#rylie brown
blondebxt · 7 months
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I have timsteph brain rot, but specifically timsteph shitpost brain rot
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kentopedia · 7 months
RYLIE OMG you’re nanamis classmate and you guys are just like friends or whatever and then he leaves right??? but you stay because jujutsu is all you have. but you guys stay “friends” but hardly ever see each other. then he becomes a sorcerer again yippee!! and you guys are seeing each other a lot more.
he has feelings for you but things you have a thing for gojo so he doesn’t go for it. tension ensues.
anyways!!! i hope your thursday was great rylie!! xxxx
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ AND I AM DONE, DEAR — nanami kento
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contents. angst (we’re going back to my roots!), maybe unrequited love, fem!reader, 800ish words
notes. this is so painful bc he wouldn't go for it either :( and then satoru pursues you because you've gotten close over the past couple of years, and kento's been gone </3 there are years worth of memories and jokes between the two of you, and kento spent those years miserable & alone. sometimes, he wonders what would've happened if he'd just had the strength to remain a sorcerer, instead of running from everything he hated
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"kento," you snap him out of his stream of endless memories, the ones that always seem to gnaw at him when he was around you.
he glances up, and a culmination of flashbacks spin before his eyes.
he sees you at fourteen, a first year student who was still so scared of her technique.
he sees you at sixteen, smiling from ear to ear at another one of gojo and geto's ridiculous antics.
he sees you at seventeen, sobbing over the corpse that had once belonged to the kindest student in your year.
he sees you at eighteen, your empty, hollow expression when he told you he was leaving, and he wasn't coming back.
"yes?" kento asks, forcing the memories away, because you're there in front of him, more beautiful than he remembers... and though you aren't a stranger in his life anymore, his mind still doesn't do justice to the depth of your angelic features.
"is everything okay?" you ask, blinking up at him with concern. your voice turns into something gentle when you're around him, almost like he's something fragile. the kindness in your heart is endless, extending, even, to the man that once broke it.
kento clears his throat, wondering how much emotion he'd let filter onto his expression. he'd gotten worse at hiding it ever since you'd stumbled back into his life, the woman he hadn't realized he'd loved until it was too late.
"yes," he repeats, flat, calm. though he can't muster a smile, he raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "why do you ask?"
for a moment, you chew your lip, thoughtful. kento wants to kiss you. he wonders what you'd say if you knew.
"you've just been..." you shake your head, rubbing your arm awkwardly. "ever since..." the sentences are broken, uncomfortable, and though you'd once been best friends, there is a sense of professionalism between you now. a wall that he doesn't think he can break down anymore.
kento parts his lips, considers interrupting, but someone beats him to it. gojo satoru, the constant pain in kento's ass, saunters into the room with a sparkly white grin, gleefulness bounding off of him in a way that's obnoxious.
"there you are! megumi told me i might find you here," satoru says, and he's to you in just three long strides, attaching to you like a magnet. "ready, baby?"
gojo kisses the top of your head, throws an arm over your shoulder and smiles at kento, like he knows what's running through his mind.
you're still studying kento, and he pretends not to notice you scrutinizing him, the way your lips are flushed from chewing on them. "yeah," you say to satoru, squeezing his hand, the sparkly bracelet with gojo's initials dangling from two charms shimmering.
a subtle reminder that kento may have loved you longer, but you'll never really be his.
you start to walk out the door, and kento watches with what he hopes appears as impassivity, his lips drawn into a thin line. though, just as satoru is beginning to pull you across the threshold, you meet kento's dark brown eyes, the ones that turn so tender the moment they land on you.
"kento?" you ask once more
his name sounds so sweet on your lips, but he wishes he didn't want to know what it sounded like on the edge of a moan.
"ijichi is waiting." kento doesn't let you ask whatever you were thinking of asking, because being pinned by your beautiful, caring eyes is almost too much for him to bear.
you blink, surprised by his harshness as you curl into satoru, almost imperceptibly. "right. have a good evening, then. see you tomorrow."
kento nods, pushing his glasses back onto his face. his heart cracks a bit at the emotion tinged in your words, and though his severity has never hurt you before, he's beginning to wonder if it's hurting you now.
"bye, nanamin!" satoru waves cheerfully, and the two of you are gone, leaving nanami in the room alone, the silence almost deafeaning.
he's used to it by now: the solitude of his life. he's used to being strong when he's needed, and even when he's not. everyone sees him that way: the man who's steadfast, unwavering, a little too serious for his own good.
if only they knew he was a weak man when it came to you.
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fizzydreamz · 5 months
New Deity Alert!
Author’s Note: New character alert guys. Literally thought about this last night while trying to sleep LOL.
Rylis had the perfect life.
Living in a small village on top of a cliff. Away from bustling crowds and huge civilization. Everyone was always so happy to see him. His eagerness to help out was never unnoticed by his family or friends.
Little kids always ran up to him and handed him bracelets made from random flowers they wove together. It made his heart swell with joy.
But today was different. The sky was gloomy and gray. People weren’t their normal cheerful selves. Instead, they hesitatingly peeked outside their windows and doors. Kids who tried to go outside were snatched by parents and were scolded to go back inside.
A lump of worry caught in Rylis’s throat before his mother’s voice caught his attention, stopping him from gazing outside the window any further.
“Rylis, get down here please! I need to speak with you!” Behind that crisp tone was a small hint of uncertainty. However, he complied and carefully walked down the creaky wooden stairs to the open dining area. There she was standing, head in her hands and shoulders tense. Rylis’s eyes drifted over to the faded oak table and noticed an opened letter. Seems the contents of the paper was stressing her out.
“Mother? What is troubling you?” His gentle voice asked, shuffling over to her. He reached his hand out to gently grasp her shoulder. She lifted her head at that, staring into his light blue eyes with her own brown ones. Were those tears..?
“Oh Rylis..my darling..I..” A hiccuped sob spilled from her lips. Suddenly, she grabbed him and pulled him close into her embrace. His eyes widened but he hugged her back. “I’m so sorry..”
“Whatever could you be sorry about? You’ve done nothing..”
Her grip loosened before she pulled away and once again looked him in the eyes. She then whispered something he couldn’t quite catch. Gently he asked, “Mother please, what has you so upset?”
It took a few moments, but his mom’s breathing slowed down. She sniffed, wiping her eyes with her puffy green sleeve. “Tonight, we leave. I..I can’t let them take you my son.”
Take him? Who? What is she talking about..
“You don’t have to understand just please trust me.” She grabbed his soft hands and squeezed them. “It’s for your own safety.”
It was later that night. The streets were quiet and dark except for the lampposts that illuminated the sidewalks. An urgent knock on his door shot Rylis out of his thinking trance. Without a second thought, he cracked the door open to see his mother dressed in a dark cloak. Her curly brown hair was pushed out her face and she was holding a mini lantern. “Are you ready?” She asked and he nodded also dressed a dark cloak to hide himself from being spotted.
Quietly, she lead Rylis down the stairs and out the front door. He quickly followed, looking back at his home for the last time.
Pt. 2 maybe? If you guys like it! I will definitely be trying to write longer oc stuff as the year continues.
Tag list: @sakka-kyuu @killersweetie @captain-liminal @queen-shiba @coffeeartz @xevcrowe
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lifeofkaze · 8 months
The Sorting Ceremony
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A/N: Written for the September prompt of @hp-12monthsofmagic OCs mentioned/featured belong to @thatravenpuffwitch (Rylie and Pat), @the-al-chemist (Rory), @that-scouse-wizard (Robin) and @usernoneexistent (Zola). Thank you for letting be borrow them!
The Great Hall was abuzz with noise. Hundreds of voices drifted up towards the starry canopy of the enchanted ceiling, the floating candles bobbing up and down slightly with the air’s subtle movement basking the hall in a warm, welcoming glow.
There was much to talk about after six full weeks apart, and the students of the four long house tables running the length of the room were mingling, catching up with those of their friends and classmates whom they hadn’t seen on the Hogwarts Express already. 
Dylan wasn’t one of them. It wasn’t like he didn’t have any friends to share his summer adventures with; he had plenty - or, what he considered plenty - and most of them were currently gathered at the Hufflepuff table, discussing their break. 
Dana Parkin, his childhood friend and godsister, had come over from the Gryffindor table, bringing some of her friends (of whom she had too many for Dylan’s taste) with her. She was talking with Rory McTavish, a loud, grating Gryffindor from Dylan’s year, and Rylie Hopper-Lee about her aunt’s latest plans for the Wigtown Wanderers when Rylie leaned suddenly to the side, whispering to Dylan. 
“What’s up?” she said, tilting her head curiously. “You’re so quiet.”
Dylan made a nondescript noise, sinking deeper into his seat. “It’s nothing.”
“You sure?” 
She didn’t look like she believed him, and Dylan had just opened his mouth to reassure her again that he was fine, when a hush ran through the Great Hall and Headmistress McGonagall rose from her seat in the centre of the staff table. She clapped her hands twice, and the room fell silent. 
“Attention, everyone. The Sorting ceremony is about to commence. All students return to their respective house tables, please.”
Her eyes lingered on the Gryffindors still occupying the Hufflepuff table for slightly longer than the rest, and Dana and her friends quickly shuffled away. Dylan watched them go with a sinking feeling to his stomach. Not much longer now. 
The great double doors to the Great Hall flew open, and the massive silhouette of Rubeus Hagrid, the Care of Magical Creatures professor, appeared in the doorway. Not much could be seen for a moment, the wide frame of his shoulders blocking most of the view.
“Come on then.” 
He waved his plate-sized hand above his shoulders and walked towards the staff table, in front of which a plain wooden stool had been set up. On it, a battered brown hat was sitting, the fabric creased and wrinkled with age.
The muttering that had branded up with the appearance of the Sorting Hat ceased again as a group of children entered the hall, huddling together like a flock of ducklings behind their giant, moleskin-clad mother. A cold autumn wind had been sweeping the grounds earlier, and the anxious faces of the first-years were flushed as they peered at their surroundings. 
They shuffled along and into the Great Hall properly, forming a haphazard line on their way to the raised pedestal where the Sorting Hat was waiting for them. 
One girl - small, scrawny, and with a wild shock of dark brown curls - pushed to the front. Dylan followed her with his eyes as she strutted past him. She caught Dylan’s eye, sticking her tongue out at him. Next to him, Rylie leaned in again.
“Was that…?” 
“Reva, yeah,” muttered Dylan in response. “Where’s Patrick?” 
“Let me see… over there!” Rylie exclaimed brightly, waving to a young boy towards the end of the line. Rylie’s brother timidly raised his hand and waved back, looking slightly green in the face.
“Can you believe they’re here?” Rylie sighed. “I swear they were babies only yesterday.”
“They’re only a year younger than us, Ry,” Dylan said flatly, eyes sweeping over the rest of the first years. “It was us in their place last year.”
“Makes it even stranger. I can’t imagine not being at Hogwarts anymore, and now Reva and Pat are here, too! Aren’t you excited?”
Excited wasn’t really how Dylan would describe his sentiments at Reva attending the same school as himself. His mother would probably tell him to not be so dramatic, his father to embrace his feeling of imbalance and by acceptance find his inner peace… or something like that. But neither of them was here, and neither of them knew just how peaceful his year without Reva had been. One entire year without the constant threat of being pranked, one entire year without her screaming in his ear about who and whatnot and making all of his days loud, hectic and intense. 
“What do you think?” Rylie broke him from his gloomy thoughts as the first-years lined up before the Sorting Hat and Professor Flitwick stepped forward with a scroll of parchment in his hands longer than he was tall. “What house are they going to be in?”
“Gryffindor,” Dylan said immediately. “Reva’s going to be a Gryffindor.”
Rylie looked at him sceptically. “How can you be so sure?” 
“Trust me. If you knew Reva, you’d say the same.”
“Don’t you want her to be in Hufflepuff? Both your parents were, weren’t they?”
“There you go, it’s family tradition. Wouldn’t that be fun?.” 
Dylan snorted. “Yeah, sure.” 
“Anyway, I have no idea where the Hat’s going to put Pat,” Rylie smiled over Dylan’s dark look. “I don’t see him as much of a Slytherin, but he’d make a great Puff, and he’s really clever, too.”
“Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, then?”
“I don’t know,” Rylie shrugged. “Or Gryffindor, who knows?”
“Yeah,” echoed Dylan. “Who indeed?” 
Up front, where the new students had assembled, the Sorting Hat stirred on its stool. One of its creases began to move, the shadows on the fabric reminiscent of a weathered, age-worn face. Its bodiless voice boomed through the Great Hall, filling every last corner with its sound.
Many heads I’ve seen That goes without say. I’m here to Sort the new ones So let’s not cause delay. Into Gryffindor you may go, Where they are brave and true. Chivalrous and bold If that appeals to you. Or maybe Hufflepuff’s the place Where you feel like you belong. Loyalty and hard work Is the essence of their song. Ravenclaws are studious And with a ready mind. If you have the wit it takes They will be your kind. And lastly, there’s Slytherin, Who are cunning rather than loud. If you aim for the stars You will fit in with this crowd. These are your choices, This is the song I wanted to sing. Now let us not dawdle And let the Sorting begin.
Dylan’s eyes rested on the back of Reva’s head as the Sorting Hat fell quiet. She was bouncing, probably with a mix of impatience and excitement, and Dylan found that his foot had begun doing the same. The conviction with which he had told Rylie that Reva was going to go into Gryffindor wasn’t as strong as he had made it seem. Both their parents had been in Hufflepuff, after all, and he was, too. It would make sense. What if the Sorting Hat would think the same?
Pushing the thought aside, Dylan swallowed heavily. At least they would know soon. 
Sure enough, Professor Flitwick hadn’t even begun reading yet when Reva began to move, pushing past the few students still in front of her.
“Albatross, Zola.” 
Reva stopped abruptly as another girl stepped forward, dark-skinned and with a head of close-cropped, raven-black curls. The Sorting Hat was placed upon her head, and after a moment, it opened its mouth and boomed out: “Slytherin!”
The girl slid from the stool and walked over to the cheering table at the far end of the Hall. She sat at its very edge, watching her surroundings with a guarded expression.
“Amari, Reva.” 
Dylan’s stomach gave a painful tug as his sister climbed the dais. Her eyes, which had rested on the girl who had been Sorted before her, were fixed straight ahead. With a cocky smile, she pushed herself up onto the stool and the Hat slipped over her eyes. It almost seemed to swallow her as it sunk in on itself, quivering in a movement that reminded Dylan of laughter. Then, it straightened itself out, and the crease in its centre widened to something resembling a grin.
The table next to the Hufflepuffs burst into applause. Dylan saw Dana raising her hands clapping, hollering as a grinning Reva took a seat next to her. She already seemed perfectly at home, as if she couldn’t possibly belong anywhere else.
“You were right, good job,” whispered Rylie next to Dylan. He nodded absentmindedly.
“Seems like it.”
Logically, there had been no doubt Reva would fit anywhere but with the Gryffindors. Watching her and Dana chatting between themselves now, however, gave him a strange, sinking feeling that he couldn’t quite place.
In the midst of his musings, Reva suddenly looked up from whatever it was that Rory McTavish was telling her. Catching Dylan’s eye, she wiggled her eyebrows and made a funny face. Sighing, Dylan looked away, his odd sense of disappointment dissolving as quickly as it had come. 
The Sorting continued, and after “Willows, Robin” had been placed into Gryffindor as well - much to Reva’s delight and Dylan’s growing sense of dread - and Headmistress McGonagall had delivered her speech, the plates in front of them filled with all the delights the kitchen had to offer, and his musings were forgotten. 
Dylan was still happily filled with mashed potatoes, peas and Treacle Tarts when he left the buzz of the Hufflepuff common room later that evening and made his way toward Gryffindor Tower. He waited until the enchanted staircase swung his way and climbed it towards the landing, where Dana was already waiting for him.
“How did you like your first feast without getting Sorted?” she smiled broadly as she fell into step beside him.
“Better than last year.”
Dana laughed breezily. “I can imagine.” 
“How about you? Glad you’re back?”
“Always,” Dana said, her eyes flashing. “There’s so many things that happened during the summer. So much to catch up on, and seeing what electives everyone has chosen and comparing the timetables and… what?” she tilted her head when a look of relief crossed Dylan’s face. He blushed.
“No, what is it?”
“So, nothing’s… happened yet?”
Dana frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You know, with Reva and all.”
At that, Dana had to laugh out loud. “She’s only been here for a couple of hours, Dylan. What did you expect, that the castle would burn down?” 
The thought had crossed his mind but Dylan figured that he needn’t tell Dana that.
“I just mean, with her and Robin Willows both in the same house, there’s bound to be trouble,” he shrugged, trying to sound as nonchalant as Dana obviously felt. “One of them is chaos, but together, they’re mayhem. They got banned from sharing a room at Quidditch camp this summer.”
Dana’s eyebrows shot up. “Isn’t the owner Reva’s godmother?”
“The only reason they didn’t get sent home.” 
Dana’s smile wavered, if only a little. She made an impatient gesture with her hand. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. You’ll see. This is Hogwarts. I’m sure it has seen worse than two eleven-year-olds with a couple of explosives.”
Dylan stopped dead in his tracks. “A couple of what?”
“Like I said, don’t worry,” Dana said, patting the bulging pocket of her skirt. “I got everything under control.” 
“Where are Reva and Robin now?” 
“They left to explore some time earlier.” Dana sounded thoughtful. “I hope they’ll make it back before curfew. This place can be a maze.”
Dylan shuddered at the thought of Reva and Robin prowling the castle unsupervised, but it wasn’t them that he was concerned for. 
“You’ll have an eye on them, won’t you? Make sure nothing bad happens.”
“To her, or because of her?”
Dana gave him a half amused, half doubtful look but nodded her head, and Dylan already felt lighter for it. He bade Dana goodnight when they reached the portrait hole leading into Gryffindor Tower, and with a renewed spring in his step, he made his way back towards the dungeons. 
He didn’t make it far. He had just entered the corridor that would lead him to the Great Hall, its walls lined with ancient suits of armour, when a strange, high-pitched whizzing sound caught his ear. Alarmed, Dylan jumped to the side, just in time to avoid the bright green, sharp-toothed Fanged Frisbee that was hurtling towards his head. 
The impact of his movements sent him hurtling into one of the pieces of armour. The ancient suit began to topple, and before Dylan knew it, it came tumbling down around him with a resounding crash and clangour. 
Hysterical giggles came from the far end of the corridor, and when he pushed open the visor of the helmet that had landed square on his head, two little girls were standing there, doubled over with laughter.
“Happy new term, Sir Dylan,” cried Reva between fits of laughter, making her friend Robin Willows howl as she wiped a tear from her eye. “This year is gonna be great!”
And with that, they were off, their raised voices still audible long after they were gone. 
Dylan sat on the ground for a moment longer before he freed himself of the armour pieces and arranged them in a neat pile next to their socket. Sighing deeply to himself, he buried his hands in the pockets of his trousers and continued on his way back to the dungeons.
This year was going to be great, indeed. 
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babygirlmickey · 1 year
I’m catching up on some tag games so I’m gonna put them all under the cut hehe
Tagged by @ardent-fox @mishervellous @deedala and @auds-and-evens !!
three ships: gallavich obviously:/, Ian x his watch, and my og spirk…I’ll be down bad for them forever
last song: figure it out - RYLY
last movie: ummm I think it was when I forced bestie to watch Star Trek into darkness:-)
currently reading: still working thru my emt course book ! Also started reading heartstopper vol2
currently watching: I was watching the recruit on Netflix but I got bored of it LMAO
currently consuming: a bagel w strawb cream cheese from dunkies
currently craving: the worlds longest nap 🥲
Tagged by @creepkinginc @tanktopgallavich @metalheadmickey @stocious @heymrspatel and @vintagelacerosette
name: camryn
age: 21
where in the world are you?: new yawk
the meaning behind your URL: self explanatory. Mickey = Babygirl
your second favorite color: oooh um maybe green or blue or brown
any pets?: mmm 20-odd cats (I take a lot of "unadoptables" and hospice cases)
favorite season: autumn!
last thing you read: last thing I finished (other than some fics) was the first heartstopper book which I was forced to read at gunpoint
last song you listened to: since I’m listening to music as I write these now it’s disco nights - wiley beckett
what are you wearing right now? Gray sweats and an orange crop top
a hobby of yours: photography!
your comfort show or movie: parks and rec and psych!
and finally, what are you up to today?: Ran some work errands including transporting supplies to my friend who just took in a litter of kittens and doing intake exams on them for her:) here’s a pic of one
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tagged by @creepkinginc (deleting some of the questions on this one bc they're the same as above)
your favorite color: yellow!
a song that always puts you in a good mood: I'd rather go blind - Etta James
your favorite flower: I don't think I have one! I pretty much like all flowers except lilies
it’s a beautiful sunny day and you’re going on a picnic with friends. what snack are you bringing to share? triscuits and cream cheese. ultimate delicacy
bumblebees or butterflies? butterflies!
describe your ideal weather: hmm either 50-60 degrees, cool and sunny OR 60-70 degrees with a downpour thunderstorm B)
museum date or nature walk? nature walk if it's cold out, museum date if it's warm
it’s movie night in the park and your turn to choose, what are we watching? no one in their right mind would ever let me pick the movie
and finally, share some sunny words for your friends & followers: ily guys you're all so talented and friendly and amazing and I love my little community on here!!!
If any of my beloved mutuals wanna do these let's just say I tagged u :-)
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entangledmuses · 4 months
Adrian Houston - Reacher, Stranger Things, 911, One Chicago, Fandomless.
Aiyla Kartal - Royalty, Harry Potter, Fandomless
Beatrix 'Bea' Browne - Merlin, Musketeers, Reign, Historical, Robin Hood
Becka Landsworth-Bond - Bond, Fandomless
Eva Timothee - Stranger things, Fandomless
Freya Rixon - Vikings, The Last Kingdom, Reign, Narnia, The Witcher
Kaleena Viceroy - Fantasy, Fandomless, Merlin, Witcher,
Kate Steiner - Cobra Kai, Fandomless
Katri Makinen - Vikings, The Last Kingdom, Reign, Merlin
Leah Teverson - Teen Wolf, Stranger Things, Shameless, Fandomless
Morgan Kendall - Stranger things, Outerbanks, Fandomless, Water Nymph
Rosalia Menendez - Vikings, Last Kingdom, Reign
Rosalind - Last Kingdom, Robin Hood, Fantasy, Historical, Musketeers
Rylie Theakston - Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Lockwood and Co.
Seraphina Varley - Vikings. Last Kingdom. Witcher. GoT. Fandomless. Narnia. Robin Hood.
Taylor Brockhart - Powers, Werewolf, Fandomless
Walker Benson - Powers, Fae, Stranger Things, Fandomless
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dailyunstableeve · 9 months
Just feel like sharing my Spidersona details here.
All words cuz I'm still trying to somehow draw it out-
Eve Rylie Parker
Age: 22
August 09 2001 11:58 pm (five minutes earlier than Peter Parker.
Born with brown hair but she dyed it red.
Brown eyes
A small fade cut on her nose, because girl can't stay still on the baby chair when she's a baby and falls off from the chair, leaving a cut on her nose.
Hobby: Music, drawing, cooking and writing.
Family: Peter Parker (younger brother), May Parker (Aunt), Ben Parker (Uncle), Dad and Mom (went on vacation, only come back to see their children once a year)
Workplace: F.E.A.S.T, she loves to stick around with May, she's basically the one who's in charge of the activities and events. (So she can disappear sometimes for her SpiderWoman's activities)
She chose that name because she finds out her webs can turn invisible, she would use her web and make it into some sweater or jacket when the weather got cold.
Suit image:
-mask design is like Pav, she loves the feeling of her hair moving when she swings around.
-color would be red and pastel purple.
-a small pouch hanging on the side of her hip, it allows her to carry earphones, some goober and Peter's own made smoke bombs.
-she would wear boots if she's rushing to put on her suit, usually she just puts on shoes pads.
The one SpiderWoman who doesn't lose her bags because she just gives it to Peter.
Some facts:
-Eve hates food that is made out of banana, she's fine with eating the fruit banana but as long as it is made into something else, she won't eat it.
-Since she has a small cut on her nose, during Halloween she would draw a small heart on her Spider mask, it's just a thing she does for her to love herself.
-Eve and Gwen are besties, which sometimes Eve would crash at Gwen if Eve happens to swing nearby but Gwen doesn't know Eve is the CloakWidow.
-Eve would swing Peter across the city if he has something to get that's on the other side of wherever they are, and Peter always screams which Eve would sometimes tape his mouth up so her ears won't be damaged after the swing.
-Her favorite playlist is where she puts Taylor Swift and Billie eilish songs together, she loves the mood swings of that the two artists gave, especially if she's fighting the villains.
-Peter's birthday is August 10 but she's born earlier than Peter which is August 9. So she would just ignore August 9 and celebrate her birthday with Peter together on August 10. Peter would always be the first who gives Eve a present while she'll be the first to give Peter.
"Canon Event"
-Harry Osborn. Harry is a close friend with the twins before Eve met Gwen. When Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin and CloakWidow was fighting him, Harry was at the scene. Harry died at the hand of the Green Goblin. After Green Goblin was beaten, Norman returned to himself and the first time he saw Harry 's bloody body on the ground with CloakWidow crying next to Harry's body. CloakWidow was furious, she thought of killing Norman but she could see the fear in Norman's eye and decided to turn him to the police. During Harry's funeral, Eve and Peter are the one who cry the most there, they were best friends.
-A year after Harry's, Eve met Gwen. CloakWidow met Captain Stacy. CloakWidow and Captain Stacy fought a lot of crimes together. Their first time meeting each other was when Captain Stacy mistaken CloakWidow as the villain and tazed her. His death was getting thrown off from a contraction by Doc Ork, CloakWidow was able to catch him with his web but it's too late. Ever since that incident, Eve would look after Gwen, making sure she doesn't get close to the crime scenes. Even if Captain Stacy doesn't know Eve is CloakWidow, Eve knows she has to look after Gwen in the place of Captain Stacy.
How she got the power
-Harry invited Peter and Eve to his father's company. During the tour, Harry was called away so he told Eve and Peter they can walk around while they wait for Harry to return. Since it's the twins' first time here, they have no idea where is off limits and they end up in the Spider Den. Eve was protecting Peter from the spider and got bit by one of it. They quickly left the Spider den and rushed to the washroom because Eve's hand was bleeding from the bite, which it's weird but they didn't care much about it.
That's pretty much it for now, maybe I'll add more in future :3
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artisticlegshake · 2 years
1st Kensington Dressing - EVOLVE JP!
2nd Zoe Flores - STARS JP!
2nd Rylie Borden - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
3rd Dylan Custodio - STARS JP!
3rd Lainey Hess - NEW LEVEL JP!
3rd Denise Torres - DANCE TOWN JP!
4th Tabitha Nan - CSPAS JP!
4th Anita Rodriguez - STARS JP!
5th Ella Dobler - NEW LEVEL JP!
6th Neo Del Corral - STARS JP!
6th Layla Alvarez - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
6th Sophia Novo - DANCE TOWN JP!
6th Brooklyn Ward - CSPAS JP!
7th Zoey Claxton - THE POINTE JP!
7th Reagan Hess - NEW LEVEL JP!
7th Kendall Brown - SOUTH TULSA JP!
7th Peyton Robinson - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
7th Khloe Douros - CSPAS JP!
7th Anna Holley - THE POINTE JP!
7th Samantha Geller - WESTCHESTER JP!
7th Vivie Strickland - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT JP!
7th Ruby Wilkes Petty - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT JP!
8th Blake Wilson - WEST FLORIDA JP!
8th Ava Alvarez - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
8th Bianca Rebellato - VLAD’S JP!
8th Estelle Newsom - VDANSE JP!
8th Amanda Carpenter - DANCE TOWN JP!
8th Victoria Oliveri - WESTCHESTER JP!
8th Zurie Griffiths - PDA JP!
8th Ella Venerio - DANCE UNLIMITED JP!
9th Sofie Wright - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
9th Taylor Rivers - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
9th Collins Glenn - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
9th Emma Bassel - NEW LEVEL
10th Baker Barboza - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
10th Emilie Lavoie - STUDIO INNOVA
10th Brooklyn Bridges - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
10th Charlotte Brayman - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
10th Milly Berry - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
10th Sloan Donahue - THE SOUTHERN STRUTT
10th Allyn Green - SOUTH TULSA
10th Daisy Castleman - MILELE
10th Reese Braga - NEW LEVEL
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aimlesslinguist · 2 years
17 people, 17 questions
🌸 tagged by @un-----made , thank you!
nickname: cassie
sign: capricorn
height: 5"10
last thing I googled: vanilla latte cake recipe
song stuck in my head: bejeweled by taylor swift
no. of followers: 222 (very satisfying, esp considering i'm 22!)
amount of sleep: despite needing lots of sleep, i love to get up early and also to stay up late lol
lucky number: 6
dream job: literary translator, book/literary journal editor, author
wearing: pink, omi-knitted jumper, floral short dress, tights, odd socks
movies/books that summarise you: the aristocats, up / everyday by david levithan, little women by louisa may alcott, the house of the spirits by isabel allende (yes I just picked films and books that I love)
favourite song: katie queen of tennessee by the apache relay (https://open.spotify.com/track/1z1FVN7k4zMyMpLkuzLwE7?si=Vqd1_4MTSi6Nj5GYikPayg&utm_source=copy-link)
aesthetic: light academia, plants, colourful decor, cosy jumpers, books stacked everywhere imaginable, amateur acrylic paintings, blankets, freshly baked cookies, cold morning runs, peppermint tea, brown doc marten shoes, cats, clearly formed a parasocial relationship with dan and phil at a young age, late blooming bisexual
favourite authors: Isabel Allende, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Yoko Tawada, Oscar Wilde, David Levithan, Toshikazu Kawaguchi...
favourite animal noise: the way my cat breathes heavily because he can't purr, but that's how he shows he's happy
random: i'm writing these answers as i watch cinderella in french... i haven't studied french in years but there's something about classic disney films in french idk
tagging: @astorsa , @blossomfully @captainofstudies @darkforestroads @emmastudies @featheredstudies @graffiti-scars @idreamonpaper @just-another-messy-studyblr @koorvus @la-galaxie-langblr @my-little-studyblr @ohlooksheswriting @pens-swords-stuff @rylie-studies @study-van @talesfromthetbr
(No pressure to respond of course! Hope this gave my followers and mutuals a little more info about me 🥰)
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chaoticrebels · 6 months
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NAME : Rory Novalie Graves NICKNAME : Ro, Ry, Nova, Rylie by her bestie, Oreo by her parents only.  AGE : 24 BIRTH DATE : Dec 26 GENDER : Female ORIENTATION : Bisexual NATIONALITY : American LOCATION : Tempe, Arizona PROFESSION : Streamer, Cosplayer, Hacker, Make Up Artist & Nail Technician ZODIAC : Capricorn SPECIES : Human SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English, French, Korean HEIGHT : 5'3” WEIGHT : 118 lbs HAIR :  Dark Brown with Purple usually dyed in it.  EYES : Brownish Green TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS : None SCARS : None FACE CLAIM : Landry Bender
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Rory Novalie Graves was born at midnight on Dec 26th in Tempe, Arizona to Skylar and Avery Graves. She has a younger sister named Kyra Athena Graves {@fiercehearts​}, which growing up she had to deal with her baby sister in and out of the hospital due to an serious disease she had. And due to that, most of the attention went to her. Which caused Rory to feel semi invisible but she loved her sister, although sometimes she wished that she was an only child. But other times, she wished she could make a deal with God to swap their places so her sister could have a healthy and happy life while she suffered instead. And yet she knew how impossible that was because if God was real then why doesn’t he or she help the poor unfortunate souls who need it? She didn’t know.
As time went on, Rory began to get really into make up and nail art. So much she began streaming as she created masterpieces on her friends and herself. Making it her after school job, bringing in her own income to help lessen the burden on her parents. And on the side of that, she would get paid to hack into things. Her only rule being that it would be nothing that would get her jail time if caught, she didn’t need to put that stress on her parents. She did that enough with her rebellious ways. 
By the time she finished high school, Rory was all but ready to go out into the world and explore. But she ended up going to college in Boise, Idaho with her best friend. Taking courses in a few different fields but mainly sticking to art and design, yet she kept streaming on her free time. And on her vacations, she would travel home to visit her family until Kyra left for college. After that the sisters completely lost touch, while the eldest would get in touch with their parents from time to time.
Over the next couple of years, life had became quite busy for the female. She was gaining popularity as she started to adventure into doing more than make up and nail art on her streams, she started to cosplay and put on little stories for her viewers with her friends. She was living her best life and it seemed like it was only getting better, she even began dating. A few months after that her friend got a job offer in Toronto so she ended up moving to Canada, she had only been in Toronto when her parents where planning on driving down to visit her. And as excited as Rory was, she was also nervous. Had a strange feeling in the pit of her gut but she shrugged it off, just focused on making sure everything was ready for their visit. But then came the call that turned her world upside down, her parents were in a car accident and they didn’t survive. Her heart nearly stopped, she always assumed she’d get a bad news kind of call one day but about her sister. 
It had taken not even a day for Rory to pack her suitcases, to rush back home. If she thought she was nervous about seeing her parents, she was wrong. She was a mess knowing she had to see her sister again after all these years of no contact, on the worse day of their lives. She didn’t know how that was going to go but she did know one thing, she had decided then and there she was moving back home.
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blondebxt · 8 months
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look it's spoiler and her bird boyfriend
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kentopedia · 7 months
rylie rylie i might be writin somethin for nanami . . . what color are his eyes again . . . ITS BROWN RIGHT ?! BCS SOME POST SAID GREEN BUT IDK IDK . . .
hannah hannah omg !!! im so excited to see what you're writing heheh ! yes his eyes are brown <3 idk why people say they're green or blue :,) let him have his brown eyes PLEASE !!!!
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beoneofus · 1 year
𝐨𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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name: ryleighn (ry-lynn) jenevive boser
sur-name meaning: to do evil. resonates from middle-high germany.
nickname(s): rylie, spawn of satan
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
age: 19 (figuratively)
d.o.b: error
species: imp
zodiac: virgo
eye color: emerald
hair color: ginger
personality: sarcastic. faux-bubbly. devious. cunning. rarely sweet.
likes: pulling pranks. playing with her hair. carving patterns into wood with her nails. painting on literally anything. making smoke bombs, confetti bombs. snooping. taking things that aren't hers. getting on people's nerves. attending parties. causing trouble/havoc. knawing on bones. kissing. being pet.
dislikes: screeching noises. the smell of flowers. being lectured. being disrupted when painting. the color brown. latex.
background: error
fandoms: the lost boys, twilight, the vampire diaries
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danvilleareacc · 1 year
DACC Lists Fall President's & Honors Students
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Danville Area Community College has released a list of its honor students for the Fall 2022 Semester.   A student must carry 12 or more credit hours and a straight A (4.0) average on a 4.0 scale to be included on the President’s List. To be included on the Honors List, a student must carry 12 or more credit hours and have a B+ (3.5) grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
Danville Area Community College Fall 2022 President’s & Honors Lists
Danville Area Community College PRESIDENT’S LIST – FALL 2022
Alvin, IL
Nicholas Garmon.
Armstrong, IL
Olivia Logue.
Bismarck, IL
Allison Bostwick, Ryan Bostwick, Dianne Trimble.
Bloomington, IL
Brennon Reed.
Catlin, IL
Jaiden Baum, Holden Dunavan, Joseph Kedas, Kylee Pate, Rebecca Rogers, Monica Vasquez.
Chicago, IL
Lauren Crawley.
Chrisman, IL
Lindsey Franz.
Covington, IN
Alyssa Cheuvront, Margo Galloway, Hailynn Herzog, Briley Peyton, Alexandra VanVickle.
Danville, IL
Noah Acree, Wariya Alhassan, Gracie Arnett, Amber Atkinson, Xitlally Bonilla, Jasmine Brown, Ne'Kedra Cain, Devontay Carpenter, Rowan Clawson, Jeremiah Cooper, Isabella Courson, Brandon Cox, Mariela Cruz, Debra Cummings, Joel Cundiff, Olivia Edgington, Robin Farr, Brenda Fisher, Nicholas Fuentes, Teagyn Goodwin, Meghan Gross, Logan Hall, Marlee Harper, Jadyn Hess, Lindsey Janssen, Tamara Jimson, Josephine Kamwela, Christopher La Combe, Trenton Lewis, Layla Martinez, Kalia Mason, Ashlynn Pinnick, Ethan Rayburn, Chelsea Reeves, Kearby Robinson, Vivianna Ruffo, Veronica Sasseen, Yoo Bin Seo, Maxeen Smart, Shania Smith, Maria Sobany Bosch, Frederick Soderstrom, Elmonia Taylor, Lewis Towne, Kayce Wagle, Charlene Walsh, Grace Ward, Donald Wills, Mia Yant.
East Lynn, IL
Abigail Walder.
Evansville, IN
Matthew Bunnell.
Fithian, IL
Codey McMahon.
Georgetown, IL
Jacob Maskel, Hunter Way.
Hillsboro, IN
Lauren Highland.
Hoopeston, IL
Charis Allen, Tori Birge, Gage Hopkins, Morgan Keith, Skyler Morgan.
Mahomet, IL
Ahmad Al-Heeti.
Marine, IL
Alixandria Grenzebach.
Milford, IL
Abigail White.
Mooresville, IN
Blake Nigg.
Muncie, IL
Dominyq Gritten.
Oakwood, IL
Madison Doan, Jarron Fleming, Natalie Garrison, Raiden Jackson, Kimberly Montgomery, Tannar Pouilliard, Carlie Reitz.
Osgood, IN
Elizabeth Pavy.
Paris, IL
Drew Pinkston.
Philo, IL
Kyleigh Weller.
Potomac, IL
Destiny Fitzsimmons, Violet McCool, Mason McMasters, Seth Pollitt.
Ridge Farm, IL
Matthew Coleman.
Rossville, IL
Heidi Goble, Morgan Miller, Abigail Ryan.
Troy, IL
Caleb Durbin.
Tuscola, IL
Alexis Koester.
Westville, IL
Laney Crawford, Jack Duensing, McKenzie Meinders, Joshua Miller, Emma Myers, Zachary Troxel.
Danville Area Community College HONORS LIST – FALL 2022
Armstrong, IL
Justin Wilken.
Bismarck, IL
Trenton Spicer.
Catlin, IL
Naomi Dolan, Emily Fier, Lillie Hannan, Macallister Hill, Autumn Lange, Grace Niedzwiecki.
Champaign, IL
Lilian Eziefule.
Charleston, IL
Ashlynn McPeak.
Columbus, OH
Brianna Hamilton.
Covington, IN
Jacob Eells, Hannah Hunter, Calvin Springer, Katie Woodrow.
Danville, IL
Nora Abdelghani, Joan Applegate, Michele Budnovich, Anna Carrion, Christine Daniel, Benjamin Dickerson, Ian Dukes, Jayla Greer, Chelsey Haga, Dalton Hagley, Diego Hightower, Aryanna Huckstadt, Lexi Hudson, Matteo Janzen, Ginaveve Jessup, William Landis, Chayton Lawrence, Lezlea Lowe, Julieanna Morse, Amanda Nelson, Candela Nevares Garcia, Aaron Olmstead, Destiny Parker, Lilliana Perez, Tah'yah Rose, Ruth Salazar, Woodley Scholz, Andrew Sentelle, Sebastian Skinner, Braeden Skoog, Jennifer Stovall, Dylan Taylor, Rylie Terrell, Kendra Tucker, Cassie Warren, Zoe Wilson, Ella Wolfe, Jacob Xiong.
Evansville, IN
Ryan Caddell, Adam Evans.
Fairmount, IL
Aaron Dean.
Findlay, IL
Dirk Bruyn.
Fithian, IL
Reed Sperry.
Georgetown, IL
Brooke Robertson, LaVonte Taylor, Madison Wilson.
Hoopeston, IL
Maria Alvarado, Vanessa Blackburn, Ashley Cadle, Marissa Garcia, Brady Woods.
Indianaola, IL
Lacee Darr.
Ingersoll, Canada
Lucus Forbes.
Kingman, IN
Lydia Van Huysen.
Liberty Township, OH
Keiara Gregory.
Mattoon, IL
Raven Morrison.
Mentone, IN
Owen Kirchenstien.
Milford, IL
Craig VanHoveln.
New Market, IN
Samuel Endicott.
Oakwood, IL
Lane Bensyl, Gaven Clouse, Koby Fletcher, Travis Goodner, Hayley Mascari, Katherine Reffett, Charles Rieches, Isaiah Ruch, William Sandusky, Brevin Wells.
Potomac, IL
Casey Grant, Leanne Rogers.
Quincy, IL
Luke Mettemeyer.
Richland, IN
Jackson Raaf.
Ridge Farm, IL
Savannah Davis, Gentry Howard.
Rossville, IL
Madalyn Goble, Hunter Howe, Sabrina Koenig.
Sheldon, IL
Julia Bushnell.
Sidell, IL
Madison Farrell.
St. Joseph, IL
Kelsey Martlage.
Tampa, FL
Briana Hernandez.
Westville, IL
Jason Cotten, Gage Lange, Christopher Miller, McKenzie Montgerard, Douglas Reffett.
Wheaton, IL
Ian Johnson.
Williamsport, IN
Ethan Hickman.
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spider-slut-lmao · 1 year
Quote book
'hi my name is Nevaeh and my ass is cold as fuck'- Nevaeh drunk probably
'why is the movie theater loading??'--vinnie ( I was fucked up)
'hello this is dominoes'--hannah trying to call her PO
'monkey'-Greg bc he's a little bitch
'be careful he might inject himself  with STDs shawty '--vince waring trin Abt STDs
'gotta catch them all'- Gregs stupid ass talking Abt the STDs
'I SMELL PINA COLLADA'- Hannahs dumb ass
'sup my cracka'-- hannah
'excuse my mother fucking french but fuck this shit'- Greg
'you dirty bitch shit down'--trin bc Greg tried to take her socks
'thats why I just fingered your belly button'--greg bc trin said avacodos to much
'AVACODOS'--Trin bc Greg was sitting on her
*Screams bloody murder* -- trin all the fucking time
'nigger' -greg
'fucking Getto niggers'-vince
'why you do that'--trin on an everyday basis
'my last dying wish would probably be for my death to be on reddit'-Vince
'can dried leaves expire?'--Vince
Will you please just stop and put your clothes on--trinity
Trinity likes to fondle my cock with her feet-greg
I'm about to pull a Chris brown- Greg to Trinity
Greg no-- Vince every single day
We know greg--vince also every single day
Greg you a lil bitch---vince every other day
You just elbowed my pussy-trinity
Mort I cannot fucking move it move it anymore-greg
These some good ass nuts no cap- Greg
Why would you rub your nut covered hands on my blanket??- trin after Greg wiped nut dust on her blanket
Can I hit bonquiqui '--Vince on a daily basis
Vince, Yo dad is like the makeup aisle in Walmart, locked up -- Nina
Vince close ur eyes, that's ur dad-greg
Black or no where to be seen?-vince
The blizzy is NOT a microphone -vince
"I love hate crimes"-vince bc he killed a mosquito and misgendered it
"I'm not ashamed, I told you I was finna pop a titty! They sit reaaaaalllll nice"--nina changing out her swimsuit
"you're a terrorist"--trinity @ Vince
I fingered your pie- neveah
he spending his life savings on pussy bruh - Nina
Don't die gang-- Vince @ trin
"The rotation doesn't keep up with u, u keep up with the rotation mf"---Vince bc Greg doesn't pay attention
Your asshole is a built in pocket when done right.-Vince
"I thought it was fucking minecraft"-kaius high asf
"I smell tacos" kaius also High asf
"I though the vikings were coming"- rylie high asf in the shed
Mama Wendy: alcohol is shown to cause depression and other symptoms if routinely consumed.
Studies also show having a routine is good for you so get fucked--Greg
Greg is so gregalicous--rylie
Monkey--rylie @ greg
Stop fingering your fucking cup- trinity
It tastes like coohie- trinity
On granny- eli
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feignedhues · 2 years
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ABOUT ASPEN | I regret you all the time. 
NAME: Aspen Jayne Keller
AGE: Thirty-One
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis man, He/Him
FACE CLAIM: Dylan O’Brien
HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 5′11″
LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Master’s in English
OCCUPATION: Romance Novelist
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, New York
FAMILY: Sara Keller (wife), Rylie Keller (son), Astrid Keller (daughter)
When a twenty-six year old neighbor moved into Watch Hill, some families were weary of a new generation imposing on their unspoken morals. However, the family that came along with him fit perfectly. Two children and a renowned publisher as a mother to ensure the tight frame of the neighborhood's expectation dissipated all weariness. The boticcino tile and crown molding would hold the couple together, too. It made it easier to instill the facade that their love was built on more than a waning vow, false security, and a need to cover their mess because pastels stained with ease.
That twenty-six year old is often forgotten, though. Aspen Keller sits in the Rhode Island home on the balcony that faces the yard and pool, dressed in linen, with no more than the crackle of a lighter and a hidden cigarette alongside the clicking of keys. His haven has made him a recluse since the day he moved in under the guise that his wife would make a move devoted to creating a haven for his creative mind. It would take him six years to realize the doors were no more than the gilded gates of a cage. 
Aspen came from the bustling pace of Brooklyn, New York with a twenty-seven minute subway ride to NYU's campus. There his work in literature and storytelling capture not just the interest but the heart of a professor. He was guided into the menagerie of a friend of his teacher's looking for new voices, and it was her who would carefully pave his path to success as a romance novelist. Hidden desires and sweet nothings inspired the tales he wished he could share with her but never said aloud, until his first book was sold his senior year of college and in turn an engagement ring bought. It was all heart and no thought, and both were captivated by the heavy hand of heart over mind. She took his hand and guided him to every right turn, steady and eager, to a career she wished she could have. Her pride was stronger than her pride until she believed he was getting lost in the glamour of it all. Her wisdom tasted like poison in his mouth as he had doubts of her guidance, leading to strain until his career took a fracture he needed her to fix. Upon it, she placed another crack to gain control. Their first child took his attention and his muse, but it would take more for him to part ways with the ideal concept of love in his head. Another babe didn't fix their relationship, but it did bind Aspen to their home while his wife went off with her career.
Aspen began to believe that they were devoted to their professions more than each other, and in the thought of divorce, his wife made a desperate move. She gave him every turn of her head and every spark in her eye in hopes of gaining his favor again. He felt not like her prodigy, but almost her muse as much as she used to be his. She placed him on a pedestal and relocated their family to Westerly in hopes of instilling an order she could knot the way she wanted. Her love began to wither in the name of her rule. The smiles she kissed on to his lips became pinched between her fingers. She slowly shackled him to the house in the name of giving him the power to write his novels, though it was no more than entrapment. Aspen lost all of his self fortune in her abandonment of his dreams and was completely reliant to her, and in her debt. He lives under her thumb, with the maroon hues to prove it, but he believes this is what must stay away from chapter books and loose lips.
It's only in the last year that he's found love outside of his marriage that is sweeter than anything he's had with her. He is weaving the faith that despite all the comfort and luxuries she's awarded him, could he be worth more? The guilt still stings at not thinking what she's given him is enough, but the love is empty and it burns in a way that leaves a scar. He's living for the hope that he can be saved by the perfect kiss, even if he has to make his being the right shape to fit hers.
Aspen can often get lost in "flowery" expression and often catches himself becoming easily infatuated with the world around him. He's a romantic, but not hopeless.
His wife holds the keys to the kingdom when it comes to his novels as she remains his publicist. She likes to try and get the editors below her to censor some of his writing to either make the love interest more like her, or strip the antagonist of anything that reminder her of herself. It was a scandal when they got to together, but when she opened her own publishing house, she was able to put her husband at the very top of its refined clientele. She needs him just as much as she believes he needs her. 
His son is four years old, and his daughter is two years old. 
Aspen’s first novel was called ‘To Be of Wisteria’ with a total of five books in its series. It was a dystopian period piece that followed one man whose memory was taken from him in an attempt to save his wife who he falls in love with all over again, and reveals at the end that she knew it was him the whole time but promised that she wouldn’t interfere with his way of coming back to her after fighting in a war.
His last few novels are single tales with its name being titled ‘Eulogies to My Lovers.’
People who have read his novels with fans and those who absolutely hate them
Friends through his wife who is a publisher and part time professo
College friends from NYU for his undergrad and Colombia for his master’s program (from Greek life to people he did projects with to roommates to exes)
An ex-significant other he had in college that he eventually drifted apart from when he met his now wife
Those he has had affairs with in the midst of every fall out with his wife, from one night stands to varying secret casual relationships that have become his muses
Someone he entrusts in reading his in-progress work for confidence building or to be torn apart
Someone who babysits his kid, or nannies while he’s at home because he needs to focus and write
A pair that he goes on double dates with his wife 
A close friend who manages to pry him off the keyboard and live life instead of writing it
A friend who is aware of his affairs and covers for him
A friend who is aware of his affairs and disapproves of them
Someone who is suspicious of the relationship between him and his wife
Someone who is suspicious of one of his affairs
Someone whose child is mutual friends with one of his children, or attend the same school
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