art? FSM, who told you that lie?" Nya snorted, only to receive a very nasty glare from her brother at that comment. "That's a mess."
"Those kids are the mess," Kai grumbled, hands reaching up to comb through his hair to find any remaining atrocities. "They're even worse than the baby gremlin version of Lloyd. Can you believe that?"
"You're telling me," Cole rubbed his eyes. "I come in ten minutes late and someone lets Ninjago's most poisonous scorpion walk around the classroom."
"How did they even bring one in, again?" Nya sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose wearily. "Enough said. We need stricter rules."
"As if that'll stop them," Kai huffed, chucking his file across the room. "Keep dreaming."
" 'Educating the future of Ninjago' my butt. Wu definitely hates us."
"Bad day too huh, zaptrap?" Cole winched sympathetically, watching Jay's head dip in a depressed nod as he made a beeline for the freezer.
"We went from saving Ninjago to needing to be saved," Jay stressed, eyes scanning through the contents of the refrigerator before then widening. "Hey. Who took my pudding cup?"
"You had a pudding cup?" Cole blinked, his gaze briefly falling on the empty plastic container in front of him on the table. At that, Jay's eyes locked on it as well. "Um...sorry?" He tried, grimacing at once.
"Bullied by my students, and now bullied by my friends," Jay said miserably, slamming the fridge door shut at once. "This is just great."
"Perfect for a villain arc," Kai said helpfully, only to receive incredulous looks from everyone else in the room. "What? Literature is finally growing on me."
"I can't believe I got stuck with history," Jay groaned, sounding as though he was tempted to bang his head against the table. "Zane's the walking textbook. He should be teaching history."
"Unfortunately, that would leave a vacancy for the science teacher position," Zane replied, walking into the room — weirdly percent timing, Cole thought suspiciously. "I believe Wu does not wish to look elsewhere for a replacement."
"Yeah," Kai rolled his eyes. "So he can continue to pay us like—"
"But Nya could teach science," Jay suggested, looking at her pleadingly. "Right, Nya?"
Nya seemed to contemplate that thought. "I guess I could—"
"But you're gonna have to take over math," Nya told him, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "You have to spend the rest of your life hearing those kids talk about how much they hate you and—"
Jay blinked. "Wait, what—"
"Yeah," Nya shrugged. "And then, they start debates with you asking why the heck do we have to learn this—"
"Well that's normal for me," Jay said, and then frowned. "Anyway, why are we forced to learn math, again?"
"I often wonder that myself," Sensei coughed.
All of them nearly jumped at that, not having seen him enter. The old man merely shook his head.
"You five have become less vigilant," he stated exasperatedly, the bottom of his bamboo staff colliding with the floor as he continued to step forward. "Such carelessness could be your downfall."
Kai just stared at him in disbelief. "So is that why those brats keep scheming against me?"
"Probably," Jay suggested, only to earn a scowl in response. "And by the way Sensei, I kinda have a teeny, tiny little request as a teacher—"
"Oh, I've already heard that," Sensei replied, giving him a brief knowing look. "As long as Nya and Zane are alright with this new arrangement, I don't see any reason to refuse you."
"I have no issue with this," Zane chimed in, and Nya nodded in agreement.
"Oh, those kids don't know what's coming, alright," she grinned mischievously. "I can't wait for the experiments—"
It was then when the sound of ringing cut the air.
Cole's eyes immediately fell on the telephone.
"I will get it," Sensei told them, before any of them could bother getting up. Cole felt his eyebrows knit into a frown. Hang on, hadn't the last time that phone had gotten a call been when—
Jay's face was suddenly as pale as a sheet. "Please tell me they aren't going to enroll in another—"
"Hello. This is Darkley's Boarding School For Great Children how may I — brother?" Sensei blinked, sounding genuinely surprised at the fact the former dark lord was calling him at this point of the day. "Is everything alright?"
Cole watched questioningly as the old man's expression suddenly tightened, before then proceeding to take the deepest dive into confusion in the history of Ninjago.
"What do you mean?" Sensei asked incredulously, both of his eyebrows rising high enough to be concealed by the shadow of his straw hat. "Brother, of all the methods you could use to antagonize me—"
"What the heck is going on?" Jay whispered.
"No idea," Cole mouthed, continuing to listen intently with a deeper frown. Had Garmadon sprouted another pair of arms again or something?
Then, suddenly, the old master stilled, his golden eyes far wider than they had ever seen them. The knuckles of the hand holding the phone were visibly white with how tightly he was gripping it.
It was a while until he managed to bring himself to speak once again.
"A baby, Garmadon — what was he thinking—"
"What?" Nya gasped, and Kai's jaw dropped open at once, the hothead looking as though he was about to faint. Even Zane was no different.
What. On Earth. Was Going On.
"He is more like Father than I thought," Sensei lamented miserably, as though he very much regretted that fact.
He, Cole realized, taking note of that detail immediately. That could only mean Sensei was referring to—
"Alright, alright," Sensei sighed, his grip on the phone faltering slightly. "We'll be there, brother."
Then, he placed the telephone back on its holder, pushing it away immediately.
"What was that about, Sensei?" Nya asked.
The old master met her gaze tiredly, appearing as though he regretted hearing the sound of ringing in the first place.
He heaved out a sigh. "Garmadon has called."
Kai shot him a deadpan stare. "Yeah. We could tell—"
"I'm afraid we will need to leave the academy in the care of Dareth until we return," Sensei said, running a hand over his face wearily. "Garmadon requires our presence. As soon as possible."
"Well care to tell us why?" Jay crossed his arms. "And what was that about a baby?"
"You also used the third person pronoun 'he' at the three minute and thirty one second mark of your conversation," Zane pointed out, sounding genuinely curious. "That would most likely mean—"
"—that this is something related to Lloyd," Cole finished, unsurprised that the others had pieced it together too. "Master," he then asked hesitantly. "is Lloyd okay?"
"What the hell is happening?" Kai yelped.
Sensei closed his eyes, raising his head as though to stare at the ceiling in despair. "Dear First Spinjitzu Master."
"I think we broke him," Jay whispered mournfully. For the first time in his life, Cole was forced to agree.
"I believe this will be easier to explain once you have seen it for yourselves," Wu finally admitted, his voice painfully strained. Cole held back a grimace. "In the meantime, gather as many items that can be used to care for an infant as possible—I'm sure Garmadon will greatly appreciate it," he told them, giving them all a weak smile. "Now excuse me, I must go find Dareth."
Jay looked at them all in bewilderment after the old man had turned around and left. "But we don't even have baby stuff—"
"Exactly, so screw it," Kai hissed, something in his eyes now ablaze. "I'm going to head there now and storm the place until I find out what's going on. Who's with me?"
"Me," chorused four other voices without hesitation. After that, Nya suddenly furrowed her brow in concentration.
"I just really don't understand the baby part," she muttered, her forehead creasing as she continued to ponder on that thought. "You know, at first I was convinced that Sensei G and Misako had welcomed a baby — but then, that thing about Lloyd came along."
"Or maybe Lloyd's the baby?" Jay offered.
Cole's mind went blank.
"You're kidding me," Kai said, his tone edged in disbelief. "No. There's no way."
"But what if there is?" Jay begged. "I mean, didn't Sensei mention something about Lloyd and the FSM?"
"He is correct," Zane confirmed with a nod. "There was a moment where Sensei expressed regret at their similarities — thus hinting that the current matter at hand is something the First Spinjitzu Master experienced himself."
"And what does Lloyd have that the FSM did, again? Power," Jay said, flailing his arms for emphasis. "We're not talking about just any power here — the golden shit."
"So you're saying Lloyd turned himself into a baby," Nya actually sounded more amused than scandalized at the suggestion. "Actually now that I think about it, that makes sense."
Cole stared at her like she'd just conjured a dragon. "Sense?"
"Yup," she hummed, and then gestured to Kai as though she was showing all of them an artistic masterpiece. "Just look at who's his mentor."
Kai let out a pained groan as all eyes fell on him. "Why is it always me—"
"I had hoped you would have an explanation for that," Zane said dryly. Kai buried his face into his hands.
"My baby brother, here I come," he mumbled, shaking his head.
Wu to Lloyd later : There is something I haven't told you—
Thanks for the ask!
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boboteam89 · 9 months
HSR Senti ramblings
Hello this is literally my first post and it's me rambling about my idea of how Senti could exist in the Honkai Star Rail universe, do beware that it may be really silly and lore innacurate nonsense, you have been warned!!! It also might have a little involvement of SentiHua so... So I have thought of this for a long time and this is what I came up with, let me explain, starting off with important information : Marshal Hua. My theory is that she is a Vidyadhara who resembles the legend of Phoenix and is Phoenix herself, however Phoenix exists as "another entity" ( aka almost like how Fenghuang's Down sentience works ) There is this one quest called "Poetic Genius Ingenium", in short it tells us a story about a man named Cong and a woman named Jingzhai. All the information we need from this quest is that he is a Vidyadhara that seems to remember Jingzhai no matter how much he went through hatching rebirth. All of this information leads me to thinking : what if it's possible for a Vidyadhara to leave a body behind? Listen, this does sound absurd as the Vidyadharas revolve around continuous cellular transdifferentiation, which means they techncially just transofrm. But we have numerous different cases of disorders that the Vidyadhara can be affected by, for example Jinyu that undergoes the cicle of hatching rebirth every few months. So this could technically exist as a disease and tie with the idea of Hua having so much personalities and even versions of "self" in the Honkai lore. That leads us to the part of the lore bs I have thought of. Basically Senti is "a body" that remained after Fu Hua went through hatching rebirth once (probably when she was already a marshal and ig most of her memories still remained aftet that). She has all the memories that Hua had, and when she first was "born" into this world. She thought she was Hua for a long time, but their viewpoints are very different and unalike, so who is she? Is she truly an individual being? How can she break that mirror and see her true self? She had a plan in her mind. - Surely, I can at least bring them some fun. The biggest difference for sure being - she had grown fond of the Elation. After observing the usual life of the citizens of Xianzhou, she thought it lacked some fun. The people here were just too much focused on their duties. Sure, they might have very deep connections, but do all of them really not lack that sense of connection? Sometimes, work even made them cut it off completely. She decided to carry on Hua's duty as a marshal with some...Changes. During that time, "Hua" was really kind to all of the members of the Cloud Knights - she spent a lot of time with the Cloud Knights, cut them some slack, gave them random gifts and treated them very well, even was laidback about the work sometimes. In comparision - Hua was pretty closed off and more strict, she was somewhat cold most of the time and didn't find a place for herself with the Cloud Knights, despite still doing a great job in helping and caring for them. However Senti was no strategist unlike Hua, and soon after spiked up a little problem - unfinished assignments, very clunky reports, and the amount of chaotic events, which turned out to be a complete hit for the duty of the Cloud Knights. It didn't take long for Hua to realise that she had been "replaced". That is when she noticed the culprit behind all of that in her office. - Ah, so you've noticed! - said Senti, cheerfully, but not surprised, almost as if she was awaiting this. - You see, you're not me, and I'm not you, but I was hoping to bring some more joy and happiness into your lives! Don't you get a little lonely like this? Maybe you're giving a tad too much work for yourself and too less of time that you can enjoy. Now you can at least look back at this and say "Aha!" . It is, alas, the time for us to part... Hua stood there shocked. She was not offended by this, nor did she really mind all that this person had done. She was probably the first one to ever care for Hua so greatly, so... — Wait! Could you...Stay?
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theg-unit · 2 years
So I’m chronically obsessed with COD MW now. Here’s some head cannons and plot bunnies ya filthy animals. (Also I’m combining the originals with the new plots somewhat so get over that quickly)
-soap, gaz and roach are the younger of the 141. They exploit this youngest sibling favouritism by getting away with being chaotic shit disturbers.
-ghost is not as old as everyone originally thought. Like he’s older then the youngest three but by less then 7 years.
-alternatively ghost is the youngest by like 6 months or something. This makes his life even more tragic somehow
-ghost is a total cryptid. And sure the weird stealth scary vibes sure. But also a meme cryptid. Like he’s always in the weirdest places doing the most random chaotic shit. And it’s always to quietly fuck with everyone else.
-once gaz called lazwell mum. Roach has accidentally called price dad (and mum)
-soap got his nickname because he was trying to come up with improvised explosive devices and learned (very loudly) that soap can explode in a microwave. There was no microwave for 8 months. He hasn’t been allowed near another one
-Though soap is technically demolitions and had an accident with the microwave ghost is the one who is a total pyromaniac. The man sets everything he can on fire. Turns out he knows how to make anything light up.
-now for some sad head cannons
-Price definitely had a son who died in combat. He took up 141 to deal with the grief. 
-Lasswell and her wife have definitely almost gotten divorced before. They owe a great deal to their marriage counsellor.
- Gaz is definitely the middle child of way too many siblings.  The house is way too full and he joined the forces to get out. (And maybe be recognised instead of neglected)
- soap was a ginger growing up. (Jk)
- Soap keeps his hair is short as possible even if it’s in that ugly ass mohawk because of a really bad hazing accident when he first joined Bootcamp. he never told anyone about what happened though he suspects price knows.
-it’s hard to make ghost story sadder than it actually is so we’ll go with some made up stuff closer to “cannon”
-their first Halloween together, the 141 decided to prank ghost by putting a skeleton in bed with him. He flipped the fuck out and didn’t talk to anyone for a month, price made them scrub the showers with toothbrushes.  he also has a massive fear of bugs, especially maggots.
-back to funny things-
-after falling out of the helicopter gaz took circus lessons in silks, so that if it happened again, he could climb his way up 
-ghosts mask gets regularly replaced with a pink glitter. Hello Kitty version he doesn’t know who’s doing it, but he will find them. (It’s price. )
-soap, and ghost have slapping fights regularly.
-Ghost likes to lay tripwires in inconvenient spots, especially for visiting brass. He also was once spotted on the roof of the building opposite the mess hole, angling mirrors specifically to hit price in the face with the sun after a night out.
- soap can lift almost twice his body weight, and he is almost over a foot shorter than Ghost
-ghost is huge. Like genuinely massive. He is almost 6 foot seven, and had an almost constant bruise on his forehead when he first reached the height. He has to duck through all the doorways on base and turn so he doesn’t smack his shoulders. Despite all this, he is scarily, graceful and quiet. It’s like turning around and seeing a tree has suddenly grown behind you. except the tree is strapped.
-that one video from Pirates of the Caribbean where Elizabeth pulls all the weapons out of absolutely nowhere is ghost when he’s told to disarm. No matter how big he is one person should not be able to hide that many weapons on them.
This turned into more of a Ghost  head canon post, but that’s okay. I am genuinely so obsessed I might actually regularly post this time.
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duckapus · 9 months
Most of the major events in the Haltmann War, in more-or-less chronological order:
The distraction plan is successful and the Crew + Kirby manage to get into the Access Arc undetected...but shenanigans ensue because it's them and they all get separated early on.
Susie succeeds in copying Mario's Player Data over to Elanore, but doesn't kill him right away, because even if she wasn't afraid of how Movie Mario would react to her killstealing she'd still let him be the one to do the deed since she promised him revenge if he helped her and it would go against what's left of her principles to go back on a deal.
Lots of cool fight scenes down on the surface, with Marcy, Shroomy, Kaizo, Amy, and the other Major Side Characters, as well as the Hologram Trio, getting most of the focus.
There's also a scene with Slenderman, Siren Head and Huggy Wuggy teaming up and absolutely slaughtering Haltmann's forces.
Elanore and Barney decide to help Mario escape because he seems like a nice guy. Unfortunately, the Tax Evasion Yoshis find out and won't let them go without a fight.
Primp Town comes under attack because of course it does, allowing the Puyo Puyo characters, the Koopalings (minus Iggy 'cause he's trapped with the other mad scientists), Root and Lil Coding to show off their skills.
Tari and Saiko find Hal, who's been upgraded Mecha-Knight-Style into the Halt Monitor and is guarding the bootleg Guardian Pod Susie made from the God Box Shard.
The Access Arc's defenses come online to assist Haltmann's fleet against the good guys' much larger fleet, and Sage retaliates by bringing out the Death Egg and fighting Death Star Parody to Death Star Parody, which provides an amazing background for the ongoing fight between Movie Mario and Melony's team
The New and Improved Augmented Security Swipe takes to the battlefield back on the ground, getting into a fight with the side characters and surprise entries Dusty Grumpton and Heavy Squid, while Joe, Dusty's Dad and Fury Bowser fight the King Salmonids and that one giant robot boss from Kirby 64.
Bob and Boopkins run into The Goomba, who now has a personalized Robobot Armor he calls his Executive Suit. It has four massive arms because he, like most Goombas, has kind of a complex about that sort of thing. He's also still only calling Boopkins Fishy, which makes him rather quickly shift from trauma-and-bad-at-fighting-induced-fear to also-trauma-induced-murderous rage
Cody discovers that he inherited his mom's skill with a shotgun when his siblings nearly get killed by a squad of Octoling Clones that slipped past Primp Town's actual combatants.
Kirby, Luigi and Perry find Susie guarding the Scientists, and it's immediately obvious that they're going to have to knock some sense back into her
A second invasion fleet appears in the Internet Graveyard, only to discover that it has not been left unprotected, with 1, 2, Juliano and Knuckles leading the Dead Memes as a well-coordinated army instead of the chaotic feral mess Haltmann had probably been expecting
3 and 4 find Vee and Hex, and while 3 and Vee's frustratingly similar personalities do make them clash at first they manage to get the kids on their side like Mario did. And then the Bob-Omb Battlefield Chain Chomp shows up with a plasma cannon mounted on it.
Meggy ended up alone and, in a scene framed almost identically to the Octo Expansion Agent 3 boss cutscenes, finds DST-19, the Octoling Clone who most closely replicated their DNA donor: Desti. It even has her original Blaster, the signature hot-rod paintjob faded to almost nothing and replaced by patches of rust from its years at sea.
Movie Mario looks like he's on the ropes after a devastating blow from a Super Waluigi Launcher attack, only to tap into the God Box's power and become Mari0, which gives him a second wind also unleashes his secret army of Anti-Minions onto all of the ground battles.
There's also a massive, surprisingly powerful Anti-Meme version of the Onceler who shows up in Primp Town
At the Goomba fight, Booplins manages to actually climb up the mech while Bob's drawing fire with his actual direct fighting, and he proceeds to push the Goomba out of the mech, take control of it himself, and use it to stomp the Goomba without remorse.
Mario, Elanore and Barney defeat the Yoshis, with Mario afterwards lamenting his broken friendship with the main green one, not knowing that he's actually still conscious and has been given some things to think about
Saiko and Tari have a lot of trouble with Halt Monitor, but eventually manage to break through his reprograming thanks to their shared past in the Reboot timeline
Just when it looks like the Primp Town group is beat, Lily discovers that her siren song is the least of her voice's powers, because she unlocks the power to SHOUT DEVISTATINGLY AND IMPOSSIBLY LOUDLY, which basically deletes the Mega-Anti-Onceler, most of the invaders...and a great deal of the surrounding countryside.
During the Susie boss battle, she gradually realizes that her situation with the God Box Shard is a direct and terrifying parallel to what happened with her father and Star Dream. She's not exactly cured of her corruption, but she does at least now know there's a problem and is actively fighting against it. Unfortunately, between all the damage to the Access Arc, the God Box's influence permeating everything by this point, and Mari0 and A.S.Swipe being Mari0 and A.S.Swipe, she doesn't currently have any way to call the invasion off
Meggy vs DST-19 is nasty, both because Obvious Trauma Reasons but also because DST-19 turns out to legitimately just as good as the original Desti was, and besides the lack of talking is even acting exactly like the original would have. Ultimately the duel leads to a draw, at which point DST-19 actually finally talks, commenting on how Meggy's getting slow in her "old age," because apparently she's had Desti's memories the whole time and was looking for a rematch! So now she's part of the group, apparently.
Also A.S.Swipe gets blown up again. Hopefully for good but probably not.
It's at this point that everybody in the Arc actually manages to meet up at the bootleg Guardian Pod...well, almost everybody. Guardians are still missing up until they come crashing through a wall still pursued by the Cyber-Chomp, who's then quicky taken down and freed from its cybernetics by Executive Suit Boopkins, because he's tough now apparently. We'll see how long it lasts.
Meanwhile, out in space, Mari0 is handing Melony's team their asses and Sage is getting way too into tearing the Arc apart, to the point where she's seemingly forgotten that everyone has to actually escape from it before she finishes destroying it. Eggman is very proud of her.
The Arc group gets inside the Pod, which the Chomp puts inside its mouth, and they all shoot out the nearest airlock just in time to not get blown the fuck up, since the Chomp is the Chomp and can totally survive the vacuum of space and falling from low orbit. While that's happening Mari0 sends the group fighting him crashing to the ground
this leads to the final battle happening in a massive crater. While the Arc group is mostly still fresh to go, the space battle and ground battle groups are running on fumes at this point, with the chaos emeralds spent, Waluigi and the Demigods unable to access their powered up forms, Shaggy fucking dead (and poofed because it turns out he was the Shaggy that Axol drew on Anime Island), and Creative Mode disabled.
Despite this they still stand up to keep fighting, with Waluigi pulling out a tennis racket(gloriously fitting), Desmond doing his best with his lance and shield, Steve breaking out the Diamond Gear, and Melony actually having Kirby use her sword to become Fierce Deity Kirby and pulling out Inkweaver to use herself.
Just about everybody still standing working together(including a surprise Lawyer Kong pulling a Cease and Desist for a brief stun at one point) just barely manage to take him down...except the boss music just changed keys instead of ending.
Mari0 grabs Luigi, stating that its fitting he'd use SMG4 Mario's brother to gain the power to destroy this world, given what happened to his own, and starts fucking absorbing all of his Meme Energy! This gives him the boost he needs to start draining the Meme Energy and Anti-Meme from everyone and everything around him, except for Mario because he wants his counterpart to ba awake enough to suffer and the Haltmann siblings thanks to their immunity to Anti-Meme energy.
Regardless, this allows Mari0 to assume his final form, Mari0 Soul('cause Kirby), with only Mario, the Haltmann siblings and Peach(who has no Meme Energy of her own thanks to the Worst Activation Ever) left standing to fight him
Except, as the fight wears on and it all seems hopeless, their friends start managing to jump back into the fray, still weakened from exhaustion, injuries, pain from the extraction, and the fact that they can't use memes to screw with reality like usual, but no less willing to help save the day
Even Yoshi manages to come back and sides with the heroes, allowing for a last-minute Big Super Move courtesy of the whole Seven Star Children thing Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Wario, Yoshi and Donkey Kong have going on(from Yoshi's Island DS) that Mari0 couldn't have possibly seen coming thanks to his origins. And now he dead and the Anti-Memes die with him
Now there's the cleanup, including dealing with the whole "Desti is a goo clone now" situation, detoxing everyone who got pumped full of Anti-Meme Energy (especially Susie), and figuring out what to do with a whole extra weak-but-fully-functional-and-stable Meme Cycle Set who on one hand are creations of the God Box meant to be used for evil but on the other hand are literal children who ultimately decided to be good the very first chance they got.
Also Yoshi now gets to join Peach and Welony in the "Attempting Redemption" group! Mario is probably going to be significantly more wary about this one, considering.
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ordinaryschmuck · 7 months
Quick Thoughts on Loki Season 2
I thought about reviewing episodes week to week like last time...but I didn't wanna. So, instead, here's my quick thoughts for a whole season.
And to keep it short: Loki Season 2 is even BETTER than Season One.
It's still more or less the same with fun chaos mixed with heartbreaking tragedy as these characters make sure the entire multiverse doesn't implode in on itself just by existing.
We get a new lovable character through OB and develop ones like Mobius and B-15 as they find new purpose with this new normal in the TVA. And, of course, there's Sylvie who comes back to revels in her supposed victory and learns the consequences that come with it. With her, I feel like a lot of improvements could have been done with her, as she comes across as too selfish to really care about with a LOT of scenes. Like, even in the end of everything, she's not willing to admit that she's wrong about her decisions, but at the same time the season paints it as she ISN'T wrong but just...hasty. Like Sylvie DEFINITELY did the right thing, but in the wrong way that caused more harm than good. As for a character like Ramona...I REALLY wish I could like her, but with how big Season One hyped her up, it's disappointing that there's no big payoff with her. Like, there IS this one twist that the show pulls out, but then does NOTHING with it. And she was meant to be this big antagonist this season, only for a cartoon clock to be more threatening than her. A CARTOON CLOCK.
But while the season doesn't do well at building up Ramona, it SUCCEEDS in making Kang threatening again. I really wish Jonathon Majors wasn't a scumbag, because he manages to perfectly convey two completely different versions of Kang their own distinct characters, with the finale showing just how much of a threat Kang can really be. It's too bad that Marvel's thinking about moving AWAY from Kang and replace him with Doctor Doom instead, but for now, I can say that Kang can still be a great villain if given the right writing.
But the real star of the show is Loki, as this season is all about developing him and dissecting his role as a villain turned hero. And it all comes together why he'd even bother trying to do ANYTHING to save the TVA, and the conclusion is as beautiful as it is tragic.
And that finale. MY GOODNESS. That finale might be one of the best things the MCU has done since Infinity War, and I'm not kidding. It's chaotic, it's funny, it's heartbreaking, it's...beautiful. I liked Season One enough, but Season Two of Loki made me love the series even more. My faith in the MCU wavered, but a project like this made it worth sticking around to watch.
And after all these strikes caused writers and actors to move so many projects back to the point we now have ONE MCU movie in 2024, I just hope this means everyone can take enough time to make a final product that's as GLORIOUS as this.
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chimkin-samich · 1 year
what's the story behind your sun/moon and y/n? the daycare attendant looks so fancy! I like them.
Y/n is honestly just my wife, mod Feral, self insert lol, she started obsessing over the boys and then got me into when she told me more about them
I got in further when I started relating a lot to them so i guess it’s a bit of kin thing for me lol
For our version however getting more into details, all 3 boys are here Sun, Moon and Eclipse but he comes in later, we redesigned them and explained it as they were dragged into Parts and Service and forced to be upgraded
Putting more details under a read more so as to not make a super long text post lol
I’m also going to reblog the blue prints that my wife posted on her profile so you can see a bit of what we had in mind for them mechanically wise at least
Over all upgrades
-They are over able to feel all over, essentially their body sensitivity is that of a humans, they can feel touch, and by default pain
-their endoskeleton from the torso down was scrapped and replaced with a more durable and lighter material, while the torso and arms had extra implants to make them sturdier and more flexible
-can emote with their faces so their not static
-their eyes are animated as well so no more blank stares from either of them
-special upgrade for uh… “stress relief”
Suns upgrades
-his rays are more durable
-he’s able to recharge through solar with his rays now but of course depending on the light level is how fast he charges (direct sunlight can finish a charge in about 4hrs)
-given sharp canines as a sort of defense if needed
-a teeth plate that can retract since management still wants them to lock their smile when children are present
Moons upgrades
-Can emp electronics to recharge, not super efficient but can get him enough charge to get to his cable with out dying on the spot lol
-infrared eyes to spot both children and intruders in the dark
-claws are now retractable but he tends to have them out when children are asleep or not present as a comfort of sorts
-was also given sharp teeth but every single one of his teeth are sharp kinda like shark teeth to use as offense against intruders
Eclipse was more or less left alone more so because they didn’t think he would resurface after splitting his AI to make Sun and Moon but over time he slowly rebuilt himself and also takes pieces of Sun and Moon to be able to front so it was a big surprise when he just popped out.
It’s also why they have four arms since the original endoskeleton was supposed to but they just merged the arms together when they split eclipse into sun and moon
As for our self-insert, She’s Italian and left to come to the US to kinda distance herself from her family to make her own life
She ends up joining the Plex since they had pretty good wages and benefits expecting to just be a security guard, but things are so chaotic in the Plex that she ends up being a mixture of a handler for the boys, a daycare helper and daycare security all in one
Considering she keeps the boys happy and Moon from starting fights with Monty and causing over all mayhem and property damage, they slowly give her more and more “perks” that she practically has free range of the Plex, especially after an occasion where they tried to fire her and it was just a dumpster fire with dealing with the boys (Suns depressed behavior and Moon becoming more destructive than before)
But don’t worry the boys and all the other animatronics get a happy ending…. At some point
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caffeiiine · 6 months
cotards solution by will wood. HO. LY. SHIT. im obsesssed this is such nikolai vibes what the ufck. what the fuck I SEE WHAT YOU MEANT BY THE THE THEHTEHTEH THE SINGING IS CHAOTIC AND ADDS TO IT. HOLY SHIT THIS IS NIKOLAIS SONG. talking abotu free will oh my god. holy shit oh my god. this is ikolai (ik ive said that like ten times BUT IT IS!!!!) I LOVE THE TYPE OF MUSIC THIS IS HOLY SHIT OH MYGDO /POS /POS /POS /POS /POS
I LOVE WILL WOOD I HAVE SOO MANY RECS XAN AND YOUVE ONLY HEARD THOSE TWO?? anyways that just means more recs and i have a lot
+ i/me/myself demo [this specific one] - imo the demos are way better than the final version
+ against the kitchen floor
+ suburbia overture/greetings from mary bell township/vampire culture - he has an INSANE vocal range in this one
+ …well it’s better than the alternative - a little slow in the beginning but if you let it play out it gets good, i love this one
+ chemical overreaction - another one from the Tapeworms, same style as Cotards Solution
+ Hand me my shovel, i’m going in - tapeworms, also insane
+ The song with five names - LOVE THIS ONE also the tapeworms
+ Mr. Capgras Encouners a solution - another song i associate with Nikolai, less so than cotards solution but still pretty high up there especially some of chorus where will just yells “somebody to replace yourself”
+ BlackBoxWarrior
+ cicada days - i don’t normally like slow songs but this one is really good 🫶🫶
+ outliers and hypocrites
+ Marsha, thankk you for the dialectics, but i need you to leave - that’s the whole title btw, letter for letter.
+ Love me, normally
+ generally just The Normal Album as a whole is really good - not a song title, figured i’d mention it since a lot of his titles are normal sentances.
+ 2Econd 2Ight 2Eer
+ skeleton appreciation day - slower one from the tapeworms
+ Thermodynamic Lawyer - tapeworms!!
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
tell us more about kendis pls. 👀👀👀
i need to know more about ur ocs bcs they're so interesting. you always develop them so well. 👁️👁️
I don't even know what to say? qwere roflmao. What do you want to know, anon? (THOUGH, thanks so much for the compliment :-D)
I've been writing Kendis since 2019. At least a version of her. The first concept of Kendis, the og of most ogs was never written, but she was a free-wheelin', hot mess. This was back in 2018. I THINK. I ended up tweaking her and creating Kendis Crawford-Gagne. The proto-Kendis. She was a bit sweeter, a lot more femme, more of the drunk girl you meet in the bathroom. A touch less chaotic. But very much selfish, stubborn, into science, and willing to go all out for a loved one.
This Kendis' mom died when she was young, she was raised by her older (half) brother -- and somewhat by her dad who loved her but was still grieving.
That Kendis was 18. KCL - Kendis Crawford-Louel - came about because I wanted an older Kendis. This Kendis was more queer -- I felt more comfortable in exploring her as a demi-girl (not right away, but eventually. Had to go through the crisis of 'can I as a cis person do this?'). I changed a lot of her backstory too so I think that changed a lot of how they presented themselves. And I think also that KCG was human and KCL was not also really changed their outlook in life, and thus behavior.
This all sounds very boring and tl;dr. LMAO. I'm sorry anon, I don't have anything intriguing to share. Hrm, I guess I could say:
og KCL is the youngest of four -- there is their half-brother Ben and two sisters from Ben's dad, that they consider their own sisters. And I tend to carry Ben over in their canons if they don't have siblings as a cousin or someone who used to baby sit her. Kendis changes a lot of they don't have youngest child syndrome lmao.
Kendis is almost always a creature. The only acception is TWC Kendis, but they have the speshul blud~~. og KCL is a three-beast (a creature of my making). kotsam Kendis is a draka. Exile Kendis is a mythosi (wolf). twc au Kendis is a werewolf.
And sometimes they're a creechur with elemental powers bc I'm extra like that
Kendis is usually demi-romantic bisexual. KCG was demi-sexual, bi-romantic. Kendis will always be on the ace spectrum and bi.
KCG and KCL were sickly as kids. KCG lost her mom. KCL lost their first (and only) love. It was ... a mess. LMAO. Austyn Blanchard. I still keep Austyn in most Kendis' backstories. Austyn is replaced by Syfyn in the Exile.
Kendis loves fashion. Money. Independence. Their people. Nature. Animals. Kids. They love trying new activies and hobbies, I usually go with hiking and pottery for them. I'm not sure why on the pottery.
Kendis (most of them) abhors violence against living beings (which ofc is a thing I've explored with them, because terrible) but isn't against fucking up privite and public property.
I've written Kendis as a parent before and I love. Of course, they were a single parent. Kendis and romance is --- roflmao. (I don't usually do romance with my characters. But Kendis. lmao. Ahhh, Kendis.)
Kendis isn't touch averse (they've had sex) but Kendis is very big about being the one to initiate touch and having people check in with them always before touching them. Touch can make them feel clausterphobic at times -- or not exactly touch but people pressing into their boundaries/personal space. I once took a love language quiz and they scored 0% for touch. Even Andy didn't score that low. LMAO.
Kendis is probs one of my characters with the most sympathy, but they're also probs one of my most frustrated. And selfish. It leads to fun times.
This was actually fun, so thanks <3
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lea-andres · 2 years
May I humbley ask for Kid!Bean AU headcannons? It interests me and I would like to hear more about it! Say yes or I’ll throw a Vavok idea at you
Okay, fuck it, I'm mad at Tumblr now, so you're getting the abridged version. *Flips a table*
TL;DR: Bean's been bumped down to Charmy/Cream/Marine's age group in this AU. Bark found him abandoned as a baby and adopted him. Fang's the drunk, irresponsible uncle. Bean got separated from Bark and Fang during a robot fight once, and was found by Tangle and Jewel. They worked hard to reunite Bean with his dad and uncle. Instant sparks between Bark and Jewel, which everyone including Bean notices, and he bullies the two into a relationship by pretty much adopting Jewel as his mom on the spot. 😂😂😂
So, you're caught up now, here's the headcanons:
-This was a suggestion from someone else (I've sadly forgotten who. 😭 If you guys remember who, please remind me!), But Bean has a teddy bear Fang's convinced is possessed. If it gets destroyed or lost, it'll turn back up a couple hours later unscathed. No one else thinks this is a big deal, but the thing creeps Fang the fuck out.
-Jewel is pretty much the only person Bark trusts 100% to watch Bean. Fang and Tangle let him get up to chaotic shit he shouldn't and Whisper will let him shoot her Wispon if he behaves himself, which also makes Bark quite nervous. The only time he will relax 100% with Bean out of his sight is when he's in Jewel's care.
-For being thrust into the 'Mom' role completely out of nowhere, Jewel takes it in stride. She's always got a room prepared for Bean in case he needs to stay the night at her place, and she reassures Bark constantly that she can watch him anytime a sitter's needed. Once she and Bark actually get together, she insists he and Bean should move in with her, saying a stable home life in a safe small town would be better for the kid than being on the move constantly.
-Fang pretends he's totally not invested in the BugBear romance, but guess who pulled Jewel aside to make sure she heard the (definitely embellished lol) sob story of how Bark found baby Bean abandoned in the snow of cold and harsh North Island? He DOES find Bean's blunt matchmaking attempts absolutely hilarious though, and usually doesn't do much more than just kick back with a drink and watch the awkwardness that ensues.
-This is less of a headcanon, and more of a fun fact: This AU is the debut of Patience the BugBear. After a few years of officially being together, Bark and Jewel start bouncing around the idea of having a second kid. They keep putting it off though out of fear they'd make Bean feel like he's being replaced or that he'd fear they'd love their biological child more than him (neither being true, of course, they both love Bean to pieces!). Once they do work up the courage to run the idea by Bean to see how he reacts, he just hears that he'd get to be a big brother and has NO OTHER THOUGHTS EVER. 😂 But anyway, Patience debuted here, and we all just loved her so much she spread to... *checks notes* ...All of my other AUs except the movie verse one. 😂😂😂 (And she's NOT going in the movie verse AU, guys! I'm not interested in exploring that AU to the point where next gen would start popping up... Although Grandma Brenda is a hilarious idea... No one tempt me, I've already tried and failed to ban Bark and Whisper from my movie verse AU. 😭😭😭)
-Bean gets playdates with Charmy (HEAVILY SUPERVISED) and Cream (not AS supervised, but still VERY supervised). They also get roped into the matchmaking scheme, and focus on their efforts on getting Jewel to crack.
-Marine and Bean have not met yet. Bark and Jewel want to keep it that way, from what they've heard about the raccoon. (No, they don't hate Marine, they just clearly see how that combo can go badly.)
-I believe it was @stillafanofsonic who headed the idea that kid!Bean is an absolute TYRANT to Shadow. He drives the poor guy into fits of rage constantly. Rouge and Omega miss all the torture and mind games, and are convinced Bean's the sweetest baby boy ever, infuriating Shadow further. Sadly, Shadow and Fang COULD join forces on the possessed teddy bear front... If Fang didn't get into 'prove your the alpha dog' moods and pick fights with Shadow constantly. 🙄😂 (Which is a constant in ALL my AUs. Fang takes Shadow being the 'Ultimate Lifeform' as a personal challenge, and will try to pick fights with him. This usually ends with someone, usually Bark, having to scrape Fang's stupid carcass off the pavement.)
-This is the only AU where we have an explanation for Bean's "enjoyment" of Hallmark movies. Rouge got him hooked on them to fuck with poor Bark and Jewel. It's unclear if she did this because she wants to see them get together or if it's just to watch the world burn. 😈
-kid!Bean is 1000% this kind of energy always:
This is immediately followed by Bark and Jewel jumping in to coddle the little guy and check him for injuries. (Meanwhile Fang's floating around in the background going "Guys, he's fine! He'd be screaming if he wasn't." 😂) They're both a little helicoptery (Bark's worse than Jewel, but she's also pretty bad), but it's fine. 😂
Okay, that still got long even with it being the abridged version because SOMEONE (Tumblr) DELETED THE ORIGINAL VERSION!
Now hit me with a Vavok idea anyway. 😂😈
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senanatheskenana · 1 year
Good morning, I wanted to try the survey event if it's still open. If not, feel free to ignore this ask. And before we get to the question, I apologize for the grammar mistakes English isn't my native language.
1. My work ethic is more or less chaotic. I'm a huge procrastinator who can't follow a plan. I tend to do everything at the last minute under the stress and the pressure. Even if I'm interested in the work, I'll zone out pretty fast.
2. Overthinking is my second name /hj. Well, to be honest I'm a very anxious person, I tend to overanalyzing every single thing. How the baker did look at me, my outfit, my haircut... What a pain. :(
3. I use to be a very extraverted kid, but as I'm growing up I'm getting more and more introverted. I like staying alone or with the few people I can trust. Honestly, I don't see why you should waste your energy by befriending a lot of people when you can use your energy to take care of your loved ones.
4. The answer is very cliché, but it would be Japan. I would love to visit this country one day, climbing Mt Fuji, eating traditional food and discovering their culture.
5. I'm finishing High School and I don't really know what I want to study. Maybe biology or history.
6. I love sweet food with all my heart, give me chocolate and you're making me the happiest man alive.
7. I live with my cat and my two dogs and I wouldn't replace them with anything in the world. But if I could adopt another animal, it would probably be a pigeon or a bird of some kind.
8. I'm a trans man and I consider myself as aroace. So yes, this is more on a " if I could to date I would... " kind of thing or platonic. And I don't really care about the gender of my match.
9. That's a hard question. Probably the hardest on the list /hj. I don't really have one favourite song, more like a whole playlist, but if I should give you one I would say... Fine by Lemon Demon.
10. Family well... All depends on your relationship with them and how they treated you in the past. Sometimes it's important to distance yourself from them, to let go for becoming the best version of yourself. But it's also great when they got your back. So to get on a middle ground, I would say that family is important but you shouldn't let them control your life or make you feel guilty for anything. Talking about kids, I don't mind babysitting or keeping kids at home to help a friend but I don't want to be a father. I don't want kids, I would be a terrible father and I don't want them to grow up in this chaotic world. If the world became a better place, with less wars and dangers for them... Then I might reconsider my choice.
And I ended up writing way to much, I'm terribly sorry T_T. Thanks for reading this, take your time and don't forget to care of you. Have a nice day!
(ps : I find your work very cool)
im glad you like my writing, i really like writing it :)
Also don't worry about writing too much, i think that as long as it's good, you cant write too much xx
I would put you with Kazuha. He's kind and friendly and most of all very calming to be around. Kazuha likes to wander around, so he'd be thrilled to travel with you. While Kazuha can be pretty quiet, he is quite good at calming and comforting people. Kazuha understands the temptation of procrastination so he'd try his best to keep you on track, he may even do it with you. He probably isn't concerned with having children, considering he likes to be transitory and travel but he probably does like having animals around. I can totally see him with a bird too because they can easily follow the Crux
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zalrb · 1 year
since you're reviewing supernatural now, how would you rate the acting in the show? who do you think is good, average and bad? I saw that you talked about Ruby's and I totally agree, I much preferred Katie's Ruby, now Meg, do you think the best version was the blonde or the brunette?
So, something that I'm realizing now that I'm getting into season 5, I don't know if I'll continue to season 6, is that I find earlier-season demons to have more ... oomph, like the dialogue was snappier, the smart ass comments had more bite so with the two Megs, the first Meg had a cruelty to her, like a sadism where you could see she the sort of glee in the pain she inflicted
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there was a menace to her expressions
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and then those expressions combined with the slight ways she’d tilt her head where it’s like the movements are a bit off so it feels like a human being operated
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like there were actually a bunch of different subtleties that happened in her performance that brought Meg to life.
This Meg has just been introduced a couple of episodes ago and I didn’t realize that she kind of stays on the show for a while since I stopped watching when it was on air but I don’t really get much from this Meg, she’s kind of  ... around, maybe like a vaguely unhinged person,
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like ... she’d be good as a young Movie!Bellatrix but even still, she’s less chaotic
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she’s definitely a better replacement for Meg than Gen was for Ruby and her performance isn’t bad, it’s just not memorable
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rauhauser · 2 years
Selecting A Chat Application
Some questions came up today regarding the plethora of chat applications we have. A quick look at my workstation’s dock gives some sense of the size of the menagerie.
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Left to right these are: Wire, Signal, Slack, Discord, Keybase, Element, and Telegram.
So what’s going on with all these?
The first two are Wire and Signal. Wire is the first choice for one on one or groups where there are serious security concerns. This is a Swiss company with the attendant statutory privacy protections and it has passed numerous security audits. Signal is similarly solid, but it requires sharing phone numbers, which opens a can of worms so Wire, which permits using up to three handles in the client, is the first choice. We moved from Signal in 2017 but it has been making a comeback, because there are some groups that are centered there and won’t move.
Slack and Discord are in the #3 and #4 slots. Slack is a business oriented cloud based service that faces competition from a self-hosted alternative called MatterMost. Discord is a gamer oriented cloud service that has begun making inroads in social movements and OSINT pursuits. Slack has been very popular within the cryptocurrency world and in general it’s the lingua franca for business. Slack offers a large pallete of apps that can be integrated, and it’s the only one among these various platforms that does.
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Next come Keybase, a fascinating take on communications with a distinct flavor meant for software developers. There are group chat features similar to Slack, including the ability to create teams. It’s got an internal files sharing method similar to Dropbox in that you can make things stored there available via the web. There’s a Git software version control function and a built in cryptocurrency wallet for Stellar’s LUMENS. The system supports cryptographic verification of external identities such as social media accounts and web sites. Sadly, it was abandoned when Zoom purchase the company in 2020.
The last two are Element and Telegram. Element is a client for the Matrix chat network, which was formerly known as Riot.IM before selecting a less provocative name. It’s open in a fashio similar to Keybase, it’s business oriented in a way much like Slack, and the group for which I installed it broke up a couple years ago. I keep it around, thinking I should know more about it.
Telegram is most like Wire and Signal in terms of features, you need a phone number and you can talk one on one or join shared channels. This became popular as a lighter, more open option than Slack for cryptocurrency, and it’s become sort of the Mos Eisley cantina of the internet, chock full of criminality and radicalization. The founder is Russian and the company moved from there to Dubai to avoid entanglement with their government. There are times where I have the application open because there are things I need to see, but I’m a silent observer, I don’t actually use it for personal or professional communications.
Which one should you use? That very much depends on what you’re doing. Here are the list of names again, this time with a use case for each.
Wire – Trusted for activism due to being a quality product from a good jurisdiction, and business grade service is available.
Signal – A 21st century replacement for PSTN voice and SMS.
Slack – Businesses will find the integrations they need here.
Discord – Gamer-centric communities use this, so if that’s your target market ...
Keybase – A visionary jewel that we hope will revive due to Twitter’s chaotic conditions.
Element – I have no clarity here so I’m going to spend some time with it.
Telegram – Full of crypto and extremists, your gateway to the red light district.
This is not an exhaustive list but these seven are leaders in the field. If I could make a wish here, I'd like to see Keybase freed from entanglement with Zoom, and back into ongoing development.
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