#serial killer red velvet imagines
luxora · 1 year
Red Velvet -> {Crime AU} -> Falling for their next victim
Requested: No
Group: Red Velvet
Genre: Angst. Fluffish?
Warning: Weapons. Murderous thoughts. Mentions of blood.
A/N: Serial Killer Red Velvet
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The only thing that could be heard in the bedroom was your rhythmic breathing as you slept beside Joohyun, the bed sheets pulled to your shoulders in order to protect your bare body from the cold evening air. Joohyun sat beside you, an oversized shirt draped over her shoulders, it being the only thing to protect her from the cold air, with a switchblade in her hands while her eyes were fixated on your sleeping face.
Joohyun expertly sheathed and unsheathed her switchblade, her delicate fingers tracing the handle of the blade while she continued to gaze at you face, her eyes gliding over the smooth skin of your cheek to your angular jaw to eventually your plush lips. Joohyun knew well enough how soft your skin was, ranging from your face to your hands, practically your entire body which she had traced the entire time the two of you tangled yourselves in her bed sheets, blissfully unaware of the happenings of the world as the only thing on both of your minds was each other.
She always has liked people with soft skin, especially with the lighter kind because it always reminded her of a blank canvas that was yearning for a splash of color to bring it to life. Joohyun would hardly consider herself an artist, but she did enjoy dallying in the artistic world, particularly in the human anatomy side of it because the human body was simply a work of art itself, something which has been an object of obsession for Joohyun ever since she was a teenager.
She would hardly call herself an abnormality, she simply had interests that tended to be more on the extreme side. She simply desired to have a more realistic approach to her art, and so she would aspire to gain inspiration directly from her topic of obsession...the human body.
Blood was sustenance to the human body, but also for Joohyun’s art. While it was predominately a bright red, it came in so many shades, especially when it was preserved over time outside the human body. It also stained so beautiful on art canvasses, and even though critics have claimed Joohyun’s work to be rather morbid in depiction, they could not deny her obviously talent of capturing the curves of the human body in various positions, as well to catch their realness in expression as they hold the mask of horror, pain, and fear.
Only the expressions aren’t masks, they are true captured images of all the people she has used to sustain her art.
You were supposed to be the next one to sustain her next artwork, to become her muse and sustain her inspiration until their is nothing left but your hollow carcass as she extracted every single living aspect of you in order to create her most perfect masterpiece yet.
Yes, Joohyun does form a relationship with her muses in order to wear down their walls before she strikes, but she has never gone as far with all her previous muses as she has with you. Friendships are what she forms best with her previous muses but with you it extended to more than just friendship.
She wanted you. She craved you. The idea of you leaving the living realm completely drove her mad with possessiveness, anger, and fear. She should not be feeling this way about you, she shouldn't be hanging off very word that came from your lips nor should she be feeling at her happiest whenever you smiled at her and wrapped your arms around her in a hug. She most certainly should not be feeling as complete as a person could be after spending a passionate with you.
Looking at you in her bed, wrapped in her sheets with her marks all over your body...she should not have allowed it to get this far since she needed to use you for your next artwork, and yet she did.
Joohyun never anticipated that she would eventually fall in love with one of her marks and yet she did just that, with you of all people. She had previously thought she had kept you alive for so long simply because she wanted to revel in your soft skin before it would be peeled away with one of her blades, but eventually she realized it was simply because she wanted to revel in your presence a little bit longer.
Another hour, another day, another month. Time kept passing and eventually Joohyun realized that she simply could not do it. Staring at your sleeping face now, Joohyun can not bear the thought of slicing through your soft skin with her switchblade. She could do it now, she could strike you in a painless instant and be done with it. But she couldn’t. Not to you, not ever.
Joohyun continued to gaze at you for a long while before she suddenly hissed in pain and turned her head to look at her hand, blood immediately seeping out of the cut she had unintentionally given herself while playing with her switchblade. While her finger was stinging from the pain, Joohyun did nothing to stop the bleeding. She instead gazed at the red substance that was flushing out of her body, its red gaze staring at her before dribbling down her hand and dripping onto her bare thighs as she sat in her bed.
It is almost ironic that her memorization with the human body drew her to her knew object obsession, it being the sleeping form beside her, blissfully unaware of the dark, twisted artist who would never let them go. Since you could not become her next artwork, you were going to become her everything. Although then again, you were that already, only now your were more permanent to her life that you previously expected.
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Seulgi thought that she was being kind to you, involving you in her life despite knowing how it was going to end. You were a soft one, someone so tender that needed protection from all the horrible things in the world, and at the time when the two of you first met, Seulgi played with the idea of possibly playing house with someone before wiping them off from this horrible world.
Seulgi liked to consider herself a savior of some sorts. She always did love the charity cases simply because she felt so needed and powerful in the moment. To have someone so desperate for her, so yearning for her presence and protective embrace, Seulgi couldn’t help but get drunk off it. Perhaps she had some sort of addiction to the dynamics that developed between herself and somebody that yearned for her, or rather the supposed safety that she offered to others.
She had a power over them that others couldn’t have. She managed to twist them so much around her finger that eventually they were unable to go in any other direction except towards her. Seulgi enjoyed being the center of somebody’s world but eventually one gets tired of it. Or rather, Seulgi got tired of being the hero of somebody that was a lost cause with no hope of ever getting better.
That is what attracted her to you at first. You were completely and utterly hopeless. You had been living off the streets for months, having been kicked out from your previous shelter with nowhere to go, especially not to your parents since they were the reason you were forced to fend for yourself because they didn’t believe that you had any right to object to their desires for your life. You were strong-willed, she will admit that, but so incredibly naive about the real world.
She would have thought that you would have learned some skills already to care for yourself, but you had a slightly priveleged life before and so you became completely ruined when you were kicked out the house and disowned by your parents. You became miserable, helpless, and a downright lunatic because you came hooked on the substances that were provided on the street, that only racked up a massive debt that was impossible for you to pay.
You were lost, hopeless, and down for. Nobody would miss someone like you, hence why Seulgi became interested in you. She always went for people like you because your disappearance would not cause any raised eyebrows. You would be but another number that succumbed to substance abuse and homelessness. Nothing special and no one important. She was essentially killing two birds with one stone because she would be able to get her need for being needed satisfied, as well as have her usual cut-off enjoyment. It was perfect like usual.
But then she fell in love with you.
She didn’t even know when she had started falling for you. Perhaps it was when you had finally managed to find a stable enough job to bring some sort of income to the house. Maybe it was when you finally decided to start going to clean. Maybe it was when you had brought her a bracelet with your own money, having saved up to get it for her. Maybe it was when you had gotten a promotion and had brought home a bottle of champagne and your and her favorite takeaway dinner home to celebrate. Or maybe... it was when you started becoming her home.
The thoughts of ending you like she has done to all the others in the past was driving her mad, her entire mind and body telling her to do that, you hardly being much different from all her previous lovers and victims, but then again, to her you were different. You were nothing like the others before you.
You made her laugh more than she has ever laughed.You made her feel more cherished and adored than before. You weren’t like the others because instead of remaining the victim of the cruel game known as life, you have tried to work hard to become a contender to be dealt with. You didn’t want to be at Seulgi’s mercy. You didn’t want to kneel before her, you wanted to stand beside her, and oddly enough...that is where Seulgi wanted you to be.
The knife was under her pillow, she could do it so easily right now. You were snuggled up on her arms, back pressed against her front and sleeping peacefully, completely unaware of the war that was laying awake behind you. Seulgi could feel the handle of her knife, smooth and hard in her hands as she slipped her under its concealer, her eyes transfixed on the back of you head.
She could strike you like one would to a melon, just piece through your skull with the accuracy of a nail through a piece of wood. Or she could instead drag it along that beautiful neck of yours, make a gorgeous river of red along that smooth valley and simply watch you gasp for air as your blood drained out of your body. Seulgi has seen the sight before so many times so it would hardly be new, but the idea of your eyes bulging in shock and terror, the idea of you looking at her in absolute betrayal and heartbreak...she would never be able to handle it.
Instead of grabbing the knife, Seulgi instead wrapped both arms around your sleeping form, nuzzling her nose into your hair and inhaling your sweet scent, closing her eyes as she tried to fix the scent to her memory. Her body still ache pleasantly from the celebration the two of you had, your biting mark stilling slightly stinging on her neck but she could hardly care because her heart thundered at your close proximity.
Seulgi never anticipated falling in love with one of her marks and yet here she was cradling you as if she wanted to protect you from all the dangerous things in the world, including herself. And while leaving you would most likely be the wisest and safest choice because she didn’t want to develop the urge to kill you...she was simply too selfish to do that.
She can’t leave you and she doesn’t thing she could leave you. Her mind and heart were at war with one another and not even Seulgi herself knew which organ was going to win. But either way, it was in connection to you. You had managed to do the impossible and maker her fall in love and see herself more than a hero. She had instead become a victim in her own game. A victim of love who would only fall from grace due to her own pride and naivety.
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It would be so easy.
All she had to do was was wrap the rope around your beautiful neck and then tighten it. There would be no way that you would be able to defend yourself. Seungwan knew that she was stronger than you, proving it time and time again whenever the two of you wrestled on the bed or when the two of you roughhoused around the apartment. Seungwan has trained herself well into being physically prepared for anyone that she was attempting to add to her numbers and you would hardly be a challenge to her given you small stature and delicate features. You were about as fragile as a plastic Barbie Doll, one whose head could easily pop off.
Seungwan’s grip on the rope tightened as she stared at your back, your body crouched down as you hammered the tent peg into the ground, the tent making some sort of shape despite your multiple attempts of putting it up. Despite being so weak and fragile, you always tried to do things on your own, even when Seungwan was there to offer you the necessary assistance. Your pride was probably the largest thing about you, something which she has pointed out before but you always readily retorted back that she was just as prideful as you, if not more.
But Seungwan had a reason to be very prideful. After all, she has been living under the noses of the law enforcement for about five years now, and they still had no clue who was behind the ‘Phantom Murders’ that were terrorizing the entire city. While she did find the name cliche, especially with being dubbed as the ‘Phantom Killer”, she took pride in the fact that she has yet to have left an inkling to her connection to the murders. She has always been a very careful individual, her involvement in killing being no different, and it was not supposed to be any different when she came across you because you simply were another soon-to-be victim who would not be able to escape her grasp.
“Oh thanks Wannie, I needed more rope.” You said, turning around and flashing her a smile before holding out your hand to her.
...Although it seemed that you were unable to escape from her with different circumstances. Seungwan wordlessly handed you the rope, watching the potential weapon being handed off to the supposed victim as you turned around and began to unravel it, completely obvious to the swirling storm behind you.
“Did you even read the manual?” Seungwan suddenly asked, her eyes locked on the back of your head as she referenced to the mess of a tent that you were constructing. You turned around and flashed her a challenging glare.
“Instructions are for the stupid.”
“...So you think not following it will prove your intelligence in building the tent?”
“I don’t like your tone Shon Seungwan.” You said menacingly, raising a finger at her in warning. But instead of being intimidated, Seungwan just smirked. She then crouched down in front of you and glanced at your finger before looking back at your face.
“Oh? And what are you going to do about it?” She teased, flashing a predatory smile at you as you visibly became flushed by her smile.
Seungwan always seemed to always affect you in some kind of away, especially when she became particularly playful with you, just like she was being right now. So deciding to affect you even further, Seungwan leaned it to capture your finger in her mouth, sucking it gently for a few moments before it was suddenly ripped out of her mouth as you pulled it away in surprise.
You clearly were not expecting Seungwan to do such a thing, so you did not anticipate the force of your sudden retrieval of your finger to upset your balance in your sitting position. You had fallen backwards and Seungwan did not give you a chance to recover as she was suddenly following you. Seungwan had you pinned to the floor and on top of the misshapen body of the tent which was yet to be pitched up. Her hands were on your wrists and she was holding them above your head, literally pinning you underneath her body as she laid on top of you. Seungwan smiled wickedly as she leaned in to give your cheek a nip.
“What were you trying to say?”
“I...you are so unfair!”
“Oh baby...when am I ever fair?”
Seungwan did not waste a moment to smash her lips against your own, swallowing whatever protest you had with her mouth and tongue as she immediately set the pace with you, your body completely succumbing to her as you allowed her to do whatever she wanted to you. You willingly arched your body into Seungwan and didn’t even flinch when Seungwan took her previously owned rope and wrapped it around your wrists to make you entirely vulnerable to her touch, incompletely unaware of what she could do with it.
Such as ending your life for example.
It has crossed her mind many times but Seungwan knew that she couldn’t do it. While she could kill anybody in this world, you were the only one she could not lay a finger, knife, or electrical prong to. None of her killer toys could touch you. She would cut off her own hand than lay a hand on you.
You were hers. You were hers to cherish and love. You were hers not to kill. And she intended to never do that to you, no matter how much stronger the desire was becoming every day. She won’t give into it. That was a promise.
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Sooyoung panicked.
She never panicked.
But in that moment, that was the only thing she could do because you were never supposed to find out the truth about her. She was going to get rid of all of her mementos, she had promised herself that she was going to exterminate any evidence that she had that could possibly lead to you finding out the truth. Or for anyone to find out the truth. She couldn’t lose you over it. Out of everything that she owned, she could not lose you. Not when you had become the thing that she has grown to treasure the most.
But she couldn’t treasure you if she was in prison.
Sooyoung simply had lost her mind when she arrived home to find you staring into the box where she had kept her moments, all of them being a sweet memory to a wonderful night that she could fondly remember. All of them were stained with blood because Sooyoung wanted a more personal piece of her victim’s to their belongings aside from just the belonging itself, but now it seemed that the symbolism that she had for herself came to stab her in the back in the form of her love turning around to stare at her with horrified eyes.
“Sooyoung...what is this?”
Sooyoung couldn’t even remember the words she had spoken to you. She could not remember what she uttered to you to try explain herself, to try calm you down and assure you that you were not in any danger with her. She couldn’t even remember when you had started running or when she had grabbed the vase that the two of you had bought together and chased after you. She could only faintly recall running into the bedroom and then throwing the vase, your head being the unfortunate recipient of the thrown object.
Seeing you fall to the floor in a slump, a pained cry leaving your lips before silence followed, it had made Sooyoung’s soul evaporate from her body. A cold sense of dread washed over her as she stared at your fallen body, a trail of blood slowly beginning to form a pool near your head as it leaked away from your body as you remained unmoving from the floor. Your name tasted like ash as she called it, her hands trembling as she slowly walked over to you and fell to her knees.
You didn’t flinch as she cradled you into her arms, falling back on the floor so that she could support your dead weight as you head slumped backwards as she pulled you into an embrace. Terror had started to claw itself into her chest as she slowly moved her hand to your neck to check for your pulse, fearing the worse, but then it eased way when she felt your steady heartbeat against her fingers. But then she felt your blood spread itself onto her hand that was supporting your head, and then realized that she was in fact stuck in a lose-lose situation.
You had found out her deepest secret, one that she never intended for anyone to find out because that would mean that she would have to face the law for everything that she had done with her playthings in the past. While Sooyoung had always made sure that no one would ever find out about her macabre hobby, she was always prepared to end the life of the possible unlucky victim who would stumble upon the truth about Sooyoung.
However...she never anticipated that she would ever fall for one of her victims, much less it being you.
Sooyoung was somebody who enjoyed loving someone else and being loved in return, but she was someone who got bored easily and she could never allow an ex to walk away with a beating heart because Sooyoung was someone who valuable her reputation and her secrets. She enjoyed her privacy and she knew that her playthings would eventually blab about either her lifestyle, past times, or inner secrets she was willing to inform them. She simply was looking out for herself and viewed her ‘hobby’ as an insurance to her own freedom.
Originally you were supposed to just be another lover to entertain her for a small while before she got bored again...only she never did.
You affected Sooyoung in a way nobody has ever affected her before. You left a mark on Sooyoung that would never be erased no matter how hard she tried. While Sooyoung has loved before, she has never fully experienced everything that came with being in love with someone. And you were her first. And most definitely her last.
Sooyoung never planned to stray away from you. You were it forever and she was not going to lose you...not even something like this can stop her from loving you. In fact...perhaps it made her love you more. You now knew everything about her, the worst part of her that nobody literally lived to know. That meant that you were special and meant to stay with her. She will love you for the rest of her life. The two of you can be happy and safe with one another. Sooyoung will never have to worry about you finding out...you knew everything now.
Terror and hope twirled themselves around one another as Sooyoung pressed her trembling lips to your forehead, her hand cupping the cut at the back of your head to apply pressure to restrict its bleeding. There was going to be a lot for the two of you to talk about once you woke up, and Sooyoung had a lot of explaining to do, and a lot of pleading, but Sooyoung can prepare herself for it. And you. She can prepare you for it as well.
She can’t risk the chance that you might call the police or run away from her again, so she needs to act quickly before you came back to the world of the living. But it will be okay. Sooyoung has gotten herself involved in messy situations before and this should not be much different. She just needs to tend to your wound and make you more...comfortable before you woke up again.
But everything will be fine. The two of you love each other. That should be enough for the two of you to get through this together.
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Yerim didn’t her eyes off you as you fiddled with the packaging of the small gift that she handed to you, her arms wrapped loosely around your waist while you sat between her legs while the fireplace in front of you blazed warmly, filling the entire room in wonderful heat during the snowy evening the two of you were trapped in. Your lithe fingers careful unpicked the transparent tape and pulled apart the wrapped to reveal a dark velvet box. She felt you freeze in her arms, prompting her to lean in to press a soft kiss to your jaw.
“Open it.”
You have always been good at taking orders and now was hardly even different as you slowly lifted the lid of the velvet box to reveal a red diamond ring, its shimmring rock gazing at you lovingly, similar to Yerim as she pressed another kiss to your jaw before whispering the question which has been swirling through her mind for the past few months.
“Marry me?”
Yerim didn’t flinch when you turned around to face her, your eyes still wide from shock and surprise with your mouth agape, but the crawling glee slowly appearing in her eyes was enough to not make Yerim panic and believe she was making the biggest mistake in her life. She knew that she wasn’t. You were the one thing she could never make a crawling from and from how in awe you were starting to become with her, Yerim immediately knew that she was right all along. She could only lean into your palm as you raised you hand and cupped her cheek, tenderly stroking her cheekbone.
“Are you serious?”
Yerim would think that giving you a diamond ring with its following question would be proof enough that she was certain about your and her future together, but she understood why you would ask such a stupid question. Neither of you have really discussed marriage, since Yerim always tended to avoid the subject as much as she could simply because se had things to clear up before she could fully commit herself to you. She never did inform you what exactly she was trying to clear up before she would discuss her future with you, and she intended for it to remain that way because it was a part of her life that she was willing to give up forever in order to be with you.
The past Yerim would slit her own throat before admitting that she was in love. She didn’t do love, especially since she learnt that it does not long, courtesy of her role model parents who made it their convince mission to convince Yerim that love was all but a chemical reaction that was forced to form between people. They were in an arranged marriage; therefore any love of forming between them was false and never to happen. They had enforced their beliefs into Yerim that love did not exist, and she did believe them for a while until everything had changed when she first met you.
Somehow for some reason, you made her become almost more human. Before she met you, she was not capable of feeling any guilt. Since her parents were cold and unlovable beings, Yerim perceived herself being the same as them, so she did not feel anything else except distant, minimal availability to the world. But upon meeting you, her Pandora box opened up and suddenly she was exposed to much all at the same time.
You taught her how to love. Even though she hardly made it easy for you, she became someone that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and even though she never believed that she would find someone who would make her want to change...she was willing to do it because you were worth it.
You were someone who made her to become more that what she was. An heiress who literally got away with murder.
One good thing that her parents left for her was their incredibly wealth and endless amount of resources which can make things disappear. Yerim has exterminated every single link there was to her and all the crimes she has committed. Although she wouldn’t precisely call them crimes, more like her passing times, but now she was determined to find more hobbies, some which could hopefully be shared with you.
“Of course I’m serious. I love you.” Yerim said, staring at you with blazing love. You flushed at her easy confession, a smile crawling along your face.
“But you never said-”
“I have been thinking about it. A lot. And I have realized there is nothing else I want more in this world than you and my last name following your first.” Your laugh immediately made butterflies flutter in Yerim chest, prompting her to raise both her hands to cup your cheeks, leaning in to press her forehead against your own, forcing to feel her breath tickle your lips as she spoke, her eyes locked with yours the entire time. “So say yes already. Marry me.”
“You are so demanding.” You giggled, but you moved your hand from her cheek to grasp the back of her neck before nodding, love shining through your eyes as you gazed at her. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”
You nodded.
And then Yerim kissed you.
Happiness was an emotion that she had learned to experience when she had made her first kill and got away with it. It was probably the reason she did it through all her teenage years and young adulthood because it was something she could do to make her feel accomplished and appreciated. All of her crimes have gone cold and with the efforts she had conducted now...they were to remain that way.
She could not have you find out the truth of her ugly past. To you, she was the emotionally troubled woman with terrible parents who was brought out of her shell because of you. She will keep that facade in order to stay in your life. The two of you were going to be bonded together in everyday possible, it was only right she cleared away the dirt mountain before she laid the foundation of her new life with you.
It was her job to take care of you from now onwards. She was not going to mess up like her parents did. She was going to do everything right with you by her side. That was a promise she was making to herself and to you right now.
Nothing was ever going to stand between the two of you. Nothing.
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samoankpoper21 · 26 days
JJK Men Proposing 💍
A/N: Bonus points to whoever gets the kdrama reference in Suguru's proposal aslkf;saj Enjoy~!!
Content Warnings: mid smut, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!, some cursing
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Kento Nanami:
"Let's take a trip this weekend"
"Ooh ok. What did you have in mind?"
"Malaysia." Your typing coming to a pause you peered at him from above your glasses. "Malaysia? That's so random babe. Why there?"
"I've always wanted to go." Taking one last glance at him you noticed his restlessness. 3 years being together you've learned to read Kento Nanami; his face may be stoic, expressionless to others, but you picked up on the way he gulped, his fingers clenching and unclenching. Choosing to ignore his restlessness, knowing in due time he'll eventually come around to letting you in to his inner monologue, you warmly smiled stretching your pudgy, stout arms above your head. "Sure Ken, let's do that. We both could use a break."
The plane ride there you noticed his restlessness increase. "Ken?" you wrapped your smaller hand over his much too large hand. "What's wrong babe? You've been restless since we got on the plane."
"I'll be fine."
"You sure?" Leaning forward to kiss your forehead he hummed a "Mhmm."
He grabbed both of your bags escorting you to the rental area. Driving to the hotel resort he placed his hand on top of your left hand giving it a squeeze. "What part of Malaysia are we staying at?"
"Ooh ok. Sounds cool. Wait...you didn't bring me all the way out here to kill me right?" Staring at you in his peripheral he chuckled shaking his head. "You watch too many 'true crime' documentaries."
"But it's true babe! Most serial killers upon their first kill get anxious and after they've killed their victim it's like a high to them." Pressing a kiss to your hand he chuckled again. "You need to go back to watching Korean dramas or anime or something," Squeezing your interwoven fingers he suggests, "Take a nap love. It's going to take almost 4 hours to get there."
"No, no I'm ok! Really!"
15 minutes later Nanami glanced your way chuckling at your head nodding, trying to fight sleep. "Sleep love."
"You sure babe? I don't want you to be up alone."
"I'll be fine."
"Mmkay. Just know I tried." He chuckled as you stifled a yawn, kissing his hand before leaning your chair back to rest.
After having checked into the resort, Kento had planned a spa day for the both of you where you both enjoyed full body massages, clay mask treatment, and the jet bath to yourselves. "Ngh! Ken," you shuddered, the water sloshing over the sides as he gripped your full hips guiding you up and down his throbbing length, his half lidded eyes going back and forth between your fucked out expression, full breasts, and pudgy tummy. "What if -ngh- w-we get caught?"
"Shh," Nanami shuddered as your gummy walls involuntary tightened around his cock. "Seems like you don't mind us getting caught pretty girl." Biting your lip trying to suppress your moans as Nanami's cock hit that sweet spot you groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. "F-fuck Nanami, yes, yes, right there love." Nanami rolled his hips against yours hitting that sweet spot. Biting down on his shoulder you came your legs twitching as Nanami kept thrusting up into you. "Fuck," he growled, he too biting on your neck as he released his hot, sticky seed into you.
After dinner walking in hand in hand on the beach you stopped just short of where the waves could reach you, marveling at the sunset. The sky was painted in pretty hues of pink, orange, and purple. Closing your eyes inhaling the scent of the sea, reveling in the moment, the moment was briefly shattered with whizzes and whistles of fireworks. Looking up into the sky you gasped. "Nami, look! They're hearts!" turning to search for him you gasped upon seeing your boyfriend on one knee, small, red velvet box in hand. "Y/N, Kuantan has a special meaning to me. This is where I want to settle, build a home. I can't imagine building a home, my future, without you in it. Will you continue to build with me towards our future? Together?"
"Yes!" you shrieked, tackling him in the sand laughing. "Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"
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Toji Fushiguro:
"Fuuuuck daddyyy 's too much." Toji had already made you cum three times, the first and third being from his tongue, the second from his fingers. You found yourself with your ass up, a mean arch in your back as Toji pounded into you. He loved fucking you from the back: watching the way your ass rippled every time his hips slammed against it, the way his balls swung hitting your folds and clit, your wide hips that he currently had a tight grip of, the stretch marks that adorned your thighs and belly, how loudly you were moaning at him hitting your g-spot, and how you always took him so well. With the way Toji was slamming his hips into your sopping cunt you felt yourself slowly slipping off the bed. Clawing your way attempting to move forward Toji slapped your ass, gripping the reddened flesh. "Stop running." Moaning you plead. "I-I'm gonna fall daddy."
"Then fall. As long as you stop running from this dick." He groaned as your tight walls clenched around him. "Fuck you're such a good slut fa' me. Getting turned on just 'cause I'm tellin' ya tah stop runnin'. Fuck momma bounce that ass back." Keeping your arch Toji stilled his thrusts watching the white ring around his cock slip in and out of your fat, juicy pussy, a slow steady plap plap plap sound filling the room, Toji grabbing a handful of your generous ass. He stilled you leaning over, his chest against your back, reaching into the drawer. Shuddering you knew he brought out the vibrator he graciously named 'Clittie'. "Gimme your left hand." Pushing yourself to balance on your right forearm you offered your left hand where he slipped a ring on. "T-Toji?"
"What? You gonna be with me or what?" Peering behind you locked eyes with him causing him to groan at your blissed out face mixed with light and love. "Your timing is so off." you chuckled. Grabbing your hips he slammed into you once again stating, "Fuck momma looks like you're stuck with me now. Whad'ya say huh?"
"Yes, yes, yes daddy! I'm all yours. Fuck I'm all yours daddy!"
"Good girl."
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He must be exhausted was your initial reaction upon meeting him at the dog shelter. Your manager tasked you with training the new, quiet hire, his baritone voice making your pussy clench. After working together you came to realize that (1) ain't nothing wrong with his eyes, (2) you grew fond of his sleepy eyes, finding them alluring, sexy even and (3) he reminded you of a big -lost- puppy. He would follow behind you closely, the heat from his body emanating, as you explained the tools and showed him the dogs.
Working together allowed you to build the rapport needed, learning and falling for the ins and out of Choso Kamo. Closing together one night the power went out, PG&E updating you both that it would take at least 3 hours before the power came back on. You found him in the play pen, all the dogs and puppies sleeping peacefully around him. Attempting to discreetly take his picture you cursed when the shutter sound went off, his eyes snapping open. "Sorry," you sheepishly offer. "You just looked too cute surrounded by all the dogs sleeping peacefully."
"Delete that."
"Whaaat? Come on Cho it looks really good though." you tease. Surprising you with his speed you found him in front of you smirking holding your phone above his tall frame. Jumping trying to reach your phone you whine. "Not fair dude. You're like 6 feet."
"Grow some inches then."
"Or you could put some in me."
Attempting to cover your moans Choso bit your plush inner thighs, his tongue following shortly after. You looked to the sleeping dogs figures. "Ch-Cho," he swirled his tongue around your entrance, moving his way towards your clit. "Y-you think the dogs will mind?" Chuckling darkly he asked, "Now you're worried about the dogs? Where was all that cockiness from earlier?" Sucking your clit a moan ripped from your chest. "Choso please."
"What do you need baby girl?" he asked, spitting on your clit, watching it trail towards your clenching entrance. "Fuck me daddy."
A year later not much has changed except the constant fucking you and Choso did. Whenever Choso was in the mood your panties were pulled to the side as he stretched you out on his fat cock, his hot breath fanning your ear.
It was another closing shift but the rest of the team were there. You found it weird that everyone was still here considering it was only supposed to be you and Choso. "Y/N," your manager called out to you. "I need help in the play pen."
"Sure." Making your way to the play pen you were greeted by hordes of fur, giggling at the yapping, some of them jumping up to greet you. You noticed your manager and 2 of your coworkers sitting there giddy with anticipation. "What did you need help with boss?" She let a black chow chow puppy named Bo run to you, picking Bo up you noticed a red velvet box tied to its neck. Untying the red satin ribbon, opening the box you gasp recognizing his writing. "Will you marry me?"
"Turn around dummy." his baritone voice rang out. Quickly turning you found your boyfriend on one knee blushing furiously. "Aside from animals you were the first person to see me as a person. You make me feel welcome, warm, and loved. You have been like a light to my world and I can't see myself doing this life thing without you. Will you marry me Y/N?"
"Oh my god yes! Yes, yes, yes!"
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"Are we almost there babe?" you huff out.
"That's what you said an hour ago."
"You're so dramatic." He chuckled.
"Babe you literally woke me up at the ass crack of dawn."
"I thought you liked how I woke you up." Your cheeks burning at the memory of Satoru and you cuddling when in your sleepy daze you felt him lifting your leg up thrusting into you, groaning at how wet you were for him. "Morning love," his morning voice sending shivers down your spine as one of his hands found purchase on your breast, the other on your plush hip as his hips rut into you sharply. Catching up to him you lightly smack him. "That's beside the point."
"Oh look you caught up." Holding his hand out to you you deeply inhaled the cold morning air, your lungs expanding. "You could see all the stars from up here." he gently observed. "Babe look! It's Orion's belt! Oh and the big dipper too!" Gently smiling your eyes continue scanning the starlit sky in search of familiar constellations. "Look down hunn'."
"Huh?" Peering down at the circular rooftop you exclaim. "Babe it's a heart!"
"What else do you see?"
"Ummm," you continue to scan the rooftops reading aloud. "W-I-L-L Y-O-U M-A-R-R-" gasping you turned to see him smiling widely. "First let me give you this." Handing you a certificate you saw that he had purchased a star near the edge of Orion's belt naming it after you. "Gojo," feeling your eyes tear up.
"I wanted to gift you the North Star but NASA said some bullshit 'bout how that star can never be bought. Y/N, I wanted to gift you the North Star because to me you shine the brightest, even on the days you don't feel like it. I have watched your light shine and transcend to others and I want to continue being part of that journey. Y/N, will you continue to be my north star while I continue being like the sun?"
"Only if you shine with me for thousands of years."
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Geto Suguru:
"Love," Suguru called from your shared bathroom. "Babeeee." Standing in the doorway he watched as the blanket barely covered your naked sleeping form. You could sleep through anything. Light bulb going off in his head Suguru lay on his stomach, settling himself between your legs. Prying them open slowly he groaned at your glistening cunt. Pressing wet, open mouth kisses in your inner thighs he blew at your entrance watching you shiver. Teasing your already wet cunt he kissed around your opening. Laying his tongue flat, he parted your lips swirling his tongue around moaning at the taste of your essence, your musk scent mixed in with cocoa butter. Sucking, his mouth slowly moved up engulfing your clit giving it a tug. Moaning awake from your body heat you stir. "Babe?"
"Oh good! You're awake." He peeled his face away, your eyes growing dark at the sight of your arousal evident on his lips, chin,and nose. Trying to bring him closer he scooted away causing you to pout. "Sug?"
"Come on love. We have to go."
"But it's still dark out."
"I know but where I'm taking you you can only see this picture when the sun hits a 6."
"How you gonna leave me turned on?"
"I promise I'll make it up to you but we have to hurry. We only have 50 minutes and I don't want to get stuck in traffic." Groaning you reluctantly peeled yourself from the warmth of the bed throwing on jeans and a hoodie.
Quickly parking the car he grabbed your hand and ran with you towards the elevators of a merging company. Scanning your surroundings you were taken aback, a bit uncomfortable at how under dressed you felt. Getting off at the 17th floor he pulled you towards the staircase pulling you along the remaining 3 flights. Shouldering the door to the rooftop open you made it with 3 minutes to spare. Panting you ask, "Why didn't we just take the elevator all the way up?"
"For memory sake?"
"The fuck Sug." Quickly grabbing your hand he led you to the edge, heart hammering in his chest, he covered your eyes. 6AM hit, the rays of the sun slowly peeking over the city, it's warmth slowly seeping into your skin. Lowering his hands from your face he whispers, "Open your eyes love." Peeling your eyes you watch as the sun hit two billboards, turning them towards your direction; the first billboard reading, "Y/N let's continue making memories for eternity."; the second being, "Will you marry me?" Your hands clasping at your mouth you turn already crying. "Is that a yes?"
"Oh my god yes Sug! I love you! I love you so much!"
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Ryomen Sukuna:
Sukuna's grip on your plump hips were sure to leave a bruise. He couldn't resist you especially since you were panting on his weeping cock, trying to fit all of him in. "You're a big girl I know you can do it."
"'s too big daddy."
"Oh?" Adjusting his hips he slammed into you causing your back to arch into him, your mouth agape in a silent 'O' shape. He chuckled licking, sucking, and biting at your neck making sure to leave a trail of hickies in his wake. Continuing with his rough pace you let out a garbled noise as you clung onto him, your head falling into his neck. "Come on pretty girl, can't do all the work myself." Peeling back to look at him, water decorating your lash line, he licked his lips shivering at the sight. He liked this sight of you, how pathetic you looked around his cock. Smirking and slowing his pace, his stroke still hitting deep he teased, "What? Dick got you dumb?" Surprising him, yourself included, you pushed against his chest laying him flat. Planting your feet on the bed, your fingers slowly trailing down the expanse of his chest, outlining his abs, you lift yourself a little more than half off of his deck and slam back down. "Fuck woman!"
"Who's the dumb one now?" You continue with that pace, Sukuna gritting his teeth. This was one of the many reasons he fell for you, you were the only one who was willing to challenge him to gain dominance, although he was always the victor. "Fuck baby just like that." he instructs with his eyes closed. The sound of your voluptuous ass smacking against his thick ,muscular thighs were making him go feral, wanting to empty his balls deep into your sweet cunt.
"Fuuuuck daddy your dick's so good."
"Yeah? You like getting fucked by this big dick?"
"Fuck yes! I wanna have your kids fuuuck."
"Let's get married first."
"Yes, yes, yes!" In the midst of your riding he procured a ring placing it on your finger. Gasping you squeal, "You were being for real?"
"Woman if you don't accept me-" leaning forward capturing his lips you say, "I'd be honored to be your wife Ryomen Sukuna."
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his-red-right-hand · 4 months
his red right hand Chapter Five
You awoke with a groan as your alarm blared from your bedroom, your tv hissing with the familiar white noise of static. Must’ve fallen asleep watching the movie. It would almost be peaceful if your alarm would just shut the fuck up.
You forced yourself upright with a hiss of pain, your side twinging uncomfortably as you moved in a way that aggravated the stitches there. Pausing to let the pain recede, deep breaths, you mostly stumble into your bedroom. Collapsing onto your bed, you hit your alarm maybe harder then it deserved. Just had to remember to breathe. Lying there until the pain subsided down to an ache, you looked over at the red numbers of your alarm clock, yup, seven thirty, it was still set for your regular shifts. Well, at least you had a few hours to get yourself ready without tearing out the stitches holding you together.
Plus, whilst the cut He gave you on your neck hadn’t been serious enough to require any sort of intervention, you still needed to work out a way to hide it. You didn’t want every customer and co-worker to know you almost got your throat slit. The cut on your collar bone had needed some butterfly stitches, so spaghetti straps were out for a while as well.
And you needed to shower. And to eat something, no matter how unappealing it was. Dying of an infection seemed almost anticlimactic after meeting The Ghost Face, and you were not immune to judgy nurse face, so you would be taking your antibiotics. Maybe you could buy some granola bars or something on the way home from work; they seemed like the least offensive option that required zero effort.
It was slow work getting yourself up, cleaned, and fed. Well, for a given measure of fed, you found some leftover noodles in your fridge that still smelled mostly okay. It was a good thing that you were working a half day today, other wise you’d be late. Hopefully you’d get faster at this as you got used to working around the hole in your side.
On the bright side, you had worked out how to avoid awkward neck wound related enquiries. You dug around in the vague pile that was your jewellery box and found a choker make of thick black velvet ribbon. You thought it might have been a gift from someone; a little goth for your tastes normally, but it covered what you needed it to and wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. And also thank goodness for low rise jeans, you didn’t want to imagine how uncomfortable you would’ve been with a waistband pressing up against your stitches all day. Along with a mostly clean t-shirt you were only putting your Docs on from being ready to head out.
Now just to try and fill the hours until you needed to leave.
The urge to break your no getting stoned before work rule was high.
Heh, high, funny, not.
You couldn’t get your brain working for long enough to read anything, hadn’t been able to for so long now. One of the few joys you had in life taken away from you, just like everything else. A small, treacherous part of your brain decided to remind you precisely where on the kitchen counter you’d left the bottle of pain meds you’d been given and that you had a bottle of vodka in the top drawer of your freezer. You quickly pushed that thought aside, you’d meant what you told Jed, you weren’t going to kill yourself. You just wouldn’t be particularly upset if you found out you had a terminal illness. Or if a local serial killer decided to kill you.
After all, what was the point of this endless empty waste of day after day after day after day.
Fuck, now you really wanted to get stoned.
You moved over to your tv, switching it on and, more gingerly than you’d like, settled yourself onto the couch. A bit of channel surfing, looking around for something nice and mindless you could half pay attention to until it was time to leave. Just turn off your brain for a little bit as you checked out the tube. Just try and mellow your vibes right the fuck out without any chemical assistance.
How the fuck did you normally get into work without being a complete wreck? Oh right, you were normally too exhausted to really think; and then interacting with the general public killed what remained of your brain cells. And once you were done you got really fucking high. You hoped this would be the only half day you had to work; you weren’t sure you could do your job without throwing things at people if you were actually awake for it.
MTV ended up being your saving grace, a nice procession of music videos to soothe and file down the sharp corners of your mind. Maybe you should go to the record shop once you were done with work for the day, you hadn’t been for such a long time now. Maybe you could see if you actually enjoyed music again, the way you used to.
Nope, that was just being fucking depressing again.
You lifted your head to look at the clock on the wall, about 20 minutes until you should leave. Fuck it, you could be early. You had probably gotten all of the not depressing thoughts you could out of your brain, an hour and a bit wasn’t too bad. You headed to your front door, grabbing your watch out of the little bowl where it lived with your keys and wallet, putting it on before shoving the latter two into your messenger bag. your Docs went on with only a little pain thanks to some careful manoeuvring. Then, a few careful moments considering your collection of cassette tapes before taking Temple of the Dog down and opening the case, slotting the tape into your walkman.
Say Hello 2 Heaven filled your ears as you put on your headphones, the music easing a few more of your jagged edges. Taking a moment to check your appearance in the mirror hanging by the door, yup, no knife wounds visible. Time to do this.
Opening your door and stepping out to another hot Florida day, its intensity quickly muted by your sunglasses. Locking your door behind you, you started your walk to the bus stop that’d take you into down town. Maybe you could try picking up a copy of the gazette before you got to the book store, check out how your interview with Jed went. Might even be worth getting a subscription, it was apparently the best way to keep up with your local serial killer, if the general gossip you heard about town and the odd headline you’d seen were to be believed.
Not that you generally believed guys who promised you a lot of fun, the last time it had even been close to true it was your Dad telling you about having your birthday at Showbiz Pizza. But it might be nice to try and keep track of him, you know, seeing as you’d met him and all.
A vague plan for day in mind, you relaxed at the bus stop, letting the music wash over you as you got on the bus, tapping your bus pass; and rode it into Rosewood proper. Getting off a few minutes later, you walked down the high street, heading into the convenience store a couple of blocks away from your job to grab the paper, picking up some granola bars as well whilst you were there. Now at least when your shift was up you could head straight home. After you paid for your purchases you walked another block to the Sunrise Diner, home to shocking amounts of cholesterol and a passable cup of coffee. And somewhere you can read through the paper for a little bit before you actually needed to get to work.
You settled onto a seat, pulling your headphones down for a moment to smile at the waitress and order “Just coffee, thanks.��� Taking a moment to flip the tape that’d come to an end, Times of Trouble starting back up, and weren’t that the truth. Adding cream and sugar to your coffee, you took a slow sip. Dang, that was somewhat better than mediocre. Eh, Dale Cooper you were not, but you were drinking it more for the semblance of energy than for the flavour. Pulling the paper from your bag, you let your eyes take in the headline ‘Roseville Ripper Strikes! Three Dead and His First Survivor’ before skimming through the article. You’d read it properly later, to give it the attention it deserved. But given that you were present for the events it was reporting, you felt okay skipping the recap.
‘...families are heartbroken. The Gazette was able to speak to the survivor of the attack, who is in hospital in stable condition and recovering well, who has requested to remain anonymous.’
You hadn’t, fuck you could do that, but damn did you own Jed for that one. You didn’t exactly want to become famous as “That Girl Who Didn’t Die When Stabbed”. Should look into buying him a bottle of something nice to drink, like Scotch or something? That was what journalists drank, right?
‘...to remain anonymous. They were not part of the initial attack, nor are they a resident of the building. They told the Gazette that they were invited to the party by a friend attending courses at Roseville University; and had stepped out to get some air when they noticed a flash of light. They went to investigate, assuming that there was perhaps something untoward going on. But nothing could prepare them for the horror they found. The brutality of the attack already over, and instead a monster viewing his victims.
They spoke about the terror of the realisation of what they were witnessing froze them to the spot; and they were then attacked by the Ghost Face Killer. Apparently content to leave this new victim to bleed out; he then retreated from the scene, perhaps fearing being discovered by others?
Luckily for them, their fellow party goers quickly discovered the scene. An ambulance was called to rush them to the hospital where they underwent emergency surgery for their injuries. They were very frank about their confusion upon initially waking up; having believed that they seen their last the previous night. They credited their survival less on any form of luck or blessing, but instead they believe themself to be “Too much of an afterthought” to warrant a more thorough attack.
When asked if they had any advice should anyone else be unfortunate enough to encounter the killer that is haunting our town, their response was simply “Run as fast as you can.” A chilling take away from an encounter that that person is unlikely to ever forget.’
Reading it in print like that, it was easy to pretend it hadn’t happened to you. That it was all just a very vivid, if in somewhat poor taste, dream. That you got your fun new scar in the making in some sort of regular misadventure that involved too much alcohol, and the unironic use of the word hijinks.
You were halfway through your first coffee refill, trying to get your thoughts in some semblance of order before you inflicted yourself upon the general public, as you looked up at the clock. Shit, time to face the music. You pulled a five from your wallet, leaving it next to your cup as you folded the paper back up into your bag and headed out.
Roseville Books was Roseville’s premiere bookshop, if you didn’t count the Borders in the mall, with respectable genre collections and a somewhat knowledgeable staff. Even if they did tend to err on the side of sarcasm when it came to answering dumb questions. Was the large True Crime display about unsolved murders in the front window potentially in poor taste? Yes. Did they have to partially disassemble it at one point because they sold out of all the titles in it? Also yes. There’s nothing quite like a serial killer on the loose to drive interest.
You hear the jangle of the bell on the door as you push it open, heading inside, the soft sounds of Top 40 radio filling the air. The shop stereo was restricted to that after some uptight asshole had complained about the staff picks for music. Shoegaze was apparently not for everyone. You gave a quick wave to Zoey behind the counter as you headed into the backroom to hang up your bag in your cubby and get your ever so chic green work vest, proudly displaying your name badge.
Devin looked up from their desk, smiling and looking relieved as he saw you. “Hey there! You doing okay?” Oh no, he was getting up, please don’t go in for a hug, okay, he was just getting up to talk. Thank fuck.
“A little slower than normal, but not too bad, thanks.” You managed a tight smile, not really wanting to admit that the only reason you were here was that you were terrified that if you lost momentum on the sort of life you were managing to scrape by with that you would never be able to get up again.
“Okay, well, you’re going to replace Zoey up on the tills, got a stool for you to sit on and everything; and she’ll handle floor questions and join you on the tills if it gets busy. All good?”
“Yup, sounds great. I’ll - ah - get right on that.” You took a step back, not really sure how to best retreat from the conversation. Like, it was nice they cared, it was definitely better than working for an asshole, but you didn’t quite know how to react to your boss being the one to show the most concern for your welfare out of everyone you knew, including yourself.
You were stopped by Devin clasping a hand to your shoulder, giving it a little squeeze as he said “I’m really glad you’re alright.” You manage a quick nod and bustle your way back out into the shop, letting out a long breath before schooling your features into customer approachableness. You walked next to Zoey by the tills, seeing your aforementioned stool, hopping up to perch on it.
“You good there?” she asked you, her concern mostly cursory.
“Yup, all set. And hopefully back to full speed in not too much time.” The doctors had said you should be most of the way recovered in about 3 weeks, the internal damage taking a little longer. Apparently you’d only been mildly stabbed in the kidney.
“Heard you got attacked or something?”
Fuck. Can’t just admit to meeting a serial killer seeing as you actually had anonymity. Spin something, spin something fast. “I got lightly mugged. Luckily you can’t lose shit if you don’t have shit to steal.”
“Aww jeez, that sucks. At least you didn’t run into that Ghostface guy or something.” Oh Zoey, if only you fucking knew. “I’ma go stretch my legs then. See you for the lunch rush.”
You give her a quick flick of the wrist wave, spinning on the stool to face the front of the store, propping your elbows on the desk next to the register as you rested you chin in your hands. The stool was good, the phone was in easy reach if anyone called, and you could probably reach the special orders shelf without getting up. You should’ve bought gum for something to do.
Two phone calls, yes you did carry bibles and no Mr Books was not available, later and the Lunch Rush started. There were a couple of office blocks nearby, one of which had a book club amongst the workers; and both of them had a significant population of Harlequin Romance enjoyers. Not exactly your thing, but given some of the stuff you’d indulged in, you were in no place to judge. But most importantly, they had two alternating lunch shifts, half at twelve, the other half at one; and they descended like a swarm, taking the moderately bustling shop to two hours of midweek retail hell.
At least you only almost brained yourself once reaching into the special orders shelf.
And honestly you deserved an award for not throwing anything at all the people who felt the urge to loudly question why you had the apparently gall to dare to sit in their field of view. And just maybe, you wished a personal visit from the friendly local serial killer to the one who all but demanded you pull your shirt up to show her your stitches to believe that you actually were injured and were on limited duties. All because she had to wait for Zoey to get her some books from a high shelf.
God, you hated the public.
Two o’clock came slower then you’d like but faster than you dreaded, Zoey heading off for her break; and Devin coming up front to pull your normal duty of fixing the chaos that was formerly well organised sections. At least that’d keep them busy enough to avoid having to make small talk.
Whilst your last hour crawled, it was mostly occupied by a phone call that had you pecking out queries on the shop computer, it there almost entirely for the database of books they could order in. It would have been a lot easier if the person on the other end could actually remember the author or title, but that would be asking for a miracle and they did not happen in retail. But you did eventually get the, hopefully, right title ordered; and if it wasn’t then you at least hoped you weren’t behind the counter that day.
“So, do I get to do a full day tomorrow?” you asked as Devin came back from reorganising the horror back corner, that you were very proud of the selection of.
A moment’s thought. “Full day. Mostly behind the counter, but we’ll see if you can manage a little floor time. Deal?”
“Deal.” That was the moment your stomach chose to let out a growl, holy fuck were you actually hungry? Must have been expending energy trying to heal yourself.
Zoey came back from her break looking about as enthused to be back as you were to be alive, but you at least waited for her to come back out to slip off your stool. And you only needed to take a short pause to get yourself upright and able to walk. And she had the decency to not give voice to the look on her face, the one that said you looked like shit. The nurses had said light exercise was good for your recovery, you couldn’t get much lighter than standing up and walking.
“Gonna head out the back way, see y’all around.” A quick wave good
You took a few moments in the back to rest your forehead against the wall, taking one deep breath, then another. It was fine. You were fine. Time to go home and get so stoned you couldn’t think, then just rinse and repeat. Back to as if nothing happened to you in the first place.
Taking off your vest, you hung it back up in your cubby hole and picked your bag up as you started to head home. Your tape player and headphones were where you left them, at the top of your bag, slipping your headphones around your neck but not starting any music yet. You had an appointment with a burger.
Three doors down from Roseville Books was The Original Canteen. Not that there had ever been any kind of canteen there beforehand, but their fries were decent and they did these sinfully thick milkshakes that made your straw stand straight up. Also one of their line cooks was your weed guy.
You were injured, it was therapeutic.
And luckily for you, there was a shared back alley behind the row of shops, meaning if you were willing to negotiate through the various line cooks, bus boys, and wait-staff who used it for their well deserved breaks, you could buy weed straight from work.
You saw who you thought was one of the dish pit guys, taking a smoke break in the lull between lunch and dinner rushes. Not that rushes ever stopped smoke breaks as far as you were aware.
“Hey there, is Chad in today?”
The guy regarded you for a long moment, letting out a puff of smoke before answering. “Yeah, he’s in the kitchen doing prep.”
“I’m a friend of his, would you mind asking him if he could make me that barbecue burger he does to go, and if he’s got the stuff in for that nice side salad?” The burger was real, and very good, but the salad thing was the dumbest code word, and you could tell by the guy’s face he thought so to, but Chad was the one who set it, so that’s what it was. It’s not like anyone was going to actually tell him, given that he was the weed guy for the entire kitchen staff as well.
“Yeah sure, lemme just go check,” the guy disappeared inside the kitchen, and you could hear vague yelling as you pulled up your headphones and leant against the alley wall to wait for your food.
Ten minutes passed and Chad came out of the kitchen, holding a styrofoam take out container and greeting you warmly. “Hey girl! Just can’t keep away from my cooking, huh?”
You let out a soft laugh, his swagger semi-deserved. “And all your other amazing qualities,” sarcasm dripped from your tongue and he looked mock offended, clutching a hand over his heart. “So, how much do I owe you?”
“Five for the burger, twenty five for the side salad,” he said with a wink, taking the thirty bucks you passed him, giving you the box in exchange.
Feeling the little plastic baggy underneath, you smiled at him. “Thanks Chad, have a good shift.”
“Always do!” he called out in reply, heading back into the kitchen as you headed out the alley, back onto the main streets. The bus ride home was as unremarkable as the ride into town, music helping the journey to pass quickly.
You closed and locked your front door behind you, leaning back against it as you let out a long breath. One more day survived. Of seemingly countless remaining. Maybe you should leave the door unlocked, maybe someone would come in and murder you. Wouldn’t that be nice?
You dropped your bag on the little coffee table in front of your couch, putting your freshly acquired baggy of weed next to your gear box, and the burger box on the couch as you perched on the arm of it to take off your boots. Time to pick some music, roll a joint; and fucking relax. Then find something shitty to watch on tv, pass out on the couch; and just go about existing.
Standing after kicking your boots off, you went over to your vinyl, running your fingers slowly over the titles as you considered them for a moment. You could’ve sworn you’d put them back in order yesterday, but obviously you hadn’t. Well obviously, you were trying to tell yourself something, so you took Facelift by Alice in Chains from its odd spot and set that playing. The guitars of We Die Young started to blare through your home, how you wished that was true.
Back to the couch, you rolled a joint quickly and headed out the backdoor to your yard, burger box and lighter in your other hand. You sank down in your chair, kicked your feet out in front of you and closed your eyes for a few moments. Okay, burger on the side table, time to get stoned as fuck.
You spent a few minutes just smoking, holding the smoke in your lungs until the burn got uncomfortable; exhaling slowly and watching it curl into the air. You already felt more mellow, which was good, you thought this might have been a two joint day, which you couldn’t afford to do very often. You propped the blunt on the edges of your ashtray, and finally started in on the precious burger. It was still warm, but had had long enough for the cheese to get properly gooey, sticking everything together. Perfection.
It was kinda nice, sitting there with the mellow buzz crackling inside as you sated your hunger. Was this what being alive was meant to actually feel like? And how fucked were you that it took getting stabbed to actually give you an appetite? Not that it was going to last, it never did for more than a couple of days before you went back to just living on coffee and instant ramen. You’d learnt the hard way it was easier not to keep in anything that could perish just on the off chance you actually felt like eating.
Halfway through the burger you put it down, taking another drag off the joint before heading back inside quickly for a glass of water. Stupid body needing liquids to not choke. You let out a cloud of smoke as you came outside, followed by a couple of coughs. Okay, maybe a small mistake to hold it for that long whilst trying to actually do things as well. Yeah, well the music was good, the food was good, and the weed was good; of course you had to fuck it up a little.
Side A of the album finished about the same time as the food, one last puff on the joint before stubbing out the roach. Time to switch to side B. You left the back door open, letting the woods call to you still as you flipped the disc. Not that disappearing into the woods would actually do anything for you other than get you cold and lost. But it was a kinda romantic thought to daydream about.
Heading to the couch you slowly lay yourself down on it, mindful of your stitches, staring up at the ceiling and letting the music just wash over you for a bit. Just letting the thoughts flow out of your head, a little bit of nothingness for a while.
Maybe this was what being dead was like.
Your phone rang, and you let out a groan. Fuck, when did it get dark? The stereo was just playing the soft hiss of the needle looping around the empty last track. Damn, you really zoned out there.
Right, fuck, the phone. You really just wanted to let it ring out, you normally did. But Jed had said he’d call you if he needed to check in with anything; and he’d been nice enough that you’d feel a little bad letting him go to the answer machine. And you needed to thank him for the whole anonymous thing. Ah fuck.
Hefting yourself upright, ow ow fucking ow, gotta move gently still had a stab wound, you let out a few curses as you stumbled over to the phone. Picking up, and proud that your voice only sounded a little strained, you managed a “Hello?”
Silence for a beat.
A breath.
Then that voice that had been haunting your thoughts and dreams.
“So, what’s your favourite scary movie?”
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firespirited · 1 month
Impulsively loaded up the current streamer and clicked Twin Peaks. Twenty years after my first nope. There have been a dozen reasons over the years why I've been tempted but not gone ahead.
+Bad David Lynch experiences: Blue Velvet is a film I switched off back in the era when I usually saw things through unless it was violent, it hadn't even got to the violence yet! Eraserhead left me unimpressed. Saw parts of Elephant man that I found to be crip inspo and cripsploitation.
Loved the Straight Story, broke my heart and put it back together again . Dune was bonkers but that's accurate to the books. Villeneuve is missing something by taming the great houses, these are inbred nobles: IRL they're very odd people completely out of touch with normal manners, normal relationships to people and stuff. Woops going off on a tangeant.
+There was the whole 'film bro' analysis that I'm going to have to work to avoid when doing the post-viewing reading.
+Use of disability for shock value is a red flag in general. I can overlook it if it's a subversion or someone says they're a fully fleshed character.
+The slow pacing and amount of episodes.
+The darkness and trippiness.
All that to say that I could KICK myself for not watching this sooner but have decided to be grateful it found me now. 😊
I'm watching the first season finale tomorrow and really enjoying it so far. It's absurd and funny, everyone is a quirked up character with layers. The darkness was blunt at first (though I imagine it reads as procedural not personal to men, and women inured to the genre trope of serial killers) - I was a wreck when the survivor appeared. and it's now seeping in drip by drip and I really like that it's never far from mind that this was a horrific crime.
I'm not expecting answers but an autopsy of a community with some weird ancient evil thrown in. But no clue what to expect.
Anyway Albert the forensics/autopsy guy is my fave right now. He's dedicated and he's right. Lil vindictive but he was right to demand proper forensics over sentiment.
If you need a sign to pick up something you've been curious about and hesitating? Here it is. Do it. You can always drop it if it's not pulling you in or not the right mood.
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slutforsilverfoxes · 2 years
Lady Luck
It was a Friday evening in late summer, warm, but not so hot that it was unbearable, the perfect weather for enjoying a night out with your girlfriends. And after working a full week (and then some) at your hospital, you’d definitely earned some time to unwind.
“Yknow when you said ‘Let’s go to that new bar!’ I thought you meant the drinking kind, not the jazz kind,” your friend groaned as you stepped into the establishment. It looked like a scene straight from the 1920s, red velvet lavishly covering all the seating, bright lights over the bar itself while the rest of the room had a subtler ambience. Large booths surrounded the dance floor which ended in a raised wooden stage. The band was finishing their setup, playing a few notes and adjusting to the feel of the room and the crowd they were preparing to entertain for the next few hours.
“Well why else would I tell you to dress up like this?” you laughed, gesturing to your elegant cocktail attire. While some of your friends had chosen beautiful, modern pieces with cutouts that left little to the imagination, you had opted for a simple LBD. They often teased you for your “grandma” style, but you preferred to call it classic and classy.
“I think we’re the youngest people here,” one of your colleagues groaned. “8 ounces of wine PRN forever.” You all laughed at her prescription pun, following her to the gorgeous bar. As you perused the liquor options, you used the large mirror adorning the bar to glance at some of the other patrons. There was a pretty good-sized crowd tonight, obviously intrigued by a new jazz bar in downtown DC. Most of the current downtown scene was full of clubs advertising epilepsy-inducing strobe lights, so it was nice to have a calmer, more laidback venue. At least, you thought so.
“What can I get for ya, doll?” You looked up to meet the handsome bartender’s charming smile, his bright blue eyes twinkling.
You threw a big smile back his way; after all, you were young, single, and definitely here for more than just enjoying some Sinatra. “It’s my first time here since you guys opened, so what would you recommend?”
“Besides me?” He winked, and you found yourself blushing inadvertently. “I think a girl like you would enjoy a classic. How about a martini?”
“Mm, close. I’m a gin kinda girl, but not a martini kinda girl. I’ll take a gin and tonic,” you smiled, feeling like you won your little game. He laughed in response and shrugged, graciously accepting his loss. As he mixed your drink, an older gentleman in a suit strutted up to the bar next to you, and you nodded kindly in greeting as you shifted to make some space for him.
“Careful with that one,” he chuckled, nodding toward the bartender, and you could immediately see there was a kindness to his eyes. “Sean Hotchner’s known to be a heartbreaker.”
“Rossi,” Blue Eyes groaned as he slid your drink to you. “C’mon!”
You giggled at the father-son-like interaction and passed your card over between two fingers to start a tab. “How have you picked up on that so fast? I thought this place just opened,” you queried, sipping your drink. Turning back to Blue Eyes- Sean, you corrected yourself- you hummed in appreciation and whispered, “It’s perfect.”
“Sean and I have known each other for quite a while,” Rossi filled in the blanks. “And I’m a profiler. Dave,” he stuck his hand out for you to shake, and you took it warmly. You could feel your friends’ eyes on you and you threw a glance in their direction, nodding your head toward the booths and indicating for them to get comfortable.
“Y/N,” you returned in kind. “What’s a profiler? Like marketing?”
Dave laughed, shaking his head. “More in the business of psychopaths and serial killers. If you’re interested, I could introduce you to my friend who’s our unit chief.” You sensed a change in his tone, and suddenly understood why he spoke to you out of your whole group.
“I’m no profiler,” you paused to take a sip of your drink, “but I’d wager you’re playing wingman right now.”
“Yeah, for my brother,” Sean piped up, rolling his eyes. Nice, you smirked to yourself. If Sean looked like that…
You offered Sean a conciliatory smile, knowing full well he could take home any girl at this club that he wanted. “Well Dave, I’ll be waiting at my table with my friends. You can tell your buddy that he can come talk to me, profiler to new profiler.” Laughing to yourself, you headed in your friends’ direction to fill them in on the past few minutes.
“Girl, I have never seen you flirt like that!” your friend exclaimed, awe and pride adorning her face.
“Hm,” you shrugged with a laugh as you squeezed into the last available space at the booth, “I can be charming when I want to be.”
“Clearly! So are you going home with the hottie with a body?”
Mercifully, the band kicked up a springy jazz beat and you mouthed, “Sorry, can’t hear you” back at your friend. She squinted her eyes at you in response, unamused by your antics.
The lead singer started crooning the opening lines to Luck Be a Lady and you squealed with delight. “This is my favorite Sinatra song!” You shimmied excitedly in your seat and settled back to enjoy the music. Your friend started gesticulating wildly at you, and you gave her a quizzical look. “Hot!” she hissed.
“Hot?” you mumbled to yourself. “Do you need ice or-”
“Y/N, is it?”
You heard a deep voice by your side and turned to look over- no, up- at him. Tall, dark and- “Hot.”
You did not just say that out loud. “Uh, Hotchner!” Nice save. Idiot. “You must be the other Hotchner.”
Heat bloomed across your cheeks as he chuckled softly, looking down at his feet. Despite his imposing stature, he seemed almost shy. “Guilty as charged. But please, call me Aaron.” You nodded, equal parts dumbfounded and mortified. “Would you like to dance?”
He held his hand out to you, and you looked to your friends for reassurance. This stuff didn’t actually happen in real life, right? They nodded eagerly, and you took his hand. He tightened his grip on your hand to aid your standing up, and you couldn’t help but blush at the warmth of his skin, the roughness of his palm. He guided you to the dancefloor and into a simple step, moving in time with the music as the band told the story of Lady Luck and her guy.
“Sorry if Dave was a little… forward earlier,” he muttered softly, warm breath against your ear. “Or Sean. Or anyone else from my life you may have met already.”
You laughed, glancing up into his eyes and feeling your breath stolen from your lungs at the intensity of his gaze. “I gave them a hard time too, don’t worry.”
He smiled down at you and pulled you in closer as another couple swept by. “So what brought you and your friends here?”
“Do you mean what are people in their twenties doing here?” you clarified, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“I mean,” he emphasized, twirling you around and earning an elated laugh from you, “what brought you and your friends here?”
“Well,” you smiled, loving the dichotomy of confidence and bashfulness in him, “I’ve always wanted to come to a place like this. Get swept of my feet by an older man.” You saw a flash of defiance in his eyes at your teasing and mentally high-fived yourself.
“Older, hm? Considering you said you’re in your twenties, that could mean anything from thirty to eighty.” By this time, you’ve glided close to the stage, and the singer leaned in to serenade you. “Let’s keep this party polite…”
Ah, sweet irony.
“And would you fall into that category, Aaron?” you asked cheekily.
“What do you think?”
“I think Dave told me you’re the profiler.”
“And I think I still don’t know what you do.”
“Smooth,” you grinned. “I’m a vet. The doctor kind, not the military kind.”
A smile bloomed across his face, highlighting his beautiful features. “That must be incredibly rewarding.”
“It is,” you nodded in agreement. “Of course, there are difficult days but seeing happy pets and happy families makes it worthwhile. What about you, Mr. Unit Chief of the acronym I forgot?”
“BAU,” he supplied. “Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. We have our good days and bad days, too.”
“I can imagine. What made you want to go into that line of work?” The song trailed off as you finished your question, and you didn’t miss the look of disappointment that flitted across his face, echoing your own. “We could… continue this at a table?” you offered shyly.
“I would love that,” he confessed. “Would you like to meet the rest of my team?” He rushed out the question, then looked shocked that he had asked it. “I mean, only if you want to. Or we could sit with your friends. Or alone.”
“If we sat with my friends, you wouldn’t get a word in edgewise,” you laughed. “I would love to meet your team.”
Placing his hand at the small of your back, he guided you over to a group of agents who more so resembled a group of teenagers at the moment. Much like your friends, they were giggling and gossiping about the two of you, clearly not used to their unit chief in such a position.
“I’ll… go get us a drink,” Aaron offered, making a quick exit.
You barely eked out an “Okay!” before he disappeared, and you were left standing in front of his team. “Hello,” you smiled politely. “I’m Y/N.”
“How did you get him to smile so much?”
“How long have you known each other?”
“Where did you get that dress? It’s gorgeous!”
Everyone started talking at once, overwhelming you. Dave hushed them all and gestured for you to take a seat as he introduced the team one by one.
“Derek, Emily, JJ, Spencer, you know me, of course, and-”
“Garcia!” she cut him off excitedly. “Penelope Garcia, and we are going to be best friends, I can just tell!” Her smile was infectious and you felt a sense of comfort wash over you in the presence of these strangers. For some reason, something about this moment felt incredibly right.
You sent your friends a text explaining where you were and apologizing for leaving them on girls’ night. In response, you got a bunch of encouragement and dismissals of your apology. You smiled to yourself, appreciating how supportive your colleagues and friends were. They knew it had been a long time, and I mean a long time, since you had done anything for yourself, including dating.
Aaron returned to the table, and you shifted further into the booth to make room for him as he placed a glass in front of you. “Mojito?” you asked him, tilting the clear liquid and sprigs of mint back and forth.
“I figured you could use something to cool off after that stellar performance,” he grinned at you.
You nodded seriously, taking a sip. “10s all around. For the dance and the drink.”
“To answer your earlier question,” he paused to have some of his own drink- a scotch man, you noted- “I used to be a prosecutor. But I got to a point where I wanted to stop the bad guys before their cases fell on my desk.”
Swoon. “You’re incredible. I mean, you’re admirable. I mean, that’s admirable.” Oh. My. God.
You saw Penelope toss a fry in Derek’s direction, admonishing him as he chuckled behind his drink. You could feel heat rising to your cheeks, realizing you sounded like an inexperienced teenage girl compared to these sophisticated FBI agents.
“Hey,” Aaron said softly, brushing his hand over yours. “I think you’re pretty incredible, too. Also, I’m 44. And I totally understand if that changes things for you.”
“Actually Aaron,” you grinned, “17 just happens to be my lucky number.”
He returned your smile and the two of you turned your attention back to the team’s conversation, a debate over who’s pulled more girls: Derek or Emily.
“Definitely Emily,” JJ asserted, making pointed eye contact with the brunette. Emily threw her fist up in victory as Derek protested, ready to show off his moves with the ladies right here, right now.
You boldly wrapped your arm around Aaron’s and snuggled in closer to him, earning yourself a warm smile that made your heart skip a beat. “Clearly they’re both wrong,” you murmured to him privately. “It’s definitely you, ‘cause you have the best wingman.”
Dave threw you a wink across the table as Aaron laughed, raising his glass in a toast. “To the best wingmen out there, David Rossi and Frank Sinatra.”
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more-than-a-princess · 8 months
"I'm happy we could spend time together, Sonia-senpai. I understand you still have quite the busy day ahead of you, after all." He chuckles, currently heading back to the front of the local park where they initially met up at. He took her around the shopping district, thinking that'd make for a fun time. Whatever shop may have caught her interest, he'd happily go along with it and go inside with her. And any cafe or bookstore they surely popped into, he treated her to whatever she liked. Once they reached the park, Shuichi gestured to a nearby bench for them to sit at. "Now, to finally give you your gifts... I really hope you'll like them! Here you go... " From inside his bag, he pulls out a gift bag. One of the first things inside, were a small container of homemade red velvet chocolate chip cookies. Along with that, was a Halloween themed gift set containing black and red colored bottles of perfume, hand lotion, and a candle. A picture of a rose were depicted on them, with the scents of them all being called 'Vampire Blood.' With the kind of scent it is, being a mix of floral and fruity.
"I-I made the cookies, myself! And as for the gift set... I had saw it when looking through a store, to see what I could get for you. And naturally, I just had to get this the moment I saw it, since I thought you would absolutely love it. And the scent actually does smell nice... ! I hope you'll like it, too, Sonia-senpai: all of it." (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SONIAAA!!! ❤️ 🌹 🩸)
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Sonia's Birthday Asks 2023 - Accepting until Monday, October 16!
It was true that both of them led busy lives: as the Ultimate Detective, Sonia only imagined the sorts of cases he was asked to solve (unfortunately, nothing as fascinating as mass murders or serial killers. Otherwise, she would've adored chiming in with all of her amassed knowledge from the likes of documentaries, non-fiction books, and published case studies that she indulged in for fun). But October was the best month of the year, if just for all of the horror and dark mystery titles aired and published in accordance to the spooky season. It felt odd, in her opinion, to take Shuichi from clothing store to clothing store, especially if there were no styles that suited his fashion taste as well. So instead they perused all manner of festive decor: new pens and stamps in a stationery shop to pair with letter-writing supplies in a gothic style, a supermarket's display of carved pumpkins (and specials on kobocha and various chocolate treats), a discount store full of Halloween costumes and cosplay items (she couldn't resist in putting Shuichi in a Sherlock Holmes-style hat, cape, and magnifying glass, though she'd balked at the rhinestone crowns and scepters for herself). Bookstores were a given, of course, and it was the place where they were both guaranteed to find some treasures.
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But now they walked back from a themed, seasonal spooky cafe. The Vampire Cafe, a favorite haunt of hers, had been fully booked out for the month but one of the video game cafes was themed to a horror murder mystery game, complete with additional Halloween decor and macabre takes on cafe meals. Her hot chocolate, dripping down the sides with raspberry syrup to resemble blood, had been proof enough of the commitment to the theme. She hoped his mood was just as lighthearted and content as hers, Sonia smiling as she sat on the bench he'd indicated. "You arranged gifts for me, Saihara-san?" She asked, surprised. "But this day was such a fun gift already! I am truly blessed!"
She opened the first container's lid carefully, first perplexed by the cookies within before beaming. "These are very red cookies! Very spooky indeed. Are they...a berry flavor, of some sort? Perhaps with some sort of jam?" Red velvet, more of an American invention, had not gained popularity in Novoselic. Yet. Shuichi would likely need to inform her about the cocoa in the cookies, alongside with their red color.
The other gift was far simpler for Sonia to understand. She gasped in surprise, in awe, her fingers tracing over the black lace and antique gold packaging before uncovering the contents inside in their black and red bottles and containers. "Oh! A vampire's blood themed beauty set, it is so beautiful!" She exclaimed, examining the bottles before popping the small candle out of its plastic packaging. "Vampires are the most romantic theme for Halloween, you know. Well, vampires and ghosts and The Addams Family, really. But look, Saihara-san! When you light the black flame candle, it bleeds red with hot wax. How truly dark and terrifying! At least nothing shall befall me upon lighting this black flame candle: I am in no danger of rousing the Sanderson sisters!"
She chuckled at her joke: it was likely Shuichi didn't grow up on the likes of Western Halloween-themed movies and might not catch her reference, but the prospect amused her at least. "Thank you so much, Saihara-san. From your gifts to our wonderful day out, I have had such fun!"
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Twin Self
The Coroner will ascertain that the body is or was Brady Howe, 26 years old, mechanic.
Cause of death, gunshot, most likely a pistol, around 2am to 4am that morning.
He also notes, 'Purge the Perv' written on his torso in red lipstick.
Forensics will determine the lipstick as Rogue Dior refillable, colour 999, Velvet-red.
The occupier of this office is the epitome of an executive.
The classic lines of her royal navy business suit, accentuate her female form, while hiding her attributes.
Amanda Fletcher, has worked hard and climbed the ladder in the business world.
Her non nonsense approach has gained her the respect of her co workers and superiors.
In her middle thirties, her ambitious drive and absolute belief in herself has assured her success.
No time for frivolous affairs of the heart her focus has always been her career.
Known to arrive earlier than most and stay later than many.
Her job consumes her working hours.
Mandi Fletcher, known simply as Mandi, is everything Amanda is not.
She plays hard, clubbing, the night away, always on the prowl.
Like a spider with a finely spun web, she lures her prey in.
Her attire is to attract, reel in the wolves who haunt the clubs.
Her poison, Tequila, her accessory.
Shot glasses lined with salt and red lipstick, litter the table.
Her attention solely focused on the jackal who sits opposite her, making the mistake that she is an easy mark.
'Her mark' thinks he will get his rocks off tonight, but Mandi has other plans.
The promise in her eyes, belies her true intentions.
The man sees this not, for his mind is driven by a primal urge.
He sees what he wants to see, not the truth.
His undoing.
Mandi, whispers in his ear, words she knows will ignite and wipe away any caution.
With expertise and experience she snares her prey.
Enticement the carrot he blindly follows her to the alley.
Her hands roam his body, slowly unzipping his Levi's while her tongue lathers his neck and ears.
He is preoccupied, the thought on his mind only is sex.
Mandi, rips his shirt buttons fly across the alley, then within a split second he feels cold steel on his chest.
It's too late
The pistol fired at point blank range, has secured his future.
Death, the morgue, burial.
His body slumps to the ground.
Mandi looks at him with cold eyes that show no remorse.
Lipstick in hand.
"Purge the Perv"
Written on his chest, looking at her handiwork one last time, she heads home.
Lead Detective, on the 'Purge the perv' case, Carlos Rodriguez, stares at the victim, the fifth victim in five weeks.
The perp, a female, lipstick was one clue, but salvia on the neck of previous victims clenched that.
'Female serial killers are rare'.
'Unknown female DNA'.
So far witnesses have only provided the vaguest of descriptions, all varying in detail.
Video surveillance seems useless, as the perp has the knack of avoiding the cameras.
Detective  Rodriguez steps away as forensics gathers what evidence is available.
He surmises she must be a somewhat attractive woman, clever as well.
Eventually she will slip, they all do in the end he tells himself.
As Amanda  heads home, she is looking forward to tonight's activities.
It's been a week, she can feel the tension building the urge to purge, foremost on her mind.
It consumes her till she can think of nothing else.
The thrill of the hunt, the satisfaction when her prey stares in the emptiness with dead eyes.
Tonight, she  the lioness will find a gazelle, lead him from the herd, and her quarry will meet his demise.
Mandi walks into the club, as she has done so many times previously.
Her black leather pants and top leave nothing to the imagination.
She is there to gain the attention of the creeps, the perverted who believe these clubs are their playground.
Ordering Tequila shots, she sits and waits.
An alluring smile to those who glance her way, the promise of sexual fulfillment to the lucky one.
A man, confident in his approach, sits at her table.
"May I ?" He asks while already lounging on the opposite  chair.
"Please do".
Small idle chit chat  follows. The type that is offered to strangers.
Both wear a mask, both have an agenda.
Alcohol flows freely, as do the innuendos,  promises not spoken but implied.
Mandi is ready, he is the perfect mark, lifting her leg, her toes massage his thigh. 
Licking the salt from the shot glass, she casually runs her tongue over her lips.
A Sensuous smile lines her face, her voice husky with lust.
Lust not for sex, the game.
She leans forward, her ample cleavage within his purview.
Suggesting they step outside, he does not need anymore encouragement and follows her lead.
Mandi, has her routine down pact, caressing his body with her lips and tongue while her hands explore.
Only this time it is Mandi who feels cold steel.
Too late.
The knife slices her throat.
He sits and watches as her life force ebbs away.
Mandi realized too late she had met a worthy opponent, her male counterpart.
When dead lifeless eyes stare back at him, he smiles. 
His sense of accomplishment fulfilled, he leaves the dark, stank alley and disappears into the night.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Chromeskull becoming infatuated with the reader so he stalks her and leaves special gifts on her doorsteps. 😊
Your girl here has a habit of getting writing ideas when buying lace lingerie and high brand perfume. Yes, because I bask into a little luxury...and Chromeskull.
Here you have a piece of some big-bad-killer-skull-daddy .
Chromeskull x Reader- Dating tips from Chromeskull
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You attracted weirdos, that was your own opinion about yourself and you had a huge list of examples to attest to this said theory.
First, it was a guy in high-school who used to have a stash of playboy magazines. Nothing weird, only that he used to keep it in his backpack all the time with him. You even heard he masturbated in the school toilet. Gross. Just no.
Then there was a guy named Darwin that gave you love letters, only said love letters were always theories about how you resembled cartoon characters, not to mention the guy had a habit of spitting all the time when he talked.
Last, now in college, a pervert who always smelled of cheese and was a vegan. No, you weren't judgemental, but he always eats with his hands and tried to show his theories about eating meat is evil down your throat. You had enough to say the last.
Dating has never been your top game and being in college, you hoped you would find a decent guy, but your expectations weren't meet. Guys who were decent enough always scrambled away once they found out you weren't a dizzy bimbo who only giggled at every comment they made.
This is how you ended up on a Friday night at home, drinking some wine and watching serial killers documentaries, while your classmates were probably at a party, snorting cocaine and fucking into dirty bathroom stalls.
Yeah...Not exactly something you would look forward too.
Now, you weren't a prude, but giving head to a guy in a place that had probably STD all over the walls wasn't exactly appealing to say the last.
If only you could find a decent guy that would, at last, have the decency to wash before going on a date and who wouldn't choke on his own spit when laughing.
You were ready to get yourself a refill of wine when your doorbell rang, making you furrow your brows in confusion.
You sure weren't expecting anyone, but knowing some of your friends they sure would stumble to your house when drunk because they couldn't find their cellphones or keys.
Putting on your fluffy bunny slippers, you marched up to the front door and looked through the hole to see who it was. You learned from murderous documentaries that you shouldn't open the door at night if you don't know who it is.
So, you opened it, looking from left to right to see if you could spot anyone, but no such luck. Probably some children messing around.
You were ready to close the door when your eyes looked down to see a white envelope on the welcome matt. Crouching down you grasped it and looked one more time left to right, hoping to spot the person who left it.
The silence of the night and chilly September night made you shiver a little, so you moved back inside to the couch and opened the envelope to see it was a letter, so you started reading it:
My dear little piggy,
Ever since the first time I meet you, I must say I always wondered how you would look in red, dripping down your body, your kissable lips into an 'o' shape, your nails dragging down my back as your flesh envelopes my knife.
Aren't you scared, so alone?
Your eyes widened at the twisted words on the white sheet, and the fact that the only sign at the bottom of the letter was a scribbled skull made it all the more unnerving.
That's the moment when you felt like you were being watched, your paranoid mind making you feel anxious.
If only you looked out the window you would see the ominous and out of the scenario black Bentley on the other side of the road.
In the past three months, things haven't been any decreasing either, because from twisted letters it all went to gifts if you could even call them that. Yes, they were gifts, but what made them unsettling was how the coincidence went.
You went out shopping one day and saw your favorite perfume, but didn't have the money to buy it. Imagine the surprise that after two days a velvet pink box sat in front of your door with the expensive perfume.
Then one time you saw a beautiful dress from Chanel that you were oh so tempted to buy, but rent and food were more important, then later that night you received it and it was your size. That was just disturbing.
This continued for months and from anxious to went to curious and intrigued. It was insane, but none in your life put so much thought in spoiling you, despite not knowing who this person is.
To put it simply you were basked into luxurious gifts and cards for shopping.
You felt special.
It came to no surprise that Chromeskull was always chasing piggies, but this time it was you that he was chasing after; not the usual slaughtering piggy way, but more like spoiling a little kitten who was you.
It was pretty comic to see a 40-year-old man chasing after a girl that has half his age, but what can you say? Jesse has always liked them young and fresh, no wonder he gave off big-bad-killer-daddy vibes.
He loved to see your appreciation for his gifts and attention towards you, despite it not being direct, but his self-consciousness after he lost his face made it almost impossible to get woman willingly.
Paying piggies to suck him off didn't count.
He wanted someone who was willing to go full length into a relationship with him, someone who he could have a good time, from conversations to mind-blowing sex.
That's why he chose you.
It all started with an unpredictable meeting.
Yes, you have meet Jesse, but you didn't know it.
You were shopping and because you were in such a hurry to catch the bus, you run into him while you looked down at your phone, your head meeting his chest.
The way you looked up at him at that time almost made him want to stop you. Your wide eyes, not of fear or disgust, maybe it was surprising because he knew very well how a displeased face looks like, your pouty lips and slightly pink cheeks of embarrassment were so appealing.
"I-I'm so sorry, sir!"
That was the only thing you said before sprinting away and that was also the moment when he knew he wanted you and what Jesse Cromeans wants, he gets.
In the past months, he made sure you weren't lacking in anything and he was even more so pleased when you accepted all the gifts, seeing you wear the clothes he gave you made him feel like he owned you.
Normally, Jesse was the ever so most confident person you could meet, but now he felt like his shy teenage self, looking at you from a few feet away as you were grocery shopping.
He wanted to approach you. Badly, but how could he? His face and his muteness didn't help.
You were at the liquor part, looking over bottles with furrowed brows, not knowing what to get, until a pale hand gripped a bottle of expensive scotch from the top shelf, the forearms fully tattooed.
You looked behind you to see a tall and bald man, dressed in all black, the fully tattooed forearms been on display from how his sleeves were rolled up.
'This one is the finest scotch from here if you want to drink something more refined.' an electronic voice spoke from his phone that he held in the other hand.
You were to say so surprisedly by this man's approach.
"Oh...You're mute? I know ASL, so there's no need to type on the phone if it's easier for you." you quickly said, making the man grin.
Did you know ASL? How could he miss that? You were full of surprises.
'That's good. I hate to use the electronic reader all the time.' he signed, his grin never leaving his scarred lips.
'I'm Jesse.' he signed and you introduced yourself, shaking his bigger hand.
"I would love to try this scotch, but donating my kidney for glass doesn't sound too appealing." you said with a dry chuckle.
Dark sense of humor. Good. Check.
'How about I buy it and you go out on a date with me? Sounds like a deal?' he signed and you arched an eyebrow, a lop-sided smile on your face.
That was the moment Jesse felt nervous, despite not showing. He could already imagine you laughing at him, for thinking that a cute girl like you would go out with someone like him.
What? His brown eye widened a little and you giggled at his shocked expression.
"You don't have to buy me a 2,500$ bottle of scotch to go on a date with me." you said, making him silently chuckle.
'Do you want a ride?' he asked, signing and you grinned, nodding.
Yes, that was the start of an interesting relationship. At first, it had ups and downs because of the age-gap and the hateful comments, that made Jesse want to murder all the people that even dared to question his relationship with you.
Imagine the surprise when one time you punched one guy for calling Jesse 'old-sugar-daddy' and you 'nasty-gold-digger'.
That was another aspect of you that he learned that you had and started to love it a lot; you were a feisty little thing and protective of him.
You always took care of his ego, assuring him that he was perfect just how he is and it made Jesse's heart swell with things he almost forgot existed.
To put it simply, you completed each other....In all ways.
Your hair was splayed in a mess on the black silk pillows, one hand fisting the bedsheets and the other rubbing the bald scalp of your lover who had your red lace panties pulled aside and his tongue wiggling inside your heat, making your toes curl.
"Fuck.......Jesse......I-If you don't stop...I-I'm gonna squirt." you breathed out, chest heaving and nipples hard from all the pleasure that was jolting up your spine.
The man between your legs stopped, giving your clit a flick with his tongue, his body moving up on top of you, scarred lips meeting plush ones, kissing with you such vigor you sometimes couldn't keep up.
He broke the kiss, looking down at you, so perfect on his bed.
'I'm going to wreck your world.' he signed with a dark smirk and you couldn't help but smile, your hand coming to cup his cheek, your thumb brushing over his scars.
"Please do, Chromeskull." you whispered, looking up at him from under your eyelashes.
Jesse grinned, pulling you into another passionate kiss, taking your breath away.
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lucywritesreid · 4 years
I know what you are
Notes: I’ve been re-reading twilight and watching criminal minds (it’s almost like I’m trying to relive my youth!) and the scene where Spencer doesn’t know what ‘cullen’ is just kills me every time.
 Summary: Y/N is excited about the release of Midnight Sun. Spencer still doesn’t know what all this hype is about. But he’s about to get involved.
 Word count: 1.5k
 “Y/N, oh my gosh! C’mere!” Penelope shouted in glee, pushing herself away from her computer desk and waving her arms around her face. “You need to see this!” You ran across the room towards her and leaned over her shoulder to read what was on the screen.
Midnight Sun, the new release from Stephanie Meyer.
“Holy shit!” you laughed and squeezed Penelope’s shoulder at the same time. “I didn’t know this was actually coming out!”
“I don’t believe it either y/n but I know I’m gonna need a marathon watching session beforehand!” You both giggled and carried on reading all the details on the screen. Sure, you were both grown women, but you’d be damned if that meant you weren’t excited about the hot vampires and werewolves. “Okay,” Penelope looked up at you, a serious expression across her face. “On the count of three we both need to say which team we are on. 1, 2, 3…”
The happy news of the book release followed you for the rest of the day. Penelope couldn’t help herself making twilight puns whenever she spoke to you. You’d managed to get JJ on board with your excitement, although you were slightly disappointed when she declared her support for Team Jacob.
“Listen guys… I just like looking at them with their shirts off. The vampires, not so much,” she’d shrugged, and you’d happily accepted her explanation. Emily was slightly more reluctant about getting involved, but couldn’t resist looking at all the pictures of ‘topless werewolves’ that you googled during your lunch break. You were still discussing the saga towards the end of the day just as Spencer had walked over to ask if you were ready to go home yet.
“Reid! You haven’t seen the twilight films have you?” Emily asked with a smirk, fully knowing what the answer would be.
“I-I haven’t, no,” he stuttered with a furrowed brow, also guessing where this conversation was headed. “I’m just not really into the whole thing.”
Your jaw almost hit the floor when you looked up at him. How had he not seen them? More importantly, how had you lived together for nearly a whole year and didn’t know he’d never seen one of your favourite film series?
“Well sweet boy you’re gonna have to catch up because there’s a new book coming out and your darling y/n is going to become mega obsessed all over again,” Penelope responded on your behalf. You were slightly smug that someone else was pointing out he should watch them.
He could hardly say no in a room full of witnesses. “Sure thing, Garcia,” he laughed and reached out for your hand.
 Two days later, and you’d had the most exhausting day. You’d agreed to start Thai boxing with Emily after work, and although you enjoyed spending time together, there was very little energy left for your evenings. You stepped in the front door and set your gym bag on the floor. It was oddly dark and you reached out for the hall light. That was strange. You knew Spencer was home, he’d left before you went boxing. “Spence, babe? Are you here?” You called out and edged into the front room.
You could hardly believe what was in front of your eyes. Spencer had moved all your furniture to the side of the room and out on the floor lay a large pile of throw pillows and blankets. Every shelf and surface was littered with lit candles, vanilla and cinnamon swirling around the room. You noticed a plate of red velvet cupcakes and two full glasses of red wine on the edge of the blanket. It looked so inviting. And to make the scene even more perfect, Spencer was stood in his black silk pyjamas in the middle of the room, a proud smile on his face.
“Honey, what is this?” you asked, a mixture of confusion and excitement in your voice.
“Well, after you were talking about your new book coming out the other day, I realised that I have neglected that part of your personality. This is one of your hobbies and I want to experience it with you. So, we’re going to watch the twilight films. This is gonna be our set up every night for the rest of the week. I’ve left your pyjamas on the edge of the bed. The matching ones of course.”
You raced across the room towards him, careful not to stand on any of his decorations. “You are going to love this, I promise!” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, before he pulled away a minute later.
“Go get changed bloodsucker,” he laughed.
Twenty minutes later and you both sat cross-legged on the blanket, fully indulged in the film. Spencer’s scepticism was noticeable from the beginning but you knew he was trying his hardest to enjoy himself. To make the experience more enjoyable, you had refrained from sharing trivia about the cast. Instead, you were profiling each of the character’s as you first met them.
The most enjoyable was when the Cullen family first arrived in the cafeteria. “Okay, here we go!” Spencer sat up and cracked his knuckles. “Well, he’s clearly got some kind of hidden trauma. He’s the most uncomfortable one there,” he pointed to a figure on the screen.
“Yeah honey that’s Jasper, you won’t believe the poor things that guys experienced…”
“And her! The one with him. She reminds me of you,” he turned away from the screen and gave you a smile.
“Alice? How come?” your cheeks were reddening. But you were not about to reveal that you’d desperately wanted to be Alice when you first read the books all those years ago.
Spencer shrugged. “She looks happy. Kind. Caring. And next to the rest of them who all look so miserable, she stands out. Just like you.”
The rest of the film was filmed with commentary about the character’s odd movements and behaviours. Spencer declared his favourite part was when Edward covered his mouth when Bella came into the classroom. He couldn’t stop laughing, and you couldn’t help but join him. “There are serial killers who don’t look that intensely at their victims!” he roared.
“I suppose he kinda wants her to be a victim, Spence. He wants to drink her blood.”
“Even so, you think a guy that’s been supposedly a vampire for such a considerable amount of time would be a little more subtle about it.”
You smirked. You couldn’t help but put yourself in that situation. Imagining discovering Spencer was a vampire, a beautiful immortal. How it would feel if his teeth bit down into the softness of your warm skin…
By the end of the first film, you were recreating the end scene. As soon as Spencer saw them going off to prom, he’d stood up from the blanket bed and asked for your hand. “Let’s join them,” and you were quick to follow. You danced around the living room, arms around his neck and his chest firmly pressed against you. You didn’t have to look up at the screen to know that your dancing was far better than the one on the screen. More passionate, more loving.
“I’ve really enjoyed this, y’know…” he whispered softly, inches away from your mouth. “Same again tomorrow?”
You nodded and melted away into his arms as he leaned down to kiss you.
The next day, you were relieved to come home to the same setup as the day before. This time, you had red wine again, but it was accompanied by popcorn. The smell of your favourite candles lingered from the day before. You settled down into your pillow bed, this time choosing to sit practically on Spencer’s lap, your head nuzzled up into his neck. “This one makes me sad,” you sighed softly just after Edward left Bella in the forest. “I couldn’t imagine you doing this to me…”
He reached out and gently caressed your hair with his fingertips, “Never gonna happen,” he kissed your hair, “besides, they’re going to have a lovely reunion in Italy towards the end. Maybe we should go on vacation to Italy in the summer…”
You gasped. Escaping from his embrace you picked up the nearest cushion and gripped it between your fingers. “Spencer! How do you know that?! Did you watch this without me?” You pouted, teasing him by raising an eyebrow.
He looked down sheepishly and said quietly, “I may have read all the books when you went to sleep last night, y/n.”
You tapped him on the shoulder with the cushion. “No fair! I can’t see your genuine reactions now when you know what happens!” It was hard to fake being annoyed at someone so heartbreakingly adorable. “What will I do now…”
“We,” he interjected, “will finish these films and you can enjoy my now well-informed commentary.” He smirked. “And then we’ll get round to booking that holiday.”
You set down the pillow and went back to your previous position with your head on his shoulder. “Okay, fine. But you have to promise we can have a little vampire roleplay when we go to bed later.”
“Definitely,” Spencer agreed, “you look good enough to eat!” He said in a terrible Count Dracula-like accent.
“That’s not even how they talk in this…” you giggled.
“Well maybe it should be.”
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jiminrings · 3 years
no i will not be leaving your inbox get your hands off of me
this is for the ff writers that write pure angst:
i need yall to open your minds and imagine that your stories are just prophecies for different timelines in alternative dimensions so what i’m really saying is you’re sick in the head.
y’all serial killers. when red velvet came out with psycho, they were talkin to yall. they read a seokjin angst fic where you killed off the man you swear you would die for, for PLOT, and they said you’re mentally ill.
y’all do this and cause pain for others on your free time so really reflect on yourself. no go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done YOU’RE SÎC—
[breaking noises]
[alien abduction noises]
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
I absolutely loved your Halloween fic for GO! Would you be willing to write another one just as sweet?
Hello, nonnie! I’m glad you liked it :) You asked for something sweet specifically, so I came up with a one-shot I hope fits that bill
Tricks or Treats (Rated PG13)
Lydia is about to pack it in for the evening, bid the trick or treaters adieu, when the oddest pair of Halloween revelers come knocking at her door. (1458 words)
Lydia shuffles to the front door in her carpet slippers, bowl of candy in hand, rolling her eyes at that obnoxious knock. If she has to listen to another parent pound on her door in a kitschy, song-inspired rhythm, she’s going to start handing out scotch eggs instead of treats.
She swears to God she will.
Lydia groans, but stops when, on the other side of the door, she hears a man’s voice say, “Quit it, angel! I’m pretty sure they get the hint. No more knocking needed.”
She smiles at that voice.
It’s smooth, attractive, dripping with sex appeal.
A man with a sexy voice and common sense. A rare commodity these days.
But then she remembers that he called someone angel, which means he’s married, accompanied by their gaggle of kids, and she groans again.
Halloween is definitely not the night to be scoping out hot guys, even if they come right up to her door.
She stops shy of grabbing the doorknob, debating whether or not she’s going to open it. It’s not exactly late – 9:15 at the latest. But considering the swarm she’d had to endure starting at five, she doesn’t think any reasonable adult would blame her for turning her lights out on whoever’s out there, plopping down in front of the tube, and holding her own private Doctor Who marathon while gnawing on what candy is left in the bowl.
She never had kids of her own. Never wanted them. So she never had to endure the yearly ritual of dressing them up like the latest popular cartoon characters and doing the rounds door to door begging for sweets. But for some reason, this year, doing her part by feeding the neighborhood rug-rats became too much too soon.
The urge to go through with Plan Hunker-Down-and-Hide becomes nearly overwhelming when she peeks a few feet to the right and realizes she can’t go through with it.
Not this time.
Not with this batch or trick-or-treaters.
Not because of some deeply invested sense of noble purpose.
But because she’s left her curtains open, and the people on the doorstep can see her standing there, contemplating life.
She only sees the parents – two men standing side by side. The older of the two (she presumes by his white hair) smiles brightly at her and waves. There’s something so wholesome in the twinkle in his eyes. A childlike glee. She doesn’t have the heart to blow him off. Besides, the man he’s standing next to – dressed all in black, tight-fitting jeans and flaming red hair, the perfect dash of sinister to the other man’s sweet – is a little too tempting for her not to see in person.
She squares her shoulders, clears her throat. She walks the two steps to the door and opens it. She smiles down at the two men on the stairs … but that smile sags a tad when she sees it’s just them and no one else.
Not a child in sight.
Normally, she would be thrilled, because that might mean the man in black could be available, but seeing as this is a holiday where the company of children is to be expected, these two men might be whackos.
Or serial killers.
The men are both handsome, but neither in costume. The older gentleman (not too much older than his companion, she realizes now that he’s no longer obscured by her dusty glass window) is dressed entirely in pale cream and sky blue. His well-worn velvet vest reminds her strongly of her nana’s favorite sofa and that puts her at ease. The man beside him, taller and thinner, is dressed like a rich undertaker: snakeskin shoes on his feet and a pair of dark glasses resting on the bridge of his nose she swears she’s seen in the window at Ferragamo, which means they cost way more than she’ll ever be able to afford in her life.
If she had to make a guess, she’d say they’re dressed as an angel and a demon.
She doesn’t know why, given she has no real evidence. It’s just a feeling she gets looking at the two of them.
The man in white holds out a wooden bowl filled to the brim with treats and declares brightly, “Trick or Treat!”
“My ... goodness!” Lydia replies with mild confusion. “Aren’t you two a little old to be trick or treating?”
“Halloween has no age limit,” the man in black says dryly, a line she’s certain his friend has persuaded him to say seeing as the wattage on his smile dials up when he hears it.
“I see ...”
“Here you go, my dear,” the angel (since that’s how she has decided to think of him) says, holding his bowl up higher. “Take what you’d like.”
“Oh! Uh …” Lydia appraises the angel and the demon, more confused than she’s ever been in her life. She’d think the two were playing at something except the angel seems so incandescently happy to be offering her treats, she can’t imagine he’s trying to pull anything over on her. “You’re … giving me candy?
“Yes! You’ve been handing out treats all night long. Don’t you think you deserve a little something?
“Why ... yes!” Lydia chuckles, both touched and bemused. “Thank you for the thought and all, but I already have more candy than I know what to do with!” She holds out her own bowl as evidence.
The man in black steps forward. He slides his glasses down his nose and looks up at her with yellow, slitted eyes. Serpent’s eyes. She bites her lower lip. She was right! At least, half right. He has dressed as a demon – costume contacts and all! “There’s Schnapps in there, too,” he informs her, tilting his head toward the bowl.
Her eyes light up. “You’re kidding! Oh dear God, I’ve been dying for a drink! And I don’t have a drop in the house!”
“You’re welcome to them then,” the angel says.
Lydia looks at the bowl in disbelief. There, lying on top, are five small bottles of Schnapps. But they weren’t there before. She doesn’t think they were. Granted, she only took a quick glance at the bowl when the angel first presented it, but she thought it was filled with chocolate bars, popcorn balls, and peanut brittle. She takes one bottle, but the angel nudges the bowl at her.
“Go ahead and have them all.”
“Thank you!” she says, plucking them out quickly, trying not to appear too greedy in her gratitude. “Oh and they’re peach! Peach is my favorite! How did you …?” Lydia looks at the angel, then the demon, her head shaking slightly. “But you couldn’t have known, right? It’s a lucky coincidence.”
“The bowl knows,” the demon says, tapping his temple.
“That’s right,” the angel concurs. “The bowl does tend to know what people like best.”
“Right,” Lydia says skeptically. It’s a coincidence, she thinks. That’s all. It’s Halloween. And even though these men don’t seem dangerous, they’re probably messing with her a little. Still, there’s no harm in believing that they are what they seem to be – an angel and a demon, carrying a magical bowl from house to house, granting the wishes of tired housewives and maudlin single women. “Well, bless you! Bless you both!”
“You’re very welcome!” the angel says but the demon jerks back, shaking his head and pinching his lips as if he’s suddenly smelt something foul.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah …” He grabs the angel’s elbow and pulls him down the stairs. “Steady on with the blessing there. Enjoy your booze.”
“I will!” Lydia clutches her precious cargo to her chest, fully prepared to pack it in for the evening with no regrets.
“Oh, and enjoy your Doctor Who marathon, my dear,” the angel calls over his shoulder with a wink.
Lydia’s eyes pop. Her mouth drops. In the seconds that follow, she furiously scans her memories of their conversation, searching for the moment she mentioned that was what she was thinking of doing before she opened the door.
But before her scanning has finished she knows – she didn’t make a one.
“Nine has always been my favorite,” the angel continues.
“Really?” the demon says, offering the angel his arm as Lydia watches them start down the street. “I fancy Ten, meself.”
“Oh, no. No no no, dear.”
“Why not? What does Nine got that Ten doesn’t?”
“He’s a bad boy, as they say, with a heart of gold.” The angel chuckles, resting his head on the demon’s shoulder. The demon, for his part, gravitates toward him, his body bowing in the angel’s direction. “It’s my one true weakness, my love.”
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havocinthebluebox · 4 years
autumnal asks : all of it. Titeplait XD
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I am on my phone, it took me like FOREVER to type that XD but thank you sister, I had a lot of fun answering these questions !
1. what is your favorite autumn scent?
The smell of fallen leaves, the smell of cold days to come.
2. would you rather go through a corn maze or go pumpkin picking?
Pumpkin picking, I've never done that ! 🎃
3. what is your favorite halloween candy ?
I don't know if it's a very Halloween candy and I don't know the English word for that but Pommes d'amour are a favorite of mine. I don't like very sugary stuff anymore but anything with caramel in it will make me happy.
4. favorite autumn holiday?
As if you don't know which one ! XD it's not a formal holiday but Samhain for sure.
5. rainy,foggy autumn days or cold,sunny autumn days?
I'll take a whole season of rainy,foggy days over any sunny summer day. Anytime. I love the winter sun though.
6. favorite horror movie to watch on halloween?
I am not a huge horror movie fan, I don't like modern horror. I find it lazy and relying on jump scare. but I like stuff with a creepy vibe and specific ambiance. Most of the time I don't watch movies on halloween, but i'd pick a classic like some Tod Browning's Dracula !
7. do you like raking leaves?
Yes but I am so clumsy believe me you don't want to be near me if I am yielding a rake !
8. do you have any special autumn traditions? what are they?
I put decorations in my flat and make space for a second small altar, season themed. I pour a glass of whiskey, put it there with a though for dead relatives. (It was my late grandfather favorite drink, as well as wine... Did someone in the background say ''social drinking problem'' ?)
9. do you like carving pumpkins?
I've never done that, I'd like to try someday.
10. combat boots or cardigans?
My everyday shoes : Combat boots. But why not both ?
11. yellows,reds and browns or purples,blacks and oranges?
purples,blacks and oranges
12. favorite autumn drink?
Semi-dry apple cider - or sweet cider if I drink it while eating a cake or a crepe with it because 4 heures is the most important meal in my day (I know it's not autumn specific, I just love cider !). But it's such a comforting drink after a stroll in the forest or along the coast on a windy day ! Something special I like to prepare in autumn is hot apple juice with spices in it !
13. do you like pumpkin spice flavored things ?
I do not like pumpkin spice flavored things... I have pumpkin spice flavor running in my blood !
14. favorite type of pie ?
Apple pie or tarte bourdaloue
15. do you have any special halloween traditions? what are they?
I put Halloween themed decorations a few weeks before and launch my Gothic themed playlist, or a Type O Negative album. If there is a party I get ready while listening to it (more like 50% getting ready, 50% awkward dancing). If I have nothing planned I stay home (sometimes in my best outfit or most dramatic dresses even if I am alone because why not ?), have a nice cup of cider and read creepy books : Poppy Z Brite, Edgar Allan Poe, or I go full Requiem Knight Vampire and re-read my comics collection (first edition, the apple of my eyes !)
16. halloween parties or giving out candy to trick or treaters?
Both but Halloween parties if my friends are organizing something.
17. hayrides or campfires?
18. describe your ideal autumn day?
Foggy morning. A long walk in the afternoon and a hot drink once I am back home and then reading or writing curled up in a soft plaid with music in the background while a good meal is simmering.
19. coffee or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate !
20. alcoholic or non alcoholic apple cider?
Wait, is non alcoholic apple cider a real common thing, like sparkling apple juice, but different ? Is that like non alcoholic beer ? I am so confused ! I just discovered another world.
21. what is your go to autumn outfit(s) ?
I can put my favorite clothes again without dying because of a heatstroke : velvet dresses and light jackets.
My favorite one consists in a velvet black dress with a pointy white collar, a bow and long flared sleeves, lace pair of tighs and boots. If it's a bit cold I'll put a short jacket or cape on it, or the Holy Silver Perfecto.
22. do you wear scarves?
Yes. My favorite ones are my Racenclaw scarf when it's really cold and a black and white shawl with a skull pattern. It's worn out as hell but my father bought it for me at a motorcycle exhibition so it's linked with a good memory !
23. describe your dream autumn date ?
If someone is okay with the idea of spending time with me during my typical ''ideal autumn day'', it's my ideal autumn date ! Nothing fancy ! But for something more ''special'', a long stroll, a stop at a bookstore or record shop, then sharing a snack in a cozy tearoom or sipping a good beer in a pub !
24. scary stories around a camp fire or getting lost in a corn maze with someone ?
Both sound good. I have plenty of true crime/serial killer facts to take part in that ! But on the other hand I can be a scaredy cat plus, above all, I have a wild imagination and after hearing/telling scary stories I'll be startled by the tiniest noise (with the bonus high-pitched-cry). My street cred' won't survive it ! I mean, the corn maze can also be creepy but not in the same way (plus I guess interesting things can happen in there if you go with a special someone 😏).
25. black cats or bats?
Did I make you chose between chocolate and litterature ?! WHY ARE YOU TEARING ME APPART LIKE THAT ?!
...Lilith is a black cat so if I really must choose I'll say black cats. But I have love for all the cats in the world. And every single bat has my support.
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26. do you decorate for autumn? what is it like?
I like to decorate. I put candles and soft lights everywhere, pick-up fallen leaves and pine cones I find pretty and put that where I can. Also, kitschy Halloween decor and a lot of pumpkin shaped stuff !
27. vampires or witches?
28. do you collect crystals?
The corvid in me yells ''Yes. Give me all the pretty/shiny/odd rocks !''
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29. do you like cold weather?
I like it a lot. No, I love it.
30. what was your favorite autumn activity as a kid?
I grew up in a French oversea territory so the seasons were not the same. There is no ''autumn'' there ! My favorite memories from that time of the year are linked with Halloween when I was celebrating it (I was a loner and still am so I was also really happy when I just read stories from my most frightening books alone in my bedroom) : finding a good costume idea, finding stuff to make it real, trick or treating with friends and telling scary stories while eating our loot.
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peremadeleine · 4 years
The Empathetic Dog Thief, Episode 1
Alternative titles: “Will: Deer Hunter and Dog Dad,” “Crimes Against Costuming,” “What Year Is It: A Crime Drama”
Armed with a gin & tonic and one sleepy cat, I finally gave the NBC show another shot.
I didn’t know Will had a superpower. Cool...?
How come he’s play-acting the murderer, though? Just because he can think like a killer doesn’t mean he needs to be reenacting it himself. That’s just confusing for the audience?? The way they did it in the Red Dragon movie was still effective without coming off as “aw, Will’s playing serial killer”
“This is my design” what
Plaid shirt and striped tie, truly a costuming sin. I didn’t love Will’s “modern wild west” costume vibes in Red Dragon, but it was better than this.
Don’t pretend that Jack and Will don’t know each other. Hate that.
Do look forward to hearing how many different ways people can pronounce “Graham” though.
Oh boy, why does Crawford push Will’s glasses up on his face while murmuring “hey” softly like a lover?? They’re strangers. That was mighty uncomfortable.
is he just assuming Will is on the spectrum? Right after they met???
and then Will confirms, but wait, he just has an “active imagination”?
at least in canon Crawford doesn’t take advantage of people on the gd spectrum, and he spins it as being for the good of the victims. jfc.
“based on the characters by Thomas Harris”
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Of course all the victims in the first episode are going to be women
“it’s not about all of these girls, it’s about one of them”--seven minutes in and they’re already ripping off Silence.
“he’s like Willy Wonka. every girl he takes is a candy bar.” no. nO.
“I mean, I would. Wouldn’t you?” no Will, Crawford’s a douchebag, not a murderous psychopath.
“Why is it now a crime scene?” Because Will says so and he’s his own forensic team, apparently. Next question.
Also apparently he only owns red plaid-print shirts. Huh.
Lol Will has empathy for everyone but a grieving father confronted with his daughter’s dead body???
I don’t like the way Crawford is speaking to Will one bit. It’s supposed to be sensitive, but it comes off as condescending and mollycoddling. Ew. That is SO not Jack Crawford.
"You wrote the standard monograph on time of death by insect activity"?!?
so Will IS his own forensic team. Weird flex, but okay.
Antler velvet. Christ, HERE WE GO.
“You not real FBI?” Rip-off of Silence #2!
“You unstable?” Stop coming at Will, Jesus!
Will is a serial dognapper. SIX DOGS. Maybe, maybe, people in this neighborhood are missing their gd dogs, you monster.
none of them are even UGLY dogs
Will’s also drinking tho. One point for Gryffindor.
Oh, another plaid shirt. At least this one’s got a nice pattern. And isn’t red.
The bathroom is painted red, tho. What is it with Fuller and red walls?
Hugh Dancy’s American accent slips when he tries to like...emote. Yikes.
Strangulation is neither quick nor merciful.
A forensic specialist who wears her long-ass dark hair loose down her back and shoulders in the lab should be FIRED.
Implied “we covet what we see every day” scene: Silence Rip-Off #3
nineteen minutes in, me: W H E R E  I S  H A N N I B A L this is false marketing
Okay, I actually kind of like the “okay, I can cover him 80%” scene. Crawford’s real good at fucking up people’s lives in order to save lives.
twenty-one minutes in, me: HANNIBAL’S HERE THANK CHRIST
will probably regret this thought later
it’s okay, Hans. I, too, hate the career choices that have led me to this point.
the fact that he has tissues by HIS chair in his office is fuckin’ hilarious, what a douche, I love him
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same, tho
The costumes and sets and cars are all screaming 70s/80s. But smartphones!
I’m watching this pretty late so my volume is a bit low and I cannot understand 70% of Hannibal’s dialogue, uh oh
Hannibal is supposed to be short so I don’t think this little “oh Crawford confused the short weepy patient with Hannibal” bit is that cute...I’ve always felt like Mads was poorly cast for that reason, among others. Oh well.
I take it all back:
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“No secretary?” “She was predisposed to romantic whims.” Not sure whether I like this line because Hannibal’s the one acting on whimsy or if it makes me cringe because of the way they’re dismissing Hannibal’s former secretary. Hmm.
“Are these yours, doctor?” a) Duh and b) Silence Rip-Off #4
Why the fuck does Crawford think he can just examine Hannibal’s papers? Like?????????
no wonder he hates your rude ass, Jack
“Very interesting, even for a layman” Wow, unexpected Red Dragon rip-off (by the Red Dragon adaptation) #1
this whole scene is made of cringe HELP
why is Hannibal dressed in his Easter Sunday suit
Tattlecrimes.com. I’M SPEECHLESS at the stupidity of that.
tabloids are, in fact, still a thing in the Year of Our Lord 2013
No way is Hannibal fucking Lecter going to drink the swill that probably is Jack Crawford’s coffee, as if.
“Not fond of eye contact, are you?” Yes, Hannibal is the only character who should be canonically coming at anyone like this. (But also poor Will.)
But Will, at least look in his direction while he’s talking to you? I also don’t love eye contact...it’s rude not to even look at a person, though.
Hannibal finally used a contraction! He’s human after all. (This is a common Fanfic-Writing-of-Hannibal problem. I used to have it, too. You think to emulate him you have to write lofty, staid dialogue. But we’re talking about Hannibal the Punmaster General here.)
“This cannibal you have him getting to know” I’m sorry, who said anything about cannibals???
Stop incriminating yourself Hannibal honestly
Wait, is the implication that the victim whose lungs were taken is Hannibal’s? I hope not, because what would he be doing in Minnesota, and since when did Hannibal cut people up alive (Krendler notwithstanding--he’s a special case), especially women????? He’s a Monster(TM), but not a fucking sadist.
Will’s wardrobe also contains gingham!
no really, when did they determine that the serial killer was a cannibal?? did I sleep through that part?
“have Dr. Lecter draw up a psychological profile” bitch, please. Dr. Lecter doesn’t work for Crawford.
I don’t like hearing/watching people eat, especially in quiet moments. That’s going to become a problem in this show, isn’t it?
Will’s dream dear is fucking awful CGI. Wow.
That brown blazer--Hannibal would never.
EVERYTHING about Hannibal that should be black--his clothes and his hair--is brown here. It’s...weird.
to quote @random-emerald-thoughts​, “my homocidal boy aint about that tawny bullshit”
Hannibal Lecter: food snob--that’s canon. 
Don’t like this dialogue, though. And Hannibal bringing anyone he just met food in glorified Tupperware rings very false.
“Uncle Jack” what the fuck
Wow, Fuller jumped directly into the teacup thing right from the start. Yikes. He clearly didn’t understand it. (Clarice isn’t the teacup, bro. The teacup represents time, and disorder, and will it ever be reversed?)
Lots of weird metaphors in this episode overall, though none as bad as the Willy Wonka thing.
Why is Hannibal in Minnesota? Is he a crime-scene investigator now? Is he on the FBI payroll? Doesn’t he have patients with appointments to keep? Social obligations? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
He’s not a priss or a germaphobe. DISLIKE.
Do like the phone call. Just fuckin’ carelessly with people’s lives for the fun of it, that’s our Hannibal.
FBI? Are you FBI, Will?
He shouldn’t have been issued that sidearm if he can’t hold it steady.
One shot would have been plenty. Maybe two. Jfc, the reason Clarice shot Gumb so many times was because he was going to shoot her. Hobbs had a knife, which he dropped, and he was incapacitated by the first/second shot. Silence Rip-Off #5
How the fuck is he still alive and talking?! Will plugged him about eight times!
Call the police, Hannibal, or the ambulance, or take off your jacket and provide first aid to this girl. You’re a doctor!
It really is like he wants to be arrested or something.
And then he gets to ride in the ambulance?? Just Because?
Overall, it was...not very good, imo, poorly paced, very poorly written, with acting that jumped wildly from “very good” to “awful,” sometimes from the same actors. Intense cringe throughout a lot of the script. Ripped off Silence of the Lambs, a superior movie about many of the same characters, way too many times. Will is boring and I don’t care about him, but then I also don’t care about canon Will. And I still think Mads Mikkelsen was poorly cast as Hannibal...the costumes aren’t doing him any favors, either. We’ll see if he can bring me around.
Some moments of genuine humor that I appreciated, though, and some nods to the canon that I grudgingly appreciated, too, including Hannibal being a dick and Jack Crawford fucking up people’s lives.
Hopefully if you made it this far into my observations you got a kick out of them. I probably won’t go into this much detail for every episode, but I do intend to try to watch at least all of Season 1.
Painful as it might be.
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Harvest Moon + Friday the 13th
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The Harvest Moon is sailing toward us, arriving nonchalantly on Friday, 13th 2019 as if that’s a perfectly normal and acceptable thing to do. The nerve!
But we are here for it, and you, with a cluster of Lunacy offerings to sweeten the season and ward off any unnecessarily hard luck. 
Here’s everything you’ll need!
Harvest Moon is celebrated in almost every culture, and the bounty of the season is marked in a myriad of ways. Harvest Moon touches the Equinox, the festival of Janus, the culmination of Homowo, the “crying of the neck” in Cornwall, and the Women’s Festival of the Moon. This is a day that celebrates abundance and beauty, fertility and progress, and the light of this full moon blesses new undertakings and reunites lost loves.
The Harvest Moon, by definition, is the Full Moon that falls closest to the Autumnal Equinox, and thus, it shares some of that Sabbat’s characteristics. This Full Moon was thus named because it rises within half an hour of the sun’s setting, in the Northern Hemisphere, and at this time farmers are able to work longer into the night by the light of this Moon. As the year draws to a close, the Full Moon rises an average of fifty minutes later each night, with the exception of a few nights surrounding the Harvest Moon, which only rises 10-30 minutes later. This moon is also, to the human eye, the fullest and largest of the year’s Moons, hanging gloriously huge, yellow and low in the night sky, and many lunar illusions play tricks our eyes at this time.
The Harvest ushers in many celebrations, including the Equinox and the Festival of Janus, God of Doors. Janus is the Roman Lord of Gateways, beginnings and endings, and transitions. Thus, the Harvest Moon is a time for blessing new ventures, the onset of new and progressive phases in one’s life, and rites of passage into adulthood. This time of year also marks one of the Festivals of Dionysus, Lord of Ecstasy and the Vine.
This Harvest lunacy blend combines the autumnal scents of dry leaves, mulling spices, balsam fir, pine needles, cedar, juniper berry, clove, saffron, damson plum, white sage, yarrow, and lily twined with Dionysus’ sacred grapes and ivy, a bounty of apple, black fig, and pumpkin, and the amaranth and lingum aloes of Janus, all touched by a gentle breath of festival woodsmoke and sweet wine.
(Don’t forget, you can also purchase Dan Santat’s Harvest Moon illustration, pictured above, as a tee shirt!)
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A fresh batch of simple, two-note perfumes!
Startlingly invigorating!
Fierce, warm, and animalic.
Sweet and strangely sensual.
An absurdly happy scent.
A filthy, heady bouquet.
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13 is significant, whether you consider it lucky, unlucky or just plain odd. Many believe it to be unfortunate…
…because there were 13 present at the Last Supper.
…Loki crashed a party of 12 at Valhalla, which ended in Baldur’s death.
…Oinomaos killed 13 of Hippodamia’s suitors before Pelops finally, in his own shady way, defeated the jealous king.
…In ancient Rome, Hecate’s witches gathered in groups of 12, the Goddess herself being the 13th in the coven.
 Concern over the number thirteen echoes back beyond the Christian era. Line 13 was omitted form the Code of Hammurabi.
The shivers over Friday the 13th also have some interesting origins:
…Christ was allegedly crucified on Friday the 13th.
…On Friday, October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrests of Jaques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and sixty of his senior knights.
…In British custom, hangings were held on Fridays, and there were 13 steps on the gallows leading to the noose.
To combat the superstition, Robert Ingersoll and the Thirteen Club held thirteen-men dinners during the 19th Century. Successful? Hardly. The number still invokes trepidation to this day. A recent whimsical little serial killer study showed that the following murderers all have names that total thirteen letters:
Theodore Bundy
Jeffrey Dahmer
Albert De Salvo
John Wayne Gacy
And, with a little stretch of the imagination, you can also fit “Jack the Ripper” and “Charles Manson” into that equation. 
More current-era paranoia: modern schoolchildren stop their memorization of the multiplication tables at 12. There were 13 Plutonium slugs in the atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki. Apollo 13 wasn’t exactly the most successful space mission. All of these are things that modern triskaidekaphobes point to when justifying their fears.
For some, 13 is an extremely fortuitous and auspicious number… 
…In Jewish tradition, God has 13 Attributes of Mercy. Also, there were 13 tribes of Israel, 13 principles of Jewish faith, and 13 is considered the age of maturity.
…The ancient Egyptians believed that there were 12 stages of spiritual achievement in this lifetime, and a 13th beyond death.
…The word for thirteen, in Chinese, sounds much like the word which means “must be alive”. 
Thirteen, whether you love it or loathe it, is a pretty cool number all around.
…In some theories of relativity, there are 13 dimensions.
…It is a prime number, lucky number, star number, Wilson Prime, and Fibonacci number.
…There are 13 Archimedean solids.
…There were 13 original colonies when the United States were founded.
Says a lot about the US, doesn’t it?
This version of 13 is a departure from our usual theme for this ongoing project. So many of us are going through so much right now; it seems right to make an oil that contains 13 herbs, flowers, and resins of peace, tranquility, and grounding: lavender, litsea cubeba, sandalwood, ylang ylang,  king mandarin, patchouli, blue tansy, Roman chamomile, bergamot, Oman frankincense, angelica, hops, and borage.
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The Zodiac lockets have returned! Exquisite, elegant, and exclusive to Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.
These are heavy lockets, thick with silver, and are perfect for use as a perfume oil conduit. Dab your favorite Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab concoction onto muslin, velvet or cotton, and place the swatch inside the locket. Your body will warm the silver, and the locket will exude pure, unadulterated scent.
The Zodiac lockets are hand cast 925 sterling silver that has been partially gold washed using a method popularized in the 19th century, and each is adorned with at least one stone corresponding to the sign the locket represents. Each locket’s bale sports one of the BPAL logos: the alchemical symbol for brimstone. Portions of the face of the lockets have been deliberately tarnished. They measure approximately 1.25″ in diameter. These lockets are heavy. They are not fragile, filigreed pieces; they are durable, extremely weighty with silver, and are suitable for your most adventurous airship excursions.
These lockets are exclusive to Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, and were created by and for Black Phoenix. They cannot be found anywhere else in all of Heaven and Earth.
Each piece is hand cast.
Our lockets come with a 24″ nickel-plated iron chain.
The Zodiac lockets were designed by Alicia Dabney of Elements and Artifacts.
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Created in the USA by the wonderful people at Sock Dreams for Black Phoenix, these socks are exclusive to Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab!
They’re made from 80% cotton, 15% nylon and 5% elastic!
...Also, PSST! Guess what? We’ve freshly restocked our REVENANT RHYTHM!
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Girl Group Fic Rec
A/N: Because I feel bad that I’m not going to be posting much this week. Please enjoy these fics while I suffer through the last week of classes and four major papers. - Admin Kiwi
Bedside Manner - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - T - Jeongyeon ends up breaking the record for most visits to the hospital in a month. She claims she's doing it for the challenge, but her friends are pretty sure it has more to do with a certain nurse she keeps running into.
Actions Speak Louder - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - T - Fate normally sounds romantic, but Nayeon is beginning to think that it's a curse in the form of this damned mystery girl in her class. College!AU
in the mood for love - Chaeyoung/Tzuyu - Chaeyoung often laughed as if nobody were watching, and Tzuyu now understood when Teresa Teng sang of smiles being comparable to flowers blooming on a sweet, Spring day.
louder - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - jeongyeon marvelled at the way nayeon made her feel like everything was alright with the world.and even if it wasn’t, that’s fine too. because they could take on the world someday, so long as they were in this together. (based on jeongyeon's part-time job at the bakery that she had while she was a trainee.)
get off free. - Nayeon/Momo, Mina/Sana - M - placing the bloodied knife down onto the oak table, nayeon blinks once, taking a deep breath in. well, fuck. serial killer au.
The Great Fog of 1893 - Jihyo/Tzuyu - T/M(?) - Vampire!AU - The last dairy entries of Miss Park Jihyo, regarding the events leading up to her disappearance, in 1893.
points and theories - Chaeyoung/Tzuyu - G - chaeyoung loves math, and, although tzuyu doesn’t always understand, chaeyoung finds a way to make it simple
sugar, we’re going down - Tzuyu/Jihyo, Nayeon/Jeongyeon, Dahyun/Chaeyoung, Momo/Sana - M - "look!" nayeon's mouth is right at her ear. tzuyu doesn't even need to back away, because the volume's just right. "the purple-haired one, right at the front. apparently she's part veela."
Afterglow - Mina/Chaeyoung, Nayeon/Momo, Sana/Dahyun, Jihyo/Tzuyu - T -Twice/X-Men AU. After discovering she has the power of hypnosis, Mina is sent off by her parents to a hidden school for the gifted in Korea where she will be safe from anyone attempting to harness her powers as a weapon. There, Mina befriends eight other girls, each with extraordinary powers of their own, that will help her to come to terms with being a mutant, as well as help her learn to control her powers, which can be detrimental, even deadly, to those around her.
Another Pretty Face - Nayeon/Mina - G - Nayeon’s used to imagining herself in healthy relationships with beautiful strangers she sees on the streets. Mina’s an interesting character who keeps showing up in her life from time to time.
Nightswimming - Nayeon/Jeongyeon - T - Nayeon is first. She's the best. She's always the best. Until she's fourth. 2yeon swimming AU; in which Nayeon is the star of the college swim team and Jeongyeon is her roommate.
Compliment - Momo/Sana - G - Three times Momo complimented Sana thinking she didn’t know japanese and the one time Sana returned the compliment
Game - Nayeon/Jeongyeon, Sana/Dahyun, Momo/Mina - T - It's finally Jeongyeon's year. She's finally the starting pitcher and she's got this. At least she thinks she does. But the opposing team's head cheerleader, Im Nayeon has different plans.
A guide to handling the girl who makes you write Batman on her coffee cup. - Jihyo/Momo - G - In which Jihyo is a barista and Momo has way too much fun coming up with weird names.
Green Tea - Jeongyeon/Sana - G - Jeongyeon needs to focus on her essay for class buts it’s pretty hard when her crush is looking sad and ill in the next room. Jeongyeon can’t act on it they’re unwritten rules about falling in love with your housemates. Right?
On That Day, I Wished It Would Blossom in the Sun - Kim Lip/JinSoul - T - In which Jungeun is the local florist and Jinsoul is the tattoo artist down the road whose smile renders Jungeun speechless, leaves her desperately searching for wherever the air in her lungs went. She thinks Jinsoul took it with her.
the coloring book - Yves/Chuu - G - sooyong was never good with children, and although she loves her niece yeojin, she wasn't particularly happy to pick her up from kindergarten. little did she know she'd meet someone really, really special there.
Drowning In You - Kim Lip/JinSoul - lifeguard jungeun saves popular girl Jinsoul from drowning. feelings may or may not have ensued.
Goal - Hyunjin/Choerry (rare pairing!) - G - Friend asked for Hyunrry AU, and this is what happened. Soccer! and Highschool!AU
Wake Up Call (It's Like Holding Hands) - Hyunjin/Heejin, background Haseul/Vivi, Yves/Chuu, Kim Lip/Jinsoul, Olivia Hye/Go Won - G - “Happy Halloween, hoes,” is the first thing Yeojin says at exactly twelve midnight, before dumping a box of spiders onto Chaewon’s head. Or, Hyunjin is in love with Heejin. Yeojin tries to "help". Just another day in the LOONA dorm.
if you were also looking for me - Yves/Chuu (and background ships) - T - The annual talent show auditions are being managed by none other than Jiwoo's mortal enemy, it's snowing in September, and Jiwoo may or may not have vague magical powers. But hey, it's junior year: anything may as well happen, right? Featuring: teenage angst, social media, bathroom graffiti, magic-induced fainting, unhealthy amounts of obliviousness, truly awful pickup lines (courtesy of one Heejin Jeon), and the worst recorded snowstorm in history.
But My Heart is Like Paper (You're Too Good To Be True) - Go Won/Olivia Hye - Hyejoo looks at the little paper crane, spies the telltale pencil markings on its wings from where she had written her algebra work down before folding it. Gingerly, she picks it up, smiles to herself as she pinches its neck and tail, pushing and pulling, watching the paper crane’s wings go up and down. A light bulb flickers on in her head .Or, Hyejoo just wants to brighten Chaewon's week, so she folds her origami every day and hopes it's enough to bring a smile. Highschool!AU
Truth//Dare - All popular ships - G - All Jung Jinsol wants to do is take the train home after school. But when it breaks down, leaving her and 11 other girls stuck in a compartment, what's a girl to do but play a few rounds of Truth or Dare?
stole my napkins and my heart - Haseul/Vivi - G - Haseul wonders what exactly it is about the napkins at the cafe she works at that makes them worth stealing, and wonders what exactly to call the little leap her heart does when she sees the napkin thief.
Gonna fly now - Go Won/Olivia Hye - G - Truthfully, the boxing club had been their very last hope. Hyejoo had tried everything from football to swimming along with a impressive number of martial arts but after each she’d shrugged her shoulders and said she didn’t felt like playing it again and her parents had sighed and said let’s try something else then. But then Hyejoo enters the boxing club and while her parents starts chatting with the coach her sight immediately settles on the tiny girl with the long black hair who’s hitting a punching bag in a corner of the room like she wants it dead. She can’t seem to be able to stop watching.
tempting - Haseul/Vivi - T - Vivi hated this part of her job. Angel/Devil Au
what stays below, what flies above - Haseul/Vivi - Story behind Queen Vivian's favorite painting.
you make loving fun - Haseul/Vivi - G - Kahei desperately needs a date take to her parents’ company event so they won’t set her up with another “appropriate suitor”. Of course, she does what everyone in their right mind would do—she talks her long-time crush into being her fake girlfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
cheating - Haseul/JinSoul - T - Soulmate AU where whatever your soulmate writes on their skin, it appears on yours too. And Haseul's soulmate loves to cheat on her exams.
there's sunshine in your smile - Chuu/Kim Lip - G - “She has the hots for Kim Jiwoo. Ran out midway to get her flowers and everything,” Sooyoung reports, flinching when Jungeun glares at her and raises her fist. Haseul has to step in between them to break up the impending fight. With Sooyoung cackling this much, it wouldn’t be long before Jungeun actually punched her anyway. Or: Jiwoo sings like an angel, and Jungeun runs out mid-concert to get flowers for the girl who moved her with just her voice.
steal my heart, too - Kim Lip/JinSoul - G - At first, Jinsol isn’t quite sure what to think as she watches a chubby Shiba Inu walk into her small pet store via the motion detector door because… well, the dog’s owner is nowhere to be seen. Jinsol just stares as the tiny dog struts up to one of the shelves, taking hold of a small bag of treats in its mouth. Amused, Jinsol just keeps watching as the dog walks out of the store. Wait, Jinsol thinks, I’ve just been shoplifted by a dog.
santa baby - Olivia Hye/? - G - it’s not until the fourth time that hyejoo gets suspicious. or,on the first day of december hyejoo finds a small present packed neatly on her desk. and the gifts keep on coming.
Red Velvet
Debugging - Irene/Seulgi - T - Irene is a game developer struggling to analyze what everything meant. Seulgi is a barista who thought she knew it all. Very loosely based on the web drama Game Development Girls.
Let’s Fall In Love For The Night - Irene/Wendy - T - Wendy catches the eye of a certain senior after a performance and a fall.
parties, smiles, and ice cream - Irene/Wheein (Mamamoo) - irene finds herself interested in a girl who owns a sketchbook, likes oversized sweaters, and doesn't mind strawberries at a not so interesting party.
a game is better when played by two - Irene/Seulgi - G - Kang Seulgi always sits beside the same girl on the bus ride home. Or where in Seulgi and Irene are two grown ass women who are passionate about playing mobile games.
Inside This Place is Warm - Irene/Seulgi - G - Irene is a barista at her university's coffee shop, and she just so happens to be the object of someone's affection. The only problem is that no one is quite sure who that "someone" is. This is where Seulgi and her friends come in. Or, in which Irene's a senior in college and she loses her mind over her beautiful neighbor, who she talks to far too often for it to be healthy.
it was such a sight, but it was just fluorescent high rises - Chaewon/Minjoo - G - minjoo discovers something about chaewon she shouldn't haveor in which it took her quite the time to get used in seeing her smile. highschool!au
of spells and potions - Chaewon/Minjoo, Yujin/Wonyoung - G - In-progress - Everybody in Hogwarts thinks the same of Yujin, Minju and Chaewon.They want to be friends with Yujin, want to date Minju, and want to never cross paths with Chaewon. /aka that hogwarts au no one asked for
Just Who the Hell Do You Think I Am? - Yena/Hyewon - G - Hyewon starts to regret so much about her life when her tinder date gets bundled into the back of a police car before she sets foot inside the restaurant.
Flavour of the Month - Hitomi/Nayoung (Produce 48/Banana Culture) - G -  Nayoung suffers a heartbreak and someone makes her heart race
i told you so - Eunbi/Hyewon, side Chaeyeon/Sakura - T - “Why are you guys arguing over the last condom if you’re both lesbians?” Yena asks. Eunbi and Hyewon both go beet red, avoiding eye contact. “Well, I mean, it’s always good to be safe,” Eunbi tries, but a lightbulb goes off in Yena’s head and she says “ohhhhh,” very loudly, wiggling her eyebrows. “I don’t get it,” Chaewon says. Eunbi thinks she might die of embarrassment. Or, Hyewon is a figure skater and Eunbi is an ice hockey player. They meet at the Winter Olympics in a rather unconventional way, but it turns out alright.
Stay Right There - Eunbi/Hyewon - Eunbi could only wish to be as carefree as Hyewon, instead of being the next CEO of Kwon Enterprises.
Mornings - Hitomi/Chaewon - Hitomi would always sneak up to the other dorm just to cuddle with Chaewon after their schedules.
Sweeter Than Fiction - Yena/Yuri - In-progress - Right in the moment Yuri met Choi Yena in that chat room, she knew the girl was gonna be someone important in her life or, Yuri being absolutely whipped by Yena since the first time they talked to each other and her rollercoaster ride going through feelings while being a broke college student with lots of responsibilities
Zone Wars - G - IZ*ONE's gamer line plays games to mixed results. Sakura taunts, Hyewon wins, Yena complains, and Minju just wants to be included.
And Fall - Jisoo/Lisa - G -  Her eyes, behind the lenses catching the veiled sunlight that must be blinding her, are so unguarded, glittering like quick little honey droplets. A gentle, thoughtless smile remains on her lips, even in the absence of an answer. It was hard enough resisting sweet underclassman Lisa, with her bleach-damaged hair and limbs far too long, movements far too sharp, for her body. But this? A gorgeously content Lisa, grown into herself and oblivious of the effect she has on the world, smiling at Jisoo so tenderly it must be a crime? Damn near impossible.
From every Sunday evening to every Sunday night - Jennie/Lisa - G -  Lisa wants Jennie to know the way she feels about her, so she writes her a note every day of the week.
Pumpkin spice with an undecent ammount of cream - Sorn/Seunghee - G - Seasons were only the background for companies to ask for money: “hey! Do you want to be like that girl, long curly hair, perfect make up, that is looking through the window as autumn settles in? Then come buy here! Everything is orange, red, maroon and brown and it tastes like pumpkin!” Seasons could suck Sorn’s toe for all they were worth. “And what would you like today?” “A pumpkin spice latte, please.” Or where Sorn has this big crush on a barista.
like a cat - Yujin/Yeeun - G -  Yeeun is a very, very tired college student. She doesn't believe her eyes when she sees a large cat dancing in the middle of a shopping centre. She didn't even know cats could dance. Yujin works at a cat cafe and sometimes has to wear a cat costume to advertise the cafe at the mall. One day, a very tired and loud girl stops to watch Yujin dance.
late groceries - Elkie/Sorn - G - sure it was too late for that, but still, they really needed their groceries. it was Urgent.
unexpected - Yujin/Yeeun - G - yeeun entered the building waiting for a job, and left with a soulmate.
Dancing with our hands tied - Sorn/Yeeun - T - A bet, an unforgettable night, and a really regretful Yeeun.
Weki Meki
trying to find an island in the flood - Doyeon/Yoojung - G - It is not the first time Yoojung has climbed into Doyeon’s bed, but it feels different, when Yoojung sticks her feet under the warmth of the blankets and Doyeon’s arms wrap around her almost instantly. “Sometimes,” Doyeon begins, absentmindedly tucking a strand of hair behind Yoojung’s ear, “I feel like I’ve already met my soulmate. But other times, I’m not sure, you know?” Something twists uncomfortably in Yoojung’s stomach and she swallows.
it's my favorite business interaction - Rina/Lucy - "Doyeon unnie, as much as I appreciate this, I'm seventeen. When am I going to need this?" "Interviews," Doyeon says offhandedly. "What… kind of interviews…?" "Like your date with Hyojung," Yoojung helpfully supplies. "That's sort of an interview." "Who said I was going on a date with Hyojung?"
Win Again - Doyeon/Somi (i.o.i, soloist) - G - High school heartthrob Jeon Somi's taekwondo team gets a budget cut for the cheerleading team's new uniforms. She has mixed feelings about their future captain, Kim Doyeon.
ten reasons why - Lua/Rina - G -  Soeun lists down ten reasons why she hates Sookyung.
the dazzling you, the angelic you - Saerom/Gyuri - G - Beautiful, breathtaking, alluring. That’s what Saerom was. And Gyuri couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off of her, ever.
despacito - Seoyeon/Jiwon - G - it’s this moment, seoyeon thinks, that her idol training has been preparing her for. that is, singing an extremely romantic song in front of the girl who you’ve liked for several months, who also happens to look extremely attractive right now.
the sun was in my eyes (the sun was in her smile) - M - Saerom/Gyuri, Saerom/Hayoung  "So, how did you and Gyuri meet?" Hayoung asks.Saerom should be more prepared than this. She has an email in her outbox sent to [email protected] with the subject line important backstory details for a reason. "Through Chaeyoung, the intern?" "Well, you guys look cute together," Hayoung says, giving Saerom an enthusiastic nod. (a buzzfeed AU)
Finding Solace - Saerom/Gyuri - G - Forest sprite Gyuri keeps finding a girl going back to the forest.
all my nights taste like gold - Eunwoo/Rena - G - yaebin looked around quickly, but no one was looking at them. "you shouldn't call me that. if they hear you--" "you're always gonna be kang yaebin to me, dummy," eunwoo interrupted. "if they don't like it they can answer to me.”yaebin felt a rush of warmth in her chest, like she was comfortable in her own skin for the first time in years. she had almost forgotten that eunwoo always made her feel that way.
I'm Your Girl ? - Rena/Roa - T  “Do you want to know what’s on my mind right now then?” Minkyung asked slowly. Yebin looked back at her and nodded. “It’s you. It’s almost always you,”
falling, falling, falling (for you, you, you) - Kyulkyung/Eunwoo - it's like everything in jieqiong's life shifts into place, while also simultaneously crumbles, within five seconds.
Another Halloween - Yuha/Eunwoo - G - Kyungwon and Eunwoo spend their Halloween together, like always
of course the snake would hate the lion - Luda/Eunseo - T - son juyeon, a muggleborn, was incompatible with lee luda, a girl that grew up with her parents telling her that muggles were inferior than them. when she sees herself being target of juyeon's jokes and attention, she thinks she's in hell. she really hates the younger girl, she's pretty sure of that, but when juyeon's get involved in a quidditch accident, luda started to care more than the normal about the other's well being.
Summer Dream - Yoohyeon/Dami - T - Ever since she was little, Yoohyeon has spent her summers lazing away at the country club pool. Funny enough, despite spending so much time there, she never learned to swim. This summer there’s a hot new lifeguard in town who Yoohyeon is helplessly crushing on. When Yoohyeon’s genius of a best friend flings her in the pool in order to try and catch her crush’s attention, another girl ends up saving her from drowning and stealing her heart in the process…
close to you - Yoohyeon/Siyeon, SuA/JiU - T - Kim Yoohyeon has two goals for this school year: to get the solo at the school concert and to enjoy her life alone in her new apartment. Both of these goals are crossed by Lee Siyeon, Yoohyeon's biggest rival since middle school, when unfortunate circumstances lead to them having to share more than just their passion for singing...
A Date in Stilettos - Yoohyeon/Dami, SuA/Siyeon - Blind dates aren't supposed to be amazing.
Traffic Duty - Yoohyeon/Dami - T - Officer Lee Yoobin has the most boring shift ever, or she thinks she does.
One Of The Nightmares  - Handong/Yoohyeon - T - Yoohyeon often has nightmares while sleeping and while awake. Handong is always there to bring her back from them.
half my bones - JiU/Siyeon - T -  when siyeon wakes up, she finds herself in a garden of lilies. Hanahaki Disease.
i want it, i got it - Yoohyeon/Dami - E - Yoobin has quite a few feelings about Yoohyeon's outfit from the performance of 7 Rings.
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gothicthundra · 5 years
65 Questions!
65 Questions You Aren't Used To      
SOOOO @benjimators tagged me and damn it... I’m gonna answer these!
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Like, is everyone else imaginary (No) are there other beings than me (Still No) Do I think other’s are so unbelievable they must be a figment of imagination because there is no level of stupidity that should exist to that degree (FUCK YES)
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? 2... solid two... its a depend on surroundings situation.
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3. The person you would never want to meet? Huh, good question.. Historically Josefe Mengele. Currently. I have no real interest in avoiding anyone... perhaps another serial killer or psycho (my personal quota is full)
4. What is your favorite word? Awesome-Sauce, Nifty, Bitchin’, Wicked
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? Willow, Hawthorne, Rowan
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6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? “I am strong and will win this day!”
7. What shirt are you wearing? A red one... are you hitting on me questionnaire?
8. What do you label yourself as? Unique
9. Bright room or dark room? Darkness... always darkness.
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10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Writing a really odd fic that has now gotten out of hand and I blame @duck-duck-duck-moose @drakkenville and specifically @sphinxlegends (its been in my head all day man... all day!)
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? 17 and 24
12. Who told you they loved you last? My parents... My Dad specifically via text.
13. Your worst enemy? *looks at a list* Alphabetically, Most Recent... I need specifications. I suppose the one with shall call “Blonde Antichrist “
14. What is your current desktop picture? Hmm well... yeah
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@nogicu like... I am in love with their art and I stare at it every freaking day...
15. Do you like someone? Myself.. I’m rather fond of them.
16. The last song you listened to? Break up in a Small Town- Sam Hunt (it was on the radio)
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? … I’m more of a... vengeance and inconvenience person... not so much hostile death inducing.. so pass.?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I don’t know her name but... Mowing the Grass Interrupter bitch..
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? I don’t have a specific person... but I would have them detail clean my house.
20. What is your best physical attribute? My Eyes. I have a naturally very rare eye color.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? I’d look like a younger version of my dad... olive skin, high cheekbones, black hair, unusual eyes, and handsome.... My name would be something like Michael or Kasey and I would probably just go out with my lady friends and punch out creeps while dancing with everyone... so nothing changes.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? I have many talents... I can make my limbs look broken because some are double jointed... I can roll a single eye, I can tell you random ass facts that you will never use, but fuck it... you can know them now too.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Huh... so I find velvet unsettling.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. OH MAN!!!! I want a Philly Cheese Steak with sourdough bread, extra cheese, loaded with peppers and onions, and juicy af.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? Dude, I got bills to pay. That shit is going towards Electric.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? New Zealand... Worm Cave.
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27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? Hard pass.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?  1.) Waste Not, Want Not
29. What is your favorite expletive? Bitch.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? My Tablet.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? July 17th 2006. The day the fucked up my whole head.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Well fuck, how’d that shit happen... hmm... New Zealand.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? My Grandfather
34. What was your last dream about? Dude, we aint got time for that... it’s like a novel when I dream... Simply. I dreamt of mirror times.
35. Are you a good….yes...
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? …. yeah... two weeks ago actually.
37. Have you ever built a snowman? YES!
38. What is the color of your socks? Rainbows.... with music notes (There from Glee)
39. What type of music do you like? A majority
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets... SUNSETS
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41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Blueberry!
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) None... I like Hockey
43. Do you have any scars? MANY! Face, Arms, Wrists, Legs, Torso... many.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? Already did... but if you mean like.. from earth... I’d be cool being a Fate.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My Fears.
46. Are you reliable? HELL YES!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? Shit... Are we ever not broken??
48. Do you hold grudges? … yes
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? I feel very DNAmy right now... but an Otterfly.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? … the reality that there is a religious based society that believes Dinosaurs are all a government propaganda to derail religion (I SHIT YOU NOT!)
51. Are you a good liar? …. yes
52. How long could you go without talking? Hours.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? I gave myself a pixie cut when I was 4 and it was AWESOME! But my Mom hated it, so she made me get extensions that looks like shit because she’d rather that then me having short hair.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? All the FUCKING time. (Is a Baker on the side)
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? LOL... Years of Speech Therapy has utilized my tongue to do nearly all of them.
56. What do you like on your toast? Butter.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? @sharperthewriter Kim Possible
58. What would be you dream car? 
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59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. I I Sing, Write, Dance.... make up entire novels and plot lines for things I never write... and my favorite... give myself speeches that “If ever this happens... “
60. Do you believe in aliens? Yes... 1000000% yes.
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Nah.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? D... I don’t know why.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? DINOSAURS!!!! (I mean there the same but)
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64. What do you think about babies? I’d like one someday, but that’s a whole story.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.  WHOSE READING THIS!
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