#same with namivivi
assiraphales · 4 months
HELP i just saw a comment on tik tok about a slideshow of one piece screenshots that said "usopp and sanji are oddly close......" the masses r waking up
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summerendroll · 8 months
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i feel like a Basic Bitch or something for it but i must confess. i love u princess characters who go on adventures to free their kingdoms and usually have some arc as a foil to a protagonists role as leader a leader etc etc. sometimes even have thief girlfriends (zidane and nami). i think theres more of these i love im just forgetting
edit: wait shoutout to my most beloved lady lords. and favorite girl from a game i never got more than six chapters into. i dont think about fire emblem aside from the couple days every month i really play feheroes
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aimbutmiss · 5 months
So new idea (like I don't already have a bunch of those that I don't write):
Murder mystery inspired by the tv show only murders in the building. Crocodile, Buggy and Mihawk live in the same apartment complex. Said building is in a very busy/crowded city and in quite a prestigious area.
Crocodile is a rich business man and Mihawk is a self employed artist who is very popular in the art scene. Buggy on the other hand could NEVER afford to live there and he's actually just crashing with Luffy (the flat is owned by his grandpa who's lending it to him)
Mihawk lives with his two kids, Perona and Zoro. Croc lives alone except his niece Vivi is currently visiting him. One day, there's a fire drill and the four kids end up meeting by circumstance. They find out they are all big fans of true crime podcasts (except for Zoro, who's not into any of Perona's weird hobbies but he changes his mind the moment Luffy tell him he loves true crime and Zoro's like "whaaaat, what a coincidence me too")
They're all fans of the same podcast and they bond over that. When they return to the building they realise that alarm was in fact not a fire drill, but someone has died in the building. While the police are convinced it's a suicide, the four of them decide to investigate and start a podcast of their own...
It'll be zolu with background cross guild polycule and namivivi (if I ever write it lol)
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leodraws3 · 8 months
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Vivi is a princess of ancient Egypt in times of drought and prays to Tefnut (Nami), the goddess of rain, as a last resort. Nami comes down from the heavens to visit her secretly at night and even takes human form just to hang out with her. Crocodile along with his subordinates conspires against her and the Pharaoh Cobra, they take advantage of Vivi's situation to turn the population and the government against her and sentence Vivi to death for religious blasphemy/witchcraft.
Nami is tefnut a lioness goddess that was often described with a solar disc above her head, which I decided to turn into zeus/prometeus, its basically zeus that can shapeshift and stays with the same personality. Nami's tatoo is optional.
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the rest of the strawhats are gods or demons, this is what we have for now:
Luffy (Nika) visiting Nami and playing lightning-pong with her.
Robin demon gossiping and having fun with Nami.
Zoro (Asura) appears in the story because he is lost and ends up becoming friends with them, he hangs out with Luffy and Robin.
Usopp helps Vivi talk to Nami secretly (ally 🌈).
Brook is with Robin and Zoro just chilling, sometimes he pretends that he is a mummy to scare people and create a distraction for vivi.
Yamato is also a demon who is kind of in the background with Ace who is the god of fire.
I'm attempting to write a fanfic, but for now this is all I give you 🤭
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crocodilenjoyer · 1 month
op fic recs
dont tell my professors.
on my way to believing by nervermordor | g | romance dawn arc | vaguely zoluna, nami-centric | 8.5k words | complete
A head pops up on the other side of Straw Hat; the last of the fading sunlight refracts off Roronoa’s earrings, winking at her. “Oh,” he says, sounding only mildly surprised to see her. “You’re here too.”
“What are you talking about? What’s going on?”
Roronoa grins. “Yeah. He does this.”
Nami props herself up a little higher on her already bruising elbow. Straw Hat’s got an arm wrapped around Roronoa, same as her, pinning him to his other side.
“Okay,” Nami says, feeling her third headache in as many hours beginning to creep up. “What is this?”
“How he sleeps, I guess. Been doing it since we started sailing together.”
“You’re joking.”
Roronoa shrugs.
“Well, how do we get him to let go?”
“Dunno. Haven’t figured that part out yet,” Roronoa says and then, because he’s no help at all, lays back down.
migratory animals by donutsandcoffee | t | ambiguous setting, roughly enies lobby-onwards | zosan | 1.4k | complete
Sanji is carefully placing a cherry on top of the ice cream, his hands nimble, soft, almost—gentle. But all Zoro sees is the way the hems of his pants are still soaked in blood from an earlier skirmish with a marine ship, red seeping into the cracks on the floorboard, spattering across the kitchen floor in a slow drip, drip, drip.
Zoro stares, fascinated. He can’t bring himself to look away.
(Or, Zoro and Sanji—terrible monsters, in love)
trouble is a friend of mine by taizi | t | ambiguous setting, sometime from wci to post-wano-ish | gen, straw hats, sanji-centric | 3.1k | complete
“I don’t buy it,” Pete retorts. “Someone like you? Some cook from East Blue? You’re probably worth a couple hundred thousand bellies at best, maybe a million, if your captain’s somebody.”
Sanji tilts his head back so that it rests against the dirty wall behind him. He’s still upright, somehow, through sheer stubbornness or spite. He doesn’t look like someone who only has tonight left to live. In fact, he looks sharp. There’s no better word for it. His expression is still as peaceable as it has been since he arrived, but watching him is like watching a knife slide out of its sheath. He is, abruptly, dangerous. A tool made for cutting.
“If you knew where I’ve been, you would be terrified of me,” he says.
stolen things by Origamidragons | t | roughly enies lobby-onwards | namivivi | 2.8k | complete
A catalogue of things stolen by, for, and from Princess Vivi of Alabasta with regards to a certain thief, as documented by her long-suffering captain of the guard.
see hope rise with the tide by Origamidragons | t | pre-canon with info from fishman island | gen, nami & jinbe | 3.2k | complete
“If you’re looking for Arlong, he’s inside,” she says, pointing at the monstrous building. Jinbe doesn’t look away from her, from the bruise over her eye. She can’t be older than thirteen or fourteen. Her fingers are worn red and raw. As he watches, a drop of blood drips to the ground.
A girl, with reddish hair and exhausted eyes and a ragged, forced smile, and it’s Koala but it’s not.
(Jinbe goes to check in on his brother, and finds some things that need to be set right.)
ocean breathes salty. by novks (thychesters) | t | ambiguous setting, post-timeskip | zolu | 2.7k | complete
“Do you think you can bench press me?” Luffy asks, interrupting him in the middle of a crunch, and Zoro pauses and says, “yeah, sure.”
now here you come by mugibaras (psalter) | e | set around ch. 956/ep. 957 | mishanks | 6.6k | complete
There’s a tightening feeling low in Shanks’ stomach as his gaze follows those long fingers wrap around the neck of the bottle, the candlelight lancing over a sharp cheekbone. Mihawk is terrifying before he is beautiful, but Shanks isn’t afraid of him, and Mihawk is so fucking pretty. The dim glow filtering in through the windows is beginning to tinge warm, reminding Shanks that they’re on borrowed time; he glances at the clock and decides. He reaches over before Mihawk can straighten and curls his fingers around the shell of his ear.
Mihawk stills and looks at him from the corner of his eye, barely turning his head. The bottle is in his hand, and Shanks trails his fingers down Mihawk’s jaw to take the liquor from him and set it down on the table.
“Wanna bang?”
But Patience Boasts by Augment | t | post-wci | zolu and tagged as "sanji/the concept of love" | 9.4k | complete
Sanji and Zoro have very different love languages.
Standards by taizi | nr, probably g | post-timeskip | gen, straw hats | 2.4k
"You aren't planning on bringing that boy in with you tomorrow night, are you? Our restaurant has certain standards."
(In which the Straw Hats set out to prove their captain meets certain standards; whether he likes it or not.)
The Marks You Choose to Bear by ThisCat | g | post-timeskip, small reference to info from wci | gen, straw hats | 5.3k | complete
Usopp gets his hands on a tattoo machine.
Soon after, he gets his hands all over his crew.
as the world goes on its wicked way by taizi | t | ambiguous setting, post-zou | gen, straw hats, luffy-centric | 5.4k | complete
When they’re on the forecastle, with the helm just behind them and the figurehead casting them further in shadow, Usopp calls, “Raise the sails!”
Luffy’s gasp next to his ear is the best part of his entire day. 
The sails unfold in a great rolling crash of canvas. Even the striped gaff swings out, catching the wind. The whole sloop gives a powerful lurch as if she’s eager to sprint out of port on the back of whatever gale blows along next. 
And painted on the foresail, bold and bright and proud, is a grinning Jolly Roger in a yellow straw hat. 
“That’s mine,” Luffy whispers, hushed and awed. 
“Told you so,” Usopp says smugly. 
Lost in Translation by HyperbolicReverie | t | wano arc | gen, zoro-centric | 4.4k | complete
Ever since he'd left home, people had not stopped asking Zoro about his accent.
Or, the reason Zoro was allowed to wander around alone in Wano.
poly philtatos (the most loved by far) by swordsmans | t | post-fishman island, spoilers through wano | zolu, straw hats, zoro-centric | 24.8k | complete | MCD as a framing device
He keeps moving forward at a steady pace, resisting the urge to run because how fucking embarrassing would that be, running because he missed them, and as he breaks through the treeline he shouts, “Oi, oi—what took you guys so long? It's been—”
And then he freezes, because yes, actually—something is very, very wrong.
The Sunny is anchored just off shore, close enough to see the deck but far enough away that the crew has had to take the Mini Merry to make land. Scattered across the beach in various stages of chaos—rolling around, yelling, fighting—are his crew but not his crew, so similar and yet so, so different. They look younger, fresher, and whatthefuck there, on the deck of the Sunny just peering over the railing, he catches a flash of green—his own green hair—
“Ah, fuck,” he grunts, and then immediately turns back around because no, actually, he does not want to deal with this.
informal swordfighting, and the sorts by naturecalls111 | e | modern au, canon setting n/a | zosan | 6.5k | complete
It’s been a while since Sanji has gotten some action, which is the only reason why Zoro’s deplorable, barely-there attempt somehow works. Obviously.
got all my attention fixed on you (and you're just where you said you'd be) by nevermordor | g | pre-enies lobby | zolu | 7.5k words | complete
Luffy looks again at the bitemarks that he left on Zoro’s wrist. Zoro’s usually hurt, one way or another. Sometimes it’s definitely been Luffy’s fault too, but the bitemarks feel different. They ain’t like normal bruises or cuts. There’s something about seeing the shape of his teeth in Zoro’s skin. Something about the colors, the slightly paler insides of Zoro’s wrists, and the blueness of his veins, and the dark pink color of where Luffy bit him.
riptide by nevermordor | gen | post-alabasta | zolu | 6.7k | complete
Luffy unhinges his jaw and crams an entire breakfast ham down his throat. He chews reflectively a moment and then demands,
“Zoro, you wanna have a date tonight?”
Zoro answers by inhaling the rest of his orange juice through his nose and promptly spewing it everywhere.
“That a yes?”
Luffy and Zoro destroy a restaurant, end up lost, get in a bar fight with a bunch of pirates and go on their first date. Not necessarily in that order.
gather up all of the crew (it's time to ship out) by wildparsnip | t | post-arlong park | gen, east blue quintet | 3.5k | complete
“Sanji! It’s lunchtime, right? Now? Soon? Now, right?”
His legs are tight around Sanji’s waist and his arms have come around Sanji’s chest and crossed, grabbing the opposite shoulders, the whole length of his chest pressed tight and close. Sanji can feel the vibration when he talks, the snap of the rubber resonating in his bones.
Luffy’s hair is tickling the back of his neck.
The whole thing is – it’s –
For a long second Sanji is frozen.
It feels –
(The Straw Hat Pirates set sail in the East Blue.)
the hand that thieves by Origamidragons | t | pre-canon | gen, crocodile-centric | 2.8k | complete | cw brief ableism
If he gets caught stealing again, if he loses his other hand, he’ll never be a pirate. Never be anything besides a crippled beggar, pleading for scraps.
If he doesn’t steal, he’ll starve.
giving value to survival by yohoapirateslifeforme | t | pre-canon to shells town | gen, zoro-centric | 11k words | complete
Despite the fluid nature of his ambition, Zoro himself rarely changes: principles, directions, appearance. And when he does, he makes sure it's under the heavy influence of both long-term irritation and a healthy dose of the nearest hard liquor.
Or, Zoro is trans, surgeries cost money, and there's little to no verified adult supervision in his life.
a glance that holds the world and all its seas by JacknessofHearts | t | fishman island arc | sanuso | 6.4k | complete
“God, again?!” Usopp looks down at Sanji who's sitting against a column and tilting his head back while pressing a tissue against his bleeding nose.
“Shu' ub,” Sanji growls. Or, he tries to. It sounds rather unimpressive.
“You're terrible,” Usopp says but he can't hold back the fond smile that's been blooming all over his face again and again ever since he's stepped foot on the Sunny after returning to Sabaody.
It's the big party after defeating Hody Jones. Usopp gets Sanji away from all the mermaids. (Honestly, Sanji, these nosebleeds are disgusting.)
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sillypiratelife · 5 months
Falling for zosan and namivivi because I am a sucker for parallels and relationships that are not what people would expect of them.
For example, I prefer when Zoro and Sanji don't get together because they are sexually attracted to each other, but because there is literally no real reason forcing them together but they choose to be together either way.
Why do they fight? Why each other?
There's nothing about fate or blind love in there.
Loving Sanji is a decision for Zoro. He picks Sanji. He decides he wants to tease Sanji and fight with him and offer to Sanji those parts of himself that no one else has seen. Zoro loves deliberately, with all his being. He knows what he's getting into and he accepts it, a promise made to last forever. He did the same with Kuina and Luffy, so it doesn't make sense to me to have a version of Zoro that loves romantically 'cause there's no other option. Remember when he preferred to die over denying his ambitions? Or all the times he has sacrificed himself expecting nothing in return? Or the fact he is praised for following no one he doesn't want to and nothing but what pleases him?
And Sanji can only choose to love Zoro. It'd be a fight with his traumas and the persona he created to keep the hurt at bay, you know, "the romantic cook that loves and lusts for women". It wouldn't be fair or pretty either if Sanji was forced into it. I'm not saying he can't be sexually attracted to Zoro —and I must clarify, for me Zoro is fully on the asexual spectrum— but ultimately, I think that Sanji would never dive on it if not fully conscious about what it entails. Sanji has a lot of issues he must start working on before involving himself in anything romantic or sexual with a man. It's the guilt? The shame? The way he represses himself and denies himself happiness? The way he thinks he needs to fake an easygoing persona so that others wouldn't worry? The self-loathing? Zoro sacrifices himself because that's his duty and he knows himself and his wishes— he'd die to be the best swordman and he'd die for Luffy to be the pirate king and he'd die for his crew. He doesn't wish death, tho. Sanji? His self-sacrificing is born out of suffering and self-deprecation. Loving Zoro would be a choice, no doubt.
With Nami and Vivi, it's that the circumstances make them perfect for each other, just to later keep them apart.
Vivi and Nami fit together. It took Nami one single night and she knew she'd sacrifice anything— that they would sacrifice anything to help Vivi. Nami saw her own fear and loneliness and guilt and desperation reflected in the way Vivi made her lip bleed from her bite while the Igaram ship was on fire. They were "cursed" to survive. To fight and struggle and survive, because no one else could face Arlong or Crocodile. Little girls —kids, then teenagers— sailing to a world of crime where they got claimed by the organizations they hated the most, the one they wanted to tear down because they were hurting their home. Young attractive teen girls who turned their bodies into weapons to distract and surprise their enemies so they could have a chance to defeat them.
Girls who know what it's like to smile when you want to break down, what it's like to kneel out of frustration and scream and feel useless helpless.
The strawhat girls were to fucking hell as mere children and got out of there walking, okay?
What allowed the princess and the burglar to find companionship within the other were those things like the trauma of being the only one who could reclaim back their home or the fear of being alone against a situation bigger than themselves. Being honest, I'm not sure if they'd have clicked without it. In the end it's a bit funny, isn't it? Alabasta is the reason Vivi met the strawhats and the reason why she can't sail to go on adventures with them. In fulfilling the promise of saving Alabasta, Nami made it so that Vivi wouldn't be able to leave with them. Well, she could, but not really. Vivi is a good princess and she wouldn't abandon her people = her country.
Vivi suffered for being a rich princess, but saved herself + her people 'cause they underestimated how influential and powerful she could be. On the other hand, Nami suffered for being a poor no one first, then for being too important for Arlong to discard, yet they never expected that Nami would have so many people willing to fight for her.
Like a moth to flame, a girl reflected on water.
Vivi and Nami are an echo of each other, one that rings clear and true across the seas. For me, there could be no one else for them. Who else would get it? Who else could understand what they can't explain? What they've lived through? Who held Vivi and swore it'd be okay that night at Whiskey Peak? Who took care of Nami when she was at death's door with fever for days? All the moments become a giant picture with them at the center of it. There's no one else. It couldn't be.
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wdthl-shipart · 2 months
Just had a convo to my brother about ships in one piece and i told him my big 3, frobin, namivivi, and kidkiller, the last of which he repulsed at.
I was like what are you repulsing like that over? Why do you care about what i think about such small characters,
He said that they see eachother as brothers, to which i respond that they literally refer to eachother as their partners, and he said thats like the same as shipping zoro and sanji or zoro and luffy
And i had to stand there like
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Like knowing that the former i have spent time making a piece of art on, and the latter i actually dont mind given how devout i am on the Luffy Aroace train
Just a funny situation
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
I need you to analyse all your ships with who’s “darling” and who’s “guess who’s back from the jail”
And who is “killer Queen” and who is “good old fashioned lover boy”
Idk if you say ships in general or OP (bc let's be honest, 90% of this acc is One Piece) so I'll do OP ships because I want to- And also I have too many ships so I'll just do my favs:
Sanuso: It could go both ways with the songs tbh. Pre-ts Sanuso? Sanji is Killer Queen and Usopp is Lover Boy. But post-ts? Sanji is Lover Boy and Usopp is Killer Queen. In this essay, I will-
Yamace: I feel the need to mention that Yamato would be Lover Boy BUT Ace would be Bohemian Rhapsody because I can't choose another song for him.
Kidkiller: Now I can't stop picturing Kidd going DARLIIING GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM JAIL and I'm losing it. This happened in Wano, actually.
Crocbug: Same thing I said before but Crocodile says it in a "DARLIIING (threateningly) GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM JAIL" mode and Buggy knows he's probably about to die idc about the original meme
Sabosan: Going insane with Sabo being Killer Queen and Sanji being Lover Boy. Only mentioned this bc I wanted an excuse to talk about Sabo.
Namivivi: Nami would actually record a video saying "Darling guess who's back from jail" for Vivi and Vivi would not stop fucking laughing on her way home listening to that
Shuggy: Buggy is Killer Queen and Shanks is Lover Boy, I think this is obvious. I adore them.
I wanted to mention Zolu but I can't think of any Queen songs for Zoro-- However, Crazy Little Thing Called Love is very them
I probably have more ships with these tropes but It's late and I want to go to sleep ngl--
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whereistheonepiece · 4 months
Okay, time to talk about my One Piece ships and why I ship them while I wait on my laundry.
Not in any particular order.
Zosan- The Zosan seed sprouted in Arlong Park. Zoro grinned when he saw Sanji kick someone through the wall. Then that Chopper King of Beasts movie happened and they hyped each other up behind each other's backs and I was like, "Boyfriends!" I also like argumentative assholes who respect each other and become soft for each other.
Lawbin- Started as a whim. Started out as a stray thought that often happens when I like two characters I also happen to think are hot. But then an anon saw my stray musings and was like "Yes, join us!" And then I entered ship hell because I became obsessed with them and had no one to talk to about them. And the ideas were a little sad. And then I wrote a fic to figure out how they might work out in canon and I was like "God, these two make so much sense."
Buggyshanks (I don't like their official ship name sry)- One specific piece of fanart and they clicked in my head.
Usolu- They were a side pairing in a Zosan fanfic. It just made sense.
Usona- Same as Usolu.
Lusona (Luffy/Usopp/Nami)- Usopp has two hands.
Chakapell- I liked their dynamic. I liked coming up with headcanons for what their romance would look like. They're mature adults (not mature as in a euphemism for old, but mature as in fully mentally and emotionally developed) and sometimes one wants a mature romance.
Frobin- Everyone ships Frobin. I think I saw fanart and was like, "Well, yes." So they weren't a ship that jumped out at me while watching Enies Lobby, but some of my fav ships didn't jump out at me immediately.
Namivivi- They're cute. Why else does anyone else ship them?
Cavenlaw- Cavendish was very gallant with Law when Law was in need. I like seeing someone be so princely with our emo prince.
Cavenlawbin- Law has two hands. Robin has more than two hands. Robin can clone herself, actually. I'm just really attracted to these three characters and already ship 2/3 dynamics of it. Actually Cavendish/Robin is lurking in the back of my mind. Waiting to get me.
Other dynamics I like but I'm not unwell for or just really emotionally invested in:
Buggy/Galdino- They are friends with benefits.
Buggy/Alvida- Dumb man + mean lady who isn't as smart as she thinks she is. Failcouple energy. I think it was a fic that fully converted me.
Hanvida (Hancock/Alvida)- Good art. Good fics. Disappointed there isn't more fic.
Smohina (Smoker/Hina)- Smoker is a gruff, no-nonsense man who lets her call him "Smoker-kun." They have history. They're hot. Yes.
Viola/Robin aka Violin- Sexy. Hell, let's throw Law in there.
Buggycule aka Cross Guild + Shanks- Centered around Buggy. CG is funny but I like the idea of two hardened assholes like Croc and Mihawk catching feelings for the poor little meow meow that is Buggy. Plus Shanks has to be there. Buggy and his three weed smoking girlfriends.
Corabug- Cute fanart. Cora-san would be good for Buggy.
I think that covers it. You'll also see me reblog ships that didn't make it on here because I like nice fanart.
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1pcii · 4 months
playing around with some 1pc ships and their quadrants
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(characters drawn by me, forgot to watermark so just... please don't repost/edit/etc)
explanations under cut:
zolu are the main relationship between these two characters. they are primarily in a moirallegiance and only ever vacillate between that and flush when koby is there (more on him later). they've only flipped pitch once during whisky peak (nami auspisticed for them).
zoluko is more of a passive rarepair to me, they're long-distance/on-and-off bfs. both Luffy and Zoro's individual relationships with him are a mix of flush and pale and they end up acting flush around each other too when all three of them are together. Luffy and koby are also kismesis (the dichotomy of being someone's first friend in the entire show and also their parallel/rival).
zo//san is a... complicated ship for me. the tldr would be that I just don't like it but unfortunately they do intrigue me at the same time. people can't tell if they're kismesis or just hate friends and I don't think they know themselves half the time. they are however pitch exclusively with each other. any vacillation between other quadrants (esp flush. they pull of pale in rare circumstances) would destabilise their relationship.
usopp and sanji are flush obviously. slow burn friends to lovers. it's quite beautiful actually. sanji also has a longstanding flush crush on Luffy but idk if it's required or not rip.
usopp and Kaya were pale exclusively for the longest time but over the events of the syrup village arc Kaya developed flush feelings for him too.
this is more reaching into their opla dynamics but. Kaya <> Nami??? the scenes where they comfort and connect with each other?? Kaya always complimenting and just being so happy to be around her??? nami reciprocating after their feelings jam talk in her room??? I love it.
moving onto nami. namivivi is obviously in flushed. I love them so much. srry I don't have much to say on the flush pairings they are just in love and that's beautiful.
nami and tashigi are also a fun pair to me. they're kismesis in a similar way to Luffy and koby, but instead of an 'iron sharpens iron'/'be a good pirate//be a good marine' way it's more a cat-and mouse like dynamic. helped by tashigi's circumstances as smokers underling who has that same kinda dynamic w Luffy. (she also has this dynamic w zoro but In a platonic manner. tho pitch zo//tash is an interesting idea hmm 🤔). the flush vacillation comes from the fact that despite them being on opposing sides. they like each other alot too. Nami finding comfort in tashigi the same way she does her mother, a 'strong but gentle lady marine'. and her in return being the only person to really treat tashigi like a person and with respect on PH.
please feel SO free to ask me questions or talk to me about my shippings charts if you want to. it's so fun to me
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multifandomnonsense · 11 months
Are you still doing the ship thingy? If so could you do one for namivivi?
Yes I am here you go
Who wakes up first?
They both wake up at about the same time so it tends to change. They often wait for the other to wake up before actually getting up though
Who is grumpiest in the morning?
Nami. In the morning she has a higher tendency to snap at people
Who cooks breakfast?
They like to take turns
Who serves the other breakfast in bed?
They both do sometimes. For special occasions like birthdays they do it for each other
Who suggests the skip work and stay home?
Nami does. Vivi often says she can’t but often Nami managed to convince her
Who falls asleep on top of the other?
After one of them has a long, busy day (which they both do sometimes) they fall asleep on the other.
Who always has to be touching the other?
Nami it often very affectionate. She also likes to just walk up and sit on Vivi’s lap
Who stays up until 2 reading?
Vivi does. Nami likes her beauty sleep and wouldn’t stay up that late to read
Who kisses their partner while they're sleeping?
Vivi normally reads before going to sleep and so Nami falls asleep first. She normally kisses Nami’s forehead before turning out the light
Who is most adventurous?
Vivi loves going new places and trying new things and Nami is always happy to go with her and makes maps of where they go (she marks the places Vivi liked best)
Who is most protective?
Nami definitely. She will electrocute anyway that hurts Vivi or any guys that try to hit on her
Who cares too much?
Probably Nami. She often likes to make it seem like she doesn’t but absolutely does
Who is most competitive?
Nami easily. I’m any contest she just has to be the winner. Even if it’s a small contest she’s all in. Vivi sometimes has to tell her to calm down a bit
Who sings in the shower?
Probably Vivi
Who is more likely to get naughty in inappropriate places?
Absolutely Nami. I don’t even needs to elaborate y’all know I’m right and exactly how she’d be
Rate this ship: 9/10. I love them. Nami literally refused to take money from Vivi as a reward. After they find the One Piece and Nami makes her world map she should go marry Vivi
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latinokokonoi · 6 months
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i used this picrew to make them, thanks to @beanghostprincess 🤍🤍
the first two are namivivi’s biological children. they were conceived from intrauterine insemination, which is a procedure that puts donor sperm directly inside a uterus. they both share the same sperm donor from a bank, who has freckles and the same hair color as nami, so they’re full siblings. vivi is the one who gave birth to both of them and are two years apart. the one with the tangerine hair is older while the blue-haired one is younger. they both wear weather necklaces to show much they love their mama, which is nami’s parental name.
the third child is adopted and was born in alabasta. she was found by nami in a box when she was three days old and moderately malnourished. after they couldn’t find a foster home for her, nami begged and begged vivi to adopt her, and so they did. she’s two years younger than the blue-haired child and is a sweet, shy girl who loves her mommies so much.
the fourth picture is nami and vivi’s second adopted child, who is one year younger than the third. he, also, was found by nami… in a forest when he was two years old. you obviously know how zoro has the worst luck with getting lost? well, nami now has that with finding abandoned children in the wild, but anyway.
he was not malnourished like the third child was, but was extremely dirty due to being abandoned by his parents. the only things he said were, “mama, dada go bye-bye,” and his own name. it broke nami’s heart and decided to take him in, with vivi once again agreeing to adopt. due to trauma, it took him three years later to finally start speaking in full sentences. out of all the kids, he was the wildest and unruliest one. always climbing on the furniture and trees. you name it, he climbs on it. he was having one of those days at eight years old, and it resulted in his left eye falling right out of his orbit. his behavior got better afterwards due to that incident, but he still became a mischievous teenager who loves to pick up stray dogs and cats.
honestly, my brain is too fried to come up with names for them and personalities for the first two 😭😭 but i think i’d like to name the blue-haired child as isabelle. i, once again, want to thank @beanghostprincess for this wonderful idea!!!!
lastly, i used this other picrew to make the kids as a toddlers!!!! i edited some details, if you can notice them.
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 month
The truth is that all ships have the same number of moments, which are not many.
Zosan, Lusan, Zolu, Lawlu, Lawsan, Lawzo, Sanami, Luna, Zonami, Zorobin, Sanusopp, Frobin, Sanrobin, Usoppnami, Namivivi, Lawrobin, etc.
Each ship has been given moments where they develop their friendship/relationship, but again, there aren't many. It's just that each shipper takes what they can to have fun and create more content from that.
I mean, yes, Oda's done very well with the whole 'no romance for straw hats' while still giving them meaningful friendships. But that point was just about my perception based on what I was seeing of the fandom. Which was a lot of zosan.
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gellavonhamster · 2 months
namivivi for ship bingo? ;))
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A great ship I'm all for but at the same time haven't been giving as much thought as other One Piece pairings I ship (mostly because my thoughts on them can be quickly and easily summed up as something like "yeah, duh, or course they love each other"). I need to pay more attention to Yuri Duty and get more insane about them, methinks. Also manifesting good scenes in OPLA s2... Miss Rudd, I know that you know what to do
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crocodilenjoyer · 1 month
emily rudd now has cindy berman, marcille donato, and nami under her belt. happy lesbian visibility week i don’t want to get my hopes up too high for namivivi crumbs in season 2 but at the same time. 👀
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meow-bucket · 2 months
its so frustrating to be scrolling through the zosan tag and see so much hate for the ship and stuff in it or see people in replies talking about how people who like it "because theyre both hot" and how these other ships are so much and so much more likely to happen (as if any of them would happen jacsfaf)
idk if other ship tags have as much hate bc my main ships are zosan, namivivi, and frobin but it is just,,, so weird to see people say "they hate each other!!" as if anyone on the crew hates each other. there are a ton of super compelling ship dynamics in one piece! i think almost all of them have merit and i can see and understand why you would ship quite frankly ANY two (or more) members of the crew (except chopper and brook lol) so i do not understand why i see so much actual hate for zosan
n e ways, just my ship bc infighting in fandom makes me so frustrated. we all like the same thing!! isnt it so cool that we all like it!!! why cant we talk about how we all like it instead of the things we hate about it
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