roxygeeks95 · 9 months
As I lay me down to sleep, on the evening of August 31st, I can’t help but be BEYOND disappointed in myself for not writing a single thing for #kidlawgust!!!! So… I’m going to get drunk off Prosecco this weekend (the first week of school year almost fuckin broke me—pray for us teachers), and I’m going to WRITE SOME KIDLAW DAMMIT!!!!!! Fuck those lesson plans… I NEED TO DO THIS! 😭😭😭😭
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jemyart · 4 years
Jemy!! Just wanted to stop by and let you know how proud I am of your art progression!! I’ve been a fan since the beginning and I’m so happy that all of your hard work is paying off 😀 KEEP IT UP MUTUAL!! ❤️
It’s not a monday if I don’t cry lol Thank you so much, seriously thank you so so muchIt really really mean a lot to me, and you really made my day a lot better!Thank you so much!
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Spitfire college! They have a class together
He can’t be mad about it. 
Years ago, what seems like a lifetime ago, he would have reeled around, green eyes blazing, telling her to just quit it all ready and what was her freaking problem and jeez just STOP! 
But as he listens to the their psychology professor talk and talk and talk and talk about Freud and Yung, he has to smile. 
Artemis won’t stop tapping her foot against the back of his chair. 
It’s not hard or fast; it’s not meant to be annoying. It’s rhythmic and comforting, and Wally wonders if it’s because she can’t hold his hand or play with his hair the way he knows she wants to. 
When the class ends, she’s out of her chair quickly and next to his desk. 
Wally smiles up at her gently and gathers his things before reaching out and taking her hand. she tugs and he’s on his feet and close to her, her foot resting on top of his.
“Hi Babe.” 
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scottsumrners · 7 years
roxygeeks95 replied to your quote: You’ve fucked so many horny freshmen your pussy...
i’m still in episode 5 lol
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arunawaytomato · 9 years
Hiya friend! Life is good. Just preparing for the last month of classes before the summer!! How're yoouu??? Missing yowapeda!? Cause I know I amm!
Aah, I see, good to know you’re doing good ^o^ I’m in the middle of midterm atm, I do hope I passes them all ;o; AND YES IM MISSING YWPD LIKE A LOT ;A; i rly need season 3 sobs ;;
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juviavevo · 9 years
Hey girl heeyyy!! We black, we beautiful, and ANIME IS ERRTHANG!!
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roxygeeks95 · 1 year
11th year tradition of changing my age on my Tumblr profile. Happy Birthday to me! 🎉
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roxygeeks95 · 11 months
Last night I saw that another one of my fics hit 100 kudos. Then, I caught up on One Piece. Episode 1066 did things to my KidLaw brain. Woke up at 5am and started writing! Something will be posted by the end of the week 😊
EDIT: I posted the thing. Here it is if you wanna read it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48234322
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roxygeeks95 · 8 months
Been a long time coming, but my newest Kilguin is finally out!
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roxygeeks95 · 3 months
I did a thing. Completely different from my usual stuff, but I had a blast writing it, finding a way to fit a poetic style into the voice of such a bizarre man that is Hisoka Morrow. I know it might be everyone’s cup of tea, but I hope you try it out! 😁
Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: Hunter X Hunter Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hisoka/Illumi Zoldyck Characters: Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck Additional Tags: Hisoka’s POV, Soft Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter), Domestic Fluff, Psychopaths In Love, Established Relationship, Is This Poetry?, Fuck it We Die Like Kite Up in This Bitch Summary:
Surrounded by the four walls of their rustic beach cottage, Hisoka cannot help but express his admiration for the sleeping man that he fell so deeply and irrevocably in love with.
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roxygeeks95 · 5 years
I get a pang of hurt in my heart every DickBabs scene.
Am I the only one that still feels that way?
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roxygeeks95 · 4 years
I hope that all the guys (shit, women too--SHOUTOUT TO GENKAI!)that watch anime, especially My Hero Academia, see that having a(n) educator/teacher/mentor/father figure/senpai/role model/etc. can be such a POWERFUL thing!
Reach out to kids!!! Support them, love on them, teach them strong morals and to believe in something! 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️Then, one day...you could see them go from your "young grasshopper" to the next "Symbol of Peace"! 😁💕
P.S- You don't need a quirk, to be a Saiyan, or YEARS of training to make an impact & an unbreakable bond with someone! #WhatAnimeTaughtMe
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roxygeeks95 · 5 years
Literally trying my HARDEST not to be done with this fandom...
Not the show, because Lord knows how freaking happy I am that it’s back, but THE FANDOM!!!
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*Crying because you miss the show so much?
Them: Brings it back
Fandom: Complains that it doesn’t live up to the first 2 seasons! Wishes that they didn’t!
* Crying that there are none of your other favorite DC characters?
Them: Gives them to us
Fandom: PISSED because there’re too many characters!
*Crying because we don’t see our s.1 & s.2 characters anymore?
Fandom: Yeah, but why can’t we see them hang out like regular people?
* Crying because there’s no LGBTQ+ representation?
Them: Gives it to us in multiple forms
Fandom: Nooo, but she cheated though! We need more gay!
*Crying because there is no multi-cultural representation?
Them: Gives up refugee liberation, a beautiful Muslim girl, Static on the team permanently (he literally said in the last episode “Y’all needed more color” & Jaime chimed in and agreed—which means that the writers are pretty fuckin aware), Hispanic team members, characters from other worlds, etc.
Fandom: But it’s not enough though! They’re not represented correctly! How dare they have a Muslim woman hold a gun!
Every time I watch an episode, I want to come to Tumblr and vent and talk about my FAVORITE SHOW EVER, LIKE WE USED TO! The show that made me fall in love with DC, the show that I cried for months—hell years— when it got cancelled, the show that because it was so damn good, WE helped get back after 6 years of being gone!!
But then I come to the tag & it’s nothing put criticism, people bitching and complaining, “I want this”, “I want that”, “THEY PROMISED US THIS”, “THEY PROMISED US THAT”!
Is this season as good as the others? NOT YET. NO.
Is this season flawed? YES.
Are there things that could have been done differently/better? DEFINITELY.
But as Brion likes to say, “MOTHER OF GOD”! If you hate it so much, PLEASE stop watching it! It’s like people watch it JUST to be critical about it. They don’t watch it to enjoy anymore! It’s so damn sad and I hate to say that I am drifting away from this so called “fandom” and I know for a FACT that I am not the only one!
What happened to y’all during the 6 year hiatus!?!?
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roxygeeks95 · 5 years
Ok guys, hear me out...
With watching the live action show The Flash and doing lots of research on the Speed Force, it's clear that it's a pocket dimension created by dark matter and subatomic matter (that's kinda what that funnel in 'Endgame' was made of right?) Also, pulling from the CW show, the Speed Force can only have ONE speedster in it at a time.
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As a HUGE Flash fan, its evident that Wally is the FASTEST speedster in the DC Universe (if you don't believe me, look it up). We know that Wally was considered the slowest in our beloved season 2 of Young Justice, even getting teased for it, shit even disappearing for it! Well, the good ole Speed Force even enhances speedsters' powers when they're in there. It's like an eternity of training and running ("hell") to the abnormally fast individuals!
Remember during the painful episode, 'Failsafe' when Kid Flash said that "The machine gives off zeta radiation, they're not vaporized, they teleported!" I'm going to use this as irony, because Greg and Brandon LOVE THAT SHIT!!
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I say all that to say that I STILL believe that my baby Wally isn't dead! He's simply stuck in the Speed Force!! And part of me wishes that that random speedster villian that we saw in the first episodes of Outsiders wasn't killed, so that he could get thrown into the Speed Force, to get Wally out!!!
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roxygeeks95 · 5 years
Special Guest|| A Chalant Story
Zatanna convinces Dick to be her assistant at one of her magic shows.
Here you go @zatannaesthetic ! I hope this lives up to your beautiful standards. Love ya mutual!
“Thank you New York you’ve been a magical audience! Goodnight!”
And with a few whispered words, Zatanna disappeared and the crowd cheered with applause.
It had been a LONG weekend and it was going to be an even LONGER three weeks. She had just done two shows a day (one in the afternoon and one in the evening) for the past 4 days and she was exhausted. Don’t get her wrong, she loves what she does, but her feet were killing her and she would pay BIG money to have someone rub them while she soaked in a nice warm bubble bath right about now.
Zatanna started to get comfortable in her dressing room. She had taken off her top hat and boots and slouched down on the leather couch when there was a light knock at her door.
The magician groaned. She was NOT getting back up and she figured it was her manager Traci anyway to shower her with praises, so she muttered an enchantment to make the door open on its own.
To her surprise, it wasn’t Traci, but an extremely attractive guy with eyes as blue as the ocean and a grin that would make her knees go weak if she wasn’t already laying down. She immediately perked up.
“Hey ‘Tanna”
“Dick? What are you doing here?” She beamed, with a smile as bright as the lights on stage.
Dick closed the door behind him and walked over to her, with a large bouquet of white roses (her favorite) in tow.  
“I wanted to see your show. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it and I overheard one of the security guards at Wayne Tech raving about how great you were yesterday. So, I decided to check it out for myself.” He handed her the flowers.
“I gotta say, he wasn’t wrong. You’re amazing. But what else is new?”
Zee giggled and smelled the roses. She never understood why people didn’t like their scent. Oh well, that’s not important right now.
The detective picked up her stretched out legs so he could take a seat on the couch beside her and placed them over his lap once he got comfortable. “Plus, I decided that it was a good excuse to see you. I missed you since you’ve been working all weekend.”
“You’re the sweetest and you know you don’t need an excuse to see me.” Zatanna sat up and kissed him on the cheek. “But thank you Boy Wonder. You just made my night.”
“And you made mine with your performance. I couldn’t take my eyes off you ‘Tanna.” Dick smirked at her, his eyes filled with admiration. The magician loved when he looked at her like that.
“But I wasn’t the only one though.” The former Robin added, snapping her out of her daze.
“You should’ve seen those men’s faces... hell, some women too. It wasn’t just the magic that they gawked at all night.” He scoffed, playing with her fishnets under his hands.
“Dick Grayson, are you... jealous?” She teased.
Dick snickered and shrugged. “Can you blame me?”
“You got a point there.” She winked.
Even though she didn’t want to move from her comfortable position, the mistress of magic stood and walked over to the sink, maybe swishing her hips a little more than usual. She felt lingering eyes follow her every move and she couldn’t help but smile to herself.
“Like what you see, Boy Wander?” Zatanna tempted, purposely flipping her hair has she filled a vase with water to put her roses in.
Dick laughed. “You know I do ‘Tanna. But like I said, so does everyone else.”
Zee walked back over to the man, but this time taking a seat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck while she laid on his chest. It still baffled her how that 13 year old boy she met all those years ago turned into such a hunk.
“Well you know what you can do to change that, right?”
Dick paused. “Hmm, no, I can’t say that I do.”
The magician pulled him close. “You could always join me on stage.” Pressing her lips to his ear, she whispered “That way, I won’t get all the attention.”
She could feel his heart beating a little faster and she couldn’t help but squirm in his lap herself.
The detective turned to press a slow kiss onto his girlfriend’s temple. “What would you do to me? Turn me into a rabbit and pull me out of your hat?”
Zatanna hummed. “Although I like the sound of that, I think I have some other ideas for you handsome.” Zee sat up to straddle her boyfriend’s hips. “But I can tell you all about them in the morning. I’m afraid our lips will be a little too busy tonight.”
Dick bit his lip with anticipation. “Deal.”
Like she said, there wasn’t much talking the rest of the night.
“Ladies and gentlemen! We have a special guest joining us for tonight’s performance. Please welcome my assistant for this evening, Dick Grayson!”
The crowd erupted in applause and many high pitched squeals and cheers filled the room, especially from the women in the audience.
Lights flashed to the center of the stage and smoke fumed as Dick walked out to join the mistress of magic. He wore a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It was tucked into his black slacks that hugged him in all the right places and navy suspenders that lay over his broad chest.
Okay, maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all.
“I am honored to have one of my favorite people in the world help me out here tonight. And with that, LET’S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!”
Zatanna smiled at Dick and gave him a wink before he turned to set up the props for the first act.
During the performance, Dick couldn’t help but watch how fluid and precise Zatanna’s movements were as she executed her magic tricks. She had the audience eating right out of the palm of her hands. She was born for the stage and the fact that he knows that the viewers were getting something real, made it even more mesmerizing for him. He really was a lucky guy to have Zatanna Zatara as his girlfriend.
He couldn’t be more pleased that he could assist her during the show. Even though he played such a minute part in it all, the 9 year old performer that he tried so hard to bury all those years ago was smiling brightly inside and it wouldn’t have happened without the beautiful woman out on that stage.
“And with the help of my handsome assistant—“
That’s my cue!  
Dick cheesed from ear to ear before he walked out to accompany the remarkable woman that he loved with all his heart.
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roxygeeks95 · 5 years
A Chalant Story||Celebrity Crush
Zatanna has a celebrity crush and Robin’s little green monster starts to show.
1,194 words
Here you go @nellethiel-aranel ! I hope this lives up to your wonderful expectations. Love ya mutual! I miss my adorable teenage babies, so I wrote it that way. I was watching The Prestige and The Dark Knight last week lol! First part is in Dick’s POV, Second part is in 3rd person. 
Zatanna has a celebrity crush. Christian freakin’ Bale.
Yeah, that actor guy.
I’m not the jealous type, but anytime he comes on screen when we watch one of his movies or when a promo of a film that he’s starring in shows up on tv, she always does this kinda... throaty... groan. I know she does it just to get under my skin—that’s just how we roll—but it works...sometimes.
The fact that he’s played a magician in “The Prestige”—one of her favorite movies for some reason—doesn’t necessarily help either. She’s must’ve watched it over 1,000 times and over half of those times, SOMEHOW, she convinces me to watch it with her. Wally says I’m whipped, but she’s just persuasive, okay!
Every. Single. Time. she would say “The magic is subpar, but HOLY CHRISTIAN is this good!” and “Uh, his accent is amazing! Did you know he’s really British?”. I mean, EVERY SINGLE TIME she would say this, I’m not exaggerating! The latter was actually a surprise to me the first time she asked the question (I don’t just use my detective skills for missions), but now it’s more rhetorical than anything and I just sigh in response.
One time she even said, “You know, if one day they make a Batman movie, I’d think he’d be PERFECT for the role.” She said it so nonchalantly too—that’s not our thing!
I’m pretty sure I avoided her for the rest of the day.
I know I shouldn’t take it so seriously. Dating a beautiful girl like Zatanna, you CAN’T or you’ll be in TROUBLE.
Guys our age flirt with her almost everywhere she goes, regardless if I’m standing beside her or not. I usually just brush it off or give them a smug smile and put my arm around her when I see them staring. I think it’s kinda funny.
Although one day, this guy asked for her phone number when we were in line to get ice cream. When I told him to piss off, he said that he honestly thought I was her little brother! HER LITTLE BROTHER! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!? If one of the rules that Bruce taught me—not to use my martial arts in public— wasn’t drilled in my head, I DEFINITELY would’ve put him to shame then.
I was very displeased— heavy on the ‘dis’.
I got a really big kiss afterward though, so I wasn’t upset for long.
Like I said, those punks don’t really matter. She’s with me and she would never be interested in any of those lowlifes—she even says so herself. But for some reason, her love for that Christian guy, really rubs me the wrong way. 
One day though, I kinda... lost my cool.
“Recognized, Zatanna B-0-8”
“Hello! Where is everyone?”
“We’re in the kitchen Zee!” Yelled Artemis.
When Zatanna walked in, she saw her best friend and her boyfriend sitting at the counter with their books and binders wide open. Great.
“Looks like you two are hard at work.”, she said dryly, walking over to give Robin a kiss on the cheek.
Robin adjusted his sunglasses. “No one else was here yet, so we figured we’d go ahead and knock out our homework.”
No one but Zee and Wally knew his secret identity yet. He had told her in her room a few months ago when he was cheering her up one night about her dad. Robin—well, Dick—had told her about his parents and what happened to them. It was so hard to hear, but she had fallen for him even more that night.
Artemis almost found out whenever she saw Dick alongside Bruce on tv at the Cave. She said, “Hey, that kid goes to my school. He’s just as scrawny as you Robin.” And laughed as she elbowed him in the side. Thank God Wally distracted her afterward. Arty is a smart girl, if she had seen Robin’s face go ice cold or heard Zatanna’s little gasp, she would have figured it out for sure.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Let me change out of my uniform and I’ll be right back.”
“M’kay”, both the non-superpowered heroes echoed.
When Zatanna came back, she put her binder and textbook down at the spot between Robin and Artemis and went to the fridge to grab a snack. All of a sudden she heard Robin shout, “THIS GUY AGAIN! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!”.
Zatanna turned around the see her boyfriend, looking down at her school supplies with utter disgust—heavy on the ‘dis’.
“Do you seriously have magazine clippings of Christian Bale taped all over your binder!?”
“Uuuhh, yeah?” The magician replied, not exactly sure how to answer.
“What’s wrong with that? The guy is hot!” chimed Artemis.
“No, he’s NOT!”
The blonde teasingly poked the boy. “And you would know that why, exactly?”
Robin rolled his eyes behind his glasses. “Whatever! That’s besides the point! ‘Tanna it’s like you‘re obsessed with the guy. It’s kind of creepy!”
“So, what would better suit the looks of my notebook Boy Wonder, you?”
Robin paused. “Well... yeah!”
“Now that’s creepy.” jabbed Artemis with a snort. The caped crusaders protege gave her his best Bat glare.
Zatanna laughed. “Robin, are you jealous?”
His sunglasses didn’t hide the deep blush spreading across the raven-haired boy’s cheeks one bit.
“Aww! You’re so cute!” cooed Zatanna, trotting over to hug her boyfriend--even with his arms crossed over his chest--and kissed him on his forehead as he pouted.
Artemis couldn’t take it and belted with laughter, then stood up to walk out of the room. “I am so going to tell Wallace about this later!”
Robin was not impressed. “I hate you!”
“You’re adorable Boy Wonder. But, I only have eyes for you, so there’s no need to be envious of Christian Bale. Besides, he’s in his thirties and I’m fifteen. That’d be pretty gross if he returned my feelings.” Her nose turned up. “I’m pretty sure I’ll never meet him in my life either.”
The detective sighed. “I know ‘Tanna. It’s just hard sometimes seeing you so interested in someone that’s not me.
Zatanna laid her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder and hummed. “Ok. I’ll won’t declare my love for him so often and I won’t make you watch his movies with me anymore either.” She giggled. “BUT, my binder stays the same though.”
Robin smiled and unfolded his arms to wrap them around his girlfriend’s waist. “That’s ok. I’m sorry I overreacted.”
Zatanna put her arms around his neck. “And you know, if you give me a picture of us, I’d definitely put it on the front of my other binder.”
Dick grinned up at her. It’s her favorite. “I think I can arrange that.” He pulled her close to him and leaned in to kiss the girl on the lips. That was his favorite.
When they came up for air, Zatanna’s eyebrows were pulled together.
“What’s wrong ‘Tanna?”
“You know, I was just thinking. Who’s your celebrity crush?”
That’s when Robin smirked and did this kind of… throaty… groan.
Zatanna’s eyes went big. Uh oh!
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