#rescue corps pikmin
ultimateempath · 2 months
A Compiled List of the Reasons Louie is the Most Unhinged & Unfathomable character Nintendo has ever created
Spent his childhood eating bugs and now finds ways to prepare & eat various pnf-404 creatures, which wouldn't be all that unusual...EXCEPT THAT THE ENTIRE REST OF THE HOCOTATIAN RACE ARE VEGETARIANS. HES A GENETIC ANOMALY.
has to actively restrain himself from eating the pikmin and still fantasized about how they taste
has attempted to eat a majority of the treasures we collect
Consumed his bosses entire cargo of golden pikpik carrots and then lied about it.
Attempted to transform multiple innocent people into leaflings solely because he was advised by Olimar to mimic him at work. thats it, there's no other reason for this behaviour
Tried to kill us like three times now for no reason other than...wanting to be left alone I guess???
Stole food from groups of stranded explorers, twice. Both of which were koppaite teams trying to save their people from starvation.
Jumped off the S.S Shepherd during takeoff with the desire to stay on pnf-404 forever, seemingly not putting into account the fact that his life support will run out eventually. Or maybe he did think about that and wants to become a leafling, who the hell knows.
Has somehow managed to tame and control what, like two or three different wild beasts now? Which he then used to try to kill us as previously mentioned.
Appears to be selectively mute and also ignores Olimar & everyone else for no good reason.
Tried to eat the water wraith.
he never gives any explanation for any of his behaviour. He's just like that, he's a complete and utter enigma to his own kind, pnf-404, and the rest of the universe.
In conclusion: Louie is a little freak, I absolutely adore him, and Miyamoto had to have been on something to create the weird lil guy and continue his unexplained antics in every pikmin game since then.
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feintenstein · 1 month
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my pikmin space weirdo
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dailypikminrenders · 2 months
found an old rescue corps voice claims video i never finished !!! i’ll make a part 2 someday oops
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dillybilly · 5 months
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The Rescue Corps + The Pikmin I like to associate them with. They’re so silly :>
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lyliux · 6 days
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My rescue corps design and lineup!!!! 10+ hours later,,,,
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Below the cut are some notes pointing out details I added or some of my thoughts while drawing each of them!
I’ve put what I think their (equivalent) ages are also (which doesn’t matter as much but I’ve been using it for backstory stuff lol)
Shepard (28)
- spaceship sleeve tattoo!!! It wraps around her right arm
- Mad resting bitch face + toned af she’s a bit scary
Collin (28)
- was going for strong body with a bit of a baby face
- Carries his grandfathers transceiver on a carabiner
Russ (27)
- skinny tall ass beanpole
- Shepard mentions he wears a lab coat under his suit
Pip (Rookie) (22)
- absolutely tiny, so so small
- Is surprised at basically everything, even things they already know
Dingo (31)
- has a body type similar to that of a swimmer
- Dorky so he wears a vest for “utility” but he sorta pulls it off
Yonny (34)
- he/they androgyny hiiiii
- Undisclosed liquid stains, needs those gum boots
Bernard (40)
- He’s very hot middle aged man vibes to me lol
- Got that 5 o’clock shadow, yes the purple is natural
More general notes
- All wearing what I consider their mission uniform when they aren’t in their full suit. The bottom half is part of that suit and connects up with the rest. Under shirts are chosen by each officer individually
- everyone has different ears! I varied them by length and angle
- Also tried my best to vary facial features and body types (quite new to me, trying my best)
- Also different shoes, it’s like a rescue corps BYO thing lol
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ducktbm · 8 months
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Rescue corps casual Friday
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youmg44 · 2 months
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100%'d pikmin 4 a while ago and enjoyed it alot! wish there was the ability to switch the locked target tho.
Anyways breadbug squish
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amaranth-moths · 9 months
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Dingo is jealous of what they have
Anyway Pom gives a pikmin to each rescue corp member. Chaos ensues.
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r3drashii · 7 months
pikmin 4 incorrect quotes ^-^
Dingo: If I say I love you, will you say it back? 
Shepard: Yes. 
Dingo: I love you. 
Shepard: It back. 
Bernard: Why is Dingo crying face-down on the floor?
Pom: What’s it like being tall? 
Pom: Is it nice? 
Pom: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? 
Yonny: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. 
Bernard: It was one time!
Dingo: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Yonny periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ 
Dingo: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Shepard: *trying to get five seconds of sleep* 
Bernard, poking Shepard’s arm: Shepard Shepard. Shepard. Shepard. 
Shepard: WHAT? 
Bernard: …We’re out of Capri Suns—
Shepard: Hey, Yonny, where are you going? 
Yonny: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell. 
Yonny: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s.
Dingo: Let’s write Bernard a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass…
Shepard: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan. 
Dingo: We could attack them with hummus. 
Shepard: I stand corrected. 
Dingo: Just keeping things in perspective.
Shepard: Alright, listen up you little shits. 
Shepard: Not you Pom. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Yonny: *eating a cinnamon roll* 
Dingo: Cannibalism. 
Yonny: *confused chewing noises*
Collin: A person can really hear themselves think out here. 
Collin’s mind: Did you leave the stove on? The front door unlocked!? WILL YOU DIE ALONE!? 
Collin: Well, that was a mistake.
Bernard: No problemo! 
Bernard, internally: But it was all problemo.
Bernard: Yonny and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. 
Collin: What did you do? 
Bernard: They chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- 
Yonny: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Dingo: I hate you. 
Yonny: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Yonny, texting: Answer your phone 
Dingo, texting back: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone 
Yonny: Understood 
Yonny, 5 minutes later: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Dingo.
Dingo: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this! 
Shepard: Apparently, we're not.
Dingo: Why does my arm shake and turn bright red when I’m eating dirt? 
Yonny: Why are you eating dirt? 
Dingo: Did I ask you if I should eat dirt? No, so answer my question.
Yonny: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. 
Yonny: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Collin: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Yonny: I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship. 
Dingo: These are handcuffs. 
Yonny: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime!
Dingo: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness— 
Yonny: Hi. 
Dingo: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Kidnapper: I have one of your friends. 
Pom: Which one? I have seven. 
Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. 
Pom: Which one? I have seven. 
Bernard, distantly: HEY!!!
Pom: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. 
Dingo: And you came to me?
Dingo: I don't dab. I stab.
Shepard: You really believe in Dingo? 
Bernard: Luckily, they believe in themself enough for the both of us.
Dingo: Sweet dog you got there. 
Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog. 
Dingo: Still training huh? 
Police: What do you mean? 
Dingo: Never mind.
Shepard: Alright, what pizza toppings should we order? 
Dingo: Anchovies and pineapple. 
Pom: I like beets! 
Yonny: Have you guys ever had a cheese-less pizza? 
Shepard: I’m disowning all of you.
Dingo: You use emojis like a straight person. 
Yonny: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
Dingo: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Bernard, talking to Dingo: Well Dingo, whenever I’m about to do something, I think ‘would Yonny do that?’ and if they would, I do not do that thing. 
Dingo: … 
Yonny, from the distance: They’re not wrong though!
Dingo: Is stabbing someone immoral? 
Yonny: Not if they consent to it. 
Bernard: Depends on who you're stabbing. 
Collin: YES??!!?
Bernard: I’m so happy two of my favorite people are getting along now. 
Shepard: Uh, Dingo and Pom are not getting along. 
Bernard: They’re not trying to kill each other. 
Shepard: You may have a point.
Shepard: Yesterday, I overheard Bernard saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Yonny replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Collin: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?? 
Dingo: Y- you were putting it in cold water?? 
Shepard: Collin. Answer the question, Collin. 
Collin: Yeah??? I thought people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. didn't realize there was an actual reason. 
Collin: Plus you think I have the patience to boil water? 
Dingo: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes?? 
Shepard: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it? 
Dingo: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove? 
Shepard: It takes less than a minute. 
Dingo: Is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun??? 
Shepard: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove? 
Dingo: Like seven minutes?? 
Bernard: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes... less than that if you use a saucepan! 
Shepard: Why are you putting the whole mug on the stove?? On medium heat?? Bernard? Your stove is enchanted! 
Collin: Every single person here is a fucking lunatic. 
Pom: Do none of you own a fucking kettle?!
Bernard: I'm having problems with a guy... 
Yonny: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems?
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 days
top 10 photos taken before disaster
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dingo is an idiot and I love him and you cannot convince me that this situation has not happened at least once
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connor-dioda · 10 months
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Pikmin 4's Rescue Corps!
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listles-s · 9 months
i know the entire rescue corps is named after dogs but the name erma shepherd is so funny to me. i bet her parents were mumbling and fumbling for a bomb ass name to match their generations of shepherds and the doctor went ‘erma it is!’ and before the parents could say anything it was official
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lotuspikmin · 4 months
With the successful rescue of all the PNF-404 Castaways under their belt, the Rescue Corps members decide to give the rookie a "proper" welcome.
Literally rolled a die to see which of my many WIPs I'd try and make progress on before 2023 ended, and wound up finishing this silly little oneshot about maritime initiations, finding yourself in a workplace/team that genuinely has your back, and spraying people with whipped cream!
Also, Bernard sitting upon the Throne of the Gods.
Happy new year!
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dillybilly · 7 months
One of my favourite lore drops in Pikmin 4 is when Yonny reveals that Russ always ends up injuring himself in interesting ways, because it explains a lot but also leaves so much open about what kind of shit he gets himself into.
Yonny: “I sure hope that stupid scientist isn’t getting himself hurt again.”
Russ, testing out the Scorch Guard:
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h0c0t8-fr8 · 9 months
yonny is so silly i love him so much
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nuzleafthepikmin · 8 months
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