#serial killer irene
luxora · 1 year
Red Velvet -> {Crime AU} -> Falling for their next victim
Requested: No
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Angst. Fluffish?
Warning: Weapons. Murderous thoughts. Mentions of blood.
A/N: Serial Killer Red Velvet
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The only thing that could be heard in the bedroom was your rhythmic breathing as you slept beside Joohyun, the bed sheets pulled to your shoulders in order to protect your bare body from the cold evening air. Joohyun sat beside you, an oversized shirt draped over her shoulders, it being the only thing to protect her from the cold air, with a switchblade in her hands while her eyes were fixated on your sleeping face.
Joohyun expertly sheathed and unsheathed her switchblade, her delicate fingers tracing the handle of the blade while she continued to gaze at you face, her eyes gliding over the smooth skin of your cheek to your angular jaw to eventually your plush lips. Joohyun knew well enough how soft your skin was, ranging from your face to your hands, practically your entire body which she had traced the entire time the two of you tangled yourselves in her bed sheets, blissfully unaware of the happenings of the world as the only thing on both of your minds was each other.
She always has liked people with soft skin, especially with the lighter kind because it always reminded her of a blank canvas that was yearning for a splash of color to bring it to life. Joohyun would hardly consider herself an artist, but she did enjoy dallying in the artistic world, particularly in the human anatomy side of it because the human body was simply a work of art itself, something which has been an object of obsession for Joohyun ever since she was a teenager.
She would hardly call herself an abnormality, she simply had interests that tended to be more on the extreme side. She simply desired to have a more realistic approach to her art, and so she would aspire to gain inspiration directly from her topic of obsession...the human body.
Blood was sustenance to the human body, but also for Joohyun’s art. While it was predominately a bright red, it came in so many shades, especially when it was preserved over time outside the human body. It also stained so beautiful on art canvasses, and even though critics have claimed Joohyun’s work to be rather morbid in depiction, they could not deny her obviously talent of capturing the curves of the human body in various positions, as well to catch their realness in expression as they hold the mask of horror, pain, and fear.
Only the expressions aren’t masks, they are true captured images of all the people she has used to sustain her art.
You were supposed to be the next one to sustain her next artwork, to become her muse and sustain her inspiration until their is nothing left but your hollow carcass as she extracted every single living aspect of you in order to create her most perfect masterpiece yet.
Yes, Joohyun does form a relationship with her muses in order to wear down their walls before she strikes, but she has never gone as far with all her previous muses as she has with you. Friendships are what she forms best with her previous muses but with you it extended to more than just friendship.
She wanted you. She craved you. The idea of you leaving the living realm completely drove her mad with possessiveness, anger, and fear. She should not be feeling this way about you, she shouldn't be hanging off very word that came from your lips nor should she be feeling at her happiest whenever you smiled at her and wrapped your arms around her in a hug. She most certainly should not be feeling as complete as a person could be after spending a passionate with you.
Looking at you in her bed, wrapped in her sheets with her marks all over your body...she should not have allowed it to get this far since she needed to use you for your next artwork, and yet she did.
Joohyun never anticipated that she would eventually fall in love with one of her marks and yet she did just that, with you of all people. She had previously thought she had kept you alive for so long simply because she wanted to revel in your soft skin before it would be peeled away with one of her blades, but eventually she realized it was simply because she wanted to revel in your presence a little bit longer.
Another hour, another day, another month. Time kept passing and eventually Joohyun realized that she simply could not do it. Staring at your sleeping face now, Joohyun can not bear the thought of slicing through your soft skin with her switchblade. She could do it now, she could strike you in a painless instant and be done with it. But she couldn’t. Not to you, not ever.
Joohyun continued to gaze at you for a long while before she suddenly hissed in pain and turned her head to look at her hand, blood immediately seeping out of the cut she had unintentionally given herself while playing with her switchblade. While her finger was stinging from the pain, Joohyun did nothing to stop the bleeding. She instead gazed at the red substance that was flushing out of her body, its red gaze staring at her before dribbling down her hand and dripping onto her bare thighs as she sat in her bed.
It is almost ironic that her memorization with the human body drew her to her knew object obsession, it being the sleeping form beside her, blissfully unaware of the dark, twisted artist who would never let them go. Since you could not become her next artwork, you were going to become her everything. Although then again, you were that already, only now your were more permanent to her life that you previously expected.
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Seulgi thought that she was being kind to you, involving you in her life despite knowing how it was going to end. You were a soft one, someone so tender that needed protection from all the horrible things in the world, and at the time when the two of you first met, Seulgi played with the idea of possibly playing house with someone before wiping them off from this horrible world.
Seulgi liked to consider herself a savior of some sorts. She always did love the charity cases simply because she felt so needed and powerful in the moment. To have someone so desperate for her, so yearning for her presence and protective embrace, Seulgi couldn’t help but get drunk off it. Perhaps she had some sort of addiction to the dynamics that developed between herself and somebody that yearned for her, or rather the supposed safety that she offered to others.
She had a power over them that others couldn’t have. She managed to twist them so much around her finger that eventually they were unable to go in any other direction except towards her. Seulgi enjoyed being the center of somebody’s world but eventually one gets tired of it. Or rather, Seulgi got tired of being the hero of somebody that was a lost cause with no hope of ever getting better.
That is what attracted her to you at first. You were completely and utterly hopeless. You had been living off the streets for months, having been kicked out from your previous shelter with nowhere to go, especially not to your parents since they were the reason you were forced to fend for yourself because they didn’t believe that you had any right to object to their desires for your life. You were strong-willed, she will admit that, but so incredibly naive about the real world.
She would have thought that you would have learned some skills already to care for yourself, but you had a slightly priveleged life before and so you became completely ruined when you were kicked out the house and disowned by your parents. You became miserable, helpless, and a downright lunatic because you came hooked on the substances that were provided on the street, that only racked up a massive debt that was impossible for you to pay.
You were lost, hopeless, and down for. Nobody would miss someone like you, hence why Seulgi became interested in you. She always went for people like you because your disappearance would not cause any raised eyebrows. You would be but another number that succumbed to substance abuse and homelessness. Nothing special and no one important. She was essentially killing two birds with one stone because she would be able to get her need for being needed satisfied, as well as have her usual cut-off enjoyment. It was perfect like usual.
But then she fell in love with you.
She didn’t even know when she had started falling for you. Perhaps it was when you had finally managed to find a stable enough job to bring some sort of income to the house. Maybe it was when you finally decided to start going to clean. Maybe it was when you had brought her a bracelet with your own money, having saved up to get it for her. Maybe it was when you had gotten a promotion and had brought home a bottle of champagne and your and her favorite takeaway dinner home to celebrate. Or maybe... it was when you started becoming her home.
The thoughts of ending you like she has done to all the others in the past was driving her mad, her entire mind and body telling her to do that, you hardly being much different from all her previous lovers and victims, but then again, to her you were different. You were nothing like the others before you.
You made her laugh more than she has ever laughed.You made her feel more cherished and adored than before. You weren’t like the others because instead of remaining the victim of the cruel game known as life, you have tried to work hard to become a contender to be dealt with. You didn’t want to be at Seulgi’s mercy. You didn’t want to kneel before her, you wanted to stand beside her, and oddly enough...that is where Seulgi wanted you to be.
The knife was under her pillow, she could do it so easily right now. You were snuggled up on her arms, back pressed against her front and sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of the war that was laying awake behind you. Seulgi could feel the handle of her knife, smooth and hard in her hands as she slipped her under its concealer, her eyes transfixed on the back of you head.
She could strike you like one would to a melon, just piece through your skull with the accuracy of a nail through a piece of wood. Or she could instead drag it along that beautiful neck of yours, make a gorgeous river of red along that smooth valley and simply watch you gasp for air as your blood drained out of your body. Seulgi has seen the sight before so many times so it would hardly be new, but the idea of your eyes bulging in shock and terror, the idea of you looking at her in absolute betrayal and heartbreak...she would never be able to handle it.
Instead of grabbing the knife, Seulgi instead wrapped both arms around your sleeping form, nuzzling her nose into your hair and inhaling your sweet scent, closing her eyes as she tried to fix the scent to her memory. Her body still ache pleasantly from the celebration the two of you had, your biting mark stilling slightly stinging on her neck but she could hardly care because her heart thundered at your close proximity.
Seulgi never anticipated falling in love with one of her marks and yet here she was cradling you as if she wanted to protect you from all the dangerous things in the world, including herself. And while leaving you would most likely be the wisest and safest choice because she didn’t want to develop the urge to kill you...she was simply too selfish to do that.
She can’t leave you and she doesn’t thing she could leave you. Her mind and heart were at war with one another and not even Seulgi herself knew which organ was going to win. But either way, it was in connection to you. You had managed to do the impossible and maker her fall in love and see herself more than a hero. She had instead become a victim in her own game. A victim of love who would only fall from grace due to her own pride and naivety.
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It would be so easy.
All she had to do was was wrap the rope around your beautiful neck and then tighten it. There would be no way that you would be able to defend yourself. Seungwan knew that she was stronger than you, proving it time and time again whenever the two of you wrestled on the bed or when the two of you roughhoused around the apartment. Seungwan has trained herself well into being physically prepared for anyone that she was attempting to add to her numbers and you would hardly be a challenge to her given you small stature and delicate features. You were about as fragile as a plastic Barbie Doll, one whose head could easily pop off.
Seungwan’s grip on the rope tightened as she stared at your back, your body crouched down as you hammered the tent peg into the ground, the tent making some sort of shape despite your multiple attempts of putting it up. Despite being so weak and fragile, you always tried to do things on your own, even when Seungwan was there to offer you the necessary assistance. Your pride was probably the largest thing about you, something which she has pointed out before but you always readily retorted back that she was just as prideful as you, if not more.
But Seungwan had a reason to be very prideful. After all, she has been living under the noses of the law enforcement for about five years now, and they still had no clue who was behind the ‘Phantom Murders’ that were terrorizing the entire city. While she did find the name cliche, especially with being dubbed as the ‘Phantom Killer”, she took pride in the fact that she has yet to have left an inkling to her connection to the murders. She has always been a very careful individual, her involvement in killing being no different, and it was not supposed to be any different when she came across you because you simply were another soon-to-be victim who would not be able to escape her grasp.
“Oh thanks Wannie, I needed more rope.” You said, turning around and flashing her a smile before holding out your hand to her.
...Although it seemed that you were unable to escape from her with different circumstances. Seungwan wordlessly handed you the rope, watching the potential weapon being handed off to the supposed victim as you turned around and began to unravel it, completely obvious to the swirling storm behind you.
“Did you even read the manual?” Seungwan suddenly asked, her eyes locked on the back of your head as she referenced to the mess of a tent that you were constructing. You turned around and flashed her a challenging glare.
“Instructions are for the stupid.”
“...So you think not following it will prove your intelligence in building the tent?”
“I don’t like your tone Shon Seungwan.” You said menacingly, raising a finger at her in warning. But instead of being intimidated, Seungwan just smirked. She then crouched down in front of you and glanced at your finger before looking back at your face.
“Oh? And what are you going to do about it?” She teased, flashing a predatory smile at you as you visibly became flushed by her smile.
Seungwan always seemed to always affect you in some kind of away, especially when she became particularly playful with you, just like she was being right now. So deciding to affect you even further, Seungwan leaned it to capture your finger in her mouth, sucking it gently for a few moments before it was suddenly ripped out of her mouth as you pulled it away in surprise.
You clearly were not expecting Seungwan to do such a thing, so you did not anticipate the force of your sudden retrieval of your finger to upset your balance in your sitting position. You had fallen backwards and Seungwan did not give you a chance to recover as she was suddenly following you. Seungwan had you pinned to the floor and on top of the misshapen body of the tent which was yet to be pitched up. Her hands were on your wrists and she was holding them above your head, literally pinning you underneath her body as she laid on top of you. Seungwan smiled wickedly as she leaned in to give your cheek a nip.
“What were you trying to say?”
“I...you are so unfair!”
“Oh baby...when am I ever fair?”
Seungwan did not waste a moment to smash her lips against your own, swallowing whatever protest you had with her mouth and tongue as she immediately set the pace with you, your body completely succumbing to her as you allowed her to do whatever she wanted to you. You willingly arched your body into Seungwan and didn’t even flinch when Seungwan took her previously owned rope and wrapped it around your wrists to make you entirely vulnerable to her touch, incompletely unaware of what she could do with it.
Such as ending your life for example.
It has crossed her mind many times but Seungwan knew that she couldn’t do it. While she could kill anybody in this world, you were the only one she could not lay a finger, knife, or electrical prong to. None of her killer toys could touch you. She would cut off her own hand than lay a hand on you.
You were hers. You were hers to cherish and love. You were hers not to kill. And she intended to never do that to you, no matter how much stronger the desire was becoming every day. She won’t give into it. That was a promise.
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Sooyoung panicked.
She never panicked.
But in that moment, that was the only thing she could do because you were never supposed to find out the truth about her. She was going to get rid of all of her mementos, she had promised herself that she was going to exterminate any evidence that she had that could possibly lead to you finding out the truth. Or for anyone to find out the truth. She couldn’t lose you over it. Out of everything that she owned, she could not lose you. Not when you had become the thing that she has grown to treasure the most.
But she couldn’t treasure you if she was in prison.
Sooyoung simply had lost her mind when she arrived home to find you staring into the box where she had kept her moments, all of them being a sweet memory to a wonderful night that she could fondly remember. All of them were stained with blood because Sooyoung wanted a more personal piece of her victim’s to their belongings aside from just the belonging itself, but now it seemed that the symbolism that she had for herself came to stab her in the back in the form of her love turning around to stare at her with horrified eyes.
“Sooyoung...what is this?”
Sooyoung couldn’t even remember the words she had spoken to you. She could not remember what she uttered to you to try explain herself, to try calm you down and assure you that you were not in any danger with her. She couldn’t even remember when you had started running or when she had grabbed the vase that the two of you had bought together and chased after you. She could only faintly recall running into the bedroom and then throwing the vase, your head being the unfortunate recipient of the thrown object.
Seeing you fall to the floor in a slump, a pained cry leaving your lips before silence followed, it had made Sooyoung’s soul evaporate from her body. A cold sense of dread washed over her as she stared at your fallen body, a trail of blood slowly beginning to form a pool near your head as it leaked away from your body as you remained unmoving from the floor. Your name tasted like ash as she called it, her hands trembling as she slowly walked over to you and fell to her knees.
You didn’t flinch as she cradled you into her arms, falling back on the floor so that she could support your dead weight as you head slumped backwards as she pulled you into an embrace. Terror had started to claw itself into her chest as she slowly moved her hand to your neck to check for your pulse, fearing the worse, but then it eased way when she felt your steady heartbeat against her fingers. But then she felt your blood spread itself onto her hand that was supporting your head, and then realized that she was in fact stuck in a lose-lose situation.
You had found out her deepest secret, one that she never intended for anyone to find out because that would mean that she would have to face the law for everything that she had done with her playthings in the past. While Sooyoung had always made sure that no one would ever find out about her macabre hobby, she was always prepared to end the life of the possible unlucky victim who would stumble upon the truth about Sooyoung.
However...she never anticipated that she would ever fall for one of her victims, much less it being you.
Sooyoung was somebody who enjoyed loving someone else and being loved in return, but she was someone who got bored easily and she could never allow an ex to walk away with a beating heart because Sooyoung was someone who valuable her reputation and her secrets. She enjoyed her privacy and she knew that her playthings would eventually blab about either her lifestyle, past times, or inner secrets she was willing to inform them. She simply was looking out for herself and viewed her ‘hobby’ as an insurance to her own freedom.
Originally you were supposed to just be another lover to entertain her for a small while before she got bored again...only she never did.
You affected Sooyoung in a way nobody has ever affected her before. You left a mark on Sooyoung that would never be erased no matter how hard she tried. While Sooyoung has loved before, she has never fully experienced everything that came with being in love with someone. And you were her first. And most definitely her last.
Sooyoung never planned to stray away from you. You were it forever and she was not going to lose you...not even something like this can stop her from loving you. In fact...perhaps it made her love you more. You now knew everything about her, the worst part of her that nobody literally lived to know. That meant that you were special and meant to stay with her. She will love you for the rest of her life. The two of you can be happy and safe with one another. Sooyoung will never have to worry about you finding out...you knew everything now.
Terror and hope twirled themselves around one another as Sooyoung pressed her trembling lips to your forehead, her hand cupping the cut at the back of your head to apply pressure to restrict its bleeding. There was going to be a lot for the two of you to talk about once you woke up, and Sooyoung had a lot of explaining to do, and a lot of pleading, but Sooyoung can prepare herself for it. And you. She can prepare you for it as well.
She can’t risk the chance that you might call the police or run away from her again, so she needs to act quickly before you came back to the world of the living. But it will be okay. Sooyoung has gotten herself involved in messy situations before and this should not be much different. She just needs to tend to your wound and make you more...comfortable before you woke up again.
But everything will be fine. The two of you love each other. That should be enough for the two of you to get through this together.
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Yerim didn’t her eyes off you as you fiddled with the packaging of the small gift that she handed to you, her arms wrapped loosely around your waist while you sat between her legs while the fireplace in front of you blazed warmly, filling the entire room in wonderful heat during the snowy evening the two of you were trapped in. Your lithe fingers careful unpicked the transparent tape and pulled apart the wrapped to reveal a dark velvet box. She felt you freeze in her arms, prompting her to lean in to press a soft kiss to your jaw.
“Open it.”
You have always been good at taking orders and now was hardly even different as you slowly lifted the lid of the velvet box to reveal a red diamond ring, its shimmring rock gazing at you lovingly, similar to Yerim as she pressed another kiss to your jaw before whispering the question which has been swirling through her mind for the past few months.
“Marry me?”
Yerim didn’t flinch when you turned around to face her, your eyes still wide from shock and surprise with your mouth agape, but the crawling glee slowly appearing in her eyes was enough to not make Yerim panic and believe she was making the biggest mistake in her life. She knew that she wasn’t. You were the one thing she could never make a crawling from and from how in awe you were starting to become with her, Yerim immediately knew that she was right all along. She could only lean into your palm as you raised you hand and cupped her cheek, tenderly stroking her cheekbone.
“Are you serious?”
Yerim would think that giving you a diamond ring with its following question would be proof enough that she was certain about your and her future together, but she understood why you would ask such a stupid question. Neither of you have really discussed marriage, since Yerim always tended to avoid the subject as much as she could simply because se had things to clear up before she could fully commit herself to you. She never did inform you what exactly she was trying to clear up before she would discuss her future with you, and she intended for it to remain that way because it was a part of her life that she was willing to give up forever in order to be with you.
The past Yerim would slit her own throat before admitting that she was in love. She didn’t do love, especially since she learnt that it does not long, courtesy of her role model parents who made it their convince mission to convince Yerim that love was all but a chemical reaction that was forced to form between people. They were in an arranged marriage; therefore any love of forming between them was false and never to happen. They had enforced their beliefs into Yerim that love did not exist, and she did believe them for a while until everything had changed when she first met you.
Somehow for some reason, you made her become almost more human. Before she met you, she was not capable of feeling any guilt. Since her parents were cold and unlovable beings, Yerim perceived herself being the same as them, so she did not feel anything else except distant, minimal availability to the world. But upon meeting you, her Pandora box opened up and suddenly she was exposed to much all at the same time.
You taught her how to love. Even though she hardly made it easy for you, she became someone that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and even though she never believed that she would find someone who would make her want to change...she was willing to do it because you were worth it.
You were someone who made her to become more that what she was. An heiress who literally got away with murder.
One good thing that her parents left for her was their incredibly wealth and endless amount of resources which can make things disappear. Yerim has exterminated every single link there was to her and all the crimes she has committed. Although she wouldn’t precisely call them crimes, more like her passing times, but now she was determined to find more hobbies, some which could hopefully be shared with you.
“Of course I’m serious. I love you.” Yerim said, staring at you with blazing love. You flushed at her easy confession, a smile crawling along your face.
“But you never said-”
“I have been thinking about it. A lot. And I have realized there is nothing else I want more in this world than you and my last name following your first.” Your laugh immediately made butterflies flutter in Yerim chest, prompting her to raise both her hands to cup your cheeks, leaning in to press her forehead against your own, forcing to feel her breath tickle your lips as she spoke, her eyes locked with yours the entire time. “So say yes already. Marry me.”
“You are so demanding.” You giggled, but you moved your hand from her cheek to grasp the back of her neck before nodding, love shining through your eyes as you gazed at her. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”
You nodded.
And then Yerim kissed you.
Happiness was an emotion that she had learned to experience when she had made her first kill and got away with it. It was probably the reason she did it through all her teenage years and young adulthood because it was something she could do to make her feel accomplished and appreciated. All of her crimes have gone cold and with the efforts she had conducted now...they were to remain that way.
She could not have you find out the truth of her ugly past. To you, she was the emotionally troubled woman with terrible parents who was brought out of her shell because of you. She will keep that facade in order to stay in your life. The two of you were going to be bonded together in everyday possible, it was only right she cleared away the dirt mountain before she laid the foundation of her new life with you.
It was her job to take care of you from now onwards. She was not going to mess up like her parents did. She was going to do everything right with you by her side. That was a promise she was making to herself and to you right now.
Nothing was ever going to stand between the two of you. Nothing.
183 notes · View notes
magnumopusfiant · 1 year
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Irene Becker - Fiant
ENG: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irene_Becker
GER: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irene_Becker_(Serienm%C3%B6rderin)
Magnum Opus - Fiant:
0 notes
revehae · 3 months
kang seulgi
seulgi ↠ like oxygen
smut, noncon, pussy slapping, kidnapping, choking, drugging, pretty vague mention of stalking
abductor!seulgi x fem reader
seulgi ↠ slut cafe
smut, consent is dubious, g!p!reader, yandere themes, possessive!reader, unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of using a knife, sub!idol
waitress!seulgi x (f) reader
seulgi ↠ fixative
smut, noncon to dubcon pipeline, implied!stalker au, breaking and entering
ex!seulgi x (f) reader
bae irene
irene ↠ stress toy
smut, dubcon, g!p!reader, sub!irene x dom!reader, power imbalance, unprotected sex
maid!irene x (f) reader
park joy
joy ↠ replay
smut, stepcest, degradation, camgirling, dom!joy, recording the act, oral/face riding
dom!joy x (f) reader
kim yeri
yeri ↠ enchant me
smut, noncon touching, oral, lowkey morally ambiguous, fairy yeri × human reader
fairy!yeri x (f) reader
johnny suh
johnny ↠ monster (ft. yuta)
smut, noncon, choking, use of a gun
johnny x you
johnny ↠ sexcapade
smut, professor!johnny x professor!reader, infidelity, unprotected sex, sensory deprivation, overstimulation, almost getting caught
co-worker!johnny x (f) reader
johnny ↠ indulgence
smut, graphic descriptions of murder, of violence, noncon, mentions of pregnancy, abduction, strangling, descriptions of blood
serial!killer x (f) reader
lee haechan
haechan ↠ day and night (ft. jeno)
smut, noncon, unprotected sex, forced breeding, mean!dom!jeno, implied sub!haechan, knife play, gun play, degradation, bondage, slapping, kidnapping, sadism
haechan x fem reader x jeno
haechan ↠ day and night 2 (ft.jeno)
smut, noncon, mean!dom!jeno, implied sub!haechan, gun play, degradation, slapping, kidnapping, oral (m receiving), sadist!jeno, implied dacryphilia
haechan x fem reader x jeno
haechan ↠ behind closed doors (ft. jeno)
smut, stepcest, slight noncon, (uncreative) degradation, unprotected sex (i literally forgot about the existence of condoms, oopsies), brief choking, slapping, posessive!jeno
haechan x fem reader x jeno
haechan ↠ the perfect victim
smut, noncon, unprotected sex, forced breeding, alcohol consumption, choking, impact play, degradation
haechan x you
haechan ↠ brother’s best friend!haechan drabble
blackmail/coercion, dubcon, degradation, no praise in sight, pussy slapping, thigh slapping, (hard)dom!haechan, dumbification, edging, objectification, hyuck being all around terrible
haechan x you
haechan ↠ crush!haechan drabble (ft. mark)
degradation, can be read as non-con but reader wants it, moderate knife play, 2 instances of mark saying “good girl”
haechan x you x mark
haechan ↠ do you like it, dr. lee? (ft. jm, jn)
smut, noncon, gangbanging, student x professor, reader is early 30s, mentions of infidelity, forced oral, forced anal, age gap (18+)
haechan, jaemin, jeno × (f) reader
haechan ↠ dear hyuckie
smut, noncon, mc is a terrible person, stalking, unprotected sex, baby trapping
athlete!haechan x (f) reader
lee jeno
jeno ↠ behind closed doors (ft. haechan)
smut, stepcest, slight noncon, (uncreative) degradation, unprotected sex (i literally forgot about the existence of condoms, oopsies), brief choking, slapping, posessive!jeno
jeno x fem reader x haechan
jeno ↠ day and night (ft. haechan)
smut, noncon, unprotected sex, forced breeding, mean!dom!jeno, implied sub!haechan, knife play, gun play, degradation, bondage, slapping, kidnapping, sadism
jeno x fem reader x haechan
jeno ↠ day and night 2 (ft. haechan)
smut, noncon, mean!dom!jeno, implied sub!haechan, gun play, degradation, slapping, kidnapping, oral (m receiving), sadist!jeno, implied dacryphilia
jeno x fem reader x haechan
jeno ↠ hurts so good (ft. mark)
smut, unprotected sex, degradation, slapping, impact play, cheating
jeno x you x mark
jeno ↠ hurts so good 2 (ft. mark)
unprotected sex, degradation, slapping, impact play, cheating, cuckolding without the marriage, brief mention of nonconsented recording
jeno x you x mark
jeno ↠ do you like it, dr. lee? (ft hc, jm)
smut, noncon, gangbanging, student x professor, reader is early 30s, mentions of infidelity, forced oral, forced anal, age gap (18+)
haechan, jaemin, jeno × (f) reader
jeno ↠ undone
smut, noncon, enemies au, unprotected sex, choking, smacking, degradation
enemy!jeno x (f) reader
na jaemin
jaemin ↠ secret stalker
smut, noncon, stalking
bff!stalker!jaemin x you
jaemin ↠ do you like it, dr. lee? (ft hc, jn)
smut, noncon, gangbanging, student x professor, reader is early 30s, mentions of infidelity, forced oral, forced anal, age gap (18+)
haechan, jaemin, jeno × (f) reader
mark lee
mark ↠ bff!mark drabble (ft. haechan)
degradation, can be read as non-con but reader wants it, moderate knife play, 2 instances of mark saying “good girl”
mark x you x haechan
mark ↠ hurts so good (ft. jeno)
smut, unprotected sex, degradation, slapping, impact play, cheating
mark x you x jeno
mark ↠ hurts so good 2 (ft. jeno)
unprotected sex, degradation, slapping, impact play, cheating, cuckolding without the marriage, brief mention of nonconsented recording
mark x you x jeno
mark ↠ all the rage
smut, dubcon, nerd!mark, virgin!mark, coercion/blackmail, unprotected sex, nonconsented recording, oral, implied bimbo!reader
nerd!mark × (f) reader
jaehyun ↠ rose creek motel
smut, age gap (18+), drowning, noncon, baby trapping, unprotected sex, oral, angst
serial killer!jaehyun x (f) reader
ning yi zhuo
ningning ↠ our little secret
smut, stepcest, manipulation, noncon to initiate, corruption
baby step-sister!ningning x (f) reader
ningning ↠ mirage
smut, noncon, scientist! reader, siren!ningning, fucking machine, kidnapping
siren!ningning × (f) reader
lisa manoban
lisa ↠ lust and war (ft. jennie)
smut, light dubcon, mentions of blood, biting, vampire!lisa, g!p jennie, werewolf!jennie
werewolf!jennie x (f) reader x vampire!lisa
kim jennie
jennie ↠ lust and war (ft. lisa)
smut, light dubcon, mentions of blood, biting, vampire!lisa, g!p jennie, werewolf!jennie
werewolf!jennie x (f) reader x vampire!lisa
jennie ↠ party monster
smut, thoughts of noncon, sub!jennie, oral, noncon recording, monsterfucking
bff!jennie x (f) reader
shin ryujin
ryujin ↠ soul snatcher
smut, dubcon, wall sex, monsterfucking, g!p, demon!ryujin, dom!ryujin, sub!reader, oral
demon!ryujin × (f) reader
kim chaewon
chaewon ↠ naïveté
dubcon, mermaid!chaewon x human!reader, oral, posessivelreader, dom!reader, sub!chaewon, yandere themes
mermaid!chaewon × (f) reader
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k-marzolf · 21 days
I’m gonna live forever;
title inspired by Irene Cara’s song Fame.
cw; hit man!Billy Russo, ADHD coded reader, kissing, a hint at Billy’s darker side, fem!reader.
summary; Billy is your neighbor that you’re enamored with, but what secrets is he hiding?
tagging; @terry2227 @kayhi808 @e-dubbc11 @bookloverfilmoholic @aoi-targaryen @firequeensposts @oops89 @thejanecampaign @littleblackcatinwonderland @zz-kennedy @fictional-hooman @cant-help-simping @tortilla-chips-and-allioli @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @danzer8705 @firexfate @rosaleenablack @idaofinfinity @russosafehaven @vaguekayla
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You see him with her in the drink aisle; she’s flirting as he grabs your favorite wine, and puts it in the cart. You feel the sting of jealousy; she’s beautiful.
She was like Snow White, or maybe some Twilight vampire, minus the sparkling. A Volturi member, ready to kill you for your blood. Or maybe—a fairy but ones with claws, and fangs. A human—you stop yourself as you go on yet another tangent.
You look down at yourself in your sweatpants and one of his PT shirts you’d swiped. You made a habit of stealing his clothes like a little gnome, they were comfortable. And they smelled like him. You casually make your way over, missing the way his eyes light up when he sees you.
You know your neighbor isn’t yours, but god you want him to be. Karen had seen him twirling you around in the hallway, with a glass of wine in your hands, somehow not spilling.
“I got the better wine.” He had husked in your ear, opening his apartment door.
“Are you sayin’ I have cheap wine, sir?” You had huffed.
He hummed, “‘I’m trying to catch a fairy.” He said, breath tickling your ear.
You had stumbled forward, nearly spilling the wine.
He laughed, “First day on your new legs, Ariel?” He said, helping you into the apartment.
“He’s an asshole, but a beautiful one, isn’t he?”
When you approach, the woman looks at you with disdain. But Billy wraps his arm around you, kissing your mouth, making your cheeks blaze, and eyebrows raise in surprise. “Hey, fairy.” He says, smiling at your wide eyed expression.
The woman curls her lip glaring at you, before she leaves the two of you. Not a vampire, then. He sighs once she’s gone. “What a pain in the ass. They only ever want my beauty. I’m a goddamn prize to them.” He admits in irritation.
“You could walk around with a bag over your head. Like Scarecrow. I’d dress up like Batman, too. You know, so you won’t be alone. Or a pumpkin like the headless horseman. We could put LED lights inside to give it the murder kitten vibe, and I could be Ichabod Crane, or—” You ramble, the train wreck gaining speed.
He cuts you off, kissing you mouth, tasting your iced coffee, and you make a surprised noise in the back of your throat.
He looks at you as he pulls back, and gives you a boyish grin, making butterflies erupt in your belly. “Wanna get some wine and snacks?” He asks you, pointing to the wine in the cart, enjoying your sweet smile.
“We could have a movie night, we could watch the Terminator, or Alien. Bloodthirsty aliens against a woman and her cat, I’m also not opposed to homicidal dinosaurs, or The Mummy, gets the ancient Egypt nerd in me happy—” You ramble.
Billy grins, cheeks dimpling. “Sounds good, fairy.”
You both agree no to rom-coms (you loathe those, something Karen never understood, “Romance and comedy, what could be better?” She asked you one time. “Criminal Minds. Serial killers and Spencer Reid,” you had deadpanned. Karen had blanched), so you and Billy decided to throw some movies in a bowl, and select one.
Forging relationships has always been difficult, due to you being so ditsy and a chatterbox.
Maybe with Billy, it doesn’t have to be.
“Young man?” An older lady stops Billy in his tracks as he moves to climb the stairs. Her hair is graying, and pulled up in a tight bun; she has laugh lines, and her eyes are warm.
“Yeah?” Billy asks, one foot on the step in front of him, body turned.
“Thank you for befriending her. I’ve always worried about how isolated she is. But she seems at ease with you. No one should be alone all the time.” She says, and Billy’s heart aches at the image of you alone with no one.
You peek from the top of the stairs, “Bill?” You say impatiently, giving him golden retriever energy.
“Comin’,” he says, turning back to the lady who shoos him up the stairs.
“What’d she want?” You ask, bouncing on the balls of your feet, noticing an outline of a knife in his combat boot.
Billy ruffles your hair distracting you, “Just worried about you.” He hums, kissing your cheek. “How about that movie night?”
You give him a sweet smile, giggling as he raced you down to the end of the hall where your shared apartment was, carrying chips and salsa.
He was going to steal your heart, you were sure of it.
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thecasualbookreviewer · 3 months
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An elderly lady is up to no good, Helene Tursten
Maud is an irascible eighty-eight-year-old Swedish woman with no family, no friends, and . . . no qualms about a little murder. This funny, irreverent story collection by Helene Tursten, author of the Irene Huss Investigation series, features two-never-before translated stories that will keep you laughing all the way to the retirement home.
Ever since her darling father's untimely death when she was only eighteen, Maud has lived in the family's spacious apartment in downtown Gothenburg rent-free, thanks to a minor clause in a hastily negotiated contract. That was how Maud learned that good things can come from tragedy. Now in her late eighties, Maud contents herself with traveling the world and surfing the net from the comfort of her father's ancient armchair. It's a solitary existence, and she likes it that way.
Over the course of her adventures—or misadventures—this little bold lady will handle a crisis with a local celebrity who has her eyes on Maud's apartment, foil the engagement of her long-ago lover, and dispose of some pesky neighbors. But when the local authorities are called to investigate a dead body found in Maud's apartment, will Maud finally become a suspect?
This book is a small collection of 5 short stories in which Maud, the main character commits 4 murders, there is of course graphic descriptions of violence and Mauds thought process through his murders but nothing too gory or gritty.
I have been on a bit of a reading slump over the last two months, and I keep picking up books and not finishing them - though i still intent to do so - so I decided to read this short stories collection cause I thought it would be easier than to finish a novel, and I was right!
Each story is fun and easy to get through, I honestly had a great time reading this short book - i think it's around 170 pages? I think i finished it in around 3 days, and i found it to be easy and very interesting to see the inner thoughts of an 80 year old serial killer!
There is a sequel that I plan on getting my hands on as soon as I have funds!
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sakuplumeria · 5 months
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Moriarty the Patriot / Yuukoku no Moriarty Ask Game - Alternate Universe Edition
Choose a number for a character and an alphabet for a scenario, and put it in my ask box! I’ll answer the question. Feel free to reblog if you want to answer questions too :)
Pick a character:
1) William James Moriarty
2) Albert James Moriarty
3) Louis James Moriarty
4) Sebastian Moran
5) Fred Porlock
6) Zach Patterson
7) James Bonde
8) Jack Renfield
9) Von Herder
10) Moneypenny
11) Sherlock Holmes
12) John H. Watson
13) Miss Hudson
14) George Lestrade
15) Mycroft Holmes
16) Irene Adler
17) Henry Antrim (Billy the Kid)
18) Mary Watson
19) Wiggins
20) Adam Whiteley
21) Charles Augutus Milverton
22) Favorite character
23) Other character (mention in the ask)
Choose a scenario:
A) Lives in modern times. What kind of vehicles does the character ride?
B) Goes out to space. What does the character miss the most from earth?
C) Turns into an animal. What animal does the character turn into?
D) Has magical powers! What powers does the character have?
E) Creates a Tumblr account. What does the character like to post?
F) Is in the orchestra! What instruments does the character play?
G) Spends time in the theme park! What attractions does the character play?
H) Lives somewhere outside the UK. Which country/city/place does the character live in?
I) Bodyswaps with another character. With whom does the character swap with?
J) Signs up for an RPG. What is the character’s username?
K) Signs up for an RPG. The character can be a rogue, a warrior, a mage, a trickster, an archer, and a priest/healer. What class does the character choose?
L) Lives in modern times. What phone does the character use?
M) Has elemental powers (for example fire and water), Which element does the character control?
N) Is in a restaurant/bakery/coffee shop AU. What does the character do?
O) Is in a hospital/medical AU. What does the character do?
P) Goes to Hogwarts and is currently wearing the Sorting Hat! Which house does the character get?
Q) Is a serial killer in the modern world. What weapon does the character use?
R) Is suddenly the most famous person in the world. What is the character famous for?
S) Is forced to have a date for a prom. Who will the character ask to fake date?
T) Is in the Olympics sports AU. What sports does the character play?
U) Is a solo traveler. What things does the character always bring with him/her?
V) Lives in a parallel universe where London is peaceful and doesn't have social gaps. What does the character do in such a peaceful world?
W) Is born from a Greek god/goddess. Who are the character’s parents and does the character have any powers?
X) Is a mythological creature. What creature does the character live as?
Y) Is created as a droid. What does the character programmed to do?
Z) Is a YouTuber. What kind of videos does the character upload?
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
Five Fics Friday: Oct. 27/23 (Spoopy Edition)
Happy Friday everyone!! It's almost Spoopy Day, so I've gone through my MFL offline list, picked four random fics that came up in my "Halloween" term search, and I'm promoting them here for you today!
AND the boosted fic this week is a mystery, so it works!!
Happy Haunting!!
Reichenbach Falls by VeeTheRee (M, 551,435+ w., 105/303 Ch. || WiP || Gravity Falls /  Multifandom AU || Alternate First Meeting, Gay Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Unilock, Summer Romance/Love, Fluff, Insecure Sherlock, Villain Mary, First Kiss, Slow Burn, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Canadian John, French Canadian Lestrade, Insecure Sherlock, Mystery, Domestic Fluff, Developing Relationship Summer Love, Light Angst, BAMF! John, Case Fic) – Two Canadians, two Brits studying in Canada, and an upkeeper walk into a Mystery Shack…. and live there. Summer holidays are here, and the step-siblings, Irene Adler and Sherlock Holmes, find themselves in a boring town called Reichenbach Falls, Oregon, USA. It isn’t as boring as it seems, however, once Sherlock stumbles upon a mystery journal, and the author is unknown. The journal contains ciphers, a strange colour wheel, and information about magical creatures that are said to be looming in the Northwestern forests. With mysteries to solve in hand, he and Irene set out to get to the roots of the town, and the abrupt disappearance of the author of the journal. But they’re not alone - John Watson, quite the handsome nephew of the Mystery Shack owner Greg Lestrade, is on their side to help out, plus mess with Sherlock’s feelings, in a good way. Shenanigans, romance, fun, danger, and deductions ensue. Oh, and there’s also occasional SuperWhoLock and two dorky Winchester brothers to spark up the action later on. Part 1 of the Reichenbach Falls series
One Good Scare by blueink3 (M, 17,386 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Holmes Family, Parentlock, Misunderstandings, Family, Fluff and Angst, Jealousy, Halloween, Happy Ending) – Mummy invites Sherlock, John, and Rosie to the country for her birthday, which just so happens to coincide with the annual Harvest Festival, an event Sherlock loathes. With John seemingly making the wrong move at every turn and with ghosts hiding in each of their closets, what will it take for their (Halloween) masks to finally come off?
the napoleon by darcylindbergh (E, 24,823 w., 4 Ch. || 1980′s AU || Halloween, Action & Romance, Costumes, Costume Parties/Masquerades, Mutual Pining, First Kiss / Time) – Halloween, 1989: John and Sherlock both have big plans for the night, but serial killers have the worst possible timing.
From a Well, Dark and Deep by Vulpesmellifera (M, 32,691 w., 18 Ch. || Post S4, Supernatural Elements, Horror / Milld Body Horror, Bed Sharing, Possession, Hand Holding, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Coming Out, Alternating POV, Nightmares, Caring John, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is desperately trying to reconcile his newfound memories and feelings within his transport—a transport that won’t quit with the nightmares and the strange, fiddly anxieties that crop up at the most inopportune moments. On the advice of his psychiatrist—not that he’s thrilled to be taking the man’s advice, but needs must—he's going to mark the anniversary of Eurus’ torments. That explains why he visits the well. What he finds at the well, though, is entirely unexpected. Meanwhile, John Watson has finally come to terms with something he’s ignored his entire life. He’s ready to share that something with Sherlock, except Sherlock isn’t acting himself. It's not the time for confessions, and John determines he must get to the bottom of his best friend's affliction before he can reveal anything. Part 3 of Vulpes' Halloween Johnlock
This Is Family by SaraStarchild (T, 39,840 w., 16 Ch. || Hereditary AU || Psychological Horror, Body Horror, Demonic Possession, POV Third Person Limited, Protective Mycroft, Cults, Mycroft Whump, Sherlock Whump, Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Retelling) – When the Holmes family's secretive mother and matriarch, Ellen Holmes, passes away, the family she leaves behind – father Martin, sons Mycroft and Sherlock, and daughter Eurus – begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. The more they discover, the more they find themselves trying to outrun the sinister fate they seem to have inherited. This is, pretty much, a word-for-word retelling of the 2018 Ari Aster film, Hereditary. Part 1 of Sherlock Halloween Stories
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simplegenius042 · 9 months
Music Monday
The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, and Life, Despair & Monsters.
Tagged by @cassietrn and @josephseedismyfather thank you very much.
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @direwombat @jillvalentinesday @chazz-anova @inafieldofdaisies @wrathfulrook @voidika @poisonedtruth @josephslittledeputy and @g0dspeeed + anyone else who wishes to join.
Trigger warning: Allusions to executions in the second song. Also there's swearing in the last song if that's of any concern.
For The UnTitledverse, I've got a good little song for the Twins of Terror themselves, Malcolm and Maddison Darling. One (Malcolm) became a human-cordycep hybrid with mechanical prosthetics for his lower half with a taste of lethal revenge (and projection of an unhealthy sibling-substitute fixation?) against Ellie Williams from The Last Of Us, while the other (Maddison) became a multiversal assassin who failed miserably at her job so ditched her employers and succeeded in becoming a serial killer instead... all the while searching to reunite with her twin brother. Song below:
"Insane, inside, the danger gets me high Can't help myself, got secrets I can't tell
I love the smell of gasoline I light the match to taste the heat
I've always liked to play with fire Play with fire Play with fire (Fire, fire) I've always liked to play with fire
I ride (I ride) the edge (the edge), my speed goes in the red Hot blood (hot blood), these veins (these veins), my pleasure is their pain
I love to watch the castes burns These golden ashes turn to dirt (hmm, hmm)
I've always liked to play with fire Play with fire Play with fire (Fire, fire) I've always liked to play with fire
Oh, watching as the flames get higher Oh, I've always liked to play with (Mmm)
Right of passage, classic havoc Match in the gas tank, ooh, that's wretched Unstoppable, legendary animal (mmm) Digital justice, now you're gonna know us Hail to the king and queen of the ruckus Yacht Money wired, no denying I've always liked to play with fire."
For Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, I have Father Adam Omar and Oscar Lapis, the former the prophet of the Congregation of Adam's Guard, one of the main antagonists of Silva's Hope (the other being Joseph Seed) and a character I intentionally wrote to be despicable, and the latter the captain of Adam's Enforcers, the right-hand man of Adam and also quite despicable as well. Adam is also Silva and Elsa's biological father, and the reason why they have so many issues, and has also affected Paul and Kamski, while Oscar was an instrument of torment used by Adam against the other characters, plus Oscar also murdered Irene Neon, who was Silva's first love, Kamski's daughter and Persephone's mother. Both were involved in the generational enslavement, oppression and eventual massacre of the Tumultite community. Song below:
[Note the lyrics that have been cherry-picked out are only because I feel they mostly fit the characters of Adam and Oscar, and there is much more in the song but has been removed down below]
"The temperature's low, but our purpose is much higher What's behind us mustn't blind us to divineness that transpires
And by grace we have been with that most elegant of truth You stand here, not abandoned, but as testament and proof
For a city is its people and its people are its heart Stood together 'gainst the weather, 'gainst the coming of the dark Ne'er a lantern has been build with oh-so righteous a spark When providence claims continents, but provided us an ark."
"Brute force and discipline ensures all the citizens Are chipping in sufficiently, under threat of imprisonment Liberty's prohibited, retired, it's mandatory compliance now To keep the fire alight, we need to stamp any defiance out
We can ill afford the price of human rights nor pay the cost of anger So we stifle scrutinising eyes astray with propaganda The only way that we can pull through is under cruel rule If a single person falls out of line, we all do."
"I have heard there are those who would defy us Dissidents without repent are bent on questioning the dias Twisted iron fist pariahs and their heretic messiah
Hand in and skin the sinners if you wish to skim divinity Each shiver will deliver us in deliverance in time Burn the innocents for penitence if we preempt the crime
I'm protector of the truth, great erector of the New Faith Defectors and objectors can expect a second doomsday Unquestioning our destiny, relentless we pursue fate Alone I have been chosen to be spoken through by true grace Frozen Omens say we should evoke another crusade"
"Infecting desperate residents with false hope Now they've sworn oaths and pledged commitment to a cult No mercy will be shown or quarter given, fetch the coiled rope
And hang them by the necks until it's taut, the lesson learned is certain No measure of faith will keep you warm or sate your appetite So pray, heed the warning, or we may just have to tax your life."
"Now the book of laws is closed and its pages shine a light As the people fill the shrines in line with my divine right This battlement of sacraments, as chattel to our rite The sacrilegious and recalcitrant shall vow or face the smite
Nonbelievers shan't deceive us, we shall greet their cheek with grievance In this ceaseless season, we redeem the meek with bleak obedience Seeking each unheeding heathen, see them bleed or plead allegiance Blessed be relief from freedom; lest ye feel the need for treason
Since the precept was decreed, its certainty was predetermined Mere herds of sheep are people, thus, they need to be subservient 'Neath so turbulent a firmament, the worst of men survive Pray their mercy may preserve us once we touch the other side."
"Now the book of laws is closed, you've no hope to try and fight As the people fall in line and march in time with iron might Nonbelievers shan't deceive us, we shall greet their cheek with grievance In this ceaseless season, we redeem the meek with bleak obedience
Seeking each unheeding heathen, see them bleed or plead allegiance Blessed be relief from freedom; lest ye feel the need for treason Since the precept was decreed, its certainty was predetermined Mere vermin are the people, thus, they need to be subservient
Turn a leaf in the journal, weep as you read the scriptures The book of laws is closed, it's frozen shut couldn't thaw But should the storms subside it might be time to write a couple more."
For Life, Despair & Monsters, I got a song for Miraculous Miracles. This is for the part of the fic where it goes from "crime-fighting comedic trio consisting of a bi-disaster super-heroine who's got talent, her pun-loving laid back cat hero with abandonment issues and a teleporting inter-dimensional humanoid plant-fungus mentor with magic cards who has to be convinced not to eat anyone" to "Everyone is healing from what Sir Enigma Malvolio did, especially Marinette." Song below:
"I got my driver's license last week Just like we always talked about 'Cause you were so excited for me To finally drive up to your house But today I drove through the suburbs Crying 'cause you weren't around
Oh, and I can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Red lights, stop signs I still see your face in the white cares, front yards Can't drive past the places we used to go to 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe (Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh) Sidewalks we crossed I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing Over all the noise God, I'm so blue, know we're through But I still fuckin' love you, babe. (Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh)"
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Copper Beeches pt 3
I hope you are anxious to hear the conclusion of the case of ‘The Copper Beeches’.
Yes. Yes I am. Because while it's now pretty certain that the Rucastles are not part of a sex-trafficking ring, they're still really fucking creepy and now I also have to worry about the poor dog who is also being abused.
Family of serial killers, I swear.
"Is there a cellar with a good strong lock?" "Yes, the wine-cellar."
"You seem to me to have acted all through this matter like a very brave and sensible girl, Miss Hunter. Do you think that you could perform one more feat? I should not ask it of you if I did not think you a quite exceptional woman."
Leeeeeeettle bit condescending there, Holmes. Although I feel like I am just more sensitive to that because modern perspective and experience. However, I do think think this section needs noting, if only because of all the people who are determined that Irene Adler is the only woman Holmes ever saw worthy of a compliment. Nothing against Irene, she's great, but Violet Hunter deserves better. She's been doing all the legwork herself this case, and she's made a pretty decent detective.
"If you could send her into the cellar on some errand, and then turn the key upon her, you would facilitate matters immensely."
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"Of course there is only one feasible explanation."
I still want to know what the other six possibilities were, Holmes. I want to know.
"Miss Alice Rucastle, if I remember right, who was said to have gone to America. You were chosen, doubtless, as resembling her in height, figure, and the colour of your hair. Hers had been cut off, very possibly in some illness through which she has passed, and so, of course, yours had to be sacrificed also."
Miss Alice Rucastle is having the worst year. First she's sick so badly she has to cut her hair off. Then her father imprisons her in her own home. And on top of all of that her stepbrother is a serial killer in training. Worst. Year. Ever.
"The most serious point in the case is the disposition of the child."
Really? That's the most serious point? Like, I agree it's not good. He's clearly showing signs of anti-social behaviour, aggression, and a worrying taste of having the power of life and death over other living beings, but I'm not sure I'd say that was the most urgent thing right now. I think getting Alice out is the most important thing. You can get him some serious therapy later.
"This child's disposition is abnormally cruel, merely for cruelty's sake, and whether he derives this from his smiling father, as I should suspect, or from his mother, it bodes evil for the poor girl who is in their power."
Ah, okay, you're saying that it's serious because it indicates the level of danger involved. Sure, yeah, okay.
Can't disagree on this point. It's certainly not a good sign.
ALSO, one other thing that has been bugging me since part 2. Does the kid know where his half-sister is? Is he aware she's locked up? He can't be, right? Because there's no way he wouldn't have let something slip. But at the same time, he's just unaware of a whole ass person being imprisoned in his home? It's weird. He's weird.
Dear Little Edward the murderer in training is either oblivious or very good at keeping creepy secrets.
I'm not sure about the stepmother. On the one hand, the crying and the quiet indicate that she's also being abused. But on the other hand she was the one to catch Violet with the mirror and then use it to further the scheme. Although she didn't say 'she has a mirror', which would have made Mr Rucastle angry. That whole bit is weird. Was she trying to stop Violet from getting into more trouble, was she trying to save their scheme? I don't know. But then, if she's living with Rucastle and her darling son all day every day, she's probably been ground down pretty far.
A loud thudding noise came from somewhere downstairs. "That is Mrs Toller in the cellar," said she. "Her husband lies snoring on the kitchen rug."
Suddenly there came a clanging As of someone wildly banging, banging at the cellar door.
And Mr Toller didn't even make it to bed? He's just passed out on the kitchen floor? He's lucky there's a rug in there and it's not just flagstones.
Then he tried the various keys in the lock, but without success. No sound came from within, and at the silence Holmes's face clouded over.
Not a particularly good sign...
"Now, Watson, put your shoulder to it, and we shall see whether we cannot make our way in." It was an old rickety door and gave at once before our united strength. Together we rushed into the room. It was empty.
Breaking down doors! Love a bit of action with my mystery.
"Ah, yes," he cried, "here's the end of a long light ladder against the eaves. That is how he did it." "But it is impossible," said Miss Hunter; "the ladder was not there when the Rucastles went away." "He has come back and done it."
But why would he climb up a ladder when he could just open the door?
I mean we know of the existence of at least one other person who would want Alice Rucastle out of that house and who wouldn't have a key to her room.
I'm just saying, Holmes.
"He's gone for the dog!" cried Miss Hunter. "I have my revolver," said I.
Oh no... poor doggo.
Please don't kill the dog, Watson. Please.
We had hardly reached the hall when we heard the baying of a hound, and then a scream of agony, with a horrible worrying sound which it was dreadful to listen to. An elderly man with a red face and shaking limbs came staggering out at a side door. "My God!" he cried. "Someone has loosed the dog. It's not been fed for two days. Quick, quick, or it'll be too late!"
Two days?! Two fucking days? Seriously.
But it kind of sounds like the doggo is getting revenge. Good boy. Good boy! You eat the bad man.
There was the huge famished brute, its black muzzle buried in Rucastle's throat, while he writhed and screamed upon the ground. Running up, I blew its brains out, and it fell over with its keen white teeth still meeting in the great creases of his neck.
Holy fuck this action escalated quickly. That is graphic and also... poor dog. I mean... I doubt it could have been rehabilitated at this point, but still. Poor thing never had a chance.
I do not remember this story being this brutal. Holy shit that guy's throat was ripped out.
Can't say I'm sorry. Glad the dog got its revenge before it died.
"Ah, miss, it is a pity you didn't let me know what you were planning, for I would have told you that your pains were wasted."
I mean, you didn't exactly give her reason to trust you? Why on earth would she? This is the most ridiculous 'you should have talked to me' ever.
"If there's police-court business over this, you'll remember that I was the one that stood your friend, and that I was Miss Alice's friend too."
I mean, were you? Were you? Alice's friend, sure. But were you Violet's friend in all this?
"He knew he was safe with her; but when there was a chance of a husband coming forward, who would ask for all that the law would give him, then her father thought it time to put a stop on it. He wanted her to sign a paper, so that whether she married or not, he could use her money."
It's Mary Sutherland all over again, just with more violence. Hey, Holmes. Holmes! You remember how you sent Mary Sutherland back into that life and didn't warn her about it? Huh? You remember that? Maybe thinking that wasn't such a good idea now? Huh? Are you?
I've had it with these men and their refusal to let their daughters have their own goddamn money.
"When she wouldn't do it, he kept on worrying her until she got brain-fever, and for six weeks was at death's door."
I know this is like a common Victorian cause of illness and all that, but I'd be real suspicious about that brain fever, because it feels like poison is a real possibility rn.
"...that didn't make no change in her young man, and he stuck to her as true as man could be."
Good for him. Basic minimum achieved. I mean, also he's been trying to get her out of this house, so he's also gone above and beyond. I'm glad he and Alice got away in the end.
"But Mr Fowler being a persevering man, as a good seaman should be, blockaded the house, and having met you succeeded by certain arguments, metallic or otherwise, in convincing you that your interests were the same as his." "Mr Fowler was a very kind-spoken, free-handed gentleman," said Mrs Toller serenely.
Oh, she did it for the money. Not such a good samaritan. But then if she were, she would have just smuggled the girl out.
Mr Rucastle survived, but was always a broken man, kept alive solely through the care of his devoted wife. They still live with their old servants, who probably know so much of Rucastle's past life that he finds it difficult to part from them.
I will admit I am sad the guy survived that. I'm not sure how he survived it. He had a mastiff's teeth 'buried in his throat'. He's insanely lucky his carotid wasn't torn open. But I suspect he doesn't do a lot of laughing anymore. So sad.
You couldn't have waited a little longer before shooting the poor dog, Watson? Let it get its revenge?
Also, that household sounds utterly terrible to live in still. Just a lot of horrible people being horrible to each other because they literally can't get away. And what about the child? What about dear little Edward? Is he still in there with them? I can't imagine that this made him less of a serial killer.
And the man doesn't get arrested for imprisoning his daughter?
Justice has not been served this day.
And that kid is going to grow up and kill a lot of people. I'm just saying. This isn't so much an ending as a 'to be continued'.
As to Miss Violet Hunter, my friend Holmes, rather to my disappointment, manifested no further interest in her when once she had ceased to be the centre of one of his problems, and she is now the head of a private school at Walsall, where I believe that she has met with considerable success.
Good for her.
Also, Watson, leave Holmes alone. He doesn't need a wife. He's fine. It is amusing to see that commentary, though. Like... there were 0 vibes of Holmes being into her. He complimented her a couple of times and was concerned for her safety. But he kept comparing her to a sister and there was no hint of romance in the whole thing. Watson is a bit delusional sometimes.
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victorianwhitechapel · 8 months
The Long Shadow review – a shattering serial killer drama that breaks all the rules
A mighty cast including Katherine Kelly and Toby Jones tells the stories of the women murdered by Peter Sutcliffe. Finally, the focus is on the victims
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By the end of the first two of the seven episodes of ITV’s new drama about the Yorkshire Ripper made available for review, Peter Sutcliffe has barely been glimpsed. This alone marks it out from the herd of serial killer dramas, let alone documentaries, of which every streaming platform has a full quota. The general rule is that, however much the makers stress that their creation will centre the victims instead of the perpetrator of the crimes, they somehow all end up in thrall to precisely that person. Even when there really are intentions otherwise, the perpetrator inevitably becomes the dramatic focus and the narrative engine.
The Long Shadow – so far, at least, which is already further than most – shatters the general rule. Written by George Kay (whose last outing was the very different, very fun Hijack starring Idris Elba) and directed by Lewis Arnold (Sherwood, Time, Des – the Dennis Nilsen drama starring David Tennant), it is based on Michael Bilton’s book Wicked Beyond Belief, plus additional research and with the consultation and blessing of the families.
More than any rendering of a notorious case that I can remember, the attention is on the women. Specifically, the living women. And, when they are gone, the people they leave behind. After Wilma McCann’s (Gemma Laurie) murder, and the investigation that will take five years to apprehend Sutcliffe despite the police interviewing him nine times, the focus moves to Emily Jackson (Katherine Kelly). The opening episodes concentrate on presenting her situation to us in the round, as dire financial straits drive the embattled wife and mother to sell sex and put her fatally in Sutcliffe’s sights.
The Long Shadow deals in details. It is not simply poverty that leads the Jacksons to extreme solutions, but the social pressures and the desire not to lose face in front of the neighbours are all carefully and accurately drawn. So too are the subtle prejudices that nudge Irene Richardson (Molly Vevers) out of the chance of a job as a nanny that might have saved her from becoming Sutcliffe’s third murder victim.
After her, there is Marcella Claxton (Jasmine Lee-Jones), who survives a hammer attack by the man who will soon be tagged “the Yorkshire Ripper” by the media, though the moniker – hated by the families – is barely used in The Long Shadow. She miscarries at four months as a result of the attack. Back home from hospital, we see her gently touching her terrible head wound, trying to see it in the mirror and gauge its extent, with the empty cot in the background – a moving evocation of the literal and metaphorical extent of trauma; how much we want to find its boundaries and how impossible it can be to do so.
The police investigation weaves round the women’s stories, and although it hits many familiar beats, the quality of the writing and presence of the likes of Toby Jones, David Morrissey and Lee Ingleby as the various detectives in charge over the years means that this too is better done than usual. We have come to expect virulent misogyny and racism to be on show in dramas set in earlier decades and involving the police – or any other unwieldy, male-dominated institution – but The Long Shadow succeeds in embedding it more quietly but firmly. It is a way of life, a way of thinking rather than a succession of big instances (though it still has its moments, such as when the detectives’ hospital interview with Claxton turns into an interrogation, as their engineered politeness in front of a black woman begins to fail).
This all means that we better understand how the investigation went so wrong so many times, with even “the good guys” believing that the deaths of sex workers (and assuming that any woman near a known streetwalking area was one) were not worth much effort, or that any woman drunk and out after dark got what was coming to her. And it means we can better see its descendant attitudes now and how insidiously they still work against women. Big, sexist/racist set pieces or a clear divide between bad cops and the angelic few who have managed to transcend their eras allow us to believe that things are different now. The Long Shadow’s subtlety and care denies us such mistaken comfort.
The Long Shadow is on ITV and ITVX in the UK, and on Stan in Australia
I hope one day they do the same with the Whitechapel Victims... RIP.
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fizzingwizard · 6 months
I've been wanting to react to the new!Nightcrawler!origins! buuut instead I fell asleep every night. anyway I haven't gotten to read it so I'm going by summaries.
Overall impression: Way too convoluted. Even though Mystique/Irene parentage was what I wanted as well, they lit had to tie canon into pretzels to get there. But what does X-men canon even mean anymore? Well, that's the other half of my impression: Why even bother, since someone can sweep in ten or twenty years from now and undo all of this the same way they just undid The Draco? lol
Not that I'm not dancing on the moon because The Draco is gone. That is vindictive dancing though. I don't like that one of Kurt's few biggish storylines is kaput now... except also kinda not??? like i said convoluted. And that has a ripple effect on nearly every other storyline he's had since The Draco too, because so many of them have been linked to Azazel/the afterlife. You can worm about to keep the parts of them you like, sure, if things are already this messy then why not let them be even messier!
But what motivation is there for a reader of X-books to care. X-books are so short-sighted these days that nothing means anything anymore. Things I wanted to see happen so, so badly when I was in high school could happen now and would have like a tenth of the impact, because everything is just forgotten/erased when the writing staff changes and the new staff isn't interested what the previous guys did.
Back to the origins themselves. There should be some appreciation for the inclusion of so much pro-gender fluidity. On the other hand, it's Mystique, lol. I'm not sure how to feel. Mystique has been many things over the years, and since much of it has been a messed up psychopathic sex idol, it's been nice to see them giving her a lot more nuance a la Claremont. OTOH, this is all just because of Jennifer Lawrence isn't -__-; That Mystique is the most boring incarnation of her ever. I really don't want to see Mystique that way in the comics. She needs to tread the line that never comes too close to angels. But that does make it tough for her to represent a marginalized community... since she's also a serial killer, I mean.
Irene's part is fine. I don't really have complaints except it's again just so involved.
The Azazel bit is incomprehensible. Whut.
And last, this is very much just my personal feelings... but I just don't think Nightcrawler should be this Shining Light Hero. He's always been my favorite X-man, and yes, I always wanted better storylines for him. But IMO it is always stupid to parade before a character with drums and trumpets, shouting "He's the good one! It was prophesied!" I was already side-eyeing the Hope Sword REALLY HARD and now you tell me Irene manipulated things so Kurt would be raised by Margali instead of Mystique? AND this was SO important that they even got Xavier to wipe their minds AND HIS OWN so none of them would remember what Nightcrawler really is? Whyyyy???
I know every time they change something people complain so. What can you do. To me Nightcrawler will always be the best supporting character with main character energy. ALL the X-men are both supporting cast and main cast at the same time. There should never be one front and center X-man who hogs all the limelight *cough* and is Teh Special One *cough cough* because it's X-MEN not "Wolverine and the X-men" *WHEEZING COUGHING UP A HAIRBALL*
The summaries seem to suggest - though I'm not completely sure - that Irene... wanted Nightcrawler to suffer? So he'd learn compassion, I guess??? As if being a blue, demonic-looking monster from birth didn't already guarantee that... I'm hoping either I or the summary I read misunderstood that bit bc it really makes no sense to me. But her leaving him with Margali to protect him from suffering doesn't make sense either, all things considered... I can only assume Irene was thinking about Kurt Darkholme, who was raised by Mystique, or maybe that one What-If where Mystique kept him upstairs and wouldn't let him interact with the outside world at all, and he ends up fusing with Rogue...
It's hard because I WANT to like this retcon, but I'm so damn wary of what they're going to do with it! It's just as scary that they might actually go through with whatever they're planning for Crawler as it is that they might NOT, since they almost never make good on anything they promise... Like what the fuck is up with his missing soul is that whole storyline still a thing or not!?!?
But I'll end on a positive note: At least he's not lusting after Stacy X, encouraging mutant strippers to morph into female friends, or any of the other lad fuckery Austen tortured us with. Also bye bye Draco, yay.
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So this may be one of those “I’m thinking about this more than the actual creators are” situations, but it seems like a fairly obvious problem? Either way, I’d like to hear your thoughts.
Where does William go from the dinner party, not mentally/emotionally or in his goals, but rather in a practical sense? While Mycroft and the Queen could no doubt arrange some kind of pardon or excuse to call off any angry mobs, it seems like that would undo...everything? The Lord of Crime needed to be vilified, and to die, and needs to stay dead, in order for the Plan to have succeeded. And for all the Christological parallels, this is a scapegoat saviour whose resurrection would not be welcome. The media circus that would follow if William reappeared publicly would presumably do all sorts of damage to the progress the Plan set in motion.
And...everyone thinks he’s dead, and he looks a bit different now (in so far as an eyepatch counts lol), so people might overlook him at a glance on the street. But if he hangs out with his brothers publicly, or even worse, with the dude who “died” with him and who HAS been very openly revealed to be still alive, people are gonna catch on fast. So like...is he just going to be a basement gremlin and never leave the house now? (Relatable.) Or live somewhere other than London? Am I overthinking this or underthinking it? 😅 
A couple facts from canon I'd like to point out:
Irene Adler is in legal trouble with the government and also legally declared dead, and they decided to show up alive with Sherlock Holmes just to fuck with him. No repercussions of this have ever been discussed
Moran, a legally dead man, has been wandering around without changing his appearance at all, and he was nobility, and no one has commented even though Albert publicly calls him "Colonel" and, uh, John's about to write a story about him. He was literally acting as a servant for a bunch of nobles at the tea party, after being recognized by someone for who he was a few months earlier, and...no one...noticed?
No one has ever cared that William and Louis look nearly identical even though officially they are not biologically related.
For some reason, the nun who raised them originally needed to be Relocated so William would never run into her as she would recognize him. ??? Okay.
While William's basement-gremlin-ness is to be argued, Louis definitely doesn't socialize (Louis has enough family to socialize with), Albert appears eager to never do it again, and Sherlock even more so, so who would even see them hanging out.
While Sherlock's face might be a bit more known from paps, Liam spent the bulk of his time many hours away from London, almost never socialized with anyone in London, and so the major memory of his face would be a newspaper article almost no one probably kept from three years ago. Do you remember the name and face of a serial killer from three years ago from the papers well enough to call a hotline about it? Most people probably don't.
However, three years before, Sherlock wanted them settled in Brooklyn instead of Manhattan because it got less foreign traffic and they were less likely to be recognized. But three years have passed since then.
Billy literally introduces himself with both his legal name and his super-famous nickname and then out-shoots people and does not seem to care at all that there was a whole Thing about how he needs to be dead for Garrett and such. Oh, sure, you can't mail your bestie a letter every now and then because You're Dead and He Killed You for the the Story to Save the Town, but you can go introduce yourself to randos. Okay. Whatever, Billy.
While William's name and face was definitely in the papers, the fact is that John's story is super well-known and kind of overtook the memory of the real thing that happened. The story which called him "James" and his brothers "James" and portrayed him as an old man.
Whether or not people recognize characters they absolutely should recognize in this series is entirely based on, "Are we at all interested in discussing that story?"
(The answer appears to usually be "No")
And I still say that we'll hear exactly what William intends to do from now on after this godforsaken flashback finally ends. Maybe it will address this. Maybe not. William in this series has been a much more active hunting spider than one who merely sits in a web waiting, but perhaps he could retreat to one now and hang out in the basement with his web around him plotting.
So, there's a few points that lend plausible deniability to all this nonsense, there's a few points that indicate canon isn't going to give a single fuck about it, and there's the open question of, "IDK, there's probably something he could do about all this."
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Choose one group to defend you, the other groups try to kill you
Red Velvet
Will you survive?
I'm gonna choose Red Velvet.
Not only because they are my ult group, but because no one can win over Red Velvet in their Peek-A-Boo era.
They are freaking serial killer, how can the other groups think to succeed? Somebody is gonna be hurt and but it's not gonna be me nor the velvet girlies.
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(Also my wife Irene defending me? That's kinda hot🥵)
Lots of love 💙
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thecrimecrypt · 1 year
Crimes That Shook Britain (Glasgow)
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Peter Manuel In 1946, aged just 16, Peter Manuel was jailed for a string of sexual attacks. After his release in the mid-1950s, he became the country's worst serial killer. In January 1956, he stalked Anne Kneilands, 17, at an East Kilbridge golf course, raping and bludgeoning her to death.
That September, he shot Marion Watt, 45, and her daughter Vivienne, 17, as well as Marion's sister Margaret Brown, 41, in their Glasgow home. And Manuel's killing spree continued. In December 1957, Manuel shot taxi driver Sydney Dunn, 36 - and, later that month, Isabelle Cooke, 17, was raped, strangled and buried in a Lanarkshire field.
On New Year's Day 1958, Peter Smart, 45, his wife Doris, 42, and son Michael, 10, were shot in their beds. Manuel was finally caught after being arrested for using stolen money. At Glasgow High Court, Peter Manuel was convicted of eight murders. A coroner later found him guilty of the ninth.
In July 1958, after a last meal of fish and chips, he was hanged at HM Prison Barlinnie.
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Colin Norris Glaswegian-born nurse Colin Norris once boasted to colleagues, 'someone always died' on his night shifts. And when Ethel Hall, 86 - admitted with a broken hip - was found unconscious and later died, a suspicious specialist ordered blood tests. She'd been given a massive insulin overdose.
Norris was convicted and sentenced to life for the murder of Ethel Hall, 86, Doris Ludlam, 80, Bridget Bourke, 88, and Irene Crookes, 79, and attempted murder of Vera Wilby, 90.
Norris, 32, had given them lethal doses of insulin at the two Leeds hospitals where he'd worked in 2002.
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Murder of Emma Caldwell In May 2005 , Emma Caldwell, 27, was found dead in isolated woods near Biggar. The young woman, a Glasgow prostitute and heroin addict, had last been seen alive in the Govanhill area of Glasgow that April.
Emma's was one of a number of unsolved murders involving sex workers, and sparked a major police operation. Regular clients were interviewed by the Strathclyde force, no arrests were made. Two years after Emma's murder, police charged four Turkish men following a £4m covert operation.
The case later collapsed when evidence was brought into question - and the murder trail ran cold. The case remains open, yet unsolved.
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Murder of Angelika Kluk In September 2006, the body of Angelika Kluk, 23, was found under the floor of a Glasgow church. She'd been beaten, raped and stabbed to death. Last to see her alive was church handyman Patrick McLaughlin. DNA on the Polish student's body matched that of Peter Tobin, jailed for rape in 1994 and released in 2004.
The sex offender, who'd been using the alias of Patrick McLaughlin, was arrested. At the High Court in Edinburgh in May 2007, Peter Tobin, 60, was convicted of murder and jailed for life. The case also led to his conviction for the murders of Vicky Hamilton, 16, and Dinah McNicol, 18.
Some speculate that Tobin may also be 'Bible John'.
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House of Blood Murders A triple murder at a Glasgow flat in 2004 began with a boozy row between David Gillespie, 42, and Edith McAlinden, 37. After, David and pals Ian Mitchell, 67, and Tony Coyle, 71, lay dead, the walls dripping blood.
McAlinden, her son John, 17, and his mate, Jamie Gray, 16, each pleaded guilty to one count of murder. The teens got 12 years each, McAlinden a minimum of 13.
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Bible John Bible John is the nickname given to a serial killer who raped and murdered three woman after meeting them at a Glasgow ballroom between 1968 and 1969.
The killings began in February 1968, when Patricia Docker, 25, was found in a back street battered and strangled with her own stockings. In August 1969, Jemima McDonald, 32, was found dead in a derelict building. And, two months later, Helen Puttock, 29, was strangled with her stockings.
All three had spent the previous evening at Barrowlands Ballroom. Helen's sister Jeannie Williams said that Helen had danced with a man named 'John', before sharing a taxi home, during which 'John' had quoted from the Bible.
However, despite a huge murder hunt, the investigation went cold. Some crime experts believe the known movements and methods of killer Peter Tobin suggest he could be Bible John. Yet, it has never been proved and the case remains unsolved.
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Murder of Kriss Donald In March 2004, Kriss Donald was found dead beside the Clyde. The 15-year-old had been abducted and taken on a terrifying 200-mile drive, before being stabbed, doused in petrol and burned to death.
It seems gang members had killed him in revenge for an incident at a Glasgow club - not connected to Kriss - and he'd been singled out because he was white. Imran Shahid, 29, his brother Zeeshan, 28, and Mohammed Mushtaq, 27, were jailed for life for his murder.
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croc-odette · 9 months
Cool-girl natalie dormer Irene with an American accent is so unsettling it’s actually a relief when she reveals she’s a serial killer
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cartyrs · 2 years
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My Kuroshitsuji OCs! Nicola and Irene are a shinigami-human serial killer team on a mission to protect dying children by swapping their death records with those of their victims
You can find me on artfight here!
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