#sdv goats
fairy-farmer · 9 months
Animals of Brimstone Farm
Decided to post a list of animals on my farm and some tiny headcanons I have about them about them (some are kinda lame, sorry for that ><"). I'll be updating the post as I'll get more animals/as they grow! More UTC!
Mango (♀️):
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Quite lazy
Owns the bed
Guards the waterbowl often
Banana (♂️):
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Loves to run
Clingy towards Mango
Strawberry (♂️):
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Hoards toys
Will pounce on anyone no matter how much bigger they are
Thinks he's super scary (he's not)
Grape (♀️)
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A lap dog despite her size
Has the biggest puppy eyes (and will whine for human food)
Treats the chickens and ducks like her babies
Potato (♀️):
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Thinks she's the boss (she is)
Kinda stand-offish
Walks around as if she's on a runway
Pasta (♀️):
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Shy but friendly
Likes to hide in weird places
Will most likely sit on your head
Dumpling (♀️):
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The actual hiding master
Thinks fingers are food
Loves scritches
Rice (♀️):
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A brat (affectionate)
Really fast (does she teleport???)
Would break something and then act innocent while right next to it
Poppy (♀️):
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Quacks only when walking
Surprisingly not into water as much as the other ducks
Pretty independent but likes to be pampered from time to time
Begonia (♀️):
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Has the vibes of a grumpy old man
Will sit in your way and then act like you're the one who's in her way
Fastest swimmer
Saffron (♀️):
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Follows the farmer around a lot
Curious about everything
Has no fear
Forsythia (♀️):
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Can get comfy in the worst places
Doesn't like to be petted much
Messy eater
Muffin (♀️):
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Loves hiding in tall grass
Would probably go on a long journey (aka go to another town and get lost) if given the chance
Likes to lay her head in people's laps
Zabaione (♀️):
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Very energetic, frolicks a lot
Nudges you to ask for pets
Quite gentle. You could probably put your hand in her mouth and she won't bite (Don't try this at home)
Shortcake (♀️):
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Very shy around everyone except for the farmer
Likes scritches behind her ears
Has the sweetest moo
Cheesecake (♀️):
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Really smart
Amused when people get surprised by her appearing seemingly out of nowhere
Very likely to eat the crops
Dragon (♀️):
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Will climb anywhere and everywhere
Kinda lazy
Has a tendency to attack the scarecrows
Dwarf (♀️):
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Considers clothing a delicacy
Can jump so high you'd think she has springs in her legs
Where Dragon goes, Dwarf often follows
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thelady-mary · 2 months
I'll always end up marrying Alex or Penny because I look at them and see
Respect elderly people
Alcoholic parent
Abandoned issues
Wanted to be loved (SO BAD)
The need to live a simple life
My saviour complex screaming
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fefairys · 1 year
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sebastian 8 heart event with my farmer ^_^
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also with slime ^
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edit: i did another one hello. this is goat.
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coyoats · 6 days
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New goat obsessed farmer dropped 🐐
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selkiecrossing · 2 years
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im gonna be RICH!!!!
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mikecrygor · 1 month
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i love her shes so much more than "mean girl" like and reblog to send shane straight to hell
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not-poignant · 7 months
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Daily excerpt from today's writing, chapter 28 of A Stain that Won't Dissolve:
'It doesn't matter,' Alex said. 'I just don't know what to do. I don't want to get between Sebastian and his friends. They've been a trio since they were children.' 'Alex, you didn't get between them at all. It sounds like Sebastian has grown into a different place to where he was as a teenager, and it sounds a little like Abigail hasn't grown in the same way. Sometimes people don't realise how far apart they've grown until something like this makes them see it, but he would have always seen it eventually. He might have even noticed before now, and not known what to do about it. Needless to say, he's an adult, he chose to kick Abigail out of his home, and you didn't make him choose that. I think you know better than anyone that he has chosen not to protect you in the past, when you were younger.' Alex hunched down into the chair and just shrugged. He stared at his old jeans and looked up at the model planes hanging from the ceiling again. Dr Harvey was all right, in his own way. But he did seem lonely. This place wasn't made with anyone else in mind.  'I love him,' Alex said, thinking that he should feel terrified, and mostly feeling so fucking tired.  'Oh. Oh. What? You- But... So then you and Haley aren't...' Alex laughed. Fuck. Was the cover that good? Did their friendship look that horny? And Dr Harvey was blushing so hard it was almost sweet, he fussed with his coffee mug, turning it this way and that.  'Sebastian doesn't know,' Alex said. 'He's never known. I never told him. I don't want him to know. But it's funny because he's... I mean he's like me.'  He's gay. 'It makes this harder,' Alex said, sighing. 'It makes it all so much harder.'  'I can only imagine,' Dr Harvey said, sounding less frazzled than before. 
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boiboiperson · 9 months
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That one thing where you draw six characters in your style but it hurts to look at but I'm too lazy to solve the problem by separating them and instead am just drawing more attention to the problem by pointing it out.
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lucy-the-demon · 1 year
Because of Shane it's my life goal to hold a chicken.
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I really don't have much going for me.
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 6 months
I love Haley in SDV for her character development because she really is a very kindhearted and sensitive person with depth to her once she opens up… but looking at some of her dialogue options after marriage, I also feel like she has underlying insecurities that drive how she acts and explain a lot of her early behaviors.
She talks about not going out in the rain because it’ll make her hair limp and she wants to look good for you, mentions at the egg festival that she was going to eat eggs but she’s on a spring diet… genuinely, I think she’s a young woman who doesn’t truly recognize the depth and value and many good qualities she has outside of her looks or who at least feels a pressure to look and act a certain way. She looks genuinely happy in her eight heart event when she’s laughing over falling in the mud and she’s too busy having fun to care if she doesn’t look perfect. I feel like she deserves so much gentle love and encouragement to realize she’s a good person and deserving of love, and she deserves to discover who she can be when she’s not worrying about being perfect.
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pompom-farm · 9 months
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the-elder-beato · 2 months
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beatrice and lambdadelta would beg to differ :/
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solns · 2 months
i have a minor pet peeve when it comes to sdv portraits lol like i can't use a portrait in the long run if they only do one character or just the marriage candidates. the inconsistency where only a select people get a diff art style while the rest are vanilla... it kills me a bit inside 🥲there are portraits i really wanna use but like
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psalacanthea · 2 months
my goats have just had their second immaculately conceived baby. yorba please leave my goats alone.
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wizardofwizz · 2 months
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genuinely forgot what I named my goat and nearly had a heart attack
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turkey-sandwich · 11 months
My chickens are all thematically named after tea. Peppermint, chamomile and matcha. Then there's this rando named KFC who's peppermint's chick. And they live with three ducks named after the quaxly evo line and two rabbits named tomoya and Hajime. They are neighbors with my cows, choccy and vanilla. Then there's mochi the cat who sleeps on my crops. Fun game 👍
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