#shai thoughts
buffdaddyphoenix · 3 months
about once a month I still think about the fact that they made Phoenix Wright a dad like I could never imagine that lil crybaby in t&t being a whole ass adoptive father
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alethiometry · 2 years
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kenways & friends + polaroid movie posters (insp.)
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lunarmoves · 1 year
"you humans are so vulnerable," sun comments one day out of the blue as he stacks up some blocks laying around the daycare. you look up from the computer monitor in front of you, staring over the security desk to give him an odd look.
"where did that come from?" you ask, confusion overtaking the mild unease you felt at such a statement. it was... morbid. even for him.
sun doesn't answer at first as he finishes his task, then swoops a long arm down to the ground to snatch up a small plushie. he shrugs and waves the plushie in the air a bit. "just an observation i have noticed! that's all!" he chucks the plushie into a bin and moves to grab another.
"...right," you say after a second, then flit your gaze back down to your computer. "well, you're not wrong, you know." you didn't think you'd come to work today to talk about your fragility as a human being, but well... here you are.
"i know! it's just—" he pauses a bit as though collecting his thoughts, fingers kneading into the soft material of the roxy plush he's holding. "hm. you're all so squishy and easily harmed. you require sleep and yet you are at your most vulnerable as you do so. you build these devices to protect yourself because you do not have the physical capabilities to do so on your own." you stare back at him, an eyebrow quirked. he continues, "it is simply... interesting, to me."
you hum, a little perturbed, but not enough to stop the conversation. "we have to do what we have to do to survive, i guess."
sun finishes collecting all the toys strewn about and moves to approach the security desk. he leans against its surface, right across from you, and props his head up with one of his hands.
"of course!" he replies with a small spin of his rays. it does wonders to ease the tension from your shoulders. "it makes the creation of automata all the more significant, doesn't it?"
"...what do you mean?" you ask warily. blank white eyes lock onto your own. you shift uncomfortably in your chair and are glad that his protocols prevent him from entering your space any farther.
"you build robots to help you do the more dangerous tasks," sun notes in a light voice. you know he's not talking about you specifically, but humanity as a whole, yet it still grates at you somehow. "you build them to protect you and to serve you. and yet you give them abilities that far surpass your own." his fingers tap at his face, a steady clink clink clink that makes something in your legs tense.
"where are you going with this?" you suddenly ask, not quite liking the path sun is currently taking.
"you make robots stronger than you," sun continues in a strangely low voice as though you hadn't said a word, "you make them smarter. you make them from a material that cannot be as easily damaged as your flesh. and you just... live and work with them, expecting them to follow your every bidding without considering what might happen should they suddenly... change."
you stare at him, eyes unblinking as his head rotates to the side—the ticking of the mechanisms behind it seeming to echo around the empty daycare.
and then he smiles at you wider—grin sharp, thin, dangerous.
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iceicewifey · 2 months
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so um... i found a pose reference that gave me big vanishay vibes, but then i got carried away then tried to turn it into a lore moment for some reason? 😭
i don’t totally like how his arm looks plus i couldn’t get him low enough because the height difference was making it a really awkward angle, but that’s what i get for copying the anime style again... it’s janky but close enough lmao full disclosure vanilla's bangs and face are heavily referenced bc they were giving me the most grief to copy, no thanks to all those damn little LINES. reference + transparent vers. under the cut!
𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 :: @goblinselfshippr、 @over--heaven、 @spookysinner45、 @little-miss-selfships | join my tag list ᡣ𐭩
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can’t find a direct link since i saw it on pinterest (💔) but it’s by mellon_soup!
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shaisuki · 8 months
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AHHHH wrists, being tied to his bed posts while those hands choke meeee
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buffdaddyphoenix · 10 months
I've just started watching succession (literally still on season 1) and BARK BARK RRRRRR BARK BARK Kieran Culkin as roman omg *chef's kiss* roman roy is my short king he is so hot I love him so much
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sipsteainanxiety · 11 months
bkg stands right behind u, whispers “heh. short” in ur ear to annoy u, and u spin around and punch him right in the face
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pairingbrainrot · 10 months
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If I had a nickel everytime a Nickelodeon pairing from my childhood came back as adults and stabbed me in the heart with all the feels, I'd have 3 nickels, which is not alot but it's weird that it happened three times right?
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teecupangel · 6 months
Been learning about animals again and I came across the Dunkleosteus. For some reason I think it's kinda cute so I wanna see how Desmond would act as that (and possibly some mauling-)
For those unfamiliar with how a Dunkleosteus looks like, here’s the estimate of its sizes and a reconstruction of how it could possible look like:
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It seems Dunkleosteus is most native to America (although it’s also possible there were some in Europe?) so a Dunkleosteus Desmond could easily make contact with Ratonhnhaké:ton but you know what would be fun?
If he makes contact with the Colonial Brotherhood before its fall instead…
He’s just living his best fish life, maybe wondering if there is any real reason why he became a fish? Maybe a big brain plan from Min-
He’s a fish.
Is it strange that he was bigger than most fishes?
Of course.
But he was simply going to ignore that.
Then… one day, Desmond’s calm peaceful (boring) waters suddenly grew noisy.
Okay, ‘suddenly’ was the wrong word to use.
The noises started far away but continued to come closer and closer until whoever were making those noises were right on top of him.
He heard the word ‘Assassin scum!’ and grew curious so he swam upwards.
Just to see what was happening, of course (or so he would tell himself).
Unfortunately, he had gotten so used to his new body and the peacefulness of the waters that he… accidentally! … smacked the little rickety boat with his fin while he was making his way to poke his head out of the water for a moment.
The Templar lost his footing while the Assassin managed to grab hold of the boat’s side after falling to their knees and Desmond (just so happened!) had his mouth opened and uuuhh…
He might have accidentally chomped off the Templar’s upper half???
Desmond felt so disgusted that he immediately threw it back up though!
And… it kinda sorta… fell back onto the ship where the Assassin remained staring at him with wide eyes and a pale complexion.
Understanding he must have traumatized the Assassin, he just… plopped back down to the deepest part of the waters…
… was there an underwater equivalent of a toothpaste around here?
A few months later, Desmond hears a few noises once more and swims closer to check what was happening.
This time, he made sure to not hit the boat with any part of his body nor did he swim above water to peek!
Hearing them clearly is fine at this point, considering the trauma he and that poor Assassin had to endure.
“Alright, here’s the first one! Careful not to rock the boat too much!”
“If you’re so worried, how about you come help!?”
“Someone has to keep the boat steady, ya fool!”
“Oh, and it has nothing to do with you vomiti-”
Their conversation was interrupted by a big splashing sound and…
Desmond stared as the corpse of a clearly dead… absolutely dead… man started to drop deeper and deeper into the waters.
“Why’s Miss Jensen having us drop these here anyway?”
“They’re all Miss Jensen’s family’s enemies. Remember? The ones she calls Templars?”
Another body dropped onto the waters, its empty eyes seemingly staring at Desmond as it slowly drop to the depths.
“Aye, I remember that. I’m asking why we traveled here to drop them?”
“I heard that fish saved Miss Jensen one time. They say she wants to feed the fish who saved her.”
Another body dropped and Desmond think it’s high time he just goes away, further away from all these corpses.
Some of the other fishes would probably eat them.
As Desmond began to swim away, he heard the men continue to converse, even though the one of them was slightly out of breath with all the corpses he was dropping (no wonder they were using a bigger boat than the one Desmond saw last time).
“That doesn’t sound like Miss Jensen.”
“Of course not. Miss Jensen says there’s a big fish here that likes to eat human so this is the perfect place to take care of the ‘remains.”
“Oh, that sounds more like her.”
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thenamesbabe-crybabe · 8 months
I just love how humanity loves our detectives. Like,,, we're always playing with the classics, writing more, we just love solving things. David Suchet is THE Poirot, but we keep rerereadapting Agatha Christie's stories, because we wanna keep playing with this concept, try to figure out what was really making the culprit tick. The sheer number of Sherlock Holmes adaptations is overwhelming!!!! Both in film and book! We made him modern! We made him modern and American!! We gave him another sibling! (Ps my favorite book adaptations are by Laurie King (old man Sherlock solves crime) and Kareem Abdul Jabbar (more focused on Mycroft)). tbh this is why I think we keep redoing Batman movies! We just can't seem to get this funky emo detective man quite right!!!
Anyways, everyone should read more mysteries bc apparently as humans we're obsessed
Also if you need book recs,,,,, uhhhh I know someone (spoiler, it's me)
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dailyshinai · 6 months
I got so hopeful that your blogname had the acronym of DSI cuz Nintendo DSI but then i realized ot was DSA and im sad now :< pls put my boy in a Nintendo DS anyways cuz its funny (ur under no obligation to do this btw. sry if i sound demanding :<)
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Day 74: AU where all the AI’s are on the nintendo ds & Nintendo DSI = DailyShinAIIowa
just for you, for today i will now be Daily Shin Iowa, now my abbreviation is DSI (of course not changing my username but i will change the blog name for today)
don’t worry about sounding demanding, it didn’t sound demanding but even if it did my requests exist for you all to demand things of me and i comply for attention /hj
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cosmerelists · 2 months
What Radiant Order Non-Stormlight Characters Would Belong To
As requested by anon. :)
If non-Stormlight Archive characters had the opportunity to bond spren, what orders would each of them belong to?
(I’m a Edgedancer, by the way, per the quiz!)
1. Vin: Windrunner
As pointed out by @itmakesssenseincontext (here), Vin literally thinks The Words that make someone a Windrunner, as she vows to only use her power to protect those unable to defend themselves. So. Like. If there had been an Honorspren around, she’d be a Windrunner already.
2. Steris: Elsecaller
The Elsecaller order is about self-improvement, and it attracts people who are quote "less flamboyant" and more serious, like scholars. Their spren are logicspren. I think this order would suit Steris very well!
3. Wayne: Edgedancer
This is per WOB! I mean, I do see it. Wayne’s power is essentially Super Empathy, as he can make himself understand other people’s perspective in order to pretend that he is one of them. Plus, he literally cannot forget the man he killed, creating elaborate and unhealthy rituals to remember him forever. I guess he does have healing powers too; I dunno if that’s part of the reasoning. Per Brandon, the other Edgedancers would find Wayne “strange,” but come on. Wayne & Lift would get on like a house on fire and would possibly literally cause that.
4. Sazed: Bondsmith
This is one of those that just felt right to me immediately, and then I just had to sit and try to figure out why. I think partly it's because Sazed literally bonded two very disparate Shards together into one, which feels very Bondsmith of him. But Sazed also cared a lot about connecting people and helping people understand other cultures, so there's that as well. I suppose the other one I could see for Sazed would be Edgedancer, given that he makes it his mission to save all otherwise forgotten religions. But I'm going Bondsmith as my number one choice.
5. Shai: Lightweaver
WOB has Shai as an Edgedancer, which I found shocking. I mean...the artistry? The literally becoming other people in order to be ready for various situations? The one last-ditch personality whose entire purpose is to craft an intricate lie to hide Shai from herself??? To me, Shai is a Lightweaver through and through. But per Brandon, Shai is an Edgedancer. So I guess it depends on who knows this character better. A random person who blogs or the literal author.
6. Wax: Skybreaker
As a lawman, basically. Plus, there's the whole conversation between Miles and Wax where Miles tries to convince Wax that if the law is unjust, you have a duty to oppose the law and Wax is like, "Nuh-uh shut up." (Since that so mirrors Kal and Moash, I can understand teh Wax as Windrunner argument, but we can't have ALL the protagonists be Windrunners!)
7. Marasi: Truthwatcher
This is almost certainly just me--I so strongly headcanon Marasi as an investigative reporter that I can't even remember the truth anymore. Ironic, I guess, given the subject of this entry... If I wanted to try to justify this, I guess I'd say Marasi does have a canonical interest in discovering the truth...but yeah, I don't expect many to agree with this one!
8. Rashek: Skybreaker
Had to include this one, as it's a WOB. Not a very good one, per Sanderson, but a Skybreaker nonetheless. Let's all imagine Nale having to deal with Rashek, shall we?
9. Vivenna: Stoneward
Vivinna does feel very Windrunner to me, given her bro chemistry with Kaladin. But the Stonewards are about being where they're needed, about being dependable and good team players, about making the best of a bad situation. I think of Vivenna showing up on a whole new planet, seeing a city without leadership, and being like, "Sure, I'll take over the city guard and forge a team of incredibly loyal guards until it's time for me to move on and go to the next place I'm needed."
10. Ranette: Dustbringer
Mostly because of the tinkerer angle--dustbringers are interested in knowing how things work, plus their power is inherently destructive and so requires careful control. And Ranette, you know, makes guns 'n' stuff.
11. Bleeder: Willshaper
The Willshapers are about freedom--for themselves, and for others. They want to free those who have been unjustly imprisoned. And oh man. What Bleeder wanted was to free herself and others from Harmony's influence, from the way he could literally take her and others over. So she wanted freedom for everyone and would do anything to obtain it.
12. Kelsier: Edgedancer, Dustbringer, or Willshaper
Sorry to end on a WOB, but I'm fascinated that Sanderson can see so many possibilities for Kelsier. An Edgedancer in his desire to change the world back into a green paradise for Mare. A Dustbringer or Willshaper for self-mastery and determination. Honestly, I'm most fascinated by Willshaper, due to the comment that they believe any law is a form of oppression. That extreme form of freedom really feels like it suits Kelsier, to me.
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a-q2 · 2 years
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Posted this like forever ago on another account but 🙏🏽
(Dw guys Bruce will sleep with your moms and girlfriends too)
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He recites his signature countdown before planting another smooch, which Cosgrove says was completely improvised. It wasn't in the script at all, she explains. "We did it in one take the very last time and we were both really unsure about it. Some of the writers came over and they were like, 'We have this idea, it might be too much, but just give it a shot for one take.' And so many times we do things and it doesn't end up on the show or we'll improvise. So you never know what's gonna end up in there. That's what makes it fun and exciting. When we were filming the scene, we were both like, we don't know if this is gonna work, but we'll try it. And it ended up being the last line of the episode.
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