#she tried to tip me with a can of mandarin oranges because she said they were her favorite and she had no money
cuntwrap--supreme · 3 months
Did some Instacart shit today. Delivered to an older lady with a severe neurological condition that made it to where she could no longer move without falling. I offered to put her groceries away for her and she cried and said no one who delivered her food had ever offered to do that before. Which is disgusting. Literally what kind of person do you have to be to see a feeble old lady and decide to not at least ask if she needs help. I know some people are more independent than others, but she said she usually just waits for her kids to come by. She had ice cream and other frozen shit. I'd be a horrible person if I let this food spoil because I wanted to do another order.
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definitelynotsuzumi · 3 years
Zapped to Another World [Chapter 4}
I can finally update now that its school break! Thank you all for your patience!
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Aether wiped off a stray droplet of sweat, weaving the plant fibres into the shape of a lantern. It has only been 2 days into the festival and already, he was swamped with the task of creating more lanterns to take to people who were too far from the harbour.
“Aether, Aether look! Look at this! Doesn’t it look like Paimon?” His white-haired floating fairy chattered excitedly, waving around what looked like an amber on a stick.
“What’s that, Paimon?” Aether paused in his lantern making to give the stick a once-over.
It was artfully sculpted to look like the said fairy and it smelled incredibly sweet.
“The lady said it was Karamel! I got another for you too!” Paimon excitedly fished out a star-shaped one. Cautiously, Aether gave it a lick. It tasted warm and sweet. It reminded him of home. Lumine…
“You’ve been at that lantern for the past 2 hours. C’mon, take a small break.” While Paimon may have been wrong about several things before, Aether knew that she was right on this fact.
“Alright, let’s have a break then.”
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After 3 days(and night) of walking and riding on the back of wagons, you had finally reached the gates of Liyue.
Liyue looked spectacular with the lanterns adorning every corner of the street. You were in awe. You thought it looked beautiful in the game, but in the flesh…It was more than you could ever dream of.
Each lantern had its own unique design. You could hear the drums and cymbals crashing as performers danced under a giant suit that looked like the Adepti of Liyue. The scent of grilling fish and sweets wafted through the thick hair of the harbour. It felt so homely, almost like one of the carnivals you had attended.
“Woah…Ow!” You bumped into a ginger-haired man. Tartaglia.
Cold reality slapped you across your face. The Fatui is everywhere.
“Oh! Sorry, are you alright?” Concern lit his handsome features. If you were not careful…You very much wanted to pull away your hand but you hesitantly let Tartaglia pull you up. You definitely did not want the man suspecting you about anything.
“Uhm, uh yeah sorry, I wasn’t looking. This is my first time seeing all of this…” You tried to gulp down your fear of the man.
“I feel you! Hahaha, are you new here? Well, you must be. I have not seen such a pretty lady like yourself around these parts before.”  Despite your fear of the Fatui, you felt your face flush in response to his flirting.
“Yeah, very much so, I’m afraid. I’m looking for a friend of mine. About yeh high and has a white floating fairy by his side.” You gestured a rough height.
“Oh! What a small world!” Tartaglia beamed at you. He seemed so innocent as he aimed a bright and friendly smile at you, but you knew better.
“Uh…Do you know him, by any chance?”
“Know him? Well of course! I dare say that he is one of my good friends! Come, come, I’ll take you to him!”
He gestured you to follow him, and reluctantly you did so.
Tartaglia had never seen someone so shy and scared before. Is it because I am part of the Fatui?
You looked so innocent when he bumped into you at the gates. The way you gaped and looked around Liyue like you’ve never seen it before… It almost reminded him of Teucer and his sisters in Shneznaya.
“Please don’t be afraid of me. While I admit, I am not that nice of a guy, I promise I won’t do anything bad to you.” Seeing you stiffen at his words, Tartaglia felt a particularly large drop of sweat dribbling down.
Did that just backfire?
“Childe?! What are you doing here?!” A familiar high pitched voice reached your ears. You could feel her disgust all the way from your place.
Yup, that was Paimon. By her side, was Aether, with his arms akimbo.
“Relax, I mean no harm. I bumped into this cute little girlie over here and thought I’d help her out in finding you.”
“Finding us? Wait what? Who are you?” Paimon frowned.
“Uh...Uhm I’m (Y/N)…Please let me follow you on your journey!” You bowed 90 degrees, hoping you could hide the flush on your cheeks. You’ve always dreamed of this moment but now that it is in your face, you felt your tongue being weighed down by iron ore.
“What?!” The sheer shock on their faces would have been comical under other circumstances, but right now, it did not do favours for your nerves.
“If…You would let me join? I’m sorry, was that too forward of me? My dad always talks about you and I thought maybe, if I joined, he would-“
“That’s okay. Please, it would be great to celebrate the Lantern Rite with more friends.” Aether fixed you with a warm smile that felt genuine.
“How about me?” Tartaglia winked at Aether.
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Aether felt slightly apprehensive when he saw you with Tartaglia, but taking in your clothes and the lack of the Fatui insignia and signature mask on your person, he was certain that you were innocent.
“So, where are you from?” Paimon asked as your group leisurely walked through the bustling streets.
Seeing Tartaglia by your side, you decided to tell a white lie.
“Mondstadt! My dad’s an Adventurer at the guild so he’s told me all about what you did!” You definitely felt better when Aether fell in step with you, walking and talking by your side. You couldn’t help but feel bad as you realized the amount of lies you were telling was increasing.
“Wow, we’re famous!” Paimon grinned at Aether.
“Yeah! You were amazing in that battle with the Stormterror! I thought…Maybe I could grow stronger if I journeyed with you. Ah, but don’t worry, I can cook and clean-“
“You can cook?!” Paimon began to salivate.
You nodded. You were able to cook a few dishes, thanks to your Home Ec classes.
“Can we have a taste?!”
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You bit your lip as you surveyed the ingredients you had. A handful of sunsettias, berries, flour, sugar, butter and half a bottle of milk. Looking at your group waiting expectantly outside of Wanmin Restaurant, you smiled.
‘Guess I’ll let them have a taste of Dorayaki.’
Xiangling had also let you borrow a little of their ingredients in case you did not have enough to feed your group. Of course, you had paid her a generous tip for lending you her ingredients.
Combining some eggs, sugar and honey that Xiangling had, you whisked it up the best you could with a fork. You carefully passed the flour through a noodle sieve into the mix. You could feel his stare piercing you from behind as you tried to focus on cooking.
Mixing it all together, you fashioned a mini ice box with your Cryo powers to rest your mix and turned to making the sweet filling. With a sharp knife, you chopped up the sunsettias and berries and sat them in a pot of sugar.
You heated the sugar and fruits together, humming a soft tune as you fished out a mandarin orange and squeezed its juices into the berry jam you had made. Sliding the jam into a clean jar, you sat it in the ice box you had made.
Taking your rested mix, you added and mixed in a tablespoon of water before readying a skillet, greasing it over with butter.
Slowly but surely, you created a stack of perfectly brown and fluffy pancakes. Taking your cool jar of sunsettia and berry jam, you spooned out equal amounts of it onto the pancakes before pressing another pancake on top.
It was done! You placed the still warm dorayaki onto 3 plates, serving it to Aether, Paimon and Tartaglia.
“Woah…It smells…Incredible!” Paimon dove into the dorayaki right away. Paimon made the dorayaki look delicious as she enthusiastically gobbled down her treat.
You noticed Xiangling’s eyes glitter as she stared down at the dorayaki. You looked down at your own share. You honestly wanted to dig in too, but seeing her doe eyes made you sigh and surrender your portion to the young female chef.
“R-Really?! I can have this?!” You nodded with a soft smile as Xiangling leapt for joy before biting down. You did not think it was possible, but the light in her eyes shone even brighter as she tasted your dish.
“Say, wanna join the Wanmin Restaurant instead?” Xiangling asked, her bright smile spreading wide across her lips and eyes.
“…I’ll have to decline, I wanna travel with Aether more!” You sheepishly turned down the offer. Aether and Tartaglia clearly enjoyed the treat as you noticed them both licking off the jam on their fingers.
“I don’t know about you, but I accept her into our travel group!” Paimon declared as Aether laughed, wiping off the last of the jam on her chin.
“Hey, how about me?” Tartaglia grinned hopefully.
“Still, a no from me.”
Tartaglia then turned his attention to you, trying to use his puppy dog eyes on you.
“Hey, (Y/N), how about me?”
You silently turned away from his gaze.
“Why are you three so cruel?”
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When a Demon Seduced an Angel
Context: this is a (rather large) snippet from my own prompt in which Bruce is an adorable and fierce Angel who, instead of having fluffy, white, birdlike wings like all the other angels, has black, leathery bat-like wings and is tormented for it. To show the other Angels that he is good and not a demon in disguise, Bruce has taken on several high risk missions on his own, and successfully stopped numerous demon campaigns. Unfortunately, this causes the demons and their generals, The Legion of Horribles and the Brigadier Generals, Jim and Alfred (who all, strangely enough, have birdlike wings unlike their demon underlings) no small degree of vexation. So they catch him and present him to their generals... and they are stunned! This cute, little baby bat is the one causing so much trouble? Jim is the one who suggests they take the pup’s loyalty and twist it to them. The others agree, and this is Alfred’s ‘session’ with the cute little Angel.
Alfred made sure he had everything set up before allowing the pup to be brought in; the candles were lit, the wine was comfortably chilled, and his secret weapon would be in full view of the pup when it was time. He knew exactly how to make that pup sing like a nightingale, Jim and Victor thought they had broken through with all their Daddy Play the other day but he was going to have the pup leave his body by the time he was done. He looked up when some demon grunts brought the boy in, more than one sporting bruises and scratches. He wondered about the ‘All-Father’s’ sense of humour in creating such an intoxicating creature and putting him on the side of the angels. The white clothes he had been captured in had done nothing for his skin, but the dark clothes he now sported showed off his creamy skin, his dark hair, and beautiful dark green eyes. The boy was sin personified but he was on the side of the Bible humpers; he wondered if the boy was supposed to be the ‘great reward’ for being good, wholesome, and all around boring. He certainly appeared to be a tall glass of holy water.
He watched as the underlings maneuvered Bruce until he was in the center of the room, removed his shirt, and attached to a hook hanging overhead. Alfred smirked as he watched the pup try and get his balance; he had arranged the hook so that Bruce would only be able to stand on his tiptoes and any kind of struggling would have the boy flailing in the air. And Alfred could foresee a fair bit of struggling. As a gift however, he nodded that those beautiful, butter soft leather wings be released of their harness. He heard Bruce sigh a little in relief at the release of pressure and smiled as he came into view of their baby bat.
“Comfortable?” He relished in the glare he received in return as the pup responded,
“If I was in anyway comfortable, I would be home right now instead of being surrounded by demons.”
“Such attitude when we’ve done our best to make sure you were comfortable.”
“Oh yeah; those chains you used to pin me down and keep my wings bound the other day were really comfortable.” Alfred merely shrugged and replied,
“You tried to leave without saying goodbye pup; that’s bad manners and Victor and Jim had to get tough with you. Though, judging by your reactions, you didn’t mind being their ‘Daddies Boy’.” Alfred smirked as Bruce blushed and looked away before continuing,
“Tell me, Brucie, what do you know of the senses?” Bruce glared at the ‘Brucie’ bit before responding,
“They are a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.” Alfred rolled his eyes before yawning and responding,
“Figures an angel would give such a dry description of something so essential. I think you need a little lesson on the senses.” So saying, Alfred produced a red silk blindfold and wrapped it around Bruce’s eyes.
“First, we are going to start off with two of the most disregarded senses; taste and smell. You ever eaten pup?”
“Of course not; angels have no need to eat so why waste the time?” Bruce responded as he tried to keep track of the demon.
“Demons don’t have to eat either Baby Boy; we do it because we enjoy it, something I doubt you’ve ever actually done. So, let’s see if I can’t help you understand our enjoyment of the act. We have a chef down here that is so good; it’s said that when her husband sold his soul for some idiotic reason, she offered her own soul that she could make a dish that would bring tears to Mephisto’s eyes. Poor dear didn’t realize that Mephisto didn’t have tear ducts but the meal was so good, when he took her soul, he placed it in the kitchens, allowing her to try all manners of dishes. Last I checked, she’s never been happier, and she hopes you’ll like what she made up for you. She made you a lovely herb encrusted lamb with some lovely roasted Brussels sprouts, some creamy herb mash potatoes, and a lovely purple cabbage salad with cranberries and mandarin oranges to cut through all the richness of everything. To start you off we have a lovely, refreshing chilled watercress yogurt soup that will do a lovely job of waking your taste buds up and for dessert, she made a delicious blueberry and lemon tart that will top things off beautifully. On the off chance you don’t like the tart, I also have some lovely strawberries and cream, which is a favourite of mine.”
“I really don’t see the point in any of that; angels and demons feed on cosmic energy, we have no need for such things.” Bruce retorted at the food listed. He honestly had no concept of any which had been described to him, and didn’t see the point in consuming human food that would not give them any extra energy.
“That’s the whole point; decadence, doing things not because you have to or because it serves some kind of function. Doing them simply because it feels good, which you are about to get a lesson in, so open up.” Bruce didn’t want to but knew the sooner he indulged this demon and showed him how pointless such a thing was, the demon may get irritated enough and send him away. He opened his mouth and let the demon place the spoon with the cold soup on his tongue before it was tipped down his throat. He had to admit, there was an interesting flavour to it and it was rather refreshing
“You like that?” Bruce was fairly certain he could hear the smirk on the demon’s face so responded,
“I never said humans don’t know how to prepare food to their liking, I just don’t see the point on wast- hmph!” Bruce suddenly found the spoon back in his mouth with more soup as the demon responded,
“I can see that I have my work cut out for me in teaching you about indulging; fortunately for you, I have the patience of Job, so we can keep at this for however long it takes.” Alfred took a mouthful himself before giving Bruce another. It wasn’t long before the soup was done, and he wondered how the stubborn angel would deal with the lovely rack of lamb. He cut off a nice sized piece of the medium rare lamb and held it first under the angel’s nose so he could get a good whiff of it.
“That, my pretty little bat, is a perfectly cooked medium rare lamb. For humans, the scent alone can be enough to get their mouths watering and scent is a powerful memory trigger so, the next time you are around humans, you will remember this scent and remember that a demon was the one who woke these senses up in you.” When Bruce opened his mouth to retort, the piece of meat was tucked into him mouth and the forced closed as Alfred instructed,
“Now, we don’t choke but it can be uncomfortable to swallow a piece of meat like that whole, so take your time in chewing it, but just let it sit on your tongue for a minute, let the flavour of the meat, the herbs, the tender sauce all mix together on your virgin tongue, and try to tell me that it’s not worth savouring and eagerly awaiting the next bite.” Bruce did as instructed and let the meat sit on his tongue, and couldn’t hold back the moan as the flavours seeped into his tongue and it felt like there were fireworks going off behind his eyelids.
“Told you so, didn’t I?” Bruce slowly chewed the piece of meat, indeed savouring it before swallowing it and taking a moment to collect himself before responding,
“Yes, it’s good, but angels aren’t meant to indulge in such things; it’s wrong!” Alfred swallowed his own piece before replying,
“If it’s so wrong, Brucie, then why did the ‘All-Father’ give you taste buds? Is it wrong on the same level as those who condemn homosexuals? I know more than a few angels who would like to see them down here.”
“No! No, the All-Father loves us all! He wants us to love each other, not hate!”
“Then those angels are wrong in their condemnation?”
“Then why are they right about their opinions on food right? Or their opinion of you for that matter?” Bruce shrunk in on himself so Alfred sighed and gave him another piece of meat, this one with some of the mash potatoes, creating a lovely combination of flavours. After a couple more bites, he gave him some of the salad, and he seemed to enjoy the refreshing acidity. Soon, Alfred poured the conflicted angel a refreshing glass of wine and pressed the rim to his lips.
“This is a delightful little wine that pairs beautifully with lamb that offers the restraint to complement the delicate, gamey flavor of lamb and the deliciously jammy sweetness to go with the fig-port sauce. And so help me if you give me some speech about how angels aren’t supposed to drink spirits, I am going to get a Succubus in here that will tease you for hours, and even you can’t handle that.” Bruce whimpered as he parted his lips and allowed himself to take a few sips, finding it bracing and actually quite nice.
“Now, you ready for your dessert?”
"I would... like... to try... them both, since I’ve never actually had fruit, though I’ve noticed humans enjoy it.” Alfred smiled as the pup asked for something he wanted, even displayed a little greed and gluttony as the pup wanted to try both, and cut a small piece of tart before presenting it to him. He parted his lips and took the tart with the firm crust and enjoyed the sweetness of the blueberries and the zing from the lemon. Alfred then took a piece of strawberry and scooped up a bit of cream before presenting it to the abandoned angel. He watched as Bruce seemed to enjoy the strawberries just a tad more, so he grabbed another piece and, when he opened his lips, he used the strawberry to trace the pup’s lips. As confusion fluttered over the pup’s face, Alfred very casually asked,
“Did you know that some people consider certain foods to be aphrodisiacs? They are seen as being able to arouse a person. Strawberries are one of those foods; I suppose it has something to do with the juiciness and some say that a ripe strawberry, after you’ve bitten into it, looks a lot like a woman’s pussy.” Despite the fact it should not have been possible, Bruce found himself choking on the strawberry he had just gotten.
“You alright love? You want some more wine?” Bruce didn’t know how a demon could sound so innocent, but this one pulled it off quite well.
“Humans enjoyed using food for sex long before we even dreamed of it. I happen to know that it was some decadent woman in Greece who one day, tired of her husband ignoring her, actually started inserting grapes into her pussy. She and a slave boy had a lot of fun trying different foods, right up until her husband killed them both. It was a little closer to modern times when they started using things like whipped cream and chocolate spread, something I’ll have to be sure to bring next time as there’s more than one part of your body that would look good covered in chocolate and cream. Now, if you’re done eating, I think we are ready to help you learn about your next two senses; hearing... and touch.”
To Be Continued...
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danishmiilk · 4 years
kiss, marry, kill 🏹 🔪
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pairing || kim doyoung (did not appear so tbh what is the point but it’s funny i swear) x fem!reader
genre || crack
warnings || swearing
au || idol!doyoung x haechan’s sister!reader
word count || 1.3k
summary || friday game night at the dreamies’, where they force you to admit that you like doyoung + you’re haechan’s sister and you visit them every friday 
note || you’re a 00′ liner! i decided that there aren’t enough doyoung fics with this kind of setting and i love the party games so here goes
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“Let’s play a gameeee,” Jisung whined from his position on the couch, tangling his fingers in Chenle’s orange hair to pull himself up. It was Friday game night at the dreamies’ dorm, which was a big deal. You and the dreamies would sit around the living room with numerous card, board and video games strewn around the floor while ordering takeout for all the food you could get your hands on. These nights normally ended with the ‘127 hyungs’ bursting into the dorm a few days later and cleaning the place up for you. These cleaning sessions were normally accompanied by grumbles of, “damned pigsty” “how do the kids even live in here”. You would like to stress that nobody asked them to come down and clean the dorm because the dreamies were perfectly fine living in the poor excuse of lodgings (after all, dirty was their natural habitat), and to quote CEO Chen’s indignant comment in Mandarin, “Nobody told them they had to clean up for us! We’re perfectly fine! Now what they COULD do would be to actually cook lunch for us, because setting the whole building on fire is something nobody wants to do.” Basically, these nights were a disastrous, chaotic mess. Though everyone had to admit - it was an enjoyable one.
This one game night hadn’t been much different from the weekly ones, except (and this was a very big except) that Jisung had tripped over the carpet and spilled a whole bowl of ramen onto the gaming control, which now ceased to work. “And what do you suggest we play, monsieur Jisung? Our video game night is ruined, so thanks a lot,” Renjun groaned in obvious boredom and displeasure, finally looking up from his phone to slap Jisung’s thigh, “Oh and by the way, you’re buying us a new gaming control. We were just going to pool our money to get one for Christmas, but since you spoilt the machine, I guess our wallets are saved!” “Hyung~ I said I’m sorry! Now please please please let’s play something, I’m about to be bored to death,” Jisung pouted slightly and schooled his expression into a pleading one, with those puppy-dog eyes that always worked on his hyungs. “Fine, fine,” Jeno succumbed to the magical power of those enthralling eyes and reluctantly peeled himself off the ramen-soup-stained floor, “Should we play... blind man’s bluff?” “God, Jeno, you’re really no fun,” Donghyuck threw a rainbow-coloured sequined pillow across the room, hitting Jeno’s face perfectly. “Bullseye.” “What should we play then?” You huffed slightly impatiently. All this banter was getting you nowhere. Seeing a conspirational glance pass between Hyuck and Jaemin, you should have gotten suspicious and said no immediately, but curiosity got the better of you. “Kiss, marry, kill,” identical smug grins appeared on both the boys’ faces as they chorused the name of the suggested game. “How do you play that,” Renjun asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Did he not play that game in China, or was the game they played just another variation? You laughed and explained, “Okay, so we’ll give you three or more names, and you have to choose one person each to kiss, marry and kill. Hyuck can go first!” 
“Hmm... y/n, Mark-hyung and Jeno,” Jaemin leaned forward eagerly, eyes twinkling. “Wait... can we come to an agreement that whatever is said in this game, stays in this game?” Everyone nodded, knowing that there was to be countless litres of tea spilled during this game, making for extremely convenient blackmail. (You realised by now that nobody planned on keeping this promise). “Well... Hyuck?” Your brother shifted uncomfortably in his seat before opening and closing his mouth like a fish. You knew that he’d already come to arrive at his answer, but just could not gather the courage to actually speak it. “Go on, Hyuck, when have we ever judged you?” Jaemin stared at him with a smile that was probably supposed to be encouraging, but ended up looking creepy and maniacal. “Okay, well there was the time he tried to put cheese into his milk tea and you screamed at h-” “No, Jun, we don’t talk about that. Putting cheese into milk tea is literally a crime,” Jaemin slammed a hand over Renjun’s mouth, all the while smiling crazily at Donghyuck. “Uhh... you don’t convince me, but firstly I guess I’d kill y/n? I mean I don’t want to commit incest and she’s my sister so I’ll just throw her a grand funeral and be done with it.” You clasped a hand to your chest, pretending to be mortally hurt by your brother’s words, jerking like you just got shot, “For the 127th time, words can hurt, Hyuck! I-I’m so hurt- I’m d-dying” Ignoring your show completely, Haechan continued, “Then... I wouldn’t marry anyone I can’t kiss, and since we can kiss without any feelings involved, I’d kiss Jeno? And then gargle with holy water. Yeah I’m done, let’s continue.” “One sec, you need to say ‘I’ll marry *your choice*’ before you’re finished,” Jaemin grinned at him. “i’ll marry... Mark-hyung,” the tips of Hyuck’s ears turned red while he spoke, casting his eyes downward. “Hyuck-hyung likes Mark-hyung?” Jisung asked, eyes widening, “Wait, does that mean they’re dating?” “I do not like Mark-hyung! And even if I did, he wouldn’t like me back,” Haechan mumbled in obvious disappointment, “But anyway, enough about me! Y/n can go next!” “OOOOOOH, I KNOW HER CRUSH!” Renjun suddenly jumped up and down with glee, “LET ME ASK HER THE QUESTION.” Your eyes narrowed, shooting daggers at Renjun, whom you had only told your crush to because you were the closest to him among the NCT members and nobody tells their brother their crush. Chenle nodded quickly before telling Renjun in Mandarin, “Renjun-ge, force her to reveal her crush when she answers ‘marry’” “Chenle you little shit- I SPEAK CHINESE TOO,” you yelled in betrayal.
“Whatever, y/n. Hmm, Doyoung, Taeyong and Chenle, kiss, marry, and kill.” “Firstly, I would kill Chenle after subjecting him to hours of starvation and torture,” you basically spat in Chenle’s direction, extracting a sound of displeasure from him, “I’m too young and rich to die!” “Then, uhhh, I guess I’ll kiss Taeyong?” You were getting more uncomfortable by the minute and the dreamies could see it. “And who would you marry?” Renjun wriggled his eyebrows. “I won’t say it! I don’t want to!” You could feel your ears heating up. “Say it, or I’ll tell Taeyong-hyung that you want to kiss him,” Renjun threatened you, completely disregarding the privacy agreement. “Damn you, you bastard,” You called him some very attractive names in Mandarin before muttering at the lowest volume you could muster, “I’ll marry Doyoung, okay?” 
The whole dorm exploded into cheers, like they were cheering for their favourite football team winning the English Premier League or something. “How long have you liked Doyoung-hyung for?” “Would you KEEP IT DOWN? 127′s dorm is upstairs! WHAT IF THEY HEAR YOU,” you shouted hysterically. “HEAR WHAT,” Johnny’s voice floated down from the floor above. “Fuck. NOTHING!” you replied. “And... about two years? Ever since the empathy era?” “Noona, you and Doyoung-hyung should get married! Then invite me! And give me free food! And get hyung to cook, his cooking is amazing!” Jisung chirped excitedly from the side, running around the living room. His next step brought his bare foot into the empty bowl of ramen which he had spilt earlier, and he tripped... falling face-first into the table of food that you had ordered, spilling everything over the floor and making an even BIGGER mess. “Oh. My. God. KUN-GE!!”
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selenecrawford · 5 years
The Odd Pair 6
Warning: Cursing and some intense fluff red alert fluff.
Selene's stay on the hospital proved to be a bit longer than expected. Ieyasu wanted to make sure she was completely recovered since having a sepsis was not something light. Shingen cooperated with him one hundred percent, leaving Selene a bit frustrated. Spending her whole day in bed was not funny, but she had to manage. Masamune visited from time to time, but it was like having a force of nature enter the room. Shingen was not happy, he just bit his tongue and let him be. Being jealous was new to him, although Masamune was a complete gentleman he still was jealous. Selene was completely trusting with him. Her whole demeanor changed and he wanted to have that with her. On some occasions he had to take a walk in order to calm himself down. During one of those walks he encountered with Ieyasu at the cafeteria.
“So, is rare to see you here Shingen, is Masamune visiting?”
“Yes.” Shingen took a drink of his coffee but avoid to add another world.
Taking a seat on the table, he waited for Shingen to speak. His frown was deep but no word.
“OK, what is the matter with you? This is not your usual behavior. You have such a murderous look on your face.” Ieyasu fold his arms.
“Since when those two are so close? I mean she is a married woman.” Shingen just blurted out.
“So, are you jealous?” Ieyasu was raising an eyebrow surprised.
“No, I'm not. I just think Masamune is too close, he is always interested in forbidden things...”
“Whoa wait a minute. You had to stop right there. Masamune can be crazy but he won't do that. Not to Selene and you. Specially Selene. Let me tell you something since it so obvious you haven't got the memo. Selene and Masamune are friends, they had always been friends. And Selene had always been clear on that and Masamune had  respected that, because he PAID ATTENTION. Apparently it seems you are the only one who hasn't. In the time you was having a harem, Selene was struggling, so Masamune was there for her.” Ieyasu was really upset. “For once why don't you sit with her and hear her. Actually listen. Instead of letting your ego run around. I'm out.” Ieyasu just went off without a second glance.
Shingen stayed there in silence, perhaps Ieyasu is right. What was really stopping him from talking with her? Maybe because he wasn't ready to hear her say what he wanted to hear? In business he was always quick to study his opponent, see their weakness, exploit them and win. With Selene...
“Lass, how you've been lately?” Masamune was peeling an apple.
Selene was peeling a mandarin orange.
“I can't complain, I mean ever since I woke up Shingen had been more attentive than before.” Selene was cautious with Masamune he assumed his role of adopted brother seriously. “Although I wish to be at home, this resting, taking blood samples is really annoying me.” Selene evade Masamune's eyes.
“And has he tried to talk with you know you more....”
“OK, Dragon what is going on? Quit beating around the bush.” Selene was suspicious of Masamune's inquiries.
“To be honest the guy is a playboy, I thought your father will have better taste. I remembered we used to hang out together he never took a second look at you when we were growing up. Now, he acts like a dog who is protecting his favorite bone.” Masamune went straight to the point. He was worried about Selene, and she appreciated that, but she also had her own battles to fight on her own.
“Masamune, you know how much I love you, but this was something dad did. Why? I'm not really sure, but if something happens it will happen.” Selene shrugs.
“And what if you decide to risk it and fail again?” Masamune stopped peeling and looked her at the eyes.
“I won't be the first time he broke my heart, but also, it will not be the end of the world. I learned thru the years that you don't die of love you just decide what to do. I'll be OK, I promise” lifting the pinkie  finger.
Taking her pinkie with his Masamune and Selene made a promise.
When Masamune left, Shingen went back to the room. He felt uncomfortable, awkward. Selene noticed he was fidgeting with his keys avoiding eye contact. Resigned she sighed . “ OK, come one on. Let it out, what's eating you?” Shingen's started to frown.
“Shingen?” Selene took his hand.
“Why you are so close to Masamune? There he said it. He waited for her response. Taking a deep breath Selene took Shingen's hand and started to talk.
“OK, growing up, while you spend your time with dad at the car shop I was alone at home. One day I was crying because I burned a pot with water. Yes, I was bad at cooking. Masamune was passing by so he stopped and offered to teach me how to cook. After that we stick together always. After school, always working on new recipes. We talked about anything and everything, so yeah we were pretty close. When we hang out as the whole gang he decided to be with me. I used to be jealous of you and Yuki all the time. So, I prefer to avoid you and yet got that crush on you.” that last part Selene avoided to look Shingen in the eye.
Shingen took a look at her hand. Compared to his it was small and delicate. He wanted to ask more but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was good with words, some glitter, some sweet manipulation voila, people was doing his biding. But when those emerald eyes, looked at him, his resolve to use his charms vanish. She confronted him, challenged him and provoke him. Yet she  didn't budge. Even managed to out smart him.
“Shingen we have nine months to go, what are we going to do? Because  I'm getting tired of fighting, for once I will like to go home, and just watch TV and cuddle. I don't ask much. Tell you what. Let's take one day at a time. If something happens it happens if not we part ways. What you think?”
“Usually it's me who said that. You beat me to it Princess.” his smile was half there.
“I learned a long time ago, to deal with the present. If you don't want to do nothing, we are good. But I will try not to hide stuff anymore.”
“You scared me to death Selene, I thought you were going to die on my arms. It was the first time after dad's death that I was clueless as to what to do.” his confession was said softly. Shingen decided to try and be open with Selene see where that choice will took them.
“I was scared to death also Shingen. When they told me I had to go to surgery I thought I was going to die.” Selene blink several times trying not to cry. Again getting emotional.
Shingen hug her rubbing her back softly. “It's OK you are safe now. I won't let anything happen to you. Never.”
Selene cling to him closing her eyes. His touch was soothing, comforting. When he broke the hug he looked at her eyes. Their faces were closed their nose almost touching. “Can I?”  Selene just kissed him before responding. Their tongues started to tease each other while exploring their mouths. This time Shingen lower one hand to her chest caressing one of her breast until her nipple went up. Selene's felt she was burning inside. A soft moan escaped her mouth between kisses encouraging Shingen to start playing with her tip already harden against her pajama top. Selene broke the kiss when she felt a bit of pain on her right side.
“You OK?” Shingen was concerned when the kiss ended suddenly.
“I think I did a sudden movement, I'm still sore. Sorry.” Selene face was flustered on a lovely scarlet red. Biting her lip she lower her eyes.
With a low chuckle Shingen kiss her forehead accommodating her on the bed with caution. He left a hand on her left side under her pajama top. Her skin was warm and soft, she was feeling stirred up by his touch. Shingen just stopped at some point to talk.
“ That first kiss we shared left me wanting more. So I want to get more as soon as possible.” he began a new assault on her mouth when Ieyasu entered clearing his throat loudly.
“OK, Casanova time for visits are over. Now get out, I need to check on her to see how she is doing. Out, out, out.”
Selene was mortified but started to laugh. Never thought she was going to get caught like that. Her laugh was contagious, Shingen soon followed her. He gave her a last peck on the lips.
“I'll see you tomorrow?”
“Yes, please.” Shingen heart skipped a beat when he saw Selene's smile.
In a unspoken agreement, Shingen, always went to visit Selene. They noticed a lot of common topics they liked as well as their differences. Selene loved red meat while he was more a seafood lover with a sweet tooth. When she was allowed to walk, Shingen brought her some clothes from home. She lost more weight after the surgery which worried Shingen. Selene reassure him she was getting enough to eat, to which Ieyasu gave confirmation. With a bit of help she walked a few steps toward a bench. Shingen will sit behind her to hug her and rest his chin on her head. On some occasions they will comment on the nature or simply stay silent. Not everything was easy going, at times they but heads and had to ask for time out. Selene was making an effort to understand Shingen's point of view and vice versa. Progress was being made, Selene little by little was opening up to him. Shingen on the other hand, reciprocated her by talking more about the time they were apart. Time went by until one whole month passed.
Selene soon was discharged once the test confirmed she was completely recovered. Ieyasu still wanted some periodic visits to monitor her health. Shingen promised Ieyasu, Selene will be there for the checkups. He wasn't going to let her suffer another health scare, not on his watch. The trip home was made between jokes, music, and chatting about common topics.
“So, are we sure the house is still up and not burned down to the ground?” Selene was playing a hard game of teasing she knew it.
“You are asking for a punishment Princess. I know how to tend a house, come one have a little faith in me.” Shingen tried to keep a straight face failing after a few moments laughing.
“Who me? I'm innocent until proven guilty. Besides, there is a favor to ask. But I will wait to get home to ask for it.” her look was playful and Shingen wondered what could it be.
Upon arriving the house, Shingen told Selene to stay on the car while he got the bags inside. Once everything was in he went back, to help her go inside the house.
Selene went to their room to get change, getting a hold on one of Shingen's shirts. In a bold move she put on the shirt and a pair of capri pants with her red panda slippers. Shingen looked at the slippers raising an amused eyebrow.
“I never saw those before.”
“I have one or two things I haven't share with you yet. So, do you have time to talk some more of you need to go back to work?”
“I can spare some time what you have in mind?”
“I want you take the pillows of the middle of the bed. If we are going to give this a chance, let's begin with this.”
Shingen kept his poker face on. He was excited at the prospect of this new development.
Notes: A calm chapter, I’m really happy for the feedback and comments. Thank you soo much for reading. Let’s see where this take us. Enjoy!
@elievalentine @colivara @notsafefortum-blr @datemasamunemaiwaifu @unstoppablelinda @epicdragonlady @yeshasays @masa-little-kitten @mikamiw @kimi00twin @kouei116 @blue-bean-exe @mitsuhidethesnek @la-piperina @pirateprincessyuki @jennacat84 @valfraeyja @little-blue-octopus @sengokuotaku82 @serenity-writes @xathia-89 @shouta-bakugou @cailannuesugi @kitsune-mana @atatera-blog
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rakuyokoyo · 3 years
APWtCB: Kikuchi Kana (BNHA OC)
(I fucked up her skin colour—she's supposed to be extremely pale from being anemic all the time but I forgot;;)
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I’m not much of an artist so I apologize in advance, but I’ve been trying to practice more! I use CSP and a Cintiq so if anyone has any tips (especially colouring and lineart), please show me your ways! (fyi: I didn’t do lineart here which is why it looks so messy LOL)
Unfortunately, APWtCB has constantly seen delays because chapter 1′s been a nightmare to write for various reasons;; but I definitely want Kana’s story to debut. BNHA as a story explores a lot of really unique topics (especially in regards to family and parenting) that I also struggled with as a kid, and Kana’s approach to solving her issues was really interesting for me to write about as she’s a fairly tragic character.
I’ve pasted her basic stats + a snippet of APWtCB below!
Name: Kikuchi Kana (菊血 花娜) Birthday: February 23rd (Emperor’s Day) Age: 15 Gender: F Height: 167 cm (5′5″-5′6″) Quirk: Overdrive Eye Colour: blue/lilac (later)
Note: Kana is hanging out at Todoroki’s house and they’re just in his room, sitting under the kotatsu and eating mandarins :) Gunther is the name of her father, Hanako is the name of her mother, and Kaiser is the name of her brother (she doesn’t call them ‘mom’ or ‘dad’).
[APWtCB] Chapter X: Father is a Title
“Gunther employed a lot of homeless people,” Kana said, quickly taking the strand of red ribbon and tying part of her hair up into a loose bun. “Those who don’t have a place to return to... those who were rejected by society without loved ones... he’d feed, clothe, and shelter them.”
Todoroki raised a brow, surprised at her revelation as he remembered the stories about her past and how her gaze turned quiet and sullen every time she mentioned Gunther. “That’s unexpected, knowing what you told me about him and how he treated you.”
Kana shrugged halfheartedly, giving him a small smile while thinking back to those icy-blue irises that always seemed to watch her with anger and despair. “Isn’t it? But he grew up in extreme poverty, so I think there was a part of him that wanted to serve others outside of heroics.”
He split the mandarin in half and handed it to Kana after peeling a slice off for himself. “How’d he meet your mom?”
Kana let out a small hum, leaning back slightly as she tucked her knees in, staring at the traditional wallpaper of his ceiling while thinking back to the stories that Kaiser told her. “Hanako’s from a really rich military family. I know that her father—my grandpa—saw Gunther’s potential and liked him when he was a trainee, so they arranged for a marriage. Once he died, Gunther inherited his company and made it what it is today. But he never forgot about his origin and... I think he was tied down by it.”
There was a slight bitterness mixed with sympathy to her tone as she rested her chin on her knees. Todoroki watched her sullen face attentively, feeling a small pang in his heart as he saw her face, slightly older and aged in a way that he knew was different from himself. He was always trapped in the past, unable to move forwards from what Endeavor had done to him and the rest of his family, only being able to slow down once he met friends like Midoriya and other peers at U.A.
And then there was Kana—his boisterous, fun-loving, and genuinely kind friend, who moved a little too fast and hurt herself a little too much for his liking. She was always sprinting ahead with the likes of Bakugo or literally with Iida, but he knew from her tired blue eyes and trembling, pale hands that she was always running. Running until she was exhausted, but forcing herself to smile in that crooked, easygoing grin of hers to reassure others that she was okay.
The room lapsed into a comfortable silence as Kana finished the pieces of fruit before reaching into the basket for another mandarin, slicing open the skin with her thumb and working on the rest quickly. Todoroki glanced down at her busy fingers, and then to her clouded eyes.
“Is that why...” he started carefully. “...Is that why you wanted to forgive him?”
Kana’s hands abruptly stopped.
“Forgive him?” She asked softly, azure eyes distant as her cheek burned from the last time Gunther had hit her. “No. I don’t think forgiveness is what I wanted to do. Could you forgive your dad for everything that happened in the past?”
Todoroki gazed at her evenly, turquoise and warm grey quiet as the two sat in silence and in mutual understanding of what the other had lived through.
Not even you can outrun your past, can you?
“No,” he said finally, stirring from his cushion and gently reaching for the mandarin in her hands. “Not right now, anyways.”
Kana brows furrowed as Todoroki peeled the citrus himself, the smell of fresh oranges bursting brightly contrary to the dark memories that were on playback in her mind. “I don’t think I can forgive him either. But I wanted to tell him that I’ll save the people I want with the power that I’ve been given. I’ll choose my own fate instead of being tethered down to his.”
Her fists balled up tightly on top of the kotatsu, knuckles turning white for a brief moment before colour returning as she relaxed once more. “I wanted to say that I understood the pain in his heart, but he hurt me too much trying to mend his own.”
Kana looked up to Todoroki, cerulean blue almost impossibly warm and heartbreaking all at once. “And there’s no going back trying to fix something that’s already broken. But I would’ve been there for him no matter what, if he wanted to move forwards.”
She gently reached for Todoroki’s hands and observed them—one cold, one warm, but pale with long, pretty fingers. He let her cusp them, letting the silence hang in contemplation as he tried to read Kana’s eyes.
After a few more seconds, she parted her lips. “Sho... it’s not my place to say what you should and shouldn’t do with your past. But if there’s something you want to tell Ende—your father, then I hope you find the opportunity to do so.” She looked up at him slowly, the ends of her lips curled up into a sad, longing smile. “Because that chance was stolen from me, and I can never go back.”
0 notes
lavenderek · 7 years
Pls write about pining bestfriends Sterek. Please please please!
stiles dreams about him. he has dreams that center around entirely unrelated events, but derek is with him. he has dreams where derek is lost or in danger or taking off his shirt and pressing stiles against a wall. he has one particular dream that has him searching for derek through a very crowded space, the people getting closer and tighter together the farther he goes, until finally he finds derek and is pressed so close against him that he can’t move, and he is frantic wondering how he’s going to keep derek from noticing his hard-on, and he’s starting to lose his breath, and he wakes up having twisted himself onto his stomach with his face against a pillow and his arms trapped under himself. he has dreams in which derek leaves, in which derek comes back from a long absence, in which stiles leaves and no one notices but derek, in which he and derek have sex. and more often than not, he dreams that derek doesn’t want him.
of course he never mentions these dreams to derek. derek’s entire life has been pressure, someone pressuring him to do something, something pressuring him to do something else, and stiles emphatically will not pressure him to reassess his relationship with stiles unless and until he decides to of his own volition. (and besides. if derek turned him down, stiles is man enough to admit to himself that he honestly couldn’t take it.) he does, however, reach for his phone while he’s still reeling from whatever the latest torture it is that his brain has subjected him to, and typically he will find an article lydia has DMed him on twitter (always a fun and/or interesting article; god, but she gets him) and a text from derek. stiles is the only person derek texts - he doesn’t even really text cora - and if you think stiles doesn’t slow-boil himself in that fact constantly, every day of his life, you are wrong.
after work, stiles will sometimes go straight to derek’s apartment, where derek is never surprised to see him and for all his nasty attitude and dirty looks, stiles is always allowed inside. he goes to the couch and peruses what derek was doing before he showed up - an old, deckle-edged book with a fraying cover, or a documentary on the history of soda on tv, or an engine part on an old towel on the coffee table that derek is doing something to that involves a lot of black grease - and observes derek in his environment like attenborough or goodall. derek isn’t an avid cook because he doesn’t really like eating (”it’s a biological function”), but when he does make something (”i literally just threw everything in my fridge into a crockpot, stiles”) it’s amazing. derek enjoys reading (”stop touching my books”) and long walks (”did i invite you?”) and his cat (”if you keep picking her up, she’s going to scratch you, and you will deserve it”). derek doesn’t really like music (”oh... i guess i don’t. i never really thought about it”) and he always wears shoes and socks if he can, because he doesn’t like feet (”what? no”). derek is warm and smells good and on bad days, when stiles looks away from the game on tv and over at derek, one arm resting on the top of the couch, the desire to tip himself over and lean into him is strong enough that stiles feels it pulling sharply in his chest and the backs of his eyes. the longer this goes on, the lonelier stiles gets, and at night he starts bracketing himself into place in his bed with pillows: one on either side of him, so he can both hug something and get spooned. stiles never gets spooned anymore. he tries dating a few people in the hopes that he will end up getting spooned, and it never works out. it doesn’t help that stiles is in love with derek, a thing they always notice (which is disconcerting, considering derek never seems to).
lydia notices also, but she employs a policy of not asking about it: because she is busy and lacks the emotional capacity to take on stiles’ lovelorn misery, because stiles is an adult and doesn’t come whining to her for advice or sympathy, and because, frankly, it’s none of her business. derek and stiles interact so often that it’s hard not to acknowledge it, though, and lydia’s surprisingly bad at not acknowledging things when they’re right up in her grill. she points out that derek is the first person stiles talks to when he wakes up and the last person stiles talks to before he goes to sleep. she points out that he’s closer to derek than he is to scott (because he doesn’t generally have sex dreams about scott; if he did, he would contact scott about them immediately) and that he always finds one reason or another to not date anybody else. he’s busy, or he’s not “ready yet” (his last relationship that lasted longer than two months ended three years ago), or whatever and blah-blah, and she lays all of this out in a francesca’s, and he says, “fine. you got me. i love derek, and i’m not interested in anybody but derek, and i would rather live in petrified stasis than risk getting rejected by derek, because i love him. you got me. congratulations.” she hasn’t seen him looking so suddenly despondent in a long time, so she wordlessly selects a beaded pendant from a velvet display and lays it around his neck.
once, late at night, derek reaches over and takes stiles’ hand - not holding his hand, just looking at it, turning it palm up and looking at it, probably counting his fingers or something, stiles thinks. and derek traces his fingertip in stiles’ palm and says, “you have chains in your head line,” and stiles gets goose bumps. because derek knows a lot of things. they aren’t things that stiles thinks it’s normal to know. sometimes if they go to the drugstore to pick up stiles’ prescription and some pita chips, stiles will select a random vitamin supplement and feign curiosity and ask derek what it is, and derek almost always knows. “ginkgo?” he says irritably, distracted by the starter pack for alli. “it’s a tree. from china. you take it for dementia.” then he glances over at stiles. “you know that.” stiles does know that. he also knows it doesn’t work. stiles proffers another one. “that’s for cardiovascular disease, but don’t bother trying to buy it, because your dad is already on lipitor.” stiles puts it back. “stop dicking around so we can go. would you put that down? that’s for menopause. jesus christ.”
derek can pronounce stiles’ name. derek takes for-fucking-ever in the book store, to the point that stiles whines and complains whenever he suggests that they go to a book store, which, obviously, makes derek want to go to the book store even more. derek can do a pull-up as easily as stiles can pick up an empty gladware container. derek knows about seventy different uses for wolfsbane and is accustomed enough to its presence that he can and does go out to the preserve and wander around the skeleton of his house and thoughtfully pick a handful them like pollyanna. derek majored in history, and can sum up pretty much any historical event that took place before 1500.  derek is so unused to receiving presents that when stiles brings him things he looks like he’s short-circuiting for a minute - so stiles starts doing it all the time. and he gets really good at it, too, books derek will enjoy having, movies derek hasn’t seen, a navajo horsehair pot (”you can see the influence from other traditions,” he tells stiles, smiling a little), nice socks. derek is fluent in 38 languages, including mandarin, old norse, and six dialects of spanish, but he never speaks them. one time they went to san francisco to see a night game between the mets (stiles) and the giants (derek) (they are both orange!), and someone tried to mug them, and pointed a gun at stiles, and derek broke his wrist, and knocked him back against a lamppost and caused permanent brain damage. he said he was just in a bad mood. the scene replays in stiles’ mind repeatedly, the exact moment he saw derek snap, which happened to be immediately after the gun was directed at stiles.
derek has become a slow and methodical person in general, and an impulsive and violent person about ten percent of the time, and both parts of derek leave stiles sparking with desire. he wants to be in derek’s bed. he wants to give derek intense pleasure and show him exactly how grateful he is to derek, both for rescuing him from muggers (as if stiles has never disarmed someone with a gun before) and for taking him out for greek food in the middle of the night. he wants to see every part of derek. he wants derek to hold him down. he wants to get on his knees and take in every inch of this relationship. he never wants to leave derek’s apartment, but he does, because he doesn’t want derek to get sick of him; and he goes home and takes long showers. he can’t think straight when he’s horny, and after he comes he nearly collapses under the weight of how alone he is once he’s left derek’s apartment. he realizes one day that derek never reciprocates his giftgiving and it starts to occur to him that he’s reading a lot into things that simply don’t have the meaning he’s assigning them. derek probably lashed out at the mugger out of instinct. he’s probably just appreciative of the historic value of the postcard of the bünting cloverleaf map stiles got him.
stiles stops sleeping again, because he can’t. he’s up all night thinking about derek and about being mugged and about derek and about sinking into a filmy ether and losing his autonomy and about derek and about train stations and about derek. and he is up all day because he has work and then he wants to be awake in case derek wants to take him someplace or sends him a text. he passes out on derek’s couch one afternoon. he was only asleep for an hour or two, but he wakes up and feels unreasonably stupid. there derek is, next to him, dicking around on his phone. stiles’ phone is on the coffee table, too, and stiles has had the screen timeout shut off for over a year because he has to set down his phone when he gets interrupted at work and he hated the way the apps refreshed when he got the thing unlocked; so there it is, with a wikipedia article open on the screen, and if derek snooped through his phone he would find, in stiles’ notes, stiles’ dream journal, many of which heavily involve derek; but the phone is untouched, the wikipedia article open right there on it, on the line stiles was reading before he set his phone down. derek wouldn’t look through stiles’ phone. stiles might look through derek’s phone, because stiles is a bad person with poor impulse control, and derek wouldn’t look through stiles’ phone, because derek is a good person who is, in general, not curious about anything that didn’t take place in antiquity. stiles can trust derek with anything: his life, his potted cactus, his privacy. in fact, derek takes better care of the cactus than stiles does. of stiles’ life, too. stiles sits up and looks at derek, sleepy-eyed. derek rests his phone on his knee and looks back. he asks, “when was the last time you slept?”
“about forty-five seconds ago,” stiles answers.
“you’re being deliberately obtuse,” says derek. “if you stopped taking your prazosin again - “
stiles thinks it’s as a result of his sleep deprivation that he kisses derek: it’s like, for a second, stiles forgot they don’t do this. the realization doesn’t hit him suddenly: like drinking a glass of juice, he takes it in pull by pull. this isn’t normal, he thinks, derek probably doesn’t want this, he thinks, but he decides he can put off the reaction a little longer. he pulls back finally and can’t figure out if derek was kissing him back or not. but based on the furrow in derek’s brow when stiles opens his eyes, stiles can guess he was not. “oh,” he says. “oh, shit. i’m sorry.”
“you’re sorry?” parrots derek hoarsely.
“i’m sorry,” stiles says again, body finally twitching into motion, “i’m sorry, i’m s - “ he runs out of panicked speech and snatches up his phone and trips toward the door. he’s so inept that derek catches him before he makes it to the door. “i’m going i’m going,” he’s saying, “you don’t have to - i know, i get it, you don’t need to - “
“i don’t need to what, stiles?” asks derek. stiles pulls once, and derek doesn’t budge. the guy punched through a car door once, stiles was there. through it. “kiss you back? take you to bed?”
“reject me,” says stiles in a whoosh. “you don’t have to. i can infer it.”
“infer this,” says derek, which is a stupid line, and he kisses stiles so deep stiles feels his whole essence spin - and he’s pretty sure it’s not the prazosin, which he did not, in fact, stop taking. stiles hums helplessly, hangs on derek’s forearms when derek cups his face. ostensibly, the kiss ends, but stiles hovers in that space for as long as he can. then he opens his eyes and blinks something out of his vision. “sorry,” says derek when stiles looks at him again.
“you’re sorry?” parrots stiles hoarsely.
“i didn’t mean,” says derek haltingly, “to make you think i would reject you.”
“you knew,” stiles realizes.
derek admits, “sort of.” he lets go of stiles’ face, but not in a way where he’s stepping back and relinquishing him. there’s something warm and inviting there. “i wasn’t sure. i didn’t - i wanted some time,” he finally says, “to... live in it.” stiles blinks stupidly at him. “am i making sense?”
“not really,” says stiles, “but i still get it.”
“i do need to, actually,” derek tells him.
“need to what.”
“kiss you back,” derek says. “take you to bed.”
“ohhh, please,” says stiles, melting into him, getting back into that kiss-zone where he’s pretty sure he will build a house and live forever. he can already feel derek hot against him, and he wants it even more, in places he’s never felt anything before. “i’m gonna say it later,” he adds, between kisses, in derek’s bedroom as derek undoes his belt, “i’m gonna say it when you least expect it.”
“okay,” says derek.
much, much later, in bed, holding him down, derek tells him, “i don’t know if i can say it. but i’ll think it.”
“okay,” says stiles.
then he takes derek in. it’s better than his dreams. he never wakes up.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Gonna take some liberties with bold surveys and elaborate on the ones I feel like talking about, regardless if it’s true or false; and I’ll leave blank the ones I don’t feel like touching on. You're nineteen and a vegetarian. I am three years older and eat meat almost everyday. You've been a vegetarian for over a year. You don't like John Lennon. It’s not that I don’t like him; I just don’t have an opinion on him. Of course what happened to him is very unfortunate. You are studying Mandarin Chinese. No thanks. You have blue eyes and white hair. Wrong. Dark brown and black, respectively.
People often mistaken you for sixteen or under. A few people would but I get mistaken for 17 or 18 most often. Either way everyone’s always shocked when they find out how old I actually am.
You enjoy reading and mathematics. I like reading. Mathematics not so much. You wish your family was healthier mentally. There are definitely underlying issues in there that most of them do not recognize or bother to do something about, which I find tragic because it just means that it gets passed on to future generations. Your favorite flavour of tea is mint. I mean it’s not that it’s not my favorite. I don’t like tea, period. I do enjoy other mint-flavored stuff though, like chocolate.
You listen to foreign music. Yes. I listen to American music. You watch the anime Naruto Shippuden. Other than Pokemon, I’ve never enjoyed anime. You prefer routine to your day. Yep. I like spontaneity to an extent, but when it comes down to it I find the most comfort in routine. I liked my everyday routine of getting up for school, driving, attending my classes, hanging out at Skywalk, and driving home, as monotonous as it would sound for others. It’s just more comfortable for me when things are predictable. You've never attended a concert. I’m not a big concert-goer but I’ve attended my share. I usually only go for the big acts because they’re the ones most likely to visit the country only once every few years. That being said, I’ve seen Paramore (twice), One Direction, and Coldplay. And it’s not a concert, but I also went to a WWE house show once. You're Chinese. As far as I know, no. But the history of Chinese people in our country is very extensive and I wouldn’t be surprised if I turned out to have like at least 0.6% Chinese ancestry. Your favorite sport is basketball. I tried getting into it at one point because basketball got really popular when I was in high school, but I’ve never understood the rules and as such I only watch games that my university’s team play in. Your favorite basketball team is the Lakers. When I was like, five. My dad bought an NBA game for the PS2 and the Lakers were the strongest team on that game, so solely based on that they became my favorite for a while. You basically want to marry Kobe Bryant. :( I had never felt this way, but it’s sad to come across this question now. You have a Samsung S4. Nope. I’ve never owned a Samsung phone. You hate English quite a lot. My grades in English were always good, but I just didn’t like what the class would take up. I never enjoyed analyzing literary works and cracking hidden meanings and symbolism and interpreting what characters do and say – so even though I’m able to do so, it doesn’t mean I enjoy the subject. You like playing card games. Whenever someone whips out a deck of cards at a party, 9 out of 10 times I’d stand up and move to another crowd. You think people who play League of Legends is stupid. I’m vaguely familiar with that but one thing I won’t do is shame people for what they like to do or play. You are often jealous of anything trying to take something away from you. I wouldn’t say it’s often. The feeling just pops out every now and then, and I wouldn’t describe myself as being jealous all the time. Your parents are scientists. (We are turning out to be nothing alike, my dude.) No, they are both in the hotel and restaurant industry. I secretly feel really bad because their industry is the one being hit the most during this pandemic. I’d love to tell them my concerns just so I can get it out of my system, but we’ve always been secretive with one another. You are really good at physics. I hated physics in high school, but my physics prof in college was very smart, a lot of fun, and made physics easier for me. Ended up getting a 1.00 in his class. You prefer noodles over rice. I love noodles, but no :( I never feel full from noodles and always need rice for me to feel like a meal is complete. You want to own a BMW when you're older. It would be a nice bonus, but I don’t really plan on being picky or too flashy with my cars. You were in choir in high school. I cannot sing. You like spicy food. LOVE them. I don’t have as high of a tolerance as say Koreans or Indians, but I still do like pouring chili oil or hot sauce on my dishes whenever it’s appropriate. You're short compared to your friends. I’m not dramatically short but I am the shortest out of everyone in each of my friend groups. You really like Hello Kitty and try to own a lot of it. Never liked it. I personally never saw the hype or found it adorable, but I do find it cute and fascinating when I encounter people who collect Sanrio things :) Your father is slowly dying. No, he’s in tip top shape fortunately. He plays basketball everyday and will go bike around the neighborhood sometimes. Your mother is studying in a university. She went to college in a university, but she’s not currently taking up a postgrad degree if that’s what you mean. You have a crush on someone who is younger than you. I mean, I guess. Even if she’s only a month and a half younger. You like to eat apples a lot. No fruits for me. I like certain apple-flavored things though, like juice. You've had braces and they were recently taken out. I did have braces but they were taken out around six years ago. You recently decided to have bangs for your hair. Yep and like only seven people got to see it when it was in its best form because the stupid lockdown happened righttt after. I feel like my time with bangs is definitely up but I’m not getting rid of them until I feel that enough people have seen them lmao.  You eat rice at least every other day. Yeah but that’s pushing it. I have it everyday. I need it with every meal unless I was having pasta or something. You live in a huge house. It’s not huge; it’s simple and cozy, large enough for five people. You have multiple strangers living in your house with you. Nope, I live with my family. You got a large amount of Halloween candy last year. I haven’t gone trick or treating in a whiiiiile, but I did have lots of alcohol at my last Halloween hahaha. You are really good at badminton. I’m not really good, but I can hold a racket and return the shuttlecock decently. I haven’t played since the 4th grade but I think I’d be better at it now given my experience with table tennis. You like to watch Asian reality shows. I looooove the Korean reality show Return of Superman. I watch at least one segment everyday even though I’ve seen most of them at least once. You have no siblings. I have two. You hate your name. I used to, because kids tend to be bullies. I kinda love it now. You are very aggressive. I’m more passive-aggressive but I do have my aggressive moments, usually when I’ve absolutely had enough. You overeat a lot and feel very guilty afterwards. I never feel guilty about it. Food makes me happy haha. You are used to being left out. Years and years of being an outcast in school has desensitized me to it. You hate missing the person you care for. I hate it in the sense that I always wish it were easier to be together, not because I’m not supposed to miss her. You are a slow learner. Only when it comes to kinesthetic or more hands-on learning, like how to do origami or crocheting. I can’t think of any one moment that I was able to catch up whenever those kinds of activities were being taught. You don't like your teeth. I hate my front teeth and I hate that I lost my retainers. I’ve said on many occasions that one of the first things I’ll spend on with my salary is to have braces reapplied on my teeth. You have dyed your hair orange before. I haven’t. Your friends think you have a great taste in music. Not really; my friends don’t look at me and think music recommendations. But it’s fine, I never claimed to have cool music taste anyway haha. You would chose food over love anyday. Probably, lol. You often swear too much. Either when I’m by myself or with a crowd that’s comfortable with swearing. You have an older sister. No, I’m the eldest sister. Your mother owns a beautiful car. My parents own beautiful cars. You are only nice to people you trust. I’m nice to everyone, just nicer to those I trust. You like mood rings. You obsess over Candy Crush. I get phases, honestly. Right now I’ve stopped playing. You have an iPad or iPad Mini. We have an iPad but it’s like the 1st- or 2nd-gen model so it’s sorely outdated. I haven’t used it since 2016. You prefer your hair in a ponytail more. Both because of the weather and because I get more compliments when my hair’s tied up in a ponytail
You have very noticable dimples. I get compliments on those, too. My left dimple is more noticeable though; I have to smile bigger if I want my right one to show up. You always use a cute voice with people. Only with my girlfriend, and I don’t use it often. You have a blue bicycle. Part of it is blue, yes.
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masterlistcrawford · 5 years
The Odd Pair 6
Warning: Cursing and some intense fluff red alert fluff.
Selene’s stay on the hospital proved to be a bit longer than expected. Ieyasu wanted to make sure she was completely recovered since having a sepsis was not something light. Shingen cooperated with him one hundred percent, leaving Selene a bit frustrated. Spending her whole day in bed was not funny, but she had to manage. Masamune visited from time to time, but it was like having a force of nature enter the room. Shingen was not happy, he just bit his tongue and let him be. Being jealous was new to him, although Masamune was a complete gentleman he still was jealous. Selene was completely trusting with him. Her whole demeanor changed and he wanted to have that with her. On some occasions he had to take a walk in order to calm himself down. During one of those walks he encountered with Ieyasu at the cafeteria.
“So, is rare to see you here Shingen, is Masamune visiting?”
“Yes.” Shingen took a drink of his coffee but avoid to add another world.
Taking a seat on the table, he waited for Shingen to speak. His frown was deep but no word.
“OK, what is the matter with you? This is not your usual behavior. You have such a murderous look on your face.” Ieyasu fold his arms.
“Since when those two are so close? I mean she is a married woman.” Shingen just blurted out.
“So, are you jealous?” Ieyasu was raising an eyebrow surprised.
“No, I’m not. I just think Masamune is too close, he is always interested in forbidden things…”
“Whoa wait a minute. You had to stop right there. Masamune can be crazy but he won’t do that. Not to Selene and you. Specially Selene. Let me tell you something since it so obvious you haven’t got the memo. Selene and Masamune are friends, they had always been friends. And Selene had always been clear on that and Masamune had  respected that, because he PAID ATTENTION. Apparently it seems you are the only one who hasn’t. In the time you was having a harem, Selene was struggling, so Masamune was there for her.” Ieyasu was really upset. “For once why don’t you sit with her and hear her. Actually listen. Instead of letting your ego run around. I’m out.” Ieyasu just went off without a second glance.
Shingen stayed there in silence, perhaps Ieyasu is right. What was really stopping him from talking with her? Maybe because he wasn’t ready to hear her say what he wanted to hear? In business he was always quick to study his opponent, see their weakness, exploit them and win. With Selene…
“Lass, how you’ve been lately?” Masamune was peeling an apple.
Selene was peeling a mandarin orange.
“I can’t complain, I mean ever since I woke up Shingen had been more attentive than before.” Selene was cautious with Masamune he assumed his role of adopted brother seriously. “Although I wish to be at home, this resting, taking blood samples is really annoying me.” Selene evade Masamune’s eyes.
“And has he tried to talk with you know you more….”
“OK, Dragon what is going on? Quit beating around the bush.” Selene was suspicious of Masamune’s inquiries.
“To be honest the guy is a playboy, I thought your father will have better taste. I remembered we used to hang out together he never took a second look at you when we were growing up. Now, he acts like a dog who is protecting his favorite bone.” Masamune went straight to the point. He was worried about Selene, and she appreciated that, but she also had her own battles to fight on her own.
“Masamune, you know how much I love you, but this was something dad did. Why? I’m not really sure, but if something happens it will happen.” Selene shrugs.
“And what if you decide to risk it and fail again?” Masamune stopped peeling and looked her at the eyes.
“I won’t be the first time he broke my heart, but also, it will not be the end of the world. I learned thru the years that you don’t die of love you just decide what to do. I’ll be OK, I promise” lifting the pinkie  finger.
Taking her pinkie with his Masamune and Selene made a promise.
When Masamune left, Shingen went back to the room. He felt uncomfortable, awkward. Selene noticed he was fidgeting with his keys avoiding eye contact. Resigned she sighed . “ OK, come one on. Let it out, what’s eating you?” Shingen’s started to frown.
“Shingen?” Selene took his hand.
“Why you are so close to Masamune? There he said it. He waited for her response. Taking a deep breath Selene took Shingen’s hand and started to talk.
“OK, growing up, while you spend your time with dad at the car shop I was alone at home. One day I was crying because I burned a pot with water. Yes, I was bad at cooking. Masamune was passing by so he stopped and offered to teach me how to cook. After that we stick together always. After school, always working on new recipes. We talked about anything and everything, so yeah we were pretty close. When we hang out as the whole gang he decided to be with me. I used to be jealous of you and Yuki all the time. So, I prefer to avoid you and yet got that crush on you.” that last part Selene avoided to look Shingen in the eye.
Shingen took a look at her hand. Compared to his it was small and delicate. He wanted to ask more but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was good with words, some glitter, some sweet manipulation voila, people was doing his biding. But when those emerald eyes, looked at him, his resolve to use his charms vanish. She confronted him, challenged him and provoke him. Yet she  didn’t budge. Even managed to out smart him.
“Shingen we have nine months to go, what are we going to do? Because  I’m getting tired of fighting, for once I will like to go home, and just watch TV and cuddle. I don’t ask much. Tell you what. Let’s take one day at a time. If something happens it happens if not we part ways. What you think?”
“Usually it’s me who said that. You beat me to it Princess.” his smile was half there.
“I learned a long time ago, to deal with the present. If you don’t want to do nothing, we are good. But I will try not to hide stuff anymore.”
“You scared me to death Selene, I thought you were going to die on my arms. It was the first time after dad’s death that I was clueless as to what to do.” his confession was said softly. Shingen decided to try and be open with Selene see where that choice will took them.
“I was scared to death also Shingen. When they told me I had to go to surgery I thought I was going to die.” Selene blink several times trying not to cry. Again getting emotional.
Shingen hug her rubbing her back softly. “It’s OK you are safe now. I won’t let anything happen to you. Never.”
Selene cling to him closing her eyes. His touch was soothing, comforting. When he broke the hug he looked at her eyes. Their faces were closed their nose almost touching. “Can I?”  Selene just kissed him before responding. Their tongues started to tease each other while exploring their mouths. This time Shingen lower one hand to her chest caressing one of her breast until her nipple went up. Selene’s felt she was burning inside. A soft moan escaped her mouth between kisses encouraging Shingen to start playing with her tip already harden against her pajama top. Selene broke the kiss when she felt a bit of pain on her right side.
“You OK?” Shingen was concerned when the kiss ended suddenly.
“I think I did a sudden movement, I’m still sore. Sorry.” Selene face was flustered on a lovely scarlet red. Biting her lip she lower her eyes.
With a low chuckle Shingen kiss her forehead accommodating her on the bed with caution. He left a hand on her left side under her pajama top. Her skin was warm and soft, she was feeling stirred up by his touch. Shingen just stopped at some point to talk.
“ That first kiss we shared left me wanting more. So I want to get more as soon as possible.” he began a new assault on her mouth when Ieyasu entered clearing his throat loudly.
“OK, Casanova time for visits are over. Now get out, I need to check on her to see how she is doing. Out, out, out.”
Selene was mortified but started to laugh. Never thought she was going to get caught like that. Her laugh was contagious, Shingen soon followed her. He gave her a last peck on the lips.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yes, please.” Shingen heart skipped a beat when he saw Selene’s smile.
In a unspoken agreement, Shingen, always went to visit Selene. They noticed a lot of common topics they liked as well as their differences. Selene loved red meat while he was more a seafood lover with a sweet tooth. When she was allowed to walk, Shingen brought her some clothes from home. She lost more weight after the surgery which worried Shingen. Selene reassure him she was getting enough to eat, to which Ieyasu gave confirmation. With a bit of help she walked a few steps toward a bench. Shingen will sit behind her to hug her and rest his chin on her head. On some occasions they will comment on the nature or simply stay silent. Not everything was easy going, at times they but heads and had to ask for time out. Selene was making an effort to understand Shingen’s point of view and vice versa. Progress was being made, Selene little by little was opening up to him. Shingen on the other hand, reciprocated her by talking more about the time they were apart. Time went by until one whole month passed.
Selene soon was discharged once the test confirmed she was completely recovered. Ieyasu still wanted some periodic visits to monitor her health. Shingen promised Ieyasu, Selene will be there for the checkups. He wasn’t going to let her suffer another health scare, not on his watch. The trip home was made between jokes, music, and chatting about common topics.
“So, are we sure the house is still up and not burned down to the ground?” Selene was playing a hard game of teasing she knew it.
“You are asking for a punishment Princess. I know how to tend a house, come one have a little faith in me.” Shingen tried to keep a straight face failing after a few moments laughing.
“Who me? I’m innocent until proven guilty. Besides, there is a favor to ask. But I will wait to get home to ask for it.” her look was playful and Shingen wondered what could it be.
Upon arriving the house, Shingen told Selene to stay on the car while he got the bags inside. Once everything was in he went back, to help her go inside the house.
Selene went to their room to get change, getting a hold on one of Shingen’s shirts. In a bold move she put on the shirt and a pair of capri pants with her red panda slippers. Shingen looked at the slippers raising an amused eyebrow.
“I never saw those before.”
“I have one or two things I haven’t share with you yet. So, do you have time to talk some more of you need to go back to work?”
“I can spare some time what you have in mind?”
“I want you take the pillows of the middle of the bed. If we are going to give this a chance, let’s begin with this.”
Shingen kept his poker face on. He was excited at the prospect of this new development.
Notes: A calm chapter, I’m really happy for the feedback and comments. Thank you soo much for reading. Let’s see where this take us. Enjoy!
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