vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ 冷やし飴 ・関西を中心に夏の定番とされている飲み物のことです。大阪の飴ちゃん文化のイメージから、ひやしあめと聞くと、飴玉を冷やしたものを想像するかも知れませんね。しかし、ひやしあめは麦芽水飴をお湯で溶いて、生姜の絞り汁を加えて冷やした、冷たい飲み物なのです。温かいままの状態のものは、「あめ湯」と呼ばれているそうです。ひやしあめに用いられる麦芽水飴には砂糖が使用されておらず、穀類のやさしい甘みと生姜の爽やかさが感じられる、夏にピッタリの飲み物です。 ・麦芽水飴は、麦芽・米・でんぷん・水を材料にして作られます。ひやしあめは麦茶のような色をした飲み物ですが、それは麦芽水飴の色によるものだそうです。関西の夏の日常シーンにひやしあめは欠かせない存在で、暑い時期になると、休憩の時などに「ひやしあめ飲もうか」と声を掛けられるほどです。
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ysd-2-0 · 2 months
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My one and only valentine
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rabbitoru · 9 months
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rubymoonart · 10 months
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Love is the most twisted curse of all
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faithful91 · 6 months
Got mixed feelings seeing Nanami with his shirt ripped.. It’s close…
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hikarybw · 9 months
the ways in which you talk to meeee
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staruie · 9 months
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backstory of why gojo changed eye masks between jjk0 and season 1
^ 1 year difference ..! guess what major event happened in that time 💗 + i just think he has such an interesting relationship with grief. yea he’s messed up in the head for sure
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justrustandstardust · 3 months
in honour of geto's birthday, i want to talk about the fandom discourse that paints him as a mother. he definitely has a degree in motherology (with a minor in babygirlism), but i also think it’s possible that gege is genuinely using his character to say something interesting about motherhood and maternity.
this post is inspired largely in part by @virgobingo's thoughtful meta on geto and monstrous femininity, which you can find here. i want to extrapolate from the trope of monstrous femininity and extend it to monstrous motherhood. (which @virgobingo also touches on; you should really check out their meta— it's awesome!)
geto's character is immediately established in a protector capacity, which is intensely reminiscent of the tropes that mothers embody in media. his whole thing is that the strong must protect the weak; it's his core belief. his character is premised around this belief, much like the way mothers' constitutions in media are premised on the principle that they'll go to any length for their children.
we're repeatedly shown his caring side during hidden inventory— he cares for riko, he expresses concern for gojo, he even asks about kuroi after he finds out toji supposedly murdered his best friend. it's made very clear that he's an outwardly caring person with a strong sense of duty. in this way, he parallels the textual role of mothers, whose function is to care and provide above all else. the repeated emphasis on his caring nature is what directly likens him to maternity, whose characteristic trait is tender love and care.
he also houses curses in his body. he unleashes them from inside of him, almost like children leaving the womb. these curses obey him and operate according to his will in a very parent/child dynamic. they are powerful, but they can only do what he tells them to do. he uses them to fulfil his duty according to his core belief: to protect the weak.
when he defects, his ideology fundamentally does not change— it just inverts. instead of the strong protecting the weak (the weak necessitating their strength because they can't protect themselves), now the strong must be protected from the weak (because the weak leech the strength from the strong, therefore rendering them weak).
nothing really changes; he still cares —fiercely— it's just in the opposite direction. he takes the tropes associated with motherhood and inverts them— he'll do anything to protect those under his care, including killing, because he wholeheartedly believes in fulfilling his duty as a protector (like a mother). his unwavering conviction and willingness to die for his beliefs (which are directly about those he's protecting) is the most flagrantly maternal thing about him.
toji's worm calls him "mommy" and it's not wrong. he takes in daughters and becomes the central figure of his "family"; his emphasis on family throughout the story (even as a youth) also speaks to his maternity, as mothers are often written as the binding emotional centres of familial structures.
after he dies, his body is taken over by someone who is Iiterally a mother. he embodies monstrous motherhood during life and after death, leading us to the question of what gege is trying to say about all of this. is caring too much a bad thing? does caring in one way open the door to caring in another? what happens when a mother's love, supposedly strong enough to lift fallen trees off their children, goes in the “wrong” direction?
there's also the fact that geto is male. i think gege is also asking us to reckon with how the tropes of maternity have been confined to women, showing us that these intense convictions and the depth of care attributed to mothers can apply to anyone, even (especially) if they are distinctly masculine. in doing this, he's also expanding the conceptual definition of motherhood, suggesting that mothers can exist beyond their provident care and one-dimensional duty to their beloveds.
geto's monstrous motherhood is an explosive reclamation of agency in a trope where women have been historically limited by the categorical imposition of maternity. it seeks to disrupt not only who we consider to be mothers but also what we consider a mother to be. perhaps the monster is not the maternal figure whose love turns vicious or violent, but us, who monstrously imprisoned them in the fixed role of "mother".
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bisepunk · 4 months
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Dealing with the ending of Shibuya arc.
They're my armor 🤍🖤🫶🏼😎
Available soon as sticker, buttons and maybe keychains✨
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kcebong-az · 6 months
this is why communication is important, yea right?
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ah, i got this inspiration after seeing @uzu_swirl post in twt
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県立四季の森公園 横浜市 連絡地下通路付近 ノウゼンカズラ
富士フィルム X-Pro3 XF35mmF1.4R
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vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ ところてん | Tokoroten ・ ところてん(心太または心天、瓊脂)は、テングサやオゴノリなどの紅藻類をゆでて煮溶かし、発生した寒天質を冷まして固めた食品。それを「天突き」とよばれる専用の器具を用いて、押し出しながら細い糸状(麺状)に切った形態が一般的である。ところてんを戸外で凍結乾燥させたものが寒天である。 ・全体の98〜99%が水分で、残りの成分のほとんどは多糖類(アガロース)である。ゲル状の物体であるが、ゼリーなどとは異なり表面はやや堅く感じられ、独特の口当たりがある。腸内で消化されないため栄養価はほとんどないが、食物繊維として整腸効果がある。 ・関東以北および中国地方以西では二杯酢あるいは三杯酢をかけた物に和辛子を添えて、関西では黒蜜をかけて単体又は果物などと共に、東海地方では箸一本で、主に三杯酢をかけた物にゴマを添えて食べるのが一般的とされる。また、醤油系のタレなどで食べる地方もある。 ・海草を煮たスープを放置したところ偶然にできた産物と考えられ、かなりの歴史があると思われる。一説には、こころぶとと呼ばれ、心太の漢字があてられた。それがこころていと呼ばれるようになり、さらに転じてところてんとなったとされるが、古くは正倉院の書物中に心天と記されていることから奈良時代にはすでにこころてんまたはところてんと呼ばれていたようである。
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ysd-2-0 · 2 months
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old ages...
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silpigeon · 3 months
HBD Suguru🥳🥳🥳
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yorowenzuya · 10 months
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faithful91 · 6 months
Another post for the handsome, charming, attractive, fit, alluring, hot Choso Kamo because why not. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤍
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