#ruby rose x pyrrha nikos
superiorsturgeon · 1 day
Gilded Rose: Difficult Decisions
Ruby: …okay, so it’s decided! We’ll flip a coin to decide who dates Jaune!
Pyrrha: Drat…! 😣
Ruby: *flips coin* Call it!
Pyrrha: Heads!
Pyrrha/Ruby: *cling to each other as the coin spins through the air, carrying their fates with it* 😖
Coin: *lands perfectly on-edge*
Pyrrha: W-what does that mean…? 😨
Ruby: I don’t know! Does the universe want us to share Jaune? Is that a thing? 😰
Pyrrha: I don’t know either! How are we going to explain this to Jaune?! 😫
Jaune: *staring in abject disbelief at arkos/lancaster coin balanced perfectly on edge*
Jaune: …no f****** way…
Arkos/Lancaster Coin:
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falleri-salvatore · 1 year
JSPR Polycule PSA
Just wish to correct a misconception and let it be known that the Polycule involving Ruby, Weiss, Jaune and Pyrrha is NOT Jaune’s Harem; it’s Weiss’ Wet Dream. That is all.
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darksaiyangoku · 3 months
RWBY Winter Tales
The Crimson Shinigami
Ruby looked out of her window as the fog crept up. It was getting late and she still hadn't heard anything from Pyrrha yet.
Ruby: Where could she be?
[Argus City]
Pyrrha stood face to face in front of large, dragon-like Hollow. She drew her Zanpakutō and rushed in for the attack.
Pyrrha: Hiyahh!!!
She sliced the Hollow across its neck, making it screech in pain. But Pyrrha knew that these monsters were persistent and that attack was more of an annoyance to them. She kept her guard up for the retaliation as the Hollow used its claws to slash at her, blocking each strike with ease. It tried to use its tail as a weapon, furiously thrashing it about. Pyrrha swiftly dodged it and cut it off in a clean blow. The Hollow snarled and dashed at Pyrrha with intense speed. She readied her Zanpakutō, taking a deep breath to strike at the perfect moment. The Hollow bared its fangs at her and lunged. But it was too late. With one swift cut to its mask, it was defeated and landed on the floor with a hard thud. Pyrrha sheathed her sword and clasped her hands together as the Hollow disappeared in white light, purified of its sins. Pyrrha looked around saw her gigai lying aginst a tree.
Pyrrha: *nervous laugh* I really need to be careful where I put that.
[Pyrrha's house]
Ruby opened the door as she heard a knock, and found Pyrrha holding a bouquet of roses.
Pyrrha: Hehe, I'm sorry for being late. I hope you didn't start dinner without me.
Ruby: *rolls eyes* You're lucky you're cute. *chuckles and kisses her*
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ludibriadormonoteista · 4 months
Lie Detector
Nora: Hey guys! Guess what I just found in the dumpster! *Slams Device on the Center Table* IT’S A LIE DETECTOR!
Ruby: Wow, really?!
Jaune: Does it still work?
Weiss: *Scoffs* As if. It was obviously thrown out for a reason.
Nora: Oh, is that so? How about we play a little game to test it out?
Ren: Maybe we shouldn’t-
Weiss: HMPH! I humbly accept your challenge. Do your worst, Valkyrie.
Nora: It’s on, then! First question: Have you ever spied on Jaune while he was hitting the showers?
Jaune: HUH?!
Weiss: Wha- What kind of question is that?! Of course not!
Blake: So it does work.
Yang: HAH! Off to a great start, Ice-Queen.
Weiss: T-That doesn’t mean anything! Never in my life have I-!
Weiss: Fine, I admit it! I accidentally had the displeasure of peeking on Arc ONCE!
Blake: Just once?
Weiss: Okay! I might have run into him a few more times-!
Weiss: A couple more-!
Weiss: A dozen-!
Weiss: Dozens-!
Weiss: I did it close to a hundred times! AT BEST!
Jaune: *shook*
Ruby: Why does it keep getting worse?
Pyrrha: You too? Eh-! I mean-! What?!
Ren: I think we heard enough-
Yang: Geesh! A picture lasts longer, you know?
Nora: Looks like you’re telling the truth. Good job, Weiss! How do you feel?
Nora: …Alright, who’s next?
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arc-misadventures · 4 months
What are those
Winter " weiss mom wants me to marry jaune
All the girls who do want to marry him hug winter " welcome sister
Weiss 😱
The Dragons Dowery
Weiss: Ughhh… Gods that was a nightmare…
Yang: Yeah, that was… That was a mess…
Ruby: Going to have some words with, Blake. She… she…
Yang: Has no chill?
Ruby: Yeah, that… How did this all happen? I was too busy trying not to get attacked by crazed faunas that I forgot.
Weiss: Jaune said he eats dust, I wanted to test that out, and then he started belching up fire. Apparently, the quality of, Dust made by the, Schnee Dust Company is considered… cheap to his literal taste.
Yang: Cheap? What do you mean by cheap?
Weiss: I… I don’t know. When he started hacking, and belching out fire, and when he had a chance to speak all he said was that my father was a, ‘cheap bastard.’
Ruby: So, he thinks the dust is of poor quality? What does that mean?
: Mr. Arc considers the, Dust made by the, SDC to be of poor quality. As is it unrefined in his opinion. Therefore it… tastes rancid…
Ruby: Huw? Who are you?
Weiss: Winter; You’re here?!
Winter: Hello, Weiss it’s nice to see you again.
Yang: Is this your aunt, Weiss?
Weiss: Aunt? No this is my older sister, Winter Schnee. Why did you think she was my aunt?
Yang: She’s taller, older, has breasts…
Weiss: Hey!
Yang: She’s the complete opposite to you, so I thought you were family, just not siblings.
Winter: That is a fair assessment.
Weiss: Winter?!
Ruby: Hello! I’m Ruby, Ruby Rose leader of, Team RWBY!
Winter: Ruby of, Team RWBY?
Ruby: Yeah… even I get confused at times too…
Yang: Well, I’m Yang Xiao Long! This little gremlins cool hot older sister, nice to meet you!
Winter: Pleasure. There should be four members, where is the fourth member of your team?
Weiss: Our fourth member is, Blake Belladonna, and she is… somewhere…? I don’t know where she is, last time I saw her she was trying to linch me because she thought I tried to kill, Jaune.
Winter: And… why did she try to do that?
Weiss: Blake is a faunas, and she’s part of the more… fanatic devotees towards my friend, Jaune Arc.
Winter: I suppose it has to deal with him being this supposed, ‘Dragon King?’
Weiss: That’s more, or less it.
Ruby: So, what brings you here, Winter?
Winter: Mother, and I came at the request of your summons.
Yang: Summons?
Ruby: Are you talking about the time, Weiss yelled at your dad to get her diamonds checked?
Winter: Yes, Weiss wanted, Mr. Arc to authenticate the authenticity of our family’s family jewels.
Yang: Was that a correct sentence?
Ruby: The auto correct says so.
Weiss: And, how did the grading go?
Winter: Well… two thirds of them are fake…
Weiss: Eh…?
Winter: A fact that, Mr. Arc proved by eating the fakes…
Ruby: He ate them?
Winter: Even mother’s engagement ring was a fake, to which he proved by eating it.
Yang: Ouch.
Winter: But, based upon what, Mr. Arc said, the person father bought these diamonds from was an infamous swindler specializing in fake diamonds.
Weiss: Oh… Well, I guess that’s okay…
Winter: And, Mom offered the, Schnee Diamond as a dowery for, Jaune.
Weiss: Eh…?
Ruby: The what?
Yang: The Schnee Diamond? The hell is that?
Weiss: It’s our family’s heirloom; My grandfather, Nicolas Schnee found it decades ago during a mining expedition when he was founding the SDC. He named it after our family to be a moniker of our family’s legacy. Ha… you know it’s actually funny…
Ruby: What’s funny?
Weiss: All the diamonds my father acquired were fakes, and yet our grandfather’s diamond has more valuable than anything father could ever hope to acquire.
Winter: Fufufu~! That is quite funny.
Weiss: But, wait… Mom offered it as a dowery… F-For whose hand…?
Winter: …
Winter: M-My hand…
Weiss: W-W-What?!
Yang: Seriously?
Ruby: Congratulations!
Weiss: Ruby?!
Ruby: What?
Weiss: No, I… Okay, no… W-What did you say about all of this? No! What did, Jaune say about all of this, because based upon what he said, I will kill him!
Winter: Well… he was inspecting the, Schnee Diamond when, Mother made this offer. And, well… he seemed highly conflicted.
Yang: Was it because of, Jaune’s obsession of precious stones?
Winter: I would believe so. He seemed genuinely interested in accepting mother’s offer, but he eventually put the diamond back into its case, and shook his head. Jaune then told my mother that while he was genuinely tempted to accept her offer, it would remain my decision to accept this marriage proposal. And, that he wouldn’t accept anything until he learned more about me. Considering at most he knew about was that I was, Weiss’s older sister, and that I was more… full bodied than her. Whatever that meant.
Yang: I think he was talking about how, Weiss is flat, and you have booba.
Weiss: I am not flat!
Winter: Oh… that makes sense…
Ruby: So… you want to marry, Jaune?
Winter: …
Winter: Because of my position in the, Atlas Military I never thought about marriage. But, now that it has been presented before me as it has… Well… I am uncertain of how to react to all of this.
Yang: Probably should get to know, Jaune before you think of marriage then.
Winter: That would be an appropriate option to take. Should I ask him on an outing to get to know him then?
Yang: A date?
Winter: Yes, a date. Do you think he’d prefer dining at the, Chatou Chriteline?
Ruby: They serve food there right?
Winter: It’s a restaurant, the most famous high class one in all of, Vale. Have you not heard of it?
Yang: Lady, do we look like high class, hoty toty kind of gals?
Winter: Well…?!
Weiss: Don’t answer that.
Winter: Very well then…
Ruby: You could ask, Jaune’s girlfriends for help.
Winter: G-Girlfriends…? He already has a girlfriend?
Weiss: He has two actually…
Yang: And, if I play my cards right he’ll have three~!
Winter: You want to become a part of his… His…!!
Yang: Harem? Hell yeah I do~!
Winter: But, why?
Yang: I’m in love with the blond goofball. What more needs to be said?
Winter: You’re in love with him…?
Yang: Yeah. I can give you a list of reasons why, but all that matters really is that I love him.
Winter: Is that really all that matters…?
Yang: …
Yang: What are you asking?
Winter: I’m asking if you love him.
Yang: No, you’re not asking me that.
Ruby: What is she asking you, Yang?
: You should ask, ‘Have you ever been in love before?’
: She’s an, Atlasian. I doubt they understand the concept of love.
Winter: What? Who are you?
: Hello~! I’m Pyrrha Nikos, and I am, Jaune’s, First Chosen.
: Hi there pretty lady~! My name is, Coco Adel, his, Second Chosen.
Weiss: What are you two doing here?
Pyrrha: Yang texted me about the dowry. And, we decided to see who actually managed to get, Jaune’s attention.
Coco: And, I must say, Jaune has impeccable taste~!
Winter: Actually my mother put me up for this whole arranged marriage by offering him a dowery he couldn’t deny, well, barely could deny. This whole thing wasn’t my idea.
Pyrrha: Yeah, he’s been dealing with that a lot lately.
Winter: I’m willing to believe that. But, I must ask, what did the two of you mean by, ‘Chosen?’
Pyrrha: Oh it’s just a name we were given by the faunas because we were the… the… the first that…
Coco: The first girls that, Jaune fucked~!
Pyrrha: Yeah, that…
Winter: Y-You’ve slept with him?
Pyrrha: Yes we have.
Coco: Several times.
Pyrrha: We’ve slept with each other actually.
Coco: The future threesome we will have will be legendary~!
Pyrrha: Hopefully we won’t be walking out with a limp next time.
Coco: You kidding? The limp is the best part!
Yang: How good of a limp is it?
Coco: Why spoil the surprise~?
Weiss: Stop it. I don’t want to hear this. You can have your perverted sex lives all you want. I just don’t want to hear you explain it to me. Also, you broke, Ruby.
Yang: What?
Ruby: Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
Yang: RUBY?!
Pyrrha: Oops…
Coco: Ha! Blushing virgin.
Pyrrha: So… are you interested in dating, Jaune, Winter?
Winter: Well… to be honest, as you guessed I never dated before… or, be interested in anyone romantically. So, I don’t know…
Pyrrha: That’s fair, I’ve never been in love until I met, Jaune. And, after we first met I fell head over heels for him on the spot.
Winter: You’ve never been in love until after you met him?
Pyrrha: Nope. I’ve had plenty of famous people, and the like come on to me, but they never sparked anything in me. They were all just trying to use me to their advantage in one form, or the other. But, then I met someone who knew nothing about me, relied on me for who I am, and not who appeared to be. I’m more happy now than I have ever been since I met him, and becoming his girlfriend has made me more happy than I could ever imagine.
Winter: But, are you okay with… sharing him?
Pyrrha: I was hesitant at first, but the benefits of being part of a harem are quite… enticing~!
Winter: They are?
Coco: Ignore her, unless you want to hear something juicy~?
Winter: I would rather not.
Weiss: Me as well.
Yang: Well I would!
Coco: Later, hot stuff. So, tell me; are you interested in dating, Jaune, or would you prefer to brush this all aside, and forget this all happened?
Winter: …
Winter: I am willing to… investigate the possibility of a relationship if that is possible…
Weiss: You can’t be serious, Winter?
Winter: Have… have you ever seen a person, and thought, ‘what if?’
Weiss: I have…
Winter: Did you ever try to find out what, ‘what if’ could become?
Weiss: I have, and honestly I regretted trying to.
Winter: Then would you have regretted trying to, or never trying, Weiss?
Weiss: …
Weiss: Haa… I would have regretted never trying… Go… Go, and see if things could work between you two.
Winter: Thank you, Weiss.
Coco: Then come with us beautiful, and let us tell you all about our little dragon~!
Pyrrha: Little? Coco, honey, what part about, Jaune is little?
Coco: Good point.
Winter: I would prefer to learn more about his personality, habits, interests, and the like, before… before learning about those things.
Coco: Probably for the best if we do so.
Pyrrha: We wouldn’t want to scare her away now doubt we?
Coco: You coming along, Yang? Certainly you’ll want to hear this~!
Yang: Hell yeah I do!
Winter: I’ll see you later, Weiss. Shall we have dinner together later?
Weiss: I would love to, Winter. Have fun you… (Pa-Ping~!) Oh, Jaune just sent me a text.
Weiss: …
Weiss: W-What the hell…?
Pyrrha: What’s wrong, Weiss?
Weiss: ‘Weiss! Save me! Your mom is trying to seduce me, and it’s working! Save me before I do something I will (Slightly?) regret! Help!’
Coco: W-What…?
Pyrrha: Your mother is trying to seduce, Jaune… Why?
Yang: And, it’s working…?
Winter: How would I know?
Ruby: …
Ruby: Uhh… aren’t you going to go save, Jaune?
Weiss: Huw?
Winter: Beg pardon?
Ruby: Jaune just called for your help, are you two going to go save him, or are you going to let your mother sleep with your friend, and your, potential, husband?
Weiss: …
Winter: …
Weiss: Well… It’s, Jaune.
Winter: He seems like a pretty nice guy.
Weiss: And, the message he sent shows he doesn’t want to do it.
Winter: But, Mother is trying to seduce him, and succeeding… somehow.
Weiss: Mom sleeping with my friend just sounds wrong.
Winter: Not as bad as the thought of Mother sleeping with Father…
Weiss: I feel like throwing up just thinking about it…
Winter: Is that why she trying to seduce him, to have… to have a good time?
Weiss: Possibly, Pyrrha, and Coco gloat constantly on how good he is in bed. Maybe, Mom wanted to see that for herself.
Ruby: Uhh… Are you two trying to justify, Jaune sleeping with your mother?
Weiss: Uhh…
Yang: Sounds like you’re gonna let him bang your mom.
Winter: Well…
Ruby: Do you want, Jaune to sleep with your mom…?
Weiss: …
Winter: …
WW: Well…
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lovingdabeessss · 9 months
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Blake going home after being a run away for years reuniting with her family only to burn their huge house down is unendingly funny and what loving caring parents they look over all her mistakes and loved her unconditionally
Then there’s “you lost your arm cause your fucking stupid and you deserved it” taiyang xiao long I love them
Rwbys such a good show
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moistmailman · 1 month
*yang kicks down JNPR’s door*
Jaune, alarmed: Whoa?! What the hell is going on?!
Yang, angrily: Get dressed vomit boy! We got to kick someone’s ass today!
Nora, immediately up: Hell yeah! Let’s go!
Jaune, baffled: Wait hold on! What’s happening?! Why are you angry?! Wait is that your team behind you!?
Ruby, with her weapon: Yep! We’re going to kick someone’s butt today!
Jaune: Why? Wait, even Blake and Weiss are here too?
Weiss: We need to break some bones, Jaune.
Blake: This honestly has to be done.
Ren: Uh….what’s happening exactly?
Yang, showing Ren her scroll: Look at this shit!
Ren, looking at scroll:……..Nora, where are my weapons?
Nora: Hell yeah! I don’t know what this is about but this is going to be amazing!
Jaune, completely: Okay, this is not like Ren at all. What the hell got all of you guys riled up so bad?
Yang: This! *shows Jaune her scroll*
Scroll: *a website that has a countdown to Pyrrha’s 18th birthday*
Jaune:……is this like the scenario with the twins from full house?
Yang: Yep.
Jaune:…..do you know where this person who made this is?
Yang: Yeah.
Jaune:…….Nora, pack as many grenades you have.
Nora: Woohoo!
Pyrrha, walking in: Hey guys. What are you doing?
Yang: Oh nothing. Just grabbing your boyfriend and your team to do something for your birthday. Catch you around.
Pyrrha, smiling: O-oh, okay. What are you planning?
Yang: We can’t spoil that. It’s a surprise.
Pyrrha, smiling: Right. Okay. Have fun.
Jaune: Oh don’t worry. We will.
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reashot · 1 month
Red Like Roses... (It's period 🔴)
Warning: fluffness inside. Also really long.
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At Beacon during a more peaceful time.
Pyrrha: Hmmm it's quiet, too quiet.
Ren: I agree. It's never a good sign. We should be ready for something.
Jaune: Ready for what?
Nora: Oh you know usually things never stay quiet for long especially when we're right next door to the main characters.
*yang burst into the room*
Pyrrha: And speaking of the devil.
Yang: Quick hide! *brace the door behind her*
Jaune: Oh Shi- okay gangs we trained for this! Quick initiate Pattern Delta Phi.
Nora: Aye, aye dear leader, let's initiate plan hiding under our bed's like cowards.
JNPR: *Bracing for Impacts.*
*Yang holding the door with all her might*
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Ren: Wait what are even hiding from in the first place?
Yang: No time to explain. Here it Comes!
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A large sounds resembling explosion came from across the hallway. The door starts to violently shakes and rose petals soon violently burst into the room. Even with Yang putting all her strength into the door. Some rose petals still managed to get inside.
Yang: .... I think we're in the clear now.
Pyrrha: What just happened?
Yang: Eh, promise not to freak out?
Jaune: Okay, I guess...
Yang: Good enough. *shows team JNPR the source of the roses*
Ruby: Huee~ *sniffs* huee~ 😭
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Jaune: Ruby?
Ren: It seems to be her.
Pyrrha: Wait. Where are Blake and Weiss?
Nora: Found them. They're buried under all of this Rose petals.
Blake: *coughing up a bunch of petals* Eww I got some of it in my mouth.
Weiss: .... I just saw my grandfather.
Jaune: Okay, can someone now please tell us what is going on....
*Cardin burst into the room*
Cardin: Why the Fuck are there Roses all over the damn hallways!?
Russel: Don't try to lie we know it's coming from team RWBY!
Yang: Wow, wow! False accusation, much?
Dove: Well we can't help it. Because whenever something bad happened It's usually always you four.
Sky: Fucking Main characters shit...
Nora: I know right!
Pyrrha: Nora! Which sides are you on?
Nora: Oops my bad... (I mean, I'm not wrong 😒.)
Ren: *shrugs his head* Nora...
Jaune: Can all of you please stop being aggro for just one second!
You're upsetting Ruby for brother's sake.
Ruby: Wah! Wah! Wah! 😭
Jaune: Also can someone please tell me what just happened?
WBY: *looking at each others*
Yang: *sigh* (I guess I'm the one that should tell everyone.)
How do I gently put this? Ruby is in her special time of the month...
Jaune: Oh...
Cardin: The fuck does that even mean?
Russel: the month?
Dove: I see... (Maybe if I silently nod people will not think I'm dumb.)
Sky: (okay, she had her period. What does that have to with anything?)
Blake: Typical.
Weiss: Can you guys be anymore of a dudebros cliche?
CRDL: Hey!!!!
Yang: Let me put it this way. Every time Ruby has her "special month" her semblance's goes all haywire for some reason.
Jaune: Okay I get the gist of it. Team CRDL go outside and clean the hallway.
Cardin: What! Why the fuck should we clean up their mess?!
Jaune: Because I fucking said so. Now go!
Cardin: Geez... Whatever. C'mon boys, we better clean up team RWBY's mistakes. Again!
*slams door*
Blake: Thanks Jaune.
Weiss: Geez Arc, when did you grow a spine?
Yang: I gotta say Vomit Boy. I never knew you had it in you.
Pyrrha: *blush* (So manly.)
Nora: That's our Jaun-Jaun.
Jaune: Blake, Weiss. Please help Cardin & his team with the clean up outside.
Weiss: What! No way. Why should we help those dunderheads in the first place.
Jaune: Because they're right that the mess was started by your team.
Weiss: I'm sorry, our? For the record it's just Rub...
Blake: We're on it Jaune. C'mon Weiss let's help clean up all this roses. *drags Weiss away*
Jaune: Pyrrha, Ren, Nora. I also want you to go out side and help them.
Pyrrha: I understand Jaune. I will do as you ask.
Nora: Oh c'mon Jaune, why us too?
Jaune: Because they're our friends, Nora.
Nora: Well I'm about to go back to my room... *gets yoinked*
Ren: It's okay Jaune. I will get her to help us.
Nora: *grumble* (Fucking Main characters....)
Jaune: Thanks Ren. And Yang I want you to stay and find Ruby's "hygiene" products.
Yang: Wow, wow! Settle down cowpoke. I don't think you being a man is qualified to be the one to help with Ruby's "issue."
Jaune: I have seven Sisters...
Yang: Sweet brothers in heaven!
Uh, I take that back you're clearly overqualified.
At least I don't have to help clean up. But what're you going to do Jaune?
Jaune: I'm going to go back to my room to make a tea for Ruby.
A few minutes later.
Jaune: Here you go Ruby. A sweet herbal tea with plenty of honey and sugar.
Ruby: ... *sniffs* Thank you Jaune. 😢
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to thank me.
Ruby: But I caused so much problems for everyone. *sniffle*😞
Jaune: *headpat*
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There, there Ruby it's okay that what's friends are for. And you didn't troubled me one bit. In fact I'm happy to be of use to you. It reminds me that I'm still useful to someone.
Ruby: Jaune please don't think like that. You always were important to everyone.
Jaune: *kiss forehead*
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It's nice of you think that Ruby. But I'm not. I'm not special like you. You're destined for great thing while I'm.... Just me.
Ruby: 0-0
Jaune: What's the matter... Ohhh, ohhh no. I'm so-so sorry Ruby I didn't realize that... I usually did that to my little sister whenever she's sad.
Ruby: *blush*
I-I don't mind it at all Jaune. It's just that if you want to do it to me again a little heads up would be nice. 😖
Jaune: I'm so-so sorry Ruby I promise that I... Wait, what do you mean by again?
Ruby: Uhh....
Yang: *clears throat*
I seems to have interrupted something here.
Jaune: Y-Yang!
Ruby: Sis!
Yang: Look Rubes I don't need to say this but remember what dad said. No boys. And Jaune please don't take this the wrong way but please for your sake please don't get any idea with Ruby. It will not end well for you.
Jaune: O-of course. I will never-ever think of Ruby like that. We're just friends after all.
Ruby: Friends... 😭
*starts crying*
Jaune: Oh, what's the matter Ruby?
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zexapher · 3 months
A Fond Farewell
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With Rooster Teeth beginning its draw down, an era has truly passed. The company has lasted more than two decades. 18 (soon 19) seasons, five mini-series, and cameos and references in Halo itself for Red vs Blue. 9 volumes alongside two movies, a chibi series, Ice Queendom, and its own games for RWBY. And so much more beyond that, RT Shorts, podcasts, Achievement Hunter, The Slow Mo Guys, and on and on. That’s a lot, especially for a little startup launching off a web series. I was listening to “This Isn’t Goodbye, It’s See You Later” by Richie Branson while I was making this little memorial post. It’s a song made for another Rooster Teeth show, Camp Camp, and I have to say it’s some very appropriate music for this moment.
The day the news dropped, I wrote up a little comment in response to Rooster Teeth beginning its closing down, and I thought I’d share some of it here. I grew up with Rooster Teeth, a bit of a cheesy line I know, but it’s true for a lot of us. I was just a little kid way back in the early 2000’s, a kid that liked Halo (a game I didn’t even own for a long time, but played at a friend’s house), and was just getting curious about what I could find about it on YouTube. And that brought me into the world of music videos and skits and montages made for that little game I liked.
From there, I discovered a small web series called Red vs. Blue. I’d sneak onto my folk’s computer to watch it since they didn’t appreciate the language, and in doing so I dipped my toes into the wide world of the internet for the first time. As I got older, I eventually hopped onto Reddit for its discussion threads of Rooster Teeth’s latest show, RWBY. I began my first in-depth fandom interactions, speculating about the show, enjoying the flood of fanart, even got into fanfics about RWBY (those fics have had their own amazing evolution alongside the show) and to this day it’s the fandom I’ve followed and bookmarked the most fics from. All the while I was making friends and bonding with people through the community this company and its shows have created.
Watching the shows and people grow over time was, looking back on it, just like watching myself grow. I was never really a social media/internet kind of guy, until it came to Rooster Teeth. The shows, shorts, podcasts, it all opened up a whole new world for me. It’s sad to see it coming to a close, and I hope it gets picked up in the future. But I’m happy, too, that it’s left so much behind, and had such an impact on me. It’s left me with so many good memories. Rooster Teeth, its shows, those that created and worked on it, and above all the community around it will always have a special place in my heart.
So, I bid a fond farewell to Rooster Teeth and its crew, and anyone who may drift away from the fandom in time. I wish you all the best.
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rachetmath · 4 months
Emerald: Ruby? Weiss? May I talk to both of you for one minute?
Ruby: Emerald? You want to talk?
Emerald: Yes.
Weiss: With us?
Emerald: Yes. Do you both have the time or not?
Weiss: Um… sure.
Ruby: This is rare so I am curious about how this conversation will go.
Emerald: Okay, good. Now, if you don’t feel comfortable, we can drop this. Alright?
Ruby: Okay.
Weiss: Absolutely.
Emerald: Good. So… which one of you is going to give it up to Jaune?
Weiss: WHAT THE-
Emerald: I’m just saying. When are any of you going to give the man something for his efforts?
Weiss: There is no way this is happening. Especially not from you.
Ruby: *looks around*
Emerald: Ruby what are you doing?
Ruby: Checking for cameras and microphones at the very least. But mainly to see if Nora or Blake are hiding anywhere. This is something straight out of their book. 
Emerald: Look, I’m just asking a simple question. Now Ruby I understand considering-
Ruby: No. Stop.
Emerald: I mean-
Ruby: Shut up.
Emerald: Fine. But you Weiss, I don’t understand.
Weiss: Alright look. I somewhat am impressed with Jaune, but I don’t like him like that. We’re just friends.
Ruby: Yeah and so are we!
Emerald: So after everything he’s done for both of you, you don’t think of him as anything other than a friend?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Even though he helps both of you. Saves both of you. And kept both your sisters alive.
Ruby: Um…
Weiss: I mean… yeah.
Emerald: Mhmm. Disappointing.
Ruby: Excuse me?
Emerald: I’m just saying I met no one besides Hazel and Mercury who would go that far for me. If I were you girls I try to keep that around.
Weiss: What are you trying to say?
Me: Cinder and Neo may have had a point. You two don’t deserve shit. Ungrateful bitches.
Weiss: Look, Emerald, Ruby and I care about Jaune. Plus, you make it sound like we don’t stand a chance now to get with him.
Emerald: Because you don’t. Especially when you had Jessica ahead of you both.  And she’s not from this universe.
Ruby: How do you know about Jessica?
Emerald: Jaune told me and he didn’t skip the details. 
Ruby: … … um…
Emerald: And he’s older now.
Weiss: But not as mature.
Emerald: How so? I mean, he cares about others. And he’s responsible. How does that not count as being mature?
Weiss: Well he yelled at Ruby.
Emerald: Did he have a reason?
Ruby: He was always angry and frustrated.
Emerald: Again did he have a reason?
Ruby and Weiss: Yes.
Emerald: Okay, look, if you girls don’t want him fine. Just don’t be mad when another woman decides to claim him. 
Ruby: Pfft like who?
Emerald: I don’t know. Maybe just any girl willing to put up with him. Help him. And unlike Pyrrha would take any opportunity to seal the deal. Maybe Winter. Elm. Me. Harriet. Possibly any one better.
Ruby: Hold on what you say.
Emerald: I said what I said.
Weiss: Emerald, you are no older than us. 
Emerald: I mean I can wait and if it doesn’t work out I’ll find someone new. But again… what about you Schnee cause I believe your chances are slim.
Weiss: What? 
Emerald: Because you are basic.
Weiss: Basic? Oh, I will show you ‘basic’.
Ruby: No, Weiss. Calm down. No.
Weiss: Let me go, Ruby. 
Emerald: Well I am going to take my leave. Later losers.
Weiss: I KILL YOU!!
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brokentrafficknight · 4 months
Ren sees it at Jaune is surrounded by different women and is happy that he doesn't have to deal with the same problem. Little does he know that Yang and Nora are standing right behind him, ready to claim him.
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lord-of-rain · 5 months
Ruby: Weiss, Pyrrha, and me...
Jaune: Everything alright Rubes?
Ruby: Oh I just realized you seem to like women with nice thighs...
Jaune: Oh! Ha! That's just an Arc thing...
Ruby: What do you mean?
~600 years earlier~
Croceus Arc: I am a pious man! No temptation can stray me from the path of the Bro-
Soldier: Lord Arc, there's an extra thicc huntress outside with a mini skirt on.
Croceus Arc: *breathing heavily*
W H E R E ! ?
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blake-me-up-inside · 7 months
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I saw this meme suggested to me from the RWBY Republic Facebook page and now you have to see it too. (Could not find a source though.)
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lordoftime01 · 1 month
(A rewrite of sorts)
Yang: Lying in bed with her head handing off the side
Yang: "Ugh! It's been soooo boring since team JNPR got sent on that mission several months ago."
Ruby: "Hey, at least there was a bright side. Since it was Miss Goodwitch that went with then, Combat Class has become a free time."
Weiss: "I still can't believe that Professor Ozpin had Miss Goodwitch go with them. Especially considering her condition."
Yang: "Oh don't worry I'm su-" Interrupted and startled by a loud yelling.
???: "It is nice to be back, yeah. Those Grimm just never seemed to end"
???: "Oh yeah, and if it hadn't been for fearless leader unlocking his semblance, we could have been goners"
Yang/Ruby/Weiss: In their heads 'Wait, Vomit Boy/Jaune/That dunce finally unlocked his semblance"
???: "And even better that he saved his and Miss Goodwitch's baby"
Yang: "Wait, not only did Jaune unlock his semblance, but he also knocked up the goodbitch our teacher?!"
???: "Thank you... Nora for reminding me of that... really appreciate it"
Yang/Ruby/Weiss: Huddle around their dorm room door to be able to hear much better. They heard Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha but haven't heard Juane yet.
Nora: "You know Pyrrha, you have no one to blame but yourself"
Ren: "Yeah. Nora and I told you that if you didn't tell him soon-"
Nora: "Then someone else was going to be his"
Pyrrha: "You're right. I took too long to confess my feelings. And I lost him to our teacher of all people. There has to be some sort of law against that." The pain and hurt in her voice was evident
Pyrrha: Punches the wall hard enough for it, and the surrounding area to rattle a bit.
Blake: Burst out of the bathroom wearing only a towel, pen and notebook in hand. Bowling over her teammates and slamming the door open, startling _NPR
Blake: "What's this I hear about Jaune knocking up Miss Goodwitch!? Give me the details, leave nothing out"
Nora: "Ok so apparently Jaune Jaune and Miss Goodwitch banged each other on Velentine's day." She had a shit-eating grin on her face as the sound of Pyrrha crunching JNPR's door handle was heard.
Nora: "And from what I know, the two of them had been together together for a few months before that." She proceeded to go into great detail of all that she knew.
Glynda: Carefully sits down while groaning. One hand on the chair to help stabilize, the other hand on her extended belly.
Jaune: Comes in with some tea and quickly rushes over to help her
Glynda: "Don't worry Jaune, I had it." Gives Jaune a peck on the lips
Glynda: "Thank you though. I really appreciate it"
Jaune: "You really shouldn't be moving yourself so much. We already had that close call with the Beringel." Pours Glynda some tea before giving it to her.
Jaune: "Ozpin has even told you are to take it easy." He sits beside Glynda and wraps one arm around her shoulder, pulling her close while he places his free hand over Glynda's hand and belly, intertwining his fingers with hers.
Glynda: "Oh, but I'm sure there's so much paperwork that is backed up. Paperwork that I'm 100% sure that Ozpin didn't do and so will just push the work load onto me." Her voice had a slight whine to it as she sipped her tea.
Jaune and Glynda just sat there in silence, enjoying each other's company. Their eyes widened in surprise when they felt their child moving inside Glynda's womb, a smile on their faces as they just basked in the moment.
The two of them hadn't been able to get much alone time during the mission. Now was the perfect chance for them to make up for lost time. Glynda turned her head and gently pressed her lips against Jaune when there was a loud knock on the door.
Glynda: Let's out a groan as their alone time was interrupted. She struggles a bit to get up from her position
Jaune: Gently, yet firmly, keeps her seated as he gets up to see who it was. At the door was Ozpin with a large stack of papers.
Ozpin: "Ah hello, Mr Arc. If you would be so kind as to hand Glynda these papers. I'd be ever so grateful."
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arc-misadventures · 3 days
Gun Girls
Jaune: There are Gun Girls, and there are Gun Girls.
Jaune: There are many differences between the two, but they both contain one thing in common.
Jaune: I want to fuck the Gun Girls.
Blake: I'm a gun girl! That mean's he wants to fuck me!
Yang: I have two guns, he wants to fuck me more than you!
Emerald: Well I have two guns, but mine are bigger than yours so, ha!
Pyrrha: Step aside girls, I have a rifle, he'll want to fuck a real woman~!
Ruby: I have a sniper rifle! That's a bigger reason to fuck me!
May: He'll want me because I have a sniper rifle, and more womanly assets than you~!
: Ladies~!
The group turn to see, Coco posing seductively in her underwear with her minigun.
Coco: Get on my level~!
Ruby: FUCK!
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lovingdabeessss · 4 months
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Yang and Pyrrha paying for everyone hc my beloved
Pyrrha canonically has her picture on pumpkin petes cereal so I personally believe they sponsor her like an influencer and that’s how her team gets money and maybe jaune could get small job but I doubt Pyrrha would let him, mr broke into beacon needs to focus on his studies a LOT
Neither ren or Nora would be able to get through an interview and I truly believe that also I believe they’d just rather help Pyrrha get more sponsors influencer style
I think Weiss would get in a lot of trouble from her father if she got a job plus with her notoriety it might actually make it really hard to get a normal job
Blake “known terrorist” belladonna gotta keep her head down
Ruby’s got younger sibling privileges of expecting your older sibling to pay for everything
I love broke college student centric ideas for the beacon era teams
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