#scp 062
agnol117 · 10 months
Series I, Part XII
SCP-061 - Auditory Mind Control
This one is creepy. The part that really gets me is the test notes at the end. They told someone under the effects of 061 to run on a treadmill, but because they didn’t tell them to turn it on, they just ran on it and ran into the control terminal. I like “hard” mind control like that. Dunno why, it just appeals to me.
SCP-062 - “Quantum” Computer
Oh look, another fun idea ruined by needlessly redacting too much information. Except that, again, none of it is worth redacting. Not knowing what dates the tests were on doesn’t do anything to make the tests more frightening or creepy, it’s just weird and dumb.
SCP-063 - “The World’s Best Tothbrush”
Exactly what it says on the tin. World’s best tothbrush. Because it cuts through inorganic and dead matter, it really would do just that.
Also if you don’t use it to brush teeth at least once every twenty-four hours, it starts disintegrating everything around it. Just like a normal toothbrush.
SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann Structure
The idea of a self replicating device is usually kinda creepy to me, but this one is another one that’s just weird. There’s no explanation, no real backstory, just a brick that will grow into a building if left to its own devices.
SCP-065 - Destroyed Organic Catalyst
I’m torn on this one. I like the general idea, but the ties to real world religion are always kind of a turn off for me. I dunno.
SCP-066 - Eric’s Toy
Another weird one! The description of this one (mass of yarn and ribbons) really sets me on edge for some reason. The fact that it looks like that and is apparently hostile is…a lot I dunno. It’s just so innocuous sounding.
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fizzy-fuzz · 9 months
opening requestssss
I've decided that it might be fun to do some requests. So if you've had something in mind involving an scp let me know by dropping a request.
I'll be doing pretty much any scp, as long as it has sort but sentience. If it's for an scp I don't know I'm willing to look it up and then write for it, so the sky is the limit when it comes to that; but I'll only be writing for the scps, non of the doctors/scientists
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05-council-unofficial · 2 months
O5 council please help
Dr. Bright has a chainsaw and he wont tell us what hes gonna use it for
062? *pause* That's not our universe. Anyway, I'll call your 05 Council and see if they'll do anything.
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sugersnow · 1 year
making a meme for every scp every day, day "062"
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capybara-is-watching · 5 months
SCP-062-JP - SCP財団
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orange1896 · 1 year
33B0011 GB297-94 32312 27312 BEARING XGMA
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33B0011 GB297-94 32312 27312 BEARING XGMA
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26331022912 驾驶室C70G ZL50F.11.2-16 4110001867039 变矩器总成YJ280F-Ⅱ 4110003997 ANGLE.50×50×4t 29280007541 油管 29150007891 标记柱 6900015375 BRACKET_WA 26290006621 安全标识包 6220001203 板 2022001558 软管20491-22-08TZ/20411-22-08TZ×FC687-08×3 29110008941 下铰接销 14401672 管夹 LG2933006112160 挡圈-U形圈24E00504C 26330031541 DH60-气弹簧 29290067561 中间加强板 29430005841 钢板t30*2560-SM490A 6233000624 后罩线束 ZL50G.11.4-1 FQGX 衬套HD469-2510015 ZL50.5.1-24A 29370025131 停用-垫圈 8 Q40308 ZL40.7-3A 2010700005 内六角套筒套装(世达09053) ZL40.7-4 4120016964003 ball rest 厂家零件代号:0368507 厂家:瓦格纳 ZL50.3.5-20 21907000411 外板-左箱体 ZL50.3.5-21 4120005967 右档板 ZL50.3.5-22A 28120000041 油泵 ZL50.3.5-23 29330014991 链轨节合件8216-MN-A01000 21909013311 发动机电气总成 29010040361 锥柄钻头 28300004731 侧减震垫A00400SDA 26350002791 双头旋具头 世达59381 2810000340090 加长套筒27MM 6 1/2 霹雳马60522027 4120000349001 轴套 6370000056 含钴直钻 LG5220000003 后输油管 29430001251 前桥壳 4120006308003 风扇叶,Y200-68,直径58mm 4120002359003 海绵 29281000893 LOCK KIT FOR CABS ON USA-MACHINE 26330016011 仪表面板 28809038261 空心螺栓 29141008661 污水站风机皮带3V-450 A型 29090000161 排气阀TF450V45036 6233000265 气管Φ16 FZ0001253 子午线无内胎车轮总成 ZL50F1.9-1 29130018261 隔板 ZL50G.11-8 6216000058 盖板17004539 14406353 胶管F481CACA121206-1900 11216962 差速器左右壳 29120035361 飞轮壳端盖 4110015290002 凸轮轴包 6231000012 O型圈 3214547822 4110001060138 活塞杆24A119860 P4WG200-062 L055FW3114M39A1 燃油油位传感器 29290016051 垫片1000396143 3214606868 26010001651 滑块HGL 25CA25CA 3214510479--A 8298542 MODULE WITHOUT CAB 3214510440 21909011331 万向橡胶轮 科顺4-8199-829 LGLG26260013571 木托放置架 26340007911 加机油管1002503365 6220001488 液压操纵总成 6233000832 铣刀片APKT150412-PM YBG302 29290045491 管夹129410-03990 11211195 起重链条20(dn)*50m 2022000705 电瓶线LGB340-15*650P1L8L10-1L1 4041001379 横面板 4110001003108 标志与标识 3214578611--B 29240034431 锁紧板 P4WG200-024 2908000102001 张紧油缸总成 P4WG200-028 29240030281 发动机罩 P4WG200-029 6216000473 导线总成 6264000246 隔套 J4120005410 耐磨套 P4WG200-370 14402050 定位销03.01.05.00011 PZFAP-411/HK-063 14408298 海绵 14406736 进气门 4110001009042 LG760底盘(潍柴336发动机) 6263000055 吊环螺钉GB825-M20EpZn-20 6900006123 衬套Ⅰ 29050025451 右梯架 29050021171 LG770矿用自卸车底盘 14405403 风扇轴环1G820-74150 4041003171 油位计1E051-36412 29010044881 右灯架 YZ18J.7A-5 6410005854 左后门板 PZFAP-411/HK-026 2070600011 筋板 PZFAP-411/HK-031 6214000007 平板 PZFAP-409/DK-062 11218456 轴 PC6121ZG39n-007 4030000531 软管20411-16-05TZ/20491-16-05TZ*FC687-05*1 PC6121ZG39n-008 29290024751 油门操纵软轴 FLG953-SCP 继电器 4120005026024 精镗刀(D44-D56)接柄C4-390B.58-50 070 4120002301007 中筋板 26010014971 堵板 14506741 主泵盖板 PZFAP-411/HK-068 29370015411 PU管Φ4 6392201677 驾驶棚总成 26180025251 平衡铁 26281004691 手柄 4110002289062 支架 29200009891 胶管 4014000173 钢板2*700*280 4130002674 加强板 29350010941 主泵盖板 11212873 圆钢 11223122 焊接总成 29150014201 储水箱体 4110000129200 护板 6430000972 进气胶管 11217958 PART 15114213, INSTR. 495137 4110001201144 销轴LGB301-95*120*230-1000Y 26240018901 接头体 4110003577119 桥油管 4110001921133 3LG953可旋转窗棂发动机罩 6900004762 底板 21909001841 进气接管F04282719 4110015581 防护板 21906005635 938CE机罩 6399000410 操纵手柄总成DSG131-SBQ01 26171001431 O 形圈 28300004341 挡圈 PYJ280-4D-082 L055FW3115F29A0 夹 PYZL30F2-006 4110000184079 标识_俄罗斯用 PBD05N1-001 29030028521 停用-六角头凸缘螺栓3754627-52D PBD05N1-002 2010600008 六角头螺栓 90003802329 PYJ315LG-014 4043000304 贴板 PYJ315LG-015 29381000171 径向压力表3031579 P4WG200-232 4120010928 钢管 P4WG200-233 4110015731003 软管LGB145-102072 P4WG200-234 4110000125009 15t导向轮吊具总成 P4WG200-235 26491001241 拨叉支架 PYZL30F2-001 4110002197007 踏板 PZL50.3.1-002 7200001520 P-动臂油缸油封 PC6121ZG39n-017 4110002521006 螺栓-离合器分离叉1602371-680 PBYDK2205-001 26430100831 胶管20512Y-30-10Z/20592Y-30-10Z-GH493*10*1 PZL50F.5.7-001 14405739 HEXAGON SCREW PLG12-Z5H-001 FE131-0214F 海绵 50.9.3-2-S 29430003023 组合仪表板2JC 29110009021 紧固套5873 003 029 4043002309 前轮转向油缸 50/28*300-512 PGB289-64 4190002203006003 倒车镜支架A0-B1126E PGB276-6206 26360102232 门板 29050032031 按钮开关XB2/BD33L 29140000051 轴承JM205149/110/Q LGZJ27120104441 PUR海绵20-CR2 13022808 2120400361 前挡风玻璃 612600080200 F953ZXYFTY 垫片 01119243 4120002038106 P-弹簧垫圈Q40308 13022762 28010017261 胶管F462CACA151508-7900 13021359 4011015341 黑色ROHS水性自喷漆 保赐利200ml 660.7.10 11211164 左前支架 ZL50.9.3-5-S 7200001040 主刀板-经适件 P03-3092 11210353 软管 P02-3093 29370018911 丝座 P4WG200-266 29420003934 锥齿轮垫片 4120016877018 空滤器支架612600116567 11215629 传动轴P41*615 28230005791 冷凝器 14550671 29010063951 后行走马达H1-080 4120000600T 下部钢管 5111000813 固位环 26331003301 弯板 4120017383035 右顶板 4130002699011 ANCHOR PLATE 4110015615077 BUCKET CYLINDER 4110002912001 支承板 ZL50F.6.14.1 29260020401 板 28140008051 左操纵箱总成 4110004168171 P-螺母GB812-M27*1.5 4120006742010 液压油散热器Z06032.36.00 4110000970244 法兰面接头 LG2929010007 紫铜皮厚0.1mm LG29240028652 LG933L装箱清单 4041001652 操纵阀垫 LG9200001571 减震器12273121 29290013931 微调油门软轴TLWY7 29410102381 FRAME_WA LH SIDE FRONT 29330034441 气弹簧及阀包CN-601738 29220023261 工具腰带95215 29170113971 SIX POINT SOCKET SCREW_PAN M5X30 4190002197 左支撑架 4110000108029 万能转向开关(LW30-20) 6399013712 直接档主动片 4110001792 海绵 29260035451 螺栓GB5786-M10*1.25*25flZnyc-10.9-480 29070025421 垫片13023475 29330074251 第4缸高压油管部件C26AB-26AB624+B 6212001467 盖塞 4110003293025 水泵部件B8801-1307100B RM 13228747 29170104501 蓄电池测试仪 RM 58918558 14405829 支承座 RM 58921495 29250000421 电源 5V2A DC5525接头 RM 59029710 26170044021 压头 RM 13444781 11205947 主阀 9200001369 润滑油管 28350000941 固定板 29240043441 软管LGB126-003053 5111000518 停用-钢管 29220009141 燃油管 6212001748 SD110B敞开式压路机驾驶室总成 26331000671 非公路自卸车 29010027371 WIRING HARNESS 29310019401 测压接头 1660600053 Y型封200*8 4120005285 O型圈0501.330.676 4043001453 弹簧H70081100 26010008461 左动臂大腔钢管 ZL30.3-12 17004426 螺母8140-GB-00061 26361003901 桥油管 6175900002 车门内锁块 29120038151 吸油法兰盘 ZL30F.5.1-13 9200000429 软管 ZL50.5-5 6373402622 下架 ZL50.5-6 11218915 HANDLE BALL_LGY8140015 ZL50F.7-13 2936001035001 销轴 ZL50F.7-15 4120001072 调整垫片15841-98860 ZL50F.7-16 26240005361 防尘网6717540-01 WZ25.11-10 29410001361 轮辋 700-12 WZ25.11-11 29330046441 回油阀体3489106103 26030001811 节温器座C5257270 26260014721 后车架 29010045551 电机风叶132M-4 7.5KW 内孔38.4 mm 宽10 键厚4.5 G17-6250 密封件包 11220766 操作杆组171008-77540 6212000117 原色纸盒 4120002606061 O形圈GB3452.1-97.5*5.30G 4120008783 滚针0.6 4110015194137 线圈29100330 26290003251 自锁销 26130011191 缸筒24A030500 6900002866 弹性挡圈04611-00620 9100000237 螺钉 4013000118 覆盖件附件 ZL40.11A.1.2-5 3110800286 操纵软轴 4110015708012 停用-至斗杆油缸小腔钢管 28809009511 丝锥专用卡簧 ER32-M8 6399003201 密封垫片1G544-1711-0 LG7300000469-1 空调管(蒸-压)SD3010-6822 F91N6-07311 欧姆龙扩展单元 CP1W-8ED 29370016451 LG956L轮式装载机 J11211213 非公路自卸车 F81EH-20100 铁木结合箱 L0550W3115A29X1 PLATE_WA LH COWL MTG MD 4110002510098 弯管接头 29010079801 VRT200变速箱标牌 4110000561118 后壳总成02000FBH-AY 4120008892005 出水管612600040487 6212000191 超越离合器齿轮合件 L0330Y3214G39AA 仪表台线束 6299000363 板 26010008821 防尘圈W06002.34.09 7200001630 吸油钢管 11210962 激光扫描枪 RM 13228754 4110000556055 镀锌管-50*3 RM 13228770 3214508463 手柄按钮DXS-01-01 6410003620 中冷出气钢管 FS017-200902 吸油法兰 4120000884 橡胶板 29330086931 临工标志-265(白) Read the full article
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mcpedl · 2 years
SCP Map for Minecraft PE
Package includes: SCP Map              Version 1.1.0 – 1.18.0 All MCPEDL MAPSDownload the SCP Map for Minecraft PE: experience the task you really feel so rarely in the original game. What does the SCP Map offer in MCPE? SCP is a mega-corporation that shops and also archives thousands upon thousands of unknown, celestial, as well as simply frightening creatures. Considering that SCP has a plurality of different monsters, there is no factor naming them: they provide numbers. As an example, SCP-096 is a humanoid animal two and also a fifty percent obstructs in elevation. Minecraft PE has no such developments, however maps and mods present them. There's one map that includes both epic location as well as the mod. You'll discover all SCP animals in cages. It turns out all these monster have actually broken out and also now roam the lab's rooms and hallways. SCP Structure This majestic and also impressively gigantic map with an adjustment presents loads of one-of-a-kind mobs to MCPE. As an example, SCP-173 doesn't move if you consider it. Nevertheless, if you shut your eyes for a second, it'll fracture your throat. Interestingly, you can eliminate it with a diamond pickaxe. On the other hand, SCP-049 is the infamous Plague Doctor. It threats villagers by spreading illness and death upon their lands. It applies Wither on a player. One can calm it down by providing a red flower to it in Minecraft PE. SCP-062 is a ginormous and never-ceasing reptile-looking monstrosity. It eliminates you quickly. SCP-063 may look harmless and innocent, but once you obtain closer, you will not like what you'll see. Yet, SCP-939 is another mob that attacks everything it sees. However, this crocodile-looking bad guy will not attack the individual if you crouch. SCP-939 additionally makes squicking, scratchy, as well as hissing sounds when struck. Additionally, SCP-1048 is a 200 HP teddy bear that produces several duplicates of itself. It's not hostile yet. But let him complete his little business, and also he'll turn into a gigantic bear in MCPEDL 1.18 Generally, the SCP Structure map with an addon includes a variety of lethal and awful animals ready to tear you apart. Read the full article
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phinnsyreads · 4 years
Item #: SCP-062
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-062 is stored in a dedicated containment cell at Site ██ under clean room conditions. Any experimentation on SCP-062 must receive prior permission from at least two (2) Level 3 Personnel, and must only be performed with independent power sources. SCP-062 must never be attached to an external network, and all data extracted from SCP-062 is to be stored on external nonvolatile media until analyzed.
Description: SCP-062 appears to be an unbranded personal desktop computer housed in an aluminum case of indeterminate manufacture. SCP-062 is unusually heavy at approximately 24kg, and lacks manufacturing or branding labels of any kind. The words "infomation is freedom [sic]" were found scratched into the casing near the back, apparently with a key or similar object.
Inspection of its interior has revealed that SCP-062 is empty except for a blank circuit board in place of where the motherboard of a standard personal computer would be. SCP-062 will not function unless the case is completely sealed, and attempts to open the case while it is operating cause it to shut down immediately. Despite this, SCP-062 operates as expected for a normal desktop computer with the exception that its performance, operating system, contained data, and language appears to be different upon every activation.
SCP-062 was discovered in the basement of the University of ████ Computer Science Laboratory by [REDACTED]. An embedded Foundation agent seized the object and brought it to Site ██, where it has since been contained.
Addendum 062-001: List of Notable Activation Results
Date: █/██/██ Description: SCP-062 appeared to be running Windows XP in Catalan. Analysis of contained data showed financial records for the [REDACTED] banking firm in France for the period of May, 1963 to April, 1987. These records are inconsistent with actual bank records procured by undercover Foundation agents.
Date: ██/█/██ Description: SCP-062 appeared to be running Debian Linux in Latin. Contained data consisted of a library of audio recordings of over █,███ choral songs and hymns, of which ███ are not found in any known collection, or have never been performed.
Date: █/██/██ Description: SCP-062 appeared to be running a version of Solaris in Portuguese. Contained data consisted of promotional and marketing material for [REDACTED], which appears to be a commercial space flight corporation that does not exist.
Date: ██/██/██ Description: SCP-062 appeared to be running an unknown operating system visually similar to OS/2, with an unknown language, later identified to have strong similarities to that of the Voynich Manuscript. Attempts at deciphering the contained data are ongoing.
Date: █/██/██ Description: SCP-062 appeared to be running [REDACTED] in French. Contained data confirmed to be that of a standard Foundation workstation, though the site indicated by its location data, Site ███, does not exist. Investigation is ongoing.
Date: █/█/██ Description: SCP-062 appeared to be running Apple OS X in what appears to be Akkadian cuneiform script. Contained data appears to be composed mainly of religious text and descriptions of ritual and ceremonial procedures.
Date: ██/█/██ Description: [REDACTED]. Investigation is ongoing as to how the virus managed to compromise 3 workstations and one file server before SCP-062 was forcibly shut down. All affected workstations have been isolated.
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albapetitcon · 6 years
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Un style un peu plus simple pour une fois
SCP-050-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-050-fr
SCP-062-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-062-fr
GdI, SAPHIR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/saphir-hub
SCP-060-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-060-fr
SCP-104-FR : http://fondationscp.wikidot.com/scp-104-fr
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SCP-062 "Quantum Computer" Created With: Wombo Dream & [DATA EXPUNGED] ATTENTION ALL DATA TO THIS SCP IS 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳 CHECK h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶s̶c̶p̶-̶w̶i̶k̶i̶.̶w̶i̶k̶i̶d̶o̶t̶.̶c̶o̶m̶/̶ TO GET ACCESS. #scproject #scp #scpfoundation #aiart #aiartcommunity #aiartcomm #scprojectindonesia #aiartists #scpsecretlaboratory #scpart #aiartist #scpoc #scpmemesarerising #scpstyle #securecontainprotect #anomaly #art #monsters #conspiracy #fanart #fanartist #artificialart #artificialnteligence #scpfanart #scpmeme #wombo #womboai #womboaiapp #scp062 https://www.instagram.com/scpprojectai/p/CXMIxmUMuvQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bondsmagii · 7 years
the big SCP roundup 2017
so every so often I’ll just re-read every single SCP on the site, starting from the 001 proposals and moving through numerically, just because it’s fun to refresh and fun to see how the styles and content changes over the years. this time, because I’m so often asked what my favourite SCPs are and where the best place to start is, I’ve decided to do a roundup whenever I get to the end of each 100 group. so here’s the first one!
(Note: I have based this list in some cases not just on the SCP article itself, but also on related incident/experiment logs and supplement articles. I recommend reading all related logs.)
001 to 099
SCP-001 - The Legacy
If I am no longer able to see this mission through to its bitter end, then it falls to you to finish what I began.
SCP-001 - When Day Breaks
Due to its nature, SCP-001 cannot be contained. Survivors of the SCP-001 event stationed within secure facilities are to remain in contact with one another. Personnel are encouraged to attempt to reach Site-19 by any means at their disposal.
SCP-004 - The 12 Rusty Keys and a Door
Test subjects meeting these hostile conditions are torn apart, their body parts deposited in various locations, only three of which have been verified to be on Earth.
SCP-016 - Sentient Micro-Organism
Should the subject undergo a high-stress situation (such as a life-threatening crisis), the organism will change its survival tactic from rapid reproduction to the rewriting of the host's DNA and stimulation of rapid cell division.
SCP-024 - Game Show of Death
The testimony of the lone "winner" when she turned herself in to the police was enough to have Foundation assets mobilize to contain SCP-024.
SCP-031 - What is Love?
Research has determined that aromantic subjects are not affected by SCP-031.
SCP-034 - Obsidian Ritual Knife
Regrettably, the prisoner did not survive interrogation. -Agent ██████
SCP-058 - Heart of Darkness
Personnel D-067: This is some creepy ass- (D-067 cuts off into screaming)
SCP-062 - "Quantum" Computer
Despite this, SCP-062 operates as expected for a normal desktop computer with the exception that its performance, operating system, contained data, and language appears to be different upon every activation.
SCP-064 - Flawed von Neumann Structure
Past observations indicate that the structure could attain the shape of a twelve-pointed star, over 10km in diameter and of considerable height.
SCP-068 - The Wire Figure
With a maximum of 102 "mini-figures", the resulting figure reaches two meters in height.
SCP-069 - Second Chance
Note: Despite the fact that SCP-069 is identical in all ways to Agent █████, it remains an active SCP in containment, and is not to be treated as a Foundation employee.
SCP-072 - The Foot of the Bed
Instances of SCP-072 have only been observed to manifest when a human (hereafter referred to as “the subject”) enters REM sleep while located in a bed ‘infected’ by SCP-072 and leaves a foot or feet exposed to open air.
SCP-078 - Guilt
By the end of two weeks, the subject is unable to eat food: after the first bite, they will spend the next hour justifying why they ate that specific part of the meal first.
SCP-082 - "Fernand" the Cannibal
However, visiting personnel should be aware that at any moment, SCP-082 is capable of attacking and voraciously eating others.
SCP-083 - An Abandoned Row Home
Group B observed that members of Group A seemed to "vanish into thin air" upon crossing the door's threshold.
SCP-084 - Static Tower
Weather patterns, as well as basic day/night cycles, appear to be totally random.  Overhead sky will randomly cycle between day, night, clear, and other weather patterns.
SCP-089 - Tophet
It is recommended that SCP-089-B be restrained (although not sedated) following ignition so as to avoid interference with the completion of the protocol, as the process is extremely painful and fatal to SCP-089-A. [...] For each locution event, SCP-089-A is a healthy, unblemished human infant or child between eight months and six years of age, and SCP-089-B is that child’s natural mother.
SCP-091 - Nostalgia
SCP-091 is a “Scotties” brand tissue box, currently empty.
SCP-092 - "The Best of The 5th Dimension"
You can secure me, and you can contain me, but no one can protect me. Please take me and my anomalous garbage into custody.
SCP-093 - Red Sea Object
In the distance, approximately 700 m from the farm, two massive, humanoid beings are crawling across the landscape. The entities do not notice the subject who remains quiet but whose drawn sidearm is visibly trembling.
SCP-096 - Shy Guy
I can kill 096, but I’ve killed myself in the process.
SCP-097 - Old Fairgrounds
Between April and November each year, the area within SCP-097 has produced a number of anomalous phenomena ranging from benign to implicitly aggressive. To date, seventeen Agents have been severely maimed within SCP-097, eight having died.
SCP-098 - Surgeon Crabs
Specimens of SCP-098 will only feed so long as the prey animal is capable of respiration. Feeding can last several hours or several days, depending on the size of the prey animal and the number of specimens present.
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bakeshichi · 5 years
SCP韓国支部の愉快な実験記録・日本語翻訳版です。本家本元の韓国のページはこちら→ http://ko.scp-wiki.net/scp-062-ko-experiment-docoment
このアイテムの責任者はどうやらDr.Clefのようです。そのせいか、度々クレフ博士が料理に挑戦しています。何故かDr.Brightも複数回実験に参加し、その都度気の毒な目に合っています。 どう見てもコーンポタージュの材料にしかならないものを鍋に入れて煮込んだらトマトスープが出来上がり、食べたらSCP-504「批判的なトマト」化する、などという体験をしたのですから、一度で懲りればいいものを…
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schmaltzberg · 5 years
SCP-062 - Квантовый компьютер
#scp #scpFoundation #scp_Foundation #scpwiki #SchmaTV #ranobe #россия #москва #я #день #видео #да #классно #ты
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dead-palette · 6 years
A horror story where anything can be a spider. We take a look at SCP style story and critique it as we go in this podcast. But can it live up to the original foundation’s standards?
The Entry: http://www.rpc-wiki.com/rpc-062
Subscribe to FEARFIC for more horror analysis: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcQPXV85mFI13LYl0GsayOA/featured
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ariesgamesandminis · 6 years
More Shiney! Dropship has landed with NEW STUFF!!!
Just in, a big restock, with some new to the store Online Exclusive & Archive items...but most importantly...NEW MECHS ARE IN!!!
20-200 Griffin GRF-6S 20-207 Stinger STG-5R 20-208 Wolverine WVR-8K 20-233 Warhammer IIC 4 20-298 Archer ARC-6W 20-361 Thorn THE-N 20-373 Dasher "Fire Moth" Prime 20-397 Orion ON1-M 20-400 Puma "Adder" Prime 20-406 Preta C-PRT-O Invictus 20-443 Hammerhands HMH-3D 20-472 Stag ST-14G / Stag II ST-24G 20-493 Bear Cub 20-5011 Night Wolf 20-5043 Omen (Standard) 20-5078 Wasp WSP-1 20-5086 Wulfen Prime 20-5088 Hollander III BZK-D1 20-5093 Lament LMT-2R 20-5099 Bruin (Standard) 20-5100 Vulpes VLP-1D 20-5101 Gunsmith CH11-NG 20-5102 Eyrie (Standard) 20-5107 Malice MAL-XT 20-5117 Kodiak II (Standard) 20-5121 Lu Wei Bing LN-4B 20-5122 Tenshi TN-10-O Prime 20-5126 Gun GN-2O Prime 20-5129 Calliope CAL-1MAF 20-5141 Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 20-5144 Goshawk II (Standard) 20-5148 Flea FLE-14 20-5151 Avalanche AVL-1O 20-5155 Cougar Prime / B Resculpt 20-5158 Xanthos XNT-7O 20-5160 Marauder MAD-7D / MAD-9D 20-5161 HawkWolf HWK-4F 20-603RE Mad Cat "Timber Wolf" Prime 20-662 Battle Cobra Prime 20-666 Grizzly 20-674 Falconer FLC-8R 20-751 Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-800A Hex Base (BULK) 20-804 Crab CRB-27 20-811 Mercury MCY-99 20-854 Hunchback HBK-4G 20-869 Jenner JR7-D 20-975 Fafnir FNR-5 20-976 Hellion Prime 20-987 Locust LCT-5M 20-988 Phoenix Hawk PXH-4L 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-203 Extra Large Flat Top Hex Base AR20-216 SCORPION SCP-12C AR20-242 FULCRUM HOVER TANK (2) AR20-676 PIRANHA AR20-734 ORION IIC AR20-745 SKULKER WHEELED SCOUT VEHICLE AR20-818 DRILLSON HEAVY HOVER TANK AR20-890 STEALTH STH-1D AR20-909 DRAGONFIRE DGR-3F AR20-916 MERLIN MLN-1A AR20-919 STOOPING HAWK PRIME AR20-929 URSUS AR20-941 MENSHEN MS1-0 PRIME AR20-985 ARCAS BT-012 Dragonfly "Viper" A BT-062 Hover Bike BT-063 Track Bike BT-064 Trike BT-065 Minigun Cycle BT-160 Elemental Battle Armor Point BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-303 Vulture Mk III Prime BT-322 Rifleman RFL-1N BT-412 Amazon Battle Armor BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-419 Wolverine WVR-1R FT-025 Samurai Mech Scale Fighter FT-027 Gotha Mech Scale Fighter MS-010 Leopard Dropship Mech Scale 20-793GN Hollander BZK-F3 Gun 20-849B Centurion Right Arm
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daily-scp · 10 years
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11/18/14 - SCP062, "Quantum Computer"
SCP-062 appears to be an unbranded personal desktop computer housed in an aluminum case of indeterminate manufacture. SCP-062 is unusually heavy at approximately 24kg, and lacks manufacturing or branding labels of any kind. The words "infomation is freedom [sic]" were found scratched into the casing near the back, apparently with a key or similar object.
Inspection of its interior has revealed that SCP-062 is empty except for a blank circuit board in place of where the motherboard of a standard personal computer would be. SCP-062 will not function unless the case is completely sealed, and attempts to open the case while it is operating cause it to shut down immediately. Despite this, SCP-062 operates as expected for a normal desktop computer with the exception that its performance, operating system, contained data, and language appears to be different upon every activation.
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