#sawbones a marital tour of misguided medicine
emiko-matsui · 1 year
"Don't worry J-man, I'm gonna bring the yucks hardcore."
- Sydnee McElroy to her dear and loving husband with whom she shares two children with
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izzyspussy · 2 months
okay, on i think the pepto bismol episode of sawbones the add break had a clip from mbmbam where they were talking about sirens. does anyone know what episode that clip is from?
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dumchessk · 1 year
Every time Justin mentions the "appeal to ancient wisdom" logical fallacy, I'm convinced it's something from DnD
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englishmagic · 2 years
Ok so the fact that a seven year old kid watched an educational YouTube video of her own volition and brought it to her mother because she thought it would be a good episode of the podcast her parents do and then they did a whole episode together and now it’s a mother-daughter podcast episode about the radium girls and their role in medical and labour history and it was her idea and it’s just so CUTE you guys
Usually I don’t know how I feel about child content creators but in this case I feel CHARMED
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ooc-mcelroys · 2 years
"Why would SpongeBob have to die?!"
- Sydnee, Sawbones
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unpretty · 6 months
no one asked but here's my current list of podcast subscriptions, not including paid feeds
Currently Listening/Caught Up
Knowledge Fight
What Roman Mars Can Learn About Con Law
99% Invisible
The Big Take
BirdNote Daily
The Dream
Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine
Oh No, Ross and Carrie
the memory palace
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
Gangster Capitalism
I Don't Speak German
Start Here
The Good News Podcast
The Anthropocene Reviewed
Reading Glasses
Til Death Do Us Blart
IRL: Online Life is Real Life
Up The Blunx
My Brother, My Brother And Me
The Orbiting Human Circus
Behind the Bastards
The Far Meridian
The Excerpt
This Land
Re: Dracula
Whoops I Fell Behind
Rude Tales of Magic
Good Morning Night Vale
You Must Remember This
The Adventure Zone
The Penumbra Podcast
Creature Feature
Welcome to Night Vale
The Truth
Everything is Alive
Judge John Hodgman
Worlds Beyond Number
The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week
Ear Hustle
Friends at the Table
Nice Try!
Beef And Dairy Network
American Hysteria
Alice Isn't Dead
Within the Wires
Why It Matters
The Thrilling Adventure Hour
Slow Burn
I'll Listen Eventually I Swear
One Year
The Deca Tapes
The Magnus Archives
All My Relations Podcast
In the Shadows of Utopia: The Khmer Rouge and the Cambodian Nightmare
Fall of Civilizations Podcast
This Podcast Will Kill You
Pounded In The Butt By My Own Podcast
Centuries of Sound
Secretly Incredibly Fascinating
The Bright Sessions
Monster Hour
Mission To Zyxx
The Strange and Unusual Podcast
Voyage to the Stars
The Santiago Boys
Oh These, Those Stars of Space!
Unwell, a Midwestern Gothic Mystery
Good Cult
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Learn Something New Today
Take 30, 20, or 10 minutes, maybe even 5, and learn something new. It doesn't matter what it is, learning something new is good for you!
Here are a few ideas if you need them
Youtube Channels
Kurzgesagt - In a nutshell, a team of talented folks who aim to spark curiosity about science and the world we live in.
I watched String Theory by Kurzgesagt (8 min)!
Overly Sarcastic Productions, a duo--Red and Blue--here to teach you about myths, legends, and history! All while keeping you entertained with their cute graphics.
I recommend The Great Norse Seal Fight (5:33 min).
SciShow, each video hosts Michael Aranda, Rose Bear Don't Walk, Stefan Chin, and Hank Green dive into scientific subjects that are sure to spark your curiosity!
I've recently enjoyed How Smart are Crows Actually? (7:56 min).
Sawbones a marital tour of Misguided Medicine (by Justin and Dr. Sydney McElroy)
I just listened to Sawbones: Ketchup (34:35 min) about the medical history of ketchup.
Spirits Podcast is a boozy dive into mythology and lore by Amanda McLoughlin, Julia Schifini, and Eric Schneider.
I recommend Spirits: Baldur (44:45 min) about the Norse deity Baldur.
Ologies Podcast, Allie Ward asks smart people stupid questions and the answers might change your life.
Ologies: Bryology (MOSS) (1hr 13min) all about moss!!
Wikipedia:Special:Random (picks a random wiki article for you to read) Also see Wikipedia:Randomincategory where you can type in a category to learn about such as history, magic, science, music, etc.
Good News Network (exactly as it sounds, articles to bring you hope and faith in humanity)
One Good Fact - Fun fact of the day by Encyclopedia Britannica
Summaries - Summaries of Encyclopedia Britannica pages. I browsed the summary of Jupiter.
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stonerbellybabe · 2 months
I knew about celibate corn flakes but not about the yogurt insertion, thank you for teaching me something today sbb 🙏
Highly recommend this podcast about him
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foggynitefic · 6 months
Howdy, if you ever need some quick and easy research about pirate medicine, may I recommend Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine’s episodes on Pirate Medicine 1-3, scurvy, the various episodes discussing the 4 humors & the miasma theory of disease!
It’s a podcast with an actual doctor as a host and her comedian husband as the co-host. It’s a great way to get initial information on a topic then delve deep into the specific things mentioned later!
Absolutely love your fic “drop them bones” and with every chapter I was amazed at the amount of research tangible within the writing. A tiny detail that I loved is the fact Sanji repetitively is mentioned using canned goods and salted meats. If you ever have any questions about historical medicine somewhere down the line in your fic, Ive collected antique medical texts for around 5 years and the collection is 117 books strong! Unfortunately mainly only collect pre-1950s texts so I care about when medicine was bad verses when it started to improve and can’t give accurate modern medical advice as I’m an engineering major and not a doctor.
This isn’t related at all but have you ever read any works by the author Mary Roach? She’s my favorite scientific author of all time and all of her books are amazing, I feel like you’d enjoy them as they’re essentially one woman going “I want to learn about this topic” then re-emerging 3 years later with a research paper of a book that requires zero knowledge on the topic previously to understand the contents of it.
Last book rec:
Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky (since you mentioned researching the processing and harvesting of salt for a chapter.)
117 is an impressive collection! and thank you for the recs!
The research for the fic is mostly me putting on my old anthropologist hat, and I tend to go down rabbit holes when something snags my attention. I blame taking anthropology of food in undergrad for my interests there. One of the hardest parts of adapting real world for OP is choosing an era or a particular culture to help inform it etc, because I think Oda purposely tried to draw from as many as he could and left things like technology hazy. I think that's one aspect of OPLA I prefer - they had to try to put things more concretely in real world design/mechanics etc if only to save their budget.
I love Mary Roach and keep her in my travel reading rotation! I'll have to check out Salt! If you like Roach, you might also like Consider the Fork by Bee Wilson (history of different food technologies that also pulls in the science), A History of the World in 6 Glasses by Tom Standage (examines the impact of beer, wine, spirits, tea, coffee and cola on history) or Death Makes a Holiday by David Skal (cultural look at Halloween).
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Dr. Pepper was a Confederate surgeon?
Doc Marten was a fucking Nazi?
We need to change the names of these products!
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blueaubrey · 5 months
podcast recs if you want to hear about
- (two former standup comedians spectacularly debunking conspiracy theorists) Knowledge Fight - (medical history from a doctor and her non-doctor husband) Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - (animal facts and ratings on a scale of 1-10 for effectiveness, ingenuity, and aesthetics) Just the Zoo of Us - (discussions of film with diverse hosts) Maximum Film - (astrology) What's Your Sign?
Ooh I couple I haven't heard of, and of course I love me some good Max Fun shows. :) I've been meaning to check out more of them - thanks for recommending!!
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emiko-matsui · 2 years
Tumblr media
fixed it for you sydnee <3
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oumaheroes · 1 year
Other podcasts on spotify that I would recommend if you’re still interested in those:
There’s one called The Pirate History Podcast, which is about exactly what you would expect
Another one I like but can be heavy sometimes is Behind the Bastards. It’s a history podcast about the most infamous people in history. A lot of the guests are comedians so it’s pretty funny at times but you can probably imagine why some episodes can be difficult to listen to
For medical History I go to Sawbones: a Marital Tour through Misguided Medicine
Lions Led By Donkeys is one about military history that I haven’t listened to as often but the episodes I have listened to have been good
Some others that look interesting but that I haven’t listened to as much: Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff, It’s Probably (not) Aliens, 5-4, and Well There’s Your Problem
That’s the shortlist, unfortunately I’m not sure if all of them are freely available because I’m on a family premium plan, but any of those I think are worth checking out or for anyone else who has premium and is interested
Omg you're a God send!!! I'll poke my way through these and get back to you 💪 thank you so much for taking the time to do this!
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Can I submit a few podcasts? I listen to podcasts like all day and these are my faves I hope this brings them some love!
Scam Goddess (Laci Mosely), This podcast will kill you, true crime and cocktails, little dum dum club, bigsofttitty.png (i especially think Tumblr would love demi and tom), dragon friends (Australian d'n'd), ologies with Alie Ward, cautionary tales with Tim harford, wilosophy with wil Anderson, tofop, vulgar history, free to a good home (Ben and hing are also regulars on dragon friends!), were you raised by Wolves, no such thing as a fish (the QI elves!), sawbones; a marital tour of misguided medicine, world's greatest con(Brian brushwood), and- the dollop with Anthony and Gareth
so I'll add these to the list, but just a reminder that ideally I'd like it if you submitted one podcast at a time! It's a lot easier for me to keep track that way
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icekirbys · 2 years
Hi, a while back you asked for podcast recommendations, did you get any worthwhile ones? Do you have any recs yourself?
I ended up binging (with linking spotify pages):
Mostly the Princess Diana and OJ eps but I enjoyed most of the older ones
I will always rec sawbones to everyone, I love it. Everyone stream Radium Girls episode
Quite British, but the Tip Off is a real gem I'm glad I found. Has that soothing true crime itch while still feeling like responsible journalism due to the level professionalism
Aaaaaand I end up listening to SMN in podcast form often when doing the grocery run. But sometimes it's too real life depressing
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corpse-rat · 1 year
Also while I'm at it what shows/media would you recommend? I'm down for any suggestions tbh
As for shows/media, with shows and movies, I tend to lean towards older pieces, in which I recommend Kolchak: the Night Stalker, The Twilight Zone, Star Trek, I Love Lucy, and Gilligan's Island; and for movies, I more end up recommending just about anything with stars that I like, such as Humphrey Bogart, Katherine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier, Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi, James Cagney, Robert Mitchum, Edward G. Robinson, Pam Grier, Toshiro Mifune, Peter Lorre, Errol Flynn, and Christopher Lee, to name a few (I watch a lot of movies).
I also listen to a handful of podcasts, those being: Critical Role, Dimension 20, Dungeons and Daddies, Not Another D&D Podcast, The Adventure Zone, bomBARDed - A Musical Dungeons & Dragons Adventure, FANTI, My Brother My Brother and Me, Our Plague Year, Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine, The Empty Bowl, Wonderful!, Welcome to Night Vale, and The Plot Thickens.
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