#rwby secret santa
powertaco 6 months
Secret Santa Exchange! Art pieces!
The incredible @tieflingmagic00 was given the prompt Queen Ruby and Lady Weiss for @eclipsesmoonshine14
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Praise them!
@sparrowhawk-station has drawn an incredible piece for @schneedotty
Behold Ruby laying on Weiss cuddling!
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@fillmargarin has given @tieflingmagic00
This lovely piece of Ruby sulking with Weiss taking care of her.
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@xx-whiterose 's piece for @shuu!
@schneedotty's picture for @xx-whiterose
'Oh Christmas Schnee!
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cara-kira 1 year
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For @veetvoojagigthemagnificent I hope you like it! Hopefully I did your prompt justice馃榿 Happy Holidays everyone!
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yoomschoocs 1 year
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(Late) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! I took part in a Secret Santa this year, organized by @herami in the RWBY Horseshoe discord server! I got @storyweaverkirea , so of course I drew them some sweet Horseshoe shenanigans 鉂わ笍 I had a lot of fun, and I hope to participate again next year! 馃槉
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darkmoonravewolf 6 months
All of team rwby has varying degrees of a praise kink
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ozqrowsecretsanta 2 years
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Hello, RWBY fandom!
Have you been missing our webseries lately? Feeling weighed down by the awful reveals, controversies, and overall discourse? Looking for some of that elusive holiday spirit? Why not obsess over these two and help fill the void??
The Ozqrow (or Cloqwork) Secret Santa is an exchange where we create stories, art, crafts, podfics, playlists, and anything else we can think of for the Delightful Disaster Duo, more commonly known as Ozpin and Qrow. Not sure how an exchange works? Stop by our Participate page. Still have questions? Check out the FAQ. Want to browse the amazing work from past years? There鈥檚 a app page for that too!
Want to join us this year?
Sign-ups will run through November 15th, assignments go out November 16th, and gifts will be due December 23rd. As always, my ask box/messenger is open for any and all queries :)
Hope to see you there!
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Happy OzQrow Secret Santa time! @ozqrowsecretsanta
For @cara-kira
Title:聽Living Well and Other Forms of Vengeance
Summary:聽Ozpin isn't a vengeful person. At least, he didn't consider himself to be until his life was unraveled at the hands of his ex, who left him wounded and closed off. Encouraged by a friend and a bit of liquid courage, Ozpin decides that the best revenge involves moving on in a spectacularly public manner. But when real feelings develop out of a pretended affair, Ozpin has to shift his plans and hope that living well is the best form of revenge after all.
Fandom:聽RWBY Warnings:聽None Rating:聽T Pairings:聽Ozpin/Qrow Chapter:聽1+2/5 Words:聽5.8k
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zacs-of-rwby 1 year
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Through a Bird鈥檚 Eye
Summary: Oz was used to the regular visits from a mysterious crow he noticed peeking through the window one day.聽 However, he was not ready to find out that the little bird was hiding a secret.
Categories: Fluff, Established Relationship, Shapeshifter AU
Prompt: Qrow knitting Oz a pair of socks.
Author鈥檚 Note: Today鈥檚 the day!聽 Merry Christmas, everyone!聽 I had my good friend @ozpins-coffeemug for @ozqrowsecretsanta this year and I could not have been more excited to make a gift for such a sweet, amazing, creative, and supportive person XD I鈥檓 sure it may have slipped your mind, but about a year ago, around this time, you had an idea for an AU where Oz regularly gets visits from a little crow and makes him small gifts that he knits himself and later finds out that the bird was actually Qrow as a shapeshifter.聽 A full year later, you gave me a prompt that had similar ideas of homemade gifts and I couldn鈥檛 stop myself from combining the two!聽 Hope you enjoy the story I fleshed out based on your lovely and soft ideas!聽 Love you, Bran!!!! /p
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OzQrow Secret Santa
This is my gift to you Morgan 馃槉 @bowl-of-shortness
Have a wonderful winter friend 馃槉
Prompt: Family, meeting the parents.
... I think I hit the prompt idk... I'm sorry 馃槄.
It was fine.
It was all going to be fine.
.... Except it wasn't going to be fine.
And nothing was ever going to be fine again.
A hand took his and Oz was suddenly reminded that breathing was a thing.
"Hey, Oz if your really not up up to it I can just call and cancel." Said Qrow, the owner of the hand. Casting a worried look at Oz.
Oz cursed himself internally for allowing his anxiety to show in his face and worry Qrow.
Qrow who he knew was looking forward to this gathering for a week.
Who had spun him around and kissed him when Oz had agreed to join him.
Oz let his fingers brush Qrow's bracelets, bangles he called them. The cool metal helping to ground him to the here and now.
"No, I'll go"
Qrow looked at him, crimson eyes warm and searching. Before pressing a soft kiss on his forehead, a greatfulness he could never deliver in words.
"Alright, we better get changed than. Rides coming in an hour."
Oz nodded, wordlessly heading to his room where his outfit was laid out for him.
It was nothing short of beautiful.
Oz tentatively put it on, it was suprisingly comfortable despite its regal apperance. Gently taking the bangles Qrow provided him and letting them fall onto his wrists.
It was grounding, and the jingling they made as he caught himself in the mirror. he smiled.
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It was a far cry from the itchy monkey suits he had been shoved into as a child.
Perhaps... Perhaps he'd be okay.
Seeing Qrow dressed in his clothes made Oz do a double take.
His partner was beautiful, but right now he was radiant.
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Qrow looked Oz up and down and whistled. Oz chuckled, letting him take his hand "you don't look too shabby yourself." Qrow smiled, a blush growing on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
"Yeah? I can clean up good. I'm just.. You look... Wow."
As smooth as ever.
Oz wasn't sure what to expect when the ship dropped them off in what seemed like the middle of the woods.
Qrow smiled his easy going smile and took Oz's hand, he didn't seemed suprised at all so Oz went with it.
"You sure? We can go back if you want?"
Oz smiled and kissed Qrows cheek, trust him to be worried.
"I'm okay"
He was terrified but he would do anything for Qrow.
Qrow nodded a little, kissing his forehead before taking him to a clearing where a bunch of tents were.
Oz knew without needing to be told who were Qrow's parents were.
Qormac Branwen was a very tall man, he towered over them both and yet when his eyes landed on Qrow he smiled with a softness in his eyes.
Qrow lit up like a Christmas tree and bounced over to his dad who picked him up into a loving embrace.
"Hey kiddo, it's good to see you again." Qormac said warmly "you doing alright? Been taking care of yourself?"
Qrow rolled his eyes but his smile never wavered "Yeah dad I have."
The shorter woman beside them, Merle Branwen cleared her throat looking at Qrow expectantly.
Oz at first thought she might be mad but there was a fondness in her eyes as she looked at her son and husband.
And Qrow easily wiggled out of his hands hug to embrace his mum who chuckled at his antics.
"Hey mum!"
"Hello dear, your as wild as always" she smiled and Qrow poured which made Oz chuckle.
He almost regretted it because now their attention was on him.
Qrow grinned, running ovef and taking Oz's hand before wandering back to his parents.
Oz bowed his head at them both in respect "Greetings, Mr and Mrs Branwen, I'm Eira Ozpin but everyone just calls me Oz."
Oz tried to stop himself from shaking.
He was terrified that Qrow's parents would immediately be able to see that he didn't belong here.
He never did.
To his suprise, Qormac put a suprisingly gentle hand on his shoulder and Oz looked up at him.
There was no trace of anger, nor disgust in his eyes. Not like Oz's own father in the times he had seen him.
Only warmth.
A warmth that made Oz feel like he'd been cold his entire life and only now could feel the temperature change.
"None of that now, I'm Qormac and this is my wife Merle. We're happy you came Oz."
Oz tried not to let his shock show.
They wanted him here?
"I'm glad we got your measurements right dear, you look lovely." Said Merle with a smile.
One that reminded him so much of the man he loved.
"Thank you Mrs Bra-... Merle. Thank you Merle. I love it. But you didn't have to go to all this trouble."
Merle waved him off "none of that now love. Your our new son afterall, and I will have nothing but the best for my family."
... Family...
She thought...
They saw him as family?
He hadn't known them barely 5 minutes but they had already deemed him to be their son?
Oz felt tears prick his eyes and was glad no one mentioned it when he wiped them away.
Qormac softened and Oz wandered if he understood.
"Well, let's get inside shall we. We've got much to talk about." Said Merle, before a mischievous smile appeared on her face "and a few baby albums to share."
Oz laughed.
A full belly laugh that engulfed him in warmth, whetherf it was at the odd situation of Qrow's shreik he wasn't sure.
He let Merle take his hand and lead him inside with Qrow hot on his heels and Qormac not even bothering to hide his laugh.
The tent was cosy.
It felt like home in a way Oz's never had.
Their was a piece of all the Branwen's in their home and part of Oz hoped he could leave his own mark in their.
Oz spent the hours cooing and awhing at baby Qrow pictures (To Qrows embarrassment), listening to childhood stories from Merle and Qormac.
Ate a hearty dinner of food he'd never had before but would now never live without. Finding himself slotted at the table without feeling out of place.
"And know, this isn't a one time thing." Said Qormac, as he took the dishes away and Qrow fiddled with the record player.
"Your welcome here whenever you want son."
Oz smiled back, he wanted to come back.
He didn't know how they both adored him so much but he was happy.
"I'd like that"
Qormac smiled, leaving the couple to stand togrther. With Merle having popped out to talk to some of the tribe.
"You did amazing" said Qrow, sweeping off his feet and into a hug.
"I didn't do anything" shrugged Oz and Qrow chuckled "you were yourself hun, and that's all you had to be. Told you they'd love you."
Oz hadn't believed it at the time.
But now...
"I love them too, and you I love you."
Qrow smiled, pressing play as the record began to spin and put his arms around his lover.
As both swayed and danced to the music.
"I love you too"
Merle and Qormac's outfits:
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With Qrow matching with his mum and Oz having a black dupatta like Qormac, to show he belongs.
To me this is the song that was playing while Qrow and Oz danced
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victorious1956 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 4,564 Fandom: RWBY Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Qrow Branwen/Clover Ebi Characters: Qrow Branwen, Clover Ebi Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Sleepwalking, rated for a couple of swears, Qrow eventually decides it's okay to give this thing a go, Clover is ready and willing and presumably able
Series: Part 54 of A Modicum of Angst
Summary: After a long and difficult journey, Qrow has arrived in Atlas and is starting to enjoy his days in the floating city. His nights, however, are another matter. Clover becomes aware of his partner's problems, and offers his help.
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samyelbanette 5 months
Thanks for tagging me @another-sun!
Star Sign: Leo 鈾岋笍
Favorite holiday: Halloween 馃巸
Last meal: a chicken biscuit
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(Not from Chick Fil A tho, I鈥檝e been boycotting them for years!!)
Current favorite musician: Lost Society
Last music I listened to: Dancing With Demons - Cyan Kicks
Susanna looks so good. 馃槏
Last movie I watched: Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse
Last tv show watched: Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Last book finished: if manga counts as a book, I just read volume 1 of Goodbye My Rose Garden
Last book abandoned: the last actual novel I tried to read was The Burning Maze by Rick Riordan
Currently reading: just fanfiction and webcomics
Last thing researched for writing/art: I Googled the patron saint of exorcisms, for an ironic throwaway line in Bless Me Father, I鈥檝e Been Bad 馃槄
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Favorite online fandom memory: I loved participating in Blind Channel Summerfest in 2022, and Blind Channel Secret Santa in 2021.
And ofc I enjoyed hosting Blood Mass in 2022 and 2023.
Favorite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: I used to write a lot of RWBY fanfics. Maybe I鈥檒l be inspired to write more after the next season premieres? #greenlightvolume10
Favorite thing you enjoy that never had an active or big fandom: The Remarried Empress.
I originally read it on the Webtoon app, but I like it so much that now I鈥檓 collecting the paperback version, too!
Tempting project you鈥檙e trying to rein in/don't have time for: I thought about participating in Whumpuary鈥ut I鈥檓 already ten days behind, there鈥檚 no way I could possibly catch up 馃槶
Tagging: @man-made-misery @spinef0ryou @askeataiho @ladysorbus @robinruns
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bowl-of-shortness 1 year
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After another incident regarding Ozpin ending up dead, or, well, as dead as he could possibly be. Qrow decides the two need a bit of a break, and a talk.
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For @zacs-of-rwby / @did-i-do-this-write
I really hope you enjoy this Zac I tried my darndest on it! So surprise! I鈥檓 your secret Santa this year :D
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powertaco 6 months
Secret Santa Fic Exchange -
This is from @frozenshadows to @chaoticevilspacewitch
The prompt was 'Be Gay Do Crimes' on a ski trip!
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did-i-do-this-write 2 years
Hi! It鈥檚 your secret Santa here!
Anything in particular you鈥檙e looking or wanting to add on to your prompt?
Say, an AU of yours, or maybe something else?
I hope to give you a great gift! :)
Ah, hello Secret Santa! It's a treat to hear from you! I don't really have anything to add to my prompt, I was trying to leave it as open as possible to give you some creative freedom 馃槅
I do love an AU with these characters, so feel free to play around! Any AU will do, but it would be really cool to see one of mine written/drawn by someone else 馃檲 Just in case, here's my list of AUs, plus one more AU series. All of them include Cloqwork already, so they all could work XD
If I had to pick, the top ones with the prompt I gave you would probably be the Halfway House, Painful Reflection , or the canon-divergent AU!
If you have anymore questions feel free to send them to @zacs-of-rwby, my RWBY side blog! I can't wait to see what you come up with! Whatever you decide, I'm sure it'll be wonderful! 馃
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This ask motivated me to write 661 words for my secret santa gift.
Experiment Total: 40,947
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fanstuffrantings 5 months
I feel like I should let everyone know: for now I'm not sure how much rwby content I'm putting out in the next few weeks. I have things I need to get done (applications, secret Santa art, ect). If I get Headshot requests I'll still finish them since those only take me about 20-30 minutes but outside of that I'll be on a dry spell until I have more time.
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darkmoonravewolf 7 months
I have now joined two secret santas, one for furries and one for miraculous
I just need a rwby one and I'll be all set
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ozqrowsecretsanta 1 year
That鈥檚 (Almost) a Wrap!
We鈥檙e still waiting on one gift that needed a little extra time, but beyond that I think I snagged everyone鈥檚! I hope you all enjoyed the exchange, as well as the new Ozqrow fanworks we have to enjoy :)
This blog is in desperate need of an upgrade, so when the festivities have wound down I鈥檒l get links onto the gifts page and maybe play around with themes a bit. So if you stop by and things look a little wonky, no worries. It鈥檚 temporary!
Happy Holidays! 馃帀
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