#saw this meme and thought it was amusing so wanted to doodle it
storfulsten · 2 years
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drive thru
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katiekatdragon27 · 6 months
Holy moly a rendered drawing!? And it's Flatland!? AND it's sort of gijinka-fied?!?!?!? Crazy.
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Drip or drown fellas? Be honest lol.
Okay, so some design choices I wanted to point out and "explain":
A. Square does not look any different because he is peak performance. The whole thing of 2D creatures who live "water" and look like amoebas was too good to tarnish. I kept it simple, gave him some boots to help with gravitational pain n stuff on his feet, and he has glasses cuz I saw some character in the movie with them and I thought it would vibe well. He looks a little older because of them, but whatever. The nerd needs to look like a nerd.
A. Sphere I took so many liberties with. At first, I went with the most basic CEO fit I could come up with, found it boring, gave him a vest and bowtie, cut the bowtie for a normal tie and gave him rainbow suspenders, then gave him the bracelets for funsies. The most consistent thing through all the versions was the analog watch (that he probably can't read lol).
He doesn't really feel like a CEO anymore, but c'mon, in canon he's a gold sphere and the only metallic solid. He's gonna look flashy and extra. It's a given.
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Are you reeeally a Flatland fan if you haven't drawn or edited an image of A. Square being yeeted like a frisbee?
I feel like this is a staple, and I found this really amusing stock image that just fit so well.
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I made the whole Flatland species friend-shaped. As an OSC person (yes I'm working on stuff related to it give me a sec), I could not see the Flatlanders as anything more than the silly stick limbed creatures of that community.
Spacelanders are different, but that's more so because of how the book refers to them. "Spacelanders" in the book, although the context is probably just different 3D shapes, are addressed as people who have people systems who do people things. So, I designed accordingly. (Also, I did NOT want A. Sphere to look like that one Pacman TV show. I think I would have combusted before finishing if he did.)
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These were some doodles I worked with for just looks purposes. The tendrils(?) on their corners are the longest ones on their bodies. Circles have them all mostly uniform cuz they're boring.
Below is a close up of A. Square, some progress photos, and the reference image of meme.
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Thanks again, and have a wonderful day :)
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cinnoasch · 5 months
Persona (game of your choice depending which is more fitting) gang's reaction to the Reader using a cardboard box by hiding himself within the box and remaining inconspicuous, and also uses it to escape the notice of enemy sentries and surveillance cameras (Basically like Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid)
A/N: Hi Anon! Thanks for requesting! So so sorry this took so long! This is my first time doing a character reaction request but I hope you enjoyed it! Had a lot of fun doing this one, so please feel free to request more!
Word Count: 2765
Akira wouldn’t be fazed at all. Maybe just a bit surprised on the inside, but on the outside, a blank stare or maybe a small smirk of amusement. He would wonder where you hid the box though. Under your coat? No, there’s no way you could hide a box of that size under your coat. How did you carry it anyways? Whenever you would hide, the box always seemed to pop out of thin air. But even though your hiding methods were peculiar, the box did serve its purpose. 
Besides Futaba, Akira was the first person to join you in your box hiding shenanigans. He was always looking for new things to test out while exploring palaces and this method proved to be fun. You could see the glint of mischief in his eyes as he would pull a box out of thin air and hide under it. As a Shadow approached, Akira would stand up, letting the box fly off of him. The Shadow would notice and immediately charge at him, weapon drawn. Then just as quickly as before, Akira would pull out another box and  hide himself under it. You could hear him chuckle as you watch the Shadow look around in bewilderment. The glint of mischief, the tiny glimpse of a smirk that you saw before he hid back under the box; it was just like a cat toying with a mouse.
He would be the one who would loudly shout “what the hell” and end up making you all retreat from the palace. But honestly Ryuji would probably get the reference. He probably never played the series before but he’s most likely seen it in memes and such. 
"Oh they're doing that hiding under the box thing!" (Futaba would probably get offended by this remark.)
At first Ryuji would find the idea dumb. There’s no way that hiding under a box would actually work, right? It was huge, and stuck out like a sore thumb. Even he would be able to notice that it was out of place in the palace. But once he sees that the Shadows completely ignore the box, Ryuji would eventually use it to his advantage. Like Akira, Ryuji would also want to test his luck with the shadows. The first idea he had was to sneak up behind the Shadows, put the box over their head and ambush them from behind. A lot of extra work to do when you could just normally ambush them but it put a smile on Ryuji's face whenever he pulled it off.
Much like Ryuji, she’d probably be surprised when she sees you hide under the box, but she’d be more composed about it. Ann wouldn't normally want to hide under a box, but she would do it if it meant staying undetected and not having to leave the palace. She might complain a bit at first, since it seemed to be a hassle having to lay on the ground; but she’ll quickly get used to it. 
One time while you all were taking a break in the safe room, you noticed Ann drawing faces on her box. When you asked her about it, she told you that she thought the faces would bring more life to it. You had to agree, the doodles were cute. So then you started drawing on your box too, and eventually all of the Phantom Thieves were doing it. It turned out to be a neat little stress reliever from exploring. But somehow, it ended up turning into a competition of whose box looked the best and you were appointed as the judge. As a joke, you voted for Ryuji which ended up making Yusuke snap a paintbrush in half.
Yusuke wouldn’t have much of a reaction to be honest. Just like his reaction to Morgana the first time, Yusuke would just see it as something normal. To him, it’d just be your way of escaping enemy surveillance. Yusuke probably would also come up with different ideas of using the box. Seeing Akira and Ryuji attempt their ideas made him curious. If he painted on the boxes would they become noticed by the Shadows? The answer was no, as the paint only added some flair. Interestingly enough this led to Yusuke collaborating with Futaba on an idea she had. With Akira’s permission and yours, you ended up being an art project. Specifically, Futaba wanted to have Yusuke paint the boxes and sculpt them in a way that could be worn like a costume. 
Within a few days, you showed up at the hideout inside of a beautifully painted cardboard costume of Futaba’s favorite Featherman. Yusuke and Futaba were proud of their collaborative creation; both of them explained the details that went into it. The rest of the Phantom Thieves were impressed to say the least, that was until you all went into Mementos. The costume was meticulously detailed, the paint gave off a very metallic feel for something made out of cardboard. The only problem was that you couldn’t move very well in it. When Makoto asks how Yusuke and Futaba got you to LeBlanc, they pull out a hand trolley that they used to wheel you there. Although the use of the costume was short-lived and never got to see any action, it neatly sits in Futaba’s room for the time being. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll actually be able to use it.
Makoto would probably tell you to stop messing around at first. Saying something along the lines of “now isn’t the time to play hide-and-seek with the Shadows.” She apologizes to you for saying such a thing once she sees that the Shadows don’t pay any attention to the box. At first, Makoto wasn’t sure how to approach the situation. While yes, the box was actually an ingenious hiding method, but she had her doubts about it. Wouldn’t it just be easier to hide like you always did? The box did seem a bit inconvenient to pull out every time, and it did make ambushing enemies a bit slower. 
It wasn’t until Akira called a meeting per Futaba’s request that Makoto’s doubts were… somewhat relieved to say the least. You all sat through a 2-hour presentation about the Metal Gear Solid series, Solid Snake and the possible pros and cons of using the box to hide while in Palaces. At the end of it, everyone’s attention turned to Akira as he sat in the back of the room, his arms crossed. The only thing he said was “Okay.” as he pushed his glasses up and gave Futaba a thumbs-up.  With a loud cheer from Futaba, the room filled with chatter as Makoto only sighed with a small smile. To be honest, now she was completely terrified of what this could possibly bring on. But, this should be fine for the most part right? After all, you guys were still young. You should still be allowed to have some fun while trying to change society.
To say that Futaba was ecstatic when she saw you hide under the box, was an understatement. A very severe understatement. Like Ryuji, she lets out a loud cheer which ends up attracting the Shadows’ attention. Luckily there was a safe room right around the corner, so you and the Thieves duck into there. Once inside the safe room, Futaba would ask you a bunch of questions. Such as have you played the games and if so which was your favorite? Were you a 100% completionist or the type to play it once and be done with it? And so on and so forth. Futaba becomes a lot more invested in actual palace exploring rather than just navigating once the other Thieves start using the boxes to hide as well. She would beg Akira and Makoto to let her join in on ambushing Shadows. Even with all of the pleading from Futaba, they deny her request. This rejection ended up being futile anyway since you suggested that she join you in a Showtime Attack. And no one could stop you, not even Akira. Let’s just say that your Showtime was… too chaotic for anyone to stop you.
After that, you’d always hang out at Futaba’s place, playing different games with her. Eventually it got to the point where Futaba would end up hosting small game parties in Akira’s room. It was friendly at first, just you all playing games together. At least it was friendly, until Ryuji suggested Mario Kart. Akira jokingly refers to that night as “the night the Phantom Thieves almost broke up.” You guys don’t mention that night. Ever.
Haru’s reaction would be similar to Yusuke’s, she wouldn’t see much wrong with it. In fact Haru would find the idea very cute. Hiding under the box and then ambushing an unsuspecting Shadow? What fun! Everytime Haru would pop out from underneath the box, she’d have a bright smile on her face as she swung her axe down. She also probably played a part in trying to convince Makoto that using the boxes to your advantage was a good thing.
In any case, Haru enjoyed the box method, if anything she was one of the people who really showed the advantage of it. She’d carry Morgana in one of the boxes if neither of them were chosen to be in the team lineup for the day. Seeing as the Shadows don’t notice the box, Haru would suggest that she wanted to try something. Of course, Akira gives the okay and before Morgana can even process what’s happening, Haru tosses the box towards a Shadow, leading to a successful ambush. She apologizes to Morgana for not warning him, and promises to warn him next time. He wanted to reject the promise, never wanting to be thrown again, but he couldn't bring himself to say no to Haru. This would end up being a mistake on his part as Haru came up with new ways to ambush Shadows. One of them included sliding the box with Morgana in it across the floor like a bowling ball. This soon became his least favorite thing about Palace exploration but as long as it was only Haru that was doing it, he was fine. There was no telling what hell the rest of you would unleash if he allowed them the same permission.
Just like Makoto, Morgana would also tell you to stop messing around. He’d tell you that you’d have time to play after you all were done exploring the Palace. Of course once he sees that the Shadows ignore the box, he doesn’t say much about it anymore. He’d actually become intrigued about how it worked. Morgana knew that the effect of cognition was strong, seeing as that the guns you all used were actually loaded when inside of Palaces. But could that effect actually extend to making a box unnoticeable by the Shadows? It was just an ordinary box, what was so special about it? He’d ask you about it, wondering if it had something to do with your cognition of the box. The first answer you provided was that you had no clue of how it worked. After you thought about it some, your 2nd answer was that it was simply the will of the game mechanic. Morgana figured it was best to just let the conversation die there after that.
Morgana is most likely one of the only members of the team who doesn’t use the box that often. Well, more like even if he wanted to, he can’t. The box was a one-size fit all type of thing, that is for humans. When Futaba and Haru tried to convince him to join them, he refused at first. He was already fast enough to ambush normally, so adding the box would just be an extra step and a waste of energy. But of course, they kept trying to convince him, saying that it was a team spirit thing. Morgana would never admit it, but he was glad that Futaba and Haru wanted to include him in it; even if it was something as silly as this. Well, he was happy until the box he pulled out was the same size as the ones you all used. It was almost as if he pulled out a comically large spoon. It didn’t help when the box fell on top of him and he popped out from underneath it and everyone simultaneously said “aww”. 
Pre-third semester Akechi would just go along with it. If he needed a place to hide, he would hide under a box. He'd be a bit confused when he first sees you hide under it and then even more perplexed when the rest of the Phantom Thieves follow your lead. But he understands that it proves to be useful when you get yourselves in a tight spot.
Now with third semester Akechi, he would absolutely loathe having to hide under the box. That would be the last thing he would resort to if he had no other choice. Even if you tried to force him under it to avoid having to retreat from the palace, he would try to brute force his way through the enemies. He’d still see the usefulness of hiding underneath it, but he much rather fight than hide at this point. To your disappointment, Akechi tends to try and avoid any situation that could possibly lead him into having to hide. However, on the rare off-chance that the situation is unavoidable, Akechi scowls when he has to pull out the box.  You and the other Phantom Thieves can't help but laugh a bit when you see him throw the box off angrily as he stands up and simply continues navigating through the palace. 
Sumire’s reaction would be similar to Ann’s, surprised at first but quickly regains composure. She would ask you a lot of questions, mainly due to her wanting to do everything in her power to help the Phantom Thieves. Even if it was a bit bizarre to her at first, Sumire would just go with the flow. She didn’t question it and if anything thought it was fun. To her, it was somewhat of a team bonding sort of thing. Everyone followed your lead when the situation called for it, well some did it reluctantly, but Sumire felt as if it brought the team closer together.
Since she was a new addition to the team, Sumire was excited to learn and help out in any way possible. She’d watch you guys do different tactics to ambush the enemies, then she’d do it herself. You couldn’t help but be proud of her when she turned around after the battle asking “Senpai, did I do it correctly?” Eventually Sumire came up with her own ideas of ambushing while using the box to hide; she even pushed for Akechi to join in on the fun as well. Of course he refused, and then Sumire asked for everyone’s help in trying to convince him. She wanted him to feel like a part of the team, and also maybe show a genuine smile. In the end, he begrudgingly agreed. It was fine until Akechi started getting a bit too… creative you could say. In a sense the “jump” in creativity could be due to your convincing statement that the box ‘was just another way to strike fear into the heart of your enemies’. Yeah, not the best thing you could have said, but it sure did the trick.
Soon, Akechi was having a little too much fun with using the box to ambush that it put the whole team on edge. You were beginning to think that it was a bad idea. A very bad idea seeing that Akechi’s antics only got more violent as time went on. One day Sumire decided to copy Akechi, an idea that you, along with everyone else, advised against. But of course she reassured you all, saying that if anything this would make things less tense. And so, Sumire copied one of Akechi’s methods; it didn’t have the exact murderous intent that Akechi had but it was a good effort. Akechi only stared at Sumire when she asked if she did it correctly. It surprised all of you when he laughed and told her it was a good attempt and that he’d gladly teach her how to do it properly. Well, at least Sumire was right in that the box ambushing brought the team closer together.
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seijurosempress · 3 years
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@shoichee​ I hope this meets your expectations✨ (Bc I refuse to tolerate any more bullying today. Also- Matchup under the cut)
First, I just want to say- I’m sorry. (but not really). I know our love for Hayama runs deep but the moment you choose violence with him, that’s it for you. RIP. It was nice knowing you 😔 But, remember when we first spoke and I asked you if you shipped yourself with Imayoshi and you refused to answer my question? Well- [Insert ‘Surprise shawty’ tik tok audio]
Best Match: Imayoshi Shoichi
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Your subconscious knew what it was doing when you picked out your URL. The moment you said you related to Dazai and then proceeded to talk about socioeconomic issues revolving around globalization while we simultaneously talked about dumb stuff I knew there were only a few guys that could handle your energy and Imayoshi hands down tops that list
Even though Hanamiya out of all people might say Imayoshi doesn’t have the best personality, I actually think you two can balance each other out and understand each other in a way other people may not be able to
Honestly, right off the bat, y’all will probably bond over some form of teasing. Whether it’s making some remark aimed directly at the other, or one of you takes a jab at someone else and the other happens to overhear, it will be the start of a beautiful relationship
Gemini and Leo’s have really good chemistry so it’s no surprise you’ll manage to get along, regardless of your- argumentative natures.
You two are like the two sides of the same coin. While he presents himself as a kind and easy going person, speaking politely to others- until he inevitable shows them his real personality- you, on the other hand, can come off a little cold and critical, scaring people off when you first meet them even though you’re genuinely kind and easy going once you start to talk to them
If you guys meet purely by chance, maybe you’re in the same class, you’re introduced because of a mutual friend, or because one of you overheard the other, the moment you hear how the other carries themselves in a conversation will automatically peek your interest. 
Have you ever seen that meme where they’re like “oh you wanna kiss me so bad”? yea, that’s you two. I can see you getting into the most amusing squabble, just trying to throw the other one off, Imayoshi smirking if and when one of his comments goes right over your head
You’re both pretty smart (I spent a solid hour trying to double check this and still failed but I’m like 80% sure his IQ is pretty up there) so I can see you two meeting because of that too
Imayoshi is just minding his business, checking the updated class rankings posted in the hall across your classroom. Why? He doesn’t know, if he’s being honest. It’s not like anyone could ever surpass him, he’s been at the top of his class each time since his firs- What’s this? He got bumped down? Who the hell are you? Wait no, he knows who you are. He’s heard your name before countless times, mostly followed by your voice as it traveled throughout the hallways, your laugh bubbling out of your small frame soon after in reply to whichever friend had just made a funny remark. Funny. You didn’t seem all that smart at first glance, could he have actually... made a mistake? His gaze flickers to the other side of the hall where he immediately found you, eyes wide and a small smile adorning your features as you listened to your classmate speak. A low hum escapes him as he analyzes your appearance once more. He notices the way your makeup highlighted your already attractive features, the small accessories added to your uniform making you look put together and stylish. Maybe he had underestimated you, he though as he saw you take your turn to speak, your answer leaving your classmate open mouthed with a baffled expression. He felt the slight tug on his lips, the beginning of a small smirk forming on his face as you smiled widely at the response you had gotten.  However, the amusement only lasted a split second, his features falling in disbelief when you turned around, tripping over your own feet and falling face first into the open classroom door. “What are you staring at?” Someone, probably Sato, asks as he strolls up beside him. “Nothing” he sighs, adjusting his glasses on his face. Is it really nothing though? a small voice inside him asks just as a series of curse words and noises fall from your lips, eliciting his own to quirk up into an amused, lopsided smile. Even if it is “nothing” for now, don’t be surprised when both of you “coincidentally” find yourselves bumping into each other more often from now on as he tries to figure you out.
I can see him realizing he has feelings for you while you two are hanging out. Maybe you two will be studying after you asked him to tutor you in math since it’s his best subject, or well, attempting to study at least as you’re nearing half an hour of your 5 minute snack break. He’ll probably be doodling in his notebook while you scroll through Instagram, and it’s not until he looks up to see you so focused on whatever was on the other side of the screen, your fingers quickly tapping away as a smile pulled at your lips that he asks what you’re doing. Without a second thought, you absentmindedly tell him about whatever argument you’re getting into in the comments section under a random photo you came across before you’re back to focusing on the matter at hand. 
His whole trademark is that he’s good at analyzing people, and as a Gemini, he is not an exception to his own skills. He’ll suddenly come to the realization that, while he enjoys pushing people’s buttons, he enjoys the thought of you two being a team even more. While you can be loud and social, making and laughing at jokes, you also know when to get serious and get stuff done, something that that he would appreciate considering he likes respectful and considerate girls.
The problem now is- he may be aware of his feelings...but are you?
He’ll probably try out multiple ways to hint at his feelings towards you but they’ll just go right over your head. In your mind, you can’t see anyone having any romantic feelings towards you and sure he may be acting a little weird, but you’d probably just shrug it off as it being all in your imagination.
Meanwhile the whole time Imayoshi is just standing there like- Is she serious? No one can be this oblivious???? but yet  ✨here you are✨
Now it’s his turn to be frustrated by your conversations because you’re just not getting it? So he decides to try something more straight forward. Girls like pickup lines, right?
He could literally see the moment your brain stopped working. Your face flushed red as a nervous giggle bubbled out of you. All common sense left your body as you made finger guns at him, giving him a slight nod before turning around and walking quickly out the room
it would take you a few minutes to collect yourself, strolling back in the room 30 minutes later, leaning against the same spot you left him moments prior and giving him a pickup line of your own. *queue Imayoshi’s mischievous smirk* “Oh? Is that so?” (he’s such a little shit he’ll probably pretend like he didn’t say anything first to get back at you)
I can see this going back and forth for a while until he finally asks you out on a date, but this time he’ll make sure to do it in a way that will prevent you from escaping and leaving him alone and confused again
Your PDA is most likely kept to a minimum, partly because of your Venus in Virgo and partly because he doesn’t like spontaneity. Your outward relationship will consist of hand holding and pecks but that doesn’t mean your private life remains the same, just because you’re dating now doesn’t mean you’re suddenly immune to his habits or him to yours
You say you want to spend some quality time together? “How about a movie night?” he asks, his smile deceiving you long enough to trap you in his arms as a scary movie plays in his blacked out bedroom. “I don’t like scary movies” you whine, your body pressing into his and a pout pulling at your lips as he “innocently” chuckles, “Oh really? I must have forgotten”
You say you’re a bit cynical about relationships but I think it’s because your Neptune, Pluto and Lilith are ruled by air signs. This means you enjoy spontaneity and creativity in what you do and therefore always gravitate to doing things in which your outcome depends on yourself and not other people. Imayoshi is the kind of person that respects other people’s needs as we can see when he allows Aomine to skip practice if that’s what works for him. This will help you maintain a healthy balance in your relationship, allowing you to be able to feel more at ease and not trapped or like you have to be a certain way with one another
You decide to keep pursuing dancing? He’s proud of you, and will not hesitate to show off and boast about your achievements to the rest of the team
You had a rough week and you want to spend the whole day gaming with headphones on? It’s fine he’ll take the opportunity to relax and go fishing
On the other hand, you want to go shopping? Suddenly he’ll find himself walking hand in hand with you as you and his sister stop at every single store only to leave with more bags that you can carry. 
At first, you would insist you could both take care of yourselves at the mall, but he soon found out that you two should not be left alone. She might be his sister but she’s younger and impressionable and she looks up to you? And you can be a bit scatterbrained so you lose track of her time so you always end up bringing her back really late, along with an armful of shopping bags that he’ll only have to go back and return within the week because being hasty runs in his family and his sister didn’t pay much attention to how much money she was spending
Overall- I think that what really makes you a good match is your ability to communicate with one another. Both of you are pretty honest and straightforward (although your executions are vastly different) which will help you navigate through any obstacles in your relationship
You keep each other on your toes and bring fun into your relationship while also settling down, talking about serious stuff and getting genuine advice from one another when you need it the most. The balance you maintain allowing a stable foundation for the relationship to grow and blossom. He did something hasty? It’s okay, you know exactly what to do to fix it. Someone keeps hitting on you insistently? He’s already walked over to intimidate him to go away. You want to spend quality time together but he wants to go fishing? There you are by his side, scribbling in your notebook and reciting your poetry to him as he listens carefully with a small smile on his face that you’ll definitely not tease him about later. You need help with your math again? he’ll tutor you in exchange for you making him a bento with his favorite meal. Until he learns that you somehow burned half the rice and left the other half uncooked. Perfect balance of give and take. 
Bonus: Takao Kazunari
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You are literally the girl version of Takao omg. (I literally JUST got your message about being the new Takao too smh I know I’m slow but let me finish this first)
You two are so alike and you would make the most chaotic duo but as much as I want to ship you two, I can just see you two being really good friends so I feel the need to include him in this
Midorima would be so done with your shit, he’d probably see you two together and immediately turn around and start walking the other way because he just KNOWS you’re bound to gang up and bully him
The first time you saw is lucky item you probably burst out laughing and thought he was joking until you saw his face flush red
After that, every time you ask about it he just grumbles out his answer, still salty about your initial reaction
Takao never fails to remind you either, trying to hold back his laugh whenever you try to make it up to Midorima but he ends up ignoring you, or you somehow just manage to make it worse
When it’s just you and Takao, you could be minding your business when suddenly one of you makes ONE singular little comment and that just sets off the other, adding onto it until both of you are crying with laughter
Honestly, the only time I can see you taking one another seriously is when you’re having discourse
He’s an optimistic person while you’re a realist which can set off some very interesting discussions between the two of you, your argumentative nature leading both of you to talk about anything and everything as you challenge the other’s ideologies
If you decide to try out a relationship, it’ll be filled with excitement and adrenaline, both of you needing very little persuasion to try out new things
You’ll be his partner in crime and he’ll be yours. You want to mess a bit with your younger neighbors? Why not? You want to go check out the new mall a few town’s over because they have a store you’ve been wanting to check out for months? He’s your man.
While the relationship is fun, you both can get a little ahead of yourselves, going with the flow and getting sucked into your own world; you’ll need someone to ground you
Usually, this role can be plaid by Midorima but it proves to be a bit problematic when he’s nowhere in sight
The amount of times you two have lost track of time or gotten caught up in something because you ran into some friends or even met new people and got lost in conversation, by this point Midorima has probably given up trying to keep track of your whereabouts when you’re together
I wouldn’t be surprised if you two ended up making your own language. He’s good with kids and bad at being quiet while you enjoy making new words and trying out sound effects which he would without a doubt find amusing. You’d probably go as far as to make children believe they’re actual words, could you imagine Midorima’s face when he goes over to Takao’s house and his younger sister starts talking to him in the made up words you taught her
Ultimately while your personalities are very alike, you tend to clash at the wrong points and it would take you working together to compromise to make a romantic relationship work
Both of you surround yourself by others, often finding yourself in the middle of everything, your personality constantly making other people gravitate towards you. This can prove conflicting when you’re together as now you’d have to learn how to share the spotlight, so to say
While you love fashion and makeup and shopping, the poor man just wants to enjoy his trading cards
Although you should use it to your advantage and make him drive you around in Princess Mia’s Midorima’s carriage.
Your might also find yourself more often than not at a crossroads, your realist point of view conflicting with his positivity which can lead to arguments between you two
Overall- a relationship with you would be exciting. There would never be a dull moment and you’d constantly encourage the other to have new experiences and make the most of your time. But moving into a more romantic territory would mean that you’d have to learn how to prioritize things in your life, knowing when to buckle down and get things down and how to successfully come to terms with and work out your differences. 
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Sidenote: I meant to make these a little longer but my brain cell only has so much KNB knowledge stored in her small little filing cabinet that may or may not be a single folder covered in dust and stuffed in some corner
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minjoonie-song · 3 years
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0:00 “Hello! Welcome to Minjoon’s Kitchen.” “Who’s fucking kitchen?” Brandon’s voice off camera startled a laugh out of Minjoon, loud and squeaky; and that was it for the theme of the live. “Welcome to uh... Welcome to Minjoon in a kitchen.” “Welcome to not Minjoon’s Kitchen.” Brandon added, finally coming into view. “Welcome not Minjoon to Minjoon’s Kitchen, not in Minjoon’s kitchen.” “Featuring Minjoon.” “Welcome to Brandon’s kitchen!” “Welcome to Brandon is trying to get his car home because she’s parked in fucking central LA after we went for brunch and had so many mimosas that I legally wasn’t allowed to drive us home.” “Hi MTV. Welcome to Brandon’s crib.” “Look mom! I‘m on MTV and I didn’t have to be 16 and pregnant to do it!” The pair started cackling again, uncontrollably hysterical in their inebriated states. 8:14
“You should make that a thing.” ”What?” ”Not Minjoon’s Kitchen. Once a month you just show up at a random fans house, streaming and giving them no time to prepare for you to cook whatever they have in their house.” ”Absolutely not. You know I like to be organised when cooking.” ”You’re literally squinting at lettuce in the fridge, I think you’re past that.” ”That’s lettuce?” “Oh my god, Minjoon. You can’t cook like this.” “I can’t see properly. I don’t know where my glasses are.” “This is going to be the most disappointing episode of your show ever and it’s live. We can’t cook, it’s gonna be dangerous and messy.” “In the words of the awesome Jake Peralta. Title of your sex tape.” “Oh my god. No, mine would be called uhh.. Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.” “Nope. I already claimed that for mine.” “Joonie! I hate the accuracy.” The laughing continued, even as the pair complained that they couldn’t breathe.
After they’d finally calmed down they took the camera with them to the couch, after the executive decision that the pair were definitely in no state to try to actually cook anything and a too large order of pizza. “We have like half an hour to kill. What are we going to do now?” “Remember when I asked for a Q&A way back in the past when I thought I’d be sober at four in the afternoon? We’ll do that and then I guess I’m writing a formal apology on my notes app to anyone who was hungry and eager to learn. Just like a real celebrity.” Minjoon fished around in his pockets for his phone, handing it to Brandon once it was unlocked so he could read it aloud. “I just figured out the greeting. Welcome to the last ever episode of Minjoon’s Kitchen.” “My biggest mistake this time was too much Minjoon and not enough kitchen. Some people come just to see my organised spice rack.” “You’ve both upgraded and downgraded to Brandon’s Couch.” “Love it. I’ve re-branded. Put it on a T-shirt. Every episode I’m just going to show you how to order different pizzas. We’re a podcast now.” “You’re a dumbass. Alright! Let’s see what we got. Minjoon.. What is your favorite thing to cook?”  “Everyone I see with how hot I am.” The laughter started up once more, even despite their previous attempts to calm down. “I fucking told you! I knew you’d get that one.” “You owe me $50 for saying it!” “I’ll buy all the pizza you just ordered, how about that?” “Catch me outside?” “Stop! How have you made it this far in life as a meme?” “I wasn’t always like this, it’s part of my rebrand. Brandon’s Couch: Meme edition.” “I can’t believe we failed cooking and now we’re already failing the Q&A.” “No! No, I got this. My favourite thing at the moment.. I love making risotto. Mostly because I get to eat it afterwards and I love eating risotto but yeah! That’s my favourite right now.” “I don’t think that’s really answering.” “It’s my answer. This is still not Minjoon’s Kitchen featuring Minjoon for this last episode. Shh. Next question!” “This one asks if there is anything in particular that gets me inspired for designs? Yes! I love art so as soon as my bank account hits below a mil, I’m like.. Shit! Gotta doodle. No, I find inspiration everywhere. Sometimes it’s just a particular mood I’m in, sometimes I’ll see a net curtain blowing a particular way in a breeze and design an entire dress from how it falls. Sometimes I’ll see a colour that I’ll want to make an entire wardrobe out of. I’ve been painting a lot recently, not designs just.. things I like and I’ve been able to work from those. Gross, I know but yeah. Inspiration is everywhere. Disgusting. Unacceptable. I refuse to be inspired again that was too mushy.”
The boys were a giggly mess. Almost everything bringing them to hysterics even if it was just something said with the smallest hint of sarcasm, they were grabbing onto the couch and each other’s arms for support as they hiccuped their way through another bout of laughter. “Anyway! Next question is top 5 celebrity chefs. Mine of course is Joonbug and that’s it. Wait, no that dude from that thing we saw in England. Gordon’s friend.” “Oh! With the road trip?” “Yeah, the really funny one.” “I loved that. Mine is obviously Chef Ramsay, Remy.. Gotta give my boy a shout out. Chef Baek Jong-won. Oh! The um.. I discovered that dude during fashion week in London that time. The sciencey one. Hus.. Hes..? I don’t remember his actual name but he made some amazing things. I was in awe. I’m also throwing in whoever invented bulgogi. That’s my top five. I actually met Chef Ramsay recently!” “You did! You called me after. How was it meeting your hero?” “Oh, I cried. Like a big baby. Ugly sobbing and lots of I love yous in the middle of a cupcake shop.” “Classic Minjoon behaviour.” “He signed my T-shirt and I cried some more. I would have proposed through my tears but I was crying too much. Like the shaky inhale, full on breakdown kind of crying? I can’t even be embarrassed because he still talked to me.” “You’re a baby!” “I am a baby! 달콤한 아기. That’s what my eomma and momma call me and then they pinch my cheekies.” “Cute! Ooh! How does it feel.. no, fuck. That’s not.. shut your face. I can read. How does performing feel on stage versus cooking on camera? How did it feel being on stage?” “I refuse to acknowledge what that means. Stage? What stage?” “They’re talking about your big, gay musical re-enactment of your love for me.” “I wish I could use memes like in real life? Just the I do not see meme but my face. Honestly though? It’s different because I can cook. This mess obviously doesn’t count but I can edit everything I post and I know what I’m doing? I’m confident when I’m cooking. I know what I can and can’t do. Being on stage was just.. I was terrified. It was terrifying. I had fun though and I did work hard. Like.. I decided last minute and I had to learn choreo and remember lyrics to things I wrote years ago. I was scared I’d trip up and face plant the whole time. Like the entire time. I wanted to be included though and I couldn’t go to the festival because it was terrifying being around so many people. I just kind of listened from the side lines but it sounded good and you said you had lots of fun being up there.” “I did. You know me though. I’m that one line from that Mike Posner song about needing everyone’s eyes just to feel seen.” “Woah. Hashtag deep.” “Oh my god. You’re ridiculous.” “I did need the entire weekend to recover though. It’s.. it’s a lot to open yourself up like that.” “You mean serenading the town with love songs about me?” “You suck so bad.” “Is that how you talk to the former love of your life?” Minjoon snorted, slapping at Brandon’s arm. “You were so in love with me. It’s my greatest achievement, you know? I put it on my resume under my skills. Has given Minjoon boners.” The reaction was instant, Brandon’s loud laugh failing to cover Joonie’s shriek that soon turned into a laugh but even his amusement couldn’t mask how red he’d gotten. “No! I hate it here! You suck so bad! So bad! I can never show my face in public or make eye contact with another human being ever again!” “It’s a good job I put the age restriction thingy on this stream. I knew I’d be a fucking menace after the second drink.” “You’re not a menace! You’re a gremlin! God, end the stream before you really do end my YouTube career. Goodbye everyone! I’m gonna go eat my body weight in pizza and become a cave hermit.” “Bye little Joonie fans! Sorry about the.. Fuck it, I’m not sorry about anything. Peace out, bitches!”
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aeipathic · 3 years
📝 x each of your mdzs muses plskthx -rubs greedy hands together-
headcanon meme || not accepting || @ofwindsweptpines
wei wuxian: wei wuxian doesn’t draw for a little while after his resurrection. he just doesn’t think to; the last time he drew, they were doodles for a-yuan, amusing little caricatures of the wens that he hung up on the walls of the demon-slaughtering palace at a-yuan’s insistence. with everything that followed, it’s a hobby he just hasn’t thought about in a long time. it isn’t until he discovers, in the jingshi, the drawing of lan zhan that he did back when he were teenagers, lovingly tucked away, that he thinks to do so again. he feels terribly out of practice, but starts leaving little drawings in places lan zhan will find them: a lot of bunnies, little portraits of lan zhan himself, doodles of the two of them, an unflattering caricature of lan qiren, and maybe a couple of risqué sketches as well. just ideas of things he’d like to try out, you know.
jiang cheng: jiang cheng is in the uncomfortable position of Knowing Things about lan wangji, purely because of the months they spent together at the beginning of the sunshot campaign. while i can’t say that they grew close, you don’t travel with someone for months without picking things up about them. jiang cheng knows what order lan wangji eats his food in, what brand of tea he carries with him, how he sleeps and the slight pinch in his expression when he encounters a spider. while i don’t know if they had any true heart to hearts, i imagine there were a couple of nights where they at least shared some information about each other. now, of course, jiang cheng is angry and annoyed when he Remembers Things About Lan Wangji; he wishes he didn’t know them, and it reminds him of a time when he hadn’t yet fucked things up enough for lan wangji to hate him so.
lan xichen: though of course they learned from the same master, it was lan xichen who showed lan wangji much of the basics of playing the qin when they were children. he actively wanted to do it; it felt like a very good big brother thing to do, teaching your brother, and there was a peace to the afternoons they spent alone as children, lan xichen helping his baby brother’s small hands pick out a melody on the strings. he felt like it made wangji happy to learn, even if he didn’t say so, and he liked to think he might have a hand in anything that made wangji happy. 
wen qing: this isn’t a headcanon so much as wistful thinking but just imagine the team they would make. wen qing heals the body, lan wangji heals the spirit, but they’ll both fix you with identical Bitchy Unimpressed Stares at the fact that you fucked yourself up at all. also i just think it would be cute if they gossiped about wei ying.
(okay no, additional actually-a-headcanon: wen qing doesn’t really trust lan wangji! they were on opposite sides of the war by association, and his sect did nothing to stop the torture of wen refugees. she knows wei wuxian cares deeply about him, and while she respects his power as a culltivator, she also doesn’t live to see the depth of care he has towards wei wuxian. meeting sizhui, however, and learning how lan wangji raised him, does a lot to raise her estimation of him post-canon.)
wen ning: like with most people, wen ning feels a little awkward around lan wangji, especially with his outwardly imposing presence. but he thinks highly of him, never forgetting that lan wangji spoke up for him and his sister, and knowing (or suspecting) from fairly on the position he took up in wei wuxian’s life. the thing is though that both of them are quiet people, and i think they could just Exist Silently Together fairly comfortably. maybe there are early mornings, in the time when wen ning has accompanied sizhui back to gusu and is ghosting unobtrusively around cloud recesses, where they end up in the same space just watching the sun rise.
jiang yanli: jiang yanli suspected lan wangji’s feelings for wei wuxian before anyone except lan xichen did. i’m declaring this is canon. she is a big sister and she knows these things. she also has experience in intuiting the actual feelings of taciturn boys who are allergic to expressing their true emotions. she acknowledges to herself that it may just be wishful thinking on her part, but she is sure that lan wangji cares for wei wuxian, reads his attempts to speak up for him and look after him as what they are, and respects and appreciates him for doing so.
jin ling: the first times jin ling saw hanguang-jun when he was old enough to remember it, he wasn’t quite convinced that he was a real human. he was too perfect, and too still, like he was carved from jade. jin ling wasn’t used to people who didn’t emote; his jiujiu felt things all the time and it showed on his face, and, if anything, his shushu’s expressions when talking to young jin ling were exaggerated for his benefit. so jin ling had doubts over whether hanguang-jun had feelings. when he asked jiang cheng, his jiujiu snorted and assured him that lan wangji had feelings just like any other mortal; he just thought he was above showing them. still, jin ling never quite shed this childish belief -- until the first times he saw lan wangji and wei wuxian together, anyway.
lan sizhui: when sizhui is old enough to take lessons with the other children, he comes back to lan wangji one day, reporting what he learned, and mentions that one of the older disciples told him that if he didn’t follow the rules, then the yiling laozu would come and steal him in the night. it was the first time he’d mentioned anything of the kind to lan wangji, though he’d heard people mention the name yiling laozu in passing, always as some kind of curse. lan wangji told him very firmly that the yiling laozu had been a person, not a monster to scare children with, and that one shouldn’t believe what people say in gossip or rumor. after that sizhui was careful never to use the name, though he didn’t know what it meant to lan wangji, and always kept lan wangji’s words in mind when he heard people discussing the man.
wen zhuliu: lmao he wasn’t even a muse when you sent this but as a bonus: if they weren’t on opposite sides, they’d probably be seen as fairly similar. powerful, reserved, not loquacious, and choosing loyalty to a particular person over what other people think is right. 
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spaceskam · 4 years
What a fabulous list! How about #4 for Boy Meets World (loooooooved this show as a kid!)
BMW 4. Character A has a rule of only dating people for two weeks before breaking up with them until they find a bag and decide they are in love with the owner.
"You are… so good at that.”
“You’re not bad either.”
Alex pushed off the couch and quickly started getting dressed. Michael stayed laid out on the couch and it had Alex so thankful he hadn't brought him to his place. As hot as he was, time was up.
"Where are you going? Stay," Michael said, flashing that charming smile and making grabby hands. Alex looked away and buttoned up his jeans.
"Look, you're cool," Alex said, "Super hot 'n all, but I don't know if we're a good match."
Michael shifted on the couch. "You barely know me, Alex. We've only been fucking around for two weeks. Why don't we go on like an actual date? You know, have a conversation before we dive into each other's pants."
"Kinda late on that front, don't you think?" Alex asked, sparing him one last glance as he pulled his shirt over his head. Michael did not look amused.
"So that's it?" he asked. Alex licked his lips and pushed away the thoughts of how he was good in bed and could make him laugh and could cook annoyingly well. Alex Manes did not do relationships and he wasn't about to start just because someone was good at what they did. 
"Oh, god damn it, Alex! I liked that one!"
"Then you date him."
Alex smiled at Maria's middle finger that was unceremoniously shoved in his face. Liz just giggled on the other side of him.
"You know how Alex is. He thinks he's too cool for romance," she said. He scoffed.
"I don't think I'm too cool for romance. I think I'm young and hot and college is the time for exploring your sexuality. And I want to explore all avenues before I settle."
"Okay, exploring is one thing. Banging everything that is down to fuck is something else entirely," Maria teased as they found an empty booth in the back of the student union. They all slipped in only to find a backpack tucked in the corner. 
"I'm just expressing myself and I always have safe sex, so leave me alone. Whose bag is this?" Alex rambled, gesturing towards it with his head as he reached to dig his veggie burger out of the bag Liz had placed on the table since it was her day to buy lunch.
"Don't change the subject," Maria pressed, "Michael was good for you. Nice, smart, and he likes you even when you're a dick."
Alex rolled his eyes and cracked a smile. "Look, he's just not worth settling down for."
"How do you know? I know him better than you do and you were the one sleeping with him," Liz chimed in.
"Oh, not you too!" Alex groaned, still smiling, "Nah, but for real, did you see someone get up from this table?" 
The girls sighed, "No."
Alex took a bite of his burger before pulling the bag onto his lap and unzipping it. 
"What are you doing?" Liz asked.
"Seeing if there's a name anywhere."
"Dude, don't go through it, just bring it to lost and found."
"And walk all the way to campus police? Who do I look like?" he asked. They both rolled their eyes but didn't prod any further so it felt like they were going to let him continue.
He pulled out a thick, labeled binder and tried to flip through it. All the notes were meticulous and impressive to the point he raised his eyebrows, but there wasn't a name. It was just pages upon pages of math and other smart shit. There was even a tab for a coding class which was wild because he thought he knew everyone who was going into coding. Since that provided no answers, he dropped it back in the bag and dug some more.
He found a pack of bandaids, a tiny notebook full of doodles, a broken up protein bar that happened to be Alex's favorite, and a pair of bulky headphones that were attached to an iPod Touch. 
"Oh, Alex, c'mon, let's just bring it to lost and found," Maria sighed the second she spotted his giddy smile.
"It's for research!"
"It’s probably illegal!”
“Shush,” Alex said, swatting them away as he unlocked the iPod that didn’t have a password, “Who even has an iPod touch anymore?”
“Someone whose things you shouldn’t be going through,” Liz said, giving a sweet smile when he glared at her.
Annoyingly enough, the owner didn’t have any pictures of themselves or even any friends on it. The background picture and the lock screen were both just a Jedi sitting on the Iron Throne that was so dorky that it was almost endearing. When he began going through the gallery, Alex was faced with really old memes mixed in with fucking math memes. It wasn’t until he got to one that was mocking a syntax error, though, that he found himself grinning to the point he had to smack his hand over his mouth.
“Oh no,” Alex breathed, his eyes widening. Liz pressed into his side to peer over his shoulder.
“What? What is it?” she wondered.
“His memes,” Alex whispered, heart thudding in his chest, “They’re funny.”
“Oh no.”
“I think I’m in love.”
Maria, ever the pessimist, rolled her eyes. “You can’t be in love with someone you don’t know.”
“Look, Maria, you don’t get it,” he insisted, “Whoever owns this bag not only has good taste in protein bars, fantastic notes, and is a coding whiz, but he has funny memes. We’re basically meant to be.”
“How do you know it’s a guy?” Liz asked, “Could be a girl.”
“Why are you trying to break my heart? I just fell in love and you’re already trying to take him from me,” Alex accused. Both girls laughed and shook their heads at him. It came perfectly in time to Alex opening his iTunes app to see a flood of late-90s/early-2000s pop-punk that caused him to gasp. “Guys, he has Sum 41, Sublime, Blink, Green Day, The Offspring, Paramore, shall I go on?”
“No,” Maria corrected, giving a shocked laugh towards Liz.
“Oh my God, he listens to fredo disco, I’m sold, I’m genuinely in love. You said I wouldn’t settle down, well, this person has gotten me to settle,” Alex sighed wistfully. Liz and Maria seemed to both think he was simply being dramatic, but he was serious. If anyone was worth his time and effort, it was the owner of this bag. Who else would he find that was this perfect? “I’m serious!”
“That’s completely superficial. They could be a horrible person,” Maria said. Alex groaned, going back to the home page of the iPod looking at the apps. He had sudoku. Further inspection showed that his high score on expert was 8 minutes. What a fucking dreamboat.
“Well, we’ll see. We’ll find out who this belongs to and we’ll see who’s right and you can apologize at my wedding,” Alex decided. 
“Okay, fine,” Maria laughed, “We’ll see.”
Before Alex very reluctantly turned the bag into lost and found, he put a piece of paper in it that requested the owner to call him.
Parting with the bag was painful at best, but he didn’t know how else he could figure out the owner unless he turned it in. Besides, if he randomly did run into the owner while still in possession of it, it would be very difficult to explain that he didn’t steal their bag.
That night, Alex dreamed of who the owner could possibly be. He liked to think that he was hot and smart and good in bed. If Michael Guerin sometimes replaced his fantasy then no one needed to know. It was simply who was fresh on his mind. The fact was that in two days tops, Alex would get a call and he would find the love of his life. Simple as that.
Except the call never came.
“It’s been three days! He had to have seen it by now,” Alex grumbled, pouting helplessly as he walked between Liz and Maria.
“I guess it just wasn’t meant to be,” Maria said, squeezing him in a side-hug even though she was smiling.
“Which is so unfair,” Alex groaned, dragging his feet even more.
“Maybe he’s in one of your coding classes and has your number already and is scared to call you,” Liz offered. Alex furrowed his eyebrows.
“Why would they be scared to call me?”
“Maybe they’re straight. Or a girl. Or not looking for a relationship,” Maria chimed in. Alex pouted.
“I can’t believe I’m already gonna die alone.”
“Such a drama queen.”
As pathetic as he felt, Alex made his way to class and decided to check out every person there. He had taken a picture on his phone of the bag which turned out to be genius since he could easily compare it to everyone in there. Sadly (or maybe not since none of them were his type), the owner wasn’t there.
His last, ridiculous decision was to wait outside the classroom until the next class to see if anyone in that class had the bag. He sat there like a creep, staring a little too intently at each bag that passed. He couldn’t figure out just why he was so fucking desperate. Well, yes he could. There was something about that stupid bag that just felt like it was meant to be. He wanted that damn happy ever after.
How was he supposed to know that he already knew the owner?
Alex felt his stomach drop to the floor as he saw the bag on the back of a very familiar curly head. He ducked behind a stack of books before Michael noticed him waiting and let himself panic for a couple of seconds. Of course. Of fucking course. 
“Code red,” Alex hissed into his phone after calling Maria and Liz in a group call, “Code motherfucking red.”
“What?” Liz asked excitedly.
“I found the owner of the bag,” Alex said, pausing for dramatic effect, “It’s Michael.”
“Ha!” Maria said, “I knew it!”
“You did not!”
“Well, I knew he was good for you. Apparently, you think he’s good for you too, you just were too busy trying not to get to know him that you didn’t notice,” Maria pointed out. Alex let out an annoyed whine, stomping his foot on the ground.
“Well, what do I do now? He probably hates me for being a massive dick.”
“Hate to say I told you so, but…” 
“Could you at least wait until I’m not in the worst situation of my life?”
“Is it really the worst?”
The voice that said that addition was much deeper than both Liz and Maria’s voices and caused Alex to jump, dropping his phone and fumbling to catch it. It was a very, very embarrassing thing that was only made more embarrassing whenever he turned to see Michael standing there.
“Call you, huh?” he asked. Alex slowly lifted the phone back to his ear.
“I’ll call you back,” he said, quickly ending the call as he looked to Michael. He’d never felt so uncomfortable before. But then again he’d never really liked someone before. He’d spent days accidentally fantasizing about Michael while trying to fantasize about backpack guy and two weeks before that sleeping with Michael who had made him laugh like no one else even though he really tried to not get to know him. And now he really, really wanted to get to know him.
“So…” Michael trailed off, pushing up onto his toes.
“You didn’t tell me you were dorky on top of being hot,” Alex said instead of anything clever. Michael snorted.
“Dude, I tried. I tried to get to know you. I liked you a lot and wanted to date you. You pushed me away. And suddenly you find my bag and, instead of giving it to me, you write your number down, stick it to my iPod, and give my bag to lost and found. You might just be the king of mixed signals,” Michael said. It took a lot of Alex not to scream. He was a dumbass.
“I didn’t know it was your bag.”
“You saw it multiple times, Alex. Did you really not pay any attention to me at all?” Michael asked. Alex sighed and pressed the heel of his hand between his eyes.
“You know that MTV show from back in the day called Room Raiders where they would go through people’s rooms and decide who they wanted to date based on that instead of, like, looks or personality. Like, you get an inside view of who they are by the way they keep their space, you know?” Alex explained. Michael didn’t answer, so he continued. “Basically, I got that with your bag. I was being a dick to you because I thought that was easiest, but when I went through your stuff, I‒”
“You went through my stuff?”
“I realized I really want to get to know you,” Alex said a little bit louder. Michael glared at him.
“You’re a real dick.”
“I know.”
“And mean.”
“And you totally don’t deserve to go out with me or even talk to me again.”
“But,” Michael sighed, “I guess I could take you paying for a meal as payment for you going through my shit.”
Alex snapped his head up. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Michaels said, smiling, “Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.” Alex tried not to be too obvious about how giddy that made him.
“Yeah, maybe. So… Tonight, maybe?” Alex said, trying to sound smooth like he did the first time he asked Michael out. Michael just snorted and turned to walk into class.
“Call me.”
No matter how mocking his voice was, Alex still felt like he won the goddamn lottery.
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I Trust You - JSE Drabble
Summary: Marvin knew that his little brother had been overdoing it lately again. It didn't help that he was probably having nightmares because of his stress and their unique circumstances. Hopefully, Chase would trust him just enough to let him help him. Warnings: Fluff, Platonic Cuddling, Family Masterpost of my Stories AO3 edition of the Post
Tag List: @the-rampaige​ @iris-the-asparagus​ @sqxxddygremlin​ @awkward-bullshit​ @jaysflight​ @assbutt-of-the-readers  @egopocalypse Author’s Note: U want sum fluff fuckers
His little brother hasn’t been sleeping again.
Marvin, perched on the top of a bookshelf in the living room while in his cat form, watched Chase exit out of the kitchen with a cup of piping hot tea clutched tightly in his hands at three in the morning. He sat down on the couch and did nothing else but stare at the blank wall nearby with an empty gaze.
The cat studied Chase’s aged features, skin pale from the lack of sunlight, eyes red rimmed from crying and accented by the thick black bags underneath them, a seemingly permanent furrow on his forehead, the unkempt beard he had no energy to groom unless he was going to record a video for the channel, the hair that was growing longer with each passing day since he had no energy to go to the nearby barbers for a trim, and most importantly, the lack of light and emotion in his blue eyes making it look empty and dead. It all added up to aging the man decades beyond his true age which further increased the worry of the other egos as they watch Chase become more and more of a shadow of his old self.
When was the last time they had seen Chase smile and laugh so carefreely and sincerely rather than plastering a fake one on his face every day just to avoid worrying them? Marvin searched his mind for that memory and then remembered that the last time he had seen Chase laugh and smile from the bottom of his heart was when Stacy allowed the kids to visit him and she even mustered up enough strength to look him in the eyes for a few seconds without fear and hatred burning in her eyes.
That… had been a month ago?
‘You’re going to burn yourself out again, Chase…’ Marvin thought, his fluffy ears drooping down dejectedly.
He kept his bright blue cat eyes trained on Chase’s back intently. There was a few minutes of tense silence before Chase signed and placed the untouched cooling cup of tea on the table in front of him and twisted his neck just enough so that his eyes would meet Marvin’s unblinking ones.
“I can feel you nagging.” Chase scowled but there was no heat behind it. “Stop it.”
Marvin blinked and tilted his head to the side before murring and jumping down his throne, landing gracefully on the floor with barely a sound. He approached Chase and entwined his feline body around the man’s legs with small mews before jumping up on Chase’s lap and perching his forelegs against the man’s chest. He rubbed the top of his head under the bottom of Chase’s chin, purring up a storm that relaxed some of the tension from Chase’s body.
Chase gave out another sigh but this time it was tinged with fondness. He reached up to scratch the cat behind his ears just like the way he liked it. The man chuckled when Marvin practically turned into goo in his lap.
Marvin gave him a scolding yowl and then bapped his nose, Chase nearly turning cross-eyed as he stared at the paw that was still tapping his nose. The cat gave another attention catching growl and Chase gave him a wry smile.
“I know, I know…” Chase murmured, sliding the paw away from his face before pressing a kiss on the top of the feline’s marked forehead, quirking up the corners of his lips at the tiny mew his action warranted. “But someone has to hold the fort while you guys are trying to find a way to get rid of the glitch bitch and wake Jack up at the same time.”
Marvin gave him a tiny kitty kiss on the bottom of his chin before jumping off his lap and to the empty side of the couch. The cat started glowing so brightly Chase covered his eyes with his arms. When he removed them after a few seconds, he saw Marvin remove his cat mask and place it on the table beside the cup of tea and looked up to reveal his scarred face and his intense sapphire colored eyes.
“You haven’t been sleeping again.” Marvin narrowed his eyes accusingly especially when Chase avoided his gaze. “Has He been plaguing your dreams again?”
The magician clenched his hands which gave off a subtle green glow in response to his protective anger at the prospect that the glitch was tormenting Chase again. While the demon’s practically obsessive attention over Chase was a blessing since it turned his attentions away from them, allowing the other Septics to search for a solution to his existence, it horrified them seeing the results of the demon’s torment on their brother who always seemed to think that just because he didn’t have any notable powers like the others, he would be the perfect irreplaceable bait.
It didn’t help that the demon became increasingly eager in its attempts to capture him as Chase’s influence over the channel and his popularity with the community increased.
“No! No,” Chase grabbed his hands frantically. He didn’t want the magician to go on a hunting spree for Anti tonight or rather today. While Marvin was strong, he and Anti didn’t know the meaning of self-control and often ends up injuring each other gravely. Good riddance to Anti getting hurt but he didn’t like seeing his older brother in pain. “It’s just the regular stress and depression insomnia and nightmares. Sure he might play as a character in some of them but it’s not really Him.”
Nonetheless, the scowl remained in Marvin’s lips. The magician glared over the shoulder of his little brother, eyes giving off an eerie glow due to his anger before he forced himself to calm down since Chase was looking at him with concern and weariness in his face.
He suddenly pulled Chase into a big hug, burying his nose into Chase’s growing hair. He felt the younger ego clutch at him, slightly shaking as he finally allowed himself to break down. Marvin rocked the two of them as he allowed Chase to shatter in his arms.
The magician ran his fingers through Chase’s long hair, rubbing here and there to release some of the tension in the father’s head before dropping it to the back of his neck in a comforting grip. Chase laid his cheek against Marvin’s shoulder and relaxed.
The two of them spent some reasonable time in companionable silence before Marvin broke it with an idea that had been lurking in his mind.
“Chase… You still can’t sleep right?” Marvin whispered, he didn’t want to disturb the peace that they were in. Chase answered in a positive hum but said nothing else. “Would you mind if you let me hypnotize you into sleeping without any bad dreams?”
The question made the form in his arms go rigid. The concept of letting anyone into their heads was a rather sore subject for any of the Septics. It meant giving away control and the possibility of being manipulated. Anti being able to take anybody’s form and even act rather exactly like them did terrible things to their trust issues until the Septics finally had a few interventions to clear the air between them.
Their bonds with each other has grown tighter over the months since their creation especially when they all had to face the concept of Anti once or twice. Recently, the one hit the worst with these issues was Chase with how he was currently maintaining the battlefield with Anti.
That’s why Marvin didn’t push him. It was just a suggestion. In fact, he even doubted that the other would take it—
“I trust you.” Chase quietly murmured before pushing away from the hug and looking him in the eyes. Those earnest baby blues melting away some of the ice in Marvin’s heart. “I know you won’t hurt me so… Go ahead. Maybe I’ll get some nice rest this time, huh?”
Marvin placed both hands on Chase’s shoulders and gazed deep into his eyes, checking if there’s any doubt or reluctance to do this. But all he saw was the desperation to rest, the deep-seated weariness from life, and the absolute trust in him that warmed Marvin’s heart.
He knew that he wasn’t the most positive like Jackie or innocent like Jamie. His morality was a bit dubious and inches more on the gray-side of morality. To see the complete trust his younger brother held in him when even sometimes he could see the doubt in Jackie or Henrik’s eyes…
“Alright… Time to relax,” Marvin whispered, allowing his words to carry itself into Chase’s ears, his influence slithering into his mind and easing away the tension and unease in his heart.
Chase sighed, melting into his arms. His eyes drooped down and they gazed almost emptily into Marvin’s eyes. Marvin brushed Chase’s cheek and wrapped his arms around the younger ego’s waist.
“You’re safe, Chase.” Marvin murmured, allowing his magic to exert more influence over Chase’s trusting mind and untangling the ‘knots’ that was making it hard for the other to sleep. “We’re all safe. You can rest now.”
At the word rest, Chase’s eyes slipped close and he slumped against Marvin, completely dead to the world. Marvin caught his weight and then carefully maneuvered Chase into his arms in a bridal carry. He stood up and then started walking them up over to Chase’s room so that he can tuck the other in.
He walked upstairs and into the room at the end of the second floor. He hip bumped the door open and sighed in fond exasperation at the slightly messy state of his younger brother’s room.
He could see some papers with doodles and notes on possible future video scripts and the some community interaction ideas such as reddit, memes, and even green screen edits. At the desk, he saw their pictures and Chase’s kids’ hand-drawn pictures being proudly displayed on the wall while his laptop remained in sleeping mode. There was also an open can of Coca-cola near the computer which made Marvin’s lips quirk up in amusement as he remembered the constant jokes of Coke sponsoring the channel that Chase kept on beating to the ground.
Marvin carried Chase into the only bed in the room and used his magic to flip the covers back. He carefully placed the sleeping man on top of the bed and was about to straighten up when he realized that Chase’s hands were tightly clutching the front of his shirt. When he attempted to pry it away, his movements stopped when Chase let out a tiny whimper. The magician looked down at the youtuber with a wry smile.
“Well… I guess I’m sleeping in the bed with you.” Marvin sighed, but his heart fluttered at the show of trust.
He slipped into the bed with Chase and pulled up the covers over their bodies. He pressed his forehead on the crown of Chase’s head and then closed his eyes. He allowed the weariness in his body and Chase’s heartbeat to slowly lull him into a dreamless sleep.
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