#sab fic
grasslandgirl · 1 year
from Mal Oretsev, your Sturmhond, with love
[Shadow and Bone TV. Grishaverse. Mal/Nikolai/Alina. 11k. post-season 2 epistolary get together fic]
No kissing, he’d told her, despite the way her eyes darted down to his mouth. Not unless you’re thinking of me, instead of trying to forget him. What Nikolai hadn’t said, that morning before the world started crashing down around them all over again, was that he thought of Mal, too. Of the twisted-together web the three of them made. His engagement to Alina, how tremulous the thing was, how wary Nikolai felt of hoping too badly for it to happen. Alina and Mal’s history, warped and tightly knotted and strained at the edges. The uncertain shape pulled between himself and Mal, an understanding he can’t put words to and a faith held in the unwavering needle of his lucky compass, warm against the skin of Mal’s chest. Nikolai wonders if he’s the only one who can see it- the three of them, Ravka spread out beneath their hands, back-to-back-to-back. He wonders if he’s the only one who wants it, fearsome and vicious and hungry.
He doesn’t think so; but he’s been wrong on occasion.
or, Mal and Nikolai write each other letters, and all three of them find their way home.
hugs and kisses to jack @kingfisherkink for beta reading this LITERALLY MONTHS ago and to everyone who’s been so enthusiastic and encouraging about me talking abt this and then not posting it for literally ages <3 xoxoxoxo
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darnalearnstowrite · 1 year
the sound of an unconditional surrender
A/N: Well, Shadow and Bone S2 blindsided me with a new "I don't know how the hell this would work but I'm here for it" ship and I had to write something, even if it's just a quick 10-minute ficlet. Why the hell my brain insisted on Kaz POV I have no idea, but I hope it works.
Name, as is my tradition, from a Diablo Swing Orchestra song.
When the Volkvolny returns to port, he's there. Of course he's there. A distance away from the pier, perhaps, but he's there.
Oretsev gives him a nod as he strides past carrying ropes and hollering orders at the disembarking crew. He nods back -- already distracted.
She's walking down the pier in confident strides, hair blowing in the breeze, sun glinting on her daggers. Tolya's big arm rests around her shoulders and she's not shrinking away. In fact, hers is curled around his waist, fingers tucked into his belt.
His jaw tightens and his fingers ball into tight fists around his cane. He plants his feet and locks his knees, forces himself not to be a coward for once.
Her gaze lands on him. And brightens, softens.
His follows suit, with a warm, knowing smile. He blinks and takes a breath, momentarily reeling.
When she's standing in front of him, she squeezes Tolya's arm. The pirate's gaze sweeps her face before he gives them a gentle nod and steps away.
Not far. And while his gaze ostensibly searches for his sister, he knows he's still tuned into her, listening for her breathing, her heartbeat. He can respect that.
"Did you find your brother?"
She exhales. Relieved, but her smile is bittersweet. "Yes. He has a new family, now. We... promised to write."
"Hmm." His gaze bores into her. "And you?"
She tilts her head in that familiar, exasperated way and sighs, challenge heating her eyes and sharpening her voice.
"I came back, didn't I?"
The to you is silent and he wonders if he imagined it. He blinks slowly and glances five steps away and to the left. "Yes. You did."
This time she does not fail to roll her eyes. She reaches out her left hand and Tolya is there at her side, fingers intertwined with hers, his gaze steady and warm on her. And then on him.
She lifts her right hand in front of her, palm open, eyes burning. Willing him to figure it out. Willing him to swallow the dregs of fear and pride and accept.
"Yes. We did."
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wesper-png · 1 year
I was crying and loving while you were howling at the moon
Malkolina | 6.3k | 1/1 | T | Complete 
Summary: “Do you usually have visitors in here?” Mal asks before he can bite his tongue. Nikolai grows very still.
Intruders. He meant to say, intruders. Do you normally find intruders in your private quarters? Not, do you and Alina often invite guests over for a three-way romp?
Malkolina awkward morning after fic! 
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rainbluealoekitten · 1 year
"It was a scene he had imagined billions of times, but nothing was as good as this. It was simultaneously soft and passionate; a soothing balm and the cause of the burn. Everything else melted away, leaving Wylan and Jesper at the centre of the universe. No— Wylan was the centre of the universe. Nothing else mattered. Jesper smiled gently against Wylan’s perfect lips, messing up the kiss, and Wylan laughed breathily into his mouth. It was all Jesper could do to not mention how poetic it was that they were sharing the same air, breathing life back into each other. His legs felt jelly-like as he put one arm around Wylan’s waist and ran his other hand through Wy’s silky locks. His strawberry shampoo flooded Jesper’s airways as they continued to kiss, and he thought to himself that if he had to die, this was how he should go; gasping for breath as his nose bumped into Wylan’s, both of them holding onto each other like they were drowning, pulling each other closer as if somehow they could merge into a single body."
extract from chapter 13 of "Can't We Be Seventeen?" by (me) a_wild_fern on ao3, which you can read in full here:
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my hand was the one you reached for (all throughout the Great War), ch.3 ✨
andom: Six of Crows / Shadow and Bone (TV)
Pairing: Nina/Matthias
Tags: alternate universe: modern royalty; arranged marriage; enemies to lovers
Status: in progress???
Summary: Nina decides to enjoy her last night of freedom before her trip to Fjerda to meet her betrothed. What happens in Ketterdam stays in Ketterdam, right?
Nina changed the chat title to remember that guy I fucked at the Crow Club?
The first reaction is instantaneous: Kaz left the chat.
Nina added Kaz to the chat.
Nina: come on, get over yourself, Kaz
Kaz left the chat.
Inej added Kaz to the chat.
Jesper: it's not like they fucked on your desk kaz
Inej: don't test him jes
Inej: so what about that guy? is he causing you any trouble?
Jesper: I'll shoot him for you, Nina love
Nina: I appreciate the gesture <3
Nina: turns out, he's *him*
Jesper: ???
Inej: oh, Saints
Jesper: what's happening???
Read more on AO3!
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laviejaguardia · 1 year
Helloooo first chapter of my Kanej fic is up!! way earlier than expected haha
not book canon not show canon but a secret third thing (macramé of both with soulmate marks thrown in) hope you enjoy!!
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Seven Sentence Sunday!
tagged by the lovely @alyxmastershipper, @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy, @cowboy-buddie, and @bigfootsmom ❤️
it's still sunday for like 3 more minutes so here we gooooo, have some of my helnik canon divergence because the s2 ending hurts my heart even though the angst is delicious but anyway here
And then, finally, he was free.
“He’s all yours, Brekker,” The guard called out to the tall man dressed in all black, an ornate cane grasped tightly in his hand.
But Matthias only had eyes for the woman standing beside the man— Brekker, apparently.
The second he laid eyes on her, everything else fell away.
“Nina.” Her name tore from his throat, an agonized whisper.
“Matthias.” Her response was just as quiet, just as heartbroken and full of longing.
since sunday is almost over just consider this a tag for next week <3
tagging: @bigfootsmom, @morganofthefairies, @dykemunson, @fatedbuddie, @swiftiebuckleys, @alinamal, @maygrantgf
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theriverdiary · 1 year
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker/Jesper Fahey Characters: Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Nina Zenik Additional Tags: Crush at First Sight, Pining, POV Jesper Fahey, Implied Relationships, Falling In Love, Developing Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Jesper Fahey Has ADHD, References to Canon, References to Addiction, Canon Disabled Character, no beta we die like jordie, Mild Sexual Content, Angst, Reflection, Complicated Relationships, Jesper Fahey & Inej Ghafa Friendship, Everyone Needs A Hug, Self-Worth Issues, Hurt Jesper Fahey, Jesper Fahey Needs a Hug, Kaz Brekker is Trying, Wylan Van Eck Loves Jesper Fahey, Pre-Poly, Idiots in Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, polycrows origin, POV Kaz Brekker, Kaz Brekker Has Feelings, healing together, One Big Happy Family Summary:
Jesper was enchanted with Wylan's eyes. They were consuming his thoughts, reaching into his heart and replacing old, hopeless wishes with softer, happier ones. Ones he could almost see coming true. Almost. If only he'd managed to notice where, or on whom, those eyes always seemed to linger.. it might've spared him what he's feeling right now.
 In which Jesper Fahey, the hopeful farmboy, chose the wrong person to care about, again. Or did he?
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New Thought on Season 2 of Shadow and Bone (and resulting fan fics): I'm total behind OT3s if that's your thing, and I've read some interesting Darknikolina fic... maybe it's because I only read TGT, but Nikolai really feels like a Tabula Rasa character in the trio, where the writer/reader can project pretty much anything onto him and have it still be considered in character.
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
@waterloou Thank youuuu! 💕 Here's a little sneak peek at my nearly complete WIP ft. a drunk and jealous Wylan, forced to watch Jesper's back while he's on a fake date with a mark:
He took another swig of ale and licked the foam slowly off his top lip as he narrowed his eyes at Daan, who had placed a hand on Jesper’s shoulder, laughing loudly at something he’d said— Daan’s chest heaved from the force of his laughter and the topmost button of his shirt worked loose, exposing more of his neck—long and white like a swan with a terrible case of mites, every feather chewed away to its miserable root, leaving pink spots behind. Wylan tipped back the ale.
Send me a flower (if you want a SAB WIP snippet)
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desidarling123 · 1 year
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Summary: Inej takes Matthias out on a proper date several weeks after a heated encounter at the gym. What the night holds, however, comes as a surprise to both.
Author's Note: This was written for @feelinglikecleopatra as a part of the BOTB Winter Fic Exchange 2022! And is inspired by her Inej x Matthias chapter in Zero Sum Games, so give that a read first.
Happy 2023! To another great year of writing for rarepairs ;)
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En un momento
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The Darkling x Alina Starkov
Sometimes, Ivan came to find out, family meant the child you found in the woods, your boyfriend-lover/husband, a cat with too much personality for its own good, and a stray General who is also your boss.
But life could be a lot worse.
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claracivry · 1 year
Added a post canon Kanej coma episode (x) to my hurt Kaz fic! Would love to hear your thoughts!
Also cleaned up some of the mistakes/missing words on chaps 8, 9 and 10 (the post season 2 ones), just so you know ;)
Come get your Kaz whumpppp
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quillsthrills · 1 year
Chapter 3 of my attempt to blend book canon with show changes is up, and it is time to enter the Fjerda and the Ice Court. But what will compel Inej to climb six stories in the dark when she already found – and lost a little faith – her purpose?
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Nina Zenik, Matthias Helvar, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck Additional Tags: Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Touch Aversion, Healing, Love, soft kanej, Kanej - Freeform, Friendship, Crows, Canon Compliant, Inej Ghafa-centric, Kanej-centric Summary:
Inej has left her friends to hunt slavers and search for her family, but when a cryptic letter arrives she makes a decision that will once again alter the course of her life. On a journey touched by danger and death, will she find the strength to heal and the courage to love?
This story starts at the end of Shadow and Bone S2 and encompasses my vision for season 3 from Inej's point of view. The aim is to comply with the SoC duology canon, except for where the show has already deviated.
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa
Characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa
Additional Tags: Touch, Touch Aversion, Talking, ITS ABOUT THE YEARNING, im bastardizing the plot of the show for my own means, just as the writers of the show bastardized the plot of the books for their own means, as god intended i do
Summary: “And what do you want, Kaz?” she asks, taking a step towards him.
“To be—”
“—To be buried under the weight of your money, I know, I’ve heard it before,” she interrupts, an edge to her voice. He has made her feel wild and untethered, made her feel small and weak, made her feel like she has the world held at the point of her blade. Perhaps it is time to make him feel something, too. “But that can’t be it. That can’t be everything.”
“It is.”
She shakes her head. “It isn’t.” She is so close to him now; she could reach out and touch him, if she wanted. She could pull his gloves from his hands, see if they are covered in blood the way the rumours say they are. She could see if Dirtyhands is truly a name that he has earned. “What do you want, Kaz?”
“I…” He stares down at her, his eyes on her mouth. It is not an answer, not really, but it is something, it is a step, a clue.
OR; kaz and inej, after shu han
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lostinthelightss · 2 years
honey (lover, ch. 13)
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If Nina thought Matthias had a stick up his ass - and she certainly did, and reminded him of this observation at just about every opportunity she could - then she must have found his grandmother to be the most tightly wound woman she’d ever met...
If Nina thought Matthias had a stick up his ass - and she certainly did, and reminded him of this observation at just about every opportunity she could - then she must have found his grandmother to be the most tightly wound woman she’d ever met. When they’d arrived the night before, Mormor had ushered Nina into Matthias’s childhood bedroom and then promptly informed Matthias that the couch was sufficient enough for him. There would be no staying in the same room under her roof, not that they’d expected anything less.
Now, with the sun streaming through the lace window coverings into the homely kitchen, she’d managed to rope Nina into helping with the day’s preparations and subsequently banished Matthias back to the couch. That had earned him a darkened glare from Nina, but all he could do was shrug. She might have only come up to Nina’s shoulders, but his grandmother was a traditional force to be reckoned with.
He watched her now, clad in one of the many aprons his grandmother had made over the years, a soft baby blue colour that was about as contrasting as it possibly could be from her usual trademarked scarlet. Her brow was furrowed as she concentrated on the instructions Mormor was giving her now, and even Matthias struggled to keep up as his grandmother listed off several ingredients and their corresponding measurements at top speed.
Honungsbom wasn’t a difficult recipe, as far as Matthias knew, though he’d never made it himself, but he knew exactly how much experience Nina had in the kitchen, and wasn’t the least bit surprised when her first step - measuring out the honey - started as a complete disaster. The mouth of the jar tapered in, and as she turned it over and shook it in an attempt to measure out the correct amount, Matthias watched in horror as, almost in slow motion, three large blobs of honey fell out consecutively. The first landed in the cup by sheer luck, but the second hit the edge of it, sending the rest of it tumbling across the kitchen, while the third plopped directly onto the counter, sending droplets of honey splattering onto Nina’s face.
It was all he could do not to burst out laughing as she blinked in surprise and his grandmother let out a string of curse words he’d only ever heard when she was chastising him for ruining the garden she’d deluded herself into thinking would ever grow in the Fjerdan cold.
“Dje janin ess! Din trassel!”
Nina immediately began to apologize as she grabbed a nearby washcloth to clean up the utter mess she’d made, and Matthias finally stood, making his way to join them. But before he could, his grandmother levelled him with an icy stare.
“You sit down, boy. Men do not belong in my kitchen.”
Ignoring her, he leaned down to place a kiss on the top of her head. “Perhaps, Mormor, but I’ll be much more of a help than Nina is.”
“Bah! Ravkan girl make you soft, unge.”
But to her credit, she didn’t make any more of a fuss, and by the time the honey was all cleaned up, the three of them continued with the recipe, with Matthias overseeing Nina’s efforts and his grandmother explaining each step as if they were children. It was nice, he mused as he worked alongside the two most important women in his life, to be part of something so peaceful and domestic. Every few minutes he would sneak a honey sweetened kiss from Nina, and though his grandmother would scoff at the impropriety of it all, by the time the honungsbom came out of the oven, she seemed to have softened, and the three of them ate the cakes warm from the oven and slathered in butter, just as Matthias had done when he was younger. Perhaps it was just that it had been so long since Matthias had eaten traditional Fjerdan food, or perhaps it was the company, but the honungsbom tasted sweeter than it ever had.
. . . . .
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