#seemed like nyxs other kids also liked him enough
frogdisco2021 · 4 months
Percy "immediately starts beef with every god he meets by having no filter" Jackson versus Nico "every god thinks he's neat even though he's been nothing but weird and off-putting" di Angelo
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Today on things in TSatS that I love: the first encounter with Epiales. Not the nightmares they give Nico and Will (although those are also good, especially the bit where Will wakes up and is immediately like "Of course it was a dream, Nico would never"), the encounter with them personally. Because the way Nico first tries to distract Epiales with false compliments while he gets himself into a position to obliterate them is very much the sort of thing Percy would do; Percy's go-to strategy tends to be "lie to and trick your enemy at every opportunity", I can absolutely see him going "Oh yeah you did great work you're fantastic at nightmares please ignore me gathering my power" in this situation. But when Nico tries it... it totally fails. Epiales immediately sees through it. And I love that, because Percy and Nico have very different MOs when it comes to dealing with situations involving talking to an immortal being like this!
Like, the thing is that Percy is a liar. And I don't mean that as a bad thing; it's a viable strategy for the situations he ends up in, and while to an adult mind his tricks seem to only work because every god and monster he faces is a moron I remember being impressed with them as a kid, so they're clever enough for the target demographic. But if you look at his interactions with immortal beings, he tends to go for lies and tricks first. Nico on the other hand is actually an incredibly honest person. Other than that time he claims he and Thalia are fine when they are Absolutely Not Fine in BoO, his few lies are lies of omission. In TLO he just doesn't mention his planned detour in the Underworld to Percy and when Percy finds out about it he's very forthright with what (he thinks) will happen, and in SoN he never actually denies knowing Percy, just doesn't confirm it (when Percy says they've met Nico's response is just "Have we?", turning the question back on Percy; it's actually possible he was trying to subtly test how much Percy remembered, since if he properly remembered Nico rather than just having a feeling he'd argue the point). It's a nice touch that this approach extends into how they handle enemies, where Percy is willing to lie to them but Nico tends not to.
So Nico tries Percy's method of dealing with Epiales, lying to them and tricking them to put a being that's absolutely more powerful than he is at a disadvantage, and it doesn't work because Nico doesn't lie to people. That style of trickery isn't his way, so Epiales immediately sees through his attempt. The actual fight against Epiales is fun because Nico does have a knack for dream magic (even if TSatS mostly forgot about that, can Rick please be consistent about Nico's powers) so once he knows it's a dream caused by someone directly in front of him he can snap himself out of it pretty easily. And then Will basically just uses rock-paper-scissors on them, since light beats darkness. But once Epiales is subdued Nico and Will just choose to be nice to them; there's no benefit in it for them, it's not a ploy, they're just choosing to be kind. The bit where they pause to offer Epiales genuine compliments on their work is... honestly quite sweet, I love them actually taking that moment to say "No, no, that was really impressive, it was tough to get out of". There's a difference between being opponents and being enemies, and you can really see here how the boys don't see Epiales as an enemy now that they're not in their way. I also find myself wondering: does Epiales attack when they see Will hesitate because they think it's a moment of weakness they can take advantage of... or because it'll be better for them to get killed and resurrect than to admit to Nyx that they even semi-willingly let Nico and Will go, and they want to make it easier on Will to finish the job when it becomes clear he can't bring himself to do it without cause? Because honestly I feel like with the way Epiales interacts with the boys (and the way Nyx treats her children) it could go either way.
But there's another part of it that I find interesting, which is... if Nico had successfully tricked Epiales in that first instance, getting them to lower their guard through compliments and then cutting them down, there's a good chance Epiales wouldn't have turned against Nyx at the end. After all, why would they risk their mother's fury for the sake of people who tricked them? Just in general, it's a little unclear why Hypnos turns on Nyx (I think his part in things would've been a lot stronger if he'd actually... y'know, spoken to Nico and Will at any point), but the impression I get is that for Nemesis at least and likely Epiales too it is at least in part a genuine fondness for the boys. Which is something Epiales would not feel if instead of complimenting them and only blasting them to bits when they forced the issue the boys had tricked them in order to kill them quickly. It's like... tricking Epiales would've dealt with them quicker and more easily in the short term, but in the long term Nico failing to trick them and instead kicking their ass and then being nice about it worked out much better; instead of making an enemy, the boys got at worst a fairly neutral acquaintance out of it! Which, going back to how tricking Epiales would've been Percy's move, is really interesting when you compare Nico having a very unusual number of gods and other immortal beings in his corner to Percy making enemies wherever he goes. There really is something to Nico making so many powerful friends because he consistently chooses to be kind even though so often in people's POVs they go on about how creepy and weird he is. Although I do wonder sometimes if it's as simple as Nico legitimately just being a very kind person or if it's partially that he's just as cunning as Percy but more focused on the long-term than the short-term. If it's the latter it's probably a good thing for the monsters that they don't tend to directly work together, because Percy's knack for tricking gods and monsters to get the advantage in the short term to the point where he can win a fight against the god of war combined with Nico's knack for winning the affection and even loyalty of immortal beings in the long term to the point where he can essentially get divine intervention on his behalf for free would either be a total disaster for them or absolutely terrifying for their enemies. Either they'd cancel each other out or they'd just become utter nightmares to deal with (even more than they are already), which... honestly I would like to see either way.
Also I adore Nico lowkey fanboying over Epiales because he thinks they're just so cool. Even though the way Nico is clearly drawn to every nonbinary character he meets but is never confirmed nonbinary himself Irks Me. Rick, Mark, please give us this? It really felt like it was going that way, I would legitimately buy another spinoff solely for Nico being confirmed nonbinary.
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julemmaes · 1 year
“hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters
- the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt”
For gwynriel or nessian??? 💕💕💕
Keep them coming girl I'm having so much fun with these ones you have no idea. I also reblogged some others posts with prompt if you need inspo, but feel free to continue really
This can be considered a part two to the previous prompt you sent, but can be read separately
Word count: ~2k
Azriel was tired.
No, he corrected himself mentally, "tired" wasn't even beginning to explain the exhaustion binding his bones. Or how he felt like his eyes could pop out of their sockets at any minute with how swollen and read they were.
Surely staying in the pool the entire afternoon and swimming underwater without any goggles hadn't been the smartest option, but the surprised wows and oohs coming from Nyx whenever he opened his eyes and looked at him had been enough to convince him it was worth it.
Now, he wasn't so sure anymore. 
Everyone was crammed in Rhysand and Feyre's huge kitchen—not that anything else in their summer villa could be considered anything but—and he was keeping to himself in the corner that faced the backyard, in case he needed a fast escape plan. 
He loved his family, he truly did. But they could be a bit too much from time to time, and now that his only excuse to avoid adult interactions had been put to sleep, he felt like he had to find another way lest people started approaching him.
He sighed to himself, sipping his wine as he cracked another peanut in his fist. 
There was another person in the room that could make this less miserable for him, but he really didn't want to pull her out of that bright bubble of laughter that surrounded her.
Azriel looked to the side, glancing at Gwyn.
She was sitting on the edge of the kitchen island closer to him, her hands tucked under her thighs and her naked legs dangling. She was only wearing her bikini bottom and one of his dark blue sweaters and her hair were like a fire avalanche of beauty.
She was stunning. 
And he was the luckiest piece of shit ever.
His girlfriend turned his way, tilting her head to the side as if sensing his gaze on her. She flashed him the whitest and brightest smile she could and his heart sunk. She squinted and her freckled nose wrinkled in that adorable way of hers. 
He was so lucky.
She frowned slightly, her smile still in place, as if to ask him if everything was okay. He nodded tiredly, assuring her he was good and after a few beats where she observed him attentively, she nodded in turn, convinced, and went back to whatever they were discussing. 
He suppressed a smile and hid his chin in his shirt, hoping no one was looking at him and would catch him simping over his love. 
When he went to take another swing from his glass and noticed it was empty he huffed, annoyed. And although he was already a bit tipsy and he knew he shouldn't be drinking with how weary he was, he risked his peace to go and retrieve a refill. 
He walked slowly to the center of the kitchen, brushing a finger down Gwyn's leg and moving further before she could stop him. He sidestepped Emerie and Mor, who were sitting on the countertop, legs intertwined together, hands on each other. Mor was kissing her fiancée's jaw and Emerie seemed completely oblivious to it as she kept talking.
"All I'm saying is that this house is already big enough," she laughed, dumbfounded. "You definitely don't need to add more rooms or another gazebo, the one you have is perfectly fine." 
Cassian snorted, throwing snacks in his mouth like they hadn't just finished a five course meal. 
"But wouldn't it be nice if in, let's say, a few years, when everyone starts having kids, they could have their own smaller, cozier gazebo?" Feyre said, leaning with her elbows on the island. 
A choking sound cracked the beautiful picture Feyre had been trying to paint, and Cassian started coughing, spitting crumbles and munched up food everywhere. Nesta, standing right next to him, looked at him with such a disgusted face that Azriel had to chuckle. 
Elain patted him on the back until he was breathing normally again and at this point, Azriel was wondering how not everyone had caught up on what was going on.
He shook his head as he poured red blood wine in his glass and kept silent as he made his way to Gwyn's side, trying as much as he could to hide behind his girlfriend's frame.
"You good?" Nesta asked her husband, eyeing him with calculated calm. 
His brother cleared his throat one last time before nodding.
Azriel noticed Rhysand holding back his own laugh, trying to hide his smirk in his cup of coffee. That was interesting. 
So Cassian had told him. Making a quick sweep of the entire room, only Lucien seemed to be in on their secret, considering how shitty of a job he was doing at pretending he wasn't laughing, too.
Bad, bad choice, had his brother made. If Nesta found out Cassian had told so many people, she would have him by the balls. And Rhysand owed him fifty bucks.
"Anyway," Feyre clapped her hands, "I really, really want to build a smaller version of the one we already have."
Azriel tuned her out then, not really caring for this topic and decided to focus on the feather touch caresses his girlfriend was trailing down his forearm. 
She did that all the time. 
Gwyn unconsciously touched him everywhere. All. The fucking. Time. Didn't matter where they were, what they were doing, who they were with, his girl found a way to have her soft, delicate, slender fingers on him. 
And he loved every second of it, but he wanted more. 
With his mind fogged by the alcohol and the throb in his head due to the extended time spent with his family, all he needed was a bed and his girlfriend in his arms, but he would never pull her from this place unless she asked him to leave.
And he definitely wouldn't initiate any kind of pda. He had tried, many and many times again, to be the kind of person who could just sweep their lover into their arms and cover them in kisses in front of a room full of people. Unfortunately, he wasn't comfortable with being the one to seek out his partners for fear they would feel forced to accept what he was offering in front of others. So he waited, and waited. 
And waited for Gwyn to do more than just brush the tips of her fingers up and down his arm, but she wasn't even looking at him, her back to his chest—and she wasn't even leaning on him. 
He brushed the fabric of his sweater, down to the hem of it and tugged slightly. When his girlfriend suddenly laughed he sucked in his breath and moved his hand away, tucking it in the pocket of his shorts.
Stupid man, just touch her. 
She'd told him so many times she wanted him to. That she needed him to touch her, even in front of their friends.
He counted to ten and then chickened out again, deciding to go with his trademark request for affection. 
He pinched her sleeve and tugged with a bit more strength than before. Gwyn's head shriveled his way and then looked down at his hand, still clasped around the shirt. The corner of her lips curled and then she scoffed, pulling her hand free from under her thigh. 
She silently opened her legs, turning more his way but still keeping her attention on the conversation. Azriel knew it was so the other's wouldn't catch up on their actions, so he didn't take it at heart. 
Not anymore at least. The first time she'd appeared this disinterested in their affection he'd fallen down a rabbit hole of insecurities and fears that had lasted days. 
He took his rightful place in between her legs, letting his hands travel under his shirt and around her naked waist, pulling her closer to him. With her sitting so high from the ground, his head reached just below her chin and when her fingers laced in his hair, she pushed his face right between her covered breasts. Her legs tied around his hips.
He sighed.
His thumbs were drawing circles right above her butt cheeks, where they were safely concealed by the sweater and that was the only sign he hadn't yet fallen asleep. Even though he didn't deem the chance of that too impossible, with the humming rumbling in her chest and the light scratches on his scalp.
Azriel closed his eyes and breathed in through his nose, enjoying their scents mixed together. The remnants of sunscreen on her skin, the perfume of her chamomile shampoo, the faint aroma of the cherries she'd been eating all night long.
He loved her.
The head massage she was giving him suddenly stopped and he felt her voice in his very brain when she whispered in his hair, "Are you tired, love?" 
He loved when she called him that.
He nodded, "Dead."
She mockingly gasped, quiet enough just for him to hear and then two fingers pressed lightly on his neck. He chuckled, not moving from his position. 
"Nuh-uh," Gwyn murmured, "still very much alive." 
His only answer was a groan. 
She shifted and her legs released him, and the cold that hit him shocked him enough that he moved away from her. Her hands fell to his shoulders and when he looked up at her, she was smiling down at him.
That fucking smile was going to be his death. 
Without taking her eyes off of him, Gwyn announced to the room, "I'm taking my big boy to bed. He needs sleep."
Azriel started shaking his head, ready to complain they could stay and force himself through another hour of this torment if it made her happy, but her hands were on his cheeks and she was kissing him before he could open his mouth.
Hoots and hollers rose from the others and Gwyn laughed in the kiss, forcing him to part from her, but he smiled nonetheless.
He didn't deign his family of a goodbye before his girlfriend dragged him out of the kitchen and up to their room, where he finally stripped and laid down for the night.
Gwyn crawled in bed after him, after having changed into just a pair of slips. They both slept naked at home, and they weren't about to change their habits just because they were on holiday. 
She curled around him, chest to chest, their legs finding their way to intricate without making it uncomfortable. Gwyn left a kiss on his collarbone before tilting her head back and looking him in the eyes, leaving another incredibly soft kiss on his chin. 
He was having the hardest time keeping his eyes opened, and he only managed to brush his lips against hers before sleep overtook him. 
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call-sign-jinx · 1 year
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - Her
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Summary - you’re Bradley’s best friend and he tells you who he loves which breaks your heart
Warnings - fluff, swearing, drinking
A/N - hiya me luvlys! how r u luvly people doing today? also, for whatever isn't requested specifically, the reader will always have a northern british accent, like a manchester accent. just a preference sorry ahaha xx
bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader
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Bradley has been my best mate since I moved to America. I moved in right next door to him with my mum and dad and little sister Alya. We moved to America because my dad got a new job and thought it was best for all of us.
Bradley then became my best friend very quickly. The first day we met to be more precise. He stuck up for me when I were getting bullied during my first week of my new school. Some bitch decided to take the piss out of me and Alya cause we’re fucking Polish? Okay mate. Anyway, I’m getting side tracked here.
Bradley stuck up for me and Alya right off the bat. He was so sweet and he gave Alya his lunch cause them kids decided to fucking take her lunch which is just classic stupid ass bully shit from films.
Now god knows how many years later, we’re in the Navy, as Naval Aviators, went to different academies, and we’ve both been called to Top Gun. He was the first person I called to tell him. And I was the first person he called. We immediately went down to our favourite bar to celebrate, Alya coming as well cause she’s part of our group. But in all honesty, me and Bradley are closer.
Currently, me and Bradley are sat in his Bronco on our way to the Hard Deck to meet some of the other aviators. Hopefully there’s another woman there, if there isn’t I’m gonna be too overwhelmed with testosterone. I already get enough from Rooster over here.
Anyways, as soon as I got into the Navy, people gave me the callsign Fox (you can change the callsign and why you got it but I’m going to use this 😊) because “I’m a fox”, meaning I’m sexy, according to everyone at my academy. Which consisted of all men and one woman who was a WSO who soon retired to be with her family after a training scare. God I miss her, her callsign was Nyx. She was amazing. Bradley said I got my callsign because “I look cute but I’m a silent killer”. I like that reason better.
Back to the Hard Deck. Me and Bradley walked in talking about some shit we did back in high school. Which I am not proud of because it mostly consisted of making out with lads and getting stupidly drunk at parties which led to Bradley taking me home while I sang California Love.
As I looked around my eyes instantly landed on a woman with military uniform on and my eyes lit up. I quickly made my way toward her, accidentally leaving Bradley, and introduced myself.
“Hi, oh my God, you don’t know how happy I am to see another female aviator here…” I looked to her name tag and saw her callsign, Phoenix. “Phoenix! I’m Y/N. But my callsign’s Fox. It’s really nice to know I won’t suffer with too much testosterone alone.” I was rambling at this point, but she didn’t seem to mind. She smiled and nodded at everything I said.
“It really is a relief, before you came over here I thought I would be alone with all these guys. And I love your callsign. How’d you get it?” Phoenix gave me a inquisitive look and I smiled remembering the day some jackass gave it to me.
“Because I’m ‘foxy’ then everyone started calling me it and it just stuck. Because of some fucking wankstain that gave it to me.” Phoenix then burst into laughter as I said “wankstain”.
“Guys are like that all the time, especially Hangman over there.” She points to a guy and he looks like a real life Ken doll.
“Just this moment I thought he was a 6’2 Ken doll. He looks fucking plastic. Wondered why the Hard Deck would put a Ken Doll display up in here.” Phoenix then began laughing to the point she had to hold her stomach.
As Phoenix gained composure, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I turned to look around and saw Bradley. I smiled up at him and rested my head on his hand.
“I see you’ve already met Phoenix.” Bradley stretched his arm across my shoulder and smirked at Phoenix. Does he like her? Why would I care anyway? Do I care? Does he like her though?
“Yep, and I like her more than you already.” I turned my body to face Bradley and he placed his hand on his heart in mock hurt.
“That hurts my feelings sweetheart, how dare you.” The new nickname brought heat to my cheeks. I looked down to my feet quickly then looked back up to him and put a smirk on my face.
“Aww poor Bradley, come on Phoenix we need to give him a hug. He’s having a bad day today.” I made a pouty face and Bradley just stood there with a pissed off smile.
“Shut up Y/N. You know you love me.” I rolled my eyes as Bradley came up and and hugged me by my side.
“Bro, I can’t be arsed with getting up so early just to meet who we’re gonna be trained by.” I said to Rooster as he took a swig of the shared bottle of Apple Sourz that I got an hour before meeting up with him in his Bronco.
“Best not be some prick who’s full of himself. I swear if he is and he tries anything wiv me, you, Bob or Phoenix am gonna spark him out.” Bradley lets out a hearty laugh and pats my shoulder.
“You British people sure do have a way with words sweetheart.” There it is again. The nickname. It brings heat up to my cheeks yet again and it’s not dark enough to hide so Bradley can see it.
“Are you blushing Y/N?” I immediately look away as my worries were confirmed. Bradley saw me fucking blush. Great.
“No why?” I pretended to be oblivious to the raging red covering my face. It got even darker as Bradley squinted his eyes at me, getting a better look at the rouge covering my whole face most likely.
"You're as red as a tomato Y/N. Is something wrong then? If you're not blushing then why is your face red?" I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me, I may be called Fox but I don't think I can get myself out of this one.
"It's getting a bit hot? That's why. It's getting hot." Bradley rolled his eyes at my answer. But he didn't press on it any more. We sat in silence for what felt like forever. Until I broke the silence.
"Bradley?" Bradley sat up and turned to look at me before nodding his head for me to continue.
"How come you've never had a long term girlfriend? I'm sorry for asking but I've always wanted to know because, not gonna lie you are quite easy on the eyes so I just don't understand it." Bradley's eyes widened in shock. I was lying when I said he was "quite easy on the eyes" he's fucking gorgeous! He's fucking perfect for God's sake!
I immediately regretted what I said and before he could even open his mouth I blurted out, "Shit! Sorry! I don't know why I even said that. Just ignore it, you don't have to-" Bradley cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth.
"It's okay Y/N/N, I'm fine with answering any questions you have for me. We're best friends after all, aren't we?" I nodded in response.
"It's because I never truly or fully like or love them. There's something stopping me from doing that. Because I like that thing so much better and all I do is compare them to her." My eyes widened and heart broke, he was in love with someone? That's why he's never had a long term girlfriend? Because he's in love with another woman?
"Her?" Is all I could say. Tears threatened to come out of my eyes, I couldn't cry in front of him after he said that. It'd make it obvious that I was in love with him.
"Yeah, and she's amazing, I think I love her in all honesty. She's smart, she's funny, she's beautiful and she's brave..." I had to look away so Bradley didn't see me cry. She already sounds so much better than I could ever be and he only named 4 things about her.
"And she's got a Callsign that she hates but I absolutely love..." He grabbed my chin with his index finger and thumb and made me look at him.
"And do you wanna know what her Callsign is?" I nodded my head, wanting to know this amazing woman who made Bradley swoon for her.
"Fox." My heart literally stopped. I couldn't breath. The tears completely stopped and I couldn't help the massive smile that was painted across my face.
"Me?" I just wanted to confirm it. Confirm I wasn't imagining that he said my Callsign.
"Yes you. You're the reason I've never had a girlfriend for longer than a month. Because to me, you're so much better than all of them combined. And before you ask, the reason I didn't tell you is because I thought that if I had told you, you wouldn't feel the same and it would ruin our friendship. And yes I know that that's what every guy says to his girl best friend in most of the movies we've watched. So don't even comment on that." In response to his confession, I threw myself on him in a big hug that knocked him onto his back on the bonnet of his Bronco.
After I pulled away from the hug, I looked into Bradley's eyes and smiled. He loved me. Bradley fucking Bradshaw loves me!
"I love you too Bradley. I always have and I always will." Before he could reply, I connected our lips as I ran my hand threw his hair. His mustache tickled my top lip and it made me giggle slightly. Bradley almost immediately kissed back as his hands trailed down my torso to my waist and pulled my closer. I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip asking for permission and he quickly allowed it. Bradley then squeezed my waist which elicited a slight moan from my mouth.
When we both finally pulled away, Bradley had a look in his eyes that I've never seen before. I furrowed my brows, confused at his expression. "What?" I questioned him and all he did was smile more than he already was.
"I've just realised that my life is perfect now that I have you. And no one else can have you." I rolled my eyes with a playful smile on my face.
"You have to pop the question before you can say that, Rooster." We both now had the same smirk on our faces.
"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He had a charming mixed with excited smile on his face. One I couldn't say no to of course.
"I would love to be." With that, he pulled my into another kiss.
I finally felt at ease with him. He is basically my emotional support animal but a human. He's always been there for me and now he's my boyfriend. I couldn't be any happier than this right now. Nothing can beat what I'm feeling right now.
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cynical-gamer-media · 3 months
Hey Cyn, if you don't mind me asking, any thoughts on the Conquest cast?
I am absolutely happy to answer!
So I believe I am roughly half-way through the game, so this is a half-way impression. I will make a final one when I finish the game! (Haven't played Birthright yet).
So far I am loving Conquest.
I love Corrin. There is a lot of interesting elements and character development with them through Conquest's storyline. I find them compelling.
I am utterly perplexed with the hatred of Corrin. 'They're stupidly naive' they literally have been sheltered for their entire life? Didn't even know what BUGS looked like (Silas Support). 1/2
Also they are not nearly as naive as people make them out to be. They acknowledge how screwed up Nohr is. The idea to change within is extremely smart. They are hopeful. 2/2
'Everything centres around them' because they have ROYAL siblings in Nohr and Hoshido? They have influence in the ruling families, so of course all focus on Corrin??? Also wow siblings love their sibling or are angry with them so of course they'd focus on them???
I love the Nohr siblings so much. Each one of them is distinct. You can see how they truly care for one another, through one-on-one, a few at a time, and altogether. You can feel the love they have for Corrin and one another. Positive sibling bonds whoo!
Xander is playing the politics well. We don't see a lot of politics, but we still have an understanding of it through how he knows how his father acts. Kind and stern older brother.
Camilla is fascinating. She either acts sultry around others to appease them or to lower their guards, or overly doting mother-figure to the siblings (clearly they didn't know their mother well). Far smarter than she lets on. Love that.
I love Leo acting as 'I am a true Nohr noble, father; I do not care about bonds' in front of Grado, but we see that it is an act to not be seen as being far kinder and compassionate then he lets on.
I love how Elise, while being chirpy and optimistic, is no fool. The fact she's all 'if you kill Corrin, Father, then kill me too' with zero hesitation shows that she is unfortunately used to his abuse and rule. She's also shown to be cunningly smart like Leo.
I love how they are actually plotting against their abusive father without trying to rouse his suspicions.
Azura is way more fascinating than I expected! Eager to get her supports with the Nohr siblings (or if I miss out: watch online). So far my favourite supports have to do with her.
I love the dichotomy between Nohr siblings and Hoshido. The Hoshido group give me a vibe of 'royals first, family second', and I don't really feel that Takumi is close to his siblings. Nohr feels like 'siblings and royals'.
Silas is a wonderful character that needs more love damn it!
Jakob has more going for him than I thought when checking certain supports (Azura)! I like him!
Arthur is a caricature, sure, but I find him strangely endearing? I guess because he is so over-the-top (and reminds me of Sky High from 'Tiger and Bunny').
Effie is a godsend in battle.
Benny's taciturn nature intrigues me, funnily enough!
There's something likeable about Kaze, even though I don't know much about his personality through story.
I feel nothing for Nyx, Selena, Berkut and Gunter so far. Mainly because I benched them, and not a fan of the 'Awakening gang is here too; do you remember Awakening!?? (Selena, Laslow, etc).
Niles, Odin (Awakening I know), and Peri being 'torture chamber time' just makes me grin. What a bunch to be retainers to the Nohr siblings!
Charlotte is great. I laughed at her introduction. Her story is fun; acting cutesy to bag some rich partner, but actually has a sailor-mouth (well, the more kid friendly version).
Keaton's introduction also made me laugh, but he seems like a fun character!
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positivelybeastly · 3 months
Dead x men spoilers: Hank x Cecilia crumbs I feel so alive
"Cecilia . . . I should - I should call her. I haven't talked to her in, oh, years."
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"Where does all the time go, my friend? It feels as though it was just last year we were . . . and I was . . . ah."
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". . . Ah, that's right. How silly of me. I almost forgot. That's where all the time went. I broke it all."
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" - But enough being maudlin. I really should call Cecilia, see how she's doing. Perhaps she'll want to go out for dinner, see a show. That'd be nice. Really, quite nice . . ."
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So, Dead X-Men #3 - and you weren't kidding, these are crumbs.
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But. I can't lie, I love seeing what seems to be cat Hank again - I feel like such a hipster sometimes, saying that's my favourite version of him, but it's how I feel - and it's nice to see Foxe remember that Hank is a protective and gentle soul at heart.
Granted, I forget the specifics of Moira's first life, so god knows what happened in that timeline and how it might've affected Hank here, but he looks like a soft boy.
Also, you've just sent me down a rabbit hole, because I knew Hank and Cecilia were a thing, and I was very much in favour because Cecilia is fucking awesome, but I only really knew about the 90s stuff and the occasional hint afterwards!
I was not prepared to find out that Marjorie Liu is a massive Hank/Cecilia shipper and kept finding reasons to call back to it and push them together.
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NYX: No Way Home, issue #4, 2008. Bonus points for saying she fucking hates Trish Tilby, and I can only imagine why.
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X-23, vol. 3, #13. I have to say, this is one of the fucking single cutest pictures of Hank I've ever seen - Noto draws him with such a wonderful softness and cuddliness to his face, and I adore how happy Cecilia looks in the picture. You really get a sense of warmth from the picture.
Also . . . no less than two pictures in the home, huh, Cece?
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Astonishing X-Men #53. Honestly, Liu writes a lovely Hank, and I adore how she handles the softness and warmth that clearly exists between these two?
Hank's historically always been something of a ladies man, but I've never gotten the impression that he ever left his exes on bad terms unless they put him in that position (hello, Trish), and the fact that he and Cecilia have that certain intimacy that speaks to love that could or couldn't slide back into romance is.
It's nice and mature and I like it a lot. And maturity isn't often something I associate with comics, or the X-Men, tbh.
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Astonishing X-Men #51.
Finishing each other's sentences? Fond little glances? Mhm-hmm. Uh-huh. Honestly, now I'm a little offended on Cecilia's behalf that she had those token appearances on X-Force and didn't have a stronger reaction to what she saw in that Beast, because the Cecilia I'm seeing here absolutely would not have stood for it, least of all from someone she clearly still holds a torch for.
And, of course, I'd be remiss not to talk about how Claremont saw the two.
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Honestly, if we have heroic Hank back now and with the X-Men, who knows, maybe there's a chance. Just need to get Marjorie Liu or another shipper back on deck. :P
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chthonicgodling · 3 months
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@marscats37 - re: this [which is re: this]
1. Yeah I make that face anytime I wrITE ABT ANY OF THIS??? Just wait til I finally finally FINALLY get around to drawing specific beats from that Thanatos court scene like I’ve been meaning to all the past year dfgkfk I s2g I’ll get there and we’re all going to die about it AHH
2. OH BOY IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED ME THIS! I’m about to make everything worse!
For a very long time Nyx for some goddamn reason considered Thanatos one of her favorite golden children, so perfect and respectful 🥺 and she without fail all the time believed all of his sweet little lies and - even when time and time and time again he was caught bullying Hypnos/his siblings, surely it wasn’t ALL THE WAY his fault and she. was able to make excuses for him which of course Thanatos manipulated the hell of. Also I think she was mildly afraid of him subconsciously?? Nyx, like Seph, is absolutely delusional and just wishes all her kids would get along, nevermind the fact that some of them are trying to maul the others
Nyx isn’t malicious she’s just REALLY that dumb :(
She grew out of this eventually but like only within modern canon aaughgh..,,, like many years after Maci, Thanatos would pray on Eury, who was horrified to discover (via Epi) that Nyx knew full well what Thanatos was capable of and was turning a blind eye to it all in the hopes that maybe he’d just stop or maybe it wasn’t as bad as Maci had made it seem after all or.,, hhhhh well
Anyway though in ye olde ancient canon as detailed abridged (LOL) within that post, there’s a couple things I cut out to keep it all concise (LOOOOOOOL). One of which was that during that trial conference, after Maci pissed off her cruelly petty father enough for him to decide to utterly abandon her, and when he called everyone back into the throne room - Seph, Thanatos, Nyx, and Hypnos -
before he could even start to speak, Nyx had actually interrupted him first and. had the absolute audacity to address them and plead for mercy for her son - just the one, ignoring the other who had suffered at his hand who was RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE. His own twin brother. and you know what for that matter AND Maci, who’d essentially spent half her childhood and teenage years seeking refuge in Nyx’s house and THIS is how Nyx stands up for her??? By saying fuck the both of you I choose my piece of shit son?!?!?! after listening to HOURS of Maci and Hypnos painstakingly describe everything Thanatos had done AND WHILE THEY WERE BOTH ACTIVELY BLEEDING ON THE FLOOR THIS ENTIRE TIME FROM WHEN THANATOS HAD TRIED TO MAUL THEM AND GOTTEN CAUGHT EARLIER IN THE DAY??????
soooo fun for Hypnos to know that out of all the kids his mother couldn’t care less about the one she’d decide to stick up for would be Thanatos, once again very cool and fun
This is truly indefensible but I’m obligated to say in Nyx’s defense that yes Thanatos was manipulating her too, the second Hades and Maci had left them alone he’d turned to her like 🥺Mama help this all got so out of hand🥺; and that Nyx for the longest time thought this was being fair to ALL her children, how could she turn her back on any of them even if he’d done bad things?? It took a long time for her to realize that making excuses for Thanatos was the equivalent to turning her back on ALL of them. Once again she’s not malicious she’s just dumb and trusting (DOESNT MAKE IT MUCH BETTER)
Many years later she was finally the one who ratted out Thanatos to Maci and Tory when Thanatos gloated to her that he was toting around new secret weapon Chal, and that’s literaly how everyone found out about her but I digress….
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rosietrace · 6 months
∅ Vic and Zen on Flynn
Nyx on Eiji
Davis on Andrew
Hi Fumi!! I'll only be doing the Vic and Zen part of your ask ^^|| I hope you don't mind!! (Even though I already asked you about it earlier on Discord)
Victoria Shard • Zenith Devi — Thoughts on Flynn Deradelle
Character Featured: Victoria Shard, Zenith Devi
Mentioned: Flynn Deradelle
Warning(s): Emotional manipulation, illegally obtained information, Zen /j, potentially ooc
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“He’s…. Interesting.”
“Interesting! Aw, Tori, he's more than that!”
“Hardly. He has his talents, yes, but it puts me off in regards to his gambling..”
“Well, people can have their hobbies~ Aren't you gonna see him next week?”
“.... I have nothing to say on that.”
— Victoria Shard and Zenith Devi
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Victoria doesn't know what to think of him. Zen thinks Flynn is ‘swell’!
➜ Victoria and Flynn are both hard to read, especially the former, what with her constantly blank cold-hearted stare. Any interaction they have is bound to become a game of who can read the other better.
➜ Zen…. Doesn't think Flynn is all that special. In some ways, yes, Flynn has his charms! But Zen doesn't think much of him.
➜ Flirting is something Flynn indulges in when it comes to Victoria. And at every moment, she rejects his advances. It makes for great entertainment on Zen's end, though!
➜ The only reason Zen seems to think he's more than tolerable is because Flynn's a theater kid, and theater kids make for great entertainment /j
➜ Victoria can at least tolerate Flynn's sense of fashion. She can respect a man/woman who can dress decently enough.
↳ Coordinating outfits becomes a thing for them once they get closer. Zen teases her about it.
➜ Zen tends to sit back and watch as Flynn steals the show. Can't really blame him, you need to get some form of amusement somewhere.
➜ Victoria has a distaste for Flynn's like of gambling. Maybe it has to do with the fact her aunt is a gambler, but it does bring a sour taste in her mouth.
➜ Flynn likes calling Victoria ‘Alexandrite’. As long as it gets him to mind his business, Vic doesn't try to stop him from using that nickname.
↳ Zen thinks that nickname is adorably fitting for his best friend!
➜ Zen wants to know how Flynn would react if Victoria stomped on him with her high heels /j /j
➜ One thing about Flynn that Victoria and Zen can agree on is that he's… Interesting. And they wish to know more.
↳ Never a good thing. When Victoria's ambition is high on something, it'll take an act of God to stop her from satisfying that ambition.
「 Interactions 」
❐ …. Honestly, no idea how these three even met 💀
➜ Zen had to fight the urge to snort when he heard Flynn was called ‘the ten-faced devil’. He isn't one to question it, though!
➜ Victoria definitely started overanalyzing everything about Flynn, when they first interacted. She sees everyone around her as a potential threat/ally/tool, and Flynn was no different from everyone else.
➜ It basically became a game of…. An incredibly high-quality game of chess between Victoria and Flynn, every time they crossed paths. Always trying to read each other, trying to see what was behind the other's mask.
➜ She isn't going to admit it, but Vic thinks Flynn's dependency on good luck charms is a bit endearing. No one knows this, but she's probably sent him a charm she made for him.
➜ As mentioned before, Flynn's flirting with Victoria tends to be a common occurrence. Unfortunately for Flynn, any chances of her reciprocating his advances are less than 0.
➜ Zen wants to know more about Flynn's unique magic! But he isn't gonna bother asking Flynn to elaborate on it, of course not! That would just be boring!
➜ Victoria's probably seen him fly around NRC to carefully watch her and the other students. She's also probably called him creepy for it.
➜ Zen never tries to get on Flynn's good side. In fact, he wants to see how far he can go until he's on his bad side!!
↳ Zen, honey, I love you…. But no 💀
➜ Victoria is rarely impressed with Flynn. The few times she is are moments Flynn secretly treasures.
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caparrucia · 1 year
Hi, thank you so much for unleashing your fils unto our universe! I have a prompt for when you feel like it: in SIO, how did Libertus and Leto meet and start dating?
Thanks again!
The first week, it was easy enough to cover the shifts to look after Nyx. The second less so, but they had managed just fine. By the fourth week, however, Cor was an exhausted mess, Aranea was a frothing mess and Prompto was an anxious mess. So Letho made an executive decision and took the night shift, every single day, and gently but firmly invited all three to go home and get some rest. Night shift wasn't a big deal, as far as she was concerned, Nyx would spend most of the night asleep and when he wasn't, he mostly read or watched TV.
At least, that was the plan.
On Monday, about eleven, Libertus showed up. Letho knew Libertus as Nyx's grumpy and generally not very amicable brother, but in her experience, that was to be expected. Libertus - and Nyx - were Galahdian, and Letho was not. She kept very cordial relationships with the Galahdian community in general, as she'd over the years become something of a linchpin of the community, helping their kids navigate the education system and generally looking out for them. But it was one thing, of course, to be a decent sort of Lucian, and another to be a friend. And Nyx and Letho were friends, the sort that ate together and drank together and got into silly bickering fits just for fun. And she knew, Galahdians didn't like that. She didn't even blame them. Working so closely with them and seeing the way they were treated, Letho thought it said something about them, as a culture, that the worst they did was close ranks around each other and refuse to let strangers into their social circle if they didn't prove themselves first.
Nonetheless, Letho had proved herself... to Nyx. Not to Nyx's brother, who seemed to think she wasn't trustworthy enough to keep watch, and so he'd decided to park himself in the other, equally uncomfortable armchair in the room with her, with only a quiet, irritable grunt as a greeting. Not ideal, of course, but also... well. She wasn't scared of him, for all he postured and huffed and puffed at her, every time they happened to meet each other. He was Nyx's brother. So they sank into semi-comfortable quiet, each focused on a book of their own, with only the steady beeping of the monitors keeping track of Nyx's continued not-dying and the soft hum of the news playing on the TV as background noise. Despite herself, Letho found herself listening to the news, attention split with the habit of looking of upwards to fifty individual children, all clamoring for attention, all at once, so when the segment turned into a discussion about taxes, Letho let out an unconscious, yet very sarcastic ha under her breath.
"What was that?" Libertus rumbled, to her right, squinting suspiciously.
And perhaps because it was two in the morning and she'd been up since six, Letho found herself answering sincerely.
"Oh, the new tax proposal is bullshit," she said, rolling her eyes. "Everyone knows it's just EXINERIS throwing a tantrum because they didn't win the bid for Insomnia's power grid." She rolled her eyes. "Again."
Libertus tilted his head sideways and back, a little, and Letho couldn't help but think of a crow, when he did that. It was very bird-like, that gesture, and Nyx did it too. But where Nyx was playful, Libertus looked calculating. Measuring. Always on guard.
"They're taxing gas," he said, after a moment, "not the power grid."
"Well, yeah, but that's their angle," Letho replied, shrugging. "Insomnia itself is pretty clean, energy-wise. Cleaner than EXINERIS, any way. So it's not like gas hiking up will hurt them, directly. But the people outside Insomnia, in the fringes between the power grids, they live or die on gas for generators and trucks. And sure, the bulk of Insomnia is fed by Izl, but since the ceasefire, a lot more stuff is coming in from Cleigne and Duscae, and people will feel it when those prices hike up to make up for the new gas tax." She paused. "Well, they'll try. Chances are they're going to get shot down again." She snorted. "They get shot down every year. But it's very frustrating that they keep trying. At least the Lord of Cavaugh is pretty consistent in keeping region taxes low."
Well, he better be, she did not add out loud. If Cor suddenly went around raising taxes and fucking people over, Letho was pretty sure Nyx would strangle him before she got the chance to do it.
"Hm," Libertus said after a moment, before shuffling in place. "That sounds daft."
Letho did not disagree, and considered the night as success because around four, when they reran the roundtable discussing the tax law proposal, they ended up talking about it. And it was... well. Nice. Libertus was surprisingly incisive when he let himself speak in words and not just disgruntled noises. But he was lacking a lot of context, and it clearly annoyed him.
So on Tuesday, at nine, Letho herded Cor and Prompto out of the room and took her place in the genuinely super uncomfortable armchair and felt very silly right up until Libertus showed up at twelve. Then she spent about an hour meandering inside her own head, trying to figure out how to actually offer and trying her best not to come off as condescending in the process, before giving up and just going for blunt.
"Here," she said, passing along a small - for her! - stack of books to him. "You sounded interested, yesterday. I hope it's not presumptuous of me."
They were not the sort of books she'd lend Nyx. These were dry with tax code history and energy grid politics and a very intractable door stopper of economics essays that nonetheless had, when she'd been twenty, cracked her skull wide open, metaphorically speaking, and shed light on a lot of until then incomprehensible political maneuvering she'd always been baffled by, in the news.
Libertus grunted.
She chose to believe that was an approving grunt, even though it sounded exactly the same as the rest of his grunts.
She knew for sure on Wednesday, because Libertus was there at ten, with an entire stack of annotation cards and a combative look on his face. Privately, she was very jealous of the fact he'd managed to devour every book she'd lent him, in a day. And he'd read them, too, the annotation cards were not for show. He had very pointed, very incisive comments on literally everything, and really, really deep down, so far down she didn't dare acknowledge the thought, she thought that was hot.
A little.
Nyx kicked them out of his room around two and they ended up in the smoking bench in the Hospital's gardens for about two hours, completely absorbed by the discussion. Which was nowhere near done by the time they excused themselves and let Cor take over the post, so on Thursday they picked up right where they left off. Friday things got heated and stubborn and snarky, because they were done discussing theory and now they were fully on opinion and personal experience and... well. Libertus was Galahdian, and Letho was not.
It was fun, was the thing.
Libertus was a ruthless, cunning, argumentative monster, but he limited himself to argue his point and attacking hers, not her. It was very fun to get into an actual fight with someone, and not be insulted. And oh, he was smart. Vicious and relentless and very stupidly witty.
So yeah, okay. A little more than just a little hot.
Letho stopped and found Libertus looming a few feet away from her, frowning up a storm. And suddenly, in the early Saturday morning light, out in the street, she felt a little nervous, because Nyx wasn't there anymore, to mediate by virtue of being unconscious in a corner. It was just them, and the scant few people out and about so early on a weekend.
"Letho," Libertus said, gruffly correcting himself, and scowled even more.
"Yes?" She asked, trying to not let it show how nervous she was, all of a sudden, as he slowly climbed down the Hospital's front steps to come stand next to her on the sidewalk.
Libertus tilted his head back, bird-like all over again, but it was different and she couldn't put her finger on why, until he said:
"You wanna grab breakfast?"
Because he was Galahdian, and it meant something - a lot of things! - that he offered.
"That sounds lovely," Letho said, because it was, and hoped to any god listening that the heat on her face was from the morning sun and not. Well.
Everything else.
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silvernyxchariot · 1 year
*insert creative title for an Illuso One-Shot*
• GN!Reader
• Word Count: 3,336
• Third person POV; Reader will be named Nyx for simplicity's sake.
• The Formaggio one-shot exists >:V ya know
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Nyx ran their fingers over the jagged walls as they passed through the annoyingly busy tourist location, the ruins of Pompeii. They looked around at the old architecture and to the sky, too lost in their own mind to worry about the strangers trickling out. It was almost closing time anyway. “History repeats itself,” they started, “History can rhyme…” In the corner of their eye, they noticed a glint of the afternoon sun—“But no one can go into the past to see what really happened”—and a crunch sounded underneath their feet. Laying on the ground was a broken mirror. At first, they shrugged it off.
“Now, don’t think you can escape me.”
A pair of burly hands reached out from behind Nyx and pulled them down. It was in the blink of an eye, but nothing had seemed to change. Their eyes shifted and they turned in circles. The mirror was still there, and the ruin’s streets were empty. “Uh…”
Nyx stood their rather dumbfounded and addressed the disembodied voice. “Truth be told, my ankles are rather weak,” they said blatantly. They looked around with a glint of curiosity. “Where am I again? Who’s there?” They began rocking side to side, shifting their weight from one foot to the other. A nervous habit possibly. “Hello—” they doled out, “My name is Nyx, like the Latin word for night. . .” The Nyx person waved their hand, “or darkness,” and shrugged.
A chuckle resonated through the cobblestones. “I am called Illuso,” a man revealed himself from a dark path in the ruins to the side of Nyx. He was significantly taller, with long black hair parted into several pony tails, and a white vest-like top. Nothing particularly strange or remarkable to remember him by. “Don’t worry, you’re still in Pompeii,” Illuso walked cautiously closer to Nyx, but still with his chin held high and a smug sheen in his purple eyes. “But I’ve got complete control over this version. My mirror world. Once I’ve dragged you here… You can’t escape me…” Illuso looked Nyx up and down, “And you can’t use your Stand.”
Nyx started walking around matching Illuso's pace, while also observing their surroundings. They noticed their ear piercings were on the opposite ear and the scars on their hands were on the opposite side. “You’re quite enthusiastic in your explanation.” They clapped the tips of their fingers lightly together. “I’m quite happy for you,” they smiled in an airy fashion.
“Is there anything more I need to know, however? It appears I’ll be here for quite some time; you did say “Now, don’t think you can get escape me,” after all." This person began to wander around without a care. At least there was still another person there.
Illuso’s chuckling turned ominous and haughty. When he got closer to Nyx, he corralled them back into a wall and placed a hand next to their head, closing them in. “The only thing you need to know is that, you’re going to die today,” he said in a sing-song voice, somewhat high on his own power. “Come on, try to fight back and summon your Stand.” His face hovered just a few centimeters in front of Nyx’s face. “I bet you can’t.”
Nyx stared back into Illuso’s eyes, looked him down to his waist and back up to his eyes. “Your body language insinuates that you wish to intimidate me,” Nyx rose on their toes to meet Illuso halfway.
“Unfortunately, I’m quite excited by your unintentional courtship.” Illuso’s face changed to questioning for a brief second. Nyx placed their hands on his chest and nuzzled their nose into his. “As for a Stand, I’m not fond of using it,” Nyx sighed. They sent a shockwave of energy throughout Illuso’s body. Just enough to stun him and force him to kneel. “Kids these days rely too much on it. I’m rather old fashioned myself.”
The taller man dropped to one knee and had a hard time thinking straight. He was too stunned to speak properly. His body shaken. “Who in the world would be an enemy of La Squadra and able to use hamon?!” Illuso stared at Nyx through his falling hair as they circled him. “Are you human? Is your Stand inside of your body?” Illuso’s mind raced. He had all the information he needed on this Nyx person, didn’t he? Beads of sweat were emerging from his hairline and falling down the back of his neck. He tried to stand up but Nyx kept a hand on his shoulder.
They hummed. “My dear loved one,” Nyx began in a melancholy tone. “My predecessors likened this energy to that of the sun; energy full of life.” Nyx stared down at Illuso and walked around his crouched form while running an index finger across his shoulders as a reminder of their power. “I am not your enemy unless you make me one.” Their tone changed drastically from airy to rather firm and solemn.
They almost sounded like Risotto Nero for a moment there, Illuso thought.
“In fact,” Nyx placed their hand over their mouth and rubbed their chin, “I would like to ask you out on a date.” Nyx smilled, out of the blue, with nothing but cheer. “If you’ll have me, of course.” They whispered in his ear. “Human? Hmmm… I question that myself. Afterall, what human is alive for over sixty years and look so young?”
Nyx ended their little speech by placing their hands on Illuso’s sides to help him stand. “Mother did say my father was an inhuman, almost godly being. A little eccentric but—”
“Wait, wait, wait! Back up,” when Illuso was back on his feet, he put a hand up to stop Nyx from speaking. “If you’re not an enemy, that means you’re… neutral?” Nyx could tell the gears in their pursuer's mind were turning, albeit with some difficulty. They probably added a bit too much kick into the shock. “Or maybe you’re and ally?” Illuso seemed surprised. “I should know this. That means,” he continued.
“That means you’re either with Passione or not. In either case,” he chuckled with more mirth, “Your power isn’t something to scoff at.” He knew that by now and didn’t want to receive another shock. “The fact that your Stand is even hidden from La Squadra means we’d benefit greatly from having you on our team!”
“But… also… a date?!”
“Yes, a date, my dear boy,” Nyx rolled their eyes. “I will very much be your ally as well as,” Nyx held Illuso’s chin between their index finger and thumb, “your lover.” Nyx looked at Illuso with a glint of curiosity.
As they were dusting Illuso off, a mock show of affection, the mirror man seemed flustered. “You’d do that? You’d be my ally and my… lover?” He raised a brow. “…Are you sure?” Illuso cleared his throat when he noticed Nyx looking at him up and down like a vulture looking at its next meal. “Pfft,” he crossed his arms, “Huh. Don’t objectify me.” Illuso turned away to canter over to the broken mirror on the ground. But underneath the veil of hair he allowed to fall over his face, his lips curled up in a smile.
“You’re…” Illuso paused, “quite powerful in your own right.” He mulled over the situation; he couldn’t possibly ask a complete stranger to just join La Squadra. “How do I know this isn’t a trick? Unless, you really want to seal the deal?”
Nyx clasped their hands behind their back and smiled, “Yes, yes. I’m sure.” They waved their hand nonchalantly. “I am one for business and pleasure, my dear.” In a single, soundless leap, Nyx was in front of Illuso with their eyes trained on his lips. “Tell me,” they smirked. “Do you want me to seal the deal with a little kiss? You’re blushing an awful lot.” Nyx cupped Illuso's face in between their hands.
It took a few moments for the information, Nyx’s question, to register. “I- um- Yes.” Illuso finally nodded, still questioning if he was dreaming or not. “Yes. I… want a kiss.”
Nyx didn't hesitate for a moment before they closed their eyes softly and gave Illuso a deep kiss. When they pulled back, they smiled contently. “Aw, you're only as helpless as you allow yourself to be.” Nyx stood next to the mirror, “Now, get us out of here,” they mentioned the mirror world.
Illuso's jaw dropped in surprise. Normally, he wasn't the target of someone’s affections. Nor has he met someone who could kick his ass at the touch of their fingers. He might even consider himself an oddball at times. Illuso shook away those thoughts. “I… Yes! Of course I want to get you— I mean us out of here!”
The shorter person wrapped their arm around Illuso's waist and interlocked their fingers with his. “Where would you like to go on a date,” they inquired. “I'm not from this particular country, so I don't know my way around as well.” Nyx smiled contently in Illuso's company.
The two of them waited as Illuso's Man in the Mirror appeared before them. They exited the mirror world to see that the ruins had been cleared of the rest of the tourists.
“Somewhere in Italy…” Illuso had a bright smile plastered across his face, “I recommend Venice, the sinking city. It's a beautiful place with tons of architecture I think you'll like. And some of the finest Italian cuisine you'll ever have. The best part is that you can travel around the canals via gondola.”
He grinned, forgetting his former objective, “It's a real romantic place with the right person.”
“Waaaa~” Nyx mused cheerily. “I’d love to go to Venice with you.” The two of them sauntered of to a more populated area to find a taxi. Illuso insisted on getting a train ride from Naples to Venice so they would have some more time alone with each other. “While we are spending the day together,” Nyx rested against Illuso in the taxi, “would you also keep me company during my stay in Italy?”
“Yes!” Illuso said with more enthusiasm than he expected as he basked in the feeling of Nyx wanting his company. “Of course! I would love to spend time with you!” I can’t believe this is happening, Illuso thought. Illuso’s purple eyes sparkled in the afternoon light. “I can’t wait for us to spend all of our time together. You are incredible, and you deserve to be happy!” Fuck, shut up, Illuso; you’re rambling, he started to think to himself.
The two of them headed to Venice by train. First, they used a taxi to Florence. While in their own compartment, Nyx admired the scenery while Illuso explained the different locations from Florence to Venice. When they arrived, the two of them strolled through the sinking city looking into small shops. Nyx disappeared from Illuso’s sight for a few minutes causing him to internally panic. He turned his head every which way looking for their raven black hair. He zoomed through the nearby alleys, watching his speed so he wouldn’t tip himself over and fall into the canals. Nyx reappeared behind him and tapped his shoulder, startling him. When he jumped, Illuso noticed them and the bag of snacks they had in their arms. “Apologize. I, um, got a little hungry.” Nyx offered them to him.
Illuso grinned down at them and accepted the snacks, “You don’t need to apologize for being hungry. Afterall, you’re trying to keep up your strength, right? And you are using your hamon abilities.” He slung his arm around Nyx’s shoulders Nyx holding the snacks for him to reach for. “Of course, you’ve got to eat,” Illuso started guiding them down a narrow street. “Why not try any of the restaurants here? Their food is a delight to the palate.”
Nyx snuggled their head into Illuso’s shoulder and leaned into his warm body. “Oh, I’d love to go to a restaurant you recommend.” The two of them had a nice lunch at a smaller place, away from any major Venetian canals, but still popular among locals. Nyx stayed close to Illuso’s side and scooted their chair next to his. Some of their confidence wavered the more people there were surrounding them. They chuckled breathlessly. “Italian cuisine is quite tasty. But my palette favors more… curry tastes. What about you,” they looked up to Illuso with a sense of innocence. He listened carefully, noticing how tense Nyx was and hugged them closer to him.
“I can see what you mean. So, you like spicy foods?” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m not into it myself, but anything savory is good enough for me.” He ate another forkful of pasta and then added, “And…” Illuso leaned close to Nyx’s cheek and grazed his lips over their skin. “Any meal with you is always better,” he smiled and gave them an elbow nudge while keeping an arm around their shoulders as they dined. His face showed genuine love and affection.
As the evening grew closer, the sun began to set, and the sky slowly turned into a deep sapphire. Illuso and Nyx were by the Basilica San Marco by then. The crowds started to dissipate, making both of them feel safer. They knew this. They could feel each other’s heart rates slow down to a relaxed beat. Nyx contemplated as they stared up to admire the architecture of the buildings. “Illuso,” they said in a fairly serious tone, “I’d like to ask you out something.” They paused and Illuso listened to their every word tentatively, nodding along. “Let's use Man in the Mirror and the mirror world to reach the top of the Basilica,” Nyx pointed to the top of the bell tower closest to the San Marco. “Shall we sneak up there later tonight?”
Illuso smirked and rubbed his chin in a façade of contemplating. “Sounds like a prefect place to use Man in the Mirror.” The taller man gazed up at the bell tower analyzing its one and only door and the windows, any point of access he could reach. Not like it would have been an issue for him to begin with. “It's probably a beautiful view from the very top. I accept the challenge,” his eyes glittered with excitement, “even if it means getting a nasty fall.”
Later that night, Illuso and Nyx snuck into the bell tower to the highest point to look over the Venetian canals. Nyx chuckled. They seemed content and started to giggle, “Do you get to do things like this often? I imagine that being in La Squadra and Passione forces you to travel a lot.”
He scoffed and crossed his arms as he leaned into the stone window frame and stared out. “Yeah, I wish, one of the reasons I joined La Squadra was to see the world in a different perspective.” Illuso looked to the city lights, “But the Boss doesn't pay for shit.” His time became sour and he clenched his fists, squeezing the fabric of his shirt. “I’ve been all over Italy but he keeps us trapped here like mutts on a leash. I want to see the rest of the world…” His mind drifted away as he contemplated his circumstances. “What about you,” having snapped back to reality, “have you traveled much, Nyx?”
Nyx laughed airily but with contempt. “Unfortunately, not much. Can't afford it. At best, I've traveled to my home country, if I could call it that, to see my relatives there. Otherwise, I'm stuck in one nation; I’m also just a homebody.” When a guest of wind blew by, Nyx combed a hand through their hair. “I'm at least glad I got to travel to Italy before I died. I got to meet you, after all.”
Illuso’s face softened and the scowl he previously had disappeared. “It must have been fate that we met then.” He got closer to Nyx and held their hand in his, caressing their knuckles with his thumb. “I’m not afraid of death. We’ll just cherish what we have now.”
The raven haired person looked up at Illuso and flipped their hand over in his to lace their fingers together. Tears started forming in the corner of Nyx’s eyes. Their former graceful confidence faded. “I don’t want to lose any time with you.” Nyx brought his hand up to their chest and held it with both hands. “Your Stand is formidable, but would you also like me to teach you hamon?”
His eyes grew wide at Nyx’s offer. Illuso stared into Nyx’s eyes and smiled while he wiped away their tears with his thumbs. His voice grew softer, “If that is your wish, I would love to learn hamon from you. It would bring me all the more closer to you.” Illuso brought Nyx closer to him in a gentle hug. He led them to the edge of the window to overlook the nightlife. Suddenly, Nyx was not so secure against Illuso's chest. Man in the Mirror appeared and shattered the metal and glass that kept the two of them within the safety of the bell tower’s walls.
He pushed Nyx over the edge. The back of their head smacked into the decorative, weather worn side of the building. He dangled them from their legs. “Your offer is sweet, but how much of it is true.” In the moonlight, Illuso’s purple eyes had a red shine to them. “Did you think you could play me like a little toy?” Illuso ran a finger over Nyx’s thighs and knees while he held their calves down to keep them from falling. Nyx looked back up at Illuso, blood rushed to their head and all they could hear was the wind rushing and a pounding in their eardrums.
“Hmm,” Nyx started kicking their legs. Illuso struggled to keep them down and pressed them down with his upper body. But Nyx didn’t seem to mind. They placed the palms of their hands to the ledges of the bell tower. When they got free of Illuso’s grasp, he went wide eyed. Like he’d let something slip away. But Nyx fell gracefully and flipped themselves over their head. Looking to their left and right, they noticed the moss and mold forming from lack of care and the fresh night air gave them a boost. Nyx breathed deeply in and out of their nose and connected to the network of mycelium to latch onto the walls.
They swung themselves up and higher than Illuso’s head, leaping into the bell tower behind the mirror man. “You’ve never been honest a day in your life, have you,” Nyx built a green string of mold and held it against Illuso’s neck. “I may be young, for whatever species I am, but I’m old enough in the human lifespan to know that I want…” their tone more came out more venomous than it had before, “you.” Nyx pressed Illuso to the windowsill and he grunted as he tried to keep himself from falling back. It was much harder for him to do, considering he was significantly taller than Nyx. “C’mon, beanpole. . .” Nyx locked eyes with him. “I decided. I love you more than you could ever imagine.” Nyx dissolved the mold thread in their hands and dragged Illuso back inside to the floor of the tower, “Even if you don’t feel like you deserve an ounce of joy.”
They laid there with the moonlight being the only thing illuminating them. Nyx stroked Illuso’s neck with the tips of their fingers. “You're only as helpless as you allow yourself to be.”
Illuso blushed harder than he did before, embarrassed that he’d forgotten what Nyx could do. His eyes darted to the sides before he got up and offered Nyx a hand to stand up. “Fine,” was all he begrudgingly said. The two of them reset themselves to look over the darkness of night.
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~ Illuso edits are free to use. Idrc, I spent lile 10 seconds making them.
~ This is more of a self-indulgent fic than anything.
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fatesdeepdive · 1 year
Entry 109: Welcome to REDACTED
Revelation Chapter 19: Hidden Strings
Azura talks about how great Valla was and how Hoshidan and Nohrian royals used to visit. It's unclear when the above world forgot about Valla, but from how Azura talks about it, it seems they knew about Valla until Anankos took over and killed everyone. Which means that all of the army older than Corrin should already know about Valla. The other implication is that Valla cut off contact centuries ago for unrelated reasons, but even then the curse wouldn’t have existed yet and people would have talked about it. Corrin and Azura being from the ancient destroyed kingdom of legend really fucks with this game’s world-building.
Azura brings the gang to a statue of Anankos, identical to the one on the ceiling in Garon’s castle, and explains that Anankos is the Vallan equivalent of the Dusk and Dawn Dragons, who I guess don’t give a shit about Anankos destroying their kingdoms. Azura explains that Garon worships Anankos instead of Dusky because he’s actually a zombie controlled by Anankos, used to create wars so Anankos can conquer the world. Question: how and when did Garon die? I don’t recall the game ever explaining.
Side note, the track for exploring Valla at one point plays the Nintendo WiFi connecting sound. For some reason. It confuses me.
Azura reveals some more shit we already knew and then a kid named Anthony shows up, chased by Vallite soldiers. This map is a recycled version of Conquest Chapter 15, that cool map where our party is replicated on a different island, with one half fighting the boss and the other half trying to escape. The enemies on the bottom island are tough, but our king Kenshi is stronk. After the battle, Anthony reveals that the remaining Vallites are enslaved by Anankos and that he escaped. Team Corrin asks this escaped child slave to lead them back to the place he escaped from, which is filled with people who want to murder him. Bit of a dick request.
Back at his fortress, Anankos, who is wearing a black hood because he’s evil, talks to Strategist Lady and Mikoto. Er, I mean, ???, the purple smoke-covered Anankos minion who definitely is not Mikoto.
Support: Nyx/Orochi
C: People like Nyx more than Orochi because Nyx is more mature. Orochi dislikes this.
B: Orochi challenged Nyx to a duel. Nyx doesn't care enough to fight. Nyx explains her backstory. The two of them become friends.
A: Orochi refuses to judge Nyx for her past. Nyx says she wishes Orochi had been around when she was younger.
Review: Decent, although they become friends very quickly.
Support: Leo/Sakura
C: Leo asks if Sakura will attend the war council meeting. Sakura says no because she hates talking about hurting people. Leo says she isn't cut out for the life of a soldier.
B: Sakura asks to attend the war council, because it will help her treat the wounds of the soldiers.
A: Sakura heals a bunch of soldiers. Leo apologizes for saying she wasn't suited for war. Sakura says she still doesn't like battle and wishes the war would end.
S: Leo says he loves Sakura for her sweet heart and understated strength.
Review: Really good! Sakura's kindness and empathy shine through, while also treating her as a mature, capable healer.
Support: Camilla/Ryoma
C: Ryoma and Camilla try to become friends for Corrin's sake. They have nothing to talk about and bicker over who loves Corrin more.
B: Camilla says she wants to keep an eye on Corrin at all times. Ryoma says Corrin needs independence to reach their full potential.
A: Corrin gets mad about the two of them fighting. They decide to be nice to each other because that's what Corrin wants.
S: Ryoma says he wants to protect Corrin and asks her to unite the two great kingdoms of the world. Review: Boring.
Support: Beruka/Oboro
C: Oboro growls at Beruka, because she's a Nohrian assassin. Oboro explains her parents were tailors murdered by bandits. Beruka implies she knows something, before going silent.
B: Oboro demands Beruka says something. Eventually, Beruka says that she was raised by Oboro's parents' killer.
A: Beruk explains her adoptive father, a cruel assassin, murdered Oboro's parents because they were close to the nobility, and that this left him disgusted with himself. Oboro demands Beruka tell her where he is, and Beruka explains she was paid to kill him. Beruka offers herself to Oboro as a target of revenge, but Oboro chooses to spare her and break the chain of hatred.
Review: Pretty good. Gives good backstory on both characters, plus Beruka offering her life and Oboro abandoning her revenge are great character moments.
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wykwryt · 1 year
ok things i know they have to preserve in the new game
the rougelike genre obv and with it the boons system (we straight up saw nova strike in there and dash, attack, special, and cast magick are still here as are status effects and basically just all of that stuff) edit 2: okay wait actually upon reevaluating casts and magick are not the same thing, cast is still a thing we just also have magick. so all the same stuff plus being a witch!!!!!!!!! i wonder what we can do with that... what buttons would we even press.... wait maybe it's more like a god gauge. yeah that'd make sense. maybe we don't quite get godly summons like zagreus did because we're a disciple of hecate but there's something else we can do as a result?????? gah too many theories.
some kind of home base with plot progression and stuff after death
probably a three tiered + bonus level design. i wonder if the bonus will operate differently than the temple, that’s totally a thing they could completely change
keepsakes????????????????????? there must be something like them but they’re such a zag thing to have what with his whole god of bonds and blood thing (god i fucking loved that i love this game so much)
i wonder about the mirror. i think mel in the myths is one of nyx’s kids although obv not here. i think a canon aspect of zag was always tied with hades but i don’t think that’s the case for mel. man that’s funny, he thought he was nyx’s kid but actually wasn’t and she’s not but actually is. idk ignore me i’m babbling. anyways the mirror. i hope nyx is there actually she seems like a good character to keep her role as it was. i really hope we see chaos too i love them. they also provided such a unique boon service, they must come back as is.
oh hey what about the house upgrades? home base will need to be important enough to have that kind of customization make sense. at this point i’m thinking we’re simply going to be in the house of hades for all this. maybe we’re doing repairs again from the damage of whatever kidnapped hades (ha). or maybe they do get rid of this entirely? it’d be a loss of a whole way to spend currency though.
the codex. bet hecate gives it to her maybe. see this is the weird thing to be because it seems like she is to mel as achilles is to zag but unlike him she’s an important character to the main plot.
different weapons for different play styles. we saw her blades already what else? (please give her a sword swords are cool. i feel like her daggers will prolly operate a lil bit like the fists. fists and sword are my faves <3) something to strengthen the weapons too like the aspects (i hope there’s one like the shield of chaos that talks to you but that’s just me) edit 3: ok the trailer shows just the daggers and what seems like a magic staff. i'd say the magic staff could be comparable to the spear but the spear doesn't do magic. there's a lil thrust action but it's all obviously spells. realllly wondering how the magick works because there's way more than just an attack and special here, she's got so many spells. too little here to really tell but it looks like the big difference between the daggers and the staff is the daggers involve more mobile magic and attacks while the staff seems more stationary but with bigger magic effects not to mention all the area attacks. there's no way we can't do magic without the staff so maybe the spells in our inventory are different depending on what weapon we choose. so far the staff looks significantly more powerful than the daggers, i wonder how they'll balance this stuff out. and other weapons???? oh hey wait i bet the spells are dependent on the weapon aspects or whatever they'll be called in this game. yeah okay that seems like it lines up.
bosses. i know this is obvious but i’m giving it a bullet because now i’m wondering who they are. they wouldn’t be any of the underworld staff probably so. wait actually who are the enemies we’re fighting in the first place if not dad’s employees?? so much of this hinges on whether we’re actually in the underworld or not. if we’re dealing with kronos then maybe we’re fighting to go down deeper into tartarus rather than up and out? the game reveal still makes it look like we’re above ground though…
replayability!!! for the three dozenth time idk what to think about this because i have no idea what the story will be like. i repeat, family or fight? and what would keep mel continuously doing the dungeons past the end of the main plot the way zag does it as official head of security?
ayo wait can we have skelly back? please he has to, we need a practice dummy room and there’s no reason to invent a new character when he’s right there. yeah no way they’re gonna get rid of skelly.
speaking of iconic characters… eurydice? need a new iconic ashley barrett song (as well as both her and darren korb song?) yeah ok whatever songs there are they’ll probably be attributed to eurydice and orpheus in game even if the characters themselves aren’t in there. wonder if we’ll be able to buy and collect the soundtrack… OH MY GOD A NEW SOUNDTRACK HOLY SHIT. I MEAN THEY’LL PROBABLY KEEP SOME ICONIC SOUNDS LIKE WHAT WAS IN THE REVEAL TRAILER BUT HOT DAMN NEW MUSIC WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
bonds and something to forge them with. she may not be zag but nectar and the like must still be a thing. (heyyyy any romancable characters?? the dora shade looked interested)
ok the more i keep thinking about this and trying to discern the shape of the new game and add more bullets the more i just end up tracing the original so things that could be different? :
like previously stated, the mechanics of the final level (the temple of styx in the original) edit 4: ok it would be so sick if the bonus level is zagreus boss fight where they slowly bond and then eventually zagreus trusts her and they get along and then they keep doing the fights for fun like in the og after the main plot is over
something is probably going to replace keepsakes. idk how but it’s such a specific thing and very specifically relevant to zagreus’s characterization, this’ll prolly change
the currencies
special rooms like shops and characters. moros and dora’s rooms looked like these although who knows how they function. also the timed rooms and than rooms (very curious if he’ll show up what with the whole time and death thing being the big things in this game edit 1.5: ZAG THAN ROOM).
EDIT: CERBERUS PETS??? where would i be without giving cerberus pets every run? absolutely wild that petting him 10 times was a rare achievement, you guys suck at playing this game.
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Rhys and feyre have nyx and nesta and cassian have a boy a year after named malakai. About five years after that when nyx is five and malakai is four gwyn and az have a daughter.
She’s named Catrin after gwyns twin. And she’s the absolute baby of the ic. Everyone spoils her cause she’s the first girl in the ic (like the first baby that’s a girl). She’s everyone’s “little munchkin”. She loves her aunts and absolutely adores her uncles and can’t live without her cousins.
She thinks her dad and uncles can be a little scary looking sometimes so she sets about to remedy that. With the help of auntie elain she makes flower crowns for her dad and uncles. Teal for azriel because she knows he loves it because it’s the color of her and her mothers eyes (we’re pretending that they had teal flowers readily available), red for uncle cassian because his siphons are red and pink for uncle Rhys because she thinks pink is pretty. She waits to give azriel his flower crown when he comes back home around dinner time so first she sets off to find her uncles. The problem is they’re in a meeting with the high lords and feyre is at the court of nightmares.
(Catrin is the daughter of two Carynthians and she’s very gifted with her magical abilities and she’s a strong fae so let’s pretend all the kids of the ic are way too strong for their age).
Catrin concentrates hard at finding her uncles and at the ripe age of four, manages to winnow right smack in the middle of the high lord meeting. (Again let’s pretend that’s possible- even though it isn’t a high lord meeting would obviously be very secure). She appears and faces shocked faces all around her till she locks eyes with her uncle rhys. She squeals and runs to him all the while shouting “uncle Rhys! Uncle Rhys!” And runs into his arms. Rhys is already combing through her mind (only the last five minutes in case it’s an emergency and realises she’s winnowed). He asks her how she got here regardless and she tells him she went “poof” to find him. He gives her a soft smile and kisses her on the forehead. She presents the flower crown to him and cassian and they absolutely, instantaneously MELT.
She crowns them and tell them “it’s so that you look less scary and people can see how nice you actually are” and gives them a wide toothy smile (there’s a gap in the middle but that just makes it more cuter) cassian bear hugs and tells her that he’s going to take her for a fly later today and that they can prank nyx and malakai together after he’s done with the meeting in a ploy to be the favourite uncle (Rhys sees right through it and promises he’ll bring her ice cream once he’s done with the meeting). All the other high lords watch mouth agape as the most powerful high lord of prythian and his lord of bloodshed interact with the tiny girl and how they seem to resemble teddy bears in her presence.
Catrin makes eye contact with tarquin and he smiles at her and she takes an instantly blushes and grins broadly at him and tells him that she’ll make him a crown too- “not because your scary looking, it’s because I like you”- to which helion pouts (unbeknownst to the high lord of summer she had already formed somewhat of a crush on him when he came to velaris last week). Soon enough, gwyn arrives since Rhys had already reached out to her mind to mind and takes Catrin away after being greeted by her high lord with a peck on her cheek. The meeting continues and Rhys and cassian don’t take off the flower crowns for the rest of the day. Azriel wears his everyday and is always reluctant to take it off. People still have the common sense to fear him, teal flower crown and all. Though it does make him seem more humane and less shadow singery so at least Catrin achieved that.
Also while we’re at it let’s pretend that the high lords did not object or say anything, we’re pretending for the sake of fluff. Also I get everything about this was highly improbable but it’s a hc and it’s cute idk. Again I realise it’s not well written but it was just to give a general idea.
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darklove9314-blog · 3 years
Family : A Nessian Fanfic
Day 19 of Nessian month: Prompt: Nessian bonding with the IC.
Nesta gazed upon Cassian, Her hand firmly in his as Cassian knocked on the front doors of the river house, Feyre opened the door, a smile on her face, a hand pressed firmly to her swollen stomach before a five year old Nyx grinned at the sight of his aunt and uncle flinging himself in his aunt’s arms.
“Aunt Nes! You came!” Nyx exclaimed. A happy chuckle escaping her lips.
“Of course I came. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.“ Nesta smiled as Cassian cocked his head to the side staring at Nyx.
“What? No love for your favorite uncle?” He stated as Nyx’s eyes widened with excitement
“Is Uncle Az with you?” He questioned causing Nesta to hold in her laugh. Only five years old and he already mastered the art of a good come back. Even Feyre was reining in her smile.
“Say hi to your other uncle, sweetie.“ Feyre encouraged him as he wiggled himself out of Nesta’s arms and hugged Cassian.
“Hi Uncle Cass.“ He greeted. Nesta had no real idea why Nyx had grown more of an attachment to her than Cassian, but she guessed she would never really know that answer. Kids were always a mystery.
“Come inside, we’re just getting to cutting the cake.“ Feyre explained as Nesta and Cassian entered Nyx holding onto Feyre‘s hand.
Cassian‘s hand slid into hers before they entered the sitting area. Several of Nyx’s friends gathered around a table as he chatted away. He really was a social one.
Cassian pulled out a chair for Nesta, she thanked him as they took a spot beside Mor who greeted Casan with a hug.
“Long time, no see, stranger.” Mor greeted. Her smile dazzling across the whole room.
“That’s what happens when you go to the court of Nightmares for a whole six months.“
Mor shrugged taking a sip of her wine.
“It’s not easy to undo the damage the years have caused there, but perhaps in a few more years The Court of Nightmares will be a thing of the past and it can start anew.”
A fresh start. Something that a lot of the Night Court had needed. progress was slow, but nothing ever happened over night.
Nesta‘s eyes drew to Cassian, the curve of his lips at his friends accomplishment. The determination she had showed to take over the Court of Nightmares after her fathers passing and do what she thought she should have always done. Made more dreamers in the city of Nightmares. Nesta had even offered her assistance if Mor ever became overwhelmed. Which she had appreciated.
“How are things in Illyria?” Mor asked, her eyebrows raised in question at Cassian, who’s own smiled beamed, his arm going around Nesta. Pride shone in them with their accomplishments.
“We finally managed to convince Devlon to combine a two small units made up of both Illyrian and Valkeryie warriors. One of them are the younger generations who wish to become apart of the ranks and the others are the ones who have already went through the rite.”
“That’s amazing, I knew you two could do it.” Mor smiled looking over to Nesta.
“I couldn’t have done it without the steel will determination of my mate,“ Cassian explained pressing a kiss to the side of her temple.
“Don’t forget Emerie and Gwyn.” Nesta added.
“How could I ever?” Cassian smiled pressing a kiss to her hair.
“I thought the mating bond was supposed to die down some after a couple of years?” Amren asked sliding down in a chair, Varian by her side.
Cassian smirked at her. “You know that’s not how that works.“
“I dread the day you procreate boy. Hopefully the babe has its mother’s smarts.“
“I hope so too.“ Cassian told her making Nesta feel warm in her chest.
She had been thinking a lot about having children lately. Been having dreams of Cassian filling her with life. thinking of the one they would create together. Been gazing at the tea she had been using as her birth control for the past five years and been wanting to have a conversation about what his thoughts were if she stopped taking it, if they had started trying.
but they both had been so busy lately getting everything together that it had been a while since the two of them had time to be intimate, Had time to talk about the future that she wanted to have with him. Would they be able to have a baby? She knew getting pregnant as a fae could be difficult, but she was willing to try. She just needed a moment with him where they both weren’t exhausted.
Amren smirked seeming to catch how deep Nesta’s thoughts ran.
“I guess we’ll see when the time is right.“ She simply said leaning into Varian. Her wedding ring flashing in the light.
Before Cassian could say more, the door opened Azriel stepping through it as Nyx hugged him. Azriel placing Nyx on his back and carrying him into the dining room.
“Be careful there, Uncle Az, you may throw your back out.“ Cassian teased earning him an eye roll from Azriel.
“I’m in better shape than you.“ Azriel retorted. “I bet you couldn’t even lift him to your shoulders.”
“Is that so?” Cassian challeneed as Nesta heard a far off voice say.
“I hate to break up your bet with my son, but it’s time for presents.“ Rhys told them taking Nyx for Azriel’s shoulder. A wide grin on the boys face.
“Presents!” Nyx shouted happily running towards them as the other children followed. Feyre smiled rubbing at her abdomen absentmindedly.
“Do you think he’ll have any trouble not being an only child when his sister arrives?” Feyre asked as Rhys beamed.
“Not at all. though there definitely will be an adjustment period.“ Rhys assured her as Nesta looked back to Cassian. His gaze on Rhys and Feyre as Rhysand pressed a kiss to her sister’s cheek.
Nesta had always knew that Cassian had longed for a family of his own. It wasn’t that his close circle of friends wasn’t enough for him or even her, but she knew Cassian had always wanted children. She had been hesitant afraid if she would be a good mother or not.
He had assured her there was no rush for children. That he would wait hundreds of years if he had to so she could be ready for them. Nesta just had to make sure she was doing this as much for herself as she was for Cassian. She would not bring a child into this world unless both her and Cassisn were ready for one.
Nesta joined the others sitting down next to Feyre as Cassian joined Rhys and Azriel having a conversation that Nesta had no clue what it was about.
Elain was beside Mor and Amren, her laughter flooding over to them as she sent both her sisters a slight wave. Nesta waved back before turning back to Feyre, not sure how to start this particular conversation as they watched Nyx open his presents. His eyes growing wide at the mini paint set his mother had gotten him.
“Thanks mom!” Nyx said flinging his arms around Feyre’s neck as she pulled her son closer.
“You’re welcome baby.” Feyre said hugging him as Nesta took in the sight. She knew she wanted that with her own child. But she was still afraid that she would not be any good at motherhood.
Nesta watched as Nyx opened his other gifts, watching as he opened the toy that Nesta and Cassian had gotten for him. Thanking both of them with a hug.
Nesta‘s smile bloomed as she beheld the hug between Nyx and Cassian, Could almost see Cassian with their own son or daughter, How good of a father he would be. She wondered when Cassian saw her with Nyx if he thought the same thing.
“Is something on your mind?” Feyre asked when they both were alone in the kitchen. they were cleaning up while the others were in the living room showing Nyx how to use his toy and helping him set them up. Cassian had always been great at building things. He was putting the others to shame. A smile tugged at Nesta’s lips.
“When did you know?” She asked as Feyre stopped on the dish she was working on.
“Know about what?” She replied scrubbing at a really stubborn stain as Nesta handed her a better sponge.
“Thank you.“ She said as Nesta dried the dishes Feyre handed to her.
”How did you know you were ready to have a baby?” She asked. Feyre stopping mid scrub.
“Are you and Cassian-?” She started but Nesta interrupted her.
“No. At least not yet. I-I haven’t brought up the conversation with him yet.“ Shd told Feyre. Feyre nodded in understanding.
“I can understand that. It’s not a decision to take lightly. There’s a lot of factors to take into account.”
“Like how I feel like I would be a terrible mother?”
Feyre looked at Nesta with the same eyes they both had inherited from their mother.
”What makes you believe you’ll be a terrible mother?” Feyre asked. going back to the dishes.
“Because I couldn’t even take care of us when it mattered most.” She confided to Feyre.
“It wasn’t your job to take care of us. It was our fathers. “
“It wasn’t your job to take care of us either. but you still did it anyway.“
“It still doesnt mean it would have been right no matter which of us took care of the other. perhaps the real mistake was that we didnt take care of each other, but we were young and we’ll learn from those mistakes, God knows I still make them when it comes to my own child.”
“Please. You’re the definition of the perfect mother.” Nesta told her drying the dishes Feyre had worked on.
“I wouldn‘t say that. I still have the deal Rhys and I made which in retrospect wasn’t the brightest idea if you want to have kids.”
“You made a mistake, it happens to all of us.“
“I will admit we didn’t really think it through. the deal I mean. But no one ever said every decision was a rational one, but you’re deflectin. We were talking about you wanting kids.”
“I know it’s been years but I still have those intrusive thoughts that I’ll end up just like our mother.“ Nesta told her.
“We can’t live our life in fear Nesta. and remember you also have a support system in your corner. If you want to have kids than that’s your choice, well yours and Cassian’s. Just make sure that you’re ready to commit to it. To put that child before anything else, because when your baby comes. It’ll be your whole world. only you can determine what mother you’ll be, The past be damned.“
“Thanks Feyre.“
“Don’t mention it.” Feyre smiled as Cassian turned towards them getting up from his spot and heading towards the kitchen until he stopped where they were at.
“I’ve come to relieve you, my high lady.“ Cassian said as Feyre chuckled.
“Thank God you have spared me of the tedious task that is dish washing.” Feyre teased giving him a pat on the shoulder.
“I’ll see you two when you’re finished,“ Feyre told them heading to sit down beside Rhys and Nyx.
“Were you two having fun in here?” Cassian teased grabbing a dish and washing it.
“Aren’t we always?” Nesta smirked grabbing the dish from him and drying it.
“What were you two talking about?” Cassian asked. “It seemed like a pretty intense conversation.“
“It was a sister thing and…there’s something I want to discuss with you when we get home.“ She told him.
“Nothing bad I hope.“
“No. It’s just a conversation that I’ve been wanting to have with you for a while now.“ She confided in him, He nodded, relief filling his features as they worked on the dishes. talking about the party. When things were winding down Feyre pulled Nesta into a hug as Nesta also hugged Nyx,
“Goodbye Aunt Nes.”
“Goodbye buddy, I’ll see you next week when you come spend the night,“
Nyx‘s eyes lit up at the sound of that, the house adored Nyx as it had any other person, Maybe even favored him slightly. Though she didn’t blame the house. it had been a while since a child had been in it.She wondered how the house would feel to have one there permanently.
When Cassian and Nesta went home, She had found her answer in a stack of novels on the house library’s table. Books on motherhood, what to expect when you’re expecting. Nesta felt a warmth in her chest as the house also presented her the herbs for her tea. She hadn’t taken her dosage today.
Footsteps sounded in the door of the library as the books vanished from sight but the tea remained. She had made up her mind. Had known her answer as Cassian approached her.
“What was it you wanted to talk about?” He asked taking a seat beside her noting the tea.
Nesta took a deep breath. “Did you mean it? When you said you wanted kids?”
Casian nodded. “It’s something Ive always wanted. What brought this up?” He asked as Nesta took another breath.
“I was thinking-“ Nesta started. “About the future you’ve talked about for us. How you said you wanted kids?”
“Did you change your mind? Did you not want kids? Is that why you said you wanted to talk?” Cassian asked.
”No, I-I wanted to talk to you because I- I want to try for a baby. I-I want to make a baby with you.”
Cassian eyes snapped to hers, searching her face before he stood up, his calloused and warm hand going to her face.
“You want a baby?” Cassian asked. Nesta nodded. And she did. Gods did she want a baby with her mate. the love of her life.
“Yes.” She whispered to him as he smiled. The smile as bright as the dawn as he lifted trash can up eyes flickering to get tea.
Nesta’s smile curved upwards before she took the tea tossing it in the trash before Cassian‘s lips camd crashing down to hers.
He hoisted her on the desk, her back leaning against it as Cassian pulled away smiling down at her in the most breathtaking gaze she had ever saw and whispered.
“Then by all means mate,let’s get stared.“
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gwynrielsupremacy · 3 years
Time to rest your weary head: Part 13!
IT TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH, but it is here!!! As I explained before, I was facing the last weeks of my semester, delivering final papers and such, but now I'm freee!!!! I thank you all for your patience and eternal support, really <3 hope you like this one! :)))
Also tagging some of my beautiful readers <3 @madie2200 @katiebellf @starbornsinger
Last thing: I wanna leave here my praise to all fic writers and fanfiction and headcanons I had the pleasure of reading on this website; you all inspire me so much, and I’m glad to say I am a part of such a beautiful net of sharing and reading other’s stories :) you are awesome and you inspire me to keep on writing! Thank you :)
Check out the Chapter List and Part 12 if you haven't read it yet!
It was late, but Azriel didn’t mind. He felt like he could explode: like all of a sudden, all his life made much more sense.
He had a mate.
That mate was Gwyn.
And Gwyn had kissed him.
As he jumped off the balcony at the House of Wind, diving fast before soaring, he couldn’t contain his grin. His heart hadn’t stopped thundering in his chest ever since he got to her door. They kissed, and he sensed her affection and desire as sure as she had felt his. He held her in his arms, just like he had that night all those weeks ago. And he had missed so badly doing so, he realized the second he felt her hand on his cheek, caressing him in a way no one ever had, before she enlaced her arms behind his neck.
He felt like a teenager, his Ilyrian hormones pumping through his body, making him restless and euphoric. He wanted so bad to go back, to just stay with her, to make up any excuse to see her, to wake her up, to lay down with her. To spend every second he had right next to her, learning all the different ways he could make her glow.
For so long, he deemed himself worthless; tainted and scarred and damaged. But now he could see that perhaps that wasn’t true. He was hurt, but he could heal; everyone had a past, and it shouldn’t prevent them from living their present. And Gwyn… She was the reason he started believing that. That he had hope left, and that maybe…. Maybe he could care about himself just like others cared about him.
It took a second to realize he was crying. Alone, just him and his shadows, as he soared and spun across the night sky, he was crying. Sobbing and laughing uncontrollably at the same time. He breathed in and out, trying to calm his racing heart, but he still let the tears flow; he still kept smiling, the image of Gwyn’s face never fading from his mind.
Feeling the cold wind across his face, he landed on the pathway to the River House. It was all dark, but he could see a dim light from one of the windows. Rhys’s study.
Rhys. He lowered his mental shields enough so he could voice his brother’s name. Are you there?
Silence, before Rhys’s voice sounded. Yes. Are you alright?
I need to talk to you. May I come in?
He heard footsteps approaching the front door, and then Rhysand was staring at him, violet eyes dark in the dim light. “Come in, brother.”
He was greeted by the image of Nesta facing him, that huge portrait that Feyre had painted some time ago, after The Blood Rite. The house was silent, and all he could hear was his steps as he followed Rhysand to his study.
When he closed the door, Rhysand had just sat down at his armchair.
“Are Feyre and Nyx asleep?”
“Fortunately. The kid’s been having some trouble sleeping these last few months, therefore so have we.” He snorted, but smiled fondly at the thought of his family. “Sit down, Az.”
He obliged, and felt the way Rhys sized him up, trying to decipher what was going on with him. And although Azriel’s expression yielded nothing, he didn’t make an effort to wipe away his tears from before; so his brother was probably putting up the pieces together by now.
Azriel didn’t leave enough time for him to do so, as he again talked to him mentally.
Gwyn is my mate. But I reckon you already know that.
I do. I suppose it didn’t go well, then.
And Cauldron-damn him if he didn’t start laughing at that. And not a bitter one, but a true, genuine chuckle that made Rhys’s brows shot up and a bemused smile appeared on his face.
“It went more than well, actually.” Azriel corrected, shaking his head as he looked to the ground, still smiling. “And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh?” His brother shifted in his seat, resting his elbows in his knees and interlocking his fingers.
So Azriel explained what Rhys needed to do for them. He honestly didn’t care if his family knew or not about their mating bond, but was well aware Gwyn might need some time to adjust – and the required privacy to do so. And that was fine with him; as long as he was able to spend time with her, he’d be happy. In any way she wanted.
When he was finished, they stood in silence for a couple of seconds.
“So, I see you have your shot at happiness in your hands at last, brother.” Rhysand stated, with a knowing smile on his face.
“I do.”
“She was very good at refraining from telling you. Of course, I didn’t mean to pry when I found out. But do you know why I read her thoughts that night?”
Azriel shook his head, and watched as his brother declared with a low tone.
“She was just sitting there, in a midst of people whom she didn’t have familiarity with, and you were by your usual spot, talking to Mor. And she was just staring at you, eyes full of an emotion I couldn’t decipher, but I knew what that gesture meant. She couldn’t keep herself from looking at you, just as you couldn’t stop from glancing at her time and time again during the evening: like you were drawn to each other. I was going to ask her if she needed to talk about it, though I knew it was none of my business and she was unlikely to do so, but then I read her thoughts about you being mates.”
“That’s why I didn’t meddle in. I was witnessing something way bigger than me, and I think you know what I mean.” He finished, and completed “That’s why I - and Feyre - kept quiet about it.”
All Azriel could do was laugh quietly again at the mention of his High Lady. “Of course she’d know.”
“My dear brother, I learned by experience you shouldn’t keep things from your mate, even if it is to protect them. You're supposed to walk through it together.” Regret crossed Rhysand’s face at that confession.
Azriel knew that although his brother claimed to hide the details of Feyre’s pregnancy from her not to worry her, it wasn’t exactly fair all the same.
“But I’m certain you’ll learn that with time.” He completed, leaning over to pat Azriel on his knee. “So, don’t worry. I will do as you ask.”
Azriel nodded his thanks and stood up, meaning to leave. But, just as he was reaching the door, a thought occurred and he turned again to his High Lord.
“Rhys” He kept sitting on his chair, staring at him expectantly “It took me long enough to realize, but I’m glad you stopped me that Solstice night.”
Rhysand let out a soft chuckle at that, and bowed his head slightly, raising his glass. Knowing well what Azriel had meant with that.
His shadows were restless. He barely slept during the rest of the evening, his mind too awake to give in to slumber. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was slightly nervous to see Gwyn again – and to see if they’re new acknowledged bond would stand out or if Rhysand’s spell would work. He wouldn’t doubt of his High Lord and brother, but still. He wanted to see it for himself.
He stood in the training ring ever since sunrise. Gwyn had gone to her usual morning service and he hadn’t seen her, only felt her absence in the House, both an effect from the mating bond and his shadows, since they were so eager to be around her. So he sparred for hours, waiting for the moment training began and he would see her again.
The priestesses started to arrive right about the time Cassian showed up.
“Morning, brother”
Azriel nodded back, and turned to arrange the practice swords and shields into place, preparing the room.
“How was last night?”
He could sense Cassian’s presence behind him, and the innuendo in his sly tone. Gwyn’s image appeared in his mind once again, her burgundy dress complimenting her body’s every feature. He could feel her in his arms, their proximity and heat, the way he kissed her with all need and tenderness he ever felt towards her, the small sound she made when he pulled her close, pressing their bodies together… He was cut short from his thoughts when Cassian cleared his throat, suppressing a laugh.
“I can scent everything went well, then.”
He started thinking about other things, anything at all, to cover his desiring scent. It wasn’t professional nor respectful to appear that way in front of the Priestesses, even though Cassian and Nesta didn’t seem to mind covering their own arousal multiple times during all these months.
It was right at that moment Cassian’s mate and Gwyn arrived, their voices filling up the air. Azriel was still with his back to the door, and counted a total of five seconds before turning around and facing the deep teal ocean that were Gwyn’s eyes.
Like the seas in Reyna.
His shadows whispered one of Summer Court’s many beaches, the quietest, most isolated and beautiful one. Azriel felt a subtle need to take her there someday, to travel around Prythian with her, to watch her explore and discover the continent, her face lighting up with each new sight.
He casually approached the two females, who were still talking while they began their stretching on the mats.
“Good morning.” He let out, dipping his head a bit.
“Hello.” Gwyn greeted back, meeting his eyes. He watched as she breathed, noticing every detail of her exposed neck and freckled cheeks before meeting her eyes. It was a monumental effort to not scan her entire body and take in all of her curves. She seemed to notice that, and with a thrilling sensation he watched her face blush.
“Good morning to you too, Azriel” Nesta mocked, interrupting their charged silence. “Did you enjoy your evening?”
She directed this particular question to both of them. Gwyn finally tore her eyes away from Azriel, doing nothing to conceal her flushed cheeks.
“Yes.” She nodded a bit timidly, biting down her lip to keep her from smiling further, and met her friend’s inquisitive stare with a sparkle that almost sent Azriel to his knees.
Damn. That female would be the death of him.
“We did indeed.” Azriel found himself agreeing, his voice rough all of a sudden. His shadows reached towards Gwyn, desperately trying to turn her attention to him, to them. He wanted to be lost in those teal eyes again, to be alone with her.
“I’m glad to hear that, Gwyn.” Nesta smiled kindly to Gwyn, honesty and pride in her tone. “Although you’re aware you’ll have to give me more details later.”
Gwyn rolled her eyes but smiled anyway, continuing her warm-up exercises while Nesta stood up. As she went on to stretch her thigh, holding it behind her back, she leaned on Azriel, placing one hand on his shoulder to steady herself and taking advantage of the situation by voicing quietly:
“You hurt my sister and I’ll make you regret it, Spymaster.”
His shadows protectively wrapped around his shoulders, but he was well accustomed to Nesta and they had developed a great friendship after all those months. He could always understand and read through her pain and aggressiveness, even when others didn’t. He did believe her words, though. She, pretty much like him, would do anything to protect the ones she loved.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He nodded once, staring into her piercing eyes, and she patted his shoulder once, seeming satisfied with his answer, before pushing back and striding towards Cassian.
Gwyn kept stretching on the floor, but he could see she heard everything they said by her amused smile as she watched her friend walking away. Azriel reached his hand towards her, and she faced him again and grabbed it, helping herself up.
They were standing face to face now, hands still intertwined. He could hear Cassian and Nesta organizing the Priestesses in the background, the rustle of robes and training leathers as they moved across the training ring. But he couldn’t care less, not when he was holding his mate’s hand, face mere inches from hers.
“It seems you just got intimated by Nesta, huh?” She teased.
He shrugged: “It’s nothing to which I’m not used to by now.”
She chuckled, her eyes crinkling and her voice a sweet melody to his ears. He couldn’t stop but join her, with a quiet laugh. He could feel both Cassian and Nesta’s stare on them, observing their every move. It didn’t seem like the couple caught up on the scent of their mating bond, even though that faint chill mist mixed with water lilies, the combination of him and her, was currently inebriating his senses.
“Could we see each other later today?” Gwyn surprised him by asking, her big bright eyes waiting expectantly for him to answer.
She took a sudden breath, like she was trying to capture the new scent they shared as well, and Azriel found his lips blooming into a smile, both at the thought and at the request:
“I’d love to.”
She beamed “You can meet me at the library, if you are free.”
Gods, she was stunning. He couldn’t stop counting her freckles, observing the way her ponytail twirled behind her back, marveling at how warm her hand felt against his. What a strange and powerful feeling, he thought; to miss someone with that intensity, to desire more than anything to be close to them at all times.
And Azriel wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’ll be there.”
And so he went. After successfully ignoring most of Cassian and Nesta’s teasing remarks through training and lunch, none of them, however, related to the mating bond, Azriel found himself heading towards the library.
He was greeted by Clotho as soon as he entered the space, her magic pen already moving.
Good afternoon, Azriel. What can I do for you?
“I’m looking for Gwyn.” He cordially bowed his head to the Priestess.
Do you want me to call her?
“Thank you, but there is no need. If you could just tell me in which section she is I’ll meet her there, if that’s ok.”
“Ancient hymns and rituals”, third floor down to the right. You’ll find her.
He swore something about the way that magic pen swirled at the last sentence had a tinge of cheekiness, mischief even. So he gave Clotho a soft smile and went into the depths of the library, descending the stars and carefully avoiding staring directly at any Priestess that walked by, only greeting quietly the ones he knew from training.
As usual, his shadows kept swirling faster and faster with each step closer to Gwyn, excited at the prospect of being alone with her. Well, not alone entirely, but Azriel didn’t particularly care at the moment. He knew the curious eyes directed at them would be much more discreet than the ones at training – or anywhere else, for a matter of fact.
He could hear her before he saw her, humming softly as she labeled and stored a few books back on their spots. His heart thrummed against his chest, and he leaned on a shelf across from where she stood, still absorbed in her task, humming the same sweet melody over and over again.
Before he managed to say anything, one of his shadows darted to touch her hand, and her eyes lifted from the book she was holding and met his, her mouth quirked to the side.
“How long have you been there?” She put down the book and crossed her arms in front of her chest, lifting an eyebrow.
His shadows had encapsulated her shoulders and hair now, in a way that she seemed to be the Shadowsinger, and not him. He commanded them to get back to their places, but in vain. He honestly didn’t know why he even tried anymore.
“Not long.” He finally pushed away from his place by the shelf and stepped towards her, while she did the same.
He grabbed her hand, his thumb feeling her soft skin. His shadows encircled them both now, creating a dark cloud in an already dim-lit room. Gwyn laughed at them; curiously following their patterns with her eyes, hand still intertwined with his.
“They never did that before, with anyone.” Azriel observed the way his shadows expanded and darkened around and above them.
“Well, as you said before, they like me. If I were you, I’d be worried they might run away and come to me. I wouldn’t mind at all. Curious little things.”
When he faced her again she was staring at him with such intent he drew a ragged breath, mind focusing only on the female before him. The poor lighting of this particular hallway made her eyes darken, her pupils dilate, mouth slightly parted. Her copper hair now a shade of deep red, like molten fire. He just wanted to kiss each and every one of her freckles, from her face to her neck and below.
The thought made his body ache for her, his pants growing uncomfortably tight. He breathed deep, once, twice, in order to calm his mind and thoughts, but was cut short when her lips met his.
His arms instantly found their way to her hips, gripping her gently. She tugged her hands in his hair, pressing herself against him as the kiss deepened, her lips parting wider to give him access. He enlaced one arm around her, keeping her close and placing his other hand in the back of her neck. He could hear a song, an ancient melody spreading from them, an array of strings and choirs.
When they parted at last, her eyes were wide.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered as they breathed in each other’s scent. Her hands were still on his hair, and he couldn’t take his hands off her just yet, placing them steadily on her hips once again.
He nodded, smiling, and she laughed silently before continuing: “It was magical.”
He leaned to kiss her once again, stopping for a brief second and silently asking for her permission to continue. She closed her eyes, lifting her face, and a soft sigh escaped her lips when they met his for the second time. It was softer this time, tender. Azriel didn’t know if something could ever feel better than this, than having his mate in his arms; than having Gwyn in his arms.
When they parted, he rested his forehead on hers, their breaths mingling. The scent of their mating bond stronger this time, only enough for them to sense it.
“Do you think they could feel it today?” Gwyn seemed to read his mind. “Our scent.”
He met her ocean eyes and shook his head: “Well, Nesta has a sharp mind, and Cassian knows me my entire life. They definitely suspect something.” He huffed a laugh “But not relating to the bond. They probably think is a crush thing.”
She laughed at him, teasingly: “Is it, Shadowsinger? A crush thing?”
“It’s so much more and you know it, Berdara.” He answered in the same tone, but he knew by the way she swallowed once that she heard the husk in his voice, sensing the promise in his words.
Someone is near. Priestesses.
His shadows curled around his ear and he retreated a step, just enough to allow a casual distance between them. Gwyn turned her head to the sound of robes shuffling by, and looked at him again. “Care to join me?” She offered, nodding towards the cart with a loving smile.
They fell into a comfortable routine after Gwyn taught him how to shelve the books she cataloged and labeled; sometimes she hummed or sang something to herself, and it was usually at those times when he paused what he was doing, bewitched by her voice. Even the movements of the other Priestesses seemed to still when Gwyn sang, the whole world going quiet. Usually, though, she noticed the subtle halt in his movements after a few moments, and interrupted herself by laughing at his reaction.
If Azriel could exchange the work he did as a Spymaster to just label and store books with Gwyn the whole afternoon, he would. Even if he knew the importance of his work, he would trade everything in a heartbeat just to be with her. Or perhaps he really needed a break.
There was a time in which he thought his spying to be the only thing that he was meant to do. And there was so much in it that he disliked: the torture, the gore. But maybe… Maybe it was time for him to start making some changes. For his sake, and the ones he loved.
“What are you thinking about?”
Her quiet voice distracted him from his thoughts. He shook his head, shelving another book, and turned to her, finding her kind eyes staring straight back at him. “It’s nothing.”
“Az.” Gwyn reached for him, holding his hand in hers “You know you can tell me.”
“It’s just” He gazed at their joint hands and sighed “I did such bad things in the past, and have been doing it for so long… I'm tired of it.”
She lifted a hand and brushed her fingers against his skin, meeting his stare. “You did a lot of great things too, Azriel. Like helping your friends, your family, your people… And me.” She smiled, reassuringly. “You were the one who saved me that night all those nights ago, and then helped me stand up back on my feet every morning after it. You helped me become who I am today.”
Her tenderness broke him, touched a place inside him he was just starting to realize he had, and he took a deep breath before he took her hands in his, lifting them to meet his lips. The only possible reaction he could have to all that gentleness without allowing tears to fall; and he prayed to the Mother it could convey everything he felt.
The way Gwyn smiled and leaned in to softly kiss his cheek gave him his answer.
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Connections 11
Chapter 11
@maribatmarch-2k21 Day 3: Warmth
this is based on @thepeacetea  daminette soulmate au
Ao3 *** Masterlist *** First *** Previous *** Next
Once they were comfortably settled into their hotel and penny caught up on the magical kids’ front did Jagged start the conversation.
"So, want to tell me why we came to Mexico besides the warm weather?"
"Apparently there is a hidden gift for the next ladybug and black cat." Damian explained calmly.
"Magical scavenger hunt!" Mari exclaimed excitedly.
"So where do we start?" Jagged seemed as eager as Mari to solve this.
Tikki now moved to sit on Mari's shoulder. "Micazoyolin and Ocelome tended to split their time between the Aztec and Mayan empires for ceremonies and since most of the Aztec temples and locations were destroyed, I would start with Mayan areas as we are in the Yucatán peninsula. Try starting with the pyramid at Chichen Itza."
"Good idea Tikki," Penny stepped in, "but how do we explore without being questioned?"
"If I recall correctly Hawkman is an archeologist and may be able to help." Damian supplied on his phone, most likely contacting Bruce to ask Hawkman.
"Okay so while we wait for an answer what should we do first?" Jagged asked but looked like he was about to jump on the walls. Mari looked just as ready to follow his lead without hesitation.
"Why don’t we all take some time to relax in the resort and catch the dinner show of Joyã by Cirque Soleil?" Penny supplied in an attempt to save the room.
"Okay!" Mari answered.
"That is acceptable," was Damian's response.
With that the two ran out to the beach practically outside of their villa.
It didn't take long to hear back from him, so two days later they took a day tour of the pyramid and stayed to wait after nightfall, but they didn't wait long.
"Hello, Batman said to meet a group..." Hawkman began.
"They know," Damian cut him off. "We require your expertise."
"Have you ever heard of the gems of the Ladybug and Black Cat?" Mari asked.
"Yes, I have, a long time ago in ancient Egypt. I met one, a weilder of the ladybug." he hummed in thought. "You, little one, remind me of her."
"That would be because I'm the ladybug of this generation." she smiled.
They had begun to walk towards the Pyramid. "So why call upon me?"
"The kids were left something by the previous holders, and we were hoping to have someone with experience to help." Jagged sounded like an actual adult, but his grin, and bouncing gave away his excitement.
They were a few steps from the top of the Pyramid. "Then it would be my honor to aid you."
"So, what are we looking for?" Damian asked Tikki who was now flitting around the temple area.
"I don't know. They must have done this after giving up the jewels."
It looked like she wanted to add more but the ground began to glow red forming a complicated, but vaguely familiar symbol. The center then opened up revealing a shoot.
On 3.
The two ran and jumped into the slide barely registering their names called by Jagged and Penny. A rustle at feathers told them Hawkman managed to come after them. Seeing as the magical hole in the ground, ceiling, has now closed. Tikki joined them a few moments later with a huff.
"I told your Dad and Penny to go back to the resort and get some rest. And that you will make sure they get back safely." the small goddess then dove into a lecture of how reckless and dangerous that was and so on.
"So, where are we?" Mari asked once Tikki landed on her head.
"This Pyramid was built upon two others. I am assuming this is the second. It maybe that what your looking for maybe in either the first or even underneath it."
Now that they knew what to expect they checked the two top floors of each and dropped through the second and inner temples.
"Hello. Seeing as you have reached this far, means you are true souls of the Ladybug and Black Cat." Ocelome spoke, appearing before them.
"It's good to see you again Ocelome, Micazoyolin." Damian nodded.
"It is nice little cub." she removed her headdress and put it on him.
"Oh, you are adorable, Tikki it’s been far too long." Micazoyolin also placed his headdress on Mari, once Tikki noticed what he was doing. "Follow us."
They led the trio to a cave that opened into a cenote, a large sinkhole filled with exposed fresh water, a magical bridge of light across the cenote to the far wall. Which opened to reveal a tome and two ovals of obsidian laced with gold. Marinette was reaching to one of the stones when Micazoyolin stopped her.
"The stones will amplify your magical and physical abilities. They will also extend your lives, longer than the Miraculous already would. Those are our gifts to you, should you accept them." He explained.
What do you think?
You are bearable enough to spend longer with.
She rolled her eyes at him, together they reached out and each touched one. Mari's gained a red sheen while Damian's gained a green one. The stones flew up and swirled around the two before settling just above their shoulder blades on the center of their backs. Ocelome then handed Marinette the tome.
"Be warned when the last page is turned then closed the book shall return here. As will the stones when you finally rest." Micazoyolin added. "to await the next pair to find them."
"What if we want to come back to see you again, we have to go through the pyramids again?" Mari asked the two older holders.
"No little bug you can always find us here. This island is hidden not far from the Playa de Carmen." Micazoyolin comforted the small girl.
"How did we come so far it didn’t feel that long of a walk?" Damian brought up.
"Magic can make even the longest journeys short." Ocelome responded.
"Is that how you could split your time between the two empires?" Damian jumped in again a muffled yawn laced his words.
"That is correct cub. The same goes to you, Hawkman, if you ever want your questions answered we would not mind you coming to visit." Ocelome offered.
"It would be rude of me to not take you up on your offer. Now I think it is time to get these two in bed, it has been a long night it seems." Hawkman accepted the offer, taking a child in each arm and taking to the sky.
Both Damian and Marinette were leaning on one another against Hawkman exhausted, as the time ticks close to four in the morning, the headdresses they were still wearing protected them from the breeze as Hawkman flew them back to the villa via Tikki’s instructions.
The rest of their stay was spent in the warmth of the sun and questions of the stones and the tome. But above all the warmth that radiated from their stones comforted them as there was a minor tug towards the other, connecting them further.
Okay so to clear up any impending confusion, true holders for the miraculous are perfect souls for a particular miraculous. This does not mean the Ladybug and Black Cat are soulmates just because Mari and Damian are. The twins, Micazoyolin and Ocelome, are that Fraternal Twins, but their souls are connected to the Miraculous. But they weren’t each other’s soulmates
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