#saga familiar
eva248 · 7 months
Lecturas de noviembre. Segunda semana
Ultima salida para Brooklyn / Hubert Selby Jr. Editorial Anagrama Compactos, 2005 Éste es un libro consagrado esencialmente a la violencia que desgarra a una sociedad sin amor. A lo largo de seis historias, cuya unidad de intención y escenario hacen aplicable el término de novela, Hubert Selby investiga implacablemente las causas de dicha violencia, las «razones» de quienes la imponen y la…
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robindaydream · 5 months
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freezebobs · 3 months
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KNOCK EM OUT GOKU!!!!! 🍉🇵🇸💥💥💥
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hikukastel · 2 years
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scampizoid · 8 months
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my fate the winx saga woulda been so good and full of bisexuals who were not evil. the vaping can stay. #justicefortecna
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agentark · 1 year
R Verner, opening their mouth: 😎😏😉
S Dorran, milliseconds later: 🤨😑🤔
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exhibit a
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exhibit b sofia, we're all about to die can you roast ruby later
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pussymasterdooku · 3 months
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have about 60% of a single functioning hand these days and got tired of humiliating myself trying to open pill bottles when eva’s in the office so she fixed me up good with Easy Open Mini Ricotta Container Filled With Ritalin And Ibuprofen. accessibility win!
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patch-ie · 11 months
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barbie cnut the great doodles
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pinkomcranger · 4 months
(another messege on saga)
The saga hate is 100% racism, sadly, and its sad how these ppl refuse to accept it. Like, i wasnt sure about thr beggining - i waited for a sequel for 13 years and now i have this new character taking the larger role in the story. But the game was good, story was good, she was fine. But now these ppl want her gone or erased, "only alan parts were good!!" What??? They are the same!!! I loved alans gameplay (execpt the teleporting enemies) but i dont believe you would hate sagas gameplay if you loved that one, its like, the same.
As in all recent gaming sheres, it makes me mad becuse there are critiscsm to talk about, real discussion, but it gets buried under these fuckers. Cant tall about my issues withiut some stupid guy busting in to complain about black pepole in his games, thinking we are the same. Im so more confident in my decision of cutting on all these sites.
I can't see any other reason to ignore Saga than racism, and I was FULLY aware it would be a problem, but I only expected it from gamer bros crying that it was Alan Woke now, and their fav white man was replaced with an unnecessary black woman. I could handle that because I've been seeing it for YEARS, but I always discounted them just for the fact I knew that they would never see beyond their surface level woes and wouldn't actually be in the fandom proper.
Their racism was loud and proud but it didn't hurt me or concern me. It elicited nothing more than an eye roll because nothing was going to satisfy them the second Saga was created anyway, even if she WASN'T black. I'm not even going to get into their reaction to Abby from The Last of Us 2.
Covert racism is the shittiest because you're thinking, ooh tumblr! this is where I'm going to find the GOOD stuff, this is where I'm gonna see people that played the game, are content creators and are going to overthrow the gamer bros because they're not blinded by the white man being joined by a black woman who's equally awesome.
I was wrong. I was a case of not being nervous at the idea of Alan being replaced in his own game after waiting 13 years because I didn't get to play AW1 or AN because I didn't have an Xbox. My older brother did, but I could only play at certain times, so I just didn't bother with AW.
That changed with AW2, the funny thing is that I didn't have the time to buy it until last month. I've focused solely on watching playthroughs, so Saga was written so well that I didn't NEED to play the game to be able to relate to her and adore her.
I'm not the least bit worried about the gameplay and I KNOW that's just an excuse to complain about Saga. It sucks that the content creators obsessed with FBI Alex Casey won't just admit they don't find the black woman appealing. I think that's a stupid as fuck opinion and not worth entertaining but at LEAST be honest about it!
FBI Alex Casey wouldn't be even a tenth of a bit interesting if he wasn't paired with Saga for the majority of his time. And that's the rub of it. I love Saga's Casey, but I wouldn't enjoy him if he was on his own, or if he and Saga's places had been reversed.
Saga could star in her own spin-off game dedicated solely to her backstory and her problems independent of Alan, and you'd find a treasure trove of things to talk about with her. But you're not getting that now, because "ohmergerd Alan is so hot with Casey!" When that was never the point.
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eva248 · 9 months
Lecturas de septiembre. Segunda semana
La mano armada / Carlos Pérez Merinero. Editorial Grupo Terra Trivium, 2020 Yo al señor que escribe La mano armada voy y lo fusilo porque no se puede consentir, aunque como lector necesito leer ese libro una vez al año�� por perversión o lo que sea. Y como no hay otros lo tengo que escribir yo. Hay mucha intencionalidad en La mano armada. Ya había muchas novelas no policiacas que tenían el…
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tbookblurbs · 6 months
The Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings #1)
4.5/5 - Delightful, light entrance into the trilogy, plot gets lost sometimes
I have read the entire LotR trilogy so many times that it could be considered embarrassing. I've also taken a course dedicated to Tolkien's works so when I say I could write essays on a topic, trust that I have already.
I really enjoy a number of aspects in this book, with the first among them being the introduction to hobbits. I've never encountered another fantasy author that's introduced the species/race of their main character in such a way and I find it so charming. Classic favorites of this installation of the trilogy include Moria and the Balrog, Galadriel in the woods of Lothlorien, and, of course, the breaking of the Fellowship.
One of the things that always strikes me about this book is the way that Frodo embodies such simple heroism. He's doing this because it happened upon him, but he's willing to put his life in danger for others. It's something that is so small and seen in almost every hero of an adventure, but knowing Frodo's fate just makes it feel so much larger.
Tom Bombadil still confuses me as a character, but taking random things in stride is essential to Tolkien. A long novel, but one well worth taking the time to read even once, if only because knowing the depth in the books makes watching the films that much more enjoyable.
My one con, as always, with Tolkien is that there are hardly any women, but the ones that are present are interesting conceptually. They don't get a lot of screentime though.
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(3 minutes before this)
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“Wow, I can’t believe you are a Rimi fan. You must be from our universe then…”
“Of course, burney… Name’s Fuegia, what bout yours?”
“Oh, mine’s Wil. It’s nice to see ya, Fueg-”
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Soon they both hear the screams from the familiar voice. Wil got distracted from the second.
“Are ya alright, dude?”
“Y-yeah… but… I gotta go… Catch ya later!” He starts to run to the dancing hall.
He sees Linda is walking while she's upset.
[ Features Fuegia from my other blog @eevee-crossing ]
To be continued…
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
new asmr challenge idea I read you nightlight the twilight parody and try desperately not to laugh my ass off
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and yes, i will give them each their own voices and sing the song
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Feel like I remember there being something about Levi and Ik calling each other 'bestie' as an inside joke. Think. Nightbringer Ik slips up and calls Levi 'bestie'. She doesn't notice the mistake but Levi for some reason immediately feels the need to burst into tears
levi doesn't know how to handle the fuzzies, so he tries to rationalise it by assuming that it's just a human thing. the next time he sees ik he's like "hey there um. uh. b. bestie"
only for ik to look at him like O_O because she doesn't remember slipping up like that, so from her perspective levi's just brought up an inside joke from thousands of years in the future
they keep the joke though :) they are besties across all of time and space
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Skirge Familiar
The first Yawgmoth priest to harness their power was rewarded with several unique mutilations.
Artist: Ron Spencer TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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armulyn · 1 year
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Mr. Peterson, sir, I would pay actual money for you to finish this story. Seriously, this is killing me.
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