#seth mcfarlane i need to have so many words with you
realbeefman · 3 months
i put on both my yaoi and my incest goggles before i consume any piece of media and this is why my textual analysis will always be more enlightened and factually correct than
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So let’s say you’re now in charge of creating a Spider-Man TV Series, as many seasons and episodes you want, as long as it remains genuinely faithful to the comics; Peter gets his powers when he’s 17, only Flash and Liz are with him in high school, ect, and ending it all with a Revelations like series finale. You’re allowed to streamline some things now that there’s the benefit of hindsight. You’re also allowed to be as faithful to the comics as possible. What do you create?
Lol I’ve been planning this for like 15 years. Currently I’d do this. 12 seasons 26 episodes each, and 3 movies.
 I’d play it as a biography of Peter’s life from the day he became Spidey to the day he stopped, with a mind of making a version of the MC2 universe the canonical future for this version of Spidey. I’d set it in the 1960s as depicted by Ditko but have the technology and fashions change to broadly speaking reflect the time periods that Peter spent parts of his life in. In other words his high school episodes will be set in what looks like the 1960s, Gwen would die in what would look like the early 1970s and he’d get married in what would look like the late 1980s. But cultural references would be kept to a minimal. Effentivly it’d be set in a world where fashions and technology happened to occur way more quickly thanin the real life, so 1962-1998’s fashions and technologies all happened but across like 12 years.
 Also I’d have Peter’s look change. He’d start out with the Coke bottle glasses and keep them throughout season 1, and he’d have a black and red costume, complete with a big blue spider on his back and web pits. The idea being this is a rookie spidey who’s awkward and not yet become the Spidey we perhaps recognize. He’d sell his glasses in the final episodes and get his costume wrecked in the finale, requiring him to make a new one, the classic Romita Senior outfit minus the web pits. He’d keep that until he got his black suit which would be modelled on Frenz’ take upon it. the cloth Black suit would have more of a McFarlane influence with huge eyes. MJ would make him a new red+blue costume before his first big showdown with Venom which would resemble the McFarlane/Bagley 90s look. Obviously Scarlet Spider’s look would be modelled on Bagley’s design, Spider-Ben on Romita Jr’s and his final outfit would be modelled on Romita Jr’s too. And Sal Buscema’s take would be the outfit worn by Flash when he pretends to be Spider-Man.
 Movie 1: Amazing Fantasy: The Birth of Spider-Man: The origin, MAYBE rounded off with ASM #1’s plot.
 Season 1: Basically everything up to when he graduated with every issue serving as an episode. I’d omit guest appearances like the F4, the Torch, DD, the Circus of Crime. I’d supplant the ASM #5’s plot with one about Jason Macendale armed with tech abducting Flash when he’s dressed as Spidey. He’d be a stand in for the Headman from Untold Tales and the episode would end with his mysterious boss speaking to Spidey remotely through a camera. This would of course be the Goblin who I’d have debut in what was his second appearance hijacking the Spidey fan club. I’d have Doc Ock unmasking Spidey end that episode and have most of it dedicated to Betty Brant’s origin told in flashbacks as she’s abducted. I’d do Spider-Man No More here, combining it with ASM #18’s plot line as it’d redundant to have him quit in big ways twice. So one episode would be ASM #18’s plot with bits of ASM #50 mixed in, ending with him throwing away his suit. Then the next episode would be about his Spidey free life before he triumphantly returns. The Molten man episodie would end with Aunt May collapsing rather than Spidey graduating.
This would lead directly into the MP Trilogy’s main storyline but to spice things up the Master Planner would hire some of Spider-Man’s villains as extra obstacles in his way, thus we’d adapt the original Sinister Six story too. The last episode would end with Peter graduating and then sitting alone to make a new suit. Also Betty would leave town.
 Season 2: It’d kick off with a recovered Peter starting college and someone hiring Kraven to go after Spidey like in ASM #34. The key difference here being that Kraven dons Spider-man’s old costume and when Spidey finally shows up to deal with him he’s sporting his new red and blue Romita Sr threads. Then we’d get the Robot Master stuff, the first Rhino story and a few other stories before around episode 6 or 7 getting to the Goblin unmasking Spider-Man and revealing himself as Norman. I’d have Norman seriously injured to the point where Spider-Man has to save him or else he’d die. He’d sweat about Norman knowing the truth like in Spider-Man: Blue before finding out Norman has amnesia and that most people don’t recover their memories. Seeing how happy Harry is, he decided to let it go and give Norman a chance. The rest of the season is basically adapting the big Romita era stories (sans Spider-Man No More of course), with an emphasis on Kingpin and fewer Doc Ock stories. POSSIBLY I might do Doc Ock’s origin from Unlimited #3 here, I dunno. It’d either be here or next season though. The season would wrap up with George Stacy’s death and with Gwen leaving.
 Also I’d foreshadow a little that Norman has a healing factor via his speedy recovery.
 Also, also, rather than space spores creating Colonel Jupiter, I’d have it be the Moon Gem that actually turned him into man-Wolf. It’d be an artefact he’d bring back from the moon and it’d increase his strength and affect his mind so that he’d desire to have the gem for some unknown reason (we’ll find out later).
 Season 3: This would be half a team up season, introducing characters from the Marvel Universe who’re relevant to Spider-Girls’ stories, so the F4, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, Spider Woman, Arana, Julia Carpenter, the Avengers, the X-Men, etc. It’d begin with Peter heading to London to find Gwen and inadvertently winding up in a team up, I’ve not figured out with whom yet (maybe Ice Man and Firestar for funsies, MAYBE Excalibur so we’d get Spider Phoenix????), anyway it’d adapt ASM #95 in any case. Then we’d go to the drug trilogy but I’ve not yet decided how to handle this. On the one hand it’s iconic. On the other it’s questionable by modern standards to have Peter see Norman remember the truth and then just let him go on, hoping he doesn’t remember. Maybe you could play it as him being worried that turning Norman in could trigger his memory, I dunno. I feel you could swap out the action part of the story with something else, provided you kept all the Harry drug stuff the same, and maybe had the story be about Norman STARTING to remember and unravel. When peter goes to him for a job though he’d catch a glimpse of a weird painting, depicting the Scriers and Norman would give a little background on their alleged history.
I’d also have the Six Arm Saga and debut of Morbius happen here, but link it in with some illegal genetic experiments someone within ESU is doing on the side for the mob. These experiments would lead to the creation of Vermin who owns Spidey’s ass until he’s saved by someone at the end of the episode. After Vermin beats a retreat, that someone helps Spidey up and it’s Captain America! Cue an ep of Spidey and Cap on the helicarrier with Chameleon using Artificial Life similicra to infiltrate it. Cap is abducted at the end of this episode and the Avengers show up accusing Spider-Man of it. Cue the next 2 episodes where Spider-Man teams up with the Avengers to take on the Hulk in Canada and Seth, the Serpent God of Death. This would then lead into the final 2 episodes which I’ll get to in a moment.
Also in this season I’d have a two part team up with Spidey and Spider Woman. Madame Web would summon them and reveal she is a member of the Spider Clan. Her granddaughter Anya Corazon, has been abducted by the Tarantula clan and Peter and Jess need to rescue her. This would allow Spidey to meet Madame Web, Jessica Drew and Anya of course and foreshadow the Black Tarantula. The Tarantula Clan’s outfits would resemble Julia Carpenter’s Spider Woman and Arachne outfits. This would lead to a ‘filler’ ep about Spider-Man fixing his suit and daydreaming about other costumes and powers he could have. This would be an excuse to pay homage to the Spider Armour, Captain Universe and a few other classic outfits for Spider-Man. the episode would end with him tossing away a doodle of the black costume inspired by his previous adventure. Later we’d get Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut but the story would end with the X-Men showing up. The episode after that would be a Spidey/X-Men team up but Mastermind would mind control them into fighting, thus we’d get Spider-Man vs. the X-Men like Secret Wars #3
 The final 2 eps would be the Death of Gwen Stacy. I’d keep this pretty much the same but with the exception of having Gwen awake and trying to escape. The moments just before she’s knocked off the bridge Peter would try to earn her trust by starting to unmask.
 Season 4: It’d kick off with the Jackal hiring Punisher to take out Spider-Man. Apart from that it’d be basically ASM #123-149, all about Peter grieving Gwen, falling in love with MJ, etc. I would cut some of the dumber stuff out though and condense some multi-parters into single stories. I’d whack in some team ups for good measure too as MTU was around at this time. One major change I’d make is that I’d have Man-Wolf show up as a result of similar experiments that created Vermin and ditch the moon gem stuff. However, Man-Wolf would eventually go after the Moon gem but it’s energies would in fact revert him to normal. The clprit behind Man-wolf and Vermin would be revealed as Miles Warren.
 One smaller change I’d make would be to omit ASM #150. It’s a great issue but it’s not a great season finale like ASM #149 would be. BUT I’d keep the MJ scene from it by simply moving it to the events of ASM #149. The idea is that when the bomb hits zero, everything fades to white, Peter would wake up amidst debris, when Gwen asks how he knows he’s the real one, he’d respond that ‘he just knows’. Later as he’d be approaching his apartment we’d get a flashback revealing that he was thinking of MJ as the bomb hit zero and so he couldn’t be the clone. Cue him finding MJ in the apartment, end season.
Season 5: Basically the Len Wein run with a dash of Marv Wolfman. It’d wrap up with a combination of 3 Wolfman era stories. MJ proposing to MJ, Spidey vs. the Burglar from ASM #200 and finally Peter graduating. A major change would be that MJ would literally leave town immediately after rejecting Peter, and it’d be a break up not just a rejection. But we the audience would see a private moment with MJ where we can tell she wasn’t nearly as casual about it as she let on.
 Movie 2: Mayhem in Manhattan: Mid way through the season I’d adapt this Spider-Man novel into another animated film.
 Season 6: It’d kick off with Spider-Man meeting Black Cat. The season really would be about Peter dating different people casually and more seriously. Deb Whitman, Cissy Ironwood, etc. He’s work for the Daily Globe and start Grad school. The season finale would be the Owl/Octopus War ending with Felicia seriously injured and Peter ripping out Otto’s arms as a result. The season would end with Spider-Man and Black Cat now an item. But I’d omit the events of Spec #77-79. Also at the Daily Globe Peter would meet and work with Eddie Brock.
 Season 7: It’d start with the debut of the Hobgoblin, cover Felcia’s recovery, gaining new powers (from other people continuing Warren’s experiments with animal DNA), MJ’s return, Peter dropping out of Grad school, MJ’s big reveal and origin, and culminate in Peter and Black Cat breaking up and Kingpin leaving NYC. The Kingpin battle would be taken from Wolfman’s run moreso than Spec #100 because that’s just a better fight.
Of course the Alien Costume Saga would happen. I’d keep the canon stuff but add in the elements of it corrupting him, with the extra spice of Felicia actually preferring this darker Spider-Man.
Peter would get the costume differently though. Instead of Secret Wars, criminals would try and obtain the Moon Gem, which was being hosted as ESU. The fight would culminate in a Kinglsey clothing factory and as a last resort Spidy would smash the gem by throwing it into one of the machines in the factory.
Licking his wounds afterwards he’d be leaning against the conveyer belt when a tiny black ball would emerge from the shards of the Moon Gem, enlarge and when Spidey noticed it we’d recreate Secret Wars #8.
BTW, to give readers clues to the Hobgoblin’s identity I’d have him record a voice journal but with a voice changer so we get his inner thoughts sorta.
Also Jason Macendale would show back up but not as jack O’lantern.
 Season 8: It’d start with ASM #260-261, the Rose/Hobgoblin story where they abduct a pregnant Liz Allan. The season would omit a lot of irrelevant stuff like the golden notebook subplot, the Beyonder, etc. But it’d keep stuff like Crusher Hogan, When Commeth the Commuter, Web #13 and other classic stories. The three central subplots of this season would be the Ned/Flash/Betty love triangle, Peter and MJ’s ‘will they won’t they’ romance and the Hobgoblin mystery. However instead of Lance Bannon, Eddie Brock would be one of the suspects. Brock would be threatened directly by Spider-Man when he starts writing Sin Eater articles and that’s just about the only thing I’d change from the Death of Jean DeWolff storyline. Most of the real important stuff from this era (sans Doc Ocks mental breakdown) I’d keep the same with the exception of not making Jason Macendale the new Hobgoblin. After Peter and Felicia break up I’d have Betty go all Cult of Love from later in the comics before the finale being yet another way later story: Hobgoblin Lives. It’s just more logical to wrap up the Hobgoblin mystery here rather than end it badly and wait years to fix it.
 Season 9: This is kind of the least accurate season but hear me out. Okay so we start off with Peter proposing to MJ, her rejecting him, then her agreeing, just like in the comics. BUT...we don’t have them then get married. Something as huge as your protagonist’s wedding should be the first or final episode of a season, not episode 3 or 4 or even the mid-season finale. So I’d grab a load of post-wedding stories and tweak them to be about Peter and MJ as an engaged couple. The stories would be selected to somehow tie-in with their relationship. The idea is to have the couple gradually develop doubts. So we’d have Jonathan Caesar. We’d have the Drunk Spider-Man issue but with Jason Macendale now the Demogoblin (it’s just a costume no demonic stuff) instead of the Hobgoblin. MAYBE we’d even have a heavily rewritten Jason Jerome subplot. We’d have Felicia turning back up to stir up trouble as she did in the 1990s. You get the picture. Because the finale is the wedding, which is obviously light on action, the episodes before the wedding I’d finally do Venom. Venom is great at generating dynamic action set pieces so he’d kind of compensate for no action in the actual finale. Venom is also an ideal choice because this whole season is about a romantic relationship, and Venom is in a sense an ‘unholy union’ between two entities. We’d draw upon the fact that Brock’s wife left him and ASM #300’s climax happening in a church bell tower is just too perfect for the wedding theme of this season. One element I’d throw in though would be for Spidey to have his ass handed to him by Venom once only to get away. MJ makes Spidey a new red and blue costume. The idea being that in wearing Venom’s colours the colours Felicia preferred him in, the colours that don’t represent his true self, he won’t win against this dark version of himself. But the red+blues are Mj’s preferred suit, MJ’s colours and reflective of who he really is.
The season finale would be the wedding but split over 2 episodes. The first ep would end with Peter going to see Felicia the night before his wedding and MJ going off with Bruce (or maybe Jason Jerome).
The actual final episode would be them vocing their doubts and insecurities to Felicia and Jason/Bruce and through talking with them, and reflecting on the events of the season and their lives in general they realise they’re just getting jitters. If they weren’t going to go through with this they would’ve walked away a long time ago. In fact their hardships this season prove they can handle it and make it work. So they get married but in typical Parker luck fashion their ride gets caught in traffic en route to the honey moon, so they gotta web swing their way there into the sunset.
 Movie 3: Fearful Symmetry: Kraven’s Last Hunt: I briefly considered making this the opening of the next season, the season finale of the last season or the mid-season finale of the last season but it just didn’t work. It’s too iconic to change up like that it HAS to happen shortly after the wedding. Making it a movie would help sell the fact that for the first time ever we’re suddenly hearing Kraven and Vermin’s inner thoughts which would be weird to happen randomly in the middle of a season. A movie though can sort of be it’s own thing.
I wouldn’t change anything beyond adding a kind of prologue chronicling Kraven’s history up until now, who Vermin is, Peter and MJ’s marriage, Ned’s death, just some stuff that’s a small story unto itself and can allow the movie to stand on it’s own a bit more.
 Season 10: Basically this is the Harry Osborn Saga from DeMatteis’ run. I’d cut down on the Vermin stuff. Maybe I’d cut out Peter’s parents from Child Within. I dunno because I would totally do a rewritten Robot Parents story arc in this season because I think that story could be compelling if done properly. I’d just have it happen BEFORE Harry dies, which naturally would be the season finale. Also in this season we’d introduce Carnage, Tombstone, the Joe Robertson/Tombstone subplot and the Return of the Sinister Six. One thing I’d add into the latter story would be the character of Carolyn Trainer who’s quite taken with Doc Ock. Spidey and Ock would have a huge showdown adapting their battle from Spec #79 since that’s probably the best Spidey/Ock fight ever. I might also do an adaptation of Soul of the Hunter and/or Torment, both because it’s a famous Lizard story and because it’d set up Kraven’s death withint he context of the show and thus give Chameleon motivation for the Robot Parents stuff.
 Season 11: A heavily abridged and rewritten version of...the Clone Saga!
I’ve actually plotted this episode by episode. The gist is Aunt May has a stroke, Ben shows up, we introduce Carrion who busts out Carnage in exchange for some of his symbiote. Spidey fights Carnage but when they’re both affected by a poison Carrion tests out, Ben steps in to help. Venom also escapes, leading to Ben becoming Scarlet Spider. Peter is dying of the poison leading into the Web of Death story where Doc Ock cures him and Kaine then kills Otto. Web of Death could’ve been the ultimate end for Doc Ock so in a show that’s finite it makes sense to end him with that.
Anyway, Peter learns MJ is pregnant, he and Ben reunite with the Jackal, Carrion and the Gwen clone. They learn Carrion is a clone of Warren and was in fact the Warren from Shea stadium, he’s got telepathic powers and is using them to keep Gwen’s clone (Joyce Delany) under Warren’s control. Warren sows doubt as to who the real guy is.
Aunt May dies, Peter goes to jail, a third Peter Parker shows up. But instead of being Spidercide I’d make him a human/symbiote hybrid, and he’d be this show’s version of Toxin.
Peter becomes Scarlet Spider to clear his own name, learns who Kaine is, finds out he’s a clone, DOESN’T hit MJ but he does run away distraught, etc.
I’d have Maximum Clonage happen but very, very differently. No army of spider clones, no Punisher, no nonsense like that. Warren is going to unleash his virus but wants to keep MJ safe as her baby could be interesting to study. So he abducts her and gives inoculations to the virus to everyone. MJ refuses so he asks Gwen to do it as she’s MJ’s friend. Gwen’s clone is kind of not all there due to the mind control so when MJ breaks her own dose of the inoculation, Gwen simply administers her dose to MJ. Ben shows up to save MJ and knocks out Carrion. Carrion as it turns out was keeping Toxin under control so he freaks out, grabs MJ and Gwen, asks Ben to choose between them and tosses them both off the roof, but then he pins Ben so he can’t save either. Peter shows up to save MJ, Warren instinctively jumps after Gwen to save her but out of nowhere, a new Green Goblin shows up to save her and Warren dies. The Goblin, Kaine, Ben and Peter fight Toxin who’s gonna be losing until he bonds with Carrion and is now too much for everyone else. Gwen meanwhile would be trying to defuse the device that’d be administering the virus, but starting to degenerate due to the stress.
Her last ditch effort would be to implore Carrion/Toxin to save them all. He’s a clone of Peter and Miles Warren so he loves her and since she’s not inoculated she’s gonna die. Carrion/Toxin smother the virus and absorb the poison into themselves, dying.
Kaine takes Gwen’s clone away as he understands the pain of degeneration and Peter retires, making Ben the new Spider-Man.
The second half of the season is a condensed Spider-Ben era but with Lady Ock, Spider-Carnage, Green Goblin V and Blood Brothers as the central storylines. We’d do some flashbacks to Lost Years and wrap up with Revelations. As a final little change I’d have Peter’s new Spider-Man costume be one created by Ben before he decided to make his own one.
Season 12: Basically the post-Clone Saga era. This final season would be wrapping stuff up, giving a lot of characters their swan songs, but the focus would be on Peter and Norman’s rivalry, Norman owning the Bugle, etc.
We’d introduce Black Tarantula, have a final gang war storyline in which Kaine is hired as a mercenary, Daredevil and Richard Fisk would die, and Kingpin would finally go to jail for good.
I’d also sort of adapt the Revenge of the Green Goblin storyline. I’d have Mysterio on Norman’s orders create a ‘dream’ for Peter Parker where he imagines MJ dies in a plane crash and everything goes wrong, Norman would torment him and try and tempt him into becoming his son and heir. Peter resists and escapes the nightmare.
The season/show would wrap up with Peter reclaiming baby May and a final showdown with the Green Goblin. Norman would be rocking his Marvel Knights armour and be juiced up with Phil Urich’s strength enhancing Goblin mask. Also Phil Urich will have been black mailed into becoming the Goblin on Norman’s behalf so he could clear his own name.
I’ll spare you the details, but essentially Norman’s plan involves murdering billions of people, taking control of the world and potentially endangering the life of baby May. He’s ultimately killed when his identity is revealed to the press, his glider decapitates him and triggers a gagillion explosions. Said explosions would wreck the Bugle leading to Spidey lifting it up like in the Final Chapter. Before he died though, Norman would try to beat Spidey by administering an antidote to his powers that he would’ve tested on Scorpion. He’d not give Peter the full dose though.
When all is said and done, Peter’s got an injured leg (but he’s not lost either of them) and his spider powers are gone, maybe forever, so he retires to be a family man.
This then leads into Spider-Girl where we learn over time he regained some of his old powers but they amount to allowing him to crawl on walls, have a vague reading from his spider sense and render him fit for his age. His leg injury still plays up though. Basically he’s got power but not so much that it’d be reasonable for him to go back to heroism.
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cipheramnesia · 4 years
Struggling to make recommendations better.
I’m trying to figure out what magic combination of words will make the shows I love suddenly sound interesting to all my friends. There are so many shows which I think we could have a lot of fun with, the same kind of fun as with the MCU or Witcher or whatever, but I have yet to evoke anything but apathy.
1. The Expanse: This would be an easier sell if not for the first season. I’m still not sure how I can explain this one because the first season is so empty for me, but it isn’t something you can skip and then the remainder just keeps ramping up, increasingly fun and exciting and interesting. I don’t have an angle.
2. The Orville which should be a super easy sell except for the involvement of notable asshole Seth McFarlane. And yet the show itself is so damned sincere, and heartfelt, and funny. It doesn’t use science fiction as the butt of the joke - it makes jokes within the context of its own premise. I don’t know how to make it sound like it’s not gonna be some sleazy exploitative show. What makes someone want to watch a science fiction adventure show? 
3. Legends of Tomorrow is like... what if all your Marvel headcannons were actually cannon but it’s not Marvel. A shitty first season that can easily be skipped, followed by immediate headfirst dive into chaotic disaster. I don’t know how “this show is actually all the things we want and people write fan fic about” isn’t enough, but it’s not. Anyone know what I need to add on and make it sound like the correct amount of good time?
4. Z Nation is something literally no one I’ve ever met even thinks is worth listening to me talk about but is the... actual best thing? Like, holy shit it’s so good? My nonbinary wife who hates zombies and won’t have anything to do with anything zombies loves this show - it’s so good it overcomes a distaste bordering on phobia. A show where every episode feels like a movie, where everyone - from the actors to the writers to the directors to the DP to the cinematographer to the sound designers to everyone single person - everyone - is going full tilt throttle to give their absolute best at every minute. While being funny, and surreal, and strange, and bonkers. With a wildly diverse cast and found family that fills up your heart to burst. For the love of every single soft coffee shop AU and OT3 please won’t someone else watch this so I’m not alone?
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Diary of Surprising Sleeptime Dreams Entry Two As They Pertain To Career/Money Areas Part One Creative Writing Fiction Genre
Diary of Surprising Sleeptime Dreams Entry Two As They Pertain To Career/Money Areas Part One Creative Writing Fiction GenreNovember 03, 2017Diary of Surprising Sleeptime Dreams Entry Two As They Pertain To Career/Money Areas Part One Creative Writing Fiction GenreNovember 3, 2017 Disclaimer; Please know that I am writing this more for fun and because of my writing passions from a fiction creative writing intent to grow my creative writing wings. I definitely prefer to avoid telling what to do and I am still learning and realize that there is still so much for me to know. For me, doing this writing is also a healing creative writing therapy for me. With that said for karmic reasons these series of stories is going to pertain to characters who lived on earth until at least the year 2094 with a work history listed from 2043 onwards. This is meant to be written from the fictional perspective of providing material for earth-based writers who are going to have stronger connections to heaven/celestial worlds by the year 4000 or sooner. For karmic reasons, I have to keep the common denominator of people who passed over in their sleep as part of the fiction based stories but keep out their age andor how long they live in case one of the generated names matches up with a real life circumstance in the future.Indirectly andor Directly Related to My Foodservices job I Stella Carrier am in the process of learning to create heaven on earth both for myself and those who surround me for both present and futureI Stella Carrier am in the process of allowing myself to be a channel for greater wisdom and intuition in all areas of my life both present and future.I Stella Carrier contribute my best in a creative manner for the highest good of myself and everyone around me in all areas of my life for both present and future. AffirmationsI Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and futurehttps://www.orindaben.com/pages/rooms/affirmations_room/#nullI honor my connection to my guide with my words and actions.I remember my dreams. They show me answers and solutions.Divine Will flows through me. I know when to take action and when to surrender.I believe in myself and my path.I believe I can grow instantly, and I do. My psychic abilities and intuition expand each day.I am creating heaven on earthI’m aware of when to create opportunities for myself and that when one door closes many more doors open.I contribute to the best of my ability regardless of the reception I receive for doing so. My intuition is unlimited and expanding each day.My creativity is expanding each day Start time 1111 amResume time 1132 amCompletion time 1158 am with intent to resume finishing freestyle story  within 15 minutes or less tomorrow Saturday November 4 2017Laura Pratt passed over from earth over 60 hours ago in an area that is now 2120 Norfolk Virginia. Many of the schools and colleges in the Hampton Roads Virginia area are partnered with various schools and colleges within the Washington D.C. area. Her most recent work involved being a military cook  on the Norfolk Virginia base and doing part time work helping radio stations set up parties and events in both Norfolk Virginia and Virginia Beach Virginia with the occasional travel to certain places within the metropolitan Washington D.C. area and various Washington D.C. area colleges. Laura Pratt has had the chance to travel to various places internationally as many American radio stations have radio stations playing music with specialties in certain continents; for example by the year 2100 there is a radio station playing English language translated music from Europe and English language translated music from other parts of the world as well; Africa, Asia, Latin America, Australia, etc. Laura Pratt sometimes worked as a music DJ when she was alive and enjoyed music by Cascada even though she was not yet born when Cascada’s first song came out. However by the year 2080 Laura Pratt was able to secure many modeling jobs because of her physical resemblance to Cascada. Laura Pratt currently resides in a celestial world of Virginia Beach Virginia with easy access to other celestial places within the United States. Just 2 hours ago, Laura Pratt had the chance to visit an akashic record library that was near a celestial replica of American University in Washington D.C. As a result Pratt is being interviewed by Ella Shannon, a female living in the year 5200 in what is now Sweden. Ella Shannon works as a cook who divides her time between jobs in 2 different universities in Sweden and Switzerland. The transportation system built in place allows Ella Shannon to freely travel and work in both places with ease as she studies to do holiday internships  affiliated with modern day CNN and CNBC,.Upon meeting in a celestial world of houses fashioned from former universities and schools, complete with large libraries, Laura Pratt has somewhat of an idea/concept of the type of transportation that Ella Shannon takes. This is because less than 24 hours before Pratt passed away she accessed a modern train system that took her from Norfolk Virginia to a work related event/party in the span of just an hour. To be continued by 11 am tomorrow or sooner            Laura Pratt is being interviewed by musician/celebrity Pink lookalike Ella Shannon resources Sources I prefer to keep secretChewing Gum by AnnieDo You Know (I Go Crazy) by Angel City4 Ever by the VeronicasI Can’t Stay Away by the VeronicasCome Undone by Duran DuranLuxurious by Gwen StefaniTurnin Me On by Blake SheltonHoney Bee by Blake SheltonTalking Body by Tove LoMagic by Robin Thicke Meet Virginia by Train PandoraReady For it by Taylor SwiftTruly Madly Deeply by Cascada (Styles & Breeze Remix)I Know You Want Me by Pitbull (Calle Ocho More English Extended Remix)Try by PinkEye of the Tiger by SurvivorLet’s Go by Calvin Harris feat. NeyoTeenage Dream by Katy PerryUltimate job military chef being interviewed by a university chef and part time reporterCascada lookalike-female year 2120 female chef Norfolk Virginia base,  musician Pink lookalike-sweden  year 5200 divides her time working as a cook in both Sweden and Switzerland adopted mother from the United States became in love with a professor while traveling to Europe between jobs,From my iheartradio luckystella favorites radioGet it On Bang A Gong by the Power StationBroken Wings by Mr. MisterBad Medicine by Bon JoviAddicted to Love by Robert PalmerSaturday I Like to Move It by BasshunterSos by Rihanna Wonderland by Natalia KillsCome Go With Me by ExposePoint of No Return by ExposeAmazon storytelling playlist shuffle modeSparks Fly by Taylor SwiftHeaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda CarlisleSky by SoniqueSomething About You by Level 42Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by the EurythmicsCan’t Hold Us feat. Ray Dalton by Macklemore & Ryan LewisYou by Lloyd feat. Lil WayneThe Voice by the Moody BluesPeople Are People by Depeche ModeThe Scientist by ColdplayCandy by Mandy MooreOne Thing by One DirectionSongs for me to keep in mind; Need You Tonight by INXS, Drive by Incubus, Heaven by Jes, Pure Imagination by Barbara Streisand and Seth McFarlane, Just Like Heaven by the Cure (Bob Clearmountain Mix), Glad You Came by the Wanted, Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears, Believer by Imagine DragonsSwitzerland website I Stella Carrier have proudly avoided using credit cards since 2013. However, I am keeping this link pertaining to 60,000 miles for a story idea https://www.citi.com/credit-cards/creditcards/citi.action?ID=Citi-aa-plat-elite&CMP=BAC~01~102317~BRANDING~AA~YAHOO~TAB Pitbull Returns In 2018 To Headline Las Vegas Engagement 'Time Of Our Lives'By BWW News Desk https://www.broadwayworld.com/las-vegas/article/Pitbull-Returns-In-2018-To-Headline-Las-Vegas-Engagement-Time-Of-Our-Lives-20171103 Switzerland Tourism website https://www.swiss.com/US/en?utm_medium=display&utm_source=dfa&utm_campaign=lx_us_en_premiumawareness-h22017_desktop&utm_term=mindshare&dclid=CKvfx67CotcCFQ4FDAodRtkEHA Robb Report magazine website link, mountain based picture looks beautiful Black Tomato Partners with Crown Royal for an Epic Tour of CanadaThe outfitter’s newest adventure re-creates King George VI’s 1939 journey into the Canadian wild—booze and all. by Phoebe Neumanhttp://robbreport.com/travel/destinations/black-tomato-partners-crown-royal-epic-tour-canada-2756887/How Much Will I Lose in One Month if I Walk 6 Miles Every Day & Diet?By Jill Corlenehttps://www.livestrong.com/article/388477-how-much-will-i-lose-in-one-month-if-i-walk-6-miles-every-day-diet/Congratulations to Amanda Dietz on her 300000 dollar lottery win and may she financially prosper for many more years to come. Please Yahoo publish more feel good stories such as and or similar to Amanda Dietz's lottery win. I feel blessed to come across this lottery win story featured via yahoo news and inside edition staff. Woman Says She Wants to Win Lottery to Pay Off Student Loan Debt, Wins $300,000 From Bingo Ticket Same DayBy Inside Edition Staffhttps://www.yahoo.com/news/woman-says-she-wants-win-201411808.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tuI remember first being drawn in to hear more of Blake Shelton's music back in the summer of 2011 with the Honeybee song. This turninmeon song referenced in the article sounds like it will be a winner and I plan to give it a listen by 8am or sooner, update as of 1009 am-Turnin Me On by Blake Shelton is a fantastic love song.Blake Shelton: "Turnin' Me On" https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/blake-shelton-turnin-apos-083500115.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tuI have been purchasing music by Taylor Swift since 2010 and the hello giggles reference to Gorgeous helps remind me why I am glad to have preordered Taylor Swift's Reputation music collectionTaylor Swift reveals the original boyfriend (Calvin Harris?) lyric she wrote for “Gorgeous”By Erin Mayerhttps://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/taylor-swift-reveals-original-boyfriend-193748510.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tuKudos to the woman referenced in this story who started out with 60000 a year and now makes 500000 a year in corporate finance,that is a hard won success storyI Make $500,000 A Year — & This Is How My Salary Affected My LifeBy Jessica Chouhttps://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/500-000-got-where-am-203000465.htmlI confess/admit that I was drawn to this article like a moth to a flame because of my interest in public relations marketing advertising related information that I have harbored for quite some time now. It is not my place to judge the veracity of the sexual harassment claims at the Nashville public relations firm mentioned because I am blessed to work in a great work environment with leaders who keep the work environment sexual harassment free. However I wish to say this with the utmost respect the former Nashville PR firm employees who opened their own firms and chose to remain mum about their former employer boss are doing the right thing. Why do I say this: I had to learn the challenging way that even if your motive to speak out is to be brave and speak out for anyone who comes after you even if not sexual related that the person and or persons you are complaining about are well within their rights to follow you online, follow you to a company you work for and or you get the picture. Those employees keeping mum are doing the right thing even with opening their business because a former work colleague and or leader can easily follow another person online and or in person if they wanted to.Dolly Parton Exits Embattled Nashville PR Firm’s Roster, Along With Dozens of Other StarsBy Chris Williamhttps://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/dolly-parton-exits-embattled-nashville-190044504.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tuUpdate as of 10 am I intend to try to ask my husband today in regards to the following comment I wrote less than 10 hours earlier. I am going to ask my sweet husband about his take on the Pizzahut and Papa Johns controversy sometime after 5 hours from now as he is sleeping and because he influenced me to be open to eating both kinds of pizzas. I may be in the minority for my viewpoint yet I would like to think that more customers would weigh the price and cost of the pizza more frequently even when a sports promotion is involvedPizza Hut counters Papa John's claim of NFL hurting pizza salesBy Daniel Robertshttps://finance.yahoo.com/news/pizza-hut-counters-papa-johns-claim-nfl-hurting-pizza-sales-160156010.htmlI remember seeing some online media coverage of Robert Mercer and his daughter from late 2016 that connected them to a costume party featuring President Donald Trump, Kellyane Conway, and Steve Bannon I accepted by the time I had seen the costume party coverage/feature the reality of a Trump presidency even though I proudly voted for Hillary Clinton. I am guessing that Robert Mercer sees the obvious in that the United States is becoming a more multicultural society as the years go by and Robert Mercer probably wants to make it clear that he is on the right side of history with his racial viewpoints. I am also only speculating that Robert Mercer wants to make a clean and or acceptable break with coming up clean in the Robert Mueller investigation as Mercer probably knows there is much more to come in the popular and high profile investigation involving the Russia voting influence controversy/debate and that connection with President Donald Trump and some of the men and women in President Donald Trump's professional entourage.Bob Mercer, a prominent Trump backer, leaving hedge fundBy Steve Peoples Associated Presshttps://finance.yahoo.com/news/bob-mercer-prominent-trump-backer-180258100.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tuCascada Hotelhttps://www.cascada.ch/hotel_lucernehttp://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/20th-century-english-names.php#.WfyHoFtSzb0Pitbull Returns In 2018 To Headline Las Vegas Engagement 'Time Of Our Lives'Animation Websitehttps://www.funimation.com/whats-new/https://www.broadwayworld.com/las-vegas/article/Pitbull-Returns-In-2018-To-Headline-Las-Vegas-Engagement-Time-Of-Our-Lives-20171103Pink on her new album, Billy Joel and why she's over pop-star feuds by Mikael Woodhttp://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-et-ms-pink-beautiful-trauma-20171011-htmlstory.htmlThe Most Expensive Restaurant in Every StateBy Cheyenne Buckingham https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-most-expensive-restaurant-in-every-state/ss-AAuhyuw
0 notes
coffeesforfuckers · 7 years
Mean 'Ol Moon, Could This Be Love At First Sight? // Brallon
Pairing: Brallon Summary: He plays his guitar in a little place that many people enjoy. He especially enjoys it himself. He sings even though his voice is sub-par and many people enjoy his presence. He's the match-maker of the small town, being the reason for people meeting, through his music. But the trouble for him is that he can't be his own match-maker. Playing in the same place for three years he still hasn't seemed to have met anybody but everybody else meets each other. That is until the night that the boy with the leather jacket and sunglasses at night catches his eye. Word Count: 3,489
I'm sitting under the light of the moon, shining down on me. My fingers strum at my acoustic guitar, plucking at the strings and they're getting kind of numb from doing this all day. I only made probably twenty dollars today as it was a bit rainy. It sucks, in the summer I can make about a hundred dollars in a day but it was only spring and it was normally too rainy for people to be out walking around until the summer.
I close my eyes as I start singing 'Mean 'Ol Moon' by Seth McFarlane, such a fitting song for such a clear and lonely night.
" Oh, Mean 'Ol Moon... It must be fun, to shine down on me while I... Come undone. " I coo, rocking to the melody of the song, " 'Til I'm all alone, beneath the sun... You Mean 'Ol Moon... " My voice is low and melodic in an attempt to be soothing. I look around at the small gathering of people walking about under the shining sky, lit up by the stars and large moon hung by strings above our heads in the gloom of the evening.
I felt kind of bad for possibly ruining their night with my sub-par voice. One of the women in the group tugs one of the man's arms and points at me. I give her a soft smile as the song gets close to an end.
" Takin' all the light that's left in you, and savin' it up, for you know who... Yo Mean 'Ol Moon... You Mean 'Ol Moon... " I purr as the song ends and the woman hurries over with her assumed partner in tow.
"Sir! Sir!" She speaks, "Do you happen to do requests?" She pants smiling at me, a beautiful young lady with that look of love in her eyes for this man she'd dragged over here with her.
"Why, yes I do, young lady, what would you like to hear?" I smile at her and she gets very excited.
"Could you play ' Can't Help Falling In Love ' by Elvis?" She's so happy that I just can't say no.
"Of course, lovely." I smile at her and I play with the nobs on my guitar, getting it in a higher tune and getting my kepo out of my bag so I could make it sound like I was playing a ukulele.
"Thank you so much!" She gushes and grabs the guy by the hand to get him to dance with her, he smiles at her with passion in both his eyes and his smile.
I strum the strings, my fingers passing the shapes on the neck of the guitar, starting the song off soft, the words lulled and gentle the couple swaying and dancing together to my shitty voice. The night was nice for it though, kind of warm and comfortable. There were fairy lights hung up in the trees and on the railing of the little walkway/bridge and along the outsides of buildings, they twinkled like fireflies. I loved them, that's why I preformed here most of the time.
My voice picks up, my strumming following suit and the woman smiles as I do. It's almost over but it looks like they never want it to end.
Just as I'm singing the final line of the song the man drops to one knee before her and pulls out a ring box.
"We met here three years go, a man was playing this exact song right here when I asked you to dance with me and right in this very spot is where I swallowed my worry and asked the prettiest girl I'd ever seen to go on a date with me and so, now I shall ask this same girl in this same place a very important question..." He pauses and swallows hard, "Will you marry me?" He flips the box open and she already crying, telling him a million times, yes.
I smile as I watch it happen. The man then turns his attention to me after a short moment with a huge smile, "Dallon, right?" Says the man and I look horridly confused.
"Yes? How do you know my name?" I cock my head to the side.
"I met you the day I met, Lindsay here. I thanked you for guiding me to this beautiful girl and you said your name was Dallon." He smiles, "I'm Gerard." He sticks his hand out to me and I take it, "Thank you again for sealing my future."
"I must be the fate-maker huh?" I chuckle as I remember that night, it was a sweet night really, "I'm glad that I was able to push you to together with my sub-par voice." I get a laugh in reply.
"You're an amazing singer. You should start a band, Dallon." The girl grins and wraps her arms around the man, kissing him softly, "We should go though, we have people waiting inside for us. It was nice to meet you Dallon the fate-maker." She grins and runs off with her fiance as I mutter a 'you too ' in reply.
Dallon the Fate-Maker , huh?
When the hell is my fate coming into play here. I've been out here for three years and I get tips while people get love. When the hell do I get mine?
The days get warmer and more people fall in love to my stupid voice and barely-tuned guitar while I watch from the sidelines. Sleeping the days away in a fake awake state, my eyes wide-open, my smile glued on, my voice loud and guitar louder but I'm not awake, not remembering, shutting down. I was almost twenty-seven years old for christ sakes and here I was playing guitar outside on a daily basis, selling music to bands for extra money. Somehow I managed to support myself well. I had an apartment that wasn't too bad, some nice furnature, piles of instruments... How I managed? No idea. Probably because I didn't have a car and didn't have to deal with that every fucking day. And also because I was living with a friend and his girlfriend...
It was a cool evening, a soft wind sweeping over the ground in late May, I'm out strumming my guitar as always, singing whatever seemed to come to mind.
" This love has taken it's tole, on me, I've said... Goodbye, so many times before-... " I sing sleepily, it's nearly ten in the evening and I've been out here since ten this morning.
I stand and make my way back to my apartment once I have finished that last song.
When I toss the door open I can hear shouting. Matt and his girlfriend are fighting yet again. I drop my guitar down by the couch and go to the kitchen, grabbing an energy drink from the fridge. I'm getting myself a frozen slice of pizza when I hear the shouting get louder and a loud smash from the living area. I run out to find Matt with my guitar in her hand and the glass coffee table before him.
"Dude what the fuck!?" I yell, pulling the instrument from his hand. This was my favorite one and I spent a lot of money on it, "Are you fucking insane!? " I shout and he looks really sorry.
"Dallon, I am so sorry... I thought it was mine." He apologizes.
"That doesn't change the fact that my favorite, and super fucking expensive guitar is now busted and I have to send it to get fixed!" I huff.
"Matt." His girlfriend snaps, "I want you out... And you too, Dallon." She points at the door and my blood runs cold.
"Why me!? I didn't do shit! I pay rent and everything!" I toss my hands in the air in frustration.
"Because, I want to live alone. It's my apartment, your friends with my ex -boyfriend so you can go live together somewhere else." She's pissed.
"We'll just go stay with my family then!" He shouts back at her and I sigh.
I'd lived with Matt's family for a week once while between houses and it was a nightmare. I was so angry with him and I'm not sure how I'll be able to not hate him after having to stay with his family again.
Two weeks. Only two weeks and I'm already on the verge of blowing my fucking brains out. I get home at probably about midnight every night because of how far his house is from where I play and then can't sleep till two. Then his family has us up at fucking seven in the morning, they won't even let just me sleep. They're all so loud and obnoxious for me as I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm seated at the table as everybody yells and jabbers and talks so early in the morning as we prepair for breakfast. My head is rested in my arms on the table and I'm almost asleep again being so sleep deprived I could sleep through a nuclear war going on right in the front lawn. I feel a hand slam into my back causing me to jolt upright.
"What are you doing sleeping!? If you sleep all day then you have less of a day to live!" Matt's dad, John says and I fall back to the table.
"I'm barely alive as it is." I grumble.
"Nonsence! Why would you say that?" He's so loud and I'm ready to gouge my eardrums out.
"I'm sleep deprived from being up until two every morning and being awoken too early." I mutter.
"You'll get used to it!" He hits my back again and I groan, trying to sleep again.
I needed to get out of this house.
I'm strumming my guitar as I'd finally gotten my favorite one back and didn't have to use any of my shitty old ones anymore, " Oh, Mean 'Ol Moon... It must be fun, to shine down on me while I... Come undone. " I hum, it was always a favorite to sing. I preformed it every night. A few couples stop to listen, dropping some change into the new guitar case I'd just bought so my beautiful guitar wouldn't be destroyed yet again " 'Til I'm all alone, beneath the sun... You Mean 'Ol Moon... " I sing slowly. An elderly couple stops and listens, the woman pulling out her wallet from her small purse with her shaky old hands and flips through the bills slower than I'm singing.
She pulls out a twenty and drops it in the case, her and her husband going to walk off but I can't let them leave without making sure that's what she meant to give me, "Ma'am! Ma'am please wait!" I call, standing up and she stops, turning to look at me.
"Yes, young man?" She asks me softly.
"I just wanted to..." I grab the money from the case and go up to her to hand it back, "You dropped a twenty in my case and I just didn't want you to leave without knowing that's what you gave me." I place it in her hands.
"Oh, I meant to give you that, young man. You're an amazing artist, please keep it." She pushes it back to me.
"Are you sure?" I gape at the money.
"Yes I'm sure. You have a great night and get yourself something nice with that money." She pats my arm as she couldn't reach my hair. I was a good foot and a half taller than her at most.
"Thank you so much Ma'am. Have an amazing evening!" I speak as I go back to my position on the little wooden wall. I'm beaming as I start the song over, having stopped in the middle.
More people come and go, dropping change and some bills in the case. I'm taking a small break, sipping some water when I notice a boy, probably a few years younger than me stood over by the bridge, he's texting and the light from his phone makes his face glow.
I pick up my guitar and start to strum at it, tuning it slightly. The boy stuffs his phone back in his pocket and crosses over to my side of the street, seeming to be in a bad mood.
I start to pluck at the strings in hopes to calm his nerves, he's very handsome now that I can see him up close. He slowly passes me, somewhat listening to the tune of the beginning of my song while looking at his phone again. I decide to freestyle and make up the rest of an unfinished song of my own.
" Could this be love at first sight or should I walk by again? " I watch him intently, " You're photogenically dressed, the conversation begins. " I hum, still watching him. He gets slower, listening more to me now, " Oh God! Oh what did I say!? Let me start over again... " I'm smiling as he sits down on the curb a few feet away, typing away on his phone.
I pluck a small tune at the strings as I don't know what to say next, " Could this be love at first sight? Oh, wait, I said that before... " Some people stop and listen to my song but I don't even notice them, they're dropping money into my case, some even recording it, " I need a place for the night, happy to sleep on the floor? " The boy glances over at me.
Sunglasses at night?
But a hot, eye-catching loser at that.
" But don't go out of your way, and I won't talk anymore-... " I drag the word out as the boy looks back at his phone, I strum at the strings, swaying to the melody as I truly get into the song, " Turn the lights off! I'm in love! " My voice grows more loud and powerful, people seem to be really enjoying it, " Wouldn't you like to0- Wouldn't you like too-! Kiss him! " The boy turns back and starts to grin, but turns away just as fast.
People begin to clap along to the song, never had I had a crowd like this, " Wouldn't you like to0- Wouldn't you like too-! " I bring the pitch of my voice up and some girls cheer softly, " Dance with him-... " My voice drops back to normal, " Darkened nights and violent things, vaudevillian girls and violin strings... " My fingers move and voice continues without my mind which has wandered. The lyrics that I hadn't even finished yet seemed to come naturally, " All of these are the prettiest things when I'm... In... Love. " I drag out the words without a problem, my voice steady and smooth, my fingers playing the tune that I seemed to know by heart when I had only just made it up.
The tune is sweet, a love song at it's best, I move along to the sound, my body swaying gently and my eyes fluttering closed in contentment, "Turn the- lights off, I'm- falling in love-... With you- wouldn't you like to-, oh, wouldn't you like to-... Kiss him!" I reopen my eyes, smiling brightly, "Wouldn't you like to0- Wouldn't you like too-!" My pitch gets higher again and drops back down to finish the line, "Dance with him-... Dark, dark nights and violent things, vaudevillian girls and violin strings... All of these are the prettiest things when I'm... In... Love!" I finish, plucking the strings a few more times and letting out a heavy breath.
All the people clap and drop some change and quite a few bills into the case, speaking praise and telling me how amazing I was. I'm thanking them but absentmindedly, my eyes are locked on the boy on the curb, dressed in his leather jacket, a white t-shirt and black skinny-jeans. Sunglasses rested in his nose as he tapped away at his phone with his long fingers.
As the crowd dwindles down the boy stands from his place and walks up to me with a grin on his pink lips.
"Do I have to walk by again or do you think this is love at first sight?" He smirks and lifts his sunglasses onto his head to get a better look at me. He had beautiful honey-brown eyes, his face was slender and he had a nice jawline. His hair stood somehow, taller than his large forehead.
Mean 'Ol Moon, please never leave. Thank you, you Mean 'Ol Moon.
I grin at him, "You already walked past once so I think this is the second time technically." I laugh softly, pushing my hair out of my eyes.
"Well I hope I didn't sound stupid, should I start over?" He's cocky but I like it.
"No, I think you're fine." I reply.
"So I hear you need a place to stay? And you said you'd be happy to sleep on the floor." He looks me over, his eyes trailing over my lanky figure.
"I did, didn't I?"
"How old is this song?" He looks at me seriously with a hint of a smile on his lips.
"The ' wouldn't you like to ' bit is a couple years old but the rest was an on the spot freestyle." I admit and his pretty eyes grow big and he steps back a bit.
"Wow, I praise myself on being a good song writer but never have I made anything that good in general, let alone in the matter of about three minutes." He sits next to me.
"Well I was inspired." I look over at him and he's already looking at me.
"So, I'll give you that kiss you wished for if you stay at my place." He bargains, very poorly.
"How is that benefiting you?" I laugh at him and he breaks out into a wide smile.
"Fine then, if you give me that kiss that I so badly wished for then I will let you stay at my house for as long as you need." He chuckles.
"Only one kiss?" I say and the boy's eyes widened, "Oh, god. What did I say? Let me start over." I use my own lyrics and he starts to laugh.
"Before you give me that 'more than one' kiss, my name is Brendon." He introduces and takes my hand in his. His hands looked so much larger than they really were, compared to mine they were very tiny.
"I'm Dallon, Dallon Weekes." I smile.
"Urie." He says and I give him a weird look, "Brendon Urie, my name's Brendon Urie."
I can't wipe the smile from my face, "It's wonderful to meet you, Brendon."
"It's wonderful to meet you also, Dallon." His eyes shine with the flickering of the fairy lights surrounding us. This was so fucking romantic, shit, "Could this be love at first sight?"
"Wait, didn't you say that before." I quote and his smile flickers a bit wider, his eyes flashing between mine and my lips. I place my guitar down beside me, leaning it against my leg. I bring a hand up to the side of his face and he starts to turn red. This cocky, sunglasses at night wearing, leather jacket clad son of a bitch was getting flustered by my touch and I was loving every second of it.
I kiss him softly, his lips are smooth and tasted of sweets, a cute boy that tasted of candy, what a score. He smiles into the kiss, as do I.
He pulls away as he starts to laugh, "I'm a crazy slut but I've never done anything as crazy as this."
"Kissing a stranger?" I tilt my head to the side.
"No, falling in love." He smiles, "I guess it's love at first sight."
I stand and hold my hand out to him. He takes and stands as well and his eyes get wide again, "Oh my god you're so tiny!" I call.
"No you're just freakishly tall!" He shoves me but I don't budge. He pouts like a child (Which is the cutest shit that I've ever seen).
I pull him into me, my arms going around his neck as I hold him, his face in my chest. He squirms out of my grip and continues pouting. I squat down a bit to be his height and he starts to laugh.
"To my house?" He asks, it was only nine and I was debating whether I should stay and play more or if I should go with Brendon.
"Well, it's a lot earlier than I normally leave..." I say, still pondering.
"I can help you preform. I can kind of sing myself." He beams and I nod.
"You're probably better than me."
"Who knows." He smirks, we sit again and I strum at my guitar and he starts to sing my song.
Could this be love at first sight?
I think it just might be.
0 notes
newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                          MARCH 2017
*****Beyonce and Amal are both pregnant with twins.
*****The Trump international hotel and tower opened in Vancouver B.C. with Tiffany and the sons amidst hundreds of protesters and a boycott from the mayor.
*****So, did anybody see Seth Mcfarlane in Real time with Bill Maher? He seemed to just sit and pout. He sat there sying nothing and suddenly blurted out “I’ve got water.” It seems that perhaps an earlier guest got his Jack D. and he got water. It just seemed to me that he wasn’t going to add much to the conversation if he did not have his drink. Such a diva!
*****Kevin Smith and comic book men are back and looking good!!
*****TLC is back with the fabulous ‘Who do you think you are?’ The season begins with Courtney Cox and her relatives who killed the King of England.
*****Leann Rimes seems to have added a few pounds and looking healthy and well too!!
*****Have John Stewart and Ricky Gervais lost it?
*****The number 1 item requested in homeless shelters is socks. Bombas (latin word for bees) socks is giving away 60 thousand pairs in one day.
*****American rehab: Detroit on DIY told a great story of a couple bringing an old house which had been part of the family back to life for a new era.
*****Nick Cannon is out at America’s got talent.
*****Louie Anderson is just knocking it out of the park on Baskets.
*****David Cassidy went public with dementia diagnosis.
*****Who knew that Hillary Farr, the’ love it or list it ‘chick was Betty Monroe on The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
*****Roger Waters is heading out on the Us and Them tour and will the poke the snake called Trump.
*****Dale Earnhardt Jr. was on Watch what happens live and seems to like Vanderpump rules. Too bad about the crash at Daytona Jr.  Hooray for Michael Waltrip and his 8th place. We do not want to see U go.
*****Stay away from the Remington 700. It shoots without pulling the trigger. Of course the company does not want to admit that.
*****Tried to watch the new sitcom Powerless. I want DC to succeed in their endeavor but hmmm..??
*****CBS Doubt looked like it had a great cast so gave it a try. The stories were of the same old kind but love the supporting cast and a nice twist. It had a little Spader/Shatner thing going on.
*****The Pats won that super bowl but it didn’t start out that way. Super bowl 51 was so up and so down. Their wide receiver, Malcolm Mitchell was asked by a woman at Barnes and Noble one day to join her book club. He joined, in part, because he couldn’t read very well. He is still with the club and it has inspired him to write a children’s book and begin a literary campaign.  For the halftime entertainment at 51, Lady Gaga gave us a statement of equality that said it all.
*****Days alert: Ok.. Is Days going to be cancelled for Megyn Kelly? Say it ain’t so.. Word is coming that there will be no Days in 2018!! Oh NBC, it is about the only thing you have left that I want to watch. Get the picket signs ready. We can’t lose Days. I am still hurting from losing One Life to Live.  Jen and Eric have seen each other again and he is saving a picture of her. Let’s fix his hair and get these two together. The last days of February and finally some progress on that front. We need that Tom and Alice couple that we can rely on and stick together no matter what. She already has the house and they have the good foundation and they have come back from the brink. **And.. is Drake feeling better yet? Bring back John Black!
*****Twitter donated a mil to the ACLU.
*****I want to be in the middle of those great scenes with Tim Omundson and Deidrich Bader on American Housewife.
*****The house votes to roll back the background checks for gun owners .This includes those mentally incapable of managing their own affairs.
*****Are we all really supposed to pray for Schwarzenegger? Weren’t the ratings of that awful show low anyway?
*****A friend told me that 80% of immigrants are on welfare. Depending on where you look, it is really 40-51%. Do your research people!
*****SNL is back with new shows starting with Octavia Spencer and Scarlett Johansson.
*****The continuing madness of King Trump includes him waiting a week into the Presidency before handing the reigns of biz to his son’s. It wasn’t until he was called out by reporters that he finally did it. His supporters do not even seem to care. The sons have secret service all over the world looking after them with our tax dollars as they go about the Trump business. *** Steve Bannon openly admitted that they put people in place to deconstruct the administration.
*****Some republicans are now asking for an independent prosecutor to investigate the Russian contact and interference. Jeff Sessions should recuse himself.
*****Our state reps are chickening out with tele town halls. They feel they don’t have to face the people who elected them and can therefor go full speed ahead with their own agendas. They use the excuse that too many people are turning up so they have to take questions by phone. Funny how the softball questions from people who mostly agree with them get through. Quit being cowards and do your jobs or get out of the way.
*****Tom Perez is now DNC chair, the moderates win. I don’t agree with scary clown 45 that it was rigged but a little shake up may have been in order. Personally I love Donna Brazile. Is it time for a new party ,the resistance party? Some will never trust the Dems. Some will never trust Republicans. A new hard left party may be in order. It will struggle but eventually take hold. We need to start with brains and artisans.
*****The President will not come to the White House correspondence dinner on April 29. He says he was elected to get work done and to focus on the country, like getting busy on that wall.  Pendejo! Oh please!
*****Pandering to Wall Street, the house is working on ridding us of Dodd Frank that was put in place to help the financial crisis. Do we really want to relax those rules? They are going for a 75% reduction in regulations for companies to add more pollution, to not look out for the customers best interest etc. Shouldn’t we be worrying more about production? Will they do the right thing as they see how the rest of us live or will they continue to ignore the problems?
*****Scary clown 45 claims he did not know what he was signing when he put Bannon on the National Security council. Huh?
*****Elizabeth Warren was stopped from reading pertinent information from Coretta Scott King on the senate floor.
*****Charlie Rose underwent heart surgery and will be back in March. He has been spotted and is doing fine.
*****Looks like a new show Trial and Error is coming. The ads look ok but they are advertising the hell out of it. Wasn’t there a movie with the same name?
*****Carol Merna, executive director for the center for prevention of abuse, wrote an open letter to Illinois governor Rauner. She asked him to put partisan politics aside and get a budget for the state. Some neglect cases have had to be dropped due to lack of funds.
*****CNN is doing the history of comedy.
*****Bill Nye saves the World is coming April 21 to Netflix.
*****Chris Kennedy, 8th child of Bobby and Ethel that was born July 4th 1963, is running for Governor of Illinois.
*****Blondie brings us the ne “FUN”. They are touring with Garbage this summer.
*****Zach Braff and Carol Burnett are both returning to tv.
*****Burger King is buying Popeye’s, lord help us.
*****Iran has cancelled visas for wrestlers that were to compete in a world competition. The Muslim ban has upset so many apple carts. Church missionaries and Doctors have to rethink leaving the country to help others because they may not get back in. We are not all as stupid as they think and should respect us enough to at least quit saying this is about our safety. Why are Christians prioritized? This new administration does not agree with Obama on much so why keep talking about the 7 countries he specified? He did no bans for these countries. Hundreds of companies have coordinated to file a lawsuit against this.
*****If we don’t live globally, things will be a lot more expensive.
*****Isis is on a drone buying frenzy. They are buying drones off the shelf and doing much damage. Our commander in chief needs to get in front of this.
*****New Power Rangers coming out this month.
*****Mar-a Lago, the former home of Emily Post and E.F. Hutton was donated to the government but Nixon did not really want it. After scary clown 45 bought the Palm Beach estate there was much ado about his flag pole. He also wanted the flight patterns changed so as not to disturb his guests. With the racist white house raging on, it is hard to believe that he was once more welcoming. The old guard of Palm Beach was not too crazy at who he was bringing to Mar-a-Lago. The resort would welcome anyone who could pay the fee. Initially it was 100 thou but as soon as he became President it was doubled, being President pays. Oh yea, and the flight pattern has now been changed. ** Scary clown 45 seems to think he is under some sort of cloak of invisibility when he is there. Hillary’s e mails were a problem but he can discuss anything classified on his own cell?? Are you fucking kidding me?**And speaking of Palm Beach, the President is spending a lot of time there. Before the election he claimed he would have no time for golf and relaxing. He has spent about as much of our money on secret service and his travels in a month as Obama spent in a year. This does not even include Melania and the NY digs and the sons who travel the world for the Trump business all the time. Of course, the business is benefitting from this.
*****Kevin Brady and Orrin Hatch can make The IRS show us the Presidents taxes.
*****Nordstrum’s dropped Ivanka’s line. Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, Sears and Kmart are in agreement.
*****If you give up freedom to get security, you get neither. –Ben Franklin
*****Why are the Sunday morning political shows just repeating the same mainstream stuff all the time? Let’s follow Bill Maher and John Oliver who at least talk more about our rights that keep getting stripped away. John Oliver is putting ads on the shows that scary clown 45 watches so he can at least get some real information. Marijuana laws, transgender rights, voting rights are all under attack. The pot industry is booming, why does this administration want to start taking away U.S. jobs? The department of agriculture has removed regs about the treatment of animals. The will no longer make lab inspection results and violations publicly available. Now, you must file a request to the freedom of information act if you want to know.** John Kasich is still making sense, why couldn’t the republicans have went with a sane person? He met with the President on health care. He feels the ACA needs reform but that you can’t just pull the rug out from 20 million people. Kasich tries to do things in a calm and reasonable manner much like the left. Is it worth trying? The administration says that the opposition is acting like 5th graders.  How many times do we reach out and try to do things reasonable only to be shut down?
*****Thank you J Lo for reminding us of Toni Morrison’s words about how important artists are in times like these.
*****Thank you A tribe called Quest for yelling “Resist” and telling us to break through the wall.
*****Seattle severed ties with Wells Fargo in protest of the DAPL. ** A federal judge denied the Sioux tribes request for a halt to the pipeline. And while the CPAC was in full bloom, the protesters were dragged away.  Some moved across the river and some moved on.
*****Good news for Kim Cade: Camping can help you to sleep better by shifting internal clocks to align with daylight hours.
*****Jimmy Carter put in enough solar panels to power half of Plains. Go Jimmy Go!!!!
*****North Korea launched a ballistic missile.
***** It was something to see when Paul Ryan was asked over and over again about Flynn and the Russian situation. He was annoyed right away. Really? How does it feel? And Hillary held up for 11 hours. Who can take it and wo can’t? Pussies!
*****FLEXIT: After many denials, Mike Flynn , the man who started the ‘lock her up’ chant, was finally ousted. When will they find proof that they all knew about this? They are not even good spin kings but how do they live with themselves? And Pence calls himself a good Christian? Did he know?** Did they make a good choice with H R Mcmaster? Of course, he is active duty so he could hardly say no. He is getting a lot of support because he wrote against Johnson and the handling of Vietnam and Bush with Iraq.
*****White house flunkie Steven Miller was getting invited everywhere after he told George Stephanopoulos he would go on any show, anywhere. Colbert and the View were waiting but he never showed. LIES,LIES,LIES: GET OUT!!!!
***** Streisand men ,past and present, seem to be showing up at CBS. James Brolin has been there for a couple of seasons and Elliot Gould is on the new Doubt.
*****Catch Trevor Noah on Afraid of the Dark.
*****Glad that Nightcap is back for season 2.
*****Scary Clown 45 gave his presidential address on the last day of February. He started the day by letting us all know that the protests and problems were Obamas fault. He started to adlib about 8 pages in. A lot of attention was paid to Karen Owens, the widow of navy seal Ryan who was killed in Yemen. The VP insists that the reports of nothing being gained from the raid are false. Trump pulled back on the immigration agenda that he earlier seemed to soften on. He did mention black history month which never happens. He is still talking about repeal and replace with the ACA. He did not shut it down first day like he said on the campaign trail. He said the same stuff in this address that he has been saying, just with a slightly different tone. He sure changed his tune about the Jewish hate crimes. Former Kentucky governor Steve Beshear gave the democratic response. What?? Why the fuck did they pick a FORMER Gov.? It was a pretty middle of the road response. He gave Trump polite hell for his lashing out at military, media and the intelligent agencies. He scolded that just because they disagree does not make them their enemies. Agreed but Yawn!! The best part of the night was afterward on MSNBC. Kathy Griffin, Michael Moore and Rob Reiner put a wonderful cap on the evening. Thank you for some sanity.
*****Better Call Saul is starting to run ads for their April 10th premiere. So fucking excited!!
*****Comedy Central is bringing ‘Colossal Clusterfest” to San Francisco on June 2nd. The fest will include stand up and sketch comedy, podcasts and music. The lineup includes Jerry Seinfeld, Kevin Hart, Sarah Silverman, Hannibal Buress, Bob Odenkirk, Fred Armisen, Tig Nataro, Ice Cube, Tegan and Sara, Reggie Watts and Princess and interactive offerings with South Park, Seinfeld and It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia.
*****Finn Whitrock, Sally Field and Joe Mantello appear in Broadway’s The Glass Menagerie.
*****The Grammy awards which I have never really understood came and went again. Some of the audience looked a bit perplexed when James Corden purposely flubbed the opening. They rarely honor anyone I really respect. But Adele’s George Michael tribute , once on track was amazing. Chance the Rapper won best new artist and claimed his victory in the name of the lord. Lady Gaga sounded great with Metallica. Again there were sound issues that you would think the Grammys of all places would have worked out but… Best dressed were Lady Gaga and Audra Day. The worst was Taraji P. Henson.
*****HBO is making a documentary about Andre the Giant.
*****The Independent spirit awards were on Feb. 25th and made some great choices. Molly Shannon won best supporting female for Other People. Moonlight won best picture, best director for Barry Jenkins and the Robert Altman award. Casey Affleck (best actor) and Jenkins took their best shots at Trump.
*****Bison have been reintroduced to Canada’s first national park after 140 years.
*****The Oscars were the next day, Feb. 26th and oh what a finale they had. Most everybody knows by now that the wrong film was announced, but that was not the entire show. It was only the second time an envelope mishap happened. Sammy Davis Jr. opened the wrong envelope last time. I always wished that they would show the honorary awards as well, they look like fun. Jimmy Kimmel seemed casual about his hosting gig and never stuck the knife in too deep. The Matt Damon stuff never really gets old. Tourists were brought in and Gary from Chicago is already getting offers from just being there. He had just gotten out of prison 3 days before after a 20 year sentence. Wal Mart is giving he and his fiancé wedding gifts. ** During rehearsal a big part of the set fell down.**The Salesman from Iran won and a statement was read about the Muslim ban. A lot of people were wearing ACLU ribbons to show solidarity. The best dressed were Emma Roberts, Haylee Steinfeld, Ava Duvernay, Laura Dern, Janelle Monae, Taraji P. Henson, Mahershala Ali, Naomie Harris, the dancer with Timberlake wearing the red and black dress, Luciana Barroso, Nicole Kidman, Ryan Gosling and Meryl Streep. Honorable mention goes to Halle Barry, Viola Davis, Michelle Williams, Karlie Klass and Emma Stone. Worst dressed were Leslie Mann, Dakota Johnson, Octavia spencer, Trudie Styler and Felicity Jones and some chick in the audience with a bold blue and white striped lace fiasco. There was a story about Karl Lagerfeld saying that Meryl Streep wanting to be paid to wear a dress but nobody believes it. In the fallout after the best picture controversy, Les Moonves said he’d fire his accountant if this happened. Matt Damon said he was not at all surprised and that is what you get when you let Jimmy host.
*****You can now get Dateline’s Keith Morrison on your GPS.
*****Michael Moore has put out a 10 point plan to get rid of Trump. Most of it is common sense but good o remember:
1.       Call your senators and reps: 202-225-3121 or 202-224-3121. A call a day keeps the Trump away
2.       Visit your members of congress and both senators once a month.
3.       Create your own personal rapid response team, form a group to be ready to leap into action.
4.       Join national groups like Planned Parenthood or the ACLU.
5.       Remember the women’s march. Join in.
6.       Join the democratic party.
7.       Form ‘regions of resistance’. Pass state laws.
8.       Run for office. Everyone can run for precinct delegate.
9.       Become the media. Report the truth.
10.   Join the army of comedy. Spread the words of great comedy about scary clown 45.
*****Elvis Costello and the Imposters are touring in June.
*****George W. Bush is making the rounds with his new book, Portraits of courage. He pays tribute to the wounded warriors and at the same time raises money for vets. He also probably feels that it is safe since he is small potatoes compared to the new Prez. We can’t forget the havoc that he and Cheney brought upon us today is today.
*****Lisa Marie Presley is in the middle of a nasty custody battel. Priscilla has her twin grandchildren living with her.
*****The Prez has already cut domestic spending so he can pour millions into the military budget. We spend as much on the military as the next 7 largest military spending countries combined.
*****Spain is going to appoint a sex czar.
*****Another Sandusky, the son Jeff was arrested for sex offenses against minors.
*****Scary Clown 45 made his
*****RIP William H. Busch, Richard Hatch, Al Jarreau, Erwin Corey, George the Animal Steele, Ward Chamberlin, Clyde Stubblefield, Bill Paxton, Judge Wopner and Neil Fingleton.
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