#sharky x deputy
rookthewrathful · 2 years
So Far Cry New Dawn has Sharky Boshaw with a nose piercing, calling himself mommy, saying he shaves his pits and idk
And in normal far cry his crush on the deputy is palpable
I just feel like there's no way he doesn't fit into the LGBT+ somewhere. I know in another life, in another place, he'd be able to express it more but
I just love him so much
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I wrote a fanfic of my Deputy and Sharky, and it’s kinda long but I hope y’all enjoy it
It had been about two years since Deputy Ryder Reid freed Hope County from the iron grip of the Edens Gate cult. Since then he had settled in the Henbane River region with his boyfriend Sharky as they helped to rebuild Hope County from the destruction that Eden's Gate had caused. One morning, he rose later than usual and walked into the kitchen. There he saw Sharky cooking breakfast, still dressed in pajamas and shaking his hips to his beloved disco playlist as he cooked. Sharky looked over at Ryder, “mornin’ babe! The early bird may get the worm but you know what the late bird gets? Extra bacon with his pancakes!” he said as he set a plate of food down on the table.
Ryder laughed and sat down, Sharky was usually a very bubbly and joyful man but something had him extra cheerful today. He couldn't quite put his finger on it though, he would have to wait and find out. Shaky sat next to him and poured him a drink, “and a nice tall glass of the finest chocolate milk, I know you love your chocolate” he giggled. Ryder took a sip and smiled, “oh man, this is some great stuff. Thanks for making breakfast love”. Sharky blushed and looked away, “aw heck, it’s nothin’, I can’t let you have all the fun when it comes to cooking” he replied. After the two ate their breakfast and cleaned up it was time to shed their pajamas for some more respectable public clothes. While Sharky always kept it simple, old jeans and a green sweater, Ryder preferred to dress for the season, and the cold October wind blowing through the county meant that it was old flannel shirt season. “So what’s on the agenda for today love?” Ryder asked. “Well, today I have a little somethin’ planned for us. We’re going to Nick’s place for a pumpkin carving contest. All our buddies are going to be there, even Jess” Sharky replied excitedly. Ryder snorted, “even Jess huh? I’m surprised, she normally likes her solitude. I’ll be happy to see her though''.
Before they knew it the two men were already at their destination. They hopped out of the car and headed over to the house where Nick had a big pile of pumpkins ready for carving. “Sharky! Ryder! So happy to see y’all!” Nick said as he pulled them in for a hug. Sure enough, all of the couple’s friends were there. After some friendly mingling, it was time for the main event.
Everyone was handed a knife and they began to carve away at the festive squashes. Not so much as a minute after Ryder had cut the top off his pumpkin a cry rang out from across the table, it was Hurk. Judging from the blood coming from his hand he must’ve cut himself pretty good with his knife. “Owie owie owww!” Hurk cried. Ryder grabbed a rag and pressed it firmly against the wound and Nick came rushing out of the house with gauze and bandages, “you’re gonna be ok Hurk, I’ve got you” he said as he began to wrap his friends hand in a bandage.
“Owie owie owww!” Hurk cried as he squirmed. “Hey now, hold still Hurk” Nick said as Hurk continued to squirm in pain. Ryder took Hurks other hand and rubbed his back. “Shhh, it will be alright Hurkie, the wound didn’t look too bad. Just let Nick bandage it and you’ll be alright” he said softly. Hurk seemed to take his advice and eventually stopped squirming and Nick finished bandaging his hand. Ryder turned back to his pumpkin and began to scoop out the guts when he noticed something shiny and silver in the pumpkin.
Out of curiosity he picked it up and examined it, and that’s when he heard a thump and an uncomfortable groan from Sharky. Ryder turned to see what the matter was when he saw Sharky down on one knee, and then it hit him. The silver thing he had yet to inspect was a ring! He wiped the piece of jewelry off on his shirt and gave it a closer look as tears began to well up in his eyes. “Ryder, we’ve known each other for two years now and have like, literally been through a war with Peggies together. Will you marry me?” Sharky asked. “Y-yes, absolutely I will” Ryder replied, cupping Sharky’s face and kissing him.
“But please don’t tell me that you had Hurk cut his hand on purpose just to hide the ring” Ryder said sternly. “Naw man, I just gots to work on my knife skills, or try not to get too fancy with my shapes. Hey Sharky, can I be bestest man-cousin-person at your wedding?” Hurk asked. Ryder laughed and patted Hurk on the back, “hey if he doesn’t let you I’ll totally let you be mine”. “Is that even a question, broski? Of course you can bro! It can’t be a special day without my favorite cuz there” Sharky replied. Soon they all got back to chatting and carving and eventually it was time to announce the winner.
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jacobseedisbabygirl · 2 years
TW angst/Sharky Death
For context, my Deputy is named after me lol, also the screencap was cause I landed my plane weird and well... Yeah lol, it gave me the idea for this post
"S-Sharky... No.. God please..." Oliver begged. He brought Sharky's body into his arms, head falling onto Sharky's chest as he mourned for him. "Please... I love you.. I don't want you to die.." Oliver choked.
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(I might add more later?)
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derputy · 1 year
Far Cry 5 as Community (with terrible closed captions) Because I'm Running Out of Ideas & I Thought It Kinda Fit || @racheljo47 @ms-rampage @i-am-the-balancing-point
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imgnnafurgf · 4 months
Deputy: *gets in the car after hanging out with Sharky*
John, over the radio: and you're wasting your time for THAT. This man jokes about your mother. I would never.
Deputy, tired tone, absolutely used to that shit: he made the joke about twenty minutes ago. How long you've been waiting for me?
John: 4 hours.
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miles-is-so-gay · 6 months
what if the jr deputy had whatsapp huh what would happen
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dadtron-3000 · 1 year
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Oh the difference time in a bunker can make
Sharky and Rhodey
Another redraw!! :D
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passinoutpieces · 2 years
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just my deputy with her favourite two dudes :)
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axelflare9700 · 8 months
John Being dragged along with the Deputy and Sharky in chaos
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simonxriley · 2 years
whenever Sharky would annoy Maci she would drive around Hope County with the Edens Gate radio station on. 
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paradlselost · 3 months
john seed x female deputy
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My first fanfic on here so apologies for anything wrong. I’ve only stalked other fics, never posted myself. Also not my favorite writing 🙏
Inspired by Adelaide’s voice line: “John Seed hunched over his map getting a hard-on by the sound of his own voice …” she’s literally me, I need him carnally. It’s been years and I think about him 24/7 (I’m supposed to be working on midterms help.)
John Seed x Fem!Deputy. CW: SMUT - dirty talk, radio sex, masturbation (m).
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Night descended onto the Valley, crickets sang their sharp tune outside the concrete walls of the bunker. Peggies had long since stopped pacing the halls, preparations for the sabbath now over, a good night's rest being the last thing on their checklist.
But for one John Seed, sleep was the last thing on his mind.
Static echoed over his radio, body leaning against the table adorned with gashes and crevasses from the many times he ran a blade over the once fine wood. His fingers traced over his tattoo gun anxiously, one hand reaching to grab the handset.
“Can someone fucking answer me? Huh? You better not get a single scratch on one of my planes!” He shouted over the comms, fingers trembling with the sheer amount of anger that flowed through his veins. These were the chosen, the best pilots out of the entire congregation?
What a joke.
He slammed the hand radio back on the table at the answer of static. He had sent out three planes, none responded. There was no way she could’ve taken them all down, was there?
He didn’t turn at the sound of the door opening behind him, nor at one of his Peggie’s asking if he was okay. No, instead he stayed hunched over the table, seething. He gripped the handle of his tattoo gun now, his knuckles turning white. This was the last thing he needed, a lowly cultist practically cooing over a Herald like he was a child.
Grasping the gun, he turned and threw it at the wall beside whatever Peggie decided to have a shred of decency to check on him, shouting expletives as they hurriedly left and shut the door. The tool now lay on the ground, broken into two pieces.
A sigh fell from his lips as he stood up straight, standing there for a moment and observing what he had broken. Wrath. Joseph would be upset if he saw his little brother like this. Slicking back any strands that fell from his perfect hair, he grabbed the pieces of his precious tattoo gun.
“Holy shit, is this thing still working?”
He tensed at the sound of a familiar someone speaking over his radio. The audacity of her, did she not know she had a direct line to the youngest Seed? He wasn’t in the mood for her voice to be crooning over his comms.
“Sharky get over here, lay down a beat I’m gonna start spitting.”
He heard her laugh, almost as if she was carefree, opposite to how she had cried when he straddled her, carving her sin into her flesh for her to adorne, to show everyone what a sinner she was. Her own personalized scarlet letter. She was such a beautiful crier, if he could have bottled up her tears and kept them forever he would’ve.
He traced his fingers over the gun once more, this time not in a bid to calm himself down, but out of reminiscence. How he had held it tight as the two of them sat on the floor of that church, how he had grabbed her chin when she awoke, how she thrashed and cried and almost ruined her perfect carving. Now he had gone and broken it.
Somewhere between Henbane River’s resident pyromaniac making noises that could barely be considered beatboxing and the Deputy poorly rhyming ‘Bliss’ and ‘diss,’ he interjected.
“Ah- now that’s not very nice, is it, Deputy?”
He was met with not the deafening sound of static, but silence this time. For a moment, he thought she had run at the sound of his voice, he would’ve relished in that thought had she not been the only thing keeping him sane. Ironic.
“I save my kindness for people who deserve it, Seed.” The playfulness didn’t leave her voice as she shooed Sharky away, her companion rolling his eyes and probably leaving to go to the pizza diner. Privacy when talking to John Seed was a must, she wouldn’t have to be embarrassed over teasing him.
“I don’t deserve it? I’m a fairly good person.” He scoffed, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he moved from tracing his tattoo gun to tracing the map pinned to the table in front of him.
“Kidnapping, torture, murder, that’s all being a good person to you?”
“You call it that because you’re blind to the good intentions of Eden’s Gate. Do you take joy in misinterpreting our mission to save sinners?”
“I-unno. Is there a sin for that too? Gonna carve that into my skin and stare at my tits while you’re at it?”
He could hear the smirk in her voice, how she teased and played with him. He would carve every sin onto her skin if he had the chance, if Joseph would let him. Pride for her unwillingness to see the truth, Envy and Greed for her taking of the compounds that belong to the cult, Sloth for sending her resistance companions to do her bidding, Gluttony for the alcohol she consumed to wash away what she had seen. And Lust, for the feelings she incited in him.
“I never stared at your breasts.”
“Do you like being a fucking liar?”
Her tone was rougher, the only time he had heard her speak to him like that was when Hudson was tied to a chair in front of her, his bunker dark and dingy as it was her decision to choose between who got marked first. When she spoke to him like he was nothing but a bug underneath her boot, when he had to take Hudson out of the room and fix the problem growing in his pants.
He didn’t mean to slip, to let her know the absolute power she had over him. Ever since he saw her in the church, when she handcuffed his brother and attempted to arrest him, he knew it was over for him.
Every thought he had belonged to her, every waking moment and every dream was hers. He was pathetic, he knew, but he couldn’t help himself.
“Fuck? Use your words, John.” She was using his name now, not just resorting to his surname. She was playing into every fantasy that ran through his head, how had he gone years without her? “I’ll ask you again. Do you like being a fucking liar?”
“Mm- no- i'm not a liar-… cmon, where are you?” He whined out softly, tugging on his ‘EG’ belt buckle. His pants had grown uncomfortably tight without his permission.
“Why would I tell you? So you can send your Peggie’s after me again? I don’t think so.”
He bit his bottom lip, cursing himself mentally. He stood up straight, running his hand through his hair exasperatedly, dark blue eyes trailing down to the LUST marking he had over his lower stomach. He was reduced to nothing more than a filthy sinner now.
“It’s a day before the Sabbath, Deputy. Please don’t talk to me like this.”
“Like what? Ohh… are you getting hard at the sound of my voice?”
She was awfully perceptive, though he wouldn’t be surprised if she could hear the metallic clinking of his belt buckle as he shedded it from its loops with one hand. He needed some kind of release.
“Fucking -… cmon, don’t do this to me.” His voice was soft and pleading over the radio, something she had never heard from him. He seemed so needy, the way his breath picked up, the small pants that escaped his pretty lips. She could only imagine how he looked now.
“A day before the sabbath just means you can atone tomorrow, doesn’t it? Cmon, I know you wanna be a good boy f’me.”
God, he tensed at her words. Fingers greedily grabbing at his pants, playing with them till they pooled at his ankles, tattooed fingers massaging the fabric of his blue boxers, a small patch darker than the rest as his precum stained the polyester.
She had power over him, and she knew it too.
“Hnmm - keep ta-talking please…”
“God, you really are pathetic aren’t you? First Herald of Eden’s Gate whimpering for the resistance leader over his peggies radio.”
His head buried against the crook of his arm that rested on the beaten up table. Pretty blue eyes fluttered shut as his fingers delicately wrapped around his angry red tip. Dick gently throbbing in his hand at her words.
John Seed, deemed the most sadistic out of the entire fucking cult, reduced to a whiny, submissive mess from the Deputys harsh tone. If anyone found out about this, he’d never be able to live it down.
Soft spouts of precum dripped over his fingers as he pumped his aching cock, a small layer spread over his flesh. What a pathetic display, what a man to let lust consume him once more. He felt like he was that Lawyer again, hopped up on cocaine and whiskey just to give him a nice buzz. But now, he had the Deputy, and she was better then any substance he had had before.
“Don’t f-fucking stop.” How many times had he said that years ago? How many women had made him feel like this? His years before reuniting with Joseph were a blur, but he remembered the longing feeling he felt. Different was he now, but still pining for something out of his reach. “When I-I get you I’m going to-“
His words were cut off by a pathetic whine as his hand slicked back from his tip, starting on the base and pumping his throbbing member. How pretty she would look with her lips wrapped around him, her eyes all teary as she took him down her throat.
“Gonna what? Finish your sentence, baby.”
Gonna coat your mouth, make you cry for me like you had in that church. He wanted to say, wanted to flip it around on her, make her cover his fingers with her arousal. But he didn’t, he couldn’t. John Seed was a taker, and right now he was too caught up in his pleasure.
His cock was throbbing uncomfortably in his hand, veins flowing with blood, he felt close and he had barely started, but the sound of her voice could make him cum in his hand in an instant. He bit his bottom lip, attempting to swallow the weak whines and moans that threatened to spill from him for her, though most escaped anyways.
Soft, pathetic ‘please’s we’re all he could respond with, they fell from his lips like a prayer - one only she could hear. He was good, good for her, he deserved to cum in his hand, didn’t he?
“Hmm after all you put me through, I think a good apology would be a nice way to end this, don’t you?”
He could practically hear the delight in her voice as she noticed how close he was, she reveled in the fact she had brought him to his knees through her tone alone. He was putty in her hands, molded and contorted into a submissive shape.
“Fuck fuck fuck I’m sorry-“
He whined out, back arching from the wooden desk as his hand pumped faster around his aching cock. A soft ‘tsk’ came over the radio waves, causing another whine to fall from his lips. “Cmon - i-i said sorry-“
“You pray with that mouth? Again. Lose the swearing.”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry!”
“There you go, that’s a good boy.”
He moaned at her words, legs trembling slightly. One, two, three more pumps and he absolutely came undone. Ropes of cum messing his hands and the concrete floor below him, a panting and whining mess of a man as he stroked himself till he was empty.
When he lifted his head and the cool air of the bunker hit his flushed cheeks, the clarity set in. He had just fucked himself with his hand over the Deputy of all people; all on his radio. Hurriedly, he pulled up his boxers and jeans, wiping up the mess on the floor and on his hands with a towel.
The familiar sound of static from the radio setting in once more. She must’ve destroyed what was left of the plane. What a fucking mess.
A congregation was held the next morning in Joseph’s church, bells ringing above sung for the holy day, John made his way past Jacob and Faith to his seat behind the podium. Faith was giggling about something or another, probably high off bliss, and Jacob was scowling at him slightly.
“I know you were always the youngest, but I didn’t think you’d be so weak, Brother. Even Faith has more resolve then you.”
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aboyshapeddog · 2 months
WIP ⚠️
Staci “No Survival Instincts” Pratt’s Night Out
Relationships: Staci Pratt/Jacob Seed
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dom/Sub dynamic, Smut, Alchohol Use, NonCult Au, Jacob is a Creep, Rough S*x, BDSM, Bondage, Biting, Age Difference (duh), Knives, Toys
Spending his off nights in the local bar had become more of a routine than an outing. Less getting dressed up, more finding the cleanest shirt left in his hamper not too threadbare to wear in public. One beer into his solo pregame, after catching his reflection in the admittedly dirty mirror, it struck him. Staci Pratt was too young for this shit, to be throwing his night away like he’s got nothing better to do. 
So he straightened out, showered, spritzed on a little too much cologne, and combed back his hair so it curled neatly behind his ears. Tonight the very off-duty Deputy would allow himself a real night out; a night in some thigh hugging jeans, and an appropriately too tight t-shirt, even if it meant Joey spending half the time ribbing him for it. So, he was back on track to the Spread Eagle, but decidedly not to mope and nurse a glass whatever they had on tap for the next hour. 
It was dingy and dark when he arrived, the air had a permanent heaviness from smoke, and the smell of stale beer. The nostalgia almost let him disregard the way his shoes would stick to the floor in some areas, from the copious amounts of spilled drinks that found their way to the old wood. Joey had somehow convinced the Junior Deputy, and Sharky Boshaw to come out with her for a night of real partying, perfect. Staci was three drinks in before he agreed to some old fashioned two stepping with his fellow deputies, four before the banda music started sounding like a personal call to action, and five before right now; feeling the rhythm beating in his chest, Staci attempted some kind of lasso move with the just as inebriated Deputy Hudson- then boom.
They were both slingshotted in opposite directions with enough momentum to send Joey into the loving drink-filled embraces of Rook and Sharky, and Staci into- Huh, that wall he bumped into was interestingly placed . . . and moving, oh man. Even swaying on his feet, Staci did his best to reflect the character of the friendly neighborhood Deputy, “Oh I’m real sorry, Sir I did not see you there”, his face was hot from the drinks and embarrassment, his drawl becoming much more pronounced with each.
This was new, there weren’t many people in the county that Officer Pratt wouldn’t immediately recognize, it just came with the territory of living and working in such a secluded area, and here was this big, big, man, fiery hair, thick beard to match, and ice cold eyes, this was a face he would’ve remembered. The Deputy lifted his hands in a no-harm-done gesture, drinking in the sight of the massive man now looming above him, who didn’t seem to react. The stranger stood still, looking the younger man up and down very slowly, before grunting an acknowledgement. Staci blinked a few times, deciding the interaction had indeed ended, turning back to his party. “Jesus Stace, next rodeo they’re hosting I’ll have to tell them to forget the bull and just call you.” Joey snickered, egging a round of laughter from the group. “Oh ha ha, Joey. While you’re on the phone, why don’t you call up Whitehorse and report the illegal construction of the Splash Zone you’re cultivating over here." The tense energy of the situation seemed to evaporate immediately, each of them feeding off the other’s excitement.
Alright, not gonna ruin his night! Well, it wouldn’t have if he wasn’t so damn clumsy. It had been close to another hour before Staci made the mistake of running into the stranger again, almost literally. A bit too much commitment to a save in the alcohol fueled “Hope County Sheriff’s Department Ping Pong Tournament” (with celeb serves from Sharky) sent him stumbling straight into the same guy as before, was this karma? 
Time seemed to move a second faster than his brain could catch up with. The man grabbed him by his shirt collar, large hot hands closing their distance fast, “Are you looking for a fight, kid?” he growled and it showed his sharp white teeth. For a second neither moved a muscle, piercing blue eyes locking on to his own; Staci could feel the other man's breath on his face, smell the alcohol, his cologne, and skin. Their noses could have touched, and the closeness made him shiver. Joey immediately made a move to step in, always the protector, before Staci waved her off with a quick nod and a sheepish smile. His heart was beating out of his chest, “No Sir, listen I’m real sorry about that-” he was interrupted “Yeah, you said that.” The man’s previously full whisky glass had found itself empty, dispersed between the bartop and his freshly soaked t-shirt. “Hey listen I don’t mean any trouble, really.” Staci reasoned, offering a charming grin as he pressed both hands to the man's wide chest for leverage. “You seem like a, uh, reasonable man. My place is five minutes from here, how about we grab you a new shirt, and-and I'll grab you another drink alright? Sounds square to me.”
The larger man considered it for a moment, visibly relaxing and releasing his hold, “Yeah. Alright.” he grunted. Thank God for small favors, and of course work mandated de-escalation training. Staci smiled again, this time with genuine ease “Alright alright, my cars on this side of the lot, Mr. . .” he paused, turning around to look at his soon to be house guest as he led them both to the door. “Jacob.” he said curtly, “And you’re not driving, even if you weren’t tripping over your own ass just a second ago.” Ouch. He scoffed “Well, we might as well walk then, I just saw you with a drink in your hand just a minute ago, didn’t I?”. Jacob was just as quick on his feet, “Well Columbo, due to some unforeseen circumstances I didn’t really get to drink it.” Oh. Right. Staci was red again.
The Deputy waved quickly and gestured toward the door for Rook, who gave him a comically serious salute, and went right back to riling up Hudson and Boshaw with more trash talk. Joey’s voice echoed through the bar as the two strangers made it through the door “You take that back you son of a bitch or this paddle’s going right up your-” They’d probably be going home together tonight.
 Staci had sobered up a little by now, thanks to the glasses of water Hudson had practically force fed him throughout their game, and the icy night air outside the bar. “Alright big guy, looks like you’re driving. I’ll just direct you, it's not too far down the main road.” Staci could see his breath when he talked. “Good.” Staci turned to look at the man- turned to look at Jacob and found his gaze already met, those shiny white teeth on display again. Something twisted warmly in his stomach, he smiled back and let out a short uneasy laugh. The Deputy couldn't help but feel like he caught a fox about to sneak into the hen house, “Yeah. Good, alright”.
 It was a short drive, but between the passing beams of headlights Staci still had enough time to think about how stupid it was to give big, violent, strangers armed with 6-inch hunting knives your home address. “Yeah and just a right down here.” Oh well. His house looked smaller from the windshield of the truck, glowing under the headlights’ beam like a beacon in the surrounding woods. “Here we are.” Staci chirped, hopping down and out of the vehicle. He took a few seconds with his keys, practiced hands maneuvering around his loaded key ring like a pianist. “Home sweet home” Staci said more to himself than his guest, “I wasn’t really expecting company so it’s uh- well it is what it is.” 
Jacob allowed himself to be silently herded through the entryway to the kitchen, taking in the organized chaos. “You’re welcome to anything in the fridge, drinks, um yeah. I’ll be right back with something that’ll fit you.” The host excused himself politely. He rummaged through his drawers as quickly as possible, he thought of Jacob’s curled arm holding him in place, his shoulders, biceps, everything were huge . . . Not exactly the point Staci back on track, what did he have with such forgiving sleeves? He walked out of his bedroom talking, “Sir or uh, Jacob, I hope you’re alright with this. I don’t think I’ve got much in your size.” His voice trailed off as he re-entered the kitchen, eyes landing on two faux crystal glasses sitting on the countertop and his cheap bottle of bourbon next to them. 
He didn’t have a minute to consider the offer before Jacob was removing his shirt; light cotton stretching over taut muscles and skin. Staci short-circuited. “Wa- hold on a minute-”, his pleas fell on deaf ears. He watched as the red-head finished removing his still damp t-shirt, and reached out for the fresh one; which Staci could have handed over if he wasn’t occupied charting the map of the other man’s torso. “See something you like?” Jacob teased sarcastically, but he was right. “I get it, most people haven’t seen scars this big before.” the older man reasoned, pulling a tight top from the Deputy’s loose grasp and over his chest. Staci stumbled to close his mouth and find his words again. “No. I mean, Ye- I don't mean, uh, I’m sorry it’s not polite to stare, you're just ripped.” Fuck his big mouth, he couldn’t play it casual if his life depended on it. There was a beat of silence and Staci contemplated leaving his own house out of embarrassment. Staci took a breath, “What I mean is-” Jacob interrupted him again, thank God “What you mean is, you invited me under false pretenses, Deputy.” Yes. Wait, No. What? “That’s alright sweetheart, you’re a pretty little thing I’m not bothered by it.” Jacob reasoned.
“Sidling up to me at the bar, inviting me back to yours to get my wet clothes off, I should’ve seen right through that good samaritan schtick.” The stranger needled at Pratt, watching him get more flustered with every word, he didn’t even remember telling this guy he was a deputy. “Now you hold on a minute, I was just trying to-” Jacob was right in his space again, looming over him, filling all of his senses, it made him shy under the scrutiny. “I just wanted to make up for giving you a hard time at the bar.” he said, creating just enough space between them to get a good look at Jacob, “Not that I’d mind sharing a drink with you.”. They were still close, barely a foot between them, the sound of each other's breaths becoming the loudest thing in the small house. 
The scent of Jacob’s cologne felt more intoxicating than anything Staci had sampled earlier, he stepped closer. “And uh, I’m a pretty little thing?” Staci preened a little under the praise that had been doted on him. “Oh sure.” Jacob took Staci’s chin in his hand, “Well, when you’re not spilling a drink on me, you’re so sweet you make sugar taste like salt.” Staci scoffed at that, and went to turn his head away. Jacob’s grip tightened slightly, holding Staci where he was, holding their eyes on one another’s, Staci let him. “Tell me, Is a drink all you wouldn’t mind sharing with me?” Jacob’s voice was so low in his throat it could’ve been a growl, and Staci’s body reacted like it was one; starting at the nape of his neck, every little hair oh him came to stand on end.
The younger man’s cheeks flushed, now he was trying to think of a single reason he should say no. In the place of an answer, Staci leaned in slowly, studying Jacob’s face some more before pressing a soft plush kiss to his lips. Then another, and another, slightly parting his lips as he moved to the corner of Jacob’s mouth. The older man stood still, staring down at Staci as he moved from peppering soft kisses to his cheek to his knuckles, then the inside of the palm of the hand that had just been pressed under his chin. Jacob struck then, like a viper; in one fluid motion removing his hand from Staci’s, and squeezing his cheeks between his thumb, middle, and index fingers.
Then, as quickly as Staci recognized their change of pace, he felt a hot tongue lick across his open mouth. “dios mio” he breathed. Jacob had already pulled back, admiring Staci’s flushed pink face and wet lips. He gripped the younger man tighter, “Is this what you want, I don’t play gentle, kid.” Staci felt faint, like he was falling under hypnosis “uh, y-yeah.” His heart pounded in his chest. “Good.”
Jacob was on him like a wild animal, biting into kisses, sucking his tongue, and the air from his lungs. Staci gripped Jacob’s (actually his own) t-shirt to keep him steady, nearly losing his balance as he was ravaged by the larger man before him.
His trance was only broken as Jacob pulled his wet lips away to focus on unbuckling his belt from his pants; as Jacob leaned back he watch a strand of saliva connecting their mouths snap in the air, it made him dizzy. Staci’s eagerness forced him to reach down to help undo the belt; his hands were batted away just as fast, and he was turned around. “I’m in charge, you wait.” Jacob’s voice brooked no argument.
So Staci had none when the belt made its way around his wrists, or when he was lovingly hostage walked down the hall to his bedroom with Jacob breathing down his neck.
“Bend Over.” the older man commanded, placidly, like he was saying ‘Hello’. Staci felt himself being pushed into position on his bed anyways, like a dog learning a command by force. With a firm hand Jacob then yanked down the deputy’s tight jeans, revealing lacy pink panties. “Oh, Staci. They must’ve sent you from heaven.” Jacob sighed, sliding a finger under the lace lined elastic and pulling it back to snap it against the skin, then moving to caress his ass like it was the world in his hands. “Ya know, kid,” Jacob started, groping the younger man as he spoke “I’m a little surprised you’d let a stranger tie you up like this.” His large hands moved around Staci’s waist, smoothing over the soft skin there and settling just above the brunette’s hips. “A big, mean, stranger.” The red head pulled the hips in his hands flush against his own, hard, smiling as Staci’s muscles flexed beneath him. The smaller man could no doubt feel the sizable bulge pressed between his cheeks. “I could do anything to you.” He growled.
The words processed in Staci’s mind a moment later, lost in the sensations, there was that hot, uneasy, feeling again. “Oh- oh yeah, and what are you gonna to do to me?” he asked, shifting his hips backwards against the larger man, and Jacob seemed to consider.
The silence hung heavy in the air between them, Staci waiting waiting waiting, listening to the rustling of clothes behind him. Then the skin of teeth pressing gently to the back of his neck, his body jerked at the contact, Jacob blew out a laugh. “I’m gonna..” a kiss was pressed to his neck, “Huff” kiss “And puff” kiss “And blow your house down.” Staci squirmed as the hot breath condensed on his neck, and belly laughed. “What the fuck man, you are so weird.” Jacob rumbled a laugh behind him, but when he tried to turn around, his head was pressed back into the mattress.
Jacob’s rough hands spread his legs, squeezing the bulge in his panties. Staci’s legs folded beneath him, moaning at the contact, God it had been a while. Luckily Jacob was holding him steady, moving to smooth the heel of his palm down over the expanse of Staci’s back. “But first.” Staci’s ears perked up at the sound of his voice, “I’m gonna eat you alive.” This guy was such a creep. Jacob rolled him over then, Staci’s brows were knitted but a smile sat lazily on his face.
Jacob held his eye contact, slowly kneeling in front of the smaller man, and slotting his bearded face between muscular thighs. He kissed there too, hot and open mouthed to Staci’s clothed dick, then chaste and delicate, focusing entirely on the smooth skin of his inner thighs. He covered them in hard sucking kisses, nips, then bites, and licks to soothe them over. Staci’s legs spasmed, pink and purple bruises blooming on the sensitive skin while all he could do was pant, whine, and shift his weight so he wasn’t crushing his own fingers. “Fuck Jacob” he panted, and bit his lips closed, embarrassed by how needy he sounded.
The older man didn’t seem to mind, taking some pity and pulling out his massive hunting knife. He caught Staci’s eye as he sliced through the thin fabric of his panties in one motion, exposing him to the cool air of the bedroom. Pratt panted harder, heart racing, and cock jumping as Jacob ran the cool flat end of the knife from his base to his tip. The reflective silver glinted in the moonlight, entrancing the deputy in the same manner as Jacob’s blue eyes and shiny white canines.
Jacob hummed, sliding the knife back into its sheath and taking one hand to slide Staci’s shirt up, his skin rough against the deputy’s soft belly. Then back down, slowly, slowly, to the tip of his cock. Jacob pressed two fingers against the wet head, hooking a thumb around him and rubbing hard over the precum forming delicate pearls on the tip. Staci keened loud, cutting himself off with a gasp, when Jacob gave a wet kiss to his member. Then he licked slowly up the length to suck on the tip, hard. “Jesus Christ, Jacob.” Staci allowed his head to fall back and mouth open, desperate noises flowing out of him with every movement. The larger man bobbed up and down, sucking and swallowing all the way. “Oh God.” Staci whined high in his throat, straining to lean upwards and watch Jacob as he worked. Jacob was the same, he drank in every twitchy noise, every shift of his hips for more, more. He fed on the helplessness of it, poor thing stuck on his back with tied hands, then he pulled off of Staci’s cock.
“You got any lube?” he asked, voice rough with wanting and use. “Uh- yeah yeah.” Staci stuttered out, breathing heavy and trying again to sit up before settling on his back, “It’s um, I have some on the nightstand over there.” He directed with his head. Jacob lumbered out of view, and the deputy craned his neck for a moment trying to keep him in a line of sight, before deciding he could wait. “You have any dildos?” Jacob asked, again rough, but almost deadpan like it was the most mundane question he’d asked all night. “Yeah, yes.” Staci paused, feeling exposed, embarrassed, and still achingly hard; now red and spit wet against his own stomach. “Uh it’s in the top left drawer of the dresser, but uh-” then Jacob was rustling through his drawers.
The older man let out a low whistle, holding up another pair of panties, even skimpier than the last; Staci hid his face in his shoulder, “Very nice, Staci.” Jacob mumbled to himself, bringing his spoils back to the edge of the bed. The larger man pumped some lubricant into his hand, warming it between his fingers, before inserting two. Staci moaned, arching his back off the bed, and spreading his pink bitten legs wide to accommodate the intrusion of such big fingers. “Fuck.” He sighed again, trying to relax himself into the slow rhythm of his partners fingers, as they sunk deeper knuckle by knuckle. After adjusting, the deputy began to slowly push back on the other man’s hand, forcing his thick fingers to rock deeper in and out of himself with every thrust. “Atta Boy” Jacob whispered, and Staci almost lost it in the obscene sounds of his generously lubricated fingers squelching in and out of his hole. “Please God, Jake-uh just fuck me.” Jacob moved slowly, twisting and curling his fingers in the tight heat, monitoring Staci’s every twitch and movement. He hummed “Whatever you say sweetheart.” Finally, pulling out his fingers and wiping them on Staci’s tender thighs.
The older man admired the sight in front of him as he lubed up Staci’s dildo “A little small isn’t it?” He asked. “N-not really?” Staci mumbled; if this was small what was he packing? It was a similar length to his own dick, matte black, thinner, but it got the job done. “Hm.” Jacob grunted, lining up with Staci’s hole and fucking him slowly, first pushing in through tight twitching muscle all the way to the hilt, and pulling out until just the tip was covered. “Look at you.” Jacob praised; free hand rubbing up and down Staci’s chest, massaging his exposed skin, and moving down to his neglected dick. He pumped both at once, building a rhythm and picking up speed as he slid up and down the deputy’s cock and twisted in and out of his ass. Staci’s body was singing, hips stuttering, and arms flexing tight against their bonds. “Please, Jay. Can you. Dios Mio. Faster.” Staci’s breaths were heaving, his stomach and hips moved involuntarily, contracting and relaxing, as he tried to piece together a sentence. “Hmm.” Jacob feigned consideration, furrowing his eyebrows as he continued to work Staci like he was weighing the pros and cons of some arduous dilemma, before clicking his tongue in a sort of tsk. “I don’t think so, Staci. l like the look of you like this veeery much.” He smiled. Bastard. Staci was layed out on his back; arms restricted and flexing under his flush and glistening body, writhing under Jacob’s every touch, it crossed his mind only then that that edge was exactly what Jacob wanted, it was torture. Jacob, equally sweaty; devoured every moment like a three course meal, eyes dark and hungry, thick veins protruding from his fingers to his elbows, straining under the perpetual motion. He kept Staci on the edge like that, so much stimulation, so much blinding pleasure but just enough to keep him on the precipice.
It felt like an eternity before Jacob pulled the dildo out of him again, running a rough thumb over his wet, gaping, hole. It made his body go limp. “Yeah you look ready for it. You’re ready for it aren’t you sweetheart?” Staci whimpered in response, he felt so tender everywhere, like he’d already cum and this man was just using his over sensitive body. Jacob continued to thumb his hole roughly, slipping in and out just to watch Staci swallow him up, and the younger man flex and twitch on his fingers. His other hand, unzipped and pulled himself out of his jeans, throbbing. He was still fully dressed down to his boots, and Staci’s t shirt, it was a lovely juxtaposition in his opinion. The larger man sucked in air through his teeth as he worked the cool lubricant up and down his hot cock.
“Now you’re gonna help me take care of this aren’t you, Peaches? .” Jacob prefaced his movements, and Staci nodded feverishly in agreement like he could do anything else at this point, but take exactly what he was given. Then his cock was flattened against his stomach, and legs pressed together and positioned against Jacob’s shoulder. The older man rubbed appreciatively down the length of his tanned legs, caressing his hands down the sides of the deputy’s thighs, and hooking them around his hips to position his body right over the edge of the bed.
Jacob lined himself up and slipped his head in with ease; Staci blew out a shaky breath through his teeth, even with the excessive prep Jacob was much larger than his dildo. He didn’t waste any time, pushing himself deeper and deeper until Staci was completely full, and then until their hips connected. “Fuck Jacob. You’re- hmm so big.” Staci babbled, he could feel the stretch inside himself, it burned and curled hot in his stomach. Jacob moved slow again at first, watching for Staci’s expressions as he moved minutely in and out, catching when his eyes seemed to go blank and he’d let out a brainless “Uhnn.” That was it. “That’s right Staci, just like that.” He picked up his pace, fucking harder and faster, rutting into Staci’s tight heat and stimulating his prostate. The younger man’s legs shook, even from where Jacob had them pinned, he knew exactly what he was doing. “Jake-Jacob I’m uhn.” He couldn’t take it, Jacob kept his pace, hitting that same sweet spot as Staci drooled onto his bedsheets. “Mierda. I’m gonna-” Jacob fucked his fist fast on Staci’s neglected dripping cock, “Good boy. That’s it, cum for me.” And it was instant, shooting sticky ropes over stomach and chest, coating Jacob’s fingers and the bottom of his t shirt. The older man milked every drop out of him, squeezing slowly from base to tip over and over as Staci begged for reprieve. “Oh God. It’s too much. Please it’s-uhn.” The last spurts coated them both, and Staci layed back boneless, still twitching with aftershocks.
“Sorry Darlin’ you’re not done yet.” Jacob almost sounded apologetic and he continued to fuck deep into the deputy’s used hole, stretching Pratt’s limp body wide over his thick cock like a sex doll. Every thrust pushed an abused whine out of Staci, still nailing his prostate and overstimulating his wrecked hole. Jacob pressed a delicate kiss to Staci’s calf on his shoulder, as he rolled his hips in to thrust deeper, another quiet apology. Then the older man was sliding one large hand up his chest, pushing his cum stained t shirt up with it to expose his heaving bust.
Jacob groped him while he fucked, wetting fingertips with his tongue to pinch his hard nipples. “Jacob, Please.” Staci begged, he didn’t know what he was begging for. “Oh honey, I told you I play rough. This too rough for you?” Jacob tutted condescendingly, before picking up his speed, and gripping both of the deputy’s hips. “Fuck you’re so tight. God damn.” He sighed between grunts. The wet slapping of their bodies and the deputy’s high moans grew louder and louder, Staci was worried his neighbors might hear. As if hearing his concerns, Jacob spoke up again, “Don’t worry, you’re almost- hmm finished. Now where-“ Jacob had to pause his chatter to catch his breath, pistoning in and out of the younger man like a machine, “Where do you want it.” It took Staci a second to comprehend the question. It was such a dirty question; dirty like a man tying you up and fucking you with a dildo, dirty like cumming from a stranger calling you a good boy.
“Cum in me, please.” So dirty. He sounded like a chick in a porno, but he couldn’t help it, he wanted Jacob to fuck him full of it. It had the same effect on his partner, his brows furrowing and eyes falling shut, moaning and grunting loud with every thrust. “Fucking cum in you.” Jacob whispered to himself half in disbelief, “Fuck. Yeah, yeah I’m gonna breed your little hole like I own you.” Staci’s cock jumped again, standing up to half mast between them and Jacob’s fist was around it like lightening. “Is that what you want, hmm?” Staci didn’t know what he was asking but he wanted it all. He nodded fast, biting his lips to quiet himself. The deputy could barely think straight, brain fuzzing around the edges.
“Yeah of course you do, you’re fucking perfect. Perfect, taking all that for me. Such a Good Boy for me huh?” Jacob lathered him in praises, grunting louder between every phrase, kissing up and down the deputy’s pointed legs. Staci whimpered every breath away. “So. Fuck-“ Jacob’s breathing became shallower, hips falling out of rhythm, “So fucking tight.” He moaned leaning over Staci, practically folding him in half. His thrusts became shallower as well, only pulling out enough to ram his tip against the deputy’s most sensitive nerves. Then “Fuck.” Staci’s hips were in a vice grip, bruising purple thumbprints into his tender flesh as he was held, Jacob as deep in him as possible. The older man’s mouth hung open, eyes closed as his cock twitched, spurting load after load of white hot semen inside of Staci.
They stayed there for a minute, Jacob balls deep and panting heavily onto Staci, before slowly, slowly pulling out to the tip. His cum dripped out with every inch, glazing Staci’s thighs as he finally popped out completely. The deputy whimpered at the loss, already aching and sore. “Shit, kid.” Jacob sighed, unceremoniously wiping himself and tucking himself back into his jeans. When he looked again, Staci’s brows were still furrowed. His stomach was tight and cock once again flush. “Greedy little thing aren’t you?” Jacob chastised, “That’s alright, I’ve got you.” Staci didn’t even want to think about it, so used and over sensitive, if he could even cum again. Jacob didn’t seem to think of it as a question. He moved onto the bed behind the younger man, sitting him up and untying the belt from his tender arms; Jacob smiled to himself, admiring his handiwork, that was gonna leave a mark.
Staci’s relaxation was palpable, he groaned with appreciation, flexing his arms and wrists, and leaving backwards as Jacob supported his weight. “I’ve got you.” He repeated as he hooked his arms under Staci’s and went right for his cock. One hand held his freshly bruised thighs open, and the other pumped and twisted over the head, savoring the wet sounds it produced sliding through his fist. Staci’s moans were music to his ears, loud now, not caring about neighbors or dignity; Staci cried out in wanton, whiny, needy bursts, overtaken by the sensations, he could still feel Jacob dripping out of his hole. It didn’t take long to get him to the edge again, hips stuttering and jerking into Jacob’s fist, mouth hanging open near silently as the Staci hid his face in the older man’s neck. Then “Oh fuck fuck fuck.” He was shaking, shooting all over Jacob’s fist again, fucking through it as he lost control.
Jacob wiped his fingers on his (actually Staci’s) shirt, taking it off and cleaning down Staci’s stomach, and delicately down his cock. Jacob got up then, laying his partner down carefully as he made his way to the edge of the bed. He rubbed the cotton over Staci’s hole, gently again, then pushing down on the deputy’s stomach and forcing the semen inside of him to squirt out. Staci whined and covered his face, and Jacob wiped up the rest; staying another moment between his kiss bruised, cum shiny, thighs.
“Fucking- take a picture it’ll last longer.” Staci quipped, half annoyed and half turned on by this man’s odd infatuation with every part of him, “Can I?” Jacob asked, ignoring the joking tone, admiring the view. “Wh- fuck no.” Staci closed his legs, fully embarrassed, drawing himself up and pulling his rumpled t shirt back into place. The older man smiled up at him, “Fair enough.” He walked closer to where Staci’s head lay, breathing deeply and leaning down to hold the younger man’s chin “Ya know you’re really cute when you’re angry.” Staci’s eyes could’ve rolled out of his head, tearing his face away to push himself up out of his prone position, fuck he was sore. “Yeah yeah, I’m a catch all around. Where did you put my jeans.” Jacob laughed at that, finding the crumpled up denim hidden in a corner on the floor.
Jacob grabbed them and held them out to Staci, who stood up to meet him. When Staci grabbed ahold of them, the larger man yanked the crumpled fabric to his side closing their distance. “You sound pretty cocky kid, you wouldn’t be ready for a round 3 would you?” his voice was a low growl again, it made Staci flush all over. He could barely stand as it was, he felt himself shrink a little in shame, running a hand through his tussled hair, and leaning down to pull his jeans up “Uh no-not tonight, I don’t think.” Jacob laughed then, a belly laugh, and it embarrassed Staci further knowing it was a joke. “Well” Jacob smiled that smile that twisted his insides “I’ll just have to have you another night.” Staci tried not to let it shake his confidence this time, leading his guest back to the kitchen with pride like the guy hadn’t had him begging and drooling over himself minutes ago. “I guess you will.”
As they made it to the entrance, Jacob loomed over him, taking up the doorway. “How about your number so we can do this again?” Staci couldn’t help but feel charmed by him. “Sure.” He said, reaching for his phone and typing his number in a bit too fast to appear nonchalant. Then setting his first name to ‘Staci Pratt <3’ and his last to ‘Bar’. “Now you’re not trying to pawn me off with a wrong number here, are you?” Jacob teased. Staci pushed him out the door smiling, “Hell no. Now would you get to your damn truck, or do you need a chaperone?” Jacob smiled too, looking Staci up and down “I might.” God this guy. Staci grabbed his hand and walked him up to the truck, butterflies curled in his stomach and he felt like a schoolgirl, letting go as they got to the drivers side door “Goodnight Jacob.” he sing songed, and he felt a hand on slide up his shoulder. Jacob was mapping his face with his eyes, landing over and over on his lips, Staci did the same. Jacob leaned down then and kissed him, pulling him close and taking his breath away; then pulling away, leaving him reeling, and panting in the driveway. “Goodnight Staci.” GOD this guy.
Staci watched the truck pull away, bewitched. He carried himself back to his home, getting undressed once again, tidying up and taking a quick hot shower, too exhausted to preform any other steps of a nighttime routine. Staci curled up in his sheets, incredibly sore, and ready to feel worse the next day, when his phone buzzed.
Made it home. I may have a few things of yours.
(a photo attachment of his stained t shirt Jacob had borrowed laying out on a bed, and another of his panties hanging from Jacob’s fingers)
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
you stole my underwear ??
They must have slipped into my pocket. They’re very pretty, Staci.
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
Staci Pratt <3 Bar:
i’m free this friday if you want to bring them back
It’s a date.
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chubbysciencenerd · 9 months
Runaway Pet Fem!reader x JacobSeed
dubcon, pet dynamic, dirty talk (slight), orgasm denial, slight Stockholm syndrome towards the end idfk and if you don't like it then simply don't read it.
You have remained captured by Jacob at his compound for just under 3 weeks now, he would bring over your radio and hold it just out of reach forcing you to listen to your friends asking you for help thinking that you're hiding as if this was all too much, you wanted them to know that wasn't the case but you couldn't. Until today, you woke up in the stupid cage he kept you in, it was inside the veterans center and inside he office at the foot of his bed. You felt like he was keeping you like a damn pet. You look and right at the front of your cage you see your radio and a piece of paper, you quickly grab both, the paper had writing on it. Don’t say anything I wouldn’t like pup, I'm listening. You immediately talk into the radio after reading the note. “Hello?..” Sharky answers almost immediately, “Deputy! Where the hell have you been?” You tear up a little as you smile knowing he was okay, “I'm being kept at Jacobs compound, Is everyone alright?” Sharky barley let you finish speaking before he responded. “Jacob Seed? Everyones okay, I can get everyone together! We can come get you, we need you bro.. Johns going… A little Crazy.” You chuckle softly, as if John wasn't crazy already. “No no, no one is to even try to come get me. It wont end well. Sharky Listen carefully, you need to tell Hudson that she's in charge now and I need you and everyone else to help her and treat her with the same respect you treat me with okay? Just until I’m out of here.” It was quiet for a minute before Sharky finally responded. “Broskie are you sure?” You smile softly responding with a simple “Positive” Jacob enters the room and gives you a soft yet wicked smirk. You look up at him nervously as you speak into the radio one last time, “Sharky, I have to go. Tell everyone to stay strong.” 
Jacob squats in front of the cage and holds his hand out, “Times up pup.” You hand him the radio hesitantly, he grabs your wrist tightly grabbing the radio with his free hand. “You smell like shit pup, I'm going to let you take a shower but there's no saying what I'll do if you disobey me. Got it?” You nod shakily, fuck.. This was probably your only chance for a while. He lets go and you snatch your hand back into the cage as he starts to unlock your cage which was more like a damn kennel for a dog, he steps to the side as you nervously crawl out standing with weak legs. He had a good feeling you couldn't run even if you wanted to. He walks over to the fridge in his office and grabs an apple and a water bottle from it and hands it to you. “For strength.” You7 take them hastily, taking a bite of the apple first and opening the water bottle drinking only about half of it, you were too smart to chug it all away. It was so nice to not eat and drink out of a bowl like a damn judge. You continue to eat the apple as he goes to a box he had brought in a couple of days ago. He pulled out 2 little travel size bottles of soap, body wash and shampoo. He sets them on the dresser before pulling out fresh clothes from the box for the deputy. After grabbing the bottles and setting them on the clothes he walks over setting the pile on the top of your cage as he lets you finish your apple. Soon enough you were practically eating the core before he rips it from you, “Did you know.. Apple seeds contain cyanide?” He chuckles before throwing away the core. “It would take around 200 apple seeds to kill someone. Just a little fact” You finish the water before grabbing the f/resh clothes and bottles. He grabs your arm roughly and starts walking you out of his office and to the nearest bathroom with a shower. “No fooling around. Let me know when you're in the shower.”
He closes the door staying inside the bathroom with you, the man was decent enough to turn around so you can strip and enter the shower. You are quick to remove your clothes and get in the shower, You mutter out a soft “Im in..” before turning on the water. Jacob turned to look at the shower to make sure you didn't try anything stupid. “Why do you have to be in here?” You ask awkwardly before putting some of the body wash on a rag that was in there. As you start to wash yourself you felt, Free.. Even though you weren't, not yet. Instead of answering he hums softly. You continue your shower and almost timed perfectly as you are rinsing the shampoo out of your hair you hear yelling and gunfire outside. “Don’t leave this room.” He growls rushing out of the bathroom grabbing his guns on the way out to see what the hell was going on. You turn off the water and quickly get dressed and start to slip your way through the veterans center and out the back without being noticed. Or so you think. You find some stuff stacked near the wall and use it to hop the fence in the back. And as soon as you hit the ground you start running like your life depends on it, once you look back you see Jacob running after you. Fuck! How did he see me? Im so fucking dead.. When you glance back a second time you see he's gaining on you, right as you start to look back there was a loose tree root that you trip over. As you try to get up you feel his weight crushing you back into the forest floor. His knee digs into your back and you hear his heavy panting as he leans over to whisper in your ear. “Pets who run away deserve a punishment.” 
As he finished speaking he moved his knees to be on either side of you, pinning you down before grabbing the waist of the shorts he gave you and ripping them down to your knees followed by the cheap panties. His rough and calloused hands grab your hips harshly before pulling your ass up and in the air. Soft pleas and whimpers escape your lips, “I wont do it again, Please!” You try everything but he doesn't give up. Your heart sinks to your stomach as you hear him fumbling with his belt and jeans and before you know it his thick head is pushing against your entrance. “If you ever think about running away again, remember this day.”  He whispers in your ear before harshly biting your neck drawing blood as he rams his full length into you harshly pulling out and quickly thrusting back in, absolutely rutting against you like a starved animal. He pounds away at your aching core as he pulls his teeth from your neck and licking along the bite soothing it before biting almost harder on the other side of you neck, you yelp in a mixture of pain and pleasure. You felt like he was splitting you open with every thrust of his cock, it was so thick and lengthy you wanted to hate it but.. You couldn't. He grabs your hair and harshly yanks your head back before growling in your ear, “I want to hear you pup.” A mixture of whimpers and moans start spilling out of your lips and he starts going back to kissing and sucking on your neck now only leaving small almost teaseful bites. He sees your hand snake between your legs and he quickly stops after one specifically hard thrust. He grabs both of your arms roughly and brings them behind your back holding them there. “Bad pets don't get to cum”
He starts rutting into you again groans escaping his own lips as he feels his limit coming, “Im gonna fucking breed you, marking you isnt enough.” He chuckles with a low voice before leaning over you and whispering in your ear again. “I'm gonna fill you up to the damn brim so you can have my pups.” You feel him smile against your neck before biting it harshly again causing blood to trickle down your neck as his hips stutter before coming to a stop, you felt so full and almost like he truly owned you now. He draws out of you painfully slowly and you gasp as  the emptiness, you felt like a part of you was missing. You look back and see Jacob tucking himself back into his pants before helping you up carefully holding you against him so he can pull your panties and shorts back up, He didn't need his soldiers to see what was his. You look at him with lost eyes trying to understand why you felt like this with one of the goddamn seed brothers. He chuckles at the priceless look on your face before picking you up bridal style. “You okay pup? I know that was rough but like I said, bad pets need to be punished.” You look up at him with a quivering lip as you rest your head against his shoulder, just because you were bad didnt mean he was the worst fucking guy he was still going to provide a little aftercare, that shit is important especially if he wants you to trust him. He starts to walk with you back to the veterans center as he softly hums Only You. Jacob had kept you in his office for a reason, He wanted you, and now.. He claimed you. You avoid the gazes of soldiers as he carries you back inside. 
He sets you on his bed before leaving, he comes back with a wet and warm washcloth, “Take off your shorts..” You look at him and weakly take off your shorts, he starts on your inner thighs wiping off whatever mess there was before sliding your panties to the side and cleaning up the main mess, his seed was leaking out of you and it made his cock stiffen in his pants causing him to growl under his breath. You weren't in the right state for anything more at the moment, He continues to clean you up before placing your panties back, for such a rough man right now his touch was soft, gentle and slow.. He was being weirdly comforting.. You wanted to hate it but still, you couldn't help but absolutely love it. It was the man you didn't love but he was destined to change that. “What do you need right now pup?” He asks, his voice weirdly soft. You can get yourself to speak still honestly in a bit of shock, He sighs laying on his bed next to you. Before your mind can even react your body starts to cuddle with him, hitching your leg up over his and your arm laying over his stomach as you rest your head softly on his chest. He softly strokes your hair crying to comfort you after that intense scene. He wanted you to love him, not hate him. With you being exhausted the last things you hear before drifting off to sleep are, “I'll make you love me pup.”
Im begging for criticism on my writing, please let me know what would make it better for you guys. Love you all and thanks so much for reading!
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The Baptist and the Blade
This one’s for you @roofgeese! Thank you for asking me to write some more John smut! I can never get enough of that little murder gremlin.
I found a prompt that I thought fit John perfectly - “Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.” 
Lemons ahoy!! 18+ NSFW, Minors DNI
Please forgive any typos or grammatical errors :)
Warnings: minor bloodplay, p in v intercourse, M!receiving oral, lots of religious imagery, two morally reprehensible people going at it
Words: 2515
Pairing: John Seed x Female Deputy
She stood in the thick boundary of trees watching him, silently, tracking his every movement. How proudly he stood on the shore watching his newest batch of sinners be baptized into the loving embrace of the cult. She waited for her moment to strike, when he was all alone. Her prey. 
“We must wash away our past. We must expose our sins. We must atone, for only then may we stand in the light of God and walk through his Gate unto Eden.”
The newest recruits were dragged up from the water into the mayonnaise white vans, his men following close behind, and as the headlights faded off into the distance she could finally make her move. Her boot snapped the thin twigs that scattered the ground and he snapped around to face her, bright blue eyes glued onto her in the dark.
“Deputy, out for a stroll? He snapped the bible in his hands closed. "It is a lovely night.” Placing it down on the large boulder behind him. 
“Coming back to the scene of the crime.”
His eyes trailed up and down her, “What would your resistance think if they found us out here together? Alone.” He clasped his hands behind his back, tapping the toe of his boot against the stones below.
“You seem to have no problem radioing me on a public channel so I'm sure most of them wouldn't be too surprised actually. Hell, I’ve had Sharky and Adelaide telling me for days that we should just get this over with.”
“Get what over with?” He prodded her to continue, teasing her with the flick of his eyebrow.
“You’re really gonna make me say it?” Her scowl deepened as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Yes.” He grinned from ear to ear like the Cheshire cat. 
She sighed heavily, “They think we should fuck.”
His eyes seemed to sparkle with her use of such crass profanity. This wasn't love, this wasn't sentiment, this was a promiscuous need, a desire to be fulfilled. Base and brutal, like an animal in heat, she was reaching out to the suitable male available to her.
“Would you agree with that sentiment?” He inched in closer towards her, his shoes crunching through the gravel beach, as his hips swayed like a prowling tomcat. 
“Would you?”
“I asked first.” He leaned in towards her, crystalline eyes made dark with his own libidinous desire. 
She rubbed at the back of her neck, feeling like an open wound, a dark cavernous hole only he seemed to be able to see the bottom of. “I think we both know where I stand on that.”
He reached out and ran his thumb against her lip. “So you enjoyed our kiss then?” Pride swelling in his chest. 
“You only did it to fuck with Joey.” Her eyes stared into his, staring him down. “I’m well aware.”
He placed his hand to his chest, rubbing his long fingers against his bare skin. “On the contrary, Deputy. I did it because of you. Your sins, I know them well, I have shared in them. If there’s one person who could ever truly understand you, it’s me.”
“What happened to wanting to cleanse me of my sins?”
“That will come in time.” He smiled, so sure of himself, so sure that she would see sense - the way Joseph had promised. 
She stepped forward, invading his personal space, if he even had a notion about what that was. They stood nose to nose, eye to eye, toe to toe. She’d never give him the satisfaction of knowing just how much she enjoyed staring at him - at his stupidly pretty face. 
“How would we go about doing that?”
His eyes fell to her chest, his hand brushing away the loose waves that sat at her shoulders, having fallen loose from her braid. “I’d need to mark you first, but you ran before I could.” 
Pulling off her jacket and her flannel, she tossed them onto the rocky beach. Wearing only a white tank top, no bra, her nipples were hard with the cold September air. 
His focus remained solely on the cleavage of her firm breasts. He licked his lips as his palm spread against her skin. His voice dropped lower in his throat, “Right here. Near your heart, for all to see, the badge of honor.”
“You mean like yours?” She slid her fingers in past the collar of his shirt, half unbuttoned already, running her fingertips against the scar tissue left behind. 
His heart raced under his ribs, blood pumping, rushing through his veins, flooding his system. She could feel it drum against her fingertips, she could taste his adrenaline perfuming the space between them. Dragging her tongue across her teeth, her breath hitched in her throat. “And then would you cut it out of me, staple it up like the others?”
“No, I wouldn’t want to ruin such a -” he cleared his throat and looked back up at her. Her pale stare was deadly, fed by blood lust. She looked at him carnally, like he was a meal and she was starving. 
“Then what?” her voice was low, husky, a whisper on the night air. 
“Then I'd wash you, purify your soul.”
“Out there?” She nodded in the direction of the water, lapping feet away from them.
He nodded as she began to lean down and untie her boots, her mouth was so close…God help him. She kicked them away from her and unbuttoned her jeans, unzipping the fly, sliding them down her thighs. Her coiled snake tattoo on her leg bared its fangs for him, and her scars that scattered her flesh shone white in the moonlight. 
The air was cold and biting, a crisp autumn night, and she was wearing barely anything at all. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into her embrace, kissing him as his hands slid over her muscular thighs and ass, grabbing at her, fingers dragging over her bare skin. He moaned against her mouth as his hands trailed against her. 
Sliding up her hips, his fingers glanced up her tank top, touching the first hint of scarred tissue. She groaned and bit his lip until she tasted pennies in her mouth, and then felt his cock pressing against her - rock hard with the taste of pain. She stepped back, trying to pull away, but he grabbed at her harder, dragging her back towards him, he wasn’t letting her go so easily this time. His fingers dug into her, marking her skin with crescents and bruises. 
“Don’t tease me, Kathleen.” He rasped. 
“Don’t fucking call me Kathleen.”
He smirked, licking his lips, blood on his tongue. “What are you trying to hide from me?”
“You won’t find that out until I say yes.”
“Ka - Kit…” He smiled again, slipping back into his smooth demeanor and not the corrupt believer he truly was. “Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
“I don’t give in that easy, you know that.” She slid her hands down his arms, grabbing him by the wrists and pulling him off of her, eliciting a groan from him with the strength she used against him.
She walked backwards towards the edge of the water, the icy cold waves biting at her heels as they lapped against her skin. She waded in until she was knee deep, sliding her panties down, she threw them back up to the shore. The balled up material landed at his feet. 
“Coming to join me, Baptist?”
He curled his hands into fists, relaxing and flexing several times before walking towards the waters edge. Trying so hard to maintain some sliver of control, an ounce of respect. 
She shivered in the water, her lips turning purple, but she didn't care, she liked the sting and seeing the hunger in his eyes made her forget about the cold. 
“Another sin to add to your skin.”
“Where would you mark me with that one?” She grabbed his hand and slid it over the flat of her stomach, landing at the curve of her pelvic bone. “Here?”
A hiss escaped between his teeth as she took his hand and slipped it between her thighs. The dark waters acting like a mirror below, he could see the reflection of his fingers running over her soft, wet lips. 
“You said the greatest gift we have is to give…and you like to fill -”
His mouth crashed against hers, making her stumble back in the water, her hand curving up around his neck, fingers knotting into his hair, pulling on his strands. He pressed his thumb to her clit, rubbing rough, hurried circles against it. “I’m going to have you saying yes by the time I'm done.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
He slid his two fingers up into her cunt, while still focusing his attention on her clit, gliding in and out of her. The heat spread from his fingers up her spine like a wildfire. He was well-practiced, knew how to use speed and force to coerce her to speak, even if it was nothing more than a string of nonsense and curses. Her body shuddered, shivers turning to sparks and flashes of lightning as if the Lord above was working through the Baptist. His mouth dragged against her cheek, his hand wrapped up in her hair, tugging her head back. 
“Which would you prefer?”
“Whichever I deserve.”
His mouth wrapped around her neck, sucking on her skin, dotting her with bruises. She whined against him. He brought his mouth down on her shoulder and bit, hard enough to draw blood. He smiled up at her and licked her blood from his teeth, staining them pink. Tasting the sweet ambrosia that fueled her, iron and copper spilling down his throat. A blood pact between two debauched creatures. 
He pulled his fingers from her, dragging his tongue against them, keeping his eyes affixed on her, watching the flush float up her skin from her chest to her cheeks and up to the tips of her ears - all nearly as red as her hair. Sucking his fingers clean, he closed his eyes and forced himself to memorize her taste. 
“Are you seeking penance, Deputy? Is your guilt finally weighing down upon you?”
“I don’t feel so guilty anymore.”
He scoffed, “Such a sinner.”
“Maybe.” She dropped to her knees, water now around her waist. She looked up at him through her eyelashes, doe-eyed, innocent. 
He pressed his hand to her face, cupping her cheek, her teeth chattering under his touch. His adam’s apple bobbed at the sight of her before him. Supplication.
Her fingers were growing numb from the cold, but she still managed to unbuckle his belt and pull the fly down his jeans without fumbling. Her eyes went wide at the sight before her, what he lacked in height he certainly made up for in other areas. 
He smirked at her reaction, she was feeding into another one of his sins, he’d pray on it another time. For now he was much too busy doing God’s work, helping her to reach atonement. 
She looked up at him, desperate eyes pleading for forgiveness, opening her mouth to accept his sacrament. Her lips wrapped around the head, bobbing up and down along his length, inviting the host inside of her, taking him in as deep as she could go. 
The warmth of her mouth embraced him, sheltering from the bite of the autumn cold outside. Her eyes never left him, watching him with the ferocity of a predator. But in this moment he held the leash, he was her salvation, her chance to be allowed access to Eden.
Her saliva pooled at the base of his cock, dripping down into the dark waters of the lake that surrounded them. Holy water. She fought to swallow, struggled to breathe as she got caught up in her own rhythm, taking him in and out, her jaw growing sore, but she couldn’t stop, not yet. 
He pulled her mouth away, he didn't want to finish, not like that. She had offered him her holes to fill and he wasn’t going to waste the opportunity to enter her gates. He pressed her against him, her wet skin spreading its dampness onto his clothing, her body vibrating against him. She knew what he wanted and without a word of direction she slid her leg up the outside of his, wrapping it around him. His cock pressed against her slit. Rocking her hips, she began to grind against him, spreading her slick along the length. Thrusting up into her, he filled her. Her velvet walls tightened against him, squeezing. 
She bit her lip and stifled the moan that threatened to escape her, pressing her forehead against his. Her weight supported by him, he fucked up into her, hips snapping forward and back, violent and stabbing, the same unbridled madness he used when wielding a knife and she was at his mercy. She cried out into the night, a scream building in her throat. 
“Say it, Kit. Just say it.” He spoke breathlessly. “Say it for me.”
Her nails dragged down his sides, leaving long red scratches in her wake. He groaned and hissed, his hair falling free from its normally coiffed style, more the feral being she knew he was underneath. Grabbing at his thin waist, burning his skin as her fingers squeezed. She was getting so close now. So close and she couldn’t hide, couldn't pretend, not with him. 
He kissed her hard, forcefully, full of command. His thrusts were deeper, his pace slowing. He came inside her, tainting her, moaning a hymn against her mouth. 
Her head fell back as their mouths parted, panting up into the night’s sky. A million stars, the lights of angels twinkling above. Her muscles spasmed and the strength to hold her leg up around him gave way. She could have fallen back into the water if she didn't think he might drown her. 
He kept her upright, tight to his body. One and the same, they were connected,  entwined. 
“This can never happen again…”
“Regret, already?” He looked at her like he could read her mind. Like he knew it was all a lie. She lived so many, she could hardly separate the truth from them anymore, but he could always see through them. See her for what lay beneath her rotting layers. 
She pushed him off of her and stormed back up to the shoreline, picking up her clothes and her boots, heading back to the treeline as if what had just occurred between them didn’t happen at all. 
“Kit, you have no reason to be afraid,” he called up to her, “We love you and we will take you.”
She didn’t spare another second to look back, running into the woods, the branches of trees scratching at her skin, leaves whipping against her. Punishment. It was what she deserved for what she had just done. 
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imgnnafurgf · 3 months
All I want is a fanfic about male deputy/Sharky/John am I asking too much
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wrathfulrook · 10 months
Wrathling - Chapter 2
Series rating: E
Relationship: John Seed x Patience Ekner
Word count: ~4.7k
Series masterlist
Read it on ao3.
“I can be real sneaky, that’s for damn sure, Dep. My grandma always said I was a sneaky bastard. ‘Course, she never wore her hearing aids, so sneaking up on her wasn’t exactly a real feat of stealth, if you know what I’m talking about. But I’m determined to be a real asset here and-“
“Sharky,” Patience hissed under her breath, “hush. Please.”
“Can do, boss.”
“You head around the north side of the property, and I’ll head south. We’ll meet up on the other side. Keep your eyes peeled for any prisoners, especially Deputy Hudson, and try to keep track of how many guards you spot. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Stay out of sight and stay silent,” she emphasized.
“Silent. I can be silent.” He threw her a two-fingered salute. It did not inspire confidence.
She watched him disappear into the northern trees before heading south, herself. She didn’t have a lot of faith in that man. He wouldn’t be betraying her; she trusted him- but she really didn’t trust him not to get caught or cause a scene. Or cause a scene that would get him caught. He was hardly her first choice for recon. But Jess and Grace were both unavailable, so here she was with him. It was out of her hands now, though. Either he’d meet her on the other side of the property or he wouldn’t.
Patience kept to the tree line, moving slowly, flinching every time a dry twig cracked beneath her boots. The property was large, though, and the tree line far enough away from most buildings that she felt confident she wouldn’t be seen. Armed Peggies circled the buildings’ perimeters while pairs stood by every entrance, even outbuildings like the hangar. There was at least one sniper that she could see. Not only were they numerous, they seemed to be organized.
This place was far better guarded than she’d anticipated. The level of protection here was more what she’d expect around the Cult Compound, not around the ranch. Breaking anyone out of here really might require an army, and an army was one of the many things she didn’t have. She held her position for a while, silent among the pines. The guards marched the perimeter in regular intervals. There could be an opportunity to slip between them… On the hour, the guards stationed outside the doors of the garage and hangar were replaced. She had no idea how long they’d been there, but on the hour was helpful to know.
It was a beautiful night to be outside. The sky was clear, and Patience could see so many stars, so many more than were ever visible back home. The scent of pine on the air, the occasional breeze pulling loose strands from her braid. It was a night better spent around a fire than snooping around the enemy, but things had taken a turn ever since the failed arrest. She stood for a bit longer, but the men continued to circle, and she didn’t think there was much more to learn here. She needed to continue around the ranch.
As she kept moving south, just inside the tree line, she came onto Seed Ranch itself. The house was a house in name only. It was a log cabin, blown up to the proportions of a mansion. It had floor to ceiling windows, two stories, a huge balcony. It was exactly the sort of place she’d love to rent for a week-long vacation. She could picture herself luxuriating in there, maybe under a rainfall showerhead, or in a jet-pool tub, making an omelet in the huge kitchen the place must certainly have before heading out for a day-long hike in the woods of the valley. She’d spend all day exploring, maybe swimming in a lake or stream, to come back and have dinner and a drink on the balcony, and fall asleep in a large, plush, memory-foam bed.
But this was no Airbnb. Instead, it was home to that monster, John Seed. Interestingly enough, the front door to the ranch was not guarded. There were plenty of guards on the property, though, so perhaps he just valued his privacy. With the house unguarded, it may be possible to sneak past the sentries and walk right in. If she could get into the house, it may be possible to take the entire property.
The lights on the first level of the house shown through the huge windows, and she could see a figure moving around inside. Maybe it was John Seed, himself. She was far enough away that she couldn’t make out any details of the roaming form, and she could never make such a shot with her slingshot, but she could imagine pulling it out, putting an end to him right there, and taking down a quarter of the cult’s figureheads.
Patience couldn’t picture prisoners being kept inside John Seed’s personal residence, so it was best if she kept on. She continued on, relatively uneventfully, for a while. Quite a while, actually. Too long. She wasn’t sure exactly how far she’d gone, but it was more than halfway around the entire Ranch. A lot more than halfway. Even moving more slowly than she was, Sharky probably should have met up with her by now. Something could have happened to him. What was she supposed to do?
A sudden burst of light appeared on the property.
The light appeared again, and Patience was able to recognize it for what it was. Fire. A flamethrower.
“Son of slut,” she muttered.
Peggie guards ran towards the flames, hopping back just in time to avoid being roasted alive by the whooping pyromaniac. Their shouting was drawing more guards, and Patience feared one flamethrower was hardly enough to take on all of Seed Ranch.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She took a deep breath as she switched her slingshot for her M60. She glanced up at the sky, as if beseeching a god she didn’t believe in, before running out of the relative safety of the woods and into the fray.
She managed to get fairly close to Sharky before the Peggies realized she wasn’t one of them. She only hoped Sharky and his flamethrower didn’t confuse her for the enemy. As soon as they began splitting their fire between two of them, Patience began firing back, shooting down Peggies as she got closer to the flames.
“Hiya, Dep!” Sharky jovially greeted her as she came up beside him.
“Hi,” she hissed through gritted teeth as she fired her last bullet. “How did this happen?”
“Got spotted. Threw some flames.”
“How did you end up in the open like this?” she clarified.
“Got caught when I was inside the hangar.”
“In?” That was not the plan.
He ignored her interruption. “Found a folder of documents meant for John. Had location info and specs on his bunker. It’s guarded. Like, no-fucking-around guarded. And it’s a lot bigger than we thought. Bet that’s where they’re holding people. Besides, it’s not like I’m gonna use a flamethrower in the woods, Dep. Safety first!”
She didn’t know how to respond to that, so she opted to let it lie. Though there seemed to be a momentary reprieve, from the sounds of it, more Peggies were on the way.
“We need to get the hell out of here.”
“No arguments from me, Shorty.”
Patience grabbed Sharky’s arm and headed towards the trees, stopping briefly to swipe some ammo off a half-charred corpse.
“Go, go!” she urged him as the volume of the guards’ shouts increased.
She could hear them clamoring through the woods even over her own labored breathing and the sounds of the approaching guards. Patience pushed herself harder despite the burning in her chest and the machine gun bruising her spine as it bounced against her back. She was impressed Sharky could keep pace while toting his flamethrower, but the woods were getting denser, and she increasingly found herself bumping into him as well as scraping against trees. They were slowing down in an effort not to lose one another. This wasn’t working.
“Split up!” she called, possibly louder than was necessary due both to adrenaline and to make sure he knew what was happening before she tore off on a hard right, not bothering to look back.
Patience ran. And she continued to run until she couldn’t hear any of her pursuers. And then she ran a bit farther, just to be sure.
Eventually, she collapsed against the trunk of a broad tree, and put her head between her knees while she waited for her heart rate to slow and her breathing to even out. That hadn’t gone well. Not horribly, though. Sharky did come through with that intel about the bunker. But certainly not well. Getting shot at was not part of the plan. Nor was letting the Peggies know the resistance was spying on them. Getting split up was definitely not in the plan.
Exhaling a ragged breath, Patience pulled out her radio, dialing to the frequency pre-agreed upon with Sharky. “Sharky? Boshaw, come in.” She waited a few, seemingly interminable, minutes before trying again. “Boshaw. Come in, Boshaw.”
“Hiya, Dep.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” she sighed to herself. “You’re safe?” she asked him.
“Free and clear. Outran those Peggie bastards easily. Flame-broiled a few first, though!”
Patience smiled gently at the laugh in his voice, in spite of the macabre image it conjured.
“Regroup tomorrow, Dep! Over and out.”
The deputy absently clicked the tuning dial on her radio as she debated the relative safety of spending the night underneath an outcropping of rock ahead of her. She’d be protected from the elements, barring a sudden and unexpected change of weather. She may be easy prey for something like a wolf, but with the machine gun by her side, she felt comfortable enough to give it a go. Besides, if any of her animal companions were nearby, they’d wind up beside her at some point in the night. She was rarely as alone as she felt out here.
There was nothing being broadcast but Peggie nonsense. She’d come across two different channels airing cult songs but heard nothing from the resistance. Good. Anyone not with the cult should be laying low. She turned the dial a few more clicks when she heard a third active channel.
John Seed was proselytizing on the airwaves, late into the night. Bastard probably couldn’t sleep after a flamethrower appeared on his front lawn, not that she could blame him for that. He quoted from the Bible and from Joseph’s inane book. She didn’t know why he bothered. Most Peggies probably didn’t depend on the radios. And none of the resistance would be listening, anyway.
“…and sin never rests. Just tonight two wayward souls attacked the brave and pious soldiers of the Project.”
Patience rolled her eyes.
“The junior deputy herself was one of the souls in question. Deputy, know that your sins can be forgiven. Even your actions tonight are not too much to be absolved. We simply want to help you, to save you. You and every soul in Hope County. You must accept that the Project is not your enemy.”
Oh, must she? Bold of him to assume she’d be listening to his broadcasts. Bold and vain.
She knew she should just turn off the radio and get some sleep. She knew what both Whitehorse and Dutch would say. She’d, in general, agree. But after past few weeks she’d had, she was willing to admit that she wasn’t in her best state of mind. She didn’t want to let him demoralize any potential resistance member who stumbled onto the channel. And, more selfishly, she wanted to piss him off.
“That’s an interesting version of history you’re writing, there.”
“Deputy, how kind of you to check in. And after already checking in earlier tonight.”
“Yeah, well, I’m thoughtful that way.”
The whackadoo actually broadcast his laugh. “You and Mr. Boshaw should return; it isn’t too late to confess, to atone.”
“No thanks. We’re good.”
“You may feel good now, but you won’t when the Collapse comes, when you’re consumed by flames.”
“Uh oh.” She knew she was pressing his buttons. She knew nothing good could come from it. And yet… Fuck this guy.
“Mock all you want, Deputy,” he retorted, voice hard. “The Reaping has begun. You can still be saved, but time is running out.”
“And if I don’t want to be saved?”
“A child doesn’t know what’s best. That’s why parents exist. To guide and to nurture and to take care of the child, even when they resist. The Father can guide us all on the path to Eden’s Gate.”
“So we all need Daddy to take care of us? Kinky.”
“You hide behind your sin, using it as a shield. But who are you when not weighed down by it? You don’t have to be your sin. You can rise above it. I can help you.”
“Not that you aren’t a great conversationalist, because, really, this is riveting, but I’ve had a long day, and I need to get some rest.”
“Yes, I imagine killing really takes it out of a person.”
“And I imagine you don’t have to imagine,” she spit into the radio.
“You’re very defensive, Deputy. Perhaps because you know you’re in the wrong.”
“Good night, John.”
“You know where to find me, Deputy. When you’re ready to be saved…”
Patience had woken up this morning beneath that outcropping of rock, cuddling her M60 like it was a teddy bear, because sure, why not, this was her life now. Add it to the ongoing list of horrors.
She’d wandered around the woods for a while before finding a river she could follow to the road into Fall’s End. For an hour there she was trying to make her peace with being one of those people who walked into the woods and never walked out, falling prey to starvation, or animal attack, or just literal falling. Running away from the Peggies and their bullets had seemed like a good way to avoid death at the time, but death by wilderness was still death.
But she did find that river, had rendezvoused with Sharky, and was now at the Spread Eagle, eating for the first time in over 24 hours. She shoveled french fries into her face, ignoring Mary May’s eyes on her from the opposite side of the bar. She knew she looked sad and pathetic, clearly dirty and tired, hardly inspiring. And she needed, now more than ever, to inspire the people of Fall’s End to take up further arms against the cult.
Sharky had not only been able to confirm the bunker was the only place Joey could be being kept, but also noted that the roving sentries changed guards on the hour. Aside from the obvious debacle, he had really come through last night. It was this morning when went things went really sour.
After she’d met up with the Cougars at the jail, Whitehorse had promised to send out scouts to determine what had happened to Staci and the Marshal. Unfortunately, the scouts hadn’t been needed. She’d found out this morning of more recent broadcasts from the Whitetails and the Henbane. Jacob Seed had Staci. And Faith Seed had Marshal Burke. And who knew how they were now? If those broadcasts had been recorded weeks ago…
Even more unfortunately, at least for Patience and Joey, Whitehorse was set on staying in the Henbane region, helping the resistance operating out of the jail. This left Patience to her own devices, unless she wanted to stay with the resistance there, which she didn’t. At least, not until she got Joey out. Even then, it might be best to leave Whitehorse to it and track down the rest of the Sheriff’s department.
But, if the people of Hope County weren’t going to come together then they certainly weren’t going to be able to keep the cult at bay. But before she could convince anyone in the resistance to go to bat for anyone else, she needed to make sure there was anybody willing to go to bat, point blank. She needed the people of Fall’s End to give a shit about helping to liberating Holland Valley beyond their own town.
And luckily enough, Joey was in Holland Valley.
“So what’s going on, Dep?” Mary May finally asked.
“Is that rhetorical?” Patience asked. With her mouth full, her clothes dirty, and her braid mussed, she imagined she made quite the picture.
Patience swallowed and wiped her mouth with a napkin before speaking. “Are you aware of the failed arrest of Joseph Seed?”
Mary May rolled her eyes and leaned across the bar, almost into her personal space. “I know what’s going on, Deputy. I’ve got eyes and ears.”
“Then you know we have to get those people out of John’s bunker. Drive all the Peggies out of the freaking valley, ideally. John Seed is practically your next-door neighbor. That has to make you nervous,” she argued to the bartender.
“More than you could possibly know.”
“So, let’s do something!”
“Deputy,” Mary May sighed, “The Seeds came to Hope County years before you did. We’ve been living alongside them for a long time now. This ‘reaping,’” she threw the word in air quotes, “is just the most recent in a long line of escalations on their part.”
Patience shook her head. “No. No, Mary May, the cult, while most definitely a cult, has never done anything illegal. I’ve read all the reports. The most trouble we’ve ever gotten from them is disturbing the peace, and they’ve always cooperated. Then all the sudden we get video footage of illegal violence and go to arrest Joseph Seed. The Marshal asked me to arrest him because it was supposed to be that easy. It was my first arrest, and I- I…” She paused to gulp down some water and compose herself before continuing. “Mary May, they kidnapped at least one officer of the law, and likely multiple civilians. This is not like anything they’ve done before. This is not like anything you’ve ever seen.”
She pictured again the bodies crawling over the helicopter, the man who let himself be pureed by blades…
“You can’t imagine what they’re capable of,” Patience finished.
Mary May took the dishes from in front of her, the tension in her form clear, before slamming them into the sink with so much force Patience was amazed they didn’t break. When she turned back, though, there was no fire in her eyes. She looked tired, almost absent.
“Deputy, I don’t want to make light of the experience you’ve had over the last few weeks.” Her words were strong but quiet, her tone measured. “But I think you’re the one who can’t imagine what these people are capable of.”
“No. You need to listen.” Patience shut her mouth. “The Seeds moved into town and started their little church and that was fine. They made friends in town, came to community events. They seemed like nice people. Then fancypants lawyer John Seed used his knowledge of property law to start buying up land for cheap. Lots of land, for far too cheap. He was practically robbing people, and no one even made a move to stop it from happening.”
“And that’s asshole behavior for sure, but it’s still technically legal.”
Mary May ignored her and continued. “Their number of followers kept growing and growing and then the intimidation started. Graffiti on the houses and businesses of so-called sinners. The Sheriff’s department said there was never enough evidence to pin it on the Peggies.” She stared down Patience, as if daring her to step in, and Patience wisely kept quiet. “You mentioned them taking people. Said it was an escalation out of nowhere. It wasn’t.”
“Do have evidence that they’ve kidnapped before?”
“Evidence, evidence, Jesus Christ, Deputy!” Her voice rose. “I know they’ve done it! You know they’ve done it! I’m sure the Sheriff knew they did it, too! But there was never enough evidence to do anything, and look where we are, now. They’ve gotten so bold they took Deputy Hudson in broad daylight, paraded her around on TV!” She took a deep, steadying breath. “This is not the time for stressing over the minutia of good policing. One junior deputy is not going to beat this cult. The entire sheriff’s department plus a US Marshal couldn’t even arrest one of the Seeds!”
She let an irritated huff escape her nose. “I know. I was there. That’s why I need Fall’s End’s help.”
“You’ll need a lot more help than that.”
“Sure, you’ve blown up some shit. You’ve freed an outpost here and there. But, they are prepared for you to come. They have an army. And they’ve been at this for years.”
The disbelief was evident in her tone when she asked, “Years?”
“Years! They took my brother. Converted him, they’d say. Brainwashed, more like. It broke my mother’s heart. Killed her. My dad tried to bust him out and they killed him for it. No ifs, ands, or buts. They murdered him.” Her voice shook with rage. “And when I went to get him, to at least tell him what had happened, they took me. John Seed took me to his bunker and forced me to confess. He decided my sin was envy and he did this to me!”
Mary May pulled down the neck of her t-shirt to reveal a tattoo across her chest. The word ‘ENVY,’ in all capital letters, in black ink, was etched into her skin. Patience blinked in surprise.
“Holy shit.” The words came out as barely more than a whisper.
“And at the end of the day, my brother was dead as well.”
“I’m sorry.”
Mary May shrugged.
“That’s horrible. And terrifying.”
“I know that. And you need to know that, too. These people are so much worse than you know. They are organized and they are prepared.”
“This sort of information is what I need! If people know where the Seeds are keeping people, why do I not know? I know I’m new in town, but fuck! This is stuff I need to know. People keep asking me to risk my ass for theirs and that’s fine! That’s my job!” She breathed a sigh through her nose, calmed her bouncing leg, ran a finger under the black choker around her neck before speaking again. “Look, this is all the more reason to stick together and get those people out. Tiny pockets of resistance in different regions won’t be enough, and Fall’s End, all of Holland Valley, barely even has that.”
“You aren’t the only person to have that idea, you know. Pastor Jerome has a group organizing in the church right now, actually.”
A small weight lifted from Patience. It wasn’t nearly enough. “Great, then. That’s the first good news I’ve heard in a while. How many people?”
“Pretty much everyone in town that hasn’t already been converted or kidnapped.”
“That’s good.” Patience did a bit of mental math. “It’s a good start at least. Do you think these people be willing to try to take Seed Ranch? He’s running the whole valley from that place. If we can take it from him, we might weaken their hold on the region.”
“Take John’s ranch?” Mary May’s eyebrows rose. “I don’t know. I’m sure they’d love to, but… I don’t know. I could talk to the pastor, I guess.”
Patience nodded. “Good. Thanks. What about out of town? Do you know of anyone else in the valley who might be willing to help?”
The bartender thought for a moment before responding. “The Ryes. Nick at least. Kim is pregnant and he’s been talking about getting out of the county for a while now.”
“Yeah. Nick’s been helping me on and off.”
“I believe it. John Seed stole his plane. And he needs it to get them out.”
“No,” Patience shook her head. “He’s got it back. But I can see if he’ll join the pastor’s group. I can head out there tomorrow, try and convince him to help out.”
“Good.” Mary May dropped a second plate of greasy food in front of her. Thank god.
Patience nodded again. “And while I’m mooching off your hospitality…”
“You need a place to spend the night?” Mary May offered with a half-smile.
“And a shower?” She hadn’t had a chance to rinse off in three or four days. She felt sweaty and gross, and if her hair hadn’t been tied in a braid the greasiness of it would be consuming her thoughts to the point of distraction.
“Sure.” She gestured to the ceiling and said, “There’s a small apartment above the bar that’s been vacant ever since the bastard up there decided he preferred the doomsday predictions to paying rent.”
The shower stall in the tiny apartment was appropriately to scale and horribly grimy. Yet, the 15 minutes Patience spent under the subpar water pressure were easily most relaxed she’d been in days. The twin bed she now found herself in was similarly small and inhospitable. The mattress was lumpy, the pillow was thin, and the sheets smelt vaguely of stale cigarette smoke. And still, just as in the shower, she was unbelievably comfortable. It was amazing how quickly one’s standards could fall.
As she did the previous night, she absently rotated through radio channels. It was starting to replace scrolling on her phone as a bedtime routine. She clicked away, halfheartedly hoping to stumble on resistance chatter. She didn’t find any. She also didn’t find anything on the channel John Seed had used the previous night. Was her radio no longer working?
“Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…” she flatly broadcast out to the county.
After a moment or two of silence, she received a response.
“Deputy… What a pleasant surprise.” John Seed. Ugh.
“Don’t be too flattered,” she replied. “I just couldn’t picture you giving the county any peace and quiet, so I figured it was more likely my radio had broken.”
“Well, now that you know it hasn’t, would you like to unburden your soul? Confess your sins? Say yes to being saved?”
“I don’t have any sins,” she lightly asserted. Patience didn’t know what it was about him, but John Seed really brought out the asshole in her.
“That sounds like pride, my dear, and pride is a sin.”
“Is it? I’d consider it more like knowing my worth.”
“It seems that you could benefit from the word of the Father. You should come to services, perhaps read the Book of Joseph.”
“I’ll take that under advisement. Maybe we could start a book club? May I recommend the works of Anton Szandor LaVey?”
“Careful, Deputy,” he warned in a hardened voice. “You’re getting dangerously close to blasphemy.”
Patience hummed. “That’s disappointing. I was trying to get all the way there.”
“I can save you. Just like I’m saving your friend Deputy Hudson.”
Any sense of teasing joviality left her in a sudden rush. John Seed wasn’t just some asshole to verbally spar with. He was evil, pure and unadulterated. She thought about what he’d done to Mary May. He was probably etching alleged sins into Joey’s flesh right now.
Ignoring the trembling of her finger as she pressed down on the button, she broadcast, “If you hurt an officer of the law, I will hunt you down and bring the full force of the Sheriff’s Department against you.”
John ignored her obviously empty threat, and responded with his voice lighter. Patience could almost picture his slimy grin when he responded. “Pain is necessary to truly confess, to atone. Pain is temporary, but salvation is eternal. And as for hunting me down, you know exactly where to find me. Eden’s Gate is open to you, my dear, if you would confess. If you would say yes.” He hissed the final word, giving it an emphasis that made the word slither up her spine and give her goosebumps.
“And what if I killed you myself?” she eventually managed to ask. She’d never threatened anyone with death before, not really. It almost shocked her how easily she did it, how easy it was to mean it.
“You don’t want to do that. I’m not your enemy.”
“Oh yes,” Patience replied, “you fucking are.”
Chapter 3
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