#sam winchesterx reader
keiththecat · 1 year
Admissible (Part Two)
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female Reader (You)
Summary: You've always hunted alone. That is, until Bobby sends you on a hunt near the Winchester brothers. How will things change when they come to help?
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+, series typical violence and monsters, weapons, cursing, groping/ almost sexual assault, self-doubt/ self-esteem issues, character death, injuries, hurt/comfort
Author's Note: Warning! The groping and almost sexual assault is stopped, but it is at the beginning of this part. I have marked the end of the section to skip with <>. (Be warned, the section to be skipped starts right at the beginning of this part!) I have also put a small summary at the very end of this part to explain what you need to know about the part that is skipped. (So if you're skipping the start, scroll down to the end, read the short summary, and come back up to the <>). Feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns about anything. Y/N is your name, and feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the love so far! <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. This work of fan fiction is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit of any kind from this story. All rights of the original Supernatural series belong to The CW Network.
Part One
AO3 link here
You’ve been patted down, fingerprinted, photographed, and now you’re sitting handcuffed to the table in an interrogation room in front of Officers Davis and Johnson. Davis is the ray of sunshine that arrested you and processed you, getting a little too handsy when patting you down and taking your weapons and belongings. Johnson is a very tall and gaunt man in his 60s with the worst dark circles you’ve ever seen. He also looks like he hasn’t seen sunlight in probably the last five years. Desk jobs will do that to you, I guess. Davis is the one doing all the talking, leering at you.
“So here’s what we know,” Davis says, counting offenses on his fingers, “You’re not FBI. In fact, the name on your badge is completely fake. You had illegal knives on you and an illegal unregistered pistol. And you were caught around two of the families who have already had members killed recently. Sure does make us wonder who you are and what you were doing.”
Missus Miller must have been the one who called them. You stay silent, knowing that it’s your best bet. They won’t find an ID by searching your prints, but they will likely find them tied to other crime scenes, just due to the nature of your job as a hunter. They won’t find any record of the pistol, the serial numbers have been filed off for years. You send up a prayer to anything listening that they won’t find anything serious enough to keep you for more than a few days. 
“You would be smart to talk to us, explain some of this. Maybe if you gave us some answers, we could help,” Davis says.
You know he’s lying. The last thing you want to do is dig this hole any deeper. You smirk at him, then look at the ceiling and start counting the tiles to kill the time.
The officers sit, watching you for several more minutes. Davis continues trying to get you to talk, you continue ignoring him. This is going to be a very boring few days. I hope the boys can figure everything out and kill whatever it is before it gets anyone else. I hope they’re doing okay.
“I don’t think she’s talking, man. I’m taking a few,” Johnson gets up and walks out, leaving you alone with Davis.
After a moment, Davis gets out of his seat, moving around to lean on your side of the table. He places his hand on your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Just us now, sweetheart.” You glance at the camera in the corner of the room and notice the red recording light is no longer on. He’s leaning closer and you’re trying to decide if you can get away with headbutting him, adding assault to your charges, when there’s a knock at the door. Davis drops his hand as the door opens and Sam walks in. 
“I certainly hope you haven’t been questioning my client without me, Officer,” Sam says, practically spitting out the last word. “I trust she has been informed of her rights and any charges against her?”
Davis moves away from you, “You’re her attorney?”
“I am, and I need a moment with my client. Thank you,” Sam leaves no room for discussion, taking a seat across from you and looking at Davis expectantly. 
Davis looks between the two of you for a moment, then scoffs and goes to leave. 
“And make sure all recording devices to this room are off,” Sam calls after him.
Davis grumbles under his breath, closing the door behind him, leaving you alone with Sam.
“Not that I don’t appreciate you being here, because I do,” you say, “but why aren’t you still out there hunting this thing? I can handle a day or two in jail-”
“Y/N,” Sam cuts you off, “I’m here. I’m getting you out of here. Dean is working on it. He can handle himself for a few hours. Besides, I saw how that creep was with you, I’m definitely not leaving you here. They’d probably have you here for longer than a couple days, impersonating a federal officer is a felony. Anyway, I’ve called in some help. What do they have of yours? Anything we can leave behind?”
You tell him about your weapons, holsters, and phone. He nods, looking up and seeming to think to himself for a moment. He pulls out a small kit from his pocket and picks the lock on your handcuffs, finally freeing your wrists. You reflexively rub at the red skin. “You seem strangely comfortable here,” you comment.
“Yeah, I was on my way to becoming a lawyer before... well, just before.” He stands, coming to your side of the table. “Ready?”
“Um, I guess?” you answer, “Want to fill me in on this plan of yours?”
You hear what sounds like wings fluttering, you register a hand on your shoulder, and the next instant, you’re standing inside your hotel room. Sam is still in front of you, “yeah. That’s my plan. Meet Castiel,” Sam gestures behind you.
You turn around, looking into comforting blue eyes. A man stands in front of you, messy dark brown hair, wearing a suit and tan trench coat. “Hello, Y/N. It’s nice to meet you,” he says. “You’ll find your belongings on the bed. Don’t worry, I disabled their cameras. They were not able to see me retrieving your things or us leaving.”
“Oh, wow, um, thanks,” you stutter out. “I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but who are you? What are you? How did you do that?”
Castiel takes it all in stride, “Not rude at all, Y/N. I would expect you to be curious. I am Castiel, an angel.”
“Oh. Okay.” That’ll take some getting used to. “Thank you, Castiel.”
“Of course, Y/N. Any friend of Sam and Dean is a friend of mine. Pray to me if you should need help again,” he says, then nods at Sam and disappears.
“I can send you his cell number, too,” Sam says, pulling out his phone.
“He’s an angel with a cell phone?” you ask, starting to pick up your things and put your weapons back in their places on your body.
“Yeah,” Sam says, “he’s basically one of us but with perks.”
Sam’s phone rings and he answers, “Hey Dean, you’re on speaker. Y/N is here.”
“You busted out already? That was fast,” Dean says.
“We had some help. I called Cas,” Sam tells him. “What’d you find out?”
“Well, Sam, remember the bank in Milwaukee?”
“A shifter?”
“You betcha. All dealt with. I’m on my way back to the motel now. You guys need a ride?”
Hearing it’s over, you let their voices trail off and sink down onto the edge of the bed. I stupidly got caught, Sam had to save me, and Dean finished the case. Maybe I’m not good enough for this job after all. You realize Sam is no longer on the phone and is looking at you in concern. “You okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” you try to convince yourself.
You can tell he doesn’t believe you, but he doesn’t push the issue. He goes to watch out the window for his brother. A few minutes later, the Impala is pulling up outside and Dean is knocking on the door.
“Alright, Princess, I figured out what is wrong with your car. I can get it up and running in the morning, should be able to have you out of town by noon, “ he says, making himself comfortable on the chair across the room.
“Sounds good. Thanks, Dean. What do I owe you?”
“Hmmm,” he taps his chin, thinking, “I’ll consider us even if you buy me some pie at that diner.”
“That’s it?” You ask. He nods. You smirk, “Wow, you’re easier than they say. Deal. Let’s go.”
You end up at the diner, all having a slice of pie, Dean filling you in on the details of the shifter. Apparently Missus Miller was the shifter, or rather the shifter was pretending to be Missus Miller. Dean went back to question her, and she recoiled when he shook her hand. “Silver ring,” Dean explained, holding up his right hand and wiggling his fingers in the air. He was able to draw his silver knife and stab her in the heart before she could attack him. “Reflexes like a cat,” Dean bragged, mouth full of pie. You can’t help but smile at him.
You all finish your pie and pile back into the Impala to go back to your rooms for the night. Once again, you can feel both of them watching you during the drive. You do your best to ignore it, watching the streetlights pass by outside.
Outside your rooms, Dean promises to text you when he’s done with your car tomorrow. You thank him, say goodnight to the brothers, and head into your room for the night.
You strip down, deciding to take a bath to unwind. With the bath full of warm water, you sink in and hear your phone go off.
[Sam 9:52PM: You doing okay?]
[Y/N 9:53PM: Doing fine, sunshine. Why?]
[Sam 9:53PM: You’ve seemed off since Dean’s phone call earlier.]
Yeah, I’ve seemed off. I should be able to do this job by myself. I have been able to, until now. I shouldn’t have to rely on you and your brother and your angel friend to save my ass and finish my case.
[Sam 9:55PM: You know you’re one of the best hunters out there, right?]
You let his message go unanswered again. After a few more minutes, you decide to call it a night. You get out of the bathtub, dry yourself off, and put on your favorite pajamas. You’re crawling into bed when you hear a knock at the door. You get up and look through the peephole, seeing Sam standing there in black sweatpants and a long-sleeved grey henley. You sigh and open the door, “Yes, Sam?”
“You stopped answering, so I figured you could use a pick-me-up,” he holds up the bags in his hands, small smile on his face and dimples peeking out. Damn that smile and those dimples. You step out of the way, letting him inside. He comes in, emptying the bags onto the small table while you close and lock the door. “So, I brought ice cream: Phish Food and Americone Dream. I also got some Kit-Kats and M&Ms. We can talk or watch some TV. I’ve also been told I give good hugs.”
You feel like you’re in shock. He just met you today. Sure, he had apparently heard about you from Bobby, but you’ve only known each other for about ten hours. So far in those ten hours, he has taken your sarcasm in stride, gotten you out of jail, went shopping for snacks for you, and is now standing in your room offering hugs. Either he’s insane, or I’ve stumbled upon the eighth wonder of the world. You’ve spent your entire life building walls around your heart, firmly believing that feelings lead to nothing but hurt or death. Somehow in less than half of a day, this man in front of you has managed to obliterate them, leaving you feeling more vulnerable than you ever thought possible.
He turns around, looking at you, unsure what to make of your silence. “Or I can leave. I mean, if you want to be alone-”
He’s cut off by you rushing forward into his chest, wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your head against his chest. My God, he’s solid like a tree. Once his brain catches up, his arms wrap around you too and he rests his chin on your head. He’s absolutely right, this is the best hug ever. He squeezes you a little and then runs his fingers through your hair. You feel all your muscles relaxing. You stay like this for a while, his hands switching between playing with your hair and rubbing circles on your back.
“I’m strong,” you whisper.
“I know,” he says.
“I can take care of myself.”
“You do,” he agrees. “And you’ll continue to. We’ve just joined in now.”
You pull back a little, tears forming in your eyes. You look at each other, his eyes flicking to your lips for a moment before returning to your eyes. You shy away, pulling out of his arms and clearing your throat. “This all seems very… not your taste, Mister Chicken Wrap,” you joke, gesturing to the sweets and trying to deflect.
He shrugs, “Not really yours either, Miss Salad. But sometimes a little sugar rush can be a good thing.”
You give him a small smile, greatly appreciating that he is willing to change topic, opening the M&Ms and pouring yourself a few before offering the bag to him. He takes the bag, pouring out a couple into his hand and popping one into his mouth.
You sit on the bed, back against the headboard, and pat the space beside you, "So, tell me all about the enigma that is Mister Sam Winchester."
He sits beside you, and you spend the next few hours trading questions and learning all the little things about each other. You learn that his favorite color is blue, he is full of knowledge about true crime and serial killers, and he hates clowns. He listens to The Smiths, Bon Jovi, and Celine Dion. He prefers to eat healthily, and he runs at least once a day to stay in shape. “There are so many unknowns in this world and so many things that can take you out, I refuse to let my cholesterol be what does it,” he reasons. You open up to him as well, telling him your favorite holiday, color, music, and foods. By the time 2AM rolls around, he has resorted to telling you terrible dad jokes.
“You know,” he says, sounding serious, “I’ve realized I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don’t know y.”
You groan and laugh at the same time, “Your jokes are terrible, Sam!”
“Oh, I’m well aware. But hey, they make you laugh,” he says, laughing and nudging your shoulder with his. 
Your laugh dying down, you rest your head against his shoulder and sigh. “I guess we should get some sleep.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, “you’re probably right.” He pats your head before getting up. You follow him to the door and when he turns around to say his goodbye, you wrap your arms around him again. “Thank you, Sam. You’re kind of alright, I guess.”
He laughs a little, “yeah, you too, I suppose.” You think you feel the ghost of his lips on the top of your head before he pulls away from the embrace. With a smile and small wave, he closes the door, leaving you alone but your heart feeling lighter than it ever has. You crawl under the covers, smiling to yourself and sending one more message before turning out the lights.
[Y/N 2:09AM: Goodnight, Sam.]
[Sam 2:09AM: Goodnight, Y/N.]
<> You have been arrested and are being questioned in an interrogation room by two officers, Davis (who arrested you) and Johnson. You stay silent throughout their questioning, despite their threats and their attempts to coerce you into talking. Johnson leaves, and Sam enters shortly after.
Part Three
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Seen ✓ - 1
REWRITE OF “Can You See The Stars”
Pairing: Sam x Fem!Reader Warnings: fear of being kidnapped Word Count: 2.4k Series Summary: On her way home, Y/n finds an abandoned, cracked phone on the sidewalk. Anxious about the well-being of its owner, she picks it up and texts the first contact she finds; Sam.  A/N:This is my second attempt at the story everyone loved, with an actual pllot in mind this time. So, attempt number two, better writing, better story. Have at it kids.
I have tagged the old taglist for this first part. Let me know if you wanna be removed/ added
Beta: The lovely @percywinchester27​ . Thank you so so much hon :) Masterlist
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Chapter One: you sure know how to fuck me up on a friday night
Y/n   |  Sam
The road to independence is uphill, and Y/n knows this better than anyone. She’s done it all. She’s gone through jobs at a similar speed with which she goes through books, worked two or more of them, while also studying for college… She knows how it works, and it’s really fucking difficult to balance emotional baggage the size of a city, an underage sister and college, while also trying to keep, not only yourself, but another person, alive, under a safe roof with food in your stomachs.
Currently, she’s only working one job, at a dive bar owned by a friend of a friend as a waitress.
It’s a difficult job, and Y/n has struggled with it, but the hardest part is not the endless knowledge one needs to mix drinks –on the nights Joel takes time off and she has to take his spot behind the bar- or the carrying up to twenty pounds of glasses and drinks and delivering them at the right table without soaking herself or anyone else with copious amounts of alcohol. Any minimum wage worker will tell you the same thing- clients of any kind fucking suck. Especially if you’re a young woman at a dive bar after midnight.
Another thing she’s struggled with is not having too much money, which is why she’s needed multiple jobs in the past, so she has to use public transport- buses specifically, to go to and from work. And that is exactly where she finds herself, a couple hours after midnight, at her bus stop, five minutes from the bar, when she finds a phone which, unbeknownst to her, will flip her world upside down.
It sits on the pavement of the bus stop, limp and sad. The screen is cracked a significant amount, and for a second she figures someone got rid of it and was too much of an asshole to throw it in the trash. But the second that thought crosses her mind, the screen lights up with a concerning text.
dude where the fuck are you?!
The contact reads “Sam”, and Y/n stands over the phone staring at it. She’s concerned. What if the phone’s owner is in trouble? The device may have fallen from their pocket on the pavement and cracked because they were running from someone and never made it home, and now whoever is texting them is worried for their well-being. Anxiety grips her heart.
It’s instinct that brings her to kneel down and pick it up. She can’t possibly know when the owner lost it, or how long the phone has been sitting there, but there’s an overwhelming urge to contact this Sam person and let them know what’s going on. Of course, the voice in Y/n’s head tells her that this all could just be a product of her anxiety, but it beats leaving it there and having it be stolen by a passerby.
Whatever, right? Best case scenario, she contacts the owner, who is perfectly safe and sound, and they take their phone back. She’s not really planning to pocket it. It’s fairly damaged anyways. Her own three year old, beat-up, 100$ phone is in better condition.
The bus arrives, and Y/n picks up the phone and boards it.
As she sits in her usual seat in the back, alone in the bus apart from an elderly man asleep with his head on a window and a cap on his head near the front, she starts speculating, eyes glued to the black device in her hands. Who’s the owner? Who is Sam to them? Perhaps a partner? A friend? How did the owner lose their phone? Why would this Sam sound so concerned, and most importantly, is the owner okay?
The heavy weight of dread weighs her chest at the thought of the phone’s owner being in trouble and without a phone. She must contact Sam immediately.
Hey, is this Sam?
As she awaits for a response, her curiosity is killing her. The intrigued part of her, reasons that she should snoop, it’s alright, she’s only looking for more information about the owner. Like whether or not they’re a woman or a man- which, sadly, matters when you’re walking alone in dark streets like the ones around this area- and perhaps their age –because, again, it matters if they are a teenager or a forty-year old adult.
The lack of passcode indicates someone older, with nothing to hide, or perhaps someone less technologically savvy, again, someone who may not be very young. The lockscreen is the most popular Led Zeppelin icon, and she instantly respects their music taste, and the home screen is some generic western movie from the 90s with Clint Eastwood. The chances of this belonging to someone younger further decline.
There’s a grand total of four downloaded apps in the phone. There’s an email app, a scrabble app, a microphone recorder and a dating app, no other sign of social media. Someone over 18 years old, definitely.
Soon, she’s tapping on the dating app, and opening their profile page. Holy shit, she thinks.
A guy, the tall, dark and handsome kind. Spiky hair and a smolder-like smile, sharp edges everywhere on his face apart from his gentle, olive-shaped and colored eyes. His lips are full, his nose straight, and his eyelashes long, dark and thick. He’s a real-life dreamboat, the kind you see in movies and Cosmopolitan articles about sex. He’s sitting on a black muscle car, a Chevrolet, with his thick thighs barely contained in blue jeans.
Dean Winchester, the app writes. 28. Male. Likes: old cars, beer, hard rock, westerns, she figured that much, bacon burgers. Dislikes: pop music, modern horror movies, uncomfortable beds. Not looking for anything serious, just a night of fun ;), and wow, okay, he sounds a bit like a dick. The very Red-blooded American Male kind, that enjoys BBQs and winking at women from across the bar. She’s had enough of those during her line of work; she can recognize them from a mile away.
Whatever the case, her moral compass couldn’t allow her to pass up on the opportunity to possibly help someone in trouble. She ignores her urge to roll her eyes, and scrolls a little, finding other pictures of the same guy, when suddenly two separate notifications appear, the phone itself vibrating. One is from the app, which has now received a picture from this girl, Jamie, one which she certainly doesn’t plan on opening, seeing as it’s followed by a winky face. The second one is from Sam.
jesus dean how drunk are you
yes it’s sam. your brother? remember?
No, this isn’t Dean, uh.
My name is Y/n. Your brother lost his phone at a bus stop, near a bar.
i should’ve figured. dean rarely ever uses punctuation.
nice to meet you i guess
Nice to meet you, too.
So basically, uhm, I thought you might help me return his phone to him? I got worried, because this was dumped on the sidewalk, I thought he may be in trouble or something.
knowing him he probably dropped it while being too shitfaced to function.
gotta admit i’m impressed though. most people would’ve pocketed it by now.
I mean, it’s not much use to me with such a cracked screen haha.
yeah i guess.
i don’t know about getting it back to him though. i’m in kansas right now so i’m not close by. i don’t think i can help you.
he doesn’t use social media either.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this phone then?
keep it probably.
You sure there’s no other way I can reach him?
i mean i can give you his email but i’m not sure he’ll respond.
I’ll take it. Thank you :)
no problem :)
As she looks up the bus stops, and she quickly realizes this is her stop. Throwing profanities loudly enough to wake the older man at the front of the bus, she scrambles for her things, haphazardly thrown in the seat next to her, and gets off the bus. She pats herself down, making sure she hasn’t forgotten anything as the doors of the bus shut, and starts down the road to her apartment complex.
She could probably navigate this road blind. There are many ways to reach the apartment she’s renting from the bus stop, but her favorite goes through the park. It’s a large area, full of big trees with thick foliage and leaves that brown in the fall. The paths are paved and winded, and the park benches are stained with dark wood stain and curve comfortably. She enjoys coming here in evenings she has off, watching the sun descend behind the top of the trees with a good book.
The air smells like oncoming rain now, and with headphones deep in her ears, she walks taking deep breaths and enjoying the clear atmosphere that seems so unlike the roads that surround the park. As soon as she spots the first raindrop falling from the sky, she pulls her hood over her head and smiles.
It’s minutes later, when single drops have picked up to a drizzle, that she gets a sinking feeling, her hair standing up on edge at the back of her neck, shoulders knotting closer to her ears. Someone is close to her.
With the wire pinched between her thumb and index, she pulls one earbud off and pays attention to the surrounding sounds. Sure enough there’s a second pair of footsteps behind her.
Fuck, if she gets kidnapped or attacked right now, she’s fucked. There are no witnesses, and at this time of night screaming for help would be futile. She checks her bag, but her paper spray is nowhere to be found.
Yeah. Definitely fucked.
Her hands go deep in her pockets, going for her phone, but as she hears the footsteps behind her picking up speed along with hers, she panics and grabs Dean’s instead. She doesn’t look for her own, there’s no time for that, so she does the first thing she thinks of.
She texts Sam.
I think I’m being followed.
wait what’s going on? are you okay? who’s following you?
I’m walking home from work. I can’t see who it is, but they’re definitely on my tail.
how are you even typing right now??
is there any buildings around?  somewhere public to get in?
It’s 3 am. Everything is shut and I’m in the middle of a fucking park, Sam.
Fuck, I’m fucked.
what are you doing at 3 am in the middle of a fucking park then?!
A hand falls on her shoulder and she goes to scream, before she’s quickly spun around. Her free hand is curled in a fist, ready to fall on the attacker’s nose, when they speak.
“Y/n! I thought it was you!”
“Connor?!” She squints and pushes her hair away from her forehead, heart just about ready to fail out of the fright she’s gotten. “Fuck’s sake, dude, what the fuck are you doing sneaking up on me in the middle of the night like this?!” Rain still falls on her, grounding her to the present, the fact she won’t have to fight for her life and corporeal integrity sinking in slowly.
Her neighbor smiles a crooked smile, watching her place a hand over her heart and taking a deep breath. His fluffy blonde hair is damp under the light rain, light green eyes glowing under the street lights. She’s so angry at him right now, she legitimately thought she was gonna die for a second there.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” he says, dropping his hand from her shoulder. “I didn’t think to call out to you.” A shrug.
“It’s okay,” it’s really not, but there’s no point in staying angry at him. Besides, she figures she’ll be a little safer with him walking next to her all the way back to their apartment complex.
On the way back, they catch up. Connor is back in town after a long week and a half at his sister’s wedding. He’s in a brand new relationship with the guy he’s been pining over for like 9 months now, and he got a job at the bookstore, close to their building, he’s starting next week. He was out for a drink, he offers as an explanation, and was returning home, when he bumped into her. The park is also his favorite route to take.
The key dangles from her hands and finds a home in the lock and twists, while Y/n waves at her neighbor.
“Have a good night, Connor.”
“You too, Y/n.” It’s delivered with a wink and a bright smile.
The motions of dropping her bag by the kitchen counter, dumping the keys in the small bowl and hanging her coat on the hanger are delivered on autopilot in quick succession. Shoes toed off, hair pulled out of her lazy bun, she falls unceremoniously on her thrifted couch, feet suspended on the hand rest. Emmy must be asleep, the only lights on in the house are the fairy lights over the couch, setting a soft glow over the furniture. Y/n sighs. What a day.
Seconds before she falls asleep on the couch, a phone vibrates and it’s definitely not her own. Her eyes snap wide open, and she curses, fumbling with Dean’s device.
The messages are seven, and they all share the same panicked tone. Upon reading them, Y/n facepalms and curses, guilt weighing her down. Poor guy.
what’s going on?
are you okay?
what the hell is going on.
you’re not replying.
please text me if you’re safe.
My God, Sam, I’m so sorry.
It was a neighbor/friend, he sneaked up on me.
you sure know how to fuck me up on a friday night.
I’m genuinely so sorry, Sam, I had no idea it was him.
it’s okay
you were scared.
i am starting to question your choice in friends though.
Y/n grins for the first time that day. It’s wide and full. Sam sounds like a guy she’d hang out with.
Hahahah yeah.
I promise, Connor’s odd, but he means well.
well i have to go
but i’m glad you’re safe
Again, I’m really sorry to make you go through that.
it’s fine really.
Thank you.
Goodnight :)
Night :)
Part 2
A/N 2: Tell me how you’re liking the rewrite! 
Old Can You See The Stars taglist: @shutupiminlooove​ @sammysgirl1997​ @kymberlytorres​ @bambi95-blog​ @demonic-meatball​ @thekarliwinchester​ @littlekay15​ @li-m-ii​  @thinspo-isuppose​ @carryonmywaywarddemigodwitch @ellen-reincarnated1967 @moonlitskinwalker​ @marichromatic​ @illuminatus42​ @lazy-author​ @mirandaaustin93​ @hauntedsiriel​ @pilaxia​ @devilgirlsarah​ @nobodys-baby-now​ @captiveties​ @calamitychaos @midiocris @wordswillscream​
Sam taglist @kymberlytorres @theboykingsam @depressed-moose-78 @andi-mendes-barnes​ @captainmarvelcorps​ @nerd-in-a-galaxy-far-away​ @nellachain​
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yeetwinchester2 · 5 years
Little Sister
Pairing: Dean x sister!reader(no incest), mention of Sam x sister!reader(no incest)
Summary: The Winchesters’ little sister feels like a burden and Dean comforts her.
Warnings: Crying(should that be considered a warning???), sadness, a bit of angst , thought of being a burden, i think thats it (let me know if there’s anything else I should include in the warnings)
Requested: yes/no
A/n: This is the first fic I’ve written, so bare with me if its a bit cringe worthy. It would also be a tremendous help if you were able to give me a little bit of feedback on how I can improve. Also, check out the bottom of the post and send requests!!! Thanks and ily! 🖤💚🖤
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Tears flowed down your cheeks as you walked into the old, dirty motel you and your brothers were staying in. The three of you usually try to make the sleeping situation work. The boys usually get the beds and you have to sleep in the dirty, smelly, stained couch. But you don’t always mind. In fact, you almost never care. As long as your brothers are somewhat content, you are too.
Like you expected, they weren’t there. You know they weren’t at a bar because its only 3:27pm, so you assumed they were doing their usual routine. Dean questions the victim(s) and witness(es) while Sam is either with Dean or doing research in a nearby library.
You sat at the table and pulled out your binder and textbook to start on some of the homework your science teacher assigned. You started to work, but also started to struggle. You couldn’t focus. Your mind was blank. No thoughts, no feelings, no emotions, nothing. Just emptiness. You knew what this was, but your brothers didn’t. You knew you had some kind of depression and anxiety, not as bad as it could be, but its not something that you think will just pass in a few days, or even weeks. No… this has been with you for probably about 6 months and your brothers don’t suspect a thing. You want to keep it that way too. You don’t want to have to be even more of a burden and have your brothers worry even more, so you kept quiet. You wiped away your tears and sat up straight, and attempted to finish your work.
“Oh hey, y/n.” Dean said, walking into the motel room in his FBI suit.
“Hey” you mumbled back, not wanted to talk.
“You okay, bug?” He said with concern in his voice.
���Yeah, just tired.” You used the lie that everyone uses, not putting in any effort to make up a different lie.
“You always say that. That’s not true is it? You’re not actually tired, are you?” Crap… he’s catching on…
“Uhh, no, I’m really just tired. I swear.” Now your anxiety was coming into play. You don’t know how he’d act if he found out.
“Don’t lie to me. I know something’s wrong. There’s been something off about you for a while now. You know you can talk to me and Sam, right? We’re here for you.”
“Yeah, I know I can talk to y'all, but it’s hard to sometimes.” I’m just gonna get it over with and tell him. What could go wrong, right?
“I know what you mean. When I got out of Hell, I refused to talk about it. But then Sam reminded me that we’re family and we’re here to take care of each other. So, y/n, please tell me what’s going on.”
“You really want to know what’s upsetting me?”
“Yeah, I really do. I wanna make sure that you’re okay.”
“I think I’m a burden to you and Sammy. I feel like I’m just in the way. You always worry about me and you take care of me and make sure I’m getting good grades and eating and getting sleep but you shouldn’t have to. You shouldn’t have to worry about me. I don’t matter. Not like you two do. You two have saved the world more times than I can count and I know that you’ll continue to do so until you breathe your final breath. But me, I don’t do anything. I sit here, in the motel room doing homework or something that has absolutely nothing to do with the case.” You were almost sobbing by now, while Dean watched you rant with tears in his green eyes.
“Y/n… that’s not true. None of th-” He started to talk, but you cut him off.
“No! Don’t lie to me! Don’t pity me and tell me that it’s not true when you know it is!” You hated being pitied. It made you feel worse about yourself.
“Y/n! Calm down and let me talk.” You knew he only yelled to get you to calm down, so you weren’t worried that he was mad.
“O-okay.” You wiped your tears with your sleeve and and tried to control you breathing as both of you walk over and sit on one of the beds. Dean wraps his arm around, you and you feel of his tears land on the top of your head. He’s crying… because he cares.
“Y/n, you are not a burden. Not even close. I think I can say that you are the best thing that has ever happened to both me and Sam, okay? We worry about you because we want what’s best for you. We make sure you get good grades so that you can go to college and do something with your life. If Sammy was here, I know he’d tell you the same exact thing. And believe it or not, me and Sammy have talked about it. You going to a good school and everything.”
You look up at him when he said this. “Really?”
“Yeah, we both agreed that we want you to get through highschool and go to a good college. We want you to get a good job, find a guy that we approve of, and mabye even have a couple kids. We want you to get out of this life y/n. That’s why we never ask you to go on hunts or help with a case, because we dont want you to get even the slightest bit involved more than you already are. You deserve better than this, y/n.”
You shocked to say the least. You always thought that they didn’t want you around, kr didn’t want your help, but they just wanted better for you. If you were being honest, everything Dean just told sounds like Heaven to most hunters, but you’re a Winchester, so you’re not ‘most hunters.’ You would enjoy being out of this hunting life, but you know it won’t happen. Again, you’re a Winchester, so no matter what you do or where you go, something will follow. Knowing this, you make a sudden decision.
“Dean, we both know that won’t be possible. Trouble follows us wherever we go and no matter what we do, we wouldn’t be able to get them to leave us alone. It sounds lovely, having an apple pie life, but it won’t happen. Instead, I want to help. I want to help save the world with you guys. I want to train, to do research, and to go on hunts with y'all.”
Dean looks at you with sad eyes, knowing tjat you’re right. You won’t be able to have such luxury because of what you do and what your father dragged the three (more like four but they forgot Adam ) of you into.
“You’re right, but we just want what’s best for you. We want to make sure that you stay safe at all times. We want you to be protected.”
“I know, Dean. That’s why you and Sammy can train me, and show to do things. I can start by helping Sam with research and you can teach me how to you a pistol and a rifle, and we’ll start out with the little things. Then, eventually, I’ll be able to go on hunts with y'all.”
“I can’t make any promises, ans don’t get too excited, but I can talk to Sam and see what he thinks about your little plan. I don’t thinks it’s that bad of an idea, but me and Sammy have to agree, okay?”
You don’t have much to say anymore due to the fact that you just let everything that you kept bottled up for a while out, so you simply say “Thank you” and hug him tighter than you have in a while, and bury you face into his neck, feeling safe in your brother’s arms.
Please send requests!!! thank you for reading and enjoy your day/night!
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thewinsister · 7 years
You are Strong
Warnings: anorexia? kinda. lowkey FLUFF
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Sister Reader.
Request/Summary: Could you please do a imagine? The Reader is 15 y/o and she's having a hard time.Because she thinks that she's too fat,and she's at the edge of a eating disorder.And Dean finds out one day bc she's crying right after she ate I know it's a tough one❤
Age: the request says 15 but it can be any really
Word Count: 1,378
Y/N: your name
Y/N/N: you nickname
Y/F/F: your favourite food.
You are a hunter, you faced terrifying creatures every other day, you’ve met the devil himself and yet, for some damn reason the only thing that currently haunted you day and night were too short words. Too fat. You were forever tormented by what were really just numbers;  how much you’ve eaten during the day, the size of the portions you ate, the calories, carbs, sugars, you name it. Every day you found yourself counting everything and yet, you couldn’t help it.
It had started a couple months back, you had only just gone on a diet simply cutting out most carbs. Then another diet, and another until finally you had cut out almost everything. You stopped going on hunts because you were too tired, your head was always hurting and you always felt sick. You were afraid of not knowing how to control yourself. You weren’t anorexic, you knew that, you still ate. In the morning one egg and coffee no milk or sugar, you ate a salad during lunch and for dinner you would drink a cup of tea. In between these “meals” you filled your body with loads of water and locked yourself in your room.
You laid in your bed staring at the ceiling, you didn’t move for hours, or rather you couldn’t. Your limbs ached as you heard the clock ticking, the fan creaking as it spun around and around over your body, your stomach growling for food. You were hungry, yes, but you didn’t give in to the sick feeling deep inside your empty organs. Tick-tock tick-tock you waited for time to pass by hoping and wishing for it to go quickly so you don’t have to eat and just sleep. It didn’t work, the time continued as slowly as it always did and always will.
A knock on your door snapped you out of your thoughts. “Come in.” you said still blankly staring at the dull ceiling. You heard the creaking of the door and the squeak of the loose floor boards as your brother walked in.
“Hey Y/N, dinners ready.” Dean said, you continued looking up at the ceiling.
“Eh, I’m not hungry.” You said in a monotone voice, but your stomach gave it away letting out a loud and long grown. Goddammit.
“Doesn’t sound like it.” Dean chuckled, he knew something was wrong with you but he didn’t know what. “You sure? It’s your favourite. Y/F/F.” He finished seeing as you didn’t respond.
“I don’t know.” you said looking at him finally, you neck aching as you did so.
“I don’t know? Come on kid you’re eating.” He said walking towards you, grabbing you and putting you over his shoulder. You started to giggle slightly but stopped when you felt the sharp pain in your stomach. He finally put you down in a chair in front of Sam and placed the delicious looking food on the table. You wanted to resist but you just couldn’t. If you didn’t you’d hurt Deans feelings and that’d be terrible, and it was Y/F/F. But if you did eat that’d be worse, right?
You chose Deans feelings was more important, but you kept in mind how much you’d eat. You were quiet the entire dinner, whenever Sam or Dean asked you a question you answered shortly. When it was over you had eaten less than half.
“Hey, I thought it was your favourite.” Sam said seeing how little you ate. It wasn’t usual for you to eat so little, specially if it was your favourite food.
“It is.” You said looking away, his stares were too hard on you. It felt like he was trying to read your mind, and you couldn’t have that could you.
“Then why’d you eat so little? You’re eating like a bird”  (A/N that probably makes more sense in Spanish, it’s the phrase “come como pajarito” which just means you eat too little..)  He said back, still looking at you weirdly, as if trying to figure out a puzzle piece.
“I wasn’t that hungry.” You answered hotly before moving the plate to the sink, “now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to bed.” you finished finally making your way out as hot tears made their way out making your eyes glassy. You walked out fast enough for them not to notice though.
“Weird.” Dean said after hearing your foot steps die away and your bedroom door close.
“Tell me about it.”  He answered still looking at the door you walked out of only seconds before. “What’s up with her?” He asked his older brother looking back at him.
“Don’t know. She’s been acting kinda weird recently.” Dean responded to Sam just as confused.  “I’m gonna go talk to her see if she’s alright.”
“Yeah, I’ll clean up over here.” He said moving to the sink and began to wash the dishes as Dean walked out, willing to find out what was bugging his baby sister.
He arrived at your door, he took a deep breath before knocking on the hard surface. Hearing no response from you he knocked again a little harder. Again no response. He thought for a second before opening the door slightly and peeked his head in seeing you in a small ball next to your bed
“Y/N/N?” Dean called to you moving next to you. “Y/N/N? What’s wrong?” He asked tenderly, with worry laced in every word as he sat down next to where you were curled up .
“Leave me alone.” You managed to breath out as more sobs climbed their way out of your throat.
“Oh, sweetheart. I won’t be leaving till you tell me what’s wrong.” He said putting his arm around you. Although you didn’t want him there you put your head in his chest and continued crying until you calmed down as he rubbed circles on your back. When you had finally settled down he asked again. “Y/N/N, baby what’s wrong?”
You sniffled slightly, “I-I just.” you sighed “I just can’t help but feel that I’m too fat, and ugly.” you said softly your head still buried on your big brothers chest.
“What?” Dean answered this time it wasn’t soft he was just straight up confused.
“I said I’m too fat, I’m not pretty.” you said harder this time looking away from your soft eyed brother.
“Oh I heard you sweet heart. I just don’t know why you would think that.” He said staring at hardly but not in a harsh way, in an almost hurt way.
“Wh-what do you mean?” You asked looking down at your hands you were fat, ugly that’s what it was always like and it would probably be the same for a long time.
“I mean, you are not fat. You are not ugly.” He said holding your chin for you to look at him, “You are an amazing hunter, you are smart and kind. You are beautiful, you are you, and that’s the most beautiful thing I can think of.” He smiled at you and planted a kiss on your forehead and wiped your tears. “And I don’t ever want you thinking that again, because you are the one thing that makes me wake up in the morning after all the shit we’ve gone through, and the worst thing I can think of is you being hurt.”
“Thank you Dean.” you finally said. It was going to be hard, but you knew you would make it, cause after all you were strong. You hugged your big brother as tightly as you could, you felt him place his head on you head and you smiled.
“No problem baby.” He said smiling as well. He knows it’ll be rough, and he’s gonna be there every step of the way.
A few minutes past and he felt you go limp, he looked down at you and saw you resting on him happily asleep. He smiled to himself seeing you so calm, he carried you and softly placed you on the bed and tucked you in. Kissing your cheek he then left you to sleep, he walked over to the door and turned off the light. “Sweet dreams princess.” he whispered and closed the door.
GAH. thank you all for staying even though I barely post anymore. I’ll try my best to post as much as I can, but recently I’ve just lost motivation. I still like writing and love writing these one shots but I feel really MEGH. anyways I hope everyone has had overall good holidays and vacations!
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Forgotten Winchester Sister
Part Two
Paring: Winchesterx Sister!Reader JackXReader(Slowly)
Warining: Violence. Torture. Curse words
AO: I have to Clarify a few things. The story takes Place in the Middle of Season 12 The only thing that changed is that Jack is Born. so Crowley is still alive and Mary is still fighting with the British man of Letters. But she will be here soon. 
Lies. I Thought I had escaped them when I fled from Ohio. But once again I was wrong. I Waked up in a Dark Room My Hands were Tied up and attached to the ceiling. Me feet didn’t touch the Ground. I looked up to my hands they were bloody. In the room was a Chair and a metal table. I recognized the Tools on the Table. My Family in Ohio used tools like this to Torture me. The room was so dark I couldn’t see more. I tried to free me but I couldn’t. I tried to Remember what Happened. Steve he showed up in the Middle of the night and held a gun at me.
“Now drop the Knife. We dint want to Hurt Anybody” I dropped the Knife and he Smiled “Good Girl, Now Sleep” Then he hit me with the Pistol on the back of my Head.
I knew that if Sam and Dean would enter the room they wouldn’t find me there. I looked up when I heard a door open.  Someone turned on the Lights and I needed a little bit to see something. “How is our guest doing?” I looked in to a Man’s face and didn’t answer. He smiled “You know the Rumors that a new Winchester family member appeared spread very quickly.” Behind the man were 3 Other ones with heavy Guns. “You probably think that we are the bad guys, but were just saving you” I looked at the man without emotions in my face “Do you know what these two Winchesters want to do with you? Do you think that if you mean something to Dean he would just let you hunt? No he Wouldn’t they are using you”  His words Hurt but I couldn’t let him see it. The guy in front of me came closer “They are Using you, we want to save you from all this. From Lucifer hell and everything The Winchesters  are confronting. “ I didn’t say anything because I had no idea what I could say. “Where the Winchesters go follows death. Did they told you about their friends? They followed them and they are dead. Why do you think Sam and Dean are the only ones still here? They don’t care about others” I Laughed “And What do you want from me?” He looked surprised “I want to talk” I laughed again “Yes. Talk. Is this why you have these tools there?”  he looked to the table “well this is in case you won’t answer our questions.” I Smiled “Well then you should start using them because I ain’t  listening to your shit anymore” The man shook his head “ And I thought that you were different” he gave one of his man a sign. One of them put a camera in a Corner of the room. “Oh you are wondering why there is a Camera? We will hurt you very bad. And every day we will send a video to the Winchesters. Maybe after that they are willing to answer the questions you aren’t answering.”
I lost track of the Time. I could have been here Days, Months, even Years or I could have been here a few hours. I was pretty proud of myself I never even once screamed or cried while they had their fun cutting me. The Man in the beginning came once in a while and asked me Questions, but I never answered them. Right now I had thousand cuts everywhere . I started to call the man who tortured me  Harald, don’t know his real name ,he  Came back with a Bucket of water “Oh Harald I missed you. This were the longest 5 minutes without torture. “ He didn’t said anything like always. He poured the bucket over me. “Thanks I was really thirsty” He threw the bucket in the other part of the room and smiled. “Whats up herald did you wife finally left you for somebody who locked like a human?” He came closer and in his right hand he had a teaser. “Great” I signed. Then he electroshock me. I almost screamed but kept it all in. After a while the man who talked to me when I first got here came back. I call him asshole. Just because I couldn’t think of something better. “You really impressed me and all the others Y/N. No one got through this and still had his sarcasms. Really bad that you are on their side. You are so loyal and strong well to bad. So you didn’t answered the last question so here is another one for you. We want to know how the relationship between the Winchesters and the script of god was” I Looked at him “Well how is your relationship with Harald?” He looked at me and then to Harald “Kept going she won’t play this game forever”. He went out of the room and Harald stood before the table with the Tools picking one out. A fire burner. He smiled and started burning my left foot. After that he took a normal knife and started cutting me. He stopped when we heard gunshots outside the door. I caught him out of guard and kicked the Knife out of his hands, I taught it and I cut the rope. And fell to the ground. Harald stood up and I did too. I was faster than him and put the knife in his torso. He felt to the ground and I took his shirt because walking around naked with wounds wasn’t a good idea. The shirt only coward the most privates parts. I took the knife and tried to stand up. “Fuck this hurts” I opened the door I saw no one I only heard Gunshots. I walked forward and I heard The asshole screaming orders. I started to see black dots I sure lost a lot of blood. I leaned against the wall and tried to catch my breath. Somebody walked around the corner and saw me, to late he had my knife in his throat. I took it and started walking again. “They’re everywhere, retreat!”  I turned left and saw somebody in the floor. I Started running and was about to stab the guy when he said “Hey Y/N Calm. It’s Me Jack” I looked at him with tired eyes and smiled “Oh hey what’s up” He looked at me confused “Not much just trying to save you” I nodded “Cool How is it going” he Was about to lift up my shirt I stopped him “What are you doing?” He looked at me confused “You are hurt I wanna see how bad, I mean I saw the videos but-“  I Shook my head “Forget it.” He looked at me “I can carry you” I wanted to decline but if I walk e few steps I’m sure that I will fall. “Ok”. I was on jacks back and he walked through the Tunnels. “Here” he gave me his phone “Call them and say that you are safe” I nodded and called Dean First “Jack I’m busy right now. Whats-” I smiled “Hey Dean Jack told me to call you. I’m safe.” Dean answered immediately “Thank  god Y/N I’m so sorry. Jack we will met outside” I hung up the phone and rested my head on jacks back. “Thank you” I whispered. Jack looked back to me confused “for saving me and for carrying me around” jack laughed “It’s all right. I’m Happy that I found you. But I’m sorry that we took so long to save you”  I smiled “It’s ok ” My eyes started to feel heavy. “Jack keep talking I need it to stay awake” He turned around a corner “Ehm Did you Know that I Love nougat? I ate it once and since then I couldn’t stop eating it. “ I smiled shivering a little. When Jack turned around he started talking again “You can’t imagine how worried we all were.  Y/N You Can’t fall asleep right now ok? I know you have lost a bad amount of blood but you can do it. After all you are a Winchester” I hummed closing my eyes. “But I’m so tired Jack” He opened the door to the outside and a cold wind met us. I shivered even more. I Could hear voices in the Distances and without realizing it we were in The Impala. I laid in the Backseat my head in Jacks lap and my feet laid on castiel’s lap. They were screaming and first I couldn’t  understand the words but then I did “-Mean cas? Why doesn’t it work?” I saw castile looking angry “I don’t know dean! It’s like something is Blocking her so that I can’ heal her” Sam looked up his Phone “Turn around left we have to go to the Hospital” I Moved a little bit and sighed. Everybody was looking at me Jack grabbed my face. “We are bringing you to a Hospital” I Shook my head “I don’t need-“ Dean interrupted me “Listen Y/N I Love you but Right now I don’t care what you think you need or what you don’t need! We are bringing you to a hospital” I sat up against Jack and castile. I looked down and saw that the Shirt I had on was full of blood. Castile looked at me “Why can’t I heal you?” I took his Hand in mine and smiled at him “No one can cas” I whispered. He looked at me confusing. “What do you mean” I looked to jack He looked confused as well. I could feel how I was about to die. I took a big breath and said “Dean they are going to kill me in the Hospital. I can’t go in there. The way to help me is to clean the wounds and but bandages around” I closed my eyes and bit on my Lips. I didn’t felt the Pain earlier but right now I could fell every single cut and it burned like hell. Somebody grabbed my left hand and I opened my eyes jack had it. Dean Stopped the Impala on the side of the road. And turned around like sam and Sam said “What do you mean Y/N” I Shook my head, eyes closed again “I can’t right now, could you just please stop the bleeding” Sam looked at Cas “ we’re changing places I will take care of Y/N. Dean drive to Jody’s House it’s not far away from here”. Sam took care of most of my wounds. He only left the one’s in the Private parts. Jack hold my hand the Whole time and said things like “It’s going to be ok. You can do it” And honestly these words helped me a lot. He always knew when I was about to fall asleep so he would tell me about the things he saw or the things he didn’t understood first. Sam looked had the whole ride tears in his eyes and I heard him say sorry under his breath. I wanted to say something but I was too weak.  Dean called jody and told her we were on the way and he asked almost every five minutes how I was doing. Jack always said “She will get through this” I don’t know how long we drove but when were there sam Picked me up Bridal style and Walked to the House. I couldn’t see this Jody women but I heard her voice and two other ones. “Sam put her down here on the Couch” Said Jody and he did. I realized that Jack wasn’t next to me. I needed his comments that I would make it I need someone who believed it because I didn’t. I had my eyes still closed I was to weak to open them. I Lifted my left arm a little bit “Jack” I whispered. Somebody grabbed my hand “hey everything is ok. You will survive” I relaxed immediately when I heard him. I heard a voice I couldn’t identify “Jody what happened?” I heard jody saying “Claire bring me the med kit and then everything we have in this house what has something to do with medicine Now! You boys go Out!” I squeezed Jacks hand. “Ok you can stay here just turn around!” I tried open my eyes but I could only open one “No Stiches” She looked at me in confusion “Girl you need them you-“ I shook my head and closed my eye again “No stiches” I stayed awake the hole time she cleaned my wounds and when she finished I felt asleep.
I waked up in a bed. It was pretty Comfortable and I looked around the room was little the walls had a light blue and other Furniture. I Looked at the chair next to my bed and I saw Jack siting in it. He still hold my hand and smiled at me “How are you feeling?” I Sat up a little “better than before” He stood up and gave me a glass water “Thanks” I took a few sips and gave the glass jack again. He put it in the little table next to the bed while I tried to stand up. “Hey wait you shouldn’t move!” He put his hands on my shoulder and I put my right hand over his one on my shoulder “I Really have to get up.” He looked at me “Why?” I smiled “Because I want to Jack. I’m better now “ He slowly took his handy away and stood there. I stood up and tried to walk a few steps. “See I can walk” He didn’t say anything. I opened the door and heard Voices. I went to them and entered what seemed a living room. I Smiled when I say Sam and Dean They stood up immediately “He-“ they hugged me and I felt so much Pain in this Moment but I Smiled and hugged them Back.  They took me to a couch were I sat. a women brought me Tea I looked up “oh Thank you very much ehm Jody?” The women Nodded. “Yes This girl there is Claire and the other one Alex” I Smiled “Nice to Meet you” Alex smiled and Claire just nodded. I looked to Sam and Dean. “It’S Alright” they looked like I had gone Crazy Dean stood up and said “Alright? Y/N Stop saying this. You know just as well that Nothing is alright! Do you Know how you look like? Like a fucking Dead Person and you almost became one!” Sam took my hand “Why didn’t you told them the answers Y/N We were more than ok with this” I Put the cup of tee down and looked at sam “It was my Choice to not tell them and Dean” I looked at him now “ I’m Not dead so stop making such a Drama about this!” He looked even more furious “I shouldn’t make a drama about this? Y/N Do you know what just happened? Do you Know why they did that? Because of us and we knew that something like this would have happened sooner or later !. do you even realize what they did to you?” I Stood up to regretting it instantly I felt a few wounds that opened again. But right now I was mad so I didn’t care “Did you Really just Asked me This? Do you think I’m  Not feeling the Pain or remember every cut? You don’t know what they did to me because there were things that they didn’t record!” I regretted these words as soon as they leaved my mouth. Sam Asked behind me “What did they do Y/N?” I Shook my head and sat on the Couch again “Nothing forget it “ Sam Looked so broken.  Jody came to sit across the couch on an armchair. “I’m going to change the Theme of multiple reasons. Y/N Why did you said that the Hospitals were going to kill you and that you can’t have stiches?” Dean went to the kitchen and Sam sat on the Other end of the Couch. I Looked at Jody “I don’t really know what is wrong with me but one time my parents Hurted me to hard and I had to go to the hospital and when they gave me painkillers, the pain got worse and when I got stiches the cut got deeper. Since then always when I try to fix myself it won’t work. So the only thing I can do is cleaning the wounds and putting a bandage around it” Jody nodded “Could it been a Spell” she asked at no one specific. Castiel stood next to her and looked at me “Possible but Somebody extremely strong  should have done that but why?. I can’t remove it The spell is too strong” I took a sip from the Tee and looked then at Jody “can I use your Bathroom?” She smiled at me “Yeah You don’t have to ask sweety its the first door down there” I smiled and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror my face was full of bruises and little cuts. I Looked down my body and almost every centimeter was covered by bandages. I signed and went out the Bathroom.  I went Outside. I needed fresh air . I walked a little and sat on a wooden bench. “Y/N” I turned around  and saw Claire walking towards me I made some free space for her on the Bench and she sat beside me. “I Know we don’t know each other very well but I heard what Sam and dean told Josy about you and your past” I nodded “They weren’t your Parents you know that right?” I looked at her “they were something” She nodded “Yes something but not your Parents” We saw Alex walking towards us and She sat down in front of us on the ground. She smiled sadly “I Know what they did to you. I mean it doesn’t need much to understand. And I Know how hard this has to be Y/N. And I also know that you don’t want to talk about this right know. But Sam and Dean are a part of our Crazy family and so are you! Me and Claire are always there for you if you want to talk ok?” I Smiled at them “Thank you” Alex smiled back “I know this is Probably not the right moment but Is Jack your Boyfriend?” I looked at her shocked and felt the heat rising up my face. Claire next to me said “Really Alex?” Alex laughed “hey we are friends. And I mean I’m not going to say anything. Also I know you want to know it too!” Claire rolled her eyes “Alex you’re wrong” Alex looked at me again and raised an eyebrow “And?” I shook my Head “I just met him like two times” Alex nodded “Right I Forgot. I just Thought it Because I saw you holding his hand in the Car and when you were on the Couch you wanted to hold his hand” I nodded still having red checks “He helped me not falling asleep and ha said those things that made me believe that I could make it” Claire looked at me “ but do you like him?” I looked to the ground  “I don’t know” Alex stood up and gripped my hand “Come on you have to eat something” We three went inside and to the kitchen. There was a little island where I took a seat while Alex made something to eat for me and me and Claire talked. Jody walked in the Kitchen and looked surprised “What are you doing?” Claire saw to her and said “We’re making Y/N something to eat” Jody smiled and went out of the kitchen.  Claire looked at me “Did you know that castile was my father?” I looked at her in surprise and shook my head “yeah he was well his vessel, Jimmy, I thought my father was dead I was pretty surprised when I saw him again walking around” I Nodded “Must have been pretty rough” Claire smiled “yes it was” Alex gave me a bowl with soup In it “Thank you two so much” they smiled and let me eat my soup. After I Finished my soup Dean entered the Kitchen “Listen Y/N I’m sorry but do you know how I feel? I thought I would give you a normal and save life by giving you to another family, and oh how wrong I was and then I knew that leaving you in this motel meant only trouble, and what did I do? Nothing” I Looked at him with tired eyes “I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble” He had tears in his eyes “Don’t ever say this again you heard me?” he hugged me and I nodded “Dean Can we stay here only this Night I’m So tired?” He gave me a sad smile “We’re gonna stay here till tomorrow ok” I Smiled “thanks dean” we two went to the living room where Sam was Waiting he wanted to say something but I went to hug him “Y/N I’M sorry” I just hugged him and the smiled. Dean and Sam went out talking while I searched Cas. I found him in the Backyard “Cas?” He looked over to me and smiled. “Can I Talk to you for a second?”  He nodded “What’s bothering you?” I looked at a tree which was standing in the backyard “Do you feel emotions Like Love?” He looked at me confused “Yes” I nodded “What does it feel like?” Cas thought about it a while “ Whenever you see the person you’re in love with you smile and feel happy. You want to be there for them in every little step in their life. At least I heard people saying it like this. I love my family and I Would do everything for them. “ I looked at the sunset “Thanks Castiel” He looked at me “Anytime”  I went inside and went to the room I waked up. I found jody in it “Oh sorry I Thought-“ Jody smiled at me “this Is your room while you stay here ok?” I looked at her surprised “Ehm Thank you” Jody came to me “I told you. You don’t have to say sorry” She hugged me and went outside the room . I sat on the bed and laid down.  Someone knocked on my door “It’s open” Jack came in and close the door behind him “Hey how are you ?” I Still Laid on the bed “I don’t know” He laid besides me and said “What’s wrong?” I looked at him “besides the Pain? I don’t know I feel like I only cause trouble. Sam and Dean are worried and stressed and Only because of me.” He Looked at the ceiling “Trust me They are always stressed and worried, and its not your fault. And you don’t Cause Trouble.” I laughed “But it feels like it” He stood up and took my hands in his “come Dinner is ready” I looked at him “I’m not Hungry” He shook his head and he pulled me up on my feet “You are going to eat something” He dragged me out of the room to the diner room where everybody was waiting I Sat down next to Claire and Jack. Alex leaned a little over the the table and raised an eyebrow “What were you two doing?” She whispered .I felt the Heat rising up my cheeks again “Alex shut up. They are going to hear it” I whispered back and Claire Laughed. Everybody looked at us and I looked down at my Plate. Jack gave me a worried look “Are you alright? Do you have fever?” I Shook my head “It’s Nothing”. Alex gave me through the dinner always some looks who I started to ignore. After dinner I said Good night to everybody and went to bed.
In waked up in the Middle of the Night. I had nightmares. I Decided to grab a glass water and try to sleep again I put a blanket around my shoulders an went to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water when I heard some noises from the living room. I Saw that the TV was on and jack was locking some tv show.  “Hey Couldn’t sleep?” I asked sitting on the Couch next to him. He gave me a little smile “I don’t sleep much” I looked at him confused but then I understood. “And you why are you awake?” I looked at the TV “Nightmares” Was the only thing I said. “Ehm I read that talking about them should help so if you want to talk I’m here” I smiled “Thanks Jack. But I would rather forget about them as soon as I can” He nodded and we watched the Tv for a while took my glass water “Ok I’m going to sleep again good night Jack” He smiled after me “Good night Y/N”    
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