#sds hawk
coffeejellysposts · 1 year
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Love this pic😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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amberskywrites · 9 months
Chapter 22 - Confrontations
Chapter 1 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 23 || Masterpost | AO3 Link | FF.net Link
Fandom / Genre: Nanatsu no Taizai (Seven Deadly Sins) / Canon-Divergent and Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Meliodas/Elizabeth, Zeldris/Gelda, Meliodas & Zeldris & Elizabeth & Gelda
Overall Story Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Canon-typical violence, Canonical character death, Canon temporary character death, Cursed characters, Lmk if I need to add anything else!
Chapter Warnings: None, lmk if there’s anything I need to add!
Story Summary:
and chains.
For 3,000 long and painful years, these four have been doing all they can to lift their curses. They have failed, again and again and again. With only a sliver of hope left, they try once more.
Or, what if Zeldris accepted Meliodas’ offer to go with him 3,000 years ago?
Ban ignored King following them, fixed solely on the collection of lights flying further and further away from the others. Eventually, the lights vanished as they entered a clearing.
No, vanished wasn’t quite right.
He couldn’t see them, see her, but he could feel her. Ban took a deep breath, the only sound with King frozen. At least- he assumed King was frozen in place. And then he started speaking, floating up next to Ban. He was glaring.
“What are you doing here, Ban?”
Ban leaned back, away from the fairy, and forced a bored expression across his face. He hummed low and waited a moment before answering, watching King’s expression sour further. Then he let a smirk form, no matter if he actually felt smug or not.
There was one thing Ban would always be good at, after all. And it was pissing off King.
“I think you know what I’m doing here.”
King scowls further. “How dare you even come here, after all you did? How dare you smile to my face, if you know well what you’ve done?”
“How dare I?” Ban’s expression grew disbelieving. King didn’t respond for a moment, cooling his expression and lifting off Chastiefol. Before Ban could finish blinking, the sacred treasure was behind him and suddenly his limbs were gripped and pulled apart. “What the-?!”
“After the Sins split up, I decided to return home. I hadn’t been home in centuries. I was horrified to come across the Fairy Forest burnt to the ground. The Fountain of Youth gone, the forest abandoned and trees charred as far as the eye can see. No sign of the Saint who was guarding the fountain and the forest…
“It took me a while to realize what had happened.” King tilted his head at Ban. “I never questioned why a human seemed so indestructible, unkillable. We have all committed grave sins, but I never… I didn’t even think that anyone had committed one so heinous. I didn’t think you had killed the Saint of the forest and drank from the Fountain of Youth.”
Ban barely held back a scoff. “So what, is this a ploy to avenge her? You just said it yourself- I’m unkillable!”
A small, self-satisfied smile graced King’s face. “Maybe not normally, no,” he said, holding out his hand. “Spirit spear Chastiefol, third configuration: Fossilization.” Ban’s eyes widened as behind him a whirring sound pierced the air, followed quickly by the squish of flesh and guts being torn out.  “You never did pay attention to anything anyone else talked about. If it wasn’t something to fulfill your greedy desires, it went in one ear and right out the other.”
Ban stared at his chest where the spear impaled him - and King sure did have a thing for impaling him, huh? - and watched as a gray started to crawl over his body outward from the spear. It felt… odd. Not painful. A tingling sensation, as if his body was slowly falling asleep.
“Are you watching, Elaine?” King murmured, only audible to Ban because it was otherwise so silent.
Ban took a deep breath a moment before he could no longer properly feel if he was actually inhaling air still, looked back up at King as the petrification spread to his neck, and smiled as gently as he would ever smile in King’s presence.
“Do you have any last words, a deathbed confession perhaps? I won’t forgive you either way, but still.”
Silence, as the last of the petrification enveloped Ban. “Then suffer alone for all eternity here in the Necropolis without dying it ever finding peace,” King said quietly after Ban refused to say anything.
 King was left staring at that infuriating smile. “Goodbye, Ban,” he said softly, smile disappearing. Chastiefol withdrew from Ban completely. King took one last look at Ban, committing his stone face to memory. 
“Maybe we should turn back and look for Ban and King?” Hawk asked. “We haven’t seen anyone!”
“We’ll meet up with them soon enough, have patience,” Zeldris scolded lightly. 
“We have been walking for a while, are you sure they’ll be alright?” Elizabeth asked. “You said Sir Ban might see someone he cared about a lot here.”
“Zel,” Meliodas sighed, tone toeing the line between exasperated and disappointed.
“She was going to talk to him earlier, I don’t know what you expected me to do, telling her not to talk to him out of seemingly nowhere,” Zeldris huffed before looking up at Elizabeth. “I’m sure they’ll be fine, Ban included. I’m not saying it won’t hurt, that he might not spiral later whether he sees them or not. But he’ll be alright in the end, I promise.”
“Still, at this rate, I doubt there’s any of the other Sins here, I haven’t sensed any of them or any powers like them…” Diane chimed in, looking around over the crystal walls. She slowed to a stop and the others followed suit, Hawk sighing in relief as they finally stopped moving for a moment.
“Mmmm… that is true. We don’t have a lot longer here, so I guess it wouldn’t hurt to-” Meliodas cut himself off abruptly.
Everyone stopped at the odd sight before them. A young woman, bent forward slightly with her eyes closed, long hair drawn over some of her face. A hand was resting across her chest - no, not across, Elizabeth realized with dread forming a pit in her own heart, the hand was in the woman’s chest.
The power radiating from the woman was strong enough for Elizabeth to feel it. It felt like she was being suffocated slowly, her breath hitching as the others tensed around her. Elizabeth chanced looking away from the woman for a brief moment, taking in even Meliodas’ stiff shoulders and Zeldris’ hand twitching over his sword. Gelda stood straighter, her eyes narrowed at the woman, only raising Elizabeth’s unease further. Diane had taken a step back upon seeing the woman, confusion and apprehension flitting across her face and switching frequently with annoyance. Hawk also took a step back, placing himself between Elizabeth and the woman but keeping the brothers between him and herself.
The power felt… less than Gilthunder’s, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t dangerous. Elizabeth couldn’t feel the Sins’ powers, and they were the most dangerous beings in the world as far as she was aware. 
The woman finally moved, moving her hand from her chest to rest on her own sword but not drawing it. Her eyes seemed to remain closed, but Elizabeth could still feel her calculating gaze.
“How do you do, Dragon Sin Meliodas? Serpent Sin Diane?”
“And you are?” Zeldris asked, eyes glued to the woman’s sword and his hand tightening over the hilt of his own.
“I am Holy Knight Guila.”
“How did you get here?” Hawk asked, taking another half-step back.
“By dying,” Guila answered as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Hawk’s breath hitched and he looked at Meliodas. “Did she just say she came here by dying?” 
Meliodas hummed in affirmation. “She sure did.”
Before anyone could say anything else, Guila unsheathed her sword - rapier, Elizabeth realized - and propelled herself forward quicker than they were prepared for, going between Meliodas and Zeldris and they had moved before remembering who was behind them, but Guila was already past them.
Elizabeth had only a moment to dodge Guila’s attack, a mangled shout of surprise bursting from her lips before she was toppling to the side and just barely managing to duck under Guila’s body.
Guila landed far more gracefully, spinning around and about to attack again. She was forced back as Gelda appeared in front of her, a ball of fire in her palm aimed to hit Guila at short range, and forced back even further as Diane knelt and brought some of the earth up from under Guila. 
Elizabeth stumbled back onto her own feet, Meliodas already in front of her and backing up, putting even more space between her and Guila. His jaw was set tight and Elizabeth couldn’t see his expression, but she could imagine it wasn’t a pleasant one.
“Hawk! Take Elizabeth and run!”
Hawk was at their sides instantly, and Elizabeth only hesitated for half a second before clambering onto Hawk’s back. As soon as she was secure Hawk booked it, squealing the entire way about how strong Guila was and how he couldn’t believe she just attacked Elizabeth. Elizabeth spared a glance back just before they turned a corner, catching sight of Meliodas and Guila locked together in a small crater, and then they were gone.
Elizabeth squeezed her eyes shut and hoped with all her might that the Sins would be fine.
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adrenalineartist · 2 years
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spaceydoo · 11 months
just thinking about him eating you out on your kitchen island till his face is coated with your juices. a puddle of your juices are on the floor, you not even caring about the mess. you were too out of it, eyes rolled back and all. you tug at his hair desperately needing him deeper in you. “you’re so needy today aren’t you gorgeous?” he said in a subdued tone against your pussy, not taking his eyes off you. you couldn’t do anything but throw your head back, letting out a whiny moan. “make a mess on my face again, you deserve it ma” he’s tracing circles, triangles, squares— hell, even his own name on your clit. your thighs began to shake once again as your juices coated his face “fuck..fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckk” you let out such a loud moan you might as well be a pornstar “mm you taste so good baby” he said in a soft tone. your grip on his hair tightened, riding out your high with his tongue. he moved his face from your cunt, giving a couple of kisses on your inner thighs “now how bout’ i blow your back out right here, yeah?”
toji fushiguro, eren yaeger, sanji vinsmoke, jean kirstein, tengen uzui, kakashi hatake, satoru gojo, roronoa zoro, ban, dabi, getou suguru, benimaru shinmon, portgas d ace, leonard burns, ryomen sukuna, spirit albarn, that teacher from silent voice, kyojuro rengoku, guren ichinose, hawks, connie springer
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zorria · 9 months
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Just a small appreciation post is all. <3
Recently became obsessed with Ban again and Karasuma from Assassination classroom. Gojo is so pretty I had to use 3 gifs of him lol.
If you want a request, just send it to me. :) Requests are open.
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sydns · 1 year
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a collection of my favorite nnt panels :D
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ladymerlin-lab · 1 year
Merlin: Have you ever seen something that changes your life and you are just like... "wow"
Escanor smiling: Of course, I saw you.
Merlin, trying not to blush: ...darling that's so cute and sweet, but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Arthur and Hawk in matching dinosaurs costumes.
~Escanor's mind: God I love her so much~
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August 06: Happy Birthday Hawk / Mild (The Seven Deadly Sins)!!!!
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Heyyy back after 5 months whoops. I did another manga coloring :)))) I wanna do more of these they’re really fun
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pampasdookie · 1 year
How the seven deadly sins + Elizabeth and hawk would take care of a baby🧷🧸🍼 (part.4)
A baby babysits another baby
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"S-sure,i will take care of him/her for you"
King seems the type that thinks babies are cute(as a King of the fairies,he probably had to bless fairies babies or something)but he is too nervous to hold one for too long. King also doesn't know what to do if a baby cry,probably hand it over to the parents or for one of the sins asking for help. He would be too careful,at everything,but also very docile.
He would hold the baby very thighyl,because he's afraid to let him/her fall off his harms. King would not let the baby touch on things that he might think it's dangerous,like a bottle of beer,some furniture with sharp corner,he would probably build or improvise a playpen with some toys he would pick from the baby bag or himself sewed.
Meliodas:King,calm down,you're squeezing him/her like that!
Merlin:Captain is right,King,he/she will not fall off your arms!
King:I'm afraid,he/she is so tiny,and cute and fragile,I don't wanna to risk!
Feeding time,he would play little airplane(or little dragon,because it's the middle age),and hold a napkin close to the baby's mouth. King hopes that the baby don't make a big mess,as he also hold the plate far from the baby chair,so the little one don't reach it.
King would change a diaper using his chastiefol pillow like a change table(with a blanket to lay the baby down)He's is also very carefully so the baby don't touch the dirty diaper. He feel a little disgusted,but less than Meliodas and Ban. While cleaning the baby,he talks to him/her like they are listening,things like "am I doing this right?","i think we need more wipes",i think I dropped to much powder",things like that. He also make sure to clean the baby's feet and apply skin moisturizer if necessary.
He uses his chastiefol for many things,so for playtime isn't different,he turn it until a bear and carry him/her on it. He would try peek-a-boo with the baby(then he transforms on his human form on the peek-a-boo,and scares the baby unintentionally). Without needing the chastiefol,he would hug the baby the baby tight and fly above the grass,and pretend to be a dragon,while Diane run with them pretending to be a dragon too. King makes some toys and also clothes to him/her. If the baby was a boy,he would make a little sailor costume,if was a girl,he would make a adorable dress.
Sleepytime,King also will be tired,put he try to put the baby to sleep. He would feed her a bottle and talk with her some silly things,like his love for Diane or something about how is the Fairy Kingdom. So he lay down with the baby on his lap in the chastiefol and sing a lullaby or tell him/her some bedtime stories from his folklore. He probably fall sleep with the baby. Diane and Elizabeth think that it's so cute,and Meliodas is just proudly about how well done King made it into babysitting.
King was just trying to bond with the baby,who was just staring at him,and he has no idea what to talk about. Then Diane arrives after hiking with Merlin,and takes a look on king and the baby.
Diane:Hi King! Hi (baby name)! What are you guys doing?
King:H-hi Diane! I'm trying to communicate with him/her,but I don't know what to talk about.
Meliodas:Talking is not the only way to bonding with a baby,King.
Both the sins are thinking about what to do while the sin of wrath was checking some booze from the balcony. Then a little grasshopper jumped into the window,what made Diane scream.
King:Oh no,Diane!!!!!
Meliodas:Hum....hey little one,have you ever seen a grasshopper?
King:It's not time from that,Captain!
Diane:I think I'm better....don't worry,guys.
Meliodas:Here King,hold it close to her!
King:Are you sure?
Meliodas:This makes her have contact with the nature.
Meliodas handed over the grasshopper onto king who put it in the baby's hand,holding her tight but gentle
King:Look (baby name),a grasshopper. Isn't pretty?
Diane:Aww,i think she likes it!
Meliodas was proudly from his idea,while the baby was staring the insect in her hand.But,then,he/she tried to put it on her mouth. The three sins screamed a big "NOO!",what called attention to the other sins + Elizabeth and Hawk,who are doing other things. Luckily,King was fast enough to take the grasshopper from the baby's hand.
Elizabeth:Oh dear,what happened!?
Meliodas:The baby tried to eat a grasshopper.
Elizabeth:Oh,i see.
Happily,the baby was just fine,but wondering where her little "snack" went.Everyone there was relieved,but they decided to not tell him/her parents about that.
Oh my goodness,I love King,he's so adorable,anyways,on a scale of 1 to 10,how much would King babysat well?
Write in the comments.
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I figured it out.
I've said in the past that Hawk the pig is one of my least favorite characters ever in media. I hate the motherfucker. I have a more in-depth analysis on why he sucks here if you're interested. I gave some examples of ways he could be redeemed within the show, but neglected to mention ways similar characters have been redeemed in other shows.
On that note, I present to you: Zenitsu.
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This guy is technically introduced during the Final Selection arc, but we don't really get to know him until the endless mansion. His first real scene is him begging a girl on the side of the road to marry him, because he's hopelessly convinced he's going to be killed by a demon soon. Our main character Tanjiro, being the guy he is, pries him off the poor girl and convinces him to leave by offering him food. Seems like a cool way to introduce a comedic relief, right? Pretty much.
But that's not all.
Zenitsu is, for the most part, a whiny little bitch who is less useful than an overcooked spaghetti noodle. He can't fight- he says so himself- and will not shut up. He's set up to be funny, yes, but also annoying as hell.
Until they get separated in the mansion and Zenitsu passes out in fear of a demon, and then sleepwalks his way into badassery. Okay, so he's weak when he's awake and strong while he's asleep! Cool trope reversal, but seems a little one-dimensional.
Yeah, except...
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He isn't.
(For context: Tanjiro's sister, Nezuko, was turned into a demon. She can't be exposed to sunlight or she'll die, so Tanjiro carries her in a box to keep her close during the day. He left the box behind to protect the two kids outside the mansion, but they ended up following him inside, so Nezuko was left alone.)
Zenitsu does not know what is in that box, other than it is a demon, nor why said demon is so important to Tanjiro.
All the context he has is a passing comment from Tanjiro that what is in the box is more important than his life. That's all it took for Zenitsu to but himself between Inosuke (a dude we don't really know yet, but who is attacking the box) and this wack ass backpack his new friend is strangely attached to. It's very clear that Zenitsu has been getting the shit beat out of him for a while now, but continues to prevent Inosuke from harming the box.
Cool story, Rat, but what does this have to do with Hawk? Great question!
Zenitsu could very easily have become the same kind of character as Hawk- intended to be comedic relief but coming off as annoying, as well as being a convenient plot device for the author by getting the gang into unnecessary trouble and creating conflict solely to serve the narrative. Super annoying and wholly unappreciated.
But this moment- this brief conflict- gives him significantly more depth. He's willing to undergo intense physical torment to protect a belonging that is important to his friend who he met just a few hours ago. This is where he differs from Hawk, who takes every opportunity to create problems for Meliodas and the Sins and be a general inconvenience with no redeeming qualities.
Does Zenitsu still have the capacity to be annoying? Of course. Is he mostly useless? Yeah, but don't hold it against him. The point is, he's given the potential to be better, and actually acts on that potential when given the chance.
This has been a TED talk. Thank you for coming.
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I mean, yeah, all the different Knights are cool
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Very cool in fact
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Love all of them dearly
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But we all know
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Who the true star of the Holy Knight squad is
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It is
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meliodasses · 1 year
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random lil hawk sign for my room
praying the black doesn't smudge, I had to your an outlining pen because my posca wasn't working 😭🙏
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bers1990 · 1 year
The various Compilation videos that I have made featuring Hawk the pig from the SDS anime
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zorria · 2 years
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I still laugh over the fact that zeldris mf killed hawk lol
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