sumbacky · 2 years
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“now where did a pretty face like yours come from?” day 1: multiverse (based in canon) 💫 for sambucky au week 2022!
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cobrafantasies · 2 years
In Every Other Universe
SamBucky | Rated T | 2,794 Words | Complete | AO3
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I'm very excited to participate in my first AU Prompt Week! This is for day one of #sambuckyauweek2022, hope you enjoy!
Summary: America tells Sam and Bucky that in every other universe they are happily married. On Earth-616, the platonic partners don't know how to handle this news.
Sam should have gotten water when he had the chance. God, he's thirsty. It's getting hard to smile when his tongue's starting to feel like sandpaper.
He really shouldn't complain so much. He knows he could easily excuse himself and walk over to the bar to finally get a glass of water and maybe a neat glass of whiskey as well. Ah, that sounds nice. Some hydration and a salty burn down his throat to make him lighter on his feet. He needs to feel lighter, he's been standing for hours and all he wants to do is sit the hell down but, apparently, this event has turned into a Captain America meet and greet.
The man in front of Sam refuses to stop shaking his hand. Sam's pretty sure he's been shaking this dude's hand for a good fifteen minutes, the guy seriously won't let go. He's rambling on and on about how much he stands for justice and everything Captain America believes in. More people are getting in line behind the man probably to thank Sam, congratulate him, or ask for a photo. It's been a mixture of the three all night.
Finally, the stranger lets Sam's hand go when some drunk lady twirls across the dance floor and stumbles into a few chairs causing a loud enough eruption that everyone turns towards the commotion.
Sam hastily slips away as fast as his tired legs will move him. He sneaks to the edge of the room and travels far back to a lone table that's sitting in a shadowed corner. He stumbles into a chair and takes one singular breath of relief before a voice rings from behind him.
"Hey, your husband's stealing all the cheese."
Sam sighs heavily trying to keep his composure, he has to. No matter how tired he is, he needs to keep up the honorable act. He's Captain America now. So, he pivots in his chair and finds a young girl staring back at him.
"Huh?" Sam smiles wearily. "I think you got the wrong guy."
"Mm, nope. Sam Wilson, Captain America - right?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"And that guy is Bucky Barnes, right?" the girl asks as she spins around to point directly at Bucky who's currently hovering over the table full of hors d'oeuvres.
"Yeah, that's him," Sam answers.
"Your husband," the girl designates.
Sam breaks into an incredulous smile and shakes his head.
"No idea where you got that one. Bucky and I are definitely not married," Sam chuckles. 
The young brunette tilts her head curiously.
"We're partners - coworkers is a better word, actually," Sam clarifies. 
The girl appears positively shocked. She stands in place glancing back and forth between the two men.
"You guys aren't a thing at all?" she checks.
"Not even a little bit," Sam verifies.
Sam's not offended by the accusation but it is strange to him how absolutely astounded the girl seems by this fact. As if the idea of Sam not being married to Bucky is so out of place, it's unworldly.
Meanwhile, the reality is Sam and Bucky have just begun working together. Their status as partners is very recent. They've gone on one mission to defeat the Flag Smashers and it was honestly a pleasant surprise they came out of that as friends. So, the leap to fully devoted husbands sounds like a bit of a stretch to Sam.
"What's your name anyhow?" Sam asks keeping his tone light and friendly.
"America Chavez."
Sam recognizes the name. As Captain America, Sam is now kept well up to date and got intel surrounding the events with Doctor Strange and young America in front of him. 
"So, where'd you hear Bucky and I were married?" Sam inquires.
In perfect timing, Bucky steps up behind America but stops short when he hears the question.
"Sorry, I just assumed cause in every other universe you guys are happily married," America supplies.
Bucky chokes on a cube of cheese then, yes, chokes. Sam and America both watch the super soldier pound his chest and bend forward as he coughs up a cheese chunk. Bucky straightens back up and swings back his champagne glass for a large gulp.
"What?" Bucky gets out in his next free breath.
America merely shrugs with a smile.
"Yeah, who would've guessed this is the only one you're not," America says before narrowing her eyes at Bucky. "Stop stealing all the cheese."
She grabs his plate of cheese cubes and rushes off.
Bucky doesn't even put up a fight. He stares after her with an agape mouth and confusion painted over every line of his face. He twists back to Sam, completely baffled.
"What?" he stresses once more.
Sam breaks into a smile, shrugging as casually as America did.
Read on A03
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siancore · 2 years
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SamBucky AU Week 2022 – Day 2: Meet-Cute & Single Parent for @sambuckyauweek​ 
A/N: Bucky wishes he was a little cuter for this meet-cute.
   “My lil’ girl kicked your ass, uh?” said a warm, deep voice, full of mirth and a hint of teasing.
Bucky looked up; the tissue still pressed to his nose was soaked with his blood. This was the part he didn’t like about training youngsters to box: The sometimes asshole parents – hold up. Who? What? Bucky cleared his throat.
“Excuse me?” he asked, slightly flustered; he wasn’t sure if it was because of the hit he had taken to the face, or because the man standing before him was quite literally the most beautiful he had ever seen.
“Karli,” the stranger replied. “She’s my kid. I heard she kicked your ass while sparring. I’m Sam, by the way. Bucky, right?”
Bucky nodded his head and instinctively looked to Sam’s left hand, checking for a wedding band. He let out a little wry chuckle and then gingerly got to his feet, stumbling a bit.
“Woah, now. You should be careful. You okay?” asked Sam as he reached out a hand, but fell short of making contact with Bucky’s elbow.
“I’m good, thanks,” Bucky replied, smiling a little behind his hand. “Not the first time a student’s landed a blow and rocked me. She’s got an amazing left jab. She get that from you – or your wife?”
Sam dipped his head and smiled, before letting out a laugh. The sound washed over Bucky and felt like it had wrapped him in a hug.
“Nah, man. That’s all her,” Sam replied. “Plus, I’m not married. Not even seeing anyone. I’m a single parent. It’s what my Mama would call a damn travesty.”
Sam looked up and smiled directly at Bucky, causing his knees to go weak. He was rickety on his feet already, he didn’t need this hot, single dad flirting with him to knock him on his ass the same way his daughter had. Still, Bucky was a little shaky from Sam’s gorgeous smile – and probably the loss of blood or whatever.
His brief stumble must have been noticeable, because Sam gave him a concerned look and said, “Hey, maybe you need to sit down. You’re looking a little unsteady there.”
“I look like a mess in front of a cute single dad,” Bucky blurted out before he could stop himself.
When he realized what he had said, Bucky’s eyes went wide.
“Sorry, I uh –”
“It’s cool,” Sam said, waving him off. “You’re actually right.”
“About what?”
“About lookin’ like a whole damn mess and about me being cute,” Sam flirted, causing Bucky’s tummy to do a little flip.
“I usually look okay,” Bucky flirted back. “But your kid messed up my face.”
“Aww, you poor baby,” said Sam with a cheeky grin that was one hundred percent doing it for Bucky. “Lemme see.”
For some reason, Bucky wanted to pout and be all soft and playful with Sam. He batted his eyelids and carefully removed the tissue from his face, before saying, “Don’t run away screamin’ or anything.”
“Wouldn’t dare,” said Sam with a wink that made Bucky definitely want to melt. “Well, would you look at that?”
“What? Oh lord. Is it bad?” asked Bucky, a little concerned he was worse off than he had initially thought.
“A little swollen,” said Sam, as he leaned in closer, flooding Bucky’s senses in the most delightful way imaginable. “But you’re still pretty as a picture.”
Bucky’s brain short-circuited and he found himself staring into Sam’s deep brown eyes and saying, “Can I take you out on a date to make it up to you?”
Sam looked confused and amused at the same time. He let out a chuckle and said, “Wait, that’s meant to be my line. I’m supposed to say that to you in this situation, right?”
“Shit, yeah. Sorry,” Bucky stammered, his face glowing red from where the heat was spreading. “Sorry.”
“Yes,” said Sam, beaming brightly.
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, you can take me out on a date,” Sam offered.
“Oh yeah,” Sam replied smoothly. “Take me out and I’ll definitely make it up to you.”
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anniebibananie · 2 years
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mcu au 🎬 sam & bucky co-stars au     ↳ happy birthday grace (@rocketnebulas) sweet girl ↳sambucky au week day 7 :: free choice
“We just have to get through one more fucking movie, Barnes. Can you keep your shit together until then?” Sam followed the words with a drink from his coffee, scanning the set to see if they were needed yet. Nope, still setting up the shot.  He looked back to Bucky, whose expression had morphed from usual scowl to seconds from murdering you scowl. Then something miraculous happened because that scowl melted into what could almost be called a smile as Bucky shook his head, looking away.  “My shit is perfectly in tact.” Bucky’s eyes landed on Sam, his tongue peeking out between his teeth as he just stared at him. Sam hated how he did that. That all-encompassing look, so singularly focused, often impossible to read. It was so fucking annoying. It was also why Bucky was so fucking good at what he did—able to convey so much in those eyes and on that face. And why their press circuit usually involved questions like There’s a lot of tension between your two characters, which has the fans wondering… what exactly is their future together?  Sam wasn’t going to miss the interviews, the two of them sitting next to each other and throwing insults back and forth that got turned into online listicles about their endearing friendship (or more!).  Because the truth was they hated each other. They’d hated each other since their first chemistry read. They’d hated each other throughout the entirety of the second film when on the first day Bucky had eaten the last everything bagel from craft services despite hearing Sam say it was all he was craving. They’d hated each other during stunt rehearsals and running lines and standing on set together between takes.  They hated each other. Period.  “You’re gonna miss me, Wilson,” Bucky said, that slow creeping smile that was more of a smirk, the way he delighted at seeing Sam get riled up. “Just admit it.”  “Barnes.” Sam reached out a hand and clapped Bucky’s shoulder, giving him his best you’re an idiot look. “Have you ever considered that you’re gonna be the one missing me?”  Bucky tilted his head, a mischievous amusement perking up on his face, and there was something so fucking genuine about the curve of his lips as he said, “Of course. I never said I wouldn’t.”  Then someone’s calling them onto set, and Bucky’s walking away like it’s nothing, like Sam’s not reeling in the wake of those words.  They hated each other: that was the one thing Sam knew with utmost certainty.  But now? Now he’s not so sure. 
📽 Bucky and Sam have been leading the popular Winter Falcon trilogy for years, and they’ve tolerated each other through it all… barely. They’re not friends. They’re coworkers at best, and begrudging ones at that. But now that the series is about to come to an end, something feels like it’s shifting. Sam’s not sure how he feels about it. Or, maybe, more aptly… he’s not sure why he likes how it’s shifting so goddamn much.
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saryasy · 2 years
for @sambuckyauweek day 6, prompt: soulmates au
and i'd give up forever to touch you
word count: 1456
The Soldier raises his right arm.
Sam closes his eyes bracing for— what exactly? He doesn’t know.
Whatever it was, it certainly isn’t the gentle touch he feels on his left cheek, right below his eye. It’s a vast contrast to how the Soldier was moving just a few minutes ago, throwing deadly punches, nothing was gentle about that; now it’s nothing but.
It almost feels like it’s someone else, like the Soldier and his mission are gone, replaced by a quiet, soft presence, with a different purpose of his own.
Sam opens his eyes slowly, and air is knocked out of his lungs by the look that meets them.
on ao3
for @livingincolorsagain happy (slightly early) birthday, sweetie, and thank you for all the help. love youuu 💖💖💖
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jemgirl86 · 2 years
Check out my new fic!
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“Does this usually work for you?”
“Batting your eyelashes to get out of trouble?”
Bucky straightened up, and made a point of letting his gaze sweep the length of Sam’s body.
“Probably as often as it works for you.”
Sam was startled — both by the accuracy of the implication, and the fact that the genuine, rather than cocky, smile Bucky sent him after he said it made Sam’s stomach swoop just a little bit — but he scoffed to cover it up.
“Are you flirting with me?”
Or: Sam’s just trying to have a good night, and ends up meeting Bucky in the most annoying way possible.
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bisamwilson · 2 years
sambucky | G | 3.6k | one shot | complete | ao3
written for @sambuckyauweek day 3: in the public eye/royalty and also @samwilsonbingo round 2 square G3: arranged marriage
“I don’t want to marry you,” James says, and Sam tries not to let it wound his pride.
“You are not exactly my personal preference either, Prince James, but I am afraid that this decision is not up to us.” Sam ignores the flash of hurt that crosses James’s face, a little annoyed that James saw fit to insult him but can’t take the remark in return. He looks back down at his half-written speech, seemingly incapable of finding the right words to publicly announce his betrothal, and sighs. “Our kingdoms need this alliance, and both of us are in need of a spouse.”
His council had approached him with the idea shortly after he’d been crowned, still freshly grieving the untimely death of his older brother. Talks and alliances with the neighboring kingdom to the north had always been shaky at best, and with war seemingly brewing in the west, they needed strong ties.
He’d cried with Sarah through most of that night, but he’d been bright eyed and charming when meeting with King George and Queen Winifred the next day, the locket with Riley’s picture he’d kept since his late teens for silent support hidden in his pocket.
They’d brokered an arrangement by nightfall.
finish on ao3
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abarbaricyalp · 2 years
Out of Touch, Out of Time
Rated T // 7.8k words // AO3 // @sambuckyauweek​ // Multiverse
summary:  When Bucky Barnes falls out of a train in the Second World War and lands on the ground in the present day, he figures that's as weird as his day is going to get. Then there's a voice in his head, a handsome man trying to fight him, and his own doppelganger dating his crush and he figures he should stop daring the universe to get weirder (Multiverse/Timeline shenanigans)
Bucky flipped to his back without thinking, which was good because someone had just thrown themselves down on the spot where he’d just been. Despite the protestation of his aching ribs–falling through time and space did a number on bones and muscles–Bucky flipped to his feet and held out a hand, half in surrender, half in defense.
A handsome, fuming man was standing in front of him. He’d skinned his elbow grappling with the ground and it was bleeding through the light blue of his dress shirt. He was tall enough, an inch or so shorter than Bucky, and well built. Nothing like Steve had looked in the war, but he’d hold his own against Bucky. Bucky blinked confusion from his eyes and swiped his hand over his face. That was all well and good, but why was he trying to fight Bucky in the middle of the street?
“What are you doing?” he asked, glancing around for something he could use as a weapon. There was nothing.
“What am I doing?” the man asked. “You fell out of the sky trying to attack me and you’re asking what I’m doing?”
Bucky frowned and wiped his face again. He was pretty sure his nose was bleeding. “I wasn’t attacking you. I don’t even know you.”
The man gaped at him. There was a gap between his front teeth and Bucky felt his heart squeeze just a little at the sight. “You’re really gonna pull the amnesia card right now? Like you haven’t been leaving me clues and dragging me all over the world for eight months? Like we haven’t–”
“Pal, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Bucky insisted. “I’m…I’m not where I’m supposed to be. You’ve got me confused with someone else.”
“I do not have you confused,” the man seethed. “And I’m not buying your act again. You broke my nose last time I let you take a step closer to me. Your name is Bucky Barnes. You’re deprogramming from the Winter Soldier, a Hydra weapon. It may have been your body, but it’s not who you are.”
“I’d hope not,” Bucky agreed. “I just spent a year trying to take all those fuckers out. You mean someone’s stolen my name and put it on a Nazi monster?”
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
SamBucky AU Week Day 1: Canon Divergence
It's SamBucky AU Week, and I'm writing fics from the prompts @sambuckyauweek has wonderfully provided! For Day One, I chose Canon Divergence! These two fics will also count as my "Sorcerer Supreme" and "Time Travel" squares for the Sam Wilson Bingo Round 2 card that @samwilsonbingo gave me. Here's my two part fic about a Sorcerer Supreme Sam saving Bucky from his fall into the Danube River and Bucky finding Sam in the future! Enjoy! 🥰
1) If You Fall, I Will Catch You
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: M | WC: 1.5K |
Summary: Bucky Barnes thought he was going to fall to his death. But then, a fucking dreamboat saves him.
Bucky closed his eyes, waiting for his back to break once it hit the icy Danube River below. He wondered if it would be a quick death. Would the broken back kill him first? Or drowning? Bucky felt… arms under him? He felt a change in the angle that he was falling, though, was he falling? Bucky opened one curious eye, wondering if he was losing his mind in the last few moments of his life because above him… was a man. He was a fucking dreamboat.
2) If You're Lost, You Can Look And You Will Find Me
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: E | WC: 1.5K |
Summary: Sorcerer Supreme Sam Wilson has his reunion with Bucky Barnes years after he traveled back in time to save him.
He could feel it in his bones. Sam was confident in his belief he could do it. Because Sam was magic. Sam was the strongest sorcerer Wong had ever met. And Sam was going to be Sorcerer Supreme one day. And Sam did it. He became Sorcerer Supreme. He saved the man whose connection to Sam was so strong that he called to Sam through time. And now, Bucky was there. It had been years since Sam had saved Bucky, but he had finally made it. He found his way to Sam.
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sumbacky · 2 years
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guess i’ll have to go to that place more often day 2: coffee shop (meet-cute) ☕ for sambucky au week 2022!
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sambuckyauweek · 2 years
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THANK YOU to everyone for participating in this fan week! This event was created because while there are so many wonderful canon compliant fics and fan art in the Sambucky fandom, it seems to be lacking in AU’s, so I’m glad everyone was inspired enough to contribute their own ideas to this fanweek and we got such amazing works out of it. You can check out all the work that’s been posted here on Tumblr, on the AO3 Collection, or on the Twitter. Feel free to visit the Tumblr’s Navigation page to sort by prompt as well!
If you posted to AO3, be sure to add your work to the collection if you haven’t already. I tried to invite as many as I could find that were missing from the Collection, but it’s possible I missed some!
If you posted a work but it was never reblogged, drop an ask in the askbox to let me know! It’s possible I accidentally missed it
Thank you everyone again! Hopefully we can do a similar event in the future...
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monsterhunting · 2 years
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4.7k, complete, on ao3
for the “multiverse” prompt on day one of sambucky AU week, based in canon
On their way to find the cure to the zombie apocalypse, Bucky convinces Sam to join them, despite the fact that they don’t know each other or even like each other.
The flashes Bucky keeps getting of Sam's family, of working with Sam on a boat, or of Sam holding the shield probably don't mean anything, anyway.
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sassysambucky · 2 years
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Stand Up (face this)
sambucky | Rated E | 4.0k | Bucky avoids Sam's texts until Sam flies in to NY, refusing to be ignored | hurt/comfort | one shot | Bucky POV | ⋆˚
Sam’s brows dive, and he finally asks the question that Bucky very much doesn’t want to hear. “Bucky, are you okay?” “Just dandy.” “Oh, fuck that.” Sam scoffs, shifting his weight, making their knees bump under the small table, the cold metal providing no comfort. “I came because I was worried about you. You haven’t spoken to me in months, or anyone for that matter. I didn’t come to hear a bunch of excuses.”
Ao3 ->
SambuckyAUweek2022 - Day 1 - Based in Canon / Canon Divergence @sambuckyauweek || BuckyBarnesBingo2022 - square C5, present tense @buckybarnesbingo
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jonkentt · 2 years
I seem good on the surface
When Sam came home in the spring, he did everything he was supposed to: made a routine, spent time with loved ones, kept himself busy, and didn’t talk about it. Now it’s the end of summer, and Sam’s afraid he lost himself somewhere along the way.
3k, emotional hurt/comfort, no-powers AU, summer camp, childhood friends to lovers
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on Ao3 for @yammz​
“Uncle Sam!!!” Even from across the field, the perturbed pitch of Cass’ voice is clear. “Bucky’s being weird!”
Cass drags Bucky by the hand towards the staff cabin where Sam is sitting on the low porch, watching the sky change color. As exhausted as he is, Sam still laughs when Bucky trips over his own feet trying to keep up with Cass’ short but determined strides. Some of Bucky’s dark hair falls from his bun and he tries to blow it out of his face when Cass finally halts them in front of Sam.
“Weirder than usual?”
Bucky makes an offended sound but Cass ignores him, launching into his bad-camper-Bucky report despite Bucky being the camp counselor.
“I asked him why he put cages around the trees we planted today, and he said because he didn’t want them to escape.” Cass scowls at Bucky before turning back to Sam. “And then he said they might sneak into the cabin and steal my socks while we’re all sleeping. I told him that was stupid cause trees don’t wear socks and he said—”
Sam glances up at Bucky, who’s already grinning at Sam and chewing on his lip to keep from laughing. His hair still hangs in his face tickling his nose.
“—they would if they knew how groovy my tie-dye socks were.”
Apparently that’s the end of Cass’ report.
“I see,” Sam says, making his ‘stern uncle’ face. “And you want me too…”
“Tell Bucky not to steal my socks,” Cass demands. He lets go of Bucky’s hand to cross his skinny arms and stick his chin out. “Stealing is against camp rules! And if my socks go missing, I’ll know it was him cause he’s making that stuff up about the trees.”
Sam hums and frowns at Bucky, who offers a sheepish smile, tucking his hair behind his ears. The little butterflies in Sam’s stomach remind him how adorable Bucky looks right now. Sam turns back to his nephew.
“Alright, I’ll talk to him.”
Cass is already running toward his friends as Bucky sits on the weathered deck beside Sam.
“It’s lights out soon, kiddo!” Sam calls. Cass throws an ‘okay!’ over his shoulder. Bucky laughs and shakes his head.
“Kids these days.”
Sam snorts. “Ah, he can’t help it. He’s got no-nonsense parents.”
“So I shouldn’t hang his socks from the trees tonight?”
Bucky laughs at Sam’s elbow digging into his ribs. “Okay, okay!” he concedes. “Out of respect for your reputation as Cass’ badass uncle.”
“Sure,” Sam mumbles. 
“That kid adores you! It’s Uncle Sam this and Uncle Sam that. You’re all he talks about when he’s not telling me off for something.”
“Really? I thought…”
He wouldn’t recognize me when I came back. He wouldn’t think of me as family.
Sam was terrified that morning he arrived on Sarah’s doorstep, convinced he’d made a huge mistake not telling anyone he was coming home. He didn’t know if Sarah would forgive him for all the years he was gone. For not calling as much as he should have. For not meeting her new babies. Sam broke out in a cold sweat waiting for someone to answer the door. He almost turned back. But then his little sister was there, not little at all anymore, and her brown eyes were wide with shock. Sarah had a toddler balanced on her hip, AJ was asleep and drooling on her shoulder. Sam remembered thinking the pair were so beautiful, that Sarah reminded him so much of their mother, and felt his cheeks wet with tears before he’d even said hello.
You’re home? Sarah had asked like she couldn’t believe it.
Yeah, Sarah, I’m— and Sarah pulled Sam into a crushing hug. She cried all that day.
I just missed you so much, she would say every time Sam caught her eye. She talked about Cass’ science projects and how he was so excited to be a big brother for little AJ. And Sam was so glad he’d come home.
Now, in the warm summer twilight, Bucky has a softness in his eyes like he knows what Sam is thinking.
“He missed you.”
“He didn’t know me…”
Bucky hums like he doesn’t quite agree. “But Sarah missed you. So Cass did too.”
Sam’s chest tightens. He doesn’t know what to say, but Bucky doesn’t seem to mind. They both look out across the open field where the whole camp plays games each afternoon. Off to their right are the cabins, kids skittering from one to another. Ahead is the river, wide and glittering. Frogs are starting up their evening chorus all around them.
Sam takes a sip from his mug. Bucky leans closer and sniffs.
“Is that?”
“My dad’s cocoa mix? Yeah. I found a stash in the staff room.”
Bucky grins from ear to ear.
“You’re the only person I know, Sam Wilson, who will drink hot chocolate on a humid summer’s day.”
Sam raises his mug. “There’s no better cure for heartache.”
Sam regrets his choice of words immediately, seeing the smile slip off Bucky’s face. Bucky opens his mouth to reply but Sam clears his throat.
“There’s a secret ingredient to it,” Sam says quickly. “If my dad is to be believed. He used to make up all kinds of stories about where he got it.” Sam half-laughs and fixes his gaze on the lazy river in the distance. “Dad used to pretend he was a sailor that went on grand adventures instead’a just fishin’ in the local spot like everyone else. He’d come home and say he fought a pirate that day, one with a real talking parrot. Or that he found a chest buried on the beach, or a secret cave.”
Sam rubs his thumb over the still-warm ceramic of his mug.
“He loved chocolate. My dad. And he tried to pass that love to me but the cocoa was the only thing that stuck. He made it when I was unhappy. And he’d tell a story every time.” Sam recalls his memories like old photographs, worn and creased from travel. Bucky listens silently beside him. “Like, he met a woman who could talk to birds, and the seagulls gathered cocoa nibs that she traded for fish to eat. Or he won a game of dice against a man in a huge feathered hat.
“Sometimes the stories would get real bizarre. And by the time he was done tellin’ em I’d usually forgotten what had made me upset.”
Sam offers Bucky a smile that he returns warmly.
“He told one about an archeologist with gorilla arms,” Bucky muses. “She was a witch? Or maybe she got the gorilla arms from a witch?”
Sam and Bucky both laugh. Bucky scratches at the stubble on his chin.
“Yeah, your dad told stories at camp sometimes. You remember? When Sarah was too little to stay overnight, he’d come to get her and end up having every kid in the camp sitting around his feet listening to some tall tale or other. I guess he was probably giving those poor counselors a break from us for a while.”
“Yeah, I remember.” Sam grins at Bucky. “But I’m surprised you do. You were always convincing me to sneak around and cause trouble.”
Bucky gawks. “I was not! You and Steve were the trouble-makers but I always got blamed somehow.”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
Sam bumps Bucky’s shoulder with his. Bucky grins and bumps him back. They go back and forth, knocking shoulders, recounting the trouble they got into as kids and who started what. 
Bucky throws his head back and laughs. Sam wishes he felt as light as Bucky’s laughter. Then Bucky rests his head on Sam’s shoulder, and Sam is dealing with those pesky butterflies again.
“I’m glad you’re back,” Bucky murmurs.
“You’ve said that to me every day, Buck.”
“Yeah, well, it’s true.”
Bucky slips his hand into Sam’s. They lapse into silence. Sam’s eyes brim with tears that drip silently down his cheeks till he inhales a shaky breath.
“Sam?” Bucky looks up as Sam quickly wipes his face on his shirtsleeve. “Did I upset you?”
Sam can only shake his head. His throat is too full of emotion to let any words out. The harder he tries to tamp it down, the more the tears run, and Sam doesn’t look at Bucky cause he knows those gentle eyes will open the floodgates of everything Sam keeps trying not to think about. Bucky squeezes his hand and rests his head on Sam’s shoulder again, pressing against his side in an almost-hug. Sam grips Bucky’s hand so tight it probably hurts. He’s grateful for Bucky’s weight leaning on him. He’s grateful Bucky doesn’t ask as he shakes apart, trying so hard and failing to hide his pain.
Where did Sam go wrong? Was it in the leaving or the coming back? Or worse, was it always out of his control? Could he re-make every right choice and still end up feeling this way? Lost when he’s at home. Lonely when he’s not alone. It tears Sam up inside, feeling this way, afraid he’s not the Sam everyone remembers.
Sam inhales and counts to four, holds his breath for four. He exhales, one two three four, and holds, one two three four, inhales again. He slowly starts to settle. Only when Sam’s breathing steadily again does Bucky move from his shoulder.
“I gotta check on the kids for lights out,” Bucky says, reluctantly letting go of Sam’s hand. “But I’ll be right back.” Bucky leaves with a kiss on the top of Sam’s head. Such a soft comfort, it threatens to send Sam into tears again. Inhale, one two three four, hold, exhale.
“I got it tomorrow!” Sam calls after him. Bucky answers with a thumbs up and bright smile that Sam doesn’t feel he deserves after ruining Bucky’s perfectly good day. This stupid ache in his whole body that won’t go away. No matter how hard Sam pushes himself, no matter how many days he sleeps through, either way the ache doesn’t let up.
Sam’s so tired. He didn’t think that coming home would be all rainbows, but he thought it’d be a little better than this.
Sam tucks his empty mug under the porch steps and stands, stretching his arms high above his head. He waves at the other counselors coming towards their cabin as he walks out into the field. Sam lays back on the dry grass. He looks up at the open sky and stars.
The sights, sounds, and smells of home surround Sam like a blanket. Cricket chirps mix with laughter from the staff cabin behind him. The humidity sinks into his skin. Sweet cocoa lingers on his tongue.
Bucky collapses next to Sam with a ‘oof’.
“These kids wear you out, old man?” Sam teases.
“Oh, my bones,” Bucky laments with feeling.
Heat rolls off Bucky where he’s settled close to Sam, maybe too close for the hot summer but Sam doesn’t mind. It’s nice to know that Bucky still has no concept of personal space when it comes to Sam, that he treats Sam the same even after years apart. Sam used to tell Bucky everything. Maybe he can get back in the habit of that.
“It’s just— I don’t—” Sam starts and stops. Bucky waits. “It’s been five months and I still don’t know who I brought back. I feel like a different person, walking around my home town, and it’s almost weird when people recognize me. 
“I always knew who I was here. I was Paul and Darlene’s son. I was Sarah’s big brother. In the Air Force, nobody knew who my family was. They just cared was I fast enough, was I strong enough? Did I play nice with others? Now I’m home, my parents are gone, Sarah’s all grown up. I strolled back into her life like I have any right to it. And she leaves me alone with her kids—”
Sam chokes on the tears bubbling up in his throat. Sam sits up and pulls his knees to his chest. His body shakes with the effort of holding itself together. 
“I don’t know why she’s not treating me like a stranger! I don’t know why you’re not treating me like a stranger! I don’t know what anybody expects from me and I—!” Sam gestures helplessly. “Ya’ll are so happy I’m back, and I’m just waiting to disappoint you.”
Bucky’s hand settling on Sam’s back. His quiet plea that Sam doesn’t want to hear. “You’re not gonna disappoint us, Sam…”
“I will though!” Sam snaps too loud. “I knew exactly what the Air Force wanted from me and I still disappointed them! I—” I lost my partner and I couldn’t keep going without him. They had to shut down their super secret project cause I couldn’t do it anymore. And I couldn’t let Riley be replaced.
But Sam can’t say that. He can’t say any of it. The EXO-7 Falcon project was his whole life for the past few years, and he’s not allowed to talk about it.
Sam scowls and turns away from Bucky, his face hot with shame. Sam left even though no one wanted him to. He left and came back with nothing to show for it except a broken heart he can’t explain and stories he can’t tell.
Bucky’s hand is big and warm. Sam has the impulse to shrug it off but he doesn’t let himself push away the one person he can open up to.
“Sam…” Bucky’s voice is rough like he’s been crying too. “Sam, look at me.”
When Sam doesn’t move, Bucky sighs and drifts forward till his forehead is pressed to Sam’s back.
“I know what it’s like, feelin’ like everyone expects something from you. But, Sam, the people that love you… we’re just happy you’re here. Living, breathing, moving through Delacroix. And if you feel like you don’t know who you are? We’ll be here while you figure it out. Cause you’re Sam and that means you’re someone we love so much. And… whoever else you wanna be is up to you but it isn’t gonna change how loved you are.”
Sam lets that soak in. The way Bucky’s words fill up Sam’s heart, make the ache less intense there. Sam feels like he’s steeping in a hot kettle that’s maybe starting to cool, just a little, just enough. He sits with it for a long time.
Someone we love. Sam can be that. He can be loved, right? He just has to remember how. And maybe he doesn’t have to remember on his own.
“This is your home, Sam. You’ll never be a stranger here.”
And that. That hits the spot. Like the most perfect cup of cocoa.
Sam turns and lets himself sink into Bucky’s chest. Sam can have this. He can have people that will always love him.
Sam stops thinking. He stops giving voice to his grief and guilt for just a minute. Just this one minute he’s taking for himself. To bury his face in Bucky’s sweaty shirt and to feel the grass poking his bare legs.
One minute turns to two, then four, then stretches on. Sam starts thinking again, but that’s okay. He’s thinking about what crafts he’ll do with the kids tomorrow. It’s nice to think about tomorrow.
“You have really comfy shoulders, you know that?” Bucky says.
“All this extra muscle mass,” Bucky explains, squeezing Sam’s pec. “Makes you soft and squishy.”
Sam gapes. Bucky’s cheeks drain of color.
“Was that inappropriate?” Bucky asks with a grimace. And Sam laughs.
He laughs and laughs. Bucky’s face goes from horrified to embarrassed to hesitantly amused. Sam laughs through Bucky’s stuttered apology. He topples back onto the grass and laughs till the tight coil of stress inside of him finally shakes loose. Sam opens his eyes to find Bucky peering down at him with a grin that Sam might know better than his own name.
“You haven’t changed one bit!” Sam tugs on a piece of Bucky’s hair that’d fallen into his face. Bucky shakes his head, loosing most of his hair from his bun and looking like a frazzled muppet. Sam tucks some of it behind Bucky’s ear. “I swear I came back,” Sam murmurs, “and everything was different but you.
“Watching Sarah be a mom was so surreal. And then I saw you at the restaurant that weekend. You stood up so fast you knocked your table over and made an absolute mess. And as that look of horror settled on your face, I thought, yeah I’ve come home.” Sam runs his thumb across Bucky’s jaw. “You’re exactly the same.”
Bucky blushes deep pink. “I think most people could tell you that I’m less of a klutz now.” Sam only has to raises his eyebrows for Bucky to admit, “Except around you.”
Sam grins. Bucky groans in embarrassment and hides his face on Sam’s chest. Sam tangles his fingers in Bucky’s soft hair. Bucky flips over to lay on his back and kisses Sam’s palm. They lay there, looking up at the stars, Sam tracing the curve of Bucky’s ear.
“This weekend,” Bucky starts carefully, “is a holiday. We don’t have work.” Sam hums. “I thought maybe we… if maybe you wanted to hang out? We could split a pizza or…”
“Not the most romantic dinner you could have chosen but yeah, I’d get a pizza with you, Buck.”
“It—it doesn’t have to be romantic,” Bucky stammers, propping himself on his elbow to look at Sam with wide eyes. “I mean it—this doesn’t have to be a date. It could just be pizza.”
And Sam knows it could just be pizza. Bucky, his best friend, who’s had a crush on him since they were teenagers. It took Sam years to see it and then he couldn’t unsee it, but he didn’t know what to do with it. Back then, Sam knew he was leaving, knew he had to get out of Louisiana for awhile and didn’t want to break Bucky’s heart. But now that he’s home…
“What if I want it to be a date?”
Bucky opens and closes his mouth. He stares. He whispers, “Are you sure?”
Sam heaves a deep sigh. “I’m not sure about a lot of things right now, Buck. I’m not sure about most things. But I’ve liked you for a really long time and, yeah, I am sure about this one.”
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bisamwilson · 2 years
one of those nights
sambucky | E | 3.8k | sam finds bucky before catws | one shot | ao3
written for @sambuckyauweek 2022 day 1: canon divergence and @samwilsonbingo round 2 square N4: one night stand
There’s a kind of greasy man holding up the bar near Sam’s normal spot, and he’s admittedly not too happy about it.
“Come here often?” he asks once he reaches the bar, words flirty but tone irritated.
The man turns around and blinks, giving Sam a full view of his face. He’s entirely clean-shaven, a surprising look considering his just-past-shoulder-length dark hair, and his lips are cherry red, likely from being constantly bitten. His expression is entirely blank, almost unsettlingly so, but when he notices Sam’s discerning look he snaps on a charming smile, his blue eyes brightening.
If he’s looking for a partner to bite him tonight, more power to him, but Sam’ll be damned if he does it from his barstool.
finish on ao3
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abarbaricyalp · 2 years
These Things That Would Eat Us
Rates M, graphic depictions of violence // 18.5k words // AO3 // Prompt: Summer Camp @sambuckyauweek// full on creature feature, y'all. Heed tags
What's supposed to be a fun summer as camp counselors soon takes a turn for the horrific when monsters attack
(Horror movie au)
Sam let Bucky crowd him up against the storage shed wall, even though it was definitely covered in lichens that would make Sam break out as soon as Bucky rucked his shirt up. Still, he just dropped his arms over Bucky’s shoulders as Bucky did, in fact, immediately ruck his shirt up to get his hands on Sam’s ribs.
“I hate water days,” Bucky growled as he bit along Sam’s jaw and found his mouth to kiss again.
“You’re a great kisser— I mean, swimmer,” Sam breathed between kisses. “You’re a great swimmer. And rower, actually. You sure you’re not secretly rich?”
Bucky rolled his eyes and dropped his head to kiss Sam’s neck instead. “I don’t hate the water. I hate having to watch you...fucking...using all your back muscles, and chest muscles, and arm muscles all day without a shirt on and then not being allowed to jump your bones.”
Sam smiled and hummed, pleased with the reaction. He’d filled out later than everyone else at school, but he’d finally grown four inches and managed to keep muscle on his frame. Bucky had been obsessed with him since they met at this same summer camp when they were 12, but now Sam let himself understand the attraction.
Himself, he’d been into Bucky for probably longer than he’d actually admit. But he’d always maintained that Bucky irritated the hell out of him. It had not stopped him from kissing back when Bucky had kissed him last year during the wrap up party, or driving two hours every handful of weekends to meet Bucky at the midway point between their houses to make out more.
This, their first year as camp counselors instead of campers, had proven a mixed bag of extra time to sneak away together. On one hand, there were no roll-calls to make. On the other, the head counselor had them down to a science and was the world’s best c***block. He reveled in it, Sam thought.
“Barnes! Wilson!” Steve Rogers called, like he was on a cue-call.
Bucky groaned against Sam’s shoulder and Sam urged him up into another kiss to keep him quiet. Rogers was, technically, Sam and Bucky’s best friend, but he was taking his role as Head Counselor very seriously and in that endeavor there was no room for his rowdy best friends to push the limits.
Well, not really. Sam kept kissing Bucky.
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