#she just needs mia to get sloppy
megantheebaddest · 9 months
Drunk In Love
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Summary: Reader gets so drunk at the club she “needs” her best friend in a way he can’t give her.
A/n: Sorry i have been MIA.. Please enjoy my first fic about Drew 😍
“Holy shit dude, Y/n is fucking wasted!” Rudy yelled into Drew’s ear, pointing in your direction. Drew’s eyes immediately following where he was pointing. You were grinding with some strangers you just met a few moments prior. He shook his head grinning at you. He always found it entertaining when your little light weight self drank one too many.
“I’m pretty sure she just met those girls like 2 minutes ago” Rudy added, laughing. Drew laughed, nodding his head agreeing with him. He couldn’t help but watch your every move as he sipped on his beer. God, you looked gorgeous in his eyes. Your red dress riding up your thighs, your curled hair a wild mess, your makeup slightly running. You looked like you were having the time of your life. You stumbled slightly in your risky heels and had to grab onto random strangers around you to balance yourself. You looked up and your eyes met Drew’s. He melted at the sight of you stumbling towards him.
“Drew, honey.. Hiii” you screamed, plopping down on his lap. Your voice was so raspy he could barely hear you over the music. “Hi darling, are you okay?” He asked rubbing your thigh up and down, looking at you concerned. “Mhm” you hummed leaning into his neck to nibble and leave sloppy kisses on his neck. He tensed up and froze in his tracks. He knew you had to be really drunk because this was so unlike you. You guys have only kissed one time before when you both were drunk and it was never brought up again though he thought of it often.
He pulled away looking at you with a wide smile. “What’re you doing, crazy girl?” he asked giggling. “I want you” You blurted out hiccuping, lips attaching to his neck again. He was losing his mind, he absolutely loved this but hated the fact that you are drunk.
“Y/n.. you’re drunk honey.” he said almost moaning. He pulled away again, causing you to groan in annoyance. “Are you ready to go? I can take you home?” He asked while looking you deep in your eyes. You looked back at him getting lost in his. Your eyes darted down to his lips and you started to lean in to kiss him.
“Y/n..” he said sternly, pulling back. “Come on, let’s go home.” he said patting on your legs to stand up. You rolled your eyes but got up nearly falling over. He grabbed your hand and made his way to the group saying his goodbyes and letting them know he’d be taking you home.
“What was all that about? huh?” Rudy said wiggling his eyebrows at Drew. He was lowkey excited because he always shipped you two. He could feel the tension between you guys but you both always denied it.
“You were right she is so wasted.. I’m taking her home” Drew said as he was dapping up Rudy. Rudy laughed and they said their goodbyes. You were so drunk you just waved bye to everyone. Drew grabbed your hand and led you out front to a suv that was waiting for him. He guided you in and gave the driver your address.
The second the car started moving you attached your lips to his neck yet again. This time he sharply breathed in through his teeth and closed his eyes. You were sucking and swirling your tongue around. You reached down and cupped his bulge. His eyes shot open and he moaned, quickly grabbing your hand and moving it.
“Y/n..” he breathed out.
You growled, frustrated that he wouldn’t let you touch him. “Please” you whined quietly.
“You’re drunk.. I can’t let you do this sweetheart.” he practically whined back.
“I’ll do anything. Please. For one minute?” you begged.
He licked his lips looking back and forth between both your eyes. He really wanted to do this but you were so far gone he’d never forgive himself. “I’m so sorry, We can’t baby” He said, sadness in his voice.
You scrunched your eyebrows together and shook your head, turning to look out the window.
“Please don’t be mad at me honey. I don’t want you to do something you’d regret tomorrow.” He said grabbing your thigh and rubbing circles with his thumb. You shoved his hand off and crossed your arms.
“I’m not drunk..” you quietly said, keeping your gaze out the window. He still had his eyes on you and he shook his head and laughed. You leaned your head back on the head rest and you were passed out within minutes. This was pure torture for Drew. He so wishes he could have his way with you but he knows you don’t mean it and you’ll regret all of this in the morning.
Drew woke you up once the car stopped outside your apartment. “Hmm?” you sleepily moaned. “You’re home honey, come on i’ll help you.” He said grabbing your hand. He scooted out of the car and turned around to grab both of your hands and direct you down out of the suv. You were squinting due to just waking up and being sensitive to the street lights. You stopped scooting and stared at Drew.
“You’re so pretty” you said, hiccuping. Drew smiled and pulled on your hands for you to continue getting out of the car.
“Come on lovey.” He said wrapping his arm around your waist as you laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes letting him be your full guide. Once you made it up to your apartment he helped you to your room, you flopped onto your fresh made bed and practically fell asleep. Drew was looking through your dresser for comfy clothes for you to wear. After finding an over sized shirt and some shorts for you he made his way over to you.
“Here love, i got you some comfy clothes” He says patting your bum lightly. You lifted your head slightly and immediately dropped it back down.
“Help me” he barely heard you mumble out.
He kneeled on the bed and undid the straps on your heels, removing them and massaging your feet briefly before unzipping the back of your dress for you “Roll over Y/n” he said giggling. Surprisingly you were able to. He slid your dress down and he was met with your perfect tits, you weren’t wearing a bra. His eyes widened as he kept pulling your dress down. He had to focus and remember why he was doing this.
You’re drunk.
He had to keep drilling that into his brain. He kept shimmying your dress down, now revealing your lace panties. His mouth was drooling but he remained focused and slid your shorts on and then put the shirt over your head, you naturally put your arms through the sleeves. He guided you up onto your pillows and tucked you into your blankets.
He gave you a kiss on your cheek before shutting your lamp off. He was caught off guard by you grabbing his wrist. “Please don’t leave me, Drew” She begged with puppy dog eyes. He looked over the entire bed and back to you. “Okay honey, i’m not going anywhere.” He said making his way to the other side of your bed.
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Hey girl!!
I was wondering if you could write a fic where Bakari or Erik is mad at reader for coming home late and he punishes her?
A/N: I choose Bakari. He's not as crazy and he's logical with you. This is a quick little "what would he do"
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11:58 PM. A call comes through your phone. He answers it. "She's not back yet. I'll let you know."
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Home Late
It's been a hot and muggy night made hotter by the liquor and the dancing. You were already tipsy at the start of the weekend, but eight margaritas later, you're stumbling through the front door and fondling the wall for the light.
Dropping your keys, your purse, your shoes, and your wig all at once to beeline to the kitchen for the Honey Nut Cheerios. You shovel handfuls into your mouth and leave the box on the counter so you can unzip the side of your gold dress. The tag is still on it but tucked in. You leave it hanging as you dance your way to turn off the living room TV.
"HeGh," you jump, knees buckling until your brain recognizes the silhouette on the sofa. "Shit. WARN SOMEBODY. Why are you sitting in the dark?"
"At least now I know you haven't been kidnapped or murdered... Just irresponsible." Bakari sighs.
Listen up, grandpa. You almost roll your eyes. What's wrong with a little fun from time to time.
"Don't be mad, babe. I was just out having some fun."
"Where you been?"
"I told you. I was going out with some friends."
"Which friends?"
Aww, him mad. You turn on the lights so you can view him normally. He looks like a serial killer sitting in the darkness.
"You don't know them. I met them through Laura... You hate Laura, I know." You beat him to it.
"What's my rule for you?"
"Babe. I would've contacted you, but my phone died. I put it on the charger yyeeesterdayy?"
It's in his hand now. Your eyes widen.
"I thought I had it on me and wondered why it'd been quiet!"
You completely forgot it somehow, and you haven't been back home until now. You bite your nail.
"You've been MIA for 2 days."
"I- It didn't feel like 2 days," you shrug, confused and too drunk to really think.
"You didn't notice that night came twice?" His face doesn't change, but you can feel that he's a mad little puppy right now.
"I did!" You sigh, pacing. You scratch at your cornrows. "I just - I was drunk! I wasn't - "
"What were you doing for two days that made you forget?"
"I was out doing random shit, drinking, and I didn't think," you shrug. "We were bar hopping, then Nyasha said she knew this club we could slide through, but it got craaaazy, so I left with Kenya and Molly. We went to Burger King and then ended up at the beach. I lost track of time... You really mad at me?"
You pout. It works sometimes.
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As his monogamous partner and submissive of five years, you know the rules. If you go out for an extended period, do your due diligence and communicate. Why does he need to keep reminding you?
"This is the third time."
There shouldn't have been a second time, but being told twice is unacceptable. A punishment is in order, but first, you need to understand exactly why.
"Don't be insekerr babe," you smile.
You bend to his eye level, falling over. Drunk and sloppy. It's not attractive and you're better than this. This behavior in public is embarrassing, but at home, it's... That's a discussion to have when you're sober.
You pick yourself back up, planting your hands on his knees for leverage, still in your good mood from a good time.
"You know I don't be out here with nobody," you double down. "You can ask anyone-"
"It's not insecurity. It's concern. I like to know where you are for safety. If you don't like that, this isn't gonna work. Not responding to my calls for days at a time, that's a problem for me."
You smile in attempt to lighten his mood. Despite your sloppy looks and demeanor, you're still cute, but he’s not amused. Three times is too much. You're getting punished.
"I forgooot," you pout adorably, triggering Daddy mode. "It definitely won't happen again."
"Oh, I know. Now you need to make it up to me."
Your head tilts. "How I'm a do that?"
He gestures for you to come, sit on his lap so he can touch you and look at you up close. Absently, he strokes your back. Your makeup looks good, though you're sweaty and your breath smells like tropical fruit. How many drinks have you had? Your arms wrap his neck as you press your warm cheek against his, tryna get a snuggle in.
"Look at me." He tilts his head back slightly though you have his neck trapped in a hold. "I want you to tell me how much you missed me while you were out clubbing."
You sputter, not in your clear mind. "Well, to be honest, I was having too much fun. But I miss you now!"
Fair enough.
"I'm sorry I didn't respond," you mutter. "I was okay, but you know me! I'm forgetful! At least I didn't drive."
"I know you were having fun, but you still need to communicate with me. I don't do that MIA shit."
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You bite your fingernail with a small blossoming smile. You love it when he's firm. It's so attractive. You hold his face in your hands and play with his beard. Patchy or not, it's yours. He's yours. He hugs you tightly, tilting his head back to kiss you fully.
"Mmm. Well, I definitely missed that. I missed these dimples of yours, too." You squeeze his cheeks. "You're so cute!"
"Wait. You missed my dimples?"
Pulling you in, he kisses your neck and bites your shoulder. You grab his chin in your hand and kiss him once more, grinning against his lips.
"Annnnd I really miss the way you're so forgiving."
"Oh really."
He smirks as you nod, your lips still against his.
"I didn't know forgiving could be so sexy. I do forgive you because I love and care about you... That's also why I have to punish you."
You gasp. You forgot all about punishments. You just want to cuddle and love. You rub your face against his cheek once more.
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For your own good, he picks you up and carries you into your separate bathroom where he runs you a warm bath. Since you're drunk, he helps you with your dress, noticing the tag on your dress and ripping it off. $218. He's frugal, yes, but it's just a dress. You don't need to return it.
"Lean on me."
He accompanies you and helps you into the water slowly. Then he takes the soapy washcloth in his hands to wash you. It's a good excuse to rub and squeeze under the pretense of getting you clean. You're getting turned on, too, as he soaps your breasts, making them glisten. From your neck and chest to your stomach, he moves in a steady circular motion. He moves to your back. Your eyes are closed.
"It feel good?"
"Mhm," you hum, smiling up for another kiss. You're getting greedy, but that's what he's for, and he does love to kiss.
Next is your legs. He gestures for your foot to rest against his chest as he cleans your legs and feet one at a time. You shift in the tub, biting your lip.
"Let me help you up."
That way, it's easier to get to the intimate parts of you that need extra attention. He cleans you long enough to be thorough and once more because of how much you like it. Then he rinses you, helping you from the tub to dry you off.
As you head to your bed, he drains the tub and meets you with a large bottle of Jergens to massage into your skin from head to toe. You rub on his arms in the meantime. You even get impatient enough to reach up and pull him down flat over top of you. He chuckles, rubbing his nose into your clean neck and sucking gently.
"Let me finish," he whispers, sitting up quickly.
He works efficiently, massaging every inch, but glossing over your mound and its little landing strip. You sigh loudly, and he smirks once more, entertained.
You need kisses. He delivers wet kisses to your full nudity, peppering around your areolas and down your stomach to your mound. You rub on his head and part your thighs as he gives kisses to your outer lips and inner thighs. You smell good, and when he strokes your opening with a finger, it's coated. He puts it in, and you accept it eagerly. He adds a second finger and works up to a third as you squeeze his fingers.
"You so wet and squeezing my fingers. You tryna cum so soon?"
You moan, grinding down on his fingers and pulsating. You're on that edge, used to him letting to cross it multiple times. This time, however, he pulls out, rubbing your juices on your outer lips. You groan in protest.
"Look at me," he instructs, waiting for your eye contact. "For four days, I won't be touching you."
Again, you gasp, unhappy with your punishment. You want your head, but you won't get it.
"No sex, no head, no hugging, no kisses. Starting now, we're no touch. You can't touch me at all or that's one more hour I'm adding for every touch."
"That's not fair, you know my love language is touch."
"I know... Mine is communication."
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When you wake up in the morning to head to your job, Bakari isn't there. His schedule is a little more hectic, which is why you typically treasure your time together. You reach out to him at the end of your work day, and he responds despite being busy. You tell him that you miss him.
When you see him again, it's the next day, but he's responded to every message no matter the hour. You'd say it's to prove a point if it weren't his typical behavior. Responsible Daddy Bakari. That's why you go so well together.
You send him nudes through the week. He's responsive to them, but when you're together, he still won't touch you. You tested his resolve by touching him, thinking if you could give him a hand or blow job, he might cave. You should've known better before you tried. He can be truly stubborn.
"Two hours added," he'd said. He meant it too.
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The punishment has to fit the crime. You made him worry. He couldn't reach you, and that made him consider the worse, but he can't do the same thing to you to get back. As your partner and dominant, his responsibility to you is to remain available and ready to come to you should you need him. What he can do is take away or delay your pleasure, and it's an effective technique. You don't miss a day of checking in. Every time he calls, you're picking up the first ring.
At the end of 4 days and 2 hours, he finds you in your separate bedroom asleep since it's the middle of the night. He slips into your bed and under your sheets to part your thighs and lick you awake, though you feign sleep. His long tongue alternates between flattened swipes and firm, pointed massages. His palms run over your stomach and thighs. He moves your hands from grabbing the sheets to grabbing his head to show you that the touch ban is lifted.
You cum in his mouth twice before he comes up for air.
"Baby? Now I'm serious. This was the punishment for 3 strikes," he warns. "You know I don't give 4. Next time you "forget" to contact me for days at a time or stop responding without a heads up, that's it, relationship over. That's not a dominance thing. It's out of respect."
"Okaaay," you sigh, annoyed, but he has to warn you that he means business. He's got enough stress, and you know this is something that bothers him.
"Goodnight." He kisses your temple, telling you to sleep as he pulls the covers back around you comfortably. "Tomorrow's a new day."
The End.
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens-blog @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @thadelightfulone @sultanabby @mysticalblackhottie @baekhyunbabybunni @fd-writes @richonne4life @tgigoldie @thehomierobbstark @capswife @blackpinup22 @harleycativy @lishabaybee @playgurlxoxo
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xsweetcatastrophe · 1 month
You Broke Me First
Part 17
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Zoe had a smile on her face from the second she got that text from Cillian, all throughout the hot shower she took, picking out clothes, getting dressed, picking up coffee and driving to work.
She picked out a white sleeveless bodysuit with structured shoulders, black pleated dress pants and some mules. She put on her gold bracelets that her grandmother passed down to her when she died (they were in her jewelry box collecting dust) and put on some gold necklaces and earrings. Instead of straightening her hair or putting it in a messy bun like usual, she decided to add some product to it and let it stay wavy, blow drying it upside down and scrunching it so it had volume. Zoe's hair was naturally very wavy and normally she hated it, but she decided to embrace it today.
I look like a lion, she thought to herself as she took one final look in the mirror.
Zoe arrived at work and walked in with her head held high. She walked down the long hallway towards her office, past the cubicles of junior writers that once stared her down. She felt confident, she felt happy, she felt wanted. Cillian had transformed her entire mood. If she knew one blackout night and a sloppy facetime call to him would change everything, she would of done this a long time ago.
She closed her office door, set her bag and coffee down, and sat at her desk. First things first - music. She opened her spotify and shuffled her "liked songs" playlist.
She took out her notebook and opened to the most recent page. She always made a "to do" list for the following day at the end of her day. Since she didn't get anything done on Monday, she wanted to speed through her to do list for Monday and play catch up for today:
schedule Emma Stone interview- get talking points and questions
try and get contact info for wardrobe assistant for Poor Things - check with Casey from accounting?? cousin was a PA on set or something??
follow up with editor for Cill article --- where is it haven't had any feedback in weeks?????
see if can get invite for new PR firm party next month - Jlo should be there with Ben
speaking of ben - see if i can get a contact for jennifer garner, want to do segment for her Pretend Cooking Show and possibly do ina Garten collab -- pitch to Donna first
Zoe didn't get a chance to get started on anything before there was a knock on the door.
"Come in-" Zoe started, but the person had walked in anyway. "Oh, hey Mia"
Mia was one of the junior writers at Zoe's job. She latched onto Zoe as a mentor and always asked her to proofread her articles and, in turn, became somewhat close to Zoe.
Mia closed the door and sat down in the chair across from Zoe.
"Something is going on and you're not telling me" Mia said.
"What do you mean?"
"You seem... happier... well no shit, you're dating a movie star, I bet you jetted off to San Tropez for the weekend and spent it on a yacht" Mia said.
"Mia, you couldn't be more wrong" Zoe said, laughing while reminiscing of her spilling out of the dive bar Sunday night. Not exactly San Tropez.
"Ugh, I hate you so much," Mia said, leaning back into the chair and looking up at the ceiling. "How does it feel to be the envy of every girl ever?"
"Oh, stop it" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
"Zo, you're dating Tommy Shelby. Girls have wet dreams about being with Tommy Shelby."
"I'm not dating Thomas Shelby" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
"He still has the haircut. So at least you can pretend" Mia pointed out.
"Do you need help with something?" Zoe said, half jokingly and half serious. She felt uncomfortable talking about her relationship with Cillian, mainly because she still didn't feel comfortable lying about it. She rather avoid the entire topic all together.
"Just tell me one thing, please" Mia said, leaning forward in her chair, elbows on her knees and lowering her voice, "Is the sex good at least? Tell me it's mind blowing"
Couldn't tell ya, Mia, Zoe thought.
"Its... it's indescribable" Zoe settled on. Not exactly a lie, right? You can't describe what you don't remember.
"Ugh, I bet!" Mia said, standing up. "I'll tell you one thing" She continued as she walked towards the office door, "If he ever comes to visit you and I'm alone with him the elevator, i can't make promises I won't keep my hands to myself" She said, sticking her tongue out.
"You're a creep, close my door" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
Before the door could click shut, it swung open again.
"Hi Honey!" Donna said dramatically, walking in.
"Hey Donna" Zoe smiled sweetly.
"Listen, sweetie, about your Cillian article," Donna paused, "I think it's best if we shelf it for the time being."
Zoe was heartbroken. "What???" why? it's with the editors, I was actually going to follow up so I can get it to publishing"
"Actually, I pulled it from the editors last week and it's been with me on my desk all this time" Donna said, looking out the windows behind Zoe's desk.
"What? why?" Zoe asked again.
"I just think... We, the partners feel that with your current 'relationship' status that an article written by you about him wouldn't exactly go over well" she stated.
"So it's a dead interview?" All that work for nothing. She's in a fake relationship because of this interview! well.... not fake feelings... I think.. Zoe thought, started to spiral.
"We are thinking about how to proceed, we might shelf it, or we might re-do the piece with Cynthia conducting the interview instead"
Zoe saw red. "Donna" She started
"Oh Zoe don't start. Enough with this rivalry. You need to bury this" Donna said, walking towards the door. "Again, no decision has been met yet, I just wanted to keep you posted. Lets do lunch later this week sweetie, i'll see you later" She said, leaving just as fast as she arrived.
Zoe sat there in silence, trying to figure out how she felt about those two interactions.
On one hand, she liked that she was the envy of the females, according to Mia. Even though it's technically a contract relationship, the feelings are real... right? right.
As for the piece... that flat out pissed her off. Cynthia and Zoe got hired at the same time, but where Zoe had to show a lengthy portfolio of articles she's done, Cynthia's father "donated" new Mac computers to the entire building. Her heart wasn't in the storytelling part of journalism, she wanted to be close to celebrities and be one. Granted, Zoe was the one who was now dating one..... but Zoe didn't intend for that to happen. Cynthia tries to date everyone she interviews - what if she makes a move on Cillian??? No, she wouldn't. She knew they were in a relationship... right?
Zoe threw her pen on her desk and leaned back in her chair. This day started off so promising, so positive and happy, and now she had a knot in her chest.
Just then, her phone went off, a text.
From Cillian.
Dinner tonight? your place? unless you're sick of me xx
Zoe smiled.
-My to do list got cut in half, i'm leaving here at 4. Gonna stop at the store first, meet at my place at 5? -sounds good love. xx
Okay, that's something to look forward to I guess. Zoe thought. She'll pick up a bottle of wine and relax with her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend.... her"boyfriend"? Her contractually obligated boyfriend?
Cillian. She'll relax with Cillian.
Zoe pulled up to her apartment to Cillian sitting on the front steps. She parked and hopped out of the car carrying the bottle of wine.
"Hey you" Cillian said, standing up and immediately pulling her into a kiss. "You look absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you" Zoe smiled. She looked behind him on the steps and noticed the pizza box. "Pizza night?" She asked.
"Yea, I didn't know what to get last minute, and didn't want to show up empty handed, and I figured it's a safe bet" He said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Of course pizza is a safe bet. Lets go upstairs" She said, silently thanking god that she straightened up her apartment before she left that morning.
They went up the stairs and entered the apartment, placing the pizza and wine on the counter.
Zoe turned around, half expecting Cillian to pounce on her. She knew there was sexual frustration since last night, and she wanted to continue what they started.
But, much to her dismay, Cillian began to get the wine glasses out of the cabinet and uncork wine, pouring Zoe a glass first. He carried the pizza box and his wine to the coffee table, placing them down and sitting on the couch in front of it. He opened the pizza box before yelling back to her "Hey, can you grab napkins for us?"
Hm. okay. a little bit too domesticated for me tonight, but okay, Zoe thought, grabbing some napkins. She kicked off her shoes and sat next to him on the couch, accepting a slice from him.
They made small talk about their day, and Zoe asked how the house hunting went. Cillian's mood suddenly changed.
"It's turning into a nightmare" He said, shaking his head.
Cillian sighed. "because now that she signed the papers, she wants this done, like yesterday. As if she wasn't the one who dragged this out for so long. She wants me out of the house in the next couple of days or else the buyer is gonna walk away. So I need to be out of the house by Thursday"
Zoe stopped chewing. "Cillian... its literally Tuesday"
"Yea, no shit" Cillian huffed. "I found a house, put in an offer, but no way it'll be ready by Thursday. It's fine. I have my assistant looking for an airb&b for me in the meantime, but I have to board Scout, which I don't like"
Zoe had an idea.
"Well... you can stay here" Zoe said.
Cillian looked at her. "I don't know, love, I don't want to be in your way-"
"This sounds like a conversation we had last yesterday, except roles were reversed" Zoe laughed. "But I'm serious. I'm assuming all of your furniture is going to storage, correct?"
Cillian nodded. "They started today actually"
"So pack a bag for a couple of days, bring Scout, and stay here. Stay for as long as you need. I know it's not much, we have ubers here, the streetlight outside flickers all night, the hot water takes a minute to get luke warm, if you want hot you gotta wait about 5 minutes, and the walls are a little thin, but it's not that bad. And you're more than welcome here" Zoe said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.
"Are you allowed to even have pets here?" Cillian said, standing up and following her.
"Yea it's fine, there are dogs here. And this way if the house falls through, you can look for another one and not have to worry about extending the airb&b or finding a new one"
Zoe was drying her hands on the dishtowel when she felt Cillian wrap his arms around her from behind, nuzzling into her neck. "But where would I sleep?" He teased.
Zoe smiled. "Scout and I already claimed the bed. You sir are getting the couch" She teased back.
"mhmmm, and I bet you'll be on the couch with me before you fall asleep" He said, starting to kiss your neck.
Zoe rolled her head to the side, making it easier for him to kiss her neck. He squeezed her tighter in his arms, making Zoe sigh and relax into him. He suddenly stopped and spun her around; she was now facing him, nose to nose, still trapped in his arms.
"Ok," He whispered. "But you gotta let me help out"
"Help with what?" Zoe laughed. "It's not hard to manage a 900 square foot apartment, I assure you"
"I could be a pain, you could end up hating me by the time this is done" He said softly, hands traveling from her back to her hips, right where the hem of her jeans sat.
"I could handle you" Zoe responded, which prompted Cillian to raise an eyebrow and smirk.
"Alright love," He said, fingertips gently dipping into her jeans, rubbing the soft flesh of her stomach.
"You wanna play house? Lets play house."
tags: @lau219 @shopgirl6us
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drafgost · 5 days
Man I’m so pissed that this is gonna be my first post but I have GOT to break my silence for Grippy. I need to know why these cheeks hit the fucking airwaves. She a ten piece like a mcnugget. What else can I really say? We’re talking about Grippy by Cash Cobain & J. Cole.
I’m not usually going to dive into the lyrics this much, but something about this song broke me. Every bar is straight ass and I’m compelled to talk about it. Grippy. I’m also going to be much more organized than this, but I’ve lost my. Fucking. Grippy. On what semblance of sanity I retain.
The song starts immediately with a dull ass beat and J. Cole briefly describing the progression of a relationship between him and a girl.
“She like my kick game
And when you know me, you don’t kick game
I put her front row at the Knick game
Now she in my phone with a nickname”
Unfortunately for us all, after a line where it seems like he’s actively trying to come up with said nickname because he’s just saying “it’s, it’s, ummm”, he tells us that she’s down in his phone as Grippy. Why? Don’t worry, he guides us through his thought process, just in case we were lost.
“Grippy, I call her that ‘cause it’s grippy”
What else, Jermaine?
“She thick in the hips, she a hippie
And she thick in the lips, she gon’ lick me”
“When she see me, she say she gon’ strip me
She gon’ chew on this stick like it’s Wrigley’s”
I don’t want to know that, Jermaine.
I don’t know why he thought this next bar would be a reasonable thing to say, but he also just said he wanted Grippy to gnaw on his wood like a beaver so I think dude was just operating on some real hell dimension vibes.
“She said she was gay until I slayed
Now she strictly dickly”
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There’s no bars of noteworthy ass past this point from J. Grippy pages him and he hits 150 to get there, running Hollywood Cole a $100 base fine for speeding if the Grippyverse takes place in Cali. He has a Grippepiphany. We learn that Grippy is wet. Cole introduces Sabrina and Tiffany and they only pass one third of the Bechdel test. After he states that he “tryna see how that glove gon’ fit” (this is what OJ died for) and that he “wanna feel like [he] touchin’ [Grippy’s] kidneys”, he offers to take her kids to Disney.
That was utterly terrible, but we’re not done. You fucking buffoons have sorely neglected the real villain of this track: Cash Cobain.
“I wanna kill it like rest in peace
Eat on that pussy like it was a recipe”
So far, not worse than Grippy. A real Trojan Horse of pussy verses. How bad could it get?
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We have a brief respite while Cash fucking rambles while saying random women’s names, but then he throws us one of his best bars on the song:
“You piss my bitches off like a potty”
More woman rambling. He wants to make Jess a mess, he has something he must confess, he wants to see her undress and is about to send her his address. He wants to fuck Millie ‘til she’s dizzy, and wants her to “suck it sloppy, make it spitty”. Finally, while still addressing poor Spitty Millie, he delivers his magnum opus:
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That’s all lots of unpack, and we can truly only scratch the surface. The Grippyverse is immense, and I was certainly overwhelmed by Marvel-level character buildup clogging the narrative artery. Grippy, Sabrina, Tiffany, Destiny (rest in peace), Pregnancy Scare Shanti, Zari, Mia, Jada, Mash Potatoes Kayla, Good Vagina China, Shy Niyah, Toni Macaroni, Polisher Lexi and a possible second Destiny, Marni and her immense conflict, Jess the Mess, and Spitty Millie are all introduced in the freakiest fucking four minute role call I’ve heard to date. How do they relate to each other, if at all? We know the first three are friends, as Cole state’s he thought the whole clique was bad but liked Grippy the best. Are the two Destiny’s aware of each other? Did Polisher Destiny murk Destiny Rest In Peace to take her place? Why doesn’t Cash want to talk to Marni? What did she do to piss off bitches like a potty? Why is the beat so fucking boring?
I haven’t touched on how the song sounds. It sounds the same. The whole song sounds like a trickle of consistent noise. The beat is boring as shit and remains boring as shit the whole run. I listened to the song a few times to really get a feel and kept forgetting it was on once I began to ignore the lyrics.
The one ounce of joy I derived from this song were the initial Genius annotations that were later replaced by people just desperately trying to make sense of this pile of wet sawdust by explaining the potty bar, and what a pager was. “UNC FREAKY” was a much better thing to read than exposition on why Jermaine Lamarr Cole immortalized some poor woman as Grippy, which was readily evident within context.
My Final Rating of Grippy
Lyrics: 2/10
One point awarded for the potty bar. I won’t explain myself. Another point awarded out of respect for Destiny Rest In Peace (peace be upon her, Amen)
Vocals: 5/10
Literally just so average. Nothing special and nothing terrible, and just not worth giving anything other than an average score.
Sound: 5/10
Once again just so infuriatingly bland. Absolutely nothing special about it whatsoever, for better or worse.
Overall Score
Averaging my numbers equals out to
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But I will not tarnish my good name by rating this hot bowl of mac n cheeks so high, so it gets a
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scorbleeo · 3 months
Book Chat: God of Ruin
Legacy of Gods (Book 4) by Rina Kent
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Source: Google Images
I’m out for revenge. After careful planning, I gave the man who messed with my family a taste of his own medicine. I thought it’d end there. It didn’t. Landon King is a genius artist, a posh rich boy, and my worst nightmare. He’s decided that I’m the new addition to his chess game. Too bad for him, I’m no pawn. If he hits, I hit back, twice as hard and with the same hostility. He says he’ll ruin me. Little does he know that ruination goes both ways.
Source: Goodreads (2023)
I'm Embarrassed
I really did not do God of Ruin justice. My only goal to reading this book was finishing it so I could get into the next book immediately. That being said, I entered the Rina Kent universe only for Brandon and Nikolai, so by default, only for God of Fury. Knowing that is the next book in the reading order, I was breezing through God of Ruin like it was unimportant. When I say I sped-read through this book, I truly meant it, I probably missed a ton of sentences and with that, some minute details.
Now, going on to the review, this is the first book in the Legacy of Gods series where I felt the first half was bad and it got better afterwards. Let me put it this way, I was bored through the first half which made speeding through it a lot easier than usual. Unlike many, I never hated Landon before God of Ruin but because of that, he was nothing fascinating here. He even annoyed me several times initially.
Thus, when his eventual and gradual character arc redemption arrived, I wasn't wow-ed by it. Just felt like it was something Kent had to write because all her characters must not be horrible at the end of the day, right? I know I sound bitter here but that's because God of Ruin really was very average.
The character arc redemption was one thing. But the trauma plot? So weak. Mia's entire character ever since she was 8 was due to the trauma she suffered but the resolution was not even half-assed, it was less than that. Why give Mia such a character, have plenty of pages to foreshadow and yet the final countdown was so pathetic? Personally, I think the biggest problem with the trauma plot was that Kent did not know when or how to foreshadow it through the book. This would have been such a kickass final countdown scene yet ultimately, it fell flat, so very flat.
One last thing, I am aware Kent might be having fatigue from writing stories in this universe now, which I completely get. Because not only do we have the same kind of characters in the same series (Killian, Creighton, Landon and since she's been hinting at it, Eli), her writing for God of Ruin was sloppy. I will just use one example: In Chapter 33, due to Mia's friendship with Jeremy, Landon said he will bump Jeremy up to the top of his shit list. You know who else who happened to be very different from Landon said a similar sentence? Nikolai, to Mia, about Brandon, earlier in this book.
I do want to justify Kent's sloppy writing to her fatigue for this world, and I will. Unfortunately, Kent's lines around all her characters are becoming muddled. Not only are so many of her characters similar, she's using very specific sayings for characters that should not have had those same kinds of sayings. This is not the first time I caught it but this series had multiple of this instances, I have had enough and need to point it out.
Despite this entire post being filled with complains, I like God of Ruin. I just think Kent should not have written them all one after another. Someone, or many, should have told her to take a break, write something else in between and clear her mind of this world for a while. Because back in her first series, all the guys and the ladies had such distinctive personalities yet in this series...
Rating: ★★★☆☆
More on the Legacy of Gods series here: God of Malice (#1) | God of Pain (#2) | God of Wrath (#3)
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makarovni · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
I'm rewatching the Sopranos soooo you get a Christopher/Tiara thing I jumped back into. Mwah. Tagged by @corvosattano thank you il mio amico 💖
"So, Tiara," Carmela said, snapping Tiara out of her lovestruck trance, "have you and Chris thought about any honeymoon locations?"
Tia shrugged, internally laughing that Christopher wasn't part of this exchange, despite being nearly attached to her. "I dunno. We're still thinking about the wedding, for God's sake. Do we want something big and special, or something only the Family will know about? Fuck if I know."
"Well, Chrissy?" Carmela asked, intense blue eyes focused on him. 
Christopher shrugged, taking a sip of his soda. "Still not sure. Why can't it be a combination of both, eh? You can make it as big and beautiful as you want, Tia, but maybe just have it in Ton' and Carm's backyard."
Tiara raised her eyebrow. "I thought you wanted a cathedral wedding."
Taking a bite of the meat in his pasta, Chris shook his head. "I thought about it," he said around the food in his mouth, "but I don't want the church catchin' on fire when I step in, ya know?"
 He punctuated the sentence with a smile, and Tiara giggled, as he knew she would at such a joke. Carmela wasn't as amused, instead glaring at her cousin. 
"That's not very funny, Christopher," Carmela said flatly. But her tone changed as she spoke the next sentence, "you guys are welcome to have it at our place, though. Of course you are."
"We'll figure it out," Christopher said, giving Tiara a sloppy kiss on the cheek, leaving behind a lip print of sauce, "right, dolcezza mia?"
At first, Tiara was flustered by this, feeling her cheeks turn rosy and warm when Christopher called her an Italian pet name. It was something he only did when he was in a good mood, and it always lifted her spirits. A small, embarrassed smile formed on her lips, her heart beating faster than usual, but when her eyes flicked over to the next group of men being sat down at a nearby table, it all went away.
Her fluttering heart nearly stopped, her heart-shaped lips dropping from a smile into a line, eyes wide but not in sparkling admiration for Christopher, face a ghostly white. She was silent, hands gripping the tablecloth with force, her heartbeat defibrillating and once again racing so hard that she could hear her pulse. 
"Tiara?" Carmela asked, tilting her head and knitting her brows in concern. "Tiara, are you okay?"
This put Christopher's attention on her. "Hey, Tia, what's the matter with you?"
The chest pain was getting to be too much, a combination of struggling to breathe, tachycardia, and the acid rising in her esophagus. It hurt so bad, Tiara wanted to rip her dress open. 
"Chrissy, I have to leave," she said shakily, beginning to stand up.
"Whoa, whoa, what's wrong?" He asked again, taking her side under his hand. "Come on, talk to me."
"I need to go," Tiara repeated, nearly stumbling out of her chair, but not taking her eyes off the three men being seated at that table. She began to back away slowly, then turned on her heel and ran, something very unlike Tiara.
Christopher stood up quickly and headed after her. "Tia! Where are you goin'?!"
She'd already ran out the front door, making it down the sidewalk only a few feet before she tripped on her own shoe and fell to the ground, skinning her knees and palms of her hands as she landed on them. 
When Christopher got to her, she was sobbing. It was a cry unlike any other he'd heard from her, almost a scream. Her breathing was heavy, so much so that she arched her back with each shaky inhale. Tears were pouring from her eyes, pulling down streaks of dark eyeliner and mascara with them, the taste of their salt filling her mouth when they'd dripped into it. 
"Tiara, what the fuck?" Christopher asked, kneeling down to her level. "Tell me what's goin' on! You're a fuckin' mess, come here." He wrapped his arms around her to try to help her up, but instead she gripped them closer to her, pulling her body into his chest and sobbing even harder into his shirt. 
Christopher had been through Tiara's breakdowns before, but none had been as bad as this. She was basically screaming into him, hands gripping the fabric of his jacket so tight that it might rip. All he could do was hold her, his arms tight around her torso and hands gently rubbing her back, nose buried in her hair and lips leaving tiny kisses of reassurance on her head. 
They sat like that for a few minutes, Christopher in silence, Tiara only able to let out agonizing sobs, before she looked up at him. Christopher felt his heart break when he saw the expression on her face, one of hopelessness and pain that he'd never seen on her before. 
"Chrissy...please take me back home," she said softly, shakily, like she was pleading for her life. "Please."
"Okay, okay baby," he replied in an equally hushed tone, helping her up. "Come on, let's go to the car. I'll take you home. It'll be okay."
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trustherkindheart · 2 years
I think we’re blowing the Rapinoe thing a little out of proportion. Let’s think about this for a second. Vlatko and Pinoe herself have said she isn’t a full time national team player anymore and that she is more on this team for leadership than anything else.
Mallory leaves for an unknown reason (I hope everything is good 🤞) and Vlatko is faced with an option to either call someone in OR he can just play Megan (who has been playing BRILLIANTLY for OL Reign this season) and sub her out when it’s needed.
He took a gamble with Pinoe and it turns out her club play didn’t translate to the national level. I don’t think he chose her to be malicious towards Midge or Mia, I simply think he chose Megan because A. She was ALREADY IN EUROPE and B. has been playing so well for club. And unfortunately the gamble didn’t pay off.
I love Pinoe. I think she is great for this team. She has done great in her role as a late sub. I mean, I still dream about that assist to Rose 75 seconds after she entered the match. She’s just not a 70-75 minutes level player for the national team anymore. And that’s okay.
Like I said, we've known this whole year that Rapinoe is at best a 20-25min player and with the current rate of injuries/absences we really can't afford to go into a major world tournament with anyone who doesn't have the potential to be a successful starter if push comes to shove.
And let's be honest, she hasn't been performing that well at national level for a while. She's had some GREAT play, don't get me wrong. That goal with Rose was chef's kiss (especially following it up with another Pinoe > Rose goal with Reign the same week). And I'm still living off that one she served to Kornieck's head during CONCACAF. But at the same time, she's been making these little mistakes and sloppy giveaways that were on full display against England and Spain. She lacks the consistency that this NT requires from her and has for a while.
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
💋 One of the Sealponte sisters catches the other about to kiss her mirror!
Mia liked Thursdays. On Thursdays, Savvy met up with the art club. And Sia had her weekly third-year meeting to help place them for internships and such for next year. So that meant that Mia had no one else hanging around their shared dorm room.
She could do whatever she wanted to do! She could try on all of her outfits and some of her sister's and put on a personal fashion show! She could use her bed as a stage and sing along with her radio and pretend to be a superstar! She could try to get ahead on her dreaded linguistics homework.... or not. But mostly, she could just lie back on her bed and dream about the one thing this school had more of than anything else: boys.
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(Thanks, Idia.)
Now, Mia didn't have any specific crush in mind. Aside from her Absolute Hero Worship of their housewarden, she was more enamored with the idea of being with a cute boyfriend than any one boy in particular. But there was something, she felt, that was keeping her from landing the cutiepie of her dreams.
Mia. Did not. Know how. To kiss.
She knew in theory. Pucker up and press lightly; it couldn't be that hard. And she had kissed, like, family members. On the cheek, and stuff. Mia sighed and rolled onto her side. This was SO not cute. She couldn't be the dateless wonder forever. She was gonna have to figure out how to kiss someone, so she could get herself a sweetie.
But she wasn't sure exactly how. She wasn't about to practice with her sister, that was just ridicu-nasty. Ugh. And she didn't want to admit her lack of knowledge to Savvy, since she was already working on her fast track to landing a prince charming and getting married right away. And Mia was impressed by her hustle, but... that wasn't the life for her. She just wanted to kiss a boy and have some fun!
But she couldn't exactly ask any of the guys she knew to help practice. Epel would laugh right in her face; Rook would decline like a real gentleman, because he's too much of a romantic to waste kisses on practicing. And her face went completely hot thinking about asking Vil, like, at ALL about it. He was just TOO dreamy. She shook her head. No. It'd have to be a perfect kiss if it was for Vil. He deserved that much. No sloppy practice kissies for that man.
Then what was she supposed to do?
Her eyes drifted over to the little vanity table by her desk. Cute fruit-flavored lip balms littered the surface, along with... oho, what's this? A hand mirror, about the same size as her face. Hm....
Well, she was alone. Nothing to lose, right? She picked the mirror up, and surveyed her reflection. She was no cute boy, but she wasn't unhappy with what she saw. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and lifted the mirror to her face.
"Oh. My. Queen. What are you even doing, Mia??" Sia's voice rang out from the doorway.
Mia yelped and jumped, dropping the mirror, which bounced gently on top of the bed. "Hi Sissy," she said guiltily. "You're back early."
"And you're making out with your reflection. Self-love isn't THAT."
"I was not!! I was just... practicing kissing." Mia hung her head.
Sia put down her bag, and sighed. "My baby sister is growing up. I understand, Mia, but listen to me. Don't worry about that sort of thing." Her lips pressed together into a thin line. "Remember what grandmother said."
"Your education lasts for all of your life, so it's more important than bein' a wife." Mia flopped back down onto the bed. "Yeah, I remember... but I still wanna get good at kissing. So when I'm done, I'll be the total package."
Sia crossed her arms. "Where do you even get this from?! Argh. Anyway, did you finish that linguistics homework? I can help you if you need to...."
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simthorium · 8 months
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It had been a couple days since the courthouse blowout incident, so Jordyn was pretty stunned when she opened her door to see Wyatt standing there. “What do you want?” she asked, arms crossed. “I’m here to apologize,” said Wyatt. “Well, apology not accepted. You can go now.” “Jordyn, please hear me out,” he said.
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“Why should I?” Jordyn asked, voice rising. “I don’t owe you a damn thing. And you’re crazy if you think you can just walk in here after humiliating me in public like that! You almost cost me my job!” “I know, and I’m--” “Let me guess, you’re sorry?” Jordyn interrupted. “I am.” 
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“I already said apology not accepted, so I fail to see what else there is to talk about,” Jordyn continued. “If you think I’ll come crawling back to you after your job tried to take down my family’s company, then you’re--” “They dropped the case,” Wyatt said. Jordyn blinked, a little stunned. “I--they did what?” "The firm dropped the case,” he repeated. “After an internal investigation, it was clear that the suit was frivolous and unnecessary. Not to mention unwinnable. So. It’s over.”
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Jordyn opened her mouth to respond, but she wasn’t sure what to say. She placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “That doesn’t absolve what you did,” she said.  “I know,” said Wyatt. “I’m sorry for hurting you. I should’ve been more careful and done my due diligence. As a lawyer, that’s kind of my job. But, I got sloppy and you got hurt. And I’m sorry, Jordyn, I truly am.” Jordyn felt herself softening. She wanted to be mad at Wyatt, but it was getting harder. “Thank you,” she said softly.
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“And I wanted you to know that I brokered a deal with my firm and ZHI to have more legal counsel and representation, so something like this doesn’t happen again,” Wyatt said. “It’s why I’ve been MIA the past few days.” Jordyn wasn’t sure what to say. Wyatt seemed so remorseful, and clearly had done his best to make up for what happened. “You did all that for me?” Jordyn asked. “I did it because it’s the right thing to do,” said Wyatt. “ZHI is doing really important work, so it’s crucial to have a strong plan in place so people don’t take advantage.” Jordyn nodded, her anger quickly subsiding. “And, because I didn’t want to lose you,” Wyatt added.
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Jordyn let out a deep breath; that was just what she needed to hear. “You didn’t want to lose me?” she repeated. “I know I hurt you, and it kills me,” Wyatt said. “I’m falling for you, Jordyn. I really am. I like you a lot, and I’d never do anything intentionally to cause you pain. So, I knew I had to make this right before I came here, asking for another chance.” Jordyn bit her lip. He really was saying all the right things, and it was now fruitless to still be upset. Wyatt wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, and Jordyn let him. He placed a finger gingerly under her chin and leaned in, planting a soft, sweet kiss on her lips. Jordyn felt her pulse flutter and just like that, the butterflies she always felt around Wyatt reappeared.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
I personally feel like, even with the upgrades, that maid still doesn’t stand a chance against the wrath of a protective feral Texan. Upset Mia, Rage mia, and playful ‘holy shit she got zoomies’ Mia are at like different strength levels. (Since the angrier you are the stronger you get bc adrenaline)
Like of course Miranda did her mods with Mia’s strength in mind but if she makes her too OP at the moment, there won’t be another chance to test out her strength. Knowing how Miranda is, I think she’d be petty enough to first change her looks and not really upgrade her physical abilities. It gives the Maid a confidence/ego boost but really, she’s still the same basic bitch no one likes.
Miranda would let her antagonize them again. Mia would wreck her shit.
The maid would get another small upgrade thinking Miranda is trying to help her be at the same level as the others, when really she just changed her eye color or something and was like ‘have fun, don’t die too quickly’.
The cycle repeats.
The maid doesn’t know that she’s just a test to see the physical/mental restraint of the girls, Mia’s god like strength, and Alcina’s control on them.
Thinking about it, I feel like Mia might have a small sadist side to her that’s controlled by the mold. It could make her normal anger into something dangerous and uncontrollable. Mia would of course know this, so to counter it, she could be in her mental happy place while still in attack mode.
I started laughing because I just imagine someone beating getting their ass beat by Mia and wondering why they can’t get the upper hand only to find out later that she had my little pony level energy and she was completely dissociated, which is why no one could pull her off said maid.
Long story short.
Miranda: still a bitch
The maid: a basic bitch
Mia: the ONLY line of defense against this bitch
I’m theorizing now and having way too much fun doing it XD
Here me out, though. Miranda gives the Maid improvements to her stength and durability little by little each time because she wants to know at what point does Mia's blind rage becomes a disadvantage.
Because there's angry rage filled "I'm gonna kick your ass" Mia, but then there's "I am going to fucking kill you" Mold Mia, who, while strong and dangerous, is increadibly sloppy, sparatic, and therefor easier to trip up, get the upper hand on, and subdue.
Mia has potential to lose herself to the Mold everytime she goes into a rage. To make it worse, the Mold gets more aggressive everytime Mia goes to beat up this Maid because it recognizes her as something that needs to be killed (in the most primal sense possible) Especially when it starts getting harder to fight with her and Mia needs that extra aggression, which just makes it more aggressive. And it's a vicious cycle of feeding.
Mia can't keep getting into rage-fuled fights with this bitch, because she will lose herself, and if she does there's a chance she won't be able to pull herself back.
And to some extent Miranda knows that. But she wants to know where that breaking point is. When does Mia stop being Mia and just start working of the primal instict of emotion? When does she get sloppy? Would she turn on the people around her? The Maid is just the bait.
And miss Maid is a pretty fucking loyal rat. Probably one the most cooperative Miranda's had.
ALSO, consider; the more aggressive the Mold in her body gets, the more aggressive Mia gets just... in general. Little things start making her upset/frustrated more than usual and she just starts to kind of always seem annoyed.
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Better To Be Friends Than Competition (Lindsey x Reader)
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Author’s Note: This Technically wasn’t requested, but @literaryhedgehog and i had a blast writing this. It’s the Harry Potter AU. Basically, reader is a muggleborn who really wants to be a chaser, but maybe there’s a better position for her on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. This is the beginning of what will be a multi-part series following the building romance between two amazing characters and how our golden octet help them out along the way. 
“Alright, you’ve all been told the rules and had the chance to warm up. So let’s start by dividing into groups. Anyone who wants to be a seeker follow Mia there to the far side of the field. Beaters to the left with Foudy. Keepers to the goalposts with Hope. And chasers with me up top,” Brandi said with a wave of her hand, kicking off of the ground and heading towards where her group was going to meet. 
You snuck a glance to either side of you as you also kick off and head to your position, trying to guess who out of the eight students around you is going to be your biggest competition. Surely you thought more people would have wanted a chance at a spot on one of the best teams at Hogwarts. Tryouts had been packed for the last two years. 
You wondered which drill Brandi was going to start with as you approached the group (said woman was idily tossing a quaffle lightly in her hands as she talked to another one of your competition). For the last 2 years it was always a set of passing drills, where would-be chasers played a very complicated game of catch up and down the pitch. 
Maybe those tryouts were supposed to be private, but how else could you prepare for them if you didn’t know what to expect? 
Quidditch was honestly a really weird sport. Well, American football made less sense, but you hadn’t exactly studied the rules as extensively as you had Quidditch. Like, the game literally would not end until someone caught the snitch. According to Quidditch through the Ages a game had literally lasted for months. You remembered watching a tennis game that lasted for four days before, but generally the muggle sports you grew up with were more consistent in how long each game took.  
“Oh yeah”, you thought, watching the beaters line up across the pitch, “and there is also a ball charmed to try and knock people off their broom. That’s not normal.” Though it was something your dad found hilarious. 
Sports were always something the two of you could talk about, even before you found out you had magic. He loved the fact that you loved football as much as he did, and was thrilled by the fact that you had enough talent to play it in your primary school. 
Though with your hand eye coordination you had done better with cricket, and baseball the few times you had a chance to play it in gym. So when you had joined the wizarding world you naturally had gotten into quidditch. Learned everything you could about the game so you could give him detailed play by plays about the games when you sent owls home. 
At this point you were dying to play. You were too short to be a beater or a keeper, but you knew you could be a chaser. You could catch like nobody’s business, and you had at least half of the tactics in The Beginner's Quidditch Playbook memorized. You were going to be the best damn chaser Hogwarts had ever seen. 
“Hey space captain, you ready for this?” 
“What?” You froze, heat flooding your cheeks at being caught not paying attention. You slowly turned to face the new presence. 
You knew the girl. Well. You knew of the girl (it was impossible not to know about the very pretty blond girl). She was in your house and year (and therefore in your dorm as well as all your classes) but the two of you had never really interacted before. She seemed to already know everyone and everything when she got to Hogwarts, so it didn’t really seem like she was looking for friends, and it was hard enough trying to figure out your new life without having people look at you strangely when you didn’t know a word they used. Not that Lindsey, you thought that’s her name anyway, had done that, but other purebloods did. It was easier figuring things out on your own to start, and by the time you did, you and Lindsey had already established yourselves in different friend groups. Was her name Lindsey? A Slytherin in your year was always calling her strange nicknames, so it was hard to tell. 
“The drill. Are you ready for the drill space captain?” The girl asked again. 
“Yeah, but I’m not a captain. I’m a second year, like you,” You said softly, your eyebrows furrowing. Maybe that was a wizard saying, but you had no idea what she was talking about. Your heart also dropped just a touch because if she thought you were a captain then she had absolutely no idea who you were. 
She shook her head with a giggle (showing off her dimples). “My dad says that’s what muggles call a person with their head in the clouds,” 
You cocked your head to the side, your brain running a million miles an hour to try and figure out what she meant. But then it clicked. “Oh you mean space cadet,” 
“I guess,” She shrugged, seemingly unbothered about the correct verbiage. 
The whistle blowing brought both of your attention back towards Brandi and the first set of would-be chasers beginning the crossing drill. You coughed to hide a scoff when Lynn Williams raced at breakneck speed up the pitch, and released the quaffle at least 30 feet off where the chasing captain had instructed. 
You shook your head at the play. It was too sloppy, too open and it would never connect well with JJ and Alex up top. 
“Not impressed by what you see?” Lindsey asked, her eyebrow quirking up (trying very hard to pretend she wasn’t interested in your answer. You were her competition after all). 
“Not after Alex basically destroyed the same course last year. She’s got an 85% accuracy rating on goal and nearly 60% of her shots come off of left crosses. Williams isn’t getting high enough on the pitch to provide an adequate pass,”  You mumbled out quickly, wincing when Lynn made the same mistake on the way back, nearly sending her partner (a girl in the year below you named Mal) into the stands to catch it (though you were slightly impressed that Mal managed to grab it before it landed in the seats). 
“Yeah, I see what you mean. Her throws tend to either go too short or too long. Even if it doesn’t go directly to her partner it at least needs to be consistent so during a game the person she’s throwing it to knows where to intercept it before the other team does,” Lindsey said, taking a hand off her broom to shield her eyes.
“She’s fast but it won’t help if she forces the other chaser off her line to provide service to Alex in front of the posts,” You huffed. Having her on that side would be a positioning nightmare. It left the team open and vulnerable to so many different attacking options. 
“I am not entirely sure what that means,” Lindsey said, smirking as she looked sideways at you, “but it sounds like you don’t think she’s competition, which is good news for us!’
You opened your mouth to respond, only to be cut off by Brandi’s whistle. “Alright next pair up,” 
You gulped and tightened your fingers on your broom “Guess it’s showtime,” You muttered, surging forward to the starting line. 
“Good luck space captain, you’re gonna need it,” Lindsey called back towards you with a wink, taking the ball from Brandi. 
You shook your head. You wouldn’t need luck. A fucking golden retriever could beat out the performance you had just whitnessed. As long as you didn’t fall off your brooms, you both would be fine. 
You raced towards the hoops, reaching your arm out to pluck the perfectly timed ball out of its arc towards the ground. Okay, Lindsey was good. Really good. She HAD to have known how bad Lynn’s throws were, because hers were positively perfect. Your throws were good, but Lindsey had this way of arching the ball up through the air if a perfect loop so it practically fell into your hands. There was no way she didn’t practice over the summer. 
You neared the posts, starting to make your u-turn to pass the ball back when a flash of gold caught your eyes. Before you really thought it through, the hand anchoring you to your broom had already lifted to snatch it out of the air on instinct. You had played cricket for most of your life- it was instinct to reach out and grab a ball that looked like it was about to fly into your face. 
The next few seconds happened almost in slow motion. As your fingers closed around the cool metal, you realized just how far to your side you had to lean to reach the object, and how far off balance it had put you. Your legs crossed tightly as you flipped completely upside down on your broom, entirely unwilling to let go of the object you had just caught or the large quaffle still tucked tightly under your arm. Before you really knew what was happening, you were staring straight at the ground, your legs the only thing keeping you in the air. 
“Holy shit, holy shit. Um, hey Lindsey?” You called, eyes on the ground below you. 
“What?” You heard her call. You idly wondered why one of the captains hadn’t put a stop to this yet and put you out of your misery. 
“Catch?” You threw the quaffle, well tossed it really, up into the air towards where you thought the other girl was. You knew it was going to be short, but also knew that she was going to catch it anyway. She really was that good. With your now free hand you reached up and grabbed the handle of your broom so you could pull yourself to it and rotate back to an upright position. 
Only then did you look down at the tiny ball fluttering in your hand. The tiny, almost leathery, wings flapped like it was waving hello. You stared at it in awe, your lips ticking up. You had just caught the golden snitch. You never thought you would get to touch the snitch, much less catch it. 
“Hey you” a voice called from the pitch behind you. You turned to look as Mia flew from where the seeker candidates were staring hopelessly at the sky around them to land on the pitch. “Get down here. Yeah, you on the drills.” She motioned down to the pitch, indicating where you should land, then turned her head to call over her shoulder, “Brandi I’m taking number 2.” 
You quickly flew towards where she had pointed, shakily dismounting from your broom. You weren’t sure if it was fear, adrenaline or nerves, but your legs felt like jelly. You clutched the little ball in your hand so tightly that you were sure there was going to be an imprint in your palm later. 
“What in Merlin’s name are you doing in the chaser section?” Mia said, tucking her broom under her arm and throwing her hand up towards the group of would be chasers throwing a ball around at varying distances. (You tried not to wince when Lynn nearly pegged Mal in the face again). 
“Um, trying to be a chaser? I was always a good forward so I thought it might fit?” You mumbled with a shrug, scratching the back of your neck with your free hand. a light shade of pink covered your cheeks. It was a little embarrassing how clueless you were with the magical world sometimes, and how even after being here for two full years, you still felt completely out of your depth. 
“That’d be like using a cauldron as a teacup because they’re both the same shape. It’d work but what a waste!” 
“I…- I have no idea what that means. I know I caught the wrong thing, and I’m sorry. I’ll leave now if that’s what you want,” You stuttered out, suddenly finding the way your shoe poked the pitch underneath you interesting. 
“No, kid you misunderstand me. Look, you, what’s your name again?” Mia stepped closer, tilting her head as she looked at you. 
“Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n,” 
“Right, Y/n, you could play chaser. You’d even be a decent one with a bit of work. But that’d be a damn waste of talent. You’re a natural seeker. I’m not upset with you for catching the wrong ball, I’m upset you weren’t over in my section trying to catch the snitch in the first place. Look at that lot over there, they still think it’s somewhere over the stands.” Mia stepped next to you and turned, gestured to the group of seeker hopefuls flying in circles near the Ravenclaw seats. 
“Oh,” You breathed out, following her hand to look at the large group. They were squinting towards the stands and swooping low at whatever they thought they had spotted, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the snitch had been caught on the other side of the pitch and that Mia wasn’t even paying attention to them anymore. 
“I’ve had a lot of practice spotting this ball,” Mia said, tapping the snitch trapped in your hand. “I was able to see it within about a minute of it being released, and have been watching it since. None of them saw it when it was on their side of the field, but you saw it instantly- even when you were focused on something else. That is a talent Y/n. Why didn’t you try out for seeker in the first place?”
“I didn’t know how to practice for it, and that-. It wasn’t like any of the other positions I have ever played,” You muttered, trying to cover your insecurity with a nonchalant shrug. It seemed like the position that required the most innate ability, and as a muggleborn you didn’t think you had any. 
Mia nodded slowly looking at you. “Right,” she said, turning and mounting her broom, “I wanna run you through some drills. Come on.”
You blinked at the woman as she hovered in front of you. Your eyes darting between Mia and the object still clutched tightly in your hand. Where were you supposed to put it? Were you supposed to let it go? 
You brought your palm up so it was level with your eyes and opened your hand, half expecting the snitch to fly away. It didn’t. It’s wings slowly unfurled and it waved docilely at you. Like an old friend. 
“What’re you waiting for?” Mia called down at you.
“It won’t fly away!” You called back, looking up at the woman, who rolled her eyes indulgently. 
“Of course not, it’s yours. You caught it, and you can watch it like some love-struck puppy later- stash it in your pocket and come on!”
You were having a fucking blast, even though you had no idea what you were in for when you joined the seeker group. Every year when you watched tryouts, you never payed attention to what they had to do, as you never thought you would have to do it. Even without the advantage, you were killing it. 
You had been separated into pairs, just like the chasers were, but Mia had enchanted clear balls (the size of tennis balls) to randomly fly through the air. The balls were given a 5 second head start before you and your partner were allowed to race to catch it. Now this was familiar, the jostling of arms while racing after a ball and trying to prevent someone else from getting to it before you. Only once out of five rounds did your opponent get to the ball before you, but really, that elbow to your ribs was a red card if you’d ever seen one. 
Then everyone took turns hovering in the air as Mia took ten of the enchanted balls and flicked them up haphazardly one by one every five seconds. The goal was to catch as many of them as you could before they hit the ground, even as they were sent up in different directions and some much higher in the air than others. You didn’t get all of them, but the seven you saved still seemed to impress the other seeker candidates who didn’t scowl. The second highest number saved was six, but that girl still congratulated you as you got off your broom, since “those last few of them went way further out than they did for me- and you were an inch away from that eighth one!” 
You nodded, smiling at her, though you were probably more embarrassed than she realized about that eighth one. That one had been sent towards the far side of the field, where you looked up to meet Lindsey’s eyes. You had been placed perfectly to catch the ball as it started falling from it’s apex, but in the moment your hand faltered, and it brushed by your hand instead. You cursed and considered going after it, but then you flew back to where Mia had already released one of the last two on the other side of the field. 
“Alright, for our last drill, we’re going to try to catch a real snitch again,” Mia said, pulling another golden ball out from inside her robes and holding it between her thumb and pointer finger. Its wings sprung out and flapped wildly, unlike the slow waving of the one in your pocket. 
Everything in you wanted to catch the little golden ball. To tame it like you had the other one. For it to sit calmly in your hand and wave hello like an old friend. 
“Isn’t the other one still out there?” The same girl asked, her head tilting to the side. 
“It’s been taken care of,” Mia smirked and shook her head, sending a little glance in your direction. The girl stared at her wide eyed, opening and closing her mouth as though she wanted to say more, but Mia again cut her off with a stern glare. ”As I was saying, the first of you to catch it gets to keep it and also gets a boost to the points on their scorecard. Now line up,” 
You all flew low on the pitch, forming a circle with Mia and the snitch at its center. Your eyes never left the frantically flapping little ball as you waited for her whistle to blow. There was no way it was going to escape you and if you got to show off for the would be chasers watching you near the posts, that was fine with you too. 
“Congratulations Y/n! There’s no way you won’t get picked to be seeker,” the girl said, after Mia released you, promising that the results of the tryouts would be posted next week. 
“Oh, um thanks-...” You said trailing off towards the end, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck. You didn’t know her name. 
“Oh, sorry. You missed introductions at the beginning. I’m Savannah, from two years above you.” Savannah grinned at you, a bit ruefully. “You know, I thought this was going to be my year to nail the seeker position. But with you on the team, there’s no WAY we’re gonna lose to Slytherin. And Lloyd can stop looking so smug about the cup win last year.”
“The only reason they were better is because they had Amy and Sydney scoring.  They won despite her and her stupid tactics. If Slytherin actually got a decent seeker then we’d be in trouble,” Lindsey said, throwing her arm over your shoulder and stepping to walk between you and Savannah. 
“Carli’s decent, just distracted I think. She had NEWTS along with scouters and stuff,” you muttered, a bit defensively. You know you weren’t supposed to like the Slytherins- house competition and all that- but Carli’s strategy was pretty impressive. The recruiters certainly seemed to think so, you heard rumors that the recruiters from the Wasps and Arrows had a bidding war before the Harpies showed interest. 
“Pshh it was just the Harpies recruiter. Even if they have Potter, she’d still probably tank their win streak. At least that’d help my team,” Lindsey snorted, shaking her head. 
Your eyebrows furrowed. The Harpies were the second oldest team in the league, and since they recruited Ginny they had been on a tear taking down the Cannons and the Magpies in the final games of the European cup three years running. You thought Carli’s strategy would fit nicely in their ranks. 
“I’m pretty sure there were Wasps recruiters and Magpies guys here too,” Savannah said to Lindsey. You noticed her eyes glanced towards Lindsey’s arm around your shoulder as she smiled widely. Lindsey dramatically rolled her eyes. 
“Which team is yours?” You asked softly, leaning your head on Lindsey's shoulder as you trudged towards the locker room, ignoring Savannah. 
“The cannons of course,” Lindsey said confidently. Savannah seemed to be hiding a smirk, and waved goodbye at you as she headed into the locker room. 
“They’re pretty alright, but Ronaldo is a little too cocky for me. Sinclare and Potter together are a lethal combo for the Harpies and with Angerer in goal they’re like unstoppable,” You hummed thoughtfully. You also liked that the Harpies were an all female team. 
“Ugh, you sound like Emily,” Lindsey said, rolling her eyes. “She and Sam are giant Magpies supporters.” 
“I mean the Magpies have a 75% score rate while the Cannons are only at a 60. And Messi catches the snitch within the first hour 80% of the time, while Ronaldo’s catches take about 85 minutes on average,” you rattled off. So maybe you were a little too into statistics. At least your dad never had to worry about your math skills. 
“No way, they’re super into team stats too! Maybe you can help me convince Emily and Sam that the Cannons are the best team!”
“But Emily and Sam, whoever they are, are right. The stats don’t lie,” You said with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Oh, Emily is my friend in Slytherin and Sam‘s in Hufflepuff. I’ll introduce you later.” Lindsey said waving a hand in the air. “Anyway, the Magpies may have Messi, but the Cannons have heart! And isn’t that what really matters to make a good team great?”
You paused, pulling Lindsey to a stop beside you. “I know they don’t teach math here, but Statistics beat heart any day.” 
Lindsey laughed and shoved you playfully to the side. “You haven’t even met them and already you’re ganging up on me.” 
“I’m just stating facts. The hat almost put me in Ravenclaw cause I just love random factoids so much,” you smirked, tucking yourself back under her outstretched arm (it was just so warm and it made you feel… safe). 
“Well, I’m glad you’re in Gryffindor. It's way better to have you as a teammate than competition Space captain. Now let’s go- if we hurry we can probably get to the library to work on that potions essay before curfew.” 
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evakuality · 3 years
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Matteo - Episode three
Social Media - There’s so much of it this week!  At the time, I only followed a couple of accounts and then only saw the rest when it was posted to the tag.  I think I’m grateful for that.  This is absolutely overwhelming, the sheer volume of things the characters were putting out.  But it’s also really nice that we get all this normal teenage life stuff.  It really does allow an immersive ‘this is real people doing real stuff’ feeling to everything.  Particularly people like Kiki and Sam who have little to do with the plot.  It keeps them real and alive through a season where they were a bit more sidelined (and I love that Matteo and David’s little trip later on keeps them alive in a way that doesn’t overpower Amira’s season - this is a really clever way for the producers to keep fan favourites active without having to shoehorn them into places where they don’t belong).  I am also a bit concerned about some of this though - how on earth did the boys not get in trouble for filming the dancing girls and posting it to social media?  At most schools I know that would have resulted in some serious discipline action.  However, the most fascinating thing about the social media is the party at the end of the episode.  Sara didn’t start posting much on her stuff until much later in the evening (the reason this post is so late is because I was waiting to watch through all the social media before I worked with it - and there was so much for so long that I was able to notice the patterns in it in a way I didn’t at the time) and then Leonie took over and it was interesting what she chose to show and how non-perfect it all was compared to what Sara was trying to do before she got really incapacitated.  I know it’s not technically part of this episode but the text string between the two of them the next day where Sara panics over how Matteo might take seeing her in such a sloppy drunken state is very telling.  She really really wants to put on a show to make sure he’s not turned off by her not being ‘perfect’ - again, this is all very subtly done but there’s a really strong push to show how much of what is put onto social media isn’t a real and true depiction of who we really are.  And of course that’s most important for Matteo himself.  He’s still very actively putting on a front and it’s only partly to try to cover for the fact that he’s interested in boys not girls.  He’s really not happy or at ease with pretty much any aspect of himself, but he’s also not really willing to show it to anyone.  Except David.  Which we’ll see as we go through the clips.
Clip one - Matteo’s shelf in the fridge is so sad!  Someone (a parent maybe?) should really be making sure he has food and is looking after himself.  We touched a bit last episode on food and nurturing and what we see here is Matteo very much not nurturing himself.  Even more so than Sara, he has no care for his own wellbeing.  Also he’s relying heavily on other people (Hans in this case) to do the heavy lifting for him.  It’s also a major contrast to the playful, if disgusting, sandwich he made with David.  Here it’s really just about putting something in to his body and there’s no thought for anything other than basic survival.  Which is, tbh, a good metaphor for Matteo’s approach to his life at this time.  The chat with Mia again veers close to things that are difficult for Matteo - he’s wearing David’s beanie, trying to get that bit of closeness to him, but then Mia starts asking awkward questions about why the kitchen was so terrible and what Matteo was up to and it’s all a bit tough.  Matteo tries again to deflect and lie to cover his tracks.  Which... is he ever going to learn?  This lying is forever getting him in hot water when he’s caught out.  Jonas even calls him out on it, basically saying ‘if you’re going to use me as an excuse then give me a heads up first’ showing that he has Matteo’s back, but is incapable of helping him if he won’t help himself.  At this point, of course, Matteo has closed off because there’s a lot he finds too hard to talk about but Jonas is already giving those hints that he’d be there for Matteo if only Matteo would let him be.  But at least Mia’s pushing serves one purpose - Matteo makes contact with David again and they manage to connect and get over the little hitch that David’s ditching caused.  Both are still hiding bits of themselves from each other (David more so obviously), but both are quite happy to make these connections and are comfortable with each other.  That David responds is so nice; it sets up the dynamic so different to the original and Matteo is much more secure in David’s friendship than Isak was with Even at this point just because of this.  Then of course Matteo does the gay test, and it’s clear he already knows but he’s just sort of trying to work through some things.  It leads to some of the things he says later that are quite unfortunate (both to the boys about the dance teacher in this episode and to Hans later about the ways to be gay), but I think there’s a genuine desire to figure out what gay might look like rather than any truly homophobic stuff.  societal expectations and stereotypes and our own internal biases mess with us big time!!
Clip two - There’s not a lot of difference with the dancing girls clip, but it’s nice to see David again and the interactions between him and Matteo are a lot more natural than with Isak and Even.  I guess because these two are in the same year, it’s much easier to pass off knowing each other and so Matteo really is a lot more casual than Isak ever was.  The tone of the ‘why does he have to be so gay’ is different here too - Matteo’s much more low key and subdued when he’s called out on ‘why do we insult gays’ and he’s apologising fairly quickly.  It really is much more obvious that he’s trying to work out what ‘gay’ is than trying to distance himself from the idea of being gay.  He has a lot of issues and a lot of stuff to work through but it’s entrenched in an entirely different way to the og even though the words are almost exactly the same.  The power of acting and body language!!  Of course, this makes sense for both characters too - Isak and Matteo have different experiences and different lives and so they each act in a way that makes sense for them.  I’m super impressed that the same conversation can look so different - both actors are very very good.
Clip three - This scene with Matteo and Sara works much better for me than the one with Isak and Emma.  But perhaps that’s because Sara is allowed to be much more of a rounded character rather than a plot device.  We can say all we like (and Leonie is so clearly right there with us) that Sara needs to wake up and see how badly Matteo is treating her, but the way this is developing makes it clear why she thinks and acts the way she does and we can have a lot of sympathy for her even while rolling our eyes at how obviously this is not working out.  This right here is the moment where Matteo really should have said ‘yeah sorry, this isn’t working for me’ but he chooses not to because he still wants that security of having ‘someone’ if the thing with David turns out the way he expects it to (eg, David and Leonie being a thing).  He wants the ability to hide and say ‘see, there was nothing there, I have a girlfriend so I’m not at all upset that David has one too’ and it’s shitty behaviour and it’s totally unfair to Sara, but at this point Matteo can’t see beyond his own needs.  Sara is very clearly not happy with the situation and she rightly feels sidelined and unappreciated but she is still willing to accept his word when she puts those words into his mouth.  She’s still invested in this fantasy in her head and she is carefully scripting it so that it goes the way she wants it to.  Like last week when she was talking over Matteo to avoid hearing anything he’s saying, here she’s literally telling him what to say to get the outcome she wants.  Leonie has quite obviously got a better handle on the situation, but Sara doesn’t want to hear it.  Sara, again bless her, is very open about what she wants and needs from a relationship and how she’s feeling.  She refuses to take Matteo’s very half-hearted attempt at sweet talking her at face value and demands some accountability.  But it’s the very nature of those demands that sets her doom.  She tells him what she needs and he gives it to her - only it’s a very pale and weak imitation of what she would really like.  He uses her communication skills to play her.
Clip four - I loathe how no-one takes Matteo’s wants and needs into account, pretty much ever.  He’s in such a rut of being used to just going with the flow that even when he tries to assert his own wants people straight up ignore him.  It’s sad that he allows Kiki etc to basically commandeer his home for their party but it’s very much in keeping with how everything else is going.  Last week, Kiki was super irritated because she had a picture of how things were going to go (they would have their event and Matteo would host it) and she couldn’t deal with things not being under her control.  I suspect that if Sara hadn’t been with them and hadn’t done the speaking for Matteo, he would have been bullied into doing what she wanted then too.  He clearly doesn't want to do this , but at least he uses it as a way to get closer to David.  ‘Well, this party idea sucks, but maybe I can get this guy I like there’ and so he goes right up to him and invites him.  While he’s quite checked out of significant parts of his life, when Matteo really wants something he’s not scared of going after it.  Of course, as we see in later events, this gets him in trouble at times.  But for right now it’s nice to see him taking some small control of his life.  This is only possible, of course, because he was able to connect with David fairly quickly after he left last week.  The fact that they are able to do this is testament to how easily they do understand each other and even while its awkward, this relationship doesn’t have the underlying tensions that the one with Sara does.  It’s awkward in a positive way.
Clip five - there’s lots going on in this one.  The studying and how little interest and engagement Matteo has with it.  The consequent stalking of David on Sara’s account, the flow over into looking for David’s favourite movie, and of course Hans and his intrusion into Matteo’s quiet space again and then his attempt at using grindr.  It’s a slow, fairly quiet clip and yet Matteo ends up doing a lot in it.  It shows again, I think, just how much he values his time by himself and how much it works for him to be allowed to do things at his own pace.  I’ve said before I really enjoy seeing the characters in their own environments being chill and just hanging with themselves.  It shows us a lot of how they are.  In this case, Matteo moves very quickly from the boredom of the studying to things he has more interest in.  Like David.  He’s restless and disengaged, using all of his tricks to try to distract himself (playing with plants etc) and then very quickly giving up on what he should do.  I like that we get these sorts of smaller, lower key indications of how much David means to him as well.  It’s not big grandiose expressions of interest, but he watches the movie because David likes it.  He can’t even let himself stare at the picture for too long because it feels like a huge admission (he literally breaks eye contact with it and looks away the way he often does with David himself).  It’s in these unguarded moments in his own space that we really see Matteo and he’s a mess, but he’s a mess who really does want connection and to find meaning with someone.  
Clip six - We all love this one, right?  It’s such a nice moment with David and their almost-kissing is very intense.  But there’s a lot going on before that that I also want to look at.  First, the way the boys call Matteo a ‘player’?????? how???? That’s his girlfriend?????  He is playing her and stringing her along when he shouldn’t, but he’s not playing the field which is generally what we mean when we say this sort of thing.  He has one girl and that one girl has made it pretty clear that he is hers.  In many ways Matteo would be better off if he was playing the field - then there’s no expectations and he gets a rep as a ladies man.  But this works better for him - he can sort of fall into it and follow along with it without having to put any effort in at all.  She literally speaks for him, even.  I have always found it fascinating how much Matteo keeps to himself in this clip.  He hugs the walls like they’re his home and Sara is out there in the middle and there’s such a disconnect between the way they’re both acting.  How would Matteo have coped with the expectations Sara outlines about sex had she not got so blind drunk she had to be taken home?  It seems like it would have led to something very awkward and maybe she’d have finally got the picture.
Laura's little visit to see Matteo is cute too.  Obviously she knows that David is interested and so she checks him out.  It’s a shame it’s interrupted by Hans who then monopolises Matteo, but she was quite deliberate in finding him and speaking with him and I love the sibling support.  David’s shirt he chooses to appeal to Matteo is hilarious too.  The thought process (and the discussions with Laura at home beforehand) must have been brilliant.  ‘I always wear black and am mysterious and aloof and cool, but to attract this boy I will wear a white shirt with a stupid picture on it’ - that it does attract Matteo just shows how attuned David is to his future boyfriend.  Maybe he’s stalking the instagrams too - the Matteo Monday and Florenzi Friday do suggest that this is something that might appeal to Matteo.  
Hans and Andi bother me too.  In much the same way that I dislike that Sara assumes that Matteo not wanting sex with her means he’s gay (like?  It’s okay not to want sex!!  It doesn’t say anything about your sexuality), I don’t like that Hans has talked about Matteo to Andi and allows him to be so forward and aggressively sexual with someone who is very obviously not willing to be out.  I know Hans is trying to be there for Matteo and to encourage him to accept himself (I think it’s pretty clear that he knows or thinks Matteo likes guys).  But this is a party with all of Matteo’s friends.  What did they think would happen?  Why did they think he’d react in any way other than the one he does?  Hans looks confused when Matteo pushes away and leaves, but why?  This behaviour is entirely consistent with everything we know of his character. That it ends in an actual panic attack makes it all much more sad and difficult to watch.  Honestly, outing people when they’re not ready is not cool and Hans should know this.
The panic attack itself is so well done.  There’s no dialogue and yet we can see very obviously how Matteo is feeling and just how ‘normal’ this is to him.  He has a set of behaviours that he follows to try to take the edge off.  He throws things (this is his go-to when he’s stressed and he does it a LOT), he tries weed and he finally tries music and sitting by himself, cuddling a cushion for comfort.  I know a million people have discussed this at length, but I don’t think we can speak about this clip without at least touching on it.  Everything about it is done so well and it all combines to allow Matteo’s feelings to shine through.  I love that it’s allowed to happen at a party and that we see very clearly how these things can be overwhelming for characters.  I won’t go on anymore, but it’s just great and the acting is so perfect.  I genuinely think this small part of this clip is probably my favourite acting out of everything in this show.
And then of course we have the stuff after everyone else has left.  Again, a million people have discussed this in a million ways, but I love how this scene again shows how easily they get each other, how good they are at communicating with each other and how quickly they get on the same page.  Matteo has no trouble at all saying what he thinks and pressing for information.  This parallels Sara in some ways - she is like this with Matteo, making her wants and needs clear and putting herself on the line.  Again, this is all very good set up for later on when Matteo finally finds himself in her position and realises just how much his behaviour hurt her because he’s living her side.  However, unlike Matteo, David is quite clear and honest back.  And that’s why they can so quickly move into a potential kiss.  As with Matteo and Sara, there are close ups as they lean into each other, but somehow it feels like there’s more space for them to breathe here.  The camera allows them both to be in the frame naturally, whether Sara is often invading into Matteo’s shots.  Here, they’re both on board and both want it.  I like that Matteo gets a moment to be open and himself after his experience with Andi.  It must take a lot of courage to do this after he was so badly affected earlier.  Testament to David’s calming presence which reassures rather than pushes, and how honest they are with each other - there’s no way David could miss how relieved Matteo is when he finds out that Laura is David’s sister not his girlfriend.  They’re both very brave here - David for telling Matteo he looks good and Matteo for trying to take that next step even after his panic attack.   And I think that’s a nice place to leave this.  Because that’s already such a lot and this has all already been said before.  
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blueonwrestling · 2 years
Becky Lynch’s comments about AEW’s women division is in Kayfabe and anyone is going to big up their own company, but i do believe there is an element of truth to it.
AEW’s women division is in a growth period, they have been in a growth period for ages now and I do believe they will continue to be in a growth period for some time as to put it bluntly they do not have the star power WWE has been able to build, and thats all it is, time to build stars.
WWE were able to build Charlotte, Becky, Sasha, Bayley all into supernovas because of their good workrate, their good characters and just everything good.
AEW only has ONE top level woman right now, and to me Britt Baker is AEW’s verision of Alexa Bliss, a top level character with below average ring work, and you cannot build a division with her alone.
They’ve signed Ruby Soho and be honest, literally be honest, was she great in the ring when she first came into AEW? No, no she wasn’t, she was often very sloppy but she’s picked it up and fixed her weaknesses, because thats whats gonna happen, it takes time.
AEW had the benefit of having so many MEN with years of TV experience when they started AEW, they had two ready made main eventers in Chris Jericho and Jon Moxley, AEW did not, but there was no women actively free on the market that could have fit that role, and quite frankly there still isn’,t all the great TOP TOP TOP level workers are still in WWE.
Now i do believe AEW are at fault for not getting Mia Yim, Athena and Nixon Newell asap because that can absolutely get your levels higher, but there simply isn’t a Bayley or a Becky Lynch on the free market, and it takes time to make them.
We need to have patience but I 100% agree AEW needs to show more that they’re putting in an effort, do the bare minimum, even just an announcement like “now that the pandemic is clearing up we are going to have joshi wrestlers from japan return to aew tv very soon!”
or just, give diamante, marina shafir, or kiera hogan their all elite graphic.
I absolutely believe that AEW are working on their womens division but they need to SHOW it more, and i dont need wrestling i just mean simply putting the same hype into it that everything else does.
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hobiwonder · 4 years
mission impossible | (m)
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, crack.
Warnings: Oral, dirty talk, unprotected sex, overstimulation, slight degradation. dom/sub themes (jungkookie being a good boy and then... not so good lol)
Words: 9k+
Summary: When you find out that your groupmate is whoring it up on tinder instead of handing in his part of the project, you go on a mission to teach him a lesson. And maybe get him to finish his part.
A/N: hello!!!! thankyou all for waiting patiently. or maybe you’ve just forgotten about me lol. it’s been a while since i uploaded anything!!! I hope you enjoy this crack as much as I enjoyed writing fuckboy but still a movable baby!jungkook. please don't forget to tell me ur thoughts. feedback keeps me going :)
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If it was something strange, it would happen to you. You were not just saying that because of the hint of narcissism in your personality that made you think that everything was about you. Oh no. You never seem to catch a break these days. And quite honestly, you should’ve expected your dose of absurd to be handed to you soon. It had been a week too long without any fatuous incidents and/or people happening to you. Was this just a y/n thing? Was every girl with your name cursed? Maybe it had something to do with your astrological sign. That always seemed to be the explanation of a lot of your friends who did not want to admit to their faults that would land them in hot water. The usual “oh it’s because i’m insert-star-sign”. 
Were you really becoming that girl? Though it was hard to blame yourself for this one. Currently staring at your phone. More specifically, the defined abdominals of your group mate. A group mate who has not shown up to a single meeting. After a whole day of slaving away at your study desk, deleting and rewriting your discussion and evidential analysis to conclude whether or not it was a plausible inference that the movies, Whiplash and Black Swan were excellent cinematic representations of the ‘Obsessed Performer.’ 
Yeah. That was a mouthful. And you bet your right ass cheek that you were the only one out of yourself and Jungkook who had even watched the said movies. In the group of four, Jungkook and yourself were given the discussion and conclusion to write. The three of you who had been present at the initial group meeting had chosen your parts as was decided in the group chat prior. When all of you had received a text from Jungkook cancelling last minute, you’d snagged the conclusion as well as half of the discussion to write as just the conclusion would be a little too easy. And you had wrongfully assumed that your peer had been in some sort of ‘emergency’ since he always sounded like he was in a hurry to do something incredibly important. 
You’d pitied the seemingly sweet looking boy and told him that you’ll work together on the last two sections of the paper. And his bastard self had always been all smile emojis and ‘yes :)’ and just all around misleading. Sounding like he was diligently working on his part by himself and definitely will turn everything into you by Thursday. Thursday was yesterday and you had not received even a single message from Jungkook about where he was in terms of progress on the 1000 words he needed to write. Message after message, you weren’t even being left on read. And in concern you had messaged your group chat that maybe he was facing some real life crisis to be so MIA. Until this.
Until you had picked up your phone about half an hour ago to mindlessly scroll through your instagram feed and then in the last 10 minutes had decided to also go on to tinder just to humour yourself. You were well aware that tinder was a cesspit of weird and unhinged men who would only be a good enough to make a youtube video about or a horror story texted to your best friend. You were speaking from experience. Decent men on tinder was like finding a luxury vintage dress in half good condition at a thrift store. 
So when you’d swiped left for the 30th time - you’d finally come across the perfect face of someone very familiar. You’d almost swiped left on reflex before you’d brought the phone almost too close to see why the face looked so recognisable. Even without having actually ever met Jungkook face to face - apart from that first lecture - it was hard to miss that this definitely was him. Your mouth had fallen open, jaw just shy of touching your soft bedsheets. You’d found Jeon Jungkook on tinder. His perfectly coy smile staring right at you, the first few buttons of his black shirt open wide to capture your attention back to his smooth, muscular chest. Hastily dialling Momo’s number, you can barely contain your shock and anger and annoyance. All of it wrapped up in one powerful burst of dialogue that you subject Momo’s ears too.
“Bitch!!!” You can’t help screeching, mind boggled.
“What happened now? Jungkook finally reply to you?”
“No oh my god. I found his tinder. I found his tinder Mo. I found his tinder!” You were screaming again but you couldn’t help it. 
You were missing a Jeon Jungkook to rightfully scream at so poor Mom was bearing the brunt of your anger and maniacal laughter because your brain was having a hard time believing your luck.
 “Wait, seriously? Did you match him?” Oh wait. Of course. There was still another step.
Wordlessly you swipe right, hard skipping a few beats in anticipation. And when the screen shows that he swiped you right as well and that you could now message him, you’re laughing once more.
“So he did. Wow. What a piece of shit.” She’s also laughing albiet much more like a normal human being.
“I cannot believe this Mo. This fuckhead doesn’t read any of my messages for the last week and I find him matched to me on tinder?”
Just then, your phone vibrates. Telling Mo to hold on, you don’t want to believe that this is actually happening. You had just received a message from Jungkook. It had barely been a whole minute of you matching up with him on this app and he had already messaged you.
Jungkook: What has 36 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper.
This must be a bad dream. Were the cameras of Punk going to start showing up form under your bed? Were you being punked? Not only was Jeon Jungkook just the worst partner out of all the group projects you had been in, he was most definitely a fuckboy. Who used terrible pick-up lines. Did he really not recognise you? Granted that your pictures were not the ones you had put up on facebook - it was still quite discernible that this was definitely you.
“Mo, he just sent me a horny pick-up line oh my god. I’m going to lose my mind.”
“Of course he did. I always thought he was a bit of a player. What did he say?”
When you read out the message, both of you are coughing from the laughter. This was too ridiculous and just very much like something that would happen to you. You had a group project due in less than two days and your group mate had turned out to be a bit of a horny bastard that was more concerned with getting his dick wet than messaging you back.
“You need to message him back, y/n. Pour the cold water on him already and tell him how badly he fucked up.”
“No way! I bet you he’s going to never message me back. At least on tinder i’m going to get a reply. Just how the hell do I ask him about the paper that he should’ve emailed me, like, yesterday? Ugh.”
“Just message him back, firstly. Or lose the only communication you just got. Do you know what dorm he’s in?”
“No idea.” Typing your reply and deleting it - much like your assessment that you were working hard on. Unlike him.
You:  Hulk always was my favourite Avenger :)
“You did not just say that! Grossssss.” Yeah. Humouring fuckboys was exclusively for post 6 tequila shots Y/n.
Chuckling at your own response, you’re trying to keep your cool while trying to keep Jungkook’s attention so he doesn’t stop messaging you.
“Mo, wait. I just had an idea.”
“Please, y/n, violence is not the answer.”
“I won’t hurt him you knob. Okay talk to you later!” Not a lot anyway.
“I’m telling the police I don’t know you if they come around tomorrow! Bye!”
Making a face at your phone for good measure - you go ahead with your plan. There was no way you were letting Jeon Jungkook get away that easily. You’d been working so hard this semester. Harder than you have ever tried and you would not let his sloppy self to bring down your grade on an assessment that was worth 40% of your grade. Nearly half. Neither did the people in your group deserved it.
“Just you wait, Jeon. I’m going to kick your horny ass.”
Jungkook: let my Hulk destroy any traces of bad fucks you’ve had.
Your eyes are almost bulging out of your head at his brashness. Did he really just ask you to fuck? This is the second thing he has said to you and it’s him asking to fuck you. You can’t believe how much of a textbook fuckboy he was. When you haven’t responded for a few minutes, you get another message form him.
Jungkook: if that was too forward ^-^
Jungkook: then what i said was a lie lol.
Jungkook: I'm probably the best fuck you’ll ever have.
You cannot believe your eyes. With each message, Jungkook is either confusing you or making you shake your head at how exactly like all the other boys on tinder he is. This was hands down, the longest conversation you have had with Jungkook directly. In the group chat he generally adressed everyone, shooting haphazard apologies right before meetings. Saying he would not be able to make it. It had frustrated you to no end as the date for submission got closer and closer. And to see him reply quicker than you, on tinder no less, was beyond infuriating. 
You: Well then. Prove it.
You: Where do you live?
You doubted that Jungkook would be reluctant to give you his address. That’s just not something you see happening. Maybe he preferred to go to the girl’s place? That wouldn’t matter to you either. Though convincing him to bring his laptop with him would be a challenge but you were fine to let him work on your own. There was no way you were letting him go without coughing up his part.
Jungkook: you sure?
You: wanna fuck. Hurry up.
Jungkook: you’re so sexy :)
You were going to literally lose it. Not sure why you were biting the inside of your cheek so hard to stop yourself from laughing at his messages. Jungkook was the epitome of a snapchat fuckboy. It was much more hilarious than you anticipated. You were expecting to be feeling the singular emotion of sheer hostility. But you were having too much fun with this. Especially when you weren’t going to actually fuck him but seeing how eager and self-assured he was, this was all the more pleasant. 
Jungkook texts you his address and you let him know that you’ll be there in around 20 minutes. He lived surprisingly close. Though him staying in an all male rich residential college was definitely not a surprise. Only kids with a lot of disposable income and no worries of being evicted avoided doing any actual school work. The rest of you were not privy to such luxury. The more you thought about it the more you knew how gratifying it will be to show up at Jeon Jungkook’s door with a pile of notes and your laptop. He was in for a treat.
Dressing in that one little black dress you had was only part of the plan. An attempt to fool him one last time before you handed him the checklist of what he had to do. You shrug on a large jean jacket that fell below your bottom to conceal your provocative dress, grab your bag after stuffing all the necessities and then set out the door. Dialling Momo’s number, you let her know where you will be incase anything happens. You could never be too careful.
“Yo, I’m going to Cornell college. Jungkook apparently lives there so I’m going to meet him.”
“Are you serious? He told you his address?!”
“Sure did.”
“I pray for his soul.”
“He made me suffer far longer! Whose side are you on, traitor?!”
“Yours but knowing you, he’s in for a LOT. Okay stay safe.”
“Yeah yeah. He needs to be safe not me.”
“Yeah that was what I was saying. Anywhore. have fun.”
The closer you get to the college, you are starting to hear loud music. Was this even allowed on colleges? Were there not any volume restrictions given what time it was and the fact that it was managed by onsite staff? Arriving on the level Jungkook told you his room was, 4th, the music is even more noticeable. The sign pointing to the common room was where most of the bass was coming from and you guess maybe there is a function going on. Though the closer you walk, you realise that this was not just any event. This was a party. The cracks in the door gave away to the activities happening inside the large hall. Deciding not to wait any longer, you text Jungkook again. Being as serious as you can be to get him to meet you outside instead of carrying your backpack with you inside.
You: I’m here to fuck, not party.
Jungkook: it’s a good party tho. We can slowly take it back to my room ;)
You: I’ll find someone else.
You hope he takes your bluff.
Jungkook: love it when you order me around baby.
Jungkook: don’t forget who’s in charge. Me.
You can’t help but roll your eyes, still smirking at your phone. No matter what your initial intentions were, you had to admit that playing with Jungkook was fun. He was unacceptably attractive and looked like the type of guy you would reduce to tears. But none of that tonight. You had to stay focused. You’re about to type another message to speed him up but he beats you to it. 
Jungkook: room is unlocked. go in. i’ll be there in a minute.
Letting out a whoosh of air you’d been holding, you head down the hall, further away from the heavy bass and the party music. Somewhat hesitantly, you open the door to the room number he gave you. Nothing out of the ordinary. His room wasn’t messy. It was tidy. No sign of books. Just a bunch of sketches and film negatives strewn about on his  study desk. Shamelessly, you snoop around, trying to find any evidence that he studies at all. So far, you’d only found an industry grade recording mic, two different types of cameras and some more unused camera reel. 
Getting out your notes and the checklist you were going to hand to Jungkook, you get everything ready for when Jungkook arrives. You were not going to let him get away with this. Just another minute later, you can hear the footsteps getting closer. And for a moment, so does your heartbeat. You were quite confident in yourself but there was always a chance that Jungkook was more than a harmless oversexed college boy. All of the very rational fears are thrown out the window, however, as soon as the black mop of hair comes into view. Jungkook was incredibly handsome. Even moreso than his pictures. His hair was longer than the last time you saw him months ago. The long strands of inky black hair fell endearingly in his face, just to the middle of his eyes, parted right in the middle and curling slightly. He wore a long sleeved shirt with hip-hugging jeans that almost made you drool visibly. The saliva was positively pooling in your mouth but you swallowed it quickly to avoid embarrassment. 
Now, you were angry. You really were. You needed this assessment finished so you could start on other projects and without Jungkook finishing up his part, there was no way you would have finished yours on time. But you would be a bold faced liar if you didn’t admit that you were oh so tempted to abandon your vendetta and not ride him like a bronco. You could tell that unfortunately, unlike other men who strutted about with empty words - Jungkook would be the best you would have in a while.
And when he smiles, it’s not any easier.
“Hey you.”
“Hi.” Desperately trying to keep your voice even, you smile coyly.
Jungkook locks the door, running a hand through his hair before he stalks towards you. Confident as ever. You bite your lip, baiting him even further before you strike. Just when he gets close enough to you, you hold out an arm to keep him from touching you.
“God, you’re even more sexy in person.”
“Uh-uh, be patient.” He’s blissfully unaware, just smirking in return as he watches your hands roam his chest before going up to his face. Taking a step closer to him, you rake your nails up his neck, leaving little white lines from the scratches. 
“Close your eyes, Jungkook.” Jungkook, ever the obedient boy, closes them quickly. Awaiting your next move.
You can’t help yourself when he looks like this. Completely immersed in the feel of your hands. He was a good few inches taller than you but your platformed sneakers made it easier for you to teach him a lesson. His dark eyelashes kissing the tops of his cheeks, face so relaxed you would think he’s sleeping. You deserved to play a little at least, right? Leaning forward, you stop with the internal rationalising and just make the move.
Your lips meet his in a fiery kiss. His stoic figure melting as soon as your lips lock, hands grabbing at your waist while his tongue grazes your bottom lip. Jungkook is moaning in the kiss like he’s taking his first gulp of water after roaming the desserts. Momentarily, you forget your purpose for even being here in the first place. Wrapping your hands in his tempting long tresses and pulling, making even more sweeter noises to spill past his lips. He’s panting and restless. Moving his body against yours like he’ll die without it. Moving him backwards, you push him agains his swivelling study chair that was conveniently faced the right way. 
His hands are all over you as soon as he’s down on the chair with your legs straddling his thighs on either side. All you can feel are his lips and his tongue and his hands. All over you, sliding your jacket off your shoulders to travel his kisses down another path. The desperate intake of oxygen is enough to bring your head back in the game, barely. With Jungkook nipping away at the now exposed skin of your shoulders and neck, it’s hard for you to stay focused. Especially when the hard tent in those sinfully tight jeans is now pushing against your softest part. He’s impossibly hard and you’re impossibly soft down there. It’s a lethal combination because neither of you can live without the other being pressed against each other. When you push down on him he pushes his hips up with even more ferocity, moaning louder with every illicit rub of the thickness between his thighs. 
You’re addicted to the feeling and not sure how you’ll centre yourself enough to do what you actually came to do. God was really making you eat your words, huh? You were so close to ripping all his clothes off and fucking his brains out. You bet he’ll make the prettiest sounds when you ride him. His whimpers and moans just from gyrating up against you were enough of an indication. Sliding your hands back up in his hair, you yank it back from your neck to see his sweaty, glistening face looking up at you. He looked slightly inebriated. You had tasted the traces of vodka in his kiss but you had a feeling that a lot of his current state had to do with you and not the liquor.
“Jungkook?” He shamelessly rut his hips against yours, not fully hearing you, lost in his own lusty haze.
“Yeah?” Your lips close around the soft cartilage of his earlobe, tugging and flicking with your tongue, illiciting more salacious noises out of him. 
“How’s the assignment coming along?” It takes him a few seconds to respond but the urgency with which he was pawing at you has slowed to a halt like a broken down car.
“Huh?” Pulling back completely, you stare him right in his twinkly eyes that look like a deer caught in the headlights.
“The paper you’re writing on modern cinema?”
“How... how do you know about that?” You smile at him sweetly. Before you flick him across his forehead.
“Ow! What the hell?”
“I should be saying that you harlot!”
“Harlot? really? You were all over me just now. You are all over me!” You’re surprised he knows the meaning of the medieval insult. 
“Don’t try and weasel out of this! I’ve been waiting for your finished part since yesterday!”
“Wait... you’re y/n, y/n?”
“Took you long enough.”
“With your tongue down my throat? I wonder why.” You cannot believe you are arguing with a boy whilst still in his lap with his hands holding on to your waist.
Jungkook is trying his hardest to deflect and make you seem like the desperate one when he had been the one to want to fuck you from the get go. Getting off his lap, you fix your dress, tugging it down a little since the assault from Jungkook had almost bared your ass. Jungkook is still sitting in his study chair, dumbfounded.
“Finish your part of the discussion Jungkook. I have to write the conclusion and submit the paper.”
He is still staring. And now your eyes are travelling down to his thighs. Particularly the large bulge a little further up. A very substantial bulge that makes your mouth water once more. 
“Sorry, what? I just had a dream that a crazy girl tried to get me to do my homework right before we were going to fuck.”
“Listen here you little shit,” You grab Jungkook’s chin, gently despite his theatrical reactions, tilting it up to look you in the eyes. His reactions are so comical you almost laugh. “I’ve worked too hard for you to just give me piss poor, last minute effort. I’m here until you finish it.”
“You cannot be serious.” Letting go of his chin, you step back, folding your arms against your chest for good measure. Raising an eyebrow for him to challenge you.
“You expect me to write a thousand something words with this,” He points between his legs, you roll your eyes, “still here? No way.”
“I don’t remember giving you a choice, pretty boy.”
“You think I’m pretty?” So pretty. But he didn’t need to know that. You swivel his chair around back to face his desk.
“Less talk and more work!”
“Y/n, you can’t- can’t make me!” He’s throwing his hands around like a child and it’s a little too cute for an annoying boy like him who’s put you through so much anxiety. Sitting on his bed, swinging your legs as your eyes look around at the paintings, you let him huff and puff.
“Oh yeah? Guess I’ll have to call the cops because of the weed you have.”
His nose scrunches up adorably. “I don’t have any weed.”
“But I do. Who will they believe?” His eyes widen once more as he realises what you’re saying.
“Are you seriously blackmailing me?” You nod, smiling brightly. Jungkook turns back around, head in his hands as he mutters to himself how his tinder hookups are always crazy.
“Hey! I wouldn’t be here if you did your work! or replied to any of my messages.”
“Um, I was going too? I was busy.”
“Taking vodka shots? Yeah I could tell.” The mention of the kiss is bringing a rosy flush to Jungkook’s cheeks. Such an uncharacteristic reaction for a guy with his looks and his confidence.
He was that much more appealing to you because of how he contradicted his own personality. You knew he was one of those boys who acted all tough but secretly wanted to be bossed around. Told to do this and that. Made uncomfortable and maybe slightly humiliated. They lived to please. And the way Jungkook had melted into your body almost as if asking for guidance earlier, you knew he was exactly like that. He may not even know it yet but you could have him in the palm of your hands in a matter of minutes.
“What do I get in return?” He’s still grunting his disapproval, but looking through the notes you put on his desk anyway.
“A good grade and a life longer than 22?”
“You’re crazy.”
“All the more reason for you to be quiet and work!” He pouts at you before quietly looking through the notes and logging into his laptop.
When you’re satisfied he’s actually working, you lay down on his bed, making yourself comfortable knowing that it will take him at least an hour to finish his part. You had practically handed him all the points, he just had to write his own opinion and synthesise the evidence you had collected. The part of discussion required each student in the group’s own thoughts and thus you couldn’t just make them up on Jungkook’s behalf. Nor did you want to. You were done doing two people’s work back in your freshman year. These were advanced level classes and you weren’t going to ruin your grade because of one person.
Thirty minutes later, you’re almost about to doze off when you see Jungkook getting up from his chair in your periphery. Sitting up in a flash - though a little dizzy - you point an accusatory finger at Jungkook. Said boy has stopped mid-standing up.
“Don’t you dare Jeon! Get back in that chair and finish your work.”
“Jesus.” He’s holding his head in his hands once more before he starts whining again. “Y/n, please. Can’t I just do this tomorrow and send it to you then?”
You think about it. You do. “And have you go off the face of the planet again? No way.”
“Please.” He drags out the syllables, pouting and blinking up at you and it almost works.
“No. Not a chance. Just finish it ASAP and I’ll edit it. But finish writing it. The sooner you’re done the quicker I’ll be out of your hair.”
He glares at you. And not the scary, tough man glare that might make you slightly nervous and fidgety that you’re getting on his nerves. It’s a glare a kid gives you when you tell them no more TV or no more xbox. It’s the most adorable thing you’ve seen Jungkook do tonight. Or maybe you’re just sleep deprived. Either way, you wanted to kiss the hell out of him. But you turn your head away, faux annoyance ebbed into your features as you wait for him to start writing again.
It works for another half hour, Jungkook now actually typing more than he’s complaining. It was only a thousand words that he had to write but there was a lot of information that needed to be condensed in those thousand words which meant he was typing and then deleting, repeating the process again and again until he looked to be halfway through. You were impressed at how much he was getting done. Maybe it was your watchful gaze that was making him perform at his peak. You were now just hoping that whatever he wrote was actually plausible and not just rubbish to get you out of his room.
“I can’t believe you’re making me work with a boner. You could’ve at least gotten me off.” His pout his still there as he types casually.
“Stop being a brat and keep working.” 
“Yeah? You’re going to make me write lines? ‘I am a brat’.” He chuckles to himself like he’s burnt you to a crisp with that one comment. 
Taking your hand off of your face, you sit up. You watch the way his biceps bulge under his shirt as he types away at his laptop, legs splayed wide under his desk as he supported a semi. It was still a sizeable dent but nowhere near as daunting looking as before. But none of that diminishes your desire for him. You watch him talk to himself quietly as he types, but now stuck somewhere as he types and deletes and then types a sentence again. 
You’re not sure what sets it off. Maybe it’s your frustration or that you think he owes you something more than just this. Maybe it’s the way he’s sitting? There are a lot of reasons you can use to justify your serious and formidable attraction to him. But you cannot deny that it was him from the get go. Just him in all his submissive glory that made you attracted to him. And that attraction was now getting the best of you. Maybe it was time to torture him in another way.
“No. I’ll do something much more to your liking.”
His head turns back around fast, fingers halting at his keyboard while he inspects the drunken look in your eyes. Slowly, you spread your legs, hands bracing yourself as they clutch the sheets on either side of you. Your heart is racing at the look in his own eyes. Primal and needy. 
“Get on your knees Jungkook.” His chest is rising and falling much quicker than yours. Like he’s holding himself back.
You patiently wait for him to listen to your instructions, watching him. Never breaking eye contact. You know it’s new to him. It’s too obvious for you to deny it. But you relish the look of surprise every time you say something he doesn’t expect. Slowly, get’s up from his chair. Never taking a step further as he drops to his knees, crawling forwards until he’s right infant of you. The room is not that big at all so it doesn’t take him long. Now, his wide, doe eyes look at you. Inquisitive and aroused and it turns you on even more. He’s all man with hard ridges and bulging muscles but the way he’s looking at you right now makes you feel like at the centre of his world.
“Are... are you going to- to make me eat your pussy?” the explicit question sends your nerve endings on fire. 
You’re a second away from grabbing his hair and shoving him right between your legs but the way his soft mouth says the dirty words - it makes you feel a very different kind of way. Now it’s you who can’t stop staring at him. Thinking about what else he has up his sleeves. You expected him to be vocal but never this. He is bold and shy all at the same time.
“Would you like that, Jungkook?” His eyes drop between your legs again, watching the way your panties cling to your increasingly wet folds.
Jungkook is moving between your legs more, eagerly nodding so the strands of his fringe rustle up and down in his face. His arms are going under your thighs, gropping them for good measure before he looks up at you with those eyes again.
“Please.” He’s almost whispering, longing lacing his every word. “Please, y/n. Please let me taste you. ‘wanna taste you.”
His words have turned into pleas and the pleas turn into kisses alongside your inner thighs and then any place Jungkook can get his lips and tongue on. Everything else is forgotten. It’s just you laying on his bed while Jungkook tries to get a taste of you anyway he can. His lips travel up to your covered mound, never daring to move the piece of fabric holding him back from his destination. Opting to only kiss over it, lick his way up your clit through the thin cotton that’s now moulding to your swollen folds.
“Do- do you deserve it, Jungkook? For putting me through so much h-headache? Oh.” Your moans accompany almost every word. Fingers laced into Jungkook’s luscious hair as he continues his hurried tasting of your arousal. 
His response is mumbled between your legs. You watch his veiny hands repeatedly grab at the flesh of your thighs. Kneading it desperately like he’s trying to distract himself from doing something else entirely. A yelp leaves his mouth at your tug on his hair. Pale skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He looks like an addict when he is looking at you like you’re giving him his fix and God, you want to kiss his swollen lips.
“Answer me, brat. Do you deserve anything from me?” 
“Right. Yet you’re still begging to taste me like the needy little slut you are. Hm?”
Jungkook is whimpering, his lids fluttering. He doesn’t expect the smack across his face, a little too hard for what you had originally aimed for. The surprise is evident and for a moment you’re worried he’s going to be upset. Instead, his breathing is picking up even further.
“Answer me when I speak to you.”
“Y-Yes... Noona.” The breath is almost sucked out of you at his timid tone. And it only makes you want to push him further.
“Good boy.” His eyes are lighting up at the praise like hundreds of little galaxies called them home.
Sliding down towards the edge of the bed, you let your legs hang off, letting your toes touch the floor. Jungkook is still on his knees, watching you manoeuvre yourself around his bed before you reach for the hem of your dress. Watching his every facial expression as you strip. He looks up at you wide-eyed, taking in your soaked underwear and the thin black bra where your nipples pointed right at him. You can see his hands twitch by his side. You’d pushed them off you when you’d changed your position and were surprised at how calm and obedient Jungkook was being. Contrast to how much of an argumentative brat he was. But you had a sneaking feeling that he liked it when you called him that.
You were trying to remain calm yourself. Not give too much away on the dilemma you held inside your head. Thinking if you should take this any further. Though it was a little too late now, you guess. You were practically naked, wetter than ever before as Jungkook watched you with his wide doe eyes. Hunger evident with every flit of his gaze. You would feel cruel if you stopped at this point. So you let the rational part of your brain take a backseat and letting the consequences of tonight berate you in the morning after. Sliding your palms down your stomach, straight inside your soaked panties, you stroke yourself ever so slowly. Holding his heated gaze with cloudy eyes.
“Noona...” It sends another jolt of arousal throughout your already overheated body. He’s biting his plump bottom lip, sliding his hand up and down carelessly on to his erection that had grown considerably in the past fifteen minutes. Jungkook looks like the embodiment of desperation and it makes you rub yourself a little faster. Every time your fingers come in contact with your sensitised clit, you bite the urge to buck your hips brazenly. 
“Yeah, baby? You want to see?” You hold out your wet fingers to him and in a flash, you feel his warm mouth around your digits. He moans loudly like he’s been relieved after years of drought.
“M-More. Please, Noona. I’ll do anything please, please.” Now that didn’t take long. Chuckling at his agonised face, you throw your head back, enjoying the relief your own fingers brought.
But you were torturing yourself too at this point. You wanted to replace your small fingers with Jungkook’s bigger and more vascular hands. You remember the view of his body from the glorified hookup app. Knew what he was hiding under the baggy shirt. The sweet whimpers and ‘please’ sounds coming from him were a delicacy on their own. 
“Take my panties off then. With your mouth. Don’t use your hands... or else.” Your tone is stern enough to give you that satisfying flash going through his eyes. 
In seconds, he’s leaning forward on his hands and knees, eyes never leaving yours as he bites the cotton on your hips, dragging it down. The act itself is a little clumsy. In his haste, Jungkook is taking twice as long should he use his hands. But something about his complete compliance, his willingness to be accepted by you and his utter devotion to pleasing you is the ultimately your undoing. This may be a power trip but you were thoroughly getting ruined during it. 
At last, the cotton has reached your ankles. Quickly, you shrug off your dress as well, completely naked. He’s placed small kisses in greetings before he takes them off completely. Out of breath and out of his mind. The glazed look has taken a permanent vacation in his eyes and you were getting high on it. Jungkook was a communicator. If it wasn’t his mouth relaying the naughty words to you then his eyes were holding yours hostage, smouldering.
Bracing your hands behind yourself and never breaking away from his eyes, your ankles part. Jungkook’s eyes are automatically falling on the mess between your legs but he doesn’t dare move. Awaiting your instructions. Jerking your chin towards his general direction, you silently bring his attention back to his overly dressed self.
“Lose the pants.” His hands make fast work of his jeans. Falling back on to the ground to push them off. 
“Uh-uh. Keep them on.” His eyes widen at your command to keep the underwear on. You weren’t about to just let him have it.
Not yet.
“Noona...” The high pitched noise of protest only makes your nostrils flare. You wanted to live out your every dirty fantasy with him if he sounded this sweet with just watching. The desire was making your head spin and your palms sweat. 
“Please... I’ll do anything.” His eyes twinkle in the dim light as he kneels infant of you. 
“I’ll eat you out for hours, let you sit on me face until I can’t breathe. Let you ride my tongue until you can’t cum anymore. Just please... fuck me.” The last two words leave him in such agony that for a second it truly sounds like he’s in pain. 
Which is ridiculous given the ted talk he just gave on the Perfect Words To Say to Ruin Y/N and Her Panties. You’re the one currently in pain from clenching your jaw so tight. Resolve like a skinny rubber band about to snap. Dirty talk was the chink in your armour. And by the way Jungkook’s face lit up and his words became a lot more sure and confident, you knew that he was weaponising his skill to control you fully. And you needed to put him in his place before you gave up your pride and rode him until you ran out of stamina or died from your body overheating. Whichever happened first. 
“Get up.” 
“Fuck yes-“ Jungkook’s blubbering about how you’re the hottest person he’s ever seen and that he knows he can blow your mind while you push him back on the bed and straddle his meaty thighs. When he begins to push down your panties, you push his hands off and rest them on his sides. 
“Keep them there or you won’t be coming. Understood?”
His curls bounce around his face as he nods, chest heaving when he looks at your hips move over the biggest bulge you’ve felt under you. You would’ve thought that he’d stuffed his underwear with socks if you couldn’t feel the burning heat his cock was pressing in to you, even through his boxers. Each roll of your hips pressed him to your every crevice like two puzzle pieces fitting in to complete the picture. 
“Oh fuck-... You feel so good noona. I-I’m going to cum if you keep going.” He’s resorted to use his hands at his sides to push him upwards, pressing himself with every gyrate of your hips downward on him.
“Yeah? you’re gunna cum from just this? Is noona making you feel really good?” 
Jungkook is lost in soaking up every sensation like a drunkard.  Gaze not leaving where your hips met. Furrowing his eyebrows in deep concentration as he thrust his hips up, rocking you off balance slightly. Your hands slide into his sweaty curls, pulling them hard enough to yank his beautiful face up and close to your own.
“Answer me what I ask you a question.” And he whines. Or moans.   Nevertheless it’s a lethal mixture of the two and you’re about to kiss him senseless.
“Yes. I-I feel really good. Noona is- oh fuck- g-gunna make me cum.”
“And are you going to?” He looks up at you nervously, trying to speaking amidst every roll of your flaming core onto his dick. It was getting harder and harder for you to speak as well. 
“Good. Because only good boys get to cum. Not needy sluts like you.” 
Now Jungkook whimpers like a wounded animal. Because you’ve upped the ante. Holding onto his shoulders while you grind down on his throbbing cock just the right angle so your clit is receiving the mind-numbingly pleasurable stimulation. You were going to cum any minute and it looked as if he was too.
“F-Fuck. I’m going to cum Jungkook. Your cock feels so good.”
“Noona please. Please s-stop. I-I’m going to cum-“
“That’s not my fucking problem. If you want me to fuck you then you better not. Understood?”
He looks utterly panicked. Torn between letting himself go to the unbelievable pleasure of this act alone and wanting to hold back and obey your every command. Jungkook’s lip is bitten red, chest heaving and eyes watering as he watches the erotic sight of your brazen bouncing on his lap. You’re putting on a show just to make it that much more difficult for him to hold back. But he somehow does. Watching your face contort with pleasure as your head is thrown back. Your moans are loud and lewd. Designed just to rile him up to the point of breaking.
“Oh god. I’m- I’m gunna cum baby.” With a shout, you’re riding out wave after wave of the liquid pleasure running through your veins like molten gold. 
It takes a solid minute for your eyes to focus on a singular object. Or a person. More specifically, an incredibly handsome,  glistening, starry eyed, muscular, put-micheal-angelo’s-david-to-shame, strikingly adorable man. Jungkook looked on the verge of losing his sanity. Yet, he didn’t stop watching you collect yourself, flicking the stray strands over your shoulder before you pressed your mouth to his.
You brought your mouth to his and kissed him hungrily. When your lips met, you heard him make a tiny sound. His body went rigid, and he wasn’t reciprocating. You think it might have been down to shock, though, because when your tongue slid past the seam of his lips, he opened them willingly and trembled against you.
Your fingers dug into his thighs, and he pulls you closer. You were on fire, felt like you were melting into him. Never before had a single kiss gotten you so worked up. She tasted like chocolate and strawberries. Jungkook rocked forward, and then you felt his tongue move expertly against yours. Of its own accord, a groan emanated from deep in your chest. When he brought his hands to your neck and massaged your throat, you whimper. He was hard as a rock and you finally wanted to reward him for holding out this long.
He’s chasing your lips when you break away, sliding his kisses down your neck as if breaking the contact will be fatal for him. “You did so good baby. Such a good boy.”
The praise seems to rejuvenate his body. Not that he needed to.  He was bursting at the seems with testosterone. The longer he went on without a release, the more unhinged Jungkook seemed. The incongruence of his raw masculinity with his alarmingly meek behaviour towards you was something you didn’t understand but it affected you the most. He surprised you with every move and you wanted nothing more than to own him completely. 
Jungkook makes a noise in his throat at the praise, sliding his hands down to caress the globes of your ass. “I’ve been a good boy. Now fuck me.”
His words are steady, deliberate and to the point. Scratch everything you said about Jungkook being meek. They send shudders down your spine where his hands reside. This was a man who looked on the verge of tearing something apart. And judging from the current situation, he was going to be tearing you apart. You’d let him, gladly. But being the cocktease you are- you push him even more.
“And if I don’t, little boy? Gunna beg?” A heartbeat later, you’re the one on the soft mattress and it’s Jungkook that’s hovering over you.
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Then I’ll fuck you noona.” 
You’re not too mad because you’re wetter than before and the change in his demeanour has you besides yourself with the need to feel him inside. Jungkook’s teeth are tugging on your hardened nipples. Circling them with his tongue before sucking the puffy buds tenderly. The pressure of his suction is so delicious that you might just cum from this. 
“God! Jungkook, b-baby please. Fuck your noona.” He grins around a nipple, hands sliding inside your soaked core.
“I don’t know. Maybe I should make you wait like you made me. Hm?”
“Don’t be a brat. I’ll stuff your mouth next time with a sock Jeon J- oh fuck!”
He’d slid down your body, his kissing every inch. Your stomach, your hip bones, your thighs.
“I’d rather it be your pussy.” He whispered, bringing his mouth to your wetness, and then licked.
“Ahhh,” you cried out, clutching a handful of his hair. Jungkook chuckled and went at you in earnest. You were so soft and silky beneath his tongue. He met your gaze from below and came up for air. Jungkook watched you for a second before dipping his wet mouth lower again. The noises of your arousal pornographic. He saw you fist the sheets in your hands, your hips rising up off the bed when he sucked your clit into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. He added some fingers to the equation, savoring the hot, tight feel of you.
“Please,” you murmured. “More.”
So he gave you more. He gave you everything. Before he knew it, you were touching your breasts, pinching your nipples as he devoured you, and you swear you could have come from the sight of Jungkook between your legs alone. he was simply glorious. Your voice was starting to get hoarse. Getting close to the edge before Jungkook ripped his mouth away.
“No! Jungkook, please.” You’re frustrated and angry and horny that he would do that. Even if you did the same thing to him. 
He was testing you once again but the raw need in his eyes told you that you were testing him too. 
“I’ll fuck you now noona. Nice and good. You want this cock right?” He’s holding his straining erection heavily, sliding down his boxers to discard them besides his bed.
You moan out your answer, opening your legs wide in invitation.
“Just fuck me before I change my mind.”
“Yeah?” His tone is mocking. His eyes twinkling with a cheeky grin on his face. You almost get up to kiss him because he looked so fucking adorable and hot and sexy at the same time.
Thankfully - or not? - he’s pulling you to the edge of the bed and in seconds, he has pulled you close to his chest. He circles the engorged head of him in your slit before pushing in to the hilt in one thrust. The sheer girth of him has you yelping, needing to adjust to the length of him as well. But Jungkook doesn’t allow you the courtesy of that.
His legs are spread in a powerful stance as his hands grip your legs from behind the knees. And then he’s thrusting. He’s fucking into you so deep, you can feel him in your throat. You must look like a fish at this very moment with your mouth opening and closing without any real sound. He feels hot and thick, like molten lava in your veins. you’re finally finding your voice when angles his hips slightly to the left - biting a spot that has you blinking up at the ceiling full of stars. 
“Jungkook! Oh god. Oh f-fuck. You’re so good baby. S-So good.”
“Yeah? You like how deep I am in your pussy? Answer me noona.” He’s quickening his pace, snapping his hips punishingly making you release a guttural scream.
“I love it. So much.” 
You watch the sweat drip off his forehead, the dimples in his cheek now very prominent as his tongue peeks out the corner of his mouth. He’s a sight you want to imprint on the back of your eyelids. You can see his lose his resolve, the creases in his forehead slowly deepening as the pleasure becomes too much for him. 
“God you feel so wet and tight n-noona. You look so hot when you cum. I w-wanna make you squirt.”
Your eyes bulge out of your head at his admissions. It seems like he’s lost all his filter, chasing the mind numbing pleasure he felt earlier. His words are bringing you even closer to the edge and your throat now begs for relief when you  let out another yell as he pushes you up the bed while still fully seated inside you.
“I’m gunna cum noona. I j-just need to... to- I don’t. I don’t wanna h-hurt you-“ His sweet face is contorted with worry, still thrusting steadily. You finally understand his point after a few seconds. Taking you twice as long to comprehend anything with the plethora of feelings your body was feeling right now. 
Cupping his face, you told yours upwards to place a small kiss on his wet lips. “It’s okay baby. You won’t break me. Just let go.”
Jungkook’s eyes are glassy and he stares in yours for a moment too long because your heart is doing summersaults, heading straight for your mouth. Too much emotion crammed into his big eyes and you just wanted to strangely hug him close to your chest. This day has been strange enough - so you do. You Pull Jungkook close to you. His face tucks itself in the crevice of your neck, whining and moaning. His breath tickles and sends shivers down your spine. And then he circles his hips against yours. 
From the hard and deep fucking, Jungkook circles his hips into yours. Slowly at first, his pelvis rubbing against your clit in just the right way before he speeds up. His hands find their way down your back again, pushing your hips up into his own, making your centres feel everything. You can feel him in every fold of your core and it’s all too much.
“Oh god.” Your hands scratching down his back, head tilted back, legs closing around his waist tightly.
“That’s it noona. Cum for me. Please, please. ‘Wanna feel you around my cock. ‘Wanna feel y-your cunt devour me. Cum.”
You scream so loud that you can hear a ringing in your ears. Vision flashing white as the indescribable pleasure starts in the pit of your stomach and coarse through your limbs all the way to the tips of your fingers and toes. It’s all consuming and breathtaking. Unexpected.
“I-I can’t hold it anymore. Can I-“ You’re unable to speak.
Still reeling from your orgasm, twitching from the sensitivity, but you nod anyway. You wanted Jungkook to let go inside of you. Wanted to give him the same pleasure he gave you. He was incredibly ethereal atop you. You wanted to see him come undone. And Jungkook was too far gone to think twice before hitching one of your legs up, the other arm grabbing the headboard as he thrust up inside you once again.
“Fuck, yes. God, you’re so good you’re so good. I could fuck you forever noona.” 
His eyes are watering, tucking his face back into your neck again before he pistons his hips against yours rhythmically. The only sounds in the room being the tacky noise of skin slapping against skin, the obscene squelch from the steady arousal leaking between you both. You’re so delirious from the mix of pleasure and the deliciously addicting pain. AT some point, you’ve stopped screaming and only whimpers leave past your lips, legs falling lax around Jungkook and hands fisting the sheets.
“Cum Jungkook. P-Please baby. Cum for n-noona.”
“‘gunna cum. Am I good noona? your good boy?”
“You’re the best Jungkookie. Cum for your noona.”
“Fuck! Y/n, f-fuck.” He’s shouting something you can’t properly hear because of the ringing in your ears from your own release.  Filling you with his hot release. The intense pressure that had been building between you has snapped the frail rubber band in your stomach again. And seems like Jungkook’s had too.
Moments pass, both of you trying to suck in air like it’s the last supply available. Then, Jungkook’s flushed face appears in front of yours with his signature cheeky smirk. He’s glowing.
“You squirted.”
“Shut up!” Your ears must be the shade of a tomato now as you swat his back for the comment. He lays besides you, cuddling up to your side with his leg laying on top of yours. Clinging to you like a koala and it’s too damn adorable. Damn it. 
“It was hot. You’re amazing.” Your heart flutters a little too violently at that and you have to suck in another breathe, pulling the sheets off of him and completely bundling them on you.
“Hm? You’re going to finish that assessment.” You grin innocently at him and try your hardest to not start howling with laughter when you can see his face fall almost in slow motion.
“Are you serious?” You just sent him a kiss before settling in his bed for maybe a 12 hour nap. Just a tiny nap.
“I’ll give you head when you’re done. Be a good boy.”
With the most adorable pout you’ve ever seen on a grown man, you watch Jungkook pull up his boxers, stomping away to his study desk.
“Wake me up when you’re done Jungkookie.” Your sweet tone does little to get the pout off his face but he does smile the whole time he’s typing. 
Of course, not that he let you see that
a/n: liked it? hated it? let me know!!
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Hi, I'm not sure if you do requests but I came across your ongoing fic about Alcina Dimitrescu and the maiden. I was wondering if you could write an angst piece about the family involving Ethan Winters and him carrying out his mission in the castle (as hinted during gameplay)? You can make it as sad and gory as you want!
Ah thank you for the ask, I really tried to go all out with the piece! Also please note this was written before canon details of the girl's weakness was revealed.
The Inevitable
Warnings: Graphic violence, death of main characters, implied suicide, details of injury and blood, use of blades and guns and not suitable for minors.
Anguish consumed her entire being as sobs were ripped from her throat, each more violent than the last. Her chest heaved, becoming more breathless as tears relentlessly trailed down her cheeks, falling only to land on the creamy expanse of Alcina's dress.
Being the last to have turned, Ethan presumed her mortal connections of humanity lingered longer than most. The emotional intensity of the scene that unfolded before him forced him to avert his gaze as guilt threatened to tear through his heart. He was the cause of such destruction; he had laid waste, bringing about the death of a family in reparation and retaliation for the loss of his own.
He called them monsters, but there was always a chance he was wrong. Was it he who was becoming the villain of the story?
Forcing himself to face the consequences of his actions, his stomach turned. Recalling the events that led him to believe that the brunette was the first he had slaughtered. She had walked into the hall unsuspecting of the company hovering above on the bannister, perched in wait, ready to leap onto her frame. Unable to swarm and seek help from her sisters, Ethan had plunged a blade through the skin and muscle of her neck with such force even the crunch of bone and cartilage echoed alongside a gurgled scream. Her eyes had widened, arms flailing helplessly as her mind continued to fight, hoping that this was not her untimely end.
"Cassandra," the cry of her name rang throughout the expansive room and with force, Ethan was flung from his position over the fading woman. The redhead looked torn; anger and sorrow clashed together like waves against a cliff. Her bottom lip trembled as tears threatened to spill over with the force she blinked, a truly futile effort to contain them.
"You can't go, Cassie; who will I bicker with?"
Ethan had recovered by then, his heart aching with a drop of adrenaline as these sisters were forced to part, separated by planes of existence by his actions. The brunette now lay lifeless in a pool of her own blood, cradled by whom he knew to be Daniela. The very same redhead remained unguarded, vulnerable, and against his better judgement, he retrieved his gun. Solely focused on Cassandra's corpse, Daniela had less than a second to react as she unsheathed her sickle, refracting the bullet, so it embedded within wooden panelling rather than her head. 
"You bastard," with sloppy movements, she swung the blade that remained coated in her previous victim's blood. Advancing with ferocity, Ethan was compelled to retreat; his steps backward created a minute distance only to be quickly eliminated by Daniela's persistence. With both knife and gun in hand, Ethan continued to parry, deflecting potentially lethal blows, waiting patiently for an opening.
Two sounds followed in succession, first a second shot of the gun, then the thud of a fallen body. Not far from her elder sister lay Daniela, her body shaking as she slid across the marbled floor leaving behind an abhorrent bloody trail in her wake. Her effort was not in vain as she curled into Cassandra's now cooling body, hoping for a semblance of comfort in the absence of her mothers and only remaining sister.
Seconds later, the matriarch's wife stormed in, her fury no less palpable than her youngest’s. "No," her voice was soft as disbelief seeped in; ignoring the direct threat before her, she came to her daughter's side. The redhead forced a smile, hoping to alleviate the distress that crossed her mama's face.
"Mama," that sole word was enough for the maiden to hush the girl who she pecked on her forehead.
"Relax, Dani, you did so well, my darling. I am proud, so proud."
The slight smile, still as toothy as ever, cracked the maiden's heart, knowing it would be the last she caught from her daughter.
"Cassandra will be waiting, so do not fear, for you won't be alone."
The comfort Daniela sought was given in tenfold as always, and as she closed her two-toned eyes for the final time, she was only aware of her mama's delicate fingers carding through her hair. 
Much like her daughter, who had just passed, the blonde could not contain her pain at the sight of her deceased children. Although before Ethan could act, the two remaining ladies of the house emerged, summoned by the ruckus he was responsible for.
Bela surged forward after a single glance to her younger sisters; her protective nature had not dulled even in their deaths. On the other hand, Alcina flew to her wife's side, sharing in the grief that constricted their unbeating hearts. Never had she thought that a single man could enact such damage.
Bela was relentless, her anger conforming to her will and an advantage as she slashed with precision. Her blade getting too close for comfort for Ethan's liking, but he was prepared. Blocking and countering with his own attacks saw the blonde thrown off-kilter, her movements becoming sluggish as she expended her energy far too much over the course of the evening.
Observing her daughters struggles, Alcina moved to step in, only to be too late as Ethan used Bela's momentum against her. With her sickle wedged within the hearth of the fireplace, unable to rip it out in time, both blade and bullets penetrated her unprotected abdomen. The inhuman cry from Alcina sent Ethan staggering as she pulled Bela into her embrace, coaxing and pleading for her to stay awake. Quickly cream became crimson within seconds but was ignored in favour of re-joining her wife. Held safely in her mother's arms brought Bela a semblance of peace; she desperately wanted to stay but knew there was nothing to fear anymore, for she had her sisters to join.
"I'm sorry, mother, mama," she looked to them in turn as she spoke their favoured terms of endearment, eyes fluttering with each movement.
"Nonsense dragă mea, you were perfect." 
A small nod from the maiden confirmed Alcina's statement, confident that her daughter had succeeded. "Rest Bela," was the last thing the blonde heard as she slipped into an endless sleep, still held and cradled in the soothing caress that her mothers provided.
Only when they were sure did they let go, allowing Bela to lay by her sisters, placed with such delicacy it surprised Ethan. Only two to go; it was a thought that crossed his mind as both women stood, bodies stiff and ready to pounce as though they were predators and he was their prey.
Both matriarch and her wife were riddled with injuries by the end of the fight, Alcina more so as she had taken blows in an effort to save her beloved. Foolishly it was this notion, her own sentimentality, that brought about her end. Having collapsed her wife catching her with practised ease, Alcina was held against the blonde's chest. With an urgent need to convey her love, Alcina forced herself upright, seeking the lips of her maiden. Granting one of her last requests, her beloved closed the distance, savouring what would be the final kiss in which the matriarch would or could reciprocate. A hand rose to Alcina's cheek as she came to rest her head in the column of her wife's neck, fingers tracing skin with unparalleled tenderness. Ethan's own heart ached, he had lost his wife, his Mia, and he was the reason his ancestor was losing her own.
"I'll be with you soon, my love; I promise even death won't separate us."
Alcina hummed, although not in disagreement; she too did not want to be parted in the afterlife. "You are mine dragă mea."
"I am yours just as you are mine; that will never change."
Smoothing out tangled curls, the maiden pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of her wife's head. Seconds later, Alcina's chest stilled and only then did the final Dimitrescu shed her tears, leading to the scene Ethan saw before him.
"Where is my daughter?"
No success, her sobs continued to wrack her body, oblivious to the man's question as she pressed her face into the top of her wife's head.
"Where is Rose?"
He demanded louder each time, growing more frustrated with a lack of results he had hoped to achieve from this massacre. Eventually, without any patience left, he drew closer, his footfalls treading carefully across stained floors. Extending an arm, allowing a hand to come into contact with the blonde’s shoulder, snapped the maiden’s attention to the man who murdered her family, her innate fear of being removed from her beloved squashed upon meeting his bitter gaze.
"Why would I tell you anything, Ethan Winters?"
For once, he had no response, but she filled the silence with her resentful tone, despite her wavering voice and quivering lip. "You hold no more bargaining chips. You played your cards much too early. How foolish a man to have made such avoidable mistakes."
He scoffed as if to refute her statement; despite all of the stacking evidence that she was right, some small part of his mind refused to acknowledge or toy with the concept that she was wrong.
"You want a daughter you will not find; I will not divulge a secret of which I was entrusted with. For you killed my daughters, my wife, my everything. Nothing you can say or do could repair or undo the damage you have caused. You will leave here knowing you have failed."
With that said, the maiden prepared for the inevitable, for Ethan's weapons to end her life much like he had the other four Dimitrescu's at her refusal to share what information he desired. Holding her wife tighter and an arm resting across her daughters, she waited. But the blow nor bullet she anticipated came, leaving a hollow, empty sensation festering in her chest.
"I won't kill you until I leave with what I came for."
"Unfortunately for you, that is the opposite of what will happen."
Before Ethan could stop her, she grabbed her youngest’s discarded sickle, and for all to hear, she said aloud, "In life and in death, glory to Mother Miranda." The weapon was swung with force, finalising the end of the Dimitrescu household, allowing the last member to come to rest, still clutching her wife's body with a loosened grip.
Ethan had failed.
Only hours later, without hearing from his sister, did Heisenberg approach the castle. Lacking his lycans or other substantial back up he entered silently, aware of the games that may be ongoing. He did not want to spoil his niece's fun.
Entering the hall brought about a shock; in the light of the fires dying embers lay those who he had called his family. Untouched from the fight, Daniela was held between her sisters, flanked on either side, just as she had adored as a child. Alcina was to their right, body held by her wife, who distinctly lacked the sickle once embedded in her skin. The very weapon was strewn to the side, still marred by her blood. Those emerald eyes Alcina adored to talk of were now closed in respect, an unforeseen gesture carried out by none other than the man who wreaked such havoc before having absconded. The matriarch's wife had her arm extended, albeit stiff with rigour mortis, across the girls, forever comforting them in a maternal gesture.
Never did Karl anticipate an ending like this, although he was only thankful for their departure together, for they remained a family even in their time of death.
But for now, it was time to inform Mother Miranda of their demise.
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klapollo · 2 years
I think the reason why they’re putting off the sibling reveal is bc they aren’t sure how to handle Thalassa integrating herself in Apollo and Trucy’s life as their mom? Cause like Trucy knew her at a very young age and has Phoenix and Apollo barely knew her and is an adult, they also only had a few interactions and it just sounds awkward and difficult knowing someone is your mom and you should have a close connection with her but don’t know. or I might be wrong idk, but I feel like thats the more likely reason why it hasn’t happened yet, and perhaps the reason why Thalassa didn’t tell them immediately. Sorry for the rant I’m just thinking about this again and don’t know where else to tell
I've said something to this effect before but I think Capcom kinda shot themselves in the foot on this one and effectively made their job harder re: justifying why Thalassa kept it in for TWO YEAYAHS and lost out on key parts of her kids' youth. My personal theory is that it's rooted in her trauma, but I highly doubt this is the case in actuality.
In choosing to integrate another protagonist, they've put themselves in a box where they're forced to simultaneously nurture three characters (to what end they are carrying on with Phoenix as a protagonist I don't know, as I've said before I feel like his story is done and he'd function best as a Mia-like mentor character). DD HAD to focus on Athena, it was her debut game, but they also shoehorned in sloppy Apollo lore (again, to serve what purpose, I don't know, I’m almost CERTAIN they could have raised the stakes on clay without all that stuff).
SOJ is where the problem REALLY comes to a head though. In the Magical Turnabout, they had the perfect vehicle to make all this stuff happen. A case specifically focused on the troupe, confronting Trucy's past, with a slimy, powerful villain who threatens Apollo and Trucy with their own secrets? The stage was SET. And they cashed in on absolutely none of it. It was very surface level acknowledgement of Trucy that did her character no favors and actively ignored everything we've learned about her and her family so far. Then, on top of this, MORE sloppy Apollo lore. Now, at this point, if you choose to focus on him even more in the next game (should there be one), the average aa fan is just gonna be like "fuck, God, MORE apollo?????" while the players who actually love him are gonna be burnt out should the resulting lore be more on-the-fly nonsense.
The original trilogy played its hand with Phoenix lore very smartly. Every major plot-integral thing about his past (see: not minor details that can be easily peppered in like Apollo owning a bunny or Phoenix biking to work) serves to build the overall narrative. His childhood with Edgeworth and Larry, dating Dahlia/Iris, and meeting Mia are all major puzzle pieces that help lay the foundation for the game's conclusion. With Apollo, we get the opposite. The plot's needs do not inform the development, the plot is informed by what direction they want him to go in. This goes hand in hand with their choice to abandon multi-game stories in favor of standalone titles. There is no "end goal" here to which the plot developments must serve and it makes everything very, very messy.
And, as a result, the Thalassa crap becomes muddled and ridiculous. It makes her look like a bad mom, and it leaves Apollo and Trucy in a weird place. Not to mention everything YOU mentioned, where she must now integrate herself into the lives of two adult children.
This was REALLY fucking long even for me lol. Forgive me.
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